CITY INTELLIGENCE: l For AM Monti City hwlh genre act Fifth rage. "A PACE FROM THE LIFE OF CHRIST." A Sermon Delivered by Ilev. John Chamber, nt the Churth, corner of Broad and Ransom Streets, on Sunday Afternoon, October 1800. I paid to you that my subject this afternoon would be u pajre Irom the life of Cbrin, or how the true lollowers ot Christ live. The record of which I desifsn epoaklna to you, is found In the 10th chapter of the Look ol Acts. I react from the 34th verse: "Then Peter opened his mouth and Bold, Of a truth I perceive that Ood id no respecter of persona," etc. The 38th verse of tbie chapter reads thus: "Howtiod anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy (Jbost and with power: who went about doinff pood, and healing all thRt were opprPMed ot the devil; for God was with him." The history of JrVng, from beginning to end. Is the most extraordinary, Important, and won derlul that the world hax evr ,ee n, and that uc nvnu rci wiu wee. ii eranociies in it more important facts, more essential truths, more in teresting matter, more that concerns man for the life that now is, as well as that which Is to come, than all the books that have been written and printed and published since print ing was tirtt invented; and the history of no man that has been born ou the lace of th3 earth, from the days of Adam to this dav, enn be so arranged as to offer a record to coaipare wit the simple story of the son ot the curpenter of Judea, the child of Alary, the gilt of Ood t the world. Everything that U important to us for this piesent Hie, and everything else involved in the eternal life to come, is here. You are more concerned to know all about Jesus than you are about any other being that has ever been iu the world or that over will be iu the world. It is of more Importance to yu ami to me to know how far we can be nimiluted to the character of Jeens of NuzurMh than about those that have preceded or thue who sh ill succeed ui. It i s the name above every name, that nameof Jesus. Ihlngs in heaven, on eurtL, nuder the earth, and everything, are to bow and acknowledge Jesus, Lord, Prince, and (Sovereign of all. I do not pretend to exaggerate. I could not do it if I desired. It is higher than heaven; it is deeper than hell and broader than the earth. I know that men do not seem to think that this is so, and that is the leasou why men are as they are. 1 kuow. too, that evennrolessiui.' Christians do not do this w holly, praTiicully, and thoroughly, and that is the reason why we have such Imper lect Christianity. We ore very much concerned to know all about John Calvin aud John Wesley, or some other pool creature like ourselves. We hear a great deal said about those meu; aud men glory in being Calvinists or Arminiass, B3 they aro called; and, alter all, that which was peculiarly excellent in those excellent men may be just us peculiarly excelleut in you and me, and it is just as important that thai should be in you and me as to them. It they were gool men, if they were important men, il they wer i valuable ineii, their goodness, tbeir importuice, and their value resulted from their assimilation to tho character of Jesus Christ, and that must every man improve. If, then, we look over a page or bo of His life, we find the (acts are clearly and distinctly seen. Jesus was eraiiieutiy.htied ior His work. In the 4th chapter of tho Gospel by Luke, and the lst!i verse, we have the following statement: "The spirit of the Lnrd is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poctf." That was the business of Jesus Christ. To preach the Gorpel to ali men every condition of men "He lmtlisent me to healthe broken-hearted," etc. In the 2d chaptcrjof the Look of Acts it reads: "Ye men of Israel hear these words," etc. Then in the Acts, 4th chapter, 27th verse, the record is, "For a truth against thy holy child Jesus," etc.; and in Hie 1st chapter of Hebrews you have a finking illustration of tho wouderful fitness ol the Hon of God for the per formance of His duties; and read over the his tory ot our Saviour, as remarkable in itself and satisfactory bevond controversy, triat every man li.ay know and understand. Christ spent Ilia whole life in going about doing good. There was never a flaw, there was never an act per formed, mere was never a worn spoken; tuere was never an association mad by him upon which mortal man could put his finger, with the (slightest indiscretion. You know well how they attempted to vilify and traduce Him. It mattered not. He passed right on with the majesty of the sun of the heavens. Wherever you lound Him, whether in the houne or by the wayside, in tho thronged city or in the wilderness, He was engaged In doing good. His tears mingled with their tears, ana His heart yearned with tbeir hearts. His ministry was a grand one. It was not the crowns and sceptres ol the Roman Emp're and worldly dominion. Those things he did not meddle with. His persecutors on one