AMUSEMENTS. Musical Fcsd Hall-Batsman Cois-canm. i re), )rtma donna atsoMrn,- Brignoll, primo tenor; Fcrranti and Fortnna, baiti; 8. B. Mills, Pianist; trl Rosa, violinist; J. a. Ilntton, oon ancter. Bee programme elsewhere. Niw Cbmbut Strbkt Tn baths The Fant fomty Mm J one Orion, Meri. George U. tJeike.F. K. Mackay, Jennings, Woolt, Lennox, i?, Jefloraon, Katie Biker, Jizzie Coopor, "Clara Reed, Mrs. H. A. rerry, and other. On Thursdayevenin, first time bere, Bouoicauh'a Janet J'ride. ' vTalktjt Strket Ibeatrk Othello. Mr. Kd Win Booth In tlieMWIe role. Miss Susan Benin, Mr. J. B. Roberts, Mr. Barton Ulll, Mies Annie Graham, and other. Amebioab Tbhathis. Maxevva. Miss Kate Fh-her and the f ntue coniLanj. El Nino Eddie on the tiyht-iopo, eto. Arch KTRekt Tbbatrb. The Fait Family. Mrs. John Urew and tba entire stock company. Alter piece, Sarah' Young Man. Carhcrom k DixtT five the But-Bull Match, Ftnian Jtaidtrs, Spectre's roic. and other good thing. Citt Museum. Openlnr night, next Saturday. 27h instant Marietta Ravel In the trench bpy. Yalrr'b Whiter Garten, Mr. Appelbanrn, the tayonte tenor, will ling evory evening with Miss Agnes battier land. OITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional Local llemt $ee Ihird Tage. Great Sanitary Measure. In all large cities there in more or less sick nous caused by the presence ot slaughter-houses in their midst, unless special precaution are taken to locate them in out-of-the-way places, beyond the reach ot the thickly fettled portions. Not only this, but the danger of driving heated, excited, and frenzied cattle through the densely crowded streets of a city entails danger from which they ought to be defended. In spite of the sreneral go a-headotm-ness of the American people, we are behind the Old Woild In the measures that are taken to guard atrainst the above evils. The authorities of Talis many years uinre took the matter into serious consideration. The re sult was the establishment of "abattoirs," being large slaughter-houses, outside the city limits, wheie all butchers are compelled to pursue their avocations. They are arianeed witn every con venience for keeping and slaughtering animals, and by a plentllul supply of pure water, and an efficient system of sewerage, stench-traps, etc., tinder tbe direction of the authorities, are kept clean and wholesome. In our neighboring city of New York the initial steps have been taken to introduce those great sanitary measures into tnlb country. The formal opening ot the immense abattoir at Communtraw, opposite and near that city, wag made on Tuesday last, about one thousand five hundred guests being present, a majority of whom were butchers of the city of New York. The establishment consists of siiteen distinct buildings, with a sufficient number of spacious feed and sale pens adjoining, and with all neces sary or desirable appurtenances for conveying, feeding, and making com lor table, and finally slaughtering; cattle, sheep, and hogs. There Is an unloading platfoiro, Bt re-houses for hotrs and sheep, and a slauehter-house 3G0 feet loug by 90 leet wide, and two stories high. The Brat floor Is for the slaughter of cattle only. It contains thirty-two close pens, be tween each two of which there Is a gut-room, where the entrails of the slaughtered animals are cleansed. The close pens open into tbe body of the house, and out of them tbe cattle are "roped," tbO'i killed, then hung up, all by steam power. Tbe cattle are not slaughtered in the usual way, by knocking them on tbe head. They are hoisied by the hind legs, and while they ate thus hung they are struck. There are aleo ample arrangement? for the curing of hides on the ground, of which many dealers will doubtless avail themselves. Sixty feel ot tbe southern end of tbe building are de voted to "rendering" purposes. Ttfere are also two tteam pumps, one for feeding the boiler, and the other for distributing tbe water in vari ous directions about the building, so arranged ' that i I . - . 1, - 1 m 1 . wi b uujr iiuitt me oupiiy ui iresu waier should fail, it will be easy to Tall back upon the salt water, which flows up to and under the building. There are, al.-o two large boilers to anntila rtnnni trs llr mi 1 ,1 . oussit pivbui 1U1 AC-UUC11UK purpOSUS, HQQ Ml work tbe engines and pumps. Steam is always kept up, and, at a moment's notice, the pumps can be set at work. At the north end of the building is a large Ice house, ninety feet long, forty leet wide, and three stories high (rising one story above the mala building), In which meat may be preserved in bot weather. The slaughtering capacity of this building is estimated at 1200 head of cattle In an ordinary working day of ten hours, and of course, when necessary, this capacity can be doubled by employing a fresh set of hands, and working niht as well as day. The second story of the slaughter-house Is set apart for the slaughter of hogs onlv, with hanging accommo dations for 6000 dead animals. The sheep slaughter-house is twenty-five feet long by forty five leet wide, and two stories high, and in it can be 'handled," in a working day of ten hours, upward of 3000 sheep. The company have already made arrangements by which two hun dred tons or roorejot meat can be daily trans ported to New York, and distributed among the various markets. On account of