FTJBL.ISUKD JEVKIIY AFTKRNOOH (mDATf EXCtrilD), AT TUB EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, M. 108 8. Third Street. rrtcw, Three Cents Per Copy (Doable Sheet), or eighteen Cents Ter Week, payaole to the Carrier, end nailed to Subscribers out or tbe city at Sine Doll an Per Annum One Dollar and Flftr Cent for Two Months, Invariably In advance for the period ordered. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 18G6. Some Figures of the Election. Tub election returns from all the counties of the State hare at last been officially received, and General John W. Geary's majority for Governor is 17,135 votes. As figures cannot lie, It is well for us to see what they teach. The aggregate vote in the State was the largest ever polled. The following aro the totals for the last three years: 1864 572,707 1806 454,203 18Cd .... ... 590,851 The election of 1805 is no test whatever, as but little interest was taVen in the result, and but a very slight vote was polled. Let us then, compare it with the vote of 1834. At that time the majority for Mr. Lincoln was 20,075. If this vote had been the unfettered utterances of opinion, without the influence of the Administration having been brought to bear, we would have lost 2940 votes. But at that time all the Influence of the Administra tion was in our favor; all the deserters, skulkers, and cowards were hiding away to escape the draft; all the ignorant foreigners were refusing naturalization for fear of con scription; and with all these influences in our favor, we only had 2940 votes more than we have now. Yet at the last election every cause which conspired to give us victory in 1864, now was equally potent to secure our defeat. All the offices were against us, all deserters were disposed to aid the Democracy, and what was still more noticable, all the foreigners have been naturalized and are voting the Democratic ticket. Let us look at the gains in the Democratic rote in some of the strongholds of the con servatives. Berks gave in 1804 19,970, in 1800 20,409; increase, 533 of which, Re publican, gain 511 Democratic gain 22. And ' this, too, in the home of Helster Clymer! Luzerne, in 1804, gave a total of 17,090 while in 1806 she rolled up the amazing total of 21,010. Two-thirds of these new votes were Democratic rather a large increase for an inland county in two years. Northampton in 1864, 10,670? In 1800, 10,749; of which the Republicans, despite tbe most frantic efforts of the Democracy, gained 133, while their opponents lost 74 votes. These results in these Democratic strongholds have been achieved in spite of vast naturalizations, and are glorious achievements for our party, while all the fortresses of the radicals have held their own, if we except Philadelphia and a small loss in Allegheny. We have already stated the causes which conspired to cause our loss in our city, while in Pittsburg our loss was so small as to be merely due to the fluctuations of popular opinion. In view of all these difficulties we have done nobly. We have a good working majority of 17.000, and that is all that a party could desire. And so long as we can main tain our own, we need not fear that those whom we have defeated on the field of battle, and bare again beaten at the ballot, can recover power with the consent of the Key .stone State. The Athletics the Victors Yestebday the second match between the Athletics and Atlantic Base