4 niOLUHKD KVRRY AFTERNOON fMUPSTt BXOKPTXD), AT TBS smSISG 'I ELf GRAPH BUILDING, 108 B. Third Street. Trie, Three Cents Per opy (Double Sheet), or l UhU-cn Ceo a Per Wies, payanle to the Carrier and nailed te But acrlbers out or the city at Nine Doll an Per Annum j One Dollnr and Flitr rents for Two Mentha, Invariab J in advance for the period ordered. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, 18GG. The One Thing Nendfnh Bk not distracted, men of tbe Worth, from the ' true issue now before you, by any of the sida questions which the wily Democrats seek to involve in the contest. Let the great cause for decision be stripped ot all its superfluities. Let it be kept constantly in sight, and It must compel you to stand steadfast. The question to be settled Is not negro suffrage ; ' it is not equality of the races ; it is not an , opposition to the President for the sake of opposition. It is whether disloyal men shall , be permitted to make laws for our country , without giving sufficient guarantees of their ' future good behavior. The issue is not in .'regard to our right to exact guarantees, (or both the President and Gonsrress agree on that. There on be no discussion over that t right The Tresident distinctly stated that the South mustratity the amendment by abolish ing slavery ere they could be recognized by him. In so doing he did right. But we want something more than that. We want addi tional guarantees. The Congress of the United States, which certainly has as much , right to propose conditions as tbe Chief Exe cutive, demands that another amendment be adopted. The issue is on the adoption. Those in favor of the amendment will vote with us ; those opposed to it will vote with our foes. The speakers of both parties have kept all the provisions of this mildest of conditions ' continually before the people. They have . explained them fully. It would be Insulting the intelligence of our readers to go over the ground again. Every man with proper self respect must lavor the amendment. It is simply a declaration of that equality of pro tection of every man who has property to hold It, and for all to acquire it if they can. It is a pledge that the national debt shall ba paid; and a provision that perjured traitors shall not hold office, unless they be specially pardoned. These are its simple sections. They are only just They are mild, and no fault can be found with them. When the Democrats state that the Issue is negro suffrage, they wilfully state what they know to be false. We believe that the question of suffrage rests with each State. We believe that they have the sole power. We merely say that if the negro is to be counted in the apportionment he must vote. If he is not counted, be need never have the right until doomsday. This is the issue, the sole and only issue, and one which tlu oppo sition are seeking by all the means in their power to disguise. Keep it before the peo ple. Loyalty is the test of readmission to Congress. It, and only it, is the one thing needful. Tbe Canvass in New Yoik. Oub friends in New York are making a gal lant canvass . Able speakers are addressing immense audiences throughout the entire State, and the interest of the people in the questions of the hour is deep and intelligent The popular interest in the discussion of political questions is a marked feature of the campaign this fall in all the States. We ascribe it to the peculiar character of the con . test. It is really a summing-up of the great work of the war, an endeavor to realize the fruit of our victories in the field over the Rebellion. 