THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1800. 5 TSEMENTS. Tb Itaua OPKrtA,-'h,eTCnin' Trovalore. Pehot 01 Mgnora Carmen 1 oc,.. . . Wednesday evenioK-Jrv "woto. Ronoonl m "IOrd Alloash." riK, , . . . Thursday-f,a SnmnimoHfa. Df bnl of Mi M' Ustick and bienor Itaraglt. - . (Saturday afternoon- Grand OperaMo Matinee. Faripa. Mr. Bsteman's first jrrann ??T"? concert will be given at the Muscat Fund ,B" y next Monday evenin". Tickets at Trum. ler beventn and Cbesnut sheets. Kiv Chkknttt bTRKET Thratrb. Mr. John 15. Owens In JAs r'icfiros and Lire Irul'in, supported by the entire com lany. A splondid bill. Walnut t treet 1'iieatre. Mr. Edwin Bioth In bl great rote of "Sir Ovorr ao," in the One traredy of A Hew Way to Pay O d lebt$. Arch 8TRrtT Treatrr Mr. Banrtmann will apt ear bv special request this evening as "Corporal Antoine," in his new play of Destiny. American Theatre. Mazcppi. with Miss Kato I'ishcr, new masio, tcenery, and splondld cash Napoleoic III amd Bibmark -rrolossor Alonzo Tripp, ef I tout on. it will be soon, by re erenee to our tmowmfnt column, will doliv r Ills fto', lecture on Iiia po eon III and Bismark. In Muscat Fund Ha l, to-morrow erenina", October 18. This b ln tho fit st oi a aerlen ot ireo k cture ntider the auapicea ot the Kounfr Men's Christian Asnnation ot ibis ottv. Mr. Tripp was In I'aris in 1818 at tno subversion of the Orlean st Di naty, which brou-rht Napoloon to power. All the leading events In the chequered life of I he French Emporor will be o earW skowlioil, together with an analysis ot the man, and an expla nation of his wonderful sncceas as a ruler; aiso a bncf ouillneof that remarknble man who now dlviaee with the Emperor b e position as tho fore most statesman ol Kurope the Count Von Bismirk. Tickets can be had gratuitously at the iiooms ot the Association, Ho. 1210 Cbosnut g.reet. TnEaanTATioN Last evening the friends or Mr. H'rara Ktimme', who are, like himself, attached to h. nU aiint Htrnnt rhnitre waited npon him, and presented him with a very beautiful solid silver p teller. This (.resent is designed as a ncddtn tent, and beam the following inscription : Tresonted to Hiram Mlrnmcl ov the attaches of the newCho nut Street Theatre. Oo oher 15, 1SH0 " At the present, tion the Thiladeiphla Vocalis'S furnished some do ligbttul mofie, under the direction ot Profrssor Albert Iloberts, tenore roVutto, and Major W. e. Deiarey. Thr Menprispoiin Mtjbioai. SocntTT. This new Association will assemble in their new hall, No. mil Cln snnt street, tor the Bret time, to morrow even. In, for a vjuHIo rehersal, at half-past 7 o clock., lickets at No. 1323 Cbesnut street. Thr rHUOMELio Mumo Circle will meet for 8 publlo rehearsal on Thursday evening, at io UV) C hesnnt street. CARiroROhs & Dixit have a great performance to-night. Fnll oi lun aid muslo. CITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional Local Item eee Third Fage. The American Union Commission. The following extracts, taken from a letter written by an estimable ladv of our own State, now serving, tbe American Union ComiitBdion of Pennsylvania and New Jersey in Georgia, will be read with Interest, and lead many be nevolent hearts to contribute lreoly to the pood work in wblcti they are eneancd In pro viding lor the impoverished women and chil dren of tbe South, and especially lor the widows tind orphans ot loyal men who dii ail they could to maintain the integrity of the nation against the assaults of its enemies : Atlanta, Ga, Ootobcr 6, 1808 Since the school-houses built by tbe Commission have beon completed and tnoroutrhly furnished with d eks, books, maps, and every appliance, our teacher have col ectcd around tbeiu live huudred puor de pendent children. taicen irom th touts, shanties, and alleys ot this de.iolato city. This Is following out tbe injunction ot our blessed .saviour, to caro tor tho little ones. How tender was His tolioltuae tor them when upon earth; and how honorable thir distinction when he made them emblems of the re deemed in glory I The majority of these children were deprlvod by tbe war ot i heir natural protectors, and are now do pendont npon the charity oi others. 1 wish you could hear, as we very ofien do, these little, ones toll tbeir experience with son ow and sudor. n?. It is enough to melt tbe beaitot a stoue to listen as, in their ariiers way, they toll of lather's anx'ery and fear ol the Kobel gang in their vicinity, and of how father kept himssll hid away in souiedailt or narrow place for days, often woets. and of his try ing to ODCape from his enemies. Sometimes They succeeded in getting away, and a long time alter, la a mysterious maimer, the? were rejoic d to hear thai lather ira safe, and in the Union army. Tbe next rews to.d th m he was wounded and in the bosoital, and if bo lived would be a cripple tor lite: then 10. lowed nays aud mgUis of anKioty and sorrow. .... Another will av My father tried to get awav, but was captured and brought back, torced into the army or thrust into priaon, and we had to leave our borne; tbe