THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPH. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 0, I860. CITY INTELLIGENCE. I For Additional City Intelligence see ThiriTage. Tdk Kiot at Sixth And Ciiesnct Streets Last Kioht. l'here wm sellout dis turbance last night prooouion was passing; Sixth and Chesnnt streets, which, lor the low minotet it lasted, threatened ratnor serious conse- ?uenocs. There wre several shots fired trom pis oil during the melee, and there were also other missiles thrown around promiscuously. A numbor ot men were injured. A ball panned thiouffb. the bulk window ot the store ot Mr. Lukons, at the northwest corner. Stophnn We. don, a member ot the Myers Cam paign Club, residing on Charlotte street, was wounded In the breast. The ball did not penetrate to any depth. It seems as tuouvh it grazed his breast, thus prodnoing a flesh wound. George Wl-e, spec ator, was struck on the right side ot the head with a brick. Harris Montgomery was struck on the hoad with a club; not muoh hurt. Otlioer Bauvh received a severe blow on the head with a pavin stone, as he was in the act ol making an arreot. iie was so severely injured that it was tbourht he would not recover OlBoer Hess was shot in the ear wit?) a buck-Bhot that pa-eed throuh that organ. Oflioer Mark waa shot in tne noo, tbo ball pass ing tbrongn Oflioer Hanker was struck on tie head with a pea eui stool; was knockod down and disabled for low minutes. Mot miica hurt. Oflioer Fin ey was struck severe blow on the thigh, which disabled him. 1 here were quite a number of arrets mado of tlio participators in the not. Isaao Henderson and John Collins were arrested at Sixth and Chesnut strcota, and bad a hearing before Alderman Bonier tins morning, who uold them in 83000 bail to answer lor riot, ifley were taken whne actively engaged in the tiuht. Ooorirp loiaud. a young man, was alao arrested at the same place, on tho same charge and had a hear ing before Alderman Swut, and waa held in $11X10 bal . Morris Wilson, another of the rioters, was arrested alao at the scene of the not, and was held to bail in the snm ot 81000 by Alderman (jodbou. Kiot at Nikth and Walnut Streets Last Wight. Quito a serious not occurred last nighi, as th piocession was passing the Mew Ame rican Th atro. in Wamut rtrout. A gang ot roughs tired Into the line of procession from an alley opo S to the Theatre, and wounded several roon. Captain J. J. Fisher, ol Company G, was shot in the wrist, the ball going through. I'rivate Levi 1 nomas was shot in tho thigh; tho ball remains in the wound. I'rivate Harry Hopkins, of Company D, was shot in the bead, and it was feard mortally wounded. Benjamin gwayne, Marshal's Aid, was shot in leg below the knee. While this was going on, another part of the gang made an attack upon the arum corps, at the right of the line, and seised the baton of the Mijtr and boat him over the hoad with it. He was made insensible from the blows. The murjoroun asailani dropped the baton in his flight. It waa recovered by oue of the Invinclbles. The building from whence shots were fired was entered and the whole place gutted in a lew minutes. The 8: ate Central Headquarters were also completely demoli htd. For the fpace of half an hour there wa quite a sonou time which was only auk-ted by the arrival ol a strong force ol police. Opening of thk New Art Gallery. At noon to-day the public were admitted tor the first time to the great exhibition at the Philadelphia Art (jal.cry, fo 13u6 C'ticsuut street, ol the paintings belong ng to the Crosby Art Association. These paintings formed a tiue di.-play when they wore arranged in Scott's Galle y, trom which they were ree U'lv removed. Now that their number bus ben Increased, and that the facilities for their examina tion are greatly increased, we expect to see a corres. ponding increase in the crowd of curious people who take delight in vie wine masterpieces of art. Those who desire to participate in the distribution of these magnificent prises should secure their shares at onoe, as wo are intormed by the agent in this city t. at the sub crlptlon books will remain opon tor olI , a short time longer. A Desperado. A rough customer by the same ot Ed. Kane wentinto the store oi .ur Hosen Chesnnt street, above Tenth, about 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon) and made a violent asult upon bis nephew. Two young men, who happened to be with the young mou, attempted to arrest Kane, when be turned on them and "kaned thorn. By this time the desperado was tackled by two police men, aod, for about ten minutes, the-e was a tie roe straggle, in which, although Kane is rather a small lain, they had great difficulty in matonng him. 