Ball Clubs for the championship of Amenca came off in our city, and resulted in the overwhelming suc cess of the Philadelphia C ub. We are heartily glad that such was the result, not because of any personal partiality for the victors, but because the conduct of the New Yorkers who accompanied the Atlantics, and also of the crowd who witnessed tbe contest in Brook lyn, madejit the struggle, not of two clubs, but of two cities. They boasted that New York was invincible in base ball, as in every thing else, and offered fabulous odds in favor of the Athletics. But their happiness was turned to grief, and their joy to heaviness when the contest progressed, yesterday, and the game terminated in a most overwhelming defeat. It was hardly a defeat ; it was a rout. No one had -cause to complain of any mis management jesterdiy. Everything worked like machinery. There was no crush, no breaking of ropes, no fights, and no open betting. Too much credit cannot be given to the Athletic Club for their admirable arrange ments. With this match we hope the epidemic of base ball will subside, at least for this season. We have too often expressed our views on the excess to which that healthy game is carried to need to repeat them now. If indulged in moderately, it is of advantage to all. If, however.lt is indulged in to the excess to which it has of late been carried, it ceases to be a recreation, and becomes a dissipation. Let the players see to It that they do not place their favorite sport among the abandoned games, each of which has had its day, and died. Cholera Mortality. "Tai number of deal Us from cholera in St. .Louis, during the rajie of the epidemic, from about the 1st of AuRust .to tUe latter part ot September, was over 3600." An equal ratio of mortality in this city would have resulted in 14,000 deaths, calling our population 800,000. Ahothkb survivor of the Evening Utar tr has arrived at Savannah. He tells a horrible tale of Buffering and death on the part of his companions. The details will be 4u&& 9U Qui flm page. THE DAILY EVENING TELKGKATO. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, A Financial Phenomenon and Its Cnase. TnR United States Five twenties, although all issued within two months of each other, and all guaranteed by the same authority, and bearing the same interest, differ widely in tbe prices they bring in our market. The old rive-twcntles are five and a half per cent higher than the Five twenties of July. This is an extraordinary phenemenon. 1 he only real difference between the two is found In the fact that the interest on the one occurs sixty days earlier than that of the other; but this would not, under ordinary circumstances, cause any perceptible reduction in the prices Joey would bring. What, then, is the cause ? It Is found in the stupidity of the British capitalists . We have often heard of the dul ness of John Bull, but never have we seen such a striking exemplification as Is found in bis course in regard to the Five-twenties. Wh-n the first issue appeared, they were sent abroad, and the advantages of an invest ment laid before the 'Change. The intelligence of the moneyed men was sufficient to enable tbem to appreciate the inducement, and they bought up the Five-twenties. When, however the new issues appeared, with a stiange per versity they would not touch them ; and to this day, the only form of Government securities known abroad are the