THE DAILY" EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1866. CITY INTELLIGENCE. JJ-'tr Additional Local Huns ete FUh i'affc Ma8 Meeting of thk Jounson-Cltmeu Party. Lat cvtniuu h. niusa meeting of ths Iriends t Pre? idem, Johnson wb held Ht tho ontv Court lloitsr, the ohjoct of which was to organize a Johnson Club of the Sixttt Ward. I'eiei Krltz, Jr., imnuled. Hon. Willlrtin 1'. Johnston was Introduced, nd wan received with much enthusiasm. II a then delivered an adilros on the duties ant responsibilities ot etrlzmsln the present sta.e f the country, lie argued that one of the first duties ot every tnun in a Government framod like that of the Vnited States is to jiold obe dience to it; to respect the citizen who has been chosen lor the tnno beiiiir as the executor of the law, lor in respecting him jou show respect for the law ibcit. We aro about, he said, 10 enter upon a great, political contest, which may la-tt tix months or ris years. No man could tell when it would bp cuded, and It bhould not be but on the triumph of rleht. The Constitution should be huurled down to posterity a it was received from those who went tefore lis. If the chief duty of the citizen is to mpeet the executor of the law as the represen tative ot the law itself, what shall be t'aouelit of an attempt to hold biji up to ridicule and con tempt? What ot the conduct of Confess In the attacks made upon the heal of the nation, con tinued unceasingly for six months? There is no more lusinious way to atthek a government than to attack its chosen bead. What have we seen in tne halls ot Cougres i A body of men repre senting only a portion of the country have wasted mouths in dcvisinT measures to oppress another portion of the people. We are told by a lew members of Conttrcss that this Constitu tion is not the Constitution of the country, and propositions have been made to remodel it. That must not be. In the contest which is about to take place there muBt be no neutral; every man must titke sides, and those who want the Government to be perpetuated must BUitaiii the Government. The speaker then elanced at the question of representation. He snid that, according to the proposed change, New England, not havine a large negro population, will not lose anv of her members ol Congress, but Pennsylvania will. He thought the people of Pennsylvania would . not agree to this, though the members of Con gress Irom this State had acted with the New Lnglanders. - lie had no objection to the change, if the re presentation In the Senate of tlw United States was to be buned upon the number of voters as is proposed by the Mouse ol ltepresentatives. Mr. Johnson closed by referring to the visit ot President Johiison to Philadelphia. Ha said that if the city authorities had not turned out to receive him, the people had done it. which was far more gratifying to hiui. The speaker fully endorsed the action of the National Union Con vention which met in this city, and be thoutrht the people would yield assent to all the princi ples prorauluo ted by it. He closed amid much applaue, and was followed by Oliver I'. C.rn man, Esq. The meeting wus larae and quiie cnthusiaRtie. A Sampson Among Locomotives. The Lehigh & MahuuoY liranch of the L. V. R. It. has just added to its) rollius: stock a new locomo tive, which for its size aud power exceeds any locomotive in use in ttiat part of the country. The name ot this now engine is "Consolidation No. 03," and wus built by 31. W. Baldwin & Co., of this city, from designs furnished by Alexan der Mitchell, Ei., Master Machinist of tiie L. and M. Branch. The Consolidation welirh3 j8 tons 6 cwt., 20-lnch cylinder, with 24-inch stroke; has 8 driving wheel, 48 inches in diameter, with tut a single truck; length of furnace 9 feet; 173 inch flues. The Consolidation is built ou a nnv principle, which gives it great power, viz., having only one "tvuek." which beais none of the engine's