TITK DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII.-PIIILDELPIIIA TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 186G. O H N V I, W K II S . From fliwn t'.ll dusk wp follow-CHl up l'ln: n apm tti'ouh the whi'Ht; And t ifil tlii- rustling com thai lay Like MiiiiHliinc at our i'vt. Kate iHiiffhcd with Willie all day louir, Anil hut- fins merrily; lie mm t-liu cninf 1'ltp un.y bird. Aim tlicti nlic luiifrlicd to me. Ior Kate In- reaped (ho poppicft red lli.l uoiiic1 in tlie coin; Foi me no broke a pule (meet ro.-e, Ami pulli'd iiway tin: t'aorn. lie Mt'il the (lowers ucc tike licr ciicek, My liemt was soif nil tlav: Ann when he hel I tho rose to me, 1 tinned my taee away. Tup blue thadea fell; and by the (-tile At du-k we sat to rest; Tluoim'i t";irs I washed the angels' wiutrs That lliciicred in the we.t Thev eoipi'd; and 1 UearJ them any: "Oh, t-he Is never seen W hen Kate is nearl Hue's slight and pale; And Kutc Ls like a queen." And tLey wont paily hy the fields ; And 1, to hide my pain, fclif pi (1 Horn them at the diifhy stile, Ami went home by the lane. I heard his step I would not stay And when he cnnie so near, I tc It li'mi breathe 1 would not look, Ai.d tinea a s.liy tear. Tlieu Utterly he spoke. He held 'I he to. c l' would not weat ; Aim 1 vaid: "(ive it Kate; (.lie twined The poppies in her hair !" Oli, hear me now, below the moon Thut watches limn above I I jest with merry Kate," he said, "lut never speak ot love. "And what is Kate between us two? love but you alone ; Oh ! take the &ien, and take my heart ; hinco, Love, it is your own !" I took the rose. A little bird S:tuu out a sonp for me ; And broadly smiled the harvest moon Our happy looks to see. AKCTHER COLLAPSED INSTITUTION. How Come Companies aro Brought Into Exist ence, and How They Suddenly Die Out Inside View of th8 Working of a 52,500,000 Com pany largo Men Making Small Returns The Treasurer, a Well-Known Official, Deoamps with tho Fundi: Faut Life in the Metropolis Alleged Embezzlement of 4130,000, Etc. Those readers who may have been in the habit ol frequenting Broad street, in the ueigh bornood ot Wall, where me bulls and bears most do coneregate, are probably aware that in that immediate vicinity there existed, a snort time since, a company, located at .No. 17 liroad street, known Tinder the taking title of "f ho American Cotton Planting and Loan Company with the modtst capital ot $2,500,000, with shares at $25 tacu, uot hubiect to asses.ment. There have been heare on the street rumors to the etlect that the institution was not so sound as the Bank of England, and that its offi cers were considerably entangled. Superin tendent Warrpn, of the ticneral Detective Police Agency, No. 68 Broadway, furnishes the facts in relation to the rumors nlorcsaid, THE COMrANY. It appears that some time in February last, a :entlenian widely known as one of the chief paymasters in the Department of the Uulf, con ceived the plausible idea of lonning a stock company, the ol'iects of which were lburtold, z.: First, To iurnish capital to revive tlie now depressed industry ot the South. Second, To furnish material aul and practical advice to the white lr.borcr of the South, and the white immigrant who might manliest an ambition to demonstrate 1he idea that white labor could develop tho agricultural resources of that sec tion ot the country. Thi "d, To extend aid to the lieedmcn by furnishing advances to the planters, thus enabling the latter to emiiloy the former at lair wages. Fourth, To so manage the business utl'air of the Company as to render the investment of the capital therein deposited "protitable" to the stock tioldcis ot tne concern. THE 1'I.AN. It was proposed to invest the capital realized in the iorru of advances to planters, whoso plantations were free lrom incumbrances and most favoiably located, and in the purcnase of thoe lauds which should yield the most Halter ing prospects of large returns. All advaures were to have been upon first mortgages, pro perly executed and delivered to the company, in addition to the liens created by the laws of the State; the crop standius pledged, when pre pared for market, to be shipped to the brunch otlice of the company in New Orleans, and divided or sold according to the terms of the mortgage. In a "word, the stockholders were assured that each share of tock would bo secured by every mortgage held by the Company, which mortgages were in most cases to require the payment of the ad vance with ten per cent, interest, and one-half of the crop remaining after the payment ot ad vance and interest. At that Time the whole Northern people were impressed with the Idea that it could be cleurly demonstrated that white labor could raise cotton and sugar, and that the Southern soil was not wholly dependent upon black labor lor its development. The plans set forth by the orinator of the Company Beemed admirably adapted to accomplish that end, and as a consequence the projector ot the enterprise was successful in associating with himself an ex-Secrctary of the War De partment, an cx-Goveruor of the Granite State, an ex-Treasurer of the United States Mint, and an ex-Secretary of State of the state of New York, in connection with several well-known merchants ot this and other cities. Anions; the notables thus collected by our worthy ex-Chief Paymaster was, as belore stated, an ex-Treasurer of the United States Mint at the city of Brotherly Love, who was at that time olc of the leading members of a banking firm which enioved a fair reputation, and who generally allowed this companv, while in embryo, the free use of his office, in'whlch the directors held their meetings, which oilice was elaborately fur nished with the most costly appointments and a degree ot taste calculated to lend a convincing tone as to iuu mttuiuiv ui its occupants. THB TREASURER. This person, In addition to bis having held such a high and responsible position under our Government, possessed a pleasing exterior, and had tho most wonderful command of the Eng lish language. Under the persuasive power of his fluent tongue, me most impossible schemes air of Dlautibillty truly caDtivatinir to those who, in their greed for gold, often forget that he that niaketh haste to obtain riches shall not prosper. These advantages, together with thP fur that that he had stated at aitierent times. in the presence ol several gentlemen not con. nected with the company, that ho was the owner of several valuable houses in the city of Puila drdnhta. a lartra farm near Ktroudsburer, Penn sylvania, a tract of two thousand acres of land In the northern portion of that State, together ' with a Inrtre Amount of stocks, loft no doubts u the minds of any as to hU entire