THE DAILY EVENING TKLEGKAPII. miLADELPHIA, FRIDAY, OCTOMii 19, 18GG. AMUSEMENTS. Italian Ofkba.- vntpl u t in Comare last time thl evening, with Konooul and Hollo ( in the cat. Matiloe to-morrow at ernoon. It Trovatort. Niw Chkanut bTRSKT TniATRB. Mr John G. Oweus appears In three g'orionslv lunnv plnons thu evoulna:. Jo-morrow aliernoon the second Oous Matinee will be given. Abch Strkkt Thzatri - Mr. Dandmann's benefit. The Hobbert, with a grand cat, and other Attraction will be" given. Walut hTRKBT Tbkatrs Mr. Booth plays "Komeo" and ' lotiuohio" lor his bonofll this evening. New Amxricak Thhatrk Miss Kate Flihcr is playing "Aigz ppa' to a crowded home every evening. IhbCitt Mobium lllftx Susan Denin opens this theatre to moirow evening, with Marietta Karelin the rYenc Spy. CARHOROhs fr Dixit offer a flrst rate programme of muvo ana lun to mitht. National UAH. The great Lincoln Moinonal Tableaux every wg,ht. CITY INTELLIGENCE. IFor Additional Local ltem$ tee Ihird Page.) Impbovementb ox Eighth Street. We resume our running commentary on the new and valuable lmpioveu.cnts on our great centre of the retail dry eoocls iralc. We can only hope to give a description of the most notable places. About toe most noteworthy of the Improve ments tbat are in the square between Market and Chesnut streets, is toe large store occu pied by Mr. J. A. South iclt, No. 17 Souto. Eighth street, nt tiiecrmcrot Shoemaker street. This place was loimerlv occupied by a small toy shop, Vupt by a Air. r'razier. Most ot our cltl pns can ipmeuiber the pIhco as it was. The whole buildintr, compriBiug tour stones, has been renovated, at an exiieit-e ot over $;ll)ui), by the proprietor, Mr. J. A. Southwi k, who -has occupied the entire bulletins since last August. The owner, Mr. James Harvey, is aocrut to buy out the saloon in the rear ot tlie store. Hnd will knock it into one store, lorming one of tbe latges-t and finest slire in the street. Atpre sent the hccommodations in the tirst 3tory are not as extensive as could be desire I. Mr. Southwick, it may net be improper to Ktate, bas improved more properties along Eighth strpet tban any other man in it. In business in the street for the past ten or t elve years, during thai t ine he hm tmprovod four or five stores, modernizing them, and adapting them to the advancement of business. In th.s he has indeed len ot great beuelit to the street, and has earned well deserved reputation lor enterprise and business tact that bas placed him high in the confidence of the people. In the upper part or the establishment a large wholesale business is canied on. Strolling along thro wn Kighth street, from Market towards Arch, our attention isatonoe directed to tbe extensive repairs that are being made in tbe building occupied by William T. Keed & Co., No. 46. The whole front has been torn out, and is being rapdly put up in the most elegant st v ie of v. hite marble. When it is finished, it will make a vetj beautiful contrast to tbe splendid brown-stoue eo'iace alongside of it. Reed & Co. are the successors in business of the film of Owen, Evans 4 Co., and do a very ex tensive busme.-s in s.lks, tancy dress goods, and staple dry goods ot all kinds. The improve ments will cost at least, $15,u00, and have only been commenced within the past four months. The front is well lighted by beauti'ul French plate class windows, which ot themselves are an ornament to the street, even if we cast aside all mention of the gay and brilliant array of rich and staple goods that are exposed for sale. The tore intade is very attractive. It is one hundred and two leet in depth, and lrom twenty to thirty feet wide. A beaulif il dome and ekyliaht cans a very clear and mellowed light over the entire store. The wall? inside are colored ot a light bluish prey, that adds greatly to the appearance. The improvements were commenced about lour months since, and efforts will be made to effect their completion be ore winter Etta in. It will then be a most beautiful uod valuable addition to the many attractions on rbestr?et. The only drawback that there appears to be in all the buildings aioug the entire square is tbe want of beighth that is" so ob ervable on every, side. We want more ot the high sta'cly buildings that make crtain squares on Clicnut and other business streets look so imposing. True, there aTe ma".y verv elegant places, such as we have described, which are bighlj pleasing to a criti cal eye, but thev need the ereat desideratum size. It is a quet.on, if it were not better economy to bui.d a hve-dtory bivldinginastrpet