THE DAILY EVENPfft TELEQRATII. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, NOVTaiBElt ;1, 18CC. PVBLIIIIKD BVKHT AFTERNOOX (SCMATI SXCFPTID), AI TBI IV1K1KO TFLF.GBArn BCILDINQ, Ko. 10S 8. Third Street. rrtce, Three Cents Ttt Copy (Double Fheet), or Eighteen Cents rerWtei, payaole to the Carrier, and nailed to Subscribers out or tbe city at Nine Doll at a rer Annum; One Dollar and flfXr Cent for Two Months, Invariably In advance for tbe period otderod. TnUKSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1866. A Needless Flurry. Tna Fenians are just at present terribly exercised qver the conviction and sentence of Colonel Lynch and. Father McMahon by the Canadian court at Toronto. The frivo lous attempt made by these two men and their companions to disturb the peaceful rela tions of two great nations entitles them to hut little sympathy in the abstract. The case would bare been far different it' their adven ture could by any possibility hare tended to forward the cause which they prolossed to hare at heart the redemption and regenera tion of Ireland. But when a crazy-headed kDlght tilted bis lance against a windmill, be was not engaged In a more hopeless or a more useless contest than Is this which the Fenians tare hitherto waged against the sovereignty of Great Britain, at home and abroad. The sooner they are brought to a hearty realiza- . tion of this fact, the sooner will they be In duced to change their present tactics, or to Abandon the conflict at once And forever. Perhaps nothing would tend more to dampen their enthusiasm, and infuse a little wisdom Into their counsels, than a striking illustra tion of the fact that as soon as they step foot u English soil they thrust their necks Into a . halter. The hanging of Father Mc Mahon and Colonel Lynch would of a surety be uchan illustration as is needed in this case. But we think our Fenian friends, and their zealous patrons, the politicians of both parties in this country, who are keeping an open eye foa the Irish vote, need exercise themselves no longer on this subject. No sane man in this country or Canada believes that Mc Mahon -and Lynch will be executed, according to the sentence of the Court by which they were tried and found guilty ot being citizens of the . United States, engaged in levying war against a power with which we are at peace. Even ii the Colonial officials shuold exhibit such a lack of decency and common sense as to feel inclined to stretch their present brief autho rity to its utmost limits, the Fenians should remember that high over all stands the power ot the home Government of the United Kingdom, whose counsels are not altogether in tbe hands of idiots. Great Britain will not make martyrs of Lynch and McMalion. By doing so she would only be crippling her own powers and relaxing her hold upon her North American dependencies. On tho con trary, by commuting the punishment of the Fenian prisoners who have fa'l?n into her Lands, or even by permit'.ing them to go scot Jree, she will strengthen bersell at home and abroad. She will, moreover, by such a dis play of magnanimity, gain the good-will and sjmpathy of the civilized world a con sideration which she is not accusLomed en "tirely to ignore. We do not doubt but that the letter ad dressed by Secretary Seward to Sir Frederick -Bruce, and which we published a few days ago, will have precisely the effect which was desired by the writer. In the course of this diplomatic epistle, our Secretary of State employs the following language "I deem it proper to say that the offenses in volved in tb'ese trials are "in their nature emi nently political. It is the opinion of this Gov ernment that sound policy coincides with the best impulses of a benevolent nature, in recom mending tenderness, amnesty, and forgiveness in such case". Tbls suggestion is made with liccdom and earnestness, because the same opinions were proposed to us in our recent civil war, by all tbe Governments and publicists of lOuropo, and by none of them with greater frank nets and kindness than by the Government aud statesmen of Great Britain.", In our opinion, this gentle reminder, added to the plain promptings of expediency and sound statesmanship, will ultimately result in the pardon of Lynch and McMahon, as well as of all the other Canadian raiders who can substantiate their claims to protection as American citizens. That they will be Imme diately released we scarcely