first Five-twenties. Tho consequence is, that the foreign demand is ab sorbing al! the former In our domestic mar ket, and they are at a premium of 5 J percent, over their biethren of .equal value. When all the first issue is abandoned, we suppose that the later notes will be accepted, and all thus be gradually placed on tho London 'Change and tho Paris Bourse. The argument clearly to be deduced from this phenomenon is that we ought to have at once a funded debt that all our varied loans be reduced to a common form. When that is done, they can reach the brains of British capitalists. But as long as there is any vari ety, they must fail to be freely received abroad. Secretary McCulloch has alreadv declared his desire that some steps should be taken to secure this end. He is an able finan cier, and well fitted to carry out the plan. Political Equality and Social Equality. ihubk never was a ereater fallacv than thnr which maintains that political eaualitw 1m. plies social equality. Political equality is simply equality before the law. and constat in the enjoyment of equal political rights. social equality, on the contrary, has no refer ence wnatever to rights. It has no common standard by which all can be measured. It depends upon a thousand different thtnra such as wealth, education, culture, character ana tne like. Political equality prevails among all our white citizens, but there Is no sucn thing as a general social equality among them. Because men vote at the same polls', or even vote the same ticket, they have not, therefore, a right to intrude themselves nnon each other socially. The two things are totally distinct, and are onlv conf mndad H those who desire, through an unfounded pre- luuice, to aeiraud. certain classes of their poli tical rights. In the special election in seven counties in Tennessee for members of the Legislature, the radicals have gained three . The number of Southern newspapers which support the Constitutional amendment has largely increased of late. A destbuctive gale prevailed last even ing from Buffalo to St. Louis. In Chicago and St. Louis considerable damage was done. The official returns in Indiana make the Bepublican majority 14,000. SPECIAL NOTICES. JggT MUJAVIRO.-IT 18 VERY SELDOM we meet with any aescrlptlon ot pertome which ao entirely oomei op to the notion of the pnbllo as does the perAime abore mentioned. -AT. O. Trw Delia. The new penume lor the handkerchief li something ptcuiarly delicate and deilcio.is. For sale by all the principal druggists, - Phiade'xh a Evenwg JJulle 'iOz 7 16 m KgP COLTON DENTAL ASSOCJATIOS.-' 3gP NEWSPAPER ADVERTISINa.-JOY COE 4 CO , N. E. corner 01 FIFTH andCHEjl HUT Street. Philadelphia, and TKLBUNE BUILD INGS, New Tori, are agents tor the "Tkligbaph " and '"J.1,!1; Newspapers ot the whole country. 780gn'P JOY COB CO. UNITED STATES TREASURY.- xnrmv. bm. rH' V?WW-1868. v . . ..v.uuio ii laiDii i UU (JSH. ami ii rw ., .,. .... iuoticu iu present ne same ot thmoilien for examination and count Checks wl 1 i" iclw ,0? nri.YiiniT 1"vn""' " "o morning oi tiie 1st Pr.(!"- . C McKlllB'W. 1U " Assistant Treasury United state LvJ?1 COMPANY, OFFICE w u lutnzf john H. WYLE, Secretary. $1 0 OOO Arh 50U0.-feEVUAL SUMS lhlJ.jJJJ ol these amounts to invest upon Mortgage. Applj to A. r ITI.I H Pnnn...... jo t4 a.