THE DAILY EVENING- TELEGRAPH. PIULADELPniA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 1, 18C0. HUM) ERS IN NEW YORK. . Ma Killed by a Blow with a Ilrlek Oaaueeeiiifal Attempt to Ilscover the Assailant. A caoe of homicide, involved in considerable WTfttTy, was nroupht to tbe attention ot (kro ner Wlldpy yeetertlay. It appears that on the Bifrhtoftho llth ult., nhortly alter tnlilnieht, three young men. named Patrick McDonougli, John f'lyim, and Thoniiis MeUowan, all of whom if side in East Eleventh street, became engaged in a quarrel opposite No. 145 in that siren. This quarrel originated in !otne Intlingdippute about some money matters. Flynn whs very much intoxicated, and a scuffle ensued between him and McUowan, which ended in Flynn being knocked down. At this juncture some unknown man called out, "(Jive Flvnn a show." McDon ttniiti then ran out ot the hallway in which the ecuflle took place, and the stranger ran away, pursued by McDonough. During the chaae the unknown man turned on his pursuer and struck him on the bead with a brick or stone, fracturinn his skull, and escaped. McDonouch, was taken to his residence, No. 145 Kaft Eleventh street, and attended by a piivi cian. He lingered until yesterday morning, when he expired from the effects ot the tniury. Etiorts were made bv the Seventeenth Precinct police to discover the assailant, but without avail. An inquest In the, case was yesterday held by Coroner Wildey, at the Heveuteenttt Precinct Station House, wrcro the evidence of various witnesses was taken, and the following verdict rendered: "That the said Patrick McDonouph came to a is death by Iracture of the skull, at the bauds ot some person or persons unknown. Deceased was thirty years of age, and a native of Ireland. At the request of the Coroner, Captain Mount, f tbe Hcventeenth Precinct, will rene his efforts to discover me man by whom Mc Ikinouph was aicaulted. There is, however, tont little prospect of success, as the man was not seen by cither of the parties except Ale Donough, the deceased. Flynn, who had been arrested, was dis charged by the Coroner, there being uo evidence against him. Probable Murder In a Brotlicl. A probable case of brutal and fatal assault was partially developed yesterday aliernoou by Captain Steers, of Seventeenth Precinct. At about 3 o'clock Captain Steers received infor mation to the eil'ect that a woman had died sud denly at the low biothcl kept Dy Michael Hoey, at No. Via (ireenwich street, us was alleged, from the ellccts of a brutal healing received at the hands of the proprietor and his barkeeper, named John Chuw.ien. Captain Steers pro ceeded to the place, and on investigation ascer tained that a woman named Mary Piukney, who was en ployed as a cook at the place, hud died suddenly during the afternoon. The Captain also was informed that either last night or yesterJay intimitis a quarrel hud ensued between lloey ana the deceased woman, during which lloey mid Clanssen beat mid kicked her about the head, body, and abdomen in a most brutal manner, until she was almost insensible, and the female inmates of the house put her m bed. As she arvw rapidly worne, Dr. Shine, wuose oliico was m the same, was tiiiniinoned at about 10 o'clock in the morning, and he attended tnc woman until she died, at 1 o'clock in the alternooii. Whether the whole lacts in the case were re potted to the physician does not appear, but that gentleman, although he. had at courted the woman but lour times before death, gave tbe necessary burial certificate, which is contrnry to law. But lor the information conveyed to the Captain, the remains ot the woman would, no doubt, have been buried out ot sight, and tne crime would have been buried with her. Captain Steers, ou learning all the facts In the case, at once arretted Hoey and Clanseu, and conveyed them to the station house, where they were locked up lor the uight. Eight of the girls who live at the brothel were also taken in custody and detained as witnesses in the case. The place was also closed up, and au otiicer lclt in charge ot the rc mains and the premises. Coroner Naumarm was potihed ot the case, and called at the station, Ho took posesiun of the ccrtiUcate granted by the physician in attendance. Au inquest will be held to-day. -JJr, Ttcsa" ItobiDSon will tiiukd a post-morieui examination Of the remains of that unfortunate woman, when the causo of death will be ascer tained. It i3 stated that the body ot the de ceased bears marks of fearful violence. Hoey is thirtv-lour veurs of ago and Clausfien is twenty Feveii. Both are natives of Ireland. JV. ir. Wori to-dap, AMUSEMENTS. Italian Opeba. Monday, October IV Is announced as tbe night tor tue dtbut ot the celebrated pr,m bujf'ol fiignor oiorgln Ronconl. who will appear in the comic optra of L'nfpino t la Comare. Hbw Cuebsut Stkket Xbeatbi Mr John K. Owens week in London, and In New York for two hundred appears to-nlcht In hit famous character of ' Uncle ftolon Hhlngle" in the new comedy of Uncle Solon Shin ale. 