CITY INTELLIGENCE. i l f or Additional Local Items su Fifth Pagf.) 'TlCKPOCKlTB GRTTISO TBE1R l)CKfl. On a late trip of one or thfe cars on the Eleventh Btrect Railroad, on Tuesday nieht, rode three pickpockets. They undertook to rob the con ductor, who aw their irr.rne and ordered tbem out ol the vehicle. KetnmnR to leave, the con (tractor took the biggest one hy the neck-tie hnd the rear portion ol his trousis and chucked him clean over the platform. Anotner of the pickpockets, with a duns-shot, eimed a blow at the conductor, that at the moment ho did not reel, bnt that afterwards proved to be a severe one. He, however, struck the thief in thebreust with his eJbow, anJ then, seizing the none of the . rogue, so twisted it that, if pronerly annealed and tempcied, It mhibt oe made to do the duty ol a two-meh aueur. By this time the villain first thrown over the dauber had recovered and was rallying to the attnek. The driver had rtopped his horseg and was trying to unscrew the handle of the brake. Had he succeeded homicide might have been the result. Fortu nately, the handle wouldn't come off. The driver and conductor ultimately to thrashed the three thieves that they lorbore to pursue them I Briber, and the trio limped away bruised, bleeding, and altogether nmerable and forlorn. At the Central Station, yesterday, Thomas Puocan was brought up for a further hearing on the charge of pockpt-picking. Defendant was arrested several ' days an o. Biter jumping from a car on Arch sircet, and throwing a port monnaie away which hud been taken from the pocket of a passenger, and ' the hearing was continued to enable the officers coucernod In the arrest to have precent the gentleman whose pocket had been picked. He had not, how ever, been found, and on the tentiniony of a man w ho saw Duncan leap from the car and throw the portmonnaie into the street, he was held ior trial. The Fbakklin Institute. The regular monthly meeting of me Franklin Institute was held last evening. After the usual business, the KeMdent Secretary, Professor Henry Morton, read his monthly report on Novelties in Science and the Mechanic Arts. Anion? various inte resting descriptions und illustration, was a new plan tor the management of the lime light, in which were used strong iron reservoirs ior the ditlerent gases, into which these were forced under heavy the pressure of 300 to 450 lbs. per square inch, rendering the apparatus very com pact and eas.v ot transportation, and jets of a new torm. Many interesting applications ot the light bo arranged were described, among others, its use in the reduction ol Fort Wagner, which was very entertaining. An electrical machine of entirely new principle and construction was also exhibited, and many other important novel ties were discussed. Ma kino A Clean Sweep. Some weeks ago, whl.e a family residing at No. 1142 N. Ele venth street was at Atlantic City, a young man named Thompson went to a dealer in second hand furniture and sold the contents of the pre mises, making a clean sweep of them, the arti cles realizing about live hundred dollars. Upon the return of the family their astonishment may be imagined to dibcover that the furniture had been carried off. A search was made for it, and it was finally discovered at the store ot the second-hand dealer who bought it. He told from whom he had purchased it, and why he had done so. The otlender was out of the city at the time, but was arrested upon his return, and rras been bound over by the Recorder to answer the ollense of theit. The dealer has been compelled to return the goods, and is out of pocket about five hundred dollars. t Hearing of a Rioter. William n. Teal, charged with riotintr, several weeks a;o, on the occasion of a conflict between several tire com panies on South Second street, was arrested on Tuesday, by Officers Nelf and Berry, of the wecond District p jlice. He is alleged to have cut a mem ber or the Franklin Engine Company. A man of the same name was aliuded to by several of the witnesse examined In the Coro ner's investigation, on Monday, in respect to the shooting of Henry Walters. He was said to have dragged a man into the bar-room of Bou vier's tavern, and struck him several times over the head with the butt of a pistol. Alderman Jieitier held him for a further hearing. Premiums Awarded. At the meeting of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, beta on Tuesday evening, the following premiums for fruits were awarded: To Philip Syng, gardener to Br. William Camac, for three bunches of crapes, white; to A. Bellett, gardener to J. Buchnor. three bunches of grapes, purple; to James McDaniels, gardener to M. Baird, three pine-applea; to John Laughliu. gardener to J. B. Baxter, collection ot pears; to J. E. Mitchell, collection ot pears; to SI W. Noble, collection of apples. There were other contributions, which are not included in the above. The hall was well filled on this occasion. , The Kensington Water Works. The work of connecting the Kensington Water Works with the Corinthian avenue basin, by means of a thirty-inch main, will be completed ', next month, when the wards now supplied with ' Delaware water will receive their supply from the ' Schuylkill. The Kensington Works will only be , used at times