THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPflrniljADKLPIHA; FKIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 18GG. AaJ3lTS. Italian Of era. Perhaps tho tnotf latereatin novelty ol the season will be Konuoiii, tlie (jreit lyric sotor, who wul appesr in gome o sract-rs in which ho hw cover boon eon bore. The ocst ot thfe u his personation ot the fcngltn travelling loid in the ot ors ot Frit Viavolo, ol wuio'i tne Don tton Musical World sys 'Next come Milord tlofbtif-g. s 'w drif i'mjiwu'i',' " opera-voera for thfl iat ten year ro we I Dnrjualii Tula Impersonation I a aoeclumn o' grmcriua cum 1V I iur ucu 11 nou u ue inn to seen a panne . vmiv tne prince ol buffo actors con il have coucoived II onif tlie prince 01 b lllo attorn could have embodied tlie con ception But tha' Koncon! la the prince ofonfTo aoiora tsasimeas an axiom. His per orinnnen oeitgar dn ecrliition. It la aa racy na Ilia singular, aa fu 1 of lite aa It la full ol humor ThuL at tne ssuie timo it tears very llite tesmnhlance to a live 'nillorl,' traveling at ense lor hla recreation, la more thuu probable It la. untnrtnnately too Rood to be tru. But though absolutely like nothing In existence tint we know 01 . it la not tun le Inimitable i and wo ahou d prise It Hie more from the cor.aln'y ttiat It moat ale with It inventor. To Imagine a "Lord Itou buiu" alter th "Lord Kooburg" 01 Blnor Ronoonl, u ditlicuU. 10 imitate It voulil be an tniateltil tatlc, to equal It wou d be mipoaaibe. o doulit there are peoph- whv will Imdn that I la aortcaturot but, cat I ture or not, In sober trutn It It a creation " or the first time at a reuu ar Italian Opera, our 1'hllndi'ln1 la favorite, tlm quondam Mis ratmy Heron, dmulsed under tho lialian name ot . a tall 'let, will constitute u tneiiibor ol tho company, and hcrauierb contralto voice will ho hoard to advan tage In tho opera in parts suited to hor. Inn STRAKOsrn OrurtA I'RonPB will give tno concerts at the Musical Knnd Hall tii'a and t mor row evonincd, and a raro treat will be pros.-ntcd tor the lovors of (rood muaio. Nkw tm-PNUr. John E Owens in his groat harnctrrs of "?o'oii Hmnglo," and "Henry- Dove" in MtickslODe's best comedy, Marrid Lift;, Grand matinee to morrow tit ornoon. Walkut Stukkt Thf.atkk Fnoahontas and Vombey and ,scn r. Droughuin as "l'owhatau" and I . Mu ll Kdwnrd t'utlo" iia -ie Doutn as 'Ticaliotitas ' Mr. Brou'rliam's farewell benefit. Alien feTniKT 1 riKAT.tE. Mrs. John Drew and tho whole company in the Fatt Family, with a fivontc troo thiown in. New Amk can Thkatrk Mr Joseph t'rootor aa "1 ho J .Doenuinos-. " j:i Nick of the IVuodK, sup jortoa by a 1 the lavor.tesoi tho stock company. I anikl . Bamiman tho d stincn'shod actor, will aipour at the "AtUii," on Muntlay ntalit next, in a new play, untitled J), Mr, Uandiuau is one of the best nniS ' S we liae, and will havo jus tice clone l is play at tins poplar estab,ishratnt. lie is renumbered with plcusuiablo lootings by play goers Nattonat. Ham. "Tho Iucolu Memorial Ta bloax "Mr. S K. Murdoch and Mud'lio Kivira ue Silva this evening. Sallb Diaboliqtje Hollor, at the Assembly Bandings, has a splendid bill to ' .rand mati nte lo-niorroc atternoon. Ibis is Hoiler's laat week, CAP.NCItORS & DlXBT'8 FAMILY RKSOltT. Tilt Spectre' trolxc, and tho whole ilar troupe in a Hue yi on i ammo. CITY INTELLIGENCE. for Additional Vity Intelligence see Ihird I'age. Doings in tiik Dkt Goods Markkt. J'raoe is active under a Bicaai.y continuous demand, and pneos ure very reKUlar. Jobbers are pursuing: a veiy aalo and pruilent course, avoi nun heavy siocab, but constantly reu tiiisnuc tne in as Kales reduoe them. X'he current oi business, ot deinuud, and supply Is uuilorin. i riuts aro lu steadv activity ; stocks tie kept uowu, and prices aro kcut up; tiio fui piy is Lnrely equal to 'lie ocmand Heavy brown sheetings are hrmur, though not more aotivo, as the raw material has advanced, lileachod slnrcluuii and sheetiiipH are low in stock, the d maud is large aud price bnotant. All driih are brisk ot sale Canton flanuols aro dull, with an increaoinp stocx, and prices heavy, btnpts are quiet. Deuiins only moderaioly ac ive. Giusnamsarequiteaulive, audll.iu. Dulaiuea have advanced under a ver larue couiand lor con sumption. Cobuiya st 11 command attention, and are vory brisk nt 'Rio. Do iritblo pty os ot shiwh are very tlrm, but inierlor goods aro dull and henry. Broad cloths are dnll; onlv heavy fancy cassimeres, of good style, aro active and lira); other kinds are lower in price. FlanupN are mjJora ely active and steady. Imported laiir ca are vervacive; all de suable goods pass In eu into general co ihu uplion j tho public taste secures a ready saie tor thorn Fine bombazine?, fancy p aids, and biack aud colored delaines are much souent lor, at good pncoa, as woll aa all prime suks. Fiuo merinoos are waumi( a little in the demand, and a slight dcoiiuo is ob servable iu price. Alpacas also aro iei. active. Britinb prlbts ore stoadliy active. Iho auction ,-aies still attract goneral attention, and price of all de sirable goods ouYred aro well maintained under au activo competition among