feel warranted in predicting. A very lengthy piece of red tape must first be wound and unwoumT, in the slow and deliberate fashion for which diplomatists have a world-wide reputation. In the meantime, Colonel Lynch and Father McMahon will have ample time for medita tion in close quarters; and nothing, we opine, is so conducive to a- clear appreciation of tbe duties of men to themselves and to their fellows, as this same Absorbing occupation. When at last they are again permitted to stand upon the soil of their adopted country, we scarcely think they will come among us breathing vengeance and other dire calamities ; but rather with hearts lull of thankfulness for their escape from f trfcnuM5on and with heads full of wisdom, . uhlch will sen ::nera ana ltie emans mm ' a good turn in th e futntv.. ' Dcatli 1 Hon. Villlani Wright, V'led -tfatcs Senator from IJew JMflf Tdk lion. WilL'am Wright, United Stages" Senator from New Jersey, died yesterday, at his residence m Newark, N. J., aged about 'seventy. He was a native of New York State, but early settled at - Newark, where he ioDg did a laro business as manufacturer ot saddlery, etc., and made a generous compe tence. In 1843 he was chosen V? Congress, as a boltin? Whig candidate, heath.'? (DT tae help ot the Democratb) the lion,' Wil listn B. Kinney, the regular Whig can" didae lie was re-elected in 1845 witho.'1 opposition. In 1847 h? was the Whig canJi- date for Governor, and was beaten, by the efforts and votes of such Whigs as resented his boltlrg'lnto Congress In 1843. lie there upon became alienated from his old Whig affiliations, and was soon transformed Into a pro-slavery Democrat of the Camden-Amboy stripe, which he has ever since lemalned. In 1852-3 he was chosen a United States Sonator to fill a vacancy ; he was rb-elected In 1855-17 and again In 1803, so that bis present term would have expired, had he lived, on the. 4th of March, 1809. His successor (until one shall bo chosen at the next session of the Legislature) Is to be appointed by Governor Marcus L . Ward. Mr. Wright was not a great statesman, but he was a generous, public-spirited, self-made man, who cherished no animosities, and never allowed political differences to incite personal alienation if ho culd help it. Now that bo is gone, a thousand kindly and grateful asso ciations will cluster around his memory. 1 he most prominent man to succeed Mr. Wright In the Senate," by appolntmontf Gov ernor Ward, seems to be Hon. Frederick T. FrelinenuyBCn at present Attorney-General of New Jersej , and staunch radical in poli tics. In the new Legislature, to be elected next Tuesday, we cannot' opine who will be most popular or eligible; but we presume the nomination of the Republicans will be either Hon. F. T. Frelinghuysen or Hon. Marcus L. Ward. Either of these gentlemen would prove able representatives of the interests of New Jersey, and worthy associates of Hon. Alexander G. Cat ell. AMUSEMENTS. Aoadiht or Mumo Italian Oprra A fashionable audience witnessed Lei Huguenots last evening-, and every one present was gratified Willi the performance In its entiioty, Thta ereDinr (the last bnt one of tbe season) B'ccl'i great comic opera, CriipiM e la Cmre, will be presented, with Konooni, Bel ini, and Antonuool in .their best rolei. Clara Louisa Kellogir and Natali-Tcsta also appear in the cast. This opera baa been tbe most auccosslul that has been riven, and we have no doubt that the audience to-night will prove that it is a permanentlr popular work. To-morrow (Friday) even nz. last night of the season, bencht of Mr. Max Maretzek, Li Sonnambula, one act of Let Huguenott, and II Btrbiere d la Seviqlia. These three will form an operalio enter tainment the like of which hasn.vcr bom known here. Daring the renins; Mr. Maretzeit's entire troupe will appear. Seats mat be i-ocurod at Trutp lei' during the day, aud at the Academy to night and to-morrow. Thk Gna at Imprkssabio. It is announcad that Mr. Max Maretzek, the mnaitlg spirit of the epleidid opera troupe now pen'ormlna at oil? Aeadcmy of Musio, will be the reoipient ol a benefit to.anorro v evening. Elsewhere we have called attention to the very attractive enteriammenv npon the occasion. We wish to recommend now. Mr. Maretzek'personallr to our oltizens. He is un doubtedly the most distinguished and sucoestul impreuario living He has recently sustained Im meoso pecuniaty losses in tho destruction by fire