8 THE DAVIS FAMILY. The Residence l Cd IIsw Members Live. Cvrreipondence of iM Chicago Tribune. Ottawa. C. W., Prptettbcr 27. After th! late war the Davis family, excepting Mrs. Davis, went to live in Canada, and the; still hvetnere. At the bead ot this family in Bin. Howell, tbe mother of Mrs. Davis, and wllh her Is a younger sister ot toe latter, who is unmarried. Tbe Ihivts lamily consists of two boys and one eirl. all young, the eldest (a boy) not being over kturtecn jears of age. Wnb Mr-. Davis there Is a yomifr child, loi included in tbe above list. Mrs. Howell is a tall, stately old lady of about sixty years ot Ape. She has brilliant black eyes, good features, an 1 looks a little s illo-v from age. Hi r hair is grey and still thick, and she wear nothing on her head. This gives her an air of dignity and simplicity. In manner she Is very affable and plain. Mi Howell, whose first name is Margaret, 1. a tall young lady of about twenty years of ape. 3he has dark eyes, good features, and a clear olive complcsion, with dark brown hair. In mannr she is pleasing, and there is a strong resemblance between her and her mother. Tne looks of both ladies are quite Southern Master Jellerson Davli is a fine boy of about fourteen years of age. He is tall for his age. and well made, with dark balr, dark eyes, and rood feature?. His skin U a rich brown, like that of all his family. He is now at college in Lennoxville, Canada East. Mies Margaret Davisisacirl of aboat eight years of age, with eyes black as aloes, and brown hair and tjood features. Her skin is a rich olive, like that of Miss Howell, her aunt. ISbe is now at pchool in the Convent of "The Sacred Heart," near Montrenl. Th liiHt of the fain ly to notice is Master Wil liam Davis, who goes by the name of "Willy." He is a boy of four years of age, with grey eyps and light hair, and features promising to be ariiiline, like thoe of his lather. He is deaf, eo tLt one has to shout to him in opeaking. The first place in Canada that the family went to was Chambly, a small town anvljmititary post on tbe Richelieu river, about twelve miles from Montreal. At that place they lived tor some time, in a qmet way. almost incognito. They next went to live in Montreal, and there they are now in that city, in which they may see a pood deal of life if they are so disposed. A few visitors came to see the family. They were late olliccrs of the Rebel army, one named Colonel Johnson, a second, Colonel Sutherland, and a third, Captain Richardson. All are men of the class of gentlemen in the South, and de ported themselves as such in their visits to the family of the fallen chief. The feeling of all the family was bitterly against the United States Government. One day Miss Howell was found in tears, and ker mother told the lady wica whom they were living that they had received some bad new. They bad learned that they were $ less in fnnax tlian tbev looked for, and this I r-n-dered their pecuniary affairs very strait, Mi6S Howell lelt IhU change very much, nnd for eome Vine did not get over it. LUe all women of hich spiiit, she could not brook tbe idea of living in icdieeuce sne who had been reared in the lap of luxury. It was certainly a sad mis fortune for any lady. A short time after this the family left the koue they were living in, in which the charge for living was small, to go to one where it was still smaller, alleging iacponr state of their finances as me cwse or tne cnange. iney aiso said they would have to dinctiHree Mary, their servant, iu order to economize as mucU as lay in their power. The, next t'lace to which the family went was a house on Mansfltld street, in the upper part of the city, bill t'aey did not long stay there, and then went to live in the ea-t end of the city, in a house