responsibility, n(t nniiiteii to him as the oroDer nerson to un dertake the responsible duties of Treasurer of the company, lie was proposed as sucn, ana -unanimously elected. At the first meetina of the Board of Directors it was atrreed unon to subscribe the sum of $250 ach as a "starter" towards the capital stock of the company, and also that the omcers ot tne company were not to receive any salaries until utter a sufficient number of loans had been made to warraut tne payment of salaries proportion ate to their position, without interfering with the interests of the company; which time "bavins arrived, the saluries were to have been as follows; President, $5000 per annum; Sec retary, 6000 per auuuui; Treusurer, ioo0 per .milium a sum apparently st llicieutly adequate to Hiniineiatc the services ol each. The bnnkiuo liouc b' lore mentioned took (liaii'.eot the collet lion ot Hil--cnpiioii to the capital stock ot the companv, and unceasingly labored to pudi the i ntejpi ise to a siicccniui Mains arnonir other stock companies. That rhey succeeded in a nionsiirc Is str.kmuly appn lent to quite n number of person?, who may be vow the nrie-sois of foiuc of ita scrip. The manner Ol Jiving adopld by the Treasurer of ttie ..ot-m.buoi., it seems did tiot lor a tun? a 'tract the iitteiuion of the directois, who, nllhoui:h aware Mint lie was residing at one ot the mo-t ii.shionable hotels oi the t if y, were totally ic uorniit o: the eiiormou-i expenci which were dinly iiicr.i'itii by him in the cnatilication ot his epicurean tastes. The most ltartrant Ha vunris and the finest wines contributed to I: is enjoyment, while last, but not least, in the items of the clalniatits upon Ins puise, is tobe noticed the tact that there was one ot the tirmi-woi.de slopping at the same houl with the t'ay Treasurer, and occupy imr rooms ad.ioinnm his own these, connected w Uh n last metropolitan lite, saying rothine of the living expenses ot a "KUow"' in the person ol a mained man, who undoubtedly had a strona hold upon him; besides the weekly remittance to his w ile and family, w ho resided' in Pniladel phia, contributed to involve the Treasurer so deeply that, notw llhstanding the fact that he was still unsuspected ot havine misappropriated theluiids ot the Company, yet no doubt to hi own mind the conviction became evident that the evil day was approaching, and, to avert that, he beut all the energies w hich he bad. I'oitune seemed to favor his plans. His high character seemed to be above reproach, and tor s.ectul months no invesiication into the affairs of the Company was had by the directors. AN ACCIDENT OCCURRED, whkh, by arousitig the suspicions of a gentle man ink rested in the atlairs of the Company, precipitated the expose. A carpenter's bill tor work done in the oilice of the banking-house, on bema presented, was declared to be extortion ate, and pavmenf refused. The carpenter sued and obtained a .judgment for his claim, which, was eventually liquidated by mearis of a portion ot the money ora n on a clieck which had been paid by a merchant of this city, as a subscrii)- tion to the capital stock ot the "American Cotton Plaiitinar and Loan Company." Such misappropriation of the funds ot the company did not escape the observation ot the pentleiuan in question, who related the circum stance to one of the directors, w ho, at the next meeting ol the Board, called tor th" Treasurer's account. Under tne pica of excessive business, that olbcer deieired the productiou of his ac counts until the next day at noon, ai which time he promised ihe genll ;nnn in whose hands the adair had been placed by consent of the d:riclors, to exhibit such account. The next day artiveC.&biu no Treasurer was on hand; but it:sinad, a me-sace wa3 lett tor the geutleram to meet hitn at twelve the iollowm;: day, July Tin- appointment he also failed to keep, but ixed rnou Tar. city to Philadelphia. An investigation revealed the tact that, notwithstanding the larsre amount of funds which had been paid in for subscriptions, the total of which cannot at present be defi nitely ascertained, on account ot the Treasurer having left subscription books in various locali ties known only to huncelt, and having been in daily receipt of letters supposed to have con tained remittances hut which is estimated to be upwards of S:i0,000, a largo number of bills of expense incurred during the lormatiou of the company still remain unpaid. From some undefined reason the directors have so far takeu rio steps to have the default ing Treasurer brought to justice, although it is reported that he resides in Philadelphia, thus showing a culpable negligence in the manage ment of the affairs of the Companv, which causes much complaint on tho part of those who have been led into the scheme by the known responsibility of the gentlemen composing the Board of Directors. Further investigation will undoubtedly throw more light upon the subject. In the meantime all parties who havp suilered through the acts of the defaulting Treasurer will, by communi cating with the Superintendent ot the Police Acciicy, further the cuds of justice. .2V. Y. lMrw.il. The Fmperor of Russia has lately published a decree, orderiue the creation ot a new national medal. This medal bears on one side of it the ctligy of the Czar, and on the reverse the Impe lial arms supported by ten flags bearine inscrip tions relating to the principal events which have occurred during the rcicn ot the present Kmpe ror. Amongst these may be quoted the emanci pation of the serfs, abolition ot corporal punish ment, suppression of monopolies, the coloniza tion of Amoor, the conquest of Caucasus, etc. Filially, the name of the F.uiperor is followed by the word "Kefoimer." AUCTION SALES. N E . 1. JOHN EDUAIt TnoMbON. Trustee in a certain liiilcnture Of iiiortmne ol the uroueitv hereinafter de- Millied. executed by tuo. Tyrone and LH-Hrlleld Railroad omi.iiny, to 'tie as nioitKagee in trust, to Heeure the liuyini ntol t ie principal und Interest of bonds ol' said t ompnnv to I. io imiouuiof S36,t0U. which mortice is duteu the lit duy oi November. A. I. InW), and leconled In the mice tor Kiconllim Heeds, etc., Id and tor the eouutv of lilstr. on the 8th day ot November. A. 1). lstju, In Mortgage ltuOk "R," panes 107. His, lilt), 110. and 111, do lierebv (live notice that delault having been made lor more tbiin ninety da In the navmentof the lute rent Uueand demunded on the Bala bonds. 1 will, in pursu ance ot ihe written request to me directed ot the holders of more than flitcen thousand dollars In ainoaut ol the suld bonds. -and by vir ue of tho powor conlerred upon me in that respect by tin suld moripaue, expose to rutilic sale ana sen to the niKtiest and best bidder, by M. 