ot the New York aoademy of Music, vet, by bis in domitable porseverance and buainoas gath ered together one ot the b st oporatio troupes that ever visited our city. lie has given us a delectable eca;on of I'alian opera, and he has fuitliiutly iul fiilod every promise advanced. There has beon but a single disappointment, and that was scarcely noticeable. Owinp to the sudden illness ot Signor Bellini, another opera was substituted for tbe ono announced. Mr. Marotzek bat given us two of the great' B' novelties of the peuod lor the first time in Philadelphia, Crisjtino e la Vomare and L'Etoile du Hard. Be has introduced two new Amerioan prime donne, Wiss Amalia to. Hxuck and Signora Franoes Natali-lesta; two new Italian prime donne, Siguora Carmen I'och and Si?uorlna Aiitoiuotta lionconi; a new tenor di groe'a Signor Baraeil; and last, but notloast, the greatest living buffo, ISIgnor Giorgio Konconi. , It is no wonder that we hav to speak of this operatio season as a most suceesslul one. It has developed our musical taste. In viow oi all this we ask oar lovers of music, and musical and artis ic enterprise, to tender Max Maretzek, the Napoleon oi his profession, a substan tial comi'liment to morrow night. Lot him see aud feci that Philadelphia can appreciate, musio and a first-rato impreuario New Cbkbnut Strkbt riiEATBi Mb. Jox jKFFEnsoN as ' Eip Van Wimile." A very large and fashionable aud ence assembled last evening to witness Mr. Jefferson's rentree in his native oity. The audience was a critical one, and was largely com posed of persons who had seen Joe Jefferson at the Cbesnut ("O.d Drury") years ago; and there were many present who had witnessed tbe sterling ading oi "Old Jeff," tho Philadelphia favorite, and fa'her of the preieat distinguished oomedian. To please such an audience would be a great triumph. To raise in snob a one a furore of enthusiasm must be tbe ultima thule of any artiste. This Joe Jefferson sucoeeded In doing last evening. First, we must say that Dion Bouoicault (now an American citizen) has at last succeeded in producing a perfect dramatization of Washington Irvine's classical and ravishing legend of Kip Van Winkle. Tats is inaeea an American play, based upon an American subject, writton and dramatized by Americans; and there aie but three others worthy of this name that we know of. The play of Hip Van Winkle, now running at tbe Ch-snut Street Theatre, is an admirable one in every way. It is a faitbiul transcript of tho original legend ; it is full ot oharao- ter and dramalio power, and its equations are in. teresting without beiug harib or orade. It it la every way superior to the Kip Van Winkle played by Mr. J. u. Hackett and Mr. Frank Dtesr. Every scene in the play, as preseatod at the Cbes. nut Street Theatre last night, was new, and painted expressly ; and Mr. Smith, the scenlo artist, has added to his reputat'on by the "studies" put for ward in Hip Van Winkle, the m( en scene la the second act was a masterioce. The delosive drop, "Woods in a storm," was na'nral, and the "Sleepy Hollow" was simply a magalflceut mytterj that looted like reality Iteoll. The "VU'age of Falling Water," in the last act, Is also worthy of njtloe, as also are the four ' sett interiors." Ot Mr. Joe Jefferson's aotlng ln the part of "Eip Van w jnxie," we cin only say it was superb, com plete, perfect. He transforms blmsslf completely Into the good-natured, good-for nothing, besotted, Iruthiul, and philosophical lump of Dutch stolidity that is "jast the cheese." Wkat more can we say in nraisn oi the man. who baa btea pronounoed the most eminent actor in the world by Ltfndon eritioi, who have sat In judgment npon sues' comedians as Charles Mathews, Buokttons, Sobson, Quin, Wigan, Kean. and othnsf Ur. Jefferson's recep tion was an immoos affair. At tbe end of the play be was called before tbe curtain, and la a neat speech made bis most modest acknowledgments. Everything pased off smoothly, and the enter tainment was dellgbtful throughout. Hiss J oil Orton was very good as "Dame Van Winkle;" Mr. Maokay excellent as "Derrick Tan Oeekman," a was Mr. Miohael Weoli la the part of "Coekles Messrs, FosWr, Daly, Jennings, and White played tlxir rv'etaoorpUbly, and Miss Lizzie L'ooir was re graeefal ftad spirited than nana! as tie I "growti ep Meenie." Next to Jo Jefferson's inimitable acting came ttatof Kim Katie Baker and Miss Terry as petite and Jtne "Hendrick