CLOAKS AND FU 'S. j J O W OPE N, PA1US CLOAKS. EXCLUSIVE STYLES, (Will JB WILL NOT BE COriED), IS OBt AT VAUJETY OF . MATEFIAL AND DEOK. A'. SO, PABIS STYLE CLOAKS, CUB OWN MANUFAC1DKE, IN GREAT ABUNDANCE. NEW CLOAKING CLOTHS IN CBEAT VABIETY. ALSO SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS FOR DRE3SE3, ETC., FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURERS. AND CUr IN ANY LENGTH. J. W. PROCTOR fit CO., No. 820 CHESNUT St. JV O W O I E IS", FUES OF ALL NATIONS. RUSSIAN SABLE FURS, HUDSON BAY SABLE FURS, FINS DARK MINK SABLES, ROYAL ERMINE AND CHINCHILLA, DARK SIBERIAN SQUIRREL, PERSIAN LAMB, ASTRACAN, ETC. ETC. For Ladies, Misses, and Children. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., 1017 Imro No. 920 GHKSNUT St. QLOAKS AND FU11S. C. LEWISSON, M AN UFAC I (TREB OF CLOAKS, MAK1ILLA8, AND FURS, No. 14 South SECOND Street, Six Doors below Market Street. Finest Assortment of Cloaks in the City, Ah or New Style! and the Best Workmanship. The Largest Stock of Furs in the City, AU of my own Manufacture. Lodlei do not buy j o or Cloaks or Furs until you have examined my stock q rKW(SSON No. 14 Sonth SECOHD btroet, 928 ImwSm 8lx doors below Market, Philadelphia. JICII, It ARE AND RELIABLE FURS. Hudson's Bay Fable MufTi, Collars and Berthas. Fine Sable Mink Muffs, Collars and Berthas. Siberian (Squirrel UmTs Collars and Berthas. Veal Boat Frmlne Muffs, Collars and Berthas. Chlidicn'a Eeis In every varle y ot Furs. An Immense saving In prlco by applying for an early selection at the CLOAK, MANTILLA, AND FUR EMPORIUM, No. 14 8. SECOND Street, six doors below Market 9 29ftutb8m CHA8- LEWISSON. HOSIERY, ETC. 1STOS. 917 & 919 SPRING GARDEN X SMYTHS' STOCKING STORE. Always on band a good assortment of EKGiasiI, UKIIMAN, AND DOMESTIC ' Cotton, Woollen, Silk, and Merino. UKDEKSIUHTB AMD UltAAVKUS, l or Ladies, (Jtnts, Misses, and Boys, JOVVIK'S KID OliOVliS, Meet quality imported, GLOVES FOIl FAL.I.. AND WINTER, AU nines, and targe variety. FBENCII COHSETS. HOOP SKIRTS, Warranted best mates only, KKI1 TIKG YARNS, ZEPHYR WORSTED GliBMANTOWN WOOLS in alt colors. Large slock constantly on hand, ZEPHYR KNIT GOODS, in stock and made to order, AH goods sold at the lowest prices, and a better assort ment can not be lound than at M. St. J. E. SMYTH'S, C10 6 ltn Fob. 817 and 919 SPK1JXG GARDEN Street. DRESS TRIMMINU8. Xewist styles in every vartety. Q-ENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. F. HOFFMAN, Jit , iLa'.e O. A. Hoffman, successor to W. W. Knight,) FINE BI1IBT8, AND WRAPPERS, HOr-IEBY AND GLJVjCS, Silk, Lambs' Wool and Merino UNDER-CLOTHINC. lODtuths No. h-A ARl'H twet. POCKET BOOKS UP OUR OWN AND THE most celebrated FngltHh, Uermsn ami French manniacture, at Street. miacture. at MUX) & tu.'S. No. 432 crlEssur 10 17 ws2t STANDARD SCALES. BANKS. DIN MORE & CO, 8UCCES:OR3 TO A. B. DAVIS fc CO.) MJSVFCrrjnEBS OF PATENT 8TANDABO KC'ALKS, suitable lor Weigh Loeks.Ital road Tracks a"d depots, uoal, Hay and Live Stock. aiik, Imorovml Patent c et tor Blast Furnaob. K Jiin. urn. u. Foundries ano a 1 tue vaiiJu.Wr p'uons Tol I Dormant andPortable Uat.orn, Heel, land tj&aT$JFaumt C. M. Banks. ..,.rTraB LB 14 Imro l.fiWlH I. Ml..... ' B. U Diiiinore Frederick a. Uiehle. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT t.,PMla. Foreign and Domestic Fabrics Hade to Order, Seasonable, Serviceable, and Fashionable. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPHTRIPLE SIHM7T. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETC. IT E A D & C O . , No. OlO CIIESNUT STREET, MAN UF AC1 URER3 OF SILVER-PLATED "SVAUF, 1RIPLE PLATE. MONrY SAVED BT FURCHA8IVG DIRECT FROM TUh. MANUFACrUUEBS, MEAD & CO., 10 lmw3mrp No. 010 CTIE8NUr StKEET BlTlDAL GIFT S. AN UNUSUALLY LARGE VARIETY OF SILVER MANUFACTURES, Embracing the meat FLTG AN1 and UNIQUE ARTI CLES tor the 1 able, designed expressly tor WEDDING GIFTS, Ana arrsnged In single pieces and tasteful combinations ALSO EXQUISITE Cut Class and Bisque Wares. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., No. 829 CHESNUT ST. 10 9 tutbsSp t U FLE GOLD WATCHES. To Sojourners In our Citv. We call special attention of tbe sojourners In out cltt to the FINE WATCH AND SILVERWARE ESTABLISHMENT OF ' XV. XV. CASSIDV, No. 13 South SECOND Street, TV to bason band one of the finest assortments ol Js eliy, etc.. of any tn tbe city. A splendid assortment o SILVERWARE ALWAYS ON HAND. Remember W. W. OASSIDY. SICK No. 12 South SECOND Street. iiENitY harper; IV o. GIO A.TCCII Street, Manufacturer and Dealer in Pine Jewelry, Silver- Plat 1 Ware, AND 81 Solid Silver-Ware. BICII JEWELRY. JOHN BRENNAN, DEALER IU DIAMONDS, FINE WA1CHES, JEWELRY, Etc. Etc. Etc. 0 20$ 18 S. EIGHTH ST., PHI LAD A. M-- " -wo, DIAMOND DEALER & JEWELER, 1 WATCHES, JKWILttV SILVER WARK. II sWATOHES and JEWELRY REPAlREDf 803 Chestnut Stj!1 Owing to tbe dei-lme ot Gold, bas made a great re duction in price of hlslarge and well atsorted stook o DiaTiotidft W a tones. Jewelry, Silverware, Eto' Tb public are reapectlully invited to call and examln our stock before, purcbaslngolsewbero. Hi WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MUSICAL BOXES. A lull assortment ot above goods constantly on hand at modeiate prlcos the Musical hoxciplajinj from 2 to 10 beautiful Airs. FARE & BROTHER, Importers, Ko. 824 CHESNTJT STREET, llllsmtbtrp Below Fourth. G. RUSSELL & CO., No. 22 North SIXTH St., llavlug increased tbelr facilities for FINE WATCH REPAIRING, Invite the attention of tbe public. All work warranted for one rear. C4 26 BOWMAN & LE0NAUD, MANUFACTURERS OF AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER JN Silver and Silver-Plated Goods, No. 704 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Thofe In want of SILVER or BILVIH-PLATED WAKE wtil Hurt It nnicu to their advantage to visit rnr H I OKK teioie making llieir purchaties Our loag experience In tbe manuiacture ot the above kinds of goods enuLUs us to delr competition, W e keeD no aoods but thn&A wliln am f,r 4h. annai. I III OI ou our own make, and will be sold at reduced prices g IL VER-rLATED WARE. SAMUEL K. SMYTH, Traetkal Partner of the late firm of MEAD BUY Hi, would Inform the trade that be has No. 35 South THIRD Street, Where he will continue the ma mr.cture of STJPE RIOK 8lLVHlPLATEl WABlo ol . otible and tripe plate. unUti tbe nauiiof the tliro of bilVia it, ADA! It. V 11 lin ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE Nos.603 and 605 CIIE3NUT St., Phila. Latest Style Sack and Walking Coats. BOYS' CLOTHING. T II E O 1 K 11 A Jt'BT REC KIVI l BV JAMES' E. CALDWELL & CM No. 822 CIIESNUT St., AN ASSORTMENT OF RE A IX r FINE OPERA CLASSES, Wade expressly to their order, by BARDOU, OF PAR 13 Also, reiy large supply 0 PARIS FANS ew designs, prepared especially lor their Sales, 10tnh4ptUiW JpINE O P E R A GLASSES. PEARL, RUSSIA LEATHER, MOROCCO, JA FANNED AND FANCY CASES, OF THE BEST MARKS. Imported and tor sale by william v. McAllister, . 10 16tuth6 rp No T8 CUE8MTT Bt, Phila. FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. F U 11 IN I T U 11 I2J. GEO. J. IIENKELS, LACY & CO, THIRTEENTH and CHESNUT Sts., FHILAPELPniA. Suits of Walnut Furniture In Oil. Suite of Walnut Furniture, Polished. Suits of Walnut Parlor Furniture in Oil. Suits of Walnut Parlor Furniture, Polished. Suits cf Rosewood Chamber Furniture. 