The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 20, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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B To tbi Editor of Evening Telegraph:
Lately the people hare bcei startled by reading
some thrilling accounts of shipwreck, or of ves
sels foundering at sea during the recent gales.
Some exclaim, "What dreadful weather tlioro
hai been at sea; the heaviest gales that were ever
known !" This li not the case; the weather at
ca, about this time of the year, is generally
boisterous, and we may always look for hurri
canes from August to October.: Tii ey generally
pass through the Tropics, following along the
course of the Oulf Stream close to Cape Hat
tcras, thence northeasterly to the banks of New
foundland, and the never-failing mercurial
barometer will alwajs indicate the approaching
storm to tho experienced navigator.
No doubt you have seen a ship lying at our
wharves, nicely painted, yarda squared by their
lifts and braces, rigaing tarred down, and
everything in apparent good order, and in fact
looking almost liko a picture. Such a ship as
this often gives th schoolboy the notion of
following tho sea, aud he longs to bs a sailor or
captain of that ship; but, alas I "Paint and
putty make fine ships."
i That ship, my readers which is the case
many times on her arrival in home port,
the Captain notified his owners that his ship
required caulking or other necessary repairs
preparatory to going to sea again. Tbe owners'
reply is: ''Captain, we wish to load you imme
diately; tho markets are good abroid, aud you
must load and sail on such a day, and the
weather no doubt will be tine this voyage, and
on your return labor and material will be much
lower, and then we will give your vessel a good
The merchant, of ourse, is fully insured.
The Csptaln is a poor man, with a family de
pending on him, at a monthly pay of $75 to
$125 per month. Now, this Captain knows that
his ship is not in good condition to perform
the intended voyage; nevertheless, he is obliged
to go; for, if he refuses, there are always twenty
others to take his command at a much leas
salary than he is getting. He dare not inform
tbe Insurance companies, fearful tiiat other
merchants will not employ him; and in some
cases, if he did, it would not receive much
attention, as mnny of tho merchants are direc
tors of insurance companies.
Now, this ship gets to sea and encounters
heavy gales;he springs a leak ; the ere w becomes
exhausted by pumping, tho luak gaining on
them, and finally are obliged to abandon tbe
ship. By Divine Providence, after being on a
raft or in a boat, and enduring much suffering,
they are picked up by another vessel and landed
sately. The Captain makes a protest on landing,
and hastens to the owners, and assists thim
materially to get their insurance on the ship
and cargo.
After which, the Captain asks the owners for
another eblp; the reply many times is, "Captain,
vessel property does not pay, and we thins we
will get out of tbe shipping business; but we
will inquire among our friends, ani if we can
get you a ship, will be happy to recommend you."
No doubt this Captain bus lost all his personal
effects and nautical instruments, etc., which
took him some years to collect, and the owners,
after getting all their insurance on the vessel,
which no doubt was insured for more than its
real value, will not contribute to even a portion
of the Captain's loss. A Shipmaster.
Italian Opera Xo opera this evening. On
Monday evening tho tttar ot tlie North, by Meyer
beer, will be pivm lor tlio tint tlmo in Philadelphia.
On I uceday night Ernani a ill be presented, with a
tiDO cast
Tn Batemak Oohckkts. On Mouday night the
Initial concert will be given at the Mimical Fund
Hall. Parcpa, Bncnoli, Ferranti. Fortuna, Carl
Bon, B. B Hills, and other artUtes will positively
appear in favorite election from tbe works of tne
greatest composers. Tickets and sats may be
secured to day at Trumplor's, Seventh and Ohes
nut streets.
Kxw Chebntjt Street Thbatbb. Mr. John E.
Owens a i pears in bis great character o( "Calob
Plummet" in Dot,- or. The Cricket on the Hearth,
and as "Horatio bprigins,"in the excessively funny
comedietta ot Forty Winks.
New American Theatre Miss Kate Flshor
appears to-nirbt as "Mazppa" and in the French
by onHorsebck I his is a great double bill.
Walnut Street Theatre Mr. Edwin Booth
n his great character of 'brutuV and as "Petru
Ohio," in Shakespeare's Taming of the (threw.
Arch Street Iheatbb Mr. Bandmann't fare
well performance. He appears as "iiarcUae," aad
will be supported by the whole company.
Casncrosb & Dixet have arranged a partion
larlv e eaant and tunny Bat ui day night enter
tail me lit.
City Museum -Postponement. Tho opening o'
this new temple ot the drama is unavoidably post
poned until next Saturday, the 27th.
National Hall The great Lincoln Memorial
Tableaux. Mr B K, Murdoch recites "Barbara
. Freitohie" to-night. -
A New Enterprise. Messrs. K repps & Stone,
of this olty, have introduced a "Fans advertising
scheme" into our theatres which will, no doubt, be
largely patronised. It consists ot a handaom J card,
upon one side ot which is placed a fine photogra
phic portrait of tbe "star" ot tbe evening, while upon
the back are neatly printed the advertisements of
modiste", dealers in lanov articles, etc.
New B all-Room wuidb Mr. Frederick (.
Adams, No 408 Cbennt street, has published (vet
peoket size) a beautiful "Ball-Room Monitor," tbe
work ot Professor C. Brooks it contains complete
directions for executing all tbe popular dances, bints
. on etiquette, and tae advice to pupils, juveniles and
adults, who are learning bow to dance, 1 sensible
and praotloai.
CARLIN MoNAMEE.-On Hundav, September 80,
1HW. in St. John's K. C. church, bv the Kev. Father
Ju?n,!..,E.,,1lup C' CABL1N to Miss MAKY A NX
iloNAMEE, both ot this city.