'lllOMAN ti SONS, Auctioneers, at the lHir,AlEL 1'hIA l-.Xt llAMiE. In the City ot Philadelphia, on 'l humoay, the 27th day ol September, A. 1. lsliti, upon the terms unit conditionx hereinalter mated, the whole of the said Mortvaned premise, viz. : I he whole oi that 8cotlon oi the Tyrone and Clear field rtuilroad, lrom the point oi Internee Don with the Pennsylvania ltaiiroad, at or near Tyrone station, in llluir county, to the point ot connection with the vrailed line ol the said Tyrone and Clearfield ltaiiroad, known and designated as "The Iut rxection," being about three miles and one quarter from the Pennsyl vania Kahroad at 'iyrone htaliou, as the same Is now coi'slrueicd, together with all and singular ihe rail ways, rails, budges, icncos, tprlvileges. rights, and ail real property oi every description acquired by and be longing to said companv, adjacent to or connected Willi, or on die line of suld section of three and one quarter miles ot road, and all the tolls Income, issues and profits to be derived, and to arise from the same and ad the lands used and occupied lor railways, depots, or stutioas between said po'iits on said section of throe and oue-quurtei inbe with all building standing thereon or procured therelor. AND OfcNERALLY. AI! tbe lands, railways, rails, bridges, culverts, trestle works, tool houses, coal houses, wharves, lunces, rights of way, workshops machinery, stations, depots, depot grounds, works, masonry, and other superstructure, leal estate, buildings, and improvements ot whatever nature or kind apperta'mng or belonging to the above mentioned property, and to tbe Bald section oi the said Tyrone and Olearflcid Itailroao. and owned by said Company in conaectlon therewith. '1 bo said section oi t he Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad extending from the point of intersection of the said Ty rone and Clearfield Kallrnad with the Pennsylvania ltaiiroad to the point of connection with the graded Hue ol tbe said Tyrone and Clearncla Railroad, known aud as '"J he Intersection," is about SH miles iu length. TEEM3 OF BALE. Id IXiO of the purchase money to be paid In cash when te properly is struck off, and tbe balance wiihin twenty davs thereafter. ,, . PAYMENT on aocount of the said balance of purchase money, to the extent ot the dividend therein navable on the bonus se cured by the said mortgage and the matured coupons of said bonds, may be uiauo in the said bonds or coupons i and If the dividend Is less than the actual sum due upon the said bonds or coupons, tbe holders may retain pos session of the said bonds and coupons, on receipting to the said 'trustee lor the said dividend and endorsing payment of the same on the said bonus or coupoua. Upon the puicnase money being paid, as aforesaid, tbe said Trustee will execute aud deliver deed of convey once of the premises to the purchaser or pur chasers in pursuance of ihe power couierred upon him by the said mortgage. Any turner information in respect to said sale, or premises, may be bad upon application to the under signed Trustee, at ihe otlice oi Uie Pennsylvania Bull road Company, No. -iw H. 1 bird street Philadelphia. JOHN KDUAR THOMWON, Trustee, No. m 8. T111HD HU-eet. M. THOMAS HONS. Aueiloneers. . . Moa. ISttuud 141 H. FOl'KTH Street. 6 11 Ui3m Philadelphia, DR. KINKELIN CAN BE CONSULTED confidentially on all recent, toral. chronic, and constitutional diseases, at his old establishment north west corucrol IbiiJ and Uuloubtreets, ti'Uttji AUCTION SALES. O T I C E i t? i t i vrrr iv m r I, i T-,, ... - . t . , . a n a l- - , . u.i,-. iu O IVriHIH lUll'll- mrc ol MoitiM:(.'t of the property herclnnit -r descr.ben, 'c utcd I y the Tyrone and Cleaifleld Kallroad Companv hi m us morti.Hi.ee in trust, to secure ihe ta meu ot the principal and interest of bonds ot caul Comuiuiv v il.e en omit ot -.',(VM). wliieb moitgage Is dated the l"l ili.v ot Icl rueiy, A P. lxfil.and recorded in the ottice lor recording deeds, ric. tu and for tbe County o lflair. on the 4tl. ds.v ol February, A. 1).. InoI In morlgnge book II. pme 1IH etc.. and fn the ofllce lor recording; iHccV.otc Inand lor the county ol ( entre. on the Jif. ilnv oi i-cl.riii.ry, A I)., lull In morlgo book 10. pa e 4i,. etc.. no hcr by give notice that Ueiault hn ing been nimlp lor mote than ninety cays In the payment ot the interest due and demanded on the said howl, I will, in pursuanccof the writ en request, to me directed, of tl.e holders ol more than a.'O.tO In amount ot tho said lioniiB. Mid b virtue ot the power con erred up in me in Ilia' inject by the raid mnrtcagp, expose to pub to rule, and sell to the highest and best bidder, bv M. 'ilioAlAi- .V HONS, Auctioneers, nt the Pill LA UE1, TIIIA IXtllANtiK. in the cuy ot Plilladlnlii on lbuisday, tlie 21th div of Septemlier. A. 1. ln.H at 12 o'clock M., upon the terms and conditions hereln.u ter stuteo.tbe whole of the said mortr aged premises aud UanclilBc s, viz. i 'j be whole oi that lectlonof the Tyrone anil t"ear fleid HiillronJ lrom iyrone Station, llliiircountv. Penn pylvnu'a, to Phll lpsburg. in Centre countv. l'ennvl vuuln, as the fame Is row constructed, together with all i nd singular the railways, nils, cros-tlcs, chairs, spike iron, timber, bridges, fences, together with all rem property ol every description acquired bv anil he lopguiK 10 said t on psny appurtenaiu lo said road and all the rl Ms, liberties, prlvllei.es, and corporate Hani blses oi suid tend and company and all the tolls, income, lesiies and profits to he derived and to arifefrom the same, and all the lands used and oceu pled lor rai wny ilcpo's and stations between said points, wi.h all buildings standing tiicrcon or procured ther,"ot- andgfukrai.lv. All tbe lfinds. MliWa: s nil s. bridges culverts, tres tle works, tooi heu-s, coul-hou.es whurves, lonces, rights ol way, worksLops, machlner, m ntlnns. depots, depot tirouuus. works, mat oury, and other superstruc ture ieal i stale buildups, and Improvements ot whatever naitirc orklnd piei-tainiiig or belonving to tlie ntiove-iTientloni ri pionertv and to the said sec, Ion ot tlie paid Ty rone and Clearfle d ltaiiroad. and owned bv KHtd ompany in connecion therewith, and all the rlelns liberties, nrlvilcgcs, aud corporate trnlichlsos of said roaa andConipnnt. The said section of the sold Tyrone and CMcarfln'd llnilroad extending trnra said Iyrone (Station. Blair ci unty, to and liroupb the boioagh of Pnulipsliurg, in Centre county, is about mi es in length. , , TKKMH OF 8AIK. 10.00(1 of the p u m hose mou y lo be paid In cash when the pioperty Is struck off, and the balance wiihiu twenty days thereafter. Payment on account of the said bnlanae of pnrchase money to the extent of the