holdicrs told us we roust go. Many of tbese children can tell oi soenos they witnessed that wonld make vou start back with horror. They have seen tbe midnight as'assin. the consuming hie, the. torturing and hanging of prisoners, their own exile from home, and its att ndant privations and many sorrows. And why all this? because thoo wora brave men, who chose to oufior rather than willingly assail our dear old flag. "And now the children of these heroio men (martyrs) are calling lor holp. W ill their neighbors, and enemies wno persoouted them atid deprived them Oi their lather, sympathize, with them now f No I t bey tell them You loved the Yankees; your lather preferred to die for tlum; now you also can go to tbe Yankees And shall we refuse to care lor the offspring of brave and perse cuted men T VI hv is it that our Northern friends aro so slow to understand that it was the truly loyal who Buff .red most aud sulli r still f For their adhesion to the Union they suffered and lost all they bad to lose, betore tbe Federal aimy could reach and rescue them. Hundreds of them were murdered, and nunv died from exposure, and their little ones are here with none to care lor them. We Lave gathered tbem In tbe schools. They apprec a e the kindness of tbe Commission, are very s udions, and improve . rapidly. But tho work has but just commenced, and' now let it sro on vigorously. Let us educate and elevate their little onos. '1 his tt is that puntlos the very fountain of society, ''tor tbe child is lather to the man." This is laying tbe axe at the very root of tbe tree. This is building from the rieht source. Tbe foundation is now laid bv Northern bands; let us not grow weary ; lot not the work stop whilo tbe building is in course ot erection, and prove a stigma to its projector. It tho citizens of Pennsylvania and New Jersey will sustain their Commission one year longer the city might, able to Uke care of tbe schools, but this coming year, we who are here see and know that they cannot do it. At present the people are taxed to the utmost. aLd still more it needed to buy bread for hundieot of dodtitute women and childien Tbe unprecedented drou?nt of the past season makes provisions. scarce and high priced, and consequently a heavy lax Is required to give each family bread. I am bappv to inform yon that our scbo'ars are almort entirely the children of parents who ouposed the war. 1 might fill slioets in describing every day incidents and soenes of sorrow and restitution, that perhaps would seem almost incredible, but that I nave made my letter so long already, I will leave a desor'ptlon of our thinly clad and barefooted ouil dren for my next letter. Contributions to the Commission, In money or clothing, will be gratefully received by Samuel V. Merrick. Pref iiient, William S'rutuers, Trea burer, No, 1022 Market afreet, and Joseph Par ker, Secretary, Tract House, No. 121(1 Cbesnut wtreet. A Mtjbdebous AsaArjXT. John Eagan was arrested on a very serious charge. He com mitted an assault and battery upon a man, and inflicted injuries that may ptove fatal, lie was arrested at No. 2121 Prym street, an l had a hearing before Alderman Lutz, who committed blni to await tbe realtor the injuries. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FIXE CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT St.,FMla. Foreign and Domestic Fabrics Made4o ' Order, Reasonable, Serviceable, and Fashionable. AM TriK O rfat Sale of Works or Artx and Veriu, which will commence to morrow morn ing, at the auction rooms of B. Scott, Jr., No. 1020 Chcsnul street, is attracting considerable attention amonfT connoisseur aud the public generally. Another examination of the collec tion, aided by the printed catalogue which wns publl"hed to-day, has enabled us to realize even more lully than belore the rate value and Inte rest of the articles 6n exhibition. They are not a!l novelties in this roDnlrv, It Is true, but many of the most curious and delicately wrought ct ttainly partake ot this character: while, taken as a whole, the collection has never been sur passed, even if It baa ever been equalled or ap proached, by a similar collection. Not less noticeable Is the great variety of the display. Vrom the exquisite marble an I. bron te ttatuary down 1o the imitations in wax ofdiilcr ent varieties of fruit, there lies, necessarily, a very wide range, in which the niesns and tastes ol almost every admirer of art can Bud a source of gratinoa'lon. That the public thoroughly appreciate, the labors ol the Brothers Vllt, to whom they are indebted for this cnance to cul tivate a passion for choice and elaborate work manship, Is eviuced by the throne of people which has already filled the gallery of Mr. Scott. To-morrojy mornini, nt 11 o'clock, the sale will commence, aud during the two days of its continuance we mav look for 'an- liveliest and most generous competition In an effort to becuie bouie of these gems of art. Republican Meeting in Camden. The first ol a series ot meetinea given under the auspices of the Union League