6 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. nilLADELrillA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 18G6. M .(("Hi-. NU-MBlB LXXSV. irr FOR MENTAL DYHPaTTlCS, AND A CURB ' BT-POCHONDHIA, HY-POX'RWY, OR ANY COMPLAINT OF A BT CPER. BY OUR SKRTES EDIJOR. ALMANAC AND DIARY. nCKT MBTltsII.LOGIOAI OBRERVATtOWB FOR THB WBAK, September. Houilty, lO.Raee-Ilallera In Convention at liar rlFburg, Tber discuss the question at to th3 relative merita ot "short atoppera" anl "pitchera." The teetotalers all advoeate to. a pitchera, while the otbera advocate abort atoppera. TatMlijr, 11. Arrival of tbe actrosg Bistort la Mew York. Tbe photographers anrround her and finally take her head off. Parson Brown low commences hia "presidential Tour." KVedaeaday, ia. Interesting Internal Keennq decision. Brewers are to pay for all their Hour Beer. This declMon proves a brewer of dis content to.the small beer parties, and subjected tbe collector to malt treatment in more than one instance. Thursday, 13. First meeting of the City Conn, ells since their summer vacation. The Chamber bas been repainted and revarnishei since the vacation. Tbe room and tbe mem bora now present a cbeorlul and handsome ap pearance. Friday, 14. Washington City Council invite President Johnson to come borne, that tlio White House is now clean, and the company lie tails in with by tbe war is not. Saturday, 15. 8ZRIE8 Colums DAY. ThoEditO" having returned from bis tour to Smith's Island, jrivi's notice to tbe Mayor that he wlshu no public demonstration to bo aaaio on account ol it, NEW NATIONAL. THEATRE. iiw National Theatre. Pennsylvania I1A l Avenue (Opposite tiik Jackson Statue), VYASH1NUION, U. V. THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE SEASON. The Management takes pleasure in announc invito the sporting public that It is aboutj to pen the New National Theatre again (fami liarly known as the White House) for the sea son. During the absence of the prominent performers, who have been "starring it" throughout the principal cities in the North and Went, as far as Chicago, the House has been entirely repainted, refitted, and reupholstercd, and is now one of the most COMFORTABLE PLACES OF AMUSEMENT in this city. And the Management hopes tnat the outlay incurred in the refitting of the House will Joe liberally met by AN APPRECIATIVE PUBLIC. THE OPENING NIGHT IS FIXED FOR MONDAY, SEP TEMBER 17, and as the principal Star performer is engaged but for TWO YEARS, it is desired that the public should give him A BUMPER BEFORE PARTINO ! The Management, in response to the universal lesire of the public to be made acquainted with the progress of the arrangements i jr the coming season, which is looked forward to with so much anxiety, is enabled to give the following par ticulars in regard to the PRINCIPAL PERFORMERS, PIECES TO BE REPRESENTED, and NOVELTIES IN PREPARATION. Proprietors and Managers. .Randall & Wcndoll Stage Manager ( who bas been encaged from the Kepublican Theatre) Mr. Doolittle Treasurer Mr. McCnlloch Scenit: Arlmt (whose abilities in coloring all sub jects are well known). Mr. Bennett Scene Shifter Mr. Flaniugen (From the Philadelphia Theatres.) Prompter Mr. Greeley Property Man Mr. Raymond Mill Pater Jack Rogers A prominent feature will also be a full and efficient ORCHESTRA, including among its members the following -well-known performers: Ztader Mr. Marble IThu vrnatnat In the World. First Fiddle tt".:M.J: Weed Second Fiddle Mr. T. B. Florence ftm Wimhinffton Theatres.) Double Bat Messra. Wood and Vallandigham Vmm ,hn N'aw York Theatres.) Tymnet Mr. O. F. Train (He will blow his own trumpet in every perform ance.) "ReHldes tnanv other Fiddlers aud Blowers from all parts of the country. The following performances are now in pre paration, and will be produced in the order announced: THE THRILLING TRAGEDY, entitled St. Andrew's Day In New Orleans. Translated from the French by M. Bartholomew. A'emcsis, the Manor Mr. Monroe Armenia Strvnnt Offic er y Vie Day .Martyrs, Colored Union soldiers, ..Mr. Voorbeea ...Mr. Bbeuaan Freodwon, and others. This Tragcdy.was gotten up at great expense, and if successful wU be followed by others of a Bimilar character during th aeahon. Mr. Fdr Test, Tragedian, late of the Memphis Theatres, is also engaged, aud will shortly appear in his piece, which had such a run in Memphis last season, entitled The Memphis Massacre f OR, A New Way to Pay Old Debts. Also will be produced, with entire new scenery A New Comedy of Errors, which had such a inn by this Company the pant summer through out the North and West, entitled A Trip to Chicago. Dure Mr- Johnson i Prnm the Tennessee Theatres.) Anltpholus, 1st Mr. Grant Antipholus. 2d Mr. Farrajrut 'Ac Tteo Iiromioi Messrs. Seward ana Welles Courtesan -Mr. Caster Attendant, and others. This piece Is full of local lilts, and is reckoned by critics one of the best comedies ever put on the American Stage or Railroad Car, and wai received niehtlv with annlause wkYor ex During the performance the "Dromio" from fnw-nf, N. Y., will make a funny speech, and :hc ether "Promio" won't. s v -4- 11',?: ' V Mr. Johnson, in the character of the "Duke is perfectly spieudid when ho exclaims: "Hapless Jeff, whom the fates have mark'd To bear the extremity of dire mishap I , Now, trust me, were it not against onr laws, ' Against my crown, my oath, my dignity, Which princes, would they, may not disannul, My sonf thould sue as advocate lor thee. Hut, though thou art adjudged to the de itb, And paaaod sentence may not be recall'd, Hut to oar honor's great disparagement, Yet I will lavor thee in what I can." Notwithstanding the " Occasional" pa'.hos pervading many parts of the play, the ludicrous position in which the "Duke" is often placed by onfl Pf the Dromios, and the ingenuity evinced by the "Dromio" from Syracuse to extricate him self and vihe "Duke", makes this equal to any thing of Shakespeare's or Bouclcault's. The Management expect to engage some celebrated supporters of Ethiopian characters in connection with the other performances, should exhibitions of that kind seem to be popu lar. The management is now in ncgotiution with Mr. Beeclicr, A CELEBRATED SUPPORTER OF ETHIOPIAN CHARACTERS, from the Plymouth Theatre, Brooklyn, and it expects soou to be happy to announce him "on the boards." Messrs. Grant and Farragut, from the "The atre of War," have already been engaged, and other American Stars will be added to the Com pany from time to time, as the success of the enterprise shall warrant. The Management have also in preparation, to be produced at no distant day, several Dramas by the most popular Dramatists, and each one of which will be presented to the public with a strong cast of characters, among which might be mentioned the celebrated Irish burlesque en titled On to Canada; or, the Fenian Scare, which will be brought out entirely remodelled, regardless of expense. The services of the celebrated CLOWN, MR. STEPHENS, are engaged for the occasion. Also, the laughable farce entitled The Philadelphia Wigwam, which will be revived during tbe season, intro ducing a parody on the play of Cox and Box, called "Dlx and Vanx." In which Richard will be hlmseit again, as he alwas has been. Matinees will be held every Saturday after noon for families and children. The perform ance next Saturday afternoon is to be the Scrip tural vaudeville entitled The Prodigal Son. p,nii Mr. score i Vatd Call. Mr. A. G. Cattoll (x rom me uamaen mooiruo.j Children need not be frightened at this per formance, as the "Calf" will not be really killed oulv "pretend." It is exnected that the well-known leading Southern actor, Mr. J. Davis, now held to an en gagement in Virginia, may be released in season toarpear on the boards, his first appearance since his last unsuccessful a'sumntlou 01 remi- nlne characters in 1865. The Management gives notice that the desire of a large portion of the public, that a new "act drop" be prepared to greet Mr. Duvls upon his nrBt appearance in public, will be taken into consideration. The Free list is suspended. A. W. Randall, Cornelius Wendell, Proprietors and Managers. rW A blN TLEMAN, WIFE. AND GUILD. 