Veddoi" and ' Meente Van Winkle." They were admirable "little children' end shared the applause of the great debutant. Kip fan Winkle ever evening until lurther notice. .Citt Musxum TnBATBK. Thi establishment was well ullod last evening with a fine aodienco. We were pleased to obsorve a large number of ladlos present. Tbe fair sex are beginning to learn of the attractions of this now and beautiful Theapian temple. This evening an exoellont bi'l Is presented. Mis Annie Howe, a really pleasing and talented, but modest actress, will uflrAit- two beautiful rolcf. Mercery," In tbe Rough thamnnd, and "Sala- nella," In Who Killed Cock Utbmf Mr. Dclnfloli'. Mls Jeanoie Gourlay) Mls Viola Plunkett, Mr'. Durivage, and other iavoritej, will appear. Waliiht STBBtr TuEATiix. Mr. 1 win Booth, in liia matchless and artistic role of "lairn." Oibolo" by Barton Uillj "Cassio" by J. B. Itoberts. Amebioax Thxatex. Miss Kate fisher, the Cataract of the Oangett, stud of traiued horses. Ki Nino Eddie, and the talentod Mock oompany. Accb Stbbbt Thktrx Mrs. John Drew and tho whole oompany in Women W ill Talk. Mazepp is the afterpiece. CABHjjROsa sb Dixbt have a splondid pre gramme for thjs evening. Cough's LxoTtraxa John B. Cough will do iver his (treat lecture, "London by Night," at tho Ameri can Academy of Mueio. on next Monday evening. November 6, and on Tuesday night he will d -liver his popu ar discourse on ' lemperanoe," Tickets and scats may be obtained at Ashmead'a bookstore. ho. 7?4 Chetnnt street. Own Nxw Hovex; on, i'iie Pleasures of IlouBK-HunTito " This is the subject ol the lec ture to be delivered by the Iter. 1'. D? Witt Tal- mage, at Musical Fnnd Hall to night. It is now and lumoious, and we doubt not that ever? body will be delighted with it. Mr, Talmago is one of the most popular lecturers in this couutry. Ticket can be obtained at Tiumpler's musio store, Seventh and Chosnut streets. HEW JERSEY. Haas Meeting In Ctnidcu County. A very numerously attended aud enthusiastic Kcpublican meetiuc was held on Friday even ing, at Ulackwood-towu, in Camden county. N. J. The Hon. James M. Scjvel and the II oh. T. D. Thachcr. of Kansas were the sneakers Hi. Thacher discussed tbe Coi.'tltutioiial amend ment, and was warmly a rf lauded. Mr. Scovel addressed bis constituents at length, aud pave a satisfactory account oi late dibbeu-iouf. m the Republican party, now happily at an end. He explained the tact that, while Henry Ward ueecnor was wrtita tno Clevelnnu letter, and Henry J. Kay in on 1 was ortraur.nis the Dick Taylor-Doojittie Convention, ne (the speaker) w9 engaged in urpitter governor Ward to call the Legislature oi New Jersev to ratify the amendment. The speaker wanted no prouder record than four years in the Lee'slaturo of New Joisov. in which it was his nriviiesn at presiding officer of the New Jersey Senate, to ?;mwt !" ""dmeiits to tho Constitution the nrst ptvmg absolute rreeoom u. i0 and tbe second declniin how iree the tour mil'- lion bondmen should be, bes cles giving peace and rest to a distracted land. Mr. Scovel was listened to with tbe deepest attention, aud it the close of tho meeting three cheers were Given for Conrres. for Tliad. Stevens, and IVir Senator Scovel, Cam Jen count y will elect the whole ticket headed by vviilinm Moore lor Can- mcss. aLd tho KoDublican uiiiioiitv m tho Niw J ersey Senate will be at least two. Aete York Uribune. ' The "Baltimore American" not for Sale. A despatoh. Durnortina to have been- sent from Baltiuiore to ln3 Philmhmiiia tuning Tiii.ECKArn, announces that Colonel Johu V. t'orney hss purchased the lialtimoro American, and will take charge of it ou the 1-t of Januarv. This announcement i news to the proprietors. it being the first lUtiination tbev have had of the matter. We were called upon aboit n month since with an inquiry fiom panics lu Washington, favorable to the'nolicv ol toe Pre sident, as to whether the American cocild be purchased. Our anwer was that iht'American was not lor sale at any price, and this would be our reply to Colonel Forney or any other party that might make proposals to purchase. The American has not been for sale, is not lor sa'e, and in all probability never will bo during the litetlme of the present proprietors. The income ot tho paper last year, on which tbey paii in come tax, was $39,000; hence they du not think they could engage In any business that would be either more pleasant or more proata blj. Baltimore American, Zlst ultimo. Tbe petroleum losses by fire and flood in Pennsylvania, during the last two years, are es timated at J2,ooo,ow. SPECIAL-NOTICES. ftgp MUJAVJRO.