'iuey ncceele, however, in gettinrthe nippers oa him, and led him away captive He had a bearing before Alderman Bei'ler who held bi n to answer the chaipeof assault and battery, and ol assault and battery on au officer. How They Do It. Samuel Miller was arrested at buventh and Milppen streets this morn ing, oa the charge ot vagrancy. At the hearing before Aide' man Tittermarv, tho follow on evidonoe leaked out: Miller is a native aod a citizen ot Loudon oountv, Va. Ho and five others were sent here by a party there lor tho purpose ot colonizing and votiug in the ensuing election. I hoy were regularlf shipped here and consigned to a cortain person, it is said, but the address ot that persm the firieoner could not tell, as one of the other five had he address in his possesion. It appears that there is a great dea ol this done, and these are the men who are most active in all the disturbances that occur. A Youthful Offender. Charles Mc Bride, aged about fourteen years, employed in the liquor store ot Richard Penistan, was charced with the theit of movey iu the estab lishment, and William A. Akless testified that he had feen ale-Bride put a sum of money in bis pocket which should nave been handed over to the cashier. Held for trial. Mr. Penistan said that be had lost in this way some $400 in nioDPV, Borne bottles of champagne, and a quan tity of loose 6ctjrars. A Till-tapper. An impecun'ous young named 1 homas JJorau undertook to raise tho wind yesterday bv tapping the till of a tavern at the corner of Front and Dauphin. He succeeded in get) about sixteen or eventeon dollars, and was making bis way out of the place when the attend aiits discovered him and gave chase. Oflioer Van ' degnft. teeing h.m rush out with the othors after him. cave ehase and secured htm. H bad a hear ing before Alderman Clouds, who held him la $100 to answer tne cuarge oi larcouy, Fires. As is usual in such a larce display waa made last night, we hive a few ores to rocord thia mnrninv. fne first waa a lire in the European lathing Establishment, on Thirteenth streot, above lKThere was a sl'ght nie at the corner of Thirteenth i . hmni hi... a - vafv little riftmaire done. a r.rmA stjalil in hestonville was burnt. Loss about S'itO. Kiotously 1kcli ed. Michael McCarron ardJames Ltonanl were arrested last night at Fit .n,i ni owhill on thecharcoot inoitingto n. Ther were both, it is said, uttormg insulting -rnrfta addressed to the member of process on thai was passln, and one of tbem had a brick in bis hand r ailr to throw. They had a hoar-ino- before Alderman liutcblneon, who held them in f 803 eaou to annwer. A Disokderi.t. J. Malone was arrested tt ISfOtna ai'd Jff ron streets last nluht, whiit In the act ot attempting an as-auit on ihe .in of the v rocession whioh was passing at that point. When arres ed lit is said to have bad a brick iu his hand, and was insuitine and abuing the men in the tine of theprocefsion He was bold Iu f$300 bail by Alderman Shoemaker. u OATTfin'fi Lectures . Tha two loe- imesof Mr. tiongh will be "ivcn at the Aoademy nt kinste next Wedtestlav and lhnrsday evoulng-. Ihe demand for tickets has already been great, tne .-nitAment aevminr not to have materially abated the desire to bear this exoeeuingly DrillUant orator. . ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Kos 603 and 005 CHESNUT St., Phila. Ve have Just icoeivcd a new and well-selected ock of CLOTHS, CASSlMEBES.and VKSTINGS. ..Also, .,ci'omiTii:a ml KIIITINI.S. whlon W Bk to 0!d at the most rcMoaableprloei. The Cholera. There were thlrtr-nlne caaes of cholera reported to the Board oilleith trom noon of yesterday to noon to-day. ft Is bo led that there will be a continued decrease In the som ber of oases, owing to the favorable weather. friCIAL NoTiei TO TBI "BBP0BI.IOAH IhYIHOI- BLia," "Botb in Blos," "VThits Boys ik Black amd Blub," and "Kktstomb Clubs." Now that politics are Rotting so exciting, the subscriber would oflbr for the nse of parades, meetings, etc, his famous "Bullet-proof Test," capable of resisting any pistol-shot, or a nfle-shot at fifty yards, so that dis cussions, even the most anlmatod, can be carried on with comparative safety. A large deduction made to clubs in taking a numbor. Hear what Oenoral Grant says: 'It is an insult to ask any loval man to bny bis Clothing at any othor place than at Charles Stokes A Co.'s One pneo, under tho Continental, as they sell the best, and have the price marked in plain figures on all of tbo goods." We fully endorss the above. CHAnLKa Storks & Co., Clothiers, undor the Continental. A 11 At. drome Stock of Jewexiit. One of tho most attractive stocks ot watcaos, Jowi-iry, silver and plaied ware which we have lately snou, is that of Messrs. Mmth A Dicer, at tho A. E corner ol Tenth and Area streets. The assortment Is not only large, but vaned, aud embraces in the jowolryline lull sets ot amolhvst, cornelian, ruby, apate, car buncle, etc. etc They have a full line of English, French, and Americau time keepers of the most ap proved makes, which they are soiling at verv low prices. Those good will bo found to be as rop re sulted, and guaranteed tor one year. Messis. Smith ft Dreer are sentiemen of exoullent busmoss qualifi cations, and, thouv h young in years, are thoroughly conversant with their business in all its details. When in want of anything in their ln.e ca I on them. Yon cannot fail to be pleaded with tne.r mode of doing business. MAKHIED. PAHKE 8TAHDBRIDG K August 16, 1SS6. by Rev. S. Durborow, JAM 18 J. PAKKK, of Downingtowa, to IIAKKlE'l, daughter of H. T. btandbridge. DIED. ADOLPH. Suddenlv, on the morning or the 4th In stant, CA'lUAKINfc, wife of Alfred W. Adolph, sued 33 years. 1 be relatives and filends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral, trom the residence ot nor husband, ho. DOS rrutiKlln street, on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, without lurthet notice. Funeral to proced to Monument Cemeterv. CARROLL. On the 2d instant, JOHN CARROLL, In the 74th year ot his age. The relatives and friends of the famt'y, and Aouthwark Beneficial Society ate reapecliully invited to attend the luneral, trom bis late residence, No. 312 Worth street, on Sunday afternoon at 9 o'clock. To proceed to Mutual Ground tor lntenneut r IMIE NONPAREIL CURLING-IRON, HA VINO J the heater separated irom the curler manes the Inner lltiht tor handling, anil removes li risk ol Its being oveiheat' O or roupheued by the action ol the Are For sa:e, with the regular kinds of curling tools, by T HUMAN fc nUAW, No. Bib (Eight Thirty-five) MARKET Su, balow JSinth. T RON FIXTURES AND ROPES FOR SWINGS, 1 made oi suitable strength to remove any fear of ac cident to those who ate swinging, are kept in tin stock Of TRUMAN SHAW, Ho. 858 'Eight Thirty-live) MA KKET St.. below Ninth. ptOW, HALTER, TRACE, HITCHING, JACK, V.; Coll, aud other Chains for sale by TKUMAft A SHAW, No. 85(5 ( Right Thirty-five) MARKET t . below Nlnb. WARlilJltTON, FASHIONABLE HATTER, No. 430 CHE8MTT Street, f.exi door to Post Office. 9155 BAH B ER'S IMPROVED PEHISCOPIC SPECTACIliS. Superior o all others. They excite the wonder and admiration of all who use thorn. manufactory and Sales-rooms, No. 248 N. EIUUTH 8 tree t, Fiiila., Pa. opkraTjlasses. Assortmett large aud varied. Prices low. 9 24 3m NONE BUT THK BEriT ttCUUV LKILL AND LEHIOH GOAL. CAitEt'ULLY PKtPAftfcD, AND Al' LOWK8V BATK-. 6A1I8FACTION OU4RVNTEKD. t) 1m J EVANS, BR'JAD ml FILBEtT' UNADULTERATKD LIQUORS ONLY KICHAflD PENISTAN'S 8TORE ANI VAULTS. No. 439 CiiESNUr 8TREE1T. Nearly OpiMwite the Post OtDce PHILADELPHIA. Fnmll ies supplied Oniers from the Coantry promotly attended to. 6 SIS T T ENTIO N, YOUNG AMERICA. HURD & HOUGHTON, No. 459 BROOME Street, NEW YORK, WILL PUBLISH On Saturday, October I3( 1. THE HOHHKY OK H By Charles D. Shanly. With illustrations by H. L. Stephens. 8vo, paper, 76 cenM. a. THK TRUANT CHICKEN. By Charlea V. Hhanly. With Illustrations by II. L. Stephens. 8vo. raptr, 78 cants. , 3. A JOLLY BEAR AND HIS FRIENDS By Charles D. Shanly. With Illustrations by II. L. Stephens. 