MATEIMOXIAI, HTFELICITT. Turn Abm PU,-A Chapter In Resvl lAte. rom W ro free Press, 22d. of r n e luke8t th'the well-known cptalu Sad SSieTUn,Iln ,rom Buffalo to Chicago, am descried his w in and iom.i m. ,r:' JIe haa med when ym., an.l virt ,iW0)rka8.R Plnter, a poor, bul hoocM, I tim, ir le had shared his poverty "hi ii ln Pducatlii(z himself, and as iho DMirns, ' one alter another, were piven thonx, find labored with her own hands to lay up- a pittance for a rainy day. Success cronuea tneir united euorts. Fortune Broiled upon thorn, and the once poor painter obtained command or a steamer. His labors were amply rewarded, and a long and happy life lay open lor the little family. A pleasant home was purchased, whre the captaiu, when through with the reason's labors, could dwell midflt the comforts ot home 'ueath bis own vine and fig tree. But this was not to la-it. Aa ho travelled over his route, he suddenly found that hia wife did not pwcefcs that beauty which, though but okin deep, had charing for tbe captain. He found that Phe was not as well educated as she mipht have been, and, forpettinfr all the assistance she had rendered him in the days they had strag gled together against poverty and want lor getting that to her was due at leaH a portion of hie tiucces he bocamo discontented, and longed to cant her off, tnat he might revel in the charms of some younger and fairer damsel. In order to give plausibility to his ends, he accused her of having violated her mirnaae vows, of having granted tnose favors to others which should "always be reserved lor the hus band: in fact, he denied that he was the father ot two of her children. He attempted upon this plea to obtain, under the lax law of Indiana, a divorce; but lor some reason he failed. For the last year he has entirely neelected to provide for Ms family, and the still loving, though sor rowing wife has been compelled to do washing and other work to keen the wolf from the door. Last winter he became acquainted with a fair and charming pirl, not yet outot her teens. He wooed and won her, and alter brief courtship married her, and has kept her with him upon his bout all summer. The captain, blind to all save his love for his second wife, had no thought of the fickleness of women, had no idea that his new love might, like himself, grow tired and weary of the urt-t chosen one, and so did not notice the attentions shown his bride by the porter of his own boat: had he done so, undoubtedly tbe portT would have been landed in the Qret port, and his fair one taught, if possible, to forget him. But love made him blind, aud one night, about two weeks ago, the propeller was without a porter and the captain minus a wife. They had eloped to gether. The fair but frail young girl had de parted, leaving the guilty husband ot two wives with no one to comfort him In his loneliness. : The captain has been paid in his own coin, tbe tables have been turned upon him, and he khould now retire, humble and contrite, to the love ot his first wife and children. THE SOUTH CAROLINA CIVIL RIGHTS BILL. The following is the full text of the act passed by the Legislature of South Carolina, securlug to the freedmen their rights ot person and pro perty: An Act to declare the rights of persona lately known as slaves, and as free persons of color. "Be it enacted, etc., That all persons hitherto known In law in this State as slaves, or as free persons of color, shall have tae right to make and enlorce contracts, to sue, be sued, to be affiants and give evidence, to inherit, to pur chase, lease, sell, hold, convey, and assign real and personal property. makewills and testaments, and to have full and equal benefit