-IT IS VERY SELDOM we meet with any oeicription ot perfume which so entirely comes up to tbe notion of the publlo as doss the perfume above mentioned. JV. O. Tru? Delta. The aew periume lor tbe handkerchief is something peculiarly delicate and dellclo.u. For salujby all the principal druggists, Philadeljhia Bvenmg Built tin. 7 16 rn colton "Dental association'. Tbe triamaton ol tbe antithetic n of viirnni uxioe uas. t-itraoi leeia wiiuoui anv nam ur tban S4W) persons Have signed our cartiacate icro'l to tbat efloct Tbe list can be seen at our rooms. No. W WAL&UI Street Come to beadquarierj. We never tali. . . 10 S lm 357- NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. -JOY. .vSIDSIS. V V MtaA.a a, if T l-T" T T 1 HOT Streets. Philadelphia, and THIBUNE UutLO- 1NOB. Hew York, are aanis tot the "Tblbobapu," and lor the Newspapers of tbe whole country. 7 301y 4p JOY COB A CO. 63$r NEW LECTURE TO-JSIGHT BY REV, T. DE WITT TALM AGE, AT MU8ICAL FUND HALL, AT KIQHT O'CLOCK. bfUJECTl "OUR NEW IIOUSE; Or, Pleasnres of House-Uuuiina;." Under the ausplees ot the Phlialethean Literary iuo- eiatioD. Tlokats for sale at iBunnss's. beveth and CIllU)Sl)THtreU.aadattbeuoor of tbe Uall. Doura open at7M r. at. It THE W0M6N'9 N4TfOAL AP.T ARHOCIATION will hold Its First Annual Ex hibition 10 fbilaaelphia a' Mo. 921 ciiKgNUl' Strjet. ou MOHUaY. SofeinberW lHoS. null, areooidiaiiy lnvlu-d 10 contribute to the Mhibl- iiou in, wora raoeivea iw cumm oi rtintinga, orlilnal or copied la oil, water-colors, and pastel i 1m!kdi, Btrtcbes. Studies, and Diawingi ol all deMrlp tlona Included in Art and .-culpture: Mode'a In plas.eit wood and ateel S.nsravlngi. and Lltlioitraiihi l'Mtona barlus aaob wrkal' art In their posaesslon. eaeeutod tT women, are alo requested t aid tbe oum t,f loanlna tlie or tbe axlilbltlun. HanaiiMof tbe piece, tbe owner' or artist's name ard rsHleno. and, U tor aie, the orlca, mint accom pany rikcii artiole aeat. MlUt. K. C. U JVT, 1 10 M faiths St t rtldenL tSTs THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY AHaOfilATIOM was tbe osflinchlna trlend of the'eolond iwopi Out Ins tbolr bitter alavery, and no w it aaeporia auMe tbra tferoe bandred Cbrlatian teacbera. who bcoelit tkrei, poor toeedmiia In wan too auuiorout to neutioo. We aaa. oar reader to aid In lu nob e work., IhiwoirU IU AfftNat. Mr. C'ORLI -S wbe is now caovaMlns to eat oily lor this Assoeiatloa. . It 3 tit SPECIAL NOTICES. THE HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY OF TIIB CITY OF PHILADELPHIA. ORGANIZED In IBS. INCOSVOBATED June 7 IBM. riTlce. Ko M7 NOBVH etrret. On a from 'nrll lat to October let irom t to IS A.M. Open lioin October 1st 10 April 1st .rom ?toB r M. ur.iiur.ii oii'niii iniiaaac ALK.X CAI rKI.L. Vire-ereldent lH IXiLl ll K. UOKFLICU. "coreiary. TUOMAt 1. MA.xON. TrMirer, ho. 4'M M AMKE 1' ftrcct. M4NAGEBS rOH imfti. Malthew Kewklrk, 1 burnt) reenex, i ron uunion. tlcnrr M. Kimmcv, hamuli Mo Ira. Krancl Xacoo, Hiram sillier, R. P. Kla, J nines W Caraoo, Robert (iilnj John Wslat L'harles I- Oram. Jan e Ap elon, har.ft bantre Jioks it. Uotlvera, bainuel WTk, inaac U hmlih. Oroide Ntirnt, 'Ibomaa roller, 1'. kouien le Hiirnrr, Alitund.rl' l.iilie. uencral A gent, cmamiim, h Tui.nn. ) A LI) KB T O. KOWLtKO, ttirslonarles KOLAM T KKSniL )iilL. .U V WALT Ml The Inntltutton Is dcjitned lor the moral Improve ment and temporal re lei ofthesooro' Pbllaitolphla. and In arr.rinic out thrad object It combine In lis mode oi oncratlou all the eaeenliil feature of Bible. Tract, MUaiuuary. Jeinperauoe, and luclu.tnal Ao clatlona. iu management pinceo in ue nanas or persona ne loniilng lo OiOerent lelinloaa denomKiailons, anu it Is r tidheii d WiA..wl $ e artan fctai liatule latorlHlt and enanolne Into ererr case re ported, ant, or coming tor aid. And It furnlshea to lis contributors tarda, to be given to all applicants lor alma, eo that they can be aent to the ofllce of the So ciety lor inTontlpatlon and the needed asemtance. uuriiig eianu'i n nnnurea ana aiiij nve, wnicn .com pleted its thirtieth yeai .1 nana vrcrr uiwiv, miu lamliles were relieved. 41 apnlicantu proved to be unworthy of assistance. 