of extreme demand for water. Handel and Haydn Society. The first meeting of this season was held at Handel and Haydn Hall on Tuesday evening last. The room was crowded with ladies and gentlemen, mem- bers of the various city church choirs, and other amateur vocalists, when the rehearsal of Men delstshon's "Oratorio of St. Paul" was entered upon. i The Union Republicans of Third Ward have nominated the following ticket: Common Council K. I. Beath; Alderman John T. Brady: School Directors J. T. Pratt. N. C. Reld, M. D., William Bteadman, and Thomas Stuart, lor unexpired term of J. W. Fletcher, deceased. DBAMATIC AND MUSICAL GOSSIP. i Mr. J. L. Warner, the only son ot the late Mr. Warner, the tragedian, has just made his appear ir oe in the character of "Ilamlet" at the Sadler's lis Theatre in Loudon. The Allienoeum says: .r. Warner is young and not without ability.1 iturp him pitted him with a fine voice and tall I rison, and, as he has been performing in the fi ' yrovinces lor tne last tnree years, ne must not . te regarded as altogether unpractised in his pro- lesslon." ' Mr. and Mrs Charles Mathews are to open 1 the Hay market Theutre in London, on the, 1st of octooer, with a piay caitea tne voertana Among the Dlavs to bo given ot Drury Laue during the season will be a revival of Hob hoy, in which Messrs. Anderson, Sims Reeves, Phelps, and Miss Helen Faucitwill Deiiorm. The London Orcliestra states that Mr. Bouci t ault's last drama is baptized with the curious title jour-legged Fortune, and the action pro ceeds on certain Derby transactions at Tatter sail's. - ' ' A new tonor, with a beautiful voice, has been . found at one of the cafes ckantants at Paris, and is seemed by M. Carvalho for the opera. Signorina Margarita Gigli, a new Sicilian singer, has appeared at Catania with great success. THE DUBLIN BANQUET TO MR. BRIGHT. The following is Mr. Bright's letter accepting an Invitation to a banquet in Dublin in ,the course of next month : 'TO JOHN B. DILLON, ESQ., M. P., DUBLIN. "Rochdale, September 1, 18G(i. My Dear Mr. Dillon: I am airaid you will think mo long In answerin" your letter of the 2d ultimo, anil in reply to the invitation to the proposed bauquet, which has duly reached me. The invitation is a very remarkable one, and I cannot doubt that it o.,.xn.i. on imnnrtnnt amount of Dubllc opinion in Ireland. To myself it is a testimony of approval and kind feeling which I estimate most highly, although it involves me in no small -i :.:.. , v. y Kium hnntnir for a. n 11 let autumn, with an absence of public meetings and f nnhllrt labor. I urn not confident that my coming to Ireland will be of service, but as bo THE DAILV EVENING' TELEGRAPH.PniLADELPIIIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20," 1866. niBBj emoLgst j,.u arc ot opirion that pome thing may be none to make a more perfectuninn betwet n the Liberals ol Ireland and the Liberal party here, with a view to wiser legisla.lon for your country and for ours, I have not tell mv sell at liberty to refuse the invitation whicn bs been icnt to me. I accept it with gratitudn to thoe trom whom it come , and with a hope that in doing so I may not be stepping beyond the bounds ot what sceoisto be my duty. Sometime during the month of October will, I hope, be convenient to all concerned, but I must ak yon to leave the precise dav to bo fixed two or three weeks hence. About the middle of the month win probably be the best time lor me, if there be no objection to it on the part of my friends in Dublin. With many thanks to you and to those on whose behalf you have written to me, I am very sincerely jours. John Bright." Colloquial Telegraphy Across the Conti nent. The Chicago Republuan of the 14th sayM The wires worked well last night across ttie con tinent, and San Francisco wanted to shake hands with Aspy Bay, or, as the phrase is, "get him." So Buffalo parsed the word, and from "away down east," came the answer and this conversation: . -. Baiioor, lie , September 18, 11 86 P. If .Who calls? What lime have you got? "fi Krahcibco, September 13. Time, 8 C6. Can't yon givo us London? -Bakook, 11 88 P. M. Guess not, to-night. ' liotTO, September 13, 11401. M. Ho about Major Pope? "ms Francisco, Sett ember 13. Guess he's gone home. Give ns Aipy." Several minutes of mlxd rappings along the wires, and HuUalo reported Bangor thought he was being looted, and being a strict Yankee, wasn't to be caught again. Then Boston, who seems not till now to have seriously compre-. bended the situation, came in with a direct ap plication to Son Francisco for a weather report, and an item Iresh irom the Pacific, which was notrepponded to; and alter New York and San Francisco, who are vised to it, had had a little talk, the operators along the route resumed business. The Joke on Bangor is. that a Ban Francisco circuit had never before been opened up to him, and he was not prepared to believe it. The atmospheric condition was accidental, and, properly seized with attentive "adjust ments" along the line, we might have had Aspy Bay and Puget Sound talking together. It wiil be done yet. O S L I Gr II FOR THE COUNTRY. T FERRIS & CO.'S AUTOMATIC GAS MACHINES ; For Private Residences, Mills, Hotels, Churches, Etc. Etc. Furnishing from Ten to Six; Hundred lights, as maybe Required This machine Is guaranteed: does not get oat ot order, and the time to manage it is about Ave minutes a week. The simplicity of thin apparatus, its entire freedom from danger, the cheapness and quality ol the light over all others, baa gained for it the favorable opinion of tboBe acquainted with Its merits. The names ot those having used tbem for the last three years will be given by calling at our OFFICE, . No. 105 SOUTH F0UUT1I STREET, Where tbe machines can be seen In operation. i FERRIS & CO., Box 1401 P. U, j Send for rmpblct. 