of the rights of personal secuiity, personal liberty, and private property, and of all remedies and proceedings for the enforcement and piotection of tne same as white persons now have, aud shall not be subjected to any other or different punishment, pain, or penalty for the commission of any act or offense, than such as are prescribed for white persons committing like acts or offenses. "Section 2. That all acts and parts of act spe cially relating to persons lately slaves and tree fiersons of color, contrary to the provisions ot his act, or inconsistent with any of its pro visions, be and the same are hereby repeated; provided that nothing herein contained thall be construed to repeal eo much of the 8th section of an act entitled 'An act to establish and regu late tbe domestic relations of persons ot color, and to amend the law in relation to paupers and vagrancy, ratified the twenty-first day ot Decem ber, in the year of our Lord;one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five,' as enacts that marrlasres between a white person and a person of color shall be illegal and void." GENERAL BURNSIDE FOR THE PRESIDENCY. The New York correspondent of the Hartford Tress writes as follows: "General Burnside, by warmly espousing the Republican cause, has secured for himself a brilliant political luture. The following ticket is now talked of for 1870: For President, Gene ral Ambrose E. Burnside, of Khode Island; for Vice-President, General John A. Logan, ot Illi nois. The East is entitled to the next Presiden tial candidate, and General Burnside is one or the purest and noblest men in public life, tiuch a ticket would create immense enthusiasm all over the country, secure the support of the oung men, and be triumphantly elected. No better campaign document would be required than Bu rut-id e's magnanimous letter written after the defeat at Fredericksburg. It will be ' remembered that the country charged the re verse upon the Administration, and General Halleck especially. Thereupon Burnside wrote a public letter, declaring that he atone was re sponsible for the disaster." Arrival of Troops Near Washington. The arrival of troops ln this vicinity has given rise to exaggerated rumors of the intended concen tratioL of a large military force (from tweuty live to thirty thousand) here. The fact is, that the number of soldiers at this point for some months past ha6 averaged only two or three 'thousand, and that several companies of tbe 12th Infantry and a few other regular troops have been recently ordered here, the aggregate being less than tlie usual assignment to head quaiters of a department. We presume the whole number in this city and vicinity, when the arrangements are completed, will not exceed 6000 men. Washington ttar. Death of Bishop Younsr, of Erie. Right Rev. J. M. Young, Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Erie, Pa., who died suddenly in that city on thelHth instant, v. as 68 yers of age, having been born in Sanford, Maine, in the month of August, 1808. Bishop Young terved a regular Apprenticeship at the printing business at l'ort Jand, Maine, in the office of the Partland Argus. lie was a convert to Catholicism t the aere of 19, and at the age of 22 took a journeyman's tour through the Western States, finally stop ping at Cincinnati, where his extenstve reading and matked ability lor one of his ago attracted tbe attention of the then Bishop of Cincinnati, and he was sent to St. Mary's College, at Emmettsburg, Md., to complete his education and prepare himself for ordination, ne was ordaiued priest in 1837. First appointed Bishop ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clothing nail, Nos 