8 FINANCE AN I) COMMERCE. FFICK OF TUB EVENING TuMWlKAPH, I Wednesday, October 3, 18G6. The Stock Market opened dull this morning, mid jinces were unsettled. In Ooveroment bonds there was little or tiothlnn doms. 111.) was bid lor nl16-20n 1I1J lor Ds of 1881 5 lOtf kr 7-:t0: and w lor 10-409. City loan were in lair demand; the new issue Bld lively at snA, kit advance ot 4, and old do. at DC',, no rnaive. Railrowl shares, as we bave noticed tor seve ral flas oust, continue the most aetive on the list. Reailine sold at f8(f?!5H. a decline of i: Little Schuvlkill ata, adueilne of h; Camden and Ambov at 12!l.f. 110 chanije; Pennsylvania Itaiiiond ftt67f)57il, no chimee; and Northern Central at 44, no change; 68 was bid for Nor ristown; 39 lor North Pennsylvania; 30 lor Klmira common, il for prelerred do.; 31 for Catawista vrcierred ; M lor Philadelphia and Utiltiniore; and 33; for Philadelphia and fc)rie. City PaKsenper Raihoad shares were un--.haneed. Hestonvillo sold nt 17. 88 was bid for Second and Third; 21,1 lor Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 37 for Spruce and Pine; 5r tor Cues nut and Waln-it; 71 tor Wept Philadelphia; 30 for Creen and Coatee; 28 for Giritid College; and 42 for Union. In IJank Shares, there was more doinc. r irst National, at 145; Central at 130: Commercial at r.7, and Mechanics' at 33 233 lor North America: 148 for Philadelphia; 132J tor Far mers' and Mechani-e':l00 for North"rn Liberties; 101 for Southwark: 05 for Kensineton; S; for Pennsylvania Townsnip; t!8 tor Corn Kxchane; (104 (of (iirard; 100 lor Tradesmen's; C8 for City; 44 for Consolidation: ana 05 tor Union. In Canal shares there was very little move ment. 28i was bid tor i-chtivlkilt Navltratiiu tomroon, 37 for preferred do., 69 for LohiMi Na vigation, 120 for Morris Can ii pret'erre 1, I t V for Susquehanna Canal, and 5Gj tor Delaware Divi sion. Quotations of fiold-lOA A. M 148; 11 A. M., 1474: 12 M., 1474"; 1 P. 5I.,"117. rUlLALKLI'lllA STOCK EXCHANGE SALES T0-DA1 Kejiorted by le Haven & Bro , No. 40 S. Third stroet BEFORE BOARDS. 800 en Reading- Railroad lots DSJ FIRST BOARD tHOO Citvtfs new.. . 19 200 sh Rcan Its c 5'' fUHKiO CIO lots. 1!H H1O8I1 do. ...t5 .5vtf9 sa.ifl dn 1)93 100 sh do 00. 58 S1000 l'a ft 1st m68 101 $1000 Un'n C bs.... 24 .r00 Read 6a 43. . . . 95 f 10(10 00 1870 93 $MX) N Ta 6s 92 f 2000 Lch 6s. 84 92J 200 h N ten tr... lots 464 200 sh do... lots 5 6SI, 100 sh cio. ...s6int 68 J 200 sh doi?6jwnnt 684 8 sh Lit .sen. ...l5. 85 50 all 1st Mat Bank. 145 10 sh Con Nat B. .. 180 40 sh Coml Blc....b5 57 28 sn do... lots.. 67 lshMochBiinK... 38 301 sh Fa h....lots.. I 60 sh do 8d.. 6' 6sh do 5 1 sh Unard Bk. . . . 69 200 sh Kevstono Z 1 1-16 100 sli Bir Mtn. . ... 4' 10 eh Cam & Amti..l29j 100 sh Uostonvllle K 17 J Messrs. De Haven & Brother, No. 40 South Third street, report the following rates of ex chnntre to-day at 1 P. M.: AraeriVau gold, 147 J iil47.j; Silver and ,Js. 13S; Compound Interest Notes, June, 18G1, lG.i; do.. Julv, 1801. 1G: do., AufruBt. 1804, 15: do., October, 101, 14; do., December. 1864, 13$; do., May, 186."., 11$; do., Auenst, 18G5, 10,1; do., September, 18(55, 92; do., October, 18G5, 94. Messrs. William Painter & Co., baukers, No. :w South Third street, report the following rales of exchange to-dav at 12 o'clocK: U. S. Gs, 1881, retfisleied, UljXrjlllj!; do., coupon, llljrUlj; do., coupon, 18G2, lll;t?llli; do., 18G4, 1094 1094; do., 1805,10947,109. : U. 8. 10-40?. recistered, t9ft;;99.J; do., coupm, 9999.; U. S. 7-303, 1st heries,ior.ii106; do., 2d series, 105J10Ci; do., 3d series, 105ji10(!,i; Compound Interest Notes, Peecmbci-, 18G4, 1134113. Philadelphia Trade Report. Wednesday, October 3. The receipts and stocks of Kreadstuffs are unprecedentedlv small, and most holders are asking an alvanco for most descriptions. There is a fair Inquiry for Tlmotliy Heed, and 250 bushels sold at SI'SO. Flixsceu is unchanged. Soles of 600 busbela prime at 83-3'j. Cloverseed raDges trom 7 to 77V The stockt of Flour bave become reduced to a very low llvuie. and with 1 resent mid cnispective slbnt receipts holders have put up their prices till ly 25 cents barrel lor the better trades or spring ai a winter wheat sal, s of sunerllne at 7-70(r8 75 ; 1U0 barrets extras at Hl-SO: 1800 bane's or li western extra 111ml1 v at 8IVWil3 2fi; 400 barrels winter wheat do. dj.. at Sl:i(S& 14: and tancy brands at ailfeilG-fiO, according to quality. Wye Flour may be quoted at IB("B60. Nothing doing m orn Meal. The olTerlugs of Wheat are exceedingly small, and the article is In steady request; sales of fuir and choice red at -2'(-5K3 10; wbito run Res Iroru 83 to .1-2&. 400 bush Pennsylvania Hye o.d at il-ls. Corn is In good demand, and prices have again advanced; sales ot DWOouhIi. Western mixed at J 0ifr',l 08. Oils are stcadi ; bu ck or 1C0J bush, ut 65c. Nothing doing in Hurley or Malt. Whlskvls onchanned; small sales ot Pennsylvania at Hi 31 and O bio at 2'44. AMUSEMENTS. The BEnc.iiANH Mahetzek OrKBA Tboupe. Signer Ulorsln honconl win positively make his ap pearance ou the 15ih Ustaut. At last advices the veteran bufio was causiDR a frenzy of deliuht with his Crlspiuo," given now tor the first time in Londoi. Htronfias were the ada atlons heaped upon his "liord rlechnrg" by the press, they were taint in comparison with the admiring epithets called lortu by his ulloriou and inconcelvahlv droll "c'rlspino." Apropos of It in t'oui, "il Trovatore." the Paris correspondent ot the Milan Hut cat Journal, mentions. June :, the presence ef hi daughter In the tahmi of the French nobl.ity. before whom she has been displaying a soprano ol the