- No. 51 .North six l u 6ueeb JSMy, BARBER'S IMPROVED - PKBI8COPIC SPKCTAf I.I'M Buperlur o all others. Thy excite the woid.r and admiration of u wno una tbem fcanuractorv and Etwi-rwuu, o. tiiium street, Pblia., Pa. riB OPKRA "oi.ASSES. Assorlmes tlaree and varied, t rices low. 24 3m UISITINQ AND WEQDINQ CARDS WRITTEN, ENGRAVED, AND PITTED The Latest London and Pari, styles INITIALS VOSOGKAM8. CRK8TH AR. ' ' U,Rir5 ON V lha Finest English, French and Ameri can Paper and Envelopes. MONOGBAMS, ABMs'citESrS. Designed and En- " wEl'riMO DESK". TRAVELLING OAStS POST. FOI.lf". P(nKET-WK. KKIVKS. BACKGAM MON BOa.kDb.nndavery large stock of FINE STATIONERY II. HOSKINS CO., BTATI9BEB9 AMD CABD ENOttATEBS, mip No. 913 ARCH Street O FALL STYLE HATS. JJ TIIEO. II. -M'CALLA, J1JnWppatand Cap Emporium, 804 CIIESNUT Stroot. FOR SALE AND TO RENT. F R RENT. A VALUABLE STORE, No. 809 CIIESNUT STREET, In the National Bank of the Republic Building. tt APPLY QS THE PREMISES. QFFICES AND LARGE ROOMS FOR RENT IN THK National Bank of the Bepublio Building, Nob. 809 and 81J CHESfJUT Street, The Building Is supplied wllh Gaa, Water, Water Closets, and e team lies tin? Apparatus. Tbe rooms on the third and fourth floors are large (SOxftj). well 1 1 shied, and suitable lor a Commercial College, or business of a similar character. Apply at the Bank. aU FOR SALE. ALL THAT VALUABLE fcl tbree-storr II BK K BUILD NG. and ot ot around, situated on the went side ot Delaware avenue, below Callow hill street, containing in tront ?.1 ''laware avenue It feet, and oxieuuinij In depth l&A teet to Water street. Two item. " ' Aluo, a iaiMand valuable WHARF conneoted with tbe above, containing in li onion Delaware avenue Ta Icet and ex ton.. Inn In depth 28 feet, with deuiu ot water lor tbe largest class vessels. Forteims andluriher dtscrlp.lon apply on the pre-roltea,np-stalis. ip io tnstutit f FOR SALE. DESIRABLE CORNER PRO 1L PEMTY. 'I be modern three story orlck Dwelling, vwih double three story back buddings, trout and side tn. ranee, no'thwtst torner ot TWi,LFl'U and WAL ECK Streets: new ha er, rani.e, gas bath, etc. plarxa on Wal ace street, beplete with all conve ntnecs. Could be altered lutota store with dwelling atlacbed. Possession with deed. C M R. LKSI.IK. 10 20 No 727 SASiQH Street. OWEPT WALNUT STREET. FOR SALE, at cost, one of the most elegant B own-stone Mansions, superbly finished and nescoed Also, part of the lurniture. IS. KINOM'ON McCAV, 10 i0 6t4p ho. 429 WALNUT Street FOR SALE. A LARGE COMMODIOUS Mansion, opposlie Logan Square, containing over inru-j iuuiiis, ueauiuuii.v ttuuuieu. Terms accoinmo da Ing Address llox 1.108 Phi sdelphla P. O." 10 0 3t WALNUT STREET PRO PERTY. FOR Rale, three Dwr'llnea In Nowlfnw wt Twevi v. Jltar street, at 18C10 42:00. and k"H (Mm atn llor medium s ze H'Ue No 2118 AKt H Ht BM lmrp WOOLLEN MILL AND MACHINERY FOR sale. The underslrned offers tor ssle the sub stantial Brick Factory owned by hm in Jame street, fonth Ward, Chester, containing two sets ot Woolen MacMnery (Jenks' make;, 48 lach Cards, and 38 lmi In flirt ra e condition, Corliss ntiine, and superior Boiler mew), i'or particulars address lOXiituthO HAMUKL EC'CLES. Jr., Chester. 