'Ibis is Mr. Owens' most noted roU. lie periormed 'Uncle colon Millie" to lame audiences lur eight aad twenty-tlve nights. Mr. Owens will be supported by all ot the lavorues of the Chesnut btreet corps dnt tnai que. and they will b( put upon the stage in an ad mirable manner. Tbe laughable larca of J hn JJ,bb wU also be Riven, with Owjns as "Peter Paternoster," and Mr. Ueorge U. Clarke as '-John iiobbs." New Abch Htbkbt Theatbe The new play entitled 7Tw Fait Family, which has been so successful in Lon don and New York, will be produced, with new scenery and a very strong cast Mrs. John Drew enacts the part f "Cloti de, a rich widow," sut porM bv Mr Griffiths, Miss K. Price, Miss Annie Ward. Mr Owen Marlowe, Mr Mordaunt, Mr. Frank Blvers, and a 1 the ia-ontc ot the Company. Tbe Cumtcal I nice of That llhiied baby, wttb Mr. Uemple In the cast, will conclude ibe per formance. Walndt Stueet Theatbb. Mr. John Brougham ap pears this evening as ' Mr, Foxglove," In his own bril liant and bean til ul comedy of Fliei in the Web, and as O'Ca.latihau" in JJi Latl Lqt. This will form an attractive entertainment. Nbw American Theatbe. Mr. Joseph Troctor wll make his appearance this evening as 'The Jlbhenaine eay," In 'iss Medina's stirring drama of Nick of the Wiiodt Mr Proctor has been very successful in this play in the East and Went, He will be supported by the entire Company. Academy or Mcsfc Dumel Dougherty, Esq., will deliver an oration this evening before the members ot the Union League and ti e citizens of Phlladelpnla. lie will have a crowded house Assembly Buildings Bober: Heller remains with nautili. To night lie auniunces six splead iduewacis Including Robert Hon'ln's wonderlul ' Orange Tree ' blooming and bearing fruit " The '-Wood Minstrels" give a onr-crt, and Mr. Uellor plays anew plaulatlc programme. National Hall. Thl temple has been thoroughly renovated and the Lincoln Memorial Tableaux will be exhibited here fur the tirst time Hit evening. The Family Rksobt. t arncross & Dlxny's great star troupe oi sable serenade. appear in a great bill this evening. Their Upeeirt'i frolic Is lucresNlnK in popu larity It will be repeated to nit tit, wiih other good things. CITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional City JntcUtgencesee Second Page. A Spunky Hat. Who baa not read the learful legends of the liliinu where the wicked old nobles were occasional. y cut short iu their mortal fcxhMeoco by the swarms of revengeful rats that Would overrun their castles!1 Tney say, however, that numbers irunerally Rive curao, hut want will we say abtmi the attack of a so nary rat upon a man and a dog? This hi the storv. Oflicor Evans, wh-lo on his beat last night, accompanied by a pet teirior, caino across a lurgo black rut. " larrv" nilaoked the rar and the rat showed iitfht in such scientific earnest that the doft came otrnecond bust, and was utterly do. moralized. Ollioor bviuis was tlien atticked iu turn, ud several times did tho rodoubtable rut assault the ilioer, and each time mounted his breastworks, and three times was he beaten down. The third time trio rut was a In Uo gnmnud and a sood deal demora lized, and at tempted to escape by putting himself (iiierauy, not imitapliyBlculiy,) up a spout, iu iu attempt he was kinod. Bad Boy. kn unfortunate youth who, witn dreams of future clory, loft his home la tiotham and wandered in thu it. brought ud at the Fourth District Police Station on Saturday evening. The youth tn ountinn. whs bears the rather veneral name or John Smith, was minus that essential requisite to getting along; in the world, r. eash. and was sent to the Kt .lnlm's Ornhau Jtsylain by Alderman Hurley, ea the eharf a ot ah- Thk Great Base Ball Matcvi. Th (rrrat niatch beiween the Atlantic-, of .Now York, and the Athle'ics, of this 3'ty. tl the g reat cvorita of the day. Notwitliotanalog the ImvBonsn eirorts to acoommodate all the visitors to th crounds, not ono flith ot those desiring to see tbe ctame can possi bly be accommodated. Oyer twenty thousand tickets have been sold. At 1 o'clock the crowd bet an to arrive, and thera are thousands who will have to be outsiders. i be Atlantic nine arrived in this city last evening from Jiow York, in company witfi a larre deten tion from that city. The following are the names of the nine: Chorles Mnitli, Cnnrlos Mrlls, Thomas l'ratt. Joreph Htart. Frndorick train, Rlohard Pierce, John Chapman. John ualvla, J. Ferguson. Tbero is the greatest (nthuMBm amongst tho base-ball iratern ty in regard to this match, which will be a most exciting one. Numbebof Arrests Dtjrino thb Tast Month lh following exhibits the number of arrests daring the past month. Tho greater part were drunk and disorderly cases, of small! ac count Dittrtct. No.ofArrttii-'DittricU ho.of Arrrttt. 1 24 12 W 2 618 13 818 8 4A9 14 V6 4 2! 15 61 6 278 lfl 170 6 22ft Kevrve Corps 17 7 130 i'ark Police 4 8 18 Harbor Police 2i!2 Central 68 10 2ilt 11 212 Total.... 