their economy, safety, and con venience, we have no doubt of the ultimate adoption of abattoirs In all our large cities. The Eighth Street Improvements. There are numerous Improvements which from want of space we are unable to particularize. To describe tbe wonderful progress that has been made during tbe last year or two, would taice a voiume. At No. 9 there has oen a considerable ini- $rovement in the appearance of the building, aking advantage of tbe slack season during the summer months, the proprietors have thoroughly renovated their establishment. The old granite part, with Its heavy massive pillars, lias been torn out and replaced by the light ana airy modern iron, and French plate glass. The effect produced is almost Indescribable, and tbe improved appearance oi the whole extension of the building adds new attractiveness to the square. The store is occupied by J. WiHiam Hofman, who carries on the wholesale and retail hosiery business At No. 25 there have also been some beautiful additions and renovations. The entire front tbows the signs oi progress: and, what is no w petting to be a general feature of the street, the handsome bulk windows are formed of iroa and enormous plates of the tit est plate-glass. TheiDterior of the store itself, 100 feet dpep, has been remodelled, and presents a betutiful, ll;rht, find comfortable appearance. Charles Kautman, the present proprietor, has been in the cloak and cloth goods business several years at this place, and it is o wing to his energy that the improvements in question have been carried out. We ran well recollect that a very tew years ago a French plate-glas window was considered to be quite an achieve ment, and was lauded and described in all thu papers. Yet now. as we walk through tbe business thoroughfares, we are astonished at tbe progress that is made to introduce them into all our . . , . , . . mi a e - muici mm can uousi niiy aiuu ui prusiw-riij, and, aside Irom their beauty, they are reslly ot immeni-e benefit in eiving tiroDer light, ami enabling the storekeeper to show his goods off TO proper uuvaniuge. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING IIOUSE, Not. 603 and 605 CEESNUT St., Phila. Foreign and Domestic' Fabrics Made to Order, Reasonable, Serviceable, 'and Fashionable, THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, Thomas A Sons' Sat.k of Ptockb axd Real Estate. The following stocks and ral estate were sold at 12 o'clock noon, at tbe Philadelphia Exchange: a?barer',LWU Gld M'n,n CoD,Pny 10 cent J6 shares Amerioan Incrustation Company. Not 1 share In the Mercantile Library, t8. 1 share l'omt Breeze l'ark Aasociatlcm, JHOfi. Two four-story brick stores. Not. 428 and 428 Mar ket street ; 19,200 bid ; not sold Country seat and larm, known as "Hilton," 100 acres, on the Verreo road, 10 miles from the city, tiear the Fox Chase. Also, tenant house, two atone bams, eto S0 500 bid ; not sold, (our-story brick residence, with stable and coach house, Sixth street, opposite Washington square, 26 l et front, 1!9 leetdonn, 28,000. 1 hree-story brick dwelling, Ibomoion street, east of Lewis, S2000. Lot oi ground, Green street. Twenty-fourth Ward, t240. (Six brick dwellings. Laurel street, between Front and Second streets, 13060 Three-story brick store, No. 1224 Cuesnut street, 33.200. (iroand rent. 160 a year. Inree atory brok dwolling, No. 1418 Shlppen street, with a three-story btone and brick dwelling in the rear. Modern three-story brick dwelling, southeast cor ner ol Seventeenth and Mount Vornon streets; S8000 bid: not acid. lhroe-sfory brick dwelling, No. 838 South Twenty-flr-t street. Four-story brick dwelling, No. 822 Wood street. 1 hree-story brick ayelilnv. No. 819 Uardon street. Ihrce-story brick dwelling, Washington eouit, Lombard street. Modern thr.e story brick residence, No. 827 South Filth street, above line, with a stable and coach house in the rear on Griscom. street, 9)7400. ihree-stoiy biick dwelling, No. 151K) North Sixth Street. Building lot, 6 acres, Gray's lane and Raoe stroet, Twenty-lourth Ward. Factory, Wall street, between Sixth and Seventh and Christian and Catherine streets. Brick dwelling, southeast corner of Nineteenth and O ire streets. Building lot, Danphin street, west of Coral. Two dwellings, Nos. 826 and 828 Do xan s'reot, between Fittecnth and sixteenth streets and Mpnue and t'lno stnels. Residence, No 1813 Spruoe street, wet of Fisbtcenth street, ffl6 000. Residence, No. 1630 Mount Vornon street, west of Sixteenth street, 2 teet ir.-nt. Residence, No. 2107 Spring Uardon street; $11,200 bid; not sold. Bisirop Vail, of Kansas. The Eight Eev. Bishop Vail, of Kansas, arrived in this city irom the West this morning. He reports a very prosperous year in Kansas, good business, abun dant crops, and a very heavy immigration to the State. The progress of building the Pacific Rail road through the centre of the State, up the Kansas and Smoky Hill Valleys, is leading to frreat activity in settlemet ts, the purchase of ands by actufal settlers, the taking of home steads under the general Homestead lav, and the building up of new villages and towns. There ate numerous calls In bis diocese for the establishment of churches, exceeding by far the number of ministers quulifled to take charge of tbem, and opening a tine lield for men whose missionary