THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PUILADKLPIHA, TUESDAY, OCTOMK 10, 1800. CITY JNTELL1GEJSCJE. lor Additional City hitnUnjiiut we 1,V. i'ny. ) Sk-IN Htabh. "M coutitlcHH as the nanda tl the ufa-nhoro, or the Mum of heaven." How true, la the comparison ! In anrlcbt tunes, when the tcleseopo waa unknown, and there, were no artificial mean to cxtei.d tlm scopo of olmerva tlon, tho number of iho attir n-emed almost llmllable. Hut now, when, by too all of astrono Mf r' mormons telescopes, new and vastor fields of observation aro opened np to our vision, tlm mind almost shrinks buck appalled at thu mag Uiuh of creation. . Thorn have la-i n frequent attempt to count tlm number ol the vlsltl bcavinlv bodies. Thure are also many calcula tion rrupccllnjr the mi inhere f the stars of the Mfveral magnltudca by rcferrinK the Mam of each magnitude to Its own if rent concentric ahell ol space, and allowing a certain number to each aucrraahn shell. There has been thus calculated to be 22,404,000 Hara attributed nmonpstthn (MlTcrent portu n of upace, calcu latinR them to Ik- of twelve dtlferemt iiinirnitiidos. If we now anppose tho above number of st:ir to be equally distributed throuu,uoiit each aholl or ronccntrlc space, that li, at equal distances, ao that each apur.e should contain the number of atnra roirespondlng to Its rapacity, wo. shall find the number cor respond luir to each map-nt-tude. Tbtia 22.404,000 1728-lTtOO-tbo number of stara of the flint maenltude, or Dumber to occupy the central aphere; seven times that number lor the next concentric sphere, nine teen tlmea for th next, and ao on; ui la the fol lowing tabic: Visible to the Ma. 1 3 8 4 h If naked eye. Visible only through tel. , mono, , Wl.000 , 247 000 . 41,000 . 718 MO .1 1H00 2,H0H,00'J 7. . .1, Ml .000 . 2 M.Oot . 2, 8' 1 000 . ooo ..4 800,000 ..6,11)1,000 l.Mfl,000 a.wrt ooo .22,401 (J00 8 lit II 12 Total... Thtift we see that If our stars were about equully distant liotn each Jther, we should have 1 l i.M.Ih A. ... ti I ... . V ... io,wnu Hint liiHiuumc nuns, IIIHl'Ul Ol IB or i't, a, at present, and the whole number visible without optical 1. 1 -I would be nearly three million, Instead of three thouaand. It Is pro bable that in audi a distribution the magnitudes, an at jireaent constituted, would not correspond, for a THst multitude ot Mar would bo m.ich nearer to lis than they now are, and many of those that appear to us through tib-ii-oprs to be closely aptfroiatod in the apacca of the Milky Way would be much lurther apurt. Ac cording to the scheme ol equal distribution, tho nearer stars would be much brighter, as well aa much nearer; our niirhts would not be dark, and we should very likely derive not only a much greater amount of Hc;ht trom the atnw, but pro bably a fconslderable degree of heat; many of tbe nearest stars would present u measurable disk, and astronomer would not bo perplexed ! in determining the annual parallax, a problem which has only bc'ti renolvud of lute yearn, by the most remarkable reflncinnBts In Instrument inaVIng and in delicacy of observation. W are therefore continued In the belief enter tained by astronomer generally, that the atara are gathered waliilv into chimera throw h the, visible universe, and we are In an exceixJingly sparse portion of the gn at cluster of tho piilnxy. If we were In the tondeiued ring of the Milky Way, our nights would be splendid beyond de scription. Indeed, wo should II ml no niiht there, and it may be doubted whether the. augmentation of liuht uud heat in those con densed regions would not be inconsistent, with the existence of life as at present constituted on our globe. The atara of all the clusters are chained to gether, its it wore, by the gravitating forco which pervades the universe mid acta upon all matter. This force extends to a greater dis tance, and Is active through more extensive apacca, than has generally been realized or ap prehended, Mrs. Hominervllle, a profiannl scientific lady, makes the following teinark at page .IHO ol her treatise, '('Mineelion of l'hysl cal Hcieiicea" "Vet so remote are the nearest of the fixe I stara thut It may bo doubted whether the sun bus any aemltite In fluence on them." This passage induced um to enter upon the calculation a abort time since. It is by no means difllcult or complex. Among olber results we Hud that two aims of the size and mass of our aim, and placed at the distance of the nearest tlxed stars (ubiiuder) would attract each other with u force Ol 37,KI:),068, 00,000 tons. And yet, vaut aa Is the number of atari that have been observed and numbered, It Is but reasona ble to suppose that In relation to the whole sublime and infinite ci cation they are but as a grain of aand to the whole world. Iudeel, when we try to compute the number of worlda that compose the universe, calculation Is balked, and the brain whirls under the stupendous infinity of the theme. BAPTJBT SAUBAHI f-'CIIOOL G'ONVENTlOir. Tbe piihtori and live delegate from each of thirty-lour Uaptlst Hunday HchooU met in con vention at the Tahcrnaclo Church, Cheanut street, west of Kigbteenth, taut evening. Itov. Ur. (Jrillltu presided, and opened the exerclsca by reading a portion of the Scriptures, ltev. Dr. Builth outdated in prayer. Mr. k.van stated that the committee who issued tbe call for the Convention had prepared a plan lor the consideration of the Convention. The olan proposed the promotion of greater nnttln laboring, through Sunday Hchoola. lor the dissemination of those Important truths which us baptists we profess to lova; to In creaae that sympathy which all should frel toward others oiiKaeed lu the tame great work; the establishment ol an organization us a cen tral point from which irilluenrea may radiate, tbat ahall (end to give interest and impart vitality to the sahools; alio to create