FISHKR KOBEBT8. On the 16th Instant, by the
Kev. T. 8. Henson, FKKDEKICK F. FISHER, and
ADf lK li. 1 8. both of Uiuolty.
Uliiws aged 32 years and 8 months,
i T.b relatives and rleuds of the family are respectfully
v - "fLi0 ""en(l the luueral, iroin bis lute residence,
o'oioci Ueruntown road, on bundar alternoon atl
TiiYffrm Se,nintwn, on the 18th Instant, Mr.
IA..M'1? S ULI ' "J" ' Abraham Cu p.
T,2 11 ?' k 5n"V.!?eud" .'u,e laiu"v- also the Semi
nole Irlbe, o HO. Improve order ol Ked Men are re
.prctlully invited to attend the iimerai. from h" late
reaiueuia iw. u ...h.muui.v sireat, Uerniantown on
Tuesday a'teiuoon. the fadlnstam, at a o'clock
DA VI. On the 16th Instant, JAM B B
and ihe laie John Davis, In tbe 21m year of hu au
'J lie relatives and irlends ot the faintly ate reaim
son of Mary
Jnvlied to atieno tne mnerai. irom nis brother's nil
deuce, Richmond street and Wheat Hheaf lane, on Bun
day morning, the Hint liisUnt, at 10 o'clock. To crooned
to lioluiewburg
LTJfAS. At Olbbsboro, W. J., on the morning of the
Kith instant. FRANK RAVAGE, In'ani son of Join aud
Harriet A. Lucas, aged 3 monhs and IS da vs.
brrvlces will Le read at the reiduenca or his nncle, W.
II. Lucas No bio Cooper street, Camden, on buuday
morning at 9 o'clock.
VcriDKN. After a protracted Illness. ANNIE
F.LIZA. atUHbtnrcfth late Captain Wllilam MuFadeu.
Due notice ol the luueral will be given.
litutbJt Kv- ll&B.TEJiTa Btreet, Phlla.
For AMUivmd Local Items see Third Fagt.)
Newspaper Receipts fob Advertise
ments. The following nrr. the
for advertisements bv the newspapers of this
city for the quarter ending September 30, 1806:
Inquirer , ,
PlPsS . . ,
Evening Telegraph
Evening Bulletin .
North American .
Philadelphia Democrat
Aee .
Sunday Plppatch .
Stinlaj Tiancript
Hunday Times .
Sunday Mercury . ,
Daily New- . ,
uturday Nieht .
Saturday Kvenlnpf Pc;t
Improvements on Eighth Street. We
shall resume our dcicrlp'ion of the Improve
ments by notlcinir, in the first place, the elestant
newly titted-up store ot tho Epen Brothers, at
No. ii North LiRhth street. The build inp, three
stories in bright, has been thoroughly reno
vated and modernized. The heavy front to the
lower story has been removed and a light Iron
and plate-Rlas put in Us place. By-the-way,
how very essential these plate-glass windows
seem to have become to sbowoif goods to a
proper advantage. Allowing the light to pas?
through almost absolutely unobstructed, every
thing in the windows seems most beautitnlly
brightened up, and shows olf to the best advan
tage. Besides this.tney are really much stronger
and more lasting than the old style .of bulk
windows, with their small panes and heavy
sashes. Great pains (panes?) are taken to
render the windows more attractive, and the
stores tbeiuselves lighter and more comfortable.
Espcn & Brethers have spared no exertions
to make their establishment as com
fortable and as inviting as a lavish
expenditure of money, combined with a rare
display of good taste, could obtain. They bave
succeeded. A better lighted, better ventilated,
and handsomer place could not be found In tne
stieet. Their stock conforms to their building,
and Is well worth a visit. Their trade Is in laces
and embroideries, lace curtains, etc. They do
a large importing business, and sell at whole
bale quite extensively. Some ten or fifteen
thousand dollars have been expended in im
provements, and the building now commands
more tban three times as much rent as it did
a lew years ago. Those whose taste is tor
the light and the beautiful, we would recommend
to pay the Messrs. Kspen Brothers a visit. It
is almost bewildenn? to look over tho rich and
costly embroideries, with their artistical and
intricate designs and patient elaboration of de
tails. One almost wonders at these triumphs of
human skill and diligence that are here so lavis.ily
displayed. Here the most fastidious tastes can
be satisiied, bo endless are the varieties of pat-
lerne uuu si) ics.
There is a new institution on the street, and
one that bids lair to attain a popularity as
great as it is ceserved. We refer to tbe Staten
Island Dyeing and Cleaning Establishment.
This Is a branch of a New York house, and
although but recently established, has attained
u great popularity. We slopped in there the
other day, and Horn the way the ladies patronize
it, we should ludge that it will not be long
before they Und that their line accommodations
are inBulliclert lor their extensive orders. Their
place is newly fitted up, at a cost of some
eight or ten thousand dollars, and presents a
light, cheerful aspect, that is very well calcu
lated to arrest tbe attention. As Is usual with
the stores along Ibis street, they bave tbe
modern plate glass bulk windows. Thev occupy
the building with their extensive business,
which is earned on in a very succeastul way. It
ia a great consolation to know that the ladies,
when tbeir dresses have become a little laded,
or tbe color has gone out of style, can have
their beauty lenewed and their colors changed
to almost any ot tbe hues of the rainbow. "S
great is tbe skill attained in this dyeing that
even delicate ehados of moire antique can be re
colored and renovated, so as to appear In all
their pristine beauty. It cortainly makes tho
money pockets of husbands loel better when
tbey (the husbands) can see a way by which
their wives can obtain a new dress made of au
old one. It is an Institution which we Ameri
cans ouht to patronize,- and is worthy of all
the success that can attend it. The Company,
as we have before observed, have not long been
located in the street, but in tbe short time tbey
have been there, they seem to have attained a
moHt unusual popularity.