zeal is equal to tbe labors and hard ships oi a frontier li'e. The Bishop will probnbly remain some little time at the East, on business connected with the welfare of h s diocese. The people of Kansas are extremely fortunate in the location among them ot the public-Boiri'ed, libeial-mlnded, able, and evaugelical minister of Cnrlst. A Dishonest Koom-Mate. Tu;mas Johnson was guiltv of an act of meanness towards his room-mate that will probably cost him rather dearly, lie and another man named Mr. Thompson boarded together at a house at Eighteenth and Market streets. He was lying down In his room tbe other evening, in a sort of half asleep half awake condition, when he be came conscious of another man being iu the room, and by-ani-by he heard the other man get at his clothes, which he had laid near by, and commence fumbling over the pockets. ' He lumped up and caught Johnson in the very act of rifling his pocket-book, Irom which he had taken seven dollais when interrupted. Johnson was banded over to the police authorities, and was conducted to Alderman Jones' office. AftT a hearing before that gentleman, he was held in $500 bail to answer the charge of larceny. A Free Fight. John Burk and John Jordan were arrested on a charge of rioting la-t night. It appears that these two bellifrorents hud stopped at a place in Cherry street, near Third, and committed a violent assault upon a party of quiet citizens who happened to be un fortunate enough to be in that vicinity. One of the latter was knocked down, and received a fearful gash ovir tUe eve from a violent kick. It was, in fact, a regular free light, tn the ap proved "plug-ugly" style. Burk and Jordan were arrested, and had a hearing before Alder man Uodbou. The result of the beariug was that the two rioters were held to ball In the sum of $1000 to answer. A Young Scamp. A young lad only fourteen years old was detected in a cellar under a grocery store at Thirteenth and Wharton stieetE, stow eel away with an evident Intention to commit a robbery. He gave the name of Marshall Quinton, ani was only fourteen years old. The proprietor ot the store discovered him bid away behind some bxes, and handed him over ? ibe. police. Hs had entered, it is alleged, lor the ostensible purpose of begging, and tak'ng advantage when no one was ob serving him, he slipped past into the cellar. Hi bad a hearing before Alderman Lutz, who com mitted bim iu default of $500 to answer the charge of misdemeanor in entering a bouse w ith felonious intent. A XfToriTTTl.-VAITH OlT 1 RTl TT1T. Frtll P . i 1 .1 nl.ilni Vi r. nnmaa nf finajn Marv II til, JilYlllt VUG "i - .' , Sarah, and John Dolan, were all arrested on the Charge oi one ot me ueignuons tor uiuuuiuus mischief. It appears that the youngsters in question had taken a grudge against a person living in tbe neighborhood oi York street and . : ' i , , i n . i ; n . UUnner B run, in, a piai-e kuuwu j um-iiuj A V r, r. n w nrttA 4io1v 4l-A Kv tt1 OTin (V severul stones through the windows of said house, to the great uetriment, ot ine piaziuK. . j 1 . . . 1 : V- 1 . . r. UOmpiaini ueuig iuhuu uniting mc imsuuicvuuo urchins., tney were an Hirestea, uno duu u Hear ing before Alderman Clouds, who held them in $300 bail each to appear at cou-t. A itoYRTKKiNo Cople. Isaac and Nettie Cunmingf are a belligerent couple. It is said that the) are quite of the pugilistic persuasion, and are in the habit of causing disturbances. About half an hour after midnight this morn ing, the devoted pair went to a disorderly house at Second and Mai garetta streets, and whilst there got Into a sort of a cross between a skirmish and a free fight. Whilst the row was going on, a small coy was unfortunate enough to get a beating. Iaac and his better (?) half were arrested, and had a hearing betore Alder man Toland. who held them in $)0 each to answer tbe charge of rioting, Illegal Voting. A man named Philip Detrith, a hona fide resident of Lycoming county, came to this city a short time belore election, and ' commenced," as he says, "at tending lectures.'1 He attempted to vote illegallv on i lection day at the Second Division of tbe Ninth Ward. Having resided in the city only a month, he was not entitled to vote. He was arrested on the complaint of Mr. U ask Ins, and taken be lore Alderman Jones, who held him in $600 to answer. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING IIOUSE Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNTJT St., Phila. Latest Style Back and Walking Coats. BOYS' CLOTHING. Aw Advektttrous Thief. There was quite a little excitement at the Ridgway House, at the foot of Market street, about noon yester day, occasioned by a fellow by the name of Oar ripon Mitchell, of the colored persuasion. It .