a fund for tbe special object of aoslbitng schools that may require material aid; to seek out. throava visiting committees, destitute localities, and assist in the formation and support of acliools. it was moved ttiat "it Is deemed expedient to form a Baptist hunday Hi liool Association." Mr. Mooie thought It would ne better to refer the plan pioposcil to a committee of Investiga tion and deliberation, lie wanted to ace an association formed that would advance the In terests ot thcschooln, and therefore he thought it better to reler. liev. Dr. Smith, of Kprtiee Htreet Church, tbovght a Holiday Hchool should be the work ol a church, lust as fimnh us a player meeting, and therefore ft should be seen I hat this central asso ciation springs liotu the Church. He thought the first thing the MnpilMs needed In this city was more uicctiiiif-housoii, and when a Hunday Hchool nroriraulcd It ahould be with a view of ' establishing a church at that jMiiiit ltev. Mr. Wilder i-ald ho had found In this city that the auperiatcii'lents ol the various schools were not acquainted with each other; therefore an oiganlation like the one proposed would accomplish a great deal of good in bringing the teachers and superintendents together. The motion afiioclng to form an association was adopted. A motion was made thut the Superintendents of the several tchools reprcnentc'l be a commit tee to prepare a constitution. Mr, It. P. Deiinlson moved to ame:id, as fol lows: 'i hut a eomniUtixi of live, of which the I'resldeiit of this meeting -shall be chairman, be appointed to prepare a constitution, to be submitted at a future meeting of thu Asso ciation. The amendment was a'reed to. and after the transaction of some unimportant business, I he (,'ouvcntloii adjourned. A Naw Watkb Main. Tho thlrty-lnaii iiiiiln, to connect the Corinthian avenue ami Kensington basins, la ao nearly laid that the Department of Water expect (o make the con nection thin week, and aupply the people of Keasluglon with water from the Hcuuylkill. I)iki or Hit Iujunira.FranclH Swindle, who was accidentally shot In the groin on Hun day evening, at a bouse in Houth street, near Thiiteenth, died from the elfectsof It yesterday, at the Hospital. The Coroner w'll hold an In j net. Von the body to-day. ciiNMt Ktoikk La iii Yesterday afU:r ruxiii i be corner stone of the llcthany I'resb.yte rliin ( htireh, to be erected at Twenti -second and Hiippen streets, was laid with ai proprlate cere n; en us. The ofliclatlnir cUrvjuien were ltev. Mr. lovry, fnistcr of the clnmh, Kev. Drs. llcaniman and Jvecd, ltev. John Chamber and othera. Mr. John Wannmaker real a hlslorleal fketch of the church, from which It appcarca that It had a very small beginning in 1H,',H, when the lietl any MO'Slon Hchool waa formed, and sups wete taken for the erection ol a mission bouse, which was dedicated to Minions service on the 2'th of January, lHfiO. The movement was attended with abundant miccchs, so much so that In lMi2 the need of a more suitable build ing be (j an to bo lelt, but U was not until 1HUS Hint the lictbany Church was formally organ ized. It now has about a hundred members and a regiment of Hunday scholars, as Mr. Watiu makcr expressed It about seven hundred and lift v, Willi lorty olliccrs and teachers. On the IKith of August last the ground waa broken lor the church, and the work, It was aald, would go on until It waa completed. Tho ltev. Dr. lkmrdman, upon being Intro duced to the audience, aald he should not make a loimal address, but would say a few words of tbe building about to lo elected. He had no doubt that It the occasion ol the meeting had been the opening of a public square, like Wash ington or Itlrtcnbousc Hquarc, there would have La en an immense gathering; yet such an event waa not to be compared to that which hud called them togdher. Of all the countless plana of the day lor doing good, none waa to be compared to the establishment of an evangeli cnl church. It waa like si tting a new star in the heavens. All temporary blessings should flow out of such an organization, and all w ho can come within the sphere of lis usefulness ahould bid the work Cod speed. Kev. John Chambeia hoped the movement would bo an entire success, and that when the collier Is elected, nothing but the simple Gospel of Cod will be preached In It. He hud no hone ol the world but In the Cospel. It hat been tried to reiorm men by the temperance move ment, but It had failed; a thousand other ways had been attempted, but nothing save the blessed Cospel would accompli -h the salvation Ol mankind. After a few remarks by tho ltev. Dr. Reed, the cornerstone waa laid, followed by the bene dict ion. The chuicb Is to be 41 by HH feet, and tin school-bouse adlolnlng la to he 82 by lO'i, hotn of the Jot h to order ot arclittectuie. fliey un to be cieeted ol llelvlllu brown stone, an I will be beaut ilul edillces. - . Mkktino ok tub Hoard ot Guahdianh. - A stated mocking of the Hoard was held yes tcroay, President Krely in the chair. The House Agent reported tbe lensu ol the House lor the week ending October Clth at 2KH4; same time last year, 2081; Increase, 1!)6; I admitted within tho la-d to weeks, 218; birtiis, 0; deaths, .10; discharged, 124; eloped, 35; number granted lodglnus since last report, II; meals, 70. Of the Inmates 210 are In the men's Insane department, and MM in tin- women's insane department. White men's out-ward (worklngmen) 320; hospital, 201. Colored men's out-ward, 21; hospital, 35. White women's obstetrical want, 0; nursery, 105; hospital, 2i!i. Colored women's out-wanls, 41; obstetrical, III; nursery, 25; hospital, 21. Huperanniiated males, 72; superannuated teuialea, 100; tiealthy males under CO, 107; number ol men employed, 3!)7. The Hie ward reported the House lecelpti at 22:p70. A communication was received from Counc'h, agreeing to the truiwlcr of cerium items In the appropriations. Several ballots for Chief Resident rhv-lclan of the Insane Department were tascn without ra suit, anil the election was again pontponed. The following vls'tors, out-door phsleiuus, and apothecaries were then elected: David linker, Visitor, First District; A. S. Red streakc, Hccond District; R. K. Christy, Third Dlstilct; Francis bji'lth, Jr., Fourth District; 'IbomiiM M. Locke, Kitth District; John Hull, Hlxlh District; Ldwaid Riul, Seventh District; Daniel btcphens, AsHistant, Kighth District;!'