'or the fvrning JtUijntph. IHi iAULE AT THE EiLLxo 0X. KSh M7y Potr1ot' "tftn' Arm to the iwt, ' Match forth In Mem column, detjlriir he blaet With Union your watchword and Freedom tour Fong, Come forth in jorir mtmhooJ nd Uigniaed nnirht, UWe your vote for your country, for truth, and the rinht; s the "Copperheads" know, when a freeman derides, . That Heav, n approves and the Union abides. Let the foe leel the vengeance of each blow yo deal; The ballot Is strong as the bright burnished steel, " Ami traitors shall cower as they read in each eye The thnlJing decision, "We conquer or die!" R. B. CITY INTELLIGENCE. l'or Additional Local Items see Eighth Fagf, Kepublicah Meeting at National Hall bi'KKCii of Hon. A. K. McUlurb. A. Kn imbliean meeting w as held lust evening at Na tional Hall, Market street, under the auspices of the Union League. Henry C. Carey, LL. 1)., pre sided. Mr. Carey, on taking the chair, marie a lew remarks, after which he introduced the Hon. A. K. McClure, who addressed the meeting upon the political issues of the day. He said he had never been Alderman of his native village, and be hoped ttint he never woulrt be President of the United States. The issues of the present time involved matters of more moment than at any other period in the history of the country, and he entered upon this campaign with great fear and trembling: for he saw that the Presi dent would use all the means of the Government to debauch the people. He had travelled the State from end to end, but he haft not tound a man who had any respect lor his character that accepted tbe bribes oilered by the Presideut, but hurled them buck with scorn and louthing. He thought Mr. Clymer would receive us many Democratic votes us had been given at previous elections, but General Geary would re ceive 25,000 more votes than was ever cat in this State. He was satisfied that Pennsylvania would cast a hirtrer vote than ever before. (Ap plause.) He would also pledge the citizeus of Philadelphia that not a single man would he re turned to Congress west ot the Alleghenies that was not loyal and in lavor of the past action of Congrcs. The issues of this contest rise far above Heifter Glyiner or General Gearv, because the Democrats would sncritice Mr. Clynier to secure the election ot one disloyal member of Congress. He then reterred to the condition of the Southern States, and said, that if rebellion worked no forfeiture of lisihts, as proclaimed by the President, the Senators and Representatives elected previous to the war should be tlw proper Repiesentatlves of those Slates. But while the President says that they are not outoi the Union, be directs trie course to pursue lor the purpose of eretting into the Union. He contended that the Southern States recon-etrui-ted under thepolicvof Andrew Jodmsoii could change their organic law, and undo nil that they have done. South Carolina, under the direction of the President, pasted laws which again enslave the ireedmen of that State, but a weeK ago laws were passed in that State placing the ireedmen upon an equality witu the whites; but this has not been, done because the people of tnat State have any more love or humanity for the i reed men, but because they lind, since the election in Maine, that the peo ple of the North are not willing to surrender up all their rights. It is not the policy ot the Re publican party to postpone the reconstruction ot the Southern States, but to hasten that event as soon as it can be done, so that all the people of the republic shall enjoy equal rights and privileges. II we had luithlul meu in power, the Southern States would have been in the national fold to-night. We nowinteud tu ac complish the de-'ired end by tenchina the foutn as Maine has done, and as Pennsylvania will teach them on the second Tuesday in October. The speaker said he had no fears for this Gov ernment when the Rebellion was at its heisht, when the South tried to blot out the Republic by the power of the sword, for then we knew what they were about: but when the men wtio come fresh from the held of slaughter, with no profession of loyalty, attempt to control tbe affairs of the nation, it was time for the people to arouse to a full tense of their duty to their country. The speaker then i referred to the Convention held. in this city in August last, acd grave a short sketch of the doings of some of the delegates to it during the Rebellion, and contendpd that they were not the men to con sult on Ihe question of reconstruction. North Philadelphia Association op Baptist Chubches. The association met at half-past two o'clock P. M., according to ad journment. 1 The Committee on Obituaries made a lengthy report. In this they say "that upon a review ol the past year we have great cause for thank fulness to God lor the general health that has crowned the year; and also tor the tact tnat no watchman vpon the walls of Zion in this asso ciation has fallen by the hand ot death. This unmerited goodness of our heavenly Father calls us to increasing consecration iii His ser vice." ......... Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., read the circular letter to the Association upon the ''Tunes and their Duties." The letter commences by saying that ''the unity of the nation had been vindi cated," and 4,)CK),000 of chattel had been made freemen, and the nation was now endeavoring to secure Its victories by Constitutional amend ments. The letter theu referred to the recent war in Europe, the layiug ot the Atlantic cable , aud other notable event of the present time, fcucli as the separation ot Church aud State at Hamburg, and the extension of the ritrlit of suf frage in Prui-sia. The letter then referred to the present state of the Church, w hich, -notwith- (standing all that had been done in the circula tion of the Bible, tracts, etc., was otill painfully deficient in public spirit. There was a slowness to secure opportunities for doing good, parlicu- larlv in helping weak churches and in the erec tion of new edifices. Jn a country like tut, so full of youthful enterprise, and where emigra tion rolls in like an ocean wave, the calls are frequent, and thetuiestion is, Howshall weraeet them? We shoul give as our means inert ae, until our benefactions amount to millions. . The tune has come for an enlargement of the circle of influence in the baptist churches. The letter then referred to the baluis paid ministers, aud contended that they shouid.be double the amount paid beiore the war. ... . ' The Committee on the btte of the Churches made a report, stating "Ihuv as au Association w e have enjoyed a reasonably degree ot pros perity during the year." The report concludes with the following queries: 1. How can a more general interest in Sab bath Schools be reached? 2. What are tbe causes of the ministerial destitution in our midst, and want of pernia nencv in the pastoral relation, aud in what ' xm can those destitute churches be the most readily and effectively supplied! , , i ran Riivthine be done, and in whu wav. 1 or relieving the pecuniary embarrassmtotB of ' ndebtcd and feeble churches ? , j a Is a uniform system of benevolence de- .;..,hi If bo. is it practicable ' (. what mn be done toward counteracting the increasing evils of Intemperance and Sub- These oiieries were ably discussed by Rov. W. 9 Wood. Rev. A. J, Hay, Rev. W. E. Watkioson. Brother B. F. Hancock, and others. 1 There was little business transacted In tbe ' vf nin of general Interest. Several resolutions rlative exclusively tothe churches were passed, nd the greater portion of the time was ocou jed with fliglous exercises. j THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1866 befcre tl.c won;aion adjourned the following roltitioD m ra'nd: . ' , ' j . Jtrmhn.ft fhit vote of thanks be tendered to the reporter of the dally pHp-ro lor the faithful reiiortt of the proceedings of this session of the association. ' TuobeJcjyfsn of, Select Council' a Invkstioation Com m ittkb.-i. This bo? ",pt. ? evening, Messrs; Page. Barlow. lMl ' W1D' being present. Only one witness ' examined. Jaines People said, in '"tL,, laborer; have been employed at the Ph.bv iel phia Gas Works; went t&ere in 1850; ; left there on the 2d of February, 1PC5; I was discharged. Witness went on to say tnat he was employed as a laborer for lime, and at last was made a foreman In tbe retort-house; was promotel ir 18S4- wa t Point Breeze Gas Works; Mr. John Murphy 8' io charge of these works; Mr. Robert became foreman in 1862; he waa fore man when 1 was discharged; Mr. Roberts dis chingeci me on account ot politics; my duty as foreman was to look after the meu and report tn Xl r Knhortai tkn mnn - r - ... 1 1 w va, vim men, bu mi t i Knew, were equally divided as to politics: I am a Democrat: my aiscnarge was tne nrst made at the works on account of politics; a couple of weeks after, all the Democrats were discharged; I know some of the who men took their places. Witness described the duties of a "stoker," also of a "helper;" know Charles Macreadv; he was foreman of the night eang when I was there; he was discharged and reappointed; his duties at the works are not such that he could not be spnred lor a short time if it were necessary; witness said that it is important to have expe rienced men in the retort -home, both as regards the quantity and quality of the nas and the du ration of the retorts; if the fire Oo too strong the retorts will be soon burnt out. Macrcady was in the practice of absenting himself from the works when his duty required him to be there; when he was discharged, Mr. Wilson, a Repub lican, was appointed in his place; th- gang dis charged with Mr. Macready were of mixed poll t'cs; a majority of them were Republicans; the men manifested opposition to Mr. Stewart, and intertered with the d rails he made. In answer to a question oy Mr. Barlow, wit ness said he did not see the mien do it, but it was impossible for any one else to do it. - In answer to Mr. Page, he said that a retort will lat for seven months if there be proper manaeeroeot; if there be not, it mav burn out in four months; the introduction of politics he thought injurious to the works; Mr. Stewart, when Chief Enaineer, did not discharge men on at count of politics. To Mr. Bariow Mr. MeCready once said that Mr. Stewart asked him about his politics; thut was a short time beiore Mr. McCready's dis charge; did not think th t the discharge was on account of politics; he (witness) was a Whig the first time he voted, and then he turned Democrat. To Mr. Paee William McMantis was tt the works when 1 was there, Henry Buttery also; tbey worked in Macready 's gaug, and ail were discharged, as I believe, on account of politics. To