bmers. French dnss prints, merinoes, and deiuineo thus sold well ; black bombazines can on c otha. beavers, douakins, castors, and coatincs were muou competed tor, and Saxony wove dnss i-oodswerein lively demund, Thk Uamk Law. At the requast of a number ot persons, we t .e aci. lot the pro tection and killing ol game, and insectivorous birds, in otr am counties in tins t oramouwea lb, posaed at tne last session ot oui .Legislature: Section 1. I'liar Irom and alter the paaaa?e of this act it shall not be lawiul tor any peraon, within the counties ot Chester, Schuylkill, Montgomery, Dela ware, Lancaster, MiaUin, Northampton, Allegheny, Lehigh, Lawrence, aud l'hi adolphia, to shoot, kul, or in any way trap, or destroy any bluebird, swal low, niaitin, or other insectivorous bird at any AAncnn nf 1 I, ln.ilnP till, TU, II tl 1 1 V Cf t I.IVn flntluP,!. eot on 2. That fr 'in and after the pwa'e of this act 110 person shall fhoot, kill, ot otherwise de stroy, niry phoaiiant, between the 1st day of Jauuary and the lnt day of boptember; or nuv woodcock, betweeu the 1st day ol January and tho 1th day of July; or auy squirrol, between the 1st day ot January and the 16th oav of August: or any par tridire ot rabbit, betweju trie 1st day of January aud the 1st day of October, in tho present year, and in etch and t very year thereafter, under the penally ot livo do lata lor each and ovory onense. Section 8. That no person shall buy, or cause to bo bought, or carry out ot said cmntio. tor the purpose oi supplying any private or pubho bouse or market, any pheasant, partridge, woodcock, or rabbit, unless tho same snail have been shot or taktn in the proper season, as provide i lor in this act, undor a penalty ot live aol urs lor each and eveiy ofli nee, Seot'on 4 That no person snail at at any time wilfuhy dostrov tho eigs or nosts of any biros mentioned in tho diflurent sections of tnia act, within raid countlos, under a penalty ot two dol lars for each and every offense. Section 6. That tne possession ol any peron, in said counties, of any of the game aud birds men tioned in the different sections of this aot, shot, killed, or otherwise destroyed, out oi soaion, aa atore'.aid, shall be prima facia evidence to convict under this ac ... , . Section 6. 1'hat any person offending against any Of the provisions ot toiB act, aud boing thereol con victed, before any aldorman or juatioe oi the peace, loreoaid, or by the oath or alhrmation ot one or more witnesso. fhall, for every uch oflense, for feit the flue or Hues attachod to the same, oue-hair lotheuHcofthe county and the other halt to the mintheinlormerj aud il tho offender shall rjtuso toi aytheaaid lorloituro he shall be committed 10 the jail ot tne county lor every bucu uuuuno i-.t mo spaoo of ten oays, without bail, or mainprise: Pro vided, however, 1'hat such conviction oe made within sixty dav after the committing ot the offense ; and ail laws inconsistent herewith, bo far as they rolate to Baid counties, are here'jy repealed. A Turnpike Company Brought to Tvumb lntrt IhoniDHon. a Justloe ot the feaco, appointed ibree lrotholuers, ac the solicitation ot numerous citizen, to inspect the condition of t ie Uermantown turnpike iroui Neglee's Hill to the inriinikn. rnnv muoried that the road was out ot repair, and w as unlit to be used and pay toll lor, aud also, that it was positively unsafe for light teams to pa1 over. 1 his report was corroborated by nume vnna wltneases. who tew tilled to the amo laoW. Notice was Issued to the keeper of No. 8 gate, noar th l.mmanton n Depot, to have iho 'oad closed un'il h i'imiianv saw fit to nut the road in order. 1 ms is an important step in the light direction, and it is hoped will abale a nuisnnoe that has tor some time been a verious annoyance to citizens ot Uermantown and others. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nos 603 and 605 CITES NUT St., Phila. We have Just received a new and well-selected 0cWofCLOTH8,CABSlMERE3,ancl VKSTING8. .AUo, OVEIl-COATnvG8 and S0ITINC.S, which "ill make to Older at the most reasonable prices. A Sad Cask Bbtttai, Treatment of a Child by its mvp-mothh! A mo it lamenUbl . cao haa oeen brotght to the knowlnd"o of tho police. Jans Blnker (msrrlpd) was arrested on com plaint ol her neighbors in Frankford o.i the caargo ol brutally mn treating and ill-using hor step daughter, Harriet H akor, agod ilurteen yeirs. Some time ago she bad been arrosled on ihe saro.) cliaice, but no one entering proceedings ngains. her, she was discharged. It seems that her escape from punishment (he tiist tune oid not deter hpr lrora conttnuiuir in her wicked coiiduc. it la adeirea that ono b'ttor com (lay Inst winter, the chi.d was sent om nakod mt the yard to break the ic- iuabirrei cl water to wuhh hi raolf. he has been known to hive bonn li.oeki d down and then bad hor head beaten ov s rikmv it ou Ihe floor until she wai imrnsitiio l'ni eoiHiuet ol i.iebruta. step inot her, li i' a iegd, wai continued until the neighbors roso up in a nody t) put a s on to it. The last agravatiou wan a htutul beating that was inflicted ou the chil l's heoo with a reavy bane-t ail