We will now turn to tho store occupied by
Belcher & Ueed, at No. 34. Tbe improvements
in this establishment were commenced early in
last January, and have been but recently com
pleted, the present proprietors removing into It
on the 3d of last May. Tho entire building has
been rebuilt and renovated in the most thorough
manner. It was but a small two and one-half
storied building before, but is now one of the
lines t and most imposing stores in the square.
The buildine is owned by Mr. William Warnock.
whose establishment was torso many years so
well known on the street as tbe leading retail
belrher & Reed have thoroughly refitted the
inteilor, in a style which does great credit to
tneir tanto aud judgment, and eviuces a proper
regard for the coniiort ol those with whom they
have dealings. We cannot avoid, in passing, to
notice the beauty of the interior of their store.
Here may be seen the most beautifully rich
and costly Bilks, dress goids, and all kinds of
dry goods ot the latest styles and finest quali
ties. Tbe clean, well-lighted rooms, with their
lolty ceilings, and admirably arranged counters,
are well calculated to invite purchasers to enter.
Tbe building a few years ago did not bring one
half the rent it now commands, and it could
bring at least one-half more than it does.
The Weather of the Week. We sup
pose that the week which closes to-day is to be
dign bed with the title of Indian Summer,
although the eaily hours ot this morning re
sembled an Indian Winter, or some such anoma
lous state of the weather. We give below the
record made by the thermometer at Fourth and
Chesnut etreeu during tbe week, as follows:
A. M. 12 M. 3 P. M. 6 P. M.
Monday, ... Gl de;
Tuesday, ... 60
Wednesday, . 6.1
Thursday, . . 63
rriday. ... 6M
Saturday, ... 57
66 68 G3
68 70 65
72 76 70
66 69 64
lit! 69 62
Receiving Stolen Goods Bernard
Ratlcrty, who keeps a dubious kind of a place
at No. 628 Shlppen street, was arretted on the
above charge yesterday. It eems that a gentle
man walking past his establishment yesterday
saw a coat banging from a peg which he recog
nized as one he had lost In a mysb-rioKS manner
come time belore. He stepped Inside, explained
the circumstance ol the case, and demanded
bis property of Ruil'erty. The latter lefused to
render up to Cufear the thine that was Ca sar's,
and consequently he was arretted on the charge
of receiving stolen property. He had a heariua
this morning belbre Alderuiiiu Butler, who held
him in $600 to answer.
New Books. T. B. Peterson & Brothers,
Philadelphia, Pa., have in press the following
work: "Country Quarters," by tbe Countess
of Blesilngton: "Saratoga; a Siorv of 1787: an
Indian Tale of Frontier Life;" 'The tWican
UrotUers," by Alexandre Dumas; ' The National
Cook Book," by a Lady of Philadelphia, a prac
tical housewife; "Tbe Freebooters," aud "Tbe
White Kcalper." by Gustave Aimaid; "The
raniily Save-AU" a book that every family
should own. by t,e author of "The National
Cook Book;" and "The Young Ilelresi," by Mr-.
No. 119 8. TENTH Btrset, Philadelphia.
An Assault and Batikrt and At
tempted 8tictdk. Tbere whs considerable of
a row in Heath utreet, near Tweltlb and Poplar
streets, yesterday morning. Au unfortunate
croatur". nam d Brldat t Brady, who Is subject
to fits of insanity, got into a frenzy, and seizing
a piece of a bed-post, beat her attendant, Mary
Burk, aged seventy vears, over the head with it.
The cries of Mr. Burk brought assistance, but
not until she had been beaten proity badly about
the bead, causing several deep gashes, from
hfch tbe Mood flowed freely. On exara'natlon
it was found that the skull had not bo-n frac
tured, although there were several perceptible
dents in it.
. The uniortnnute crenture Braly was arrested,
und committed by Alderman Fitch to await the
result of Mrs. Burk's Inlttries. Alter sho was
committed to her cell this morning. Brldiot
lirady attempted to commit suicide, by cutting
her throat with a piece of glas. Alth'outrh tbe
wound bled freely, she Is not considered dan
gerously hurt.
Robbing an Isolated Sn ant y. Three
voting fellows, about eighteen or nineteen years
old, were arrested tor lorcible entrance into
and robbing a small shanty, which Is kept as a
cigar and eating stand, and carrying olf some
cigars. They srave the names of John Williams,
Ceoiee Vincent, and Henry Sinclair, and are
supposed to be the same parties who broke into
the same place some time since, and robbed it
ot over thirty dollars. The Bhanty is situated
near tbe Gray's Kerry Bridge, on the west side
of tbe river, and is isolated Irom the rest of the
houses, and Is kept by a man named James
Collins, who does not sleep in It, but generally
closes it about dark, before he goes home. The
three thieves were taken before Alderman
Allen, who committed tbem to answer.
A Fish Stobv. James Mooney is one
of those men who go down to tbe sea in ships;
in common language, he is a sailor. Walking
along the wharves this morning, James saw a
tine barrel of fish that looked very tempting to
his eyes. As luck would have it, a pusd-cart
was clo6eby, so James dumped the barrel of
tihh into the push-cart and made off with it.