1 he people who, have made such heroic sacrifices in sustaining the Govern ment, are now justly incensed at beholding the hard-earned fruits of their toil and suf fer.ng imperilled by the corrupt machinations of reckless and abandoned politicians. In addition to this, the contest has assumed a shape which involves a fundamental consti tutional question of the deepest moment. ' For the first time in the history of the conn try do we find the constitutional power of the people, through their Representatives, to make the laws seriously menaced. The "claim of President Johnson to reconstruct the late Bebel communities Into Mutes ef this Union is a claim on his part to exer- cise legislative functions of the highest order, and upon one of tbe most important subjects ; ever brought betore the American people. The claim is a startling one, for it strikes at the root of the Government. Hence the profound interest which pervades the public mind. New York Is cursed with one of the most corrupt cities in Christendom, but she is blessed with a vast rural population of great intelligence and moral worth . The city rolls up a huge majority for that, sham and impos ture which cails itself Democracy ; but the country is generally able to overcome this concentrated voice of vice and vlllany, and keep tbe State true to order and the interests of good government, Ot the population that contributes to the real welfare, growth, and greatness of the State of New York of her taxpayers and indu'trial classes a majority of from fifty to one hundred thousand are unllormly vo ers and supporters of the Union Republican ticket. The nature of the fight, locally, Is thus revealed at a glance. The only bope 01 the Democracy is in New York ' city. The State, outside of tbe city, is as reliably Republican as Massachusetts. Our friends are confident ot carrying the Slate. The coalition between the Conserva tive Republicans and the Democrats, which at one time threatened to cost us a few thou- THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHIL Mod votes, has fallen tbrounrh. and the Re publican ticket will get the votes of all the Conservatives, except those who belong with the Democratic party, and have been waiting for a chance to go over to it, 1 Pennsyl vania rhall do her duty, there is no doubt of a glorious and inspiring victory in New York. The Plant In the Third District. In tho Third District of our city the issue between the sympathizer of the South during the war and the stern loyalist of all time is squarely set forth in the Congressional can vass. Mr. Charles Buckwalter, tho gentle man who could not understand how a political opponent could call bim a gen tleman, and who deems It inconsibtent for a paper to praise him personally and condemn him politically, is the represen tative of the ultra win? of the peace Demo cracy. We have quoted from his record. We stand by our quotation?. He dare not deny them. They weie published in his organ. They were seen by him, and not con tradicted. They were his views, and he ought now to stand by their expression, lie is of tbe Democracy, with tho Democracy, part of the Democracy, and all not Demo crats should oppose him. Hon. Leonard Myers, on the other hand, is a loyalist to the core, is a tried and experienced public ser vant, and should be sent back to his seat, as a deserved compliment to a faithful servant, and a rebuke to the anti-war men. The issue is tairly and squarely settled. Let those who voted (or Pendleton during the war vote lor Duck waiter now. Let those who supported Lincoln and the war vote for Leonard Myers. Tbe Falsehood ol Desperation. So active and able were the efforts of Hon. Leonard Myers for the business Interests of bis constituents, that it is no wonder many ot their trades associations have passed reso lutions of thanks in his favor. Among others, the public have read in our colutnus those of the clgarmakers and glass-blowers, of whom there are thousands in his district. To-day, the malignancy of spite is exhibited by some of the officers of tho Ciar-malcers Union in attempting to deny their own act in his behalt, by asserting that he voted against what he advocated. Tbe Daily Globe of Thursday, May 22, 180C, will show the utter falsity of this state ment, Mr. Myers was thanked for his efforts to obtain