9 ! r EENCH MEDICINES IN , VOGUE CRIMAULT A. CO. Chemists to his Imperial Highntts Prince Napoleon, 47 Rue Richelieu Paris. NO MORE CONSUMPTION. GRIMAULT'B SrHVi" of MYPOPUOBP HATE q LIME For all I taeaaei of the Cheat this Medicine la invaluable, it la lamely ueed at the "iiUOMfTON" HOsFl F1TAL. In London, for ConHiiinptlon. and ' general? approved bv the .Leading Medical M en In England and lu France. KO MOKE COD LIVER OIL. ! ORIMAULT S SYRUP OF IODIZED J10RSE-RADI8B Tula Syrup la employed, with the greatest sacoess, la Jlace of oa Liver Oil, to which it ta intinltelv superior, t ourea diseases of tbe Ghent, scrofula, lvmphatic d.sor dera. green sickness, muscular a ony.and lugg of appetite. It renenerates the constitution by puriiylng the blood, and Is, In a word, tbe most powenul depnratlve known. It is aimlnlstered with tbe areateat etlioacr to young children, subject to humors or obstruction of the glands. KO MORE FOTEBTT OF THE BLOOD AND PALE COMPLEXION. DR. LERA B PU08PHAJE OF IRON. This new ferruginous medicine contains the element1 of the blood and bones, and IRON in a liquid state. It la different troin all hitherto offered to the public, la liquid colorless, and tasteless. It speedily cures CHLOROSIS, PAINS IN THE BTOMACH, DirricuLr digestion.' DYSMENORRHEA. ANEMIA. The majority of the Acadeinleaot Medicine ot Parts i recommend the Phosphate of Iron to Ladies of delicate constitution, sullerlnu nom Anemia, and all other per sons latlgued trom over anxiety, nervous emotions over work, general doiilllty. and poorness of blood. It is the only preuaration which never c auses consti pation, and can be borne br tbe most delicate stomachs. NERVOUS HEADACHES. KECTRGIA, IN8TAWTA NEOHSLY CURED 1Y GUIMAULT' GUARANA. A vegetable Brazilian substance, entirely innocuous. INTERNAL OR LOAL NEW CUKA"IVE AGENT, MATICO. GRIM A LLC & CO., PARIS. This new remedy la nrenared from tbe leaves of a Peruvian pepper shrub called MATICJ, and euros promptly and infallibly, without any lear of Inflam matory results 'ihe great malo'ltr of Physician in rarls. Rucsia. Germany, and ew York now use no other remedy. GENERAL DEPOSITORIES' T.-l . fllJlU it'l T J, ttu Mi omlotll Vrt Al RUE H1:UKLIEU. In Krw York, at M. M FOUUEUA VAUUia KIEHT'B, WILLIAM Street in I'MiaUiipiiia. at r hejncii, lULiiAKua k ;u . nnu at every good chemists. 8 2 thtf STEIGLEDER, TROUT, VOIGT & CO. beg most ieiectlull to call the attention ot the public at large to their newlv-lnvented Patent, 1HK UNIVERSAL AI AUMIHX Which, by discharging a pervuitalon cap, made expressly tor the purpose, will prove very effectual In the preven tion of liurttluries. etc '1 he following are some of lu great advantages : 1st. Hnipllciiy of construction, cheapness and ease lu application, ao that a servant or child may set It. 'id. Freedom from danner to persons or property. 3d. Universality of application to anv part of a Door, Window. Urntiug, Shutter, Gate, Garden, Preset ve, Fish-Pond. etc. 4th. It gives a check to burglars by alarming tbe In maiea, neighbors, and police. 6th Ihe mind Is relieved irom much painful anxiety, In lemale loneliness or old age. especially when articles of gieat value are kept In the bouse. Cth. It Is a universal protection to travellers to fasten on ehamter doors. ...... 7th. Its construction Is simple and not liable to get out DIRECTIONS FOB 0OSlFAHT EVERY IS- We have pnt oar article at the low price of ONE DOLLAR, Inclusive of 'lb capa and It cannot be got chtaper either Irom us or irom our agents, For luxtlief particulars Inquire ot oraddivea, SltlGLEDKR. '1 ROUT, VOIGT CO., Office, No. rU4 WALNUT Hireet, Room No. IS- We will tend the ALARMIST to any part ol the country ea receipt ol price, and 2i cents extra tot postage. tvuutry Agtata wanted. 2tJui AMUSEMENTS. QRAND NATIONAL CONCERT FOB TBE BENEFIT Or THS SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' t NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, rFDCT ATM-Hli CW TBI SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' UNION, WASHINGTON, d. C AT GROYER'S THEATRE, , On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1866, POSTPONED UNTIL THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 11. 800,000 Tickets will he sold ot $1 each 75,000 Presents Awarded, valued at $250,000 $25,000 of the Profits to be given to the tiol' diers and bailors' National Orphans' Ilome Fund, $2500 to the Washington Mais and Female Orphan Asylum. The balances, after deducting expenses, to be paid to the Trea surer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union. Washington, D. C. One Present to Every Four Ticket. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM OWENS & CO., Military and Naval Law Office, , Bo. 627 CHEBKLT Street, Opposite the State House, Philadelphia. I'ft. Also sent to any part ot the country promptly by mall L18T OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED. Three-story Bt1ck"Vcaldcnce, ti street be tween blxth and Seventh (18,000 1 Three siory .brick residence, jecoiid street, near K 10,000 1 Ihree story brick residence, Tentn street, between M and N 8 00J 1 IwoBtory liilck residence, Tenth street, between M and N 5 000 1 Two story Brick residence, Tent a street, between M and 90KI 2 Fine City Lots, on Hevonih atreet, north.. 4,000 1 bulendut Carriage, iloises, and Harness complete 4,000 1 Pplendld Diamond King 2 000 1 Set luamonds complete (Fin, .harRlnge, and Rings 1,500 1 Grand piano (Stetnway) 1 WK) 1 Solid Silver Tea net l.oou 10 Grand Pianos, ;600 eacn 6 tuo 10 Grand Pianos aSOOeach S i 00 HO Gents' Gold Watches, S'200 each 20 000 60 Ladles' Gold Watcaea S125 each 6 2M) ft Grand Helooeons, 2C0 eaoh l.iHif 80 American-case Silver Watches. 75each.. 6.000 15 Hunting do do 140 each.. 3,uW) 60 Diumond Blngs, 4100 to $200 each 7 son 25 Diamond Pin a, 8100 eacn 3 S00 40 Sewing Machines, tlOu each 4 011O 8.!! tio. . x 5 eaoh 1 600 20 Silver-plated Tea Sets. 75 each Iwhi 60 81 ver castors, 025 each 1 200 8,Ct,0 Clocks, Albums, Jeweiry, &c, 5 to 10 each 27 000 i!!'!!fS 7es.aV,d J ttbl? sPo'- o.. 2 to 5 each'.'. 25,000 10,010 Gold Pens, sleeve Buttons, & c, el to S3 each 14 000 49,463 Books, c utlery . Engravings, Ac, 1 to 10 each 69,000 ' Total ... $'260 000 The awards will be mudeaiter the'conce'it, on the stage 01 the theatre, where three thousand persons can witness it. A committee will be appointed bv the audi ence to superlni end the name. ' Primed lists of awarda will be published and sunpl'ed to Agents and Ticker-holders. Panlea having tickets will retain them until alter the awards are made, and 11' their numbers appear In the list, thev will iorward their tickets,lmrnedlaiely, with lull directions aa to the ship ping ol goods or deeds tor the property- Tickets lor sale at all the principal Hotels, Book, and llaslo store in the city, and at the Headquarters, in the Mammoth Fair huildlnir lor the benefit ol the snl.ltars' ami' 'ational Orphans' Home Fond, comer ot Seventh street ana rennsyrvauia avenue, wasmngton, 1). (J. '1 he Directors anneal to the liberality of thn nnnnlA tn give this enterpriHe their kinu support, and thereby assist in relieving the wants ol tha on, liana nt nur iu..n comrades. CARD. A large number otHtlckets remaining nnsold. it will be necessary to postpone the drawing until THURSDAY, the 11th of October, 1866, at which time it ill positively occur. Tbe many swindling schemes that have been pre sented to the public during the paat tew months, some what delayed our sales, until we were able to satisiv the peop.e throunhout tbe country toat tbls enterprise itu gniumc. nuu Duioijr tor vuai iuium purposes, ilia Directors are confident of tbe sale of every ticket, and bave allotted suttiolent time to guarantee the saies without any further postponement mbj. a. a. rres. Boiuiora' and Sallora' Union Col. CHAS. E. CAPEHART, Rial M. H ALBURUKR, S Managing Directors. WILLIAM H. MORSE, "uecioni. Tbbasubt Depabthbnt, ) OPP1UB OF lNTliJINAL hEVKNTJg, .' . .. Washinoton. Jun26. IB06. S wnereas u. a. uau and oihan aa -u wio vim. naiiuuw voncert,' to oe held in Washington. D. Con the 2d of August next bavemaae due application to L. Clepban, Collector of Internal net enue ior tue uoiiection District of the District ot Columbia, lor permission to hn.d a inttarv r-m- 3 oiiiciiitwot -1 v-v.i iwi iv 111 111 satrsiactory evi ence that the oroceeds of aalrl In tier. r-ni.. . in enterprise will be devoted to charitable usee, permission Is hereby granted to such "Managing Directors" to bold sucu lonirj , rauiu, orui enterprise iree from al. cbarne, whether irom tax or license, in respect to such lottery rattle, or gilt enterprise. . E. A. ROLLINS. Coinmisaioner. We refer, br permission, to Bdalor-General W Infield 8. Hancock. TT h a General Robert C. bchenck, M. c, Ohio. General Halbert E. Paine, M. C , Wis. General John H. Keteham, M. C, S. Y General James U. Blunt, Kansas. General J. K. Hcndrick. Iowa. General D. C. Mccallam, I). C. General o. v. Daytau, ). y. Hon. T nomas W. Ferry, M. C, Mlcb. Hon . George Lawrence. M. C., f enna. D. O. Forney, Esq., D. C. M ajor J . Dougnty, N. Y. lion, jucnaiu wajiacu, maor or tvasntngton. D. O. Hon. Henry Wl son. 0. b. s. B ' Hon. William D. Kellev, M. C, Penna Hou. Kelllan V. W haley, JL C, Wen Vs. Hon. Eben C. Ingerso.l, M. C, 111. Hon. Henry C Deming, M. C, Conn, Hon A. H. Laflln, M, .,N. Y. II on. Leonard Myers. M. C., Penna. Hon. William A. Newell. M. C. J. J. Hon. George W.Julian. M. C, Ind. - i Hon. Mephen F. WUson, M C Penna.! Hon. J. B. Giinnell, M. C Iowa. Hon. B. F. Wade, U. 8. Senator Ohio lion. G. b. Latham. M C, W. Va. lion. hen). E. Wilson, M. C, Ohio. Gen. Hoys. M. Ohio. W llllam E. Owens, Esi., Philadelphia. 