I THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THUKSDAY, OCTOBER d, I860. toting tlcgraplt rilOLISIIKP J5VKRY AFTERNOON FVDAT8 EXCrTTPD), AT 1BF. rVIMNO ItLlGHAfll BUILDING, No. 1UN S. Third Street. Trice. Three Onto Per l opy (Double Hheet), or Million) Cn s 1 cr H u: . pojaolo o the Carrier aud mailed to u rtrilrni out o the city at Mno Dot bis I cr Annum One lio iur ami Fl tv f'entu for Two Month. Invar ab 3 In advance for the period, ordered. THURSDAY, OCTOUEU 4, 1SGG. Does Andrew Johns on Ilpmsntbjr? So abc elt a year has passed by since Andrew Johnson peribrinad a certiln official act wliic i gained him tho appliuse of every honest man in the nalion. A clerk in one of the depart ments at Washington refused to pay over t3 the committee appointed for the purpose of assessing the Government clems, any portioi o the salary to which he was entitled by law. For this contumacious independence he was either dismissed or threatened with dismissal, when the facta in the case cane to the ears of the President, and he ordered his immediata reinstatement. Cut tins did not satisly the indignant President, wr.o furthermore decreed that the independent clerk should be pro moted to the flist vacancy above him that might occur In his bureau. Whatever moave influenced the President to take this coii:-bp, he rertainly gained by it tho approval of every one who would strike a blow at ona of the most fruitful sources of corruption in oar system of government, Andrew Johnson has now an opportunity to reeain at least a small share of the favor with which he was at one time regarded by patriotic and honest men. The so-called "National Union City Executive Committee," who have their hraoiquarters at tho ofllce of the Collector ot Internal Revenue ior the First District, No. 247 S. Third street, in this city, recently passed a resolution, of which the following is a topy : "Unsolved, That the oiliceraot this Committee be and iliev are nercbv autuoried t.j caiine an HKfrssment nJ coliecuo.i tj be inidt? nu all Federal offioe-nolilers iu tun city, otouo per cent, on their aimu il fiinric?, nn'i that tl.e re spec ive heads o- not 'iej, o tni nrr.in.'p nientscun dc madj tl) in for the early UHessmeut ami oliecl o.i o t ae same." In accordance with this resolution, a printed c'rcu ar, bearing the date of October 1, ha been addressed to the head of every Federal office in the c'ty, informing him of tho action of the Committee, and requesting immediate compliance with its behests. lie is instructed to select some one in his depart ment to make the specitled assessments and collections, and to pay ovor the same, on or before the 5th instant, to Jolin F.Preston and Lawrence Tob'n, receiving from the u a receipt by way of voucher, lie is further more informed that the money must be paid to Messrs. Pieston and Tobm in their prooer persons, "as no other persons or committee in tho interest of 1'iWideut Johnson's Adminis tration are authorized to make collections from Federal officers in this canvass." The circular closes wuh a grand flourish, to the effect that "Eternal V'ilance is tie price of Liberty," and bears the signatures ot II n. William F. Johnsto i, Collector ot tho Port, as President, and William McMullin, ot tho Fourth Ward, and S. E. Cohen, who recently published a Sunday newspaper, as Secretaries. It the attention oi his Excellency has not already been called to this document, we would most humbly perform that office, ex pressing at the same time our profound con viction that it will meet with prompt and decisive action on his part. Cbatlrs Bnckwalter Opposed to Abraham Lincoln and the War lor the Union. We have heretofore given our readers ex tracts iroin two speeches oi Charles liuc'.c walter. t ne ol these addresses was delivered