6 NUMBER XC. MKT KiR MENTAL DYSPEPTICS, AND A CURE FOB UY-IOUIIONDRIA, HY-VOORtBF, OB ANY COMPLAINT Or A HT OR0BR. HY OUR SKK1KB EDITOR. ALMANAC AND DIARY. . 0BT MXTBS-ILLOOIOAL OBSERVATIONS FOR TD WEAK. October. Hemday, 15. Sons of TcmpcrancA make a parado in Tvesnmeiou ana wait upon Andy lor a speech buoh a ploee of saur on the Cliicl juxecuuve cannot oe too severely repnmanaea Taesday, 18. 4 Clvmor politician the resa t ofiosins-a b t, wheels a barro-v of brick irom .Fifth and Cbesnut streets to roaa mrooi. no foil vers tore about tne defeat of his man, anil is now no bttter. Wednesday, IT. The 1'hltadelpD'a Boird or Trade pre en ted b Wr. William hwam with eofif ol " Vebster'i Dic'lonary, Unabridod." Mr. t-waln wishes them to know ih moaning of the bard words titer 080 towards one an other in tuoir debates. Thursday, JN. Arrival fn Boston of tho two Jaoaucse J'rinoes Waarol and Woael, who are Jiivtttipauiiar the mysteries of tho Uti i. In that cmini'ciion they wish to prove themselves food ftlloei. Friday, l. "O'd Abo," the Wisconsin Erle. s a' is lor the Pans txlilbi ion a' a rcpre jonta tiTe ol our Army, in advauoe of Nov ori Na'ionnl luzzard. Saturday, SO. series COLUMN DAY. Tho Edi tor exiiecta hoon to ro.-imi the control of the.e columns, as Professor Acpasiz's in'rmds taking him to the fans Exhibition as a specimen ot the 'American booby." OUR NATIONAL GUARDIANS ABROAD. The New York City National Guards want to fro to Paris, und what is more, want to go at the Government exrense, to bo exhibited as a speci men of the American soldier ol the period. For fear the project may fall tbroneh, an our Gallic friends will not see with their own eyes this specimen of "Iubc'ioiis" nature, wo have had s line drawings made from hie by an eye-witness. Thoy can be all authenticated by any American whorony happen to be at Ihe Exhibition in .Paris, and who resi.led in New York during tho gloomy period 01 the war. The first is the TIL tr NATIONAL GUARD ON DUTY AT THE PARK, where he spent many weary, tedious, and sad hours, particularly early in the morning, when there was not much promenading of the lair ex in that part of the city. He was under fir most of the time that h, when when ho could got hiB clear lighted. He loaded with ease and iexlcrity hie beautiful meerschaum, which he spent bis ninety days' enlistment in coloving. The nest picture 8 hows NB iF THE NATIONAL GUARD IN A FIERCE EN GAGEMENT. And we all know with what vigor thej tormcd the breastworks, irrespective of cotton bales or any other barrier that mifrlit be In their way. Their darin? in engagements of this sort was unquestioned, excitine alike the ttdml .xatlon and envy of every soldier on the field. The next picture gives a vie w of OUK OF THE NATION'S GUARDS THAT 'DON'T EXPECT TO BE 8ENT TO FARIS. The fact If, these fellows' clothes are not good nougb, even if the Government was to pay tholr xpenses to Paris. And It is probable, as neither f them can speak French, they would starve to atath, by being unable to ask for anything to eat, and though they found no difficulty in torming a batteiy when their CoaDtry needed it, they would be too modest to storm even a landlady, thoush their life depended upon it. We do hope, if the Government should scud the Beglmcnt of the New York National Guards they will provide glass cases to keep them 1n lest they should soil their new tight-attinsr clothes, and be obliged, beloro they come home" to adopt the loose h ablts oi the French. ' BLACK MALE CORRESPONDENCE. Albany, October 10, 1868. Mr. Series Editor: Ise all de more free in writln to you bout our Culled Convention because I sees yon sometime expose Andy, dat wanted to be our Moses, and I spect he would be if we'd let him, and take us fru de Ked Soa; but Ise afeered he'd drown us, 'stead of da 'Gyptians, because be wouldnt know any more lan dat bout de Good Book dan to do dat way. Ise just been teudln' de Culled Convention up here at Albany, and, wees been doin a big thing. When we opened de Convention, which was me wld prayer, alVr we found de janitor, who bad de key, we took into consideration de all important question of letting Miss Susey An thony set wid U9 ta wnat de pgMent called an August boij" (i 8p0M! he forgot it was so late 1n.de