9 8 thstu YALEB'8 (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER GAKDEN-Nos. 120-726.VWE Street. GRAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS NIGHTLY, . , By two large and efficient Orchestras. TONIGHT, And EVERY NIGHT. In connexion with our . EXCELSIOR STRING BAND, a Brass Band, compiising toe best Artists in the city will periorui. w v OPEN FOR THE SEABOV. Our spacious bun mer Garden, artistically laid out with Shrubbery, fountains etc. IN THE LADIES' SALOON, Especially set arurt lor FAMILIES, the best of Creams and other Refreshments will be served. 6 itii ( Gr Y 1M IV A S I U M FOR LADIES. GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN, N. E. COR. OF NINTH AND AKC11 STREETS. The Institute, which again has been greatly Improve! tor tbecouiing season, la now open lor subscription) all day and evenings. Bodily exercise Impacts health and strength, nd la highly recommended to both sexes and all agea. Terms tor Instruction, mouibs .....$ Terms for eli-practlce. 3 uionib For nartioulars send lor a circular or give us a call. g 80 Sin f rolemorn BII.LEBBANU 4 LEW'ia THE riAN'03 WHirH WE MANU- III faoture recommend themaelvea. We oromise to our pairous ciear oeautliul tunes, elegant workman ship, durability, and reasonable prices, combined with a lull guarantee. For sale only at No. Iul7 WAXJ4UI Street. M CSIOH PIANO MANUFACllTRIKG CO, AMUSEMENTS. Vt EW CHESNU1 Hllir.ET THEATRE. CHKBN VT Htret above Twelftn. WM. E. SINN o.. Leaseee Doors open at 1 16. t'unaln rises at a. IRIS EVENING, 11 Y PARTICULAR REQUEST, the Dlrtipgulsbed Lvrf Tiagedrrnae, VEil VAI 1. VEBTVaLI, Va.hTVAl.1, VEBIVALI, VErtTVALI will appear In the highly succeMilil Drama, A MaKIAUK. CElt lU'tC.vTU A MARhlAOE I EliTiriCAlr.. A MAhRIAUE CEKTlflC I E, A MaHKlAGK CEH1TFICATE, A MHHIAiiB ERIlFiCATE. To with the favorite Burlotta, A LrOASr OF A LOVEK, SATURI AY AFTEKNOO.M, September 22, . GRAND FAMILlT MATIiEB. MONDAY EVEM0. SeptemherM, Crat appearance el the dlatlngulshed Comedian. Mr. JOHN r. OWKNt. MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET 1 HEATRE. Begins at quarter to 8 o'clock. MM. ND MR.1. W J. FLORENCE, the Pe Die's Favorites j enth Nlgnt. 'ill, 8 (ThurFriay) KVrMNG. September20, Last time 01 BrooKham's rreat Drama nt . , , DOMBKY AND HON Captain Cuttle ut. W. i. FLORENCE iu conclude wiih (Inst time) . the Yankee housekeeper PeegT Ann Mrs. FLORENCE Barney O'Connor Mr. W J. FLOHBNCB RIDAY HF.BEUT OF MRS FLORENCE. . THHEK GKEM PIECES. In Rehearsal, NARy-A-BROQUK. ALNDT 8TKKET T H B A T K E. N. E. corner of NIN ril and WALNUT Streets. BY DESIRE, THE GKCAT BILL received on Monday last with SHOUTS OK LAUGHTER, Will berepeattd THI" (Thursday) EVENING. LAST NIGHT BUT IWO OF MR. J. . CLARKE, the brilliant, dashing 1 omedy of EVERYBODY'S FRIEND. Major Dc Boots Mr. J. 8. CLARKE The uproariousiv 111 on v Farce 01 LOVt IN cl VERY. lS?.! S.::::::::::::-:::::::::: Mr. j. s. clarKE FRIDAY BENEFIT OF MR. J. 8. CLARKE. EW AMERICAN THEATRE. P081 1 IVELY THE LAST WtEiC OF THE -VOKRKLL SISTrTTs. FAIRY l-.URLKt-QUE OF CINDERELLA. IHE FOOL OF THE FAMILY. MATIN'i E SATURDAY AT 2 OX LOCK. OBERT HEIiLER'S "'SALLE DlAbOLlQUE," LAROE HALL ASSEMBLY BUILDING. THIRD W aEK FULL NIGHTLY. Last week m tbls city of Heller's New Sensation, 'LAYING WITH GHOSIS." Every act new this week Magic and Music. WAT1NB.E SATURDAY, at X o'clock. F. vtnlna Doors open at 7. Commence at 8. Admission 50 cents; secured seats, 76 cents. 9 17 6t "VTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, JN ELEVENTH Street, above CHEBNUT. "IHti FAMILY HEtiOHT" OPi:S FOR Tlllii SEASON. CAR( KOSS A. DIXEi'S MINSTRELS, the Great Star Troupe ot the World, in their GRANT) ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, SONGS, DANCES, NEW Bl KLI8QUE8 and PLANTATION KCENEf. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at 8 o'clock. 6 30 3m J. L. CARNcHOSv, Manager. PROPOSALS. pROPOSALS FOR REPAIRS. United States Engineer Otfice, ) No. 209 6. Stxtti at net, I Fhiladelpuia, soptomber 19, 1806 ) Sealed Proposal", in duplicate, with a :opy of ibis advertisement attached to each, will be received at this Office, until 12 o'clock M . (SATURDAY, Sep tember 29. 1866, for Repairs of Upper and Lower Government Wharves and Landings, at MARCUS HOOO, Delaware river, Pa. (separate proposals will Le made for each class of material or labor. Cap logs, bridge timbers, mooring; posts, eto , to be ot white pine; alo upper courses ot wharves, if required; tie and wharf timber and sneet piling of hemlock ; fenders, sheathing, etc, of white oak. Proposals wi l state the rate per running foot of timber, per loot ot lace, and per foot ot board measure, as the case may be ; the rate per pound of bolts and other Iron work; tbo rate per cubic yard lor earth and broke h stone filling:, etc. All material to be ot bent Quality, and subjoct to Inspection and approval beloro being uhoJ. ' Eaoh bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whose signatures should be appended to the guarantee, and be certified to, aa being good and Ruflicicnt security for live thousand dollars, by the T ...... .1 t-' . - . TV !.... . T . . .1 . . , uiiiiou oiaico Aintriui uuugc, Abiuruny, ur vvl lector, or other public officer. Envelopes to be endorsed, "Proposals lor Repairs of yovemment Wharves," eto. Bida will be openod on Saturday, September 20, 18(50. at 12 o'clock M., and bidders are requested to be present. For lurther inioimatlon Inquire at this office. C. SEAFOKM bTKWARr, Major of Engineers, and Hrcvet Lieutouant Colonel. ' . 