8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH, FHILAPELPIlLi, ITIUKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, ,186G. OUR PARIS LETTER. Has Hapoleon Been Duped by Count Bism&rkl PiScultiM of the Prussian Prime Minister Tke Cordial Peeling Between Italy and Austria A Political Calm Beporti About Mexico, Etc. Etc. Etc jsjtimno TusoairB erxoiAL oorrmpokdkticb. Pabis. September 1, 18G6. Las Napoleon III been Doped by Bismark 1 It Is the general belief that such 1b the fact. Notwithstanding the promises said to have been Bad at Biarritz, France will, after all, remain m It was beiore the war; and as a reward for quietly looking on and allowing Prussia to pilfer right and left, Napoleon HI will get nothing. Thos the Emperor has been duped and deceived by one who haB taken a few loaves out of tbe Imperial cookery-book, and the farce of "tho liiler bit" has been played over again to the cottt cf the Sphynx of the Tuileries. The enemies ol the present dynasty are now triumphant, and rub their hands with delight at eeing the Emperor caught in his own trap, as they say nothing would please the Legitimists, fiie Orlcanists, and the extreme Lett better, than to see him take up arms to iorco the Cabinet of Berlin to give him up the Rhenish fruitier. Even the Prussian press, which can have no reason to complain of the attitude of the Empe ror during the late war, every day launches out in a most violent manner against France and her institutions. Every insult is heaped upon the Emperor. Several of the extreme German papers talk very seriously of taking bark Lor raine and Ateatiu, which I bey say are German propeity. However, some allowance must be made for a people intoxicated with such great military nuccetsos. The troubles of Bismark are like thos ol a young benr, they are yet to come: though he has had it all his own way on the battle-Held, he will not find it such plain sailing at home. Ilerr Jacoby,.who is the leader of the opposition in the Eammcr, has already given us the pre face of what the Premier has to expect to hear from those who are not lost In admiration at his picking ana stealing qualitlce. Bismark has ow two enemies to face the Liberal and the Federal party. He will be a clever man if he succeeds in steering his vessel so as to keep clear of both. Tbe King of Prussia and the Kuntmer. King William Las hud a quiet talk with the deputies of the Rammer. He has told them that his conduct hitherto has been unconstitutional and Irregular, but that circumstances obliged him to act as he did, and tliat he should not act again in such a manner until next time. The deputies, like good boys, listened without givinc; any sign of dUpl:asure. This, therefore, leads us to believe that there will be no conflict for the present between Kine William and his most obedient servanls. They, like Napoleon III, are content to b'.rio their time. Austria auil Holy Shake Ilauila. Bismark need be under no apprehension regards Russia. He may rest assured that the Czar has no intention of troubling him at pre sent; but there is a little circumstance which is calculated to malic him rather fidgety, and that is that Austria nud Italy seem very much in fjined to make it vp entirely, and the-cunning 'premie must, it lie uu net blind, see thai the agents ot the Tuileries at Vienna and Florence are busily engaged in trying to establish good fellowship between tho House of Hipsburg and Bavoy. Napoleon, outwitted by Primia, is evidently trying to win over A'J'tnu, which is now no longer German, and Italy, which has no cause