13 c u d not b lound. VV adults were furnished with emplovment, and for 12 children uood and coiulortube homes were secured . . lKni(lf vtlilrb. manr re iiiioua ana temperance meet lnKUVcre beld.and many lslilet and traots were dis tributed Tbe Managers earnestly appeal tor aid to carry n this rood woik. f.MAAl r.Li XX. l"LAO if una urru rirt-iou UfDrm Aicnt In place ot John P. Arrbon deceased, and he and fie mlf"lounris are now calling upon our oltlzeai and the Irlenila ol the -ocletv lor mbwriptlona. til 1 thstutt frT" BIKTUODIST CENTENARY. A CARD There are in this city a great many persons, rot In actual communion wit the Methodist Koiaoopat t burch. wbo are ItaearnnHr'endi, and wou'd be g.ail to have an opor.uullv ot testllyinc ibslr regaid. J he otiject of this card la to let such friendlr peiaoui kntw that ibe WeiboUlat KplscoDil Church la now celebrating ita centenary bvrellslous service, and gilts and otter lugs lor tbe advancement ot religion. In this city the Methodist churches are making a s peeial and earnest ellortbv 'thank offerinirs" to endow' Dickinson tollege, locnted at Carlisle Pennsylvania. 'We cannot doub. that many of tbe aone of Mcthodisin, now in otber blanches o the wburch. with a nnuaber oi vtners viho acpiediite her raliwlon, cppciallv io th masses will ue bappv to send In an offering w ben they le rn how It may bo done. To Mich we extend our gteetlngs, and Invite them to send contributions to Kev. 8 V. iltOMAH, No. 118 AHCU ft . or to any of the Mcttnxllt payors. M tl st . TtTHO!E AFFLICTH'D WITfl PRAK ar N KS-l OUlMPtRV K H KA BING.-The !0 lowlng Card from the pit .Ushers of the Us dsborj A' r h Carolina Paper will be read with in eret: WBLDOH, M. C September , 1(W6 Mes rsKtlitors: Kmotiune oi gratitude and oi s-mpatuy prom it ma to ask teat too will give this communication a place in vour columns, and 'hat editors everywhere, both in and but oi' he Mate will copr f. Hince 1834 I bare iaborJ uader a verv decided deaf ness It came on In my chilahooil, proJuced, a I have a.wavs believed, by cold, and though I have consu ted rind br en under treatment of various eminent surgeons in dlilercnt pa.ts oi the coun ry, I have never received any benefit or met wtth aiv lutrn-no'it that aided me (save the couimou trumpet, v. u cli was too iroublesome ta carry ), until verv reccinlv And lor the benefit oi ?onTiAdsVn'.M 1 J Kv b. McHi.e 1 was plscetl In . o-rei.iod-ence some two mouths mnco with I'ugh Madeira. Mo. 115 ".Tenth su-et. I'hl'adolpliln. Mr. Hadelra is en (iiiged In ihe muniifactiiring and Importing of all kluda oi Instruments lor the ear. A virletv of Instruments were s-nt to me. and I have drrived vory great oaoant irom tbe use of the ''Auricles." Theraie slmole and easllv wom and manf of m.v Irlends hive fHlied to discover that I bad thom on till tho marked Improve ment In my hearing caused them to inn ulre the cause. Hie litst Bahbaib alter I Rot them I wore th 'm to church, and dlsttectlr beard tho morning les in and tbe text a circumstance as novel to me as an thing could he and unco thea have wor.i thctn conitntlv. A thorongh irial has satisfied me most lully thct they ore a decided and permanent -assistance, so mno . so Hint I vouid not be without tnetn tor any ainouut of money. . As some perjons will be benefited bv Instruments that will Le o no a.ivnntaiie to other. aud vie- rr I fliiipl; advise all who lrbor under the same Inflrmlty to open a correspondence at once Willi Mr. M , as directed above. He has no know ledge o thli or of mv In entlou to imlilish Mich an article, bnt, as I should fee' gratified lor any in orinatlon that mlgbt lead to mi- lie lent in this respect (and os I tto so Icel to Mr. NicRaei I cannot feel that I should be acting In a pr per spirit wore I to wlth ho d this statement of my experience. Mr M. ha several varieties oi Auricles; those 1 procured cot 812, lie haa them ai t). It4i J. F, 8IMMOS3. COLONEL J. F. SIMMONS. Oi-1 VVEL PON. While we. In common with tit his nu merous friends rejoice at Ills good :ort'jnn, we. at the game time, rejoloe tbat a proper sense of tbe imp irtance nfth matter to others afflicted with doatnea has In duced bim to make this publication. Colonel 8. request "editors everywhere" to copy his communication, hurely a request so reasonable and to Important will be unlvotsallv complied with. We have seen i.'olonel lm mons, and conversed with him, andean cer.liy to the marked Improvement In his bearing. We coov tbe above Irom a paper published In Holds boro. Korth Caro