6uits Fompeii Chamber Furniture. Suits Fompeii Parlor Furniture. Suits of Walnut Dining-Room Furniture. Suits of Walnut Library Furniture. Suits of Walnut Hall Furniture. A lsrje assortment finished, sn hand. GEORGE J. I1EXKLLS, LACY & CO. flitl mHp Kos. 1501 nnd 13CS CUKHStjT Btreeti BUY FUKNITUKE AT (tODLD & CO.'S L'nlon Depots, corner MNTI1 and MARKET and os. 67 and 3Hhortn HtCOM) Street. 1 he largest, cheapest, and best stock of Furniture, o every flexcitptlon. in tbe wor d. Hend tor Printed Cata logue and Price List. 'J be soundness ot material ami worknitmslilp is guaranteed ol a I we sell. Furniture tor I arlor, Drawing room. Chamber or Bed room, Dining room, Library. Kltclici, hervunts' rooms. Offices Schools, Churches, Odd Fellows, Masons, or other lodges, Ships. InHtitutions Clubs, Colleges, Pubic Buildings. Hotels Boarding-Bouses, Hospitals, Fairs, or a single piece ot Furniture. I raw Ings and estima es I urnished when repaired. Ordors biih t post will be executed wlib de-ipatch, and with liberality and justness of dealing Country dea era, ano the trade generally, continue to do supplied on the same liberal wholesale terms that insure them a tn r pin&t. Parties at oistnnoe mav remit througb our Hanker, the Fanners' and Mechanics' hailonal liank. t'iiesnu street, or the L'nioo National Bank, Third street, or bv fcxpress. ('beck, or Post Ofllce Order. Im mediate attention will be given, and satisfaction Insured. oour,D 00., V E. corneiNlUTH and MA 8KET Rtreeta and Ko: 37andi9Horta HECO.NI Street. MO 50 Philadelphia, TO HOUSEKEEPERS I bave a large stock of every variety ot FUltNITUUE Which I will sell at reduced prices, consisting 01 I' LAIN AUD MARBLE TOP COTfAOE SUITS AL..itj 1 ;n ai ix vim PARLOR BUITh IN VRLVKT PLC8H J'AHLOR 8DIT8 IN HAIR CLOTH. PAHI.Olt HJIT8 1M HKP8. 8ileboards. Kxtanalon Tablaa. Wardrabea. Bookcasaa alattrcsaes, Lounaea, eto eto. P. ' OTJSTINE 8 IS K. E. corner SECOND and BAKE Htreets PLEASE OBSERVE THAT RICHMOND & FOREPAUCH'S Is the Cheapest Place In this city TO BUY YOUR FURNITURE. Our stock is the largest and most varied, as our prices are the loweut I OKT F ROF.T TO CALL beforo purchasing? else where in order that we may have an opportunity of proving me iruiu 01 we auove asseruon. RICHMOND k FORErAUGH, 0 25 tulh2mrp Ko. 40 South SECOND St , west side. MIST-CLASS FUllMTUHE. A Large Aaaortment of tb Latest Styles On hand, and will be sold this coming season at very n oderote prices, at L. LUTZ'S Furniture Establishment, 0 S 8m No. 121 South ELEVENTH Street ESTABLISHED 1795, A. S. RODINSON, French Plato Looking-Glassos, ENGRAVINGS, PAINTINGS, DRAWINGS, ETC. manufacturer of all kinds of LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES TO ORDER. No. OlO CIIESNUT STREET, THIRD DOOR ABOVE THE CONTINKSTAL, rniLADBLPRIA. 1 155 HCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. FALL, IMPORTATIONS OF OAEPETINGS, NOW OPENING. LATEST STYLES AT LOWEST PRICES. JOS. BLACKWOOD, No. 833 AROII Street, TWO DOORS BELOW HINTH STREET. 0 15tuthtairp3 ILL-HEADS. CARD8, CIRCULAR8, ETC., riimed with despatcbi Certltloates, Checks, lnnfts, eto , engraved in tbe finest styles at MOS& CO.'B, 1.0. 43J CliEbNUT Btreet. lU17wst ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT St, Phila. COACHMEN'S COATSt COACHMEN'S COATS. HUNTING COATS. HUNTING COATS. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBKK 20, 18GG. FINANCIAL." HAN KINO HOUSE OF U2 ami iu So. THIRD ST. PIIILAD'A. Dealers in all Gorernment Securities, OLD 5-f20s WANTED IN EXCHANGE f Oil NEW. A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED. Compound Interest Notes Wanted INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSIT. Coll t .. S Rnnohtal.l Sol, I on flom. mlsio. ' SJJSm Specitl business accommodations reserved for btdi as. RATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, Nos. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Street PHILADELPHIA. The late management having relinquished their entire control and interest In this Bank, the business Is now being conducted under the following entirely NEW MANAGEMEftT. DIRECTORS. JOSEl'H T. BAILEY, Of Bailey ft Co., jewellers. EDWARD B. OBNE, Of J F. A E. B. Orne, Dealers in Carpeting. KATHAX HILLES, President of tbe Second National Bank. WILLIAM 1RVIEN, OfWyersA Etvlen, Flour Factors. OSGOOD WELSH, Of 8. ft W. Welsh, Commission Merchant", BENJAMIN ROWLAND, Jr., Of B. Rowland, Jr., ft Uicther, Coal Merchant. SAM UK L A. B1SPUASI, Of Samuel Blspham ft Hon, Whosale GroceM WILLIAM II. RI1AWN, Late Cashier of the Central National Bank. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM II. RIIAWN. CASBIEK, JOSEPH P. MOMFORD. I.nte ol the Fhliailelphfa National Bank. 5-20s, 7 3-lOs, 1881s, 1040s, BOUCHT AND SOLD. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, Ko. 40 SOUTH THIRD ST. 10 2irp -TILLIAM PAINTER & CO.h BANKERS, No. 3G South THIRD St. Government Securities Bought and Sold August 7.30s And Old 5-aOs, CONVERTED INTO FIVE-TWENTIES OF 18G5, And the new Bonds delivered inunediatoly. CITY LOANS BOUGHT AND SOLD. 9 26 am U, S. SECURITIES. A 8PEOIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., , BANKERS AND BB0KEBS, 16 S. THIRD ST., 3 NASSAU ST., FBILADELFBIA, j NEW YORK. STOCKS AND GOLD B0UGUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION HERE AND IN NEW TO UK, 12 1 Ty ANTED, NOVEMBER COUPONS, FOR WHICH THE HIGHEST PRICE WILL BE PAID, AT 'JAY COOKE A C0'S Nos. 112 and 114 S. THIRD St. 10 8 tf POCKET AND OFFICE CUTLERY, W09 tenholm's, Rodgers', ana other celebrated factor, at HOBS ft CO. '8, Mo 432 CHESNUT Street. 1017w2 ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, ffos 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS IN GREAT VARIETY NEWS PA FLU AKYEItTLSESXEXTS. Propei'y rrpar lcfl, Uic bo vci lip'nt cotumns of a newspaper ore union! ilv: moit Im portant, (or no niBii rcHll.v bfcomos acquaint etl even with Ihc news ol the tiny im'.il he has thorouebly perused the ndvertisernents. They are tit e pulse ot commerce and un.veTsal ac tivity. Thry contain not onlyrme spcclnicnsof hunisn ldiofyncriiBies, but alioid a peiornl view ol lile In every voiwible ph i?c. They nid tbe arts and science?; they niinifler tol sve; tbey speak ol cbanee; eomelimes they excite a smile, aoiuciimes a tear. To the aick man they pro mice realth; to ibe poor man they olfer wc ilth; the j leasure seeker is posted iu amusements; tbe look buyer learns the title and price of the Ias-t new work; the house hunter reads of a do siralle ard eligible teneiueni lor "a family without cLildrtn;" the traveller cf the best means of conveyance; the unemployed of emplojtnri f ; in Bne, every imaginable want is iiippcsitiiiously tupplird by the advertising depaitment of a daily newspaper. Different theories may be held on the urt and science of advertising. This paper, however, will neither advocate old ones, nor advance any thing new. Its design is rather to illustrate history by pome of the curiosities of advcrtUnfr,. and to show Low many secrets of social and commercial life are locked up In a column of advprlisetucnts which by some people is never read. It would be gratifying to the curious to bo made acquainted with tbe real origin of news paper advertisements. We believe it to be wrapped tn obscurity, so numerous are the ver sions that havo been friven. The latest we have teen is by an Lnglishman, who has been over hauling tbe back tiles of the English news papers preserved in the British