September 17, 1803, in which he denounced the suspension ot the writ of habeas corpus by Mr. Lincoln, although done In pursu ance of an act of Congress; assorted that he was carrying on the war upon "abominable principle?' that the people were "at hit mercy;" and advocated a resolution that his great Emancipation Proclamation was "un constitutional and impolitic." The othar was pronounced at the Keystone Club. No vember 4, 1801, shortly after was beaten for Congress by lion. Leonard Myers. In this declared himself opposed to the war, and to unconditional submission of the lii'bals ; called those carrjiug it on an Abolition parly, who were the cause of the war, and were trampling on the rights of the South ! This same Charles Buokv. altar, the cZe famer of Abraham Lincoln, is now the conservative ( ?) caudidate lor Cougruss against Hon. Leonard Myers, tho friend and supporter of Mr. Lincoln. The flics of the Aye will prove these extracts to be genuine, and merely specimens of the malignant spirit which breathed throughout Mr. Buck waiter's utterances dur ing tbe war, worthy only of Vnllaudigham William B. Eeed, diaries Ingersoll, Ben jamin Harris, or of Ueister Clymer, whom Buck waller is now supporting lor Governor. We refer to these speeches, that tha people mav examine for themselves, and vote uudsr standingly, remarking that we have not yet done with the speecnes ot Mr. liucKwaiter The citizens of the Third District who revere the memory of Abraham Lincoln will, by their votes next Tuesday, again teach him that the people hold the same opinion that General Grant does of those who, In time of war, sympathize with the enemies of their country.. Let every Republican election officer see that the law is enforced ou deserters allowed to vote. Let him refuse to receive the ballot of all such, and be not overawed by violence. Tbe people and law will sustain him. Itow tho Democracy Hope to Can? the State. Mr. William A. Wallace f beyond all doubt a most active Chairman of a State Central Committee, and if ho could but Infuse some of his enthusiasm, determ'mUom, and absence of all scr iples into his followers, he might hope to win the State by ono of tbiso ?igantc frauds which the Democracy are so renowned tor perpetrating. Occasionally, however, ho oversteps himself, and his le'ten tall into the hands of his adversaries. Such Is tho case with "Circular No. 4," which was issued by htm and sent to J. B. Sansom, of Indiana county, from the headquarters of tin Democracy in Walnut str-ct. This rich document, published and vouched for by the Ilarrlhburir Telegraph, reveals a plot to carry the State by the vilest means known to a popular election by fraud, ballot-box stuff ing, ni.d colonization. Wc do not intend to make any comments on this circular, but merely to give some ex tract from its advice. Speaking of the re ceipt of deserters' votes on which the Demo cracy set proper value, as it is well known that all who fled from their duty in the tryiug hours of the war now sympathize with the Democratic party Mr. Wallace says: "The only evidence of doieition is foe record of conviction. The u-t of A-nerabl f knonas the MeConmiL'h.v law is totally voi J as icarls all other canes, imrt I desire to impress it upon ynn and our lri -nils that the la v is with us in tiiis matter, and that we will be sustained m re: eivine these votes in every e;rc, and will b"? iiiH i fled in n eortiup to ulmust every means to poll Hum. None ot the iieniilties mposej by tli.vt !a-v can ever be etvorvl; I bavt the very ):ii!l!0t authority lor declaring this to yo i." Here is n direct incentive to resort every means to compel the officers to receive these fraudulent votes. But the case is expressed still stronger. In the Democratic counties he advises : "Where wc have the PresMcnt. Jurlse, the Dl.