oat J'h.eio somu twoity ivitiiece who came fiward to testify aramst the accused. Jt appcara that tho liusl and of tills wo-niin or talher tigress, is as comuieteiT ru od by worm the ch.ld, and dared not ln'erlern in boliaif of his ill used dcuphter. it is intleen a sad cine. Tho cuild was icprceeiitod to have been, two years a,o, u lint lit, intelligent lutle gir , but now, by brutal, ileiidixn Ucatment, she i a niont au idiot,. Airs B'akei was held in 6 liOt O by Alderman Uoluies, to answer. A DifPERAiio. John Fortenor, who Is po-fefcd of a trenicndoua oeveloi nient ot muscle, and has an enlarged bump of combutivone to suit, camo to gnei at au ea iv hour this morning. He cnterrd a tavem at Dillwvn and WiUow stroots, and got into a violent quarrel with Mr. JMaguire, tho keeper of the piaoe. An officer attempted to arrost 1 orteiier, waon ho in turn asaau tod tne otlicer in a vii lt ut maiimr. 1 wo other ollicer came io tho afwiHlacRo of tho firrt, anu then encued a lively skir mish. For cner struck out right aud lo it from tho shoulder in a vcy lorcible and sciontitlo manner, and ued bin leit like a wcll-drilied Zouave. One ollicer was tbrown prostrate in the gutter, and tho others spread at ono nmo, but by tnofo oaot sum Lers tbev finally succeeded in putting John hors de comlot, and be was taken beiore Aldotman Toiand, whohld him in $1500 to anawor lor assault and bat cry on the three olllcors. A Catti.k Kaidicb. a man answering to the name ol Wii.iom ltogers was arrostod m If rank loid, on suspicion of rtea ing cattlo Irom persona in Wi tnnif ton, Del., nnd brinj'iiig them to tho city tor sale, tiome time uio, it appears, ho brought ou lour cows Irom that piuco, which he sold In our markets. 1 a st Moncav lie attain made his appearance with lour steers, and bis ac tons being suspicious, ho waa arrested, aud the authorities of Whmingtou wore ru nmiuEicati d with toeveral citizens of that piace came up to the citv and ideutilled Rogers as a per son who had been scon louuging around tlioir viciPitv. 1 he Mayor ot Wilininctoii. on reo iving notice of tho lucts ot the case sent on a requisition lor ltorers, and n'ter a hearing beloro Altlormau Glo mes, be was sent down there to have a hearing. CARRYING CONCKALED DEADLY WKA roNH Samuel Slorris, an elderly man who, it wU De remembered, was seen to hre a pistol into the line ot a torchlirht iirooesaiou, at Munborough and Rlchmouu btreois, the other ni?ht, was arrested lost evening. He bad a hearing beiorc Alderman Cloud, and at tho hearing, ou being searched, a conoea ed weapou was lound ou bis person, lie was held in $-(i 0 to answer the charge ot carrying couoealed deadly weapons. Morris was arrested in (iirurd avenue, u iir Second sin et. Tlio evidence against h m ajipt tired to Lo prctt j strung that he was the mun who hied tne snot. A DlSORDFRLY Ch ARACTKR. Charles Fairing was aries od at iho 1'ark vcsierda; alter noon, whilft acting in a very indeoeut manner, and also lor using threats toward a young woman, n-med C'athirlno Met lain Ue was observed to continue in hi diso.derly manifs ations tor some tnno beloro lien as arrestod. Thero are numerous ciii-ca ot this kind occurring in our l'ark, and tho l ark Police do well to arrest and make aa example of kuch oflendrr-. Fairing had a bearing boi'uro Alaerman Hutchinson, who bold him in tilX) to answer lor his un conduct. Ef.publican The metn bers oi bis Cluu have thoir attention ca led to the Marshal's order lor parade this evnmg Au im mense force wi 1 bo out; in tact, some twelve hundred will bo iu lino. As manv ot th members have lamps belonging to tho Club at their homos, it is strongly uryed iv the ollicers to have ttiem turned in tor iho use o' those dOHi. ing to participate Every man iu line must re.urn to headquarters, and deposit torches, flags, guiaons, etc. etc , so that rtity ma' Lo unserved for a future campaign. Of course all having the wellare ot the Club at heart will comply, A Case of Embezzlement. John T Priston was arrestod in Mauayuuk os erday ou the above charge It isalloged that ho collecto l a con s derablo amount ot monev from delinquont tax paj ei s. which ho did not pay over to tne proper authorities, i omplalnt wa- entered aza'ust him, and he was taken in cnarge, and bad a preliminary hearing beloro Alderman Belt er, who committed him iu default ol 8000 for a lurtl er hearing to-day, in order to procure more evidence that would have a bearing ou the easy Tiik Fire in Manayunk. About 3 o'clock yesieiday afternoon, a fire broke out in tho lower floor of cotton mill of K, Wiignnteldor in JIauaunk. Twenty-first Ward The firo spread upwards, and before it could be subdued tho ontiro stock in the first floor and much valuable mach nory was destrov cd. 1 ho amount ot damage to the build ing end machinery has been estimated at from 6)00 to &700O, which is fully covered by insurance. The Cholera. There have been forty scvin cases of cho.ora reported to the Board ot licaith irom noon of vecterday io noon to-day. i lit so cues aro scattered all over the citv. It is liobublo thutalargo number aro not truo cases of clio era. dui aio ouiy aggruvareu