year, most two months past August). Well, some of us was at Dm in favor of Busc, beln la de Convention and dincussin with us de great ques ??J??k X. .JEGR AFII TJ SHEET. tloiiB of de day, bat others said it would dis grace our proceeding to hab a white woman to ghe color to a Culled Convention. I gpose you. tnow Surcy don't wear dem things dey call "tiller?," but she wears a cross between dem and a pair ot pantaloons. We didn't do nuthln bout eettlln de tinps in de country, but I blncvc Mips r!ucy Anthony can't come in dcCuilcil Convention, not if de Convention knows itself, and I believe tt do. Yours, CiEHAR Johnson. i THE NATIONAL GUARD IN PARIS. Frenchy "Pardon, monsieur, will zoo tell me in what battle zoo wa eniraged ?" National Guard-"0, ah ! yes. Well, the fact is, our fellahs' time was about up when the fight ing began. Put, ahl during the fighting at Gettysburg I was engaged to Maria Jane, as they called her; but her father not doing as well as I expected in some little operations, I have not been eniraged since, to any extent ah !" " CHARLES, READE AND REFLECT. Mr. Charles Keade, the author, has, we be lieve commenced his lawsuit against .the New York editors who have epoken of his late work in no complimentary terms. Some say the suit is more to advertise his books thun to assert his rishtp; but our opinion is, that he will have a 'Good Fight" of it, and if he does not get rid of a large edition of his "Griffith Gnunt," he will of hli 'Tory Hard Cash." STAMPED OUT. The Russians, hv wav of trvinir to .-t;itrm out the embers of the Polish revolution, have abo lished the Polish pootaee stamp, and com manded tho ue of the Russian article. If the Czar could only put Russian heads on Polish Eoldiers ii well as on Polish letters, "Order would reign d Warsaw. ' A REFLECTION (Seen ichen Glancing at tht Mirror of Life). "Young men, in raillery don't Indulge," So says a learned sage; For how can it be good in youth When it is baA-in-fige ! We have been favored with a sight of the forthcoming new Poem by England's Poet Lau reate, lor which MacMitlan's Maqazinc has con tracted to take the whole quantity at XOOa line. We can remember but one verse of it. which we here quote, and which to us seems to hnve the true Tcnuysonian rine: "Ste the little children ruu, Four, and three, and two, aud one; Pee them (as I said beiore), One, and two, and three, and four." Pleasure and Profit The Supper ; Table Series, of course. Pleasure! No doubt of it. Equally doubtful is the prolit. How to Keep on Good Terms wirn Your Creditors Pay them. Writs of Error Marriage contracts. THE LANGUAGE OF FLOWERS. BY AN AMATEUR. In a garden nook, by a wide spreading yew, A ttiiipy old Nettle and Dock weed once grew; 1 hey w etc sipping the dew; and between you aud me. They mixtd it with scandal, as ladles do tea; "1 cin't tnink, my oeur Dock," the old Nettle began, "Why the rose has been alwajs a favorite with mm: Her breath's very sweet, we all must allow i', And true f.ne has beauty, at least folks avoiv it; 13ut then she's so vam, she thinks all nnm adore her, And that such as we ought to full down before her. Her greatest delight 1s, you may see by her eye. To be londled and kissed by each fop pass ing b: And hei dress is the oddest that ever was seen hhe wears throughout July a nioss victorint 1"' "Wlulelntle Miss Snowdrop," replies Madam Dock, "Comes out in the frost in a white muslin ti ock : And though she's modest, and hangs down her head, Youup Crocuf and the were caucht both in one bed. And that litUc piinx, too, so sickly and pale, j.ou miuw who x mean, uear, Aliss Llll ol thii Vale, go shy and retired, tVt her company shun, f-o modest and humbla you'd think her a mm; let ner i ouco saw. Tete a-tete in a nook wltn old solemn Monks hood. Then there's Madam Poppy, 60 vulgar and red, How caily and gaudy she diees her head I bhe nl a s looks eleepy , aud wot people think, And 1 quite believe it, ettc's given to drink, lou know Mrs. Pansy, with uark velvet hool. And a lace like to some you Bee carved out in wood; I heiir that she latt-ly come out in great state And has n holly 1 rgotten (he old garden gate. Madam Tulip last Sun-any was splendidly dressed But then, dear, her character's uoneof the beat: She Is painted