Mr. Barlow Some retorts, while I was at the works, burnt out very soon, which I attri buted to bad iron; have known a lew to go down in two or three weeks; there is a dillereuce in the iron. The Committee adjourned, to meet on Wed nesday evening next. Anotueb Tragedt. About 7 o'clock lust evening, a German named Jacob Metre, aged about titty years, was suot in the lett breast and mortally wounded by one John Kt yser, at their residence, in the rear of No. 1220 1'aletnorp street, noove Girard. avenue rue facts in reference to the shooting are as lollows: Both men live in tbe same bouse; tne former occupies the third floor, and the latter has pos session of tbe lower stories. Mr. Meirs is an industrious man of temperate habits, and much respected by his neighbors. Keyser is addicted to drinking, and-yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock he returned home somewhat under the influence of liquor. He exhibited to his wife a . pistol, which he stated . had been given to bim by an individual on the wharf. Mrs. Keyser inquired ot him if the weapon was loaded, to which he re plied in the negative. Shortly before the unfortunate occurrence took place, Keyser laid the pistol on a table and proceeded tip stairs to Mr. Meirs' apartment, : and paid him bis month's rent. Mr. Meirs returned to Keyser ten cents to purchase a drink with, whereupon the latter invired him down to inspect the pis tol. Key ter proceeded down, lolloped by Mr. Miirs, who, on reaching the first Hour, was banded the weapon, which he looked at nd theu replaced on the- table. ' Keyser again lifted the weapon, and closely examined it, at the same time turnine it over and over in his hands. He then laued the pistol, pointed it at Mr. Meirs, and pulled the trigger, the ball from the weapon taking effect in his left breast, producing a severe and, it is leared, a fatal wound. The report of the weapon attracted the attention of Otlicer Dunlap, who at once repaired to the dwelling, and arrested Keyser. On his way to the Station House he did not deny shooting Mr. Meirs, and at once produced the pistol, which he had on his person. The accused was locked up in the Seventeenth Ward Station House, to await the result ot the injuries inilicted. Doctors Bethel and Orr were called in, and attende! . j the injuries of the wounded man. He was suf- (niin a'tVi ! f nuln l n ti n i I Via ontira Atrunlnrv 1C1 lUf. TV t 11 1 CO V I'HIU UUS. Illj. IU. t-UVXlTU u, . and at a late hour last night ne was not expected to live until morning. Mr. Meirs stated that he did not believe Keyser intended to shoot him, as the most friendly feeling had always existed between them. He was of the opinion that Keyser wae not aware that the weapon waa loaded. ' Fcbther Hearing ofOnef the Pres ton Hill Burglars. At the Central Station yesterday. Michael McGee. commonly known as Tullv McGee, had a hearing on the charge of burglary. lie is alleged to have been of the party who broke iut the store of Mr. Preston L. Hill, near the Blue Bell tavern, on the night ot the 10th of August. Mr. Hill testified to the breaking into the store, and to tbe fact that he discharged a gun loaded with shot at tne depredators, aud to the woundine of one of them. Ouly one of the paity was arrested at the time, named Campbell. ue was convicted, and , was sentenced to nve jeers' imprisonment. James McGinlev, keeper of a tavern at Twenty-third aud Naudain streets, testified that on the evening preceding the robbery McGee fi was at bis house, m company with uampbeii, and drank at the bar with htm. Ue could not say whether they left together or not. Detendant was arrested at a house in Pine street, near Twenty-sixth, by one of the ollicers of the Fifth District, wnx upon examining uie dbck oi tue orisoner. discovered that it was covered with shot wounds. The coat he had on was also tall of shot holes. Tbe reason given for McGee not beiup wrested beiore was that he could uot be found. He waa committed tor trial. The Newly Appointed Government Officer?. Hon. 'Villiam Mill ward, the uewly anoointed Director ot the L . S. Jl iiu at 1'iiUu- iifipniH, appeurea Btrore juuee v,ciwiuul-i vi'Btprdav aud took tlie oath ot orlice It is understood mat, wr. juuiwara win euicr upim his duties on the ft proximo. XDe sureties oi Air. a. Jj. anowuen, uie m-vw aDiiointed Chief Coiner in the Mint, have been approved, and he will enter upou bis dutu'8 ut tlm HHmn time. - Sir. Snowden is a neDhfWOl Colonel J. Ros9 Suowdeu, a former Director of the Mint, ard aas been emploved in the esta blishment tor neveral year. The sureties of Mr. Charles M. Hall, the newlv unnointcd Postma'ter. have been ap proved, and he bn arranupd with the iucuiu- bciit to take post-ssion of tue otlice on Monday UPXl. - LI. PERSONS WHO DO NOT ENJOY . thkhiou'nir nf crnort beilth. can obtain relief by consnltina lir clvuCl.lN llarmin nnvuSclan. Dr Klnkaltn trtil diseaaes. prepaies and aMiminlster his own madlctnna. Thi Kre nura. safe, and reliable. He Invites a'l pvcaen aoneilng ttom disease to call on bun. Consultation tree during tbo dav. and offices ojien till o'clock In the ewnin. N Wi corner as TUIKD and UHlOU BueeU. between Boruce and Plda auneta. 8 14 Sin 342 SOUTH STREET, M. IVANOONA u tva thm nlvhaHt btIm tnr LadUMH ana eenu'easVoff O bui.