so rapidly improving as Eighth street, rather than the most elnbora ely nniaheil three-storied structure. The owners of the building occupied by Eeed & Co., who were the lormer proprietors, under the name ot O wen Evans A Co., wi 1 spare no pains to make the building a model, as far as the architectural beauty and symmetry of their place is concerned. A Novel Banquet. Last night the dele gations lrom the virions wards couiprwinar the Filth Congressional District met by appoint ment at tbe bouse of the Hon. Caleb M. Taylor, the member ot Concrress elect from that Dis trict, about one and a half miles from Schenck'a Station. Each delegation had its own spokes man to address a congratulatory speech to the member elect, who responded in each case with happv effect. After tbe speeches had been made the company sat down to a noble banquet on ' tbe laun betide of tbe mansion. The most novel feature of tbe banquet was ilie entire absence of all kiuds ot liquor, a material tnac is always considered essential to the hilarity of any assem blage ot the kind, liut the company present needed nothing to enliven their spirits, and everything went off as pleasantly and as happily as any oue could desire, and tbe company separated at a late hour. ADakgkbous Charactkb. The people in the neighborhood of Tenth and Filbert streets were alarmed by the sound of a pistol shot at an early hour this morning. Patrick Lynch and another companion ol his had cone into the drinking saloou Vept by a Mr. Miller, in Filbert street, above Eleventh, about two o'clock this niorninp. Being in a btate of glorious Intoxica tion, tbe j got into a disturbance, and Lynch, it is said, to put a summary end to the dispute, drew a pistol and discharged it at the landlord. Fortunately it missed its aim, aid shortly after wards Lynch was arrested. He had a hearing before Alderman Jones, who held him in $1001) bail for assault and battery with Intent to kill. Cobner Lotjngino. Any ono going through our city cannot fail to see the immense number of young men who ate to be seen hang ing around the corners of the strests. Espe cially is this the cise In front of the earner tavern?, and in some t.t those places a lady can hardly pass by without being in danger of in sult. There have been several arrests every day for this offense. At Front and Canal streets yesterday t o were arrested for being disorderly. Case of Embezzli me.xt. J. W. Briggs was aneited at Second and Market streets, on the above charge, yesterday morning. It Is alleged that be has aopropriated property to his own use to v hich he hat no rizhtrul claim. He was arreted on a warrant from Alderman Wil liams, b ''ore whom the prisoner had har'n" and was held to ball n tne sum ot $3J0 to answer. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Noa.003 and 605 CHESNUT St.. Phila. Toreign and Domestic Fabrics Hade to Order, Seasonable, Serviceable, and Fashionable. RrroKiMB of the Thkatres. We give below the gross receipts of the dlfftn-ent theatres in this city lrom January 1, 1306, to September 30, 18C6. Tbe Auh was closed during the moMh of July, the Cliesnut In May and June, and the Anieriran cfurir.a- May, June, and July. Cam cross k Dixev's did no business in this citr during the summer, their building being torn out lor improvements. The Walnut did not close at all; this may account, in a measure, for the large amount bt receipts over the other theatres: S 3 S 3. 2" 156. : . p : January S1A794 flfl,8T7 R211 72tl Ftbniarv 18.010 1 8 6 16 673 7l)5 Maich 11 721 17 410 61i8 6011 April 8,686 15 08 4039 4S17 Hay Coned 19 8M) Cloned Close.! June Closed 12 HK8 Cio 1 C osed Jul 1 8C4 6,571 Ciowl C'lo'"t Auus 7,H1 9 193 2K78 4-1t5 bop ember.... 7 6U7 10 722 SM 7tJ4 Total Beci ipts-Walnul, $123,680; Arch. S7, 181; Chesnut, $r.n,7r.2; Ameilcan, $2(,!'J2; Cam cross & Dixcy, :it,673. Confiscation" or Apparkl. Mary Ann Roylo, who is an operative In one of the mills at Franklord, got into trouble the other evening. She paid a visit to a drinking-saloon called the Mechanics' Hall, kept bv John Tat btrt. In Factory street, and imbibed freely and generously. Owing to her general h'larlous condition she not only saw things doublj, but, it is said, she went even so far as to make a mis take in regard to the identity of objects. She mistook a shawl, belonging to the wife of the proprietor of the "Hotel," for herown property, and made off with it. Being ashamed to take it back acain, she left it in chartre of a pawn broker lor a Iciflinir consideration from him, and availed hersell of that triile. She