rarest quality. According to ' 11 irovutore," the Slgnortna Konconl. who is scarcely seventeen years old, l glued with an executive skill that Is something "marvellous." Her trills and cadenza are especially sdnilrtd. Aided to this she is beautllul. And, what Is equally Interesting 10 us she Is coming with her father to Philadelphia for the expre.s purpose ot making her opera ic dtbut under the direction of Mr. Maretzek. who has the reputation of having started more good rusts on the road to lame than any other lmpresiarlo of the century. Hkw Chebsut Street Theater. Mr. John E. Owens performed bis inimitable ancle Solon shiugle" to noiber Immense audience last night. The apulause was more generous than upon the previous rep estima tions, and Mr. Owens' uuctu us drolleiy was received with verv general expressions of enjoyment. In the larceof J, An V' bl; Ur. Oleorge II. Ciaike, with his cool, lanta llzing tun, lalrly divided the popular honors with air Oweus Uncle aulun Hhmgle and J hnDibbi will be repeated to-night, and the two form an exceed ingly attractive bill. saWaWI ttu Ha -M Walktt Btkekt TnsATBE Mr. John Brougham hod a good bouse last tvtntng. ftaynq with tire went on most JoyouHiv, and the people, who never tire of the Oovernr" insisted upon cui lng hlui before the curtain, for 1 he purpose 01 twbiiiugoueoi bis excessively c unlcal speeches out 01 hlta. lb la evening Mr lirougbam's tlneat bur esouo, fi-ea hn-ia; wfil be given. Mr. brougham piavn -King Pow-ha-tan," and M l-s Suaan llenin has been engaged exprussiv to suataln the patt of the lovely l'o canon-tas," We are constrained to compliment the management upon the engagement of jaw. iMmuu niwiwMHwiwiwi iue orcuesira. lllateJeo tions are of the very best and most popular character, and he manages bis oichestra with the care aud tKte of a true maettro. The overture to A'abueco, last even ing, was very neatly execti ed and It was applauded and appreciated by nearly ail present, AttoH htbeet Theatre The ' Uenoltons" pa tbeto selves oft for a fun tanmv again to-night Faner lolks are not otten seen, cunalii'v. Tin- tat' family will be u.ayed all this week, with Mrs John Urow, Mr. OrlllKhs, mi. Marlowe, Mr Moitluunt, .Mr. Frank Hlv, rs, MIks Lizzie Price Miss Annie Ward, and all 01 the Company lavoritet In the cait New Ameiucan Theatbe. Mr Proctor has made quite a hit In Air iff lh' Ho,di. Ha la a tine actor. It we over look a slight tendency to rant and his versatility la remarkable. He lias already made hosts of Iriends here. To-nitht be will appear again a the "Jlbtxiuainosav," supported by Hiss lsuduru Cameron aud tie eutire strength of the new Company. Academy of Mfsir. Mlsa Anna K. lHoklntnh lec tures on Fitday evening next. Tickets at Puvh'a, In the new iiulht n ltumliinr. 'I his la the la.t opuortunltv that her irlunils In Ihia city will have 01 hearing Silas Dickinson this winter, as she Hearts for hew r.nglaud on a proiessional tour next week. The Ckosbt Oi-eiia House Paintinqs. We are re quested to state tha the exhibltloa ot the paintings of the CrosliT Opera Uouae Art Association, In this city, has been removed rotn (oott s AuetWn Kooini to the I'hllaSe phia Art '-ailery No I'ltrt hesnut street, where, with Increased light and other advantages, the works can o more satis aetoniv studied. Announoewent will iNBinadeof the reopeniug ol the exliloluou In Its new quarters as soon aa ths current arrangemen a are com tileted. Meanwhile tickets can be procured at T. B. pugb's, No. 61 Chesnut street, Urat tfoor back. The Bateman Opera Teoi:pe A despatch irom Pro vidence KI'o6 lalatm, to-dav. statos Parepa. hrlguoll, and other artists aaugiast evening In that 1 ur to a v.ry 1 laiae aud ence, ana achieved a perfect success encit. ing a perfect ovation Tble troupe is shortly to give several concerts In Phiiadalubia. Tim Htrakosch Concerts. The rlrat of these bril liant etr muneal r,lmtM place at Musical Fund Hall n h'nriar evenltis lietw'e. I'lodowskK. Llmhertl. Fonnea. and all of ibe great artists appear lo lavorlte assuoiption'. TkikeU niav be ohtlud at Truuipler a. Htventn and Chesnut streets, unserve the announce ment In anther column The Lincoln Tableaux, at NaUonal ila'l, are growing very uipaiar. Tbe pictures are aumlrahly exeeutod by one of onr most noted Philadelphia piotr. The asf mlrera of our great aud good Lincoln sbuuid ana thnae bihieapx Mr-S Alurdocb delivers a neat descrip THE DAILY E ENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, tive lrctnre each evening, and MaiemnlneUe Blvlra de Hylva slnts a choice selection of operatic arias. AsKRMni.r Ht'iLDiNos. Helter has a splendid pro gramme to-nh ht In addition to his solos on the piano, b s jokes and his seoond-s ght penoinianrea. he wl I "do" the "Mjitertous Orange Tree," 'Broken Ulrds, "Mocha" (a scare artlo ), and " the Ciinnon." 