occa sion, you remember, attempted to ensnare him. "Speak to him, brother, that he divide with me the inheritance." "1 am not a judicial o ni cer; I am not here to sit on the bench of your courts. Who made me a judge or a divider i"' repudiating' it at once, and turned away from it, his grand object being to do good. It would be well lor us, as we pass along, to stop a moment and inquire, as we look at these lacts in the history ol the Saviour, how much resemblance there is on the part ot His minis ters and the Great Lord our Master? Are we .like Him f Are we going about doing good in the same way f You will not hndin the whole history ot the Lord Jesus where He interfered with the affairs of men, or eudeavoredto excite the prejudices of one man a?aiust another in any way whatever. He was a peace maker a literal peace-maker. You will find that there is a reason for Christ's success, lor He was very sucuestul in estulliah ing his truths, and He parsed all the prejudice, all the calumny, all tho accusations that were brought againht Him, and set up an opposition to hell; and although they hurled theuuits of death, and scandal, and vituperation at him, He was clad Irom head to foot with a coat-of-inail which God had given Him, so that it was impos sible for them to assail Him. In the second chapter of John and the third verse we read of Micodemus, a distinguished Pharisee, and a ruler of the Jews, comiug to Jesus by night. Why he did tuis is not for you or me to determine. It was u great risk to run. Jly brethren, you may rest assured that it re quires a great deal ot moral courage to 6tand up ior the right. Kicoduuius was tioublud about this, and he came to tind Jesus in the eight, aud said unto him, "lUbui, we know tuou art a teacher come Irom God," etc. Now how did he know it f A man suys, I kuow you ure a Curis tiim. llow does he know it? He must have some sien by which to determine. Mow Micodeiuus, this ruler of the Jews and chief ol men, admitted thut Jesus Chribt was a teacher come from God. For "no man," says he, "cmq do .these miracles that thou doest, except Uod h with him." God was with linn in the lniiaeWs that He performed, in the words that He spoke, Uv tho ucts that He did, in the life that lie lived, it was clear, palpably cfcar. to every individual thavy0d was with our Lord Jesus Christ. When meu my tuey believe you aie a Christian man o womau, why do they say ko? If the, apeak the truth, it is because they see mucu."oi.fKi a anj about you iu your lilt. The only tc..t ,8 its living exeniplilication in your daily wain ,U(i conversation. When God is with a people o an individual, It is convincingly manifest. The proot of this you will find in the Uth chapter and I6th verse of the gospel by John: "i'here iore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because he keepeth not the Sabbath day." Tbey were great Sabbatarians; not iu the sense we are, and hence tbey went to Christ. "Others said, How can a man that Is a siuuer do such miracles V How could you live a codly lilef how could you shun the wicked things of this ungodly world, unless God was with you? In the thtm-third verse of this same chapter we find, "It this man were not of God ho could .TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH". PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, doi.oth.rg. Ifjoii look up this rmre of Ills 11 I cw ? .A".'1 il J,lf,t mwMifost as God can tnU. it, that lie was withlliin. And so He is With every Christ inn. II.7tT,.Rrc 'Bld 10 1ie lik" Him; there i the point that I want you -penally to look at. This paee m the lite ol Christ Is beautiful, gloilous, and coniMent from beginning to end; It is Without detect, or a single flaw In it. It is a life w inch mothers and lathers should continually keepbolore the minds of tnelr children. J rethren, If half the time usually spent by I hriBtifin parents In readir.g inslgniUcanlstories, unit ol wnleli are fictitious, was devoted to the reading ot the ltle of Jesus Christ, we would ",ny race of men coining up looking like Gods Son. I have said to you many a time, over and over again, brethren, that we do not mni uueugu oi ins me and runriicier. Ve want the children to know about Jesus. e want our young people to know how He lived and died here upon earth; how He as cended to the righfhand of God, there to pre pare a home for those who love and serve Him. Let that be impressed on their young minds eviry day. Let it be Impressed upon thoir minds as it Is upon our own. Wc are not our own. We are boiiEht with a price. Not with silver irnd gold, but with the precious blood of Cbrlt-t. In that Inimilable 32d verse or the 8th chapter ot Romans, Paul says: "He that spared not his own son, but delivered him up for us all, how mini uv uui nuu uuu aiso irectv give us all things?" Now, we can readily perclvc the ground upon , which the great God wanted to put us into the moral and spiritual condition from which we have fallen, ami that, in order to bring us back Into tin. t conoition. In which we must be, He pave His Son, 11m only beottea Son. Reve rently, I ftsk you what could God do, for you nurl tun ninpn fl,.,n 4a Il i ... . , in,. ii m gnu ma uniy uegoiien Sf,r.? If, then, He did that areatest of, allgreat thines, will He not nlso freely srive us all things, that we may be more like unto that Son. In th' Oth verse of the 8th chapter, Paul says: "but ye aie not in the flesh; but in the soirit." ct-. 