was, however, arrested in ber short career ol prosperity, and brought to trial belore Alderman Holmes, who, alter a fatient investigation ot tbe laets of the ease, held her In $500 bail to answer the charge oflarct-nj. Convictiox of Bubolabs. Yesterday, in the (Quarter Sessions, John Mason and (teoree S. Itoberts were convicted ot a charge of the larceny of shoes, boots, etc., valued at $300, the property ot Joseph Ballard, Elirhth and Filbert streets. One of their former colloagues turned State's evidence, and tes'ide l that these men took tbe measure of the key-hole of the street door when the store was under repairs. Thy went to New York and manufactured a key to fit the door; then came back, entered the store about 6 o'clock one aifernoon, took out several bngs full ol shoes and hoots, and took tbem to a board ins-house on Ninth and Filbert streets. The goods were then sent to Now York to the house ot witness, where part were recovered. TheBe same parties were convicted last week of a charge of robb ps a storo on Cliesnut street. Sentence was deterred. A Reckless Jehu. Jacob Albright let bis horses outfit a reckless rate ol speed i yester day ni' ruing. As he turned the corner' of Fif teentn and Coate streets, his team came in col-ll-iou with another, Injuring it to a considera ble extent. The affair created quite a stir, a'id the war of words waxed hitrh an t furious. uuUl an otlicerot the rol ce quietly took Mr.Albriuht into custody aud escorted him to the olfice of Alderman ilutchinon. After n hearing before tbat pentlemnu, be was coiumitto.1 to answer for reckless drivng, and to rellect on the truth ot tne old maxim, xue more baste the less speed." The Southebx Seaboard. Wo would intomi all persons travelling to the South, that they can obtain passage in first-class pea-goin fcteamships, with every accommodation, ana caretul and experienced commanders, bv apply ing to Harrison & Allen, No. 5 Bowline' Green, New York city, or to AIIpii E.Thomas & Co., 5o. 6 Bowline Green, New York. Tbse com panies sell to passengers by their splendid steam ships thrcuffh tickets to all points South, by railway Itom Noifolk, Charleston, Savannah', Mobile, or New Or lean. Freight taken lower than by any other route. - Eqvitabte Insurance Company. The Eqiiiianle Insurance Company have removed to No. 108 South Fourth street, as will be seen bv tdeir advertisement in another column. In tbe new oilice we (eel assured tbat they will con tinue to rcceue the extended patronage of our cHzens, wh ch their proved reliability deserves. They have a capital of $25t,0U0, and wUh offi cers whose names are towers of strength, we predict for them a yet more successful "future. Our people know bow to appreciate corpora tions in whom they can repose confidence, aud among such the"E(iiitable" stands conspicuous. Sekiovs Collision. This morning the Camden ferry-boats Delaxoare and Mechanic col lided as they were entering their respective slips at Market street, on the Philadelphia aide of the river Tbe sterns of the two boats swung into each other In regular iron-clai fashion, resulting in staving in the cabin of the Mechanic. Con siderable damage was done this boat, but the other escaped without harm, aud fortunately no person was injured. The Bev. Anthony A. Atwood, the populai pastor ot 1st. Paul's Msthodist Episcopal Church, in this city, has been su.'Ierinar tor some days past 1rom a severe attack of cholera; but we i aie happy to state that his symptoms are so iinprovine that a full and early recovery is con fidently anticipated by his physicians. Choleba. Tha charm is broken at last The cases of cholera reporte 1 at the Board of Health office since noon of yesterday numbered four. For some days past the count stood at eight cabes for eacb day. Tbe Result or the Election. Tbat the (State eltciloD la now ovor, must bo a sou ice ot eatibfuctlon to everybody. Those wlio have been elevated to office aro very well satisfied, ot cour&e 'the candidates wh were not elected have no luitlier cause lor anxiety, and doubtless, expe rience a very agreeable sensation of relier. 1'orguus who betted upon the eleouon have eithor iho srratili cation ol reoe'Ving money , or the lofty and maguum iiious pleasure ot paying it over, livery one now has ici ure to attend to renter and m we important matters, such on the aeiootion of a now Fad Suit flora Tow r Hal'. Our stock ot Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing is the fu lost and most compete in Polladelplua. 