a tax on leaf tobacco. lie voted for bis amendment, but the Ilouse voted him down ; and these men. it seems, then wished him to have voted against the whole tax bill and prevent the Government from getting any revenue at all, because he failed to im press tbe House with his views. Such miserable tricks will not prevent Mr. Myers from receiving the thanks of the Cigar-makers at the polls. Tbe Glotlous "Invincibles." We suppose a grander spectacle in the mat ter ot processions was never witnessed than the parade last night of that splendid body of young men known as the Republican Invin ciblea. It was rn inspiring sight to behold their massive columns, over twelve hundred strong, as they passed alone the streets. They are fine representatives of that great host of intelligent young men all over our country who contribute so much to the life and vigor of the Republican organization. Tbe form of this organization has spread far beyond our own city, and similar organi zations are being perfected in many other localities. The dastardly assaults upon these young men last night by Democratic rowdies shows how their influence is felt and feared in tbe ranks of the opposition. 1 he Meeting Last Night. The immense gathering last night on Broad street numbering its tens of thousands, and filled with the loftiest and most inspiring enthusiasm was one of those magnificent demonstrations which, on the part of the Union Republicans, have so signally marked the present campaign. Beside it, the attempts of the Democracy dwindle into utter insig nificance. There is no mistaking the senti ment of the people. They are with us ooer whelmingly, and next Tuesday will witness a victory whose magnitude will astonish the most ardent of our friends. But we must work, work, work, until the polls are closed on Tuesday night. Clinging to a Falsehood. The Age repeats the stale and utterly worn out lie about the bounties to white and colored soldiers. Neither the word "white" nor the word "black" occurs in the bounty law ; and what is more, tbe law as it passed received the nearly unanimous support of the Democratic mem.' hers in Congress, and was signed by President Johnson, wbom the Democrats pretend to endorse. , Dir. Greelev's Speech. Horace Gbeelbt addressed a vast au dience at the Academy of Music last night. He spoke words of truth and soberness, befit ting the momentous issues of the hour. The house was full to oveiflowin?, but we wish that every voter in the city could have heard bis speech. It will be found reported in full In our columns to-day. Tuk TniBD of a series ot murderous and cowardly attacks was made last night at Sixth and Chesnut streets on the Myers Cam paign Club, in which a number were injured or shot. While noticing these outrages, on behalf of the causo, and at the especial request of Hon. Leonard Myers, we beg our friends to desist from retaliation, buch infamous outrages are the last resorts of desperate men, spurred on by tbe Infamy of despair. Mr. Myers' success is sure. Ills cause is just. It is the cause of the country and the country's defenders. The day of election is at hand. Let the ballots of the people answer the murderous bullets of aur traitorous foe. B auk-Bali.. The views we expressed In regard to the present dissipation of base-ball have been assented to by the leading papers and reasonable people all over the country . Our editorial on the subject has been repub lished in nearly all the leading journals, wich comments 'n favor of our views. The mer chants also support us, and all true lovers of the cramc also see the sense of our suggestion and have declared in tavor of a renovations, of the game and remedy of the excess. As they value Its continuance, let them see to it at onre. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. TUK QUARTERLY MRKTlN'fJ OF the flfibbjltt) 'chon rnnnrrtivt with thn NORTH BROAD HTKKKt Pill 8BY ThKIAN CIWK II (Kev. Dr Adnms', wl I be ha d Tomorrow Evening, at 7 o'clock Addresses by 'he Iter. Mr ALLr.N. from Nashville Ti mi.. ':HA.KLK V. I.F.X, tn , and other. Parents and tnouds of s.bbnth School are cordial y In vited. r5jf THE ANNUAL MKETINO OF 8TOCK--iy holder of the CALDWELL OIL COMPANY will ba tu ld at the (Mice ot the Company. o WALMT1 Street on WrDF,SIAY, Go ober IT 1H31. at 12 o'clock v., at which time an Election tor Direc ton will beheld. 0IIARLF.8) M. SITEB, Bocrc'arr. Philadelphia, October B. luCfl. 10 e lot irr;? RELIGIOUS SERVICES EVBRY RondHy Evenlnir at 7H o'clock. In the URKKM HIIX l'RK-BY IKKIAN CHCUCH . (MR Attl) Avenue, above Sixteenth street, fbr the benefit ol tbe public. Rev FitANri. 8. KOIIBIN.S. Pastor, wll p-oach To morrow Kvening. All seats free. This li a permanent arrangement. MIRTH HROAD STREET PREsBY- TF.m YN CHURCH, corn.r of RRDVI) and t.RI-F.N NtreeU Preaching To-morrow at 1"X A. M., by Rev. JoHN ALLK, D. 1 01 Nanhvl le Quarterly nieellng of ahbath School at TH P. M Addr a will be delivered by Mr. ALLEN and others. Stranger In vited IKST" PLYMOUTH CONIJREGATIOVA L OmjKCII.In Hail KIDuE A venue, he.nw .laf letfOli street The ei vices ot Organization lo-morrow morning at !!! o'c'ock. Kermon bv Rev. L. W. II H r. Brook'vn. Preaching In the evening at IX nVlnck. uy nur. inion ku.-M3E.lt , rasior eiecu jrEr" "MEDITATIONS AT THE CROSS." zsy Rev.JOHN K CHFBIUKP. of Ka'U nf Norm vl- kill BaDllai Cliurch will nrrncli on above mihl.nf at A MFK AN MECHANICS' H LL, corner of KOUHTH and C.EONUE Btree r. To-morrow Aiternoon at ZH o clock. At' are invited. c WEST ARCH STREET PRESBYTE RIAN CHUR' H corner of F.IOH rKKNTH Street. Preaching by Rev. K. H. NKVIS To-morrow at iu a. hi ttcrmon on "woman and her indebtedness to the (iospel," at 1H P. M. Mrungers ar invited. 11 EV. G. A. 1'tiLTZ WILL PREACH In the TABERNACLE BAPTIST CIUIROH CHKFNLT Btreet, West ot l.ighteenth. To-morrow mine and Evening. Service commence at lu A. If. and 7'4A P. M. Strangers curdlaliv Invited. ftZ&f THE CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY. V-3 Tho alterations and Improvements In thN Church being finished it will be ouonei, for Divine ser- vice lo-nionow. at iui A. ol and H p. M. TENTH BAPTIST CHURCH. EIGHTH Street hn.AHmi.n d.pvln.j U.I.I..I1, rt.i-n- Ing atlOHoV ockj evening- at 7 H o'clock Preaching by Rev. J. S KEN SURD of Albiuy rr EBEKEZER M. E. CHURCH. TUK - Pastor will preach on Sunday next at 1H o'clock A M , and 7M o'clock P. M. Cotno-union ser vices at o'clock P M. tf SECOND PRKSHYTERIAN CHURCH. SEVENTH Street, bo ow Arch -The Paitor, Rev. K. R. BEaDLE, wl l preach To-morrow at lh A U -.1 U I M - CHURCH. BROAD AND OKPOKO Streets. Vrcachlnrr To-morrow Mornlnir hv Rev. FRANK L KOKINs. Evenlnir. bv Rev. KouF.RT A DA IK. Kgr-' REV. VY. W. NEWELL (UNITAKlAN) K? will oreaoh at LASOSTHO iTI'.H II ALL. r. mantown, To-morrow Mornlnir at 101 o'clock CHRIST CHURCH, GERMANTOWN Rev. CTIARt.ES C IIFKaNY wl l nro.h l this Church, D. V.. To morrow Morning and Evening. SPECIAL NOTICES. J MUJAVIP.O IS TUB NAME (PRO bably Russian), of the most delicious Perfume that ever came in contact with our Oliactory Nerves. We recommend every one to try It. For sale by all tbe principal Drugalsts. Daily Bo 'Ion JraMler. 1 14 Oinrp irjST- COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION.- e- The orignator$ ol the anathetic use of Nl rous uxiae uas. extract teetn wunvu: anv pain Mure than 34oU peisona liave signed our certificate scroll to that ellecL The list can be seen at our rooms, at No. W WALNUT Street Come to headquarter We never tan. 10 5 lm NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING.-JOY rOE & CO ,N. E. corner ol FIFTH and CHES- NCT Streets. Philadelphia, and TKIBUNK BUILD INGS. New xork, are agents tr the "Telkgbapu," ana lor the Newspapers ol the whole country. 