Unfortunately, Otlicer Wright, of the police, ob
served his piratical movements, and arrested
him in his career on Delaware avenue, above
Market street, and escorted him to Aldermau
Hurley. After the hearmir. In whlrh n nn.
peaied that the fish was the property of a Mr.
iu-seuuiougu, tames was committed in default
ol $500 bail to answer for his offense.
Not Caught Soon Enough. Yesterday
morning, Otlicer Brown, of the Dolice foree. ar
rested a man by the name of William Sulth for
tne larceny oi $187 ana a silver watch from a
lady. The watch and the pocket-book th it had
contained the money were found, but the
money was gone. He paid that he had been
compelled to spend it. Smith, it appeal s. is
one of tbe lowest of the low specimens of hu
manity that inest our city. It is said that he is
so bad a case that he could not bn An v nrnmp.
The articles were stolen some davs sincp. and
the thief has lived high ever since. He had a
hearing before Alderman Fitch, who held him
to answer the charce of larceny.
Lakceny of a Pocket-Book. That
the way the charge reaJs on the police rept .t;
but anybody would reasonably suppose thnt it
was more for what tho nocket-book enntninori
than for itself that the thief committed the theft.
It, in lact, sounds something like the defense of
the negro who picked up a rail upon which were
several fat turkeys, which he had no idea of
taking. George Vincent stole a pocket-boot,
Which is stated to have contained anmo "ronrl
rhino," and was arreeted for the offense, and
taken before Alderman Cloud. Viner-nt. tuna
held in $1000 bail to answer.
B.Scott, Jr.. has iust closed one nf tho
latgest sales of works of art which has ever
been held in this city; the gallery was crowded
to excess, and the audience very recherche. The
bidding wa3 very animated throughout. On ac
count of many not being able to get in the
GitliCtv. the Messrs. Viti Brothers will nfrnr fnr
sale on Tuesday mornlnir next, at 11
the Gallery, No. 1020 Chesnut street, the con.
tents of five cases which arrived too Inte for thn
special sale of the nth: and we would advise nil
1 overs ot art to attend the sale.
An Ugly Batch. Robert Robinson was
arrested ou tbe chare e of assault and battery,
and carrjiug concealed deadly weapons. It
appears t bat ho and two ot tiers, Cornelius De
Groot and Walter Bourne, got Into a general
row at Eleventh and Coatcs street, about mid
night last nieht. A police oiheer undertook to
arrest Robinson, when it is alleged he drew a
billy,- and strjek the officer. Tbe other two
men then attempted a forcible rescue of Robin
son. Ihey were all three arrested, and held to
answer by Alderman Fitch.
FTA S'weet Tooth. James Perdu was in
terrupted this morning whilst engaged in a
sweet speculation. It appears that the same
James is gated with a sweet tooth, and conse
quently the sight of sugar or other saccharine
commodities Generally overcomes what little
remnant of honesty there is left in him. This
morning he opened a box of sugar on the wharf,
and was busily engaged in absorbing its con
tents into a bag, when he was arrested and taken
before Alderman Hurley, by whom he was com
mitted to ans",er In th nni of SftOO.
West 3 Arch btbeet curse ff. Rev.
Edwin H.Aevin, D. D., who is now supplying
the West Arch Street Presbyterian Church, in
tends delivering a sermon to-morrow evening
m "Skepticism: Its Causes and Care," Dr.
Nevln is one of the most eljqueut divines of the
Presbyterian Church. The discourse should be
listened to by as many of the young men of the
city as can make it convenient to attend.
Not Trustworthy. Chauncey Leonard
was arrested at Ninth and Lombard streets on
the charge ,of defrauding a man of some $200.
It appears that some man had given him the
$200. which he had obtained as bounty, to keep
lor him, and Leonard, it appears, kept It for
himself; at leant, that Is the plaintiff's story.
Ltonardwas held to bail by Alderman Hurley
to answer.
Slight Fires. The coal office occupied
by Thomas J. Oiaru, in Willow street below Fif
teenth, took tire ibis morning, but was extin
guished belore much damage was done.
About hnlf-pust 1 o'clock this raornirg thec
w as mi al.irni of fire that proved to be at No.
235 Queen street. It was boon extinguished,
and the loss was very trilling.
CnoLKRA. The number of cases reported
to the Board of Health up to noon to day was
six. Tbe number is decreasing every day, and
ere Iodr we will have the pleasure of informing
our readers that this disease has entirely disap
peared irom our midst.
Camden 'Affairs. The route of tbe pro
cession of the "Bojs in Blue,' this cveninu.
will be as follows: -Form ou Fourth street,
I'mht re6tiug on .Market; up Market o Sixth, up
Sixth to Cooper, down Cooper to Second, up
Seconrt to Pearl, down Peail to Front, up Front
to State, up S'u'.e to Second, do vn Second t:
Peail, up Peail to Third, down Third t,i Markot.
down Market to ecoud, down Seoul to
Federal, up Fedeial to Fourth, down Fourth to
Stevens, up Stevens to We-t, down Wc-t to Berk
ley, up Bet kley to liroad vav, do vn Broad war
to Pine, down Pine to Third, down Third to
spruce, up Spruce to Fifth, down Fifth to
Chesnut, down Chesnut to Fourth, up Fourth
1 1 Line, up Line to Fifth, up Fiilh lo Federal,
down Federal to Tbrd, up Third to Market, up
Matket to headquarters of "Boys in Blue," an 1
' here uisniss.