1'ricoB are lower, and nearer thoso of old timet, than lor several year. Halfway Lehreen. ( Bknnutt k Oo., Fifth and j Iowkk Hall, Sixth Bt. (MB Market Stbeilt. TheMornikq Gloky bas boconie popular; every body oualit to have one. (Jo and see h in opera tion ot Joues', Hoi 30.1 ond 811 N. Second stre et, above Viuc, or at Clark', .No 1008 Market street It is un illuminating radiator; imparts uniform heat, and is a valuablo aud cineilul companion durum the winter season. Old Boreas must take a back teat, ltenn ruber, the Morning Utorv is a suit fpi dmir, base burning ooal stove aud entirely regu lar in ti e boa) it Reiterates. Cad aud aj7 a Morn ing Glory in loll bit Ko jioitK Cakaeds Iho President deiir'i us to say that tbe various letters In the papers about li s ordering a suit of Clothing from a numbr ol cloth ing s ores in tu s city is false t'h ulos 8tokos & Co , Clotliiors. tinder the Continental, are tho on y par ties tbe fres.dent would order from in Philadelphia, a bavins the pi'ioo murkod on the goods is the Policy. ROCKHILL & WILSON, fin: cloth in a house Nos.603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. Latest Style Eack and Walking Coats. BOYS' CLOTHING. W nAva KKFwattliwClnthing HoTineof c Somnrs ft Hf.n fsrey tawimero tot imM; satin-facd an 1 Chinchilla Heaver Overcoats, which are madeuo In tlio most anlxtantial way. AIh, marnlflopnt stoek ol choice unont rood to se'eot from lor mewat.'. Every garment made bf thin Hons warranted to fit. KMd i l atent Button naeil. whioh Drevents tne dia"reptble necosnlty of anwing on buttons. Five-Twenty Conpoui, Due November 1, W anted by Drexel ft Co., No, 84 South ihird street. At !. 1 KRsons who are tond of Fine Confection, G. W. Jenkins, No. 1037 Spring Garden slroet, would invite to call and try his atoo ol Fine Uandie, Iceland Moss fas'e, Gtim and Cioco ats Urops Chocolate Creams of a I flavors, Caramon, e'fl , of which be has constantly on band a iresa assort ment. TJpnoLfiTFRT tSTonE, where every kind ol work required ty the most perfect houaeKocprs is done; letiatrtng, polishing, taking down and patting up of fuinitare. Men and women qualified by lonitenpo ncBoo at each branch of the business. So wjik peilormed but in th mot thorough manner, at PATTEw'g, No. 1408 Chosnut slroct. Twelfth ADCnEsnT Is the place to purchase Cork Mattresses and Heading, and to have your Kiir nnnre rpupbolstered, Tarnished, and repaired by practical woikmen. Thkre Is a rich dept h, and at tho same time a I nft rrpss, to tbe sliadova of tlie Fliotograplis made at B. F. Be mer's Gallery, No. 624 Aroh street, isix cards for tl. CrRTAiws See I'atton's Curtain Goods and Auc tion Cufia'ns, bought low and will be sold low, at W. llEMRT Patten's, No. 1408 Chesnut street. Try our Yankee Bunns. Moure ft Co., Nos.9fi2 and 904 Arch street. Witfnow Shades One Dollar. Gilt Shades, only 81, at 1'attkh'b, No. 1408 Chesnut dtreet. ELASTIC STITCH BEWINO OBOVfcR MAC H I NEB, & FOR B MtKR'R FAWILY tTSF. HKHI KHT THK ONLY l'KEMIIIM MACHINE KEWINU THATBOTH HEWS MACHINES, 1-i.KFEClLY No. 130 AND CHKSXUT EMTIROIDERS bTBEEf. fk-Ut ECTLV I Dlit 1 . I i I , , Ull LOCKSTITCH u l t't r r w no siiwnu IV AC HI NE. KOR TAlLOKS, 8I10K.M AKKK-t, HAOOI.EKS, H vRNBSS MAKEIM. CARRIAGE MAKKRS. LATEST AND HE Superior Styles or Ready-made Cloth iio. Sirtuion Styles o IIfady-madb, Wahaxakbb ft Browh, ForoLAtt Clothiao House, oak Hall, Fouthcast corner Sixth and Mabket Streets. MAHUIKD. JOIIK80N THOMPSON.-In West Phllaaelphla. on ine ioid uiMani, ur tne kcv. ueoriie w. Anderson H)WIS JOHN Ksn., of Haveriorrt, Delaware county . Pa , to Alias ELIZABETH B. TUOMPdOJS, of ruiiHueipuia. MABKLEV BINE "ILK. On th Iflth 'nf .TiiIt . 1S68. by the Bev W. t-terrett, Mr HEMU MAHKLKY to Miss CLARA A. HIS KcLE, daughter of the late George F. llinec e, both of tills city. PRICF-OILMORK.-On the ISth InsUnt, ov the Rev. rhtlllns Brooks at the Clinreh ot the Hnlv Trinttr ftUlLKK IH.APLA1NE TRICE, U. 8. A., to CLARA BO.MEKNPIKE FARR. On the 17lh Instant bv Rnv. D 8. Ml icr. Mr JOHN M. HIIMKUMiIKK. of Brnles- tiurg. to Mls ISABELLA, duuKhtci of Mr. J. T. Fuir. ol i rauKioru IREA'LER BFLL. In tbls clt. on the 18th Instant, by tt e Kev. O B He I, assisted by ttie Kcv. E. J Hlcli aids. HOHA1IO TRKXLElt. ol It fad Inn. Pa., to MARY Li , only daughter cl the la.e Hon. bmuuol Boil 1)1 K13 BADOER.-CHRISTIAN BADGER, after a short 1 be reatives and Tlends of the family are resoectOillT ...w .H..v.M, ' ... in. , ' iu .vn,ui-ui7. o. noi Germintown road, on tiunday alter noon at 1 DAVlS.-On the 10th Instant. JAMF.S B.. son of Mary and (be la e John Davis, In tho 21si year of tils ana. 