603 and 605 CHESNUT St.Phila We have just reoeired ner tod well-selected cckof CLOTHS, CASSlMERf-S.and TESTINGS. AUo, OVEB-COATLNG8 and 6 CITINGS, which we will make to older at tUe moat rewouftble prion DAILY , EVENING TigjfigAn THE of Pittsburg, but opon his declination of that Office he was appointed Bishop of Erie, as the ucceesor to Bishop O'Connor. He wa conse crated in Cincinnati on Low Sunday, I" l"64' coming to Erie shortly after, where be I? sided ever since. Hi. bearing benevolent . aw poMUoo, and social qualities made biro njeuiy esteemed by his contemporaries ,?hn' ? scholar, and a His death, although almost instantaneous. w cMSrfC by blm, as he had frequently been informed bv Lis medical adviser tbat, sooner or later, he would die without warning in consequence of a disewe of the heart, to which ho had been sub ject for sonic time. John Forsyth, editor of the Mobile Register, who who a delegate to the first Philadelphia Convention, and at present travelling through the North, writes to his paper as follows: "The strngplo will bo here at the North. It is our part at the South to keep Oakland let the North light it out 'on this line.' " DRY GOODS. MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, No. 828 ARCH Street. STITCHED SHIRT BOSOMS. In the making of SHIRT BOSOMS I usotho best Irish Linen of my own Importation, and employ the best maobino-opeiatora In the eity. I am thus en abled to supply my customers with J BOSOMS OF UNEQUALLED QUALITY Plain Plaits, All Sizes. Fancy Small Plaits. Mixed Plaits. Woven Shirt Bosoms, from 37 J Cents. Embroidered Shirt Bosoms. Wristbands, Etc. Etc. IRISH SHIRTIXG LINENS. I import the best Linens made in Ireland. Full lines of all qualities in Heavy Golden Flax Irish Linens. Imperial Irish Linen. Medium Irish Linen. Fine Fronting or Eo30iu Linen. French Linen, Etc. GEORGE MLLLIKEN, LINEN IMPORTER, 917 U2 31rp No. 8Q8 ARCH Street., CURWEH STODDART & GRP. ROB HOY PLAIDS. VICTOItlA PI.AIDS. McINKES PJLA1DS. ROYAL STUART PLAIDS. RICH POPLINS. 2UERIXOES. ALL-WOOL, CASHMERES. FIIOM LATE ARRIVALS. CUKWEN STODDART & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., 9 25 3t ABOVE VILL01V. E. It. LEE) No. 43 North. EIGHTH St. BANKRUPT STOCK. BANKRUPT STOCK. IHE ENTIRE STOCK OF A RETAIL, DRV GOODS HUM., Purchased at SHERIFF'S SALE, To be closed oat, within a week. AT GREAT BARGAINS. French machine-stitched Bands. Ediilnus. and Inser tion, etc. a Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery, 1M cents a pair and upwsras t Children's Hose, 12 X cents a pair. Veil Bareees Vt cents per yard. Unreie and Urenwline Veils, IS ana u corn.. SMHivaidsot White Uoods. conslstinu 01 Check Mas- llns, Stripe do.,Pla)d Swiss Nainsook. Cambrics, and Jacone tMRTcat Bargains. bpool cotton. Bpwlng bhk, uomos, iBDie ciotns, Kapkins, etc. etc. it) pairs A ii-wool ivaniceis; cnoap. White and I nbleached Musliiuti oelow market price. Canton Flannels. '20. 29 and 31 cents. Mourning Prints, Colored Calicoes. KID GLOVES I KID GLOVES t 326 pairs Kid Gloves at 1.00 per pair. Tbe entire block to be closed out in a week at A GREAT SACRIFICE. BLACK SILKS. A superb lot of Purple Edge Black Silks ; heavy and cheap. Dark American Delaines, 25 cents per yard. 1 cane finest French Poplins; selected colors. Handsome Plaid Poplius. E. R. LEE. ENTBAUCK TO STORE ON FILBERT STREET, Below Eigbtb. P. S.-Wlll open our NEW STORE, No. 43 North EIGHTH Street, (THE OLD KTAND, about the FIRST Of OCTOBER, with an entirely new Stock ol Goods. 2i stutb3t E. B. LEE. A LL-WOOL CA8HMERE PLAIDS, 50 CT3. 