on the North fide of Viger Square, formed by Dnbord street. Here they live at the present time. The house is a tie stone one, and kept in pood, neat style, though there is no luxury anotdt it. Tbe lam ily go to the Church of England services. At Urst they went to the Cathedral, and next to Trinity Church, which is on the Northwest cor ner ol Viger Square, nnd therelore quite close to the house in which they now dwell. A very pood man otliciates there the Rev. Mr. Bun croft, who is a native of one of the Northern States. In December last, Mrs. Howell was daily on the lookout fcr her son Jetl'ersou How ell, who wan a lieutenant on board the priva teer Shenandoah, and when the telegram came telling of nis arrest at Portland, the old lady felt very sorrowful. He was coming on to Mon treal to join the family circle, and ihey looked forwaid to a happy reunion, with him in the midst, to tell of bis adve.ntuies, but ex-Lieutenant Howell, instead or coming to a new home, was taken to a comfortless ' prison there to await the fiat of the law. Mrs. Howell, in talking of Canada, said she was afraid it would be taken by the United States, or it not taken, annexed. She likes the ideas ot caste that prevail in the province, and thinks that in this the people are like those of the South, who dislike the freedom of manner and equality that is in the North. So enthusiastic is Miss Howell In war matters, that she has with her a rag of a color taken from a United States regiment, the rag stained with blood. This thing, which is a singular one or a young lady to keep, she looks upon with reat pride. LETTER FROM GENERAL HTJRLBUL Major-Geueral Hurlbut sent the following letter to the Chicago Tribune, dated Belvidere, Illinois, September 26: 1 inclose you extracts from a letter recently received by me from the interior of Louisiana. 1 cannot give the writer's name or address be cause of the danger that would result to him. lie is a man of high character, a prominent officer In one of our Illinois regiments during the war, and of very calm judgment. He writes lhus: "It will be a hard time for Northern men down here if you let tbe fall elections go against Congress. The eyes of both parties are turned towards the North, and neither can conceal their anxiety as to the result If the Maine election is the key-note, then bring out the 'Star Spangled Banner,' and it will meet with such a reception as will astonish these people who be lieve they are so powerful at home. All we wish to know is whether treason or loyalty is to be he-noted and rewarded by the great American people, and you will see a great party spring up here who will be In sympathy, and wort In har mony with the Republican party ot the North; but it is useless to expect men to organize a party when their persons ate inconstant danger. J hope and prav you may succeed, and this foul apirit be rebuked that would pull down our bri(;hte't names, mar our noble history, and elevate in their place the heroes of wrong and the records ot treason. Work on, and give us what we fought to obtain the right to live wherever the American flag floats, and freely proclaim our political principles." This is but one of many like it in tone and character which comes to me. The success of this campaign must secure thee rights. S. A. Hurlbut. MASSACHUSETTS. Moinluallou of Genery Twltchtll for CoBKttit lu tlic TUlril District. Boston, October 6. Tue Republicans of the Third (Boston) District this evening nominated Oentry Twitchell. President of the Worcester Railroad Corporation, as a candidate to tbe Fortieth Congress, in place of Hon. Alexander II. Rice, who would not accept a renomination. "Druid. It now appears that Mr. C. C. Flint, Chief Accountant to the Paymaster at tbe Portsmouth Navy Yard, who