'J he relatives and friends ot tbe lamtiy ate respectfully invited to nt end tho luneral. from hi brother's resi dence, blebuiond street and Wheat Hhpal Ihiih. nn Run. day morning, the 21st Instant, at 10 o'clock. To proceed iu nuiuivauurg BELEFEK8TEIN. On the 17th Inst. Rev BAUUEt, I1ELFF, MSI EIN, Sr.. In the M2d year ot his age. He wts the o'deit minister ol tne German Re'Oimed Church at tbe time of his decease, mid for more ihan thirty years pastor ot tbe Race treet burch near Fourth. J he itinera 111 move lrom tbe ate realdenco ot the i recused on Monday morning, immediately alter the arrival of the 8-3A train from Philadelphia, to North n uica. turn . gen wi i oe in aiunaunce. ri-BAlt3 IN the fc.v Kfl A Nil TEARS IN THE JL clothes, strains In tbe muscles and rips In the Raiments, may be lessened on wash-day, and a saving or time and temper promoted, by usiug a Patent Cog Wheel Clothes-Wiinger, which we most approve of. aittouen wo Keen outer ainus piho tor aaio. TRUMAN & SHAW. No. 838 (Eight Thlrty-n re) MARKET Bt., bo'ow Ninth A FRISKY MAN WILL NOT HAVE HIS coat tails torn off or bla nocketa rlnned oncn bv catching upcu the drawer baudlca in your store. It you use tue neal urswer juiib we unve iur o. TRUMAN SHAW. No. 888 rF.lirht Thlrty-flve MA KKET 8t below Ninth OYSTLB KNIVES, OJTSTER BROILERS, TRUMAN A HHAW, No. 838 (Fight Thlrty-flve) MARKET rtt . below Ninth WARBUKTON. FASHIONABLE HATTER, No. 430 CUKSNUT Street. 915$ Next door to Post Ofllco. BAR B ER'S IMPROVED PKHISCOPIC SPKCTACI.KS Bapertor o all others. Thfv excite the woldr and admiration of all who use them tnanutactory and Bales-rooms, No-248 N. blMHTH Btreet, puna., Pa. opkraTTLasses. Assorfmet t large aud varied. Prices low. 9 21 3m UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY KICHAfU) PENISTAN'a HTORE AND VAC I TS. No. 439 CHESNUT BTREET. Nearly Opposite tbe Post Ollce PHILADELPHIA. Fnmll ies supplied Or dera from tbe Country iromntly attentiedto. U E A D & CO., No. 010 CHESNUT STREET, MANUFAC1UBEES OF 8 L V ER-PL ATED WARE, TRIPLE PLATE. MONkY SAVED BT PURCHASING DIK1X.U FROM THU. MANUFACrUBEttS, MEAT3 & CO., 10 lmWf3n,rp Ko. 910 CHESNUT SIREEI JICII, RARE AUD RELIABLK FURS. Hudson's Bay Babla Muffs, Collars and Berthas. Fine Sable at Ink V una. Collars and Berthas. Blberian Bqu ml Man's, Collars and Berthas. Real Royal t rmlne Mufft, Collars and Berthas. Cblidieu'a fete In every variety of ura. An Immense saving in price by applying for an early election at tbe CLOAK, MANTILLA, AND FUR EMPORIUM, No. 14 8. SECOND Btreet, tlx door below afarkot. 9 C1JAS. L.EWISSON. ROCKHILL & WILSON. FINE CLOTUIXQ HOUSE, Nos. 603 and 603 CHESNUT St., Phila. COACHMEN'S COATS.- COACIIMEX'S COATS. HUNTING COATS, HUNTING COATS. FOURTH EDITION FROM WASHINGTON THIS P. M. THE ASSASSINATION REWABDS. i'i . r.-yy-.-u-u-ij rrrTjajJxnj-iruxn ANOTHER LITIGATION. "" Ll Etc., Etc., Ktc, Etc., Etc., Etc. PECUL DESPATCHEit TO EVENING TELROBAPH. Wahhinqton, October 19. The counsel for General L. C. Baker, E. J. Conner, and L. B. Baker, bavo entered suit agultut DoiigUprly, Morgan, 8mHh, and others, who participated In tho Government reward for the arrest of tno assassination conspirators. Tbp object of the suit is to compel tho parties named to come into court, that t he equity of their claims to tho portions of the reward of twenty thousand dollars offered by the corpora tion of Washington may be determined upon. The complainants allege tbat the portion of the Government reward allotted to them was Insuffi cient, and they claim a larger share of city reward. Meeting of the Stoumboat Inspectors of new xorK. Buffalo, October 19. The Board of Inspectors of Stenm boats, in session in this city tor tlie last ten days, adourncd to-tlay. They transacted n coLsldcruble nraouut of business, and examined numerous devices appertaining to the saving of life on steamboats. Amongst the most valuablo was the lire-saviuc; tackle of Brown &, Level, which attractod uni versal attention, it being a sure mode of dis engaging a boat instantaneously lrom its tackle by one man, either under full speed or other wise. It received the unanimous and unquali fied approval of the Board. Mai Ine Intelligence. Fobtbehs Mookoe, October 19. At rived, briot Barry, from Matanzas for Baltimore. She re ports having encountered a storm on the 12th Inst., off False Gape, blowing heavy N. NW. to N. NE. She lost overboard a deck load of sugar, her sail, etc. In the banie latitude she spoke the barciuo Castle Ifcrn, 120 dajs out, bound for New York. The schoon?r dilute Be't passed a