23 months old, desire Hoard in a strictly private family : pleasant and central location. Terms must be moderate. Address T. ., Ledger Office. QTo be sure, provisions will not suffer much at the hands of a family of that age; but to make it more explicit, we should think the advertise ment ought to state how the "23 months" is divided up among the "gentleman, wife, and child." Whether the "gentleman" is 10 months, the "wife" 10 months, aud the "child" 3 months, or any other proportion which will go to make up the "geutlemun, wife, and child, 23 months old;" for they are certainly a very young family, and the circumstances fully justify our curiosity. See to-day's Telegraph lor the first part of an intorostlng tale, entitled "Comfort for Small Children; or. How I Managed Tliem by Pulling Their Ears," by Mrs. Warren. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN . Paints, Yarnlslics. and Oils, No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, ilk Ir AMUSEMENTS. QRAND NATIONAL CONCERT FOB TUB BENEFIT OF THB SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, TFDKR AT BP ICES OF THB SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' UNION, WASHINGTON, D. C, AT GROVER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1866, POSTPONED UNTIL THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 11. 800,000 Tickets will be sold at 1 each 75,000 Presents Awarded, valued at $250,000 $25,000 ofic Profits to be given to the Sol diers' and Sailors' National Orphans' Horn Fund, $2500 to the Washington Male and Female Orphan Asylum. The balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to the Trea surer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, Washington, D. C. One present to Every Fonr Tickets. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM OWENS & CO., Military and Naval Law Office, No. S27 CHESMt'T Street, Opposite the State House, Philadelphia. Pa. Also sent to any part ol the country promptly by mall. LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED. Three story Brick residence, ti street be tween hlxtl) and Heventb (18,000 1 Thiee storv Drlck residence. oecoud struct. near K 10,000 1 luree story brica residence, icntn street, between M andN 8,009 1 3 wo story Brick residence, Tenth street, between M and N 6,000 1 Two stoty Brick residence, Tcmo street, between M and K 5 (KM) 2 Fine tJlty Lnts, on Seventh street, north.. 4,000 1 Millennia (Jarriaire. HtiiHoa. and Harness complete 4,000 i cplenoid Diamond uintr 2,uou 1 Set Mamonds complete (Pin, i.ar RIiiks, and Km kb 1,500 1 Grand piano (Ntelnway) 1 8(H) 1 Hi lid Silver Tea Met 1.000 10 Grand Pianos, SHOO each 6.( 00 10 Urand Vlanns. k.00ear.h ft i 00 H0 Gents' Gold Watches, t'200 each 20.000 ou i,aues' .oiu waicueB aria eaun o.fw 8 Grnnd llelofleons, 2f0 each Lima SO American-case (silver Watches. 875 each.. 6.000 75 bunting do do 40 each.. 3.000 ou Diumouu Dings, siuu to azou each 7.600 2S Diamond Pirs, 100 eacn 2,500 40 Sewing Machines, ailiu each. 4 000 2i c, d0. . ,75 each 1 VO Fllvcr-plated Tea Seta. 76 each 1.500 50 Slver Lastors. i'25 each t vnn 5,010 Clocks, Albums, Jeweliy, Ac, (5 to felO ffuh 07 AAA 10.000 Tea and Table Spoons, Ac., 2to js each'.. 