-een s that be got out of one of the windows, and crept along the sign until be got to the window ol another room. When he got into the room, it is said be commenced to rlrle a trunk. One of the domestics employed, in the place heard the noise, and opening ibe door looked lo and the prisoner, who immediately tumped up and attempted to shut the door on her. Having her head partly inside, be was at first nnanle to do ro, but he continued to push her out ant shut thodoor. She gave the alarm, and Mit chell wan arrested. The owner ol the trunk testified that he had loft $80, but no money could be found on the prisoner when be was searched, and hesnidalso that he bad entered the room on l"gitimate business. The whole affair occurredjut noon, when eveijLody was on the t-tree t and if it wits a robbery, it certainly was a very bold one. A knife was found in tbe room from which the money wa stolen, wbichwa proven to bethe property of Mitchell. He had a hearing.beiore Alderman Hurley, by whom he was held in $U0O to answer Infffectual Attpmpt at Robbery. An atten-pt was made to enter a house and com mit a robbery about a quarter alter nine o.clock Sunday night. Home person got on tbe roof of a house on Callowhill street, west of Twenty-tin-t, and went along the roofs of the adjoining buildings, trying all tbe trap doors. The would be robber got on to the roof through a house undergoing repairs at No. 2114 Callowhill street. Fortunately, he was observed in his erratic manauvrca and was frightened off, escaping through the rear of the building by which he had entered. Robbing a Sdoe Store. Three enter prising men undertook to go into the shoe busi ness yesterday evening, without investing any capital. Tbey entered a store at Sixth and Button wood streets, and whiltthe attention of the storekeeper was turned to something else, one of the tbiee made a prab of some eighteen dollars worth ot material, and attempted to make his escape with his ill-gotten goods. Two of the th'eves escaped, but one, named John McClintock. was captured. He was taken before Alderman Toland, who committed him in de fault of $600 bail. WhatWeCak Baisb. . . Our nation soon can do without All oi mankind bosidos; Onr cotton rules, bevond a doubt Good eugar we provide; Our native wines delight the free, And Georgia is raising tea. Boon native coffee we mar roast, Bv all the world bepraiscd ; And matoales Cloihlnn now we boast, By our own Bennett raised. Oor stock ot Men's, Youths' , and Boys' Clothing I the fu lost and most comp ete in Philadelphia, l'rices are tower, and nearer those of old timet, than lor several years. Half way between ( Bbnhutt k Co., Fifth akd j Ioweb Hall, ISixthBtb. (618 Market Stbbkt. Grand Fall ifem;,o -M A. Jones, Mo 17 North Eighth street (entrance tbroDh Partridge's trimming store), will open ou Wednesday October 24 a new and splendid assortment ot the celebrated "ne p'ns niira" skirts and correts. comprising tome entne y new and nn'que designs jnst received from Paris. Onr old triends, and tiio ladies of Philadel phia and the vicinity generally, are respootfu'ly iu viied to call and examine these new and beautiful stvles, which will bo exhibited for tbe firs' time on Wednesoaj, Ostober 21 Latest Taris Stylls Mademoiselle Keogti. Modiste, No 001 Walnut Htreet, would inform her l.umerous patrons that sfo is in rwlpt per last s'.eamer irom Europe, of a select ana elegant assort ment of Puna Millinery, cmbraoing the latest stylos none of which have as yet beeu exhibited in this country. These choice goods will bo open to cus tomer on Wednesday, the 24th fust. Thos la search of tbe latest novelties i-hould avail themselves of this grand opening Wk bavs seen nt the Cloth'ng House of C. Somers & t en Farcy Cashmere for suits; Satin-faca and Chinchilla Beaver Overcoats, wh oa are made up in the most substantial way. Also, magnidoent stock ol choice uncut goods to so eot from for measure. Every garment made by this House warranted to fit. Rerd's Patent Button ued, which prevents the disagreeable necessity of sowing on buttons Vive-Twenty Coupons, Due November 1, Wanted by Drhxkl k Co., No. 84 Sooth l hird street. Thb Elliptic Lock-Stitch mwino Machinu, with all the latest improvements and attachments, incomparably the belt for family Uie. Elliptic 3. M. Co Agents wanted, No. 923 Chesnnt street, Phila. Dkmabd is tbk test of eoPUXABiTT, and never In this country has to ere been a tilth part ot the do mand for any toilet anlolo that there now is for Pbalon's "Nipht-Bloomlng Coreus " The sales for the current year show an increase of one hundred per cent, over those of the same months in 1804 Beifatt Age. Athletics vs. Atlahtics. Notice Ath'elics are iniormed that no matter how Athletio tbev may be, tbey can find suits ot Clutblnx ready made at Charles Stokes fe Co 'a One Price, under the Conti nental, that will be sure to fit tu m, and no mul&a," Atlantios do., and all at low figures PAULUS, THB HATTBB, Beats them all, Southeast corner Second and South. T.iTiiEB on to (I Bybon Mouse & Co.. No. 902 and 904 Aicu street, tor your Fried Oysters, Chioken Salad, Coile-e and Woffles. niasoi W. Jenkihs. No. 1087 Soring Garden street, keeps constantly on hand a fine assortment of Candies and Fruits. (1.. Arm Ka -1iABna.l.lhMlnM reson 10 o r . nomwi iu- oij. v. v.. . Six Card 1 holographs lor 1. Large Photographs, . l.nn.tia f rnm .2 Wl nnvinll. - Ik . l.n..lnH OVA 1 .nit a Tnivr nrrir in r!nitTmT I thft nlaoA to nurohase Cork Haitressos and Beading, and to have your Fur niture reupuoisterea, varuuuea, uiu revmreu vr practical woikmen. . Viititim n Cakes, fresh daily, at Moise & Co.'s. Nos 0C2 and 901 Arcti street. ELASTIC STITCH, feKWINO MAC HI NUB, FOR FAMILY UV. THK ONLY MACHINE THATBOTU bEtt'8 i-KKFEC I LY AND F.MRROIDER8 a-i.UFKCXI-V BUU ULiG, UK LOCKSTITCH GBOVfcR & BAKKR'H HltlllfST PliEMll'M hKWINU SEWINU VACHiSE. YOH TAlLOKS, 8110EH AKEKS, BADDI.ERS, H vKNKSS MAKERS CARRIAGE MAKERS. LATENT AND Btt MA( UINK3 Ko. HO CHKHMJT KTBEKT. Bcpkbiob Styles f Rkady-madb Clothing. Sdfbbior bTYLtS o Rkady-madb Clothino. Wabakakkb k Bbowb, Popular Clotblho Uousb, Oak Hall, Poutheaxt corner Sixth an! M aukbt Streets MAHItlKD. BOT.MEP LOOUE On Mondav evenlnir. October II JHtO. by Kev. Bamnrl E. Appleion. Mr. WIN 1KB HOLMES to Mis MaUOIE LOUUE, all or this city. l AUBHALL RTJTTER October 16. by iev. J. F Meredith. J. WILLIAMS G MAIWHALL, to Miii ELLEti JANE HUTtEtt.all ol Hanatauk. PAI.MtB ABKL9. On the 18th Instant, bv the Sev JonnH Tastle. Mr. WILLIAM ti. PALMEK, of Wist Pbliacelpbla, to Miss MAKV H. ABEL'S, ot Hist Ctieeter. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING IIOUSE, Ncs. 603 and 605 CHESNTJT St, Phila. COACHMEN'S COAT . COACHMEN'S COATS, HUNTING COATS. IIUNriNG COATS. DIED BAi.rFts-on th n.t uu,.llt, jnnr.rn P., ot duta- , , . . "1 he tr'f C ltd anil m' -, i A i . lmlc 0.115 l.O of li. r.. and rhil..lA rh, k, Brunch fl.Pnt WO. 1, and fha Onior In .renor ara r. u noaini k I im? i""!!1 ,he "",l. irm His 1-1 rmldencn, aJi. i!,..'iJ. m'i10? .'t on IhnrwUT afmrnoou. the femitery? ' 0 cloot- To. P"cel to Odd Fellows' i-1iR-H0n"l?!!,Ur,i,,',nl AVVA V.. daogtiterof jrm M,Hn "a.J.n 1'"",r- n0 graod-Uauiutei or tnti Jd Vn iV.5n.l? "ie",", ?'.the re resneotmily SLnntm v2 ,,rj5t'l.'u,"1.r'n ibe rcile..ce oi her PS f: lWKlchmond tret. i wenty-flltli Ward. Fnr.nk!i;:t:Lrn?'n 19 'c,ock- x jABJRA"V,nJl0D.d4JLlnorn,ni'' tn 9M Instant, Mr. Jj5it hVHK-h the 4tb year of hi. nre .linnrt h'l'.iV,?. nu JSif"i " reaorctlofiy Invited to ii S ov!v n WMnlay at ernoon, t Mth lnitan Soilh Laurel miii.0" tanhSt iJ,v,H"",n- To .fSVrf?n.-J?JT;.Tn 9u,na7 morning, the list Instant, .i?.l"i"-e.,J',r,n,U',n(1 ' members of the Hibernla Bo fin? ! i.i!i'orn -obanKe Auoolatloo, are iwpoct SlnL nKltedi2 S"""1 hJ from his late rati. rhSii.1!0 . 17M r'n" rota on Iburfday morning, tbe ioth lntan at HH o'clock n?iAff B At noon, or. the 21st Instant, JEREMIAH HsCKlK. in ihesith earoihliaBO. ...L .-l,"."ve ,nd re Invited to attend the funeral, without lurrber notice, horn hln late residenoo, o"clotckroi"a)wn' '"inQJr WthlnaUat, atjw! nEA( OCK.-On the 2lat Instant, at tbe residence ol . .Jf,,r"lU' w"ch Chuuk, Mtw LIZZIE Ha-AUOCK. In the 3iat yearot herage. he relatives ami fri,iW nt h fmit ... MaM-ifnii. invited to attend the mneral, from the reslneno ol John Blaketry, Hamilton street, below Thirty sixta, i. """""t, w nia insiuni. an o oioca r. M. lo proceed to Mount Morlah cemetery. TCiKF.R-AtthKtnnati, Ohio, on the 10th Infant, PI..11 w-borne Uoin the army la Texas Captain bbNhT ifJCKEK. 6lh Onlied Sia es Cavalry, aed years, son ol John and Louisa M. Tucker I he male irlenda ol the lamlly are Invited to attend the tuneral, Irom the renldenoe oi bis father, No. lull W.inat street, on i buraday neat at 1 o'clock P. M. r,TJi'!s-':0a the Jlst Instant alter a short Illness, IltMiV K. WALKER, son of Harab and the lata John M. w alker. In the lid year or his ani. lrindft Mnd llinaa nt tl,A tamllv mwm Invited to attend his tuneral, iroin the residence of bis ino her. ho. 1214 N. Mitn it rant nn ThnNdiv 4 o'clockP.M. Interment ai Monument Cemetery. -yOUt YOU I YOU! WILL PLEASK RE J member that at No. 815 iKtirht Toirty-Svei MAR fcET direct, below Klnth, jou cn And verv fair assortment of Housekeeping and But ding Hardware, irom which you can select ar.luies sultah e for p esents or for yeur own use TRUMAN k SUA W. IXTRA QUALITY SMALL AND 8rROX(J U Brass Padlocss-a variety now onened Avery air assonaneni oi Jrn ruaiocka or varying qua I ties also In stock. THUMAN & tsHAW. ' Mo. s6ir.iKntThlrtyflre)MAKK.ET ow Ninth MALLETS FOR TI NMEN, BOTTLERS, CAR penters. eto. A heavy Iron bound article tor stoie nse. Also small neat Milieu lor lads' tool ohCKts. For sals by THUM AN A SHAW, 0. 85(Kiut rmrty-flve) UAKKET St.. bolow Ninth. DKAFNKS8.-EVRRY INSTRUMENT THAT science and skill bave Invented to assist the hear ing In every degree ot dearncs.can be hud at the Ear Instrument Depot ot f MADcIBA, Ho. IIS Month 'i EM 11 Htreet, below Chesnau 10 IS lm WARBUUTON. r A8UION B1,E HATTER, No 430 CHE8NUT Street, Next door to I'oit Offlco. )1S( AUCTION SALES. BSCOTT, JR., AUCTION EKR, .No. 1020 CUESNUT BTKEET. ill O ARD. We are now nreoared to make arranaameaU lor special sa'es of OH Paintings, wtatusry, or any other Worss cf Art our locatlou being In the centra ol th j most ienhlunab'e thorouKhfare ot our city, makes It o desirabi? resort lor oounouaeurs and .overs o art tn Ke"6' ... .. .... XH. DBien ui nit reuiuiuiBo in genera) buuuiivu ror Sonal at ention given to ou -doors ales. U. bcorT. Ja t;BET SALE OF FLEUTBO SILVER-PLATED UOODS, 1VOBY, TABLE, AND OTHER CUT- l tree t from Mesnrs. Joseph Deakla k Sons' Boring Street Works, shetlleld Eoginnd. ill t i i B u.utt'. Art UftllArr. Kb 1A1 Cbei-nnt street, Kill be so'd a cboioe and beautlm' assortment ot . r -, . v- T . . r. GOODS IVOR V, TBI.K. AND Ol'HER CUTLERY, .i nnnalntinff or entree dishes t sal vers j dish covers ; cornoi dlshaa: eplrlt and liquor sets; Dickie stands; lour nvs iu in, vi.i. trult and briad baskets; kettles, with and wlthou . . r-- r.l.n.l Ah...d l.n illAi-.tfl. Anil embosiid in great variety t flahosrvers; presentation aer- vlces lor oiuiuren. gou ci nuu vupa nuou nuu tof.s -ruoka; soun. saao,and panoh lad-es; sugar tongs; ri...rt and teanoons ? table and dessert forks: nut cracks; knlie rests; crushers; mnlrd, peupsr. and salt cups; candlesticks; sugar baskets' nutter coolers s Epeignea: mo.asses vases: trult dlsbea ; and a variety ol' o'ber Article. ......i-..T mw. Im . m An It. Arlnna. anJ knives and 'orks, with Ivory and bona bandies; carvers; pocket knives: fluted steel, etc ete. The above stock Is with confidence recommended bv the auctioneer, tha respestubliltr and high a ending bt the manufacturers who ara the consignees bolng a guarantee of the quality ol the roods 10 ii St (man lor examination on Wednesday. 