to be very well satisfied with tbe conduct f her Prussian ally to her. A new game is about to be played on the Ger man chess-board.wblch will afford muoh interest to the lookers-on. The Emperor Las been very active in bring ing about peace between Austria and Italy, on terms most favorable to the latter country, which enters into possession of the whole ot Yenetia, the Quadrilateral, and the Lago dl Garda, without having to pay a war Indemnity. It is even asserted that the Emperor, who is ever hnsy with the affairs of Europe, is trying to bring aboat a marriage between Prince Hum bertandan Austrian Archduchess; but this is a mere rumor, and many have some difficulty in believing that a matrimonial union between the friend and enemy of the Holy See is possible. Letters from Rome state that there is great un easiness in the Holy City, and that many fear for the personal safety of the Pope, as the 18th ot December is approaching, and not the least step Is being taken to prepare for the evil hour. Political Calm In Kuroue. We may be said to be enjoying a political calm at present. The health of the Emperor is elowly improving, and be may be seen daily taking long walks in the neighborhood of St. Cloud. The Empress and the Prince Imperial intend leaving for Biarritz to-day. They will be joined by the Emperor as soon as he is in a fit state to bear the journey thither. The wea ther, which has been damp and dismal for the last fortnight, Is not calculated to make a sea-t-ide residence at present very pleasant. About Mexico. A great many report are now current respect ing the Mexican Empire and the mission ot the Empress Charlotte. Some affirm that her Majesty was tortunate enough In persuading Napoleon to consent to a prolongation of the French occu pation in Mexico; and others positively affirm that the Mexican game Is up, that the Empress went to Miramar direct (without going to see her brother at Brussels), in order to get every thing ready for her husband, who will return uhortly to enjoy ease and quiet on the shores of the beautiful Adriatic. If there is dulness In political matters, thea tricals, literature, and chit-chat are at a stand still. One of the great dramatic writers has gone to hifl last home-RoKer de BeauTolr, who lor so many years amused the public of larl8 and France with his novels and dramatic pro ductions, died last week. There are few persons In France who have not heard of he ChexalLer de HI. Georges, V Esmlier de Uuny, and DUotel Frimodan. Roger de Beau voir was, besides a popular writer, a grand eeigneur, and lived In great style. Had he not tieen afflicted with the gout from ttme to time, ke might have been called the happiest man fclive, as he bad a handsome fortune, and could indulge his taste for the fine arts and articles of Tftiv. lie has left behind him a collection of aVictuca, etatues, antiquities, and ether objects cf great value, which will this winter be exbV b'.tcd and sold by auction at the Hotel des Ventes, in the Rue Drouet. The deceased drama' tiurge was a great amateur of champagne, and aoeoonta state that he had in his life-time drunk far more than 90,000 franca worth of this spark ling wine. He had long been separated from his wife, who was the celebrated actress Mad'lle Paz. The Prince Imperial and hit First Com munion. A report has been for some time current that the journey ol the Empres to Biarritz this year would be retarded, as II. I. A. the Prince Im perial was to make bis first communion at Notre Dame in tho beginning of September, but La rrette, a seml-ofUcial paper, informs us that ihi ceremony will not take plaoe nntil New Year's: it will, it Is stated, be accompanied with great rejoicings throughout the land. Tho Govern ment intends giving the people of France an opportunity of travelling at an almost nominal rate on all the railways of the empire of France. AUCTION SALES. CHAKLES e. MACKEY, AUCTIONEER. NO. J n MAKE r Btreet. between Third and Fourth. 