4644 Row in A Bker Shop. Mmon Weldcn berger, with several ot his companions. It Is alleged, went into a lacer beer saloon at tho corner of Law rence and Thompson streets, and not being able to obtain any liqnor, proceeded to smash things In gen eral, and glares In particalar. The affair occurred about 9 o'clock last niaht, ana created quite a dis turbance In the neighborhood, the proprietor of tne saloon, it is alleged attempted to p icity the dis turber ot bis peace, when they (rave him a drub bing., wno was the ringleader, was arrested with one or two others, and had a bearing bolore Alderman shoemaker, who held him to answer in the sum or 1(100, and eight others In smaller amounts for disorderly conduct. Connubial Felicity. From all accounts Robert Androws is one oi those deleclab e pooi. mens of humanity or rather tne want of it who occasionally figure in tho police reports under the head of "beating Ins wife " Robert ts. to tell thu truth, what most men would call a brute, although it is certain a Drtite would to ashamed of thoco ii paricoii. Ho (Robert), while in a state of Inebriety, mado a violent a-sault and taitcrv on his yife, beat lug and bruising her verv badly, lat Saturday even ing. He then sal down on a littlo child, and injured it very severely. Tho fellow was arretted and had a hearing beloro Alderman Shoemaker, who com mitted him to answer. Rescuing a Prison kr. John Gardner, who is nob a lover oi human liberty that ho is said to go to extreme limits to carry out all his idoa, was arrested Inst night for rescuing a prisoner from a police oflicor. He succeeded in getting tho pri soner off, but was not so fortunate himself, as he was arrested. Tbo affair occurred at Hopo and Jellerson streets, and there were ono or two others concerned in it, oneoi whom, James McVev, was arrested st Front and Masror street, on the charge ot inti rfertneo with the olflcer. Thoy were both committed bv Aldermpn Shoemaker. Gardner in default oi tfllOO and McVey m default ot $8U0, to answer. A '"Bummer" in Trouble. John Burns, one ot those classical individuals who imagines that tho word owes them a living wi'hout doing any thnijf to warrant the collection of it, was arrested ou bamrduv evening on tho charge of larceny. V but aroused I lie suspicions of tho ponce was the fact of Johnny e having a quantity of fine white shirts stowed away snugly under his ami. As he was not in circumstances to mdulpo lawfully in such luxuries, it naturally occurred to tho police that he enmo into their possession without coin? through the legitimates formalities ot trade. He bad a hearing before Recorder Encu, who hold him in JSiiOO to anrwer. SnoT in the Late Kiot. Georpe Lenoir, another of the sufloi ers by the late not is Iving in rattier a seuous condition He had a pistol ball taken out ot the back of his thigh having passed tlirouph Irom tho front. Another of the noton, named Robert Hamilton, was aires' cd list Saturday on a warrant tamed by A derman Lu z, He had a preliminary hearing befoio Aldei man Flood, who bound him over in tne sum ot $1000 lor a lurtner heurinc bolore Alderman Lutz. Pugnacity. An excitable individual, re joicing in tho cogi.oinen of James Graham, was at rented last Saturday evening in Norns stn ii n" tho charge ot assault ud battclT. It Is alleged that lie get Jl'to n viO'Oi.t Blt-rcution on some point iu politic)!, and a his opponent could not see the torco of ofto peties ot arguments, be undertook to try an other the knock down argument, tie succeeded in petting himselt arrested ard nut in Umbo, and lind a hearing he I ore Alderman Clouds, who held him in i. 600 to appear at Court. Suspicion op Larcf.ny. Jesso Mitchell, a colored man, was arrested at Delaware avenue ana Arch street, on the charge of being concerned in robbing; one ot the officers of a river steamer omu time ago. He Is supposed to know ail about tbe occurrence, and who the real parties in the affair are. He wan arrested last evening and had a hear ing this morning before Alderman Godhou, who held mm In S8C0 to answer. Carrying Concealed Deadly Wea- ponb 1 wo men, named Roderick Da y and James AlcJSally, whilst acting; in a drunken and disorderly manner last evening, were arrested, and on exa mining tbeir persons a large dirk knifo was found on the person of McNally and a ' billy" on Daly. They were each held in the sum of $600 bail by Aldurmau Hutchinson, Important to Invincibles. See the Marshal's omer lor the West Chester trio this evening. Members assemblo at 6 o'clock. Intkbebtino Letters fuom (Joveunou Cur- tin and Hon. Lkonahd Myers, The following correspondence between the Hon. L. Myers and the Governor is of interest to all Penosylvanian. The high position of both parties ensures iu rellabllily : HAHRienuiiQ, August 7. Dear Sir: It is always agreeable to a puuhc man to feel that he enjoys tho confidence oi ms constituency, anu mar. ue naa so lullilled the trusts committed to his care as to do sorve their approbat.on I awaited the adjourn