23.000 10,0t0 Gold Pens, Sleeve Buttons, & c, 1 to 83 49.453 Books. Lutlcrv. Enuravlnij jb.n.. ai tn am emu ..,..,,,,,,,,.,,..,.. oy,uuu Tntal a.mA iuia rri. 1 .,, l ,". ..vuw.vvw a lie nnttrun win lie maueH ip, i,ia rnnnar, ..n mia Ftuue oi the theatre, where thru,, iiir.nun.i ,,no.r,o cn witness it. A committee will be appointed by the audl- l.'v IV.DUinilUICllU IUV DH111U. rriniea lists of awards will be published and supplied to AuontH and Ticket-holders. l'anln Imvlnir tickeu will letiiln them until alter the awards are made, and If iiieir uuuiuern appear in ine list, uiev will forward tneir iicKeisjuinieaiateiy, witn mil directions as to tne ship ping oi goods or deeds tor the property. 'llckeW lor sale at all the principal Hotels, Book, aud MuhIc stores in me cny. anu at tue Headquarters, in tne Mammoth Fair Building lor the benefit ot the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Oiphans' Home Fund, corner ol Heventb street nn Pennsylvania avenue, Washington, 1. t;. 1 he Uirectora appeal to the llberulltr of the neonle to give this enterprise their kind support, and thereby atsist In relieving the wants ol the orphans oi our tailcn comrades. CARD. A large number of tickets remaining nnsold, it will be necessary to postpone the drawing until THURSDAY, the 11th of October, 1B66, at wblcb time it will positively occur. Tbe many swindling schemes that have beep pre sented to the public during the past tew months, some what delayed our sales, until we were able to satifirV the peop.e throughout the country tnat this euterpilse was genuine, and solely lor charitable purposes. The .Directors are connuent or tne sale oi every ticket, and have allotted nuiticlent time to guarantee tbe sales witnoui hut luriner postponement jtiaj. ii. a. nait,, rrcs. eoiuiers' anu sailors union Col. CUAH. E. C APEHART. 1 MaJ. M. H. ALBURGKR, SManaglug Directors. TBBA8UBT DrPABTMEMT. ) OPflCB OF IMTKBMAL RBVKNUK, Whereas II. A. Hall and other, aa "Mimnni ni,u. tors" ol the "Grana National Concert." to beheld in Washington, v. C, on tbe 2d of Auvust next have mane due application to L. Clephan, Collector of Internal Revenue tor the collection Di.trir.t of Hia nin.., ni Columbia, lor nermMon to ho d a lotmrv. rHia nr Silt enterprise, and presented to him satisfactory evl ence that the pioceeds of said lottery, rathe, or Rlrt vineriiriBv ii lo uwicu iu cuaniauie uses, permission is hereby granted to such "Manaslns Dirnetnni" m hwi such lottery, ratlie, or gilt enterprise iree from al. charge, wiiomw iiwui m wi iu ivspeuK iu sucn lottery Coinmlsaluuer. We refer, by permission, to Major-General Wlnfleld S. Hancock, IT. 8. A. General Robert C. bchenck, M. (J., Ohio. General Halbert E. Paine, M. C , Wis. General John H. Ketcham, M. C, N, Y General James G. Blunt, Kansas. General J. N. Hcndrick, Iowa. General D. C. Mocallam, D. C. General u. v. Daytn, n. x. Hon. Thomas W. Jerry. M. C. Mich. Bon. George Lawrence, M. C, Penna. U. V. I oroey, r.nq., u. .. Major J. SC. Douguty, N. Y. Hon. Richard Waliach, Mayor of Washington, D. C. Mon. neuij nmuu, u.o.o. Hon. William D. Kelley, M. C, Penna linn. Kelllan V. Whalcy. M. C. Wen Va. Hon. Eben C. Ingersoil, M. C, 111. Hon. Henry u. ueunna, jn. v., voun. lionA. H. Laflln,M.C.,N. Y. Hon. Leonard Myers, M. Cj Penna. Hon. Wlillara A. Newell, M.C.. N. J. Hon. ueorue n . i mmu, . v., uu. iinn Ktenhen F. Wilson, M. C. Penna. : Hon. J. B. yilnfe'lj ?wa. . Hon. G. R. Latham, M. c., w. va. Hon. nenj. c. suwn. v., vuiu. Gen, Hoys, M.C.. Oh o ,,n.,,. p. William E. uwen, a -p. LB a miu TT A L EH 3 iLiAiti, miE.ijiiiKB) WINTEtt VGAHDEN N os. mi tm v ijmk htieet. NlGlVrLY. By two large and effleuKirchastras. And FYEHY NIGHT, in connexion with our a Brass Band, coinpiisiiig the best Artists in the city will penorin. nw ,, RF. Bnw Our spacious bummer Garden, artistically laid out with Shrubbery, r ouniams . eio. im THE LADIES' SALOON. Especially set apart ior FAMILIES, the