8TOCK OF F1RST-CLAHS TIN W ARK AND TIN BM1TI1M' MACHINKB AND TOOL. On Friday morning. At 10 o'clock, comprising nn UMortraentof Household find Dairy Ware of the beat quality. Also loole and .Machines some of them npar.y nw. OVAL TKA '1 KAY 14 AND WUTKU. A so, an Invoice of freshly-imported lea Trays and Walteri, Irom 12 to xo inches. 1 bov ma be examined on Friday momlnir irom 8 o'clock till time ol aale B li it AXKB, HATC11HTS. HAMMEItH An Invoice ol American C. 8 steel axea, atees, rlvct ng and pall hammers, nat- he's, etc, PANCOAST & WARNOCK, AUCTIONEER. 518( No. W MARKET Street. "D SCOTT J It., AUCTIONEER, XJ.Ko. 1020 CHESS UT HTKEET. us PASSENGER RAILWAYS. rruE spruce AND PJNE STREETS .1 RA RAILWAY. TRUNK LIME. TniH Road now, in addition to Its main line en Hproce and Pino Btreetn, panics through the entire western por tion ot the city. 1'a-senKer from tbe extreme north west at Falrniount 1'aik and along tbe entire route to the extreme southwest at Cray's Ferry, can take the carson 'i went.v-stcond and Twenty (bird streets and the Grey's Kerry Road, and be curried through, via hpruce street, to ibo lCxchanue tor a hlJitiLK FAKK. In addition to the several l'arks and the beautiful scenery along the Pclmykiil tront. there are manv objects or interest a' tin? this route to inane It attractive The road is sp endidiv equipped, the cars being nearly a'.l entirely jitw. and always kept clean and coin lortable. t'nra leave the Fjciinngo every t'e.w minutes during tbe day, and evety hour a terinlduiuht. 9 It) 1m WANTS. WANTED A YOUNG MAN, NINETEEN yearn of ace, a Kradunto of National Commer cial ('cllene, Asscmblv huildlng wished a situation either In a Bank, Hanking and Exchange, or ( omtn s flon House. Highest, reference a to uapncltv and In teyrlty. Address DOUQLASS, this oihce. "l)ll:it FURNITURE, BEDDING ETC. L FIIIST-CLASS FUKXITURE. A Large A snort men t of the Latest Style n band, and will be sold this coming season at very n odcrato prices, at I.. I.ITZ'S Furniture Establishment, 9 8 3m Ho. 121 Simth ELEVENTH Street JfUBM T U It K 11 B D U C E D fJ WENlY-l'IVE PEJt CENT Dnrlng the Summer Season, we will sell Irouourlin piene Htock oi FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, AT A HEDI'CTION OK TWEJiTT-FlVB TUB CENT. t'FF KMJULAR PRICES. tJOUI.J) V CO.. S. K. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets, Aiid also at rbo New ) fltab.lalitnent, 2 10, "ip Nos. 37 and 39 North SECOND Btrf.e T 0 HOUSEKEEPERS. jhae a large stock ol every variety ot FURNITURE V hlch I will sell at reduced prices. consisting oi rXAlN AND MARBLE TOP COTl'AGE ttUITB WALNUT CH Ail Br.lt SUITS. PARLOR U1TN JN VELVET PLUSH I'ARLOK SUITS IN HUH CLOTO. PAliLOR rUITS IW REPS. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Bookcases Mattrteses, Loumses, etc etc. P. P. OUSTINE 8 IS S. E. corner HECOND and RACE Htreets. PERSONAL. VTEW BOUNTY BILL ALL SOLDIERS 1' who enlisted tor three years, since April 18, 186I, and served their full term ol service, or were discharged before said term ot service on account of wounds, and received one hundred dollars bounty and no more, are entitled to receive an additional one hundred dollars. Widows, minor children, or parents of deceased soldier who enlisted torture yaatsand died in the service, or from dlteases or won a contracted in the service and line of duty, are entitle to receive an additional one hundred dollars. Call or address UEORGE W. FORD, So. 241 DOCK Btreet, 8171m One door below Third, w ho has all the ntcparv torms to collect these claims. QREAT BARGAINS IK BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS AND ENVELOPES, PENS, INKS, AND PENCILS, PRINTING AND ENGRAVING, AT BRYSON & SON'S, 9 8atotMm o. B orth8iTH Btreet O I L O F P E T 11 OLEU M, FOH FRANCE. THE MAOABJN8 GENEBAOX BE ST. DEHIS, hiph are situated 0. 42 AVENUE DE PAK18. at Paint Denis, cIobb to Paris, kep OIL or tetko- LEUM In lion vats, with a guarantee that the loss does not amount to more than three or Ave per cent an nually. Advance ol lunds 75 per tent. Moderate charge tor storage. Apply lor run particu lars to the Director. SltnlOtro 1 LKFOBME. I ARBLED SLATE MANTLES. SLATK WCKK. of every description on hand.ordcaie to order. I LAIN 8 LATE AVD TILES always on hand. J. 13. K1MES & CO., m os. 1128 and li8 CHE3MJT Street. f Rr.ijULAH 1.1NE F iR HART- tesirtrSp. FOB I). CONN. Axvli HAU1TAN akai. via the iiklawajus Tne steamer MUh A , Captain Vanrterveer.now loadlna at tbe second wbart above MARKKT Btreet. wilt leave as auure n laiitHuir next, tbe lJtb instanu jror terms ol irelgut. call at No l: Boutb Wharves. OAC) WOUTH STREET, HL Jl'ANCONA ,2.3.6'.I!,V r!.. P. if5 SS tteots' cart ufl Clothm. Mi bOVlli etroet rvuno FIFTH EDITION EUROPE. By Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cable. Haifa Million of Gold Shipped for New York. TIic "Times' " Opinion of Mexico. The Empire Haa Withered Away. Commercial Adviccn IT . Ktc, Etc., Ktc, Etc., Etc., Etc. Half a Million Dollars In Specie Coming to New York. Liverpool, September 12 Noon. The Vityof London sailed to-day lor New York, with 101,000 ($505,000) in gold. The Emptre ot Mexico Withered Away." London, September 12 Noon. The Time, editorially, odmits that the Empire ot Mexico has withered away, and that th country should be hit to itself. Financial and Commercial Intelligence. Livbrpool, fcptember 12 Noon. Cotton un changed; sales of 10,000 bales middling uplands at 13d. London, September 12 Noon. Consols for money, 89$; U. S. 5-20e, 71; Krle Kailrond, 44J; Illinois Central, 78J. INSTRUCTION. -p All DEE SCIENTIFIC COURSE IAFAViJlS COLLEGE. Id iifldltlon to tlio Rcnrral Course of Infraction in tins 1 ennrtusont. ainigned lo ly a Htihstanttal bivls ot kDOKlrdKe rd Kcboliirl) cnltuio, ntudcD'8 can purxao thiire brunclics tiicli are essentially praoilcjil nnd trcbnlml. i7. KMINEi:l(lQ Civil. Ttipojtrnnhlral, and Vocha-nu-fll; MIM.Nd aurt SIKTALIXKUY ; AKCrtirhC '1 I KK, anatlie oni'lUa'lou ot ClitmiHiry to AOhlCUl. l'VRf, andtne AK'l'S. 1 bcie m i.. bo atloriicd an opportunity iorsnoelal RtnlT of TKAi)tr and COMllICRC. t 01 aiOUKKN LN tiCAt.KN and I'HUdLOGY, and of the lllTOK and 1NKT1TI lIONh olour couutiv ts i I urtiujNt For Ciicuiars ippij to J icsmonr .:& ri r.iA,, or to l'io. K. B. VOUroNlAN. Oierkof the b'acultv. Faetok rfiinvlvnnla. Atrli 4.lHti. 6 111 JJ A JI I L T O N 1 F t) li Y O tJ N Ci NsriTUTK liADIES. PHILIV A. CHtOAR. BeinR ubmit to rcllnuLHli bu position in the cohltc hcIiooIh wltli which lie bus been connected tor the lat tentv-tlireH veaia. WILL OVhls A UAY AXD BOARDING bt'HOOL YOUSO LADIES, So. M810 CHKSN tT STRKKT, ON AlOJSDAY, KEl'TEMliEK 10. 