ot (his city, was licla at the Court llouf-e last evening. The hall was filled to overflowing, many of the fair sex being present. The "Bos In Blue," an organi zation consisting of about one hundred and twenty mem ners, weie prccnt, alo tbe South Ward Campaign Club. They presented a lino appearsoce, being luuy cquippeu, ana were accompanied by an exeellcut band, who en livened the occasion by discoursing patriotic music. The orator of the evenintr, Mr. J. Goforth, of I'hilaclelnhia. entertained the audience for an hour and a ha'.f by one of the best speeches that has been delivered In the Court House for many a day. He was frequently applauded through out his able and logical address. At the con clusion of his remarks. Hon. Alexander G. Cat- tell was Introduced, but owln to tho lateness of tbe hour he only made a short address. We have verbatim reports of the speeches, but cannot, from want ol space, give thcin to our readers. The First District Legislative Republican Con vention of New Jersy met at the hall ot the Union League. Camden, last evenlncr. for the purpose ot nominating an Assemblyman, when Hon. G. W. Cnrtls, the present incurnbeut, was renominated by acclamation. Two Inspectors and Registers from each ward were also nominated. Fast Driving in tu Tabk. There ia a class of joung men who lrequcnt tho Park who are always inclined to annoy the authorities and endanger the lives of pedestrians by the reckless manner in wnicn tney anve tnrougn. It is not very long since we had to record a terrible accident that happened lrom this cause, in which a respectable citizen lost his life. In snlte of the repeated warninrrs that have been given, the practice is still indulged in, and fra nuent arrests are made of euiltv eart es. There were three arrests made jestorcliiy afternoon of young men, giving the names ol John Williams, John Jones, and John Thomas. They were fined by Ablermnn Hutchinson, and dismissed with a reprimand. A Disord i :bly IIotjsk. The authorities made a desceut upm a disorderly house Mo. G22 Koith Front street, about n .ion yesterday. The place is the resort of disorderly characters, thieves, bummers, and tbe worst kind of the lower strata, it is said. Tbe neighbors being unable to enuure it any longer, made complaint acainstit as a nuisance to the neighborhood. Sertreant Murray accordingly paid the house a visit imd anested tho proprietor, Matthias Iti.nnnr. He hud a henrint? belore Alderman Toland, who held him to bait in tbesuinot $lUO0 to answer. A Datkty Tit-iiit. There was a rough- nnd-tuuible tight at Sixth and Lombard streets yesterday afternoon, between two drunken negroes. Before they could be separated one ot thein, named Bcyniour v neeicr, got his op ponent's nose between his teeth, und held on to it in true bull-doe style until he bit It off. The man who was minus a nose was taken to Dr. Coomb's olhce and had hia wound dressed. Wheeler was arrested, and had a hearing before Aldfiman Butler, who held hnu la $800 to answei the charge of mayhem. pA Worthy Institution. The season of suuering nr tne oia, poor, ana innrm isiasi ap proaching. One of our most worthy institu tions tor tbe roller ot such is tne l'enn Asylum lor the Relief ot Indigent Widows and Single Women. The ladies ol this Institution intend holding a fair at Assembly Buildings, on the 22 J instant, having lor its object the relief ol the inmates of tbe Asylum, and it i hoped that our citizens will come lornaraana subscribe une- rally, s they have on former occasions. Disagreeable Music William Toosey, who has a very disagreeable way of blowing his own trumpet during the quiet hours of the Sab- Dath, was, alter many inenectual ettorts on tne part of the police authorities to get him to stop. arrested at Front aud Queen streets on the charge of creating a nuisance. It is but reason- 1 able to suppose that it the running of the cirs on aunaay annoys tno puonc, tne discordant nous from a tin born are no Improvement. He was committed by Atdernmn Pottinger. A Terrible Accident. Patrick Mc- Donough, one ot the workmen at the rolling- mill ot Mr. Robbins, in Beach street, above Palmer, met with a fatal accident at about 7 o'clock this morning. He wtis standing by one of the pullevs arranging the beltol theshaiting, when tbe belt caught his clothing, and in an instant be was entangled in the machinery, and one lee was torn Irom bis body, and his entrails. torn and bleeding, protruded from his bod v. The u juries are of a n-ortal character, and he cannot live many hours. A Till-Tapper. While the attendants at the grocery store, on the corner of Eighth and Coates streets were looking on at the firemen's tarade, jester day atternoon, a young thief naned Hob Vance 6neaked in, and getting behind tbe counter, got the money drawer open and ritled it of about $7. He was seen, however. as be was making off with his ill-gotten gains and arretted. He had a bearing before Alder man Plankinton, and was held in $300 bail to answer. Case of lKK,irBY. Matthew Higgens was arresteu yesieroav on a cnarge or