v T ' ' ' ' 7 . .'i.Uiii V 1 INTi ltliSTlNG ITEMS. lor winter " "qSi?Mft?moik- hJb8t D,adJ can bo nut W mo. Lis nc ln orewmii, unci loiithV f iro i . sl0W(,(l "way for many hZl.;, r beer Is marie trom malt a.n.1 CLV, fn un v. )e Vri:wert in lUe cold winter chad an V10 of the tho malt 1b pur- -II is hn plueel in Inrtre muh-tubn, ?ffirt.Hfd fo e0u t'm in cold water. When VwaQ fnt'y s,fteued and swelled, warm water la annpi and tlie lemperarur ot the water in creaie(l grn.lually until the whole ma? I almost r Th" l'oea extracts all thesaucbarino iir fr.01? the n,,llti leavlnc of the groin noting rbut the ' hull.' This liquid i8 called J"J-. Prom the mnsh-tnbn the liquor is drawn v?c kettlP. where boos are added, and I The whole mass boiled lor t wo hours. It w then carriod to the coolers, which are simply im mense Bheet-tron pan, trencrall v placed in and occupying the whole of the upper floors of the brewery. The beer is poured into these pans to the depth of two or three Inches, the wiudows and doors of the bidding being thrown open, and the liquor thus speedily cooled. It is then drawn off into huge fermenting tubs, where a little yeast is added to facilitate the termcnta tion. Here the beer remnins from six to twelve days, according to the temperature of the at mosphere, until it has worked on nil impurities. The beer then, in its purified state, is drawn into large tanks, holding Irom twenty to thirty bar rels, and stored away ln immense cellar') for summer use. The process of manufacturing laper beer occupies ubout one month, after which it requires to Btand about lour months before it Is ready for use. The City of London. The inhabitants of the) city proper are year by year decreasing, hi 1801, lor Instance, there were 129,128 inhabi tants residingwithin its boundaries; but this number had declined in 1801 to 113,387, and pro bably in 1871 the population of the most re nowned commercial city in the world will not exceed 100,000, or less than the number of people living in Kensington. Tho army of people, principally male, that moves on the city every morning is perhaps unparalleled in num ber by any human tide that has ever moved diurnally in any city in any uge of the world. The difficulty of dealing with such a vast influx, pedestrian and vehicular, is increased in conse quence of the narrowness of the streets within its area. These, it is true, - constitute about twenty-five per cent, of Its entire area, nine hun dred and thirteen public ways traversing it in ever.v direction; but ot the.se one hundred and ninety-four have suilieient width for one lino of vehicles ouly, aud one hundred and seventy four In addition arc without thoroughfares. Thus it will be seen that upwards af two-thirds ot the city streets are incapable of carrying any considerable stream ol vehicular traffic at ali. There are only eighty-six which admit of two lines ol vehicles and sixty-eieht which ndmlt of three or more. But practically the main stream of people coming into the city in the moraine And their way along two hues. Fleet street and Newgate street, the two thoroughfares mingling at Cheapside, and coming ln a dead lock through out the greater part of the day at the Poultry. The obstruction which here takes place should .and would have been removed long ago but for the almost priceless value ot land iu this lo cality. Once-a- H'eek. Paper Manufacture. A method of treating paper so that it becomes much thicker and stronger, and capable of being glazed with a most beautiiul surtace, has been brought into uce. Paper, either sized or not, is taken dry and soaked in a concentrated neutral solution ot chloride of zinc, moderately heated; alter which it is washed, dried, and is ready for use, havinar the appearance of parchment. The neutral solution of the chloride ol zinc is foimed by adding the carbonate, or oxyde of zine, to a solution of zinc dissolved in muriatic acid, then evaporating the solution until it has arrived at the consistency of syrup when cold. In this state It has a high Bpeeitic erravity, and the paper to be treated is immersed in it for a lew minutes, then taken out, and the adhorintr zidc removed by the scraper. The paper is now thoroughly washed iu clean cold water, aud afterwards pressed and dried. This treatment draws or lulls the fibres of the paper together, rendering the sheets smaller in size but much stroneer and closer in the texture. The process described is conducted with cold liquors, and the paper is ouly partly reudered into vegetable parchment; when it is deMred to produce the fullest change possible in the paper, the liquor is kept heated at about one hundred and twenty degrees Fah renheit while the paper U immersed in it. Sheets ot paper, when saturated with such a solution, may be joined permanently together by uuiting their edges, and passing a heated lr?n over th?ni. The chloride of tin may also be used as a substitute lor the zinc. Cholera Impostors. A number of men and women have lately tried to impose on the Lon don Hospital with a pretense of choleraic symp toms, borne, whose acting was of a superior order, were admitted, but they soon fell into the tault of moet amateurs. They overrated the cramps, aud exaegerated the pains. This led to discovery, and instant expulsion. Several ol these people were drunk, and gave a great deal of (rouble, repaying the kindness ot the niirt-cg with foul aud abusive language. An example tas been made ol one woman, who was charged at the police court with obtaining medicine under talse Dre tenses, and locked ud for a couple of day on remand. Probably the real object of these impostures was the desire for brandy. ' Statistics of the Pencil Trade. The number of black lead Dcncils made in Keswick. England. is twenty-five thousand per weekj that is, about thirteen millions per annum. At an averace leneth of seven inches this would give fourteen huudrcd