best of Creams ana other KelieBuniems im i u iin G-Y3I N AS I U Ml nr-tinr IV k I t." VT a riniv Tnr,lT I FOR LADIES. GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN, 11 V fiir KlN'l'll A IN 1 , A ILH NIK K. IT. IS. The Institute, which again has been greatly improved ior thelcomlng season, is now opeu tor subscriptions all u w m., A Bodily exercise Impa-ts health and strength, and It highly recommended to both sexes and all agea. '.,nn ... i.,,r,.i.ii.,n 1 months B8 -OA Terms lor well piacllce. t monihs. aft-W) For nartloulars send lor a eirouiar or give us acaiL aOim Prulessors BILLEBRAKD & LEWIS THF. PIANOS WHICH WK MANU- fiiolun, recommend themselves. Wa nromlaa Zt,i n.'rnn. .ia.r lieautllul tones, elevant wnrkman- ship. oufaniiiiy, anu rvmawmw p..., uumomeu wun a tull guarantee. For sale only at ho. lull WALNUT biTtm DSIOH J IASO MANUFAC1VRI80 CO, AMUSEMENTS. N EW CHESNUT 8TKKET TUEATIUi. CHI SNDT Mrcet. above Lvrirtn. Doers opea at 1 1- vurtain risea at 8. THIS EVENINO. The Dlstinaulnhed Lvrto Artist, '1 he llstlngulslied Lvrio Artist, vrsiVALi. VKTVALI, VK91VA4.1, who will appear In the KUe. 18FCL NEW PLAY, ' PUi'CKiSFt1L HE PLAY, HITCCKBFUL KW PLaY. KUCt EHSFUL NKW I'HI. A MARklAliK CFKIIFIJAiE, A MAKRlAt.K CF.RTIF1C A'l K, A MAKRiAGE fERiIFIUATK. A MAhKlAdK. CrKllFIOATE. with New acrnery, among which a ay be named THE COUN'l FRFEI'l Kh'rt WoUKMlOP. I THE ENTlRk, NEW CO.VlPAnY i will appear In the cast MRS. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STRET '1HKATRE. Begins at quarter to 8 o'clock. HOUBK8 PAlKEU TO THB ROOF, flxth Night of the People's Favorites. mr. hu ajr. w j. florence, dbama, comedy, and fakce. mi (Baiuidav) EVENING, reptcmbet 1 8HANDY .VIAOUIUK; OR, THK. IRInH OF 111K 8'lANNON, ailBi HIKVOUfl A N ME. AKD THE WIDOW'S VICTIM. MR AND MitH. FLORENCE In eight characters, songs, and dances Monday, the sew Drama of m IleHAVOUQE. W. AhNUl 8 T H K E T T 11 E A T H E. N. K. corner of NINTH and WALNUT Street. Til. Q .Q . , ....In .VklUllll U.M..nh H SIXTH MQlii OF 'I HE DISl IUUIBIIED ARTISTS. MR. FRNK MATO AND MRS. A0.8 PERRY, whose impersonations are received n ulnly with RAPIUROUU APPLAUSE. They will appear as DAMON AND BEBMIONE, In Banlm'a Popular Play or DAMON AND PYTHIAS. Mr J. B. ROBKivTH as FY THUS Xo conclude with Buckstone's Drama ot THE WKH'K A8110RE. N EW AMERICAN THEATRE. TWO PERFORMANCES. AFTERNOON AND F.VEINO. THIS SATURDAY, September 15, MATIN E AT 2 O'tJLOOK. THE iVOURELL SISTERS. 1113 LA8T LK.s. FKA DIAVOLO. Jtv,.Il at u ilui K THE PHILADELPHIA DtTECT'VE, BA DIAVOLO LOLA MONTEZ. OBERT HELLER'S i "SALLE DIABOL1QUE." ASSEMBLY Bl 'ILDIftO LAKHE HALL. A Dr.ClUED MITCl'ESS SECOND WKEK. Holler's New Spectral Parlor Pantomime (first nights). rLAiiMU miM tiiiuaiN- An entire change of every act thl week. MATIN a. E SATURDAY, Bt2H o'clock. Kvenina Doors open at 7. Commence at 8. Admission SO cents; secured seata, 75 cents. 9 10 6t "VTEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, JN ELEVENTH Street, above CHESSUT. "TH MU KAMlliI ItiiWK l"' OPEN FOR 'JIIK SKA MOW. CARAtROSS r. DUKl'8 MlSSTItEIiS. the Great Star Troupe ol the World, in their GRAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, HONGS, DANCES, NEW BURLESQUES, and PLANTATION SCKNO. Doors open at i o ciock. t;oirnicncniK ai o ciorn. BaOom J. It. CARitROs, Managor. THE EYE AND EAR. J3EAFNESS, BLINDNESS, THROAT, LUNG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARRH AND ASTHMA, Disordered Functions oi THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS MORBID AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER. WEAKNESS OP XERVE9, AND GENERAL DEBILITY OP THE WHOLE SYSTEM, Treated with unprecedented success by DR. VON WOSCHZISKER, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. T l. .-..11 1, .. 1TTCTT T.