sunken schooner with topmast heads painted white. Left loading at Mataraoras brig Georgia, for Caltiuiore, and Louise and Al-vtanOer MWigan, for New York. Massacres in Colorado A Battle Thir teen Indians Killed. Leavenwouth, Kansas, October 18. Dates from Fuebla, Colorado Territory, October 8, say tttat the Ute Indians are cominittiug fearful depredations throughout the country, stealing stock, killing mrn, etc., and have carriel away one man's wife and cUkucu. Further Informa tion in rceard to the tight at Trinadad says tunt Colonel Alexander immediately went to the rescue, and rcaclied tVe scene just iu time to witness the nitacit of a ranche bv the Indians. He eneraacd them five miles along tho Purga torie, killing thirteen, with the loss ot one sol dier killed and two wounded. They pursued the Indians, but were unable to take them. The Denver JVrwu publ.skcs tus loUowlng "On Wednesday evening the Indians made an attack upon the soldiers and citizens. The In dians were repulsed wiih tbu loss of twelve ki'led. They were floating last eveninjr. Result unknown." Latest Makets by Telegraph. New York, October 19 Stocks are liiiritor. Chicago aud itock Island, 108j i Cumberland pre lerreo, 58 j; Illinois Centr.l, Miobiiriia South ern, ttOJ; A'ow Yori Centra', lllljj Readme-, 1151; VirKima ft, 67 J; Missouri s, 81 J j Erie Kailroad. 84; ; Weetfin Union To ernpli Couinaav, Mil lreaurr 7-80 Notes, 106 J; Ion-forties, 99i: Uuiied States 520s, 115; Cou,on6s. 113; G ild, 143J. f Ok IIFE-REJUYENATOR, BTRENOTH TO THE WEAK YOUM. TO TUE AO ED This preparation Is unequal ed aa a rejavenator and re storcr ot wanted and Inert tXiuctioni. j tie teett.e. the aed aad all tlionewho have In an way Impaired their vitality by excessive mental or plays! ca) aiipiication.wlll flitotho Ulokreue to be what Its name inloll-a U f-reJnyeiator, wlilcc, rrnne it Dullds op the ahattorcd constitution, will a. so Impart to the feellnirt tbe brlskncsa u0 W,erfy wl.ich beloua to youth. Ko matter by whatcauae anvOiRao has bocotne enfee bled In ita functkna thin aupeib preparation will reuiuvo tbat cause at once and forever. UK iKKt. is E cures (Jeneial Debility, impotency, Set voua lncapacltv, Dyipeusio, DeDression, Loss or Appe tlte. Low hpirita. Imbecility, Mental Indolence. KoiauU- tlon, Knnnl. It baa a moat deliKhtiul, desirable, and novel ell act npon the nervonsaystem. and ail who are In any way prostra ed by nervous disabilities are earnestly advlFedto seek a cure In this most excel eat and uu eqnalled preparation. BIOKKKNb, The Feeble, the targnld, the Despair li'g. the Old should give this valuable discovery a trial It will be found totally oillureut trout ail other articles for the same purpose. 'J O FEMALES. This preparation Is Invaluable In ner vous weaknesses of all kin is, aa It will restore tho wasted strength with wonder, ul pernianeuoe. Jt Is also a Kiand Tonic, and will uive re lefra Dyspep sia with tUefltBt dose A brief Persia ence in its use wi!1 lenovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and bnt?h Dyspepsia forever. One I oaarpw bottle, or iLx bottles fores. Bold bt I'ruiiuisls iientral'y. fnt by express anywhere by ad dressing HUTCllIMJS 4 HJLLYKK l'roprleWra, ra te iili oireei, sew ioro. Bold by JOaNSON. nOLLOWAY COWDE, Ho a aoitn sixth street. DYOl'T & CO., 4 19 thstu6mrp So. 23U N SECOMDSt. - WE, TUB UNDERSIGNED, CEBTIFY THAT we bave been cured of the following diseases: Henry KTpatrick ko 6.3 rouib. 6lteoDUi street. John Fsrren. Ko. 1240 Moitn front street Mrs Martin, So. lHOg Jones, above Market street, eured of the most ma lignant and excruciating rheumatic pains; John Maffltt, pronounced iucuiabie of uropsr, aud cured, residence back of h o. 138 North Ktont Btreet. all oured bv Dr T. WCKLHOY oilice No. 626 VOWi LL htreet, between Filth and Hlxth, and Hpruce and Pine streets, Philadel phia. The aflllcted In all cusoa are invited to ca I Ad vice free. 29sw8trp QEXTS' FURNISHING GOODS. F. HOFFMAN, JR., (Late O. A. Hoffman, successor to W. W. Knight,) FINE BI1IBTS, AND WBAPPERx, H08IEHY AKD GLOVES, Bilk, I ambe' Wool, and Merino UNDER-CLOTHINC. 