ment of Congress to thank you lor the zeal, effi ciency, ana tidoltty jou lent to me advocacy ot the bill you introduced, and which passed into a law at tho last session ot Congress, to reimbuiso money ad vanced by the Mate iu I8ti8. at the requestor the President and (secretary of War. Having tailed to U'ocure the appropriation at preceding sessions of Congress, although earnest y pressed by the Legis.uture ot this State and oir members ol Congress, and as my term ot office ex. pired before auother ettort could be mide, I watched the progress ol your bill with much solicitude, ar.d while the interest of the people was laithluuy erved by our entire detonation in aiding the pas sageof vour appropriation, I nave nevoriaied tospeak ot your able, persistent, and successful effoiu as deserving the tnauksot tbe State. When reflecting upon tne gnat questions upon which vou were called to act during tbo late session ot Congress it must be a gratification to you to loet that you guve tins measure, also so just anu equita ble tn all nspects, your earnest and elficicnt sup port. Very respectlully, your obedient servant, A. (i. Coutin. Hon. Lkohard Myi-:kr. l'HILADELPniA, AugUSt8 on, AnartAO C. Curlin, lioitrnor of I'ennytvanla. Dear Sir : I cannot tool othnrwiso than gratiiiud at voi.r very complimentary letter upon the uiwsaire bv I ouirress ol my bid roiinMu-Bing: 4,700.000 to our Hiato. too moiisuro now, ver, was, as ouwollru lunrk, "just and exmtnble iu nil le.pccts" audi oulv did mv duty in presenting and uririni it. The money was advanced by somo ot tho bun is of I UilHdcipiiio, no tm r loneress nor tm sute L'?i'l future being then iu gestuou to puv tnoso trooos irom out rttuto who, iu tho great emorgeu'iy of lMlia. vol unieered to repol the invaders, and prossedthPiu luck towards 1 lie Uocisive battle-j;rouna ot tiiowur, nt (lottvHburg. Wlieu tho Ijealslnturo mot, tho State, at vour Instance, promptly as.-tiruod and atterwurds paid this Hum. Mr l.uiuclu and die hecrptuv of War lul lilled tlieir promise to recon iuend tho reimburse ment, and, in spite ol delays ana i-tronu opnosnion, it Is h pleasure to loel that i-ouress at mil recog. nied tiie validity ot the claim. Tbe part which l'eniisvlvuiiia'. orein the war to put down the Rebellion and Philadelphia did her lu l share is, Indeed, a proud one. I no records ot th w ar Department show that we luruiuhod ovor m .000 soldiers to defend the Union. These worn exc nsive of the militia who, in 1862, 18C3. and 1804. sprang to arms nt a momeut'a notice to resist the Rebel hordes, and in addition to our gallant sailors, who, rnualiy with thoir comrades ou the land, aided to render the American name more illustrious than ever. Yet it adds to the fame of our .goodly Cojninonwea'tb thai, taroughout the war, she bad in vonrselt a Oovernor waose every pulsa tion wt for his country, and who u known as tne friend ol its defender. rieased to have received commendations from inch a source, 1 am, with sincere regard, Xonri very respectfully, LroNARB Mtrrh. Ill TBB Mikt. It Is a splendid thin to be Stationed in our groat Mint. And, daily, hard bricht cr.ih to tee Oi wbion to gain a squint, OnWide that building, is but rare, Although it seems so common there. And 'tis a charming slgnt lor those Kndowed with true good taste, To see the heaps ot handsome clothes That in the Tower aierXAced! 1' e are prepared with an uniu-unlty full ami mm prehemnwe ttock of Men't, ImUhi', and Boy' and Winter Clothing, which tne tire tclinij at MOCK LOWKH PRICKS THAN HAVE BEEN KNOWN FOR REV B RAL years. Congratulating our patron and tlte puolio gtntraUy upon th decline in th price of ma terial which render (hi postiM. v invite an examination. Tower Hall, No, 618 VI arkkt Street, Rkwwbtt ft Co, HrMPHRtY'S' HOMfljOPATRIO SPECIFICS had their origin in a great public want moaicioos for all the common wants of enlightened Hie corativos that lather, mother, nurso, or traveller could always have with them, and a'ways rely upon so simple, that mlstoko could not he made In the selection j so harmless that all might use them with impunity, and ao efficient that all might rely upon them with safety, buch they have proved. Thousands ot families use them dally for all the all moots and sick n esses ot life, and rare'y are seriously sick, or have need lo call a pnyslcian. Thousands taking some smglo specifio have cured themselves ot chronlo diseases, which have been tho bane ot their lives, and upon which they have spent hundreds in vain; and among the millions who use them, none are found to question thoir rtirity or effloacy. Every family should have a case. See advertisement. Aew York Citizen, Apritl, 1866. The Keen to the City. Now that most of our citizens have returned homo, we would remind those ot tho masculine gender thai tho extensive and first class Clothing House of Charles Stokes fc Co. have on band a superior lot of Fall and Winter Clothing, wh ch ibey are now selling at reduced prices. Tue styles are a 