-trict Attorney, and reliable juries, the case is a verv plain oiie. The votes must, 1p poller!, and joii must threaten the Republican otliocrs, and ful 11 your thrca:s. This will depose of tbe matter in tbe Democratic counties. In ih"6e counties in wh'cti the Republicans hav the iiulpe, juries, and District Attorney we mu3t bo specially active in sustaining awt upholdinir our elertion officers, and if v.e can f-uccee;i in get ting them lisiht, tho whole trouble ts red ieed to Republican d'ttnets In thr'r counties. Here the listK amuu become useful, unO I advise Unit our friends change the voter (if it can be done) into a D inoenit-c district over ten days before the election." nere it is intended that (he officers of the law be threatened, and the threats be fulfilled. The powers of law are to be oveiawed by gross violence, and brute lorce rule where legal authority alone sh mid hold sway. At the same time colonization is countenanced, and the law forbidding any man to vote who changes his residence in order to do so is totally ignored. That a desperate effort t secure that vote is to be made, is shown by the whole letter, more especially the follow ing paragraph : The Hrt thing to he done is to keen our election officers I ally up to the mark, and sua tun them i; receiving these votes. 1 advise tbat a circular higned by tbe District Attorney and the Democratic raumb'Tj of rho bar, distinctly pointing out their duty under the law, and givmL' the point oeciil- d in lluber vs. Reilly, and assuring, them that, tho aci of Assembly cannot mid suall not he cu'orced agunst tueni, be placed in each of the r hands." But we need quote no more. Which is the illegal pur'y ? Which canses violation of the law? That the leaders of the Demo cracy esteem such desperate means necessary, is sufficient evidence that the cause is almost hopeless; and the publishing of this infamous circular will incite every man possessing state pride to renewed exertion to defeat these schemers' desperate and illegal efforts. Wk pnbl'sh elsewhere in Tiie Evening Telic.kapii to-day the able and elaborate rpecch of Hon. Charles Sumner, delivered in Boston, and also a full phonographic report of the ora'ion of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, which was listened to last night by thousands ot our citizens. In times of great political excitement like the present, it is well that the views ol tried leaders be given to the people, and the record of Messrs. Sumner and nainlin is such as to demand attention for all their expressions. The ex-Vice-President still remains in tho city, and will be tendered the compliment of a serenade this evening at the La Piene House by the Union League. It will take place at 10 o'clock. Bi-.wARE of Last Cards. The Demo cracy, rendered desperate by the certainty of defeat, are holding back until the last day some damaging falsehood against General Ceary, and hope, by then publishing it, to prevent the falsehood being refuted tor want offline. All such lust cards are falsehoods, and will not deceive even the most ciedulous and doubtful of the people. Lady Hamilton, the f. iend of f ord Nelson, vas nce rowed ashore by one ol Nelson's sailors, whom she deemed deserving ot some courtesy at her hands. "Will you have a glass of rum, a mug of beer, or a tumbler of punch?" inquired the lady. "If you please, responded Jack, with his best bow, "I will take the rum noio, and toss off the mug of beer while your ladyship U mixing the punch for me." General Dix seems to have Inherited Jack's comprehensive appetite. RELIGIOUS. Csugrcaa Enilomod and the President's Comae Denounced by the Wcnteru MethodUtH. Quincy, 111., October 3. The annual German Methodist Episcopal Conference for tbisdidtrict. including: Missoun, Kansas, Nebraska, part of Iowa, and Illinois, cio&ea us session nere yea terday. There was a large attendance, between eighty ana ninety ueruiau ministers oetna: pre sent. The Convention was presided over by the well-known American Bishop Simpson, liej'ore adjouvniue it adopted resolutions, without a dis pelling voice, eoiniueiKimjr tJOHgreBs, and parti culurlj favonne tho Constitutional amendment, and disannroviusr President Johnson's nolicv. The General Methodist Conference, whicb met a week or two since at Ulooiuiuirtun. IU.. adontcd KiQiilar resolutions, a also did the Methodist (Vmterenco recently iu session at Laporte, Ind. TLe siens of tho times are not to be db-reeardod. and show tbat the treat body of the ilethoitist Cburcnis truly ijai. DEFRAUDING THE GOVERNMENT. A Claim Agent, of Washington, Charged with Swindling the UoTcrnintut-The KulK ot Arabia In New Orleans. NfcwOHLKANe, OctaUr 8 A liue awlmlle or the OovtiiiUioul, to the mnoui.t of aoout hall a mil lion dol ar, has Leon uuoiulbod by tuned Sutei ciwcctivi Ti e party implicated 1 .1. Lowoullml, of fiio 'Ofl i'euiiat irama avonuo. WaxhiiiKion, wno In a o aim aent luore, and who loft uore omorday to avoid a. rtut, ae a warrant wat out lor him It mid iliat 'Ovoral pav manor wh.. fUlii the tior" are partner ol too i Tiudii r Ittllnend iui. nar ti'Uam to inorn.w, aa aflideviU havo bocu fl ed tottmir loith i h o f ids. l oionel AlcWe whoso orroat by the departnent conuiiiLiUtr a alruaily been anno ilcpcI, .a a bun oil. cor oi I bo Kmidia ot Arabia, oi raioli llalu aiioted iu Atw Yoik, In tiiand C unnuuid' r. I liavo a coi y ot ilie.i in-lmn iron, wu oil 1 1 aru tliiu (heir taijiot n tin arm"i emigration lo a coun try not nanivd, wiio-o products uie todiono, oo ion. Miliar, anu ciUce. 1 liniu iruui rehauie no a ret tiiai tho Kniubca iJo not proiiose to tio ato out ncu irmity luva lliey io einbarlc tins moath, bat UK) aiiem ol Dam and V.civ sha mutoriailr iuur loird with thou- ola. K. I'MbaMf ti e oominan(lr 0 ibi" pariiuont will br .v.-s. mo bitUt uumi tho expedition, t.olonoi Mclvosixn itoiinino soattUn eiiilcmaii a lint Rlmul J. et, unil Iui'-,M jo'tv's Co. tul i weiUlnir xo obtain ins ro ease, as bi ba com untied no oveii net iipaiiint tho lawn ol tins Uovurn. iiieht, except boiu a Cc fiterate oilicer. Ktw Oklhaks, Ooiouor 3 Evonlnf I lure learned luitlier partiou ars ot Lonontnal's frauds. It ai lOars. as olalm a?ent iu WuHhiuirion, ho was in the habit ol jetting Irom 0. Diub e, .Votary l'ub bc, ot Huh city, blank sworn affidavits s-U n f irtk tbat cortaio aiscbarued piivalon ot n-Kimoins woro enialed to certain amouuis ot bavk pay and bouuey. 1 bo blank sll.diivils were familiar to liiwou hil, who lil.cd tiicm up by toreiDK uampg ot niuciiarired soidii-18, and by innorsiiiK tlicui, koi o iooks lor Hie amount l'om lav master A. U. Kobiujon, and oiliers of Wasbiujtton Ouo of tho dmeoiivos was pieteiit, and saw him ioi)ro several ot these doou u. tuts. A warrant was lamed yesterdav by Jmlo A urns tine, oi:a plnceo in tho I ands ol United Ma es War slial bu litt, Lilt Low. niiiul bad lolt lot Washing ton, taiiviufi wilh h in about twenty cliecks ol Irom 10MO 800 It is usnerted tliut a lurire number of 1 armarium and citizens are partner ol Lo yeurhal in tl.e swihd.'cs, h lucli auiouut to about $1,IMK),0JJ. JSiw 1 ot k Jkraltt foi'ies About five tnous:ud Coolies were pent to Ihe Wet Indies last .enr. Ton per cent, ot the whole number died on the voyaae, anil one shipload of two huudre.1 and bixty-t o souls were lost at eea. Tho ucurvy has caased many deaths. SPECIAL NOTICES. r-rjMTJJAViRo.