a j. . ... v .;r : 1 , -(;J f ii.iw.ii . 1. a i CITY INTELLIGENCE. icr Additional City JiUeUigcnee tee Ffth rage. another Bark-Bam. Matcu The ATHLBTirn ('nv Hi. .. . . . fittetnth street and Columbia aemio between letic, ofthUcitj, and the Titan E I'ail Clnb. Ol I nrr n gin X7 v urn. kHMIP. VhiPh vtiit n. a - i ... nan', re,u Uedln W' R resiiit- "mowing snows the rjaioif. o. Smith, o 1 1 llanncgan, r I 1 J'abor, p 6 Martin, 2d b ,, 3 Aiken, I. t 8 Durdsall, i. 4 . ATHLKTIO. o imineioiaer, 1st b, . 1 6 Mcliride, p l 2 Reach, 2d b ,,, 8 6j Wilkin.,. , 4 aii'.Ww"' ' 1 4 Docknn. i o Wright, o 1 4 8onfonderlor,"r!'f.'J 2 Goldie, 1st b J 6 Dike, 8d b. . ...!.,.. 2 Total....,, 24 42' Total ..... i inniHGS, ' 1. ; 2. 8. 4. B. i a !&::::::::: i I I Wl 1 C lab 08 An,pacb' Olympio 2 6 42 8 6 29 Base ,JUall S. Bol!, enc" un"-U,1,n' Wriht' n Smith; Atli. Time-8 85. i 1'awed Balla-Burdsall. 9; Dockney, 6 j Tiko, 6. ANNIVEB8ABY OF A BAYEB-BOOK bociETY. Last evening tho thlrtr-third annl. 2er?af'r of tno Bishop While Prayer-Book Epir hany, Fifteenth and Chesnut streets. Rev. , vr. iiowe, presided. After the usual devo- exr raises, conducted by the Itev. Mr. , Wcrrie and Rev. Mr.; Foggo, the thirty-third annual report of the Society was read by the Secretary. It refers to ihe death of Dr. Duca chet since the last report. Dr. Ducachet was a member of the : Board of Managers from . 1835. and his death leaves only two of the original clerical members of 1H35. Durina? the year 12,761 copirs ot the Prayer-Book have been dis tributed. The receipts for the year were as follow!:-From subscriptions, $3920-65: from sale of invested funds, 782'64; t total,) $ 4703-09. I,h r,e2Bury ? D0W enPty with a debt ot , ; ; f 121-16 due to the publishers. The increase 1b the numbers of copies of the " Prayer-Book dis tributed during the year was owing to the close of tho war, and the unexpected demand from the (southern States.' The Society desires to in crease its usefulness, and during the coming . 3&r to circulate at least 60,000 copies of the -t ... , . nrayer-Book. Addresses urging a cenerous support to the 8ociety. were mads by Bishop Eain?' Dr- Leeds, Dr. Kewton, and Ilev. Mr. Brooks. The doting exercises were conducted S3 IT- Hare. i . Shooting Case. Thomas McCullom had a hearing at the Central Station on Saturday on the charge of shooting at Patrick Dlviuny. The evidence showed that McCollom and John ' " bTPtber J trtck, haa a quarrel. ' ' 7 lnd tbht tb former discharged a pistol at John Divinny, the load from which took ieflect in the knee, producing a painful If noli dangerous . . .. , , wound. Patrick then interfered, and the pistol was discharged at him, but no damage was ' 2nei McCollom had been before Alderman Pavchel for the shooting of John Divinny. and had been held in $1600 bail to answer, but as a doctor's certificate was produced showing John to be In a dangerous condition, McCullom was committed without bail until the result of the . v injuries Is seen. r: was also held to answer " - ' . . e chftrSe of snooting at Patrick Divinny, CEWTENABY SEBVICES IK THE METHODIST Ba.A,?pripriate, centenary services were held yesterday In nearly all of the Methodist tptecopal churches of this city, and collections were taken up in aid of the benevolent lnstitu tionti connected wiih the Church, j Green Street , t.hlurcb- Uel' Mr- Jackson, pastor and several other churches, were tastefully decorated with Jioweif. flags, and appropriate emhiomL in uu . afternoon pleasing entertainments were given bv the Sunday Schools attached to the following Methodist Episcopal churches: Siloam, Frank ..' ford, St. George's, 6t. Paul's, Twelfth Street, Centennial, Trinity, Second Street, Ebenezer, and other churches. Slight Fires. On Saturday afternoon a slight lire occurred at Russell and Fitzwater streets, by the burniDg ot a shed. Damage trifling. Daniel J. Chapman's coffee-roasting establish ' mcnt, No. 460 Dillwjn btreet.' was sbghtly damaged by fire about 10 o'clock on Saturday evening. i Shortly after 2 o'clock yesterday morning, a canal boat on the Schuvlkill, above Girard ; avenue, caught Bre, and wai partially destroyed. About noon, yesterday, a slight fire occnired r ia Beech street, below Laurel, in a blacksmith shop. i Descbiption op a Mtjbdebeb. The following is a description of Robert Little, the murderer of James Hughes: t Aged about twenty-seven years, five teet ten inches high, brown hair, grey eyes, whiskers al 1 around his face and chin, stoops some, large boned, about 170 pounds weight, upper teeth large, projecting bo- that the lip will not cover them, head cut, with plaster thereon; one of his eyes bruised: ... had dark clothing when he lett; Irish