dividend thereof payable on the bonds secured by the said in' rtnago und the matured coupons of Ihe said I onds, may be made Iu the said bonds or coupons; ana if the tlivjjsml 1h less than tbe actual sum due upon the said bonds and coupons, the ho'dcts mav retain possession oi .he said bonds and coupons on receipting to the suld 'trustee tor the said dividend, and endorsing pay ment of the same on the said bonds or coupons. Upon Hiii purchase-money be In if paid as Hlornsalil, the Trusice will execute a tin deliver a deed oi conveyance of tbe premises to the purchaser or purchasers. In pursu ance of the power conferred upon him by tho said mortgage. Any further Intormaflon in rcpect to the said sale o premises may be bud on anpllcation to the umlersiirt ed 'lniHtee at his oft ce, No ii !outh II1IKU Street, hi the city of Pbiiudelph'a. It. FKASKLIN ItALKY .Trustee. No 42 i-outh Third htreet M. '1IIOVAS SONS, uieiloneirs, 6 11 m3m Nos. Ul and 141 South FOIIHTH Street. E. J, MVJl- ..'v.,, . Il.li. , .lu.L.a 111 a irilAIll Inileiiiure of MortjiSgc ot tho piop.rty hereinafter do sciibed. executed by too Tyrone and (. leaitleld Hal, road Company to me, as Mor-gagee in Titist, to secure the pay mentor tlie principal aud Interest ot bonds of said Company to the amount ot fc!5 fWJ which Mortgage is dated the mill duy ot Aluy. A. 1). IhSii, and recorded In the oflice lor iccordlng deeds, etc , in and for tho countv of Blair, on tlie 1Mb day ot May, A 1). 1H5!I, in mortgage book A, pages 5(3-4-5-6-7 and H, and in tho oilice tor re cording deeds, etc., In aud lor the eouutv ot Centre, on the Will duy c 1 A! ny, A D. 18A9. in mortgage book K, puge 170. etc , do hereby give notice that delault having luen mado lor inoro than ninety days In tne payment ol the Interest due mid demanded on the said bunds, 1 will, iu pursuance ol the written lequest to me directed of the holders ot more tliim S.'sKii-n In amount of tbo said bonilB, and by virtue of the power conlerred upon me In that respect by the said M engage, expose to public salo and si ll to the highest and best bidder bv to. TUOM s ii SONS, Auctioneers, at the PHILADELPHIA EX C 11 A GK. in the cliv of 1 hllueliihia. on Thiirsdsv, the 27th day of September. A 1. 1. at 12 o'clock, M. upon the terms and conditions bereiuuiter suited, the whole of the said moriguged premises, viz. : The whole ot that section oi said 'Iyrone nd Clear field Kullroud lrom tbe point ot Intersection with the 'Iyrone and Lock Haven Kallroad. near Jyrone. l.lalr county, Pennsylvania to 1 blilipsbuig .Centre county, Pemisylvuula. as tne same Is now constructed together with ad und elngu'ur the railways, rails, bridges, lences, privileuea, rights, and all icipropertv of everv description acquired by and bcijjgliig to suld Company, and ail tbo tolls. Income, issues, and profits to be derived and to arise lrom the sume. and a I the lunds used and occupied lor railways, depots, or sta tions between said points, with u l the buildiugs stand ing thereon or procure thereloi. AM GKNKRALLT AH the lands, railways, nils, bridges, culverts, trost'o Works, tool-bouses, coal-houses, wharves, lences, rights of way, workshopB, machiuerv, stations, depots depot grounds, works, mnsourv, and other superstructure, leol eHlntc bullilings and Improvements oi whatever nature or kind appertaining or belonging to the above mentioned propeitv. and to the said section of said Tyrone and t icurtloid haiiroad, and ow ned by said Com panv iu connection therewiili '1 he saiu N3dlon of the Tyrone and Clearfield ltaiiroad, cxtei ding from the Intersection ol the i vrone and L'lca' flela ltaiiroad with the railroad lormerly belonging to the 'Iyrone and Locklmven Kallroad Company, but now totheliald Ksgio Vulicv Btiiiroad Company, in sboui 20 miles iu length. TKRMs oF 810,000 of the purcliuse money io be paid in cash when the ptoperty is stiuck oil, and tbe balance witliiu M days therealter PaV Al ENT on nccount of the said balance of purchase moncv, to tbe extent of the dividend thereof payable on flic bonds eecurd by the said mortgage and ihe mn tuied coupons ol the said 1. onds. may be mude In the. suld bonds or coupons; and If the dividend is less than the actual sum due upon the said bonds or coupons, tlie holders may retain possession ot the said bonds and coupons on receipting to tbe said Trustee for the suid dividend, and endorsing payuieut of tho same on tuesaid bonds or coupons. l imn ihe nureliaso money being paid as aforesaid, the t TATl V I I , P . 1 TMIlMUOV T.ii(.. 1 .. - 1.!., Trustee will execute and deliver a deed ot conveyance ot the premises to tne puicnoscr or purcnosers. in pur suance ot the power conlerred upon linn by the sold Any further" Information In respect to eald sale, or pteiulses. mav ou iiau upon aniinta win w uiu uiiui-c Kie ued Trustee, at the otlice of tbe Pennsylvania Kail roud Couipnuy , o. 'OK S. Third street. Phl adelphla. v JU11N KDOAK TIP IM son. '1 rustee, No. 'm 8. THIRD Street. M. THOlf AS ft SONS, Auctioneers, n 21 niC4m Nos. 1119 and 141 S. FOUKTU 8 root. INTERNAL REVENUE. TJ NITED STATES KEVENTJE STALirs I'lilNOWAL bEl'OI, No. C04 CI1ESNUT Street, VENTRAL DEPOT. No. 103 South FIFTH Street, ONE DOGR HEL0YV CHESNXT E6TABLI8UED 1802. Kcviuue Stamps of every description constant! on band fn any amount. Orders by Mail or Express promptly attended to. United fetatce Hotcs, JJralts on 1'uiladoipuia, or Kew York, or current funds received in payment, l'articular attention paid to small orders. Tbe decisions of tbe Commission can be consulted and any information regarding- tbo law cheerfully (riven. Tbe follow ing rates ol discount are allowed ON ALL OltDKRS OF 826, TWO TEH CKKT, DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS OF fclOO, THEEE PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS OF S(j0, FOUR PiB CENT. DISCOUNT. All orders should be sent io tbe STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 CIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. RAILROAD LINES. J: A D l N U 1 A I L K O A D (i(l.Al TUIMC LINK. !(M l'lllt.ADKLPHl TO jHK IS1EEIOH ) P NKMLVAM , Tilt tttlH Yl Rll.l., M Ot E If AN.S A, V AiliFKI.AMl). AM) W'YOMlNt VU 'MTv,?'112 vIiHI. OHTrWtT. AND Til If i ArAI'Ai$ MMWHl AEHANdtliKNT Or PASSKNUEtt IliAINk .1 .(..A A I a. J. Icevlpp tbe ro,n,,,,.vVjiepot.at HURTrENTH an A I I OVt 1111 t, Mr.., ,14 l l.ii.., I.;. !,- I., 1 ,,v hours : . MKMM4 ACCOMMODATION. At iv.0 A. Ai. lor Heiicme en ' micruiodiate Statlo ...i. . v ,'NO KXI'ltctiH. At B'll A. ft!. lOr III fllllliff 1 .l,a,,nn 1. -K-'ehtinv Vnt vllle. l ineerovc. lamnonii ' Mini.n'rv Willlamsoo I lmitn, Kocl.rs'er Mntsra Vm.. I'.uflsln. A lentovr irre, Pill-Ston. Vorl:. I'r l.l. t liamlierulnir l!n: ersiown. etc. etc. ' This train connects nt RKA niXH wi h fut Penn sylvania Pnilroad trains lor Allenfown etc. and the 1 Chun n Vallev trnln lor llorrui..,r ... . I'nil r (1INTON With t nlnwl.fo ltnilroail trsina tor Wil- liailnrp. Lock, Haven. Hmlra etc.: nt IlARUIH I't'lif V. Ith iSortliriTl I'f.nfriil CiintLarUml ViiIIav anil feliuvlklll and Husijiiebanna trains mr KorfbumbeilauJ, Vil lauuport, ) rk Cliambersbunr, flneinove, etc AI1I.KMKJ.N KXPBI.