and thlrty-6ix and one-quarter miles of black lead and cedar. The cedar annually consumed amounts to twelve thousand cubic feet, and the yellow pine in due proportion. The . . i . i -1 1 1 piumnago is parity mij prouur.e oi iuu uurruw ilnl mine, aud partly Irom Mexico and Peru The uumber of hands employed is two hundred, aud their highest wages yary irom i&s. to Wb per week. Saturday Shomrinff. A number of Fnelili ladies, piesided over by the Duchespof Buther land, have published in the 'limes a manifesto against shopping on Saturdays, with a view to nroruotinu the BatuMav half-holidaf. in compli ance with a resolution adopted at a meeting of ladies held at ecauora House on the oij uiy lust. ' - ; i ' ..' An Absurdity. The BisUoos of Nlsraes aud Poictiers, Fiance, have proclaimed their belief that the clouds or iocusis wm;h have destroyed the grata, planus and trees in Algeria, were sent t amoug the settlers to punish them for their want of zeal in the conversion f the Mussul mans! , i ii , , i , , ., Posthumous Patronage. Last jnomh the walh of a part ol London were adornd with a placard stating that the Walworth Amateur Horticultural Society would hold its annual eb w in a few davs, "under the patronagt ctjthe late Viscount Palmerston aad the latb Sir Joseph Paxton." ' Marmots in Russia. The St. Petersburg Qatetls a6 that according to accurate calculations, marmots have destroyed during the ennimtr months ln the Gvernmen8 of Kharkow, Cathe. rinoslavr and Kherson, corn cropb ot the value often ttiinonB ot rou pies. , , Aa Irish Picture Gallery.-Tbe Irish National Picture Gallery in Dublin is making tavrable progress. A collection has been made at an outlay of 10,000, of which 6000 has been raised by local subscription. PersonalGeneral Elzey, formerly of the Conledeiate Army, has purchased a tract of land near Jessup's Cut, to nne Arundel county, Md., on which he bas erected a handseme resi dence. Washington Star. Hebrews in Ireland. The London Timet states that the last census ot Ireland revealed the re markable fact that there were but two Jewt in theeutlre aouthwett of Ireland. One of them lived at Hunster, and one in Connaugbt. Musio in Denmark. The new music school at Copeubagen, founded by a legacy of a jeweller, to to begin operations during the prewut year. Turc daily EVENING TELEGRAPH. PIIILDELPIIIA, TilUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 18GG rS-t r" ... , 1 : tr-rrzr.-rr-.i t : WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. f I1LSMT x GK0VE WMSKT. 1. . Ko.K North THIRD Street. lit anything was wanted to, provt tlie anaolots pn'tft ol ttil W lilHky. the lollowmg ctmoat rt There Is no cohollo stimulant known cotnmamllngsurJj ! W have earefaiiy tested tu ;"Pj f V ... ? QKOVK WHISKY hichyou end us, and film that It contain Nom; of tub romovors mibhtance known ai 'i L oil chilli Is the characteristic aud Injurious in arediem af thr wbll'S In genera' use. greunn.ei the B,B'OUIUJ BAKRKn CAMAC, : Analytical chemlsu Kxw York, Beptemhera.ls.vi I have analrr.ed a sample ol CllKsNL'T IIIIUM WHISKY recilved irom If.t. ( harlos Wharton, Jr., l l,ii(njoirhl! ami 1,'Avlnn carelullv tpated It, I an piea.cd to stalo that it 1b ciitiro,y Fkeb Fkom PoiHoNon ih . -, khoib vuli.laticpx. It la an unuauully pur ana lint-... v'.-reil qualitr of whisky, i 4AAlfc K. CHILTON, M. D., j - Analytical Cheiiila Bo.tok, Marehl I8W Ihavrniaile a rhrmlral analynln of commercial nam pice ol t ilKHM'T t.JiOVK WHISKY, which provcata o trop fii.ni the heavy Kuoll Oils, and perlrcily pure an nraUnli prated 1 he fine flavor of thin whisky la derive Uom toe eraln ueed ln uiauutacturlnu It. Jtuspectmlly, A. A. I1AYER, M. T). fctate Ae'nycr, Ko. lli JtoyUton street For iale hv arrel,dmliohn,cr bottle atNo.215Norrh TlUKlJ hlrcct 1'nilade.ptila. 4 M NATHANS & SONS, iMPOliT 11 n a OK BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Etc. Etc. No. 19 North FRONT Street rillLADELl'niA, VOBES HATBAVn, HORACB A. ATHATB, CBUSDO I), KATVA1S. 1 19ra JpREP. BALTZ & CO , IMPORTERS OF WINES, GINS, Etc SOLE AGENTS FOR Riviere, Cardat & Co.'s COG .ft AC. ' Ko. 110 WALNUT STREET, rnitADELPiitA. CO 3 3m II A M P A G K E. c Just received, in bond and store, new Champagne, called EUGENIA, far superior to most of the Winea now ln use ln tbla country. Imported exclusively by the subscriber. A lo on band (ana the only place where It can be procured ln thli city) the very celebrated South American . ANGOSTURA BITTERS. UEOKC.E M. L AUMAN, 8 30 lm No. UH 8. NINTH H rcct. SHIPPING. -fvFff. FOR SALE. TWO PROPELLER S STEAMSH 1 PS. 80 tons each : twoLvears old : tPTVi". 1. icet; breadth ei beam, 26 leet 6 inches; depth oi lower hold, icet b inches; between docks, 7 feet 6 inches; condensing entuie cylinders, 36 inches in bora and 34 in stroke. Freight canacltv. 4000 barrels. Copper fastened, and built ln 1'huadelpbJa by Mesais. Willllam Cramp St Sous, in (ipienuid oroer. For particulars apply to b Ko. 20S N. WHAKVK v or to WILLIAM POTTO, 9 24 lmrp No. 1225 MARKET Street, I'hila. vPFSl. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL CALLING 'jiii.'ii' (jueenstown The linnuii Line, sailiuu m-U.i-wnkiy, carrviMK the Luited Mates mai.s. CITY OF LON bONr Sutunlav beutrmbcr 29 "CITY OF I UKK" Wednesday, October 3 ''CITY OF PAK1S' Saturday. October 6 "K ANGAKOO" Wednesday. October 10 and t'Hih fucceeding Saturday and Weduusday, at noon, trom i icr Jo. jmotio river. iui ir.n or i-aopaue. Ttv the niHii ntijimpr snilinff evtrv Saturday. Fhst Ciihln. (.ol.l iu MRcrnue. urreucv IM To London (to To Lonaon t'i To Pans losl To Paris SO Passage bv the V ediiecdi y steamers : First cabin, iuu; utcerage, $J5. Payable in iniieu states cur- rpnrv. Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre- tt,n. aln ut innilnrAtH rilfi'H. euirency. i lckas caiTbeuouiut litre by persons send- i htporuun hu,i. r..m I.tvnrnnol ur wucciinidwil, flu. my tor their rrlenas. For lurther inloimatlon applyat the Company's OfliCCB. ... JOHM U. UAtK Aucnt. S7 o. ill nALAii Direei, x unaua. , nrK FOR NEW YORK. PHILADF.L. Q2tat delphla Steam Propeller Couieany I)e- b p U U r. W J UU ir, Allien ' ' ' . ' " twi, leavlna dai y at 12 M. and fi p. 11., connecting with all northern and Kastern lines. For freijtht, which will be taken upon accommodating terms, auuly to WILLIAM M. HAlltl) CO., 18 16 o. M H- PgLAW ARB A vonue WO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. THI 1 nnderslgned having leased the KUNttl.VOiO.ft ffmy. w ixif: K.npim to In orm his friencs and the patrom OI the llOCa mil US l t'lriniicu luviwcu inui.iuvi to accommodate those having vesse a to be raised oi repaired, and being practical ship-carpenter and caulker, wl.lglve nernunal attention to the vessels u i..un'fflA.u.ia iii raniiir. are solicited to call. Patent fletallio Composition" lor Copper Paint, for the pared to mmbh ibe.am. ou j- 1,YamMITT, Kensington rjcrew uock, I IS DELAWABJB AytOM. abu ej-A UHEL Btreet STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QULTEK'S NEW P AT K N T , DEEP SAND-JOINT HOT-AIR. FURNACE. ' 11ANGES OF AIiL"SIZE& ALSO. PHIEGAR'S Miff LOW PRESS UR I STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. 1 fOH 8AL1C BY CHARLES WILLIAMS, BIOS Ko. 1182 market strcki. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER r It w-nf fit' A VT D i 1. fl V tn a ml Us kntala or public mstituilous, ln TWENTY DUTFEKENf h .i n. aiho. 1'ni.aueiuuia nances, uui-air d ar. races, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Grates. Fireboarl Moves, Halt Hollers, btawhol Plates. Broilers. Cook ing Stoves etc., wholesale and retail, by the manuiaoi urers. ellARPE A THOMSON, I aisstmnem Ko. 200 N. BKCONU Street i PASSENGER RAILWAYS. rpHE SPRUCE AND PINE STREETS X RAILWAY. TRUNK LIKE. This Road now. in addition to Its main line on Spruce and Pine streets, passes through the entire western por tion of the cltv. Pasenars from the extreme north- unit at Fairinonnt Paik. and along the entire route to 'the extreme southwest at Gray's Ferry, oan take the l U I B j nriiij-Kwuu auu " . " .7 itii.u bhdii. .' the Gray's Ferry Road, and be carried through, via Spruce street, to tne Exchange tora ,i . , In addition to the several Parks and the beautiful scenery along the Schuylkill trout, there are manv i objects of interest along this route to mate it ai tractive (The road la splendidly equipped, the cars being nearly tail entirely new, and always kept clean aud coin Ifortabla. . , f Cats leave the Exchange every few minutes during the day and every hour mier midnight. g lo lm BOARDING. ! JO. 1121 GIRAUD STREET Hung neatly Otttj up, will open lor , FIRST-CL.A.SS "HOARDERS ON THE FlhMT OF BEPTEUBEK. -Two latge Con niunlcating Rooms on the second flooi well adapta tot family. " r , , , fit - DENTISTRY. THE bOVERNMENT HAVINO Vanrff granua' tae letters-patent lor nur moi 01 I admlulsterljig Nitrous Oxide Gas. by Wlikh I bavs 1 extracted many thousands of Teeth without oaJn. I am Justlria d iu aiuiertitig that It Is both safer and superior W any suwuvw iu mw. ' DR. C. L. MTJNN8 f 21 tm K 71 BPbOCE iHittet. RAILROAD LINES. iHILADELrillA, WILMINGTON. AND DAL 11XUV Kll,KOAl. TllIK TATtT CommeiiHrng MONDAY, July l' IRflfl. Trains will '-"Pvt vomer ot P.HOAD SUeet and WASUINO T ' A Venue, as lollows : Express Train at 4 IB A. V. (Mnndavn excepted), for Keltlinoreaiid WashinKtoa. stnpolng at Chester, Wil mington. Newark, Klkton, NOithcat, Prrryyllle, Havre, ne (.race. Aberdeen, Pen) man's, Magnolia, chase's and Htenimcr's Run. Way Wall Train at Sill A, M. (Hnndar excepted), foi Italtitnnie, stopping at all reclamations lietwecn Phi lndelphia and lialtiinord, Ielawre Railroad Train at t A. M. (Rnndaa ex ceptedi, for Princess Anne, Mil ford, and Intermediate slalidiis. l-xiress Train at 11-4S A.M. (Sundays excepted), tor talilmore and Washlnpton. x 1 x press Train at ( P M. (Sundays excepted) lor Bal timore and V aidilngtou, stopping at ( heter, I'lavinont, ' Wllniinpton, Newark, Hkton, Nortbennt. Perryvllle llavie de OracejAhenlei n. Perryman's,lcdKewood. Mug noils, ( hade's, and stemmer s Run I lht Express at 11 P. M.,1ot Baltimore and Wash Ington. I b'spip'' "oat from P.a't'mor (or Fortress Mon roe Noriolk. City Point, and Richmond, will take the 11 4ft A M train. MII.MIM1TON ACCOMMODATION TRAIN'S Flopping at all Mutious between Philadelphia and Wll itifnpton. l.ee Philadelphia at 8 A. M., 12 30, 4 ,. 6. and 11 30 P.M. The 4'llU P. M. ttain connects with lielaware Railroad uir llarrlnpton and intermediate stations 1 fve Wilmington at6 HO 7'lft nnd II IIO A. M.,4 and 30 r-.A1- 7.1S A,,M.Vt.,',,.,n, Wl" "ot stop at stations belwec n ( hentcrand Philadelphia. Trains for Newcastle leave Philailelphla at 9 A. M.. 4 SO tno BP M. . 1 HHOT GII TItAINK FROM HAI.TIMOKK 1 Leave vi ilmlnuton ut 11 A M , 4 'M and 10 P. U. ClirhTFh I-Oh PHILAKKI.PHI A. Leave Chester at 1!,TM, Id 14. and 1140 A' M., 4 43, two, 7 J rnd info P.M. . FROM II A LT1 MURK TO PH ILADF.LI'Ht V. Leave Paltimore T'f A M.. Wnv-mnll. n"J0 A. M. , Kxtiress 1 10 P. JI..E:;pic8. B-3o P. M., Express. H 2f i . Lxpr.'s i. TRAINS FOR WALTIMORK ! Lenve ( liemcrat 4 411 andtl bt A. M., and.1 3H P. M. j I.i uve V lluilnptnu iilh'laiiu u ;):t A. M. and 4 lrP. M. I Freight Trslns wl;h Passeimer Cars attuned willleave as follow a; Wilmington lor leiry viilc and intermediate n. Milium ni o i r. m. iianininre inr im rple urace ano lull imediale stations at 4 45 P.M. Perrvvillo lor Wil mington and Intermediate stations nt4'20 A. IW . con necting at WIlniiiiRton with VU A. M. train for Phlla e.phia. 6CNI) AT TRAINS. Express Train at A. . lor Baltimore and Wash ington, shopping at) hester. Wiimlmton. Newark. Klk- ton, Nor'hea-t Pcrr.vvihe Ilavre-de-Urace, Aberdeen, l i i i . umii , j.ingiiu in. nase s, ami nteinmer nun. , Night F.xpress, II P M lorlialtmiorc end Wushlngton Accommodation T rain at II 30 P. M. for Whminirtoii anu interim uime siations. MALIIMORK FOR rHIUADKLPHI A. Leave l'altitnnrn at I. M.. suinliinu at llnvre-ri umvi i crivine. ana v iiiniiiKimi. a iso stops at r.iK tun and N'ewaik (to take naJFeneers fnr Phi adolnlilaani leave passengers from Washington or liaitiuiore) and C hester to Iphva iiHfuc.iiL.prrf liom liaitiuiore np YVuh- lugiuu. Aceommoostion Train irom w i mmgton rcr Phlladel lb Is and iutermeulaie stations at b '0 p. At. sio ii. r. ivtiNNJ!.!, supenntendent. Tj OR NEW YORK. THE (UMDEN AND J- Amuoy nua Philadelphia and Trenton Kaliroad ompuny s unes. H(OM PI11LAOKI.PHTA TO KTKW YOKIT ard Way Places, Irom Walnut Street Whatf, win leave as toilows, viz : fake At 6 A. Al., via Camden and Amboy, Account oil a non ?2 2. At 8 A M., via Camden and Jersey City r xpress.... 