24th Ins BALE OF MODERN OIL PAINTINGS CBYBTAL On Thursday and Friday Evenings next, 4Mh and ilith Instant, at halt Dast I o'oloca nreolsel v. at HcoU's Philadelphia Art Oalierv. will oe sold a col lection of oil painttugs, emoiaclng works of merit Irom some oi our moat eminent American artist, together wltb a number ot apienuia crystal meaauions. Open lor examination on ruesaay, akj insi. iu tu at ANCOA8T & WAR N O C K$ A rnTTAaTWDa 618 A y V A A V -J - Ne. MO MARKET Street IABOE POSITIVE SALE OF 800 LOT AME RICAN AND lMrOHTK.U UKX UUIJIJS. LlKN, MILLINERY, AND UySIEBY GOODS, by CaW logue, on a credit . On Wednesday, October 24, commencing at 10 o'clock. 10 19 4t A M ERIC AN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. - ITALIAN OPEBA. IMPORTANT NOTICE. a. . a.--r CHahhsi Ttalllnl aviilaV UwlTlH W BO VeiO UVsUoCIIOSI UI OIUWI womuii wuivu bfolutely requires a day'i repose, the ManKPment m OU I lCU IU BUUVIIIUIO IW VPOICVI &aasas, uuvuuiOV lurtfiU eveuiog, lonzettri beamliul oeraof UVt Jl laU a, tm. w i ai with tbe following immensely poweriul cast t M'tIK HMAU, IQOB MAZZOLEM, . BlONO t ANTONUCCI, HON OH FOSSA'lI. 8IUNOB TESTA, 81U. DEUBEUIL, Eto. Etc TO-M OBBO W (Wedne. day). October 24, SECOND ANI) POSITIVELY LAS 1' alUiT ol tbe brll'tanilT surceHstui new Opera, 1HK HTiKnr THE NORTH, WITH NEW S :K.NEUY. LNT1RPLY NKW DltESHE.H AND APPOINTMENTS, IKUBKAHsD OBC HErtTBA, T0 MILIT ABY BAN OH. AN UNEQUALLED GHKAT CAT. Katbarlna .7 MIssC. L KICLLOG'I l rascovl.1 M las A. M HAtlCIv l.anlilowitz., V-Vt!?i0i! (irilzenzo Hig BKLLISi Peero Mg aNIOM OOI hatali" .Vine KLEUItY I ctilmona 'ie BI JABDI (llonilo 'kuvronsky Big 1'ElrlI VRHT Ismxolorr big VOELDKS Ki.niieli.l) Sin. It N'I oainaldo Sig. MANC1N1 THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, A FAVJBITE OPES A. ON 8ATTJFDAT AFTKR(fOO!T, Octooer 27. at 2, UK4ND M ATI NEK. By ualveisil reitre the new Comic Opera, i BI8PINO LA COMABK Admission to 'be Matinee to all parts of tbe House, ONK. DOLLAR. NO KXTBA CHAttGE FOR B liHSRVED SBAI8. Thsaateot t'cketsfbr aoyot tbe above-aaiud pe: (oiuutncea con, nit nets i nia unnrnvn. at the Box Office of the aoademv. and at Trumnler'l Music Biore. No l31 Cbeanut street, con r nevenlib ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, t7os 603 and 605 CHESNTJT St., Phila. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY. OCTOBER 23, 18(10. , NEW, PUBLICATIONS. JpIlOM THE P II ESS OF J. II. LIPP1NCOTT & CO. PHILADELPHIA. JUST PUBLISHED, STIDlCs IN TUB DOUK OF PSALMS. Being a Critical and Expository Commentary, wltb Doctrinal and Praotlcal Remarks on the entlie Psalter. By VYI llam 8. I'lumer, D. D., LL. 1). In one volume. Clotb tM Ubrary Style Half Turkey, Tlnte d Paper . .. 7 St II. IIISTOHY OP TUBS UNITED STATES SANITARY COMMISSION. Being tbe General Report of lu Work during tbe War of tbe Rebellion. By J. SUIle, Prolea-or In Ibe University ol Peonarlvacla. One voiume fvo. 93 M. IIL TIIK METRIC SYSTEM. An explanation of tbe new system ol Weights and Measures author) ted by Congress. Wltb Tablea and a translation of M. Lamolte's ' Legal System of Weights and Measures." published In France for tbe use of Schools, and authorised by the Board of Public Instruction. 12mo. lmp muslin. 40o. IV. SIXK'S FIRST LESSONS IN FRENCH. An Introductory to the ''Practical and Intellectual Method of Learning French." By Professor Jean B. Hue, A. M., formerly pupil of the Bo at School ol eoreze l2mo. 1. V. TIIK DIVINE ATTRIBUTES, Including, also, the Divine Trinity: Treatise on tbe Divine Love and Divine Wisdom. From the "Apocalypse Explained" ot Emanuel bwedenborg. llmo, 2. VI. SKETCHES OF RUSSIAN LIFE, Before and Duilog tbe Emancipation oi the Sens. Edited by Henry Morlev, Professor In Univer sity College, London. 12mo al-75. VII. ON DEMOCRACY, By J. Ar bur ParlrUee, author of ' The Making of the American Nation; or, tbe Rise ana Decline of Oligarchy," "The False Nation and Its Bases; or. Why the South Can't Stand." lvol. 8vo. VIII. ' TIIK MAKING OF THE AMERICAN NATION; Or, The Bias and Decline of OUgaiohy in tbe West By J. Arthur Partridge, authir of "On Democracy," Etc. Etc. IX. WITH GENERAL SHERIDAN IN LEE'S LAST CAMPAIGN. By a Staff Officer- Illustrated with a steel portrait of General Sheridan and a Map o ' tha Campaign. 12sao. 173. ANSTIE ON EPIDEMICS. Notes on Epldoinlos i For tbe Use of the Public. By Francis Edmund Anstle, M.D.. F. R., CP., Senior Assistant Physician to the West minster Hospital. 12ino. SI. XI. HALLECK'S INTERNATIONAL LAW. Elements of International Law and Laws of War. Prepared lor tbe Use of Colleges and Pilvate Students. By H. W. Halleck. LL.D., Major-General United States Army. Demi Bvo. 2 50 II 23 tuthsJt FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. BUY FURNITURE AT GOULD A CO.'S Union Depots, corner NINTH and MARKET and Nos. 7 and 3 North SECOND Street. 