. E DAILY EVENING TELKGHAl'H. FHILADELI'IHA, TODKSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 18GG. 5 OUR TRF.NTfiX rnnnpPAvni?vi i nn?nnintn - - - - - Debate on the Cou.t It utlonal Amend, nient Senatorial Sparring lletwcru Scovel and Win Held Knthualaam Over the Amendment. fTKSIHOTKLKOBAPH ITKOIAL COnRWPOHDEJTOK.l Tbkntoh, . J Svptonibor 12, 1880. Tuoedar was a great day for Aew Jersey 1 had almoH said lor the country. The Democracy, once renardina; Stw Jersey as fhi'ir uibraltar, had hopod, tT dimension in the Union ranks, that thoy would succeed in rainlnjr iwo United States Senators, and In defeating the amendment at tho ballot-box in November. Senator Soovol, recmed to bo under a cloud, on ac count of the lailure to el. ct a Senator last winter. But his letter to Governor Ward in regard to the Constitutional amendment, which was tho proxi mate cane ot convening the Lejrialature, has set hlra right asain in ibo hearts of tho people. When the Democratic moniiieis bosran to anther, ft waa very evident that thoyfbit tho hopefcssnoM ot their canae. Tho endeavored at oncetobroak the Une of the Republican forces. Only ono, wea'K in the knees, could be lound, a rolliokin? member from Railway, who in politics Is nolther fMi, flush, nor fowl! Ills name is Lees, and he had none clear over to the policy of the r re Melon t, and his bao;ba nallan Secretary of State. With tu is single excep tion, the.Union; rankj in the Senate and House formed a solid phalanx Spartan in boldness and in strength. The President of tho Senate proposed the Con ctitutiouat amendment in the Senate, and Oponed the argument in a strong and careiully pie t ared oration, in which he traced the trail ol the Democratic serpent from the ear 1833 down to the days ot Dred Scott, Taney, and Cornelius Wendell, who was browsing in "Iresh fields and pastures new" teid the still waters of the Treasury or the public printing. Mr Scovel spoku three-quarters of an hour, and was followed bv Senator Winfiold, a short, square-built, youthful Pomocratio Senator, who, like Mr. Scovol, was once a Dougias Democrat, but who, unlike the Senator from Camden, nevor had the courage to leave his party tor the sake of his country. Mr. "Wlnfield was evidently put forward by the Demoeratio minority to make a special assault upon 800 vel. The wituoism indulged In br the Camden Senator in his specoh in iront of the League House during the session of the Southorn Convention secmoj specially to annoy the Demo cracy. It was this: S-jeaklng of tho Democratic party and their inflaelity to liberty, be saia he could ap propriately apply what Charles II said of Prince George of Denmarc to the Democracy of the pre sent day. "I hare tried him arunk," said Kim? Charles, "and 1 have tried him sobor, and drunk or aeber, thero is nothing in him." Winfield concluded his aptech by applying this language to senator t-covel. Lemocrau applauded, of course, but it was acknowledged that it was a coarse and unparliamentary attack. Scovel replied at ieogia. He sa'd the Sena tor from Hudson had compared him to the Prodigal Son. Ue would retort by rejcotlng the comparison, but if ho was the Prodigal son, he (Mr. hcove.), turning to the Senator from Hudson, saw beiore him the fjiled calf! The ap plause woloh greeted this sally wat leud and long, and Horner, oi Ocean, acting as President, laughed uproanouBly. Mr. Winfield had denied that Chief Justice Taney ever said that the "nopro had no rights which tho white man was bound to repect." The President of the Senate produoed the United States Boport containing the Drod Scott case, and read this identical language, and explained with great lorce the decision, showing that Taney was directly responsible for this very language, and read further to show that the late Chiet Justico denied in that very deoi sion that the Declaration of Independence conld be supposed to tncludo the black man in t jo words "all men" At 15 minutes before 5 o'clock the roto was taken, eleven (Repuollcan) r-euatora voting tor the amend ment, and ten iDumocraisi against it. Amnedecua ctt'ort nad beo.i mide to postpone uie measure tor the sessiou. It fai'ori bv the sum ) vote. Ti e announcement by tho Presid-nt wu re ceived wrln applause long and loud. NewJoMey is redeemed ir m tho stain of ten years' dovotiou to a laverr and pro-slavery democracy. On ""Tuesday, when Hon. A. li. Cattell is made United btates Senator, you will hear lroiu me again. NATIONAL BANK CONVENTION. The'Bankers of the Northwest in Council Stronj OppoBition to Mr. Hooper's Amendrnotvt tojthe National Banking Act An Effort Being Mad to Have Judge Nelson'i Decision Reversed, Etc. Chicauo. September 12. A largely attended Convention 01 the otliccre and managers 0 the National Banks of the Northwest is iu session in this -city to-day. Sixty-nix Preei Junta and Cashier are in attendance, representing the States oi llliuois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Micbiesm, Missouri, and MiuucBota, -and one delecHte irom Louisiana. (J. W. Cochrane, I'rt-sident of the City Aauonai uauit, jsew or- Xhe Convention organized this niOrnln;? by the appointment of i. D. J"nes, Cashier ot tho Second National Bank ot" St. Louis, Chairman; Ira Holmes, Cashier ofthe Third National Bank of Cbicnrro, Secretary; and Ira M.