- io. -1s bOVTH bwti below AMUSEMENTS. qKAjjU NATIONAL CONCERT FOB TUB BEBEFIT OF TH ' S0LDJOS' AND SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, IttDIR At triCBS 0 TUB SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' UNION WASHINGTON, D. C, AT U ROVER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1866, roairoNED u.til THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 11. 300,000 Tickets will be sold at $1 each 75,000 Presents Awarded, valued at $250,000 f25,00O of the Frojila to be given to the Sol diers' and bailors' National Orjihana' Home Fund, 12500 to the Washington Male and Female Orphan Asylum. The balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to the Trea surer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, Washington, D. C. One Prescut to Every Four Tickets, TICKETS CAK BE OUTAISeI) FROM OWENS & CO., Military ami Naval Law Oilice, No. 527 CliESMT t trect. Opposite tne State house, I'lilla.lelphta. Fu. Alro mt to auy part ol tbe country promptly by mall LIST OF FRFSENT8 TO BE AWARDED. 'Ihree story Brick ro.ldence, ii street be tween bixtli iinu .st voiitli . 418,000 1 Tbice-siory Urick resldeucu, ccotd struct near t. 1 Ihree story brick residence, lentil street. 10,000 between M and N 8 00) 1 Two story IDick rexidence, Tentb street, between M and N , 5 000 1 Two Ktoiy 1 rick residence, lento street, between M and A 5 frKI 2 Fine City L-ts, on Heventn street, north.. 4,000 1 Splenalu Currmite, lloises, 'and II aniens cotnplo'e 4,000 1 fplenuid Diamond Kins 2 I Set I iiamouds complete (Pin, tar Hints, and HinxB 1,500 1 Grund I'luno (Stcinway) 1 (M) 1 Si lid Bilvcr Tea Het 1.000 10 Grand Pianos, $000 each 6 euo 10 tirand Pianos SOOOeucb 500 l'0 Gents' Gold Watches, '2O0 each 20.001) bO Ladles' ciold Watcues Ub each.., 6 a Ml 8 Grand Melodeuns, IJ2(I0 each l,ttu CO imcncan-cae silver Watches. 373 each.. 6.000 75HuutliiK do do M0 each.. 3,uU0 Ml Diumond Rings, S100 to (200 each 7 ,MXl 2S Diamond Firs, S1U0 eacn 2.5U0 40 SewiuK Machines, sion each. 4 (KiO 20 do 7S each 1 500 tu r-nver-piaieu jea sets. a,o each 1500 60 bl ver castors, ta each 1 200 each 27,000 HM T.e?.a?,a'luble,s',0"8 c., 2 to 5 each. . 25 (KM) 10 W0 Gold Pens, sleeve Buttons, fc c, 1 to S3 each 14,000 49,453 Books, cutlery. Enitravlniu. Ac. l to ain each 50.000 . lotai JiSOUOO Tbe awards will be made alter the Concert, on the stane o: the theatre, where throe thousand persons can ,..,von i,. n uuuiimuee win ue appointed bv the audi ence to tuticr nipnd ihemnno K J . Primed lists or awards will be published and sunnlled to Agents and Ttckei-holdera Parses huvliiR tickets n in icmiu mem uuiu alter tne awaius are made, ana li their numbers appear In the list, thev will forward then tickets .Immediately, with ult directions as to the ship ping ol (.oods or deeds lor the property, 'tickets lor aim- ui an me principal iioieis. lionK, and Music Stores In tbe city and at the Headquarters, In the Mammoth Fair Kuikllnit tor the benefit ol the t-oldlnrs' and Himrs' suiouri o,phn Home road, cornel oi ccvcuiu sucel and Pennsylvania avenue. Washinuton. D C. Ibe directors anneal to the llbemlitv of the nconle to give this enterprise their klnu support, and thoreby ansifi in re.ieviug me wants oi tne orphans ot our lalleu comrades. CARD. A large number ot tickets remaining unsold. It will be necessary to postpone the drawing until THURSDAY, tbe 11th of October, 1866, at which time it will positively occur. Tbe many swindling schemes that have been pre senieo loiue puouo outing tne past lew mouths , some what delayed our sales, until we were t! to ot.a the peop.e ttirouxnout to country toat this euterpiise waa genuine, and soiely lor cbaxltab e purposes. The Directors are comment or tne sate or every ticket, and nave aiiotteo sunicient urn to guarantee the aaies wituout any lunuer postponement jubj ii a. n&L,Ci, rrea. ooiaters' ana sailors Union Col. CHAN. E. C'APF.hART, 1 WaJ. M. H ALBURUFB, . Managing Directors. VTXljlIAJU - iUiXVOC, J ' TBRASCRT DEPABTKENT, ) OPFIOK 0 lNTUBNAL hKVKNUE, WAflHINflTnw. .hin.M lkii A Whereas H. A Hall and oilmr. tors" ot the 'Uriid hational Concert.' Washington, 1). Con tbe 2d of Auvuai nx h.nmu. due application to L. Ciepban, Collector of Internal seiniuisiw me collection District or tbe District oi Columbia, tor permission to ho id a lottery, rilie. or S... su..v.,., pirmnwu u uiui satisiactvry evi ence that tbe pioceeds ot said lotterr. ratlin nr uin enterprise ui De nevoied to charitable uses, permission Is hereby gTantcd to such "Managing Directors" to hold ucu iuiutj, rauio, or gin enterprise tree from a', charge, whether from tax or license, in respect to such lottury luoio, vi gin euiaiue. 12. A. KOLL1 NM, Commissioner. We reier, by permission, to ' JUalor-tieneral Vlntleld S. Hnniinrk. ITn a Oeueral liobeit C bebenck, Al. C., Ohio. General Ilalliert E Paine, M. C , Wis. Ueneral John H. Ketchain. M. ('. v. T General James I) Blunt, k.ansas GeueralJ. . Ucndrlck, lowa. Ueneral D. C. Met ailam, D. C. General O V Dayt n, N- Y. Hon. Tbomas W. Ferry. II. c Vlcb. Hon. Oeorge Lawrence, M. C. Penna. D. C. Forney, Esq.. D. C. Major J F.. Douguty, N. Y . lion, nicuaiu h ii ku, inayoroi rasnington. I. U. Hjn. Heniy V I son, Cf. b. lion William D Kellcy, 11. C, Fenna Hon. KeiiUn V. Whaley.U. C, Wett Va. Hon. Fben C. Ingerso 1, m. C, 111. Hon. Henry c Jiemiuj, ja. c , conn, Hon A. H.U aflln, M. C., S. Y. lion. Leonard Myers M.c .l'enna. Hon. William A. Newell, M. C. N.J, Hon George W. Jullitu. M, C .lnd. Hon Stephen F. Wilson, M c.. Penna. liou. J. B. Giltinell, M :.. lows. lion. B F. ade, u. N. Henator Ohio Bon G. K, Lathutn M C, W. Va. Hon. Heni. K. Wilson. M. C, Ohio. ' Htlliam uwens, r-su.