. 119 8. TETU Blrret, Philadelphia.
QtrTiona Sait. to Havb Tti 8trrnTTEr bt
Amonp those important rviorif s naid to bave boeii
proi.oRPd bv the I're ioent t iho Attorner-Oenerai,
ine following; apiKar, to tMwe boea acctitcnuilr
omitted : ffhw you hare b-H ecotsion to visit tno
Tsr.ous cities ot our tnlon. wwr3 bave you found
that the but inrosfment o Ufa capital mar b
mado tor a person wlnhlng to piircrass c'othlnirr If
i"08tl??Jr,, re""r 1 n'. theamwor, of courao,
conid be nothing cNo tjaa calogr of fowtr
Our stock ot Mon's, Youths', and ovs Clotnlnir
f the lu lest aud most compete in P,illadlnhia
I rices are lower, and nearer those of oOt timji. iiiaii
lor several vir.
Halfway bttirten I Rknkktt k Co.,
Fifth and Towkb Hall,
Sixth 8ts. (fimwwnrr strbkt.
t W 15,000 0armnt."3 I
115,000 Gahmbnts jti
I ff 15 O0' GARMENTS. J I
Iff-lfi.OOO Oaumbittsji
I fflG 000 U ARM BNTS 1
8 fT-15 000 Garmbnts. I
S ffl5 000 U ARMKST8..JJ II
J fri6 000 GARMENTS. J I
I r7-15 000 UARNRiTfl.yf ft
5 -15 000 Garmet8.jj I
I (T-15 000 GAUMKMT3
F15 000 Garments i(
Itf-lfiOlO Gaumbs,ts. J
1 815,000 GarmbmtsI
t "16,000 U AltMKNTS
Hr15 000 tarmbwts.1 J
11715 00') GARMBNTS.t I
1815,000 Garmests.j 1
ri t -15,000 GARMBTS.fJ
tTT- ucr Knokmodh Stock of Men's, Vfl
(f lothiho embraces at loast 15,000 Oar-y J
(foments, 0r all styles, site, and qualities,. fl
I ffand each Rarmout baa tae price marked oaJ
( tf-it In plain tliouos Lower piices tor ma j J
5ir""terlal9 and a laree bunicm, handlinyj
f fT-larre quantities of (roods, and the reducodyj j
t fT"tax on Clothing, enable us to soil atj jj
SJ-iower pi ices than usual tor tbe lat fyiJ
Notk Our pooda are superior to nsual ready
made Clothing.
Popular Clotuino HonsB.
Oak Hall,
8. E. Corner Sixth atp Market oi'hekim.
Muxto on cards, red, blue and black,
In Paris, Is sold bv tbe pack,
Kncu color furnishes a sco'e;
Take of one color throe, no more,
On yonr piano, aide bv iJa
Place the three card and then decide
It better m-slc yon could play,
In the arrang'd o'd-lashioned way ;
Place the three tablets how you will,
Combin'd, trier make aood mus o still.
And so wiia all, both rod, blue and black,
Till you've exhausted tho whole pack.
This may be strange but not much moru
Than Perry & Co.'s model store,
W here yon can see on any day
The combinations they display.
How fashion, ehoapnss, tuto combine
In one Harmonious design,
'J hese wonder evidently are
Appnient on'y at the "Star "
And in bright lustre only sbtne
At nun.b.rsix hundred and mnb!
Perry & Co.
Star Clothing Emporium,
Ko i09 flhoMint st.rpe Sign of Star.
) For the Paris Exhibition. Scientlflu gentle
men and others interested In suo'i ma t rs, will see
at No. 824 Ch-snut root sonio beautiful and inge
nious articles for the Paris Exhibition Iness arti
cles a-e intended to over the human lorin,to protect
It Irom the Inclement wintry weather and Irom
storms, w thout in tbe least impairing the health or
interfering wtfh the lull muscular action of the
party thus enveloped II1010 articles will be ex
posed all this month at tbe p'aoo above-mentioned,
and will bo sold to such as miv wait such an aril
c!o. The prices, which are. very low, vary accord
ing to the styles.
Charlks Stokes & Co , First clan Clothiers.
Cndor the Continental HdIcI.
Phcora Lead and t:oi.oa Company. BEST
Samt known for HOUSES, IRON irontsj tin
:U(iFS, D AMI walls, railroad CARS and
UK1DUES. Ihese COLORED paints COjT ono
third that of LEAD, and near much long r.
This Cotnnanv's Will IE LEAD is the WHITEST
and most DUltAULib. known. If doslrod, these
paints may be ground lu a mixture ol OUM, though,
in our opinion, GUM destroys tho durability of
S BOWiiN. Secretary,
Oflice, No. 150 North Fourth street.
Valuable Medicine. The. sale ot that remark
ab'e and truly valuable preparation, Perry Davis'
rain Killer, is constantly and rapidly lncrcasicg.
During the past year tbe demand for tho great
remeay has been altogether nnpreoodontoJ.
Scarcely a week passos ,by during watch we do not
hear ot sonre remarkable oure hiving beea per
formed within tho cirole of our acquaintance by the
use of Perry Davis Pain Ki.lor. Priidenc3 Gene
ral Advertiser. K g
The Oldest Medical Practice is that ot the
family. Long belore doo ors were known, the head
of ibe family examined and prescribed lor the mem
bers. From the necessity of the casi, the first and
most Important stago of every disease istreatodby
tbe patient's parents or nurse This being so, bow
Important that tbe moans oa band should be simplo,
ample, and efficient I Humphrey's Homoeopathic
Speoincs (advertised in another column) porfeotly
meet this want, and shou'd be in the bands ot every
intelligent lam''" rw-w vi w w'oadvav. N. Y.