1 new this season. Stokes ft Co., Under the Continental. FIve-Twtnty Coupons, Duo Kovembor 1, Wanted by Drkxf.l ft Co., No. 84 South Ihirdstrcot. To soldiers of Mkxicas War and War or 1812. Land Warrants wanted. Hewes Emio & Co , No. 60 south Third stroet, Philadelphia. Ox Saturday (hero was a crowd in front of tho Custom House to boo tho men turned out. but nothing iu comparison to the throng iu trout ot the Continental to soe Flaherty, opposite, turn out his cigars and tobacco. Caramels; Caramels Caramels Geore W. Jenkins has as fine an assortment of Caramels of all flavors as can be had anywhere. Yon are attracted to It F. Rolmer's Gallery, No. 624 Arch Btreet, oy the superior rhotographs and tho moderate charges. Tare Ater b marbparilla to purify tho blood and remove uinior, pimples, boils, and sores, which onlyexmbit the rottenness within. Twelfth and Chf.snut is tho place to purchase ( oik lattresses and ISeuuing, and to have your Fur niture reupbolstercd, varnished, and repaired by practical woikmen. iPYOUdesiro perfect l'ietures ofany kind, go to Leonard May's Gallery, at the S. E. corner of Sixtn. and Cnllowhill streets. He will bu sure to suit you. Give him a cad. CoMPOrsD Ikterept Notes. 7 8-10 and 5-20g wanted. De Haven & Brother, No. 40 S. Third St. ELASTIC HTITCIl fcEWlNG FAMILY TTSE. TUE ONLY MACHINE TU AT BOTH NEWS I'i.KFJi.CTLY A t D EMBltOlDF.nS IU Kl'ECTLY SHUTTLE, OB LOCKSTITCH SEWINO V ACUISE, KOK TAtLOltS, SIIOKM AKEliS, MADDI.EKS, II V It NESS 11 A K EB-l. CARtl AGE MA K. KRS, LATEVrANDBE GROVETt .t BAKKTt'H Hl(illH8T PREMIUM' ShWIMi MACUINE8, No. wn CHKS NUT bTKEKT. ecpr.nion, Styles f eeady-madk Clotiumi. Scpeiuor Styles op Kkady-m ape Clothing, Wahamakkr ft Browh, Popular House, .iak Hall, Pouthca-t corner Sixth and Market Streets. M AUUIIiD. (lltlFFEN BKOWN. On the2lth of .Inly. 1H6H, by the Hev. Jared Hamcs Peters, of the Third liap'lst Church, Jlr MAHI'lM GUUFEN to MAGGlli A. BKOWN, both of Phlludelpnia GttEtiG TURNER On Monday. October 1. 11SB. in Trinity church, Philadelphia, by the Itev. Daniel Wash bum, Rector. Mr. I.AEItTKS L Git EGO. of New York city, and Aliss J KriNIE R., eldest daugbterot William li. Turner, Ksq., ol this city. I ) T K T. ALF.XANDER.-On the 29th instant, CHARLES ALI.XAMl'l.R, in the "Oth year of his axe, Hie relatives and Irlends of the faun y are respectfully invited to utieiiU his mneral. trom his laie residence, Ko. 1122 Wistar street, on Tuesday afternoon at it o'clock. To proceed to Monument Cemetery. FULLER. Suddenly, on Hunday. September SO, PLANCH. aauKhter ol Abbott U. and Matte b. Fuller, agiU 2 yeurs and 9 mouths. i he relatives and iriends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, tioiu the residence oi her parents. No. 1910 Green street, on Tuesday at U o'clock M. LYNN Suddenly, on Sunday last, SAMUEL M. LYSN. aed 20 years. Ills friends are Invited to attend his funeral, en Tues da v n. xt at i o'clock, irom the residence ol H. Uough, Jr.'. o. 621 N Mevenih S'leet. WASTE OP OIL. BY CARELESSLY PUT tini; down an oiler, is prevented by tbo patent Billclcs, as from tbeir peculiar shape tbev Immedi ately place themselves uprlKht. Sizes sultnble for Alaeblnuiis or lor Sewlnx Macalnes, and those of the usual description, tor sale by & No. gao (Eight Thlrty-fl ye) MARKET St., below Ninth. BRANDS WITH MOVABLE OR PKRMA nent letters tor marking Tools, etc , furnished at the Hardware Store ot TRUM A N A SHAW N o. twft Kight l nirty-nve) MARKET St.. below Nleh. PHOTOGRAPHERS, PICTURE-FRAME MA kers, IxiokinK Glass Dealers, and othois who use Iron i-crew Eyes, Brats Rinifs Knobs. Na Is ana Hooks, Tacks, Brads. Ac, are invited to examine the assort ment ot those aiticles at Till' MAN AbUAW'S, So. as ( Emm Thirt-avel MARKET St.. below Ninth. " TJE THAT HATH EARS TO HEAR, LET 11 BIM HEAR "Instruments to assist the hoar liiK at MAUElKA'it, No. 115 K.TENTU Street below l hesnut 9 Ira BARBER'S I M PROVED PEKISCOPIC SPKCTACliKS. Superior to all others. Thy excite the woadvr and ailmitation of all who use them. i, uuntuctorv and Sales-rooms, No. 244 N. EIGHTH Bjreet, l'hlia., Pa. OPKR A 7il,A SSES. Aseortmer t lame and varied. Prices low. 9 24 3m vi WAR B D11TO N, FASHION AHLK II ATTFR, No. 430 CHESMIT Street, 9 i; -Next door to Post Otllee. .TON 1' BUT THK BEST a' - i r a D ih t purnn r r a r CAUEKLiLLY Pit" PA Hi D. AI A I I.OWKS P KATK.. FATIFA"HOV HTARNTEKI). tllm ,1 KVAVS .BltOAl) an t KILBESTi o FF TllK TRACK ! BEST BREAD EVES MADE! AKHATKID BREAD, MADE WITHOUT YEAST, HANDS, Oft FEltMESTATlOSI. Never HOUR a perfect protection against CHOLERA. It Is rulsed by Carboniu Acid ias, which Is the best known IiISINt ECTANT. FIFTY 1-OLLAUS REWARD If It can be proved by competent witnesses that It Is uabealtby. MADE WHOLLY BY MACHINERY. CURES DYSPEPSIA SURE I Call for It at yout Grocery, FULLER 4. JOHNSON, 9 aiwflmtp 'o. 16 B. E1GBTEESTH StreeU FOURTH EDITION THE CHOLERA IN BALTIMORE SPECIAL DESPATCH TO TDK KVXNINQ TELEGRAPH. Baltimore, October 1. There have