1'hlH InHlitntlon la dvfugned to rlvul ihu beat seul narlea In the country. f'lRCVLAKS Containing particular! and other Information In relation to tliia Institution, can bu hud nntil toe lxt 01 Hep. umber, at No. MO K. TWELFrH Stieen 8 n HM1E "PHiLADKLl'HIA SCHOOL OP DR. i JOR W OMEN" (Filbert utreet iid WuhI X HION JOR W OMEN" (Filbert utreet dni West Penn hnuare) tor tlie education ot Youiir Ltdle In JiruwtnK. Painnn. Dexivnlnit, Llthogruplir, etc., will reopen on MUM) AY, epicmlior 3. t'arents wui pleaae aend to tbe acoool-houae lor catalogues. 1'enn hquare) tor the education of Youiir Lvllen In JilitrAiw .lofiepn itarri.oil, W I' Ham Duck DC. I, V, P. ilorrls William J. Hnratman, Jtcdwoo l F. Warner, EH K. Filce, 8 81 I2t T. W. judu L. ciagtiorn, James H. Orne. David 8. Brown, UdKe Whitney, James A Wtltiht, W. l Wlltack. BBAIDWOOD, Prlnclua'.. lyONBlEUK ALEXANDRE WOLOWSKI'S By his entirely new simplified system, are now open. Those wishing to read music at sight, keep time per- lectlv bv a newly Invented manner, acceinnany any soijk or piece by a new march of harmony, slug or per lorm in concerts, cnour, or private, can can ai o. w3. w AtiijNuru.a Bquare. Chi dren admitted. Ladles' Hemlnaries attended to. 8 24 Smrp DELAWARE LAWN ACADEMY. ENOLI8H ClosHlcal, U aibematlcal Boarding School lor Hoys Delanco, S. J., twelve miles above citv hourly accenl ble. Circuars obtained at No. 21 South. BEVEMXH btreet. o. Iw4 1 h.smjt Btreet. or or 9 8t Kev. juttn aicai.iiW a , a. m., rrtncipai POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE, 1866-67. -Th e SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL for tbe general stu dent ot Mathematics, experimental Bclence. eud Mata- ral IliBlory. will begin September li. Catalogues a College liuilaing. WEST PENJN HQUABE. r.uujitJAri g iwulh uegin aeptemoer in. OBt rjiHE CLASSICAL AN I) ENGLISH SCHOOL It. J. UKKUOKI. A. M Ho. 1108 MARKET Street, will vkoprn C8271mn . OS MOSDAY. HEP I EMBER I. "OBIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS. IN THE X PHILA DELPHI A CITY INSTITUTE, N. E. corner oi lawsii ana tiuaiu.iiu Mreets. re-opens MONDAY, September 10. Entrance on UUUTEK-NTH btreet LB Ti iml u bakuows. Principal. rpllE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY X Nos.1'00 and I'll CHEHiiUT Street will reopen jni'l'irAX. Dcuitiuuvr iv. j. x. LAAUtUfl and tJ BElDEti STICKER. Principals. ya lta MR. JAMES PEARCE, MUS. BAC. OXON, Oruunixt at St. Mark's Church, will be In Phila delphia about the 20th instant Address La Pierre House. 812 6f MISS ANNIK E. LANGTON'S SCHOOL FOR Young Ladles, No. 142 Xortn TENTH Street, will BOWMAN & LEONARD, I ."M A N r K A CTr HERS OF WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Silver and siiver-riatcii Goods No. 704 ARCH STREET -1 rBILAPEU-niA. Thoe In want oi filLVEK or Bll.Vru.ur . WAUE wul tlnd It much to their advautava t tflil ourMiutiK betuie making tneur purchases onr iniJ experience In the mauuiaoture ot the above k ind. .nmli etii,M. i. Hull n.innAill Inn. aiuus Oi We keen no uain bat those wblcn ar tt h. v.n.. CvAH8,all oi our own mate, and will be sold at reduced WiS pATENTWIRE WOUH f 0BRAIUKG8, BTOEX FBONT8, OCAED8, PAHTITIOXS, 1ROS BEDSTEADS, AND WIKE WOiUC I In variety, manoiactured by ' M. WALKER & SONS' m 'o. U North BUl'B Street. INE BEEECH-LOADI KG SHOT GUNS EJTBA FINE BIFLE8 AND PISTOLS. MadeteoieMby Hliarr EVANS, Ko Miom PAPER HANGINGS. PAPEn HANCIIIC9. CO o o nOWELL & B0URKE, conEn OF rOURTII AND MARKET STS. FlllLADELPHIA, P A P E R H A O I i3 C s MANUFACTURBllS OF Paper Hangings AND Window Shades, Eave now in Store for FALL TRAD K, A Fi ie Stock of Goods, tbe