HWe nAVE seen at the cioiuiug uouse of C. Somors
& Son Fancy Cassimere for suits; tSatin-fooed and
Chinchilla Beaver Overcoats, which are made up in
the most substantial way. AIno, magnifloeut stock
of choice uncut goods to soiectfrom for measure.
Every garment made by this House warranted to lit.
Reed's Patent Button used, which prevents tbe
disagreeable necessity of sowing on buttons.
Upholstery stork, where every kiudoi woiV
required by tbe most perfect housoKoopors is done ;
repairing, polishing, taking down and putting up of
lurniture. Mon and women qualified by long expe
rience at each branch of the business. No work
performed but in the moat thorough manner, at
Pattew'b, No. 1408 Chesnut street.
Martin Luthkr once thought he saw the Devil
in hli chamber, and threw an inkstand at his head.
Bad tbey had in those days Ayer's Pills to exoroiso
all the devils that come from a disordered stomach,
bis laughable lrlght would not bave becoma a matter
ot history.
The Elliptic Lock-Stitch isewiko Maceine,
with all the latest improvements and attachments,
inconiparallS the bent for Family Use.
Elliptic S. SI. Co.
Agents wanted, No. 023 Chesnut street, Phlla.
Five-Twenty Coupons,
Due November 1,
Wan'od by
Drkskl & Co.,
No. 84 ou'h ibfrd stieet.
For. pine oonloclicns, Iruils, end dallrao e', go to
G. W. Jenkins,
. No 1037 Spring Garden streot.
Children's Clothing M. Bhoomaker & Co.,
'os 4abdttS. Eighth street, aro now opening a
splendid aoit'iicul of boys', Kills', inUuts', and
miS'Oa' clothing. '
Twelfth asd Cbkbnut m the place to purchase
Cork llaitressus and Bedding, n id to have your Kur
uiture reupholstered, varnishea, and iopirod by
practical woikuicu.
Curtains See Patten's Cur ain Hoods aud Auo
Hon Curta ns, boujrlit low nu t win hi 10I1I low at
W. lliiNRY Pattes'b No 1H)8 Cuosnut stieet.
I'aclcs, the Hatter,
Bunts them all,
Southeast corner Second and Sou'b.
Ladies, 00 to (i. Bthon Mouse k Co , No. 902
and W4 Aioh street, tor your Fried Outers, Chicken
balud, Cefl'ee and WoMm.
SurERion PnoTotiRAPHS and modura'n ciiarstej.
draws crowds to B P. Uulmor's long os'allished
Oalltrv, No U24 Arch sir et. MX cards for 1.
Buy your Black Cake, tho best lu the world, of
Mo se & Co., No . 002 aud 001 Arh stioet.
Ko. 119 TENTH SUeet, f UllaJolphia,
"Th Dkaf Hear." Before and ainoe the tims
Onr blessed Lord opened the eas of the doaf, the
rorseof dealness has been on the earth, and in later
flays science lias been laboring to remedy the evil.
No small degiee of success has attended the-e
eflorts. No touch indeed, opens the closed portal
ol sonnd; but instruments have boon contrived 'O
aid the disordered orran.and tbe ingenuity mani
fested In their con traction is wonderlul We were
lookinr over the colieo'ion of Mr. Madeira No. 115
(ouibTonth stieet. and were impressed with the
endless variety of instruments devised lor this ob
ject, loonr well-opened "annolcs" the application
01 any one of these instruments was anything but
pleasant. It aoemed as if a door shut botwe-n us,
ana Niagara Fa1 Is in fnll roar was suddenly opened,
and the clamor of the rushing torrent broke in npon
onr brain. But to those bard of hearing tho cflrtot s
Vf ry different, lo them the sound bniore lost are
collected and carried distinctly to the setisorium,
and the silent universe becomes fnll ot ploasant in
telligent Sonne's. Artificial drums even aro prov dod
for the afllicted, and among the sovonty va'letios of
Instinments exhibited it seems scarcely possible fiat
any deatness shou'd tail ot finding reiiof, If pot a
proper remedy. Many cases of rolief are known to
us and we earnestly commend all vho are all! oied
with defect of bearing to examine the laree col loo
lion exhibited at the Deoositary No. 115 South
Tenth street, below Chesnut From a Jteltuioui
Window Shades CIkk Dollar nut ak.j..
only 1 1, at Patten's, No. 1408 Cliosnut street. '
rjiui iiiDi vn
U . 1 TTTT f 1 fn
MAi. 'Ill SE.
Superior Styles op Ready-made Clothino.
Superior Styles or Rkady-hadr Cloth 1 no.
Wahamakkr A Brown,
Popular t'LOTBita House,
Oak Hall,
Poutbeast corner Sixth and Market (streets
which yon may diminish your Goal expenses, and
the customary Ash Steves, lor sa!e at the Hardware
to. SSt (Eight Thlrty-flve) MABKBT 8c. be ow Ninth
penters' Firmer and Socket Chisels, and a general
assortment Ol Tools and Hardware, for sale at
Ko. B (Eight Thlrty-flve) Ma KKKTHt , below Ninth.
-1 are eating Tobacco, enabling them to string the
sialks upon laths or slats very quickly. For sale by
No. 885 (Eight Thtrty-flve) MARKET St.. below Ninth.
No. 430 CHESNUT Street.