by birth; been in this country about one year. Iulorma- ' : r tion nay be left at Central Police Station. . , SnoyiKa the Queer. Thomas F. Amos, . a young man, was arrested on Saturday, at Paul'i.Casino, on the charge of offering a $10 counterloit note. Defendant was taken before . . ' i United States Commissioner Sergeant, who, upon the testimony submitted, committed him for - trial at the November trm of tae United States ;. District Court. One of the witnesses testified that after the arrest of the defendant he sai4 he would not tell where he got the note not to , save himself from twenty-five jears' imprison ment. ' . New School Buildings. The Board of School Directors of the Fifteenth Ward has appointed a committee to proceed forthwith In the preliminary arrangements for the erection two first-class school-bouses in that part of the city, one to be located at Twenty-third and ....... j , Brown streets, and the other at Seventeeath ... and Wood streets. Tho lot9 are owned by the . city, and Councils have appropriated $(0,000 for the erection of these buildings. Gub Fibemen. The Friendship Engine Company expect to have their new building completed in a short time. The walls are up to ... the third story. - The members of the Resolution Hose and . Steam Engine Company turueil out yesterday, for the purpose of attendiug the funeral of . Joseph Kucker, late a member of the Company. ' ( ' opened. St. Judo's Protestant Episco pal thurcti. Franklin street, above Biown, was ieopenea jesterday. During the past bu aimer. ; . . . . has been Meatiy in,proved in the interior by judicious aUeiauongfrpa repainting throughout, : ' . Sailed fob Litkrvool. The Biltish . , fteamthip: Ve.aware, Ct8in xhomson 8ailed from Wabbington street wr Rt one o'clock on Saturday afternoon, for Live,00i wll, flln r lrejght and 95 passengers. . - " 9 VlK ft. luU. i . i , ; ' " ' TabGet Pkacticb. 1 heKationj Guards - j .. . .i .. Colonel Peter Lyle, will start from their o)r J at one o'clock to-day. and proceed to Floreuif, Heights, to induge in target practice , T AN DSC APE DRAWING CARDS, A BEAU. r th liutrucliQB of JiiTrnfle artlut. lrlce. lftoeuua Mckauo. MYa tti! SYtlW T1LLEGU4PH, KW n WOTB e., will 1 tound on sale at the -... . v c. y. tcrntr beye-wth ana cusmw einet ' R1 O fiOUTn " STREET U. JVANCONA 1 BOClUitae abov gDAnirjygNMjJTO AMUSEMENTS. ERIC AN ACADKMY OF MUeiC- rOHTIVELY LAST WEEK ITALIAN OtfERA. TO-SIGHT, UALT TIME Or FAUST,: i y.B1H, tondav) KVKNIJO, October 29. on,W01 unod celebrte4 Opeia. ' FAUST FJLU8T' Tvw.n ILI'IABY !AH1H, ISCHEAR1 it cuokliH AMlOHCnESTBA, A.t. , .t'RGKOl'BIHSB EHUKNE, nfl,'tV 'r',!ir.lnK.J'i xirot(llnry ciwt L EQUALLED ON lllh KAl'iC STAG El ... MI HO.L. K1LLOUG in ner nnnvalled (turacti r 01 MnrKuerltei lor the flrot incVonlr time, in lila great role of Fault: c. , AI'i.LE hTKL-LA BUNHKDK f lebel (her lint ppenrnnce in I Mitdolphla). 1 a . ' HONOR Br.LLIM, InordertORlTt itrenirtli totlie out. has accented the comparatively small part of Va entloe ; ' . HIONOH AN'IO.NII" CI 'J ' IB nil great ch&racirr 01 MenMntorihllcil In the rolo of Wagner. CONDUCTOil CABL BEBOMANK. TO-MOnKOJf (Tneadar) EVEKlfta, October 0, at 8, by untvernal denlra. ' ' .V f1' PHriVF.LT rOR THE LAST TIME, the brilliantly eucc sutul Opera, ' . , , .. IHKSrAROFTlfE KO8TH, ' (L'KIOiLK DU NOKU), -,V.-T,,'W,,rH MKr HCENJtKY, LSTHIFLTMfcW DHESSEtJ AND A PPOINTMEST9, I fi t B t, A K r. II OHO II EH 'I B 4, TWO MILITARY BASDH. AND ITH l'NKljUALL.l UKKAT OAST. , AII-S CLAR LOI IHA K LL.OQG), H. 6 4 8 8 S 2 8 a 4 BABACLI, HtLLlJII. aSTOVUCCI. , Al Al Js rXEUBY, M HE Blt'ARDI. WEDNESDAY. LAST NIGHT BUI TWO. . ON'lV MOU1 OF WElEItBEEB'H IMMORIAI. MA8TEBWOBK, ' r,r,,,,E BUOUKNOT8, WITHUXEQUALLI D 8PLEVDOB. n-'av VA',710"t,x,ri,orllnry c" incluillnff .1 blBliNOlU OF Tlilii COAIPAHY. fh..il.Mt ..k... r . .. .. any 01 me auove-namea por rotinancet ooinmtncre v . .v THIS MORNISO, SL 1 Vox 0eaof tha AeaileniT. and at Trumnler'i " oiure, jo win nemut eireet, i-ornor Heventli. NEW CHESNUT STREET THEATRE WILLIAM E. SINN ft CO tv.Stvv Uoora opeo at 7. Curtain rleee at 7 43. MONDAY J..VKNINU. Ooiober 29.1 'IHKKE PILCEH. ENOAOKMBWT FOB TWO MQIirs ONLY OF , LEO HUDSON. ' ' .. ' .'. MISS LEO HUDKOX. WI88 LKO HOOSO.,. 