00 and see Heller at onoe, as he will not play again before to aiotrow night. OortoH at Tns Acadekt. John B. Oouoh. the dis tinguishes! orator, win deliver two of his great lectures, ' Curiosity" and "Eloquence and orators," at the Academy of Muslo. on V ednesday and Thursday even ings 01 next week. T.ckeU and seats may be secured at Ttigb s. new Jlu'ledn Kul ding. besnut street, above Mxtht at Trumnler's and Man ten's. Casncross Pixet's "Colored Fo'ks" wl'l arrange a 'high old cirnlvai" ol drollery for the "white trash" this evening f)o and see the lssnes of rhe dar ex pounded espeela.lv the "Nigger Bullcrtngs" Question. ,r lixey will pr 'side at the Bones." Tiie FmB Arts. T. lurch & K"n will ssll tills even ing, at iheir Art Oaiiery. bo. 11 1U Chesnut street an inbt rest Ing co lection of oil paintings ni every variety 1,1 subjects, by well known artists of this ci.yt also, some 01 foreign artists ot celebrity. at Valeb's Winter (Iardrn. In Vine street below Kighth. the Fxcelslor llrasa and String Ksnd regiles the vlsltois with excellent music every twenty minutes. oityIntelligenoe. ( for Additional City Jnloliigenre tre Ihird Page, A Merry "Mill" in thk Fourth Ward A ItOOSTtH IX PlTTKO AOAINT TWO lfHS-iiB Cometh Out Victouioub He Crowbtii Oteh H ih Prostrate Fom A lew minutes alter sun rle, this rooinirr, an opt n lot In the Fourth Ward wB'the scene ol an exciting contest. I ho parues to tho afl'air wore a rooster with a highly ocvolop jd craw, and two "dogs" ot tho vnga'ioud stripe. It happened in this wise : Ad old lady don.lcilcd In tho neighborhood re paired to the fj'Ot in qtiescon witn a pail lull of kitchen reluse, which sho deposited, as was her dai.y wont, upon the rrouml. There was 111 tho pail but one item vrlilch even a hungry dog would deign to notice, and that was a ciust ol bread, w bleu, irom its hardened outlines, might Have been Dart ol tho original supply v, bleu iNunh oriierctl fi 0111 his buker previous to embarking-hinio I and family 111 the An, 1 he favorite rooster ol UiooiJlady her lavonte becauso it wa th" only one she owned wsv stsnding bard by, aud watched theoperation ol over- turning tne pail with tho grcule-t possiulo interest; tor he had tasted uuupht 111 the way ol loud since lio had h it tils perch at early onwn. Ihcrelore, as soon as the old Iiidv s hacit was turned, the rooster mudo a turlous oive at thn al ore- said unt' diliivisn crust. But so turious wits the onset, and so burdened was tt,c crust, that the latu.T bounded into ihe air and tell at the distance of somo live leet or more. In this neighborhood thoro eat upon bis haunches a hungry cur, whom nobody owned, and who had not lulicn upon a savory mor sel since ho had cnirrgea trom tho asn barrel 111 which bo passed the night. Tbe dog naturally thoupht that the crust was a windfall from heavun, intended to nppeaso ms hungry paugs. He thero lore seized upon il. and made haste to get away. itut cliantic.ecr wa on the a;eit, and seeing tho cntsttbus making oil with tho dog, Ho ruftlml his wines, revr.-ed the position ot iho leathers ou his neck, and niade nuother lun?e. He missed tio cru-t this time, as was probably his mleiition, but sue cceded 111 planting bis bugle tinr and rtjuure In tuo canine's Irontispicce, inflicting a itortul gush therein, nud cuusiui; the cluret to How in a cojnous stieam. It is needless to (ay that the "dorg" was intensely dtstusted at this unprovoked assault He dropped tbe antediluvian relic, turned about without more ado, and opening tlio gates ol his irruve-yard, dis played a (hreateuing array 01 tombstones. I bis exhibition ot tnalico aroused tli Iro of tho rooster to such an extent that his too nails becamo entangled in his wings With these relative prepa rations, each awaited the onset fiom his antagonist iberu was a piiuso of evcrai seconds at this point, during which time quite a crowd of uu washed urchiiis, arrayed in their ghostly garments 01 wlnto. collected and formed a ring, autcrmined to see tair play and a Iree liulit iho uproar created by the multitude disturbed tho equanimity of t .10 flog somu- vhat. He suilcred biuisvlt to be thrown off his cuurd, and while, cas ing a sly glauce at the spectators, chanticleer planted a sockdolager lm- u ediately over his loit poeper. The now of clarot Irom this second wound was so copious that it com pletely blinded the pool truto, and sent him at once to tns devotions. At this signal punishment tbe early morning, was made hideous with infantile cries 01 delight. Chanticleer, thinking the mill was entirely ovor, was about restoring his feathers to taeir noniiul position, when ho was astonished to seo another combatant enter the arena Like bis i.rcdeccssor, lie was a "dore." whoso bread-basket looked ox tremeiy Iniik. The most formidable ptep , rut 0,1 which bo nindo lor thu Uirbt was to curl his tail uo In such a perfect circ e tha'. it ivou d have puzzled a ilnjr fancier to bavo told by which cud it was fas tened to his body. Doc tbe second did not deign to sttrvoy tho situtt' tion, tut opened bis graveyard and elevated his mau evs at once. Then ho made a rush, and alighted upon his antagonist, causing the latter to k,ss his mother alter a very humiliating fashion But just at this point, ho met with a signal roero While be held chanticcluer in chancery, and was 'prepar ing to Insert his tombstones in too windpipo ot tho latter, by a sudde n and dextrciis turn, his leu trum pet was pierced taroutrh and through by a spur, and the citcoiufitod canine retreated, bowling witti rain 1 he chanticleer assumed an upncht posluro, and carciuliy selecting the loftiest cobble-stone within tho scope oi bis vision, be flapped his wins tri nmDbantlv and crowed with all his might. Tho paan ot victory was taken upbvtlie surrounding crowd of urchins, one of whom seized the "gaino" bird and bore him oft', followed by a doligbted and enthusiastic throng. Tebrible Tragedy tn tiie Pabk Esc ape of the Outla weAnother torrlrjle tragedy has occurred in our midst, and but a passing notice is taken of its occurrence. Last eveuing there oc curred in our beautllul Park one of those frightful occurrences that every now and then atartle tbe community with their atrocity. A short time before sundown, about 6 46 P. XL . a oartv ot rockloas and disorderly out aws, numbering; in all five men, orove town the slope on tne east side ot the ram, opposite to tbe "Mineral Spring," at a luriou pace. As they neared the bottom ot tbe hill they ran with frfghtlul force into a gentleman wbo was walking quietly aloup.ard hurled him to tho ground a bleed ing corpse, ills aeatn was almost instantaneous, lDstead ot stopping! tbe cold-blooded wretches drove off at a furious Bpeed, so that the officers wbo siw tbe occurrence could not overtake them, and suc ceeded for a time In making good their escape. The rifltneot tbe murdered man is Mr. William EdwanR Ho was about lorty years old, and resided at No. 17 soutn i'liteemti street. A buspicious Customer. A man an- swenrjflr to thennment Jnsenh Mitchell wr arrested yesterday morning under rather suspicious circum stances. 