-'S Leaves PMIadelpl.la at SMll P. M . for rieadlnir Potts- ville, llarriMhnrK cic, eonnpctlnu v.itb KeadinK aud t elnmbia ltnlirnnii trains tor Coiuniblu, etc. itr.Aiii At. XOJIMODATION. Leaves lieailint' at (i 00 A m .t.,in ni.iiwvtn Hons, ai riving at Philnrtelphla at B M A. M. ,B;B.tte.,i,.u'de,pi,ta at 8wi,-M- arrlvM 1 nuns mr riiiiadeipbia leave Ilarrlsbun at in A M. and Pot'svlile at H iii a. -M . arnvlnu in Philadelphia at 110 P. .Al. Aiteinnon trains leave Hiirrlsburir at i 10 JM., 1 ottSVUle at2 4S P. Al.. nrrlvlno In Vlilmdelnllla at 6 45 P. M . ' -----. 11 A llltl MIL K1 ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Knadinu ai 1 .10 A. At. and liarnsbunr at 4 10 modation south. atH'M p. . win' t inn it' iiuiiiu whii Aiiernoon Accom M., arriving In Philadelphia U iu I . in. Market train, with passenger car atUenAil. lenvna rin'adclpMa at 12 4A noon for Heading ami allwarsta lU.ns Leaves lieedlnif ai 11 3" A. Al and DowiiliiKtown ni J-.K1 P. tor Pbbadelphla and all way siaii na. All tne anove trams run daily, Mindavs excepted. Minclav trains leave i'ottsvillp at H-fth A. ami ihi. lade pliia at fl'lS 1' At Leavo Pblladolplila for Heading ai B'UU A. ui leinrrnntr trom icendlng at 4 2 P,M. lllt.MMI V ULLf.I KA1LKOAU. PaSFCngfrs lor DnnnlnDtnwn und InfermAilinlA nnmlt take the 7-3n and H-15 A.M. and 6'0 P M. trains from Philadelphia, returning iroui Downlnttown at t3A A. M. and ri'Ho noon. Miw 1 OliK EXrhESS r OK 1 ITTSBCKQ ASD TIIE vr.M. Leaves New Vork at 0 A M nd a'0.i pm nauini Puniliiiu At 1'IIA and HAS A f l.lun u . nectingat Uarrlsburg with Pennst Ivaula nndNorihern Central Railroad express trains lor Pittsburg, Chicago, Wll.iiimsport, 1 Inilra, llaltlmore. etc. lit turning, express train leaves Horrfsburg on arrival 01 the Pt nnsvlvniila exnress from I'lttHiuiru. at a anil B-Po A. Jl.. and fl-15 P. M., pacsing Reading at 4 49 and 10 S2 A M.. and 1P3S P V .and arriving In New York at 10 A. M and 2 45 P. i .Sleeping cars accompany these tiains through between Jerse) city und Pittsburg, with out change. A mail train tor .new i om leaves llarrlsliurg at 2 10 P. AI. Mail trnir lor Harrisburg leaves New Totk atU M. J"t lllilLKIl,l VAl.lKY KMl.ItOAl). Tralnageave Pottsville at 7 and 11-30 A. M and 7 19 P. M . irTuriilug from '''minima at 7-3A A. M. and 1 40 and 4 IS P .M M hl YLKlLl. AMI PUryUI.HAKN'A RA1LKOAD. '1 rains leave Auburn at 7 All A. M lor Plnecrnve and Horrlsburg and 1 50 P M, for Plncurove and TmimniL returtiinv from Harrisburg ot 3 20,P, M and from Ire- niont ut 7'33 A. M. una d m r, 31. Ill RMS Through flrst-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the ,orh and W est and Canada. j he lollowlng tickets are obtainable only at the otlice ol N. LillADr'OKD, Treasurer. No 227 8 KOL'HfH htrcet, Philadelphia, or ot (i. A. "1C'0LL8, Ueneial Miperinunueui. reaumg: t Uillill l I ATl- 1H.KMM At 25 percent, discount, between anv nolnts desired. ior lauiincs at u rnns. AlILKAt K J It KKTH. fined for 2000 miles, belween all uoiius. 132 3!) each. for lamiiics auu nuns . SKAW lllKtTS, For three, six. nine, or twelve mouths, for hnlilnm only, to ail points, at reuuecu rates. i j.r lit i 31 v.n presiding on the line of the road will be furnished carus entitling themselves and wives to tickets at ball fare. IAI eUtllUA IKHL1.1 From Philadelphia to nrlnciual stailcns. good for Ra tuidav. Hunilav.and Alondav. nt reduced t'nte. to he had cu v at tbe ticket Office, at THIliTEEKTh aud (1AI.. will oireets t l KIOHT. ooous or an uescripttons torwariied to all ihe above points, from tho ( oinpanv's new .Jfrcight nepot, BltOAl anu niin.wnr pitrceis. " L'DL Ipllili mi,. I, u Leave Phil ado! nhla oallvnt 5 311 A. M..P?'45 noon, and k I II 1 , 1 V 1 1 1 I 1 I r I r. ai.. tor Heading. Lebanon, Harrl.-uurg, Pottsville Port Clinton, uud ull points beyond. MAILS Close at tbe Philadelphia Post Office frire.ll nlneesnn fhe road aud its branches ut H A. m.. and for the nrlnciual htations only at 3 15 P. M. 815 TpHir,ADKI.PUlA, GERMANTOVVN, AND i NOIilflS'lOWi. KAILKOAD. On and a ter v r.ni i-.sija r. May 10, 18G8. POlt UK1IA1ANTOW.N Leave Philadelphia li. 7. 8. P. 10. 11. 12 A. St.. 1. 2. 3-10. V 4, 6, ,. 7, 8 h, 10. 11. la P. M Leave Lermantowii 6. 7. 7. 8 . 8 20. !. 10. 11. 11 A. M. 1,2 3, 4,4i. tiH. 7, 8,1). 10, 11 P. M. xne o ai uon train, ana an ana 5.H up ttams will no stop on the Uermautown llranch.r Leave Philadelphia 9-10 A. Al.,2, 3 S. 8, 10H P. If. Leave ticimantownS A. M.. 1. 4, UK. UH P. M. ( liLSNL'T HILL RAILROAD. Leave Phlladeluhia 6. 8. 10.12 A Al.. 2. 3fi A.H.7. and 11 P. Al . Leave llieennt mil t'lv minutes, . in, ii-iu A. Af 1 40, i 40, 5 40, tj'40, 40, und 10 40 minutes P. M. OS .SUNDAY. Leave Philadelphia ft lO minutes A. M.,2, S. and 8 P. Ai Leave IhCMint lliil 74 J minutes A. Al.. 12 40. 6 40. au (T2'j minii.es 1'. M i tK I UNWiuiiuiMij aim nufuiiniuvt Leave Philndelphia 6, 8-35 minutes,, 11-05 A.M., 1)4, i. &H, tih. 8 OS niinules, und ID P. Al. Leuveornstowu5,7,7 50, 9,llA.lM., IH, 4H ) l"'ilife5H P. M. tioln will stop at Bcliool Lane, Wlssa blckon,Manuvunk,NIiuMin,andCous!iouutken ouly LeaverhiiHdelpblaO A. M.. 24, 4,'and 1H P.M. Leave Norrislown 7 A. M.. 1, 5?4. aud k P. Al. KOll MANAYLNK. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 35 minutes, 1105 A. M., lit, ieave Aanafun'i'bi, 8 20, OH, IIS, A. M 2, 5, CH H M- 0N BCSDAY8. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.,2,4,and7J P.M. Leave Alnnavunk Vi A. V., li. 6. onttil) P. M. VV .'IS. WILSON. C.eneral riupurfntctidetit, Uepot MXTI1 and UUKluJttl Utreets VTOKT1I PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. LN Depot THIRD KUeet. above Thompson. lot J1KIHI.K1IEM. HOYLLHTOWK, MADCB CHI MC, i.AHTO, WlLLlAAlSPOBf, and WILKES; RA RR1 . At7 3'"iA. M.