1 MISS LEO UUOHOH. WI8 1 KO HUDSOS, ' who wlu appear In lier popular impersonation of - THR FiiENCH SPY. - u5met!fc Alme,f MO HUDSOV , vf.T.P0"6 gtre"Ktb of the Company. , i 10 be lo.iowca bj the popular Orton Specially. KCRiEBY CHICK WEED ' DID 10U EVfcB SESD YOUR WIFE TO GERMAN-' WEDNESDAY EVENING, October I WEDM.8DAY4.Va.MNU, October II WEDN1DAY iVUNINo' October Si Flrit Appearance here in I hlrteen Yean lnt Appearance here In Thirteen Yean First Appearance bere In Thirteen lean OF MB. JOSEPH JEFFERSON, MR. JOSEPH JEFFEBSOSf! AiR. JOSEPH JaFFERSON, MR. JOSEPH JEFFERSON. MB. JOSEPH JiFFEBeON, i ' I BIP vWwiNKLE, ; Dltr VAN Wl.HlIS, -i.i. i. . BIP VAN WINKLE, I . . With entirelT new scenery, properties e'e.1 ... ; BAlUKDAiAKiERNoON, Novembers, GRAND FAMILY MAtlNEia. ' WAL.NUT STREET. THEATRE Comen,ceatC10rr0f WrH d WALNUT Street!. THIBTEE NTH NIGHT OF MB. EDWIjf BOOTH. DOUBLE BtfAKkePERlAiJ BILL. , THIS (Moiioay) EVENING, October 29. Shakespeare'! grand Tragedy of 7 ' BOMEO AND JULIET.' B,omo- Mr. EDWIN BOOTH Mercutlo ur Barton Hill . Io conclude with fbakeitjeue'n Comedy of r.m,M,JUls TAM1NU OF THE Mliu:w. retrnomo TMr. ibwis no yrw CAvSAlt DE BAZANT UV" M1 RK. JOHN DftKW'S NEW ACH STUEET IHiSATKE. elns at half past 7 o'clock. WUMtN WILL, TALK. ANOTHER NEW COM KDT. MRS. JOHN DR.W AS MRS. HKLLE GABBKRTON. MON LAY AND EVERY EVU.MNG. , . De Walden's Comedy .ti'rom the French. "WOMEN WILL TALK," with new scenery and great cait Concluolng with "M ZEPPAj" OR, TIIE UNTAMED BOCK1NO HORSE, with Crsiir Beniple, Annie Ward etc. Friday BENEFIT OF Ri. JOHN DREW. .Monday next-MR. DAN BRYANT. , C- ITY MUSEUM THEATRE, CALLOWHILL Street, below Firth. Lessee Mr. J. K. MURPHY Btage Manager ROBERT JONES BuBinessManager J. u. McCOBUACK TRIUMPHANT SUCC FSi. BRILLIANT hEoPENING WITH TUB NEW COM PANY, and the charming actress . Ml8 ANNIE HOWE, Who will appear lor the necond time on MONDAY EVENING, October 2, in a thrilling sensational Drama entitled THE BEITINO KOV'S CAREER. BOW LEY FRANKS, the Betting Bov , Miss ANNIE BO WE COLONEL LTLE Mr. J. DELAFIELD J Supported by the ENTIRE CORPS DKAMATIQUE. ' Overtures by the Orchestra. . Fancy Dance , FANNY THOMPSON To conclude with the screnmlng farce of MM. AND MBS. P. WHITE. - Mrs, P. White............ miss Imogens Wa'ly . Wlt Song and Dance. . Mr. P. White. Mr. F. Moran l In prepaiatlon. the thrli hit Drama entltlod s 'U1.E LONE MAN OF IHE OCEAN. m , PRICES OFADMIS8I0N. Dress Circle and Parquet i ?0 cents Orchestra Chairs... 60 cents S".'1-.'. Itt cents Private Boxes..... (3 and at Beats la Private Box ,71) cent! olHely"at)to 8 7 ' M'' U"1 curtJa "hi rise pre- 1 he Box Offlco will be open dally Irom 10 A. M. until 4 P. M. where seats may be secured Aa efficient police force has been engaged, and the !trctest ordei will be enforced. !". " "e ,"VTEW AMERICAN THEATRE. XN Continued Huess of M188 K ATE FISHER, AN EL NINO EDDIE THE VONDEB. - Every Evening, the Graxd Drams of the CAi ABACI OF THE OANGtls. CIO 29 4t .TSTEW ELEVENTH STREET (1PKRA HODSE, X ELEVENTH htreet, above CHESNUT. "1'Hh, PiMILY II I MIlIM')) . . OPEN FOR I'll K K 10 AMI IV. CARMliOSS &, DIXEI'S MIMSTllRIiS, he Great h Inr I roune 01 . J iwuiio u, iuv nunu. 11111)611 UUAHIJ SOIREES, HONGS, DANCES. NEW J..THI01'1AN BOIKEEH, MON GS, DANCES. Bl BLtbgUES. and PLANTATION SCENES. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commooclng at 8 o'i A All m X I. 011!LMIaS. ... J. L. CARNCltoI 1 'clock. Manager.! "T7" A LEB'8 (IjATE MlI.T.PH'ftx wtvtpp V GARDEN Nos 720 726 VINE Street. UKANL lABillUMlSMAli COMCEBTf V II y two large and efficient Orchestras. TO-N1UUT, . . - ADajEVBXl iuT. in conueotlon with our EiCLLHlOB H'IRING BAND, a Brass Band, cooipilniug the best ArtisU In the. city, will ponorm. OPEN FOR THE SEASON. Our spacious summer Garden, artistically laid out WltU fetirubbcry, rouutains. etc. 1 '-. IN THE LADIES' SALOON, Esntclnlly set spart (or FAMILIES, the best of Creams audihetjtolieiilinienU will be served. 6 lUj O Y I N A 8 I U M 1Z?1lvXl,!:?;iZPTL1Lti And childtien, IN. E. COR. OF NlM'llAND ARCH 8IREEIS. Ibe Institute, which snalu lias been iireatly Improved lor the coming seasou, la now epeu lor subaorlpUoni.all tars send lor circular, or 1 lv ... - .11 jroiessors ni.ut.BBA ID A LEWIS sSSliti?9 WE MANU- r . ... 1 1 X 1 I I factum mCZr.Z. . " " 'u our iatroiia ea P'omlse ship, durability, ai.d ri.M pTi' it'r.et.'4"" ! "WaS: Se, TwAiiTui M' ' WtQV PIANO MAXVFAOTURiaa 00. j.ouuyexercie im,ai-.. neaitn and itreagth, aad I! VXial recomiuendedtoboihsexeaandaBaaia. 2?!itt Instruction. monttis.. ..... .....W-M AMUSEMENTS. rn 11 E J- A nei R II fl fl T. V. H n P Tit o -v . . . "n"n ' iiumm 01 muse intnon V " mo arior. nomioir Drawltig-rooin at.U Ool erj. noiv on view and lor sale t ,, ... - AMHMrAD EVANS', ... 10 2;mwi6t No 724 CHEBNUf Street MARSHAL'S SALES. M A R 8 II A L ' S S A X. E. bv virtue ot a writ of sale bv the Hon. JOHN Pin. W Al.ADEh, Juine 01 the Dimitct Court ol tae United Klaus in snd lor the Eastern M.trlct 01 Pennsv.vanla. 