- -WE COPY TIIK FOLLOW- ax-- inn nicritorlons notice ot this moot delicious pcrlume Horn Forney s l'reiu .Vi jAViro. T lilo delicious new perfume ior tho banukrrcliici, istililiout a rival for delicacy, duratillltv. mid richness. In fact, ot all pertumcs the traraat ilujuviro(of l:ufin orlKin) may be callea the quintes sence. Ki r sale by ail the prineipal druirtilsts. CT II OiulD " COK fc VO , H . K. corner ol H r Til and CH BS KDI' Blreitfi. l'hila.!clihln, and TiilJ.a.SK ItU l.o IMisew 1 ork, urc uni ntb i..r tli" "lELKGUAru ' unj lor the Newspapers ol tho wlu le country, 7 3tiliu4p IOV eOl CO, All AISNA E. DiClvlA'feON AT TU ACADEMV OF A1USUJ. THIS 1 V E N G. Subject "THE KKJKCTKD STOKE." Iteecrvcd Beats SO cents Admission 2 cents Tickets for sale at iKUiirLLh'j Jluic bio, e, corner of M.Vr'.MIl and CUftSMJl' Mreoti, and at the A JADHIV Iu the livening Doors open at 7 o clock. Lectuie to CJiLm.nce at 8 o'clock. It Ol? I' ICE Or THIS KHA UOKIN COAL CO UPAY, No MB W ALM'T iNtruut. i niLADKi.eiiiA, Ocio.ier 4 IHGfl. A Hprcla1 Meeting ot the -t.ickholdtm or ihe ali.ive iinined company w ill bp. held at tiie tnllue, ou lUcs D. ) , tho Mti nt October n.-xi, at 10 o'c ock, to take lutu ceuHlderatiou tl.o mriher ucvo.opiuuut oi ihe Oom- puny property. liy ornor oi ineuouruui i'ireuiur, lu 4 15t C. 1(. LIDS V, Sqc-etry. POLITICAL. ir&r- (jlRAKD TUKCHL101IT PARADE OF 3' THBIMOS HaHTV Nor heiist mvi;iii. Ihe variutifi Waidn In tliiu Divlwimi wi 1 issainli.n fit thuir resi ec ive ulucon ot ni'iotluir. under tlio uumiiniiid oi tilt lr rispectne .Mahuin, uiid wi I proceed to tao place ot lorniauon oi tiie nuu us nil uv.it: ineiMAiu naniwui uiutwu uii iiiiru iu liroen, anu ha.t on I hird tttrciit. heiow ureeu . lie I'.luventli Wurd it. proceed to Green street, and hult ou 01 retail Bireol. liolow Third. 'ihcTwoittn Ward will prov ed to Third and Green S'.rteig, and ha t on Or, en atiiVe i hird. 'liie 'J lilttcentli Ward win proceed to Fourth and lin en, anu liait on Grvtn street uliofe hourt i. hen all thorn) wards have arrived at tiione nomia. thcvwlll li'Hrcli lu procession iu tho or er of ilie.r numbers, and under tbe command oi tliclr jilviiu ti.un.Uals, up linr.l street tv .Onurd avcuuu, aud there bait i be sixtccntti and Nevcnieentn warm win ro irch up Xhltd street uioe (ilrurd Avenue, mid there hult I he KluniU' utli mid Nineteenth WunU will m irch lo Hlruid avenue, and hull ou Girurc aveii ua below third Bireel. 'ihe lino will be lormed on Glrur.l avenue, and move at ti o' clock up 1 1 irard avenue to Mum, und cuunier iuurch down (jirurd uvunu ; to Second street, down beeond to Grteu, up Oreen io sixth, down s.xtu to liisnui up Cucsiiui to uruua.uunn itroud t mo niietmi;. the wlioio wu consist oi rive Division?, under the Culiiinu'id ot Di.lH'on HuiHiia h. as fellows: KirBt llviHlnn. coiiinriHiim the Sixth mid Elovonili AVarelH AlnrHbr.l. Lewis .hcotit beccind Division, coniimsiuK tie Tweitta and Thlr teeuth WardH, arshul, Hon l.couiird Mvers. Third Division, couioi'mnir me 'ixieeu n and Seven leemh W evils, Marsliul, i.'antmn Thum.n Vi.urth Iiivision. ciiuiiirloliiit the fcluUtecn'h Ward. Miirsbal .1' seph b. Allen. I'iith lilvl.ion eoniiirisln; tho Nineteenth V.'ard Jlar.lial, ,1. Fletcher i.udd. 'Ihe I'dlowlua have bacu appointed A Ida to the Chief junrhnm : V, 11 mill II. ltiirnnn, Win Alli'ieiidiliKer. Jr.. V T. Wullon, ' ltniiijiuiiii W. StneKort. imne beppard, jonn ec 1. dr., tleurv lluniin John 11 Jciirie And ihn will renert to the C'blel Marshal a. vn o'cloc.t istiirp , at : i.th nud Soring Gaideu sirceu. liy order oi Co onel WlLLl.v! li. M v. lain 1 bier Alsr.tinl. HEADQUARTKUS ItKlJJilICAN INVINCIBLES 1'HiLADELrhiA, Octo'ier 4, 1W. ORDKH No. 15. I Wenibera will asse.i ble at 6 o'cloo t, aharp, THIS (Thursday EVENING to proceed t Chester. It. TOKCHEs mustb i returned to the Hall. Ill It la expected t u,t all memb m will be prepared to take part in the GEtSa, i DISPLAY on Fi