8vo, paper, 78 cents. 4U6I 4. THE TWO HUNGRY KITTENS. By Theodore Tilton. With Illustrations by II. L. Stephens, tjvo, paper, 75 cents. 3. NONSENSICAL. RHYMES, With Absurd Pictures In red and black. Quarto, boards, fl. All enterprising Booksellers have these books for sale. Sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of the prices an- !U6stu2t nexed, JUST PUBLISHED,- BAVARD TAYLOR'S NEW BOOK. The Pictures of St. John, 1 volume 11 njo CHARACX12K AND CHARACTERISTIC MEN. By E. P. Whipple, 1 volume i'i mo. TI1KARTOP AMUSING. By Frank Bellew, with 150 Illustrations. 1 vo.ume 12 mo. HELEN COURTENAK'S PROMISE. A Romance In 1 volume 12 ino. MOUNT CALVARY. With Meditations in Sacred Places. By Z. C. M. Smith, author ot "Unlver- salisin Sot of Clod." I volume 12 mo. THE CITY'S HEARTS. By a Daughter ot New York. 1 volume 18 mo. Illustrated. GRIFFITH GAUNT i or, Jealousy. By Charles Resde. author of "White Lies," etc. paper cover, illustiattd. For sale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, Successor to W. S 6 A. M ABTIEV, It No 1214 CHESS UT f-tr-e. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall No8i 603 and 605 CHESNUT St, Phila, FINE BEAD 7 -91 ABE CLOTHINO FOR ' GENTLEMEN AND YOUTH. DUPLEX SKIRTS. THE IMPROVED D U P I. EX SKIItT I Ii now mettlng with Kreat sale by J. M. H ULL. (ill, No. 902 I0 6stuthlm CHESNUT STREET. QII A N O E OF IIOUll. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, The Accommodation Train for READING AND INTERMEDIATE PLACES. WILL LEAVE THE DEPOT, Thirteenth and Callowhill Sts. AT 4 30 P. M. 10 6 6t JfEW AND 'ELEGANT SIIAVINCJ AND BATHING SALOON, No. 231 DOCK Street. LOUIS IIEINERWALD, 8o Inns located at No. 124 Exchange Place, has re nijvid hlsAilAVIMO AND KAlillhU SALOON to No. 331 DOCK Street, Where his friends and tho public will And au establish ment hLKUAMLV FITTED V? M) COMPLEfU I.N ALL ITS AHKANGKM KNTS. Anionic the improveuients will be found MAYKR'S PaTLNT M a KULK liIlt DKEHSKR Fountain tor not and cold water, with silver htiitiiipooiiluK Due. Marble Wflsti-bosins. patent ncwstvle luxurious Migvtnit Chairs, Oiled Walnut Furnltuie, and handsome fltttugs through out. Ills HOT AND COLD BATHS Will be found rteslrable, snd a R itli ami . churned only ruittll-KiVK t'K.Nl.-. , 8haT will be LOUIS IIEINERWALD, "o. 231 DOCK "treet. 10 6 6t rpiIE QUAKER CITY BUSINESS COL LEGE, SOUTHEAST COUNF.R TENTH AND CHESNUT STREET5. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. New arrangem.nt for Evenlrg Students. Rare Inducements for young men engaged during the day. Terms for a Six Months' Course only $5 Penmanship and Arithmetic 12 Telegraphing 9i For particulars send for a circular, lii 6 2t QLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS. HEADQUARTERS FOR CLOAKS. The cheapest Cloak Store in the city. (Small piofits and quick sales. ' THE OLD STAND, VV ATKINS, NINTU and CHERRY Streets. 9 SEE THE PRICES. Waterproof Cloaks, only S. Waterpioof Cloaks, only es Wau-rprooi ( louka onlr S3. Heary Beaver Scques trimmed. B8-50. Heavy Beaver Basques, truumed, b 50. The old Original Cheapest Cloak Store In the city. DAVID W ATKINS, No. 131 N. NINTH Street, N. E. coiner NINTH endCnEltRT. Ihe Bldge Avenue and Union Line Cars pass the Btore every two minutes. 10 2 tuthsSm G BIFPITH GAUNT BY CHARLES READE. ILLUSTRATED. And fourteen other Now Books by various au-Jion, PUBLISHED THIS WEEK, and for sale at a discount trom publisher prices, at O. W. PITCHER'S, Cheap Book, Picture, and Frame Store, 0eet No. 803 C'BESNUf Street. PA K D E IS SCIENTIFIC COURSE IK LAFAYETTE COLLEGE. In addition to the general Course of Instruction in this ljepaxtinent, uesluueU to lay a substantial basis of knowledge and scholarly culture, students can pursue those branches which ara essentially practical and tCEbNGl'NEVERiNG Civil. Topographical, and Mecha nical: MINING and METALLURGY y AKCHirfcO '1VKP, ana the ajillcatiou oi Chemlutry to AUltICul- 1 Teie" also atlord'ed an opportunity torspeolal study of TRAD, and i:oalMEUC; Ol MODKUN LAX GC XGt-'' nd 1 UILOLOGY , and of tha HISTORY and lSTllt'TIoNB olourcountiy. 