-Hri.V o.t,A 1.1.U 1 cured under the treatment of Dr. VON MOscHZI.s- KER, have kindly peinilttea nun to icier to them, and tney woum giaaiy oear ie,iiiuuuy 10 mo amount Of BENEFIT derived irom ins titi.ATiMtJN i s i. ti. MCCKEAKiti-.sq., j,o. imi wainut street, SBOEMAK1 R. tsu.. No. WH Walnut sueet. ALAN WOOD, Jr., F.Bq., No. 51! Arch street. c u. uitr r r, ebii., jno. a ortu -eventh street. V. .1. liOI.I.OWAY. Escl.. No. MIA Market Htrt. J. COOPER. Esq, No. 3 North Front street. Dr. DAVIDSON. N. W. comur ol' iluih and Chesnut streets. . . Uenerai kiluuhii. u. n. a., uirara street. T. W. bWEENEY. Esq.. u. S. Assessor ol the Second District 'J. I1ARY, Esq., FieBtdent ot tbe Nineteenth Ward THbllc Schools. Rev. 8. u. HARE, Philadelphia conference. Hundreds of other nuuies. a I persons who would be careiul'.) conscientious to whom they would permit the Indorsement ol their names . can bo examined at his OFFICE, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. THE ATOMIZER. Dr. VON MOSCBZIKER asserts with the utmost confluence that his sys.em ot treatlni; LUNG. 1HROAT. CHEST Discai-es. CATARRH. ASIJIMA. and all maladies of the dlgutlve organs, by the use ol the A'lOMlZEB, is the only reliable one. Since the introduction of this system cases have been bro unlit to nis omce, no. ti'.u wlnut street. m which every other possible moans have been iruitlessly em- nloved. but readily lielded to his treatment. The A'lOMlZER is an Al I ARAi US constructed on scientlho principles, which, by a mechanical arrange ment, eitner ov atmospnertc pressure or steam, con verts any medlome Into a tine bPRAY, and readily conveys it into ihe BRONCHIAL 'lUBESor LUNGS, wun the iti.M iKAiuKi tnKtui. The medicines submitted to the action oi this APPARATUS lone noihluir ot their CHEailCAL VALUE, as In other preparations, but are received into tbe RESPIRA TORY ORGANS in their lull MEDICINAL STRENGTH. ri m, n at. w i r.u.i i nr f r, iiiri r. i r. ALL (SURGICAL OPERATIONS on the Eyea. such aa Cateraot, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, ate, skihuily pvilormeu. 1 srp PASSENGER RAILWAYS. rnHE SPRUCE AND PINE STREETS X RAILWAY. TRUNK LINE. This Road now. in addition to Its main line on Horace and Pine streets, passes through the entire western por tion of the city. Passengers from tbe extreme north west at Falrniount Paik. and along the entire loute to the extreme southwest at Gray's Ferry, can take the carson 'J wenty-second and Twenty third streets and the Grav's Ferrv Road, and be carried through, via bpruce street, to tbe Exchange tor a i.i.i ii a. i . i a i, i .. In addition to the several Parks and the beautiful scenerv along tne eciiuyikin front, there are uiaiiv objects of interest along this route to make It a'tractlve Tbe road Is splendidly equipped, tbe cars being nearly an entirely new, ana always aept clean ana com fortable. Cars leave the Fxtbanre every few minutes durlni tbe day, and every hour alter midnight. 9 lu lui PERSONAL. NEW BOUNTY BILL ALL SOLDIERS who enlisted tor three years, since April if, 1H6I, and served their full term ot service, or were discharged before said term of service on account of wounds, and received one hundred dollars bounty and no more, are entitled to receive an additional one hundred dollars. Widows, minor children, or parents of deceased soldiers who enlisted lor thre y eats aud dlod in the servloo, or from dUeasea or won a1 contracted in tbe service and line of duty, are entlt e to receive an additional ono hundred dollars. Call or dress GEORGE W. FORD, , No. 241 DOCK Street, 8 171m One door below Third, who has all the necessary forms to collect these claims. THE AMERICAN BUREAU OF MINES ' . No. 64 BROADWAY. Mines, Mineral Lands, and Ores examined and reported upon, competent Engineers lutmsuea to sawing com panies. Consultations anoraea on aii aiming, oietauurgica