and powdered, but smell ot her breath, I am euro it will sicken you nteh unto death." Well, now, then, I'll tell you a capital joke," Mrs. Nettle replied, and she lauuhed as she spokf: "Here's old Dolly Daisy, that lives in the del), Las a daugoter who's goue witu my lady to dwell; v She calls herself now bui high-noundioK name. You would scarcely believe that irom tield-wark she came. fihe'd a eister, you know, overturned by the ploueh, When Bobby Burns blubbered and made such a row; And there's tho'e Geraniums, a prmid, Idle set, V i bile we are abroad in the cold and the wet, Ihey dress theuisehts out in piuk, t,carlet, and W cite. And btare out tho windows from iuoinintr till night. Those delicate trentry that como from abroad I know thoy are glad of their bed aud I heir board They boast of the sunshine ot Naples and Rome, It they don't like our climate, why not stay at home? Our lind's overrun wl'h s'ic'a strangers as the?e, By Bitiiieisaud dancers and poor refugees. But 'tis time to be going, toe moon's shining blight. And I cannot bear scendal. Good night, ma'am, good nkht." Letters frMn Florence state that tho Italian Senate will be called upon to judge the conduct of Admiral Persano in the battlaof Ltssa. It U said to be at the request of Baron Ricasol, that the kiiia has consented to send the aBalr before that exceptional tribunal. The popular party would have wished the case to be Judged by the ordinary courts. A KEAUTIKUL BTORY. THK CAPTAIN'S L.OS8 AND WIDOW'S OA1N. ' BY OEOROB AUGUSTUS BALA. At nigbt a'.l on an autumnal evening, when the stars were just beginning to tfyitik In over bend, like diamonds on a canooy ot azure, two young men were standing toeotiicr, engneod la conversation, on the steps or the lilnca Eaclc, a Int-hlonablo hotel in one of the principal streets of the gay and celebraicd city of Vicuna. One ol them wore the rich umiorm ot an Austrian huzzar; the other was clad in ths civic costume ol a pent'emsn. "bo all Is completed at the Ministry of War, except the signature of tho cummlnston, and the pay mentot the purchase money?" said the soldier. "Exactly so.? "And to-morrow, then," continued the huz ear, "I am to congratulate you on the command ot a company, and salute you as Captain Ernest Walsteln." The last speaker was Captain Christian Stcln fort, au officer who had seen some two yeais' strvice. "An! my boy !" continued he, twirling his jet black moustache, "yonr nnilorm will be a passport to the smiles or the lair. Bat you already seem to have made vour way to the ko.mI graces of Madame Von Bcrlingen, the rich widow wb" resides at this hotel. "bah! she Is lorty," ausweied Ernest, carc Icssl.v. "But in fine preservation, and a beauty for all thai," said Captain Steintort. 'The llarou Von Daugeriiold whh desperately in love with her, but within a very few days the widow seems to Lave cut him. You are tho happy man, altrnll." kJ "Undeceive yourself, my dear Christian," said Ernest, blushing. "1 have only flirted with the handsome widow. Mv hand is already engaged to a charming girl, Meena Altcnbew, tho piav ma'e ot my infancy, adopted and roared up by my lather. I am to marry her as soon as I get my company." x "And what is to support you, Captain Er neft ?" "My pay, of course, and the income of the moderate dowry my lather proposes to give Ins laorite. Ho jou see my lot in lile is settled." "Precisely so," replied the Capiain. "But since you are free this evenine, I encraje you to pass it w iihn.e. Have you cot any money about you?" J "A good deal. Benides the price of my com miseiou, which is safely stowed awav in bank notes in this breast pocket. 