'ALL-WOOL CASHMERE PLAIDS, 60 CTS. ALL-WOOL CASH ERE PLAIDS, 65 CTS. ALL-WOOL CASHMERE PLAIDS 76 CTS. FULL LINE OF FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, FROM THE LATE AUCTION SALES. CLHWEN STODDART fc BROTHER, Nos. 440, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Street, 9 262t Above Willow. "D KOCH E FIOU R E D rOPLINS OF NEW DE8ION8. CIHWITN STODDART &. BROTHER, Sob. 450, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street, 92tat A bore Willow. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Brown Stone Clotliiug Hall, Nos. t03 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. FINE READY-MADE CLOTHING FOE ' GENTLEMEN AND YOUTH DRY GOGdSv piM BROS. IIUl! rtUNS EDWIN HALL & CO. iVo. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET.- Opened This Morning, Diroct from the manufacturers, Dublin, Ireland, another cae ot IlKAI, IltlSH POPLINS, IN THE DOUBLE AND DEJII-D0U3LE QUALITIES, Of evciy choice shade of colors, Includinn Black and Whites. Also, A Pew Pieces of New Styles of Plaids. 9 'ii tuthslMpl 171 1 GUT II STREET RIBBON HTORE, li HO. 107 , ElttliTII HTItKKT, Four Doors irom Arch. I would mot rexnt'Ctlulir announce to tne Ladles frenerallv that I have now open a meet caremllv Dej ected stock of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, Comprlfln? IKiMMI.VO AND BONNET RIBBONS, In all widths, qualities, ind styles. VKLVKT HI 11 HONS, Black, Colored, every width and abade. UUSHKT VELVKTS, MATINS, SILKS, In all dcslnbie shades Also, a bandfionie assortment of FKANCH PLOW MIS, Pe.ATIlrJK1. TLCMEJ, ETC., LADIr.8' AND flHlLotitVS HAH Of the newest shapes and styles Ornaments, Ma' lnos. ihe best HUNCH AND NEW YORK YORK BONNET FRAME, which wi 1 be all sold at tne lowest market prices. No trouble to show goous, JPMW SirillCL, 97Ut So. 107 N. EIGHTH Htreel. Countiy orders carefully, a heretofore attended u. SELLING AT A GREAT PACRIFICE-ALL colors ot 81 k Oimp and Girdles, Fancy Chalni and Cnmbs. Belt buckles and Slides, Linen Jlandkorchiefs all of colors Alpaca Braids and Halrt Braids, 81. k and Mohair Bindlnx. Linen Mhirt liosoms at manufacturer's prices, etc. Ladies, Rive as a call beiore buying else where, to convince ourselves ot facts W ILLIAM AiONAi Kits TADTKR'S, No. 103 f.. EIGHTH Htreet 9 871m Next to the N. E.cor. Eighth and Arch. TF YOU WANT TO FIND A LARGE A930RT J ' ment in Black and Colored Velvets, of all widths, 8 10 WILLIAM LONKFRSTADTEH'g, No m N. EIO -ITU street. 9 27 lm Next to the N. K. cor. Elghtn and Arch. pm T. Q U I N L A N, No. 429 SOUTH Street, First Dry Goods Store Below Flftli St. HAS NOW OPEN, FINE PARI8 DRESS GOODS. PLAID ASD PLAIN POPLIXS. FKKKCII AND KKtiLISH MEHINOES. 8-4 AKD ItlCGTJLAH WIDTH ALPACAS. FBKKCII AKD SAXOAV PLAIDS, ALL PRICKS. PLAIN ALL-WOOL DKLAIMES. MEN'S AND BOVS' CASSIMKKKS AKD FLANKKLS. CLOAKS & SHAWLS, EVERY VARIETY. MUSLINS, CALICOKS, AND DKLAIXKS. And a General Assortment of Desirable DRY GOODS, At a little below tbe regular retail prices. 9 21 lm4o T CHAMBERS, t) . o. 810 ARCH STUEET. Novelties opening dailv In HEAL LACK GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, WHITE GOODS. Thread VcUa-P.argalns. cainurio tunings ana mriiuiM. lien ill Val. Handkerchief. Linen Collars, Cuffs, Sleevei, etc. 9 27 l.'t R I S II P O P L I N S OF ALL, SHADES AND COLORS. tVRWEN STODDART &, BROTHER, Nos. 450, 452, and 4M North SECOND Street, ft 25 3t "Above Willow. MEDICAL. BIOKEENE, OK LI FE-REJU VENATOR. STRENGTH TO THE WEAK-tfOUTH TO THE AGED 1 his nrenaratlon Is unenu ailed as a reiuvenator and r etorer ot wasted aud Ineri functions. the leeb.e. ne aiieu aau aJi tnoxewno Date in an, wa; impaired their vitality by excessive mental or physi cal application, will lino the Vilokrene to be what Its uauie implies a U e-rejuveuator, wbicb, while It