1 or t liculars apply u i iesldcnt CATTtCLL, or t;i Cierkol the Faculty. Kastoh PernKvlvsnla, April i.lm. 1 TTA MILTON INSTITUTE FO It Y O U N O LADIES. PHIUP A. CHfGAB. Being about to relinquish hut position In the publlo schools with which he has been connected lor the last WLLpIVTbAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL YUCNG LADIES, 4aAt. -r- Kn. SHI II 1 IIKH.MIJ I HTKKr.T. ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. nit Institution Is designed to rival the beet semi naries Iu the eouutry. rmrm.R8 Containing particulars and otlmi ln'onnatlon In rolatlon tti till. lllftlllUUOU, vmu w uu -i tetubcf, at No 640 N. TWELF1H Stiee. J27 DELAWARE LAWN ACADEMY. ENGLISH Classical Mathematical Boardlug Hcbool loniois - . iiiilnn above citthourlv iu!ct'S4l ki. 4 ireaars obtained at No. 21 Boutn SKVEMll w.rPBt So ISM I ll'sMIi Street, or ol 9 8 m Kev. JOHN McK-i-LWAY A. M., Principal ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Half, Nos.603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila Largest stnd Beat Assortment Boja' ClotUltt lo the City, Bor-' Clottoln MI to Order. . of The QHICKERINC & SONS, (ESTABLDJIED 1823), GRAND, SQUARE AKDUPFIQUT PIANO-FORTES. NEW WAREROOMS, io. 9U CHESNUT Street, (ENTUANCE AKT QALI.KIIV), PHILADELPHIA, CARD. It Is with feelings of pride as American manufacturers that we publish the following testlmoalals which have I been received br us recently. EUROPKAN TESTIMONIALS. Received during tht month of Auguit, 1k68. London, July ti Hti. Vkfskb. Ciiickerimo A Solo tients i 1 have much plcasuie in Inciosing a document signed by tue i'oni (j.-pr8 musicians, and iroie.sors Iu Europe i be d .tout Pianos in such high estimation (vide uiy certificate) that 1 lelt it my uutv to take one of tliom with me to Europe to ascertain the opinion ot my professional brethren. J he Inclosed certitlcate will prove how ui.suimoui ther have been on the subject. 1 beg to ittrward at the same time a lettr I received iroin my friend Mr. toll ara. which 1 am sure must be grata) lag to you. 1 have the honor to be. gentlemen yours verv truly. JAMtd Jd. VYbtia. London, January 14, 1863. Jamtt if. Welhi, Et.: Hi Likab bibs I have great pleasure In asking vou tocoovevto aiessrs. t'hicketlng the expression of my highest apprtval oi their instrument. It Is, I consider, not niere.y t best Instrument oi American manuiac lure that I have tried, but one ol tho finest I. rand I la no li, rus that has ever come under my observation ; and the A,essrs Chickerlng inav well be pioud oi having tuined out from their nianu.actory au Instrument, which lor touch quality, power, una workuiaushlp, It wo-jiu be very ulllicult to surpass Iu any part oi the wide wond. Dear fclr Very sincerely yours, UAKLks 1. HOLLAED, Finn of Collard & Collar d, plano-torte Mauuiacturcra, London London. July 20, H6j. ilrttr$. Ch ctfring If Si'nu Gkntb: 1 have lust been Invited by Messrs. Collard to irr a (irn . I'Uno lone manufactured b you, aud I have no hesitation in lndoislng the opinion of inv old trietd Mr C D. lollard viz. : that It lathe fluost iu Siiument I ever p axd on. believe me gentleu.en.most tjlthfully yours. J. L. HATTON. Tdtimonia! mm Ihe mott d tlingaithrd Artts'i in t,urui to Alturi. intcter ng &. amt. London. Ju y 2S, IS66. Having nlayed noon a piano forte iimue bvAtevirs. Chickerlng i Sons, ot Boston aud . York, I have much p eisure tn testliylng to its general excellence For sweetness and brilliancy of tone delicacy of touch, and magullioent power tor ooncert porposes, 1 conalder It a really Guand PiANo-r oitta, au i dk- CIDKDLV TUB BEST I HAVK SKKN vt AUKB1CAN AtAMU- rAOTtKB AKiBfcLLA OODDABD, i.. A. OftWOENr., W. KUHb. G1ULO BEOOJDI, ALKltf.D J A ELL, LINDSAY oLol'K. J. MOiLHELES, Professor au Conserrato rle de Leloslo. S. ARTHUR CUAPPEL, Director oCMonuar Con certs. AjOIIUOO. JUL Kb BKNEDICT, b W lALl r., CiUS, H ALLfe.. KKSiK r AVARdtU. , BVliNkV Bill I U, I reeentlv naa oocasion to pla ou one oi Chlcker Ing's Concert Grand Pianos .no nign repu ;ion oi these instruments had alreadr reached me. and the In, strumeut under notloe fully sustained the reputation ot the celebrated makers. It Is disiingulsned by tne u luess, beauty and nobleness oi its tone s by the tier feet exactness of tne entire scale, and br It. act on whlchlsof so remarkable a kind that It givei to the pho er the most comp ete mastery ot every shade ot lone, p v. to medium, and ff In hort, this Piano unites all the advantages or the best productions of the kinu. aud stanus side by side with the most celebrated European instruments LOUIa fLAlDY. LKIVSIO AURUPtoO. IHbO. Ctrl Jicatejrom Jlerr Varl HHii'cte, Succettor to th' fx. r menaein nn. ooia in ine von tern atoirr and as Conductor the celebrated " Otraandjtau$- i neert" in Leptie. 