3 Oil At 2 P. M via Camden and Ambov F.xoresi, .1 ml Atop, ai , via ijoiiiucn and Amboy Accommudation and 1- migrant 1st class ?1 At 6 P. a . via Ciiuideii aud Amboy Accommoda tion and Fuaurant. 2d class 1 Ml AtH A.M.. i and 6 P M , lor Aiount Hollv. Kw-aiis- vine, Pemberion, and Vmceutown At 6 a. M. aud 2 P. M tor Freehold. AtSand 10 a. M., 12 M.,4, IS, 6. and 11-30. P.M. tor Fish 1 ouxe. Prlmjra, Kiverton. Progress, lielanco lieveny. i.oiewater, Murington, Florence, l.ordcn. town.cic. The iu a. ill , and 4 P. M.liLes run U'cc' thronvh to Tien, nn. LINES FROM KFNSlNGTOH PEPOT WILL IKAJV. At ii A M , iio. r. m., ana ft r Al. (Mghti. vis Kensington and Jersey city I- xpress Lines, hue 3-oil The 6'4.'i P. ii. Una will lun daily. Alloihers Hiin,l,.v. Atl llO and 11 A. M 3. 3 30 4 30, 5, and 6 45 P. M. a d h idnhiht. lor Uriatol. 'irenton. etc. At 1 end 10 1ft A. M. 12 M.. S. 4,6. nnd 6P. M.. for Corn- wels 'lorrisiiaie iioimeourg, i aeon v. w Kslnomuig, jtriuesourg, ana rrannioru, ana ai 111 id a. at lor Kristoi. eenencx 'B, iLaumgiou, ana p. m tor Holmes. hum and intennediuie stations. At "i 30 A.M. and it'30 P. M. tor Niagara Falls, Buffalo Iiunkirk Cunanilalgua, blmira, Ithaca. Oweuo. Ro dies er. lSlnghempton, Us ego.. Syracuse tircat Rend, Montrose W llkeshnrre, Scranton, Stioudshurg, A'atei Can. 1 clvliurc. Faston. l.Hnihprtvllie. t leiiilmitun etc. The 3K0 P.M. Line connects direct with the train leaving i.aston lor Aluucu Chunk, Allcutown, liethlu Itl'lll . cic At 5 P. Al. for Lambertville and Intermediate stations. June 1. ll-tlD. IL.1.1AJU 11. UAiSlll.K, AKCUt. "DENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. I SLAISilLll AKl(A.l-.Ii.iSl. Ttie jraiun in u ichubj iruiiia uviiirai nanroad Have tDe jvepoc, ar iniriy-nrbi aim market streets wiiu ii is reacuto uy rue cars oi tne jmrkct street pj. lenger Railway, tunning to and irom the Depot. The Ipi-t car itavcs riuui rutn auoui mi Biinutaa prioi On Sundays Cars leave Mcvemh and Market streets 45 niln tea beiore mei""ei eacn Trains Mann's llaggage npnm to . mi- ami Uullvei Baggage at vne mpm. ur i m me utuce. No . ......... . i,l tn.lva tli.iillfin. ' TKllnh LAI a UM-vi . 14. Mall Train...., .at 8-00 a. m Day Express ni lu0fl ntlltMl I'aoil AfCODiniouatKMi, p.o. i.. Fast Line and Erie LxpresnH... at 12 00 M. liairi.l.urg Accommodation.. 1 ani.aKter AcooniUioOaiion... at 2 30 p. M ... at 41d at fi'00 i at A Oil . at 10 00 I'uoll Accommodation No. t.. plitsijurgii anc i.rm aiai -t.... Paoli Aecoromodutlon, No. S. Phlladeivma hxpic.sst ..at U'lO TIIAS A1UUVB Al UKrOT, V1K. I Cincinnati Express! ai i2'40 to Pliilade pliia Express.... at i m ' paoli Accouimouaiion, AO. I.. at o iu t olumbia Trills at 11 I'll ' Lancaster irain ut 1.! 4) S Fast Line nt 110 Paoll Accouiuiouatlou, Jo. 'i ut 4 1" liny Express at 5'i'S) Puoli Accommodation, No. 8 at 1'3t llarrlshurg Accommodation .....at 8 50 I Iaiiy, except uturdar. f Iallv. timiiv, escepl aionoiiv. an oinir 'i rams u no v. exreDr hiiinuav. -,iuinninn mrougn uoui i iniaueipnis to rr.isnurgr ami KrlA wlthnur ulianfin ir cam. 1 buudax Accommoduiiot Tialus for Pao'.l audlntermo dmte stutions leave fhllade'phia at O'OO A. Al. anu 7 00 P. M,, returning leave l aoii at o p' a. u ana I'o p. M Is located at No, 6?1 1 1.esnut street, where Tlcketi to yi in nr. i i . . v. all important puints may be procured and lull liilunna- tion gnen D.y jutini v- alliju. i tcaei -acih. Alto kl XUUiy-nrst and Aiaraei ovreeia, ou upiuica- tlon to . . . , XUOA1A8 11. PAltliE, iicRet Ageut at me Depot. An Emigrant Train runs dailv (except Nundayi. Kot full particulars as to Un and accomuiodailons. imply u i ii , v cr u i'i t . i. NO. 111! !)()( K htroil The Pennsylvania Railroad Comnanv will not ass mm any risk tor Ragg age, except lor W earing Apparel, anil llii.lt their responsibility to One Hundred lioilam ln value. All Lagguge exceeding that amount in value will be at the rUk of the owner, unlets taken bt sd-cU1 "liREllitli lil N Kh tuli Si K W YORK AND Jj ali the htatious on the CAMIiEN and AAl KOt atffl " . i I .. t - 1 .' 'Ii L lUL'n T . 1 . . ........ t WUM coniicciiiip .. uud. iiivwi ..,,,.!, i'i,tan;il, I lHis CAMUEn aN1 A.MP.OY UAILKOAU AM) TRANSPOR i ATTOK COMFAN Y i KEltlHT LINKS fur New lork will leave WALNUT Htreet Whaii at f lv 'clock r ai. ouny touroays exci-pieaj. I Freli-ht must be delivered before iH o'clock, to befor u, ili smite oav. ; Returning, the above lines will leave Hew York at IV Itoou. anu t anu o r. ai Frelgbi lor Tteuion, Princeton. Kingston, New liruns W,. t .unit a 1 nn lilt a on the Camden ami A in no v it,i imo. on the lieiV.dere. Delaware aim Kiinii,. ton the New Jersey, the Fiechold and Jamenhurg, auj the liurlington aud Mount UoUy Railroads, received and lorwarueo up iui i- . , i 'Ibe belvldere De awure Hellroad connects at Phillip -u. hi. tl, Ilikli Valley Railroad, and at Mum,,,. kachunk with all points ob the Da'aware, Lackawsnua, and Western llai rosd, forwarduig to nyraewse, Builalo. and other points ln Western New York .1 i,u Hew