-, ruiiaueipuia. iisuiaiu A L EH'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GAKDF.N-Nos "ill TioYINK Stiect. GUAND 1NS1KC SI1.M 41, COHCESTS By two large and efficient 'nshestra. ' TO-NIGHT, And EVERY NIGHT. In com. ectloa with our KXCI I.SIOR l Hlll 11. Kl. aBrassBand, compiislug the best Artist In tbe city, WU penorui. urtn run inn isi. ihii Ourspaelpus sunnier Ghnleu. artistically laid out WlvU DUIHUin:i7i ruuuwiHB eiu. IN '1HK 1.A11IKM' KAT.nOV Especially Set apart tor K a VILIKS, the best ofCrearai ana other iteueeumenta win ue served. " '" Gr Y 31 IN" A. S I U 31 FOB LAPIFK. GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN, K. 11R CtV K1NTII lkl lunil &rftK.Kl'S. .ThV lnaf Itlita Htlleh aaain haa l,uu.. anxLllV Improved tor tne coming season, is uow open lor suusc-npuuv nl, day and evenings. , Bodily eaerclsa linpar't health and strength , and l 1,lnilw rai,,ii,niAnIlAd til hmK . - ..a all uhA. I'.rml tur InaLruotioU. a llinmlta .U....U W Terms for -teli-piactlce. 1 months'. For particulars senu lor a oiroular or give us s oil 8 DO Sin frotessors HILLKbRAN O A LEWIS THE PTseJtVJ WHIPH WE MAND- II f f faotare recemnwiiA themselves. We promise to our patrons clear beautliul tuuea, elegant woriinsn ahlo. durabiiltv. and raiM,nki tirtcpa Anmbmed with a mil guarantee. For sale only at No. luri WALNUT Street. , " , iftV ' CNIOH PIAKO MANCFApiCBlHO CO, AMUSEMENTS. XiEIUCAN ACADEMY 0 MUSIC. ITALIAN OPERA. OPENING NIGHT, MONDAY, October 13. First tint hi I'blJaiUtpbla of CRIf-riNO 1A C0UKE. Flrt Nlnlit of ' GIORGIO TtOSCOHI. For particulars, m fmure adTfrtlfemcnta and circa lai. !M6t N EW CI1ESXUT BTRfcET THEATRE. CHFBbt'T Mrvet above Twelrta. - WM. filM & to Lessee boon opea. at 1 4o. ( uriain li.oa at 8. THIS hVK.NINl, TBICM1 HANI' BLCbFTION ol tbe distinguished Comedian, M K, JOHN K. OWENS, hit R JOHN E OWhN. who will appear hi this clt? lor tbe fourth time In eight ji,ni, aitor au unprecedented engagement In Dtevr York of , 325 coK.srrrnvE nights. Be Will appearln Ms rrcat rpeoialtv, L'AbEB Pl-HM-KF.R In Mon Bouck-aull'i elegaut Drama, In three acts, entitled POT i OR, THK CRH KET 01 THE IIEaRTH. Ibe perloitnance will commence with 1UT: OR. THE CBICKET ON THE HEARTH. Caleb I'ltmmer Mr. J. B. OWF.vs Uot Wins JOSIK OHTON opported t the strength ol the Company. To conclude with Buckstone's Petite comedy, 'i he HiPi ihar day ok my lact;. Kir. Oilman Mr. J K. OWENS bopbla MissJOIE OH ION tATORl AT AFTERNOON, Beotinber 29, GRAND FAMILY MATImEK. MKS. JOHN DilKW'9 NEW AKCH 8TUKET H HEATRE. Heglns at quarter to 8 o'cloek. Htxteenth and Last Flight but F'oar of the People's Favoiltcs, MH. AKD MB8 W. J. FLORKNCE. TIIH(Thntlay) F.VKNING, Seotember27, La.it time ot tne great Dr. ma ( INIIAVOGlTE: OR. LEAKING OF Til E CRFTW, and THE VASKEK HOO-.EK l EPEil. Vt. and Mrs. FLORFMCE In both pieces, with Songs and Pstires. FKIDA1 Farewell Benefit of the FLOREN'CES. 'IIIKKK ORs.AT PIFOFS. MONDAY NEXT THE FAST FAMILY. A L. N U T BTKKBT T H K A T R K. N.E. corner ot NINTH and WALNUT Streets. ROAKINU FUN. THIS (Tharsday) l-,VENtNl, Hptcmber27, JOHN HHOUUIIAH A8 I)' CIOH SAVAGE, in tbe admirable and uproariouslytunny Comedy, In five acts, call d PLAYING WITH FIRE, PLAYING V ITH FIKE, Just'y styled the most aughable play In the English language. Herbert, C.'Walcott Pinchbeck. Fawcett) Uncle Timo thy Chapman; Mrs Waverly, Miss Grahuin; Mis. Savage Mrs. Waicot; Tabitba, Mrs. Chapman. Commence at 7X. with a favorite Farce. FKIDAY-Bencfltot .Mr JOHN BROUGHAM. E W AMERICAN T II E A T R E. IMVtENSE SITCCF89 OF HTUAKT KUIliON. STREETS OF NEW YORK.! GEORGE C. DOBSON, the great Banjolst, and the Talcnled Company. H RATIONAL II A L L, Market Street, Above Twelfth. THE GREAT LINCOLN MEMORIAL TABLEAUX WILL OPEN OX MONDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 1. Ibese Paintings have been in preparation for tbe past sli. teen months, and are fioin tne pencil of tbe wel -known ariist. George WunderUch. aud lar eclipse i former ellorts of bis wondenul genius. 'ibe Kubject has been chosen as being oneor great Interest 10 the American people. Scenes trom tbe Llle ol aBKAH iM LINCOLN, our late lamented President, trout his early II e to his death t the nana or tne assassin, wun an ine prmcinui events connected with the luneraia; the pursuit, cap ture, trial and execution or toe conspirators, are given in life like aud thrilling Tab.eaux Ir. addition to their historical Interest, the Tableaux contain lalihlul Die-size I'm traits of the prominent Statesmen und principal Ollicers ot the Army aud AVelnborate Pcscrlptlve Lecture will be delivered bv sAtllkb K. MURDOCH. t.sQ , the celebrated Shakespearian Reader, whose reontation la well k nown, Btauding, as he does, at the beud el bis pro- lession. Mal'LLE ELVIRA DK SILT A. late oi tne King's Opera, Hanover, a young and talented Voca 1st. win make her tirst appearance In Auierlcs. Tbisladvhasa rich'and fui: soprano voice, and believed to have lew Tickets of Admission 25 cents Hes. rved Seata sioen's Gallery tor Colored Poisons a cents Doors open at 7 o'clock i commence at quarter to 8. 