1 What wtts the spirit of Christ ? The character istics, the loveliness, the truthfulness the dig nity, the honor of Christ, and everything that distinguishes Him as He was seen iu the world this is that spirit. It was a spirit ot tenderness and love. Not lung, therefore, can be moro manl iest than that the followers of Christ must live as He lived; aud I think Paul settled this ques tion beyond the power of dispute; and he brings it out iu lull view in the chapter which 1 read to you tins aiternoon. in the 6th chapter Secoud hpistle to Ihe Coiimhiaus, in which he declares, as you remember very dimncily, iu the 11th veiseof that chapter: "ir the love of Christ conBtrame'b. us," etc. This Is what thf record anys: "He went about doing gtjd." Y'ou and I are to go about in the same way. In our business transactions, in everything that we do, we must do good. Nat being'guilty ot tale-bearing and taUl.nar, but in the glorious characteristics of our Lord we are to go about doing good. Supposing, then, 1 say, brethren, in order that we may come to a practical con clusion ot this matter, we should ask ourselves, as Christian men and women, what has been our lie for the past week? What have we been doing In all the walks and business rela tions Ot lite, in out- linmna i m, i t.,t.. course, In our relations among men ? We have been coiner nhout,. V hana t-;tnA .., our friends and acquaintances. e have been transacting business. ltoW have wa lived ? Wlmt h iiijo )vm u. islicsof our lives ? Have we in all these rela tions gone about doing aood? Ifeeau e good doing is not confined to the sanctuirv, or the lecture-room, nor the room at home. The Lord Jesus Christ was just as trood out of the svna gogue or temple as He was m it. In the wilderness as in the populous city, what did we do? How trood have we done? I was impressed very much this past week by a etatemeut made by a Christian woman. I know that that Chri.-tian woman had succeeded in prevailing upon some persous to come to God's sanctuary, aud that she was engaged in making the souls of some happy. We have done good or evil. We a-e not nega tive. The hie wo lead will tell m tho blissful ncsg ot heaven or the lamentations oi hell. The standard of holiness is true godliness. The godly lite of Christ is just the godly lue that you and I are to exemplify to the wort I. in .vour various pursuits, wheiber protrs-itoaal or w hatever it may bo, you arc to go about doing good. My lirethien, the lnnne circle is too very birthplace of weal or woe. Beloved, let us 1 1 VI' 1-ba ' 1 1 , T K i. . i ,i V ,,Am, n . . ... : - l .,.s?wi. j w ii 1 1 1 uui, Hive not sleep to your eyes until, "with your hand upon your heart you can say, Lord .iesus thou kuowest nil things, Thou kuowest that 1 am thine." Meeting ,of the Hoard of Gl-ardians. The Guaidians ot the Poor held a stated meet ins yesurday, President Erety in the chair. . The House Agent reported the ceu-ms of the House tor the week endiug Octooer 27, at 2-2S; same time last year, 27u; increase, l s. Tue admissions during the last two weeks were 2 15; birth, 5; deulhs, 34; discharged, l:il; elope:!, 4G; Indentured, 3; number granted lodeiugs, 13: meals, 95. The inmates of the principal departments arc thus clasitied: Superannuated miiM-r" 71; females, 108; Insane males, 202; females 352. White men's out-ward, 317; hospital, 200; colored men's out-ward, 28; hospital, 30; white women's obstetrical waid, 01; nursery, ill; colored women's out-ward, 48; obstetrical, 17; nursery. 24: hospital, 23. Total males, 12j3; lemales, 1673. ' The Steward reported nouse receipts, $"?5'30. The Out-door Aereut reported collections for support cases, S'.iaS-OS. The Treasurer ot the Board reported having paid to the City Treasurei the following moneys: Collections for support cases $122tt17;'einigrant tax, $3117; house receipts, $300 total, $133-17. Drs. Beaumont and Buckwell sent in their re signations as out-door physicians. The resigna tions were accepted, and Drs. Laucaster and Smith elected to till the vacancies. The election of a fiuperiniendcnt of the Insane Department, which waa postponed at the pre vious meetiug, came up, and alter two ineileetuil ballots, was ugain postponed. The candidates are Dr. Duller, the present incumbent, uud Dr. Kichardson. Cornelius Cope and Franklin Brown were elected Visitors for the Eighth District. A resolution was adopted asking Councils to make an appropriation from the various trust lunds for the Guaruiansof