builds up the shattered constitution, will aiso Impart to tlio feeilnus the briskness and enonry wt.icli belong to youth No matter by what cause any organ bai become emee bled ln Its ranct!na this superb preparation will remov that caugft at onue ami loruver. viukkKKE cures Ge.neial Debility. Imootencv. Ner vous Incapacity, l)ypepla. Depression, Lusa of ApDO file. Low r-nirlts. Imoecllltv. Mental Indolence. Emucla tlon. Ennui. It has a must delhfhuul. desirable, and novel etlcct upon the DervoussvHtcm. aud ail who are lu any way prontra'ed by nervous disabilities are earnoslly advl'edto seek a cure ln this most exceheat and un equnlled preparation. BIOKKENE The Feeble, the Lanpuld, the Despalr rng. the Old. should give this valuable discovery a trial; It will be found totally uillerent irom ail other articles for the same purpose. To FEMALES. This preparation If Invaluable In ner vous weaknesses of all kin is. as It will restore tho wanted strength with wondenul permanence. It Is also a giand Tonic, and will alve re iefm Dyspep sia with tbe first dose A brief porsis'ence in lu use will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banih Dyspepsia lorevcr. . ,. . Out Doilar per bottle, or six bottles for s.V Bold by Druciiists generally. Sent by express anywhere by ad dressliig HUTCHI.NUS A HILLYEB Proprietor, AO. U3uci Direet,xew lora. Sold by JOHMJON. HOLLOWAY COWDKH, no ziiAoitu oiAiiihtreeU DYOTT A CO., 4 10 thstti6mrp No. 232 N SECOND 8t. R. HUNTER, No. 44 N. SEVENTH HTRF.ET. ABOVE FTLBERT. PHILA DRr.TrTT a Acknowledged buallpartin interested as by n,r tht MOST' 6CCCEH8FUL PHVH1CUN In the treatment Dtteatet in hit ipeetallu. Q0ICK THOROUGH, and permanent etirei guaranteed in ever, case. Remember DR. HUNTER'S Celebrated Kemedle. can only bo bad genuine at bis old eatublisb JjO'lloe. No 44 N SEVENTH Street, above filbert. 95i' OF PETROLEUM, FOR FItANCE. THE MAQA81NH GENERACX DE 8T. DEHI8, which are situated No. ii AVENUE DE PARIS, at Baint Denis, close to Paris, keep OIL OF PETRO LEUM In lion vata, with a guarantee that the losa don not amount to more than three or Ave per cent, an nually. Advance ol lunds 15 per tent. Moderate charge tor storage. Apply tor full parties lars to the Director, SStblOtrp L. LEFOBVE. ROCKHILL & WILSON, . Brown Stone Clothing Hall, , Noa.603 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. The Largest aud Beat Assortment of Boya' Clothing lu the City. BojV Clothluir Uade tr Order, CARPETINGS. LKKDOM & SHAW, Wli OLE S Al E AN D RETAIL CATIVZX WAREHOUSE. Ko. 610 ARUII STREET. ARE.OtE ikl t.Stm: KEW STOCK OF Forcisn antf ttmcsllc Cappotlngs, In everr tr V aa J y,wlM ' 1? A.1m? jIM STREET CARPET WAltWaUSF. IAlI'OirTATIONS OP CAEPET LIST Cr S, NUW Ol'KNINa). IiATKST STYliHS AT LOWEST PRICES. JOS. JtLACKWOOD, No. HIVl AltOII Street, TWO DOOR? BELOW SISTH 8TKF.ZT. , 9 15ttntb?mrp FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES VANS & WATSON. MAKCFACTTJBER9 OF FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES PEBIQNED FOB Punk, Mercantile, or Dwelltng-IIouse I'ae Establkhed Over 25 Years, Over 24,000 Safes in Use. The only Safes with Inside Doors. Never Lose their Fire-Froof Quality. Guaranteed free from Dampness. Sold at Prices Lower than other makers. WAREROOMSt No. 811 CHESNUT Street, I'llILADKLPUI A. lit S p r 11 E iTL: ST S A F E. TwculyFiic Years' Kvpciltutc In Nctv Vorlt City. MAHVIN & CO., ALUM AND DRY PLASTER SAFES. ESTABLISHED IN 1813. Alwnys rrmain Fire-Proof. Ave perfectly Dry. Ample Testimonials. irAIlVlN & CO., Ho. 721 CHESNUT Street ) Masonic Hall. And No. 265 BEOADWAY, New York. UOrSR SAFES, BV Ktilt".' HAND PAF8. btnd for Catalogue. ftATJES, SECOND- & 22 stiulta EXCURSIONS. ON THE SCIICTLKfLL. TI.e beautiful liit'o slcamers S.ILV1.11 WAVE AMD SILVER STAR, Kow niDDing from Falrmotint to Falls of HchovlklU, wlil leave Fairmount as follows viz s At 7 20. 