been six deaths from Asiatic cholera here daring the past week, and fifteen to twenty cases. Thcro is no mistake in the malady now being here. There was one death to-day and some new cases. All cases heretofore reported resulted from the imprudent eating of oysters, cucumbers, vege tables, and careless living. It creates much excitement, and the weather is considered un favorable. The health authorities are very vigi lant, and hope to check the disease. Its preva lence was kept secret. Several days ar;o the steamer North Point, late from Havana, was sent back to quarantine with cholera aboard. FR05I WASHINGTON THIS I. M. special despatch to the evening teleoraph .Santa Anna la Washington. WA?niuoToi, October 1. Santa Anna is in Washington, und seems now to be cultivating the acquaintance of the Mexican Liberals, but Is dktriiKtcd by them. The Marine Corps. On Satarday orders were issued to dispnd recruiting for the Marine Corps, there being at present a full complement of men. Iatett Markets by Telegraph. New York, October 1. stock" better. Chicago and itock Island, lO?;;; Cumberland prelerrod, 6ii ; Illinois Control scrip, 124 ; Michigan oonthern, 8 J J; Wow York Central, 114J ; Ueadinir, 117; Hudson Hiver. 12!); Canton Company, 66? ; Erie liai road, Btii: Western Union Te eeraph. 66; United Ntatg Coupons, 1802. 1121; do. 18i, 109' : do 1S-M5, ItiSlj) ; Ten-fonies, ireasury Notes, lOO.'ojlOtif ; Gjid, M5j! HO: Sterling Exchange, 8 Is asked. Philarta. Stock Exchange Sales, Oct. 1 Keported by De Haven & Bro., jso. 40 1. Third street. BETWEEN BOARDS. 20 U.S 7 80s.Auft.10KJ 400 art Hearting. ..bCO 69 81746 23 rittBhil scrip. 78 1000 sh do 68 $1000 Mor Can 2 nt.. 90 I 100 Bti do 6: 8KK,Citv03new.. 90S 100. i sh do DtiO. 68J fttoco do. mil OS'S' 981' 051, 100 sn Cata Dt 81 f 100 sh do.... .b80 8U 3.'J00 do 26 0 W Chos 7 8477 l'a 6s 4(i0sh lazeh... 100 sli do bft VI 100 sh do.... sOO. 81 J 60 sh i!i Val 64i 31 sh 1'enn B 57 J SECOND BOARD. $10000 W J honds. . . . 84 200 sh fata pt 31J 100 sh Sell N pf. . .bGO 873 luO sh do 311 100 xn Heading K..683 100 sh do 31 200 sh do 682 BONNET OPENING. Wednesday, October 3, 1866. WOOD & GARY, Yo. 725 IIIEUT STREET. 10 1 rp ti FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES 'pIE "EVANS & WATSON" S JL F E AUWAYS RELIABLE. The "Inside Door" Safe Never Fails. Philadelphia, September 26, 1866. JJE8HHH. EVANS & WATSON: Gentlemen : Abont six years ago we purchased from you one of your Flre-Proot Sates, which we placed in our m'U on Market street, west of the bridge. Yester day morning our mill was destroyed by fire, and tho Bate falling into the cellar amongst the ruins, was sub jected to a gbeat beat. After the fire was subdued we opened the Sale, and found our mney, books, papers, policies of insurance, etc eto, fekfectlt pbeseuved. We cheerfully recommend your Sale to ail desiring pro tection In the event of lire Itet-pectlully yours, PETERION & MARSHAL!., No. 3042 Market street. We take pleasure in retbrrlng to the above certificate, which, with the many others In our possession, proves our Safes to be, as we have always represented them, a PERFECT protection. We are the sole manufacturers of Safe w Ith Inside or double doors. Oar prices are lower than other makers, and we earnestly desiie all seeking a Sate with the greatest security, to examine our lartte stock before purchasing elsewhere. EVANS & WATSON, No. 811 CIIESNUT St. 9 17 6trp gYANS & WATSON, MANUFACTURERS OF FIRE AND BUEGLAR-PR00F S A. F E S DESIGNED FOB Batik, Mercantile, or Dwelltus-Houae l'a Established Over 25 Years. Over 24,000 Safes iu Use. The only Safes with Inside Doors. Never lose thoir Fire-Proof Quality. Guaranteed free from Dampness. Sold at Prices Lower than other makers. WAItEltOOMSt No. 811 CIIESNUT Street, ruiLAiJELpniA. Lib bp Or EIGHTY SPLENDID PHOTOGRAPHS OV . of Female 1 eauties will be sent five by mall for 60contn. AdJNM A. bMlXU CO., ISox'tf, Station A, JiW YORK. ; V'lb6 U NADULTEKATED LIQUORS ONLY . STORK AND VAIUTS. Ko. wTHESNrjr streeit. Nearly OppealU tbe Post Office PHILADELPHIA. Tnmtt u wpplled gr.:er ftow the CottBtry Vtpt tUiPddv, 63,' DRY GOODS. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 SOCHI SECOND STREET, OPENS THIS MORNING, F 11 O M AUCTION, FORTY LOTS OF LONG AND SQUARE 13 It O C II E SHAWLS, OPENED AND FILLED CENTRES, AT VERY LOW PRICES. 9 26 wfm!t4p CUBWEN STODDART & BRO. JpALL AND WINTER GOOD3 FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. A FULL LINE OF Bit ) ARC LOTUS, CASSIMEIIES, COATINGS,' ETC., IROM RECENT AUCTION SALES. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450. 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., 829St ABOVE WILLOW. FAR IES & WARNER, No. 229 North NINTH Street, HAVE Ol'fNED TO-DAY, 1 cnee Cotton and Wool fitiakor Flannels, 31c. 1 do. Fine ao. tlo, do. do. 40c. Yard-wide all-wool Hbaker Flannels. All-wool Flannels, 3o, 87j, 45 60 to 1. lltavy Bid and Grey 1'willxd Flannels. , Double-width ail-wool Shirting Flannels, $1-40. All-wool Cassimcre, for boys' wear, 80, 90, and 05c. Large size all-wool lllankots, $6 75, worth $8. Crib Bliuiktts, job lot, just rece.yedj!sr75. 