- Clifford, of the First National Bank of Davenport, Trea surer. ' The morning session was devoted to tho ap pointment of committees. The object ot the Convention is consultation in reference to the uestions of redemption, tuxatiou on circulation, and deposits, and alo to bring a pressure to' bear on Conpress to dei'eut the auiendineut m-' trorfuml by Mr. Ilooper, from the Com.uiit.teu on Banking and Currency. It la more than probable that, to accomplish this and other objects, the Convention will eilect a permanent organization, so that it may act unitedly upon financial matters before Con;rres hereafter. The principal business, however, will be the question of redeeming all national bank notes in New York, Bo-on, or Philadelphia!. It will not take long, however, 10 settle the master, as all are unanimous in denouncing it. AFTERNOON SESSION. Tho most Important butlHess of the afternoon session was the unanimous passage ot the tol lowing: ' Iieo!ved, Unanimously, as the sense of this Con tention, representing the uatioual banks of tho Northwest, tnat tho proposed amendment to sectiou 83 of the National Dunk act, as reported br the lion. Mr Hooper, tl ilasaacunaettg, which require' ail the national btnit of tlie eoun.ry to rtfiemn rheir notes in PhilaOelphia, New lork, or Boston, meet eur earnest and decided disapprobation. We believe the effect ot uoh auienoineut, it substituted tor ttie nrovimon in tne law as it now exists concerning re demptions, wid be to seriously emuarias and im rede T the commercial and hnauoial tntorrt of thn entire Wet and Soutnweet, by the lorced concou trations in the Eastern cities ot a yeiy larire portion of lie means of the banks winch the commercial no. cms ties, especially of the West, require to be it home. Wecsnsee no eood reaon for ignoring the a-reat commercial ceutresot tue West ami Somh-wi-tt in the manner p ooosed. and believe tiat th time has come when it u ahao our Interest and our duty to demand a recocuition ot the financial and commercial impor auos oi our section ot thacoun try. We therefore earnestly remonstrate against the passage ot the proposed amendment, and re aeeotiully ak our Se-atois and Kourosentatives in Congress to use their i noris to iiretum im alteraUous 01 the existing laws concerning re demptions. The Convention also expressed ueirbv reso lution opposed to the taxation of National Uauk stock ucti ally invested in United States secu rities by -Slate or municipal authorities, aud hut th'ev rould cooperate with parties now neaaedlu the Kast to have the New York de siou ol Judge Nolsou reversed in the Uuiled Jte Siiprt-ae Court. Great Loss of Life at Albany Explosion of aBo ler in a Lumber Yard Several Men Instantly Killed, and Others Wounded. Albant, September 12. A most terrible acci dent occurred in this city this morning, involv ing a great lo ot life and considerable destruc tion ot property. Shortly bolore ten o'clock an explosion was heard in the northern piirt ot tho city, in that fiortion known as tho lumber district, and very ittle inquiry ascertained that it was tho large sawHijg and planing mill oi S. & (J. It ark. The sound could be htard for miles. The establishment of Messrs. Rork was a large one, covering an acre of grouud, and hai on 11 tbrte large wooden buildlnes and one ot brick. It wss on the corner ot Waer and Lawrence streets, near the river. Its motive power was steam, supplied by an eneliie in the bridle ImilCiuL', ot which Joliu Coilen whs engineer. He was a man ot bteady habits, an4 was very industrious. This morning he had started up his engine at 9 o'clock, and It had b'-cn going about three quarters of an hour, with a pressure of lil'ty ponndo to tho inch, when the casualty hap pened. Machinists and boiler-makers bad buen employed tor a few days before to repair the boiler, and it was thought to be entirely trmt worthy. Water was placed In it at the flr'ing-up, as much as was necessary. It seems that the engineer had some premoni tion of the atlair. There was a little boy by his fide, and he caueht htm by the arm, and cried. "Kun, boy, for Ood's sake run." 'i'be boy did run, and had iust got otl the enclosuie when the noise ot the explosion, souudiug like a park of artillery, stunned his car. All the w indows in one direction were broken, while those as near in another direction e caped. inside the fence the scene was awful. Roofs were broken down, floors torn up, beums broken, Irugments ot machinery aud boiler were strewn all over the premise", and a general contusion of all that had boen used in the establishment was visible. But worse than all was the loss of valuable human lives. Tho engineer was nowhere to be lound, nor has his body been recovered yet. A young man named John Itork, cousin of the proprietor, was torn into fragments, and his remains were collected and placed in a box. He was working over the boiler-room sharpen ing saws. On the street in front was a boy of fifteen or sixteen driving a curt. A lragmcnt of the boiler strut k his hore on the neck, or making it, and throwing him off his tect in such a manner that his head was bent completely under his body. As to the poor boy, be tared no better, although it cannot now b3 known just bow he was in jured, tor he has since died in the City Hospital. The loliowing is a list of killed: (iodlrey Lutl. a German of 25 year-iofage, married, naving several children. John Feumore, employed as fireman, 23 vears of act. lie was married and has six or seven clnldien. Coruelitts Beye, a German, 