920 tit ASSISTANT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE Philasulpuia, Pa., rieptember 17, I860. PROPOSALS FOR FORAUE. Sealed Proposals will be received at this ofneo until 12 o'clock M., THURSDAY, September 27, 1866, for tarnishing this depaitment with Forage ior a period of six (6) months, commencing; October 1. lbGO, and enclng the Slat duy ot March, 1867, mclu givo, viz : CORN, OATS, HAY. AND STRAW, for nee ol animals in tbe publio service, etc., at this depot, or any other locality within this command that may be directed. All grain to be of the best qualityOats, 82 pounds to the bushel : Corn, 56 pounds to tbe bushel ; liay, of the best Quality Penn sylvania timothy; Straw to be rye, beat quality all Kubjeot to be iuspocted and approved prior to delivery. Proposals will state price per hundred pound for Hay and Straw, and per bushel ior Corn and Oats, delivered at places of consumption in such quanti ties and at soch times as may be ordered (tbe pnoe to be stated both in words and figures). Each bid must be guaranteed by two responsible persons, whose signatures must he appended to the guarantee, and certified to as being; good and suffi cient security lor five 1 86000) thousand dollars by tbe United States Lis net Judge, Attorney, or Collector, or other publio officer. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed un reasonable, and no bid from a deiaulung contractor will be received. All proposals to be made out on tbe regular forms In duplicate (which will be furnished on application at this othce), and conform to the terms of this ad vertisement, a copy of which must accompany eaoh proposal. Envelopes 10 be endorsed "Proposals for Forase." . Bids will be oponed on THURSDAY, September 27, 1H66, at 12 o'clock il., and bidders arerequested to be prewnt. ' ay oroer 01 Drevet mieaaier-ucnerai UiAjiCUfc H, CRO&MAN, Astistaut Quaitoruiaster General U. S. A. GEORGE R. ORME. , 8 17 0t Brevet Major and A. Q. M. SEALED PROPOSALS, IN DUPLICATE, will be received by the undersigned, until lu A. M., September 26, 18G6, Oflice, No. 1103 GIItAKl Street, ihird floor, or directed to him, Post Office Box 1838, Philadelphia, lor lurmsbing the troops enip'oyes, etc, at Fort Delaware, Del., witii FRESrl BELfr, ot good marketab.e quality, in equal propor tion of fore and hind quarters, excluding necks, shanks, and kidney ta low. The said Beof to be delivered, tree of cost, to the troops, employes, eto , at Fore Delaware in such quantities as may be, trom tuno to titno, required by the Commanding Officer of that post, and to con tinue in force MX MON I IIS, commencing on the 1st day of October, 1860, or suoh less time as the ( ommiBsary-Ufueral shall direct, and suoj'ct to hi approvul. Upon acceptance of the offer, security ard bond In tbo sum ot two thousand dollars will be rcquirod for the lal hful perlorniance ol the contract. Bids must be endorsed "Proposals for Beef " C. L. KILBL'K V, Bvt Brie -Gen , A. C. U. e . Philadelphia, Pa Sept. 12, 1866. 9 19stuth5t SEALED TROrOSALS, IN DUPLICATE. WILL 1 be received by tbo unaemirrreii, until 10 A. .U. September 20, 1800, office No. 1103 GIR AhD Street, third floor,! or directed to him,. Post Olfioe Box 1338 Philadelphia, lor turnl-hing the United State Subsistence Department at this city with 350 pounds of PLU(i IOBACCO, of a grade . not Inferior to the grade commonly known as "Navy Plug;" each plug to weigh aa nearly as possible one (lj pound. It will only be purchased "tax paid." Samples of tbe Tobacco must be delivered, with the , proposals and ulorred to there'ni ' ihe tare ot each package et Tobacco purchased n ust be carelully ascertained, and'witn the gross and net weight marked thereon. It wiil be vended , by stripping a sumciont numtier'ot boxes, and the Tobacco inspected and compared with the retained samples at the time ol the delivery. 1 t 'r l'ri posals must be endorsed "Proposals for Sub sistence." ... , t ; ,'.;::. x C.'L K1LBURN, ' Bvt. Brig -General, A C. ti, 8. Pbiiadstpuia, l a , kept, 12, I860. 814 statu CI ' FINANCIAL. RATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, Nos. 609 and 811 CHESSTJT Street. rillLADKLrillA. Tbe late management having rellnqnished their enure control and Interest In this Bank, the business la now being conducted pnder tbe following entirely Nli W MANAGEMENT. directors. Joseph t, bailey. Of Bailey A Co., jewellers. EDWARD B. ORUK, Of J. r. A E. B. Orne, Dealers In Carpet legs. I NATHAN BILLE8, President of the Second National Bank. WILLIAM ERVIKN, Of Myers A Eivlen, Flour Factors. OSGOOD WELSH, Of 8. A W. Welsh, Commission Merchants. BKNJAMIN ROWLASI). Jr., Of B. BovtUnu, it , A Bicther, Coal Merchant. WILLIAM II, BIIAWM, Late Cashier of the Central National Bank. PRESIDENT, WILLIAM II. RIIAWN. CA8HIEK, JOSEPH P. MOM FORD. Late of the Philadelphia National Bank. 9 8 JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 South THIRD Street, BANKERS AND DEALEKS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES V. 8. 6e OK 1881. 6-ZOs, OLD AND NEW. 10-iOg; CER1IFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS 7 20 SOI ES, 1st, 2d, and 3d Series. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. INTLRLST ALLOWED OH DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved for LADIES. 