Museum and elsewhere. He claim to have discovered that the earliest adveitisement published In the English language was tho oner ot a reward tor the recovery of a "piebald nag," inserted in the Nodtrate (a London newspaper). March 27. lctfl, about two months after the execution ot Charles I. The same writer professes to give the oripin ol quack medicine proclamations. To one Mrs. Claudia Kftber belongs the Ques tionable honor of cum mencing it. She adver tised an article called "Aurem Potablle doubtless some exhilarating cordial in the London Gazette of 1682, and the court beauties of tbe "Merry Monarch's" reign patronized the philter. ADout tne same time aifO, the art of news paper pulling seems to have been introduced. Tbeoiiiiin of the word pu if as applied to a newspaper article is French. In France, at one time, tbe head-dress most in vogue was called a potf. It consisted of the bair raised as Men as possible over borac-halr cushions, and then ornnmenlcd with objects iudteatlve of tbe tastes and history of the wearer.. For In stance, the Duchesve d'Orleaus. on her first ap pearance at Court, alter the birth of a soa and heir, bad on her pmtf a representation in gold and enamel, most beatiti'ully executed, of a nursery ; there was the cradle and the baby, the nurse, and a whole host of playthings. Madame d'Egroont, the Due de Richelieu's daughter, alter her father bad taken Port Mahiu. wore on her ponff a little diamond fortress, with sen tinels keeping guard the seninels, by means ot mechanism, being made to walk up and down. This advertisement the poujf' is the origin ot the present word 'putl-' applied to the inflations of newspapers. Pulling commenced early, even before the wotd wae thus used. In the relan of J mu es II, a journal told the people that "about forty miles Irom London is it schoolmaster who has had such success with boys as there are almost foity ministers and schoolmasters that were bis scholars." Not very good grammar this; but in other respects vecy much like the announcements one sometime sees, that cer laln members ot Congress, and men learned in taw end divinity, will vouch for the excellence ot some collegiate school, they or their sons "having been educate i at that institution." By-the-way, tbe schooltnaeter, who had such sttc crsswitb the boys in the seventeenth century had a helpmate who deserves mention. "II13 wife," says tbe pennv-a-ltner, "teaches girls lace-making, plain work, raising paste, sauces, and cookery to the degree of exactness " A tew specimens of antique advertising may show that, while we have Improved' in ortho graphy and punctuation, we have make scarcely any advance in the true att ol advertising. The following proves that Isaac Punchard was a man ot an wont." tns advertisement appeared in a paper published in Aylesham, county of Norfolk, England, in 16S0, and reads thus, cer latimet literatim: By bis Majesty's (letters pafnt, Beards takn off and Uegistered bv Isaac Pcbchard, Barber, i'erre wia naker, Surtrcon, 1'arish Clerk, fcSchoolmast-r, B ackemitb & Man Mlawife. I snaves lor a panne, cutslare lor two ponce, and oy!d and l'owdird in the liamano, youna Ladles gentely educated, lamps h ed by the year or quar'er, young Gentlemen also taut their U rammer lanpuaae in the neatest manner & gieat keer takin ot their mirro's Spelen. Also Saline Hinging and Uorce shewing by tbe reel makir. likewise maks and Mend ail sorts or butos atd shews, teaches the Ho boy and Jews harp, outs coins, bledes and Bisters on the lowest terms Cow tillions and other dances taut at bom and abrode, also deals holosalo aud retail in Perfumery In all its bianoLes sells a 1 sortaof Stashlnary ware, together wnbtilackin ball, Bed herins, bineorbrcad, Coles, fcicrubbin brushes, treyole, mousetrap, & all other sweetmeats, Likewise (iod-tuthor's cordial, red rn'es, 1 aloes, fcasnges, Black Pudding, aud other Garden stuff" P. 8. 