the Poor. The nsuul requisitions were approved. Ad journed. Defrauding the Eevknue. Before United States Commissioner Hibler' yesterday, Henry Kictchtnar bad a hearing on the charge of having carried on the business .of a distiller without a Iiccubc. Amos J. Michener testified tlnrt-he Is un Inspector ol Internal Revenue for the first Ave districts of Pennsylvania, aud that he recently visited the house of defendant, at No. 216 Sieeel i-trcet, and found in the cellar a still in operation. There were four barrels ot nmah in the cellar, und about three-fourths of a bucket of whisky, which had run from a still. Witness heard that defendant had a license under the old law, but did not know he had oue under the new luw; belieed he ha I not. District Attorney Valentine called the atten tion of the Commissioner to the fact that the accused had violated a section of ths law which forbhiB the distilling of liquor within a dwell ing house. Krctchmnr was held in $1000 bail to answer. Tnrc Trtax- of Speed at Toint Brpeze. The great race between tho celebrated horses Dexter. Patchen. jr anfi iyi, Ann "Hine oft yesterday arternoon at Point "Breeze r.?eei, A ver.y u'e numbr ot spectators were uiaSifeViA11? most intense interest was WM'the wlA'ithei.reBUlt0f10 raue- uster First heat. ....... n 8econd heat V' ' 'SSS Third heat t .' ! ! ; " a aa Polly Ann made the ncii'gt tVme'; and Patchen, Jr., came in last, althou tDe strug gle betw en the three horses was very close one. ' Ihe National GiTAiin.", General Tctcr Lyle comninnfiinc, paraded vesterdav for target lattice. The t ring took place at iv-clesticld, en the Schuylkill. Some excellent shots were made; a majont j of the best were tlreu by Gene ral L)le, Colonels Nelf and Gonras, Captains Rush and Durang, Lieutenants lloyer, Knight, King, and liartuncr, and Sergeants Reese, El cock, and Manning!). The prizes, seven In nuin-ber.-ccnsijt no of gold and silver medals nnd two finely mounted muskets, will be presented at the armory en Thursday evening next, by Malors Weaver and Thorp, Quartermuster Delanv, and Mr. P. E. Ahel, who were judges upon the occa sion, This was the first excursion of the new organization ot ihe old Guaids. The muster roll numbers over six hundred, and General Lle hopes to parade one thousand men on the 22W day of February next. The new unlform of 111 "unmn in ri.y neat, an'i na oecn specially adapted lor service. A most important feature is Its compaiatively small cost, which to manv maybe ottered as an Inducement to join the isnks of the lcpiment In the present excited state of affairs throtiehout our continent, a knowledge of the art of war should be possessed by every man capable of bearing arms. Wash ington'6 sentiment, "In time of peace prepare for wnr," i-hould be the ambition of every Ame rican citizen. A Serious Charge. John Naulty, while returning home from Filteenth and Willow streets on Sunday night in a peaceful manner, though ilichtly intoxicated, was accosted by Policeman ElUha Renncrd, No. 378, of the Four teenth Ward, who caught hold of him, and maiched I him off ns a prisoner. Another police man made his appearance, nnd also uccompanied Mr. Naulrv. While walking along quietly, Ren nerd put his hand back of the prisoner and in serted it in his left hnnd vest pockc-t, aud S57. The money was taken out. nnd the book placed In his (Nauity's) pants pocket. At tlie Station House Jlr. Naulty was searched, aud ecr thine taken Irom him. At ti e hearing yesterdnv his pocket-book was Landed to him, but it contained no money. He charced the policeman with then, whereupon Renunrd lelt the Station Uouc. Mr. Naulty was fined tor being under the intluence 6t iKiuor.iand having no money to pay his tine, he would have been sent to prison had he not cllered another officer a dollar to accompany him to a friend's house, where the requisite amount was o'Xaiued. Mr. Naulty, as any good citizen would do, prccceo.-d not once to Alder man White s oflicp, iu Library street, and there entered complaint aeauist Retinoid. A warrant vi as lsMied, placed m the hands of Constable Jlcud, and Renncrd was arrested. He had a hcariDg, and was Held in glooo bail to nnswer. The Law Committee. The Committee of Councils on Law met yesterday afternoon, in h elect Council Chamber, and as reed upon Mr. Lynns' resolution, presented to Common Council on Thursday last, to levy a tax of three per ci nt. upon the dividends of forehm companies having agencies iu this city, and ten per cent, ou home insurance companies. Ihe committee will report to Councils on Thurs day an ordinance, to the above effect They alto agreed u,on presenting a resolution request ing tLe Legihlature to pass an act anuullni" the act exempting certain property Irom taxation, and icqtnriug nil properly to pay its proportion of tax. 1 Testimonial Presentation, Last even mg Jir. U. A. Walborn, late Postmaster of this CltV. UBS ni fx-PIitorl tiifl, n 1. . :i 1 ...... u uuuuouiiii; D.iva