872m RATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. Nos. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Street. The entire Interest of the late management of this Bank having been purchased with the view of effecting an entirely new organization, shares of stock iwill be disposed of In limited quantities, to respectable parties in business, who may ha ve an Interest In a bank In this location. Applications lor the stock will be received lor a lew days,' 'after which a distribution wil Ibe made. WIL LI Ail H. RHaWN, 9 3tf President. I!, S. SEC U 11 1 T I ES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 S. THIRD 8T. PHILADELPHIA. 3 NASSAU 8T. NEW YORK. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND HOLD ON VOMMDSSlOlSi HERE AND IIS KEW YORK. II ijVllSH JUXlOXlIEXtS, Ho. 225 DOCK STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS, SOT ADD SELL CMTED STATES BONDS, 1881s, S-20s, 10 40s. CMTKU STATES 7 J-lOs. ALL I88LE8. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. , Mercantile taper and Loans on Collaterals negotiated Stocks Bought and Bold on Commission. 1 JI 520S.-F IVE-TWENTIES. 7308 - SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED. DE IIAVEN 4 BROTHER, 17 Ko.40 S. Thibp Sragw. INSURANCE COMPANIES G IllARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. OKFIQE, K 0. 41S W ALN VI STBBET. PUILADELPHIa CAPITAL BAII) IN, IN CABil, i00,UUO. Ibis compary continues to write on ftr Rati enU Ita capital, with a good surplu , Is saiely Invested. TOl Lohtes by Are uave been promptly paid, and more than $500,000 Disbursed on this account within the past few years. For the present the office of this company will remain at - No. 4J5 WALNUT STREET, But within a few months will remove to its OWN BIILULNU N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND Cfl E8NCT 8TREETS Then as now, we shall be happy to Insure our patrousa such rate as are eousu?tent with saiety. THOMAS CRAVE ?j, DIUKCTOUS - fl'KMAN BHEHPARI), w. m. LAWRENCE. CHARLES JL DI BOK HENRY r. KENNKY, JUSEFH KLAPi'.JH. D JOHN SUPPLER. JOHN V. CLAGUORN, Klt.AH YEUKLd.Jll.. LVKED B GILLF.'IT. V. PreMideotand Treusuror. JAMt:t B. ALVORD, Becreurr. , 1 19 ( XTIRK INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY TUK J" PENNSYLVANIA FIKE INSURANCE COM V ANY Incorporated 182S charier Perpetual -Jio,51v WALNUi Street, opposite Independence Square. 'this Company. favrnbly known to the community for over forty years, continue' to Insure against luxs or damage by tire on Publio or Private Buiidlnijs. elthe gerinauently or for a limited time. Alao on Furniture tucks of Goods, and Merchandise generally, on llberuf terms. Xriclr Capital, touether with a large Surnlug Fund, Is Invested in the most careiul manner, which enables them to ofler to the insured an undoubted security la the case Ol loss. . niBECTona . Daniel Smith. Jr.. I John Devereux, Alexander Benson, I Thomas Smith, Isaao Hazlehursi, Ilenrr Lewis. IhumasBobhlus. T J. UlllloKham Fell, ' , Daniel Haddock. Jr. ; ' ' DANIEL SMITH, Jr., President William Q- Cbqwbll, Secretary. t o$ TN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS FOR l the City and County of Philadelphia. 1 Sotloe a hereby Riven to the creditors Of GEORC.E. II. LEVIN, that he has presented his petition o the Court of Couiifun l'kae lor the Cltv and County of Philadelphia, lor the benefit ol the Insolvent Laws ot tbis Commonwealth, and tnaf a hearlna thereoa will be bad Del ore the said Court on tbe Mb da of October, lfrvti, at If) o'tlock in the njornlng. ao il ti t HI i INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWAREA1UTUAL9AFETY IN3URANCB ( MPs NY. IN CORPORATE l BY 1 1 II It LOISLATrBI8 Ol PENNSYLVANtA.lHM. OFFICE, . t. PRNK IHIRD aND WALNUT S'lREET. PlIILADi-LPHIA MARINE INSURANCE ON VKrfSELB.i . . . C' hco. J To all parts of orld. FRIIUHT, 1Nsr,nA5CE, On Goods br lllver ianai.Ike and I dCarrlaiteto all parts of the fiilon FIUK INSURANCES On Merchandise iieneruliy On Bares, Dwelling Houses, etO ABPETS or THE COM PANT . 1 , luiti. idO.Por. lil,MK Jl'OOOO 100.000 M.OOO 25 0C0 20.00$ 25,000 2S.0U0 United Ctates 5 per cent oan 7I...WT6 000 W B '8...miWW " ' - T I it) per cent loan Treasury Notes (M,17S'00 Btate ol Pennsylvania Five Per Cent Loan MOO Stsieol I enujvlvanl Six Per Cent. Loan 53,250 00 ( Ity ol Philadelphia Six Per Cent. Loan ui.sii'ov Petinsv vania Railroad Tlrst Mort- RflKeSlx l er Vent. Bonds 30,000 -00 Pennsylvania Rnl'roan Second Mort- aanesix PerCent Bonds 21,750 00 Western Pennsylvania KailroadUort- gage mx rer ( ent. nonas -m.iovw iw Shares Stock Oermantown Gas Company, principal aad Interest 15,000 7.150 5.000 irnaranteed by the City of Philadel phia 13,537 00 143 Shares stock Pennsylvania Rail road Company 8,560-09 100 Shares Stock hoi th Pennsylvania ' Railroad Company, 1,250 00 Biposltwlth Cnlted Siatea Oovern mert, subject to ten days' call 40,000"00 State ot Tennessee Five ler Cent. Loan lB.WO'OO Loans on Bonos and Mortgage first 40 000 30.000 1TO.7C0 uens on city Property. ..iiu.mnv 1,036,850 Par. Market value. ...m6flM Keal Estate , , J0,"O)tX Bills receivable for Insurances made..l 21,01131 Balaocca due at Agencies i Premiums on Marine Policies, Accrued Inte