7 30 6ui4u irjsr 'AMERICAN ACADEMY 0 F It ,ty MUSIC. JOHN B. OOCGII, will deliver TnO LECTURES under the auspices of the YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY EVENING, October 10, Subject 'CURIOSITY." This is an entirely NEW i.EcTURE, and wUl be de- Ivcred for the FIRST TIME In Philadelphia. THURSDAY EVENING, October 11, FubJect-"ELOQUEJ5 AND ORATORS." Tickets at Ashmead & Evans' Bookstore, No. 724 CHtSNUT Street. Reserved Seats .'50 cents and 75 cents Orchestra and Stage 50 cents Unreserved Family Circle 23 cents Doors open at 7 o'clock, Lecture to commence at 8 o'clock. - 10 6 4t4p DEPARTMENT Or RECEIVER Q.y TiiriS. PfiiLADKLPHiA. October 3 lgr.fi NOTICE TO PERSONAL TaX PAYK.UM Any recelot Issued bv an Alderman lor Punnmi Taxes for anv year prior to lSbtf (lor City or State) is not va Id 'I he oulv authorized parties appointed tor the collection ot men taxes i t the lieUuquem Tax voi.eoiorB, or me cherts at inia omce. Information Is iesiecttully requested when anv iter son or persons attempt to lwiue such receipts, as they will ue urait wiiu acvoruina co law. (Biiniedl CHARLES O'NFII.T. lOJijllt Receiver of Tax js. KM HOMOEOPATHIC MEDICAL COLLEGE t3 OF PENNSYLVANIA -Tue Introductory Lei ture. on the opening of the Nineteenth Annual -esslo'i ot ihis College, ol 1 he delivered by Professor UEORUH F FOO IK, at tbe College Building FlLUEkr Wtree". above Eleventh, at hali-past 7 o'o'ock P. M.. MON DAY, Oo ober 8. Doora open at 7 P. M. 'j he public are Invited. 102t U. N. GUERNSEY. M. D , Dean. fTSr- UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. TbeFeneral Introductory to tbe One-liunired-'nd-Flrst course of Lectures will be oellvered by Prat R a. F. PENROSE, M. D., oa MONDAY, the tjtu Inst, at 12 o'clock M. It B E ROGERS, M. It., Dean. T3J PHILADELPHIA LYCEUM MEETS Corner Ol 3ty TO NIGHT at 8 o'clock at B. t NINTH and BPRINU GARDEN Streets. Admittance iree The public are Invited. Debate, etc. gj5p NEW VLKFUME FOR THE HAA'DKhUCHlKF. PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus." PHALON'S "Night Blooming Cereua." PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Ccreua." PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Cereus." PIIALON'S "Night Blooming Ccreua." A most exquisite, delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, distilled from the rare and oeautUul flower trom ubicu it takes Its name. Max ulactured only by 61Swi PIIALON aV SON, Netr York. BFWAUE OF COUNTERFEITS. ArK FOB PIIALON 0 TAKE NO OTUEB. ADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, POLITICAL. Eioirrn legislative district.- v-' Tfta attMtlAn Af Ik. m,m m tkla dtatrlnft la called to the following fact? A effott was made on Thursday, the 4th Instaat. te bribe th printer having chime of the ladependeat Ticket for Representative to suppress them, or to dis appoint the committee In obtaining them. This effort was entirely unnucoeiwfui. m at a v oat rol owed 1 On las Dletit. tti nr,.mlsea oftha netnfjhe were broken In'o, and ransacked 10 discover these ticket, bat with- uui puvvriw. lionot these faots show how ntterly onorupalons the it ends of Mr Keras are. In their efforts to defeat the will of the people r 1 lie same spirit which Dominated Mr. Kerns fraudu lently, win hesitate at nothing to acoompllnh bis election. y VOl r.RS, ATTFHD TO 1 r. By order ot the Committee. I H. V. THOMPSOlf, President. FIFTH WARD UNION REPUBLICAN TICKET. For Conirreaa, CHARLES GIBBONS. Assembly, JOSEPH T THOMAS Alderman, WILLIAM D. LELAR. School Ttlrertora, COLLIN 4 Wr.ST, h DM I'M) H. YART, JOHN JO FORTH, WILLIAM H. OSKINS. 