ie- m V u e t'.niPlo3'ed in the Post Oflice during 4-11. i.a.uuinB uumiuisirHtion, e;acn piece iu the set bore the following inscription: "Pre Fented to C. A. Walborn, by Ihe Einploves of the Philadelphia Post Ollice, as a testimonial of their esteem, October 1, lht'u." The presenta llun to?k plnre at Bllinu's Hotel, Broad street, aboje Cbo&nut, and the presentation speech was made by Mr. William Godwin, lor many ears Chief Accountant in the oflice. . Mr. Wal born, on receiving the handsome present, made a brkt and appropriate reply. FuKTnr.R Hearing. Daniel Drain, charged with complicity in robbing tbe tore proot safe in the oihee of Clarkson & Wrf'ht. lwenty-second and Market streets, on Wednes day night last, was up again at the Central Station yc-terday aiternoon. The testimony adoiued not being sullielent to hold him tor trial, he was committed lor a lunher examina tion on Monday next. Northern IIomk fob Sotdiers' Or phans. the lady managers of the nbove insti tution intend giving a fe-tival at National Hall on the evening of tho 27th of November. A preliminary meeting is to bo held on Wednesday aiternoon, at the Hall. Naval. The United States steamers JJuh, Captain Chandler; 'lalpa, Captain Hill; and monitor Onondaga, Commander Prait, all Irom New York, arrived at the Philadelphia Navy Y aid yesterday aiternoon. An Aged Woman Found in a Tond. Last night an aeed German womau was found almost drowned in a pond near Seventh stieet aud (iciraautown road. She was rcuuved to the Nineteenth Ward Station House. The Camden "Boys in Blue" The "Boys in Blue" of Camden will proceed to Waterlord, New Jersey, this evening, to attend the Republican meeting to be held there. Mem bers are requested to bo at the hall at o'clock. Arrival of Emigrants. The barque Visage Beile, Captain Little, arrived yesterday from Londonderry w ith one hundred Immigrant passengers. Blight Fire. A fire occurred yesterday afternoon at No. 2bi0 Pine street, caused by children playing with matches. But little damage was done. GOVERNMENT SALES. A It M Y BLANKET 8.. Assistant Qcaktkrmaster's Office, l Pl.ll A Tit. 1 nn A l.ilk,,. )! 1.jAs Aflnrnf (m aula u A .....I.... ' count ol the Cnitea Statos, at tliefcoliuyikill Arsenal Gin's lorry road, Philadelphia, Pa., on MON DAY, the 6;n of November next, commencing at 12 o'clock M.L iiilY IIIOUSAND (MOKE OR LESS) UNITED to I A ILK AUMY BLANKElei, row and iu Rood oouditiou. Sainp.oa can bo aeon at the bchujlkill Aieeuai, aud at tills vfheo. A Lsjo, BIOS pairs BUCK KIN GTOVE9. Mi'J " WOOLLEN MITiE.Nf. Tkrus of Salk cash, iu Government fundi, luichutois must remove the property wlthiu Uve da s alter tho purchuse. The Blanket will h delivered in bales of 50 each. . 4 O. H. CUOSWAN, Assistant Quartermastor Cieueral, 10 22 12t Itievet Brigadier-Oeuuial, U. 8. A. TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. 7V' PHILADELPHIA SURGEONS VatrPpjls ilAi'i,1AGJ!. liiB 1 1TCTK, No. 14 N -.nn btreet, above Market. H. O i v . si-1 1, nlier tlilrty yeBrB' practical experience Buurunut. he skin uladiuiire!it ol big l-reinluJ iaieui (.rmluatlriK IreMtute Irum, aud a variety o oil.eis bui'iJorter, Klastio StockiUKS.Miou.uer Braoeg ( ruu lif a. f-un(,engorleg, etc. UiiW' auartuieuW oou- ducted by a r ROBERT BUOEMAKElt & CO., WHOLESALE DKIOGISTS, UANUFACIUBKRS, 1M t OUTERS, AMD DEAL EES J A Paints, Varnishes, ana Oils, No. 201 NOHTLT FOURTH STREET, 10 24 8mJ CQPNER OF BACK. QBO RGB PLOWMAN, OABPliNTEIl AND BUIIiDKR, No, 232 CARTER 8treet, And No. 141 DOCK Street, HtcnlseWoikaod Allllwrlgbtin "lonrplly attenited to. S AMUSEMENTS. A Jl E It I C A N ACADEMY OF JL'8IC. rOlTlVELY LAST WEKR OF THK ITALIAN OIEttA. to-kight, poarrivtLY h9 r tie THE 8T Alt Ciy THE kOntll. . .T"TR iTnesi'av) EVliM5U, October 3ft, at P, by ninvcrsal rtfdirn. .LfcA," V"SI',',VKLY FOR THE LAST TIME, the DrilllHnily lu.'utsaiiii OltAM) KI'KCTirrHR OPF1A, 'IIIKSTAKOF Tilt: MIKIIi, (LV.IO.LK ill! NOHlti. iTii,,.-,UTl1 MlK.M.KY. LJ.T1 "I.Y KW IlhESSF.M AMI A I'POI STMKNT9, I A t K . A b k. 1 OROIIE S T 11 L, ivn T! MILITARY HANDS. An ils t KHjl AI.l.H) RK AT f!AST. MI-8 LAR V LOUIHA Kl LilOli, nAnArrt "s AM ALIA W. UAVtK, BAR At. M, HLLLI.N 1, ASTONCCCI, i nviFLf UBY. Ft ME RICARni. LONLlCtTOK '... CAUL llEltUMANN. TO-MOKKOW (WefltiMOav i KVEMXO, October 31. at 8. alEYEKBEER'rt IMMORTAL II 8TERWOKK, ,.,.',1,B IIL'ULKNOTH, WITH fL...-li . .... . k. nnn AtW AA1) COBTLt COSriJMKS AND PROPER TIES, APPOKSTMKN tH, AND WTAUK F KKhCTM, ICF.ASfi (HORls AM) ORCHESTRA, MILITARY HANDS, KTO. I.TC, Tnpvv11,"""t,xt"'0,lllrT c' Incluclln? f'Bfil iI"t,l)Ilit!,l'ul Ul' Tile, COMPANY. uiVr 'i1. ' JiAlALI.rhgf A. iJONCONI, KeiCdAIU.T MAAC1NI, HCHEELE, VUELDEN, viANlOIVSI. t , TnTJR-iDAY, Norembor t, , 141,1 "NE O' Tllit dEASOS. in compliance with nnmeroun rPOU.'Ht-", Tin.. AM FO-i THK LAST 1IME, TUE MOM Sl'i C'Hs.