10 piedlm lfd. will he to d at pnb Ic sa o to the hliiheot and ben bidder lor cash, at GEOhOE W. POWELL'S, No. 120 N. FRONT street, I hnailolpbla, on SAIL'RDAY, Noveniber t, at II o'clock A. M. 1 btVtTNGs,,tol8Klr,''OPI,tB 8TILLH ctmPM Also, at 1 be same time and place, the following de sctibeil proniTtv, wl.ich wl I remain on the premises Where the si veral lots now are aiolnws vt. : t LViVtll9,:Il'.ui,,,ii.'FoH,,l!,,",,'t bove Eighteenth, 1 COI'PKR tTILI , tiOliSUKADS Etc. . Jf"N 1)1 ITiflUil'l, BEDFORD Street, above Pighittnth, I'll STILL, SI MGLINGH Kto ' r.Ai-JrMOBKl'.bck ol Street ! Cyy K K M l LL AND WORM, HOGSHEADS E to. JOHN FKID. i. W. Comer of TWENTY-SECOND Linos EtoAlS 8,ee,, 1 uwrPa bull, sisig- HIGH GU LOnTR. back of No 213 LOMBARD Street, 1 COPPER H I ILL, SINGLING Me. .llVii-yi '"'. back ot No. 2140 LOMBARD Street. I ( OPPh RSTIf li. MOLASSES, Etc Parties wishing 10 purchase can examine the property on the premises above mentioned, too days ptevious to the sale. . o . i. C. ELLMaKER, t,v., . VH- Mrhal Fastern District Pennsvlvanla. PMIsdilphla. Oetoler2l. IHtiB 10 26fiuwSt M A B S H A L'S 8 A L E . ZkJ, XTStl0', wnt !"' bv the Hon JOHHCAD- muRo u. me tininoi i ourtot llie rnireu Slates In and lor tne Eastem District of Pennsylvania, to 11 e directed, will be told at public, sale, to the highest and best nlodir lorca-b.jit G EOKGr. PO wkllV, mi. lMNortii FRONT street. PbHailelpnia. on IHUR8D AY, November 1 lHifl at 11 o c ock A. .M : 8 birtels .WHISKY. I bairels 8INGLIS08, and boKShesds MOLABF.S Also, at ti e same time and place, the following do scMied property which wi I remain on the premises where the several lot now are, as tultows. viz. : - lOLUNS', WYOMING stree , ahove Flreenth, uPiPT,,1i!',,en- 1 COPIER S'lILL, AMPTY UOUS- HARRY McNIHOI.S', PIXTF.FNTn Street be'ow Carpenter. 1 COPI EB Si ILL, Ec, and EIG11 IE EN I H ?,"n'iiiT?.i''sri.8t,'eeU 1 COPPER SllLL.EiiPrr UOOl-H.tD Ec. H.-J. SW EENEY'S, SEVES7EENTH Street, be'ow rV"." 1 tOPPEB STILL, PUMP, H08E, lluUS IIEaLS, tie ' , DEVID'B, SEVENTEENTH Street above Si'A'S?1'??; tOPPiB bTlLLS, WORMS, UOJS- EDWARD 8. OOBMAN'S S. E, corner ot 8EVEN TErNlHmand CAIHARINK Streets, 2 CO?PEB STILLS. WORMS, HOGSHEADS, EtO . Fartles wisblnv t purchase can examine the oro perty on the premises above-mentioned two days pre vious to ihe sale. . , , . . , P. O. F.LLMAKEB, r. 8. Marshal Eastern District Peunsvlanla. ' PHn.APEl.PHiA. October 23 .jfttft. lv24viimlt M A ' R 8 H A L'8 8 L E. CADWALADEB, Judge of the District Court ot the Lnited States in and tor the Eastern District of Penn sylvania, to me directed, will be so d at public sale, to the highest and best binder, for cambist GEOIt'lE POWELL'S, No. 129 N. FRONT Street,' Philadelphia. tnVu lVr liV"" WHISKY, one S i ILL, ( OP I t ll W ORM. eto. 1 be bone and wagon mar be sein at WALTON'S Llvfrv Stab.e. No, 12? N. ELEVE S1U htrett, aboveGlrarU Avenue, . tn.Ti.iiiu U. S. Msrsbat. Faslern Dlst let of Penn.f Ivanla TBiLADELPniA October 20, 1W. no 22 mwi6t COAL. J A M E S O 'BRIEN - ALIB TN ; . . ! LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL BY TBS CARGO OR BIHQLB TOH. Yard, Broad' Street, below Fitzwater. Has constantly on hand a competent snntilv of th atove superior Coal, sul able for fnm.i. which he calls the attention of hi friend, .nn'ti,. tnblio generally. 1 . Orde'aieftatNo, 20ft South FUlh street, No. 82 South Seventeenth street, or through Despatch or Post rifi.cn. liromnUt, .tl.nri.j " 1 - , 1' J H.IVUI U LVI . I A SUmiOE QUALITY OJ BLACKSMITHS POALu 76 JJZLETON LEIIIGU COAL A SPECIALTY.' II. W. PATRICK Sa CO. , Ho. 3C4 NORTE BE0AD STREET, Would lollclt oroers for the above Coal, which thej have always on hand, together with their celebrated 82tsmw6m RE-BB0ON SCHUYLKILL COAL. COAL! COAL! COAL! The best LI HIGH and SCHUYLKILL COAL, pre pared expressly lor mnily use, coDstantly on band In my Yard. No 1611 CALLOWHILu Mreet unuer cover rieilveied on short notice well screened, and picked free of s) eto, at the lowest cash prices. A trial will secure your custom. JOHN A. WILSON, t, . Successor to W.L.FOU IK. PBiLAPKuniA. August 21, iBta. 0 46 Bat ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. 