Jersey Railroad connects at Elizabeth with the New Jersey Central Railroad, and at Newark wl'tt the Atoms ana r.ssexnanroau. I A slip memorandum, pecliylng the marks and num V.... i.u.ntm. th1 conslcnees. must. In everv inatHiii-a be sent w ith each load of goods, or no receipt will be f N. il. Increased lacllltles have been made for the trtnanortation ol live stock. Drovers are invited to tn the route. W hen siock Is lurnlshed In quuutltles of two carloads or more, it win De uenvereu at tne foot of For r ... ..reft nmr the Trove Yard, or at Pier v t Horth River, as the Bblppers may des!gautbe llmi W AL1ER FREEMAN. FreiKhtAeent. No. 228 . DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia f GRANGE ANU AE.KAA1JU1A KAlLROAP.g vy unaua anr mvuvo, uttijr i4, iWO nmij train will run between wasinngion and Linchliurg kjonuecthig at Oordousvl le with Virginia CeuUai Rufl road trains to and troru nivuiuuuu. a louuws . i A4A1L lltalN. I Lave Washington dally (Buuday excepted), at 6'tt A. M-, ana ariive at iyncnuui i h r. u. Leave Lynchburg at 1 A and arrive at Wanting- ton at 6 26 V. M. TR Alv I Leave Washington dslly (includlug Sunday) at eWP M. anu arrive ai i.ynciiuug at w a m Leave iiynciu ion at 610 A. M Leave Lynchburg at B SO P. M. and arrive at wasaing r polh trains making close connections at LvncbDurg f,ii noints South and South wesL aud at Waahlni'loa lor Norih aud Northwest ,, i First-class sleeping cart attached to the nrTht traini. 1 The road 1 attractive, not only for in comioriablt Accommodations, but tor the fact that tt paasea the now Llstono localities of Fairfax, hull Run, Isaiiaasaa, liria foe, Catiett'a, Rappahannock, Cui neper. Orauge, and UordnnsvlUe places ol uu perls Urn Uia UiUaoat in it I ftorootsb tloketa to all pointa Ponth anJ Sontaweat may be bad In HosUin. N.w York, pldladeiphla, aud Baltimore and at the ofllcesoj the road t'J"1'1" or Aleiandita w. U wooAFt euty. C3iral8upy.luUudent. ) RAILROAD LINES. R K D I N (i R A I.L It O A D OBEAT TRfTNIT l.tN. ROM P1I1LADKLPBU TO THE ITERfOR O tt r.KHlLVAMA, 1MK SChllTLKll.l., -VyllK HANNA, ( UMBr RI.AKO. AM) WYOM1NU VaL II Y. THE NukHl. KOiiTstvt.HT inn TiiF CAN A PAS. HI 11 MIR ARRAKOEMENT Of PA88BNOER ' . .J ikaii. jne4.1W. Lesvlnff the Cntmiiinv'fl ri.nnt itrniTyriTii Am f Al l.oWIULL htreeta, JTbllauelpUla. at the "follow n hoursj-. . , . AIOHNIN" ACCOMMODATIOl. ' At W0 A. 41. for Rjaning ami intermedl ite Statio At (14 A. M. tor Rradlnir. l!ei, nnn Ilay!ahnM Wnf vllle, liiiegrove. Tninauua, unbuv. Vllllamsno I lit i Ira. Rochester. Niaara ri i. Rnimh a i,.,;, y llksbiirre, pitHton, ork, Carlluls, Cbainbortbut l.s;er.iov. n. etc. etc. llilu tram connects at READINOwith fan tnn. svlvanla, linjln ad trains for Ailontown. eta, and the i eiiiiin n tani.T irum ior llarrlshurg, e o r at l'OKI ( LINTON with Caiawisaa RallroaiT trims tor Wil liamsburg, Look Have n. Flmira etc.i nt HARRIS I tut. w it li Northern lentnil cninUti. v.iw .,.i frliuylkill and ftpsquelinnna trains tor Norlhumliot laud, W il lamsport, 1 iTk Chamhershurg, 'Itiegtove, etc. AHEiti00, EAPRExfi. Leaves i niinneipnia at :! I . Al , tor Reading Potts- vllln. HiirTlshum etc.. rnnn.rtlna- n.llK lla.lln,. Cclumbla Kehroan tiams lor Colmnhla, etn. hr.AltiflO A(Jt OAIAIOUATION . Leaves Heeding nt 6 CO A kl . aii,.i .11 r ala tlotis. a rlvlna at Phllalelphia at 8 M A . M. j; iu iiiiK. ivaveajriiuaaeipuia at On r M. , arrivoa In Reading nt 7 .V P. M. 1 ruins tor rnilrtdeinh n leave ll.irrlsliury at R IO A M. r.nd rottsvllle atH-46 a. M arriving in Plillanelphla at 110 1. M. Attcmoon trains leave Hiir-tMlinrir at i III P. M.. PotrsVUle at 2'4S P. Al.. arrivlns in Phllailalnhla at 645 P.M. . . . iiAiii(iviii j:g accomaiokation. Loaves lU'Miline at 7 30 A. M. and Eimi ,ur7 at 4 la P. M. t'OnneClillff at ftfililltiu with lllnmnnn Imhiii. iiudntlon south, at6'U0 P. M., arriving In Phliaduiphi 0 10 P. M. Market train, witrt pas-engrr ear attac'ied, leavm ritiladelpltla at 12 41 noon for Kendlng an I an wa sta tions. j.euvir t.nnuinu ai ti an a. jit anu lKwuintovyii ntl2'3U P. Bo., ior Phliadelphla and al, way sin, loin. All tueahove i rains run dally, Mindava excepted. KiindBt trains leavo lotisville at Him a u .ami Pin lntlc pliiaat31HP M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at B'W A. Ai-1 teinrning irom Kesiilng at 4 'ii P, U. CIIENll. It VAl.T.g'V HAlt.unin l'assenpers lor Iionnlngtown aud Interineillaie poinu tnke the 7 -30 and 8-15 A. Al. end 6'0 P M. trains from Phi.ndelutiia. returnlnir irom linwiiinutnwn al K :l A. M ninl lU'.ln noon. NEW YORK F.XFKES H'S PITTSBCUU AND TIIE 11 A L . Leaves New York at 0 A.M.. and B'lM PM naoalnu RcadlUU at l'I'S aud 11 (3 A. Al and 1-w V. M . anil o.nn'. nectingat llarrlshurg with Petiusv Ivania and Nonhern ( entral Railroad express trains tor Pittsburg, Chicago, n ii - iitiiisi'oi i, r.iiiurn, jiiuimore, etc. neturning, express train leaves llarrlsbnrg on srrlva! ol the Pennsylvania exnress ftom 1'lttsniim. at .1 anil B PA A. Al.. and P. Al., passing Reading at 4 49 and 10 ffl A. AI., and 1P3HP V. and arriving in New York at 10 A. AI and 2 45 P. eeulnir cars accomnanv the.e ttalns through between Jerset City and Pittshunr. with out change. A mull tram lorncw rorx leaves Hamsnnrg at2 IO r. M. Alall triiir tor Harrlsburg leaves New York HUM. tit lit. 1LK1LL VALLEY It A II, KO All. TrainHMeave Pottsville ot 7 nnd 1 1 10 a. M snd7-1S P. Al . IcTurnlne from Tsniaoua at 7-3X A U ind 1 Ail and 4 15 P Al. tiCBl YLKILL AND PUfQUEHAsK A RAILROAD. 'I rams 1,-nve Auburn at 7 60 A. M. for Plnnurnvn n,l Itarrisliura. and 1 50 P AI. lor Pinogrove and Truiuont. rt'tiirnliifflrom Harrtshurg nt 3 20.P. Al.. and from 'ire- moiit at 7'3j A. At. anu n m r. M. lit htm Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the Nrnh and n est ami Canada. '1 ne lonowing tickets are ohtnii aide only at the otllce ot N. UltAliFORli, Treasurer. No. 2il S FODRI'U (rret, Philadelphia, or of G. A. N'ICOLLS, General nipcruiicuuciii. Bcnoiiig tuitiJU' i .vru.ii i t.Ar is At 25 percent, discouut. between anv noints desired. ior lamuivs ui u iirms. AlIi.F.AGE Tlt'KKTS. Coed for 50(10 miles, between all uolnts. 