newest and best f ylee. ELEGANT VELVET DECORATIONS Of all grades. PARLOR PAPERS OF THE RICHEST DESIGNS. A D W I D 40-INCH PLAIN PAPERS, Of every shade, with rich GOLD MOULD INGS, all widths, to which we invite the attention of the Trade. O W s H A D s WINDOW SHADES OF FINE SCOTCH HOLLANDS, All widths, White, Buff, Green, Bine, and Pearl Color. ELEGANT FIGURED SHADES of the most elaborate designs. PICTURE CORDS, TASSELS, AND SHADE TRIMMINGS. To the WHOLESALE TRADE we ofier an Extensive Stock of GREEN AND BROWN GUM CLOTHS, (TABLE OIL CLOTHS, at the Lowest Net Cash Prices, and work done by competent hands. ' HOWELL & BOliRKE HI CORNER FOURTH JkT) MARKET . DRY GOODS. FALL OIESIlNO, 1800. JOHN 7. THOMAS, Kos.405 and 407 North SECOND SU, Having completed the extensive alteration in HIS BfOBES, WILL OPEN ON MONDAY MORNING, SEPT. 10, A FULL AND HAKDSOME STOCK or FALL AND WINTER DRY aoODS, Embracing all the ewest Good of the Seasoa. tf:rp JAS. Re CAMPBELL & CIK, No. 797 CHESNUT St., Invite tbe attention of Cash buyers AT WIJOLESALE, To their Stock of FIiruiNCH, BRITISH, AND AMKU1CAS DRY GOODS, "Which for extent, variety, snd (renerol adaptation to uv vtamw oi iod xrane. ia unrivaiiru. facaage tnvers saoplled with scarce and denlrnblo vuvos at ana unacr marset rates. t) 11 ini Wholennle llooxiia Up Staii'S. JOHM V. THOMAS, Nos. 105 anil 407 North SECOND Si., WILL OPEN CN MONDAY MORNINf, SEPT. 10, A FULL LINE OF riM BROS.' TLAIX AND TLA ID IRISH POPLINS, 9 86tJ OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION. giX CASES OF FINE BLANKETS Slightly Imporfoct will bs sold at a lanre reduction. THREE HUNDRED PA HIS LARGE BLANKETS, f lightly damaged, tollable lor Hotel or Family nso, will be sold low. HURON BLANKETS, Heaviest and Best Blauketa Made. Manniactnred lor, and sold only by J. C. STRAW1SRIDGE & CO., Wholesale and Retail, N. W. CORSER EIGHTH AND MARKET. 8133m TE HAVE THE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT OF 13 L A N K E T S IN PHILADELPHIA, Comprising Some Sixty-three Different Qualities. MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES, All Sizes and Qualities, and Lowest Prices. Crib and Cradle Quilts, Worsted Coverlets, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. 8 IB 3m ' Mo. 101!4 CHJNUT Htreet. i TO LADIES About leaving lorthe COVJJTBY, SEA 6HOEE, OB WAlKBINt ri.ACJa, E. M. NEEDLES, i No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Offers a rail assortment, at LOW PBICES, of eyi rv aeacniinuu ui , rVfFEb WCHLTNS, r-REKCH JIUSUKS, In all varieties ol plain and fancy styles. Toea. Jfrnbroltteries, Hdkls. etc. eto. tlnen Sleeves, Collars, Beta, eto , In great variety. E , M. JNJSIiLlLiES, So. 1024 CBESKTJT Btreet. ere 0l 'S SIMPSON' 8 SON 8 , T '..i... in iViivna. u'hiui and Iies Goods. Embrol- ."ZT Hnalarv. tlloves. Corsets, landkerohieis rialn ,m Hosiery, Uloves, coiaets. tanaaerenJeis rialn Hemstitched. Hair, ilail. lootl and Plate MnMbes. iibsTl'iBln and Fancy Hoaus. tnumery. Imported i domestic PuOs and lua Dies, and an endless and IK i..mha T A "vV T hand a complete stock of Ud-es , Cents' d Cutidien'e Vndervesu and Drawers! KngltaU and "roan Hosiery In Cotton Merino, and Wool. -ilb. Cradle, and Bed iJankets. . VaneUles, Allendale, Lancaster, and Honey Comb . k . . .i Quilts. . ' Table LUiens Napkins, Towels, Plain and Colored neraereoi tiennau lioll, Jluaala ana American Crash, a MailaTdvele, WeUh, and Bhaker FUnnaU In all trades. A luff llns ol urM)ry iiiapara of ail widUis at I f. SIJMPHOM'S HONB, 'II . I cs. m and m FLN btre Hurlaps. DRY GOODS. & L 4 A W FOURTH AND AECH. OPKNINO OF A I . L Gr O O T S. IMM8' 1B1SH POPtlH1. PIM8' PL.HD roraijia. rLAlD MBPIMOE8 CASnUKBE ItOUESI. B1LK8 ASD KHEflS OOODK. 