. Ituttline, Ninth III trlri ; John fliirrii. Hi'., Tenth District) F. C. 1'eurson, Klevenrb Diftrlet. Kdward L. fiuth, K. J. Huckwell, Oui-oor rinsiciaiiH, rlrst Disiilct; II. D. Ilenner, O. W. Chambers, Hecond District; II. F. llaxter, J. II. Allen, Third District; (J. II. lieuiimonl, F. H. Vundi islicc, Fourth District; A. F. (Shelly, II. ('. I'aht, Filth Dh-trlct; H. 1'. Hiown, A. lcunkln, Hi th Distilct; W. It. Ch'ililgc, Wlllliiin Lyons, (Seventh District; Jacob llowinan, llerla-rt Key- nolds, Fitihtli Dlhtrtct; J. D. Nash, Ninth Uis trlct; R. M. C!rvln, Fleventh District. Henry Kelm, 1'hyslciau and Apothecary, Tenth District. t;eorgo Haines, flut-door Apothecary, First Distilct; J. D. Hardy, Hecomi District; J. R. Atgney, Third District; A. H. I.eidy, Founh Vauahan, Daniel Her. hey. Heventh Distilct; Dbtnct; (J. M. Hnowden, Flfih District; .1. A. ileintzlcman, C. C. I ley I, Hixth District; (I. W. rarsona A Wuinler, Kighth District; C. F. (Jls tock, Ninth Dntnctj J. N. Marks, Fleventh District. L. M.Hervlcc, I'. J. Hoopes, Visiting i'h.yi-1-cliui ami ApotlK-cary, Fleventh District. Dr. Tyson was electsd Mlcroaconlst, and Dr. Hajes Agnew, Curator ol tho I'alhologicul Museum. The nsuul requblUous wi re approved. Ad journed. ltiti-oiiT on the Condition of Wiiarvkh. Huenlal exertions have been Ocu Hindu by Helect Councilman llumm, oi the Kiyliti-eutU Ward, In aeeinK mat ine hock ami wnari regu lations are propcrljr carried Into ell'ect. It la owiiik to bis determination that the stable manure and the refuse of glue factories, li. tend od lor conversion Into fertilizers, are beiiiK removed from (Decn alreet and Mhacka maou street docks. It seems thut some ol our slipa and docks badly need cleankiiK. Through Mr. llumm's lustruiuentality this evil, too, la likely to be remedied. The Finance Committee of Councils held a Ull-etlnif lust nlFht, at which It was resolved to recommend an appropriation ot 9.1000 to remove I these evils. Tho waste falluis' Into the river from the boats carrying ollal from the docks lias, by slow accretions, amounted to a larite ' deposit. J hu Coiiiiulasloiier of W harves and LandliiKH, Mr. J. 11. I'uuh, has addressed to Councils u note showiuv; that the sum of 1500 appiopilatcd to clean the dock was alt-iether inadequate. 1 The Hoard of Port Wardens have nolllled Mr. I'iirh that unlets tlie-e doekt were purified wlthlu thirty days, tliey themselves would un deitake t lie tusk. Medical men declare that disease Is hellileiu-d bv the eflluvlum from the water In these particular docks. Ir Is not doubted thut on Thuisdav, when Councils meet, the ro oiiiuiendutlon ol the Finance Committee will be ratified. My act of Assembly of May, 1H04, if audi work Is done by the I'ort Wardens the expenses become a lieu upon the city. Come off Hf.conij Bkht. Waalilntrlon and R l ert Hamilton, James A. Cuuuluiiiiaui, and .Inmes I.i-ihiIk were arrested, cliar-jred with committing en assault on a m-iro last Kundav. The two tormer were In the aflray In which the late Alderman lUruii r wa i-lioi, and are also under bull for participating in the Into riot hi the Hecond Ward, In which I'ollcn CieiitJ-naut Fuller waa shot. It appeared In evidence belore Aldeimau Hulcliliiaou, yesierday, that an luol tensive nefro. named William Vouni, was walk 1iik at Twelfth alreet and Cir.ird avenue. One of the defeuduiits first U'Siiulte.l him, but wis knocked Into the iottcr lor his trouble. An other came up and received a wlnuini blow between the eyes that sent him also reidlna. Tbe darkey had more plui than they supposed. The other were 'about to attack him when some cilt.ens Interfered, anil caimed the arrest if the entire party. Alderman Hutchinson held them each In floliO bail. A poitou ol them only the iiIk'iI before had ciiaKod In a row at Fourth and Carpenter Mrecu, and bad badly burl a joung muu naaicd Thoinaa Close. iNfti'EcriOM or Wiiimky. An opinion lina been received from thu Internal Revenue Do pariment, to the effei:, that the Inspecilou of whlrkvbya United Htatea Inspector does not obvia'e the necessity of inspecilou under tbn Matt law. IloAnu or BrRVkVOit". A atated meet inir ot the lioard of Hurvi ois was held yeter dav. I'etitlona for sewirs In the following us n id atnets were uranfed: On Kithth strei-t, between Noble, and (Jreen i-treits; on Outlet street, between Twentj-tlrst and Twenty-second stiecls; oh I'cniberton street, from Wallace to Mount Vernon street; on I'ai rlsh troct, lioni Ontario to Hioart street, and n Ontario street north from l'airish street; on Twenth-th street, between Arch and Race afreets; on lliickley street, between Filth andHirth. The applica tions lor aewera on Walnut street, west of Twen tieth, and from Thirty-third to Thirty nlu' h, were rolerred to Messrs. .Miller, medley, hhe diikcr, Roberta, Albeitson, and Dally. Tho plans lor a revision of the grade on Main street, Manavniik, were adopted. Mr. Kneass, the 1'resident of Iho .Hoard, called altent'on ti the neccosity of having a flre-croof building for the (locuincntu of the Department. Adjourned. Ki.FtnoN Ofkickim in Tuouhi.k. Andrew Docbler, Fleet Inn Juduo or the Hecond I recinct, Second Waid, and Joseph II. Wrluht, an Inspector in the same division, were before Recoider Fneu yesterday on tho chargo of mis demeanor, in wil'lully