168 Neat door to Post Oflice.
sroKE ANI A'AltLT-s.
Nearly Opposlt the Post Office
Fnmll lea supplied Or iera from the Country irom ntly
atteniiedtc. il
MONEY for tbe "Mobile." and a I o her vessels,
apply Immediately to E O JACK8O1.
United S.ates Army and Navy Arcn t,
It No 138 S. I'HIKD Bireet.
No. 7fl7 CHESNUT St.
Ot reliable qualities, cheap. Including a lull !lno of
10 20 stuthfltrp ETC. ETC
Nottingham Lace Curtains,
From the Lowest to the Highest Prices, of Bsau
t ful Designs.
The ahnne. Curtaint are. nfTfreii at unu..yiii T fiW
PRICES. 10 20 sw2t
Tbe Management, finding It Impossible to complete
the extensive alterations contemplated by them in dine
lor the oponlng. as advertised, and being determined to
make thlslempe of the Dramas popular resort for
tbe lamlitea of our city, where the most fastidious shail
not bave occasion to rim fault, and, likewise, not
wishing to make promises which cannot beiullllled,
reBpectiully announces that the
When U will
With one of the
.10 20 t Stage M answer.
Fasliiciiablc Hatter aud Furrier,
., No. 729 POPJvAU Stieet.
Constantly on hand a large assortment of
Gents', Youths' and Children's
8 T A V E 8 .
J- V 340 Barrels Scan Rosin
SI.0M) Cypiens HIilDglns. 24 Inob.l
2,m Cypress Bblnttles, an Inch,
s 018 li hJ. eiaves, U inch .
Landing Irom steamer "Pioneer," ftom Wilmington,
N. C, and for sale by
tOfl Bar-els 1st. 1, and Jd run Rosin Oil.
.a - .1 .!. 1 'u .nil 11 a Tar
W Burre s "Anchor" Bhlp Htch.
00 Burre
For rale by
4fl,MT feet 1x9 iter in lawed Y. P. Joist
- 3,MH feet 3x6 steam sawed "eantllng.
s J SOS ieet IX inch quartered If' oorliig.
I1-8 feet IK Inch wide Boards.
1 To arrive per schooner "C. Loeaer," and lor sale by
10 20 2t No 18 SOUTH WHARVES.
IV Krlves. RodnersA Wade's aud Butcher' Kaiors,
Table Cutlerv, Ladles' Heisaora In Cases. Kaiors.
fscinaors. auJ all kluJs of Cutlery around and polished
atf. WADElUA'e), Ko. 116 a. TENili Stroet, Pelow
Ibesuut. ItiKSgi
Latest Market ty Toterrapli.
lpnd,e,n,eyt,!l, PlSfw SO.-Wton has doolfnfn
tendSSev TS'j. "'T3o. ass an aSvaneln
Pt.t, MX A'W.10- leM'r' K bawls soid"
13 UOalfl I6fj wer.a "neri s) b.rrMs sold at
IrnbTliute, t?X 5sl;v"? JPftl
Arm, aSi l-.-d;tSJffl?iT-VMW
Haw York, October 90 Steev, .M .,.,,
ChioaRo aud Keck Island, 107J 1 cJn,bSr7.nJ W.'
llioburan tsoutbern. 90j ; Alow fori CmwS
Keadln. 1151; Hudson Riye 126J M ssouri ns i I.
Erie Ka.lread. 88 t Western Union Te etraph 'oib.
pan;, 631 Ireasury 780,, 106 t United UUtos leiT
lorUcs, 100; do. Fives, ll5) ; Gold, 14fi, '
Governor Wells Threatens to Rrmnr
tHe Pariah HherlfTa The Military t
Arrest the Murderers of the I.ata
Mauacrt-The Ilebela Threaten Jte
aistance Fearful Htate of Auarchr
ou the lied III ver Nineteen Freed mem
Murdered Union Men 'Ordered to
Leave The Cotton and Sugar Crop.
New Orleans, October 19. It is stated that
as soon as Governor Welles returns from his
home in the country the SUerllls of the ditferrat
parishes will be removed lor refusing to comply
with the Governor's Convention proclamation.
A messenger was sent to Washlbgton some
time since to confer with the Attorney-General,
who is represented as hitvini? swted in the pre
, ue iTcsiacnt mat tlio Uovuruor a
a prricci n(?nt so to act. General 8h.ridn wat
aiipiicd to lor military assistance to carry out
this programme, and also to nrrnai nas
ties accused of havinir corarautorl murders on
me sum 01 Jtny, flna againn whom the civil
authorities have failed to proceed.
Action nas been delaved until the tronn
which have since arrived could bo concentraierl
in this city. Threats are made that it tho mili
tary attempt to make these arrests the various
iteoci secret associations, which aro known to
be well armed, will resist, Hnd overpower the.
military and massacre ail Union men. An at
tempt was recently made to assaauinta Colonel
Frisb.e, at his hotel in Alexandria. The Colonel
is extensively encased in cotton Dlnntinff. and
employs 600 negroes who lormerly served In his
He was subsequently publicly notified by a
committee of prominent citizens, headed by
Judge By an, that he must leave the 1'arish, aa
tncy wanted no Yankees mere, aud hereafter
tbey would not be allowed lo cultivate planta
tions, mere are nineteen cases 01 murder oa
the docket of the Alexandria Court, and the
presioinfr Judge presents the Parish to be to
such a siato of anarchy that there is no prospect
ot bringing any ot (hem to trial.
uroiu returns received Irjm trustworthy
parties in tbe dillerent parishes, to whom upoli-
cation wa1 made tor correct cotton and stiirar
sratrHics, we estimate the ootton crop for the
State at 250,000 bales, and the sugar at 60,000
The Police Commissioners Summoned
to Appear Before (Governor Swann
Indignation of the Vnlenmti-Meeting
In ltalllmnre The Governor ta be He
stated at all Hazards.