'tickets mav be bad at tbe nail. Also atBlaley's Bookstand, Continental: Trumpler's Muslo store, Seventh and t hesnut streets: aud at Stewart's. No. 68 1 Arch street. MATINEES EVIKY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND SATUR DAY AFTERNOON. ADMISSION, 26 CENTS j CHILDREN, 15 CENTS. 9 27 6t J W. H. BBAL & CO., Proprietors. National Hall has been completely renovated through out, and Is now one ol tne finest Halls in tbe oountiy. L A U G II I N Gr G A S. DR. COLTON Will bav the pleasure to g've TWO GRAND EXHIBITIONS OP TBE LAUCHINC CAS, AT MUSICAL FUND HALL, Friday Afternoon and Saturday Evening September Hth aud 29tU. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, at t o'clock, .(Doors open at lor L ADIEU ONLY, and ftee. ' SATURDAY EVealNti, for Ladies and Gentlemen Tickets it cents. Oncaturdoy Evening TWELVE GENTLEMEN and 81 X LADlbb win inhale tbe Gas. Dr. cOLlON win commae amusement wita tnstruc tlon. . 1 - - ..... Teeth will be extracted without paiti, to show the beautnm aua'stneuo eiieois o tueuas. tKIDAY AFjEKNUU, rutii. tSAll'ltDAY IViiMNO, lor Ladles and Gentlenicu 1 ickets 26 cents. Doors open at I. To eommeuoe ' i o'ciock. tiitiai .LER'S "SALLE DIAHOLIQUE," A8- ;mbly UU1LD1&U". focktu and last WF.EK DUf .OSt. tVlBI MGUT. Fourth Programme oi KI N DtlLUlsIONS. AND MUSIC. wlli Hi Xur mnii KtMr'linv Wnnderri. FIRST HUE la tills ceuutry oi the beautiful Illu sion entitled -, I II K 1MK 1 ISUIAIHUF. IAFX. on wblcb Flowers and Fruit burst into life at the rciucs: oi tue lauicst ..- , . 'J HE WATCTi OF ASY ONE in tbe audience made to strike the hour; 'IHE BUAKUING-SCUO 'L ,MISg and tier nerplexliles with Piano practice; and HE1 LtR'S original aud only This extraordinary programme will be given every evening, wMT'SEt uNl BIGHT." etc. PIANOFORTE hULUH i on ''Stelnway's Grand," by UUliERT B1ELLE8. MA 1 IN r.E, H ATL RUAX. Doors Onen-Evening 7. Commence at Admission 60 cents; jteterved heais. 75. , , CTEW EL EVKSTII STREET OPERA llOtfSE, ELK.VF.Nm street above CHfcHNur. , "'Hill, KAA1IL.V H.l;sJl.l ' I.. ,. t i OPEM FUU illli t,KAM!V. rait A iti mu Aj ntiKtKi m vs'i'itKLH. the Great biar 1 roupe ol tbe World, in their UUNO viiinii'iiv fimuL-a uriKrii riikTVri. BTRLFHtTJES and PLANTATION KOBNBr.. . Doors open at 1 o'clock, C'on'menolng at s o clock. bio am J. L. CARicR0S, Mauager. O U .T LEU X' A ntia assortment of POCKET and" TAItl.B CUTLERY. RAZORS, BA- ZUK HTRfll'W LaDlE' dOlKBOKi. ' CotlerT Store, Ko, 186 i-ootli TRN i U Htrert, I W. l lime doors above Walnut CROSBY OPERA HOUSE. CROSBY O P E U A iTo USE ART ASSOCIATION. SPECIAL NOTICK TO THE PUBLIC AND SUBSCRIBERS. TteMansrcrs desire to state tbat, notwithstanding tbe rapid sale ol certificate, a portion stiil remain no sold, and concurring in tbe desire ol tbe committee ap pointed to represent tfia shareholders, tbat opportunity bould be tlven for farther subscriptions, annouuoe tint tbe books will not be closed for tbe present. Dae notice ot tbe final closing of tbe books, and the awarding oi tbe premiums will slioitly be made. IL II. CltOSBY, Actuar3;. l'LAN OF DRAWING. The Subscription Books, when closed, will be at once translerred to tbe keeping or a committee, who wlli have sole charge thereof, and who will superintend ilie drawing and the awards This committee bus been seleoted from among our best citizens and wealtlilos capitalists. Their names are a tower of strength to an enterprise that bas enlisted the sympathies and active co operation of art-lovers throughout the Union. Such names as the following sre a guarantee of good faith, and an assurasce that nothing dishonorable will mar tbe brilliancy ol a commendable and beneficial project me tuDscription Hooks wl I be placed in the lands of the following-gentlemen, wbe have kindly consented to act as tbe Chicago members of the Committee to conduct tbe award of Premiums I WILLIAM K.COOLB A UGH. Bank. AMOS T II ALL, Treasurer O. B. & Q. R. R E. O. HALL, Hall, Klmbnik A Co. CLINTON 11K1GG8. Kwing, llrigg" Ai Co. J. C DOHE. President ol the Houid ot Tra.lo. JAM L8 U. BOWr N, President Third Nation il Bank. JAMFb) C. FARGO, nuperintendent American Kx- press. hum id a. nurr .nAS, r.x-i.ieutenant Governor L. Y M CN N, Isunn A -cott Flevator J. A. ELLI3 President Second National Bank. These gentlemen, together with such othtrs (Tom dif ferent parts ol tbe country as tbey may add to their number lor tbe purpose of fairly representing the share holders at large, will have the Sole Management of the Award in all its Details. The plan of the award adopted Is tbe following: Two hundred and ten thousand nnmhers. ranmniini the certillcstes issued, will be placed In onewiienl and iiiree nuuureu una two mckci mscrioea witn the names O' the pren luins tto wit the Gneia Ilouxe tlir.A i,,in. dred psln lntis, and the Dust of Lluooln) wl I be placed In another. Fiotn theic wheels a nutnbor aii't a pre niluni will bo drawn siniultaneouHly. the nutulier drawu hi cue ii nisiiuice, uiMug uie premium urawn witu it. The Mauafgeincut of the ; Crosby Ojiei n- Ilouse Art Association Feel It incumbent upon tbem to call attention to the thorough endorsement ol the integrity oi MB. CROSBY By the members ol the committee appointed to superin tend tbe drawing gentlemen of ilie highest social and business standing in Chicago. At the same time they feel