perjury. It appears that the prisoner had vouched on catb for a man who had voted twice the day on last election. Ho was arrested at hU residence in Camac street, on a warrant issued bv Alderman 1'itcn. He had a hearing, aud owing to want of proper witnesses, he was hold for a lurther hearing. Cholera. mere were eight new cases of cholera reported to the Board of Health since our report oi yesterday. A9 will be seen by a reference to our previous reports, a material deciease in tbe number ol cases is observable. ROCKHILL & WILSON. FINK CLOTHING HOUSE Nob.603 and 6C5 CHESNUT St., Hula. latest Style Sack and Walking Coats. BOYS' CLOTHING. Real Eptatk Sale. The following ex tensive sale of real estate took plnoo this morn ing, at the I'hiladlpbia .Stock Exchange, by Messrs. Thomas Sons: v 500 shares She' ton Oil, 1 cent per share. 68 shares American Incrustation Company, tCOj. 1 shaie 1'oint Ilreexe Park Asxocintlon, 100. 60 t. ares dreen sn Coates Htreetnl'ansuniror Bail WT Company,i 30. 0 snares Academy ot Mnsio, with ticket, 1 shore I'biiadelplna Lihrary Company, tMOj. 20 shares Insuiance Ctmnanv mate of Penn sylvania, 9207. 600 shares Dunkard Oil Company, assessment paia. 8 cents. Ground-rent. 8'89 ayear, IH276. Kesidenoe, No 1221 Spruce street, ftOlOo. Fonr-storv brick store, Ho. 01 . Fourth street, 15,100. Kfsidence, with three btorv back tuuoing, o. 1(24 Clinton street. 6"00. Two desirable buildings, Nos. 109 and 111 S. Third street, sooth of Chcsnm strK)t, occupied as brokers OfliceK 88 loot irnnt, 17,ltlU earn KcKldcnco, with lour story back buildings, HO. 01'J fine street, $10,800. Eight Mount Month Cemetery lots. 'J cacn. 1 sharp in the Mrreaetilo Library, 8-8. I'Wollmg, Kleventn street, south of laior, i Dwellinn, Diamond Mreot, west of fcecond, SHOO. Dwe'ling, Norns slreet, west ot Apclo, KI50, Dwelling, Clayton street, west oi iwenxy-secuuu, DweHinr, Thompson street, cat of Gcrnnntown load, 2!'50. Dwelling, anioiningtneaoovo, rinsw. Dwelling, Hancock street, north of Monro. li00. Frame dwelling, PalctUorp stroot, north ot Monroe, t42o. Frame dwelling, adjoining inoaoove, siw, An. Dwelling, Mervino street, north of Master, 1000. Dwelling, adioining the above, fclO'.K). Dwelling, Cherry street, boiwocn Broad ana Junipor streets, 4'J0. Seventh Ward: 200 feet front on Pine, 19ii feet on bixteentu, aud 200 toot on Randolph street, 861,000. Residence, No. 1219 Green street, west of Twelfth street, ff7ufc0. Dwelling, io mi o. inira xireei, factory, steam engine, shafting, etc., Warren street, Beverly, M. J., 80000; The Great Bask Ball Match. After a orcit iWl of melioration, aud not a little ilisap- f-'V" 'r",...i.U 1... point mem, tne gieai uium;u uevwupu iuu annn- tits and Ainiciii s I'liuiu mi jcnwiw,Taiii'iuuuii at the Caproline mus. in urooKijn. xne ioiiow lug scote shows tne result: ATL Alt TICS, tm O. ATHLEIICS, r ! o. n. a Kleinfelder 8 1 Tearce 4 Smith 2 4 MoBrido 4 2 Chapman..., 8 8 Rach 8 8 4 Wilkin 2 1 6 Borkenstock 6 0 2 Docknev 3 2 2 senBondener ..... 6 1 8 Fisler 1 4 II Pike 1 8 crane Stait 1 Pratt 4 ieiguson o fca'vm 2 Mills Tota' 27 27 1 Tota' 27 17 issmos. 128466780 Atlantic 0 Atbleiic 0 4 1 4 2 1 8 8 4-27 2 8 8 8 0 8 2 1-17 Flv-cntcbcs Atlantic, l; Athletic, !). ( Hit on foul bulls Atlantic. !i; Atblotii-, (I. Tassed balli Mills, 4; Dockncy, 11. Homo runp 8tnrt, 1; Docknev, 1. Umpire Mr. Flanl.v. of the "R.vcclsior." Scorers MeHr. Minck und Beiifou. Time of game Three hours. The next lriatch will take place at Pliilaclcl- nliln rr W mA tt Ihn 07H tnct 1'nn, r.t i l, . A tickets only will be lsuad, at $1 p?r head. Mucli ot tbe play to-day was excellent, though so'ne Lne chances lor fly-catches were niiscd. The Atlant cs had tbelr full champion nine out. The Athletics played Seiisenderler la place of fJasWl'. Bemoval of the Associated Press Office. The oflice ot the Astocinted Prcs, ot this cilv. has been removed rora No. 107 South Third street, to the third3tor.v of the ne build- Incs ol tbe Western Cnlou Teiep;rapn I onjpiuiy, eoutheast coiner of Third and Clicsnut s'crret'i. Entrance on Chcbnut street. now to Have Full Crops. Ech one who scanty crops tloea tcoro, l ake a peck meaeu-e lull of corn ; To few vhio'i.ens rivo tho sume Then take their lives, secure from b'aiui', Ard, be the reason wnac it may, Full crop those chickens will display. cirape-proweis ten a mourniui iae, Hut ohl "thpre's no sich word as full." Regarding tnat fine crop ot ch.tiio-, Fresh laibed, which Tower Kail now sliows! li e are nrrpartil wttk an ununnally fall and com' preftrtisive stock of Men's, Vomits', anil Hoys' tnll and Winter Cio'ltinfi, wkfch we are selling at much LOWER PRICES THAN nAVK BKEN KOWH jtuk ritv k- sal YitAiiH. ( minrntit'atina our vatrons and the public genvra'lt vpon the decline in the prices of ma- leniuti umcn itnutrs pueniv,n, wo examination. TowETl KALL, KO. bit) JlABKKT !TBKKT, BKKBB.TT & Co. MfSs-'RS. C Isomers & SON. No. 625 Cheanut strtel, under Juyne's Hall, not only orTur the nio.t pci tret g'ock ot luihionablc teady-uiade apparel lor