refusing the vote of one John O ltyine at I he late election. The testi mony was to the effect that the prosecutor pre sented hlimelt at the election poll on Tuesday laM, and desired to vote; that as soon as the ballot was banded in somebody said, "Chal IciiLcd on the grrtund of desertion, '! whereupon lie was told to get a person to vouch lor him that he was not a deserter. In consequence o. the action of the Judge and th Inspector. O'Hjrno sb.b he was ncprlved of his vole. The election ofllcera were held for trial. Latino the Cokneu Htonk of a Mo ravian Ciiciu.ii. The comer-stonn of the j hicond Moravian Church, Franklin and Thomp- fon al reels, was laid last Hunday altenioon, In I the prci coco of a larce number ol persons. The ( i ri n oiiles were solemn and Interesting, as , conducted by liishops llialer anl Hiiillz 1 Revs. (J. I). furrow, D. !., K. W. Hutter, J. W. ( lax Ion, J. II. Hummer, and A. Manship, partlcl- ated In the aervlces. 'J lie church proinise i,o e unite an ornament lo the neiihtiorhood. The ! front and north side will be ot white stone. while Hie windows and doors will be trimmed i with brown atone. Rev. II. H. Holliuan Is Iho pastor of tbe coiirrcyallou. which at present ! worships In the hall, at Hixth street mid Cirard avenue. ! RKJRH'TH FltoM Taxhh. The. receipts ' from taxes on the duplicate for IHO'I have been I quite large, but there Is still a large sum to be collected, upon wiucti a pi-nuiiy ol three per cent, will be udded on and alter December next. The receipts durlmi the year up to tho 1st of September, Inclusive, ai which inn" dis count (-caned, amounted to $l,00!t,tMl4 80, on which u -discount wan allowed of $27,00207, leaving the net receipts mi, 242 . 82282. There-celi-ts trom the 1st ol HepleinlK-r to the Mill of October, Inclusive, weie $1 1 1,08H:)5, upon winch was received a penalty ot U2r:iHl, making a net tax of $112,312-70; uuikiiig the total net receipts $1,355, 0i:'8. Kl-CKniON OF TilK VlHITIMi Flltl-.MKN. The Rolla File Company, No. 2, of Flizabelb Ctly, arrived in this city yesterday aiternoon, and were met at the Ken-liitrt'in Depot bv the lollowiiig tire comiiuiiies of tills city: Cood Intent Fngine, Neptune and United Stiitca Dose Compiitiles, Clohc l'lie-4 oiiipiuiy, William l'enn Hose. Kensinulon Hose, Mechanic Kmriiie, 1'eiui sylvaiua and Taylor Hose Companies. 'Hie visltiiiu company bad Willi them their beautiful f-teamer, and occupied a position In Hid imme diately behind Hie Ki n- nuton I line Company, wboM! t'ui-stH they are while they remain In the city. The member'- of the Rolbi Fire Company wei dressed in datk pun's uud red shirt-i. ,MihTlAl, Bi'.ytJF.HTH. -'I be will of Kdwanl I'erot was ad muted to piobate jestenlay. It contains the following bequests; The Orphan Society of Philadelphia, at Kiy hteeiith and theiry stnets, f2til)0; 1'i-nn-vl vuniu Ho-Mtal, flOOO; The Atheiiuum of I'h'iladelplilit, 411000; HoHpital of the I'rolestant. Flscoul Chundi, $11.00; to Christ Church, Hecond htreet, above Mmk t. )000. AMUSEMENTS. U H I C A U F C N D II A I. .. Mil. II. I. JiA'l I.MAN bus the honor to uiiiiouncii a short kchnoii ol HVH. OUANO tU.MkUM, c,.,...o.,ch...P(AV KVKNINU (Mt,.u by bis crh lirauiil Oliver! I roup", imwly orsniilml In 1- ii roll", slid universally pronuiiiii'i-d Or ton oiiilm proa 01 ibii Old World and New. Um ' Ornnnnst oinbhmlioii ol Muali al 'laient ever presi-iited lo Um public " 'I be loilown-a unrivalled Vocallals aud luairiiincnta- """""""'ri.AMF. FA HE FA. Prima Donna Asaoluln (Her Ilrst apiMiuiaiiou hi Ihla city. I HIONOIt HhK.NOI.I MONOIt U ltltANIf. HIONOK FO.lll .N A. Mil. M. H MII.I.H, M It. ( Alii, KOH Mlt. J. L. II AT TON. Idaiivid Kists al Mcsch. l.lll lie IIBO Oil TY l-.IIM-aunjr, wti, t , , " , Htoro ol V. W. A. 'i runiplcr. "." ' rMTV MUKKIJM TIIKATRIO, CAI.LUWHILL V H tree l, below Flit i. , ASMJl'NCF.MKNT. I tils eatabllabineiit bavins been rebuilt and inlurvd I at ureal i-spmiiwi, will shortly open an a Kntoel latin y I roort. KnvKiriiiciits have boon uiadu lor a , I HEAhON OF FrVI'l IF. "hCTACn.Alt AND MF.I.-1-DKAMA Atauclslad artists Miu )iiw York UmlniK thuntrcs will make tbi-lr apuesi auce i also a aucvtanlou oi llltl I.I.IAN I h'l AiiH. . . Comedians.' (,'oinedleiines. Lyric, and I erpslciioresn Artlataol rare lavoi and pronounced anlll hu. '!' In I. rln r la bolus mitlraiv mlliteil wim uw dweraUoiis, o i liest ra chairs, new iM'.euerv and uouontorina all In ' tb most approved inmuier Every ello.t lo conalltuio City Manama p.u.umrKoKri,,w.r;leso,NCo.U(ij,r , HAII'ltDAY 1-.V NINO, Oi TOIIt.K l. Further psrtb ulais In luture lalllav. ' riMiK CRF.AT LINCOLN MEMORIAL .1 TABLEAUX are now on enliltiltlon at m-nntiii. iml.l.. M.tllKa.'!' ntrcet, aiiova weiun. 'I he in os i Biaania-.i-ut ' l auorsmlo FalullnsS everea hlblted '1 ber are Iroul Ibe peiull ot IhOKIIK WIJNDHtl.M'll. Es. H K. MlhDOi II, , delivers all n t r t I ri I j K 14, -af-rliiilv I eclurc. II" I) at- l,olL. wuaii'aiaelentloiiiliy MAI.'I.LE EI.VIHA DK. HILV'A. Adu.lnslou, tfttcins Hcaerve.1 anal. M cents. T 1 1 K M FN D K LKHOH N M I !H I C A L HOC I KT V'H FlltMT lll'IIK AIOIAI, Will. ln.r. r,,a, WKliNKsDA Y. Ociols-r n.atIM I. M., No Ilill WAI.hl T hlreot. ,,.. For partlculara aee Dlrculars III Mualc HtoresjW II 'at J jHOFLtSHOR Mill deliver bla ALON.O TRU'l', OF ItOST'iN, OUKAT I F.f'1 1'HB ON NAI'OLl.O.N 111 AND HIHalAUK, M CHI OA I. FI'ND IIAI.b. IHI.ItHDAY N r XT, October It 1 b'a hi-lna Ibe first of a scrlna of Free Ucturei, to be ulven iimlrr Hie auaplaiM olyibe ........ , VIII Ml MP-.N'M I llltfH'IIAN" AHHOI lAHOV. Tbkela can be procured aratultoualy at the Uooina, No tii rlieanut street. IDmwl V A L Fit H (LATK MILI.FRH) W1NTFR (.A hl'FN Noa 1VII-TH VINK etnet. (4 HAND IhS'llll MK.-TAL COHCERTr) . Ml. II I I, V. I y two larse and efllcient I ircin-.airas. 