Ualtimohe, October 10. A summons front .
Sw uuu was nerved on the Board of Police by the
Secretary of State at a late hour on Thursday
nixht, ordering them to appear before him at
Annapolis on Monday next, 10 auswor char ires
against them. What their response will be ta
UDknown. They were In consultation with their
counsel to-day, but decline making publlo their
determination. One of the counsel has visited,
Annapolis for the purposo if examining the
charges against them. The feeling ot a majority
ol the Unionists is against the (Join missioner?
paying any attention to Swann's order.
They advise them to stay quietly in their
office, discharge tbeir duties, to act altogether
on the defensive, and, if Swann attempts vio
lence, to meet lorce with force. Several ex
milttary officers called to-day on Mayor Chap
man and the Police Commissioneis and tendered
their services. To-night a large meeting of
veterans representing the "Boys in Blue" was
tcld, and presided over by Brieadier General
Woollcy, who advised them to stand shoulder
to shoulder in this contest, as they had done la
the field.
Colonel Forthz said that the meeting was
called by the pei mission of the Commander of
the "Boys in Blue," Major-General Dennlson,
for the purpose of takuisr measures to support
the regularly constituted authorities of the city,
and of thwarting Swann's effort to place the
Rebels in power. Committees were appointed
to canvass the city to-morrow and obtain the
names of all who will support the Commission
ers iu any emergency, and to report to the
"Boys in Blue" at once. The following address
was unanlmouijlj oirreed upon: .
boys irt
Attentioh ! The eveuts now transpiring In this
city make it incumbent upon us once more to sam
ple in massed eolumiis to tesist the attempts of
traitors in oor miost to deprive loval mon of this
euy of the eontro, or its affairs and leave us to th
tender mercies ot onr deadliest enemies You will
st orco report yourselves to your officers lor
assi? Dnient lor duty, and hold yourselves readv at a
moment's tiotioe to defond our chartered riirlita.
nowboing menaced and endanrered bv the garao
despicab'e trait irs, whose ready sympathy was
alv,as aud ever for Kebels in arms, and whose
cursrsa wars followed us on every bloody field ot
tbe Maryland line. .
We bare fonrht and conquered the Kobefs who
bad tbe manliness to face ns in the fieU. We baro
now to retrulate those boroes who tor the last four
years bave atood with yard-stick and crockery
ware in band, ready to furnish their dear frienda
of the Sonth with their valuable sympathy. The
loval Tolioe Board of Baltimore mast be sustained
stall hazards and at every cost. Be ready. Bo
prompt. Kach Ward will report its strenirih and
organization on Saturday nisht at 8 o'clock, at tho
headquarters of the Unconstitutional Union Cen
tral Committee.
By order of tho General commanding.
F. C. Tabr, Colonel and Chief of Staff.
Meetings were held in several olher places,
and any attempt of tho Governor to interfere
in the local affair ol Baltimore was denounced
as an attack upon the liberties of the people.
There were also meetings held of the Union
League. Reverdv Johnson is among the coun
sel engaged by the Democrats.
The following notice, pasted on the gates of
the Brooklyn Navy Yard, is evidontly intended
to influence the workmen employed there to
vote lor "My Policy."
"CoMMiitDiNT's Office NavtTabd. 1
' Sew 1'ouk Ootober 15, 18S6. f
"Notice -.Workmen In tne Navy lard, who sus
tain tbe Union, and desire its fu'l reiteration, must
not, lor that reason, be proscribed ; and any attempt,
by any master or loreinau, or per-on in position to
coeroe tbem, as stated, or to induoo them to rota
airaiost thoir oonvictions. will be deemed snlheiant
otptse for oismis in theorlicial who is arullty.
ay order of the Secretary of the Navy,
"Chablks H. Bull, Bear-Admiral U. S. N ,
Fhilada. Stock Exchange Sales, Oct. 20
Reported bySe Haven ft Bro , No. 40 8. Third street
Ml I UL'HU ,i , nTa
oCUO Phil 6s. new. . Wl
400 do 994
10 1 sh tiusq Can 16
10 sh I eauin May.. 681
28 thMor Canal. ,s6 84
100 sk ht Hob Coal. 31
lOosh Fulton Uoal.. 61
100 sb do 6!
100 ah Cat pt 10 81 i
200 h do S80 81I
inOshlUest'y B..b60 ltil
100 sh do la?
100 sh do is!
800 sh do ltd
100 do 9J
aioou un'n C bs.... 2iJ
87U0O Allen Co 6s. . . 70
eat eo do 76
8D00 USC-20s oficouplU
fiix0 do... Julv.1083
00 sh Big Uta..b60 4 69
100 sh Ilestou 16
16 sh Lek Val 66
3 ah do 66
60 sb do 66
Bale. The undersigned offers lor aala the sub
stantial Krick Factory owned by hm In James aireet.
South Ward, Cheater, containing two sets of Woo lea
Machinery (Jeuka' make), 4 Inoh Cards, and as looms
lu first rate ooudition, Cor.Ua Snulns, aud suerlvr
Boiler (rew). for partlcu'ara address
19 iJituth.6 tjAMUtL HCC'LtS, Jr., Chester.