cases oi cnoicra uioibus. "BCITON-IIOLDKRS." Some conversational gluttons, In ihelr great greed for talk, llo d their trieuda last by the buttons, Le-tthey should onward walk. A cvnlo who'e wra'h was fili ng, Writes, this trick to ooudemn : "It jou can' i pet bourera willing. Hold your own tongue not them." And buttons, we add, are ln-ocure, Unless Tower Hall haa fixed them sure. We are prepared wtth an unusually full ava cm- prelievnive nloch of AJeu's, louths',ana Iioy' . and Winter Clothing, which we are selling at m ugh LOWKU P1U0EB THAN IIAVK BKKN KNOWX FOU 8BVB- HAL ykahb. Connratulatina our patrons and the nnbliB nenera'lu UBon lite decline in the prices of mi- tt-rtaitt wntcn rentiers iro jwmsiwif, ho hvvik u examination. iowbb hall, HO. 013 11 ARRET NTKKHT, BKNMItTT in CO. To soldiers o Mkxican Wab and War of Laud wairauts waniea. HKWK8 Emio & Co., No. 60 ?outti 1 turd street, Philadelphia. llvcTwrnty Coupons, Due November 1, W'su'ed by Dbexkl & Co., No. 84 bouih Third street. ttrinT Almonds. Rose Almonds, Iceland Moss rvnnm I'linnolates. etc.. can be had at all i noiv, -- . - times of lieorge W. Jenkins, Coafcetioner, No. 1027 Spring Garoen Btreet. h f - . w . i At.aT,,nv Tli i 7m,wfa .11. now orcuuied in trying tho suits of sixteen oitis -ns in to Sunday travel. Ten time t hat num ber of suits are tally tried on the citizens ac Charles rioxes k tu o vuu yew, uumi vuvvun iieutal. . - . .tt. i .cvavnT la tha nlniA tl mipptlflA Cork MattreBses and Uedding, and to havo our ( ur tiituie reupliolsiered, varuiohod, and repaired by vracuvai nuumcu. ROCKH1LL & VILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nos 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. FVNE CLOTHINO FOE GENTLEMEN AND YOUTH I'AOLUfI, IBs HiTTRR, I Beats them all, 8oniheaat corner Meconil and South. CriLDRt s'a Clothino A splendid ajiortn-jnt in the must styles Mpeoial attention la inriiod. M. A Shot maker fc Co.. 4 aid 6 Mghth street..! TtiORK VfsrjB passed Caiid Phot, orap m nn i nl i er uwii, Made t h. .'s So. Mi Aichstioet. I.LAHTTO P1TTCI1 M it Ml N L8. FtK K'WILY 1TSF. TIIK ONLV M A I' 11 I K E IllATHO'JH tLM ft HrKCI I.Y A -I F.MHPOirKH8 UFLCTLi H.itrtTtK, on LOCKHI llll SKW'INU A m nk "Oil TA LOll. HilOI-.M AKf.lts, H vDDI Klt-t, II UNKHi M I'AltKMda MAKKRV OROVKK As BAKKK " HKllP ST 1'hKMll M M.WI Ml M -t IllSh" No 7.HI CliKarT bTKELl. Sri'EHJOR STTLK8 e Headt-madk Clothino. SUPHilOR ESTYLM Of RKADY MAD1I ClXTHlXO, WANAMAKm & liatN, 1'01'ULAIl CLOTHINO t'ODSB, 1 Oaic Hall, Uouthoast corner Sixth and Mahkkt Streets. MAKltlKI). WF.BL SHERMAV. tmth3rt Instant by Prlnndi' ceremony. In I resenre ot the Mavor, iHKoDjuK A. MLilL io LLY K. MU KMaN, both ol this city. DIED. ADOLTH Hutldenlv, on the morning of the 4th In stant, LA'lUAHLNfc, who of Allred W. AUoliih, aod 33 years. 1 he relatives and fltenrln of hn tumll-r urn rnannnllnllv Invited U) attend the luneral, Irom ilio rtsiditnce oi her husband, o. loo Irnukllii street, on .Vondav mom.Dg stlu o'clock wli bout I urthet notice. Fuucrai to pruO ed to Alonumont Cemetcrv, r.l.OVVKE. On the !1 Instant. il.RV ANDKIl lUiOWNE. (Sr., In the IWth year ofhisaai. tila inaie iriends and ilie io;atica ol ilia family are In vited to attend the luneral. mini hi tutu rnldeni-.n. No. in hew street, on Ha nr.tav, the 8th Instant, at 1 o'clock. xa nroceeu to laurel run. it BliOWMi-Oii Kifclav. Octolier 5. Mln .IANR 11. BliOn NK. In thc4:th yarel her age. i ne lunerai i i tana pines irom u r mte res'nence. ro. H'.lb Poplar street, to morrow (naturdavi uinrnin.i at t o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. $ J.MOLL.-On the 2d lustant. JOHN' CAIHiOLT.. In the "4th year ol his age. '1 lie relatives aim inenas or ms ianu y, and Foatliwark Benillclal Koclety. aie respeo iull,v invited to t;end tho luneral. tnnn his lalo residence, 'o 3 3 Worth tr it. on Sundav altcrnoou at 3 o'clock. To proceed to Mutual Uround tor Interment. &1A h t.SZ.lf.. On Ttiursdav morning, October 4, at the resilience of her unc e, ticorue Hreck. t n.. MN JOKLl'IIIM.; WAi KKN.liC. 'I he friends or the faint' v aro invltol to attend her tuneral, on Naturday at 3 o'clock, at St. Juntas' church, Bristol. Pa. flAl'LMKR. On tho !)d InstanLMrs. Tt a PI! F.T. flATTT.. Ml H, relict Of the late Josenh Miunitr. In th uuth vnu of net aire '1 ho relatives and friends or the family aro resnectfiiltT renuested to attend the luneral. 'rom her renldHnes. No. 1TI ,luc by street, on Saturday morulnn, tlie tith lustunt, at 0 o'clock without lurthor notice. To proceed to Uox borough. A U K Hudaeniy, on the evening ol tho 1st Instant, ELIZA M., wl.eoi . Warno, in the 71st year oi her age. i he relatives and friends of the fatnl'y are resnocfullf invited to attend the luneral tioin Iho residonco of her husband No lhtu M c Vernon street, on HtuiYlmr rhn 6th lustant, ui 12 o'clock M. EOUNP AND OVAL HUCKWHKAT f'AKK Orlddles on Ahteh several cakes mn.v he baked at one time Also, those made ex rn strong, with iollshcd sutlacex. for hoicls and reUnurnntn, and a vnnety ol Cnke'lurmrs, lorsilebi TI1HMA & sUiff, Ao, km Mailt i ninv-nvei m akk kt St.. hotow Mnl. QIN(iLB, IrOUIlLii, AaU TKliiJIjE-PLATBO O Rnnons and Forks ot the best nua Itv t lerirn.ii hllvei (known to 'ho trade as Al llmta .Ve'ali. for sale at reo uced prices by TRUMAN dt 8I1AW, No. HdA'r.iirni Jliirtv-nv. Miiihri'm below NlntB. "I JiUTlSH HTi'VK L.CtSl'KK, CARBfJRKT Of J ) Iron ta sunerlor artlc'e or ndishina Moves). Shovels, 1ons. I'okers. oal Scuttles Ash Sifters, isinglass, Miter, z,'nc, eic. etc., 'nr'amiu i ki;.iaji a' nit v n, vo. MSiTlRhtThlrty-tlTe! MARK Si , hlow HinUi. W A R 11 (J U TON. FASHION MILK riATTKK Ho. 430 Cilt tMIT Htreet, Next, door to t'ost Onlce. 