TOE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 18CC. PUBLISIIKD RVEHT APTKUNOOSI (srDATf ixcrrrmn), AT THE EVtKIKO TELEGRAPH BUILDING, No. 108 8. Third Street. Price. Three Cents Tti Copy (Double Pheet). or F.tehtecn Cen's Per Wees. payele to the Currier ands nulled to 8uscribers out oi the city at Nine Dollar I er Annnmi One Dollar end Flltv rents for Two II onths, Invariably In advance for the period ordered. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 18G6. . The Two Addresses. Wk published yesterday, side by side, the two great political manifestoes of the day. The oDe was the address of the National Re publican Executlvo Committee; the other that of the Soldiers' Convention at Cleveland. The first was evidently from the pen of Ho race Greeley; the' second is attributed to General Thomas Ewing, Jr., of Kansas . We do not appeal to partisanship in order to draw a comparison between the two similar yet nnlike productions ; but would ask any care ful reader, ot ordinary literary taste and com mon sense, whether the Republican manilesto is not as f8r superior as Horace Greeley is when compared with General Ewlng. We frankly say that we have never read an address which to completely covers the ground Intended, which Is more in symetry, more powerful in solid force, more earnest from deliberate onviction, than the Republi can Executive appeal to the people of the country. When it has been read carefully through, it leaves an impression of complete ness. There seems as though there was nothing omitted which should have been mentioned, and nothing mentioned which could have been with propriety omitted. The World vainly endeavors to-day to dis cover a flaw in its logic. There is a whole souled determination to do right, and a fixed conviction that right ia being done, in every word, such as no one but an' earnest believer in the truth of what he writet could express. It wdl go forth to the people a convincing argument to the wavering, and a support and cheering draught to those who are steadfast in the fallb. Of its counterpart, the Cleveland Address, we would speak with perfect fuirnes?. It is a creditable document, and most plausibly con ceived. So far as literary execution is con cerned, it Is by many degrees the interior of the Ward Address, but its chief fault does not lie In the absence of neatly worded periods. It lacks sincerity. It would require no spe cial familiarity with its author to convince the reader that he was a proselyte. It is too long. It does not fairly meet the issue, and utterly and entirely Ignores the great ques tion, "Why should a Southern vote have twice as much influence as a Northern one ?" It exposes many vulneiable points, but we would call attention only to two glaiing en ors. The great objection to the present proposed Constitutional amendment made by Ewiug is that it comprises various sect'ons utterly disconnected, and that it must all be voted for or be all opposed. There can be no division of the question. The report says; "The manner in which these conditions, m the form of tn amendment ta the national U mstiti tutloo, have been presented, not only to the people ot the South, but t the nation, is with out precedent. For the lirst time in tli'i history of t''is Government proooeitions, without con nection have been united in one amendment, and the peoole have been cien'ed the opportu nity ot lree choice concerning each." We can see no difference between the alter native allowed to the States now and that presented to them when the twelve amend ments were adopted, in the nature of a bill of rights, immediately after the ratification of t ie original instrument. Each State Legislature then had the privilege of giving its assent to such and such proposition, and of dividing the issue for itself. In fact, as late as 1805, If we are not