1) cached Canton Flannols, 28 81, 07j. and 40c. Unbleached do. do. 20. 22, 25, 31, 33, 35, and 37:s. Blrachod Mu-lins, 20, 22, 23, 21, 25, to H'.k. Unbleacbed do 18,21,25, 8c, etc. 35c. for l,1 yard-wide I'illow-cmo Muslin. Ladies' and Gents' Alrnno Vests, all prices. Heavy Tower-loom Table Linens, 87;,o to 81. Linen Handkerchiefs, Towels, Napkins, Crash, etc. Fine assortment Calicoes, 15, 182 20, 22, and23c. Boys' colored bordered Hdkt., from auction, 15c. I.udits' and Gents' Hosiery at lowest jinces. Hoop Skirts, warranted for six months. Customers will find our prices riRht, lor what we sayo in expenses we take oil of profits, consequently can sell lowt-r than those under enormous cxpouscv PARIES & WARNER, 9 2! Nb. Z19 North N IN T a sstreet. ROB HOY PLAIDS. VICTORIA PLAIDS. McIMMJS PLAIDS. ItOVAL SICAItr PLAIDS. HICII POPLI5S. MKRIXOES. ALL-WOOL C ASIIMICUKS. FHOM LA TK AUHIV.VLS. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452. and 454 N. SECOND St.. Bt ABOVE WILLOW. ITaUlITH STREET RIPBON STORE. U AO. 107 K, filUllTII HTKKET, Four Doors iroin Arch. I would most resnectmlly announce to tne Ladies ficncrully that 1 have now open most careiully se eded stock of . FALL MILLINKKY GOODS, Comprlslnir 1K1MMIKG AND BONNET RIBBONS. In all widths, qualities, und styles. VELVET ltlliUOIVS, Black, colored, every width and shade, II OA IV KT VELVETS, SATINS, SILKS, In all desirable shades. Also, a handsome assortment of ritiLNCH KLOWI.K.S, t'fc,Tlir.RS. TLUMES, ETC.. LADIrg'ANl) OHILlXtfcN'S HAl'S Of the newest shapes and styles Ornaments, Maltnes. I he best FRrNCU akd NEW YOK YORK BO VNKT FRAMES, which wi 1 he all sold at the lowest market pricea. No trouble to show goods. JULIUS 8ICIIKL, 27 l?t Ko. H'7 N. KIOIlTil Htreet. Country orders carefully, s heretofore, attended to. CHEAP DRY GOOuS, CARPETS, OIL Cloths and Window Hhades. V. E. ARCF1AM BAtTLT, N. h. comer of hLbVENTH anl MAHHrf Htrsts opened this mornuiH, trom auction, lUu pieces ot miiralu Ciirpets, at only mi, 62, 1! tt7e . i, i 'ii, uud l'Sti. Eutillsh lupestry llnuso s Carpets, only fl-.'iU, worth i 50 Th te pl Imperial Carpetn, only $i 20. He up Carpets 37c. Kag Carpets, 96o t nuy and htuir CarpetH.'ific to ti-00. F.oor Oil cloths, ti'io. Woolen liru'ets. 81 7i. Malr Oil Cloths, 2.:. Wlnnotv Shaues, (I up. rialn Shadins bUo. Muslins li)-c. Klaunela. 37c. Blunkets $6. calicoes, l2o. Cloths. MS CaSDiiuere. ). mtlnetB, fine. Alpacas. 37c. Mnrliioes. Fie stoie for tireut bagains, N. K. currier CLE VKN1U and 11 A UK KT Huecta. 9 21 lin JLACK SILK MANTILLA VELVETS, At 3, b8'50, 9, and $10, FROM A I ATE ACCTIO.V SALE. CURWEN STODDART & BKOTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Stroet, 9 29 3 : ABOVE WILLO VV. AMAUED ULAXKETS. WE WILL OPEX this morning 1M) ,airs o: Blankets, lightly damaged by being tlhcilored with intl go. 'J lic-to lilanketi are entirely xtrouu unn uood, and inuuy of iboin are as clean as anv In uurotock. We warrant theui per ect exc ot Hi la very s li-hi Ul, coloration ou S'uno oi them Their aie uia c like ihe o l-ia.lilonod ) ng,lh lluili lllank t. 'I hev are tlno. and about Uoiihie thewlnhtof onliiiury lllankeis. "hev are truly the best biiryalnswe huvo hud In lliaukeuit price $7 ftO aud ish-si) ner pair; also, of the name lot. a very superior heavy 11 anket at aft nor pair! alo,of cermet lilankets every oumitv main, nt fei.8 price thuu they can ponslbly he bought at any otlicr place. It. 1. Sit VV. . i'U.Wf.t.1.. ) V8 3t No Krjl MARKET Street. S ELLINd AT A OKEAT SACRIFICE ALL colors ii h k Gimp anil Glrdies, 1'ancy Timing ami Ccnibs lW ltliuck MunJ NliUe.i, Unt il llandkerclilois all of colors Alpaca Kialila and Hairc lira Ida, Hi k ami Mohair ltliidlng. l.iuen Murt lins uiii ut iimiiii uulurcr .1 prices, e.e. l adles pive us a call heioro buying ei no where to convince j ourse ves oi fucts WILLIAM A.OKA KUSruDTRIl'i, No. 103 N KIOII HI stteet 9 11 lm ext to the N. E. cor. Eighth aud Arch. J. C II A M B 10 R 8, Kt Ult! AIJIMl tiTllVPT . ... " W.V . aoveitics opening aauv m HEAL LACE GOODS, EMimOIOERIES, WlIITB GOODS. Thread Vclla Bargains Cambric Edglni s and InserHngs- Real Val. Handkerchiefs. Linen Collars, Caffs, Sleeve, etc H Ut DRY GOODS. M ILLI lilIV'H LINEN STOUE, No. 828 A 11 0 II Btroot. STITCHED SHIRT BOSOMS. In the making of PHI BT ROOM8 I nee tbo best Irish Linen ol ray own importation, and employ tho best machlne-opetators in the cl'T. I am thus an ablcd to npply my customtrs with BOSOMS OF UNEQUALLED QUALITY Plain Plaits, All Size. ' Fancy Bmall Plait Mixed Plaits. Woven Bhirt Bosoms, from 374 Ceata. Embroidered Shirt Bosoms. Wristbands, Etc. Etc. IRISH sniUTINO LINENS. I import the best Linens made In Ireland. Full lines ot all qualities In Heavy Golden Flax Irish Linens. Imperial Irish Linen. Medium Irish Linen. Fine Fronting or Bosom Linen. French