1 hereby ssnert ana allinn that the Grand Plano-rnrtn ol i flickering & Hons, of Boston aud New York, which I have tried and examined, la ouj of ihe finest lnstra- wcuu v. wi. liiHB ium arc. uia to m Dotloe. Certificate from Y. Von Arnold, ihe celebrated Ruttian r anui ana vomv iter. At Mr. Leavltt's. in Lelpsie, I have this dav fjulv 21. lH6li, I exuinlned a Grand flano-forte from the manu lac.ory ol Metsrs Lhlckering fe Sons, ot Boston It Is a i oticen instrument, oi it octaves, witu regard to whh h I would make t ae fol lowing remarks : Firnt 1 be action is so nicely balanced that any gra dation ot powet can be obtained, trom the most ilellbo rate lightness to the greatest lorce. hecond. Between the two extremes ot the key-board the vibrations are perfect y equal in graduated power. 'i he singing Quality ot the instrument (proionuation ot souudi es eciali In the mlildle octaves, is greauy de veloped, and Is exceedingly oeautiluL Ihe bass is full, uniform powerful, without harshness, and tue entemble verv beautiful. m i hlrd Nothing finer than this Instrument con Id be de sired, with regard to power aud tuifness ot tone. In conclusion it be acknowledged that this instru ment Is one of the most perfect piano 'ortes of our ti ne, nainelv, as regards tone In general, and nr. the per.ectlon oi us uieciiauicai parui. (Biirued) Y. VON ARNOLD. Lr.ii-sic, July, 1865. NEW WAREROOMS, No. 014 CHESNUT St., (Eutrancs Art Gallery), PHILADELPHIA. 9 29 2t W. II. DUTTOM. C H I L D R E N'S C 0 T II 1 1 G . A Splendid Assortment in the Latest Sty .es. Spec'al attention is invited. M. SHOEMAKER & CO., 10 4 :bftu4i)UJ Nob. 4 and 6 North EIGHTH Street. PRINTING AND STATIONERY CAN BE OBTAINED AT 13HYSON & SON'S, No. 8 North SIXTH Street, 1 hlla.'elpiila,1 At rates and wlttP accommodation equal to anr other estubUniuent in the citv. r o.iurv merchants supplied with BLANK BOOKS ol suptr'or bindlnu and luting, and btAPLL tifA TION HtY at great barvaloa. , . . . Wr.DDiNU oRD8. in Imitation of engraving, at ball the price ol plute work Call aud judge tor yourself. 9t stuthlm ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nob. 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. Beady-Hade Clothing for Men. Beady-Hade Clothing for Youth. Beady-Hade Clothing for Boys. DRY GOODS. 2X ILL I IX 13 IN ' 8 LINEN STORE, No! 8Q8 All O II Btroot. LINEN SHIRT BOSOMS. In the manufacture of fTITCnED BOROM8 we nse the best Irish Linen of our own importation, and employ the test machine-operators in the cl'r. We are mus enaoioa to toppif oar oastomsn wiui BOSOMS OF UNEQUALLED QUALITY Plain Plait Shirt Bosoms, all sizes of plait Fancy Plait Bosoms, very beantifuL Boys' Shirt Bosoms. Embroidered Shirt Bosoms. Woven Shirt Bosoms. IRISH SHIRTING LINENS. Full linrs of the boat makes ot direct from the Itleachilelds of pirce warranted for durability. I.1NEN, lnporled Ireland. Lrerr Heavy Golden Flax Irish Linens. Housewife Irish Linen. Imperial Irish Linen. Medium Irish Linen. Fine Light Irish Linen. Linens for Housekeepers. Linen Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Damask Table Linens, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towellings by the yard, Towels, Etc. Etc. Hotels and Steamboats supplied at PACK AG R FKlt'ES. GEORGE MILLIKEN, Importer and Dealer in Linen Goods Only, ..,., M- ARCH Street, sntmirp YyARBURTON & SON. No. 1004 CUESNUT STREET, HAVE NOW OPIN FOR INSPECTION A SPLENDID STOCK OF BONNET VELVETS. BONNET RIBBONS. SA11NS, ! TRIMMING RIBBONS, CORDED SILK, VELVET RIBU0N3, rOULT DE S01E, 6A1LN KIUBONS, GRO DE NAPS, MANTUA RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS, ROCHES, FRAMES, ETC. A Large Htock Real Lace floods in CLUNY, HuiNT, V ALE CIENNES, I THREAD, APPLIQUE, SGUIMi-URE. ENGLISH & FRENCH BLACK 1HREAD, REAL BLONDS, IkoNITDN, Etc. INSERTIKuS AND BARI1E LACE 10 MATCI1. llaudkerchlefa, Gloves, Embroideries, Plain and Figured Net 3, Crapes, Edgines, Insertings, Veils, Collars, WHITfci (JOOD8, fctc Ktc. Flrst-olass Goods at the price of inferior. A GOOD DISCOUNT TO TUE TKI. lE !)2!)tuth W F A F0UBTH AJJD AECfl, OPENING OF L L Cr o O D s. P1M8' IRISH POPLINS. PIM8' PLAID POPLINS. PLAID MER1NOE8. CASHMERE ROUES. SILKS AND DRESS GOOD;!. ST. BhRNARD SHAWLS. ST. BIBNASD CL0AKL.4O. EXPENSIVE SHAWLS. 