-Ft L OF ALL MODERN .l.hit.t . .I'KIKI'INUK LA CO M ARE, with Its Intmltol ly arcat ct. D f.!vl'AY- LaSi aioht of Tnrc sf.asov. bAllLDXY (iRAND F ARK WELL M.VllA'EE. LrTA 1)1 L MAIEMAIOOR, itn a moi extraotdlnary cant. r?.I,e "le c! tlcket for any ol the above-named ier fomiunccg connuinom ' , Till! MORNIN'O, at tbe liox Oflice of tho Acmlcmv. and at Trnmnler'g aiusic more. No Ban ( lienut airect, o re r foventh. NB W CHESXL'T" STULlif "TIlEXTHiTl WILLIAM K. KINN A CO Le"sfV Uoora oiieti ml. Curtaiu rima at 7 45. "" Tl'EisDA Y l- Vt:MMI October 30. LAST loilt OP MI8H LFO HI DSOV, AllhS LK(j Ui.UMJN, Wins 1.1.1) HVUHO Misrt LEO HTdmoS, MII-8 1 I u lll'DHOV, MI8S LEO 11LDHON, who will a; (jcar In her popular Impersonation of '1 H K FRK.CfI fifV. TilK KHE.NCH srv. MatblUlc, 1 Henri at. Alme.c Wls LE0 nri);50N Uamet, y buppoitcu by the atrenxth of the romnanv. lo be lo.iowvu b.i the Orton specially. M'KSLltY CIIICKWEED. To corclhdo -Rltb, DID VOL iYEM HEKD YOUR WIFE TO GESAIAV. WFDNESDAY LVEVISO, October 31 WE ON EH DAY iVlMitl, October 31 WEDM..-DAY i.Vfcf(INl October 31 Yirnt Appearance hero in I'hlrteeu Years Urst Appearance here in Thirteen Years First Appeurauco here Iu Thirteen leurx OK MR. JOIKPH JEFFERSOV. MK. JOSEPH JEFFEltSOV. MR. JOSEl'll JbFFIiRSON, MK. JOSEPH JEFFERSON , MR. JOSEPH J1FFER60N, IN RTP VAN WINKLE, RIP VAN WINKLE, . RIP VAN WINKLE, with entirely new ueenerv, propertlea, etc. bAlL'RDA AF'I Enio, ovcmber3. GRAAD FAU1LY MATINMi CITY MLPEUM THEATRE, CALLOW HILL btrect, below Filth. Lease" 31 r. J K. MURPHY Htai; MaiittLer. ROBERi JONES Hunlnc8aMunaier J. c. SlcCUKM ALK BRILLIANT SUCI I-SS la bltll.ll VNT blJ CESS BRILLIANT bCCCES.S OF TIIK KF.W COMPANY, AKW COMPANY, AEW COM PA AY, and tho cuarmlig actress, AiLsa ANME HOWK, MI8 ANNUS HOWE, MISS ANNIE HOWE, MIHS ANNIE HOWE. Mit-s anmk howe;, miss anmk uowe! MISS ANME HOWE, MItS ANlr. MUWK. JM1HH ANJ.1K IIOWK. MISS ASNIK 11JWK. From be London Theatre. Who will make her third appearance in America on HUB (lueoilu?) EVENING, October 30, In a thrlJlliic aennuilonul Diama entliled 'Jllii MEITINO htJVM CARKRR. THK BKTTIM1 MOY'8 CAREER. THE IIKITINO HOY'S OA K LEU, ROWLEY FRANKS, the liulUug llov , Mihs ANNIE HOWF COLONEL LYLB Mr. J. DELAFI13LD To be lollowcd b tho screaming Farce, HWIUG'S MISHAP J. Robetta, with soiit? Imoeeno Tracer 'locouc uUe Willi the ' HOLE IN TUE WALL. Thomas Mr. F. Wren ju propttiuut'U the ihrii lug Drama entitled THIS LOAE MAN OF llili OCliAN. PRK-E8 OF ADMISSION. Picas Circle and Parquet .....8( centg Orcbeur Chairs to con's '.ia."ci;v-i 16 cent Private Boxes (3 and heats In Privute liox 7D cents i or open at 7 P. M., aud the curtain will rise pre cisely at X to 8 '1 he Box Office will bo open dally Irom 10 A. M. until 4 P. M. where seats may be secured. 1S. JOHN DltEW'S NEW ARC H STREET TTIEATKE. Begins at half past 7 o'clock WOMEN WILL TALK. ANOTHER NEW COMEDY. MRs. JOHN DRKW AS MRS li ELLIS GABBERTOS7. MOM AY AND JtVliRY KVENING. Be Waiden's Comedy, from the Freucb. "WOMEN WILL TALK.!' with new scenery aud great ca.t Louvluulug with "MZtpPA;" OR, THE UNTAMED ROCKING HORSU, with Cratr Heaiple, aunie Ward etc. ' Friday BEN EFIT OF VR.S. JOHN DREW. Aiomlay next MR DAN BRYANT. WALNUT STREET T II K A T H ti. N. E corner ot MNl'U and WALNUT Streets. Cciuiucnce at 1H GREAT DOUBLE BILL. THI8 (Tuesday) EVENING. Ociober 30. FOLR1KENTU MOdTOF MB. E D W I jjf BOOTH, who will appeal, for the second time, as BUY BL&n, tn Victor Hugo's RoniuuUc Vluy ol that name Mr. J. B. Roberta as Don Crosar Mr. Burton Hill an Dou cSuiluste To coiio.ude wltli the populur Drama of DON CK-Alt D13 BAZAN. Don Cvsarde Bazan Mr. r.DWIN BOOTH Wetlnenday. E1)MN BOOTH as RICHARD Hi NEW A M E IUC A LH T H E A T li Continued success of MLSS K .VI E FISHER, AND EL NINO KDD1E THE WONDER. Every Evening, the Grand Drama 01 the CAlARACr OF THE UiliUtH. CIO 29 It TSJ EW ELEVENTH STREET OI'ICRA HOUSE, JJN JlLa-VENTU Htrect. above CI1ESNUT, "I kilu AIHIL, ltlJsillT' OI'l.A FUK bK.lnOV. CARMRoKli UIXEl'S Jll.slItKLS, the l.reut blur 'Jiouiie 01 iho World, iu their Glt.vNH ETHtOlJAN 801HELS, HON Go, .DANCES, NEW Bl ULEbyUEB. bUd PLANTATION hClCNO. l oors open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at H o'clock. frau im J. L. CAhNcROS. Mauaer. VALKK'B (LATE MILLERS) WINTER GARDEN Noa TJII-TJS VINE fciiteet. GRAJND JAbTRU MENTAL CONCERTS NIGHTLY , 1'iV two larae and efficient orchestras. TO-NIGrll', And EVERY NIGHT, In connection with our EAC1 LSIOR si KING BAND, a Brass Hand, eooipilsiug the beat Aruats in tho. city, will pcrioim. OPEN FOR THK 61'ASO V. Oursraclous Gurtten, artbtically laid out WltU hhiubbery, fountains, etc. IN THE LADIES' SALOON, Especially set apart lor FAMILIES, tho uest Of t'reamj audoiherReneshmeuta will be served. 6 H$ GY M N A S I U M FOR LADIFB. GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN, N. K. COR. OF NIMH AND ARCH S1REE1.S V, H.e lnttltute. which iialn baa been greatly liurnHii tor the couiing season, U i.ow open lor subscrl' ' day and evenings. ,h Bodily exercite lmpar's health and .jngtn, nd li highly recommended to bo.h aexea and1' Terma lor luatructlon, 6 moniha.. .,S Terms (or "eli-piactlce. moniha.. 