(Fxpress), for Bethlehpm, Allentown Muucb Chunk, liiuluiou, Wiilinuispoi'U and Vllkei l aAte3-30 r. M. (Express) for Bethlehem, Easton, eta reaching Kaston at t-45 P. M. At 515 P. t"f Bethlehem, Allentown, Alauct C1rUo1r'boylestown at 8 W A. M., 2 30 and 415 P. M. v oi Fort Wajihington at 10 A. Al. and 11 P. AI. Vor Lani-da'e attt-15 P. 11. , o White ears at the fcecond and 7 bird Streets Lint City rasscngcrCars run direct to the depot. Leave KetUlebem Bt 6 25 A. W. aud 12 25 Koou, aiH Leave Doy'?town at 6 40 A. If., J-15 and 5 30 P. M. Leave Lnmdale al 0"U0 A. Al. Leave t oil WMlllnl0I"N1j,'''g M" Bn1 i li 11 Philadelphia for bcthiehcm at l A. M. Philadelphia tor Doylestown at 2-30 P. M, Dovicstown for Phi adelnhla at 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem lor Philadelphia at 4 -30 P. M. 1 hrough Tickets must be piocuied at tbe ticket Otllcta, i lilKD (street, orBEKKS rjircet. Vil KLLIS CLARK, Agent. VAi i7ET JEKbKY RAILROAD LINES. FROM VV toot ot MARKET Street (Upper lorry), com- .. I,,., 'I 1-KSllAY. A nuiist .N IHhK V toot ot MAKKET Street (Upper Ferry), 8 A. Ai . Mail, lor Btidaeton, Haletn, MUlvllIe, and all Intermediate stations. 3 1. Al. Mull for Cape Mav. stopping at Woodbury and Olassboro. and an stations beow liluasboro. Due ul Cape AtuT, 7 00 P. Af. 3 30P.A1. rosNetiRer, lor Bildjjeton, Sa.em, and all Intermediate siutiuus. u v M.. Woodbury Accommodation. J. VAK KhMslStLAEH, Pupcrlntcndent. Freight will be leceived at Second covered Wharf beiow Walnut street, from 7-00 A. M. until 6 00 P. II. T hut received belore 9 W) A. At. will no through tbe same Freight Delivery, No. 228 8. DELAWARE Avenue. 1'be West Jersey Fxpres Company will attend to all the usuol branches ot l.xpress business. A Hpeelal Mes enger accompanies each through train. Office, No. 8 WALMJT btieet Philadelphia. "4 IlETCRNlO TRAIN'S. Leave Cape May at 8ti0 A. M., .wall, stopping at all Stations on C. ll.JkM.lt R. , and Vineland, UUssboro, and Woodbury. Due 1117 A.M. leave Prldgeton, 7 15 A. AI. and 3 50 P. M. Leave Hslem I a. M. and 115 p. AL Leave Mdlville 6-65 and 0-44 A. M and P. M. J. VAN RKMSBALAEK, Huperlntendont, West Jersey . Baleiu, and Cape May, aud Aitilvflle R. Ra. 1 Cfi-rHILDELPniA AND ERIE RAIL I OOU BOAD. This greathne traverses the North ern and Korthwest Counties 0f Pennsylvania to the ( ity of t rie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased aud ls operated by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. IlMKOF PAS8EJNUEBTRAINH AT PH1LADKLPHTA. arrive Eastward Erie Mull Train, 7 A. M.J Erie X oress Train, 1 P. M. Leave Westward-Erie MaU, p. ML i Erie Express 1 pa"snger cars run through on the Erie Mall and Er priHW tralus b'lA,wK.,,t,wwn Phllade.phla and trie. M5W YORK CONNECTION. Leave Kew "York at 9 A. M., arrive at Erie 10 A. M. Leave Erie t4 45P. M .antve at New York 4 10 P. At. Eievant Sleeping Cars en all tlie nlgbt trains. For Uiiomiation respecting pasaeuuer business, apply at corner TlilimE I if aud MAHKKT fitreeu. Phlia. And tor '.Height business, of tbe Company's Agenu, B. B. Kingston, it., corner Thirteenth and Market streets Philadelphia! J. W. Reynolds, trie; WlUuun Jltowu, Ageut N. C. R K , Kaltmiore. 11. If. HOtmiON, Oeneral Freight Agent, Phils. H. W. OW1NNEB. General Ticket Agent, Phlia. A. L. TILJI.HU ecidu" W lUlauisporV RAILROAD LINES. PII1LADKLP1II A, WILMINGTON. AND DAL' THiOItt UAllHOAD. 1IMK TABLE. Conimtnclim MONTH V. .lm . te t..i. iu lea.v 1 eoot. t oini r ,,f llltilA n' AtroAi mWiuuru.i' N Avenue, ns billows: I x press i ruin at 4 15 A. W. fMondavs excepted) for liftltllliOre and l nlnnnl.in amni.lntr nt i'li-l..- IV II lnttiKt in. Ivevnrk, ) )K. j Nntilirast, Prrrrvllle. Ilsvre, i.race. Aiietuecn.Pertyman s, Jiaguoiia, chase's aud ht iniiiiT Run, M av R ail Train at 8 15 A. M. ("nndsvs excepted), fm J all fi ore, stopping ut U regular stations between put liK'elelns i ml Haltm.oi . Delaware Railroad Train at ! A. M (innda-s ex teptidi. lor Prlucens Anon. Mllfonl. and lnt.ru,A,ii-im. SlatioiiS. l-x.resslrslnntll-4 A.M. (Sundays excepted), lor ln!i lnoie and Washlnrtou. 1 .prc' 'i mln at 3 1' Ji. (Sundays excepted), for B -tlnu.re and Wathington, stopplug at l heti r, f'lavmnut, litlllfluton. NevilirK. f-ILI.,n. Sortlienst. Iorrv..lilA llnvie do (Hace.iAlierdeon, Perrrmnn's. Ldgewood Mag tiolin, bnfe's. and Mrmmrrs Run I f Il'Ii t I iiiri ii at II V M ir nltimArA inilVi.lt Ingion l osnen-ersbv Boat from Baltimore lor Knrtmss Mon roe Norn li. City Point, and Richmond, will take tbe 11 45 A M mill. V ll.MlNOTON AfrOMMOnTlnN TAIV9 Stopping at all Maticns between Pblladolplila and Wil mington. Leave l iiliadfliphla at 9 A. M., 12 30. 4 W. 6. and II .10 V,-'1, I'10 V.'"1 v' M- ,"iin coiiiieta with Delaware Railroad lor Harrington find Intennedinte stations. 1 enve W ilmiti trioii at II :to i-m n.,,i u in n i..m-iii P. M. The 715 A. M. train will not uonit aiatlnna between l best er and Philadelphia 1 mtiis for ewt astleliave Philadelphia t 9 A. M.. 4 30 alio t ". THROUGH TRAINS FROM BAI.T1M0RK Leave W llnnngton at 11 A M , 4 :si and 10 P. M. CUIC'IKR KOK PHILADELPHIA. tlttV.'-' 1,1 Wana 11 40 A' FROM BAL IIMORETO rniLADELPHI A. Leave Baltimore 7"'5 A M.. Wav-mall 0-20 A. A". Fxprcss 1 10 I. M..Exprcss. tj-Jo P. M., Express 8 25 P. Al., Express TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE ler.ve Chester at 4 4fland8 At A. M., andS38P. M l.iuve V llmlngton nt 5 23 auo 9;W A. M. and 415 P M. Freight Trnins lih Passenger t ars atlsened will Icavs ns lo lows: V llmington tor I crrvvllle and intermediate siatlons at 6 (5 P. l . Baltimore for IIvre-do Orace and Inteimediote stations at 4 46 P.M. Penyvl'.le for Wl -mlngton end In'enucdiate stations aL.i'2AA.iu mn. nectlng at Wilmington with 7T5 A. AI. train for Puila-e'phla- SUNDAY TRAINS. Fxprcss Train at 4-1 A. At. lor Baltimore and Wash tngton. stopinng at hester, Wllmlnton, Newark, Elk ton, Nor bes't Perrvvl.o Uiivrc-de-(irace, Aberdeen, l'err man's, Alagno la, Ansae's, and Mtonimer's Run. Nhybt Express, 11 P M. tor Baltiiunre and Washington Accon modacion Irain at 11 30 P. M. for WtimiuKtoD and lutermedlate stations. BAL'1 1MORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. Leave paltitvore at 8-25 P. AL. slopping at Havre-do Grac, Penyvllie, and Wilmington. Also slops at Kit ton and Newark (to take pascngeis for Phi adelpalaant leave passengers lrom Washington or Baltimore) and fester to leave Pusscngers Horn Baltimore or Wash tnrton. Accommodation T 'ttin from Wl mlngton for Puilade! I'll IB and liitcimcoibte siatlons aft) "0 I'. Al. 4 10 II F. KENNEV, Hupetintendent Tj'tliR NEW YRK,r-Tlllf "CAMDEN AND X1 Ambov and Pbl aoelphia and Trenton Railroad ooipanv s Ijincs. rROAl 1H1LADELPHIA TO NEW YORK and W ay places, lrom Walnut Street Whatf, will leave as toilovis, viz: fare At 6 A. Al., via Camden and Amhoy, Accommoda tion j2 25 At8 A Al., via Camden and Jersey ( ilv Express.... 