1 J N I U II I , . A lid FVKHY NKIIIT In i oai.ectloii with our KAI l-.I.HIOH nl HINO HAND, a Itraaa Hand, compilalng the Ix-at ArtiaU lu Ilia city, will punoiiu. i-f. run inr. Our spai-ioua mih ilari'-u, artistically laid osl wltu hbiublt-iy fii'.iulaiua nlu. IN 'III I. I.ADIr.a' HAl.O'lN, riri. hilly set apart lor FA 1 1,1 1- H, Ilie bust of Creams ami oilier Knliesbmeuts will b served. V I'll TSJI'.W FLF-VFNTH HTRFFT (il'WHA llODHK, JJN H.KVKN I II htreet, above ( lIKMMJ'f. "I IIK FAMILY Itl.Mlrltl" OI'I.K FOII 'IIIK HKAMIV. A KM HONS) aY lilXICV'H M I ft M I'll KM, On. Oreat Hlar 'Ironi.e ol Ibe World hi t bell UKANH F'lHIOI'IAN NOlllKKM, HUNII4, DANCKH, MEW 111 iiLrHQC'FH and I'l. A STATION h:k.N r, ixiura open at 1 o cloi . ;ommen-inu at S o clock. s am J, L. I A KM (OH. Manager. cZr"FA Til K rMMOH WJII(;H wk MANC rf"iT f I lecture recommend Ibemaeivee. We promUMi Ui our pslrmit uiear beaullml tmiea, alesant workman aliip durabillly, and renaonab a prices tomliinad wnli a lull Buaianlee. r or sale on y at o. Ion WAi.NUl "t'H' VWM 1 UNO MA Vl'KACll'HIK) CO, AMUSEMENTS. M B K I U A N ACADKM Y OF MCHIO. - I fAMANOPF.HA. Tnia KVFNINd-ll, TKOVATORS! Flisi ieiiriie il tin. hlklily niirntmsral 1. Villi! K WiKOIr NSK. a K M i II A I AKMh N I 1)1 II. I II If) (Tuesilnjr i I-VI-Ml i., Oi-ioln-r Is. at 0 o'oek. (htci.iicl hulMP.iiiitinn Mali) Otil nit lit ol Venn's must nonulnr Opurs, lb 'IKOVAIOUB, with a must annerti cam Inc ii' liiu m-M.iiA i if xi k n vncu, ..... M'M K JN AT 1 1,1 1 -TK I A. . . . WAZ.OLKM, HKI 1,1 Nl, KOSATTI. COMiUdnu Mr (j jUL IIf.IKIMANK TO M;IIIIOU Vi'ertiK-snBTTi'A'KNINil Octotisr 17, at 8, Aulicr'i iisw rir-lun til Ids tirl llsnt Opi-r, FK A IiiAVdLO Hi principal Ptisrnc.usrs bv MIsHC I, K KM. OOO, M'MK NATAI.IF-TIHI'A yAV.OLFMf, l l-KMAUhl, liIllllthlllL, FOM1ATTI, nil M-cuuii stinf rin ol HIUlsOU (iU)lt(IIO nONCONi. UMIItsDAY JVr.s-IMTortobsrlS l S o' Ilrst pi-aranca ol tlis brll fsinl snvcSMIul jouug di I'Ulanle, W IHN A. M HAUCK, ai.d the new l.jtW. 'imior. UK. SOU HATIACU. t, A HO H N A V U LA, 1 h principal chsra tsis lr MISH A. M IHI'I K. FANNT BTO KlwN. BAkll,l, AND AKTONIICCI. FHIDAT F.VF.tsiMl, Ostobsr 19, stS. RKCOND ANH I'liHIilVKLY I. AMI TIME OF KIHl'INK V. I.A COMA UK. wlilrh. nwlnf lo tlia estrsanllnarr suevsas oa Its flrat prod in; Ion will lis rni-sl on tills l nslun. hut limit tin a nenrsiarllr lis wltlKlrawn hi orrti-i to ins mi room lot oil ti novcltlrs anil revivals now lu pnqiaiatlun RATt'UDA Y, (TitANI) MATINKK. TIi sals 1 1 tlr.ksia ftir any ol tho atiove-nain'd per foimsnccs C'llniin maa lliifl Monsivn, at tl.a Itox (iiTra of ilia cil-m. and at Trnmiilcr'i Uaalii Hiora, k v. Wl'i liesnut sirret, oimr Hnvuuili. -T F.W CHKSNDT RTRKKT TIIF.ATRK. XN llllr-HMJT air at. ahove Tnrrllta. luiera oprn at 1 Cuiinln ri-a at 7 1. I'l ha IdsiiiiKUlstiat l unifillsn, Wit Joll.N K OWF.NH, Mlt. JOHN E. OWENH, Who will apnasr 'llJCallAV F.VKNiaO. Octolwrls, IN 'I WO Oill- AT Ml K.I IAI.TIKH. Hi:ciilil ululit ol loin Inylnr'a ( Cmeilf , In Hirer acts, lilt, Vlt'llMH. Joalsh Hutbrhy Mr. J. K. OWKSIH W llli an all e.llvii Caal. lo Ik- fo'ldwr-rt l tlm srn it lnns nimseli'li 'i tiiilToiiIco, t-xtifilliiidy alnunl and cxciuclathiul ludlvious iili-rn ol no I v mithli-u IIIK I IVK INDIAN llfcclviil idslit V wnli roars ol laiiKhtnr, and pro nounciil a tremendous hit. Iiavlug bw.oina tho Town Talk. Tlin !' nra ) Alirsl oiallii (JiluollUd J Mr. J. E OWKNH ft 0 oi'-no-im an ) hA'lliltlAY Al-TEIINUOM. October JO. 1 1llhO OWf.NH MATISi-E. A I . M C 1 H T K f. F, T 1' II K A i R h. N. V, comer ol MNl'll ami w A I. NOT sjtrects. 1III.H (IhimUi) I VKMMI. (Ictober IB, sr.t osu i, iiiii iv Mr. l-OWIN IIOOIII Who Vlll aliln-sr In tils ulil lvalli-il lniinrsonatlon of hilt l, i l-.rt OVKknitACll. In MasshiKcr's Ori-at Iriiio-dy or .... A M-.W WAY ID I'-Y OLD I) K It I M. Mr. It A If I Os II I IX as Wellborn, 'lo coixluile Willi I liii IftiiKliuliln cotimilhitUl of SK s 1 1 l I-..1 in i n in MIhsKIIHAN llf.Nl s us Hmlv HrrsvfS Wi .lM.HDAY. Mr. I-.KWIN ItOOlll ai Ol lll.l.l.O. M' IIS. JOHN DRF.W'S NKW ARCH S TuKFT i HK.A THE Hcullis at ouartcr to s n'i!lo"(. Mill I . 'I IiM'MIMaM. IIOIIHSH FI'I.I. hlXTII ItKI'ltK-s- NT A I KIN Ol" '! KH ii N Y." I, A K't MOII IH Or- MU II ANDM AN N. TIIIH iTucsilayi I V KM NO. ictobor IV, lifcHI IN Y DlhTlNY. Coirornl Antolnc Mr. UANDMANN A nil il by I he lull I oiiqiany. Al:er which, Um A diiis'ik Farce. i UaV Wr.1,1, si-KNf, FrlillJ-FAKKWEM. PEN K. IT ol UK. II AND VI AN .V. Till', hOlim-.llH. Monday Next THE FhT FANI1I.V. X' F.W " A M"K U l C A S T H F. A T R K.- 1 WISH K A I K, J-VF.UY KVI-NINO anil MATtJItO.VY MATINEE, In I OKI llvion's Oreat liinms or AI I'I'A t OK, THE WILD HOIC-E F TAKTARY. O "V M N AH I U Vl r-Olt I.ADIIM OCNTLKMEN, AND fill I.DHEN, N. V. CIlH. OK Ml. Ill AMI Alll.ll HI HKS.IM. Ite InMltula, bl-.u siuln baa b. n areslly Improved lor Hie ccmlna senaoii, la now opcu lor subscription, all tin v and cvciuiiK . , . ,. hoilily axcrciMi Impar's health and atrani'th, and Is bliib ) rei , li. mended lo bo h aexss and all aie a. 