tod Chemical Questions, at tbe office of the Bureau, GEO. D. H. GILLESPIE, President. DRAKE DE KAY. Secretary. llOtaths rp T-VRIVY WELliB-OWNKKSUr- rKUr EHTY I Tbe only plaoe to get Privy Wells cleaned and d a- uiecteu., m., A. PEYSON, ' Manufacturer of Poudretie filOl GOLPSMlTUS' HALL, LliiBARY Street FINANCIAL. RATIONAL, BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, Ncs. 809 and 811 C11ESNUT Street. nilLADELrillA. The late management having relinquished their entire control and Interest In this Bank, the business Is now being canducted under the folio wl og entirely N&W MANAGEMENT. DIRECTORS. JOSEPH T. BAILEY, Of Bailey ft Co., Jewellers. EDWARD B. ORNE, Of J. F. K. B. Orne, Dealers ia Carpetlnga. I NATHAN niLLES, President of the Second National Bank. UWILLIAM ERVIEN, Of Myers Eivlen, Flonr Factors. OSGOOD WEL8H, Of 8. A W. Welsh, Commission Merchanta, BENJAMIN ROWLAND. Jr., Of B. Bow Una, Jr. Bicther, Coal Merchants. WILLIAM H. BHAWN, Late Cashier of the Central National Bank. PBESIDEST, WILLIAM II. EH AWN. CASHIER, JOSEPH P. MUM FORD. Late of tbe Philadelphia National Bank. 9 8 JAY COOKE & CO., flo, 114 Scuta THIRD Street, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES U. S. 6s OF 1861. 6.20a, OLD AND NEW. 10-40s j CERTIFICATES OP INDEBTEDNESS 7 SO NOTES, 1st, 2d, and 3d Series. COMPOUND INTEREST NOTES WANTED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved for LADIES. 8 7 2m NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC. Ncs. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Street. The entire Interest of tbe lata management of this Bank having been purchased with the view of eflecting an entirely new organization, shaiei of stock twill be Opposed of in limited quantities, to respectable parties in business, who may have an Interest in a bank in this location. Applications tor the stock will be received lor a tew days, after which a distribution will be made. WILLIAM II. RHAWN, 9 3 tf President, U, S. SECURITIES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH ft BANKERS & BROKERS, CO., 16 S. THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA. NASSAU ST. NEW YOBK STOCKS AND BOUGHT AND SOLD ON GOLD COMMISSION HEBE AND IN NEW YORK. ai J)AVIES JJXtOXlIEXfcH, No. 225 DOCK STREET, BANKERS AND BROKERS, BUT AND SELL UNITED STATES BONDS, 1881a, 5-aOs, 10 40a. UNITED STATES 7 -18s, ALL ISSUES. CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. Mercantile Paper and Loans on Collaterals negotiated Btock. Bought and Bold on Commission. 1 31 1 5'20S'"F IVE-TWENTIES. 7'30s - SEVEN-THIRTIES1 WANTED. DE HAVEN & BROTHER, 1 7 No. 40 S. Third Stbet. O -A. S L I G H FOR THE COUNTRY. FERRIS '& CO.'S AUTOMATIC GAS MACHINES For Private Kcaldencea, 91111a, Hotels, Churcliea, Etc. Etc. Furulahlug front Ten to Slxl Iluudrcd L.lglits, aa may be Required, Thin m achlne 1s guaranteed i does not get out ot order, and the time to man.se it is about Ave minutes a week. The simplicity of this apparatus, Its entire freedom from danger, the choapneia and quality ot the Unlit over all others, has gained for it the favorable opinion of those acquainted with Ita merits. The name, ot those having used them for tbe last three year, will be given by calling at our OFFICE, No. 105 S0UTII FOURTH STREET, Where the machine can be seen In operation. FERRIS & CO., Box 1401 P. O, Bend for Pamphlet. UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY RICHAIU) PENISTAS'S trANl VAt'LTS No."wTnKSNnr htreet. J. early Opcasita the Pout Om PHILADELPHIA. Fnmil lea supplied eia.lruui the Country p airotlj nueu w WATCHES, JEWELrlY ETC. MAKCFACTURERS of ADD V.'EOIXEALZ AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Silver and Sllvcr-Flatcd Goods, No. 704 ARCH STREET, rBnADELPiiiA. Those In want nf R1T.VEK or SILVKR-Pi.ATF.It WAKE will tlnd It much to their advantage tovl.it onr 81 OKK beiore making their purchases. Our long exDerlPtice In the manuiaotnre ot the above klnde of gooas e rum ira us to oe(T competition. W e keep no Rood but thos. whlcn are of tbe FIRST Ci.A8s,all oi our own make, and will be sold at rednced prices. 