3H0 At 21'. Al., vlnt iimdeu and Ambov Express 3 OS At 6 P. Al , via Cumueu and Ambov Accommodation 2'2 AtOP, Ai. via Cauideu aud A hi boy Accommods tion, 2d class 1 AO At 8 A. Al.. 2 und 5 P AL, for Mount Hofly", Ewitns vlile. l'emberton. and Viuccutowu. At 5 A. At. aud i P. M lorEreoho.d. At 5 und io A. SI., 13 St.. 4, 5,6, and UflO, P.M. tor Flsk houi-e. Pelmyra, Riverion. Progress, Delanco Bevery. Ediewater, Burington. Florence, Bordon towp, eic. The 10 A. AI, aud 4 P. Al. lines run ul'ooi throuth to T temon. LINES FROM KENSlNCTOJJ DEPOT WILL LEAK At II A M.4-3U. 6-45 P. At., and .2 p Al. (Night). vis Kensington and Jersey City 1 xpress Lines, fare .Hm 'Ihe 6'4.') P, Al. Line wllllun duH'. Allothers Sundays excepted J At 7 30 and 11 A. At.. 3 3-30 4 30. 5, and 6 45 P. M a d A idn tg lit, tor Bristol. '1 rentun, etc. At J and 10 15 A. At. 12 M.. i 4,6 and 6 P. M., for Corn vte i's, lorrisdale llolinc.-burg, 1'acon.r, Wlssinomlug Briilesburg. and f rank lord, and at 10 15 A. M. ior Bristol, tschenck'8, Eddington, and 8 P. Al tor Holmes burg and intermediaie siatlons. At 7 30 A. Al. and 3-30 P. M. for Niagara FsIIb, Bufla o. Dunkirk ( anunlol.ua, Elinira, Ithaca, Owego. l(o cbesicr. Bloghampton, OSHegoyracuse (ireat Bend. Moutroie W llkcsbnrm. Scrantnn , Ptiotidsburg, Water iap, 1 civldere, Easton. l.ambenvllio. slemlugton etc. 7 he 3'10 P. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Fasten lor Mauch chunk, Allentown, Botlue hem. etc. At 5 P. Al. for Lambertvltle and Intermediate stations. June 1, It-Mi. WILLIAM 11. UA'IZMEK, Agent. "DEXNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. X MJUOII.K AhllAMif.llf.BT, The Trains oi tie Peuustivaula Central Railroad Have ttie uenot. at iniriy-tirht una Aiurket streets, which is reached by tlie cars oi the Market Street Pas senger Railway, running to and from the Depot. The lui-t car leaves Ftont street about 30 minutes prlot to llie ui'iiaiiuiv ,ii cni; it mu On Sundays Cars leave Eleventh and Market streets 4' minutes beforo the departure of cuoh Trains Mann's Baggage Express will ca 1 for and deliver Bngvace at the Depot. Orders leu at the office No 631 chesnut street, will receive attention. uhiks i.f.avk DKi'ur, viz. : Alall Train at 8-00 A. II Duy Express at 10-00 Paoli Accommodation. No. I atlliKI East Line nnd Erie Express at 12 00 AT. hairitburi; Acconimoiiaiion at 2 30 P. M Lancaster -cci ii.iiiooa'lou ut 4 00 1 aoli Accommodation No. t at 5-00 " Plitshurgh aud Ene Mai T at P 00 m I'aoll Accommodatior, No, 3 utlOOO " Phlladuiphia Expiessf St 11-10 ' TRAINS AII1I1VE AT UUl-OT, MZ. : Cincinnati FxpreM a 12-40 A. M Philado.phla Lxpresif at 710 ' Puoll Accoininodutiuu, No. 1 at 82J " t olumhin Truln at 9 00 " Lancaster 'I ruin ut 12'4U 1 U last Line at 110 Puod Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 in " Duy Eipress at 5-50 Paoli Accommodation, No. 3 ut 7-Sn liurrisliurg Acconituodatlon at 6-50 " 'Dully, except Satunlav. t Dailv. t liailv, except Afonday. All otln r 'J rains d all v. except Sunday. IRnniilng through from Philadulphia to Pittsburgh und Erie without change or cars. Sunduj Accommodaiioi Tiulns for Paoli and interme diate stations leave Philadelphia at 900 A. Al. and 7 00 1'. M-, returning leave Puoll at 50 A. M aud 4-60 P. M. - Tl( KE'l OFFICE Is located at No. 6?1 t lieMiut etreoi. where Ticket? to ull tniporiunt points mav bo nrocurjd. and lull iutonua tion glen by JOHN C ALLEN. Ticket Agent. 1-0 at 'Iblriy-llrst and Market streets, on applica tion to THOMAS H. PARKE, Ticket Agent at the Depot. An KmliTuut Train runs dailv (except Sunday). Foi full particulars as lo lire aud accommodations, apply to m FRANCIS FUNK, , i ., , 137 "(J( K street. The remsylvanla Railroad C ompanv will not assume any rii-k tor Bun-age, except for Wearing Anparei, and liu.it their rit-ponsibliity to One Hundred Dollars In value. All Bia-gaga exceeding that amount tn value will be ot the rifck of the onuer, miles tukea by special contract. ' j'ijJ REHillT LIMCS IOR NEW YORK A Kit J- iai, me jiiBiiims on til' c A ni 1 K s ond A M BO Y and connecting Run roads. INCREASED DE-PATCU. im. iviur.n SJII ASIliOl RA 1,111 D AND TRANS! OR 1ATION COMPANY i-KEHiHT LINES for New lork wl i leave WALNUT Street What! at 6 o'cK.ck i. M. daily tSundays excepted). Freli ht .must bo delivered before 4) o'clock, to be for vi uideu ihe same day. ' Returning, the above lines will lesva Kew York at 12 noon, and 4 and 8 P. M Freight for Trenton, Princeton, Kingston, New Brims wick, and a.l points on tho Cauioeu auu Amooy Rail roadt also, on the Beividere. Delaware uud FleniiiiH ton.theNcw Jcnev, the FieWiold and Jamesburg, and the Burlington aud Mount Holly Railroads, received and forwarded op to 1 P. M. 'i he Beividere De aware Re.llroad connects at Phillips burg with tlie llili;U Valley Buliioad, and at Alanun kuchunk with all points ob tbe De'awaru, Lackawsnna, ami Western Rai roid, forwardiug to syracuue, Bullalo, and other points in Western New York '1 be New Jersey Rullroad connects at Elizabeth with the New Jersey Central Railroad, and at Newark with the Mori Is and Essex Railroad. A slip memorandum, tpecifying the marks and num bers, fliippfrs, and consignees, must. Iu overy instance, be sent with each load ol goods, or no receipt will be UiVCU. N. B. Increased facilities have been made for the transportation ot live stock. Drovers are invited to try the route. W ben siock ls lurnlahed In uuautlties of tw carloads or more, it will be delivered at the foot of For tieOi street near tbe Drove Yard, or at Pier No. L North River, as the shippers uuy desigunteat the timi oftshipipeut. Vur terms, or other Information, apply to 1 W ALT Kit FRF Efti AN, Freight A gent, No. 226 H. DEI -AWAKE Avenue. Philadelphia O RANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. on and alter MONDAY, February 12. two dally trains will run lietween Washington and iAncuburif, connecting at Oordonsvl le wlih Virginia Central lWl road trains to and from Rlcbmoud. a luilows I MAIL TRAIN. Itave Washington dally (suuday excapted), at 6'lt A.M., sna srilve at Lynchbarg at ft 4 P. M. Leave Lynchum at 7 A. M. and arrive at Washing. tonat.2tiP.Al. ExpBE8fl TBAI1I. Leave Washington daily (including Bunday) at 6 05 P U. and arrive at Lynchburg at 00 A M Leave Lynchburg at 30 P. W. and arrive at Washing 'iioth trains making dos connections St Vnchbarg for all pouiU South and Southwest, aud at Washuigtoa lurNonh aud Northwest Firat-class sleeping oars attached to the night trains. Tbe road Is attractive, not ouiy for IU comior abls aocommodatlona, hut lor t)u fact that it pawus the new historic localities of Fairfax, Bull Run, Manassas, Bns toe, Catiett's. Rappaliaunock, Culpeuer. Orange, Uordousi-tile. places ot imperishable Interest in tut nopulur in bid. Through ticket to all points Pouth and Sonrkweet may be had ui Bostou. New York, Phlladulpble, aw Baltimore and st ttK vkiSea ot ttie road in Wasbinioa lAJeasuUna; , W. M. MoCAFFKJfl t, tioneiat BupMutonl MEDICAL. VOX POPULI. WRIGHT'S TAR SYltUP. PlilKCJPAL DEPOT, No. m South TJIII?D Stree Price, $1-00 per Bottlc;$5TjO for lialf-ft doEon. The undersigned cltitens tnke pleasure In chiwrtuli recoinn emi i.g tlie use of Wright's Tar Sjrup lo coughs colds, consuni,tlon. whooping-cough, sMttn4 ever. .Iver comprint, puns In the breast, bmnohftm, . ' restriction of air vcwels In the liirmri etc. t be ri im dv sboiiid lie In Charles V Wi .son, Iiim-t'i reu otlice. t hor.es H . l.raflen, tstrndop Hereon oihce. Jiiuics Nolcn. A.uuiri-r olhce Wl llatn E. corbit, Associaicd Pre w '.lu,;1!..H- ('rr.enter , ilre Alarm' and PoUoe I graph. 