10 9tuths No. b-43 AHCH Htwet. ROCKHILL & WILSON, PINE CLOTHING HOUSE, ffos 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. FALL AND WINTER OVERCOATS IN CHEAT VARIETY FURNlTtRE, BEDDING, ETC, FURNITURE. GEO. J. IIENKELS, LACY & CO., TBIRTEENT1T and CHESNUT Sta FBILATKLrniA. Snitti of Walnut Furnitnre in Oil SuiU of Walnut Furniture, Poliahed. Bulta of Walnut Parlor Furniture in OiL Suita of Walnut Parlor Furniture, Polished. Buita of Bosewood Chamber Furniture. Suita Pompeii Chamber Furniture. Buita Pompeii Parlor Furniture. Suite of Walnut Dining-Boom Furniture. Suita of Walnut Library Furniture. Suita of Walnut Hall Furniture. - A larje assortment flnlshcd, on hand. GK0KGE J. HEUKELS. UCi i CO.' fil Nps. 1301 and 101 CHK8NUT Ptreet BKDDI&'O eEATHKR WARKHOU9E, TKNTh bl KK.Kr, PKLOW AHCD. Feather Herts, Hols'ers. Pit lows) Mattresses ol all kiwis; 11 anneu, t'omfortahl'S, roan terpen s. Bprinir Beds. Hprlug Cots. Iron Itedsteads, rushious, and al other articles la tbe Hue ot business. AM 08 HILLBORN, No. 44 M. TEN I II Hircet, 91 lmnm5p Beiow Areh. Eh W r B DC BUY FUKNITUKE AT (JOULI) CO.'S Vnlon Depots, corner NINTH and MABKET and Nos. WI and North HtCO.Vfl Street. 1 he largest, cheapest, and best stock of Furniture, o every description, la the wor d. Head tor Printed Cata lorueaud Price List, Iho soundness of material an I workmanship is guaranteed of ail we selL Furniture lor I arlor, Drawing room, Chamber ot Bed room, Iliulrn room, Library. Kitchci, hcrvants' rooms, OiBoes, Nchuols, Churches, Odd Fellows, Masons, or other lodges, Ships. Institutions Ciubs, Co. leges, Pablo Builohigs Hotels Hoarding Uousos, llospitais. Fairs, or a single plee" ot Furniture. lirawlugs and eHtima es I arnlshed when reqnlrel. Orders sent by post will he executed with despatch, and with liberality and Justness ol dealing t'oaoiry dea'era, anc the trade generally, continue to be supplied on tbet-ame liberal wholesale terms that Insure them a Imr pioflt. Parlies at a oistuno may remit through our Hankei.the Fanners' and Mechenlct Na'loaal Hank, Chcsnu, street, or the Union National Bank, Third street, or bv hxpress. Check, or Cost Oltlco Order. Im mediate attcutionwlll begien,and satisfaction iusured. OOUI.l) fc CO., K E. cornet NINTH and MA RK.KT streets aud os 37aud39ortn HEUOM Htreet, 1 10 5o Philadelphia. T O II O V S E K E B 1" 13 B S, I have a Urge stock of ever variety ot FUllNITURE Which I will sell at rcducca prices, consisting ot PLAIN AND MAltBI.K TOP COTfAUi 8CIT8 WALNUT OllAMUtK nUlTA PAKI.OR tUII IN VtSLVfiT PM.'8H PAKLOK SIWS IN HVIK CLOl'U. PAM.OK rUITS IN KK.PS. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Bookcases Mattr69es, Loungcb, etc etc l. !. OIIRTINK 81S K. E. corner SECOND and BACK streets REEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, So. S07 CHESNUT Slrcct, HAVE tOW OPBN A WEU-ASSOItTED STOCK OF AMERICAN AND ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTINGS, DRUGGETS, EUG3, ETC. 10 SwfmSmSp FIRST-CLASS FlItMIlIiE. 1, A Large Assortment of th Laitest Style On hand, and will be sold thli coming season at very n oderate prices, at I,. LVTZ'S Furniture Establishment, 0 6 3m Ho, Ul Beatfe ELETE4T9 street, A ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate Looking-Glassos, ESGMV1NGS, PAISTISGS, DBAWISOS, ETC. Manufacturer of all kinds of LOOKING-GLASS, PORTRAIT, AND PICTURE FRAMES TO ORDER. No. UIO CLIESNUT STltEFf, t TllIItD DOOB ABOVa'THE CON TIN EST A L, PHILADELPHIA. J I55 C IIEROKEE PILLS. Or Female Regulator, Cure Suppressed, Excessive, and Painful Menstruation. Green Mckness, Nervous and Hpiual AOeoiloas fains In the Back, Rick lieadacoe, Uidoiness, And all diseases that spring from lrrerularltf, bv re moving the cause and all tue efli cts that arise irom It. Ihey are penectiy sale In aU cusos. except when lor bltluen bv dlievtionB, and are easy to aduilufster, as thev are nicely lugar-coattd. They should be in the hands of of every maiden, wife, and n other tn the land. Ladles can address us lu perfect con dilenoe, anil state their oomplaiuts in lul . as we treat all female Coin p aiuta, and prepare Medicines suiuihle ior all diseases o which they are subject Xhuty-two page pamphlet, tn a st aled envelope tree. The t herokee Vl'H are sold by all drunrliU at tl per box. or six boxes for S i or they are seut lr mall, free ot poNtaiie, in an onllnar 1st er, tree from observation, by addressing the sole proprietor, Dr. W. R. MERWIN. Ko W WAIK.LB Street, New York. N. B Cherokee Pills No. 3 are oreDared for .n-,.,.,1 cam when milder tneUlcines fail; thee are sent bv mall, free o postage, on receipt of to , tht r.ce of each box. 4 DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, Oil, ESSENCE OF LIFE, Cures (ieneral Dcbl itv, Weakness, Hystorloa fa i'tniaics, I'alpitation oi the ileart, aud 11 V .. - ii lil.uuilML It restores new hie and viKor to the aged, oauslng the hot On anc iiess in bwth sexes. To the vounK. tulddle ared, and iJla there is no greator boon than ibis "Kilxlr of Life." f...t 