40 years of age, an d married. John Collen, engineer, 40 years of age, mar ried, and with four or five children. John Ileticrnan, 22 years old, who ran a plan ing nutchine. unmarried. John Rork, sharpening saws, 25 years of age. He was, a cousin ol the bwurs, and was unmar ried, but lived with bis mother. James O'Netl, tho cartnmu, 15 or 16 years of ace. His mother was buried but a few days utro. TLomiiS Rcardon, 10 years of a?e, was taken to the hospital with his rib3 broken. He cannot possibly recover. James Elliott, twenty-eight vetri of ase. Besides these, bones aud portions of the body of another man have been found, but he is uu knoTJ. A Two men named McConnell and Brennan are n.itslng, and It is not known but others atao are lost. . A man named Martin, employed as book keeper ut the adjoiuiiier lumber-dealer's, was so badly injured that be had to be taken home. The land and machinery were owned by Sletsrs. ltork, with Nelson Hogers assilnt part ner. The loss is estimated at $110,000, although very little ol the lumber has been injured. The dibris ct the exploon covers the ground far around, and pieces ot wood were blown nearly over the river. Two men were sittine on the top of a lumber pile, and were blown old by the wind into the river. The captain ot a dredge boat near by jumped iu and saved one, and the other, being able to swim, nianupred to get out himself. Teams are now busy in cleurmg away the wreck, and the place is gradually assuming a betrcr aspect. No Coroner's investigation has yet been held. THE MISSION TO RUSSIA. An. Imperial Entertainment at Peterhoff The Czar's Toaot to the United States A Profound Impression Produced, &c. 87. Pkteiwbcbg, August 24. Yesterday the Enmeror gave a dinner at the Palace of 1'eter hoil to the Americans who had been presented to him, at which were in attendance a large and brilliant portion of the Court, together with officer of the army and navy of the highest rank, and one or two distinguished foreign oil! cials. There were present, of the imperial family, their Majesties the Emperor ana Empress, the Grand Liuchcss Maria, the Grand Duchess Con stantino, the GrandJDuchess Eugenia, tho Grand Dukes, Kins of the Emperor, and, indeed, all the royal family. ' The American ouc-ts present were Mr. Fox, General Clav, Commanders Murray and Beau mont, Secretary Curtin, Lieutenant Commander I'ntchard, Paymaster Post, Chief Kudneers Adams and Lattimer, Messrs. Green and Lanbat, Dr. Evans, ol Pans, and Oscar G. Sawyer, of Kew York. The dinner was, of course, an 'elegant atlair. The ladies' toilets were bril liant. TIJE IMPERIAL TOAST. . For the first time iu the memory of man. or ' in the traditions of the imperial house, tho Ktn- veror arose in his seat, ana takincr a elass said Jn French: "I propose the health of the United Piawtj anu me American Depuration, ana tue continued good relations between tae two nation'' . The-compauy of course rose when the Em peror stood, and sat down alter he had taken his seat. . There was, of course, no response, but there was seme sliukiug of glasses and many slaus of endorsement of the most public and marked ex pression of 'the limperor's, sentiments towards the United States. Admiral Lesov6ky at once transited the toast in'o English, but I believe I have the official und correct translation above. It Is too late at this hour to remark upon tho effect of his Majesty's speech. We are off to Moscow in a few minutes, and f have but the chance to mention the other mut ters of the day. A PRUSSIAN ENVOY PKIVSKNT. The efl'ect of the speech was probaolv not lost on General Manteiiflel, the Prustiiau oilicer wh" is here 011 a soeclnl mission to the Lmperor from th King of Prussia. Iu tliti evening we went fo A CUAKITY CALL at the Enulish pulace, the residence of the Grand Duchess Maria. It was a splendid atlair. All the liufieo of the Court and mojt of the imperial family ere present. Commander Murrav, in behtilf of the otliccrs of the American ships, made a brief address aud present"'! onctnoiisand roubles tor the object. The Grand DuchesJre ceived the mouev with manv thanks and with evident leolimr. Ato York Uraid. THE PHILADELPHIA, ani aoitaisiowN GKRMAN KAILKOaD TOWN. COMPANY. PiiiLiDii.pniA, Keptambnr IS, 1816. The Brd of MaiMtsni have ttiis day dnolarad a UHr dendof 1VB rKH KM r. or the t'aonai Htock. par able, cleitrof on and after Uielt or Octohor neat 1 tie trnuHtor hooka 01 the Company will be closed oo I mii'jti lUG HII uu iviuam until uie tat nl (kntj.Kp 1 A. E. UOUUUtUIY, lreaauter. " I vii 1 xxi x Ja-4XJi.jrjJji.H JSU. For Additional City Intrttgewv see Jhird Fag'. Outrageous Assault oit an Officer. Between the hours of 8 and 9 o'clock last even ing, two or three rowdies commenced to quarrel in tho street, in the neighborhood ol Twenty third and Coates, and Ollleer Jeandelle under took the arrest of Ihe parties concerned. They turned upon the oilicer. and one of them, a jounu man by tho namo ot Daniel Qnin, Jr., knocked him down, aud then getting his billy from him, knocked him In the head with It when he was down, and as the ofiicer struiigled with both of his tssallants, they tore his coat to tatters and injured him severely. Not satisfied with striking the officer with the billy, young Daniel Ouin swun around his mace in chlval 1011s st le. hittlna heads wherever he saw the n amonpst the citizens who had nathered to assiBt the lallen officer. In