geLtlemcn, made from tho choicest and most a p. iiroveo materials our nicy are se.une at tower rau t. e have taken some pains to escenam the relative prices charged at our leading olothiug establish" mei iu, aLd are bound to state, as a conDpquenco, that if any of onr readers with to secure a first -class raiment or suit, made from tae best and most fash ionable material, let them visit the houe ot C. Bonurs & 8on, No. f25 C'hesnut street This is a poailive lact, whioU nil would do well to prollt by. Akotbbr Lxtikr from the President's prlvute Secretaiy : ISxkcutivb mah8ioh, uctooer if. ucar sir: Tour letter received, witb questions mc'oaed. The communication was linincd'ately forwarded to the proper authorities, and the answer was returned that in te ply to your inquiries, that tbe suit fits perfee'ly, and the material is of a teautiful quality. The Pie siatnt is mucn pieasoa wno inim. "kobkut, txivate aec rotary. "To Tbarles Stokes k to. Clothiors. under the Continental Hotel, Philadelphia." FBRFtTVE ok tbs Wires As fust m the tele- giaph is extended South, lightning messages for sup plies of I'balon's ' NightBlooming Cereus" oome fljing over tbe wires. Never were a people more unanimous about anything than Americans of all sections in approving this staple perfume of tho New World. Toledo Blade. Flve-Tventy Couponi, Due November 1, AV anted by DRExrr. St vo.r No. 84 bouih Third street, THK tlJ-lPTIC LOtK-STITtH tsfcWlNO MAtHlNE with all the latest iinprovements and attoebmen is, incomparably the bent or family Use. iXLlPTic 3. M. Co Agents wanted, No. 023 C'hesnut street, 1'hiU). Lacok Tbotoorapbs only f 1. Kix Cards tor fl. None better in tbe world than thn mart i hv B. F. Keimor, No 624 Arch Btret. l'AULUe, THE HATTKR. Boat them all, Bombeaat corner tjecoad and Sou h, T ifilVH. flrtTfii'i. ItVunv Ma m L. iA and WJ4 Aich streot, lor your Fried Oaterd. Cdu '.;ea GEOROK W. JK5KIBS. No. 10R7 Nnrln C.r.u.n street, keps constantly on hand a fine asso. tmm or t, anil IasitbJ VRUUiva uu ' "ti ALLTLAVOH8 of Ice Creams and low made to order, ty aiorae & Co., Nob UQ3 una 904 Arch meet. ROCKHILL & WILSON, FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Hos. 6C3 ani 605 CHESNUT St, Phila. COACHMEN'S COATS; COACIIMEft'S COATS. HI NTING COATS. UVNriSG COATS. Twfi.fth Ann CsasnrJT t hLs place to imrchnse Coik Maitrcfisesanri liniiinr. Kd to hay.) our Ki.r- nitoie rrnnholstered. rirnnhnit. aOd TdOVTod by practical woikmen. ELASTIC STITCH 8 iPrr:.K. or LOCKHflTLlI V A. lit vK OIt rA i,om, 8IHJKM iKI.Ke, Hrli.EM, II ilNK-W M vKHRH, CAHIU MARKKA LATENT AMD HE MtWI( MACHINES, KOK fvii,y rsr. THK OM,Y M A C H I N V. & BtKl- It'K HKllH ST PKKMIL'M SKA' I Ml MACIIIMK', No 'iW CRfSNl'T STKEtr. IHATBOTH sr.wa i r.itrn. i tv FMPKOIDKUS VKKFKCTLV SurgRron Ptylm e Bsadt-mapb Cloiuinu EcrERioa Styles o Rfady madi Clothiwo. - WAKAMAKHH A I1BOWN, rOFPI.AR CLOTHlrtO HOtTSK, UAK HAtr,, rontheast corner Sixth and Mahret street" riMIK PUKA BII.1TY tlP A 0 ALVANI7.KI) 1 Conl Fcut'lo Is far trn atar than lu enronnratlvj ilifTeienen In coat over a plain irm ar loie I'beretora. IIkiiiki I; cui f more, It is rteclueitly cheap. r. ihlrtcen sixes ami paitcrna lor sale by Ko. 65(FlcHt TtllrtT-flr) M ASK V'T t , b'ow vtnth rPHR '.SCANDINAVIAN PADLOCK COM- r oiiie ureat atrengrh with sectirltv aealaot belnu picked. 1 make It nef tne bent looks lor t re Coon, ytveral sizes lor sole br TRFM AN RHAff, J.O. 85 (KleUt Thlrty-flvel M A RKKT St . below Ninth, QTKONtJ VVKOUCIIT IRON BOITSTOU ii outer doors, anil a variety of neat Uran ard P'atel Bolts and Door t haim tor chamtier Joora formal by iltUMAN ft M1AW, Ko. g.1(K,inhtTblrty-t1ve) M AKivKT St.. below Ninth. W A H 1) tl It T O N, FASlil'lM HLK HATTFR, ttO. 4.1 L llf.BTi ii l nireei. 9 105 Nei floor to T'Wt Offlce. II A K B E It'S IMPROVED PKMISCOPIC SPECTACIUS. Superior o all other. Tb.y excite tbj- wonlr and ailmlration of nU uho are them rnnnutnclory and bales-rooms, No. M X. tKMTU Stref c Jbha.. Pa. OPERA (il.ASSRS. Ansorlmert large aud varied. l'rlcele. 9 24 3m. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. BONNET OPENING, Wednesday, October 3, 1866. WOOD & GARY, AO. 725 IHES.MT STltEtt 1 1 '.'in n Jv-. W E Y L & B (I S K N n E I M, No. 726 C E KB VT Street. Ol'KN THIS 11 AY, 1 A solendld assortment 01 re t and bilk Hats for Ladles and I hi dren Al. tbe newest shapes at rory low prleof. w 1 low iftilch. and I'heasn it rli ine BroKti. Irub, Whlie, and Uarnet Bonnet Velvets, Koyul Velvets. L'ncut Velvets, tirs d'lriiues, frosted Ytit vcts 'I be name goods In every other shade of clor. Vilrt Ullibons, TrinnuinK Klhboiis. Boni.ei Rl'ibons, Paris Omaineuis, Fine French Flowers Kreuth nod Me v Vorkllat en" I i uuct Frames. Luces illudloui ail at the very lowest miirkot prices T WUOUKbaLK ANIJ it c. TAIL. Country orders promptly attended to tiive os a call. ' V E u K i8:NIII I t. 10 J lm So. 7i CH K-i UT -treOi. eri.KNDID OPENINO OF FALL. AND WIN ) TFR 8TYI.KB. MK.'