1 he largest, cheapest, and best stock of furniture, o every description, in tbe wor d. Send tor Fruited Cata losneand Price List. Tbe soundness or material and workmanship la guaranteed or a. I we sell. Furniture for larlor, Drawing room, Chamber or Bed room, Dining room. Library. Kltchei. Hervants' rooms. Oiflue Hcboo's, Churches, Odd Fellows, Masons, or other l ooses, Dinps. inniiiuiious uiuoa, uonegea, 1'uo lo Buildings. Bote's Boarding-douses. Hospitals, Fairs, or single piece ot Furniture. .Drawings ana enuma es i amisnea wnon required. Orders sent bv nost will be executed with demafah. and wltb liberality and Justnesa of dealing Country dealers, and the trade generally, continue to oe supplied on the same liberal wholesale terms, that Insure tliu-n a lair piotli. Partlea at a aistanoe may remit through our llanVat .1,A 1.' nn.u' Tl .1 Uutli.nlnal V ... I ..... I 11 , C'hesnat street, or the Union National Bank, Third street, or bv Express. Check, or Post Office Order. Im mediate attention win iegi en, ana satisfaction insured. ooui.n co., N E. come NINTH and M A RR.ET ttreeta and Nos. JTandHSNortu SECOND Street 1 lOBn Philadelphia. INDIA RUBBER PAINT. N IMPORTANT INVENTION. RUBBER PAINT. . THE AMERICAN CUM PAINT CO. AND WHITE LEAD WORK, FOR UIE MANUFACTURE Of Butcher' Pateut liid la-Rubber . Paint. FACTORY AND OFFICE, S. E. COHNER TWENTIETH AS I) FILBKHT STS. N. B.Etate Blshts tor sa'e. M23 tathsim trZW OFFICE OF THE SALEM COAL COM- PAN Y, No II HHIUDKLt'BI k EXCIlsNGK. Philadkli-ui A, October '2J U6i. Tbe Annual Meeting of tbe Siockho der-win be bela at their otuee, No. U PHILADKLPHIA EXCHANOE, on NOM)l, tbe 5th November at 1 o'clock P.M. 10 23 lit A. L MaSSHV. eeorutry. TV YOU WANT PERFECT SATISFACTION I In avery respeut, bny the celebratad PRKSTON rnAi7 Egg and Ntove slzea, at at per ton. Also, the "a'eK.ULK VEIN CO AL, same alaea, same pioe, Sid a very one Quality ofCEUIuU, Egg and Stove, at al 60j ir ton 1 keep nothing bat tbe best. Orders re. '.IvtaatNo lUBouthTUlRB Street J4 EXTRA BOUNTY -THE PAVMASTER. General has ordered Ihe prompt payment ot these claims. I have all Ihe neceteary lorms under tha order tor application and can Insure a apeedy settlement. OEOhfiK W. FOKD, No. 141 DOCK Street, on door below Third street. . lOllmrp F0PRTH EDITION ritO a" BAXTTK0RE TO-DAT. Tha Trouble BetweVn Governor Swani and thi Polioe Commissioners. lefnoiAL bpatoh to vmhj txlmbapb.I BAtTtMOR, October 13. -The political esclte nott oontltnicg. The Police Commissioners maintain thcit determination, not to appear ta person beiora Ooyernor Swann. Tbe leading; doelrearaonatheoovernor's stroiyteOt personal . friends but political opponents is for a pompro mlse, which it la believed will be finally sccora pllsbod. Tbeeame bitter foeUnR extends through out the State, add serious fatal riots are oocnr rlnjr at different places. No matter what arrangements may be made, trouble aeems in evitable at the election. Governor Swann ha vlna; Roncbnck on bis own party, loses the cordial support of others. Marine DIsnaieia. Nkw York, October 83. The bri VchcUfj, arrived here, report encoitnlerlmr a hurricane on the let Inst., and suffering; much damage. On the 6th Inst met a brig and a schooner, both disabled. On the 19th inst. was boarded by the bile Otprav. of St. John. N. B.. which, ha t nn board the crew of the schooner Salmla. and was short of provisions. ine reoctly, belup also short, was uonblo t supply (hero. On the 21st saw the steauie 'JtteodoreD. Wagner, from Boston for Charles ton, on Bre. Rendered all the assistance poixi- bie, and got all the women and children. sIk- .-... iu uuiuwt, on uimiu me oriir, wnen tne crew, finding It impossible to save the stesmer. u,.UUI:u ur, iinnisju coming; on Doard tn Velocity, and lha r on bonid the schooner Jsnoch Pratt, bound tj New Yoilr. The barque &ar King reports in a sale on th e 16th, took irom tbe barque Mary Khzabeth the luitaiu biju vim, iweiye ia numoer. Ttte rbrilain Tansirictci r.a.almv n, i. i . i schooner Ji. K. Deyer. with four men ou bo.ird, uiii- u uiinuiu in BSbisi, inetrj. Til f hnmilA (Vilnlfuir-a mnnrfi tvr. fit. m..l -j . w . v.. . . apv.M, VU 1IC .Iflk in latitude 374H, lr-nsitude 93-26, at 1 A. M.. eaw a screw sreamer on Dre. wltn another Stesmer lvinir hnaidn hir annruvuxl in k... taken her crew off. Tbe one on fire sunk, at 3 P. M. ou the 22d. Latest Markets by Telegraph. , Vnv S -1 . . 