the meiee he struck one of the citizens rtanding around in the head, knocking him clown, and even struck an 1notrn sivc woman, evidently ucver having read those expressive lines: "Ho who wou'd raise hts hand against a woman Save in the wav ot klndne-n is a wretoli ' Whom 'twi ro base flattery to namo 'coward.' " The two principals, Daniel Quin, Sr.. and Danif 1 Quin, Jr , were, hy the help of the citi zens in tho neighborhood, arrested. This morn ing they had a hearing beiore Alderman Hutchinson, who held Quin, Jr., In $1000, and Quin, sr., in $G00 to antwer. Meetings To-ight. The First Ward National Union Johnson Club will meet at tue corner of Fourth;aud Tasker streets this evening. There will be n urand mas-meetinn of tue citizens of the Second Ward, under the auspice of the National Union Johuson Club, at JcilV-r-son Hall. Sixtn and Chntian streets. A meeting of tho National Union Johnson Association ot the Seventh Ward will be neld at the corner of Brond and Lombard strepts. The Thir.eenth Ward "boys in Blue" will bold a special nieetiim this evening at ti J o'clock. An adjourned meetinir of tiif Twentieth Ward Elephant Club will be held this evening. The "Boys in Blue" of the Twentieth Wurd meet this evening. A meeting of the Central Johnson-Clvmcr Club will be held this evening at A'o. oli.i Cues nut street. A meetiHsr of the SailmakcTS will be held this evening at the Hope Hose Houe. Democratic Legislative Convkktiox Fifth District this Convention met lust eveuinar in tilth street, below Prune, to nomi nate a candidate to represent the Filth District in the Legislature. The delegates ha.l pio viousiy determined to nominate John WHsh, but in consideration of another element of the party nominating William B. Hood some time previous, Mr. Welsh concluded to decline the no mination, w hich he did in a letter addressed to the Convention recommending Hood tu them for their a'Pistance, which would otherwise be extended to him. His sutrgestion wns accepted, and Hood was confirmed as the candidate of the ontiie party. The Convention was addressed by Senator Donovan, and then adjourned very harmoniously, previously declaring a vote of thanks to Mr. Welsh. A Case of Malicious Mischief-. A violent-tempered individual, named Henry Madden, was arrested yesterday on the charge of mali cious mischief. In a drunken tit of rage he threatened d'.re vengeance on the head of a gentleman who keeps a store on Germautown road, below Jefferson street. No attention being paid to his threats, Madden went into the street, and, picking up a lartye paving-stone, sent it erashine through the bulk window of the store, causing considerable dainuee. An ofiicer was called, and Madden was arrested aud sent to the lock-np to cool his ire, and after a night's rest to sober Mm, had a hearing before Alder man Shoemaker, who held him in $1000 bail 10 answer. Fire in West Philadelphia. At an early hour this mornintr a tire broke out on Bndpo street, West Philadelphia, in the build ins owned and occupied by Jacob S. Fry as a petroleum refinery. The entive.tmllding and ap purtenances were destroyed, ouly a few barrels of oil being saved from the conflagration. There were about thirteen thousand rtoliaro, principally of oil, leadv to be barrelled In the ostublrnhnient when the the occurred. None of the nelahbor inp buildni'is sutlered from the flames, and it wa expeditiously quenchd by the tiremen. The amount of insurance is $t;oou. Stealing Fruit. There is a sort ol' T'Cpular belief amotiL' juveniles that stealins iruit is uot a crime, or at most it is a very venial one. But it is a most annoying and provokinc kind of robbery, uud thoso'enaHged in it cannot get more punishment thnn tbey deserve. Last evening a young man named John A. Paul slole a large quantity of choice graoes from a garden' on Brandy wine street, near Nineteenth. Ha had his shirt smiled out with about a pee measure of them. He wus arrested, aud had a heanmr before Alderman Hutchinson this morning, who held him iu 500 bail to answer. Assault and Battery witiiIxtent to Kill. Thomas Hudson wus arrested, on the above charge at Front and Almond UrceN ye terday. He made a violnt assault on Officer Weston w hen he attempted to arrest him, strik ing him with a laruc club loaded with 1- ail. an! teating the officer's coat to tatters. It required lour men to take ihc desperado into custody, so fierce v. as his resistance. He was finally taken into custody, and th's inoruinr lie wus commit ted by Alderman Ttttermary to answer. Highway Cobbkuy. The police made another arrest yesterday, of a party concerne I in the robbery of Mr. Hassan, in the person of David Vullier. David is what is vulgarly known as a "bummer," und lives iu the streets, around which he goes seckinir what he may devour. He was arrested at Seventh and Bedford street, that classic locality where so many lallen ang?ls or both sexes congregate.' He had a heariu" before Alrirrniad Ttttermary, who committed him to answen Sunpay Travel. The Jlestonville Pas senger Railway commenced last Sunday running regular trips via Knee and Vine streets, to and from the Exchange to Fairmount, HestonviUc Cattiedral Cemetery, and other places on the rou'.e, atiording fut ilities to all those who desire to make excursions to the above-named place". This line connects with Ihe steambosts plyin".' to Laurel Hill, Falls of Schuylkill, Manayunk" and other places on the river Schuylkill. ' Slight Fire. About 12 o'clock last nMit slight tire broke out in the kindling-wood yard on Bwauson street, below South. Oiving to the early discovery of Uie fire and the prompt measures taken by the police and the South walk Hose, the tire was extinguished before U bad sained much headway, otherwise a danger ous conflagration must have ensued. 