weight, but is merely a guide and contributes to keeping the track. The weight of the eneine rests on the drivers, and as a conequen e gives them a power of adhefcion which cannot 'be obtained with thy ordinarily constructed locomotive. Another peculiarity oi the Consolidation is that it will turn a curve with any engine built. The Read ing Railroad has an engine ten tons heavier thun the Consolidation, hut it can only be used on portions of the load; to turn than curves it is useless. A few days since the Consolidation was put to a test, draWinur 107 empty coal oars up a grade of !i6 teet to th mile preity goad ewdem-e that the Consolidation is entitled to ranfc as a Sampson among the locomotives. Another trial was made alter wards, when 7." empty cars were drawn up a lid feet grad' which is about GO per cent, better th-m au ordi nary locomotive has yet accomplished. Professional Thief. At the Central Station, yesterday, a man who gave the name of Edward u (ioidou, but who was ocuer known as Dutch Heiniichs, ot New York, had a hearing on the charge of being a professional thief. The prisoner was arrested' on one of the Sixth street cms, about 10 o'clock on Sunday evening, in company with me or two others. When first spoken to, he said he was pome from New York to Washington, and did not want to get off the car. At Sixth and Minor streets he ran through the car and attempted to make hi escape, and Officer Levy discharged his pistol, without etl'ect. at him. The detective, upou being asked if he knew the pr;6oner, said he had heard it said he was a proiessionai; didn't kuow thai he had been arrested m this city. Chief Frauklm testified that the prisoner was a professional thief: that he ha.i beeu arrested in this city on the charce ot robbing the First Nationsl Bank, aud that a bill of indictment had been touud against him. He had obtained bail and had been a fugitive from justice. It is in this way that to many persqna charged with oIlenes escape punishment throutrh the instin mentaliiy ot prolessionul bail-goers, lieiurica was committed tor ninety days under the pro fessional thieves' law. Firemex's Eluctiox. Last evening the firemen elected A-Mttunt Kugiueers. In the First District Terence McCuBker and William .Butler were the candidates, -ilr. Jlct'usker was tdected. His headquarter wercjat the Moyu uiensing Hose House, aud the various compa nies voting In his favor visited the Hose House and cheered the successful candidate. Th ihiladelnhia Hose Company, headed nv a baud f, ot music', was among those who ih us paraded. II The AlovameUhing Hose House wus illuminated, and a display of fireworks, tiring of cuunou, aud bonfire? iu the aeiliboihood and? up the uemuu-wttuuu. i Iu the Second District the candidates were 1 George Heneler, of the Mechanic Enirine Com pany; B. V. Drumel, of the Diligent Hose Com pany; Thomas Brooks, of the Northern Liberty Engine Company; and Joseph S. Robinson, of the Vigilant Engine Company. A lav a- could be nscertained, Mr. Hensler had a suttirieut number of votes to elect him, aud his election was conceded by Mr. Ilobiujou, the next highest candidate. In thu Third District, Jo-eph, Van t-le:i, o the Liberty Engine, was elected. In the Fourth District, Edward Wnaht, of lue Washington Eire Company, was elected. Meetiso at the League House. Yesterday afternoon the Southern Loyalists appointed by the late Convention to travel over the route taken by the President, assembled at the Union Leaeuo House. About thirty or torty were piesent, including Governors Brown low and Hamilton. Colonel fclokes, Hon. Joseph J. Stewart, of Ualliniore, and other prominent gentlemen. As lenrcseutauvc of the Commit tee on Reception, "Hon. John l Veireo, in a neat aud eloquent uddrea, introduced the dele gates to General Kobeson, ot New Jersov, ex pressing Hie gratification ot the League at the opportunity they had of extondlng hospitulities to their Southern