'Ii-rins inr Inairiictloii. momh sro 'li-i u s lor 'eh piacllcn 3 inoiiiha, aiv I- or en inirtlculaia aenn 'or a orruui or s'" " s an inn 1 rolenaora HlL l.HUAND A. i.l-.WIH CITY ORDINANCES. AN ORDINANCE j" lo Aiitliorl,o Hie J'urohaart ol a "cboel Hiiihl mif and Lot ol O round lu I lie iwuntioth ouhuol Huo- '"hectloii 1. The rldactand (,'oninon Councils of the Cilyol I'liiladrlphia do eraatii, I hut the Citv Mo llcuor Ihi and hu is hereby authorized aud uiupow ari d to i-xsmino tlie title to all that lot of around, and two story brick achool hiilldiue; t hereon eroded, situate on thu east side of Mervine struct, at the dis tance ol one hundred and sixty feet in no Inolu-i south ol Oxlord street, hi the I wonilsth Ward ol tho said ally, coutaimiiK front or broudlh oo Merritio street oi.if tuct, and in duplli eastward of that width flity five tent i and if ho approve ol tho stuiiii. lo cause a convejance lo bo preparaj of the aaid lot of around and piomiaua to tho city of I'bnadolplilu In lie Ilio coiiHl-iination therelor to ha theauinol flliern thousand (hil ars, paya do In oeriilloafos of loan ht far, Issued under aud hv v rttia ot tho oidl imnoo approved tho first day ol Deoeinber, A. D. 181,4 entitled "An Ordinance) to authorize a lonn lor fschool 1'uriiosoai" and proviuud lurllicr, that tho said amount shall b deducted from tho proportion niiproprluted ad apportloiied hv said ordinauoii to I he 1 wi-btieth hohool Hcotlou, and warrants shall ko diasn by tlic Contiollnrs ol 1'ubllo Hohoola lu cou- funnily wllh 'lTk 8IOKLKT, t'rosideut of Couiinoo Council, AttO.t-IO-l-JAaflN II. llAIMUl, Cluikol '"""-Icsynd, rroHldcntof tulM-X Coanod. Approved bli thlrteoiilh dav of OoUibar, Auno Domini ono thouaand o ahl huudrod auo sixty-si (A. D, 1WI). ,jln05 MoMICHAF.L. 10 10 It aiayoroi rnuaumpiiia. A N 0R D I N A N C B To Make an Appioprlaliou ts Tay tlto Claim "'h'cd'iliiS' ' h'"Helw!t aud ( ouiinon oumiiui ol tho City ol' I'liiladiilPhia do oidaln. That the sain ol two hundrou ami tweutv-liva dollars l and the ssiiio la bi renv aop'opnated to puy Mar C l arna, widow oi William lams, doceused, lu lull ol all her claims airalu t lh cltv ot i'lnladelphia, for dowor atid ancaiuaes thnieol, clisrvoah a upon proporty now bv the cilv. on Um a-.uth sldu ol l.rooii Hi eel, fjl0 lent 71 Inchos west ot I hire nih tho Hist executiuv a full raleasu to tho city, subject to tho sin rotai ot tint City moilcitor. h.cii.Tri X Iho warrant lor ties paynimitof tho .m.. shall boawu by tho CHv boifctor, In ooU. ""'"" ,,,'W,"Vlw!uMii. BI-OKLBY, J'risidcut ol Common Council. Attest V.'."'i;K'..i ;;;; ';;";;,;- l'rnalltellt Ol Hef'IOt Coulioll. Approved this thlrbi uth day ol October, Ann nJ nl i ? thouand e.iirlil hundred and sixty Domini ono thuutaiid six (A D. IW MOIHON MoMI' lIAICL, Mayor ol 1'hiludolphla. 10 10 It A Maklna in Am.roprlation lor the liellef of Hie 9VtTh1Sivou isoff.,,, r.T: 1 id dia l I 'h 7i do ordain, That tho .u-.i ol six F' f. f!..dUI iv dollars be and Mm sainu I liorobv hundred and UI v " ;,.tIll(U t 0, ,;ierUa ol 1J(JI,. appropriated Yo, tl ,amlly of Thomas Maev, cila, lor berollel or u Wir. deceaaed, lab' Muse i 'lork ol Ooauoil. in lavor I ants to f Maaaov widow ol tlm docmsod olUr. IUchulMsiiywnow&( HTOK(CV( 1'foildont ot Coiiiiuou Council, Attest I'rosldnnt ol rioliict Coanod. (A. D. 1800). urmTON MeMtCII A F.L, "" .: . a a. I. n... i. i. i. - Mayor ol 1'hlladulph a. 10 10 II CITY ORDINANCES. K H O L D T I tl N Vi To umkc ( citaln 1 laeafers In thn Apnrnnrla non in tlieliuardol Ousrdmin ol thu 1'oor lor thn ji ar Iscn Loolvcd, Hv tbe f elect an-1 Common Councils of the liiy ol I l,lis(lcliliia, I hat llm Cry Conirolier Is and hn la li.reby a si horned and dirocled lo msko ltd luliowlna Iraiisiois lu the appro, r at Km to I r I'.oaid ol Caaidians ol tho I'oor lor the year Irlifl, vix i Di in II inanity, wine, whisky, and porbir, the sura el seven l uiidico aid oirlity-eialit douar (VHfl), to ffie lolh.Wili llenia, VI! lo lumUl halarlis of Coord pare, enalnoer, assistant ciilli((-r, - umber and tea llller, hkkor, (encial wairbii sn and police ollloor, tho lu n ol 11 ty ili I r (loO) lo item 24. trackers, hops, malt, vinnvsr, and the sum ol two hundred dulutis iV'Ji 0). lo.iiniH heeds, nmiuiie, and tanning utonu's, the tutu ol ore hundred dollars (tl00) 'lo llciiiOO. Don and b acksrnlJi work, llio sum of titt I undrnl and buy do lar lai&Oi. To Item 71 tuppinr, ieeolun, and burial eases, tbe li in of ono liiind'O'l dollars (tloOj. To Jlcm VH. Ital road tlckeui lor Ouardlan and M deal Hoard, thu auto ol ovi'jtj live dollars (tin). lo Item 20 IW-ef, mutton, pork, and bacon, tho sum of one hundred and dollai a ( 1 III . 1' toin Item 7. r-alary ot Apoilnnary and Aaaistant and Kecorulny Clerks, the turn oi one bandrod and illlv do lara If IMI). lo Item 4 Instramnnta, leeches and lce hniir. one bundled and tiny dollars (loll). 1-iijin Item l'i t arles nl Kosiditnt 1'by iclan and Clerk and Hoard of Assistant lloaideut l'liraicians, tho sum ot two hundred ilul ars WAib). lelteml iirua aud uiedloiuea, two hundred col ars (t'W)). Fiom Item 1)7. Clearing sinks and Chimneys, thn scm ol ore but drcd di Pais (tlOOl 1oItuni2 M ir, hutter, lard, oat and cake meal, one fcumlied dollsis (HNIk arom Item 1H Wares on pav-roll. charirnabtn to Inane Asvluin, tho sum ol ono buudied and fllty dollars (tlAO). To Hem H W'aei on pav-roll, chars-cabin to Una. fital I'opartiiicnl, the sum of ouo tin nil rod dol- ura ( )' 0 . I lolumlO. lucid lilnl expenses of Hospital De partment, tbn sum of II It jr (lobars ItoO). 1 From Item 10. Waires on pay-roll, charRnabtn to I nlhiK'ii'a At-yliini, the sum ol filly do'lars (WM ! To IP m 10, jnoldcntal oapeiiseaoi Hospital Do- , par me n I, Uity do lara ( Ml) , tiom Iiem 23. I'otaUws, beans, and other voaela- pu s, i tin sum ai nvo nunurnu uoitars naoovr 'lo item ill. Hardware, crorkerv, tin ware, btui lies, and brooms, five hundred dn (ars ( WOtl) . tiom lli-ui 04. 1-ucl, the sum ot live IhoiKsnd i tlm e biindri.d uo.lara (C-ilOO), to the IoIIowiiik Uoiiih, Vis: i To Item 22 Codfish, bu'tcr, lard, rloo, corn, ; liouiiiiv, Imrley, salt, and popper, tho sum of II vo i thousand dollars (6000). 'lo lti m 77. hiail'iiiory, prlntlnir, and advertising, ! thn sum ot three hundred dohats (t000 Fioiu lti n 23 Loots, shoes, huts, and caps, the sum ol lliirlecn hundred and liliy dollars 91IIM1), to j Ibe lol'Owniir Items, vlr: lo itiinl'.l. Flour, corn, and corn meal, tho sum ot one thousand do.lars (IH)0). In lti in 14 Inoidmitai expniics of Junauo Do paitmeui, li e sum oi filly collars iVM)). iolicinlfi. Markntii'F and suiipiies for Matrona and Nurses' tables, t hlldrou's Asylum, thn sum ol oi o bundled dol an(tlOO) lo lli-ui 1)0. Tobacco, aoap, limn, and starch, tho fuui ol ono hundred and 111 ty dollars i 150. lo Item 1H, Incidental expenses ol (,'hlldruil't Asvluin, the sum of (Illy dollars (tod). Film Him 44. Tallow nnd I uuaiic, Alkali and nisleriul lor inukiny soup, the sum of flvo hundred doilura lf,i li). 