3 Suspicion of Labckny. Samuel Fergu son was arrested yesterday on the above charge at Third and South streets. He had m bis pos session a bag ot rope, aud smaller rigging stuff, cut up so as to prevent identification by the owner. He pretended to hail from Baltimore, and is a legular river pirate. He was committed by Alderman Tittermary. A Stray Waik.- Last evening the atten tion of one of the police was attracted while passing the board-yard at Second street and Columbia avenue, by the ciying of a child. On further investigation, a female infant about four or five month old was discovered wrapped ut hi a shawl. The child was sent to tho Alms house. Ekceiving Stolen Goods. John Mor gan was arrested yesterday morning at Second and Thompson streets, on a warrant for receiv ing stolen goods. He had a hearing before Alderman Beitler, who hold blin in $1000 ball to answer. Choleba. Since our report of yesterday there have been seven cases of Asiatic cholera reported to the Board oi Health. Of these, two cases were futul. The 8acrfi Nikk now man-v aroma of thouent and high scintillations of genius ar lost through an author's disparaging his own work, and for the wsnt of someone wncwoulrt collect and emnalm those glittering waife wlthlr the limits of sheepskin covers 1 Ouj "devil" (not he ot Mlltonlan memory, but the genius of the paper cap and inkv face' who assists in our sanctum), accompanied the local reporter to tho Mayor's office a day or two since, to procure the Items by which to chronicle connectedly the crimes and misd-meanorg of our wicked com munity in public print An unctuous, bald hcoded Teuton being In the office at the time, "buttonholed" the young man of demoniacal propensities, mistaking nun for a reporter, aaid poured forth into bis listening aud svmpathetlc enr his tale of woe. On returning to bis sa'anle avocation of holdiugeopv, he wa observed to be very iboiiBhitui, and with a slight tinge ot melancholy clouding his expreswlve features, until al last worked opto poetic lien.v he in scribed with primitive chr.lk upon the clean side 01 a waste shingie tho loliowing: in Konni.D a roou man of his bkkk.. In a cellar, in tho city, On a wharl close by the market, Johnny lietts. the stout complainant Had of ale somo tortv boitlea. ' To his bouse, in stealth and secret Came at nignt a man named Williams, Came alone in murky daraueas. Ere the lany moon had risen ; ame with dire intent 01 stealing- Came to grab th forty bottles ; hip the tortv tempting bottles, Steal tho tortv frothing noUles; Bottles iuil ot ale ao lively, Ale so aiorious and jollv, Ale so good, so strong, and potent. Which would quickly make the drurk eomo But. alas lor Bid? Williams! Billy bold, thn great ale lover, lie who hoped to tag the forty lint t cs with the a e within them He who pazed into the future With his rrey propholic opiica, LooKing for a drunk to-morrow, or a glorious arunk to-morroir. tin tne ale of thm complainant. Lo I oid liotu came peering, poking. -sneaking, crawiing through his cellar, Looking it 1. is ale was workinr, Looking if his Leer was walking OA Willi some internal rasoal. 'Jheto be t' und our grim defendant,. Our bter lot ma bola doiendant In his house within bis eel ar. Tbeift he saw tho midnight William-, Saw the bold burglarious Williams, Who had bottles in his pookets. Bottles slune aoross hts suoulders, Boit'es tied to every finger, Itott es all of ale and porter. Bottles to the tnne ot forty This bi sides the ale he'd swallowed, tiiilped throngh his tremendous gullet To it home within his stomach. Hero, then, lietts, the grim complatnunf, Seized tlie Ioti ly, nice sweet Wiilinm, V ho wa walkimr with his beer off. Drugged bim up to justice Beit'er. Justice Beitler, grim and grow me, Sent the gav, sweet scented William To luur montlis in Moyameusiug, To a hotel in the suburbs, J o a man-trap dark ana aw nil, lo xiie prison Mo. amending. Tins came under the eve of our poetical uud literary "bright particular," wun, thinking to take time by the loreiock, tnd exhibit, the in cipient, MiagtM ot ger.lus 01 him who is likely to become a areut man, prints ihe foregoing. The Funetsal of Josiah Randall, Esi., took place this morning, at 10 o'clock, Horn the late residence ot the deceased, at the corner of Walnut street and West Washington Square. Mr. Randall had attained to such a venerable old age, and from his early youl'a had been so Inlimatelv a-soiiatel with the nublic aflairs not only of this city and State, but of the whole country, that bis personal Ir.ends were numbered by the leaton. There was a large attendance at the services at the house, including the leading members of the Bar, which the deceased had adorned by bis legal acumen aud untiring energy for so many year. A'ter the company present had passed in pro cession by the cuflin nnd taken a lust look at the taeo of their dead friend, the funeral services were commenced bv the Rev. E. II. Beadle, D. D., pastor of the Second l'resbytonan Church, who tend the fifteenth chapter of 1st Corinthiau-, In