1 have a handful of ducats about me, with which I propose pur chasing (sonic trinkets for my bride. But I have a gold piece-or two that I can spare if " "Ponli! pooli! I'm well enourru provided," answered tne Captain. "You know this is nny dav. Come along." "Hut whither?" "You shall see." With tl C6o words the Captain thrust his arm within that ol his companion, and the pair walked otf at a rapid rate. Atter pasui" through several street-1, Steiufort halted, and rabg at the door of a stately mansion. It was opeijed by a servant in handsome l vcry, aud the young gentlemen entered, aad went up staiis. Walsteln i-oon found himself in a scene very different from any of which he had evor dreamed in his simple rustic lile upon his father's arm. Around a lame deal table cov ered with cloth were seated more than a dozen ol persr us ol diifereut aires, ail so intent upon what was going forward, that the Captain and his friend took their seats unnoticed. At the head ol the table sat a man in a grey witr, with a pair of green spectacles upon hi nose, before whom lay a pile of gold, and who was busily cnunged in pacing aud receiving money, and in giving an impetus to a small ivory ball which spun, at Intervals, its appointed course. Wal stein soon learned thut this was a rouge-et-noir table. The gentleman in the grey wig was the banker. "Make your game, gentlemen," said this indi vidual, "while the ball Sfjius. Your luelc'u ua good as mine. It's all luck, gentlemen, at rouge-et noir, touge-et-noir, geutleiueu, iho flflf fit In n;r.Tl , I lil o r Lr tiriiia it'j nrx.iMa ; twenty ducats and you have doubled tt. Make .is.... I , I . .1, ,J II "Tiy your fortune, Einet.t," said the Captain. Ernest mechaulcally put down a few ducats on the red. "Ked wins," said tho banker, in tho same mo notonous tone. "Make your garuo, geutlemeu. while the ball rolK" ' Why need we lollow the fortunes of Erne?t on this lutal evening, as he yielded, step by step, to the seductiou to which he was now exposed for the first time in bis lie? Long aiter Steinlort left the gambling-house, he con tinued to play. His luck turned. He had soon 1061 all his w inniucs, aud the mousy st apart lor his bridal prcseuts. He had broke tue package of bank nr.tci-, the money ho had re ceived Horn his lather for the purchase of his commission, aud though he saw bill alter bill swept away before, bis eyes, he continued to play, in the desperate hope ot winnins back his losses. At lengih his last ducat was gon He rose and le t the room, tho last worrti rin"-'iu in his ear being: a "Make your game, gentlemen, while the ball rolls." Despairing and hcart-strtckeu, the youn j man sought his hotel atd his chamber. Ou tha staircase he encountered Madame Von Ber liugen, but he . saw- her-not -Mils -eyes were elnzed he did uot notice or return lmr s iluta tiou. He threw himself upon his tied without undressing, and towards morning Jell into an unreireshmg and dream-peopled slumber When he arose late the next day, he looked ui muine.li in tne aiass, out scarcity recoaraized his own lace, so changed was he by the mental agonies he had undergone. When he had paid some little attention to his toilette, he received a message from Madame Von B rlingeu re questing the lavor of an interview in her apart- rtiente. ll mffliaYii.ollr nk..nj v. rr i nVL "V""""'"j me "iimmous, though ill tilted to sustain a conversatou wiMi a lady. i he w ido w requested him to be seated. "Mr. Walsteln," said she, with s, smile "yofl are growing very uneallant. I met yoii last niginupou the btaircsue, but, thouph 1 spoke to you. you had not a word or a nod lor me " Last night, madam," answered the unfor tunate youug man, "I was beside myself 0 madam d you knew all." ' '.'w!10 kuow all" replied the lady. 'What I that i had been gambling-that I had tbiown way-yes, those are the words-ever? ducat ol the money my poorfa'her furnioi,n,i with which to purchase my cou m,i ! on " J irreSi80" tU'U' But V "Pardon me, madam. Myfaiher iimn.,1, puted wealthy, is unable tof!S with a similar sum, even if l WPr i,., " accept it at his band"." ' UOl,"n t0 ;But if some friends were to step forward " "Ala-! I kuow none." i"t .ira. "Mi. Wulsteiu," said the lady, "lam rich- . loan o the requisite amount w uld not aleet me m Ihe least." ul a"eit "Oh, madam," cried the young man !P . would indeed save me by suchne 'Zu would be au aucel of mercy." wiry, you "What is the amouPtot your loss?" inouired tbP.,udy C,,ulv' M f,Up nnlocked herded "'J hree thousand ducats," answered trues' "Buy can give you no security lor the p" "Your note of hand Is sufficient" Bi n,a lady, handing the young man a n rl nou. "PlelTse to count those, SbSlK 8nm-correct. Here are writng materials " Ernest d d as he was bid -counted the ml, and then sat down atthedek. money, "Write at my dictation," aid the lady. r.n.V i u ' ve" ana commenced. "The