mistaken, Mississippi gave but a par tial consent to the Constitutional amendment in regard to slavery, and added a clause " that nothing shall be so construed" to imply assent to a certain deduction. Not content with opposing the amendment themselves, these soldiers of the republic endeavor to incite Opposition from the Rebels. In regard to the section disfranchising Rebel x-United States officers, it atrociously says : "The Southern people, after following their .uwl ipadera into the late struarele, and shar- iiig the rblc of their fate through four years of terriDie war, me iuou uu i i"uir lion. Whatever punishment their leaders may deservtf at the bauds ot the Government, it is unintelligible that statesmen should have AmmMi nt asking their associates and follow ers to inflict that punishment upon them, cspe Maii nunifihment of lasting disgrace, more terrible than auy which the Government itself a ,iihnrized to ramose. It in the midst of their errors the people of the South retain the ordi nary fidelity of comrades in arms to each other the common sentiment of honor which rules all companionship tney win n n voluntarily desert the men whom they have voluntarily and steadily followed amid bo many perils. They will not accept this." If this Is nt inciting Rebel soldiers to stand by their leaders, who deceived them Into a dreadful war by their sophistries, we do not read English correctly. Tint, one word more. The address states that while the amendment demanded by Mr. Tu.nn was lust, that proposed by Congress ndanffers the peace of the country. Who Is hidee of the propriety of the two amendments? If not the people, who then? And to the people we have appealed, and will zLia k. thftir decision. In fact, the address f. -Mr elves ui satisfaction. We had feared a frank, manly, terse, soldier-like ap- twi we nave vai Huimiuuo, w ?Tii V.. oM. It will do ub no harm, and the civic danger it will cause the Un on party ill about equal the martial terror with which Hsauthor Inspired their late Rebel foes, now their political u NewYobk Soldiibs' Convention. A cnirllera' Convention was neiu ni oyra- cuse. New Tork, yesterday, at which resolu cuB 7vnrrAaii were passed, and a SSSSSL composed of General Bar UJFZl f other dlBtlnguhibed officers and aiTpointedKtend the Soldiers' ConYeaUcuatrittoburg. Desperate Efforts of the Democrats la the Third District. Tun canvass in the Third Congressional Dis trict Is opening up vigorously, and the oppo nents of the present able and faithful incum bent. Hon . Leonard Myers, despairing of the contest on the legitimate vote, are already resorting to expedients as disgraceful as tbey are desperate. Colonization la being resorted to In some of the wards; men are promised places in the Navy Yard and else where, if they will vote for Buckwalter; and threats have leen made to remove the Commodore, who will cot lend himself to such work, and Is en deavoring to carry out Secretary Welles, order Issued last year, forbidding such politi cal interference. A committee of Democrats waited on a pro minent citizen of the district, a few days since, and oflVred him the position of Post master it he would assist in defeating Myers. JJe spurned them from his presence.' Mr. Myers' district is one of the marked L.I.L 41. T" ....... Ones, upon wuicu iue ieuiw;its arc tuu" centrating all their energies. The Unionists, however, are thoroughly aroused, and will send Mr. Myers back by a heavier majority than ever. Buckwalter Is no more popular now than when he was beaten before. His record is a bad one, and he belongs to that class of politicians whom General Grant says no good Union man can support. lie is too much of the Vallandigham order to be a fit representative of the loyal and patriotic people of the Third District. "IUester' Clymer. "IIiKfeTEH Clymer. In one word, U the candi