10 5 21 O FALL STYLE HATS. Q THF.O. II. M' CALL A, Hat and Cap Emporium, Um4p No. 804 C1IESNUT Street. JMPOUTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! OPENING OF THE NEW GALLERY OK TJ1R CROSBY OPERA HOUSE ART ASSOCIATION. AT 13 O'CLOCK THIS DAY (SJVTIR DAY) OCTOBER 6, WILL Bf THEOWN OPEN, For tbe first time, the e!erant Qallorles of the aboys Aaeoclation, with additional 1'aiutings, FRtiE TO THE PUBLIC, At No. 1305 CHESNUT Street, THE PHILADELPHIA ART GALLERY, (F. Gabrylewitz ) The Association bavin removed (torn tbe Rooms oi Mr. B. Scott, Jr , in order to secure additional facilities, will occupy toe above Ga lory (1HE FUNIS! IN 1QB CU V), UNTIL THE GREiT PISrtt'BUTION CF OVKB THREE HUNDRED VALUABLE PREMIUMS Whlcli will Speedily Take Place. SPECIMEN ENGRAVINGS, Which every Subscriber receives at the time he sub scribes, on exhibition at tbo Olfice, To be in time, shares should b secured imme diately. SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS Will remain open, for a abort GALLEiUfcS, time onlv, at tbe No. 1305 CHESNUT Street, And also at tbe down-town BRANCH OFFICE, No. 607 CHESNUI Street, NEW BULLETIN BUILDING. OPEN DAY AND EVENING AT BOTH OFFICES. T. B. PUCH, AGENT FOE THE ASSOCIATION. r ' . - pAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW SHADES AT WHOLESALE. 40 IN. PLAIN 8, FINi; DECO' ATIO 8. BORDEB MOCLDINSS. ST Alt P GILTS, ENGLISH SATINS, BL ANKS. ETC , ':n OBEAT V.'.EIETT. R. T. HAZZARD, leemw 3m No. 819 4BCH Street. QD AFRICAN COFFEE, SMALL BEAN GENtlNE MOCHA COFFEE, GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE FOB SALE BY JAMES R. WEBB, 8 US EIGHTH and WALNUT 8 tree V BITTEN AND VERBAL DESCRIP nm of obsraoter. with advloe oo business f cult) . eduoailon, ato., given dalif, by J I) 1 rluth3mrp1 i. TL CA.PEW i at V o.iSia b. TENTH Street, above Caesaat A BARGAIN. FOR BALE A 27 FEET lY, C ..wi'b sails oompieta. rrloe . Apply to aLK.v, LAWLttti ituiuer, Luiuuwn watar Works. Wt OCTOBER' C, 1866. RURNG & ATKIWOONJID 0 B B I N S No. 247 South ELEVENTH Street, AWD No. HOT PINE Street. Sl'13 FRKNCII MERISORS. 110 9 YARDS WIDK ENGLISH MERI- 87 CKNT 1M YARDS WIDB ENGLISH MBRINOES. 39 CENT VERY HEAVY SHAKER FLANNKL.S. $4;10 10.4 ALL. WOOL BLANKETS. flJM 11-4 ALI..WOOL BLANKETS. $H'IO 11 41.XT1U FINH BLANKETS. lOOO LARGE HEAVY SUPERFINE BLANK RTS. 3'4H CENT EXCELLENT H YARDS M IDE PILLOW-CASE MUSLIN. 03 CENT BEST H YARDS WIDE SIIKKTINU. 18M CENTS FOR GOOD CRASH. From A notion, several lota of Linens, Towels, nap kins, 'j able Linens, at less than regular pnea. . 0 14 mws4p J M. II A F LEI Gr II, BETAIL DRY GOODS, No. 1)03 CHESNUT St., WILL OPEN ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 8, FOUR CASES LTNSEY8 FOR LADIES WALK- INQ 8UIT3. SILK FLUSH (NEW, FOR LADIES' CLOAKS. B WHITE WOOLLEN PETTICOATS. NEW STYLE CLOAKINOS, SILK AND WOOLLEN DRESS GOODS. TO ALL OF WHICH HE INVITKS SPECIAL. ATTENTION. 9 10 mwflOt O P E N I JV Gr. J. 31. IIAFLEIGU, No. 003 CHESNUT St., WILL, OPEN CLOAKS AltD MANTILLAS, MONDAY, OCTOBER 8. AN ENTIRE CHANGE IN STYLE WILL BE ADOPTED. 10 63trp 1STOS. 917 & 919 SPRING GARDEN SMYTHS' STOCKING STORE. Always on liana a good assortment of 12MJL.ISH, GKliMAN, AND DOMESTIC I1U91I.H a, Corron, Woollen, Silk, and Merino JNDKIISIIIRTS AND DBAWKHg. tor Lmditi, Gents, Atitiet, and Soys. JUDVIH'8 KID GliOVES, Jiesf qualify imported. CLOVES FOR FALL. AND WINTER, sizes, and large variety. FItENCII CORSETS. HOOP SKIRTS, Warranted best makes only. KNITTING YARNS, ZEPHYR WORSTED (illtllAM'OHn WOOLS In all colot s. Large stork constantly on hand. ZKaH1.R KNIT GOODS, In stock and made to order. All goods sold at tbe lowest prices, and a better assort ment can not be lound than at M. Sl J. E. SMYTH'S, CIO 81m t os. 917 and 819 SPUING UAKD1SN street DRESS TRIMMINGS. Newest styles in every tewitty QOOK & BROTHER; IMPORTERS AND RETAILERS OF HOSIERY GOODS, No. 53 North EIGHTH Street, Have received per steamer 1 Boapboro, Two eases ENGLISH HALF HOBE, at 40, SO, and 68 Oents. Two esses LADIES' AND MISSES' BLBRtJ(lAN AMD E1SULINU M&B1NO AH I) UOfTUA UOil.from rdinar.v to very fine qualities. 