3V I lii a il BO.l.ER STEAM ENGINE AND works. neafie ft levy I'll k fiup-rr, a i 1 -.TTi .i, TikACTlCAL AND MACBIMsIS, Vi 7 ii i ?LOJL,a,K-MAK.ER8, BLACKS M I l'US, .uu .wi-i. uo, I..TUIK iui many years oeen in 8UO cesslul opetation, and been exclusively enxaged In buildlg and repairing Marine and River Intones, blxb and low pressure, Iron Boilers, Water Tanks, Propel lers, eto etc, respectiu.ly oner their service! to the public ai being luliy prepared to contract for engines ol all slzts Msrine, H ver, and Stationary; having ae.soi patterns ol ollierent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick aerpatcn. every description of pattern niaking made ai the shortest notice. Hlsh and Low presHure t ine, 1 nbular, and Cylinder Boilers, of the best I'tmievlvaula. charcoal Iron. Forgings ol all sizes aiu? kinos; Iron and Brass Casting! ol all descriptions t Bol Turnlnir, Screw Cuiting, and aU other work oonueoted with the aboe business. Liawlnga and specifications for all work done at the stttbliakment tree ol charge, an A work guaran eed. Ihe subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boats, where they can lie in peifeot safety ana ate provided with shears, blocks, falls, eto em for raising heavy or light weight. Jacob c neafie, aoii JOHN P. LEVY. g" BEACH and PALMER Stree'a. J. VACOUAH MKBKtCK, WILLIAM tt. MSBBIO! JOHH E, cora. " SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY. FIFTH AND WASHINGTON Streets, ' ricAa Aau ;F.H1LAI,,,-,,,nA. , ENOlN EEBs AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure steam Engines fot Laud, kiver. and Marine Service " " Boilers, Ganouieurs, Tanks, Iron Boat!, eto. CshiIoks 01 all kinds, eliher Iron or biasa RaMVoU8B.t?on.U.'t?s,0r'iM Workshops, and proved7orstiiucWChlnery'1 a tto- Every descilption ot PlanUtlon Machinery andSucaj Saw, and Grist Mills. Vacuum Pans. Open bteain Tialna Lelecaiors, Pi ters, Puu;iIdk Fngines eto. to e Annus lor N. HHIeux's Patent Snsar Boiling Apparatus, Nesniyth's Pattnt Steam Hamuier, and As- iuv,all it Woolsey i Patent CenUliugal sugar Draining acblne. 80i IDESBURO MACHINE WORKS. OFFICE, No en N FRONT STREET, ' PU1I.A11K1.P11IA. , - 1 . , we are prepared to till orders to, any extent for om well known 1 MAClllNhhY FOB COTTON AND WOOLLEN MITLS Including all recent huprovemonls la Carding, Splnuimr and Weavlrtr. We Invite the attention ot manufacturers to our exten slve works. 1 11 ALFBED JEN KB j, BON ' ONVMENTS.J TOMBS, , GR A VK-BTONES, "iStoT " ' Jnat completed, a beautiful variety ot ".;, ' itauan marble monuments, - l- . -.. ' . . i , 4 . .. tombs and grave stones Will be sold ebeap for cash. ...... ' W ork sent te any part 01 tae United Stales. ... ., , ( , ;f IHONJIY S, TARR. , ; . i M ABB LJB WORKS, , ' wlm. ' Bo. Ill GREXN Stxeev, I'hUfcdelpbia mokday, WATCHEP, JEWELlW ETO. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MUSICAL BOXES. h.HJ1 ''frtmcnt of above soods constantly ot tomitiutSlRi aV' "Me01 B0A0, 1,U," FARE & BROTHER, Importer, . No. 824 CUESSUT 8TKEET, nilsmthjrp uelow g ourthf r'7X r 1 ,1 ri i.iii.ii iv iTi iifs A. wmamw IlillVllUJi Ki'X American and Geneva. We call special attention to the FIKH WATCH AMD filLVERWARI ESTABL.ISIIIUKNT OF W. W. OABSlDY, Wo. 13 South SECOND Street, Whohsson hand one of the finest assortments of Jee. ny.ete.,0 any in the city. A splendid assortment of SILVERWARE ALWAYS ON HAND. Remember W. W. CASSIDY, ,U " No. 12 South SECOND Street. Repairing correctly and promptly attended t6. HENRY II A II P E IT o. oo AltCII Street, WatchesMnUfCtnreir a De,er,n Fine Jewelry, Silver-Plated Ware, ASD 81 Solid Silver-Var. BICII JEWELRY. JOHN BRENN.AJN, '. ' - DEALER m DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHER JEWELRY, Etc. Etc. Etc ' 9 ( 18 8. EIGHTH ST.. PHILADA. TblAMOND DEALER & JEWELER, WATCHES, JEWELRY SILVER WARE, . WATCHES and JEWELRY REPAIRED. -jOgChegtnnt Bt-.PMl Owing to the decline, ot Gold, baa made A great re duetlon in price of hi! large and well.assorted stock 0 Diamonds, Watcb.ee Jewelry, Silverware, Eto Th public are respectfully invited to call and examln Our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Hi G. RUSSELL & CO., No. 22 North SIXTH Having Increased their facilities for FINS WATCH REPAIRING, , Invite the attention of the public. All work warranted for one year. ft 26 BOWMAN & LEON ALU), MANt'FAO-roMUM AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALEB IN Sliver No. aiid 704 Silvcr-Plated Goods, ARCH STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Those in want of SILVER or BILVER-PLATKD WARE wtil rind It much to their advantage to visit oorSiOkE beiorc making tbeir puKhasesTour Ions ei penence In the manuiacture ot the above kinds ul greds enables ns to del? competition. vj o.'?,1"; gooat but ,hose which are of tbe FIR9T C1.A8S, all of our own make, and will be sold at reduce J PMces- bm STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QULYER'S NEW PATENT DEEP SAND-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNAOE. RANGES OF ALL SIZES. AXSO, PHI EGAK'3 HEW LOTV FKESSUB.F. BTEA1I HEATING AJTABATUS. yOR BALK BY CHARLES WILLIAMS, Eo. 1182 HAKiCET bTUJUa. 6 10 J 27 GAS STOVES! 