152-50 each. for iamu.es auu uims sK.o. j m.he.is. For three, six. nine, or twelve months, for holder. onij , to an points, ai icum-io raica. liesldlnir on the line ol the road will be furnished cams i.r.niTinin.1 entitling thtniseives and wives to tickets at hull fare. CAl l I'.PIUIN lit IV cio From Philadelphia to iiriucltial siailcns. cood for Ka tuidav. fununy, aud AlonOav. at reduced tuie. to be hao tn.v nt the Ticket OClce, ut Tllll.TEt.NTU aud CAL lO WHILE Streets 1-HEIGHT. tioocs or an aescnrtions lorwnnled to nil the above points, irom the Company's new .Freight nepot, liitUA JJ anu nn-wi rirteu. UMlini I KA l envePhllndehihia nallvat S 30 A M.. 13-45 noon and ( r. lot- lu-HUiiig. j.eounoii, iiurruiuurg, J'ot svilie J ort Clinton, and all points iiryoud. .! A I l. Close at the Philadelphia Post Ofllce fnrall nlanesnn tnr tood und Its biaiiclirs at 5 A. Al , and lor the principal DlUUUllS UU1.V HI O 111 r. iu. 0 1.1 TDHlLADKLPHlA, GKRMAKTOWN. AND I KORIU.HTOWA KA1LUUA1). On and a ter t-.n. i-.mia 1, May 10, 18o, FOR GERAlA.;.TOi'N Leave Philadelphia 6, 7. 8,0, 10 11. 12 A. AI.. 1 .2. S-iij. 4, 5, .",, 7, 8 II, 10, 11. -i P. Al. Leave Gi riiiaiitown 6, 7. 7M. 8, 8 .11. S. 10. 11. II A. M. l,ii 4,4. ti i 1, 8, 11. 10, II P. M. 1 he S Jo noin trnln. una, 'i'i and 5)i un Llama will 1 stop en tne GcruiuntoynOrrsnch. u cu rt u 1 n. Leave Phlladelpftia (HO A. Al., 2, 3 5, . I0H P. it. Leave Geiniantowng A M.. 1. 4, M. fl P. St. tUE!M T HILL RAILROAD. l eave PhlladelDhia . 8. 10.11 A Al.. 2. 3.H ih.1. aru 11 r. m Leave incsnnt jiut riu ninutes, 8 411, ii-to A. M I '40, 3 40, 5 40, b'40, H ill, ami 111 -ill iniuiitcd P. 41. t'N MjMIAYci. Leave Philadelphia D ill minutes A. Al.,2, 5. and 8 P. tt Leave (.ucu tit ii I7-4J minutes A. Al.. i 4U. 40. au 0 '.u ininiiies r. ni KLHI ONbt UllUtnii.N AIMJ BUKHIMOlVN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8-85 minutes,, H OoA.M.. IX. 4M. 6H. 6H. 8 OS minutes, and llh P.M. 1 cave Norribtowu er.,?. i ao. , u A.i ai., 4"4 ml ,1 K P M lieo 1 al tiaiu nll Blyv Hl ocnooi iane, w Issa hlckou, AlauayuiiK, rr "y1 "J!" t-ousnouotken onl Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M..VX.4 and7H r. M. Leave Norristown 7 A. Al.. I, SH, and t P. At. FOR A!ANA UNK. i i flTpPhlladelnhiaO. 8 35 minutus. 11-05 A. Ml ITS U7S1.1,JV., ll.u .., m m . aw . U-ave M ana junk OH, 7H, 8 20, OH, 11H, A. M 2, 5, UH ,1. tk i:U t .....1 IIU l M 8h P. M. . un ctni'Ai9. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. !.. iH . 4, and IH P. M. Leave Mcmiyuiik Vi A. M , Vt, 0, anu Hit P. M. W.b. WILhON. Cejieral Hupeiltitenuest, lliepot N1N 1 H and GREEN Mireeta ireets OKT1I PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Depot llllKli r-ueel. above 1 hompsou. or UKTHI.EIiEM. 1'OV r.STOWN. M1TTOH CHI Nit, KAST'Oti. HILLIAUBPORT, and WILKEjs, i At7 3t)A. M.(Kxpress), for Rethlehem, Allentown Muucb Chunk, ii&xlelou, Wllllamspott, and Wlites 'june. . At3-30 P. M. tExpressl. for Bethlehem, Easton, ete reaching Er.ston at U'41 P. M. i At Sib P. Al., ior jiethlehein, Allentown, Alaaol Chuui. T For Doylestown at 8 35 A. M., 230 and 4-18 P.M. : I bi Fort Washington at 10 A. Al. and 11 P. AI. : k ,,r I Miisdule at li'l.-i P. Id. i Wblte cars ol the becond and Third Streets Line Cltj lasScUkcl tniB muuilti;! ivmw uojjui. Til i 1 X 1. LIIU 1II11 1 lil'l P TTT A i Leave Bethlehem at 6 25 A. W. and Yi-ii ifoon, an. Leave Doyiestonn at 6 40 A. U., 3-19 and b 30 P. M. Leave Lutndale at b'CU A. M. Leave Fort Washington at Hffi" A. M., and P. 11 I t ii ru.i'A i o. j Philadelphia tor Reth'enem at n A. M. I Philadelphia lor liovlestown at 'MM P. H, i Do lestonn ?or Phi adelnhla at 7 "0 A. M. Pethlrheni lor Philadelphia at 4 i P. M. i '1 hrouk-h Tickets must be procuied at to ticket offlcts fHIltli BtreuLor Btreeu .5 81 JCLL18 CLARK. Agent 1 CA-"1JWIL,JKLPHlA AND ERIE RAIL 1 JJJ koau. 'inis great Hue traverses the North em and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania to th I ity oi rne on lies trie ii nan neon teaseu audit otierateu uy me reunnvivania uanroao coiupany. IIME OF PAN8Elil,ERTllAINB AX PHILADELPHIA. I Arrive icasiwaru trie Alan Jratn, 7 a. M. ; Erie Ex nrrss Train, t i'. Jtt. Leave Westward-Erie WaU, 9 r, M Erie Expreai 1 riun i xb - Passenger cars run through on the Erie Mall and Ez eresa traiua iiotu ways iicmwu i-uiinue inua ana jLrie. v NEW VOllK. COXNECUON. ! Leave New York at A. M.. anive at Erie 9 30 A. M Leave Erie at 4 45 P. M., anlve at New York 4 1UP. Jrl Elegant Bleeping Cars on all the night trains. . . . Fori ntormatlon respecting pusseuuur business, applj ! corner 'I'UIRTlEl II and MARKET B'roeta. Phlia. And lor t .eicht business, of the Company's Aaents. S It. Kingston. Jr., comer ihlreentb anilMarist streets Philadelphia : J. w. Revnoltls, Erie; William Utowa Agent N. O. R R., Raltlmors. i II. II. HOrMO.N, Oeneral Freight Agent, Pblla j U. W. C-WINNEB. General Ticket Agent, Phila. ' A.L.TYLER etalBn " WUIIamsport. TTEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, FROM i V toot oi MAttikjvi' street (Upper Ferryi.com enclng HON DAY, September U tm LEAVE PUILADELPhl V AS FOI LOWS i For Btldveton. Halem. Al ill vllle. and all lutermadlatii Stations, at b a. oi , ni 411. 3-30 P.M.. Passenirer. or wooomiry,a a. at I flOPJl., anil P.M. for Cape War, at 8-30 P. M RET'LhNINU TRi RAINS LEAVE Woodbnry at 7'1 A. M..8 40 A. M , and 4 M 1 M. ' brlduelon at 7 05 A.M. and 2 30 V. AC Frahiht. 8 30 KM- .... : 1: ' ZJm. haiem at ou a, u. ana utis r. su Frelaht & r. n. WUivilloatrj-55 A.M.. and 3D8 P.M. Freight, 610 cape may at 11 f.