brethren, and also sympathy with the noble work in vbich they were about to enirace. General Robeson made some appropriate re marks, welcoming the delegates to New Jersey, to which ex-Governor liaunlton, on behalf of he delceatcs, rewnondi'd at some lensth. The cl -catcH took their departure f rom the city at o'clock. Jikatii of Hon. Josiah Randall. Yesterday, in the (Jiprw Seioni, Charles N. Alarm, t,sq , anmmt.ccd thedeath of lion. Josiah Randall, nnd in a few words paid an eloquent tribute to the memory of the deceased. Judge Ludlow, in reoly, aid: We hear with very great pain of the death of Mr. Randall, nnd we desire to no all in our power to honor his memory. The deceased wus an eloquent and learned practitioner half a century a:ro, and maintained his exalled character to the las'. He belonged to that eeneration ot honorable lawyers which did much to establish the repu tation of this bar. As one and another of the teniors of the bar sink into the grave, it will be well tor us it we not only honor the dead, but emulate th' i example, and thus prove that they have not lived in vain. The motion of the District Attorney is granted, aud it is ordered that the Court adjourn to 10 A. M. to-morrow. Let the Clerk make a minute of these pro ceedings. Buildino Improvements. Four hand some buildiuKs are to be erected on the east side of Broad street, south of Columbia avenue, the permits having been taken out for the same. These buildings will be lour stories in heieht, and seventy feet deep. A church for a Metbo (list Episcopal congregation is to be erected on the (icrmantown road, above Broad street, which is to have a front of 60 feet and a depth of 75 feet. Two stores and dwellings combined have been erected at Kif'th and Dickcrson streets, and four dwelling in the same neighborhood; two dwellings are in the course of construction on Reed street, between Third and Fo irth: lour dwellings are being erected on Sixteenth street, below Lombard; and in other neighborhoods the building operations are progressing. Meeting of tiie West New Jersey Battist Association. This nociety will hold the Fifty-tilth Anniversary Meeting with the North Bitpti-t Church ol Camden, to-day, the llch instmit, rommencinrr at 2 o'clock P. M. Rev. I). Henry Miller, D. D.. will preach the opening sermon, and Rev. A. .1. Hires the doc trinal sermon, 3'he body, at lis last anniver sary, compiised forty-live churchep, with a membership of over seven thousand. The as sociation year now closing bus been one of lurge prosperity and increase. Accident. Last evening, a driver, name unknown, was thrown from a cart at Ridge avenue and Wallace street, nnd was severely injured. The accident occurred throueh an other curt being run into it, and the driver of the latter, Henry Li. le, was arrested and held to bail to await the other's injuries. CLOTHING. I. s x. s i SADDLES AND HARNESS. UE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACEY, MEEKEU & 0., RETAIL HOUSE, No. 1216 CHESNUT STREET, WHOLESALE house, No. CS0 MARKET STREET, OFFER OF TIIF.IB OWN M AXUFAC TCKF. : 8A 1 DLES, 200 Btj les, 2U0O qualities. HARNESS from 815 to MM per set. Mountings, Bridles, lilts. Whips, lilnnkets, Combs, Brushes, Holes, Government Harness, Plough liridlcs, Hog Collars, radded Humes. Wood Stirrups, Travelling Bags, Trunks anu Valises, Lunch Baskets, Chamois, B acking, Boots, eto. We call the attention of merchants visiting this market, also the city retail traUeto our larse, cheap and varied stock. aatiuirp LACEY, MEEKER & CO. A R N E S S. A. LARGE LOT OF KEW U. S. WAGOX HAR NESS, 2, 4, and 0 hore. Also, parts ot HAR FSfi. SADDLES. COLLARS. HALTERS etc., bought at the recent Government Bales to bo sold at a areat nacrifico. Wholefalu or Retail. Together with cur usual a.-sortnicut ol SADDLES YAKD SADDLER YBAED WARE. WILLIAM S.HANSELL & SONS, 3 1 5c. Ill MARKET Street. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. p E 31 O V A L . I. S. CUSTEK & SON . HAVE BEMOVFD TO No. 726 ARCH Street, Below Eighth, Where they have now in hand a t.rge asgortnicnt of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, OK EVLRT DESCRIPTION. IBllwsmlm MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. II as a handsome ag'tortment of MILLINERY: Mtuse and Infanta' Uata na Ctvt Bllkli elVti x.'rpc MARKE17 . ST. "HlbbnslrMthers,riower,riamea1tc , .. AMUSEMENTS. "VT EW CHESNUT STREET THEATRE. J.N CHFHM'T mrvet. abovn TtTlftn. Doors oprn at 1 15. 'uri hid at H TliK KAHlllOJiAHLK. BESOHT. 1III8 (Tueidny) tV'fcNiNO, Sepumoor II, of tie Infaupmant oi 'ihe IUHtinnltha I rrlo Trngedlonne, I HAll'iXK VESTVALI, ASP IO-IIIVK1.Y LAr NIOMT ol' John f rom nam's OranU spectacular Drama. In five ....nti.Ud JtFL rtr.MONIO, with It Splendid New ccenery. by It. 8. Smith. An (.el (i (Willi Miff VESTVALI Bnpportid by ihe BlhEAO'lH OF TIIE NFW COMPANY, andthp N v. w or 11 1 STliA. WKDNEHUAV I VENIMI, September 12. Flrpt nltilit oi an entlr. ly new ( mini, founded on Huiwer'a Leauil ul novel, "Mdlit and MoraniK," ol entitled MARKIAOE CFltTIKIOATE. 8ATUHI AY AtTEKNOOy. hiiDtmiDer 15, URA1) FAMlLr MAlI.Efc.. VTEW AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUT XN Strret, bove E.tihth. H. A. EAKiSHAVV 8o'e Lcusee and Manager. MEW ATI RACTIONS. I.t Nleht of the hlnhly Hucieulul Engntcmcnt of tiie Yoanii, lieaulllul, and Gifted WOKRKLi SIHTERS. KOPIIIK, IPKNE. AM) JENNIE. THIS (luenday) EVENING, eptembell, En A DIAVOLO FraDlavolO Mini HCHIP, VOnRT.I,L Zcrllna ..Mim IRENE WOURKEE Lady Ailcash Mlxa JENNIE WORHELL To be loliowed br the t'omlc Drama entitled I.ROkMSU THE ElNfc. To conclude with ihe Nanrlcal Dmma entitled l.LA K K Y K I SUS N. Friday EvenlnK HeneOt ol -M ls JK NNIR WOUB :LL. i;ram matinke, matuuhay aki'krnoo. w Ab.N Ul d'f R fi K T T II K A 'C K N. E. comer ol MNTH and WALNUT Streots. TH 9 (Tntaday) EVEN I NO. Rentember 11, Second Appear am e of the DhtinnulslieJ Arnais, AIR. IKa.vK A1AYO AND MRS. AGNES PERRY, who will appear In the celebrated Drama (from the Erinch) ol a ROMANCE OF A POOR TIIU.VO MN. Manuel Mi. FRANK M4YO Marguerite Mm. AUNlS PERRY mparl,nrcine Mr. J. It. KOUEKld MRS. .JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET 'I IIEATHE. Begins at quarter to 8 o'cloek. E.SGlUI'JIKM Ob- 1UE ORJiVl CO MEDIANS, MR. AND taRS. V J. FLORENCE, who will apvear In THUEE PIECES, and NINE CIIARACIEKS, with SONGS and DASCis. TO-NlCHT, Tyrone Powers' Drama entli ed BORN TO WOOD LUCK j OR, A N IRISHMAN'S EOHTUXE, THE YOUNG ACTREfS, and IUK RhTUKNED VOiAlNTEEB. Mr and i)r. FLO REN J E fn nine c) with conus and dancen. O li E R T II E L L E II ' 8 "SALLE DIABOLIOUE." ASSEMBLY itUlLDKNU LARGE HALL A 1E 1KEU Bli Li t-nf.tua t W-EK. Heller's New Spectral Parlor Pantomime (first nights). 'fLAYlNU WITH tlims IS." An entire change ot every act thl week. irfATlNftK (SATURDAY, tifl o'clock. E.vcnlmi Dmrs open at 7. Commence at 8. Admission 50 cents; secured seats, 7r cents. M 10 Ot "VIEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA. HOUSE, JJN ELEVENTH street, above HKSNUT. "I'UHi FAMILlr XlKn'IKI " OPJ:iV FUR 'I' IK SK.lMlV. C4KM'KUSS &- DIXEV'S iI I. S rtCL. the Great Star 'Jroupo oi the World, in their GK.VND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES, SONGS, DANCES, NEW El HLl.SOl'EH. and PLaKT ATION KUKNO. Doois open at 7 o'clock. Comrnencinrc at 8 o'clock. b30om J. L. CAliNcKOS, Mauaaer. E LL EY'S G U A X I NORTH ASIKDICAN will rosrnvzLY take place . AT THE WABASH AVJNUIi 1MNK, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPT. :M, 180(1, AT WUICII TIME HALF A miim DOLLARS Iu PRIZES, INCLUDING $100,000 IN GUHEMIACKS, "Will fue I-tsciitl to Tlckct-Ilollcis. Capital Prize !?3O,0O0. NUM1SEU OF TICKETS ISSUED, 500,001). EVERY OTHER TICKET DUAWS A PRIZE. 