9 ins BAB li IV $ l.'il I'ROVED pkhiscopic spkctaclhs. nnnrlAf A Alt nrhora. Th.T ATeltA tha Bnliilfer nn.t et'miration of all who use them. v antrrnctory and Salet-rooms, Ho. 2itH. EliitiTU street, Hilia., l'a. OPERA ; LASSES. Assortmevt large and varied. Prices low. 9 24 3m IS ONE BUT THK BErfT BOUCVLKILL AND LE1IIOH COAL, (..Al.f-l! Ul.L,I fll'IAiiril, AND At LOWF8T KATES. PA1ISF ACTION O0ARMKKD. lm J KVANS.BK D n ' FILBEHT UNADULTEKATEI) LlQUUliS ONLX KK'HAfVO PFNlSfAN'a HlUHb AI I' IAVI.1, NO. 43!) ClllcaUl dlKiCKT Nenrlv nmoslto th Pot Orrco Pllll, KKI.l'HI A Ffmi'les auniilied Or era from the Counti y i rom-tly attended to. 5 3U SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR. IIUMPIIUEV'S HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, pa ave proved, from the moBt ample experience, an entnesuceess; ciuip e. i rumui r.uiuieui, mm i.oh.. They are the onlv Medicines oeriecily adapted to popu lar use-so BluiD'o that nil-lakes cam ot be made la ubIhh them ; so harmless as to be Hue ' rom damter, and to cfllclent as to be always rullable. o-. !Bt, 1. Cures M",v run, t onuesnons uuu iuimiuiuiviM... .v r it, u...,.i ...... um 2. 3. 4, Y lliJl,-., TIIIIIU BWUli ii uuu . u.iu. - CUYI(I (:OLH',ur Teeibiugol Infants i 1I AlfUHtKA otenlldron or adults UYHhM'r.KV. Griping. Bilious rode in C'llOLKKA MOKl'.llS. Nausea, or Vomiting.. CH OH, Co. ds lloarseuera. Uroiichins 'It NEIJKALGIA. Teolhactio. Nervous alns ....'i HkADACIlF.U. Sick Headac'io. or Vertigo... .25 DYKFi.FSIA Bilious SUimaeh t'ostlv iesa,.v!. SI'PFKKSSl' I), scauty or paiulul l'eriods....2.') HtM Al.fc lilltlcultles ..i5 CKtiUP. Iloarsv Cough Bllrluu!tBreathms;...2 SALT Kheum trsluelas. Kruutlous..... ib UHKUMATLSM, and a 1 Khoumatlo Pln f.h FKVEKnnd Ague, ('bill Fever-old Aguan....5tl FILES. Internal or external, blind or bleodiDg.W Ol 111 HALM V, tore, lutlanuid Eyes or Eyeildiill CA'I AHKU, acute ot chrouio, or W'llOOPlMJ-l Ol'Oll or r-pasmodle roughs. .W AST M A, oppressed dllUa'ilt Breathing. ...... jO EAR Iilscharges. and impaltud Hearing 511 SCKOU'LA. enlarged (Hands aud N wui lings. .V) tiENKVAL Ilebl liy, or 1'hyslcai Wenluiesa...50 BROI'SV and scant hecreil jn"...."1 W SKA-sickness. or sickness irom rldlnn. ....... V KIl'Nf Disease, oiavsl Buual caucud W NEKVOUS Seminal Emissions, In voluntary Discharges.. '0 SOHK v.ouih. er ( utiker M IIKINAKY Incontinouca or wet i In" tlie bed. ,5ft fAiSFUi. Feiiods evea with Spasma St Fr'EHtNUS at change ol lite 1JV EriLI.F'', xoasins. fuidi-t. Vitus' Dance... MO 1)1 PHI Itf.ltlA aud ulcerated Sore Throat ,...51 ft. J, 7 8, 9o: k 13. 14, 1. !. 1, 19. 20, '21. 22. V. 24. 25, 2ti '21, its, 20. 80, HI. 8U. 33. 84. Family casks or 'r.'itriy-uve V4als moroco caMi and book compete, Bid aso of 'twenty larve Tin a In morocco and book 9S. Single boAes, with dlroi tlims, '2ft oeats. Ml cents or(U. Vkikiiikav SiKciKies Maboira y cases, in vlaL-s in. siiulo vials withdirecuoui. al These Kemedies by thu ease or sin' box, sent tree UI lU!lrl I"' 1 1' i. ' .' lit ill 11HEY )' Hpeoltlc UoiiKPOpathio Medicine Com- panv.oltice una uei,ot. no .-j uroauwuy, new rora. h'd Hi MPHHKVSis con.ikltd dallv at fits otlloe.rjer- soi allv or l letter, as nbove, tor all totms of disease For f n'e bv 1) OIT & i O. J' H S(XN . UOLLOW VY uM'TH. wnoiesaie Agenu, x uiiuueiDuia, ana oy an TiiugglsUV 6 27B01W5 r o r m M a k a e V 7 BAU BABUriUlOBI, tfVUA a, v v., RBMOvaD TO K. . corner of MAKKET ana WATEB Btretts, Fui.adalplUa, DEALERS IN 11AU8 AJtD BVGOINQ oi every oesctlption, for Gialn, Flour, Bait, super Phosphate ot Lima, Bon IrllBt. KtC iBTve anfl bidaII OUNNV BAUB canstantlr on baod John T. Bailet. Jambs Cacidek. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing Hall, Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila Tlie Largest anil Beat Assortment o BojV Clotliluj; lu the City. BojV Clothtug Made to Order, DRY GOODS. M I 1 I K EN'S MNKN STORK, No. b8 AIICII Street. WNEN SHIRT B0SMIS. In the tHtntifncture of t-TITCIir:I) ROSOrSS we tise the b. si Irish Linen of tce own Importation, and cmp'ey the Nest macblne-Opeintors in tbo ol y. We nio thus tnuSled to cuppiy car customers with BOSOMS OF UNEQUALLED QUALITY I lain Plait Skirt Bosoms, ail sizes of plait. Fancy Plait Bosoms, very tovntiful. Boys' Shirt Bosoms. Embroidered Shirt Bosoms. Woven Shirt Bosoms. IRISH SMUTING IINENS. Futilities of the best mnkos ot I-Ifrflf, liprted direct from tho Bleacliilolds ol 2viad. Kvery piece warranted for aurablUty, Heavy Golden Flax Irish Linen Housewife IriEh Linen. Imperial Irish Linen. Kedium Irish Linen. Fine