. A Bl IiKIt, Ho IH3l CIUfMT Bticet. Ihilndephla IMI'OHTKU OF LAlir.b'liBK.Ht! ASI) UKK rKIvlviI-iU3 Aiaj un clensi.t K'ock oi Irr.noru-d t upcr l'K iwnj Ladies' and hlb re-i's I'rc?s. rW'"!n I'rusSrtnl Clo-k MHklng in all Its vailellea. T.adles 'uruUhhw their Sii h biO Coly matcrltt'f mav ro j tin bc.-.p nrtHHer.v tied, atu tlit'r W6.!: uU.'uC- !r the UiOMt prompt and efliclciii manner, at thi owctt roibln price a' twenty four hours' r otlce. Cutting and basting. Pa'.'.crns in sets, or by the single piece, lor merchants anil areas makers, cow reaiiy ftiOtfin K ON NET OPENING. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 0, 1011m KO. TO AttClt gltlflWT. MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Baaa handsome assortment of MILLINEBYt MlBse anil Imnnta' Uaie and Caps, Bilks, Velvets Ciapes Bitbons. Feathers. Jlow era, frames, eta 7 18J mrs. m; j. hendessox, no. 215 ScurH Street, will open a handsome assure ry- m-nt 01 . ' HA LL AND WINTER MIU.I1RRY, 10 16 2t on WEUNKSiiAY October !7. J3IOK!iiJ:jsrJB, OR LIFE-REJUVENATOR. BTBESOTH 10 TBE WEAK YOUTH TO TUB AG ED 1 his preparation Is oneqoal ed as a rejuvenator and re storrr ot wasted and Inert function 'i be leeb . he ased and al, those who bare In an, way Impaired their vitalit) by excewsive mental orphyni cal appiicatlonorlll nno the Biukrene in be what lis 0 ainu implie. a li e n-Juvei ator, which, while It bulltla up the shattered constitution will a so Impart to the ee lugs the brink niH8 and euerry K t.ich belonir to youth. Mo matter by what cause any o. nan baa bvcomeenioe bled lu lis luuctl'ns thin superb preparAtlon wl I remove that cause a. ouce and orever. LIoKkKNE cDfi Deneial De''lllty Impotenoy, Ner vous Incapacity, lypephltt, lienreamon. Loss of Apoe tile, Low spirits, Imi.eciiity, Uentu Indole ice Kmucla Hod, V nnul It baa a must lie inh ml desirable and novel edect upon tbe nervous sti'm and a1 wno are In an; way prontra'ed by nervous duubl I lea are earnestly uuvllto seek a cure in this most exoei ent and uu enuallpd preparation, BIOKKI N fc --1 be Feeo'e, the Lai g'lld, tbe Despnlt li'fl the OW should give this vamable diicuvrir,- atrial; It wlil be round totally different trom a 1 other articles for the same pnmose. 1 o I tM ALES. 1 his preparation It Invaluable In nor vous weaknesses ' all Kin a. as u will restore tlK wasted strength with wotder u' peimaneuce. n It U also a Kiand Tonic, and wll ulve re lefin Dvpep siawlth tlielimt dose A brlet pi-rsls euco m ue win lenovaie the stomach to a degree of perfect health aud banish Dyspepnia torever. . On I 'oiler per bottle or six bottles for el n'd bj Jiruirulsts general' Kent bv express anywhora fj M dressing HCTPIIIKU8 A I1ILLVEB Proprietora. o ailiKlf.reet, sew t ort. Pold br JOH1.SON. HOLLOWAY tOWDES, .no J nonu diai 11 nireeu DYOIT A CO., 4 1!) thstuSmrD No 232 N 6El:OND Ht. D R. HUNTER, Ko. 44 K. SEVENTH BTBEET. ABOVE FILBEBT. PHIL A DELPHI A Ackoowleded fry all parti, a interfiled a by tar tli HOT Bill Cfc(iUL fllYoICI N In the treatment vf Diteasei in h i tpeiatly QUICK TUOBolIOH, andpermamnt euret ouara need ia ever ccee. Heim-mb r l'K II'' Nl H'H t'e.elir.ited Kmi e ll. f ran onlv I e had genuine at bis old ea abliab.Oilloe, No MS SEVENTH Btreat ahor. Filbert. H1J I ROCKHILL & wilson; FINE CLOTHING HOUSE, Cos 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. FALL. AND WINTER OVERCOATS J3f GREAT VARIETY, FUBNITLRF. PEPPING, ETC. IT u it in i a u xt is. CEO. J. HKNKELS. LACY & CO,, 111IRTEENTU and CHESNUT Sts., I rniLATELrHIA. 6uit3 of Walnut Furniture in Oil. . Suili cf Walnut Furniture, Folinhed. Suits of Walnut Parlor Furniture in Oil Suita of Valnut Tarlor Furniture, PoliiheJ.. Suite cf Eosowood Chanjbor Furniture. Suit Fonipcii Chamber Furniture, Suits Pompeii Parlor Furniture. Suita of Waluut Dining-Booin Furniture. Suita of Walnut Library Furniture. Suits of Walnut Hall Furniture. A lart asicrtn ent finUlitd, on hand. GKOKGE J. IIKNKl',1 S, MCY 4 CO. tt mP! Non. 18M and 130 CHKSM'T lreet. BUY FUUMTUKK AT liot'LD .V CO.'S In Ion Dei o s, comer MNTtl and MAEKKX and No. M anu .111 Norm Mt. ll Hireet. ib lamtitt, clieupi at anil bent stock of Purnl uro o every cencuption in the wor l. Send lor I'rlnteit Ua'a lotaaaiul l'rlce List, 'i be vuunJneu o n a erial anJ woianu.nKblp i aunrantcol ol a I we aril, in, u tiira lor I ariir. llr.ning room I'liamber or Bed room l)uiln iuouu Library. R U hp Mervants' rooms, ouloes, Hclioo s. ('Iiiirchrx, udd FelmwH, VlaaoiM or ot'ier ltdvtR, Bliipa liiRtk ulionii Cubs, Co len, rub to LuiliiinKK liote a Hoarding Houses, llosplutis. Fairs, or asmtile llei.eiil Furulturn. 