which occurs this memoiable pastaze: "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is t by victory V The Hov. Alexander Tteed. D. D., of the Cen tral Piesbylenan Church, ut which Mr. itandall was a legular attendant, then followed in an impressive address, in tne course of which he detailed ihe eventful life of the deer used, ami the iualltles of head and heart which enabled him to take such a prouiinent position in public li to. The funeral tlieu proceeded to South Laurel Hill, where the deceased was to be interred. The following eutlemen acted as pall-bearer': Judges Cadwalader and Thompson, CUarles Macaleter, Esq., Charles Ingersoll. Esn.. the Hon. Eli K. I'rice, aud the lion. Henry M. Phil lips. The coffin in which reposes the remains of tho deceased was beautltudy decorated with flower. A cros of pure white rested upon his breast, and a wreath of white and ereen at the feet. On the lid of the coffin was a silver tablet, with this inscription: Josiah ItAKDAIX. Born July 21, I7s:i. Died September 10, lHtic. J'oor TuiNOf A youns woman in the same jail where the assassin J'eliicor is confined, has falion deeply in love with that interesting Spaniard, aud burns out many tailow candles wtine sitting up to write him tender letters. But I'ellicer is ililnkiu more of the hempen noose than the matrimonial one; and, tbongh they say that "Love laughs at lociterurths," he finds that the locks ol Kings county Inll are nothing to snicker at. Besides, Mr. 1'el lice r don't understand Knallsh, and his Emily has to have all her lond effusions translated by auo'ber person. Think how embarrassing that Is! This poor thing's case should excite the pity of all iadiis whose teuax are nut of jail, can talk Lughsu fluently, and wear becoming suits Irora Towkr Hall, No. 618 Market strkki-, Bkmxbtt ft Co. Tun First Slate Pulpit in tub Ubitkd States. The tirt pulpit biaiitilaelured of this material in the linitvd State, ha u-t been completed by the wi-ll-known Mate and Martilo manufactures, Messrs. J. B. Kimes k Co.. Ho 212H and 2123 C'h-sout street. Itpreseuis a beautiful appearanoo, having tne loot ot colored marble, aud is lo be erected in one of the prlncpal churches in this citv. It will repar our reiu'ers to call and view it, as it is uotv a novelty amonf us. Jlns. KtoKKM rwIU alng'-CocHtautinniilo" to-otbt. Aiiff Kcveii-Tlilrtles Converted into . Flve-T went lea. ' Apply to Dkksm. & Co , No, 34 South Third streot. ' jtK. Pf.uKKCEwliiing "Constantinople" to-nltht. Ihk Vkswot or Pcblic Tastk, like thepohti calvoteot Ihe country, softies many delicate que tjoBs, and the immense demand for Phalon's "Nieht Blooinirg Cereus" shows that verdict to b over whelmingly in favor of the article, as the finest por tuire on this continent, Creenporl Times. ftm Elliptic Lock-Stitch 6ewi.o Maohixe. with all lha latest improvements and attachments, inconptrably the bttt far family Use. LtLiPTio 8. M. Co, Aftents wanted, Ko 928 Chesnnt street, Phila. A Wao wrote on th 010k of a fat alderman, "Widened at tfce expense ei the corporation." He mU'lit write on the baoks of most ot our aldermen, "This coat was bought at the one price store of X'hurlos Stokes fc Co , under the Continental." Btobe 611 auks painted and lettered to order. Patten's, jo. 1408 Chesnut street. Twelfth amd Chkskot is Ihe plaoe to purchase Cork Jf uttrcsaes and Beading, and to have your Fur niture renpholstered, varnuhed, and repaired by practical woikmetu 1 C10BUE W. Jinkiks, No. 1037 Spring Garden street, ket-ps constantly on hand a flue asortiuent of Candies and Fruits Uas. noatsc wiiisiug CoasUnttnopia" to night CARMTS ARO Oti CLOTRB rniL aJaMt l.u at Patten's, Ao. 14Q8 Chesnnt street. ' Mat's Gallkrt, S. E. eomor Sixth and Cal'ow hill streets, Is the plaoe to get perfect likenesses. Give him a call. Has. Florence will sing "tion-tsnthiople" to-night. WoiiKiiKs sent to do Upholstering of any descrip tion. Patten's, Ko. 14C8 Chesnut street. CoxpoewD Iktxrkst Notm. 7 8-10 and 8-30s wanted. Le Haven A Brother, Ho. 40 8. Third bs. Tti.iNDS a KD Shades repaired. Chcrnut street. Patten's, No. 1408 Mrs. I'lorbnce will atng "fionatantlnopls" tonight. ixastip sriTca t-KWlNO M A t: It I HDD, rou family rsr. TIIK ONLY M A C M I X F. TU AT BOTH MKVS rmrn; ily Ar FMIlKOlOERS PKKKKITLY. S dUTTT. E, OR LOCK BTITCH BP.WTNU HACIUIH. VOH TAILORS, SMOP.MAKKHt, anii es, H vRNKSS M REKS. (A It HI IJE M A KKR'. LATK-tT ASIBK OROVftR A BKKR HKilll-ST I'Ul.MUM Al At'lilN K8, U :i ( nssjH'T bTBKKT. SCPERIOB STVLM KV READY-MADB CLOTHHiO. Sui'Kr.ioR Styles o Ueai;y-hapk Clothiko. Wahasj akkk k Known Popular C'lothimo Uoubk, Oak Ham., f?outheat corner Sixth and Mahkht Streets. MAniUKl). lVilnH., K' UtLACU tolSA' iibLLA CAItnLb i, ooth ot this city. W tJEPHY-HKNIhRON -)n the Sth Inhtant, hr Rev. w. T. Kva. Mr HA Ml KL T. MCKPH V to AtUa BKBIX'CA I1EM)K K80N, bothof PhltaiMpnia KEN8nAW-BnLTON.-On Tue.ia erenlnir. Krn tember H. ls6, by the Rev Wll lain Mof.iwee. Mr. JJf;,1 A.I:P.Ki:f,B(A W- ot Philsrteli.hia, to Mia. EMM A COKIt.LIA BOLTON . of Phi adelph'a formerly o: New ( rBLEIt. On tho lath iulant, IlANXAIi, wile ol Oeorge Cohler, axed 43 years. he relaitrvs and iriends are respeolfully tnvt'ed to atu-nd h tnneral, rrera the teslm-noe of her husband, Anu street, below Trenton aveuue Twentv-flnh arl, n Hundar afternoon at 1 o'clock. To proceed to I'bilan throplo Cemetery. ?y18 n the lh Instant, at Norrlatawn, Pa DAVID Da VIS, la the 41st year of his an9. Ills relatives and lrleuds and tboso ot tlie famt'T are renwctiully invited to attend bis luneral. from Ins late residence. Knilth street, above Oak. Nornatown on Frl "y niornlim at 10 o'clock. I'nnerai to proceed tu t nenda' Burying lironnd. (Jarriaiies will be provided at the depot. DEALT.