1 or several uavs past lie nas uoeu seen lounging around the establishment of Mr. Nathan 8. Brown, Ho. 228 Chesnut street, and acting; in a very suspicious manner. He would enter the store, and when asked his business, be would make Inquiries tor some one wbo bad never been in tbe ulace. Pka other morn'ng Mr. Barnes, one of the employes of tne estaonsnmeni, met nncneii coming; down Btairs, and though nothing was thought of it at the time. yet wnen one 01 tne cierit went up to iook tor some articles, ne touna mat a case 01 nne ana wis had been tampered with. Mitchell was arrested, and suffi cient evidence was brought forward bolore Alder man Beitier to warrant bis boiug pat under S1500 to answer. Taking Heavy Toll. Two men. under the guise ot friendship, undertook to lond a helping " peuuenian wuo nau invested in real estate, and deposited the purchase in his hat, this morning at a very earlv hour. They led hira home and by way 01 repaying themselves lor their trouolo, they relieved him of his nooket-book, containing a city warrant tor ft 76, and a due bill for 8226. when in the neighborhood of Bovouth and (iiror.i and tbon lelt him alone In his glory to find his way homo as boat be might. The victim resides near Charlotte and George streets. John L lleiton the light-lingered gentleman was arrested at his resi dence, Tenth and tiirard avenue, but the missing papers were on est inventu. Heston bad an inte. re-ling interview w ith Alderman Fitch, who hold hiiu in glUUl) bail to answer lor ins misdeeds. Ahstraction of Raiment. Catharine Diamond, tor same time past engaged In the hum ble capacity of domestic in the family residing at Mo. V-id hrown street, undertook, it is alleged, to r, nimiish her wardrobe bv demoting that ot her mis tress. Catharine, fortunately lor ber miBtres and unfortunately (?) for hersell, was detected in toe dubious urooeeding. and was arrested therefor by the invimidon of the law. Hue was brought to gnef and before Alderman Masser, who, after hear n, her atorv and taat of others wbo knew tbe cir cumstance! of tho case, held Catharine in 8800 bail to appear at Court and convince twolve Intelligent peers of tho Commonwealth that ber case was as c ear as nor name Tur Firemen Visitors. The Eagle Fire Company, of i ittsburg, now on a visit to this city 01 Brotherly Love," am being- shown tbe lions and tbe tigers pretty extensively, vye noticed thom bllng past in double line, with a fine brass band at their bead, to pay a visit to the old Independence Hall. In their brown overcoats and caps, they pro. ented quite a nuique ana stvnsn appearance, as Ihev marched along Chesnut street, the band dis coursed feme most nceiiei.t inuiio. TrtK TmLAnKLPniA Baptibt AisnociA- tioh. Tie one hundred and fitty-nlnth annatl meetms' of the 1'hilad -lpbia Baptist Association was resumed thi- morning, at tho cfinrch of the lat Pr. Kennard, Eighth aneet, abovMiieon, large aud enco, composed in great part 01 aeies, b inf present, and nianilesting groat interest in tbe pro ceedings. 'li e de ihrraiions wore commeneod at half past 8 o'cloek, with devotional exeroisea, alter which the reports fiom the various Churcnes embrannd within the organizai on were oontinund. The statistics presented aro embraced In the following tables: lis a. a e X a 1 -a a j s T u CnrRcnES. 3 C H 2 laa 15s Oak Street, West Phi. a (colored). Kittley t'nloo (colored then Kun Newtown Rtiuaie 13 .1 6 1 M 11 2 7 66 4 7 IS 10 Hi 8 27 II 1 ii I 811 H H 31 II II 1H IS 1 It SM S90 11114 III 1 if, 14 4M no 47a 140 m S9 nesnut mil Vsllev Forge tipper Moent Bethel Necond Wllmlngion, Del r aston Falls ol 8, huvlklll Kieyenth, Phi atleiphla First Colored, Washington, 1. I).. Ballgomlnao Iwenth Philadelphia l'sssjank 1 -a O v. ! Hi nuat Hchools. B S Oak Hireei (Colored) Weat I'hllada... "1 Hldiey j I'nlon olored) 1 40. "1 HI. 7H. 7 UN mi llKI I Mi 4i, SMI HU Wi Hit .ISO 4.n tin (inn 'iisl 3l 1IH4 20 10KI !I3I 41M) U00 MVI 3(10 M-wion nuare Chesnut lit, 1 Valley Forre. ' r aston 411 34 Falls ol Nehuvlklli Kleventb, Philadelphia ' First Co ored. rVaahiimtmi. I. f It nl 1 1 1 onntTi iro 1 Welllll l'l,,U,lnl,.l.l,. Passvunk I 1 .... .-. . ,. . . , . , . I ho Second Baptist Cburohol Uermnntown. which was recognized last week, was leoeivod into no Association I his new socloU has already a mem bership of 82. and thev bave almost cotiiDloiod a one church cdillce, locatod on tho site of the old battle prouiiil. From the wealth and standing ol the losdinr men who bare the enterprise, in hand we predict for them great success und corresponding u.e'ultieas. At e even o'cloek the Rev. R. .leffrov. 1) D . of tins citv, preached tho doctnnal torinon on Mustifl cat on." His text, was taken irom tho third chanter o Unmans. 2Htli verse, readinir as lollows: ' I ln-relore we coiiclmlo that a rann is iuHtilled bv faith, without tlio di ds ot the law." liev l)r Lincoln. Of lihixln la'nntl. and lfev T. J. Mtidcnr. . a missionary rooentlv returned from Asam. participated in the services iho sermon was marked ny rare abiltlv aud deep study, aud elicited the protoundest attention. Thf. Great Meeting at the Aca- pemy lo-NiBHi.