5 MS FIIE GOLD WATCHES. j& to sojourners In our city. W r.ll .n.M.l .tf.nflnn nf lh inlnurnpl, tl Anr CltV to the F1KE WATCH AND SILVERWARE ESTABLISHMENT OK W. W. CASSllY, No. la South SECOND Street, Who baton band one of the flncat aaaortmeat. ol Jew, e.iy, etc.of any in the city. A splendid assortment o SILVERWARE ALWAYS ON HARD. Remember W. W. CASSIDY. 165 So. 12 South SECOND Street G. KUSSELL & CO., No. 23 North SIXTH St., IlavlEf Increased their faculties lot FINE WATCH REPAIRING. Invite the attention of the public. All work warranted for one year. 5 2 ffrnjaioxi DEALER & .TETn'rxii VATCHE3 and JETCELIiY ErrAIPtE). A -522 Chestnut St-.Thlla. Owing to the decline' oi Gold, bas made a ret re. ductlon in price of his large and well atsorted stock o Diainontls. Watchea, Jewelry, Silverware, lite Tbe public are respectfully Invited to call and examiu our stock before purchasing e.scaaere. Ifr WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MUSICAL BOXES. A lull assortment ot above poods constantly on bar.d at modeiate prices tbe Musical Uoxcs play ina Irom 2 to 10 beautiful Airs. FAKE & ER0THEB, Importers, Ko. 824 CUESKUT 8TKKKT, 11 llsmtbgrp Below Fourth, HENRY II A II r E R, 1 No. 520 AUCII STREET Manutactu and dealer in Watches Kine Jewelry, feilver-I'latetl Ware, a 815 Solid Silver-Ware. ? RICH JEWELRY JOHN BRENNAN, PKALEB im DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, Etc. Etc Etc. 20 Wo. 18 S. EIGHTH STREET, Ftuada, MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Has a handsome assortment of MILLINERT ; Htsse and Infanta' uata and Capa, Bilks, Velvets Crapea Ribbons, leathers. Flowers, Framea, etc. LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE COURT OF COMMON PLKA8 l-'Oli 1 THE CITY AND COUNTY OK PHILADELPHIA. SABAU L. HUMNEBvs. FREDERICK A. SUMMER. March Term, 18WJ No. 7 In Divorce. Sin You will pleuse take notice that the Court Bag giamed a rule to show cause why a divorce a tmcuh matrttnonil should not be decreed In thl. case, return aole on SATURDAY, September 22, at 1U o'clock A. M. Youts, etc., WILLIAM L. MARSHALL, 0 14 tstuw 4tj Attorney tor Libellaut. ToFBELEBICK A. 8PMSEB, Respondent, EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. PERSONS IN. debted to the Estate ol the late CHARLES S. WAYNE will plea.e make payment to and those, having claims against the estate will present them to r.i; r. j. waihe, Aciina Executor. 8Us6w So. HIS MOUNT VERNON Street. FERTILIZERS. MMO X IATED P1IOSPUATR A CONCENTRATED FERTILIZEK. 1 his preparation contains! l ure Ground Bone and the best Fertilizing Salts known to agricultural chemistry, combined In such a manner aa to develop their produc tive propertle. only when used on the .all. Price b0 per ton. For .ale at the manufacturers' depots, No. Til MARKET Street, Philadelphia, No. 8 BURLING SLIP, New York. WILLIAM ELLIS & CO., Manufacturer. 0 7 tlO 10 J3 A U G II' S II A W CONE SUPE R-PH0SPHATE OF LIME. The great Fertilizer lor ailerons. Qulcr In Ita action andpeiuiantntui Us eficuta. Established over twelve Dealers .upplled b the ergo, direct from tbe wbarl ot ilia manuuctory.'on liberal term. uulacturcdonlrby BAUGH & SOiJS, Oftlce No. 20 8outb DELAWARE Avenue, 8 tVmwSrp : Thllailelphla. T "aNIDSCAPE" PRAWINtJ CARDS, A BEArJ Ji tiful (eik.ot views, fifteen In number designed tor the Instruction of Juvenile artlMs. Wrioe. IS coins a araa'e With the EVENING TELECR!!. EW YORK CLIFfEB tc, will be lound on sale at the 231 NEWS HTAN I), tS.W.e VEKTH and CllEINU Streeta. . r M hibited. 1233m COFNER OF RACE. ' .... - -.1