1 o lti ui 20 Iloslnry, Trn, thread, oolton, combs, m-edles and trimminira, llvu liiiniliod dollars (9000). 1 i om lu lu 40. ;imrry, uk alone, too sum ot ono hundred onl ait (lb0). J o lb in 42. Inoidonial expnosus ol bouse ircnorally, one hundred dollnra (tHO) From lti in 02 Wact-aiiii Fay-Kola chttrjfeablo to lunii and Harden, thu sum ol ono hundred dui iais(f H'll.i lo lti in 40. loots, coal, iron and stool, one bun dled collurs (i!0o. .... ! iciii lu in um hahirles. Hlnwiird, Clerk and Htoro ki eper, Home Ayent. Matron aim ritowuru'a Clerk, tbe sum ol Ihren hundred doilura (f.'iDOl. J- iciii 1 cm 47. lln, yluss, pa fits, varnish, oil, yluo, and biusbi a, the sum ot throe, numbed dollar! S'KW), in all Um sum oi six hundred dollurn (ViflO) loltim iH i.uiiiier lor Miiiiuluuluriu Dopurt ini lit, six liundred dollars (90001. l-roiii Hum 111. Ha anna il l-aimor aud Gaidcuor, the turn ol llltv dollars lr,'i). lo Him no llepslrs lo tilly Ollloo. (las, Water, Kent aim incidental Clllou expenses, bliy dollars iar,0. lirom lum Oft Kalarlos of Hcorotarr, Out-door A vent, MesK-nycr Wuvon Dilvur and Vislior of ( (illdrcii, tho sum of two hundred and lllly dollais loliiui !)H Furniture and Htruw two hundred linn filly dolisrs (2UI). From Item 71 1'rovlslons for sirmll pox patient", tin-miiii ol iiiiielt oven dollars (!I7) l-rciii Item 74 haluries lor outdoor I'livlnlaii and AiOllin uncs, the sumo I one hundred und lorty dol lars HO). "K in In m 4f. haln lll'iny and Woavlnir Ma li ruils,,tliosuin ol six hiiiidiedand liltvdoilurs(0o0), in all ilie iiiii ol eiyhl liundivd aud eiyhty-sovuu dollars (hh7i. lo Hi in W lleef, Mutton, I'ork, and llucoii, olyht huiulied and oiyhly-soveu dolhtrs ($4X7 1. it nun Item 4li. I hum lllniiv ami Wcnvlii(( Mate rials, I lie rum ot live thour.uud thrvu huuur. d and Oliy dolluis(r,.W)i. To Hem VI. lea CofTen, Use, Huyar, and Molasses, tin sum ol two thousand Uvo nuujred dollars (fiWiO). lo lii in 27. Diy Coeds, tho i um of sevebtoon hun dnd dollars ( 1700) lo In in 4H. i utber, Lasts, and Khoo Findlnifs.the sum ol onu thousand dollars ( 1000). 'Jo Hem III I- xpeines of Mupport and Kustaidy cesi s.the sum of ono hundred aud lilt y doiluraieioO), tiein Jl in 6H 1'iircliaau ol lia'd ware and Iron lor inukfnu Iron llodsteuds, the sum of ilvo hundred do lurs (W0 Fiom Item 60. Kepalrlng wharf, I'umplny Lnylne, ai'd Moai.ow Hunks, the sum ol six hundred dollar iitfl.OOt. from Item 00 Trarclllne expenses nl House A vent, and aupport of iiuu-ri sidciils,iho sum ol ouo hundred and Uity dollars (9150). In ad tho sum of twelve bunured aud Uity dollars (Il2b0). 'l o Item till txiienaea ol rlupport aud Ilastardy cases, twelve liundrod and Ully dollars tfl'2o0. Fmm Mem HA. (iaa aud Oil, Iho turn ol U I loon bun dud dollars (lr00). To liem 0. Marketing for Ilosidlat and Kursos' tkblci, llitem 1 uudreo dollars IH600i. WILLIAM ti. bTOKf.EY, I'resldeiit ol Common Council. Attest John F.cxaiKiN, Ciork ol Common oiinnll, J MI,H LYtffD, I'rcalilont ol Hohct ( ounoll. Approved th's tlilrteenlh nay ut Ootolior, Anno Domini oi o thousand einbt hundiud and sixty six (A. li. 1HU1). MOUTON MoVHCHAKL 10 i It Jim or ol l'hlladelplJa J) EHObllTION ii I'olatli e to lh Oray'i Ferry llrldfre. llesoived, Hv Ibe Hnleut and Coiiiiuou Counoll ol tbo City ot 1'blluilelph a, T hat tho Chief Comiuls sietier of lllyhways lie) and la hereby authorized and dln clcd lo construct a lootway upon mo upper sidu ol Iho dray's Ferry brldne. to ex land liom the eastoru draw I lor to a point about aixty fi ot east ward ol tha laisu ol the eastern abutment laoe. rtsid woik to be done lu acoordanoe Willi plan and spe cification to bu prepared by tho Chlol Kuaiiicor and tui vi-yur. ' WILLIAM H. HTOKLKV, I'rusiduut oi Coiuinon Council. Alt'st AIIUAIIAM HTItWAIIT, Assistant Cluik oT ('on moll Council, JAHK.1 LYND. l'resldnut ot helnet Council. Approved this thirt'iintn day ol' Octuhur, Anno Domini una thousand elabt liundrod aud aixty ilx (A. D. MOItTON MoMICIIAFL, 10 10 It Mayor ol 1'hlludiilphi. T) KHOhlTION I V, Kolative foa Clmnaoof Cradeou Ixilper street, 'laonty-thlid Ward. Jli-solved, Hv Iho Helect and Coainum Councils ol tbn I II y of I'lnlsdalpbia, That tuo Depurnnont ef hurveys hv and I hereby authoruml and directed to rnviae tne K'sd'-s on Ixiipor alroet, Irom Alien atrent to Oxlord road i 1'iov dt-d tie pro) i-rly owners in. terertod tin rein shall PV tbo o ut ol a'l Innreuseil li red In ir nulred by such clmnuo, as well as tint cost if auvt'itisinK Ihia roiolutiou and Iho surveyor' charge. WILLIAM H. HIOKLKY, I'joaidoiit ol Common Council. Attcil- JoMa KCKSTKI. Clvik of Common Council. JA dlCH LYND, rresldent of r-alrot Council. Approved this thlitecnlli dav of October, Auno Donnul on thousand elarlit huudrud aud lxty six (A. D. IHWi). MOItTON MoVHCIIAM,. 