-On the ISIh Instant. KATIE B.. daughter of D. F. and A. fc. Deaiv. i.-!7iI,EI,;9n 1be I,th Instant. Mrs. ELIZABETH ,n u,e 8au T,at of er ane . Ihe relatives and friends of the faml'y ate resnerttiitly 15V StoB,!e,Ml her '"nerul. iroin her Inte remrtence, o. 42ft Rlchmoad street, on Sunday aiternooa ac 1 o clock. , .ri8.1!",0? . Wednesday. Peptemter 13, Vr. J ArHAKINC.1. GEISLKtt daaghter ol the late Uhar.es eis cr, in ihe 44th ywir l her aye. . , Hone, but not lorgo-ten. I he relatives and irlends of the family are rosnoetfiilW invin-U to attend her funeral, tmm Ilia residence ol her uiotner. corner ol Front and Norrls utreetH on Hatardoy altei-noon at J o'clock, without further notice. T'o pro ceed to Odd Fellows' Cemetery . HART MAX.-On tho 11th instant. HEN BY IIART M AN, in the (SOth ear oi his sm. i he rrlaiivea and irlends ot the tannly are resnecti'a lr invited to attend the funeral, on Huudav atwnoon, the jl'tl'lustant at 3 o'clock, from his late residence Xo. iJdl w ood streot. To proc ed to Wood aud Cemetert. WAT. On the 11th Instant. Mrs. HL'SANVAB, relict of the 'ate fialeb Way in the 7d year of her age. The relutives and friend ot the family are renectihl!v Invited to attt nd the thneral from th residence of ber uaiiehter, Mrs. M A. King. So. I4SJ Cbe-nut street, on t riduv morning next at 10 o'clock. WHIT ALL. On the afternoon of the 12IU "nstant. JOSEPH WUIl ALL n the Tid year oi his age. ' Ihe relatives and i-iendsoi the family are repectfn!iy invited to attend the Hineral, without further notice, from 'be lenldence oi" Dr. 8. . 'I roth f. W corner of Seventh and Thompson sireets on Seventh day morning, the Ifith instant, at 10 o'clock interment at Moores town.li. J. j QILVER-PLATED WIRH, OV SliVKRAt, slzs, a lull assortment of Iron Ware, and some sires of t opper Wire, are :r sale bv TUl'MAN RHtW, Ko. 8M (Eight Ihlrty-ttre) MAItKKX St.. baiow Hvuth. QI'RIXG PUNCH PLYKRS AND HAMMER Punches lor making holes In leather and ha-ness Also Railroad Comluciors' Pocket Punches, of ulll. rent shapes. Ibr sale by Tltl'MAK to SHAW. o. 8Elght Thirty-live) UAKK.i.1 8t.. below Mc'll. rpilB TtHTOH SKIN IS ENTIRELY )SEPA J rated from tho nutritious pulp of the green corn when vou iibh a Pi-oni oru Orater This tnitkes your trmrra. orstrra. unu oinrr proparauona or preen cora diucii Bunciior io moise maue witn oroinary aiaier.t. ritrwiiB -i nv i A a is A n Ko. S.V i Eight Thtrty-flve) M KKE'f Kt.. below Ninth "TTE THAT HATH EARS TO HEAR, LET l . niai nr.AK " -lus'ruuients to asitst the hear- ing at MADICIBA'ci, No lit MKM'il Street boioar l hexnut 8 4 lui NONE BUT TIIK BE.-T 8CHUYLKILL ASJ1 LEHICH COAL, I'ARJSPl'LLY PK PAHl-1). AM) A f LflWK.ST HA'IV.S SATISFACTION JltAR N TEED J EVASS .JKIIOAD ant FILBERT. 96 Im INSURANCE COMPANIES JNSURE YOUR LIFE IX YOIROIVH 1I0E.C01PA?.Y. TIIK AMERICAN, OF PIITLADELPHIA, ct ti i....nHrI,..Hii, .... ii..i.... oj Insurers In tbia Company have the additional guaran tee ortho CAPITAL BTOOKaLLPaIUII'IN CiMI, which, together with CASH ASHET8 now on hand, amount to over 81.500.000 Its TBU8TEK8 are well-kuwn cliizoue In out mldtit. nUtHiig It to more con aide rati on than thuaa wnone manauera rwme ia umiani viurn. Alexander rt'lillldin. vVilllam J. TTowanl. J. h iiuu Thomaon, iienrtte Num nt, Hon Jamea Pollock, All'ert C. Koberta, I. Ji. Miniile. 1. U. WUiddin. Hauiuel T. Ilodine, Joliu Alkoiau, Henry K. Benmut, Ilou Joaepli AliiHoii, leaac Uazlehnrat AU'.XAKLKK WHII.LDIN, frosidut ClOKOK M'CNT, Vicercaidi-nt, JOHN C 8IMB, Actuary. J UHN S. U 1 l.e-0 NecretarrjtndTri aai.it,. ! BIOKKEISTJE, OU LIFE-KEJl FENAT0K. RTKESOTU TO TIIF. WEAK YOUTH TO THE AliED Thla preoaraiionlannenual ed as a rcjuveoator and re utorvr ot watted and Inert functions 'i be leebie. ihe aged and all thine who hate In anj wav Impaired tblr vitality by excemiive ineoial or pbysl carapuiicatlon.will flno tha Itlokreuv to be what Iu uame inniliet a II e- rejuveuator, wlilcti, while It buM up the i-haltered conatitution, will aiao Impart to the teeiiny the brlHknetw and enenrr wl.ich belou to youth Ko matter by what cauae aiivo itun baa become enrea Med In Its tuitcil-u tlib aupoib prauaraiion will reuivva that caudal once and lorever. . ItluKliKNB curea lleneial Dohillty Impotenef, voua Incapacity, l)ynepsta, lieureaaion, Lot of Appe tite, Low huiri'a, Imbecility, Mental indolence. J.maoia tloo. Kunul It baa a nioitt deiicbtiul. dcairable, and novel edect npon the nervouaayattm. end a'l who are ia auv way urolra ed bv uerroua di.blllile are earneatly ailvlMlto aeek a cure in thi moot axceheat and un- Sft'lNT-X-reeh.e. the l.ai.jn.d, b. l.espalr hig the Old ahould give thla valuable dlscovr' a trial j it will be found totally oiUetent ironi all other article no? KMAroihl. preparation 1. Invaluable Jn net, voua wtakucMaea of all klu ia. aa ll wiU rcatoro the wanted atrength with wocderial r 'r,8till It Ih aiao a Biand Tonic, and will lw ro ief ib ITI'P iiawlth thanrat done A brief peValacnoe m I la uje Tt 111 lenovate tho atoinech to a degroo of ienoct baaltli, and bnib Dyapepiila lorevcr. . . . I nia