date ofthe Union party In Pennsylvania, and h'8 election will oe as signal a victory tor ine Union as any won Dy urant or iarraeui. Age. niester Clymer is the candidate forced on the Democratic party by its leaders of the Vallandigham and Ben Wood stripe. lie has no sentiment in common with the Union men of Pennsylvania, and never had. Ills record is that of a Rebel sympathiser, and he now adheres to It. He is detested by a large class of moderate Democrats, and General Grant says it is an "insult" to ask any Union sold'er to vote for such a man. He will be the worst beaten man that ever ran for Governor in the State of Pennsylvania. Democratic Abase oi General Grant. As we anticipated, General Grant has sud denly lost all p ipularity with the Democrats. The broadside he fired into their ranks the other day was a little too much tor them to bear politically. But the soldiers, who vote as they fought, will give them a still more terrible fire at the polls In October and No vember. The Richmond Examiner gets off the following: 'If a tyiant needed a tool, he would find him in Grant. Grant is a fool, but he is a vicious one, who is cunning for mischief. He is as vain as he is iooiisq, ana as cruei as ne is vain. 'His hopes and wishes do not cure a bawbee tor the 'masse.' whether loyal or otherwise. All he knows of masses is ot masses ot boliiier.s that are to be hurled ajsain'-t each other for destruction. Heaven grant ut some respite from Grant." Moie than Five Thousand Gain tn Maine. The Union gain in Maine is more than five thousand votes over last year, borne of the Democratic journals are attempting to falsity the figures, to keep up the hopes and spirits of the rank and file of their party ; but it is of no use. The Maine election has sounded the knell of Democratic hopes for the elec tions this year. What is Thought of Him. The Trenton State Gazette thus 6peaks of Hon. A. G. Cat tell, the new Senator from New Jersey : 'We do not exaggerate when we sav that loval men everywhere throughout tot? country will rejoice at this termination or a protracted con troversy, air. uaxieu is noi omv in every re spect eminently qualified lor the dignified posi tion ot fceuator. but he has richly deserved the position by faithful and lons-continued services in tue causeoi ireeacm uuu uuiuau rufuis. intel lectually and morally he will conter distin guished credit upon the State. His voice and vote may ui uu nines oe uuueuueu uiiuu iu re present the sentiment and wishes of the loyal people, and aew Jersey, a u ring nis term or ser vice, will give no uncertain sound as to any of tbe great issues of the times. In the past, we have been compelled, not unrrequently, to hang our heads in shame that when other States pro nounced in lolly tones in favor of great aud publime measures of policy, we had no voice to declare our sympathy therewith. Henceforth this humiliation at lean will be escaped, and our goodly Stale will rank side by side with the mobt advanced in the advocacy of every good principle." ' SPECIAL NOTICES. HEADQUARTERS Republican Invincibles. HABRISBURG EXCURSION 1 All members ot tbe Clab desirous ot vUltlnf Har- rlsburg ON SATURDAY K VES IflfG NEiT, Will register their namei on roll provided at the-Koom, In order to enable the Committee to arrange tot traoa- portaUen. BT OSLDEB OF It GEOBGE T HUM AN, Jb , Marshal. rjS?- NOTICE. THE GKAND TORCH LIGHT Proceaaion of the Union BnpubUcana ot the Third District will take plaoe on t'RID Kt Evening, SeDtemberil.lBMl. ine ttoua and Club will report at their headu,uartete ,at 6 joys in uiue n ara Aseocia- o'clock tliat evening, Captain JACOB 8. STRETCH, Cblel Marshal. y oruer ui It HEADQUARTERS REPUBLICAN BEFTBMBRB 30, OBDF.R No. 1. 