27 TIIE EAGLE OAS-HEATINa STOVES WILL BBAT Your Offloea, Parlors, Dining, Sleeping, and Bath-Booms, AT L188 EXPESSE, LESS TROUBLE, KO " DIRT SMOKd, OB ABIIE3. They are aU warranted to do the woik Call and see them, at a, w. L.OOMIS', 10 8 lmj So, 7 P. BII1H Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HARD RUBBER ARTIFICIAL yijmnB, ims, icks. ADnllaaces lor Delornilty, etc. etc. These Limbs are J . . . . . . - .iu in .u i ... niiu ii I , I i are uieHKnieui, most durahie. oomlort-1 ab.e. nerieot. and artJufin .ni..iif.na 1 yet Invented They are approved and annntAif h. 1.A TTndflrf O ... . ... .1... SLtf' vPd as,'f r!nolJ)1 Hurncous. patented August 18, J mv AUWt jumj law, auuivm ... KIMMAT.L A CO., F.mphleUfre..K- 639 Street, PhUadelphla. . Robert shoemaker & co.,' WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, . iTAyUFACIUJlERS, '-m IMPORTERS, AXD DEALERS JI9 Paints, Varnishes, and Oils, No. 201 N0RTU FOURTH STREET, 10 U Irn CORKER OF BACEyJ ' V Q- E O R.G E PL OfJi r OARPENTEIl ANL1-CJILDER.-No. 232 CAR" Street, . , And No. 0 DOCK Street, fachta! Work and MilUn' Promptly attended . to , ' ' COTTON AN FLAX AU' . cf U Bnuiliere aal brand, ),, . ii... r-Bk. and w.vo-0"V.i)uck.Alse . uses w mi 'jaS .V: JaVBKMAN A Co. . .1 . i si Vm October 29. lscn. ' ' . , -M O r a" Tk f f a a . ran. TLKor08ALs fou istrr plies. Qt ARTFnM aster's Orptr u . U.p MARiNstortpfl, I , , WAPni.NOTON, October ), imp, f 8oalel Proposals lor each cla-e ioparaVi. wiii'k. lecf-.verl at tine . IHco until 2 o'clock V M. of Ifjfcs. H. iThe.4l .0ny of 'x-ornber next, for tarnl.hinir Wfl S,'tf" --orpa, from Jan,,a?i 1 18b7, to June 80, 1HC8, the following supplies, to b ' denvertd at tbe office ol the Assistant Quart 'master Marine Corps, I'hlladotpliia, Peun.-ylvania, froo ol ezrensefo thellnitnd States, In such quantitios as may li on timo to time be reiuirej : - CLASS HQ. 1. 10,600 Terds of iky blue kersey, all wool, free ftom hni?, 64 tnclipg wide, to woih 22 ounoet to T,r" I'ndtpro wool dyed). e.COO Tarus ol dark blue kersey, all wool, free from hair, 64 inch"! wide, to weljtU 22 ounces to g ern -p tlL ,rd, in(" Wool dyed ). 8.CC0 lards oark bloe twilled cloth, all wool, free irom hair, C4 inches wide, to welvh 22 ft n v.rf.1100 l0,".le y,rd (,nd,' wool dyed). HLt.'aV16 otl".,BU (ooohlncal til J' i lnchc wltle, to weigh 18 ounces per ftrdt 6.C00 Yard! six-fourths da rk blue flannel for over, eacks, all wool (IndiRO wool dyed i,64 tnobes 10,000 lardi three-quarteri dark blue flannel for jnirts, ail wool (indiiro wool dyed), K7 l inn r . Jn . p" wid0' ? we'b 6i otinop! por yard. I, 100 Giey h.ankets, all wool, to welKh 4 pounds e irom n(1 6 leot wlde' nd 8.000 Palis of woollen socks, three sues, properly rrade or aootl fleece wool, with double and ,'w,,8.,cd ' ,0 8 pound! per dowsu pairs, tree from grease. (MT. . CLASS tiO 8. ' "Jd! wt,,te ,,uen tor panf 80 Inches wWe, io nnn v- w0'h 13 ounces per yard. 12,000 Ysro. , while linen .or shirts, 80 Inches wide. it va v. ""noes por yard. 17,000 Yard! eanton flannel tc. rir.... o- rnnn v o weiKh 7 ouncT.r Var'd. 6,000 Yards cotton tokmir for betf-saoks. I onn it ,r CLAbS KO. . JJnorai cat!, oompiete, except pompons. 1,800 1 ompon!. red worsted, ball shape, and 5 a nnn c A"01" ,n clroumlcreuce. 4,W0 Jaticue caps, wan covers, fo be tniH nl l.W6tortf!el0,ll'tadilOWOOld,01- rn n CLASS NO. 5. Grofs coat button! (eas e). 160 tiross jacket buttons (eagle), i 7??i iTon Tm on'tons (oaale). i i JS Z ellow meal cresoente and scale straps. ' on S ei notteT)ullion lor prlTates. 20 Red worsted sasles. LfW Jares yellow binding. 2.100 Yaid! red cord. 26 Stsord! lor serK'ants. , 6" Swords tor musicians. 40 Drums (ten r), complete. 250 llatter drum-heads. 100 tsnaro dium-heada. 200 Drum cords. 76 Seta arum snares. 60 Boxwood "Jl" tiles. ' 76 Fairs drum stick. , ' ' CLASS NO. 6. 10,000 ralrs army bootees (infantry pattern). . ' CLASS NO. 7. 860 Cartr:dfre-boxes with nmvazines. 1 600 Bayonet loab-.arda, with trots attached. 900 J ercusfliou-cap pouches. 800 ( artridse-box belt!. 100 Waibt hells, 600 V aiet p aten. 60 bword Hos. , . CLASS SO. 8. 1,200 Knapsacks. CLASS KO. 0. For making and tiimming tho-followinir articles, viz t Watch coate. Uniform coats, lor ergeant, corporals, musician!, snd privates. ... l aiifrue coats, for sergeants, corporals, musician!, and private!. 'Woollen pants, for sergeants,corporals, musicians, and privates. 1 Linen pants, for sergeants, corporals, mu.-iclana, and privates. Flannel shirts. . Linen shirts. Drawers. Flannel sacks. . Ked and blue jackets lor bays. - Bed'acks. 