lioiiar nnr bottle or al bottlei for SS. ooia nr UruKBliu an"7ahy ' Bent bv eaiw-aa auywbera by ad dreaJini " HlYrni A "1LLVKB Proprietor., j(0 pci oirvet. new 1 oru., bId b7J0HMi0y HOIXOWAY COWDK.tr. ' o JKoith SIXTH MtrML jivorr co., 4 10 thiii6mrn Vo.iMS 8COM)Ht -TR. nUNTEK, No. 41 X. SEVENTH BTBKKT. ABO1 FILBERT, PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged tf all vorttr$ iutrrettrd ai by tar the AlOT KlK't'EHhlX'L fHVHK'lAN In the treatment af thteattt m A'l tpnially. QUICK THOKol'Oll, and Pmiinrnt rurtt guaramted iu eer eaae. keniuniber l'K lil'NTtcU'H t elebraUd Kamedlea can on'v be bad gvnulue at liliolo eiabiUb 41 0 bca, No 4t. t-tVtblUriirtt, aljuwi'UUor., ali FOURTH EDITION FROM WASHINGTON THIS P. M. Th Presidential Party to Reach the Capital at O P. m. on Saturday-Trie Union Pacific Rallroad-A Change of Base Among thepolitl- clans. I"rrCIAL OaSFATCnRSTOTHK XVBtHO TBLEQB AIfl. f Washinotok, September 13. A despatch baa becu r.-rrlvod from the Prost dential partv that It will return to Wa.hlnKto at 6 l M. on JSattmlav. The Interior Department lim information that the Union Pacific Railroad l as been complete '225 miles west of Omaha. The Commissioner of Pensions tins appointed John Lovergool, of Lancaster, pft., Examining burgeon, and J. A. AnRler, of Tituovllle, Pen sion Notary. The Northern elections have caused consider able chanae of position amongs the fence poli ticians here, and several rather prominent one have suddenly taken ground asainat the Aj minlstratlon. 1 The Republican Maasnchtuetts State Con vention. Bostom, Soptembor 13. The MassachuaetU Republican 8tate Convention met atTrcmoat Temple to-day. (Jeneral Benamin F. Butler presided, and mudo a lenethy Bpeech. Gover nor Bullock and the whole State ticket were re nominated by acclamation. The attendanoe was large and unanimous. Two Men Over Niagara Falla. Niagara Falls, September 13. Two men. while attempting to cross the river a!xvo tha rapids yesterday, had their boat struck by a. squall and forced into the rapids, and immn diatcly went over the falls. The men wore Mr. Cooper, eaid to be postmaster at Chippewa, anal the other a ferryman. Illinois Politics.' St.' Lons. September 13. The Democrat ie C'oueresMonal Conveutiou, of the Twelfth Dls-. trict of Illinois, ycHierriav nominated William K. Morrison for Congress. Resolutions emlorsln the aetiou of the l'hilarielphia Convention were udopted. The lipidential Tiip. Coshocton, Ohio, September 13. 9'30 A. M. The Presidential party have halted at several places ou the way. and the President niadohort wpcecties, which were well lecelved. The Cable. Ni:w YoRK."Veritcmber 13. No despnlcbe have been receivea(rom the cable since Timw day niiiht. Tho land lines have ben out of. order. RICHARD'S HIMSELF AGAIN. They arc eoing to have a great Jobncton Mm Meeting. at New York next Monday night. lion. KichardVaux has been Invited to speak, ao l thus lie replies: Philabelvhia, September 11. flentlcmen: Your printed invitation to speak at .vour con stitutional meetine on the 17ih is mot respect fully acknowledged. If. in your ooinion, 1 caa be of anv service, I will most surely be much gratified to come. Kusruirenicnfai In this .Slate will keep ir.e much occupied, as wo are holding uniny tneetltiits, aud, therefore, I thus reply t your kind invitation, leaving it to you. who know best, if anything I can ay to vo ir meeting would be of service. Enlisted for the Union the Constitution, and the ro'it ot the Radicals! I am ready und willing for any duty which look lo aiding in its success. Obliged, and faituiullv. Bioiiard Vac... Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, Sept 13 Keportod by De Haven & Bro., Ho. 40 is. I hUd street. BETWEEN BOABD8 1000 U S 7-80 Junel053 1 100 an Reading hsn t 8100 do July ...1061 ion ah do rt! 86(K City a now.. 200 do 82000 ao 8801.0 Pa 6a Osh Leh Val. ... 8? 85 sti Ponn K Ml 4Bh2ii ft 8ii fw Sail MinnliiU 67? 100 ab Pn& E....bb9 88 5' zash w est Phila.... TO SECOND BOARD tmo V 8 10 40 H8 SoenPenn li (501 100 ah Penna K. .a80 66f en do 66 32 h no 6U 6sh do 69i iweuuiusitiiu,., Zlf IJiU ... 21f 21 21f np...aS0 614 uv ail ao. 60 ah do. 100 an Uoamni'. laOah do. 6i 6tBh do.. 66i loO ah Iliih Zine. . 4a CARPETINGS. LKEDOM & SHAW, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CARPET WAREHOUSE. No. 010 ARCH STREET, AE OPENIXQ AN ENTIRE SEW STOCK Or Fori'ten and Domestic Carpeting In ererratyieanajrarlety (9 4 1m5p AJKS, D1NMORB & CO. (SUCCfS-ORB TO A. I). DAVIS CO 1 ' MAiuifACICKtaW OF J ATa-AT 8TANDARI SCALKS, Bnftabie for Weigh Lock. Kai.road Tracka. aud D poia. Coal, Hay and Live Htock. ana u. h. W. toruer Pirif EVTH and PENNYI,VNrA B H Dinmore. FrTdcrfck Abfehle. "yiNE, SUGAR, BUTT E It, AXU OVSTEIl CHACKKRS, 1 H li BKST IN THE CITT. i'L'LLEK & JOtf.SSO, 9 4 luthefni Ko. 16 S. ElO BTEENTH Stteet. QNLY BREAD FIT TO EAT. "iVhot the Doctor hhIcI. One of the flrat I'hyslciaru at this city (aid to lib patientu 'Uae Aerated Bread. It'a the cnlj Biead Ut to rat." w e oan give the name. KUIXEB JOHSSON. 9 4tuthiilm So 16 S. EIGHTEENTH fttreat. Q EOC'K E TIP-TOP CR ACKERS. TUY THEM, and we U Ui Kiub cant' bo told In aa advert wtnient. HULR & JOHJiSON, 4 tutualmip; fo. W EH H I ENTH Stret. ips WRITTKn' AND -VM1HL PEHCRIP Pfyrl()iM o' character. l h avlc on buluaa V 1 beu'tb.educail" n; etc., given dai.y, by 7 V J I alulliUml'l J. I t'tm at ., S, TEMU Street, abtiv CUeaaat