188& The MYERS demonnti tloa in the Third ConiirAi- alonal District having betn postponed until th31t, inemDers oi me t.iuo wui aueniDie proinpujei ( r. ai. FKlDAi to participate. tijorueroi ueuuue ibumaw, jr., It Mawhal COMPANY H REPUBLICAN IK- VI NCI HLF.8. Members will meet at the room on SATURDAY, 'iid Instant, at 1 o'clock, farad to Uarrubury. A F. t'OLESBEHBr, Captain. CHAHLKa 4. tailob, eteoietarj. V (- THR ANNUAL MEETING OF THE sVy Stockholders of tbe CRKHCKNT CITY OIU COMPANY "111 be held at their office ho. SS S. THIKO 8tret. on tuwiisi, October , at u o clock, noou, lor the e'ecwon omoer. SWlli V. BUZ BY, Secretary . TO Til EDITION LATEST FROM EUROPE. By Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cable. THE ALLIANCE BETWEEN RUS SIA AND AMERICA j A Turkish Victory In Candla. ADJUSTMENT OF THE VE NETIAN DIFFICULTY. . Commercial and Financial Intelligence. he nuMlan-Amerlcan Alktanoe. Londoi, Wednesday, September 19 Noon. The Daily Hcwr, in an editorial to-day, says the Russian-American alliance is impracticable. The Turk Victorious in Candla Trieste, September 19 jJbon. A great battle has been fought in the island of Candia, between the Turks and Insurrectionists, in which the former were victorious. The Difficulty Between Pruititla and Austria Nearly Settled. Florence, September 19 Noon. The mission of General Bevel to Vienna has led to the belief that the difliculty about the Venetian debt li near an end, and that a compromise will be effected, with the result of a lasting peace. The "Africa" and "Manhattan" at Liverpool. Queenstown, September 19 Noon. The steamships Africa, from Boston, via Halifax, and Manhattan, from New York, have arrived here, and proceeded to Liverpool. Loudon Money Market. London, September 19 Noon. Consol for money, 694- American securities firm. United States 6-203 higher, at 72J; Erie Railroad, 474; Illinois, 784. Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool, September 19 iToon. Cotton un changed. Estimated sales, 13,000 bates. Mid dling uplauds, 13fd. ' IMPORTANT CABINET MEETING. f SPECIAL DESPATCH TO THE EVEN IN ( TELEGRAPH. Washington, September 20. a. special Cabi net meeting was held this morning, for the pur pose, it is believed, of considering Secretary McCulloch's objections to turning radical clerks out ot office. From Canada. Ottawa, September 20. -Further trials of the Peabody rifles have resulted satisfactorily, and a large order has been given by the Govern ment. It Is understood the Government accepts the offer of a United States company to send on machinery and men to convert the Enfield rifles into breech-loaders. Toronto, September 20. The new currency arrangements go into effect on the 25th instant. Pending the completion of the provincial notes, now being executed, the uotfs of the Bank of Montreal will be used as legal-tender?, being stamped with the words, "Provisional note JLegai-teaaer lor ine neceiver ueaerai." From Syracuse. Syracuse, September 20. The Convention of Soldiers and Sailors of tbe S:aLe and Union AVO-OHI I'ICU IVUUJf OUU HVi-tCtf Mill . V I .7 IU1 dUQ year, after which they adjourned cine die. VAO oanm 1 v 1 n 4ss9nv nlnnlAil r-Q( tn aot rsie a From Doston. Boston, September 20. The steam ship Meteor, which cleared yesterday for the Bast Indies, was again seized to-day by the Government. SPECIAL NOTICES. I See the Second Page for additional Special A'oticei.J 1ST" SPECIAL NOTICE! UNION LEAGUE HOUSE,! BltOAD bTBKKT. I The citizens of Philadelphia are especially invited to assemble at HALL, MARKET STREET, BELOW THIRTEENTH ON FRIDAY EVENING NEXT, THE 21st INST., AT 8 O'CLOCK. Eloquent Addresses will be delivered by the fol lowing distinguished gentlemen, Invitations baring been aoeepted by them to be present npon the occasion. HON. JT. A. J. CRESWELL, United States Senator, Maryland. COLONEL, F. MONTGOMERY, Of Misalaelupi. GENERAL, J, EATON, Of Tennessee. CAPTAIN JAMES J. FERREK, Late of the Bth Illinois; lolantry