Light Irish Linen. ' Linens for Housckeepors. Linen Eheetings, Pillow Casings, Darwisk Table Liner.3, Table Cloths, Napkins, Towellings by the yard, Towels, Etc. Etc. Hotels and Steamboats supplied at PACKAGE UfcOlWE M1LLIKEN, Importer and Sealer in Linen Goods Only, 91702310, N" HW AlllJil tret- (IKTAIK ESTADLbllUEST. The Subscribers are now receiving Auelr FALL ASaOUT.VT OV KEW AND ELEGANT M ATEKI AI.S FCB DRAWIKO-ROOM, CHAMBES, LIESARY, ani niNINQ-ROOM WINDOW CUIITAINS, Laiiibrcquins, Chair and Sofa Coverings, Etc., Conn rlB na: the Latest Importations and Newest Dc sigLiS oi d Fabrics, lu I.1CI1 VLaIN SA1IS8, ltliOCATELS, LA Mi ISADE8, bll.K lEKRr, COTELINK, BAT1N DK LAiE, I'LAIis WOOL IiEre, New Sty'o Broche and Satin Striped Beps and Terry, Fienili Kmbroidcrctl I.ace C'urtalus, 'lhe richest imported, and a very large assortment of OTI tillAto. MVVLSrt A SI) MLTKLIM UUKivliNS. ColiM K8, TASM-L8, ETC.atl of which wlilbePUf V I' whin desired In the newest and most ts-iteiul man ner lu tOKUor country, by txyonenced aud reliable vorkmen. SKEPPAKD, VAN HARLTNGEN & ARRISON, 9 U tm 6m Ho. 1008 CU ESN O S Street. E J U U 11 1 11 311V1VEI1 L,l UUIIJ Oi-LTIkEi, ll AU. 107 VS. KlUIiTII KfUKRI', ,,iii.i,lf l. in I, I.wil 1)1 mi,,i 'ii,l, ,n r our Doors irom Arch. I mould most rcsnectiullv aiuiouuce to tne Ladies pentruliv 1 1 at l Imve now open a most carom. ly se lected block Ol KALI, MILMPiKllY UOOliS, I'ouit rlsln? i Kl MMIaO AND BONNET KIBUOJT. In all v.uiba, qualities, i.nd stiles. V',LVlcT HUlbONS, ISIncV colored, everv wld 'h ud shade. BONNET VELVETS, SATINS, SILKS, In all desirable shades. Also, a bandit mt assorttnent of FkiNCIi LOWEK.S, i'ftAili..R. PLTM I 8, ETC., LAnit K' AimI il OtL,oa.iS'8 UAfs Oi the nn nest shapes and sines urnaoieuts, Mallno-i.. 1 he bust FBitNC'll AMD NKW YOK YORKBOIMBX FKAMl W, which wi 1 ba ail sold at trie lowest market price.. No. trouble to show sooos. .IITT.IUB NK IIKL,, 27 1st Ho. HI N. KHl: Til street. Country orders carefully, linretot'ore attended tu. IOCTOBElt DRY GOODS I OUK PRICES ABE DECIDEDLY BEASOMABLL. Ileautlfui Piald I'opllus, Cashmeres, elc. Fine I'lnio Fupllus. Aleilnoes, Em , reus Cloths, etc. Excellent bhick Alpacas, All wool De.aiues. etc French Chintzes, lullcoea, 01nKhaui. ChechA. etc. SUtiKJl BKOOHE AND FAISLEY SHAWL3! Ladles'. Misses' and Children's Blanket Shawls. Linen Goods In eat variety, cheap and irood lilankeui. Flannels, ricklugs, Quins etc eto. A spicudld stuck of doths . nd Canslmeres at JOSKl'H II, TJIUUiLIY'St lLate Thornley A ChUm's). N. F.. COR EIGHTH AND WI BNO AKiir.S. P. S. Bleacbed and Unbleached Musllus at lowest miukt prices. lu 1 ti CHEAP DRY GOOdS. CARPETS, OIL Cloths and Window Shades. V. E. ARfiriAM- BAVJLT, N. K. caruer of ELEVENTH aid MAIltivf MrrsetH opened this morninK. tiom auction, lilu pieces ot mgriilu C'urpets, at ouly AV, (12, 76. He . Ui, SI 25. and 1-S6. Entillsh Tupcsti-v Bruwe s Carpets, onlv 8l':)U, worth tft 50. Thiee ply luioerlal Carpats, only ti 20. tie jti uruem inc. iiuk arpfis, ,toc .nur aruiAIuir' ar cm, zoo to arm. r.ooruu iioms, uzo. woolen irUkuetB. 17i. stair Oil Cloths. '2Aj. Whinnw MiautH, $1 up. Plain Shsdlni: 6Uc. Muslins. li;C. rutnneis. ate. jqiuiikhis so. calicoes, mo. Cloths, ti. Culmere. al, .utlnets, &IIC. AlDiica. 87c. .Merinn P2e !tote for great bauaius, N. K. eoiaea ELliVKNTH and MAKKET Mireets. 921 la QEILINO AT A (JREAT SACRIFICE ALL O colors ot Klk Olmp and Girdles, Pancy Chains id Cnmbs belt Buckles aud Slides. Linen HnnilkHniii,.i allot colors Alpaca braids and Skirt Braids, 81. k and oiunuir uiuumu iiueu ruirt jtvoouia hi rnaim aoturor h prlceB, oic. ladles. Kive us aeall beiore buying e.e wtere, 10 convince yovrseives ol tacts VVllLilAJU A.U.N4Ult!r4U'rKt.'8, No. 103 N EIO II I'll xtreet 9 ?7 1m Nextto the N. K. eor. Kluhth and s rcli T CHAMBER S, O . . No. 810. ACa STUEET. ovemes opening oatlv in HEAL JLACK UtlODfl, KJIBHOIDERIES, WII1VIB fUMIIH. Thread Vel's Parpalns uamurio i ucinpsona insrrJn;rs. Bcai Val., I Inm Collnrs, flufls Sleeve etc. a si i n I R. LEE, 11. 43 NOUIH F.IOHTH-8TBEET. 8TJCCKSHOR TO WVl. wtn.soi ir Will reopen our new tore, No. 43.NI.arth Vlghtb. st.(Waf uuck ltd estHblishod tiUnj), ,n Alonaaf uiormiu n' Xt, Ottober 8th, with aa eutimlv now stock of Dry Clouds, urcuaeed within the past woes for casu. sr.. It. LICE, lfl-3 4t No 41 v"rth Klifhth Mtree . TF YOU WANT TO FIND A LARGE ASSORT 1. ment In lllaok and Colored Velvets, of all w.uths, no to WILLIAM LOKNURSTIDTEII'S, No, Wi N. EIO -ITU rtreet, ' 27 ltu v( xt to the K. U. cor. EhihiQ und Aro . I ROCKHILL & WILSON, Ilroun Stone Clothing Hull, Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila, Ready-Made Clothing for Men. Heady-Made doming for Youth. Beady-Made Clothing for Boys DRY G0GD3. WOOLLEN GOODS. SIX THOUSAND YARDS. LADIES' WEAR. Fvoctcd Beavers. English Whitney Velvet Beaverm. Aatrsxkiana. ChlnchiIL WhitaClcth Seurlot Cloths. Middlese Cloths 1 ' Waterproof CMta. KSN'8 WEAR. BUc Mixture for Baits. Fine Black Cloths. Fine Black Caaaimcmes. Carfflt Beavers. .xtra Heavy Overcoatings. Fancy ftuaincrcs, $160. Harris (xuaiaieres. Biolle