1. II V IV ta ed lo bave renewed s r. nnh and vigor, and the entire ..stem to thrlil with Jov and plcmure "'pVioe oue botte, Si; three bottles, 5. Sent by ex Dress to any address. our medicines are sold and recommended bv all re spculable druggisis m ever, part ot the civilized globe. Home unprincipled dealers, however, trv to deceive their customeis bv selling cheap and worthless compounds in order 10 make monev. re not deceived auk for these Medicines aa i take to others If the druggist does not keep them, write to us, and we will seud them bv ex press, caieiully packed, tree from observation. We will be riveted to receive letters with 'nil statements la ie gnrd to any disease with which aillej or gentlemen are attlicted Ad.lro.s all letters for medicines, pamphlets, or advice, to the sole propria or, -w Dr. W. R. MERWIN, $ 11 mwfSrp Ko I WALKtB street, Hew kork. FIFTH EDITION FIRE IN SARATOGA COUNTF, N. T. THE EXECUTION OF FERRIS. FURTHER PARTICULARS. Mte., EteM Kc, Kte., Ktt,t Htc.. Fire at Ballston, New York. Tot, October 19. One of the largest fin with which Ballston, Saratoga county, has ever been visited, occurred la that village last even ing, resulting In the almoat total destruction ot the manuiaclurinir eatabUshment known as Chapman'a Glen woollen mills, owned by Messrs. E. II. & O. Chapman, but leased and oocupied by Mr. A. Jahitc, for the manufacture of broad cloth. The fire caught at P. M. from the fric tion ol a shait In the wheel-room, and burned until midnight. The total Iobs will not fall short of $30,030, principally covered by In surance. Almost eighty operatiTos were em ployed at the time of the Gre, though the capa city of the mill was much creator. The Execution of Ferris. Nkw Tobk, October 19. Frank Ferris, other wise called Francisco Fer,cro, the wife mur derer, was executed in the Jail yard in this city at 9-45 A. M. to-day. While under the gallows be sang a hymn, daring the pauses of which he fervently kissed a crucifix. At the ojnolnslom of the hymn, Father Paroquet, who attended. Ferris throughout, recited a prayer, which the latter repeated after him. Ferris then made a few remarks, saying, In a tremulous voice, that he was about to die; bat was Innocent. Ilia hand was guilty, but hla heart was pure. Ho also said there was more he wished to speak, but he had told It to Father Duroquet. He bade all good-by, and thanks Sheiiff Kelly feelingly for his kindness. He thanked all who had been kind to him, and salA he was sorry he had caused them so much, trouble. The hangman then approached, adjusted the rcpe, and the signal was girea. For a moment there was a contraction of tbe muscles, but tills soon censed. Tho body wa9 cut down after hauling ior ten minutes. Accidental Death. H0D8ON, N. y., October 19, Mrt fmw Per rlC'-SCii, Aon of the senior member of tbe Arm f Derrickson & Bartlett, paper dealers, of New York, was drowned t Chittenden.'., Milk, 1 Stockport, yesterday afternoon. He had visited the mills on business, and in surveying the premises walked out on one of the bulk heads, when he tripped, nnd fell over the water-wheel into the flume. His body has been recovered, and will be lorwarded to his friends. He waa twenty-seven years of age, and a young gentle niau highly esteemed and respootel. Massachusetts Politics. Boston, October 19. The Democrats of the Fourth Congressional District have nomlnatei ex Major Wightman lor Congress. CARPETINGS. J. F. & E. 33. OmSTEJ, ISTo. 904 CHESNUT STBEET, ' ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 8-PLT CARPETS. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN INGRAIN CARPETS. BORDERED DRUGGETS. -10-4, 12-4, 10-4 DRUGGETS. STAIR DRUGGET8. J. JP. & E. B. ORISTE, ISTo. 904 CHESNUT STREET, I ENGLISH BRUSSELS HALLS AND STAIRS. WITH EXTRA BORDERS. . 1 Jw F. & & B. 0RKE, TVo. 004 CHESNUT STREET, THIRD DOOR ABOVE NINTH, FANCY RUGS AND SHEEPSDN MATS. COCOA MATTING, AXX WIDTHS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, FOR FLOORS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, FOB STAIRS. thstuSkn j. F0B 8ALK. ALL THAT VALUABLE d thr.s:onr BICK BUILD; NO, and 01 er JSmud, sllnatefl on the west side or OeUwara avenue below CallowMIl atreet, csutalnlng la (ton on leiaware avenue 76 leet. and exieuding la depiA U& leet to Water streau Two ftoats. l"0, a laigeand valuable WaiKt eoneeoted with the above, containing In li onloa lielawsre avsaoe IS feet and exuini.lue in depth is feet, with depth water tor the lareest elass vessels. lorteims audturihur Owuriplioa apslf oa the pre mises, up-etalts. It 1 tustuet