'two cases La DI FH'. AND CHILDREN'S FhKNCH HKOW'N MIXKI. HOSE AM) HALF HO(. One case CUILDKfciTd fAfila CLUiU LKUQINUg. $116 pair. ' As all our goads are made (xpnaaly for na tn Europe, we bave adopted a ' TBADE-UABK, Which will be stamped oa aU oar Hosiery. CIO J wsJmtp L E ! A L E 1 WILLIAM YOTXNQER'8 8PABKLTNO 1 BURGH AXE, ED IN FOB BALK BT THE CASK OR DOZEN SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 4 14 Up 8.W. cor. B BO AD and WALHUT. o P E R A Q L A 8 8 E 8. made by M. BABDOU, of Fine eperaQlaswa Part imported and for tale only by C. W. A. TBUMPLF.R. 10 1 Imtp StTentb aad CUwuut strwt. i a SOAP SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOR, SAVES CLOTHES, SAVES WOMEN, And all loading Grocers sell it . """"" " It is nsed by dissolving in bot wator, and soaklnjr, the cioi bet five to ten minute, tben a little bane! robbing will make them as o can as hours of harsl machine rubbing would do with ordinary soap, and no injury to tbe most delicate labrfc. It la used with entire satisfaction In tbe familie of ev. ALFRED COOK MAM ; W M. ;. STEVEN SON, No. 1C26 Green street; THOMAS C. LOVE, No. 1019 CHESNUT street! A. L. HART, No. 827 Lombard street ISAAC MOSS, Uo 22G2 Green street; C. HART- MAN, AO. 1Z29 Marshall itroet, and tbousands of others, in all parts of this and other cities. ASK TOUR GROCER FOR DOBBINS' ELECTEIO SOAP WHOLESALE OFFICE, illiJP7 South FIFTH St. A DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. WE OFFER FOR SALE THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS OP TI1E FIB ST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TUB CONNECTING RAILROAD . AT THE LOW RATE OF NINETT.twwrit BEA R1XG 1N1ERESI AT SIX PER CENT, FREE OF iTA TE TAX. PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY BY THE PcnnsjlvanJa Railroad Company. If not previously disposed of on the 15ta of Octo ber next, we will advance the price. For full particulars in regard to the above Security, apply to DKEXEL No. 34 South 9 29 tttp & CO., THIRD St. J- AE DKl'OSIT COMFANT Oa" VHiiinvr. PHIA. For the Safckeeplrg oi Valuables nnder Qaar CAPITAL, 500,000. ' fianSlatk, I L'arl Waf" OU'1,,g2,,m Fe,'i,enrr C G?ffieU A' Ci"ea rreslaent. N. B. hliuYhk V lce-Piesldent, C L A KhN ( K II. CLAHK. hecretary and l ieaaurer, BOBfeHT PATTEBSOS' I piEdelrj MtfSn..'a. "Ue CUEHMJl' B i'BaE'f . ABOVE FODBTH. The Company will commence business on the 1st September iWH, and will be prepared TO KKCEIVK DsPosntf liDEB GUARANTEE upon the following ratea for one vearor lesa period: Government and all other toupoo) k". securliiea. pr those transferable 1 00 per tlOM by delivery, Including BanklJln vv w miww Govemmi ni and all other securities.) , negotiable only by endorsement..., f 'M Ber 1000 Gold Coin or Uui Ion aifli DAr M.ver t'oui or bul Ion u M na, a WkU Stiver or Gold Plate under seal onS owner's estimate of tull value, and I . rate sub eel to adiustment i.,rh,ik WW per I10O on a basis of j Deeds. Mortgages. Valuable Papers generally, when bulk.0 ' " ,e" each' or 000Un WHiotVheWmiCkMre,nlnmCT,r" tb' remlnaer '" C??n S0?,'? J, 1,11 Boxes, for papers ( Bankers, Capital sts.AlerchaBts Lawyers. 1 radeamen FamUlee. to., 1'1 be received at Via each box ortiunkoer limited00 unknow to the Company, and liability I OK COLLECTION OF INTEBEBT, ONE PEB CENT " ON AMOUNT COLLK61ED COUPONS i AD INTEBt-ST WILL Bif COLLECTED WHEN DtiilKr.D. AND KEMITTiSb TO 1HK OWNERS. DEPOSITS OF li o, EY KkClsifED. ON WHICH inti-bet will be allowed. Thla Company Is also authorized to act as Execa tors. Adn.lulsirators, and Guarulans to receive i li execute Tiusu of ever, description from tuejjictf" Corporations, or Individual . B. BBOWVE, Bobf.pt ParrEBsoii, ' President. tecrelary aud Tieasurer. 9 14 lm B U S S I A N SABLE, Imported Direct from KamUchaUta, By Mr. J. W. BURLING, of this city. Tbe undersigned bers to inform big Iriendeand the public, that he baa a few choice seta of GENUINE RUSSIAN SABLE, To which be calls attention. JAMES RElSKr, latPOBTKB AID MA:tUFACTCBKB 0 FVBfl, 10 1 614p No. 18fl N. THIRD S1REKT. pURE OLD GRAPE BRANDY, rrom tbe eelebrated vloeyarda of B. D. WILSON h SON, Los Angeloa. California. For medicinal purposes this BRANDT is almost la dlspeneabJe. B L E O T B FOB SALE BV THE CASK. CARMICK & CO., Hlmip SOLE AGENTS. . E, C0BNEB OF B0NT and CHESNUT Sis.