pleasure in stating that the Demand for Shares Still Continues Unabated ! Orders by Mail, Express, and Teleeranh. from iNorth, South, test, and West, Still Coming In!. The Earliest Subscriptions Secure the i - 1 Finest Engravings 1 1 i . i i TERMS OT SUBSCRIPTION. F'or 5, one share or certificate, witu one of the follow ing beautiful steel Engravings : 'IBE LITTLE WA ND REIf," by Thomas Read: or U.RI0. AFJlkg," by Jerome Tbomp-o,i. For 10, two shores or certillcstes, wltb superb Steel Engraving of "WA8I1INGTOS IRVING AND HIS FRIENDS." For eis three shares or certificates, with the tine Al legorical Engraving on Steel, "MERCY'S DREAM," by D. Huntington! For 920, tour shares or certificates, wltb the splendid Cbrooio F;nravlng (issued exclusively by the Crosby An Association), AN AMEJtlCAN AUTUMN," by J. F. Cropsey. While for S0, ten shares or certificates are Issued wiih .. i . . A CHOICE ARTIST'S PROOF Of either "Irving and His Friends," "Mercy's Dream. " or tne "American Autumn." From this It may be seen tbat the purchasers of cer tificates receive at once the value of tbelr money In tbe Lnravings, while they also secure A Share In the Award of Premiums. FIRST 3ItANl PREMIUM. THE CROSBY OPERA HOUsk Cost of rection and Actual Value, . sooo,ooo. i I ( i '.'i 1 1 i r ' ; The Drawing will positively be made or tbe mone? retunded to each subscriber, as per tollowtng guar antees! 1 'i .", i, :-, . Caxd to the Ubmbkks or tue Cbosbt Opeba Housk Aht association. 'I be sale of certificates in tbe Asso ciation has alruadr been so great as to enable we to state tbat ihe distribution oi oiennums heretofore an nounced will be uiadp I can. thereiore, assure the public that the award will be made to their satistaciieu or the money refunded. A. H. CROSBY. Actuary A A. Having tbe almost confidence In the ability of Mr ' ( rosby to carry out bis enterprise, I heieby guarantee tils undettakiDu, as above announced. ,,. SAllCt-L 1. NICKERSON. Prrcut VAti HOS Tint ConMrrrEB. .he under signed members of the C'euimittee appointed to super intend the awarding oi the premiums to members oi tbe Crosby Opera House Art Association, take piesiure i. stating that e liuve full eoufidence in tlie Integritvoi Mr. Crosby, aud In the responslbl lty ot Mr. Samuel M. Nlckerson, his eiiarautee, and asuure the public that We believe tbe above proposal will bs carried out In goodialtb OHtPil H BOWEN, President of the Third Sa tlousl l ank Chicago. AMOS T. II ALL, Treasurer C B' 4 Q. B. R , Chi eago. : f. (. DORE President et the Board of Trade Chicago .;fio .alH... J. A. X-liUOi iivoiuont Second National Bank ''ft. lAa.m jAiVF.S C. FARtiO, Maoajer ol the American Ex pressUjlcago. Ex-Lleutenant Governor VnII1NTOX BRIGOS. Ewln Brlggs A Co., Chicago : E. G. UAl-Llill, iluibait A Co., Cliicogo, bOLE AOJNT IN PHILADELPHIA, 1 j; ; ; I ' i i w ' .1 i : ,. i a r Corner SIXTH aud CHESXUT Btreets ,'1 J :'iV V B B B E X II I B I T I O N.- ,'i A ' collection of a Dumber of tbe paintings ts be awarded as premluiiis to suoscrlbers are now en exbiM Goo at ScolT'i Bf OALLk-RY No. 1W CHKMN tT ' Bueetitor a short time only;, where subscriptions will also be recelvedi ;' . ' ' 'IbecoUoctwn win "' o great wora en-, Hod ' '- ' - ' titled u 4 WOO D S N AU T 0 M M , V VALVEO AT 15000. . l ahi.' 1 .iu: if,. vv!) (,. (i.AWO, xcnwim hv the following (misrtil arltitt: nn MOHAN, WAUGH. HAMILTON, AND LEWIS. Tbe Gallery will oe open day and evening to tbe pub Ue.vmKE. '.'' - t ij ,1 :,T..13. PUG1J,,, , AGENT Of TUB, AS'WCJATiqS. ; . i i INSURANCE COMPANIES. DKLAWARBMUTUALSAFET7 INSURANCB . COMPsNT. INCOBrOBATEO BY lUF. LFOI9LATTJBH OF PENN "YLVA NI Aj 1HJO. OFFICE, 8. T.. COHNFR iHlrfn aHD WALSUT B1REETS, PIIILADKLPHIA MARINE INHURANC FRF io HT ( T V,ait f th6 r,1, INLAND INStTlANCEl Cm Goods by Blver, Canal, Lake, and Land Carriage t ail pans ol the t'nlon v r'RK 1N8URACKII on Merchandise generally. On Stores, Dwelling Houses, ete ASSETS OF THE COM PAN T Novemlxr 1. lweo. 1o,iW) United Ststes 6 per cent oan Tf...T, aas AO JoOtttiO 7 10 pet cent loan WW Treasury Notes . titgi.,. - . , - v . , v. - u ItfJ I BUI. 1 I I . . VI UVU, Loan M.Mo'iQ taiioi Pennsylvania Sis Per Cent. M.C00 S unsylvanla Sis Per Cent. 2oOOO City ol Philadelphia Lo an , "six" Per' tent.' 112,8)2 M 20,00s Pennsy vanis Railroad rirst Men- 28,000 Pennsylvania fcil'rosd Second'Mort ,00000 ease Mi Per Cent Bonds 31.11 00 25,000 Went era Pennsylvania Railroad Mort- face MX Per Cent. Bonds 83.1M W 18,00m Slw Shares Stock Oerniantown Gas Company, principal aid Interest guaranteed by the City of Philadel phia ISA)! M 7.150 lu Shares Ntock Pennsylvania Rail- . ,rosd Company RJISt-OQ 8,000 100 Shares Stock Nottn Pennsylvania , Railroad Company 3,230 ut 40 000 D posit wl'h United Slates Govern- . mor. subject to ten days' call 40 000 M 30,000 State ol, Tenuessce Five 1 er Cent. i-n7n,Io"n , . 18.W-00 liU.IOO Loans on Honda and Mortgage first liens on City Property 170,000 00 1,036,81 Par. '' Marset value. ...!g,9HO-oo Keal Estate noo-'Kt Bl Is receivable for Insurances made..! ai'oiS Jl Balances due at Agencies t Premiums ' on Marine I ollcies, Accrued Inte ' rst and other debts one tbe Com- pad 40,811 44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other t ompautes, $1133. Esti mated vnlne J.91I fjg Cash in Bsnks , a 89 Cash in Drawer 6W 48 86.83S3 1 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, Samuel E. Stokes. J F. Pcnlstan, Henry Nloan, Wfl lam G. Bonlton, Edward Darilenon,! 