date," said the lady. . Ernest wrote it. "Received of Anna von Bcrlingen the sum ,f three thoufand duca's " 01 duca."'01611 rtPted-"three thousand iu cuusiucrauon, i promise to oforetftwl Anna Vnn nnrit .. marry the M - "uinuiicu," "To marry you !" exclaimed Ernest "Av-to marry me!" said the deformed am I ugly am I pooryn ' "Am 1 -PniLABELPIIlA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 18CG. "1 cannot do it yon Imiow not the renxoa i thnt luonces me to relusc.'1 "Thin (ro heme to your father und confess tonr goili." Ernest reflected a few woments. lie could not co home to his father with the I'righttul tale. It was a question between suicide and mnrrliiBc; ho sicned the pnper. , ".now, then, baron," said tho widow to lier eclt, as she nirciullj secured the promise, "too cannot say that jou broke the heart of Annie by your cruelly. Take the nicncy, Ernest," she added aloud, "go and purchaejour com mission." Ernert obyed. His dreams of yesterday morning had all been dissipated by his own ac j he felt a degraded and broken-spirited criminal. He had sold himsclt for gold. "Here comes Captain Hmcst !B cried a youth ful voice. And a beautiful blue-eyed girl of nineteen stood at the garden sate of a pretty faim-house, watcbine tho appmach of a horso man, who, gaily attired In a huzzar uniform, was Rallopmg up the road. At her shout of do-, lipht a sturdy old grej -haired man came Jorth and stood beside her. "Caulam Ernest I" he repeated, "that sounds well. When I was ot his see, 1 only carried a musket in the ranks. I never dreamed then that a son of mine could ever aspire to the epaulette." rnest, waving his hand to Meena Altenbcti and his father, rodo past them to the stable, v heie he lclt bis horse. He then lushed into the larni hoiue, where his father met him. "WLat is the n caning of this, boy?" he said. "How wild and hnggatd you look'! And you have avoided Mecca and this, too, upon your w eddmg-day." "My wedding day O heaven! 1 shall die!" said the g man, sinking Into a seat. MfjpfBZa uo could collect himself, he told his BT:.r that he could not marry Meena, and tho reason that he had pledged himself to an other. The old man, who w.s tho soul of honor, bu. st Info violent imprecatlotis and drove him liom his preence. Ao he left tho house, the un foitunntc young man encountered u persou whom he at once recognized as the Baron Von I'aneertk'ld, the reputed suitor ot Madame Von Berlin gen. "I have been looking for you, Captain Wal stcin," said th Baron, sternly. "And you have lound me," answered the young man, shortly. "Yes and 1 thank heaven you wear that uni form. It entitles you to meet a German noble, aud answer for jour conduct." "I am answerable lor my conduct to no living man," retorted Ernest. "You wear a sword." "Yes." "Very well, if you refuse to trive satisfaction tor the Injury you have done me, in robbing me of my mistress I wilt proclaim y iu a coward in tho presence of tLe regiment upon psiiade." "Ob, make yourself eav upon that score, Enron," answered Ernest. "Llio is ot too little worth for me to think ot shielding it. If yoa will step with me mio the shadow of yonder grove, we can soon regulate our accounts." Ihe two men walked silently to the appointed spot, and, without auy preliminary, drew their swords and eupaped iu combat. Tlio strugme was not of very long duration, tor Krnest wounded his adversary in the sword-nrin, and disarmed bun. "Are jou satisfied ?" he acked. "I must be tor the present," replied the Earou sullenly. "Wheu I recover jou shall hear Ircin n.e again." "As you please," said ErneM.'coldly. "In the meantime sutler me to bind up your arm." The young man baudaeed the wound of his adversary, and as ho faltered from the loss of blood, led him towards the farm house. As they approached it two ladies advanced to meet ttiem one ot them was Meena, the ether was Madam yon Berlineen. "Dangerheld wounded !" cried the latter, burst ing into tears. "0, I have been the cause ot this; forgive me forgive me, DnngerUeld. or you will kill me." "You torget, madam, that you belong to another." "1 am yours only I can never love another nor does the person yoti allude to,"adued the lady, turning to Ernest, "cherish an attachment to me." "My only feeling for you, madam," said Erneft, with meaning, "would be gratitude, were a certain paper deftroyed." "What is the meaning ol a'l this?" askeJ the father ot Ernest, coming forward. "It means," said Ernest, tearing to atoms the proa issoiy note he received Irom the widow's baud-i, "that I had very ugly dreams last night. 