1 Itth and ( hesniit streets, A Randolph. Front and i ombard strmu. James V. Pcrriuc No. 1129 Charles stroet. H. A. Davis No. m Uaskl I utreet. Joi n W oodslue No. 1331 Franklin street. Robert Thompson. No. liKxl W alter street. H. l. Marcn, No. 626 Fianklln sinet. .1 licMofl. No 73i S. second Mreef. f John Seymour, No. 513 S r tout struct. . W. Howard, No. 1 pock slreet H. C. P artiett No. m S. ."econd sUeet. L Pates No. 606 Arch street Albert Alartin. No. 417 s. Second street M ary Canlwell. No. Inn Sunsom street. W. 'Ihomas. No. 20 N. Fourth strett T. M. tarthy.No. he E iretu's alley, (ieorge Wl son No. 2:t6 Race street. W . y. Brooxs, No.6 North Second strict M. J. Hawett. No. 119 Canal street, s. Sermotir Rose. BusUeton. Char es Hogen. No. Wl Houth street H. T. We 'Ing on, second and Ouarry atree F. E. Ihomas. No. 136 South Mxt i street. Willh.m Baius, No. 615 South t runt siroeC S. S. Satilord, Opera Manager. John Aiaglnnis. rear of No. 134 North Becond street. M rs. S. K. Choate, Newark, Del. Mr. Wilt amB. Wriaht. Sir: We take pleasure In recommending FonrTA SYJiUP (of which we have already sold considerable uuumiticsi as a most excellent and etticacious remedy tor the complaints set tortli In your printed bill already ruiiuiltteu to tne puiuic. An a vratnyingaci to suiienn htiu. unity we wll: cheeriuilv rocomnieud your prepara tion to a.l afflicted with diseases which It is designed te cure. Yours, etc., DILKS SON, Druggists, N, E, corner Pine aud Sixth streetnj For tale also at JOHNSON, HOLLOW AY COWDEN S. 1)1' OTT A CO 'S. A nd all principal Drut gists and Dealers. The subscriber wou'd beg leave further to sartha be is prepared to 11,1 orders and forward tbe Syrup t any part ot '.he country. Persons desiring other inior mat Ii n l y mall will inclose a postage siamp and answer will be returned as soon as the exigencies el buHiuea will admit Address WILLIAM B. WRIOI1T, S20 No 771 S. THIRD Street. Philadelphia, Ps Q. L A D N K W S FOR THE UN FORTUNATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all cases, for the Bpkhpy and Pram MKT ( t UK oi all diseases arising lrom excesses In youth Physical and Nervous Dcbllln , etc. etc. NO CHANOfc OF DIE! Is NECESSARY. They cau no used without detection, and never fail t cnccl a Cure, if used uccordiug to instructions. HELL'S SPECIFIC PILLS, Price One Dollar per Box, or Six Boxes for Five Dot lars; aiso. Large Boxes, containing Four Small, Price Ibrce Dollars. From four to six boxes are generally required to cur onllnurv cases though beuclit is derived iroui, using a. single box In Chronic Cases, where Kervous Prostration ha allccted the system, liKLL'S TONIC PII LS Are recommended ss the most Efficacious, Rcjuvensting and Invigorating Remedy In the word. A Package PilceFive Dollars, wbl last a month, ani U gcuerui.y sulUcteut In extreme caes of Debility, BELL'S EXTERNAL HEDIEDY, Price Two Dollars, sulllcicnt for a month, can bo asa to good advantage. It gives Strength to the system, and, witn the Pitt, will etlect a complete Rustoiatlou A Pamphlet oi 100 pages, ou ihe ERRORS OF TOOTH, designed as a Lecture uud Cau. Ion to Young Men, seut tree. Ten Cunts requited to pay postage. It yon cannot purchase Bull's Specific Kehedim of your Diugglst, tuke no other, but seud the munef direct to DR. JAMES BRYAN, Couanltins Physiciau, No. Ml) BROADWAY. New York, And yon will receive them by return of mall, pout-paid, and me lrom observation. For sale by DYOTT & Co., No. 232 N SECOND Street. 6 IIS WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. CUES Hi IT GK0VK WHISKY. No. 225 North THIRD Sfreot. It anything was wanted to prove Die absolute pnrfty ot this Wlilckv. the following certificates should dolt There is no a cobollo silmulunt known coinmuudiugsuus) etiu. intimation l.oni siifii high souices: Piiii.adki.miia, September)), I8ng We have carefully tested the sample of CHESNtn GLOVE WHISKY which you send us, and ttnu that II contains KOhE of Tim roisosot s bcb.h anvk known ai Ft ul oil. w Inch Is the characteristic aud injurious in gtedicnt of the whiskies in general use. BOOTH, UAURETT CAMAO, Analytical Cheiulsts New Yonx, September!, Ibas). I have analyzed a wimple oi CHhfNUT OKOVal V H1SKY received lrom Air Charles Wharton, Jr., I 1 liiiiuleiphiat and having carutullv tested It, I am piei.sed to slate that It is entire y fkee kkom poisomuu oh l l '.iiioiH substances. It is an unusually pur uuu tinc-J. v'.'ied quality oi whisky. James r. chilton, m. n.. Analytical Choum Boston, March 7 ISW I have made a chemlral analysis ol com mere ialsata pies oi CHF.SMJT (iKOVE WHInKY, which provesi be free lioin the heavy Fusil Oils, snd perfectly pure an uiiadulurated 'Ihe tine flavor ti' this whinky is derive liotu tbe jiuin used In inanulJturiug it. hesptctiully, A . A. HAYES, M. T . state An -layer, No. 16 Boylstoa street, For sale bv barrel. demilohn, or bottle atNo.225North THIRD Street Pallade.phia. 4 NATHANS & SONS I M P O li T E it a or BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Kto. Etc. No. 19 North. FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA, MOSES HATHA KB, HORACE A. ATHAN8, ORLANDO 1. AATHABS. 119ns JpEED. BALTZ & CO , IMP0ETEKS OF WINES, GINS, Etc 60IE AGENTS FOR Riviere, Cardat &. Co.'s COGNAC. So. 110 WAIiNl'T STIIEKT, PHILAPELPHIA. f 1 3 tat c II A M P A G N E. Just received, in bond and store, a new Chatnpane, called EUOENIA, far superior to most of the W lues now In use In this country. Imported exclusively bv tbe subscriber. Also on band (and the only place where it cast he procured In this city) tbe very celebrated South, America, n ANGOSTUBA BITTEB9. GKOBUE M. LAUMAN. No. 1W 8. NINTHXreefc 8 30 1m JOBEIIT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DRITCISTS, MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS iV Paints, Varnlsbes. and Oils y No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, fjjjn, COBWEB OF RACE. T AND8CAPE DBAW1NCJ CARDS, A BEAU AU tiful suilesol views, fifteen in number, designs fur (he Instruction of Juvenile artbits. Prtoe, IS cents a aekoire With the EVEN 1NIA TELEOKATU, HEVT YOH1C CLIPFEB t., will be tound ou sale at the iubo. N E WH MTAM l. tf. W. C YF.NTU and CUES&UT SusutsV