-Hon. Hannibal Uimhn, lato Vice-I'res dent ot the United States, and lust frinnd of the lamented Lincoln, arrived in town this mo n ins. and will p sltively addres his ltd ow citizens of rtiilad"lplua this evening Hia stieech will bo a very powerlul argument in favor 01 iho Republican union pony, nun uaiusna A. tirow, loriuerly Speaker ot the United States lieuso of Kepresonta tives. will follow Mr. Hamlin in a speech ot lorty minutes' duration Tp.kps Club. A meeting of ihe Pres9 Club ot i'niladelphia will bo bold this afternoon, at i o'clock, when Mr Charles it Clark will read an essay. A large attendance is anticipated. Tbe Ease-Ball Question. Home persons declare It is quite unlar, For ball c ubs 10 hire smart Icliows in playing that game, Jo keep up the fame Of their c'nbs. ana make the rest jea'ous. Be this as it may with base-ball, No bribe 'twill require 1 o make one a tire Iiimsell linely at l'ower Hall. Tl'e are prepared with an unusually fall arul com- prihentive ttock of Men's, Youths', and Hoys' ill and II ivter tJlo'litva, wnirh we are se.utna at Mtreiil I.OWIiU rillCKB THAN HAVE BEEN KNOWN FOlt SEV - dal YKAits. Coitaratutatina our patrons and tiie public tient ra'ly upon the decline in the prices of lerifi'i nuicn rentiers ittis voxsitiir, jvr. iweuc t ea;fiimao. lowun Hall, No. 618 Markkt THBiri, ISiNNKTT & CO. Too Candid bt Half. As Tom and his wife were disputing one day Ol their perronal traits, in a bantering way. Quoth she, "Though my wit you disparage, I'm certain, dear husband, our lriuuds will attest That, compared with vour own, Mil jutinmt.ni is oesi y Quoth l'om "Ho then said at my tmirriage " Note Tom has since shown good judgment in getting suited at Charles blokes & Co's one-pnee, undir me continuum,. It is a matter of obeat wonder that so much atariition has been civen to improvements in every brai on ol manufacture excepting that oi soaps, ana it is all the more astonishing when we cons tier the enormous amounts ot different cla-sos of Soaps daily consumed even in our own citv. An economical boap has long Deen aBiroa oy housekeepers, when the necessity of trusting to ser vants makes Soaps which are not duly arlea tue mi ans of an extravagant waste. We take pit-sure in calling the attention of our readers to an article now offered to housekeepers, wmch is, iDC'eed, the Woman's Frieud and are si fa iled it is bound to become a perfectly Indispensable article In every bouie'iold. In referring in this matnerto ' Dobbins' Kloctrlo Soap" wo are, from the numerous testimonials which bavo been shown a. and the untorm sa inaction mat it nas given. convinced of Its great merits, and have not the slightest hesitation in recommonaing it to an wuo study economy of t ine, labor, and money. Five-Twenty Coupons, Due November 1, Wanted by Prkxpl & Co., No. 84 bouth third street. Davis' Tain Killer. We have tested this modi cine, and assure aur readers mat it not ouiy pos sesses all the virtues claimed for it, but in many instances surpasses any other remedy we have ever known. It should not bo classed with the nostrums ot the dav. irot uo lor the sucolal purpose of pecu niars nrr.fit tint tie rePBrauu an one i me suiiiimrii IIltTjiei 11 15B, 1UI IUU IIUU.IW WUVM. i., v.n I , IJXJICI jAbcrty. TO (SOLDIEB8 OF MEXICAN Will Bud War Of 1812. Land warrants wantea. Hewes Km iq & Co , No. 60 outh I'lnrd strct, riiiladolphla. All l'ERSOKB who are tond ot Fine Contoctlons, G W. JenKins, AO. 1UH7 bpring uardeu street. would invito to can ana try uis mocx oi r mu t'audins, 1 ,.i und Moss faste. Gum and C"oeo ate Drons. Chocolate treams of ad tlavors, Carainn.s, etc , of which he baa constantly on band a lresh assort ment. rpnu -ni v. Mimes of Idaho to tue brown.atnna fronts of Madison Avenue, l usioun "iMght-Hlootn- ln Cereus" is in request, ihouvh the stanlard fierlume of lasulou, its ponuturiiy is uaileu to no class or section it is a natioual stajjle, i'aterson Uuardtan. Tiuni stt i of Hoots asd Shoes I'hllin F"nrd fc Co., Auctioneers, Ho 6m Market stroet, will hold to-morrow (Thursday) morning their third large trade sale ot Boot and bhoes, conuueucing at un If you desire cerloot I'letures of any kind, an ta Leonard May's Gallery, at the H. K. ournur of Kixth f'i,l, ...... Ill . . ' , . : I I. . . uu vauunu,,, vreoie. Mxo wui uo auro to gult you. Twelfth and Cbebhot Is the plaoe to purchase Cork Mattresses and Heading, and to have - niture reupholstered, varnuhed, and repaired by . ..alniAiknun liriiuuv. vm . ELASTIC BTITCU SEWING MACHINES, FOR FAMILY rE. TUB ONLY MACHINE THAT BOTH HEWS tfiKFECTLY AND EMBROIDERS HITTT nn GBOTEB A BAKKR'SJ HIWIII HT PKEM1UMI HEWING MA( HINKS, No. 7S0 CflKHNC'T STREET. lockhtItoh r.WIN( If Af 'III k! W KOH ta ii niit. BHOKMAKKHS, bhuiii,hh, H tHNKSd MAKkHS. (AHHIAHB LATEST AMD B8 Takb AVEa'e Rapsp arilla to pnrify tbe h'ood and temove inmor, pimples, boils, and sores, which onlyexaibit the loltonness within. Life Pike 1'iiotooraphh in OH, as 1'ictnres and Lkenessess, are unrurpassed, If made at B. F, Hel met's, ao. tut Area street. Superior Sttlbs or Keadt-made Clotbio, SurrRioR Sttles o Rkaot-madb Clothing, Wahamakkr & Hrown. popdlab clothiho uoobe, Oak Mali. 8outhe-t corner Bixth bMabket Streets MAHHIKl). 1 LT FBF.IM AN. On tbe ISth of September, by the Jiv. Mr. Manship Mr. JACvBl. KLY, lormnrly of 'brnon, Pa., to Mra. T.hh FRl-KMA", youngest daughter of tho ,ate Joseph Harvey, of this city. T)IKl. P.POWNE.-On the 2d Instant, ALEXANDEU BhOWNK. 