rest and other debts oue tbe Cora- pavu 40.511-44 Scrip and Stock of sundry Insurance and other Companies, 01139. Esti mated vsloe 2,910 00 Cash In Banks S50 5 H9 Cash in Drawer 018 48 50,635 n Q12M 63018 DIRECTORS. Thomtt C. Hand, Samuel E. stokes. J F. Penlstan, vtiuu . iavia, tdmund A. Souder, TheopMlus Paulding, John It. Penrose, James Traquair, henry C. Daliett. Jr., J nmcs C. Hand. Wiillum C Ludwlg, Joseph U. Seal, Wil lam u. Honlton, Edward Darlington,) U Jones Hrooks, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jonea. James B McFarland, Joshua P. Kyre, tjt orue v . helper, Hneh Craig, Hol.eit Burton. suenoer Mclivain, J. B. Hcniple, Plttuhurir, A. B. Rerger. Plttshnrg, l T. Mnri7n Plttahnrir. John D. Taylor, THOMAS C. PAKII. Prfmi-teni. JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice President. Benrt Ltlbcbk. Secretary. 1 S 1829CUARTEI1 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. Assets on Januarv 1, 1800, 2,50085100. Capital 0400.(00 00 Acciuec Surplus V44.M3 15 t reuilutn 1 ,HU,3U8-8l UB8ETTLXD CLAIMS, IHCOVB FOB 1866 lMt.7 53. 0310 OVU. LOSSES PAW SINCE 18SO OVER 5,000,000.., Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS. Charles If Bancker. Idwaid C. Dale. Tobias Wagner, Samuel Grunt, George W. Richards, Isaac Lea. OT1ARLE8 Gorge Fales, ' Aiireu cuier, Francis W. Lewis, M. D. Peter alcCall. N. BAKCKKR. President. EDWARD C uiLis, vice-rresment. JAS. W. MCALLISTER Secretary protcm. 2StH SORTII AMERICAN TRANSIT INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILADELPHIA. Annual Policies issued against General Accidents all descriptions at exceedingly low rates. insurance efleoted ior one year. In any snm from 910 to 010. 000, at a premium of only one-naif per cent securing the lull amount Insured In case of death, and a conmensatlon each week equal to the whole pre oiluiu paid Short time Tickets for 1, 2. 1, 5. 7, or 10 days, or 1. 1, or 6 months, at 10 cents a dav, insuring in the sura of03UOO. or giving 016 per week 11 disabled, to be had at tne General Uthoe, No. 133 8. FOURTH Street, rhiiadel pbia, or at the various Eailioad i lcket olUces. Be sura to purchase tbe tickets of the North American Transit Insurance Company, For circulars and farther imormation appiv at the General Othce, or ol any ot the auioorlrau Ageuts of the Vimpany. tEwj8 U HOrPT' President. JAMES M. CONRAD, Ireasurer HENRY C. BROWN, Secreiary. JOHN C. BULLIXI' Solicitor. . DIKEClORS. L. L. Iloupt, late of Pennsylvania Railroad Company M. Baird. of M. Baldwin A Co. s. , l-amuel C. Palmer, Cashier ol Commercial Bank. Klchard Wood, No. 809 Market street .'allies M. Conrad, No. 623 Maiket street i. E. Klngsley, continental Hotel. H. G. Leisennng, Nos. 237 and 239 Dock street. Enoch Eewis, late Gen. Sup't Penna K. K. U. C. Franclscus Gen. Agent Penna. H. R. Oo. George Martin. No. 322 Cheaunt street 1 3 10m LIVERPOOL AND LONDOJT Add ' GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assets. $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $l,500-l000' Total Premiums Received by tlie Company in 18(35, 4,947,175. Total losses Paid in 1865, $4,018.250 , All Losses promptly adjusted without reference England. .. , ATWOOO SMITH. General Agent for Pennsylvania. OFFICIO, No. G Merchants' txohann PHILADELPHIA 48116m PliOVIDENT LIFE AND TRUST COMPANV OF philadklPhia uffl"Nr iH fcouth FOURTH Street ISCOBPtlRA'ltpJ.'MOMU.iSd , 1ml' CAPITAL. ilM) OIJO. PA III is' 1MS ' , Iusurance on Lives, by Vearlv Premiums I orbrPI or i veur Premluius, Non-ionelture . Fndownieiits, iiayahle at a uture age, or on priur,Jlerf,Uu,re:US' r ,U A oiluLi Aimuities grunted on favorable term. ,. Term l'o kiea. chil iren'i I Kndowments ' 1 ' 1 his Company while giving the Insured the security pf a paid-up CaKltal,wlll dlvWe the entire profits ot tha Llie bus ness among Its Policy holilers. . . Mono s received ut Interest, and paid on demand. ' Authorized by charter to execute 'frusta, and toaotit' F.xtcutoror AQinlnlsiratcr, Ashljinoe or Uuurdlau, an -in oilier fiduciary capacities under appointment o' any l ouitol' this Common weulih or of any person or poc Sous, or bodies politic or corporate. DIHlilCTOil ' ?A?',llEL B.;BHIPtF.Y, KI('IIARD CADBBBY, JI-H1-WIAI111A( KKR,' HENRY MAIN KS. , ; " JOSHUA H. MORRIS. T. WISTARHBOvVW. ' - RiCUARD WOOD, wM. C. LU.NOSIRHrtH, " ; CHARLES j COFFI.V. SAMUEL B SHIPLEY. ROWLAND FABRY, ' -! ITeoldent. Actuary , THOMAB WIflTAR, W. D J. B. TOWNSE M), 121K - Meoica Eiamlner. Legal Adviser. ! PHffiNIX IN8UBANCE COMPANY. OP Pill LAHFLPH1A. ItitORPOKAlKD 1804-CHARTER PrRPETTJAL. ' i, o. 221 W ALii U T Street . opposite tbe Exchange. In addition to MARINE and 1A LAND 1X8 U HATCH this Company Insures ftorn loss or damage by FIKK, oa llbeial erms on building, aneiohandlae, arniture, eto., ior limited periods, aud penuaueutiy on buUuings, 6y deposit ol premium. , Ibe Company beentn aeitys operation fo mora (ban SIXTY YEA ttS, during which all liuumt have beei WtnipUy adjusted aud pJa- . : John L. Hodge, La wren os Lewis; Jr, M. U. Alabouey,,) ; JohnT. Le'-'t William 8. tlrant. Rotrt W. Leaiidug, , I. Clark Wharton, Wllcox arm. iw Hnq. ( , Benjamin ktilng, Tbouiai H. PoHera, A. R. Alclienrr Kdruoud t'aitlllon, iml tfl WtCUJtRJCR, Presldtnl Sam t Wucox, Secretary. il