By order of the Committee on Publlo Meetings. JAMES H. ORNE, Chairman. Chablm 8. Oqdkh, Feoretary. (9 20 2t l"vwcaS2?AIlTEIlS REPUB"CAN IN- nD v. T.M..8I9,18a. .I!f??.bf.rf yl,".f?,,,,,,ule fully equipped for parade, on THUK8DAY KVKN1 )i0'olock. to Participate to he held at Ohesnut Hill. m'"mm u tbe demonatratloa Ut omer ot lg OtOKQE VHUtiAH. jr. Marshal. FOR ALDERMAN, FIFTH WAKD, WI1MUAM 11 1ml W. DOUGIIERTY. SPECIAL NOTICES. flgpMUJAVIRO. WE COPY THE FOLLOW- lift meritorious notice ol this most delirious perftame ftom Forney's iYrss." UcjATiao. This dellclon new perfume tor the handkerchief, I without a rival for delicacy, durability, and richness. In fact, ot ail perfumes the fragrant Wujaviro (of Russian ortmn) tnar be called the qulntec eence. For sale hy all the principal druggists. C7H6m4p 133"" NEWSPAPER AUVJ-KT13ING JOT, a, Vsit , n. k, corner oi r is in "m1 HUT Streets, rhlladelphia, and T8IUUNK BrjlLD- I08, ew Tork, are agenla tot th "1'," and tor the Newspapers ot the whole country. ' THE TOWS. PHILADELPHIA, ANU NOllRHlOWN KAILHOaD iuairA. i . riin.ADniMiiA. Centemhern, 1818. The I'.onrd n( Manamn httvn ihU ln deolared a Divi dend ot FIVE PKU i EN I . op the Capra' Stock, par able, clear i taxes on and liertlie lt of October next. ine irnnnier bonks oi the I ompanv will ba cloonil on the ith Inst., and remain i losoil until the 1st ol octo'wr. SI.'ltb3t A. R. IMt'UHKlirT Trensurer. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Ptni'kh'ildPrs ol tnn TlURNlNtt HPRISO OIL CfMPA N Y OF PKNSRYLVANI will lie hell at ibelrOfllce. N. B. corner ol 8KVKNTU and SANSOM Htreeis. on SATURDAY. Ortnoer (itli lHfitt . at 4 o'e onk P. M. An election will be bad oi Directors tor ibo en- ulna ye V Mitt' J. ft. BRINCKLF., President. r3f POST OFFICE, PHILADELPHIA, PA. the Mail for HAVANA, nut steamanm M TA R ml) 8TH1PKH. will he closed at this office on .SATURDAY MOBMNO.a instant, at o'clock. v m lit u. A. WALUORN. Postmaster. FALL STYLE HATS. TIIF.O. II. M' CALL, A, Hat and Cap Emporium, 9 1 3m4p e No. 804 CIIESNUT Street. EfT3 CIIIOKEKING GRAND AND 4 c f I Square Pianos the most perfect and per manent Instruments. Mew Rooms, Mo. 914 OHESNUT b'reeu 0 i5 12t4p WILLIAM H. DOttOS. THE "REAIITIFTJT. NEW RTVf.R t ti EMEIWON COTTAOK HOUARE PIANOS. i hamilnK tone Low price. Only for saie at No 9i4 CHEBhUT street. 9 IS Ut 4pJ WM H. DVHOS. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 SOUTH SECOND STBEET. Q ATE NOW OPES LONO nitOCHK SHAWLS, SQVAHE liROCIIR HI.IWLS, OI-EJI CEXTRE SHAWLS, BLANKET SHAWLS, ZKFII1 H SHAWLS, BERLIN SHAWLS, 8TKIPE BUOCHKfcllAWLS, BLACK 1 1IIBKT SHAWLS, CI. ILDKEA'S AKDMISSK-j' SHAWLS. 6HAWLS, WHOLESALE AIID EETAIL. 9 18tuths8t4p JHE "CITY ITEWS" FOR THIS WE UK, IS OUT. ; IT CON TAINS i AFTER THE BATTLF. Beautllulljr U nstrated. Rr.COLLfcuTIONS olf GK..JtAL ftl'Ot'l' Wrl.ton fortbe" Ur Item" by AOiutsuc Genernl i,. Thomas. TBI. OUil.AH 'S HKCttcl'. A powenm novel. THE DI CK hUOOl'KR. RfcMlNioCfcfiCKS Or- AN OLD TRAVELLER, 13 ASH BALL. THE CREATES i1 NUMBER TtT ISSUED. .THE NAUGI1TT HIRFD MKN. IUuslrated. -UACHKIOK vs. EJ0tTOAE. , hral.'llVHErKLAt. I.lustratcd. '1HK t)aWDN CLI'B. Mi.lIK 1.1HLI MEN. IUuHtrated. ''be Excelsiors? Atlantic s. Athletic j Pickwlek ts. Empires ne btate Convention; Kinlto vs. Washington. 1HEATB1CAL, THE ENGLISH OPERA, with Illustration) the Wat- nui'Toe lemuiuui r-uiu; me Arcu: new American: KDITOHIAL. The Fate of Apostates t Philadelphia; New York Let ter; The f eniunki Mr. hewarilt senator Cattell, etc. BILLIARDS. Tournament of Btate Cbamtlonei Billiards in Wash IDBtoni t haiienpe ironi Nelms, eic, besides mech omeruiiereBiing maucr. The C1TV ITEM" is the most carefully edited and bcantllul weekly In Phllaaelpbla. 