8r.. In the BHth year of his ai. His ma e iriends and ihe re atlves ol the family are In vited to attend the tuneral. from his Istn residence. No. 'il7 sUect, on Ha iiMar, the 0th Instant, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill. W CAM! ROM Rudilenlv. on the 3d Instant, DAVID W. CAM r hN. aged 71 years 1 he relatives and tr ends also Montgomery Lodge, Vo. 1 0t 1 ohitnh a Mark Lo.ge No. 91 1 Jeru aletn H. It. A. ChapUr, No. St and St John's Commantiery, No. 4, A.V Al.t Harmony Lodge and Harmony Kncampment. ). O. 01 ). F t ami the ' rusteea of the odd Fe lows' Cemeterv Companv are resnect'a ly Invited to attend the funeral Imm the residence of his son, No 'ilium tersnu street, on 1 bursday, the 4tb Instant, at 3 o'clock P. M. FINK, Ob Tuesday morning, the. 2d Instant, HENRY Jf . r 1 IN K, in Ills mill 'ear 01 111s age His tna,e iriends and those of the family are respectfully Invited to attend tne funeral, Irom his bite residence. No. I7H1 Pine street, on 1 mirsuay aiteiooon ai 3 o'clock. Services at 8L Peter's Church. - OA KIM HON. On ibe id Instant, Mrs. ANNA THOMP SON, wlfo of tleorse W. (iarrHon. aged Mi vears 'I he re alives and rtenda of the family are resnectftilly Invited to attend the tuneral. trom the residence of her husband Malem, N. J on Thursday, tbo 4th instant, at )1 o'clock A. si. K1CHARHSON On the evening of the 1st Instant. JolIN KK 'll A KDHON, In the 77th year 01 his age. Ills irienus ano tnose 01 tne lamiiv are inviten to iiienil his luneral. irom his into re-mlence. No. 14 N. Tenth street.at'iX o'clock P. M.. on Filth day, thetlh Instant. Int rment at Friends' Westein t.rouud. " WARN K. Suddenly, on the evculng ot the 1st Instant, UJ.t AI., wl.eoi t. r. Warne, In the 71st year of her ge , lino nonce win oe given 01 me lunera . tfflS MKMORIAV?. J 11 II, APFr.i n 1 A. 'Fetooor z. inno At ameeth'gof the Fhln Ilullilers o' the city of Phlla- delnliia held at the nthco ot the Kensington Screw Iioek, Helaware avenue, above Laurel street, to take a, Hon relative to the demise of their late r.rothnr Hhio ilullder Air II AHMAN 8. VABllUAN, Mr Jonn 11. Han, mht waschoscn chairman, and Mr. Pres.on Urcar- ley, Secret arv. ne imiowing preamnie anu resolutions were reaa, and unanimously adopted : Whereas Death has visited our clrc'e and removed from bis sphere ot honor and use tilnuss one of our be loved fratcnillv. Sr HaKi AN VAUtiilAS we beieby desire 10 express our deep sorrow and heart. clt symp.ithv with his land y and iriends in this, their try ing bereavement; thcrefrro he It Kesolved That while we bow with submission to the decrees 01 Divine 1'rovldence we 'eel that we have lost a true and faithlul Brotner. and one that awaken our warmest sympathies for thoe bereft of his association, ceinpanionshlp. and irieu ' liln Itecoiveu. 1 nai we a letiu ins nmcrai 111 a oouy ou Tbursda, October 4, at 2 o'cock. w IL.L1 A VI r 1111 r It, I ll'lll I1U eDItll, V Pnmil na 10 3 2t CHARLES K. WILLI.VMJ f3F-A.Y M. LAFAYK, I TR LODGH. No. 71 -The meinhers will meet at tho 11 ALL, TO-MOtlttV (Thurs day) at 3 o'c'ock P. Jl., preiiselt , to attend tho funeral of our into Brother, .lonis u. m t tiititii. By order ol the W. M. CuaKLiSS O. ki if nm. ecruiry. virn pivi' PUT? W lilt TtrtFIAKlT 3T J. is either tbe Brim or Corn Wisconsin dike. The tormei agrees with moit dysnentlcs. l'rtnte l receipts lor maKing tnem are given to purenaers oi our runs. 1 IVV. .', . U. CIA A,,, No. 83 (Eight Thlrtv-nve) MlHlt K'l' su, oeiow Ninth. T"EASS BOLTS Of A VAUIKTY OF SIZES. Brass. Silver-plated, and I'on Door C'halus and stiong Wrought Irou Bolts, tor outs tie doors for sale by lltt.UAA A3 a. W , No. 835 (Eight Thirty-five) M KKFT . below Mntb. it- -nT'SH." "PI'T.T. " " ROARDINf . '-OF- 1 flee." and numbers in gl't letters on porcelain plates, on band at the Hardware stnre ot lltllJlA.l B nra,iv. No. BIS f Right Tblrtv-flvei M A Ril K"' t bolow Nnh. VJE THAT HATH I'.AKS TO HEAR, LET 1'IM III-.AK "Instruments to assist the hear ing at MAllElKA'.s, No. 115 TENTH Street boio.y Chesnut 9 4 Ira WAR1H1KTO N. FASHION tl.K HATTFK So 430 CHKSNUT tstroet. Next door to l'ost Office. 915$ u A It 1) hlll'S IJll'KUVKU Hunerlort o all others. Thy excite the woidr and admiration of all wbo use them. auiituutory and Sales-rooms, o. -Utiii. tit. am street, fhlia., va. OPERA OLASSGS. Assorfmes t large and varied, l'rlces low. 9 24 3 in "XT ONE BUT TH BEST J SCHUyi.KILL A"f! LEHIP.H COAL, ( AoErULLY I'K'rA U II, AM A 1' LOW H ST KATKH. SA718FACHOl GUABtMEKD Ulm JFVANS.BKO D anFILBEHT u NADULTEKATHI) LlyUORS ONLY HICHAFUJ KKJNlSTAN'a u n, l- & st v r a n i wa No. 439 CHESNUT HTUEfcT Xearlv Onposito the Post Orrce PHILADELPHIA FnmlHes sntmlied Or e.-B from the Country Lromitly attended to. UK AUCTION SALES. IMPORTANT AUCTION NOTICE. TRADE SAL.E OF BOOTS AND SHOES. ON THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 4, PHILIP FORD & CO., AUCTIONEERS, WILL HOLD TIIEIE THIRD LARGE TRADE SALE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, TOR THE FALL OF 18G6, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely. , PHILIP FOUD CO., Auctioneers, 928 5t $ No. 806 MARKET Street. "O SCOTT, J K.. AUUTIUMS K LI, J).Ko. 1(120 CHESNUT nTKGciT. U i' Attn a am now nrenared to make arrangements lor special Bales of OH Paintings, -tatuary, or any other w oras Ci 4n. tmr location utfing iu mo wuho w. "w Iliosi imuiuiiau luuruuKuiai. w, UIHnv' desirable resort lor couuowseurs and ioyers ol art in fienerul. , j , AnA-ui Dni i,.i , ,,t i-cr soaal at mucin given to ou.