11 Jones Itrooks, Kdwurd Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jones. wumii v . uavis, kdmund A. Souder, Tbeopbl'.ua Paulding, John R I'enrose, James Traquair, lienry C. lialiett. Jr., Jsines C. Band. Vt lillHin C Luiiwiu. James B. McFatland, Joseph II. Seal, lownua r. r.yre. HDencer Alcllvaln, ; ' J. B. Heniplc, Pltmhuri?, A. B Werger. Plttnburg, ll. 1 Mnnran Plttltit.,. t.eorse i;. ijeiper, Hugh Cralp, ltobeit Burton. John D. Taylor, THOMAS C. PAM. Piesinf. JGIIN C.DAVIS, VicePresWont. IlKKtir Ltxbprk, Secretary. - 1 is 1829CIIARTER PERPETUAL, FBANKLIN' FIRE IKSURANCE COMPANY OF PIIILADELPUIA. Atr-ets on January 1, 1800.' Capital 40oenooo Acciuec Surplus M4 543 IS Premiums l,lBJ,3Wbl UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOME FOB IBOg $11,467 53. $310 000. LOSSES PAID SINCE 181) OVER 85,000,000. Perpetual and Tern porary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS. Charles H Bsncker, .i dward C. Dale. Tobias Wapnci, George Fales, Suiiiuel Gram. Alfred Fitter, Geome W. Richards, iFrunels W. Lewis, M. B. Isaac Lea, I Peter McCalL - Cn A KI.E8 N. BANCKRR, President. EDWARD O DALE, Vice-President. JAS. W. McALl.lHTER. Secretary pro tern. iStli OllTII AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies issued against General Accidantg all descriptions at exceedingly low rates. Insurance eflccied lor one year, tn any snrn rrom $1C0 to SI" t. et premium or only one-naif per ceni., recurlng the lull amount Insured in case ot deatn, and a compensation eacn week eaual to tbe who.e pre mium paid Short time Tickets for 1, 3, 1, 5.7, or 10 days or I, t, or li months, at IV cems a dav, Insuring in the sum of $3000. or giving alb per week ir disabled, to be had at the General OUiee, .No. 133 S. FOURTH atreet. rhiiadol. phia. or at tbe various Railioad Ticket ottices. Be sura to purchase the tickets of the Horth American Transit Insurance Company. For circulars and further information apniv at ttaa General Ofl'.ce, or of any ol tlie, authoilzjd Agents of the "ompany. i . LEWIS L. HOrPT. President. , i JAUES kl. CONRAD. Qreasurtr BKNRY C BROWN, Secre ary. v JOHN C. BCLLITT, Solicitor MREClOR.. l; ",npt;if ,tb,.pf n,l"yv,"u Railroad Companyj M. Baird. of M. Baldwin A Co. 'a. . tamuel C. 1'almsr, Cashier ot Commercial Bank ' Bichaid Wood. No. 300 Market sueet , ,, lames M. Conrad, No. '23 Maiket street. 1, E. Kingslev, continental Hotel. ,,: H. G. Lelsenrlng, Nos. 237 and 239 Dock street. ' , Knoch Kewls, laie Gen. Kup't Ponna K. R. G. C. Franclscus Gen. Agent Penna. R. R. Co. v George Martin, Mo. SW Chesnut street IS 10m LIVERrOOL AND , LONDOU 1 .;! l.'l' , .'. ASiD ., . . J. M'.i; Jl GLOBE INSURANCE COBIPANY. , ". Capital and Assets. $16,000,0Q0. Invested in United States, $1,500,000. Total Premiums Iteceivetl y the 1 Oorriimny in' 165, Total' Losses Paid in 1865, $4,018,250. All Losses promptly adjusted without reference to Ens-land. . i n ATWOOD SMITH, , General Agent for Pennsy ivania. ; "Ol-'I-'ICK, , ' No 6 Merchants' Exchange 1 PHILADELPHIA tUal PItOMDEKT LIFK AKD TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADKt-PblA WiU-o-t No. Ill South FOURTH Street. ISCORPORA'IKD'! MONTH. V2d , IS45. ' ' CAPITAL. 160 000, PAIDIn!' Insurance on T.Ives, by Yearly Premlmns- or by 8, 10. or M vesr Premiums. Non-iorieitere. . ' F.ndowments, payable at a uttire age, or on prior decease, by Yearly Premiums, or 10 year Premiums both c a seS Nonforfeiture. i Annuities granted on favorable terma ' ' ., . , Term Po kies. Chll 'ren's Kndowinents ' 1 This Company, while giving the Insurod the seonrltv otapsidup Capital, will divide the wiUre profits ol'tba Lite business among its Poller boklers. Mutiej s received at interest, and paid on demand Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to ait if Fxecutor or Aotnliilstratur. Assignee or Guardian ai In oilier fiduciary capacities unuer appointment o any Court of tills Commonwealth or of auy person wr poi sons, or bodies politic orcorporste. - S AirtTTE t B. SHIPLF y , , K 1 C HARD CADB URT.' JFRFMIAH HA K.ER, II L' k I, V U 1 1 k L' . JOrtHU A II. MOKK1S, RICHARD W OOD. .' HARLES T W1STAHBBOWW. WH. C. LO&G3TBETH. F COFFIN BAHtUCL H bHlPLt-r. SUWLAM1 r-ABBT, President Actuary inunAB wmiAK, u. 1)., lifl S . , -Hp oictt Esamlner. () 1J((JUgai Adviser. TDHCENIX INSUKAKCB COMPANY OP VUU JT ''LAJiF-LPHlA. r . ' INCOp.PORiClF.D lfUrf CHARTER PKRTETUAL. I No. W4 WALilUT titreet. opposite me Rxehange.f In addition to MARINE sua 1LAD IN 81' It A WCB this Company Insures Boss loss or Alsaugie by FIJUs, om liberal erms on buMdlugs, ineichandlse, isrnlture, ete., lor limited periods, and permanently on buildings, bf denou ol premium. , , ..... The coninanT l.ai ',n un. in wiTvuiranifiiin ror' mose tuS. during whloh all Iujuuu kn. ha than BUU'V, Y15A1 biomotl adlnsted and paid. J ' 1 -'" ," Joha L. Hodge, I Lawence tswls, J"rU 1I1IUCUTOH. .... .., - 'k i Jisvld Lnk. .,, John T. Lewis, ' . viiiiam B. irant. ) Bepjauiln Filing, A. R. Mclleiirv Robert W. Learning, u, our wasriou, Kdmond CatuloB; Sam as iwucox I'l I- . JOmi ft i 1 Lonis C. Soma. Kt;i JCHRU, PrssMent f pa tw- ynrp x.sscretary, J.- I'l I A : i ' . .1 ,. 1 .in . ' i i i . . , ".i -i II1 V iff li'l"lll :u il :i ;i v'l'i ot .i'.'l ir l i t i