4 12stuthrp cCUIlDY & DUNKLE, NEW DRir GOODS STORE, No. 140 North EIGHTH Street. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Offered at Prices Below Competition MUisLINS, LINENS, and SHEETINGS, In frreat Tariety, Terr low. 9 19 ws3m 1866 !--october DRY; GOODS! OUR PRICES ARE DECIDEDLY REASONABLE. Beautiful Plaid Poplins, Cashmeres, ele. Fine Plain Poplins. Merlnoes, Empress Cloths, etc. -Excflleut Klack Alpacas. Alt wool Delaines, etc French Ctnntzes, Calicoes, Gingham. Checks etc. SUPERB BR0CHE AND PAISLEY SHAWLS! Ladks', Misses' and Children's Blanket Shawls. Linen Gooes in great vunety. cheap and iiood Blankets. Flannels. I ickings. Quins etc. eio. A splendid Mock of Ciottis . nd Cuaslmeres at JUisKPII II, TIl01tNL,KY'S, , tLnto Thorntey & Chlsm's), N. E. f'OR EIGHTH AND nl'HiNG Uuui.l' 8. B eacued and unuicached Muslins at lowest market prices. 10 aim CHEAP PRY COOis. CARPETS, OIL Cloths and Window Shades. V. E. ARCRAH BAULT, -V E. corner of ELEVENTH and MAKKBT Streets will open this morniug, li cm auction Ingrain Carpets all wool, at0, 62, 15 two oi, i 2 al Hi, and al'&U. Thite pi' Carpets, aj 20 English Tapostiy Brussels Carpets on, 1D0, worth ti SO. He up Car. pets 37U. Rag Caroets, 6c f ntr and Stair carpets, 2Ac to 1'M. F.oorOil cloths, 62o. stair Oilcloths, 26c. Window Shades, 1 up i-lalu HbadluK, Wo Wool, len ItrtUKeta, ai -li. Stair Rods 12o. np. table UU ( loilis, 74c. t Velvet Rugs, 3'73t -ocoa Wats, al 26. Blanke's AtiC pain, "I ail-wool Blankets at , ti, 7. as 9 aio, and all ; Fluunels S7c. ud; Muslins, like, uo; limits. & to 10 ile allies lie. store tor bargains. wholesaJeor ratal', . E. comer ELEVKNT1I aud MARKET Birei-tB. 921 lin SELLING AT A GREAT SACRIFICE ALL colon ot 81 k Gimp and Girdles, Fancy Chains and Combs Belt Buckles and Slides. Linen Uandkerohleta all of colors Alpaca Braids and Salrt Braids, SI, k and Mohair Binding, Linen bhirt Bosoms at manu acturer's prlcea, e,c. Ladles, give us a call beiore buying else-i wbere. to convince yourseives ol facta i W ILLIAM A.ONN KUai l'ADTKR'9, No. 103 N EIUIITll street i 9 57 1m Next to the N. E, cor. Eighth anu Arch. ' T C II A M B K R S o. 810 ARCH 8TBEET. o. novelties opening uany in HEAL. LACK GOODS, I EMBHOIUERIES, . WIIITB OOOOS. Thread VelU Bargains. , Cambric Kdglnut and Insnrtlnga. Beal Val. UaudAarchlefk. Linen Col'ars , Cuffs Sleeves etc m E. R, LEE, . j 4) north eighth 8tbeet, succkbkok to w. waEnock. Will reopea our new Btore. No. 43 North Flghth at (War. nock oid established Stand), on M on Jay inornluj next, October 8th, with an entirely near siockof iiry Goods, lurcbased within the past week for cash. M. . K. LEE, 10-1 4t No 41 North Eighth Btreet TF YOU WAT TO FIND A LARGE ASSORT J. ment in Black and Colored Velveta, of all widths, 89 10 WILLIAM LOIVNKRSTADTF.U'8, No 1(4 N. KIOITH Htreet, 1 BY! Ira ex.t to the N, E. cor. Eighth aod Arch. INSURANCE COMPANIES. , 5 O O.O 00,000 ARE PROMISED To the Hein of thaw who have take Folicte from the LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES OP THK UNITED STATES. $30,000,000 Are Paid lit nail? Into those Companies by the Assured. THE SAFE AND WISE INVESTMENT Of these Fundi la all Importanat. SECURITY FOR ALL THE FUTURE U the first consideration in this business. Such Security, guaranteed by THE GREAT STATE OF NEW YORK, ii given only by THE NOHTII AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. This Company also gives a World-Wide Policy K. D.MORGAN, President. T. I. Mr R WIN , VIee-l'resldent.iV . J. W. 1IEKR1LL, Beeretary. ' I. J. MaRlillT, Actuary. NELSON F. EVANS, UESKUAL AOKKT. PHILADELPHIA BRAKin, No. 434 WALNUT STREET. Ca'l at the Office, or send for Clrea'ar. 1 brie active business men, of good adores want for aye ncies. 10 4 tlisrptti DRY GOODS. CURWEN STODDART & BRO. BLANKETS! 