8-0J.8-50, 9 3, 10-20, 11-OS, 11-50 A. M. And at 12 33, 1120, 215,2 SO 3 3A, 4 2n 5'M. nd 6 35 P. M. lieturnln. leave the Falls al 7 '20, 8'l'8. 8-fiO, 9-35, 10 20 1105, 1150 A l. ! ana 12 35, 1-20, 2-05, 2 50,8-3J,4-20, 5H5 5-50, and 6-35 P. M. FARE. To Laurel Hill and the Falls, 15 cents; Colun bla Bridge or Washington lletreit. 10 cents. Excursion Tickets to Falls or Laurel Hill, 25c. Picnics and Sundaj Schools taken at a liberal reduction. 59rp ws pER FECT ION IS ItARELY ATTAISED, YET A. B. W. BTJLLARD'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP. FOB REMOVING Crease, Palat, Pitch, ana Varnls!i, From all Goods of Durable Colors, is ahead of anything jet discovered. It leaves tbe floods soft, aud at perfect as when new wiih no spot upon which dust van coi.ect, as is tbecase with all the preparations heretoiore sold tor cluaiuiutf goods. It Is delicately penumed. and entirely free from the disagreeable odor of Benzine, and all other resinous fluids. COUNTERFEITS Oi this preparation are extant therefore be sure and lake none but tbat w hich has the autograph of A. B. VV L L LLA 111) on the label. Hannlactured by the Prcpiietors, A. B. W. DULLARD & CO., WOHCE8TEB, HASH. General Agents lor Pennsylvania, DYOTT & CO. No. 232 North SECOND Btreet, Philadelphia, For sale br all Druggists. 7 g 8m rpirE O H E A P E S T JOB PRINTING OFFIOE, JN PHILADELPHIA, HADDOCK &, SON'S, No. 618 MARKET Street, 9 14 3mrp Entrance on Decatur street. QOLD BOUGHT AND SOLI) BT STERLING, LANE & CO., BANKERS No. 110 Sonth THIBD Street. 9 6tfSp ROCKHILL & WILSON, llrown gtonc Clothing Hall, Nos. G03 and 605 CHESNUT St., Phila. Beady-Made Clothing for Hen. Ready-Hade Clothing' for Youth. Beady -Made Clothing for Boys, PAPER HANGINGS. pAPCR HANGINGS. - Of) O HOWELL & JOl'RKE, CORNEK it;. or FOURTH AND MARKET ST3 rillLAUELrillA P A P E R MANPFACTlfRERS or Paper Hangings ASD "Window Shades, G S Have now in Store for FALL TRADE, A Fine Stock of Goods, the newest and best styles, A f2 ELEGANT VELVET DECORATIONS Of all grades. PARLOR PAPERS OF THE RICHEST DESI0N3 40-INCH PLAIN PAPEBS, Of eveiy ahftde, with rich GOLD MOULD INGS, all widths, to which we Invite the attention of the Trad. W I I! D O W s H A D E S WINDOW SHADES OF FINE SCOTCH HOLLANDS, All widths, White, Buff, Green, Blue, and Pearl Color. ELEGANT FIGURED SHADES of the moat elaborate design. PICTURE CORDS, TASSZLS, AND SHADE TRIMMINGS. To the WHOLESALE TRADE we offer an Extensive Stock of GREEN AND BROWN GUM CLOTHS, STABLE OIL CLOTHS, at the Lowert Net Cash Prices, and work done by competent hands. HOWELL & B0VRKE EU CORNER F0TOT& W2TD M18KT 3TS. EL 5 FURNITURE, PEPPING, ETC. F U R N ITU II E. Ihe Largest Stock in the City A T II KUUOEl) PR IO 12 B. Cottage Chambor Sets, Walnut Chamber Sots, V?lvet Parlor Suits, ; j Hiur Cloth Suits, , -i p.op Suits, J Sidebo--fi Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Lounges, and Mattresses. A. N. ATT WOOD & 29? No. 45 Somii SECOND Street, A ISfltuthlairp I HILADKLPnia. PUItMTUKE. GEO. J. HENKELS, LACEY tt CO., THIRTEENTH and CHESNUT Sts, rniLAPELruiA. Suita of Walnut Furniture In Oil. Suits of Walnut Furniture, Polished. Suits of Walnut Parlor Furniture in OiL 6uits of Walnut Parlor Furniture, Polished. Suits cf Rosowocd Chamber Furniture. Suits Pompeii Chamber Furniture. Suits Pompeii Parlor Furniture. Suits of Walnut Dining-Room Furniture. Suits of Walnut Library Furniture. Suits of Walnut Hall Furniture. A large assortment finished, on band. GK0KUE J. HESKLLS, LACEY 4 CO., 9 211ro5p; Nos. 1301 and 1301 CUKSaTjr Btreet BUY FUKN1TUKE AT GOCJLD A CO."a I'nlon Uepois, corner MNTIiand MABKET aaa Nw. bl auu 3D hortu HtCOXD Street. 