1 dreamed that 1 plajed at rougo-et-noir, and lost all the money jou gave me to purchase my commissiun witu, and tnen that I made uo tho loss by promising " "Hush ! i-aid the widow, laying her finger on her lip?. "ihcu it was ail a dream," said the old man. "Look at my uni.orui." replied the CaDtaiu. "Arid what did ycu roeau in the story you toio roe lust now j" "Forget it, lather," said Ernest. "Dear Meena, look up, my love. Uisotir wedding-day; and it jou ao but love me I'm the happiest dog that weais a sabre and a doliman." That very day, two weddinirs were celebrated in tho larm-hoiise, tltose of Captain Ernest Wal stein with the Iraulten Meena Alteubersr, aud Eaion Von DangcrUeld with the yet beautiful aud wealthy widow. Tbe Captain never tried hi luck again at any game of chance. INSTRUCTION. TTA MILTON INSTITUTES FOR YOUNOI-ADIES. PHILIP A. CM GAR, Be in I? sbont to relinquish but position In tbe rnblto etliools wlib which be bos been connected lor the last fl-fli? WaVi AND BOAEDI.NG SCHOOI, VOH YOU&G LADIfcS, AT No. 3810 CHEBMrr STREF.T, ON MONDAY, 8KPTEAIUKK 10. Tills Institution is designed to rival the best seml ni rits in ihe couUry. - CIRl ULARS Containing psrticulsrs and otLei Information in relation toibla liiMltutiou, can be bad umii tue 1st ot Hep Un btr. l Xo MO k. TWEI.F1H 8tj6e. 827 ON8IEUR ALEX ANDltE WOLOWSKI won d liiiorre bis inemls and the public gonerailj tbat be in now reatly to give mmructiou iu burning and on ilie I lano. According to bis own svstcin which bereto loie has provtd go uucceistul In reoilerlnn ihe voice nowinul sud melodious, aud at tbe same lime impart ing Ibai t cl.lly to enable ihe accu at read ng ol tbe n.oul oifl cult lastatta. I 1b sjstcui lor the Flauoena bUa bis ) upi a to execute epcratio and olusslcal miulo 1 h niio, lee ing and brilliancy. Iboae wl'b hk to avail thinmei'es of nig long expe rience can do 10 by callinu at bis residence. s iiPmrp o. 7tif3 WAhHIOTONgqiiare. LEGAL NOTICES. T THE COURT OK COMMON PLBA l-OR I TUB tll'Y AMI COUNT Ol' fHlLADliLPHIA. l.taw of 1 OTlKK & lAObl The Auditor appointed by ihe I'ourt to audit, sett 'e, and adjust the account ot HIE fyti "uJSIl-ANY FOB 1N8UHAN'K.H OM I 1VK A NH distribution 01 tboj balance Iu Uie hanOB or ihe c- poses o ii. appolnirrenf on WtlN; HI VY. Oitobor Si at 12 o'clock Jd . at tbe offlce of Ipl-1;!.. ,j HON tsq. o 709 WALSirr Street, in the cl' of Fhllatlelpliia. tl0i0tntlitj W. D. BaiEbB. Aaaitur. TN THE COUBT OK COMMON PLEAS FOft I Til". IU ANDCOUN'IY OP PBILAUKLPHIA. MAUI AN KCKFI LDl, by be her next irieutl, vs. l'MlLOUOKt W. ECKFJSIilM'. arch linn, ISM. ho 49. rn 1 heortore W. Fckieidt, ReBpon. ent. ni.ioi.or Take notice of a rule returnable 8ATCBD Y. October ao lfttt at 10 o'clock A M.. to abow cause V'" fo'roe a "cilo matrimonii saonM uot be decreed in tbe orece, VW't. WAI.f-At'B. ,0 H Mmt AUoruevJjor Llbellant O RN 13 X 0 H A N Q E U A BAG MAN OF ACTORT. OH M X. A I L B Y A CO., WO TED TO a. X, comer of MABKET jnd WAT.B Btreeu DEALERS l5"A! B4GGIHO Floor, Br?- - BOn- I arse and small , GU in ( f ViTcKr SHIRTS, FURNISHING ROODS, Ac J, W. SCOTT & CO, S II HIT MANUFACTURER i), AID MALSSS 1)1 MKN'B riJJINlHIIINO GOODS Ho. 814 C1IESNUT Street, 0UB DOORS BLtOW TOE COKTINRVTAL, HI 'P FU1L ADELI'HIA. pATENT SHOULDER-SEAM BIJIIiT MANUFACTOUY, AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STOUE. PERFECT FITTING KUIR18 AND DRAWKRS nisile irem mfimnmcnl at very sbott notice. ill .lh.. .n!nla. Af HLTI L U . U U I .11 1 tirfr in lull tailety. WINCIIK8TK11 & CO., No. 706 CtlESNUI Btreet 24? THE BEST FITTING SHIRT IN AMEBICA IS TUB BnOUIBk R-8KAA1 PATTERN fHIRT, Manufactured by R. EAYRK, So. S8 N". SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, here you can find a laige assn. tment ol G ll NTS' FUKMSin.NO GOODB. Clip tbls out and give ns a call. 9 W So. 88 N. SlXi II street Philadelphia. SADDLES AND HARNESS. Harness. A LABGE LOT OF NEW UNITED STATES WAGON HARNESS, 2. 