IDAV EVENING. BY ORDER OF OEOItoli TRUMAN, Jr., 14 MiiUSUAL. FOIl ALDEKMAN, XilTTII WAltD, WILLIAM S 12 luil W. DOUdllLlltTY. r"prV.HtENT'1 WAHD-8 E V E N T II r wViLV.?.r.,-,f:T',,n Union Kepabllcan e!tiom f 1 HIS tlhurilu ) KVKM NU, Bt 1 o'oiock . ,...,,"8.' P.H U COLLINS, chairman. i, ii. ir.li ca, ouaretary, lt POLITICAL. tW AT TOWN HALL, OKHMANTOWN, THIS EVENING, October 4, AT KIOUT O'CLOCK, JOHN GOF011TH, ESQ., WILL ADDRESS TIIH CITIZENS or THE TAVcntv-feocoiicl Ward. UN SATUIIDAV NIGHT, CURTBN AND GEARY. Ey order of the Union League of German to a. It KLI.W0OD JOHNSON, of Committee. 13$" EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE DISTllIOT. IK DEPENDENT CANDIDATE, JOHN IVL POMEROY. 10 1 7t3 rillLADELriHA. SEPTKMBEU 20. " lRi-e Hon. ltoniira ,vyern 81r : At a inectlUK ot the 1 hi auviuliia l)rUKKli"t Ware Ulnse BiuweV I.phkuh lii'id u tl.e KcnaniK ,n i n.ine lluuxc, lHur.i Uu evcuiriK Oepicinliei 'Jn, bbii, I wua uunniin.)U.-,lr licKilvcd, lhutavoto ot tliHiina hn toidemd to the Hon. Leonard Mvcra I, r hie iiroiiii,tness and ennruy lu lie-f li'iug our pctltioii.H lor an incrt'ue o t'leturlll on ti iiaaware, and lor bis able advocacr oi our clu uis lor nrotictiou Al.-o Kcnolvod That In him wc recoirnlxn A 1EUK Ftt F.NI) OK lilt. WOHKIi,(Jilt, audol 110 Mt iMUUSTRY ; and he It iii'lu r UeKoived, I bat a committee of two be appointed to preKentacooy ot the loicito nK ro.io.utiona to he Hon. Leonard ibyv. Vt'M. HvltM'.U Proddont A. KLA''K, Ri-c. Wectfturr. I'KTI-.R I) 1LY, H tiKOKGB K liUNLVP. J FALL STYLE HATS. THF.O. II. M'OALLA, Hat and Cap Emporium, 1 Jm4p No. 804, CIIESNUT Street. Q H I L D R E N'S CLOTHING. A Splendid Assortment in tho Latest Styles. Special attention is invited. fi3. SHOEMAKER & CO., Not?. 4 and 6 North EIGHTH Street. 10 4 tustu4ittj LYEK'S NEW NOVEL. "HE LEX FORD, A storv ot domestic Hie in Now York city; has OTcry clement oi popularity in it; and starts right nff wKh Kicat eclat All me rhllade ;hia Uooksel en sell it 1.)J1I.G, PUBLISIIKR, It BOSTON. QLOAKS, . CLOAKS, CLOAKS, CLOAKS, HEAEO.l!ARTI5g FOlt CLOAKS. The cueancst Cloak htoio iu tbe city. Small piullta und quick Biles. THE OLD STAND, WATKI.VS1, NINTH and CHKIIKY Streets. SEE TIIK PIUCKS. Vuterproof clonks, only 85. Wnterptout Cloaks, on y 85 Waterprooi t ioulta onl U5. Hcavv Beaver H cques triinuied 96 5-1. Beuvy Beaver Basques triinuied SO 60 , The old Original Cheapest Cloak Kiore in ttiecitv. IJAVI1J WaTKIKs, No. 1J1 N. NIN'IH Street N. E. coiner MNTll and CHEBUf. The Fldso Avenue and L'nion tine Can piss tho Store every two uilnutes. 10 2 tutlis'im RICH, HA UK AiS'D 111 LIABLE F U II S. Hudson's B.ivtnb'.e Muf.s, Collars and Berthas. I ine s-able x hu Vufls, I oUars and llerthcs. Siberian t quirrel MuBs. Collars and Bervhas. I.i al I oyal h rinliie Muffs, Coliarn and Berthas t lilldien'e t cm in evcrr varle y of i-'urs. n lmirenae saving In price bv npiilylutf for an earl selection at ihe CLOAK, MANTILLA, AND FUR EMPORIUM, No. 14 S. BEtOXD Street, U doors below Market. 9 29ftuth8m QHAS. LEWISSON. pilLVnNG AND STATIONERY CAN BE OBTAINED AT BUY SON fc SON'S, No. 8 North elXTH Street. I'bllauolphla,' At rates and with accommodation equal to any other estubl sbment in tbe citv. BOOKS ot o.mrv nioreliunls supplied with BLANK BmJKJl ot superior lindinir i nd ruling, and slAli.ts HiA 1 ION KY. at great harauina. , .,.vin WEDDiNU " 1 Da in imitation of ensravlng, at half the pilce ol pli.te work. BBstuthlm Ca l aud judge loryourscll. " 'u"'m "TJEADBTONES, MONUMbNTft, ETC. ETJ. LAhGB COLLECTION. pBI0E3. LOW 'luuBBBm MARBLE, nTDirrn DTRirrT ABOVE BIDOIH AVKSOE. 