7, . For particulars Bend for a clrc-'"! 8 .eVif h 1 8 80 3io Protessors II I 'D EBRAS1) t LEWj3 THE PliNCd WHICH WB MANU A"51 F1?"a i..mwiviw. We Diomlse ! ! ' re.COB, 'r i iin workman u our patrons Clear wii'.; V5m comhiued wnh ship, durability, and rsoi..' iwTLNOf a mil guarantee. For sale tM DNI05 Tl MACTArBWO CO. OCTOBER 30, 18G0. WATCHES, JEWELHY ETC. BFIAE GOLD AVATCIIES.C American and Geneva. V We call special attention to the FINE WATCH AND SILVKRWARb KSTAHLISIIMKNT OF W. W. CASSIDY, No. 1 South SECOND Street, Wto bason band cue of the finest assortments of Jew liy.etc.of any in the city. A splendid assortment of SaVEPWAIrE ALWAY8 ON HAND. Remember W. W. CASSIDY, 8 Is Ko. 12 Sonth SECOND Street. Rcpalrlnit correctly and promptly attended to. JgHENItY II A II T E R, XMo. CSO AKCH Street, Manufactnror and Dcalerm Watches I ine Jewelry, Silver-l'latetl Ware, K0 81 KoIil Silver-Ware JJ BICII JEWELRY. JOHN BRENNAN, PEALER IV DIAMONDS, FINJE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Etc. Etc. Etc. 9 2 IS S. EIGHTH ST., PIIILADA. (DIXSLOaD DEALER & JEWELER W4T IIE8, JKWELHV A HILVEIl WAKR, VWAT0HE3 and JEWELRY REPA1EED. , Owlnpto the decline; oi Oold, has made a great re duction in price of his large aud well. assorted stock of Diainondfl,' Watches, J ewelry, Silverware, Etc. The pnbllc are respectfully invited to call and exarali our stock belore purchasing eisenhere. 2 ii G, RUSSELL & CO., No. 23 North. SIXTH St., Having incrented their lacllltlcs for FINK WATCH IlKPAIUINO, Invite tho attention of tho public Alt woikwarrantcdforoneycar. 526 B0WJIAN & LE0NAHD, aiAKl'FACTCB&RS OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Silver and Sllvcr-Platcd Goofl, No. 704 ARCH STREET, FBIADBUUIA. Those In warlt of SILVER or BIlVkB-PL ATr.I) Wlht wnl Und It mncb to their advantage to visit ourNiOKtbcioiu making ibeir puruhasoa. Our lojg exin rietice In tbe nianuiacture ol the above klada ol geuds ttn.blri u lo datr ooiupviltloil. We keen no goods but those whlcli are of the FIH1T Cl,a HO, all oi our own make, and will be aold at redm o.l vritea. 6'jd STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QU LTER'S NEW PATENT BEEP fiAND-JOIKT II 0 T - A I R FURNACE. RANGES OF ALL. SIZES. ALSO, FHIGAR'S KW LOW PRESSUBB STEAM II EATING AITABATUS. jon balk ar CHARLES WILLIAM9, 610 Ko. libit il AKKKl' bTUtXt, 27 OAS STOVES! 27 TUB EAGLE OAS-HEATING STOVES WILL BKAT Your Offices, Parlors, Dining, Sleeping, and Bath-Booms, AT LE.88 EXPENSE, LE8S TEOCBLK, NO DIRT BMOKj, OB ABUK3. They are U warranted to do the work Call and aee ihcm, at ii. W. L.OO.U1S', 10 0 lm So. t e. PIX1 11 6treet, I'hlladolpbla, Pa. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. tfff PENN feTEAM ENGINE AND ZtP 11 l-L BOlLKH WOhKH. NEAFIE & LhVf 1-ikAC'ilCAL AND T1U.OKET10AL KNUINKKR.S AlAtlllMo'lH, BOlLLH-AlARi.1114. BLACKSMITHS and t Ol)LhltS, liavuiK lot many yeara been In suo cem'lul oination, and been exclusively ennagaJ in building and repairiug Mtrlue and BWer KnttiueH. hlch and low pressure, Jrou lioilrra, Water Tanka, l'rupel lera. eto etc., rexpeenuily olior tbeir aervice to the publto aa being luliy prepared to contract lor euKlneaof all eize. Altrme, K ver, and futtlouary ; havluK no s ol patteina 01 Qilnreut alzea, are prepared to execute ordcra with guitk aehputcli. very description of putloru uiBkbiK made at Die aborteat notice, ttixh aud Low prcHoure i lue. Tubular, anl Cylinder Uollera, ot tho best I'n.iiBVlvHula charcoal Iron. Korgmga of all sizea anJ kmuBj Iron audBraiia earnings ot all description: Roll l urnliiK, Bcrtw Cuitind, and all other work connected with ihe abote buaiueea. OT UiawUiKa aud apeclUcatlom for all work done at ilie estublnibmeut tree ot charge, aud work vuarau Ihe subscriber! have ample wharf-dock rooin lor repairs ol bouts, where they can lie in petfect aafetv atid ate provided with theare. blocks, lulls eui etu tor raialng heavy or until weit;liu. ' ' J ACOB O NEAFIE, ..,. JOHN P. LKVY. BEACU and PALkuca Streeis. I. VACOBAU MERRICK WILLIAM a MBRUlor SOUTHWARK 1'UUiNDKT, FIFTW AND WABUlUlO BtreeU, i'lllLAUVLPBIA. ,ENGIKiVbV-S'lVlST''- ,' r, jjanufacturellitih and Low ,',ur8 "team tnglneafor Laud, lilver, and Alarine y.ii";- r.t. to lloileia, Oaouieter it l',irZ "iSSSi f'aain.u. n. n n-e'-bcr Iron or oiH8 iron ""ran 'or Workihops, and Rl''l"dbJitf Gas iiaeblnery. ol tue latest iM moat Ire. PWiVdesoi Iptlon 'ot Plantation Machinery , and Bauar. aw, and OriHt atiU. Vacuum I'miib. Open bteaiu Tialna, liclecaiore, Fi.tera, PniiiiiiK Kiialiiea eU. t-ole Aaeuia ior M. lulleux'a Patent Bupar Boiling Apoaratua. can.ylb,a l'at.nt hani ilauiiner, and Aa- muv.BKj iiikui veuiriiugai sugar draining CMS BBIDE8BURO MACHINE W0BKS OFglCE, ' Ko. 66 N. FllOK l' BTBEET, rulL4UKI.PUIA. We are prepared to UU orders to any extent for out well known M AC II 1JN KHY FOK COTTOK AND WOOLLEN Mil 1.8, Including all receut luiproveinenls In Carding. Buiuuing aud V saving. We lu ite the tteatlon ol manulactuxers to our axteo si ve works. 