recently absconded from Norfolk, Va., taking with Urn some twelve or nfteen thousand dollars of other people s money and somebody else's wife, is the same individual who, over the signature of 4'Druid," used to write, in the early years of the war, correspondence for the New York World irova Baltimore, and who, in 1804, trans ferred his unpatriotic etfusions to the Dady Jievos, A Pittsburg plrl lately escaped from a hand ef eipseys, with whom ene baa beeu held as a THE DAiTLY EVENING TELEGRAmPIULADELPmA, SATURDAY, CAS REGULATOR. We select tti following from among those who dm Uis Gas-Saving Segui storm Philadelphia, and lowborn wc arc allowed to refer i fnlfea (lute Vint I nltfd Ntatfft Foot Office, Continental Hotel, Merchant' Hotel, Ihraid College. Xplscopal nospltal. J. M. Llpplneott Co .. Adams' .xnrea Company, Aouerlcan l'nlp Company, Mates Union Hotel International Hotel, l a Pierre Houe. I'nion League Houe. Philadelphia lob House, TJnlon club Honso. Penna. Central H R Co.. l'talla., (ior. A Nor R.R.Oo , Camden A Am boy R.R. Co , Phlle., W. A Bali R. K. CO., W. rhlle. I'm Hallway Co., Harmer'e Cornucopia, II i lain Welsh, Esq., William Mann Esq., Allan Wood, Esq.. John Price Wetherlll, Ssq lnaaa .'. Price. Esa James D. Wetham. Kll-, James . Kane, esq.. E W. Ciark, fcn-. E. 1. Wright, Esq.. Joseph Harrtoo, Jr., Esq ., Cornelius A Uaker. W HA,.!! rril A 1h ipkm. Tl lliu.,. Vju, . American Meter Compenv,j B. Cowpeithwalt. Esq., Concert llali Billiard koom.irt. A. Mercer K1 , Sen rack A Brace's Billiard iMcreanti Llirary, Room. I Y. at. christian ocltlon, James Palmer's Billiards' Fvwilns Bnlctln," Hooin, "Philadelphia Inquirer," Wllllsm Cst Co.. Maaoey. Co Una Co., B. A W. C Biddls A C o , Thompsoo Black A Bon. FAIRBANKS & EWING, (MASONIC HALL,) No. 715 CHESNUT Street. CRESSON'S GAS HEGULATOlt, Suitable for Factories, Stores, Public BaiMngs, cntm Dwellings, etc., Is applied at tbe metre, and will govern all the Burners in the building,' and effect A GREAT SAVIN' In th e amount ol gas need. FAIRBANKS & EWING, ' No. 715 CfiESNUT STREET, (MASONIC HALL) CRESSON'S GAS REGULATOR. Expnimcntal 'Trial at tbe FRANKLIN INSTITUTE, Philadelphia, October 18, 1866. COPT 0' BEPORT. 'An experimental trial was then made as to the attan- tlty of gas consumed by the burners when under regu lation to tbelr maximum economy, and also the amount consumed by the same burners when subjected to the ordinary variations ol street pressure ' 1 he result showed that with the Ragulator, there was uniormly 78 cubic lert of gas per hour consumed, tielnii aA averago ot 3710 cubic leot per burner. Whilst without the K. imlatxir tbe same burners consumed from lu to 140 cubic teet per hour, the averaee being IW cubic feet, or 6 feet per hour to each burner." FAIRBANKS &- EWING. M 80NI0 HALL, 1(16 Vo. 70 CHESTNUT Btieet RHEUIVIATISIYI, NEURALGIA, GOUT, ASTHMA, POSITIVELY CURED AT LAST I HO CURE, NO PAY. DR. FI FIBER'S WONDERFUL RHEUMATIC REMEDY For Bheumatlnm. Neuralgia, Gout, and Asthma, Is truly astonishing tbe afflicted world. Ihousands of sufferers, wbo have tried everything, reluctantly purchase it, and rapidly, to tbelr own surprise, set well, and tbe terrible Inveterate cases so easily cured prove it to be tbe mos wondenul remedy known in tbe civilized world. Be memoer, osedl nwardly only i contains no mercury, col- cblcam. minerals, metals, or anything lnlurlous. Lately reduced from 910 to 2 per bottle. Warranted to cure every case, or tbe amount paid positively returned t the only remedy so guaranteed. I'ropared by Dr. K1TLER, Graduate of tbe University of Pennsylvania, now one ot our oldest physicians. Advice gratis. Afllicted Invited to call. No. 29 8. FOUHTH Street, be'ow Market. ASTOCNDINQ CTJEE OF HHEUMATI8M. TV. C.Yost. No. 1&J8 N. Thirteenth