- a. m. rarsenger anu r reigni. F'reluht will be received at (Second Covered Whatf below Walnut street. Irom 1-0 A. M. until k 00 P. At. That received betore 1 00 .A, wlU go thrvuh vueow 1 reiguv j'eiivwT, no. jzb n. itls. w Attn, jivbhwo, ft-ilt J. VAN HhNHHlCLAEU, 8uprjutouaentL IOAPE WAY RA1LRQAD COMPAN1T. Notice It hereby grven,-that the present arrange ment pt the Tralua to and from Cape May. will be CONTINUED, vis t Leave Philadelphia At I V. and Cape ls and st 8 A. M , dally. , . J. VAN RENHoELEAB, Buperlntendeu. Bepteaiber 1, 1806. Ma SUMMER RESORTS AND HOTELS s U R F H O U S ATLANTIC CITY. ('HOtCE ROOMS can now Ik Lad at this faorit House, 1 ' ' " W. T. CALER. OPES UNTIL OCTOBF.a 1. 17 M E 11 C II A N T S' H O T E L CAPE ISLAND, N. J. Tlaa Hotel being entltely nCtlcd and refurnished tn the best manner, IS NOW OPEN" FOR TIIE RECEP TION OF GtESTS. The house Is located near the ocean, and every atten- tltnwIU te given to tutrit the patronage of the public. McNUTT & MASON, 6 22tt PROPRIETORS. CLOTHING. ,0ot Above: shihTS, FURNISHING GOODS, 6.9 J. AV. SCOTT & C 0., SHIRT MANUFACTUREHS, AUD DBALkns IN MEN'S FUHNISlIINd GOODS No. 814 CHESNUT Street, FOUR DOORS BELOW TIIE CONTINENTAL. 8 17 SiP PHILADELPHIA. p A T E X T SHO ULDEil-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GKNTI.KMfcN'fe h Ur.NISilING STOKE. TEKFECT FITTING 8II1RI8 AND DRAWERS made irom meat urcuicnt at very short i.oucc. Alictucraiticlcsof GENTLLMEK b DRESS GOOD3 In lull variety. M.stJJ.ll-dllXt 00 JC., 8 24,5 No. 7C6 CKESNUT Htreet THE BEST FITTINC SHIRT IN AMERICA 18 TIIE 8I10ULDER-8EAM P ATT E RSI KHIHT, Slanuiacturcd by !. EAYKE, No. 58 N". SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, vi hia you can find a large assortment ot Gli NTS' FURNISHING OOODtt. Clip this out and give as a call. 8 It No. 68 N. Rl X 111 street. Philadelphia. BOOTS AND SHOES. 8 P. WAHK. JH., t C'OS Gl'M-SOI.E BOOT and Hine store. M FA It I AN '3 First National, No, D14 MK1NU OAhDEN Street. $2. LADIES' OCM-SOLE BALMORALS, made ot the best tenther In the Trppers, ior only ft, ut FB1AN'S FirstNational Oum Sole btore. No. spitiiso ga rden isircct. lit I Ha (iUM-SOIjE BOOTS AND SHOES, FOR ten and Bovs. will lust lunger than tour pairs eaiher soles: do not need re soling For foundry won, hey are a Njgtli I men, lilocksnilths, or all who wear out leather soon, hcv l ie lUMiluuble. One truil will convince that they aie'al. that thev sre represented to be. Hold ut First N'atlown, No H14 bl RlNtJ PARDEE trett. : LADIKS. COME AND SEIi THE 2 (lum-Solo chocs; easy to the tcet and dry. Buy hem lor yourcnliuien: save you tne expense 01 iTuvIim two tairs ol lenilier . solos sirst national Au'ency lor C.uin Sole Shoes, No. f)U SPRINii t.Alt DEN Street Jinl 1 G-. XI rJ? i FOR THE COUNTRY. FERRIS & CO.'S AUTOMATIC OAS j MACHINES for Private Kesldeiicet, Sllllt, Hotel, ! Clutrcliea, Ktc. Ktc. Fumlahlng from Ten to Six Hundred I Lights, aa maybe Kequlred. This machine Is guaranteed: does not (stout ot order, and the lime to manage It is about Ave minutes a week. ; The simplicity of this apparatus, Its entire freedom from danger, the cheapneit and quality 01 rue iigui over all others, has gained for it the lavorable opinion of those acquainted with Ita trerlt. The names ot tiose having used them for the last three year" will be given by calling at our OFFICE, So. 105 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, Where the machines con be teen in operutlon. i FERRIS fc CO., Box 191 P. O, 1 gend for Pamphlet. 8 ROBERT SHOEMAKER, & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MAHVFAC1UUEKS, JiirOItlEES, f , : AXD DEALERS IN Paints, Varnishes, and Oils, Ko. 201 KOllTHQURT11 STRE?T 123 3m COBSEUOF RACE, k-TEADSTOVE, I JLONCMENT?,. ETC. ETC. BEST MARBLE. TWELFTH STREET, ABOVE RIBOB AVE SUE. jjn lm CllaULEU ITInMEi. f Jfimimm If (1 . , I SVI -Umiaia.- J j -J .1 MEDICAL. JjMJENCU MEDICINES IN , VOGUK i kr CRIMAULT A, CO.. , i , VhertUtf lo hit Imperial Highness rrince Napoleon,'' 47 Rue Richelieu' Paris, , NO MORH CONSUMPTION gium a ULVBaYHUPfurr oi'iio si'UA te r limb For alt 1 Iseasea of the Chest this Medicine Is InvalaaMa. It is Inrveir tisedattho PKOJlPiOV UO.,1'1. PIT A L. In London, for Oonsuinptlon, and . genera If approved bv the Leading -. . n juedlcat ftien In England and In ' ! ranee. NO MORE COD LIVER IU I GiuMAVira sinup or iodized uor3b-radihii This Hyrnp is employed, with the greatest success, la ?lare ot ou Liver Oil. to which it is minutely euperior. t cures diseases of he chest, surofua Ivmpbatle d.aaf. . ders green sickness, muscular a ony and kiss of appetite. It rcn-rimtps ttie constitution bv purirylno the blood, and Is. In a word, th most powerful denurative kmvwa. Ills at ministered with the greatest eftloaoy to young children, subject to humors or oltructlou ol the glauaa. KO J10RE rOVERTT OF 1XIT, RLO0D AND TAtB COMPl.r XION. ' PR. LERA h PHOWPIlAiE OF ITtOrT ' This new lerruglnous medicine contains the elements o: 1 he tilood and bones andlRONIn a ihiild state It Is olfleri'iit irom all hltli-rto oflexed tn the piihlie, la li'iuid colnrlesa, and tasteless. It speedily ourna - C'ULUltUMlS, PAIRS IN TllE 8TOMACH, ' DIFFICULT DltlBsTIOH. DVSVEVORRUtEA. ANEMIA. Hie rrsjo ityof the academies ot Medicine 01 Paris reccnimeml tne Phosphate ot Iron to Ladies o' dellcstx constitution, suliering it "in Anomln and all other pr, sous tatigtied tiom over anxiety, nervous oniotlons, ovet V ork , general tienility aim poorness of blood It Is th only preoatalinn which nevor causes Oonstt paiiuu, and can be borue by the most delicate stoinaohs. NERVOTJW HE 4 DACIIFS. NTUR M.OI A, IN8TANTA NEOVHI Y CUKKO By GRIM A II LI" 4 GUARANA. A vcEntab'c lliazllian substance, entirely Intiocujus. IVTERN L OR LO"L NEW clIK IVK AGENT, AIATIJO. GRIMAUL1 & CO., PARIS. This new remedy Is prepared from the leaves 01 a 1'enmnn popper ahiuh called MAl'ICJ, and curea promptly and in'Hl llilr. without any fear of Inilam niuiory results