'Ihe above-mentioned articles must conform In all respects to the sealed standard patterns in tne otiloe of tLe Quartet master, Marine Corps, Marine Bar rack, Wabhtnftton, D. C, Assistant Quartermaster's Ofhce, Marine Corps, Cto. 226 S. kourin street, rtula delshia, and at the ilanne btations, Brooklyn, New York, and lioston, asaMaobiuetta, whete they can be examined; and wut never tbe articles named above or any portion of them, shall be considered as not luily conloruiinjr to samples, tbey wl 1 be rejected, contractor will be bound to lorn inn others ot the rtquircd kind at ouve. vr iuo qnunr master will llll the deficiency at the expense of the contractor, Payments will be made upon the accepted delivery ol the whole quantity which may irom time to time be ordered, withholding ten per cent, from the pat ment of account rendered under first order until the second order is flhod, and ten per cent from ao connt rendered nnder second order nntll third order is tilled, and so on, until contract is eomp.eted. Each proposal mutt be accompanied by the fol lowing guarantee: Folitf OP GUARANTEE. The undesigned , of, in the State of , and , ot , In the Slate of , hereby guar tee that in case the foregoing bid of , for sup p les as ahove described, be aoeepiod, he or they will, within ten daysatier the receipt of the con tract at the post ofllce named, execute tbe eontraot for the same, with good aud sulhclent sureties; and in case the said shall fail to enter into eontraot as aloresaid, we puarantee to make good the differ ence between the ofier of the said and that which may be accepted. Witness, A D., Guarantor. E. F. CD, Guarantor. I hereby certify that the above-named are known to me as men ot property, and are able to make good tbeir guarantee. G. 11. To be signed by the United States District Judge, United States District Attorney, or Collector. No proposals will be considered unless accom panied by the above guarantee Newspapers authorized to publish the above will send the paper containing the first Insertion to this oflioe for examination. The bidder's place of business or manufacturing establishment must be especially stated In the pro posal. Proposals to be endorsed on the envelope "Pro posals fox Sjij'plies lor the Marine Corps." and ad dressed to . Mojor WILLIAM B. SLACK. 1022m4t Quartermaster U. 8. M. C. TDKOPOSAL8 FOR STATIONERY.-. . Treasury Depabtmem1, .1 . .. Wa8hiotom. Octoutrli). 1868. sealed rronoaaie will ha r..ui,ii ,h.. .!.... . ..... . u v. M. ....V until the Fnteuuui day of November, 1893, at 12 o clock M., lor supphing tne Assessors aud Collec tors ot Internal Kevenue torongbout that portion of tho United States lying east of the Kocky Moun- Vun'0w,,i:r ATi0S tE ,or tne ear ending June 80, 1807, and until the lstday of January, 1807 for supplying the Assessors and Collectors west ot the liockv Mountains. Bidders may obtain a schedule of artloles to be furnished, with conditions under which suoh artio es are to be delivered, upon application to any As sessor or Collector, or to the Commissioner of In. ternal Kevenue. . . lo proposal! will be enfortaiped from parties who are not regular manufacturers or dealers In the articles bid for; nor wtll proDOsala ba uiiicw accompauied by latfslacorr uarauteci that itlA iUMitrmii taill if oBflnil f..a.r..i. . loconuaetHlil, if awarded, be faithfully exe- Wi which contain prices lost than the fair oft j I Ibe article! will be considered fraudulent and re- ded. . . -7.7t " lauuimiy exe ot The Two Hundred and Forty Mileetlo D tncti are distributed Into Yiw'Vmrt (hon by the echedule fu-"heil, 'amV?: por al must name the iarimena " Pposed to 'ufPirr',toi.or reserves fbe right to reject any IheCommlBslp-"'"",,, interest of the Gov- $lCrJ ' reqmW I be bids should be addressed fl",?,' 58mi!Mo-' of ,iu'JnJ Avenue, endorsed !opossla tor suopiyiug Stauouery to Internal i.eveius wiuww. A. ROLLINS, Coinmiasloner, - J0 84 wfas tnoll FOB BALE-6TATE AND COUNTY BIGHT . ol t'apeweU A Co. 'a Patent Wind Guard and Air i.Mir lk. 'nBl fill l..mn.i ll nMw.a .. j-,... from breaking. ' This w will warrant. Also saves ens' third the oil. Call and see thm. they eost but ten eauta Co. !U)t BACK Bueet, rUllidelphla. Bampie sent toaid part ol tbe Doited Btatss.ou reoaipt of eeula Jl! TTMnm.TERATKD Ij I Q tJ O PE.N18TAN', BS ' ONLY I I lllf'Hlllll PWKIU ill ill' BT'tttt AMU VAl'LTS Va iMnuiiiin.iiiuiitd. Kaarly jpnta(t the Fest Oi&oe aaui wpplleef ii tti Cosjtry fromntiy - . . PnOPOSALS. e K m a s t k k ' s orrTrT W, Wi I roposals for WAKthOUSE de nliia oJaVcrma ,"b0Te f;nil"'"f nT be seen at the PlUIQta.n.ih,.!. . . 1 . ice u and ills'! GoLcral. l'lilli,in'lnJ . Aasltant Quartermaster. P.sence ef "iSS the amonnt ot ten thousand' dollars. tKtTh. 