15LANKETSI CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Now have the LARGEST and MOST VARIED STOCK they ever offered to tho trade, comprising grades and makes at K3 VEItY KEDUCED PRICES. BLANKETS for the Wholesale Trade. BLANKETS for Institutions. BLANKETS for Hotels. BLANKETS for Families. Nos. 450. 452. and 454 N. SECOND St, 10 6 It ABOVE WILLOW. DWIN HALL & CO., Ko. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, Opened Thla Morning, Of their bwn Importation, Two Cases of felLK It IB BED POPLINS, In all the new popular shades of colors. ALSO, TWO CASES OF FKENCU Ff.AID POPLINS, la Beautiful Designs, Wholesale and Retail. 10 IftuthslMpI pm T. Q U I N L aAN, No. 429 SOUTH Street, First Dry Goods Store Below Fifth St. HAS NOW OPEN, FINE PARIS DRESS COOOS. PLAID A NO PLAIN POPLINS. FI1KACII ANU KAGLISII MKHINOES. H-4 AND RKUULAK WIDTH ALPACAS. FRENCH ANU SAXONY PLAIDS, ALL PRICKS. PLAIN ALL-WOOL DELAIKKS. WEN'S AND BOYS' CASSIIttKKES AND FLANNELS. CLOAKS &, SHAWLS, EVERY VARIETY. MUSLINS, CALICOES, AND DBLAIN ES. A ml a General Assortment of Dealrabls) DRY GOODS, At a little below t be rcgalar retail prices. 1 0 2 J lai4o UlOKKJiJJSrJLU, OR LIFE-KEJITENATOK. STRENGTH TO THE WEAK YOUTH TO THE AGED . This preparation Is nneqo ailed as a rejuvenator and re storer ot wasted aud Inert functions. 'J he leeole. the aged and ali those who hare In anr wa; Impaired their vitality by excessive menial or physi cal application, will flno the hlokrene to be what Its nama implies a liie-rejuvenator, wblcb, while it builds up tha shattered constitution, will a so Impart to the feellmrS the briskness and energy which belong to youth. No matter by what cause any oigannas become enfee bled In Its functions this superb preparation will remove that causo at once and torever. Bit iKKENE cures General Pehillty, Impotencr, Ner vous lnoapacltv, Dypepula, Depression, Luss ol Appe tite, Low opiri's, Imbecility, Mental Indolence. Kinucla tlon. Ennui It bas a must Ueuuhuul, desirable, ant) novel eQccr upon the nervous sj stem, and ail who are la any way prostra'ed by nervous disabilities are earnestly advised to seek a cure tn this most excel. eat and uu eonullrd preparation. WOKKKM.-The Feeble, the Lanimld, the Despair Ifk the Old should give this valuable discover atrial; It will be found totally ditfetent trout art other articles for the same purpose. '1 0 FEMALES. This preparation Is Invaluable In ner vous weaknesses of all kiu is, as It will restore the wasted strength with wouderial permanence. It Is also ajtiand Tonic, and will oive re lef in Dvspep sia with the first dose A brief peVslsienoe in its usa will lenovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and bsnlsh Dyspepsia torever. One DoUar per bottle, or six bottles for (6. bT lru(fttisH generally. Sent bv express anywhere by adj. dressing nuTtiiinuss uillhsu rroprie"i jo ajuci oiroei, new iorx. Hold by JOHN80S. HOLLOWAY ft COWDEH, no it jNoitn BiATli Htreet. DYOII'SiCOm 4 19 thstu6mrp No 'm N SECOND Ht- WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, CEBTIPY THAT we have been cured or the following diseases,: Henry KI Patrick Ko (US houih Sixteenth street, John Fsrren. So. 1J40 Korth front street Mrs. feartio, ho. 1H0H Jones, above Market street, cured of the most ma lignant and excniolaitnn rheumatic pains; John Martitt, pronounced incuubke of uropsv, aud cored, residence bsck of o. 13.'8 orth Fiont street, all eured by Dr. T. fttos IKOY office Ko. VUWrLL i-Ueet, between Filth srd Sixth, and Kpruce and Pine streets, Fbiladul phla. The afflicted In all cases are invited to ca I. Ad vice tree. t'jUswfjtrp D R. HUNTER, Ho. ii N. SEVENTH HTHF.ET. ABOVE FILBERT. PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged bp all partirt Meretted as by lar tha. MOST SUt'C'ESNFDL fHVHIClAN In the treatment of DtteauM in hit tpeetalty. QUIOICu TilOKoliGH, and permanent euret guaranteed in every case. Kemeniber bit UC'NTKH'S Celebrated Kemedle can onlv be had genuine at but old establlabtODce, Nto 4N WltVENTH Hire t bov Klloart. l"i NEURALGIA CURED BY A SINGLE APPLF catlon of "UPBAM'B MaONETie OIL." Uoltl at CPhAat'8, No. it . EIGHTH lb tree t, and by eJX Dtngglsta. M cents and 1 a botUe. ID store j G ANCER CURED WITHOUT TnE. KNIFB. i iiai I wv a n on TTitnuhtM APPly to Dr. LEbSEY, ii. W K. KUITH JHt I-fiiUcU'phlft, If 0 .