1 ralii)is aud entioia ea . arnished when require 1. OrUorn n hv post will be execn e I wi.b ae oatch, and with llbrmlity and Juxtnuss 01 dctHliig t oun r.y ilea ers, ant, the tr de Kfiirrn .y, rontlnun to De sapp led un tliet'Srue liberal wholesal' erms mat tnsn-e the a a la r liK.ll rnriio at a olxlnn-p ni,i remit hroiiKh our Kankei, tbe k'aruiera' and Mecbaulcf' Nailoual Hank, lliirim Mrcet or tbe t'nlou Natlona; Ham, Third ain-rt. or bv KxpTcsa. Check, or 'ot oillce rder. Im medlaie attention will heglen and aa tal'jc I01 Insured. OOUID & CO., M E. cornet lb i,d Al A KKr r ouueia and Acs 37 and 39 Nortn BF.COl .Strei-t, 1 10 ftp ipO II O U S E K E E P E 11 S. I have a large stock of every variety 01 KDHNITUUli Which I will sell at redocea prices, consisting 01 1 IAIN A NO &1AUBLU K'P LOTiAUtt BCIT8 WALNUT Oil AMbtK o IT ITS. PAUl Ull BCIIB IN VEI Vr.T 1 l.r8B 1'AKLOK Bl'HB IN HUH CLOTH. PAUl OK HUB IM KF.Prt. Bldeboards, Extension lab es, Wardrobes, Bookcases buttresses, Lounges, etc eic P. OtTSTINVi B 15 N. F.. corner BKt'ONM and KAOt. Btreeu PLEASE OBSERVE THAT RICHMOND &. FOREPAUCH'S J the Cheapest, Place In ihUcl'j- TO Iit'Y VOCIl FritNlTCUE. Our sto k Is the largest and most varied, a? our prccs are ire ,owei l OA'T l'''T!GI T TO CALL be ore rurrhln e:sn where In order that we nm.v have an opiiortuu'ty of piovlng the truth oi Hi? above assertion. IlkllM O'D & FOUfil'AirtiJI, 0 .'S tuih2mrp "o. 40 Sontti PRCONP Bt , west side. g E DDI N G , 31 A T T li E S S, AND FEATHER WATiEIK ) USE. WILLIAM IJ. DUEW, No. 813 MAIIK13T St. IMllLAriF.Ll'UlA. t918tutti8ltn A I,arK Assortrnrut Styles latest On hand, nnd will bo soid tUI n c fi(.ru;c pi Ices, nt com'ng season at very I LiTZ'8 POStn vuraltnr Ratnbllaliment, Ko. m Bopth Et.BVBwTa Btrect, K S T A L I S U E D 1705. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate Lookiog-tflassos, EMRAYISGS, PAlSTIN'i;, M'.AWISGS, EIC. . Maiiur&cturer of all kinch of LOOKING-GLASS, F03TEA.IT, AND PICTUEE fRiMESjTO OBDEH.J No. UIO STltbJFiT. .UlinD DOOB AllOVB THK C'ONriNENTAL, PHILADELPHIA. WflT' 3 J5f IMrOLTANT TO SHirPEPvS. GEEAT S0TJTHEEN FAST FREIGHT LINE. ONLY ALL-RAIL ROUTE , BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA AND TilK 80UTIL The Orange and Alexandria Ral'road, having com pleted Thruugo Freight Arranticmenw wl.h the Phila delphia, Wlluilnttou and Baltimore anl Blt'inoro and Ohio Railroads and lis eonneevoni In Viitilnla, Tennessee, Georgia, labauia, and Allaaliuiippl, Is now prepared to tranpaori freight wltU'reulnritr and deaputch to al accet Bible polnis In the Bouthwortand Sou h. Asthlsis the only II mil Bouto between Philadel phia and the Booth. It commends tuelf at onoe to the lavorable consldciatlon of shippers. Cars will be run trough, fioiu Philadelphia to LmchbuiK. Virginia, wl hout brvaklim hulk, and the entire arrangements are such as nlll se- ure speedy trau It and prompt dullyery to kli southern ai d Southwestern poluta. 1o secure all-mil fausporlutlon, OooiH mint be marked "Vl O. and A. R. B ," aud sent to the Dooot ot the I hiladelphla. WIIiuIukIod. aud XSulUuioro hull road BROAD and Till WE Btreets. Kcr Rites f Pre' ght oroirnrirf.rmition apply to J AWES C. WILSON, Agent (). and A. B. B , i o. .04 Souih -UTil t treet, 10 11 lui 'iwj Doors bdon ( hesnnt. QHtAPUT PRINTING IN PHILADELPHIA AT TBE "Evening TelegrajL" Steam Job Printing Room?, No. 108 South TII1IID Streer, SECOND STOBT. Every description of Plain and Ointmn.tal Printing executed uti uem" uJ dtaaiuh, at surprlalugly low prices. HADDOCK l SOX, Proprietor, aUSmrp Lata of No. 618 MARKET a treet. J? O It, SALE, THK "GIRARD HOUSE." Aipiyto ' J. V. PRICE, or T. JACKSON, 10 IK 6t No. 64 N. KEVfNTH Btieot. Cpfefl PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. nr i it. jiAtoiifcAi's ord ra are received as urual (during the patt elu'it ycatai at MASON A; CO.'d. ho. etri t heanut afeet P'anos ruleatliaiod wlthovt re- ffiTin, to tauau m good w new. V ri tui rp FOURTH EDITION DEATH OF JOHN VAN BUREIf New Yobk, Octobt r 10. John Van B.uen died two days snee, on boar 1 the steamship Scotia, - sea. Ills boJy has boon tirouofht on to thin city. FROM WASMNUION TIILS P. M. SPECIAL DESPATCIIKa TO EVENING TELRGRAI'Il. WAKHiNaToN. October 1C. Drawing of Prli.ea In the Soldiers' national Concert, The drawing for tbe prb.fs ftccompanyinaf the tlckctf purclinscd for thp Soldiers' and Bailors National Concert emtio oil" last night at the National Tbtatro. Tlio tioiuo was packed, and the utmost pood or ler prevailed. Aco-n nltteo from the departments and trom the audience were selected, and superintended tho dravln(, which was by means of a lame barrel on a pivot turned previous to the talcing; out ot a chock. The folio ring are the principal prUe as drawn: riclte. No 258,82Jt F. Taffiniror, Hudson Citv.N. . tirst mize ol house and lot on H street, valnod at HH.tlO. I'.ckei 81 k24 tiuo itinor, Lancu'er (In , 1'a . 