CAsmmeres. BOYS' WEAR. AU-Wrjl Cassimowa, S100. Handsome Neat Styles, SI "25. Very Heavy Dark Stylos, tl'25. Fine Light Weight and Col&s, 31-50. Cadet Orey, All Shades. Boys' Overcoatings. J. C. STMWBU1IM3E & CO, N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKKT. 61 3m p It I G E & WOOD, N. W. Cornsr EIGHTH and FILBEBT, Have Just Opened 1500 pair Kid Gloves, host quality imported, 24 per pan. Jouvin's Kid Uloves, best quality. Ladies' and Cents' Hosiery and (;;ove. Ladies' Linen Cain brie Mki. Uenls' Linen Ccmbrio Bulkls. Ladies' and Gents' UensLlched Bokfs. lliaok and Colored, Velvet Kibboi.s Kos. 4 and 5 Corded l'.rijre Iti'jbous JUest makes Bleached and Cnhleached Muslins. FLANNELS I FLANSKLHI All-Wool snd Domet Flannel. All-wool Shaker Flannels.. Domet Shaker Flannels. Fine Quality Sack Flannels. Heavy Grey and Bed Twil ed Flar-nols. Best makes Bleached ftad Unb-eaclied t'anton Flannels, eto. etc. Handsome Flaid roplins, l'iain A 11-Wool Foplins. Ail-Wool Delaines and Merino-. Handsome French Uhintzji. Good quality Black Alpacas,, very cheap. PRICE & WOOD. IS. W. Corner EIGHXH and FILBKKT SU. K. CL' dies' and Gent'' Merino Vests, at loss than wholesale prions IB 18 PARIES & WARNER, Wo. 229 North NINTH Street, HAVE.OjeHttKD TO-OAT, 1 case Cotton aid Wool Shake Flannels, 81c. 1 do. Fine QO. do. do. do. 40c. Yard -wide all-wool Hhaker Flannols. All-wool Flannels, 85, 87.'., 15. 60 to 81. Heavy Bed and Grey I willed Flannels. Double-width alLwoolBhirtuiK Flanuols, 81-40. All-wool Cassimore, for boys' weat, 8fj, 90, and 95c. Large size all-wool Blankets, 86 76, worth $8. Crib Blanket, job lot, juat received, SI -75. Bleached Canton Flannels, 28 81, iCj. and 40c. Unbleached do. do. 20, 22, 25, 31, 23, 85, and 37 io. Bleached Murlms, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, to 3Uc. Unbleached do. 18,21, 25, 28c, eto. 85o. lor li yard-wide i'illow-case Muslin. Ladies' and Gents' Mecio Vests, all prices. Heavy rower-leom labWlilnens, 87Jo to tl. Lintu Handkerchiefs, Towels, Napkins, Crash, et?.. Fine ossoi truest Calicoes, 15, 163, 20. 22, and 23c. Boys' colored bordered, litikis., from auction, 15c. Ladies' and t.onip' Houjory ai lowest pnees. Hoop Skills, vsojrauted for six mouths. CustoKurs will Qii'i our prices ngUt, for what wo save in expenses w take oil of prolius, consequently can sell lower than, those under enormous expense. FAKIEB & WAUXEU, 9 2JJ No. 3!J9 North NINTH Street. f.0. 1W4 CULMJT otreet. E. r1. NEEDLES. Straapers and others will And at No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET A large and complete assortment ot LACES AND LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS. VEILS, Lli'liU UULLAB3 AND CUFFS, SLEEVES, ETC.. ETC. ETC., In (treat variety, and at LOW FBICES. E. M. NEEDLES. 189TIH XflVbWH ) KOI OM T SIMPSON'S SONS', riu. vat ria niocfir ...MO. vi Dealers lu Linens, W bite and Dross Goods, Embroi deries. Hosiery, Gloves. Corsets. Handkercnlels l'iain and DemBtiiched. Hair. Nail, Tooth, and Flate Bruahes tombs, I'laln and Fancy Hoapa, Penumery, Imported and Domestic Funs and Full Uoxes, and an endless vanety of Motions. Always on band s complete stock of Ladles', Gents', and (Ilil Uien's Uudorvosts una Drawers; Kuglish ana Uermsn Hosiery In Cotton. Aierno, and WooL lib. Cradle Bi il Ked Blankets. MarnelJIes, Allendale, Lancaster, nd Honey Comb Quilts. 1'ub e Linens, Nankins, Towels, Vlaln and Colored, t.enuaii Boll. Kussia aud American Crash, Burlaps. Buliuidvale, Welsh, and Shaker in all grades. A lull line ol Nursery Diapers ot all wldihs at T. MMPSON'S rOlVS, DRY GOODS. QUE A TEST FUENCII MERIN0IAS IN THE OITY. MPBK.S CI.OI II POPLINS. ?!L ' u iVi ( 1 1 A A DfcOM K FLII eOt-LlfJ1, A d sgrt at virhy 0i new sal choice FALL snd WIN TtU DIKB OOOOH.mtsily of OVIl OWN IMPOUTATI'JW, And all tt v iv law prices. lltt II. STEEL c BON, Ilea. 713 and 715 U. TENTH Street. QOTION GOODS AGAIN AOVANCIHO. Netwi'Dfl'.an'llrig the reeent advtnss in prices ni Ko mestlcs we arr still selling at die same iow orlops w dirt a n octu ano. OUOI) VIUaLiTV FAST COLOR OILI'JOSS, U l HLi-ACUm MlTMvs,U to 84 CP.H VS. r Mtl.FAt H K ti Mt !ll.l8, lt0 26PK(r8. UrbT 1AK.8 CANrO.M iLnNNKW. M to W CT ALlWOOL WHITE FLNSHL, 3!H ani f) OT9 IAKO WIDE BAI LAliDV.i i, I', rL IHS ,!,. 6S CKA1H. II. fciTCICET ste SOTV, 10 0 8t No. 713 snd 715 N. TBNTn Ht. TILL OPEN THIS MORNINQ, bplendld qnalitr COflDKD 8ILJC poPLinrs, Also, one Involes ot IUI.SU POPLINS, In eh otoe shades. A lull lino ol' LUPIN'S FBKNCII IIUBINOBs, from S1-2S to SI-7J. 1 have now la stock, a complete and elngartt asvirU tnent ot rloli FLA IN, PtiAID, AKD STRIPE POP LIN a, A II- wool P ; a ids. only 71 cents. KH0 yards two yards wide KNULISII MKRnVOEf, cull the choice sliadjf, tH yards lor s drcM, only !, MUSLINS! MUSLINS! Oood old Waltham Hhlrilng inly 25 cent j. llesl ft- Plliow ( asc Muslin tor HI cents. Ail the most popular makes at low prices. A lull line of SIIAKKIt, nLHnDVIt,LE, OPERA, ANU FLAll) llllO IKU KLANNKL. Heavy I ed Twll'ed Flsnnel . onlv 37K cents. Good Canton flannel, eiy tit cents. G. D. WISH AM. 9 K m f 3ra SO 7 N. I lftHTH STREET. AUCTION SALES. 