Ina lt4p A CARD TO INVALID 8. a .Umrmin while residinc In fouth America as a missionary, discovered a sa'e and simple remedy lor the' ureoi Nervous WeakneHS, larly Decav, Diseases of tne Dilrary end Beminal Organs, and the whole train of dl orders brought on by baneiul and vicious habits. Great nojnhera rate been alreadv cured bv this lioble remedy. Prompted bv a desire to benefit the afflicted and unfortunate, 1 wl l sen 1 the recipe for preparing and using this medloloe, In a sealed envelope, to any one wbo needs It, free of thqrg: Please Inclote a post-paid envelope, addressed to ,0Tdarees, JOSEPH T. IN MAX, Aoaress, Btatlon . Bible Hou-e, Dili Mew York Cltv. rsa POST-OFFICK. PHILADELPHIA. PA. SS The uall for H AVAKA. per steamer 'HKX rFICK BL'USON"." wLl be olosed at this otHce at o'clock A.M.. on 8ATUBDAV nesii. November 3d 10 31 St CIlAKLUa U. HALL, Postuiaater. FUENCn DRESSING. THIS IS A superior article for Restoring the Color ol Ladle,' and Children's Bboes tbat have been defaced by wear THAYEB & COWPEUTHWAIT, Vo. 417 COMMERCE Btroet, 10 25 lOt Wholesale Agents. By I he Lottie at the praic pal 'm tall Shoe Stores. FALL SYLE HATS. Q "THEO. H. M' CALL A, Hat and Cap Emporium, 9I3no4p No. 804 CHESNUT Street. JJOUSE-FURN1S1IINO GOODS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. TO SECURE BARGAINS. To close tbe estate ol tkj late JOHN A. MURPHEY, Importer aairealer In HOISE-FURKISIIINO GOODS. No. 033 CHESNUT STREET, Between Kintb and Tenth, South Bide, Phils. His Administrators now offer the who'e stook at Prices be.ow the orCiaary rates eharged. Ibis sloes embraces KervYh li ? wanted ma well- bouaehoidi-Pialn l lu Ware Brushes. Vt oodeu Ware Usaseu. Plated Ware futlerv. Iron wre, Japanned Waie, and Cook- '1 i&ttffi?OOOW. BIF.D-C AOE9, etj. etc.. rati be obtained ou the most leasoaable terms OxtkciKEAKCTIO BEt BlUfcUaTOBS and WA1EB C A 'tut a?aortment of PAPIEH M A.fHK GOODS. This Is tbe lamest retail establishment la this line In Phlladelpkia andcltlzrua and straiten will find it to ttelr advantaee to examine our stock before purchaalna. l,ol Osr irlends In the countrr tuav order br mail, ud prompt attention will be given. (11 1 thstui A 1IIRICAK CADEMr OF MU.IC. joiin 13. Gouair, MONDAY KVEKIlta, KOVEHBEU fl, Under (he Auspice of tle Towns; Meia'a Chrlttlan Aaeoclaitlen. HI8 WORLD-RE SOW MED LECTURE. "LONDON J3Y NIGHT." Mr. GOUQTT haa been ' persusled to entirely revise tt-ls popular Lecture, which is so often call d form all pans or me couatry, ml wll deliver It f.r tie FIRT TIME In Its new form, on MONDAY EVEN1NO next On TCK DAY EVENING, November s, he will deliver one of bis great Lectures on "TEMPERANCE." The sale of Tickets wll bea-'n on FRIDAY MORN. IKG, Noveo ber 1 at A8HM EAD'8 (late Athmoad A Evans) Book Store, No 1U CIIE8NU r flUeet. Admlsslea 28 eents and 80 cents. Keser red seats in Parquet, Parquet Circle and Bat cony, 7J cents. . Private Boxes in Balcony. l. II SI If QLOTHS FOrw LADIES' CLOAKS EDWIN HALL & CO., . 28 SOU II SLIOM) STUl'IlT, WOULD INVITE THE ATTENTION OF THE LADIES TO THEIR STOCK OF CLOTHS, Many of which are of their own importation. FINE SLACK VELVET BEAVERS. RICH SHADES OF COLOR BE AVE US. .. BLACK AND WHITE P00DALIC CLOTHS-. CHINCHILLAS, ALL COLORS. BLACK AND WHITE A3 TRACK AN a. FROSTED BEAVER CLOTHS SCARLET CLOTHS. l WHITE CL0TH3 IN GREAT VARIETY. A SPLENDID DISPLAY OK CLOTHS AND CASSIMEBES .... Prices much less than Other Establishments. A " MAMMOTH STOCK. OF CLOTHS AMD CASSIMERES tOll MENS' AKD BOYS WEAR. CiREAT BARGAINS In Black Gros Grain Silks. Alarge Stock of DRESS GOODS at Low Prices, AT M'ELROY'S, No. 11 E.mtl. NINTH Strt, 10 ?5 tbstu4t4p ABOVE CHriS SUI. gRIDAL GIFTS. AN UNUSUALLY LARGS VARIETY OF SILVER MANUFACTURES, KiDbrsoIng the inest ELEGANT and TJNTQUE AKTI CLES ir tne Table, desined expressly lor WEDDING GIFTS, Ana arranged In single pieces and tasteful cumbinntlons. ALSO EXQUISITE Cut Glass and Bisque Wares. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 82 Q CHESNUT ST. 10 9 tutbsdp til 23 a Jp O 11 THE OPERA. JUST RECEIVED BY JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 822 CHESNUT St., AN ASSORTMENT OF EE ALLY FINE OPERA GLASSES, M ade exptcssly to tbelr order, by BABDOU. OF I A.RI8. Also, a veiy large supply o. PARIS FANS Kew designs, prepared especially lor their Sales. 