1khi and mi on Tenth stiwt, valud at fM0. Jiikci S7H 41H-K H. Wood ord i amstoaa, Madi- sin Co.. N V., sot of (liunionUs valued at $1 CkKI. Tckol 60,4Sy-C.eurye MoMot r, Wheclm?, Wost a , srand niano, valued at 800. Tickot 210 203 II l'oirin. ton, Branch t'o'. Mich ffaji, sllvnrtea set. valui d at fftKKi. Ticket 1C1.U8 -Union Djpartment C'liibol Washliialon, 1 C piano v i.uod at fi00 lid-el 17784 William Hla'ant, WaUiD(.iii, I. (J., dian.ond ring, valued at frSi 0. The balance of tho pilze-i, in all vtlued at S5U.CO0, are beintr drawn. Another Swindle. Rumor states that a certain New York city politician, who figured conspicuously In tho Philiidelphia Convention, left tovnlast Friday morninir nith about f20,000, which was ob tained under " queer'' circumstance?. Tho National Bauk of the tletropolis of this city ia rcporti d as the victim. The cashier of this bank is a large stockholder in a National Bank at Memphis, Tcnnescee, and held deposited here, some $115,000 beLmeinjr to this institution, which, when c alled for, produced a sensation. Tbe matter was a'ter considerable delay ar- rantsed by the pnjment o( $75,000 in cali, and notes for the balance of aboul fclO.OM. Tiieso are now,faid to be over due, and between the two trints rumor savs this Wushiuprton bank will be seriously crioplod. The cashier is to leave for Ne York to day. Attorni')--(.eueral'a Clerk. J. M. Hinckley, formerly connected with tL efli'oriitl (Icpurlment ol the National Intel ijenoer has been appointed la clerk .t the Attorney, General"? ollice under an act of the late session cf Contrrctp. The Cholera. , Dr. Kins yesterday audre.;feil a eominuuica tion to the Board ol' Health, reporting four recent cases of As at c cholera, two of whom' died, und two others were in a ptato of collapse wfcer visited. All the casi s occurred lu tho same til; by tenement, amid squalor and poverty. Pi. Dore, the Secretary of the Board, stated he had exaiuinel two of the boilics, but - prepared to prononnco th ..anot As utic cholera. pure caies of KHuiri"' ...oral other Qltuy localities iniiueciiate attention wero reported. lur city generally, however, is now in a more cleciuly condition than heretofore, thoso ia charge of the subject having closely devoted thenuelvcs to tlie work of puriflcation. 8nle of a Uallroatl. It Hill be interesting to Northern creditors to learn that the Florida Railroad, oxteudiug lrom Amelia Island to Codar Key?, 154 miles, its fianchlse, workshops, and equipments, is to be sold on the lt pro.Muio to the highest bidder. This is the road of which ex-Senator 1'ulee wa President. A Phllntlclphlau In Trouble. Leopold Hoffman, a Philudelnhin ni.iim n. is on trial at our criminal court on char?o of having forced tbe name.ol Dr. J. C. Allen to a Treasury dratt lor $200. Marine Intelligence. New York, October 1C The steamer 2)et mark; arrived heie on the 4cli instant, fell ta with the Briiish Infantine Lavln:a, Captain Semciix, trom Qupbec lor I.eitb, Sonland, waior lopged. Tho Lenmark took olf the captain and six minall ot tho crew and brought them to this pert. The Steamer "Union." Halifax, October 10. -The steamer Union. from Malaga for New Yotk, put in hero to-day J or coals. Latest Markets by Telerraph. New York, October 18 btooks ara lower. Chicago and Mock Island, 1081 ; Cumberland pre lerrco, 67 j; Illinois Central, Vit alicuis-an outa e'.n. 89j; Aew Yort Central, lltlj ; Keadinay HfiS ; Hudson Kiver,12tiJ; Cantan Company, 68 ; Erie Kail load, ifil; Weslein Uuiiin Te eirrapli company, 641 1 Ireasury 7'S0 Notes, 104 J r Unlied States li'ivesl lloj j Ciuld, 14Sif. Bai.timobs, October 16 Floor ia Arm; Steward sopcrfiue, 81175. Whoat quiet; red, 2 95n)$3. Corn; jellow, 115; while scarce and prices nomi nal. Oats lirm; sales at 6Haul)o. 1'rovisions in active Suvuriflrm. Coffee sioadr. Whisky dull Wcsiern, 2 42. Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, Oct. 16 Reported by De Hav6n & Bro., Jo. 40 1. Third street BETWEEN BOABDS. m l(00fh & E6i....: 901 t69 0 OO mi S50OO V7 J bonds. . . . 86i iliiJOO ao oio 98 12 ah V & A aenp. . ill tjxmx) ra ar jun. , . .tuai zuo an susq Car. . L60 18 i"iura tm, o suien Mav 68 6620 Mien Cn bdB. . 61 I 200stSt NioU Coal. 2 tXOX) VS 6-2UB. S...110j 200 sit Sob N Df 87 1000 no ....Juljll) 200 sh do t60 87 fclttO an... Jnlv.HWjj; tV)hl'enn b...cAo i 6 ff.OO U H 7U0s JuJt 101 18 h to .66 eiooo do, ...jun"ii'fi; MAKRIKD. LIVISGSTO.NE-r:OHbir.-On September a. at tha Farrnnaxe of the Eoenezer Church, by the Rev T W Slmnere, Wr. DAN I l"L K. LIVINQ8TOSK to Mlsi LUU 4, youngest daughter of WUilaru Coiblt, Esq Ml E-f MI III. By Rev. P. P. Davles. at hi Mat deuce, o. m S. Finn s reel, Camden, w" J. . octo" J?il Bill 111, allot I amden, X. J, in:n. KrriN.-.Or, Sundav night, the Win instnt. Er.LKW 1)., wheil Vvl llain ii. Keru aud daimhtHr l the late. (i(-orne Parkinson. In the 14ih veal of iier ana The relatives and It lends oi tbe family aro Invited to. attend her lunernl, from 'ho leaJdenue 61 her huahunil M). 15.16 Urcen street, on Wednesday atlernoou nU tlia lltii luatani, at i o'cloolt wUhout lurther noUce KIlPC.TT.-On the 14th Instant, MARY J. wieor Mark HhapcoU and daughter of Kugh and Agues B. Laiid, lu the 29 h year other ain. ' 1 bo re ative and li leuda of the tamllv, aUo tbo niPm tieraot Momma Star Union. No I) li. oi T and Uoidi n Hu e Association, No. W. I O. of Fh-lozatheaus are re apcctluUy lnvhed to attend the luuera' from hr hn. band's lenience. No. Utl CreKe street Eiyliteaiith Ward to-morrow (Wednesday, at i rnoon at o'olack fTNAUULTEKATriO LlyUORS ONLY. 1 lilLMAfJU PENISTAN'o AND VAl l T. .NO. hu niiKMsirr ktri. Kiurlv Oniolt he Post Oitfce atreu"'"dieto.""l',,l'eJ 0t C1'4 &"UI ,U tuolr i ro,IVy