3 00 a jeart 8 cenn a copy. FITZGERALD & CO., Bo. 114 South THIRD Street It4p REDUCTION IN PRICE or THE AMERICAN WATCHES. MADE AT WALTHAM, MASSACHUSETTS. In consequence of the recent great Improvements In our lactlltles lor manufacturing, we have i educed our prices to as low a point as they placed , WITH GOLD AT PAR, go that no one need hesitate to buy a watch now from the expectation that It Will be cheaper at some future time. The test of ten years and the manufacture and sale of MORE THAN 990,000 WAT0HE8, " nave given our productions the very highest rank among time keepers. Commencing with the determi nation to make only ttaoroigbly excellent watches, our business has steadily increased aa the public became acquainted with their vsluu, until, tor nfouthi together we have been unable to surp y the demand. Wetuvt reptatediv enlarged our Taotory buildings nntu they now cover over Oiree acrea orgrouod, and give accom modation to more than elglit hundred workmen. We are fu lyJustlOed in saying that we now make MORE THAN ONE-H4LF OF ALL THE WATCH. BOLD IN TU K UNITED STATES. The dlflerentgradee aredWttngulshed by the allowing trade-marks on the plate: 1 "American Wn'ch Co- " altham. Mass 5' Anpieion, 1 racy A Co.," Waithum. Maaii I ..p. h. Bartlett. Waltnam. Maaa. ' J' llilam Ellen ." J OUR ' 0 AT". of tint quality Is named Appleton.Tracy t o " Walthaiu, MM . Our next Quality oi Ladles' Watch Is denied " p. 8. uartieit" Waltnam Mass. These watchesare furnished In a great variety oi sizes and Uvielof oases. The Am.ncan Wa.oh Co of Waltham. Mass., antho Hie o t,e th,t wUbou' f'lnoUou of tiadi m!5ka 'il'lK,XH'PBOnTJCT8 Of THEIR FACTORY ARK ALL 1" i'DLLY WAltRANTs-D vl"0:r to be the best timekeepers of their c ass ever made in this or any other country. Buvers should remember Sat, umlke the guarainee of a foreign miner, who on never be reached, this guarautee la good at all times gainst the Company or ihelr auen's and that it arier the most thorough trial, any watch sbou d prove detec tive i J peftlcular it mjv always be exohanged lor iVnotber. is the American Watches made at wSlthim ire for sale by d'alers seneral y ihroughout tUa ceuuiry. 1 do not solicit orders tor simile Wsuihes CAUllOf- he publlo are cautioned to buy only of respectable deaieis. All person, selling counteneita will be proseouteu. BOBBINS &. APPLETON, AGENTS FOR 1UK AMltklOAN WATCH COM P ANT, t H itnthHttP No. lai BOADWAT, N. T. PIANO TUNING AND REl'AIKINCr. MR. HARUEMTH ord ra mr uJusl (during tbe pasi ela'it years at MASON A OO.'S,, Lin rhmnut st'eet Plsnos mluiimii .iii,.,, " moving, to aouno as v pit as new. 8 H iin rp A CANT, WITH BOARD, A 8ECOND-8TOrV room. Also, table board. No. n SPRUCE fctrteu . U tuUwit J. F. & E. fi. 0 U H E, .l' ' STo. 0O4 CIIESNUT STREET, TIIIRD TOOK ABOVE NINTH, OW OPEMNO FALL IMPORTATIONS NEW CARPETINGS, No. 0O4: CIIESNUT STIIEET, EXCIiUSIVE NOVELTIES t IN FRENCH CHENILLE CARPETS. J. IT. & E. 33. OHlSrE, TVo. 904 CIIESNUT STIIEET, ENGLISH ROYAL WILT I) X, ENfcLMI BRUSStLS CARPETS, New Designs. J. F. & E. B.ORlSrE, No. 904 CH1TSNUT STIIEET, MESSRS. JOHN CR03SEY t SONS' NEW STYLE ' 6-4 VELVET CARPETS. J. V. & E. B. 0 R IV E, JSTo. 904 CHESNUT STREET, 800 PIECES ENGLISH TAPESTSI CARPETS, choice: styles, Now Landing from Steamer "Mellta." jr. F. & E. 33. OENE, ISTo. 904 CHESNUT STREET, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN S-PLY CARPETS. ENGLISH AND AMERICAN INGRAIN CARPETS. BORDERED DRUGGETS. 