8T. BsRSAIU) SI1 IWM, 8T. BKBNABI) CLOAKMO. F.XPKNH1TE SHAWLS. 14 I2ftatbr J3 1 A IN K K T S FOR THE WHOLESALE TRADE. BLANKETS FOU HOTKUKEEPKKS. BLANKETS KOll INSTITUTIONS. BLANKETS F O K FAM1LIK.H. Comt rising all the most popular makes, at e lowet prices. Just opened. Kvral cases or BLANKETS SLIGHTLY 1MPKRKKCT, AT GREATLY REDUCF.D PRICES. CURWtN STODDART fi BROTHER, Kos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND St., 9I13 ABOVE WILLOW. 1 II I C li & WOOD N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBER ha n; just opened: CCC0 yards Amrricun I'rlntf, last colors, 18i cents a yard. 1 cato line quality French ilennos, $126a jsr Fine quality lilsct Alpacas, 60, 66, 60, cents, 81, $1 12 i, and SI 25 a yard. FLANN ELS I FLANXi'LSt All-wool Flannels, 06. 87, 40, 40, 60 cents, op l-26ajard. Do met Ftannols, Eli np to 90 cents. All-wool Miaker Flannels, 60 cents np to tl ays Blenched and Unbleached Canton Flannels, Best makes Beached and Unbleached Muslins, the very lowest nmrkct prices. Yai d-wide Bleached Muslins, 26, 28, 81 i, 87 cents. Vaid-wido Unbleached Muslins, 20 23, 26 cents,, riliovt Case and Sheeting Muslins, etc. JUST OPENED: One cafe Bridal Quills, very cheap. Table Linens, Aapkins, and loweis. W hito Goods, very cheep. A large assortment ot Hosiery, Ladies' and Gents' Merino Yosts, very cheap, A large assortment of Edging, Flouncing, an Inrertimts, Ladies' and Gouts' Liuen Handkerobiefs. J uat opened, trom auction, a cheap lot ot'Porto moi nil lus, Tooth and Uatr Bruahos. PKICE & WOOD, 8 181 N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT Sto. (JAPE MAY ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONG BRANCH. DREIFUSS & BELSINGER, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE Ol'ENED ON THE Uth INST A new and desirable lot of ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS Suitable lor the Watering: Places, including a splendid assortment of WHITE GOODS. PUCKED MUSLIN, 8HIEBED MUSLIN, SWISS MUSLIN, PLAID NAINSOOK, 8TBIPED NAINSOOK, 91 CAMBRIC NAINSOOK pER FEOT ION IS KAKELI ATTAiatD. TET A. B. W. BTJLLAKD'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP,. FOB BEHOTLNO Grease, Paint, Pitch, and Varnish, From all Goods ef Durable Colors, is ahead of anything; yet Oiseovered. It leaves the Goods sort, and as perfect as when new, wl.h no spot opon which duat can coLect, as la toeeaae wit hali the preparations beretoiore sold tor cleanalaat 8lUs delicately perrumed and enUrely rree from the dtHaarevable odvr of benzine, and all other realaous fluids. COUNTEBfElTS Ot Uil preparation are extant therefore be sure and lake none but that hlch has the autograph of A. B. W bULLAJJ) on the label. Mannfsctured by the rropiietora, ' A. B. W. BULLARD 4 CO., W0KCI8TER, MAJSa. General Agents lor FennsylTania, DYOTT & CO. Ho, 232 North 8ZCOSD Street, Philadelphia. For sale by all Drugglais. 9 tn JHE AMERICAN BUREAU OF MINE No. 64 BROADWAY. Mines, Mineral Lands, and Urea examined snd reports npon. Competent Engineers furnished to Mtnlng; Coot panics, , Consultations afforded on all Mining, MetaUurglca snd Chemical Questions, at the office of the Bureau, GEO. D. li. GILLESPIK, Prealdent D8AKB t)K KAT. aeeftary. JlOtuths rp LADIES AND CniLDREN'8 SHOES, sarnif I ot beat aualltTt manuiaetured and for safe ciicap. bf the dozen or caiet suiuble for retail trade. . J.KEEKAN BHO'lliKM'K. 'Ithoi o. ol 6, WhTil Strtjet.