'i he largest, clicaKSt, anJ best siock of furniture, " every description, in the wor d. Heud tor Printed Cata logue aud Price LL"t. j be soundness ot material an workmunoliip Is ituurantced ot 1 1 we sell. Furulture tw I arlur, lrwinK room. Chamber or Itod room, )inln rooui, Librsry Kitchen, hcrvants' rooms, OfUom. .Sclioo , Churches, Odd Fellows, Masons, or otr Lodges, Hlilps. Inslltutions Clubs, Colleges, Public IiuiWltntiB Koto s bOHrdiiiK-Houses, Hospitals, Fairs, or a Hiiiftle piece ot Furnlturv. lirawiiiK and cuima s I nmlshed when reqalred. Orders sent by post will be executed with detpatck. and with liberality and justness oi dealing !onur dca'ers, anc the trade generally, con tltiuo to be supplied on thesame liberal wholesale tonus that Insure Oioos a tairpioth. Parties at a uistanne may remit ihrough oar Ilankei, the Farniors' and Mechanics' Nailonal Hank, CtiCHMi. street, or the Lnlon .National bank, Ihlml sireet. or bv Kxpress. Check, or I'ost Otilce Order. Im mediate attention will be nh en. and satisfaction Insured. ooin.i co., N. . corner NINTH and Ma KKKT Street and os. 31 and 3 Aortn HECON U Street. 8 10 So Philadelphia. "1 JO HOUSEKEEPERS. I bave lare stock ot every variety oi FUltNITUHE Which I will sell at reducea prices. oo&sUting t PLAIN AND MARBLE TOP COTTAGE bOITS WALNUT CHAMHLK UITS. PAKI.OB hUllh IN VKLVKT TUTSH l'A HLOH S IT 1 1 S IN H I K CLOTU. PAH 1.0 H H'lTS IN KKFS. Hideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Bookcaaea Mattrtsses, Lounges, etc etc. P. P. GUSTINE 81j K. E. corner SECOND and RACK BtreeM. gSTABLISUED 115 . A. S. ROBINSON French Plate Looklns-Klasses, ENGKAV1SGS PAISTIXGS, DRAWINGS EI Manuiactnrer of all kinds of Lookingr(ilass, Portrait, and Pio ture Frames to Order. No. 910 CHESNUT STREET, THIBD DOOR ABOVE THE CONTINENT Al rHILASBUDIA. 8 U PLEASE OBSERVK THAT RICHMOND A. FOREPAUCH'S Is the Cheapest Place In this city TO BUY YOUR FURNITURE. Our stock Is (be largest and most varied, as our price are tbe lowest. DON'T F RGKT TO CALL before tnrchasln else where ln order that we may have an opportunity of proving the truth ot the above assertion. BICHMOA'D 4 FOR EM UGH, 0 29 tuthsjmrp Vo. 40 South SECOND Bt . west side. gEDDINO, MATTRESS, AND FEATHER WAREHOUSE. WILLIAM B. DREW, No. 813 MARKET St.i PHILADELPHIA. 9 IS tutbstm ft FIRST-CLASS lTRMTl'RE. A Large Assortment of tbe Lateat Style On band, and will he sold this coming season at vecy n oderate prices, at ' I.. LI TZ S Furniture F.atabllshment, J9Jlm No. 121 Ponth ELEVK.nTS 8trect STANDARD SCALES. BANKS. BIN MORE & CO., (HUCCE8ORU TO A. B. DAVIS A CO. MKircnjuKUs or patent siakdabb suitable lorWelyh Looks Hal road Tracka, and (yepois, coal, Hav and Live Htuca. Also, Improved 1'ateut sca.e tor Blast Furnaces R.llluir Mills Hteum fatvi. Foondrles. ann ail tbe vaib us ueserlpiioiis ot Doruiaat aud Portable I'latiorm Hceles and 1'aieot lieams . W. toruer Flil ENIH aud rKKMnVLVAKIA Avenue, Philadelphia it 14 lurp C. M. Banks. Lewis L HodpI B. H Dlnmore, FreOeries A. Biehle. VISITIKQ AND WE00INQ CARDS. WBITTES, ENGRAVED, AND PIUNTEI). The Latest London and Paris 8tyles. e iAMPED OH I PAriCH AH O Kfl VAW.OPE8, S COLORS, OR ATltt. The Finest Enelish, French and Ameri can Paper and Envelopes. MONOGRAMS, ARMS CBK8T8, Designed and En- wSlTISO DE9KH, TRA VILLI SO OA81S. PORT. FOLIOK POCKET-BOOKH, KKIVKs, BACKtl AM HON HOAHDe. and every larue stock of FINK HTATIONEUY. R. IIOSKINsi A. AO., STATIONERS AKD CARD EKORAVRRS, e 36niP No. 913 ACH Street,