1 li AlFKED JENK8 60S FtRE AND BURGLAR PROQFSAFFS EVANS & WATSON, . MANUFACTCBEH8 OF FIRE AND BUEGIAR-PR00F S A F E B, DESIGNED FOB B.Mercaatlle.or IwelllR.rioua Us tMUshcd Over 25 Yoart, Over !tvo00 8afeg Dw The only BatM with Inaia9 Doorfc Never Lose the Vjre-'Proof Quallt,. Guaranteed free from Dampness. Bold at Prices Lower than other makers. WAnrnooirs. I No. 811 CIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. (iti J Jj XrEItlEXCE PROVES IT MARVIN'S SAFES ARE THE BEST. ALWAYS FIRE-PKOOF. ALWAYS DRY. Twenty. Five Year In Business. MANY THOUSANDS OF OUR SAFES IN USE. 3SIAHVIN & CO., I No. 721 CHESINTJist. (Masonic Hall), ; And No. 2G5 BE0ADWAY, New York. I FAMILY SAFK8, BAKKERs' STEEL CHESTS bLCONLIIASD SAFES. ' i Send for Illustrated Catalogue. . 9 22etuth3m SADDLES AND HARNESS. J3UFEALO ROBES, LAP RUGS," HORSE COVERS. A large assortment. WHOLESALE OB BETAIL, at low prices, together with our usual assortroeat of SADDLERY, ETC. WILLIAM S. HANSELL & SOXS, 21 No. II MARKET Street. WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. Mt KATUAtfS & SONS, IMPORTERS 09 HRANDIE3, WINES, GINS, lito. Etc. No. 19 North FRONT Street, ' 1'HILADELI'UIA. MOHKB KATBAKS, BOltACK A. aATHAMB, ' OKLAKDO D. KATHAaS. 10 2 I'Jl'RED. BALTZ & CO , IMPORTERS OF WINES, GINS, Etc SOLE AGENTS FOR Riviere, Cardat & Co. 'a COGNAC No. 110 WALSl'T STREET, FUILAUEU'UIA. - 0 3qj SHIPPING. 'AM T0 LIXElPOOL-CALLLa H .at Queenatown 1 he Inmau Line, aatlinir -1 11Y OF WA8H1NO10.N" Haturduy. October 07 tlXK OK41ACUK8lEl"..Wcue8daV .SovSCIblJ 7 and ca.h suicttdiKg H turday and YYedueaday. at noon, Horn Pier Ho, 4a Korlh river. . ' HA1J-.8 Ol' PtSAUK BT the ir All,;.... ..... ... u ... Flut Cabin, Gold .Mi bteerage. currency.. 1 0 London bft, 'J o London. ....... lol arif lot To Paris 00 .iTiT r J cum tur., e 1 ra 11, ci s ; r lrar Caout. rtiicy Btecn,s0' 38v "vable lu LniteU mates cur. Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburit. Bre rten, etc , at moderate rates. ' Cteerage pasKt'ge.trou Liverpool or Qneenstown, I4', puirency. 'l ickt ts can be bought here by persons send Iuk for their lrlends. For lurther luioimatlon apply at the Company I Of) ces. . JOilM O DALE Ancnt, HI Ko. Ill WALSLT street, Phllad. I II lib 1. 1' U l.v , I .. ...1... . ... . . . . . . . FOK NEW lOKKPfllLADELi deli lila Bteam ProDeller ( bibicu bv. insure Lines. via lclawaie and Karl tan CanaL leaving dai yat 12 M. and 6 f. ju., connecting with, all For freight, which win be taken npon accommodallnff tetnis, atply to WIL1.1A11 Jd. bAIKl) act)., II 18 Ko lDitK LXAWAlUtATenQa TO SHIP CAPTAINS AJSD OWN ERS. Jpi. 1 he uuderFlmed havlnu iniuni ih. ek'u. biiNG loN 8CHEW lOe K, bees to Inform bis fi lends ana the patrons or the loc.k that he Is prepared whii Increased lacllltlea to accotumodata those navlag vessels 10 oe laisea or repairer, anu Deliig a piaclical ahlp-car penter and caulker, will give personal alteutloa to the vesaels entrusted to bun ior repairs Captains or Agents. bhip-L'arpenters and Maeblnlata having vcsHels to repair, a.e sulluiled to llaviug tbo agency for the sale of "WctttrBtedt'g Patent Metaiio Couipositlon" lor Copper paint, tor the preservation of vereuuT bottoms, for 1 his of y, I ain pre pared to luruisu the same on tavorable terms. 4 J'JHN 11 II AMNtITT, .... . , . . Kensington Screw Dock, 1 1 is DELAWARE Avenue above Laurel street CUTLERY. CUTLERY. A fine assortment nf POP IT If T an TAIiLt; tOTLKHY, ItAZOKS, HA- PAPUli A2D TA1LOHM' bJltAKo, (TC, at - L V. HKLMOLD'8 ' Cutlery Store, Ko. 13d Kouth tent h mroet, 9 18S3 Three doors above Walnut IOPOKKS & WOSTKNHOLWW POCKET V Knives. Kodners W srln's mod Hatcher's Kasoro, 'loble tntlerv. Ladies' bowori in Cases, liazors, bcissors. und all kludi of u'-ery grouiid aud polished ntP. MAUKIKAU ' 1,5 TLJ1U Htreet, below C Iiesnut L. 18M0L ntl'sURlN'S CONDITION POWDERS FOR HORSES AND CATTLE. it cures Worms, Botts, and Co'lo. It cares Colds, Coughs, and UIJe-Bound. It is the test alterative for Horses and Cattle now use, baving a reputation of 20 j oars' standing. v It Is a sute preventive for tbe much dreaded Blnder pest. ho Fanner or Psnvmin should be without It torsa.ein Phitailolphla br DVOTf A CO., No JM North HrCOND Ktieeti J"IINSON, HOLLOWAY dJ tOWDKK.Mo. i!Korih blXlU fctreet, and by Drug gists thioughout the oountry. ali orders to 0TARIK 4 FLOYD, TroprletoH, 9 S (im Ko. 209 DTJANg Street. KewTork. HARD RUBBER ARTIFICIAL r.lMBS, Anns, Legs, Appliances lor . i ifviviuHij, oivtviu. luow 4.1U1DS are J lltraiiBlerred Irom lite In iorui and tit ) ab a. uarieot. and artlailo I 'yet Invented They are approved and aduoted l v tbe United ftttA mrnt and our principut Hurveous. August 18, latiit; liar 23, lttbdi ilay I, im. Adtr . Klkl'At.L A CO., Ko 639 AltCfl bueet, PhUadeiptola. Pamphlets (Vee. 27w