1 AA . , . . n . ".w a7.. vu luut-r ao. iuic&go ana it ova Island, 109; Illinois Central, 12t Miohigaa-6o-itn-em, bO; Mew lore Central, I'M; HvMXinr, IVili CaBtou Company, 68J; M esourl 6s, 62; Erio Kiiil- iuuu, Mji Tsiriu union leerapn Compaui , 64; imrui, i o-x-, iiHj; i-u iiiriios iw; rivc-awea-ties, 111 j; United Mates 6s 113: Gtild, LEGAL INTELLIQENCE. rnnrt i. O nta - tl.yyUn. at..... uwwas-st-WA-asw namu ri n In U tpAtB-S.l t lint. 1 ! .a-A J Al.aainn a , aa ., . . bcece iu tbe cou t-room thta momiuff wrj suni ar v wsma. j' vow ba . cju yroivtuaj, a uej aa1 16009 BomovTbttl Duialler, ana cuiualBod fuwor idler. lm room wai tuoie nhy and coimoruble for (hoM asslm.a rilltiaj H n n. a .h 4 S. - . s a a- uvcv vauatvv vviiunu luom laMUl JJ, 1 U0 OWW Ol 11 lifT ALU Oddy was calipd ioi irmt. lha rl.lnttrl.i.t .. ... A Ik. s uv uvivuuai'v naa nus Kiitu ui'VU IUO UUnrKv Ot haTJDK, ou the fiOLa f MaroD, 18tf6, murdered iir- D-atltf Itsnw si till lila.urlns mat t aal.iw I bejurs having been empanel e'd, J 1). Bennett, -""M'l .uv vara u no jvuiiuvuwai V t up friv ni tbe loilowing statements, winch it was pro poted to BUbatautiati- by ovidonoe: Marsaret Beta. uie aecoasca, naa set aitttea from bur nusoand ia tbe Julv previous to her uoat;i, and was living a Dart Irtm bim during bet ii tieaa. Alter the aepaiation abe went to a bouse iu Am boy street; . while uer she was taken 111. rii.e set t ono Ann eteveason lor k is Marv Anna Oadv, requesting her to come ana see her. Hrs. Oddy wont witn nor into tbe room wl.ere deceased was, and tound her pregn mt. Sue there causod ou aburt'ou, tioui- ibe effjota ot which tho patient died aeven days -atterwams. 1 no blood tbatwaa found upon the olothea ol tue deceased ahowod plainly that she was wuh c nld at the time. Cornier Taylor afllrmod that he he d an inquest on the body or Mftrgeret Beta iu bis office on the 8d and lb cay of April 1. at. 1 wa. present at tbe , ou morlemeaaniinatiou made by Ar. abapleigb, aasia.ed ty another physician Dr. bbapieigb swrn: t made a post-mortem ex amination on the body ol ot the deooasod. I tou-d tbe n.erns and its appendages, and tbe inside oi tne cavity ot the pelvis io a high state oi inllamination. Ihe cavity of tbe pelvis was U-lud with matter, tbo result of tbe inflammation. Ibe mouth ol the womb was biniscd; there was an abrusion wituin the neox of tbe ssiub on the irontal part Tbe eanao ot her death wa Inflammation; abe had beeu pregnant ; I oould not form an opinion Irom tbe post mortem exam nation bow long she had been so, but' from the whole faota ot the case 1 Judged it to be aoout four months; I am satisdxt ,tot "ere bad been some external violence, but nuciuct it uniure ur s ier tue expulsion or the iCBtua 1 cannot tell it mio-iit h... the finger. """" Ann Htvenson being sworn, said that she knew Mrs. Eetts; she saw het once t efore she moved into Marshall street; abe fien lived m . AmDov street at t It a hnnu nf ILI rm Pmm ... I. n . i. n " -- - -" nunu tuu UIISOITia20 LOOK place : she knew the woman before sue was eneieute. r v. . j uc' iu taa sis e; ., - o di.i,ioi wiui witness : she wont alter Mrs. Oddy ihree limes: sawhrevorv waa ory atog ana with Mis. Botz in ton minutes Witness waited at the drujr store for her. 8ne then went back to Mrs (litH.'ii niuincn Ih. nnna s n .1 A I. - . . together. Witney bought a unai! bottle of medi cine lor the cick woman When they got to tbe house, Mrs Oddy then performed an operation on Mr. Bel z, which witness did not see. tine did net see any instrument need. Mrs. Bets remarked that this was toe . third time she had been in tho hands ot Mrs. oddy, and she feit perfectly sale. Witnoss didn't stay in tne roam all the time, tiroughtherat one other time ; couldn't remember whetber it waa betore, or alter bbe thought Mrs. Oddy came ailer Mrs Bets bad the miscarriage, but didn't know how long the de ceased lived alter fie abortion. Cross examined -Mrs. But was very feeila and sj oke in a very loebie voioe. Mrs. Morns caile I me and told ine Mrs Bsta wanted me; Mrs Oddy waa sitting near the door Or. Iroih aUirmed I am a practising physician and called to see Mrs. litis; I saw her first on luesday, 29th ol March, abe waa- ta a prostrate con dition, and was very Weak, and bad a chilt; -ne waa suffering from tbe eflecta of an abortion I tii-aird her lor In flan mat on of peritoneum aiul tha womb and its appendages ; she died on Fi iday aha complained ot peine aoroe- tbeaodomen; was pre sent at tbe post-mortem examination ot the bod r of Mrs. Bel. ' wl -Crosexamind-:I saw her on the att moon or Tuesday, also in the evenlnji had a ooaveraatioa with her. Ibe foilow'bF question waa then asked, th wit." no.a:-"Did the deceased tll you that she had pro duced tbe ab-T ion .herself up,n bersellt Ibis waa objeeted to and the ohieotlon sastaned The Court then took a recess unu a o'clock Dlatrlct Court Jde r-harswood. Siter James k Co. vs Charles irentaji. Aa. aoaon, on a book aooonat. Betore leported. Verdioi for p-am. tiff, 88t. Lewis W. 1 ice vs. Albert 8 Fisher. An aotion oa a promissory note. No defense. Verd ct lor plain- Kobn k Co. vs. Herbert, Oestorle k Baaer Aa aonon on a promissory note. On trial, UUtrtet Court-Judge Hare Cornelias k Baker vs. Bomedoms. defendant, and Taylor garnishee. Belore reported. Amount found to ha in tbe dands ol garn'sW, 74. James Bonliara, Admimstiator of Patrick Hone, deceased Ti. Samuel Loweulrteud. A feigned Issue to try ihe ownership of certain roods. On trial Court of Common Pleas-Judee Ludlow Francis MoOnik and Mary .neCourt. An aotion to recover damages lor an overflow of p aintiff-a nn. miaes Horn a hydrant oldetendant. On trial. Fbilada. Stock Exchange Sales, Oct. 23 Sepoited by Ie Haven k Bra., eto. 40 k. Third street t880O 5-20s CocpJuly .1081 5H) do 108 5 ' - . 4il0 city 6s old.... 97 400Ofc AOs 83., 911 100 sh 18th A 15th. H5 21 sjiuotMj ao 108 f 4700 U 8 7 80s.Auff lOtf J City 6s 86 t-HOOl'aoe 97 eOClO do..ooup .. 97 aiOsn beating... 63 1-iu 03 1 -IU ... B7i so do. , luoh so xw tn Fulton Coal. SECOND Rita on .Ci,Tfc new 100l 'lOOOO Ih Us. 84 .... fs