4 and 6 horo. Also, pnrtg of 1IAHNES8, SADDLES, COLLARS, HAL Tt R&, etc, bought at the rccont Govorntncnt sales to be seld at a treat sacrifice Wholesale or Retail. Topcther with our usual assortmcat of SADDLESY AND SADDLEKY HAItDWAHE. WILLIAM S. IIANSELL& SONS, 2 1 No. 114 MARKET Street. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. (JULVEIl'S KEW PATENT DEEP SAND-JOiXT HOT- A I II F U 11 N A C ft UANtiES OF AI.I SIZES. ALSO, FHIEiiAR'S HEW LOW PKESSUB- STK AM HEATING ATPARArUS. FOB BALK HT CHARLES WILLIAMS, Ko. 1182MARKE1 SIUAEI. &10 27 UAS STOVES! 27 THE EACiLE GAS-IIEATINO SXOVIO WILL 1IFAT Your Offices, Parlors, Lining, Ciotping, aud Bath-Rooms, at Li88 EXPESSE, LESS TROUBLE, NO UIRT SAIOKti, OH ASUiS. Ihey arc all wnmnted to do ti e work. Call aud see them, at . w. L.(IO.Hl', IU 0 lro No. T ff. 81X111 Street. Philadelphia, Pa, THOMPSON'S LONDON KITPITRVRH OR i tROPEAN BA&UK, lor tawl.ies, hotels vr i uuuo uiBiiiuiiona in 1 lyt.N'ii Dit 1 1 HhSI hll H Alan !.! i.l.i. 1.. a iin V nnpra Inpi.h . I ..i... I .... ...... Steves, Rati Boilers, Mtwhol" P att s. lirollers, Cooi lug Moves, etc., wbv!esa.e and t. iall,bvthit manunc. tUrV"'. fcHAHPE A THOMSON. tUstnthCm Mo. m a. SJCCONl) Street SHIPPING. f.fft FOTt HALE. TWO FROPGLLEB TjtaKW, SlEAMSflipg, S(0 ton each; two years o il; iuii ti. , )A lect; breadth el btani, id icet tf incnes: depth oi over bold. V itet 6 inches; between decks 7 feat V inches; ctnccnainx engine cyllndeis. 3ti inci.es In buro aiiu 34 in awoke Irell.t capsclty. 4WHU barre s. Copper fastened, and built In I hi ui elDlila by Juemia. Wi Uiau Cramp & Sous. In f p f 11(11(1 order For particu.ars apply to W. H GAIX 4 (IHER. No. 208 s. VUlAllVK or to WILUAM F. POT Id. 9?41mn) No. 1225 MARKET btreet, Pbila. i'l l.. A M 'll I I .IU WM Dill IT IMITIVH r,M (jiieeustown '1 be lnuiau Line, saninif M-b-i-nitKiv, curr' iuk iiiu cuiieu eiaiea mm s '1 ll OF WApJHlMi . 0" Saturday. Octnlinr n "CITY V L1IH Htl K" WeuueHUny, October 31 CM VOK l.OMiHN" satumav overner 3 C1T OFiiANC'HK81Eh"..We6;iies(lBV.Novoiiiber 7 a i.d en h tucceiding ratuiday and Wednesday, at noon, uom Pier No a orih nv.r. hA'ltS OF 'r K8AUE Fv the n ai; steaaer sailing every Saturday. Fust Cabin. ..old t'M btetiage utrency a4 1o Loiidoo ,. 961 ToLondou . 41) lolaris lOil ToParia 80 Fsssece ty the Vcdnecdir stean. ore : First cabin, UO; steen.ne, S6 Payable in United S.ates cur rency. lassengersaso foiwardcd to Havre, Hamburg, Bre n en, etc , in moderate rates. SteeriiKe fttc Irom Liverpool or Qncenstown, aid, cmrency. 1 1 ki ts can be bought here by persons send in? lor tbelr friends. For inriber In oimatlon apply at the Comoanva or) ces. JOiia O. DAI F Agent. - 8 7 No. Ill WALMjT btreet, Pbilada. FOU NEW YORK. PHILADEL- Mlliaw ll InSjl uciuwa o.oiu rupviivi tvuiituj lyvt iiiiu.li hwliibure Lines via l)elnsare aud Rarltan t ana., leali;gdaiyatl'iAt. and 6 p. hi., connecung with all 1U.irfli.rti ftv.a i..(.rn llriia or iuii in, which win be taien upon accouimodatlna teims, aiply to WILLIAM M. BAIhU UU., 3 IB No 132 S DEL AW ARK avenue &F? TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. Siiiilli i '' " ""t'"-nipnrt having leased the KKN b.iM.iuK S hi! UOiv.bessto nforui hU liiends and the pations oi the I'ocK (hat he Is prepared with lui reared lacllitiea to accouimodate tbose having ves-els to be lamed or repoire-', and being a p. actical slilp-er-penter and caulker will gie pu'nonal aitcntlou to the vessels emrusted to him lor repairs tantalus orAtents bblp-Curpentets and Machinists having vessels to repair, a. e solicited to ca 1. Uav.ug tie agency lcr the sale of 'VVettrstoilt's Patent Meta lo i cjiiiposliion" 10" Copper paint, lor the preservation ot vetsula' botioms, for ibisol t. I aui pre pared toiuiuish tbebameon lavorable terms. JuIlN II HAM-II IT. Ktnington screw Duck, IU DFI.AWAIiF. Avenue above Laurel street. WALL PAPERS. PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES AT WHOLESALE. 4 0 IN. PLAINS, FINE DECORATIOSS, BORDEB MO CLUING 8, STAB P OILTH, EAOLISH SATINS, BLANKS, ETC., IN GREAT VARIETY. R. T. HAZZARD, in 6 mv7i3m No. 819 ARC II Street. CUTLERY. A flue assortment of POCKET and TAHLlC cUTLEhY, RAZOKS, Hi. Z(IH hTROMH LADIKs' HOlSbOUS PAPAU AND TAILORS' BHEAR.TC.. ar Cutlery Store, o. W south TEN 'I H treet. 