1 teeohea Goegrtfy A and all them out luncuaged kind of thmirs. A bawl on Weuaday and Friday. All performed God wiilon bv me Isaac 1'rjscBARD. To be hard off at my wharehouse wore you may be earved with the very btst tiacco, by tho ounce, ream, mure, or bin trie bhee', N. B Also Likewise, beware ol Counterreots for such is abrode. Travellers between New York and Philadel phia will be not a little edlfled by the following, which appeared in Bradford's Philadelphia Mercury, March, 1732-3: This is to give Kotice unto Gentlemen, Merchants, Tradesmen, Travellers, and others that So.onwn Smith and James Moore ol Burlington keepeth two tStane Wagons, Intending to so from Jiurlinoton to Aiwoy, and back lrom Amboy to liurlington again. Once every week or offt'er if that business presents, Tbey have a'so a very good storehouse, verr com uiodioos for the storinirof any sort of Merchants' Goods ire from any charges, where good care will be takca oi all sorts of Good, One of the earliest poejlcal advertisements with which wo havo met appeared in the Phila delphia Gaztite in 171C. Utc it is: Two bandsome chain With very good gears, With boriios or witliout, To carry Iriends about. Likewise saddls horses, ii eentlemen please, To cany them handsomely, much at their ease, Is to be hired by Aura in Carpenter, cooper, Well known as a very good cask hooper. Shows were "rayther skeore" in the olden times, and caterers had to make the most out ot little. Tho copy of an advertisement which appeared In the New lork Oazetteor Weekly Postboy of November 22, 1750, will give tbe reader an idea ol tho show business in former days. Jonas fipoek must have been the Barnum of his duy. Here is the curiosity : To be seen, at the si an of the Goldon Apple, at Peok'a ip, price slxienoe. ohildren four coppers, a largo snaile , twsnty one teet Ions-, and tour feet one inch wide. It was killed by some ot General Braddook's men bv firing six balls Into him, close bv tbe AUevbany Mountains, tupoosed to be ooming down to feed on dead men. VV hen It was killed, ibere was found in its bellv a child supposed to be tour years old, together with live dorl it bad a born on Its tail oven inches long, and It ran as fast as a hor-e. All aentlemou and ladies nosirou i to sue it may aj ply to tne subscriber at Peck's slip Jonas Sfokk, There appear to have been women, even tn the last century, who were able to take care of themselves and maintain their "rights;" that is. If we may Judge from an advertisement which appeared in the Philadelphia Chronicle, Feb luary 8, 1700: Anthony Redman, my Inhuman husband, baring advertised me to tbe world in the most odious light 11 JnftIf to my character obllpoi tn t.v. iki. llOtllOd to (llinv ill iwnulinn u ,-lllU.J IU rublio that his charges aa-amst me a?e without tu leaft foundaium in .!... j . Ik "1."v'c o bi pretends 1 Irit nils' Joa,on,.n,ih r'.d ohimoraa 0f ma ownstumuly joaions and iniatualea Doddle. CATHtRINB RBBMAW. I!0nienlwnlch fo,,ow e are ton bVCanr.T t VBOtV wa" established at Alil- esmbll,lZntVpB 1U land. The propr. H K.n Gozette, M.ichP9, m7, m Sw,,!? hC Tn Bkll Cart will aothrnn.h . the erd ot next monta. t ' UCTMSrlh. o!3 mill at Milton, when all people thiTd er?oVurJ. tba pacer nianniaotory may dispose 0t them ThZ best price will be given. " went. Tha Then follow the names of various partus br whom tbe rues will be Ukpn in, the advertise, meet closing with a poetical effusion: "Rags are as beauties which concealed lie, But ween in paper, bow it chaims tne