10 10 It Mayor oi I'ln ad'ilpliia. CITY ORDINANCES. U K H O I. IJ llli! V Ol Ifeuuosl to the 1 aiorof tho Cltv of I'hlla. uei ma. Wlierias, Ttia rtiitadntphla, Oermantown, and crrlstl)wn Habrosd Coinpanv run Ihmr steam rsra fhroiiah rer? populoua part of I'hlladniphla at die aamn r rsdo ol tbe streets rrirssiny said rail rotid, vi iy h w ol v b Ir li liavo flaymen to yiv notice) J film approach of the trains tho noloot Of which i I eiidaaanriny thn lives of our cilliens, and sliouid i0 at once remedied by havlny flaymun placed at all the piommeut eroasinys, thuraloia lii'solved, Hvthe Hnlect and Climm m Councils of llietlty oi 1 bliadolplia, I list thu Mayor of lb said city la Inn l.v fieiieateil to lako the tieoea.arf miasiiies io cosnpei tbo ald railroad company to l.ave flacmen placed at such oros-uiya as in hi ludamnil aio necoesary lor ll.a pro eclion of tha lives ol our cltlxoiis. WILLIAM H. KTOKLKY, riosidcatol Common Council. .Ibst Joh Kr asTaia, Cleik ol Common Conncll. JAM HA LYND, 1'rnsldent of Noloot Council. Approved this thirteenth day ot 0.itber, Anno Domini cum thousand elyht liundrod aud sixty-slx (A. D. lHOOj. MOTITON MeMICHAF.L, 10 16 It Mavoi ol I'lnladelphia. T E H OL C T ION .1 V DiroollnR a Chauyu ot Grades on Main street, ilaiiayunk. Keeolved, Ity the Kelnot and Common Councils of the City of I'niladelphia, T hat tlia Deiiartinent of Purvey be and Is hereby authorized ana directed to itvisa tlia yrades npon Main si reel, Manayunk, Lniwern oroen lane aud Jackson street, so that tha cnib elevation shall be aa tol owa, vls.i At a point sixty-seven and seven tenths foot westward oi tb wistern curb of Jackson stic -t to b at the elevation of thirty-nine and one-tenth lost above dat umiak one hundred and nmoty-two lent lo bo Ion y and three tenuis fnett and at three hundred and thiee Icei to ha thirty-uino and two-tuutha laet ahova datum. WILLIAM 8. gTOKLEV, I'rosiuout of Couiinou Council. Alb si John Rckmtkih, Clerk ol Common Council. JAMKH LYND, I'rosldnht ol Hob-ot Council. Afiproved this tlilrbcntti day of October. Anna Domini ine thousand eight hundred and slaty six (A. V. WAi). MORTON JfoMfCHAKL, 10 18 It Mavor of I'lnladelphia. P KH O L'lTION I ty loAuthor.zu tho Coutrollor to mako Certain 'tl ana Ion. llesolvcd, Ity tho Helect and Common Councils of tho City ot I'hiluoi Iphin,, 1 hut tho city Controller Lo and I hereby au liorizod and d-rr-otcd lo translor tbo sum of three hundred dollars irom Item 0 of thn a propriatlun to tho Deparlineiit ol Market tor tho year IkoO. lo item 4 lor tepairs to markets, and also one bundled dollars Irom I'em 0 to Hem 8 oi lucl dental, lor thu purchase ol coil and stoves ' V WILLIAM H. HIOKLBY, , I'rcsuK nt ol Comiiiou Council. Attest A llll A li am Htkwaiit, Asaletuiit Clerk ol Coinnmii Council, JAMKH LYND, I'resldeiit ot Molect Council. Approved this Ihlitecnih imy ol Isi-.tolmr, Anno Domini one lliousuiid eiyhl hundiud and sixty ix (A. D. IKiX). MOltTCN McMICfl A F.L, 10 10 It Mavor ol ITiiladeiphla. 1 V. H O L V T 1 O N J To Ksiahlish Lines and Grades upon a portion cl tho Twenty filth Ward. Iiraolved, Hy Iho Select and Common Council of IhfiMtvOI J liilailelpnia, liar me uupanmi-ni ni Nurveys be and Is bcrobv authorized and directed lo airsnue the street lines and yradoa over so much ot (lio lwiiiy-lllili Waid as la um iianod l.etwuen File avriiiio on tho ouih, Winvoboaniar and Frank loid ru cks on ti e tioith, i labkluid road on thn cast, and Old York Road on tha west, and prepare ... I.. ,l,.l,..,i, H.rnttl. " WILLIAMS SI OK LEV, ' rresldmn 01 Common Council. 1 AttCKt- I AllltAUAM KTXWABT, 1 Aaaistant Ciork ol Common Counoll. .lAMKS) LYND, I I'lesnlont ol Huloct Council. I At proved tins thirteen' h day i f October, Anno i Domini one thousand olaht liundrod and sixty-six (A. D, 1HM1). I MOIirON McMlCTIAKL, i 10 10 It Mavor of l'bUadeltihla. AN O It D I N A N C K Htippleiiii ntary to an Ordinauoo appiovud Julv C, iM;o, Hcctlon 1. The Ho:ect and Common Councils of tho Cltv ol Philadelphia do oriiuln. That so much of the ordinance amirovod Ju y I, IHH0, as provldoa that tbe width ol Htoiid rtreet belwnen curbs shall bo revi nty-reveu fei't, as lar as relates lo that poitiou between Columbia avcuiiu aud Norrls street, buand tho rauio 1 hereby retiealnd. WILLIAM H. HIOKLKY, I'resldeiit ol Common Council. A I test Joun Fr'anTKiw, Cluikol Cominon (Viunoll. JAM Km LYM), I'rnsldont ol Heient ( ounoll, A proved this thirteenth day ol October, Auno Domini nun thousand olyht hundred aud sixty-slx (A. D. 1800). ' MORTON McMICIIAKL, 10 H It Mayor of 1'hlladelpliia. 3iJ on DKT.AWAUK IIDKI Delaware Bidet Delaware Side 1 Tllli HTATKN IHI.AN1 Fancy Dyeing Eatablishmont. MIUtLTT, NEPHEWS & CO,, Ko. 47 North EIGHTH Street, East tide. Tb stand oocupled by ua lb past Heven )ar NO OTIIkK OariCK IM THIS) CTTVI With lb advantaae or an experience of nearly KiriY YKAUM ON aTATEM INLAND, A nd facilities a'raaved resardlea of eipeuac, we may Justly claim lu be, aa w Inland lo reuialu, THE MODEL DYEING AND B0OUEIN0 ESTA BLISHMENT OF AMEBIC A! ladles' Drrsaes. aiiswls. Cloaks, etc., Dyed aoccaa. fully. All siyio of ttdlr' iuesac ali-aued wllbeul 'iMWuv.M A HMKMTH, Coats. CvercoatsriintSy V..'.. dyad ur cl.a-.d BABBETT, NEPHEWS & go , No. 1 Kortli MOUTH Hlieet, Kast Hldo. Voa. 5 and T JOHN rtreat. Maw York. Ko. 1IH HKOADWAY.Kaw York. No. MHO KUL'ION Htreet, Itrooklyn. 10 luirp TpITLKH, WKAVKR & CO., x MAnrrAtTVatFaa or Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cordt, Twines, Etc., fin 21 tkonli WATK K Ntieet and Hu. JlbvtlU lil'.I.A WAltK Afenu. I'lllUtPKLfUIA. Ibwia U. Knira, Miniuci. Wiavss CosaAD r C'lotiiikb. Ill o 1 U It N K X C 11 A N U K Ht'l MASUI A v riiity. if O II M T. II A I I, D, Y At C 0., HKMOVKU TO . E, comer of Jl A Ilk 1.1 and WATER BUeelf, I'nl ada'tibla DKAf.rna in iiauk ad iuikiinu oi every ueacilnilon. tor (liam, floor, ka:t, huusi rkospUal nl Mm, ftoua- Juiat, Km. l arye and small lU.s,r IIAUH canstsntly on hand. rhil Alao, WOOb HACksi. John T. JauksCaikuokb. COTTON AND Yla jT" KAIL DUCK AMI) OANVAH, ol all numbers and trawls. Tent Awnma. Iruuk and Waaou-i oi , 'jin k Also J'S rr Maiiulacliirtra' Inter Kells, Irom onu tlll hat Wide I I'auilsa Helling, asHTwIn. eto. JOHN W, LVKKMAN A Co., IM No lUSJONr.ll' Alls X T It A liOUNTV ,-TMI'J I'AYMAHTHIU Jli (ieueral has ordutvd the iiromiil payment oi these claims I bate all lbs ry loruis under th order lor application and tail Insure a eosrdv seltlninaui. (iKIisIlK W. rOhll, .No. m DUlk Mleel on door be.ow 'I InrO alreal. pi j i,,,r