1m BTBE15T' " ' cHiBU riNjIfcY. OTAKCH. - 6110 BOXES IvOOD'M PEARL K1 j ni. march In s ore and lor sale by O no ulo6 B1Brcn' m ViLLIAM OVLA'IRB. B27tistn6t BITUATION IN A RETAIL tuie, by a young man. """ uie. b relereuce givwt, AddntM I li, Vi'l UiH VU1W. v o. I 500,000,000 AUK PHOMiaHD To the Heir of those who have taken Policies from the LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES OP TUB VNITKD STATES. 630,000,000 Axe Paid Annually into these Co-npaniea by the Assured. THE SAFE AND WISE INVESTMENT Of Ihrne Fund la all Important. SECURITY FOR AIL THE FUTUES iu the firtt consideration in this business Euth (security, Runranteed by THE GEEAT STATE OF NEW YORK, ii given only by THENOItTil AMERICA i r r i M 1 M INSURANCE COMPANY. Ihis Company also gives a World-Wide Policy h. D. MOKtiaN, rresldent. I. T. WLUWI, Vloe-l'rwldcnt. J. W. .t Kill LI., Broretarr. I. J. WtlUtUT. Actuary. NELSON F. EVANS, OKSKKAL AOKNT. rillLA DLLI'UIA BRANCH, No. 434 WALNUT STREET. Pa'I lit Ihf. flfllrp nr orA for Olrcnr. ilinr active LuhIiiiihii men. ol uood oddrcM wanted ior ai'tuclea. iviinnrpii EDWIN HALL & CO., 10. 28 mmil SEOXD STREET, Opened This Morning, Of their own Importation, Two Cases of bILK It IB BHD POPLINS, In all the new popular shades of colors, ALSO, TWO CASES OF FRENCH PJ.AID POPLIN'S, In Beautiful Designs, Wholesale and R Jt ill. 10 a tuthfSt4pl A. OB BKLAU A11E SIDE t Dclawaro Side ! Delaware Side! TIIK STATION ISLAND Fancy Dyeing Establislimunt. B ARRET r, NEPHEWS & CO,, No. 47 North EIGHTH Strjet, East Side. Tbe stand occupied by ua the past Seven ears. NO OTUK.it OtFICE IN TI1I9 CI IT I With the ad vnniat.es of an experieLce ot nearly FIFTY YtAliS ON VlAl'tN ISLAND, And facllltlet aianred re. ar .less ofexnoaje. we mar juslly claiui to oe, as we uiteua io remain, iHL MODEL DxLlNU AND tCOURINQ ESTA BLISHMENT OF AMERICA ! redid-' Dresses. Bhawls. ( loahs, etc.. Dyed success fully. All s yiea of Ladh' Dresses chaued without beuiH nppeu. " UlCNTLFMRN'S O HMENT3, Coals, Overcoats, Bunts Vests, eio , ,(.d or c caned BAKKETT, NPIIEWS & CO., No. 47 North r.IOUTII Street. Kast Side. Nos. 0 and 7 JOHN St.vet New York. No. 71H BROADvVA V, New York. No. 5409 FULTON Street. Brooklyn. IU 3 lnirD F. T. Q U I N L A N, No. 42$) SOUTH Street, Flrat Dry (ioola Store Below Flftli St. iias now orzs, FINE PARIS DRESS GOODS. PLAID AKD PLAIN POPLINS. FItlCNCll A IV D KNOLISll JI1.KIXOES. h-4 AAL IlJ.UULAlt WUITll ALPACAS. FUKAC1I AJVD SAXOftV PLAIDS, ALL PKIlKS. PLAIN ALL-WOOL DELAIMOS. MtN'ts aAO DOVft' trtSsl.1IKlL;9 AND FLAKAKLi. t'l.OAliS &, htlAWLS, KVERV VAItlKTY. I11LL1, CALICOES, AKD UELAI.t,S. Ami a (itucral Aaaortmeiit of Dcslruble DKY UUODS, At a little below tbe rcgulur rctiill prices. (9 2M:ii4b E M O V A L J A 31 ES S. C LAX TON, SUCCESSOR TO W. S. & A. MAUT1EN. IIAS REMOVED HIS BOOKSTORE TO No. 1214 CIIESNUT STItEHT, Where he is now prepared to attend to all orders in his lino. 9 20Gt4p A L F ! W1LLIA1I YOUNGER'S SPARKLING! BURGH ALE, ED1N FOK BALE BY TUE CASK OR DOZEN SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 4 14 C3P1 S.W. cor HHOAD and WALSUT. Qi D AFRICAN CO FEE E, 8 MALL 1.E4N GENLIKE MOCUA COFFEE, OOVEHNMENT JAVA COFFEE FOK SALE Y JAMES It. WE15I3, EIOllTU and WALNUT fitrce 8 14$ T 0 W AT01IMAKE R S. WANTED, TWO OR THREE WATCHMAKERS, FIRST-CLASS Apply Immediately to LEWIS LAD0MU8 & CO , No. 83 CllEHMir htreet. 10 3 St o PERA GLASS R S Fins Opera Olaiscs made br M. hauiiOit. of Paria Imported and for sale only by .... . '. W. A. TRIJSIPLUB. 10 2 Imlp Seventh and C'bemiiit ttreet. EXTRA BOUNTY .