eye; I'ray, save ia, new bean ties to disoover, For naxr truly every oneV a l'ver: By the p n and press such kcowierue is dlsplay'd, as wou dn'i exist, 11 paper was not made, WiFdi.m of things, mysterious, divine, I Im-tnousiy dc in on paper shine." One of the oddest advertisements of oldest time, and apt to stir American patriotism, we gather, almost a a matter of course, from att Irish paper, the Londonderry Journal, of April 30, 1783; Whereas, on February 14th, 17S3, it pleased kind to oonler on Mathew NteU. of Bur tial y, I'ariBli ol lamalaKbttinglan, and County of Lonoonderrr a man child woose appearance m piomisinr and amiab'e, and bopea the Being wha caused bm lo exist will gra' t him grace. Also, ia cuiisideiHtion and In remcmbranoe of tbe maoy heroic deeds done by t at universally renowned i'ntr ol, General Washington, tbe aaid Maiuew eeiy bath rone bunse I the honor ot calling the ald man child by the name ot Goorve vVaauinetoa celT, be beiiig tbe first child known or o oalled In this kinidom by the name of Washington, that buliiaut v estcrn star. Tbe membors of the dentistry "persuasion' may not be a lit'le surprised to be lutonned of a liict concerning one of the oioneers in their proiesston. In the year 1784 an advertisement was ptiblihed, w ben; in Dr.Ie Mabeur, dentist, proposed to tbe citizens of Philadelphia to trans plant teeth: stating therein, that he had suo restiullv transplanted one hundred and twenty three teeth in tbe preceding six mouths. At the same time he ottered two guiLeas tor everr tooth from "persons disposed to sell their front teeth, or any of tbem 1" lie was very success ful in his operations, and leaiized a considera ble lortnnc. This anecdote reminds us of aav advertisement which appeated a tew years ag In the CbttrrierGfa Sonne et Loire, oi which tne following is a tvunMiition. It la peculiarly trench: MoTieiEUR asd Madame (fjilter, Mechanioat Den.ists, in orin tbe pub ic that the? are about to) quit Chalons lor their country bouse, ant tbosa pat iocs who mtund according them ihoir conQdenoe will Und in thoir new Lden rf flowers everything to sa'iMy their tastes. The apprehension usually raised Py ibe M11 lit 01 tue instiumvnis win aisappear as 07 enchantment beneath the caipet ot venture of .their delishtlui oasis. The great social nuisance of "servant-gallbm' is not leally ot modern date, but troubled some ol ouranceftors; Rnd by them, as by us, recourse was had to tue press to correct some features of the evil. Here, lor example, is an advertise ment which appeared in the Providence (Rhode. Island) Gatette ol 1790: TiveHujsdre Dollars Rewabd Wat mis laid, 01 taken away by mistake (soon alter the forma tion 01 tbe Abolition Society), lrom the se vept-giria 01 this to 11 ail inclination to do any kind oi work, and lolt in lieu thereof an tmouaeut appeiranoe, a strong and continued thirst lor hitch wares, a gos siping disposition lor every kind ofamusomeut, a leering and hanker ng altor persons of the other sex, a dssire ot tim ryand las. .ion, a never-ceasing trot alter now place more advantageous tor tel ine, witti number of coutinaent aooompushm'nhi that do not suit the wearer any person or persons will restore to the o vnors t hat degree of honesty und industry wbiou bas been for some tnno nn. sinir, he or tnev shall receive tho ahove reward, ol Five B undred Uol.ais, besides the warmest bless ings of many abused bousebo ders. The same paper, of November 19, same year, publishes the advertisement of a painstaking, industrious, and rhyming shoemaker. It is a fair contribution to tbe curiosities of newspaper literature: It may be wise to advertise, 1 ho w ork 1 now in baud, Be makes a heel neat and genteel As