10-4, 124, 164 DRUGGETS. STAIR DRUGGETS. J. F. & E. 33. ORNE, N"o. 904 CIIESNUT STREET, ENGLISH BRUSSELS FOB HALLS AND STAIRS, WITH EXTRA BORDERS. J F. & E. B. 0 R N E, IVo. 004 CIIESNUT STREET, THIRD POOR ABOVE NINTH, FANCT RUOS AND SHEEPSKIN MATS. COCOA MATTING, ALL WIDTHS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, FOR FLOORS. ENGLISH OIL CLOTHS, FOR STAIRS, flttigtalaitp ELEOTRIO SOAP SAVES TIME, SAVES LABOR, SAVES CLOTnSH, SAVES WOMEN. And all leading Grocer i sell it ' It Is tued by dissolving in hot watnr. and soaklnr the loibee five to ton minutes, tnen a little band rnbbtncwiU make tbem at e can as hours of bard machine rubUnit would do with ordinary oap, and no injury to the most delicate tabrio. It is used with entire satisfaction in tbo families of Rer. ALFRED COOKMAW WM. C. 8TBVEN90S.No. 1525 Greea treet; THOMAS C. LOVE, No. loll CHESNUT street; A. h. HART, No. 827 Lombard sireot; ISAAC M08S, No 22 Greon streetilC. HART. has, io. 1229 Mnrsball ttreet, and thousandu of otliers, In all parts of this and other cltios. ASK YOUR GROCER FOB ( DOBBINS' ELECTRIC SOAP WHOLESALE OFFICE. No. 107 South I'TET tl St. 0 18 6t4p FIRST-CLASS 150MEIS. SEVEN PER CENT. North Missouri First Mortgage even l'cr Cent, llond OK HAND AND FOR SALE AT Belore consenting to this Agency, we have made cervlul craulration of the nieiiis of these Bonds, by acndlns; Win. Slllnor Koberts, and others, to report aooa the cocultlon and prospects of the Railroad. Tbesr reuort Is on flic at out oftice aud Is h'uhly satisfactory. We do not hesitate to recommend thete Bonds as being a first-class security, aud a most sale and judicious Investment. The above Bonds are rapidly passing out ol ear band, and ax we expect to laise tbe price shoitly, we edvfse all who desire Uirro to call promptlv. Ail Information cheerfully given. ' JAY COOKE & CO., . BANKERS,, No. 114 South THIRD St. rmLADELPniA 19 is in THE FIDELITY INSURANCE, TRUST, AND fcAKE DEI'O&IT COMPANY OF PUILADELr I'HIA. For the Bafe-keeplrg of Valuables under Ohm antoe. CAflTAL, 500,000 N B. Browne, ( Hit nee H claik, John Welsh. OIBBCTOBS Charles Macaleator ixlwara W. Ulars.. Alexander Jlotirr. Htepbeu A. CaldweU. Henry C. filliunn. Vic. 1'iesldcnt. I LtHMlT. H. CI.ARK. t-ocretary and 'lieaiiurer, KOUKHT HATTERSON Ollue (at pieieni) In tbe KUe proof Building of the Philadelphia National Bank. CHESMJi BTttttT. ABOVE FOURTH. The Company will commence business on the 1st Pfsptemher iw-H, and will bo prepared TO BhCtCIVE 1P(JH1T8 CM) EE 00 ABASTEE upon the following rates, for one year or less period: Government and all other ( oupoo) securities, or those transferable 91 00 per tlO(s by del. very, including Bank Bills.... ) Govemnuni and all other securities,) ... anwa negotiable only by endorsement J Gold Com or Bullion ftl-25 per Si (Mil HI iver Com or Hul Ion fi 00 per (HMO Silver or Gold Plate under seal, enl owner's estimate of lull value, audi ... una rate wiblect to adjustment lur bu k, f 91 w Der ' on a basis ot J Deeds. Mortgages. Valuable Papers generally, when oi no fixed value, tl a year each, or acoordingie buik. Wills, (5; which premium covers the remainder ottbs lite of the maker. Cash Boxes or small Tin Boxes, for papers of Bankers. CupllaliBts. Merchants Lawyers 'tradesmen Families, etc., MU be received at Via each box ortiuukper year, contents unknown to the Company, and liability limited. FOB COLLECTION OF INTEREST, ONE PER CENT ON AMOUNT COLLECTED. COUPONS AND INTEREST WILL B COLLECTED WliEN DhfelKKD. AND KKMIT CD TO THE OWNERH. DEPOSITS OF MONEY RECEIVED. OS WHICH INTKBE8T WILL BE ALLOWED. This Company Is also authorized to act as Eiecu. tars. Administrators, and Guardians to receive aat execute Tiusta of ever' description from the Courts. Corporations, or Individuals. K. B. BROWNE. President. BOBKBT P4TTEHSOK, feecretary and Ticasuror. 9141m TO FA31IliI12S. OLD POET WINES, YEMT BARE OLD BSANDIE8, SRERBT AND MADURA WINES, RYE, BOURBON, AND W3EAT WHISKIES! By the Demijohn or Cask. H. & A. C. VAN BELL, WINE MERCHANTS, JVo. 1310 CUESMT Street. 28 tuthslmtp QIP AFRICAN COFFEE, DUAbb Sa, GESCIKE MOCHA COFFEE, OOVEBKMEST JAVA COPrBE. FOB SALE BY JAMES R. WEBB, EIGHTH and WALNUT Streets. 8l A L EI A L E t WILLIAM YOUXOER'S 8PARKLIN0 EDtN BURGH ALE, . FOR SALE BY TOE CAIK OR DOZEN. . SIMON COLTON & CLARKE, 4 Hl3p 8.W. CC. BROAD talWAXJrCT.