10 9 tuifatsp tUi5 pOTTSTOWN IRON COMPANY, POTT8TOWN," PA. l'BEBIDENT, ' THEODORE 'H. MORRIS, Of Morris. Wheeler A rjo. TBK18UEKR, EDWARD BAILEY. BECKGTABYj WILLIAM L. BAILEY. The Company are sow prepared to etecute ordors for BOILEB J' LATE FLD1V BHK1! T, and TANK IROM, PLOTJQH PLATES, eto. Also lor tbe ANVIL Brand ol Cut Nails and BPlkea. Orders snay be addressed to rOTraTO WN IB0N COMPAHY, Pottstown, Pa. Or to MOBBLS, WHEELEB A CO , BIXTtESTH and Ma.BX.ET BtS., Philadelphia. 11 1 1ft Of So, tf OUrr Street, New fork. SJORTIiEntJ CENTRAL C0N9S WE OFFER FOR SALK A LIMITED AMOUNT OF THE BONDS OF rnn KOUTIIERX CENTRAL RAILWAY. AT 8 9. There Bonds bear SIX TTJt CENT. T&.TEBE8T, parable seml-annnaliy In tbfcrCirir, FRGR FllOItl ALL, STATE TAX, And are Coupon Bonis In attounts ol ttftOO and iJOUOiach. The holder haa she privilege of havlsg thtm mil sad rea'stered at the edlce ol the Company In this city, this being a treat protection In ease of loss. We will bebaepy to furnish fall Ks'ornnllon. on- ap plication In person or by letter. DREXEL & CO., No. 04 South TIIIHD St. Mil tflp JMT011TANT S A L B OP A VEST CHOICE AND BECHERCHE COL LECTION OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH OK AND WATER COLOR PAINTINGS, To take Place on THURSDAY and Fill. DAT EA RNINGS, November 1 and a, at 7 O'clock, AT TBS ART GALLERY OF THE AUCTIONEERS, No. 1110 CHliSNUT Street. We aie (.ratified In offc rins; to tbe public this truly ineaniflcet t cullaciton. in wbiuh.are nearly Ha) specl-int-iia. tbat waie seleoied in London and Pans br a ran tltuian ot cultlva.rr taste, abiy aspiafd bj one of our most Kilted art Is s; none oi wbloh works have vet been exhibited in Aner'ca. Many oi the first masters are litre repicsented bj rJaranteed orlKlnal apeeimens, which iae uiKiuesllouable prt!tenloiis to a bl;h oust oi arilsilc clisiatter, t nilnentiv superior in their peon liar line aa works of art io anything ottered to tue puo liool ibis city, reflecting In ihe moat posltlse manner the powerful. an craaaiehenslve grasp of into lect that' suinip tbe EDU8h and French pencil with such ilfe-Uke portraiture Aniontc the most prominent names, whose produc tions won d ne an arinisltlon to the choicest collections hi tun cuunirr, are tno tol owiiiK! J. K. Ilenirir t rants. WillUm 81. aver, Sr., i- it liarUiDK, James K Afeadows, J Horns. C. Hoauet, A. Caiame. 1 beedore Frese. James V'cbb. P I. oulerlet, Ferdinand Alalirt hn. Paul Carou. Fer.1, Ullbett J. ItlHUl. Lebas, llanimerton, Kncl. lturre L Kennard. .. 8ohopin, f. Musln, Z Nbticnnnn, Horace Vernet. Lan ont de Meis, Baur'elt, Berthler, Catterutole. J. Biitlat, O. K. Jacobl, Taylor. And Diai.j other ot note, both native and lore'en. -i he painttnga ne now on view, and win continue an ' day and, until 'lie nights o' aale. Catalof nes may be obtalneo elt.ier ol tbe Auctioneer or In the Gal ery 10 29 4IIp 'JI10MA8 BIBCH & 80K, Auctioneers. FURNISHING DRY GOODS. A CARD. SHEPPARD.VAN HARLINGEN&ARRISOH, Xu. 1008 CHESNUT Slrect, Whose eetabtistment lot the sa'e of House-Furnishing Dry Goods Is unequalled In the extent and variety of Its assort ment, beg to announce to HOUbEKEEfFRS BKNEW ISQTHtlR SUPPLY, or persons about to furnish, that they are now receiving their FALL ASSORTMENT OP FRESH LINEN, COTTON. AND WOOLLEN" GOODS FOR HOUSEHOLD USE, SUCH AS Linen Sheetings, Cotton Sheetings, p Pillow Lineni, Pillow Muslins, Damask Table Cloths, Table Linens, Damask Napkins, Bordered Towels, Towellings, Quilts, Blankets, Table and Embroidered Piano and Table Covers, AtA every other srtlc'e fulUble lor a well-ordered household. 9 U thtHu6mp. Cl H I L D R E CLOTHING. A Splendid Assortment in the Latest Stylos. Special attention is invited. M. SHOEMAKER & CO., 10 f rbstusvttj Ncs. 4 and 6 North EIGHTH Street QANTON GIN G E It. Freab Imyoitcd Csmtom Preserved (lin ger, Dry siud lu Syrup, OP THE FIHESr QWALITT, tOU SALE BY JAMES It. WEI3B, EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. sue REMOVAL. ISAAC DIXON, WAlCH H AHLEB, HAVING REMOVED TO No. 120 S. ELEVENTH Street, below Chesnut, Has opened a new and carefully selected stock of flue Watches, Jewelry, 8. Iver anl riated Ware. IT. B. Chronometer, Duplex, fateot Lever, and plain Watches carefully repaired and warranted tlOll.cJujrp JpINE OPERA GLASSES TMPOBTED AND FOB SALE BY JAMES W. QUEEN & C0 A m anv arviB M afsral w a m? VTfSaTt SB at A o PRBA G L A 8 8 K R. Flu. tpera Olaasea mad. by at. BABOOU, of 1'arts. Imported and for sale only by v. W. A. TBUlf PLCS. (tlu4p Saveath and (.'bvuuut StreeU