1H n O R SALE. f! H E A P Several Choice lota In Mount Mori ah Cemetery. Apply to J. M. HALL, Undertaker, 10 20 Strp No. 1S39 VI ME Ktreet. TjOR SALE-THE STOCK, GOODWILL AND J1 Fixtures of a Photograph Establishment, No. 6.4 CHE NUT Street. At ply at No. 95 TtlDOB Avenue C102I tnth'81 rpo KENT TO SINGLE GENTLE 1 KN. TWO I splendid nn'urnuhed Booms at No. lilt WALNUT Btreet. It4p EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HALL, EXGELSI0E CLOTHING HALL. EXCELSIOR CLOTHING HALL, S.E. Cor. SECOND and MARKET, PHILADELPHIA. CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VE3TINGS. Depart incut for Cnstoni Work. Agents for Oiled Clothing. EDWARDS & LAWRENCE. 10 21 tnthsimip JpItliSII AND PRESERVED FRUITS. A LARGE STOCK OF Fresh and Preserved Fruits antl Vegetables IN TIN AND GLASS. rOR PALE WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL. SIMON C0LT0N & CLARKE, S. W. Corner BROAD and WALNUT. 814M CHILDREN' ( 1,0 1111 (, . - Splendid Aasortment in the Latest 8tylei Bptoial attention u Invited. SiJOEMAKER & CO., !llegorth EIGHTH Street WAdr,Eoo.U?ffiy iN T A RETAIL thUofltoa. "'4'ras stock). Address HOM Bit, lOUli BLACK GOODS FOR DRESSES EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, IIAVK NOW OPEN A FULL STOCK OF BLACK GOODS OF ALL KINDS. BLACK iaiSH POPLINS OP PIM BROTHERS MANUFACTURE, in three qualities. BIACK f BENCH POPLINS. BLACK SILK BIBBED POPLINS. BLACK POPLINS, Heavy Cord. BLACK CORDED POPLINS, of very superior quality, lest ever imported, our own ordoring. BLACK BAREITZ. BLACK CASHMERE POPLINS. ' BIACK ALL.W00L REP POPLINS. BLACK POPLIN ALPACAS. BLACK VICTORIA CORDS. BLACK TAMISSE CLOTHS. BLACK BOMBAZINES. BLACK FRENCH MERIN0ES. BLACK ALPACAS AND MOHAIRS. If 2 tutbi 4p CURWEN STODDART & BRO. PJEAVY 6-4 SWISS BUCKSKIN, SUITABLE FOR SACK COATS, PANTS. AND SUITINCS, AT $250 PER YARD. CUFW(N STODDART & BROTHER, Ncs. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., 10 23 at a nova WILLOW. OPERA. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, OPENED THIS MORNING FRESH NOVELTIES IS OPERA AND EVENING CLOARS. ALSO, FALL AND WINTER CLOAKS Of the latest Styles. N. B. Cloths by the Yard. White and Black Astrachan Cloths. White and Colored Chinchillas, White and Colored Beavers. ' White and Scarlet Cloths. Eeal Velvet Beavers, in Blacks, finest ever im ported. Novelties in Fancy Cloths or Misses' and CtuI droii's Cloaks. 10 28tnth2i4.p ASTRACHAN CLOAKINGS AT $350, FROM AUCTION. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nca. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOSL St., lOMJt ABOTB WILLOW. JpOR TIIE OPERA. JUST RECEIVED BY JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 822 CHESNUT St., AN ASSORTMENT OF BE ALLY FINE OPERA CLASSES, Made expressly to their order, by BABDOU, OF P ABI8. Alao, a veiy large supply o PARIS FANS Kew designs, prepared special'? lor their Sales. 10 9 tulhMp tl2 2 3Il I D A L GIFTS. AN UNUSUALLY LARGE VARIETY OF SILVER MANUFACTURES, 1 mbrso'ngtbe mrst KLEGAM and UNIQUE ABTl CLEB tor the 1 able, designed expressly tor WEDDING ail'TS, Ana airncd In single pieces and tasteful combiaitions ALSO EXQUISITE Cut Glass ana Dlsque Wares. JAVES F. CALDWELL & CO., No. 829 CHESNUT ST. 10 9 tutli88p t!2 M Q ANTON GINGER. Fresh Imported t sntou Preserved Gin. ger, Pry and lu Syrup, IF TbE FIHE8T QU4LITT, FOU BALE BY JAMES U. WEBB. 8Wl t jiaUTH and WALK DT Stmts. OCTOBER 23, 1806. CHARLES E. KELLY, I T. ' aa n I t tBrt """P"1 assortment, at Ou Paioas. or SLACKS AND LACK UOODS, KMBHOlbKRIRls AND SKTS, J UVTK GOODS AMD VKILH, EMBROIDERED AHD PLAIN HDKKS' nn . M. 1,KS, tAnS AND CUFFS. iot!5 DUPLEX SKIRTS A DESIRABLE HOME SECURITY. St I WE OFFER FOR BALE A LIMITED AMOUNT OP FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THK