'btd. dcr will enter into eontraot with ,oid and inffll oHbeme.ty,WU,,m ,e IoSSI. ' M' - MF.IG8, in ii ion Quarfermaaier-Geaeral, - 10 12 180 Brevet amgier.1 GOVERNMENT SALES. i " ' " "!WI!klw A. tt M Y L a n k is r ABSIoTAaT QCARTIRMASTXIl'B Ol"Mri, I tp in , '""""'iua, October 22, 1866. J Will he offbrcd for sale at Pnblio Auction, on ac count ol the United States, at the Schuylkill Arsenal. nvVaTi' rri 1'l"1e'Pbl, ra en MOnI LAy, tbe6th of November next, commencing at 12 o clock M.. HF1Y XUOUSAND (MOHE OTt LESS) UNITED STATES AUUlf BLA.NKE1S. new and lu good condition. Samples can be aeon at the Schuylkill Aitenai, and at this oihoo, .. ALmu Tkbms myWW1 MITTENS. Pnrcha.nr 5;tan'.ia Oovernment fund!. d.,r.Ch.lteMhe pureS:9 .tt?.PX'W The Blanket! will he delivered in naief of 60 each, a. t". '-OSMAN. io eo io. Assistant ftuartermaster.General, I0 2B12t Brevet Brlgadlerbeoeral, II. 8. A. DYEING, SCOURING,. ETC. A. OB DKLAWAKE SIDE j Delaware Bide! Delaware 8idt TIIE BTATEN: ISLAND Fancy Dyeing 'Fstobllihrnent. BARRETT NEPHEWS ' L, CO,, No. 47 Worth EIGHTH i- Street, ; Eart Side. The sland occupied by ns'ths paid Seven years. 1,0 OTUES ODFICB IH-THIS CItl I With the advantage! of an experience of nearly . FIFTY YIA.R8 ON BTATEN ISLAND, And facilities arranged regardless of axpuisa. ws mar Justly claim to be, as we Intend to remain, THE K0DEL DYEINQ AND SCOTTSUrQ EBTA. BLISHMENT 07 A3LESICA ! tsdles Dresses, Shawls, Cloaks, etc. Dyed success fully. All styles of L suits' Dresses cleaned without being ripped. GEKTLFMEJTS QABMEN'Tfl. Coats, Owrooatuest., evei or cleanetl BAEEETT, NEPHEWS & CO., No. 4T Forth EIGHTH Street, East Bide. os. S and T JOHK Street, New York. So. 718 BROADWAY, New York. ,, No. J0 FDLTOJiI Street, Brooklyn. 10 1 lmrp ..... PMCH STEAM, SCOITOQ ESTAiBLISHMENT, .t No. 510 EACE Street. We bir lav to draw yonr aartfcnlar' attantlnn tn lnjuilnii them in the least, whlla SttSt . tbe besl machinery irom TiV,'nabl?u. to w2!t pertect satislactlon to ail who may mvor us wiThihtSi patronage LADIES' DHEiaES, of "very SeMrVui kW th0.nt Trimmings. are'cleaBed'andXhA without being taken apart, whether taewlor it Opera Cloaks and Mantfllaa, Curtains. Tabia r.n. .nd-WlnjerC'loThlnTvleane Tto ftZTtV ..Usfaction eunt.ed in eTery nsTanca? A e's"! examinauon of our process Is respecuUy wUelted. and and A1BED1LL & MARX, I2mtts No. MO BACH Btaeet . BTATKJT ISLAND, Also known ai tie" t..t ewe,. inxjjinv niuttu .ESTABLISHMENT. Beingjhe LAKGKST In the UNITED BTATKS and THIli'lY TEAK8 OLDH.B than any ether on BTATElf 1HI.AHD. 1! prepared, with the meet Improved ana etR"4,JT.!..w,cll.ue'y (iohioh they are making oou atanl additions), to , DYE, CLEAIeE, AND F1NI1H every variety of OOOD8 ASD GABAUJSTS. in a man ner CNKQUALLED in tbls country. " No. 40 North E1UUTH Btreet PbUrJ.-lnMa. Ho. 98DUANE Kir f et.Kew Torf aoJl'u'" No. 7fti BBOADWAY NewV..wi No. 16 FLEJlBtFON TBtaeet -yn. T. J. Yocko. Beerets ' INSTRUCTION. " . MONSIEUR ALEXANDRE WOLOWSKI would lnlorm bis friends and the public generally that be b now readv to give instruction tu Binalng and on the I'lano. According to bis own b rate in. which beret tore baa proved so savoeutul in Modeling the vole IiowerluIan4 melodious, and at the saw time bnpart ng that ftclllty to enable tbe accurate reading of the most difficult paBBancii. lltsaystem lor the Piano ena bles bis pupils to execute eperatie. and classical muslo With ease, feeling, aud brilliancy. Those wlabing 1 avail tbnselves of his longexpe jlen ee can do so by callins at his reidence, 8 24'lntrp No. 184 B. WA6MLNOT0S Bqoare. TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. PHII.ADFi.PHf A unnawriKa BANDAOl lASIllTTB. ho. 14 H. VlXIMl ulrAf ,k.v. Ifark.l II mi. J ivuiy yean akiliul adiiKiiiK'tit fuarsutres the aiiiui aaioiu'"i m ais i-reuilum "cut t??sdua"tl,. ffiolBa.ad"0' 0t Others, eunporter.. ' iai".' C TUt ! PUifwuBV. t y -r" wwmi w .- ii 9 , flSE STARIN'3 LNDIIIOM P0WDEHI W :. . . Ft 8 HORSES ANiT BATTLE. x . ... cures wormi.Botts, and Coli It cures Colds, Coughs, and Bids'' Doni"L It ii tbe best alterative for Bones . ud ctlsnow nse, having a reputation of JO years' ita. nahe- lt is a sur preventive for the much drv'0I Ulnder pest. - ... N o F aimer or Pait vrnan should be without l& For sale In PhUadilphia bv BVOTr A CO No. M North BECOND Mioet tJtHNHON, HOLLOVAy a COWDEN.No. HJNorili SIXTH Mreet, and bv XruT sluts Uiionuhout Uieiountry. AtUiuu Vn ...i.'.J f BIABEI A FLOYD, Propriotori, 9 tOm yp. 0t DTJAS Street. New York. W- I; L L I A M : ' B .t O B A K T " 1 COMM1H810WMEHCHAN. ' , 0.8. DXAWAlt AvanaefrjpM. ,Z. I "r,iinoea Nitre, Chveoal. andNalla - . "fww aaetat trtiaU4ug, Bolts y a n din ; , "' "eoiion or trie building, wl.l U . work and materials, are invited nt it nVttc,.TTda !' the 8i)th of 6, ain1-301 AT 4 'iSi VM . -AND Silk San CBbieiiaa. i i, i t, ei-m! , j.. Jf!.21S.IOJnaetreeL y ';3 V- '.