any in tho laud. Co tit, block, and stick, made quick and sleek None equal iu the biate All those tbat view, may say 'tis true, V bat I do here relate. But to be short, another sort Oi bee a, are called spring, By John Sm tu made, this is bis trade He served and learned at Lynn. Traly 'tis said, these heels are made Within old Providence, Sold by wholesale, or at retail, One dozen lor twelve pence. The purohaser need go no further, Only inquire ot Bene f tiurber. Anu be can show you where to stop, Because be lives close to my shoo. A bunch of grapes is J barber's sign, A shoe and boot is made on mine. My shop doth Btana in Bowen's lane, And Jonathan Cady is my name. The next week some brother poetaster ad dressed the following distich to the rhy rains; couuier: "TO MR. JONATHAN CADY. "Make an end to your rhymes, close account with the past, And take to your heels, and you'll speed welt at Jowl. ' The Providence Gazette also published, in the form of an advertisement, a droll specimen of Yankee wit. The writer certainly deserved " good run of custom:" To be sold by Nfcho'ns Branch, at bis Refectory west end of tbe bridge m Providence, Bolid Abou, MENT8, consisting ot bread, butter, cheese, ham, eggs, salmon, neats' tongue, oysters, etc., ready cooked. AoiTATioss. Cider, vinegar, salt, pioklts, sweet oil, etc. Gribvanckb. Pepper sauce, mua tard, black pepper, etc. Pohisumebts. Wine, Irandy, gin, spirits, porter, eto. Kcpbeflcities. 8 11 u If, tobacco, and segars, JN. B. Any ol the abovo articles to be exchanged tor Mcessabiis, via. : French crowns, Spanish dollars, pistareens, cents, mills, or bank bills. Credit given fur I'avmbnts 80, 60, and IXI seconds, or as long as a man can bold, his breath. Kudimknts Gratis, via.: Those lndebtod for Arguments must not be Atjitated, nor think ft a I (JrtZVUilce if they should meet J'unishment for call ing for suoh tuperjtutrtes, ana supposing it nor. Accessary to make Immediate Pay ment, . No one can read the "Personaisrt of tlie city daily without seeing into much of Ibe romance Of everjdav life. They aie the very cream of the curiosities of advertising. While other classes deal with the outer movements of trade, business, and social needs, this deals only with, the secret springs ol individual action. Other advertisements are addressed to the entire com munity, but a personal oneis generally intended! but for the eye of one individual, and is, there fore, framed so as to be intelligible only to that one. It is the mystery thus given to them which constitutes a peculiar charm. He who does not know the key to tho mystery is apt to surround it in his own mind with bigbiygcolored attiibutes; and when he undertakes to sketch outlines, not only for one, but aometimps for a dozen of these romances in a day, he certainly bas to give a wido scone to his tmagiaation. From grave to gay, from serious to frivolous, from solemn to ridiculous, they lead the mind through a luntatio realm of thought. A simi lar record of the internal daily life of Thebes, of Athens, or of Borne, hundreds of years ago, would be worth more than the serious writing of historians in giving us a life-Uke tmpresston of tbe manners ot the day. Butt either Egyptian, Greek, sot Roman civilization reached so far as to produce a newspaper, and consequently te romance of personal adveitisemenisi wan un known to it. In fact, they may be regarded as an American Institution. Manv that And in our own papers are Inserted by courtesans, fortune-tollers, and the "baser sort" generally! Such are not worth repeating and should never be allowed insertion In any journal claiming respoctubility, or that Is read by our wivo aud daughtcis. Oviers, (however, are of a mora