Hie great miulo'ltr or Physiciant m Paris. Russia. Germany, and New York now use a outer remeuy. OENFRAL DEPOaiTORIK' la PapIs .a n.itkj . fir j. tr ' - nt..H,i.i. v. Ar a m nin, n 1 m a u li a (V. V V. ci, UUillinin W 11 IU E KM UKLIKl). Ill New York, at M. II FOIIGEKA Jk VANDKS- KIEPT'8. WILLIAM Mrect in Ph Mat e nh a. at FttENCU. RlCHAHDs A I'd . and at every good chemists 8 2 thtf yox populi. WEIGHT'S TAll SYRUP, riilAC JPAL DL'l'OT. No. 771 SoutH TIIIItD Street. Price, fl-00 per Bottleo'OO lor half- dozeii. The undersigned citizens take pleasure ln chee-nalijr recommending Uie use of Wright's Tar btrup for coughs, colds, consumption, whonplng-cough, apotletl lever, ilver compialut, pnlus iu the breast, hronchida. Inl, animation , and restriction ot air venue's In the Ituwt. etc. T he rcmnly should be in every inmtly 1 . Charles C. Wison, Eornv's rss otllce. Charles II . Cruileu, Sunday Mercury oilloe, James Noleu. A.oeiirerollico. William E. Corhit, Asaociaiel Tress, vtiiiiuiii 11. Carpenter. Eire Alarm and Polios tele graph. I-Hth and t hesnut streets. A Landolph. Front and 1 onibard streets. James W. I't-rrlue No. 1129 Charles street. II. A.Pavi.s ISO. .12J CfiHklil stroeL John Woodalde. No. laal Krankllu street. Eouert Thompson. So. lbl8 W alter street, tt. U. Marco, No. 6i6 Etanklin sireet. J Cebloll 'o. 731 S. second street John r-evmour. No. MS H. 1 font street. . W. Howard. No. 1 Lock street II. C. Lartett No.MT M. .second street. L. Botes No. C"8 Arch sircet A lbert tiartln, o. 411 h. Hecond streot. M ary Caidtvelk Ho. l'iB'2 Sunsom street. W . T houias. ho. 'US. Fourth street . T. l. Carthy. Ko. li-9 Enretu's alloy. Ceorge Wl son. No. 236 Uace stree;. VV. V. Brooks, No,6H North Second street M. J. Basett. No. 119 Canal street. !S. Sevmour Rose. Bustletoti. Chnr es Rogers, No. Wl South street. K. T. We.ilngion, Second and Quarry stree 1 . E.'lhutuas, No. IM South Mxt-i street. wrili.ni Huni, No. 61 6 Bouth k ront S'.roeU S. H. Sntitorf, Opera II onager. J ohn Ainglnnis. rear of No. 134 North Second street. A. re. S. H. Choate, Newark, Del. Sfr. milwmfl. Wright.. Sin: We take pleaturo In recommending yonr TAB SVliL'Ptoi' which we have already seld considerable uUHnilties) as a most excellotit and eihcaclous remedy tor the complaints set lorth In your printed 0(11 already sul milted to the public. Asa rrniltylngact tosullerluj humanity we will thecrinilv recommend your prepara tion to a.l amend with diseasea which u is designed te cute. lours, eto., DILKS SON', Drngglsta. N, E. corut r I'lne and Sixth stre;to) For sa'e also at JOUNbON", HOI.LOWAY COWDN S. UIOTT A CO , . , , , A nd all principal Druggists aad Deaierj, The subscriber would beg leave further to fay that he is prepared to tl.l orders SL1 forward tbe Hyrap to any port ol '.be couinrv. Persons desiring other inioc mntlcu by mail will inclose a postage siamp.aud answesa wia Le returned as soon at tbe exlgeucios el basinet w ill admit Address . WILLIAM B. WBIOnT. 3 20 Ko 171 B. TBim Strte:. Philadelphia, Pa. FOR THE rNFOBTPNATE. r 1 , BELL'S SrECLFIC REMEDIES ! Are warranted In all cases, lor tbe Sprkdt aad Pbkhi . Cbhit 01 all diseases arising irom excesses inyoatau t hvslcal and Ncrvoua liebilitv. etc. eic LXAnsm. ur i 1 r. 1 ie nr.cc.pnAai, They cun ne used without detection, and never (aU to eCcct a Cure, ii used according to Instructions.- BELL'S SPKCIFIO PILL.8, Price One Dollar per Box, or Six Boxes for Five Dot lais; a iso, Large boxea. ceataluing Four Bmall, price Three Dollars. . , From fonr to six boxea are generally required to cam ordlnarv cases though beuetit It derived trout, using a single box lu Chronic Cases, wt ere Kervooa Prostration lilt gflected the system, BKLL'9 TOSIC Til LS Are recommended at the most Efficacious, Rejuvenstloi tud Invigorating ltemedy lu the word. A Package 1'iice Five Dollars, wtil hut a month, and Is gcueru.. tutlicieut. , , In extreme caset of Debility, BJLL.1VS KXTlCKNAta RE.1IEDV, Price Two Hollars, tufttcleut lura month, can be at a It gives htieugth to the system, and, with the PHI, will eilect a complete Ketotatien - A Pamphlet 01 lllll pages, on the ERROR OF TOOTH, designed as a Lecture and Cau ion to Young jaea aetK tree, Ten Cents requited to pay postage. It you cannot purchase Hfll's PpxoiPto RRHttDiM of your Diuggist, take no other, but aend tne moaasr direct to DR. JAMES BRYAN, Consultini? Physician. , No 819 BROADWAT. New Ymit, And yon will receive them by return of maa psst pai4. aud 11 ee irom observation. For tale by DYOTI & Co., So. 232 If. SECOWB btreet. il j g A M A R 1 T A N ' S . 01 F Tl SAMAIIITAN'8 GIFT ; . THE MOST CERTAIN REMEDY EVER USED. "YES, A POSITIVE CCBK" . FOB ALL DISEASES ARItMKG Fit OH INBlS- CUE TIONS. . , ' CoBtalnt no Mineral, no ttalsam, no Mercury, Only Ten Fxl s to be Taken to Effect a Owe. ' They are entltely vegetable, having no small nor any unpleasant taste, and wi.l not In any way injure tbe stomach or bowels ot tbe most delicate- Cuies In irom two to tour da) t, aud recent cases fat 'tweut-lour houis." ueut by mud. Price, Male paokaget, II Fema.a, II. SAMARITAX'S RUOTTnD HERB JUICES, The Great Blood Purifier, and Remedy ior Scrofula, Vicers, fores. f'jots, Tetters . Scales, , ' Boils, Etc. 1 For the above complaints the Samaritan's Boot and Herb Juices la the un"t poient aud edsotaal remedy ever piesortbed. It reaches and eradicates every par tic eoi the venerea! polnou. Will remove every vestige of Ira purities from the system, at well at all tbe bad tflectsotinetcury. Price, $1-24 per bott e.T.,,A . j ; SAMARITAN'S WASH ,:,V.. i . Is used In conjunction with tbe Boot and Htrb Jalcat. FullUUectWus.' f rioe, 26 ceata, . ( i , . I The old tlckemn sou uisgustinf arur. nave to giva way to remedie. purvif ve, 'BoidDyDEVIASJjABNl 'guimva. vioaaaai, m ui loata. IE9 4t0N0u!lPABaB0W. and by Iirug.uta DKHMOSD 4tCO-,Priprltots N.315UACK. ntrat Phll0 plJis-