1 BSCOT T. J IL., AUOTI .Ko. lri CHESNUT BTltKV.T. B H Kr 2i OAKP We are now prsnsred ta make arranffameats Inr tpetiul sa.ea ol Oil I'alutiuH, Matuury, or any oihur Works tt ,ri uur locutlmi benm in the centre oi ts most ir.tihiish e thoroughfare ol our city, ruhkei It tienlralne resort lor coouomseurs and lovors ot ar ia . ftencral 11. Sales of merchandise In pencrai sollcl'ed I'er sonal at enuen .iven lo ou -door sules. li. Hco tt. Jit fMlAKLKS C. MACK El, AUCTIONKRR, NO. olti MAIiKE I' fctrcct. between Third and Fourth. KF.GUXAK 8ALK OF CKOCKI'RV (ILHW.tRS, .lAPANNKD WABB. A D MISt ELLA.vEOUrl OOOOU. on 'I uenOiiT Mnrulng. ComtiiencInK atAJ4 o clock sbaru lu lots sultablirr olt and couniry retail store-keepers. liiit P A N C O A S T A VY A R N O C K . ST S .III Ak-tiLiTlLi NO. 4U VAKKRT KtTMt. MEDICAL. QHEltOKEE PILLS. Or Female Regulator, Cure Huppresscd, excessive, and FamiUI Henstruatloa, Green MeknMis, .Nervous and hplnal Allactloos, Fuius In iho Back, slok lleadacbe, uldainess, And ail d'seases that spring irom irregularity, br re moving tne cause and all tbo effects that ariss iro.u It. . 1 hey are pencot y sale iu all cases, except when tor blilden by directions, aud aro easy to administer, as tiiey ure nicely tugar-cuau d. 1'hev should be in the hands of ol every muiueu, wife, and n other in the laoa. Ladles can addresH us lu portent coallileuue, and stata tbelr complaints in tul . as ne treat all Female Cou p aints. and prepare Medicines suitable ior all (linnanim which iliey are subjeot Thirty-two page pamphlet, in a sealed envelope. Iree lhe I herokeo I'll" are fco'd hy all drairala t st 81 oor box. or Blx boxes for 8: csthey are sent b' mall, true ot postajio. In an ordinal- 1st er, tree from observation, by addrcosluir tbe sole proprietor, . Or. W. R. MERWIN, No 37 WALK.tR streot. New York. U. B Cherokee are prepared for ipic al ca$ when milder lnediaiuos tali; ihei-e are seat br mall, free ol postase, on receipt of 86, tin price uftacK box. . DR. WRIGHT'S REJUVENATING ELIXIR, OR, ESSENCE OP LIFE, Cures General Debl itv, Weakness, Hysterics. In Females, l'alpitation oi the lleart, and. all .Nervous Diseases. It restores new lne and vmor to the aged, causing tha hot blood ot youtn to course the veiui, restoring- tbo OrnatiH ol Generutiun, removing lui potency aud Oeol Ity, and reHtorlnn munliness, and ,ul vUjor, thus proving a peifect ' Klixirof Lova," removing Sterility na I Bar renness in both sexes. To-the young mlditie aed aud BKeu. there Is no greater, boon than ibis "feiilxlr of Lite " It (jives a new lease of lite, oausiuu the weuk aad deblll. ta'ed to have renewed renuth and viirur, aud the euOro system to thrlil with jov and pleasure Price One bottie, i three bottles, S5. Sent by ex press to any address. Our nieulciues are told and recommended , bv all tb soeciable druKKi' nver part ot the clvlllaed c otte. Hume unprincipled dealers, however try to deceive tbelr cuHtomeis by nelllnit cheap and worthless compounds In order to make monev. Be not deceived auk for these Medicines an l take ro others if the drug! does not keep tbem. write to ns. and we will send tbem by ex press, caielully packed, Iree irom observatlsn. We will be pleaned to receive letters with mil statements in re gard to any dineaxe with which aJlea or goatlemen are allllcted Addreps all letters for medicines, pamphlets, or advice, to the sole proprie or, Or. W. ft. MERWIN, 6 11 mwfSrp No. 87 WALKER Htreet. New York. K. HUNTER, .No. 44 N. SEVENTH B', Atiwjrj c,i,uLni, i-niji.uir,iii'tll& Acknowlednedity all vartft interested as by lur tne WOoi BU CEHSFUL PH81;CIAN In the trestinentu JXteatet in hit tpeetalty. QUICK TDOBOl'GH, andpermanmt cures guaranteed in eterv" esse. Remember DR. HPNT K'H tTeiehrated Kemedlns . can ouii 1 e bud genuine at his old es'abiisbj (Otice, No 44 N SKVKMU Btreat bov Filbert. Iisii ALL PERSONS WHO DO NOT ENJOY the b-css ng of good health nan obtain relief by corisiiiimt; Ur. KiSKt-LlN, German pb'aielan Dr K In feel In treatk I d'Bca-es aud at ministers nls nn medicines. They are pure, safe, and reliable. He InviKsal person sufierlnr ticm dvseaso U call on him. i onsuitation Ire dnrlav tho dav and oflloes open till llo'c tck In the ev -ninv. N W. corner oi 11UKD and UMUJI Htrecta, between Spines and lino treeta. 8 U 6m "VTEURALGIA CURED BY A SINGLE APPIJ XN cat'on of"CFbAAl' MAGNKTIC OIL." Hi'd at rPi.Ai'8. Mo. 25 r. ElfJBTU street, and by all O'tH'nlstn. ffl e-f. .n hrtitle In 1 S i- IF YOU WANT PERFECT SATISFACTION in every respect, buy the celebrated tiisi.j'j COAL, Kkii and Htoiesraes. st 7 per ton Also.tlis genuine LaOLE VEIN COAL, same sizes, same p ice, and a ery fine quality of l-KBI -U, r pg and Ntove, at 7 Stliier ton I keep nothing bit tbe best. Orders re e'riKo 114 Month THIBH , JW JJEADSTONES, MONUMENTS, ETC. ETC LABGB COLLECTION BEST MARBLE. TWFLFTH STREET, ABOVE BIOGB A VKNOB. 9201a, CnABLK" FINWK i. TpXTKA BOUNTV.-THE PA YMA8TB8 JL'J General ha ordered the prompt p-V meat ot tbee calms. I nave an me sieee-r. mm" "I'".. :",., Ir application and can lnr a uae y ,tt'tJ ""': (iKOt'llS W. FOKO, ho. HI DUCK BliSSt oe be'.ow Tlird street. . lULari