street Jun reco vered from Rheumatism and Neuralgia suffered maiir yeais; cured by Dr. Fillet's great Itemedy. MOST BEMAIiKABLE CURE OF BHEIJMATIHM. Mrs. Keeney. Itldge road above Fopiar, suffered orer 20 years i now well. Dr Fitter's Bemedy aRaln. EXTRAORDINARY CURE OF BliKOM ATI8.W. Robert Toole, No. 430 Wilder street, wants the bublln to know that he suffered a long time couldn't mure. Cured by Dr. Filler's Remedy. Feriectly harmless. WONDERFUL. CONRAD F. CLOTHIKK, No. 21 N. Water st , cured of Rheumatism by three teaspoonlul doseaof Dr. Killer's I Llalilble Rheumatic Remedy. lie could not walk. ASTONISIIiNO. ALDs RH AN JOS. H. COMLY, Frunkioid suffered 11 years. Cured by one bottle ol Dr hitler's Rheumatic Remedy, and aaje to an, get cuied b unlijg the Kemedy. most wonderful cure of neuralgia and rheumatism Ever known Mr Joseph States, Andalusia, suffered llleilme. Tried ever thing. Cured only by Dr. Fit ter's Remedy. ANOTHEH CURE. JOSEPn BTBVENS, F.sq.. No 63S Owen street, t-outhwark. wbo has suffered for Syeaiswitb Rheumatism, has been comuletely cured by unlug one-hull a bottle ot Dr. Filler's Great Rueu matlo Kenedy used Inwardly. Depot, No. W B KOUUTu titreet Warranted to cure. ANOTHER VONOERFUL CURE. The lady having cbaige ot the Union League House sufiered n bl) . i nred by Dr. Htlcr's Remedy. 81ws JICII, RARE AND RELIABLE FURS. Hudson's Bay Snbie Muffs, Collars and Berthas. Fine Sable Mink Vuffs, Collars and Uerthas. Siberian Squirrel Muffs, Collars and Berihaa. Real Royal Krmlne Muffb, Collars and Berthas. Children's Sots In every variety of Furs. An immense saving In price by applying for an early selection at the CLOAK, MANTILLA, AND FUR EMPORIUM, No. 14 S. SECOND Street, sis doors below Market. 929ttuth8m CHAR. LEWI8SON, A R I) J. CAFF EE IMPORTER HAVANA CIGARS, AND COMMISSION MERCHANT. AG EXT FOR . STRATTON'S FAMOUS YEAST. B. E.Cor. CHESNUT and FRONT Sts. CRESSON'S CAS REGULATOR, For Go,wniJ1e? 11e flow of Oaa from the Metre, giving A Uniform Prewore, and effecting a Sa 5tT of from TWENTY TO FBTT PER CENT. FAIIIUANKS & EWING, (MASONIC HALL.) No. 715 CHESNUT Street. CRESSON'S GAS REGULATOR, Invented by Dr. Charlta M. Cresson, (Laie Managing Engineer Philadelphia Oat Works." Tbie Gas- Saving Reralator baa been In use In Phils- delpbia during tbe past two years, with gieat success. EVEBT REUCI,ATOB 18 FTJLLY WABBANTED. FAIRBANKS & EWING, No. 116 CHESNUT STREET, (MASONIC BALL.) CRESSON'S GAS REGULATOR. Important Letter frem C. A, Walboro, laq., roaimaaicr, s'niiaucipnia. Toft OrricB.FniLADELriiiA.'Pa.. May7. 1866. Messri Fairbanks A hwinti o 715 hesnut street (ieiit.e- mea:-lc coiiipllanco with your request, 1 herewith hanu you a statement showing the amouut of gas coo- lumeu at tins omce auting trie inrve months rrom January VS. 1H65, to April z5. Is65, inclusive and rrom January 1,1, IH66. to April 25, 1HW1 ncluive. in order to ph'iw tne saving effected by the Crrts- n Oat Requ'.atur attached to oar meter on February 12, 1866 : 1865. Jan. 23 to Feb. 23... .242,8110 cublo feet. Feb. t to Mar. .... m ju Mar. 28to Aprli25....11M,8uO " oh.iujcud.c loet. lRrifi. Jan. 23 to Feb 19. .. .281 tm cubic feet. Feb. 19 to Mar Y3....13; rnu MttJ. i!3 to pru o. ...1 tb.Jiiu loutiuucuoio leei i . Thus showing a savinftln 1866 over 1865, ot 187,100 cubic feet ct Gas. which, at O3'30 per thousand (Including; U. S. Tax, tO cents per M;, 1 a saving in money ot a 117 43. nunng the turee monmsoi meo ue uegu aior was at tached to tbe meter but 71 days, having been placed there on the l'itb oi February, and the account taken to the '26th ot April. I ne auove statement is taken from the bliis as pain to the Gas cotniiany 1 am very reHpecuuuv your oueuieni servant, It U. A. WALUUUN.rostmuster. AUCTION SALES. RUCTION SALE HIGH GRADE HAVAN1 CIG1RS. POWELL & WEST, AUCTIONEERS, Will sell, by order of Importers, at their Auction Btora, No 28 8 FRONT Street, on MONDAY Morning, at 11 o 'clock, in lota to suit. 70,000 GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, Comprising "Cabanas," "Figaros." 