-door sules. li. ticorr. JB. MAGNIFICENT SALE OF KIC'II BILVt-E PLATED A nr.. On Thursday Morning next, Octnbsrl at 11 o'o.ock at ieut a Art Gallery. No. 1020 hefuut street, a maiinltlcent assortment oi nun ahver-plated waie enilirucing urns, tea set aaier Irult felS HIIU BIUUUD, wiun biuiiub. csBieiS, baskets and trays, ice aud wator il chers Kt); lots, cups, syrup pitchers, spoon holders. oyM and aouo tureens cul lei a Are trumpets eto AwO Kpotina, loran, buu iiiuio. ,u triple piate on fliio nicke. These uoudi ate warrautoi the bent ever tillered at pohli t hiiIo. Open tor eaaunuanoa vu t, bumpw., CHARLES C. MACKEV, AUCTIOXEKR. NO. iU MAKKE C Street between Third and Fourth. REGULAR SALE OF ' rnfirKERY. OLAfSWAHE. JAPANNED WAEE. tlfULR M1S ELLASEOUS (JOOUS. on Tuesday MornlUB .,.,.,onoinir atsk, o elock hharu in lots sultahle for cit and couutryjtajlHtore-keeiiers. 10 3 6t ANCOAST & WARNOCK, A AUCTIONEERS. a P K1SI no. iAv v&nivE,i mrnew Q I L V E R-r LATED WARE. SAMUEL, IC. SMYTH, j 1'rartira.l Partner of the late firm of MF,AD A SMy"ll , would luform the trade that he has removed to No. 3 South THIRD Street, Whie he will continue the na inteoture of STJ PE RUiTbiLvT K PLATtii ; WABB ol oouble and triple piate under theuauie ol the Uiujof bUVlU AIJUU. tilm OCTOBER 3, 186G. FOtlRTII EDITION FROM WASHINGTON THIS P. M. SPECIAL Pt8I ITCnpsj TO KVENINO TRLGORAPH.) Wabhinoton, Oetobor 3. Johnson' Troubles with his Hew Appointees. The practice of making changes of Colleetom and A'scseorB of Internal Revenue on political crounds Is found to bo working so badly thut it is likely to bo abandoned. The returns of many ot tbe new appointees ure so confused and Imoerfect that it, is ioun.1 necessary to pend them back for revision, and tbe diminist-ci returns in many ense fchow that the ignorance ol new otlicers is taken advantage of to a great extent by unprincipled parties. The Marine Corps. The Murine Corps is so nearly full that, general enlistments will be suspended, but tirst-clasa men will bo enlisted at th stations at Philadel phia, New York, and in tato firy to fill vacancle. taused by expiration of terms of enlistment. Cholera. Another ease ol Asiatic cholera has occurred beie, tbe barty being a lady named Acker, re; sidinir in the noi thorn part ot the city, f ne ih recovering. Association ,'of Rebel Prlaon Survivor. An association has been formed here of former soldiers and sailors of the Union army and navv who were tirigoicrs ot war in the routo. A resolution was Adopted liiit n'mht. requesting the evnrisonera of war resident in tue dilVerunt Statee to notily the Associatiou of their place of resulencc, in order that a lull record ot tin; pris oners of war may be kept. It was alno determined to bave an annual celebration. From Canada. Ottowa, C. W., October 3. The Executive Council held a council for several hours lasi, niirht. It Is reported that important despatches relating t 'the Fenians have been received. The Board of Trade lias passed a resolution that American and British silver will be taken hereafter at 4 per cent. dicoiiut. Toronto. V. w.. ucto'ier j. an inicrestinu exteriment reear liiiar iIip use ot peat lor fuel has been tried by tic rand Truuk Kail way Comnanv. and has rr .nod entirely successful. Ct'OtlBTions are iieinu niiiue mr it cuinii!; match between thu Montreal and Manchester (Knulund) Clubs. The reecints ot liarlev m the loronto nia'-Kes yesterdiiT from the taran r?' wagons reuch'.'d sixtv tboasinid bimnels. A Strav Balloon. Osweoo; N. Y., October A Walloon, par tially inllntcil, wi'bont occuiiants, was picKiM up id Luk uiiiaric ycsterany. From Hnvnua. New York. October 3. The steamer Moro CasOe, li-'jm llavuna, has been A). nalle l bclov. Veiy Latest Markets by leleg.aph. Wkw York. Octobers. stocks ar stroniror. Ch!, Cairo and Kot;k Island, 107; ; Cutnoorland preferred, fit: Illinois Centt"). 1214: iiicUiean ooiitliorn, bb' New Yori tjentrai. ins: itoaumi'. ittj : iiuuaoii Rver 123 ; Canton tomuauy, 55; Emt Rai road, 871: "Western Union Teeiraph. 64; Mifotr i bs, 79: Virff'iila 6s 69: United States (is, 1B'j7, 13N: I'niitmns 1H81. in.: ao imt lilt: uo. ibjj. iuw; : Ten-lonlos, 09J; lreasury 7'8U Notes, 100. Gold, lif. Baltimobk, October 8 Flour very firm. Sprini' Whmt extras. Sll(al2 50. VVheat steatly. Corn litis a tentenuv upurti; vhite, $1 03il 04; yellow, ff'lfii-l (.2. (Jo's firm nr, 60 "5Hc Flaxseed dull and droopinir. Clovorsoed, Sf7 75S7 78. l'rovioious dull oroctries steady. Colloo inuotivo. Whisky quiet, LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. U. S. C'lrctilt Court Judge Ca:lwa'ador. Tim case of J. Atlee Muio vs. Tho Commonwealth Nut' una! liank, before rcponed, is still hefnro the court. I heexaraiiiutiou ot wnnoi-esis not yet con- iviiftftri. UlMlrlrt Court ,Iudp Stroud Thomas Creed vs. Thomas II. Spcakman, trustoo with A. Kuireue Kniul. This lsaciann for componsatiuu lor sni vices rendered in takius care ot tho rladdini'- ton HoFPttnl, the proneriy ot tho defendants, vet- dintrorplaintifT S203'43. District Court Judge Uaro. IIoaca H. Painter vs. ft Htneman. Ihis is an action of re nlevin. It is alleged that plain'itl' so'd to a certain fceyuiore Waae. of ev York, a larse quantitv ot paper collar ; that Wade dispos -d ot thost' collars at a sum much less than the r value, and, failing to piiy the plaintiff absconded. The plaintitr traced his goods to the storo of delcndaut and roplcvinud them. Jury out. BOARDING BOUSK THIEF. Court of lluarter Seauloua Allison, P. J. Prison casts are still botoro thu Court. Edward Jones plendctl p lty to a charge of the laio -ny oi a pold watch valued at $100, and oi 9195 tho property of Aathuniel K. Evans. Both Jones and Evaus were toarding in the snie l ouso. On mst Satur day