Linen, Etc. GEORGE MILLIKEN, LINEN IMPORTER, 917 tl2 3lrp No. HQS ARCH Street. Nos. 713 and 715 N. TENTH Street, Have .iunt Opcucil a Full Arsortment of Choice Colors of PI MS' IRISH POPLINS. Plaid Irish Poplins, Plaid Silk Poplins. A full lino of Choice colors of EAGLE POULT DE SOIES. Plain Silks, all grades and qualities. Plain Corded Silks, choice colors. Moiie Antiques and Fancy Silks. Handrome Plain Black Silks. Plain Silk and Wool Poplins, choioo colors. Corded Silk and Waol Poplins, choice colors. Impress Cloth Toplins, selected colors. Plain French Merinoes, selected colors. Ollt OWN IMPORTATION, And tally 15 percent, below market prices. fl0l3t T F YOL' WANT TO FIND A LARGE ASSORT J. mcnt in Blank and Colored Velvt te, of all widths, k WILLIAM LOK KKHHTA DTKR'g, no- i v . . .y. S U'3 S- hl 1X11 92,1m next to the N. k,. cor Einhto and Arch. NEW PUBLICATIONS. riHE PICTORIAL COOK OF ABCDOTES ASV INHUKNTS O H rUK HEIJ. I,LIO.l Heroic 1 airlotic Homunllc lliiuiurous mut Traidcal 'I tero Is ccrtuln nor inu oi tlm wur tliat will never no lino the teyular historic s, ami will not iiut embodied in romance ui.U poclry. which is a very rem part o it and will i prcfli rveil, convey to succeedlnx neueratioui! a bettei ides or the spirit of the couillct iln.n many drr reports orenrolm nurrative ul avouM, and this partmar be called me josHlp, Hie fun tho pittbos, of I ne war Tins lliu.-lniU- tho charantor ul tne uars the humor oi lie i-old ers, the ilevnuon ol women, tho bravery of men, the lilutk oi mir heroes, thu ruuiauue aud hardsiilns of the service. Trom ilio beKluiiliiu oi tbo war the nuiborlias been enuuvied in coll. cunx all the anecdotes i ounce eu with or i iatmtive i f 1 , ana ba.4 grouped and olahsitleil them uniterappropilatc heads, aim iu i verv attractive ionn. 3 'I he vo time is protuscly lliustrnted with over 300 en gravings by thelir8tartisls. which are leally beauthu : worthy ol exumina ion m Hpeclmons oi the art Many ot them arc st Into the body ol the er tho douu lar style ol Lousing s Pictorial field KooK oithe Kevolu tlon. 'Ibe book's conteuts inc ude reiulnlHceoces of cauip, picket, suv, scout blvouau Sieite. and batile-fleid anvintures; thrilling leais o. bravery, wit, orollerv cnmicHl and ludicrous adventures, etc., etc. ' Amuttm-nt as well as Itwtruotion niavbn fouadln eveiy paae, as fcraph o detail, brt lsntwit. aud Mthon llieMiy art. " ' m crwovtn " wora ot I t is work sells Itself. I be people are tired of dry de tai s and pariman woras, and want sometlnna liumorous rcmnnticundstartlluK. ur agents are mukinaVroin S100 to S200 per month clear ot a 1 expanses ee5d ?i" circulars nivlnK mil particulars, and see our terms aud prool ot the above asier Ion. Ierm8 aua florens, AriONM.PDBLISHiNO CO.. 9 Mlm 0.807 v I KOK Street, iVblladeiplila Pa. JUST PUBLISH E D . LIFE AND LETTEHS OP jr. (i, PKUei- VAL. By Julius H. Ward. 1 vol 12uio., with portrait. TltlCASTJRKS FROM THF. FROSK WRIT INGS Of JOHN MILTON. 1 vol 12mo.,red edges. ELIZABKTII AKKItS' (FLOUENC13 PKKCV) POEMS. 1 vol., blue and gold. DK. GOl'LHKCM'S NEW UOOK. i-Offlce of the Holy Communion In the Dook of Prayer. 1vol. 12mo- THK STATE OF THE CHURCH and the World at the Final Ou'break of Evil, and Kcvolatlon of Anti-tlirlft. By Kev. J. O. Gregory, M. A., with au A( pixd x b Jlrs. i . P. Joliil'o. For eale by JAMES S. CLAXTON, b' accessor to W, S. & A. MAttllES, 92fl 2 trp No. 11-1 CIIESNUT Street. "OICH ItEADlKO. HON. CHAKLES SUM- ner. Oovtrnoi James L. Oir, John H. Moves, John I'leriicnt, Willlum Harvey , and a Kafllrt blef of Jtozam pniiie, W illi other illustrations In the October I'tlKttNO LoGICAL JUl'ltNAL. Also, social Science; Dreams and Dreaming; l'sycuology ; Physiology Physiognomy and Phrenology. A very lnteientlng number only 20 cents, or 82 a year. Address FO ,VLEIt WtLLH, So. 389 BKCADWAV, N. V.. or J. 1. CArtS, No. 25 8. TLNTU Street, ' hllndcl, lila. g 29 2t SE STAKIK'S CQPDItlQrj POWDERS FJK HOUSES AND CATTLE. It cures Worms Botts, and Co lo. It cures f'olds, Coughs, arid Hide-Bound. It la the best alterative for Horses tnd Cattle now upe, having a reputation of 20 years' standing. It Is a swe preventive lor tho muoh dreaded Rinder pest. Xo Faimcr or Daitrman should be without It. For ua e In Plilluililphlii by DYOTf fc CO. No 2.T' Konh ShCOND -tieetj JOHNSON, UoLI.OWAY , HV Ilk-N, o. as North SIXTH Mreet. and by Drua gu,ts thiouiihout the coui.try. Addiess al orders to HTAIUN fc FLOYD, Tropriotots, No. 209 PIT A N E Street. New York. !)S6ni KERKNK88' BAZAAR rfiC i MN'I II and r-ANSOM Streets. 1't.l.EMfiOItY A K OF FOCK VALUABLE BLOODKD UOltHKN ,ttulJ,Ju On Weduody Morninu Ootobr 3 At 10 o'clock a tlie Hnzi'nr wll' be sold ' FOl R VtLUABLK BL'IODKD HOIiHES A nrautilul two si ti.ed no-top arriae. bv fioirnra. Bli.K'e and boub.e tlatuess overs, etc y a(eriS Br.'e?olLlUi n"e 01 8 0clt ",1 01,0 Su;l ,n Point I be pro? erty of Colonel Charles T. Matheva. Particulare in hand-bills at. H10 Kazaar. ,.. ALFBED M. HKRKNES. Auctioneer.