'Americas," Tartagas," etc. etc., ot recent Importation It C'a alogues and samples arranged on morning ot sale. B H n ft T TV JR.. AUCTIONEER. .So. 1020 CHE8NCT 8TKEET. 2U CAKD We are now prepared to make arrangements lor rpecial sa es ol UK Falntings, Matuary, or any other Works of Art. Our location being in the centre ol the most ipohlonab'e tboroutthfure ot our city, makes it a desirable resort ior couiiowseius and lovers oi art in general. N. W. Bales of merchandise In general solicited Per sonal attention given to ou. -doors ales. 11. Bcorr, JS C's It D. We are aulVtonzed' o announce a pedal sale i to Hike place In tbe niontb of October) of valuable and rate works ot art: Verul Frato groups, from tbe Autiiiue Iiallun maible parlor statuary i bionze classi cal sutijcclsi elegunt i;ilt Otmulu clocks: monumental and gaiden stutiiary. anil many attrao live perns in art ot niivcl ieiliriis the importation ot Messrs. vlll Brothers, and selrcted In Kurope by one ot the Arm. This valu able collection will be the most complete ever offered In the United tj tu ton since the great sale ot works of art made by the old firm or Mesirs. Tito Vllft Mons. In IkW, at the Albsmbra Hall, New Yotk. The date of the sale wll lienvcn In future advertlBementa, a d specUl csrds will be Itsued tor the occasion. 020 thstutf CIIAKLKS C. MACKEV, AUCTIONEER, NO. m MAUKF.r Htreet, between Third and Fourtb. HF.GTJLAK HALF. OF CHOCK ERY. (ILSHHWAHK, JAPANNED WABE, All) MISCELLANEOUS GOOUS. on Tuestlav Morning. Commencing at 9 o clock sharp, in lots suitable for clt and country retail Htore-keepers. 10 i St PANCOAHT & WAIiNOCK, AUCTIONEER). ft 51HV No. 240 MARKET Street LARGE I'OmiVE BALE OF 800 LOTS AMR IIK'AN AND 1MFOIITID DRY GOOOS. EM MlOlDHilFS HOSIERY, LINEN. AND MILLI NERY GOOU8, by Catalogue, upon a credit. On WedoeMiluv, October 10, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising a general assortment ol eeaxonaoie goods, which will be tound well worthy ol the aueution ot purchasers. 6 3t OB DELAWARE SIDKI Delaware Side ! Delaware Side ! Til 15 STATEN ISLAND Fancy DyeiDg Establishmeiit. BARRETT, NEPHEWS & CO,, No. 47 North EIGHTH Street, East Side. Tbe stand occupied ty us the pat Seven years. i.0 OTHICtt OUFICK IN TUI8 CITY I With the advantages of an experience ol nearly FIF'IY YEARS ON N TAT UN ISLAND, And facilities arranged renardlea of expense, wo mir Jukily claim to be, as we intend to remain, 1HE .MODEL DYEINQ AND SCOURING ESTA BLISHMENT OF AMERICA ! Ladles' Dresses, Bhawls. Cloaks, etc.. Dyed success fully. All styles of Ladies' Dresses oliaued without being ripped. mmi OENTI.FMKV8 (1ABMENT8, Coals, CvercoatantVesiseW., dyed or cleaned BARRETT, NEPHEW8 ft CO., No. 4T Forth EIGHTH Btieet. East Bide. Kos, S and 7 JOHN Etreet, New York o. T 18 BROADWAY, New York. No. HOO FULTON Street. Brooklyn. 10 lmra Mr. perelli having returned from Kurope, bas resumed his lessons. JpAIRBANKS & EWINO, Masonic Hall, No. 715 Chesnut Street, Offer lor sale to tbe Trade and at retail, FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. Of every description. WHGHMASTERS' BEAMS AND FRAMES, Wllh Hnnka Tnnm ate., fm.ui. . ... urlption ot weighing. FIRE GOLD AND DRUGGISTS' SCALES. Of every desirable modification. STANDARD WEIGHTS. tot town or couDUT om, etc cic etc FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. FAIRBANKS' Canal or Weigh-Lock Scales. FAIRBANKS' Railroad Track Scales. FAIRBANKS' Railroad Depot Scale. FAIRBANKS' Hay and Cattle Scales. FAIRBANKS' Coal Dealer Scales. FAIRBANKS,', Dormant Warehouse Scales. FAIRBANKS' Portable Warehouse Scales. FAIRBANKS' Grain or Hopper Scales. FAIRBANKS' Flour Packing Scales. FAIRBANKS' Wheelbarrow Scales. FAIRBANKS' Rolling Mill or Iron Scale. FAIRBANKS' Platform and Counter Scales. FAIRBANKS' Grocers' Scales. FAIRBANKS' Druggists' Scales. FAIRBANKS' Post Office Scales. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, No. 715 Chesnut Street. FAIRBANKS & EWINC, M ann ioctmers and Dealers in FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES, Adapted to every branch oi business where correct and durable Scaie Is required. WAREHOUSKi Masonic Hall, No. 715 Chesnut Street. FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. Railroad Track, Weigh-Lock, Railroad Depot, Hay and Cattle, Coal Dealers', Platform and Counter H O jK. Ii2 JS. FAIRBANKS & EWING, Masonic Hall, No. 715 Chesnut Street. T 11 13 BEST SAFE. Tvcnty-Flve Years' Ex)erlence In New Vork City. MARVIN & CO., ALTJM AND DRY PLASTER SAFES. ESTABLISHED IN 1842. Always remain Fire-Proof. Are' perfectly Dry. Ample Testimonials. MARVIN & CO., No. 721 CHESNUT Street JMaaonic nail), And No. 265 BROADWAY, New York. UOrSE SAFES, BAXKEKV SAFES, SECOND HAND SAFES. Kind for Catalogue. 9 22 stntMm E A D & C 6T , No. 010 CHESNUT STREET, MANUFACTURERS OF SILVER-PLATED WAKE, TRIPLE PLATE. MONEY SAVED BT PURCHASING DIRECT FROM TDK MANUITACTUREBS, MEAD & CO., 101mw3rorp Ko. OlO CHEONUT STREET. rrsesa THE PCHOM ACKER PI ANOH-TH E I'J e f 'Schomacker Hann acturing Oomoany bay ing largely increased tbelr lacilliles, and navlug fitted up a beautl ui Warerooui in the premises, So. lln'i i HK8MT Street, are prepared to supply at ones all demands tor their tustlv celebrated inxtrumenu. Air. H. C. SCUOMACKLK, son of tbe veteran founder of the house, bas re urued from bis two Tears' tour among tbe manufacturers of the Continent, and has added bis experience to tbe resources of the eHtablishineot. He has charge of the Salesroom No 1I03CHESVTJT Stieet. and with anle assistants devotes bU entite time to the attention of business visitors l lanos to rent, and repaired equal to new. Tuning also attended to. - Hl'HUM a( KKK MFO. CO , 10 6bt Ko. 1 103 C H ES.SU r Street. f!r?m PIANO TUNING AND REPAIRING. TeT M ME. 8AKUENV8 ord rs are re.-elved as ui-ual (during the past eight yearsi st MVISON & ;0.'s ., No. 807 ( bernnt atieet i'lsnos releatheied without re. nioving. to souna aa tooil as new 9 22 lui ro IP YOU WANT PERFECT SATISFACTION In every respect, out th celebrated FRKSrCVN COAu, Egg and Stove sizes, at 7 per ton. Also.ths ueruluehAdl.ri VElti COaI., same sizes, same paoe, and a very tine onality of t.KblGli, gg andBtpve, at 7M)porton I seep nothing but the best. Orders re lelvenat No lltHoutb TtURW Btreet M JJEADSTONE3, MONUMKNT&, ETC. ETC. LAbOE COLLECTION BEIT M AHHr.E, gfLTTB 6TBEET, ABOYERinoA VEjjUB. EXTRA BOUNTY. THE PAYMASTER General has ordered the prompt payment oi these claims I have all the nece.sary loruis under tho order or aDDlieallon and can Insure a speedy settlement. (lEOhOK W. KOKi). No. Ill DOCK. Street, one door below Third street. lUglnirp AN I E L E BAND MANN AND "DESTINY," "MBS. JOHN DBEW'S ARCH HTBEET THEATRE." QH MONDAY YJSiy OvtQbei b. CWJit OCTODER 6, 186G. CARPETINGS. J.F. & E B. 0RNE, 3STo. 904' CI1ESNTJT STREET! THIRD DOOR ABOVE NINTH, NOW OPENING FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARrETINGS, J. F. & E. B. ORlsrE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET, EXCLUSIVE NOVELTIES if FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS r J. F. & E. B. ORNE, TVo. 904 CHESNUT STREET, ENGLISH ROYAL WILTON, ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, New Designs. J. E. & E. B. ORjSTE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET, MESSRS. JOHN CROSSEY & SONS' NEW STYLE 6-4 VELVET CARPET S J. F. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 - CHESNUT STREET, 800 PIECES ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS, CHOICE STYLES, Now Lamdlug from Steamer "Melita." J. E. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN 3-PLY CARPETS. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN INGRAIN CARPETS. BORDERED DRUGGETS. . 10-4, 12-4, 104 DRUGGETS! STAIR DRUGGETS. , J. E. & E. B. ORNE, No. 904 CHESNUT STREET, ENGLISH BRUSSELS FOR i 11 ALLS AND STAIRS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J. F. & E. B O R N E, ISo. 9G4 CHESNUT STREET, THIRD DOOR ABOVE NINTH, 4 FANCY RUGS AND SHEEPSKIN MATS. COCOA MATTING, ALL WIDTHS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, FOR FLOORS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, FOR STAIRS. ttmto2si CARPETINGS. JAMES II. ORNE & IVo. 020 CIIESMT STREET, Between Sixth and SeTenth Street. NEW CARPETINGS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Just Received Per Steamer " Mailt. French and English, Axminster, Royal, Wilton 6-4 Velveta, English Brussels, Crotsley Tapestries. NOVELTIES IN FRENCH GOODS. SEW STYLES OF 6-4 Velvets, Axminster, Wiltons and Brussels. Carpets for Halls with Borders. English Oil Cloths. English and American Tliroc-PIles Ingrain and Venetians. i Druggete, Cocoa Matting, Ruga, Mate, Linen Crumb Clothe. JAMES H. ORNE & CO., No. 626 CHESNUT Street, Between Sixth and Seventh Streets. NEW CARPETINGS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. FALL IMPORTATIONS, JUST OPENED. RCH STREET CARPET WAREHOUSE. FALL. IMPORTATIONS OP CAEPETINGS, NOW OPENING. LATEST ST.YJ,KS AT '' LOWEST PRICES. JOS. BLACKWOOD, No. 8!J AllOH Street, TWO DOORS BELOW XISTn STREET. 0 15itnlh?mrp LEE DOM & SHAW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CAIIPET WAREHOUSE. No. 910 ARCH STREET. abe; opeslng as entire new stock of Foreign and Domestic Carpetlngs, In every style and yailety. i93m5p MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. HO IV NET 0PMIM, Wednesday, October 3, 186C WOOD &s CAEY, 1,0. 725 mmm stueet. 10 1 Im rp WEYL k B O R K N B E iVl, No. 728CBKHNUT Street, OVH.V. THIS DAY, A splendid atsortoieut of ITeltand Silk n.i. lor ladles and Children All tne newest shapes at very low prices, H I low Ostiicli. and Fbcasait l'lumes liro.D Drab, Whlie. and Garnet Bonnet Velvets. Koynl Velveta. I ncut Velvets, Urua d'Alrlques, Frosted y f' Vftalt 1 be same toods In every other shade of e lor. V i let Millions. Trimming KlbhODS. Bonnet Rl'ibons. Psrls Ornameiits, FlneKtencb Flowers Frem h and Mew York Hat an" t'onuet Frames, Laces, Illusions all at the very Hiwst market prices AT WHOLKhALK AND RETAIL. Country orders promptly sttnndedto. Uive us a call. WK I. & KOSKNHrlsl, 10 51m Wo. T2(l CHESNUT Btreet. QPLBNUID OPENING OF FALL ANlTwiN. O TF.lt 8TY1.ES.-MRS. II. A B1MIKK. No 1M1 CIUHM'T fctreet. Fhilade phla 1HPOUTKH OF IALIf B' lRhSi AND CLOK TBI Mill S. Also, an elegant stock: ot Imnor'cd f spur Fa tms fer I.sdies' and ( hlh'ren's Drexs. Parisian Pre-as and Cloak Making In all Its vxrietles. Ladles tnrnlsliln tbelr rich and costly niaterla's mar re.T on being artisdcallr fined, and their work nulhlied In vhemost prompt and elllclcDt manner, at th. lowest possible prices at twenty-, four hours' notice. Cutting and bastlnK. Patterns la sets, or by the single piece, lor merchants and dress, makers, now ready tit (in .jT UOXKET OPEN I NQ. WEDNESDAY, OOTOIJEII 3, E. Pa CILL & CO., 101 lm SO. 780 ARCH STREET MRS. K. DILLON, Ifos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Bas a handsome assort uent of If ILLISEBYt Mtsse and Infants' Hats and Caps, Bllka, VtlvtU Crapes AibtdDt, Feathers, Flow en, Frames, etc, 7 m