-THE i'AYMASTER General has ordered the prompt payment ol tbeie claiuia I have all the neee iry lorun under tha order lor application and tan Innure a apeedy tvttiemeni. UEOhtiE W. FOKD, o. WI l0C'lt Btreet one door below lluro street. I" luirp B B I M S E X, E O T K i o SOAP SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOll, SAVES CLOTHES. SAVES WOMEN, And all leading Grocers soil it It is used by dissolving in hot water, and soaking Ihcclo heaCvelo ten minutes, toon a little ha id lubl.tBfr win niake them as c oan as honri of hard ' nmcliira rub' inn wou'd do with ordinary soap, and nonjury to the most delicate labno. Itunsoil flth entne fatu-faclion In tho families of Rev. ALFRED tOCLM Ah ;VIH C. 81 KVfcNSuN, No. 1625 Qrean elrwtj 1I10MA8 C. LOVE, No 10l9CUKSNUr street! A. L. HABf, No. 827 Lombard street ISAAC MOBS, o 22(3 Green atnet; C. 11 Alt T- MAiM.jNO. Maishall btroet, and thousands oC otliets, in all parts ol this aud other oitios. ASK VOUK GROCER FOR DOBBINS' ELECT1U0 SOAP WIIOLEBALB, OFFICE, 107 South FIFTH St. A DESIIIA 1I..'E INVESTMENT. WE OFFER FOR SALE THREE KUKDREO THOUSAND DOLLARS OK TUE FIEST MORTGAGE BONDS OP TUB CONNECTING RAILROAD AT THE LOW BATE OF NINETY-TIITiEE, BE A B1S0 1NIFRTST AT MX PER CENT. 1'IiLE OE bTATE TAX. PAYABLE SEMI-ANNUALLY nr the Pennsylvania KtailiwJ Oompauf. If not previously disposed of ou the 15th of Octo ber next, we will advance the price. For full particular.? in regard to the above Security, apply to DREXEL & CO., No. 34 South THIRD St. 0 29 tl4p riHB Fll'ELITlf LNSUKANCK, TRUST, AND J (ArK Dil'OhlT COMPAAY OK I'UJLADliL. 1 IIIA. Fur the an.ee. Sufc-Lceplrg of Valuables under Ouar CAPITAL, 500.WO. Diutciana N B. Urowne. Lharles M ae a lee tor Kuward W. Clurk, Alexunder Xleuty, Stepheu A. Caldwell, t Ihrrncf II tlntk, John Wtli-h. J. Gil.inunum Fell, Jicnry v. ITChKirilC i. lillU V i , Vice lnhident, (1-4Hi.Ni y. II. f'LARK. Krirelary tud lieufiinr, ROKKKT I'ATTKRSOK ( tlte tat pieieui) in the Fhe prool liuildiiK off, 4 lhUadilphlaKatloualllank. " " CllLSMJi bTlti.tl, ABOVE FOURTH. The Company will commence ihibIiicsb on the 1st Ftm uihir MB, and will he prtiiared IO HI t'MVK D:l'iiMlS VM)KU GDAUANTF.E upon il.e lolUwlng rates tor one tear or lets period: Govt ri nu nt and al other louponi murulm, or thee iranslerulileS- tlOOportlOM Ly lit I ve.y, Ine uUiiik Bank 111, -....) CoveiLm. ni Mid ull other sccurltiti, 1 .,(WU, ni'ifi'iiu'do i nly liy t'udorsement..... ) w per biouq (.0 0 Com cr l'.u Ion l-25 per 0D0 hi yet coin or 1 ul iou no per $10u0 M.vcr or Cold I ate under seal onl i vner'c crtiuialo of mil value, and I 0,.r,n. ,rui rute f ubiett to adjustment lor bu k. r l 1,0 pcr on u biiKld ot J liftda Slortkiaes Vtiiuiiblc Papers gcuera'ly. when 01 no lUfd vuluo, (1 a year each, or according! bu k. Wll a, I5r which premium covern the remainder of tbe Hie ot the milker. ("tish l iiM or nuull Tin Boxes, for pnners o( Bankera. Capltarsis.AiercliuiitH Lawyers 'I railci-mcn Families, 01c, i'l he rcoeivcd at 'io each box ortiuok oor yiur coutcutH unknown to tho Company, and liability limited. FOK COLLECTION OF INTERKKT, OS 15 PEE CENT OM HJMOUNT OoLLFC t El) COUPONS AM) INTERtHT WILL Ilk COLLF.CTED WHEN 1)1 fclitr.D AND KKUITl'tD 10 i 11 K OW.vUM. LEPORITH OF JIOXKY KK'KIVKD OM WHICH IN'lHtl.rT WiLL 11K ALLOWED. This Coniiiary la a'fo authorized to act as Eaeoj' tors. Adu iniB nitorn. and diamines to receive i t' execute TiutH ot rwr' description from tbdJiiX; cori-oraiious, or inuiviuua a. . B. BBOWffR. frealdiiiit. 9 14 lm HOBKIIT PATTFTIBON, l tertiary and 'lieasurcr. RUSSIAN SAUL U, Impoitrd Bhcct irom KamUchatLa, By 21 r. J. W. BURLING, of this city. 1 ' The undersiftned teps to inform his friends and the public, that bo bus a few choice tots of GENUINE RUSSIAN SABLE, To wblcb be calls attention. JAMES REISKr, lM POUTER A2tD II ANtJFACTUEKB OF FtTBS, j 10 1 8l4p No. 139 N. TniltD SIRE KT. pURE OLD GjllAl'E BRANDY, From the celebrated vloeyardf of B. D. WILSON & SON , Loa Amjeloi, California. For medicinal purposes tUls BRANDY U almot in dlapenaable. I FOB SALE BY THE CASE. CARMICK & CO., 211mrp ! SOLE AGENTS, l. E. COBNEB OF rBOATABdCHKSWUT Sta. j) o