CONNECTING RAILROAD CO., AT THE LOW RATE OF 034, FOR A. SHORT TIME ONLY. These Bond, both Principal and Interest, are Guaranteed by the rcnnsjlvania Railroa'l Company. Interest Payable Semi-Annually, Clear of State Tax. For full particulars in regard to the abovf Security, apply to DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South THIRD St. 10 16 trip JINE OPERA GLASSES. PEARL, RUSSIA LEATHER, MOROCCO, JA PANNED AND FANCY CASES, 07 TUE BE8T MAKES. Imported and tor sale br williah y. McAllister, 1016tnths61rpl No. 733 CHESNtTT St, Phlla. JpINE. OPERA GLASSES IMPORTED AND FOR SALE BY JAMES W. QUEEN & CO., lOldtf No. Oft CHESNUT Street. OPERA GLASSE9. , . Floe Opera Glasses made br M. BABDOU, of Paris. Imported and for sale only by . , . C. W. A. TRUMPLHR. 10 1 1sa4p SerenUi and Chesnut streets E MO TED. TUB EQUITABLE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA, Have Removed from No. 226 WALSTJT Street, to No. 108 S. FOUKTH Street. here they are now prepared with Increased facilities to do a general Insurance boslness. Capital and Bar plus, im.W. H0H6t4p S. HENRY KENNEDY, President. FRANK D. BARNUM, Secretary. ATLANTIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY EMPIRE LINE FOR SAVANNAH EVE R Y S ATURDATFEOM PIER 13, N. R. new yore, pokciually at i o'clock p. m. The favorite side-wheel steamships ALABAMA LIM BE BURNER, Commander SAM BALVADOB AIK.IN8, Commander Through tickets and bills of lading to all points. . leg a in passenger accommodation. HARRISON &. ALLEN, 10 10 1p Na. S BOWLING UBEEN, Sew York. ff STAR LINE TO. NEW ORLEANS. . The New York Mail Steamship Company's flne ocean steameis wl'l leave Pier 46 NORTH BIVEB, Sea: York, at 3 o'clock P. M., as follows : WORM NO bTAB On baturday, October 20 UONTEHET On Wednesday. October ii BAVsNA On Saturday, Ootober 2 MlsbOCIll On Wednesday, October s All biils of lading signed at the efflce upon the pier, tor freight or passage apply to C. K. OABRISON. President, 10 ID li Hp No. 6 BOWLING GREEN, New York ffk ATLANTIC COAST MAIL STEAMSHIP LINES, BEUI-Wt-EKLY, FOB NORFOLK AND RICHMOND, cabins 6 and SS I'l'AhLtblON, cabin 2V Second oia8 I3 8AVAN..AH cabin 25 Second olas JJ E verr 8ATTJBD AY, tttar line 'or KtW ORLEANS Direct NHWORLEAVS First cabin.. S60. Sreond cabin.. S40. beoond class.. ('28 Flrt cabin.. U Keo.nd cabin.. 40. Second clam M With uiiMurp ars(d;ccon)mooatlons te either class. For freight or passaae apply to ALLEN E. 1 HO HAS fc CO., 1019 4p o. 8 BOWLING QBE UN, New York. Olhm.Fr F9Nt)ON TIIHECT THE nJ.Vil rfa marnlflcent steamship "WILLIA M PEN." -'i-.i5f'l"'ic,' i'apUm Blt.LINGS. will be dei patohed from New York.Ociober J, 1H66 punctualv. ForpssssM aply to UOWLAND A8PIN WALL! NewYork.or a. L LEAF, Ageut. ,,,.. at Adams Kzoress Company, " is ' No. iHt cUfc-CNUT btreet, PhUada. rmAFZZlS RUDLAR LINE FOK L1ART- SaSCA3NACL?NN ' VU "WAKK Tne steamer JJ AN Captain Vanderveer, now loading at tbe second whart above atARKKT Street willluve as above on THCJK8DA Y ns"t?th utat Freight ukea ou reasoiiHble terms. Apply to .A,., WILLIAM M BAlhIACO, una jio, ua a wiiARVES. Ij o v ope n, PARIS CLOAKS. EXCLUSIVE STYLES, CWHICH WILL HOT B COPIED), IS GREAT YARIETT Or HATEFIAL AMD DFigtOBT ALSO, PAKIS STYLE 0L0AK8, CUB OWN IfANCrACTURl, IN GREAT ABUNDANCE. ' NEW CLOAKING. CLOTHS IN GREAT VARIETY. AL0 SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS FOR DRESSES, ETC., FROM THE EEST ttAHTJTACTTJRERS. AND CUr IX ANT LENGTH. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., unimrp No. 920 CHESITUI 8t, S0W OPEN, FUES OF ALL NATIONS. RUSSIAN SABLE FURS, HUDSON BAY SABLE FURS, FINE DARK MINK SABLES, ROYAL ERMINE AND CHINCHILLA, DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, PERSIAN LAMB, ASTRACAN, ETC. ETC For Ladies, Misses, and Children. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., ion inn No. 920 CHESNUT St. QLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAK8. HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOAKS. The cheapest Cloak Htoie In tbe city. Small ptoflts and quick sales. THE OLD 8TANB, WAT KIMS', NINTH and CHEBBT Streeta. SEE THE PRICES. Waterproof Cloaks, only S3. Waterproof Clo.ks, only a Waterproof ClOhks onlr SV Heavy Bearer 8cques trimmed. W. Heavy Beaver Basques trimmed, 90. Tbe old Original Cheapest Cloak Store in the city. DAVID W ATKINS, . No. 131 N. NINTH Street, N. E. coiner NINTH and CHEKBr. The Ridge Avenne and Onion tine Cars pass the Store every two mlnntes lo t tuthstm JICII, RARE AND RELIABLE FURS. Hudson's Bay Sable Muff's, Cellars and Berthas. Fine Sable Mink Vvtfi, Collars and Berthas. Siberian Squirrel Muds, Collars and Ber Jim. Heal Boyal Ermine Mum, Collars and Berthas Children's Eels In every varle y of Fun. . An Immense saving In price by applying for an early selection at the CLOAK, MANTILLA, AND FUR EMPORIUM, No. 14 B. SECOND Street, six doors below Market. 9 29,tutbB.ni OH AS- L.EWISSON. JUST RECEIVED, French Opera Bonnets, EEAL NOVELTIES. WOOp & CARY, No. 725 CHESNUT ST. 1 2m rp , -i-i WEYL & ROSENHEIM, rt' No. 726 CFK8NTJT Street. OVEN THIS DAY, A splendid assortment of felt and Silk Hats for Ladles and Children , All tbe newest shapes at very low price M t low Ostilcb. and I'beasaot Plumes Brown. Drab, Whlie. and Oarnet Bonnet Velvets, Royal Velvets, tncut Velvets, Urvs d'Airiquee, Frosted Velvets. 1 be same goods In every other shade ofonlor. Velvet Jtibbons, Trimming RlbhoDS. Bonnet BI'bon, Fsrls OrnameLts, Fine French Flowers. French and Mew York Hat an" r ennet Frames, Laces, Illusions all at the very low at market prices AT WHOI.KbaLE AND RETAIL. Country orders promptly attended to. Uive as a call. WEY L A ROBUNHH, 10 81m No. 726 CUEWNOT Btreet iev SPLENDID OPENING OF FALL. AND ??WINTER STYLES -MRS. M. A. BINDER, V" No 10.11 CUs.HNL'T Htreet, Philadelphia, mrOUTEB OF LADIbS I)EfcS AMD CLOAK TBIMUUOS Also an elegant sock of Imported Paper Pa terns for Ladies' and ( bil Iren'a 1 1 reus. Parisian lire, and Clo.k Making In all Ha varieties. ladles lurnlstilne their rich and oostiy materials mar relv on beiog artisilcal.T fitted, ana their work finished In the most prompt and effi cient manner, at tht lowest possible prices at twenty four hours' notice. Cutting and basting Patterns ha sets, or by the single piece, tor merchants and dreaa makers, now ready IHOHm BONNET OPENING. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 3, E. P. GILL & CO., 10 Um NO. 730 ARCH STREET. MRS. R. DILLON, Hot. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Has a handsome assortment of MILLINIBYi Mlsse and Infanta' Bats and Caps, Bilks, Velvets Crapes Blbbons. Feathers, Flowers,rrames, etc 1 181 WTTD A 1 n T Hf TT V - . -a A I l 1 I IamsaA it D unite! aim ru uov-ri nwniiwmwiuaH Bounties od ha-all the UellitMM for H4J it' men,. C.l. oaor addr QyoBQE W. FORD, 10 M S" V(K 8tieet M "0r fhlTaVptu.