niptit, attor all bad retired to bod, Jones got up, w ent to Evan's room, and stole th,i money from bis ?auta oons pocket, aud the watcn from lm pi low. iewas arrested just as be was about to atart for Now I oik. Sentenced to County Prison ior 3 years. BTEALfNO HAM. Thomas Qulglov pleaded cutlty to a onarge of the larceny of a bam, the property of Mis. Shiuglo. Mrs. Shingle kept a grocery stor tip-town. Air. Oaigley pausing by, flngorcd the ham hanging; at tbo door, and, being very wolfish, his fingers conve niently stuck to the hum, and it came down from Mrs (Shingle's shinglo. Di-iposttion of the case deferred till to-morrow. There boinc no other busi ness belore the Court, the jury waB discharged at an early hour, tillto-morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Philada. Stock Excliange Sales, Oct. 3 Bepoited by Do Haven & Bro., Ko. 40 Is. Third street. BETWEEN BOARDS. inro Allcrco 6s.. 76 , luOshTennB 57f 9100(1 U H 780s June lOti 400 l'till 68 new.. 99j $U(K) V s '81 reg. .llli 9su do 67 44 sh do 06 67 52 sh Ee Val 641 100 sn Uoauing...b30 6Sj lnO sh do b6 f9 200 sh Sch N Df 87 1 111,10 ra It ZQ mi oa ou 800 sh New tree:..., 7 th Mech Bk 16 sh N Central... llsh do.. . ...... 200 sli Big Mount .0 66shi-ehigii Wav.. i 38 m 69 600 sh do "60. 7i 600 sh do 87.s 100 sn Cata pi. 200 sh do... ... 32 i ,.2d 32ii 80 sh do.. KKfiflND BOARD. er,0OOUS6 20s62. ..llli, loOsh CaldweU.. 6f 00 do Ill t I 100sbFb.it; K.... SlOtiOOlMtvtis. new... l)9J 100 sh Sch Jil pf . . 2000 N I'a It 6s . ... m 211 sh touna It., f 6000 O & A 6s 89, 1)8 ; ... R3 .bfi 371 .b6 mi XEEVE L. KNIGHT & SON, No. 80 CHESXIT Sircct, HAVE SOW OPBN A WELL-ASSORTED STOCK OF AMERICAN AND ENGLISH CARPETINGS, OIL CLOTHS, COCOA MATTINGS, DRUGGETS. KUGS, ETC. 10 SwfniSmftP'' E A D & CO No. 010 CHESNUT STREET, MAJiUFAClUREBS OF SILVER-PLATED WAHE, TRIPLE PLATE. MONI-Y SAVED BT PUECHASINO DIRECT FROM THfc M AN UJf ACT (J HERS, MEAD & CO., 101mw.3u.rp He, 10 CHESNOf SfREEr. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. BONNET OPENING, Wednesday, October 3, 1866. WOOD & OAEY, jo. 725 1HESHUT STREET. 101 rpti OPLEMUD OPENINO OF FALL AND WIN- kJ TKR BTYLE8.-MRS. M. A. HI N IIP It Vn tail CH P.M. NUT Btreet, Pbllade phla IHPOKTGB- Of LA DISH' DRKSB AND CLOAK TBIUM1S. Alao. an elegant stock of linporiotl Paper Patterns for ladies' and Chlblrea's Dmss. Parisian Drens and Cloak Making In all Its varieties, l.adlea lurntahinc their rtrharjd coolly materials niav re, t on bemir imuWiir flttrd, and their work UnlKhttd in the most prompt and eftlcirnt manuer, at tht lowest possible prices at twenty four hours' notice. Cnitlnx and bastlnir Patterns In sets, or by tbe single piece, tor merchants anil dress makers, now read;. 910 tin cTjr IJ ONSET OPENING. WEDNESDAY, OCTOIJEU .'J, E. P. CILL & CO., 1011m XO. T30 ARCH STREET. M R S. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. flak a handsome assortment of MILLINERY t Mfsae aud Infants' Uats n(l Caps. Bilks. Velvets Crsoes Klbbons, Feathers, Flowers, Frames, etc. 7 18 K I 9 T R K ; 8 . No. 14S North EIGHTH 8TRKET, M i l i non on TIU'RSDAV. Octobers. 9 28 St FALL AMI WINTER MILLINERY. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES 'J'HE "EVANS & WATSON" S A. F E ALWAYS RELIABLE. The "Inside Door" Safe Never Fails. I'niLADF.Li'niA, September 26, 1866. MESSRS. I VANS a WATSOV;- ficntlemen : About six years ago we purchased from jou one of jour Fire-troot fates, which we placed in our m il on Jlaiket street, west of the brlaife. Yester day morning our mill was destroyed bv Are, and the Ba'e tailing into tbe cellar omonist ihe ruins, was sub jected to a cheat heat. After the fire was subdued we opciu d tbe Mats, and found our m uoy. books, papers, policies of Insurance, etc. etc, riiiirncTLT preserved. We cboerunlv recommend your ftaie to a I desiring pro tection iu tbe event of Are. Respect ully vouib, peter-on Marshall, No. Silt! Market street. We take pleasure In referring to the above certificate, which, with the many others iu our possesitlon, proves nur Pafcs to be, as we h ive alwu? s represented them, a PERFECT protection. We are the solo inanutacturers of Safes with Inside or doub e do'Ts, Our piices are lower than other makers, and w earnestly deslie all seeking a Sale with the greatest securitv, to examine ourlarire stock before purchasing elsewhere. EVANS & WATSON, 811 CHESNUT St. No. 9 UT etrp EVANS & WATSON, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF S .A. FES DESIGNED FOR Bank, Mercantile, or Dwelling-IIonse Ua Established Over 25 Tears. Over 24,000 Safes in Use. The only Safes with Inside Doors. Never Lose their Fire-Proof Quality. Guaranteed free from Dampness. Sold at Prices Lower than other makers. ' WAKEIlOOJISs No. 811 OIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. 9 Alp JUST. It EtC E I V E D, Per Steamer "Bosphorus," the Largest and Finest Collection of IULBOIS FLOWER ROOT?, I ver Imported Into this City, consisting of Double and Single Hyacinths, Tulips, Crocus, Narcis3us, Jonquils, Lilies, Snowdrops, ' Iris, Etc. Etc. Etc. lhcs bulbs have all been selected expressly for my sales, and are greatly superior to those ukuailv offered. A Descriptive and Illustrated Catalogue mir be had on implication. TERMS 310DERATE. HENIIY A. DHKEll SEEDMAN AND FLORIST, 714 CHESNUT St. No. 818 6t IF YOU WANT PERFECT SATISFACTION in every respect, buv the celebrated PKBUTCnj COAL Kgg and Stone sizes, at 7 per ton. Alao, tu imuluetAtlLK VKIN CO A I, same slaes, same prioe art) a very (inequality of LKHIfiH, Ksg and Htove, at SltAperton. I seep nothing but tbeueeU OrUera r. celM oate-lis Bouth lllLfibBUsst. (M i