9 1S Three doom above Walnut ARBLED fiLATE MANTLES. SLATE (yORK f every description on band, or done to order. , PLAIN SLATE AND TILES al way r on hand. J. Ii. KIM KB A CO., )i5 yoa VIM and 1118 CUXSNUt Btreet LUMBER. 1 CP.fi -K LOOK1 NOl FLOtir.tNU -LOUO. LOO4 FLO h.MII i)-llifi(Minn j'i'.it.i( 4-4 ( ArUil.lNA HOi HlNh. D-4VIKI.IMA F 4KII,1NU, 4-4 VIRGINIA Fl.UOKINU t-4 I.H 1 AN ARK L' HRI(,. 4-4D1 lAWAKf ILOORINtl At-11 AM V Al.hV i Fi O HINO. Af U aM) MA1NIT FI OORINO. ft t P BOARDS. IRA It. PLA : K. 18G6 -P L A 8 T E R I N 1 LATHS 1 . ri.AsTKRi.vo I.ATIIH, at rs i ti. M) ppum. AT RFDUiEi) PRICKS. 1860 ceiVaAh a? v,,lS,B " "INGLES 1 HiHTSl-i,.R H'MI.,.. S' WH ? . A",f H iNWI.EB. FINB ASSORT M til l , OR 8 LB LOW HKD Cr DA U. W A 1, IT, A Ml Pin p8 1 1 RED t IDA K WALNUT, AND Pijnb" 18G6.-aaay 'oKK. St AauNr D W ALMIT CRT PbFlAk CbrRRy A Nn A St? OAK UK AM. BDH. " Hi A 4l. A Vtr ROSEWOOD AtDVtAI.Mvr VENEF.RH 1866 riOAK-UOX 1 . I 1 l( h 1 1 I II a v - u . - - - - - AT RKblit tl. I-girVy"' 1866. . KP) U K JOI.si I si I.ut imJS.IiJr 10M 14 lo 32 F (C Kl i.ViN ii FKOJU 14 TO 8'2 FKKI Loft Sl'Wl I Ii. Mil T i HEMLOCK 1 LA K NO JOIST OAK P1LI.S ""'"T. Ml Mnrp 11 At LK But vi hpr 4 co XJ N 1 T E D ST A fiT& BUII.DEU'H MIl.i,, Nos. 24, 26, and 28 S. FlPlEEXTjj St FlULADKLPMA. ESLEK & BROTHER, WOOD MOULDING, TJRAlKtTS, H'UIR iJl TERS, NEWEL PORTS, GEMJRAt, xrav, SCROLL WORK, ETC. U Tr&SI SUELVLNU PLANED TO ORDER coVJu'ontaZ1"'"1 01 a "0M jhto J. C E K K. I N'T, LIJMJJKH MK11UHANT. Bucccssnrto S. Clark, Jt., No. m CJlJJlSTIAJi STREET. WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE. ETC. CHESilT MM. VI, WHISKY. i. ....K, 224 North 1 H,KJ Sfeet. Ii anvtnina shim.i.ku to i.io me .hi. There is no a col .olio Min.m..iu k no v u "omminUI Ve- ecu u-tLt-kiitn l m tun, hiibn,uiieBi-r g,uc - k. I'l.lLAhtLi hia, Septeuiberfl ISnS ui.yvt nillKl Khicbtou Stnuus atid nmrth.ri contains (. or uk oiiokots h b'tanoe known ii t bit. oil. v neb Is tl.i iliaractrnn'o aid UOurlow tn treaitntef the wlilleslnitnera ute "ywious la BOOTH. O A 1UU I I CA MAO, Ana y lea Cheuilsta I hae mnT.A . K"r,vO''K "cpiemberS IMS hViskv .Vr, , ' ,,an'l,le ' tlih-NlT 01,0V ?i . i ,"te',,'u .rt'" 'r ""'Its wharton Jr I 1 hi li e plla; an.r la.lng taiviul.v tea id It i '' i,,;.t.lt,,s cu,,re ? "' miww'i? SJ?- . "j-AVtlf "lti!bt(js li u an unusuaUr dLut ana liiu-.. v. red quaiily oi shlk. ' pur JAAIES H HILTOiJ, M. D., Analytical Cbcuiis1 1 baverfsd. a chemf .iw.lsOTMiSLi p.esoi ClittiNCT OtOVt W HI K TnicliDroveaS t e free I t n, ll.e heavy u.l, o. atd Ve?i?c? y pur? untul-ciaieu lie tii.etaTt.roi tuiswbi.ky ( bjderlvS liom tee emln Ofeo In manulaclurlnu It, ' hetpectinliy A. A. HA YE. M. D, ttute Assayct. o i Boy a ton stieeb NATUAXS A SONS, I 2M I O n TKRS OF BRANDIEa, WINES. GINS. lito. Ute. , No. 19 North PRONT Street, PlULAKELPUIA. MOPKB KATHAhB, BODACK A. HATHAMH, OBLAMIO P. HATHASB. 119l JT11EU. BALTZ & CO , . IMPOETEEP OF WINES, GINS, Etc- SOLE AGENTS FOB Riviere, Cardat fc Co.'s COGlAC No. 110 WALNUT STREET, . l'HILADELPDIA. ) 3 Jm O A. B LIGHT FOR THE COUNTRY. FEERIS & CO.'S AUTOMATIC OAS MACHINES For Private Healdeneea, Slllle, IloteU, Cburcliea, Etc. Etc. Furnlihlug from Ten to Six Hundred Eilghta, as may be Required. Tbls machine Is gu rented i Coes not get out ot order and the time to n snnse It is about dve mlnates a week. 1 be simplicity of this apoara us, Its enti' freedoo ft-on danger, the cheapness and qualiiy oi-the Hunt over ail other, has gained for it the tavorab'e opinion ofttove acquainted with tts rrertts. Tbe name of those having csea them for tbe last three year will be Riven by calling at our OFFICE, No. 105 SOUTH FOUttTII STREET, Where tbe machines cm be seen In operation. FERRIS 4b CO., Box 1401 P. O, Send for Pamphlet " tS QEORGE PLOWMAN, CAKPKNTTCIt AND IHJT1DER; No. 232 CARTER Street, And No. 141 DOCK 6tnet. Machine Work and MUlwrlghtrng pion-plly attended to. .. I si H EADST0NE8, MONUMENT, ETC. ETC. LARUE COLLECTION PRICES. 14 BEST MARBLB w I L L I A Bl 8 . OBAN Ho. S3 8. DKLAWARB Av.nue,Phiiadclphla, 1; (1 yi so 1 1- i nainvnana. Dupent's Oonpowder, Refined Nitre, Charcoal, Ete. W. Haker A Co ' Chocolate, Cocoa, and brorua. Crocker Bros. Co. ' Tellow Metal MtieatUiig, Boltf andNalUt IU