1 Gilt, In Greenback 1 Ght, In Greenbiicks 1 Gilt, ui Greenbacks 1 Gl.t. In t-ietulittcks 1 Gilt, in Greenbacks 1 Gilt, li) Greenbacks '211 Gilts, lu Greenbacks, i,10oii euch. tt:jl),l0 lO.nOU O 01 M 4 000 It, urn 2,0.0 i V!t U"u , I0W J 1 1). I,' 1 OHO 8,nu:i ft.OOO 5,lltl0 ftlHSI 20,01.0 1,001) 'i.ono 30,000 20 oim 13 U00 12 0,0 '247 m 11C1ZE. Guts, in lireeuuucKs, .uescu IV Gilts, in Greenbacks, M Gilts, iu Greeubucks, KU0 Gilts, lu Greenbacks, Guts, iu Greenbacks. 100 each., AO each, loeaou. 6 euch. 1 Gilt, Residence in ciucago 10 (illts, Lot iu Chicago, 0 each 40 Gins, l'itinoB,6liu each 'iU Gifts, Meiodcons, lAUeucb lt)0 Gilts, Bibles. friO each 2i'0 (jilts, Gold Watches, Kl.'.O euch iito Gliu, Golu Watches, loo each Hi 0 Gilts. Silver Watches, 05 each WO Gins, silver Waicdes, 10 euch 247 S4U Glitu, worth. JiVLlll OiJtLEK X1CE.LT DRAWS A We take pleasure In ounouticliiir tliut we hnva met with uu paralleled success, la spite oi llio mativ swiu uliuu u lienies that have been prcjenteU to tliu people i y irrcspuusiUie parties, 'ibis iuft consldermion hiu, however, operated to telay our sales, and lueveut our At-eins from properly repoitlu, until we were ruilvable to sausiy nit'ui tiiui uur euimpriHo is wuut It has been ropretuleu to be lu consciiucuce. we are compelled io extend the t'Uie ot Uriiwinn uni I the28tliof heptcmber, at which tluiti the Illinois ctaie t uir wlU be held, tvheu it will punuve y occur. Arruuvenients ureuowbcliiB made lor the drawinir. The ciiecks 600,000 In number, are nearly ready, iue pianol uruwiUK adopted Is as lollows: Duplicate, num beis, iniin 1 io If 0,11)0, aro placed iu awheel; the lirst number drawn out the hiyliest n:, the next tlio second hiuht st prize, and ao on until the whole V!.rt).0' 0 prices are diuwu ; the whole drawing: to be superintended b.v a committee appointed bv the uitdienco. ihe Walmsli Avenue Uiuk bus .jeeu engaged, as will be seen by lue, loilowiua: C'ficaoo, Angust 21, li(i This Is to certily that Messrs. a. A. Kelley & c0 have his day lett.ed the Wabuxh Avenue Kins 'or tuo evening ol' tlve 2btu day oi oepteuilur, and naid i, r the ruuie the tuui or three huuurcd dollars (caon.) L. li. JOilNSON a Co.. Lessees oi the Kink. The druwinjt will take place alter the Concert, woero 20 ll00 per"ous cau willies it A committee wM be appointed by the audience to take charge o: tue same. All agents aud pttrchasera will bo supplied with n correct list of the draw ing as soon Hi published. Tickets are mrsnie at the principal uotvj ueeuelos hotels, untl but k stores, aud at ouroulcu, so. mis Kun dolph street Price oi tickets. M each. feutbvmail on teccipt ol price, aud thieo tent i-Uuip lor ret'.uu postano. ... Great Inducements are oflereil to amenta who uie wunted eveo where. Write tor our terms at once. Bend rcio;euce w ith application. SPECIAL TERMS, OR CLUB HATES. 5 tickets to one address lor if) 10 tickets to one address lor mig '20 tickets to one amines lor n cu 30 tii Uets to one addte s lor 4'i tickets to one uddrcss lor jr, ,j 80 tiokeis to one audress lor ,oo In every cae st nil the uuiu i of each stibsertber nnd their Post Oitice address. Money by draits, I'ost Olllce order, ex prima or iu registered letters, may be scut at our rr-k. EVERY OTHER TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. Wo refer bv permission to tlio following well-known business lion st s : J B. LI I 1'INCOTT Js CO., rubllBliors, Phllauelphta, remisylvunla. SHELDON li Cr.. Publishers, V'cw York. JA&L. UAKLEM Importer, Sew York, I ROSHY UNHWOIllll, Publishers, Boston. 1AP1'1. McK.EI.LOP Ji C., t omuierclai Age icy, Chhuiio. 111. LOL1S SAARBACII A SCHWARTZ PluIaJelphia SAMUEL D. BURLOt K (Into Ml lcr )i, Burlok). Phl'etlelphia. MOSS & CO., I'nlladolphla. Address A. A. KELLE7 & CO., No. 105 RANDOLPH Street, Chicago, 111. .JOHN J. KHOMRll, fOLIS AGENT FOR PHILADELPHIA, Ke at!li5i . JJo. 43 CUESNUT Street. AMUSEMENTS. QKAM) NATIONAL CONCERT FOR TUF. BENEFIT OF 111 B SOLDIERS' AND SAILERS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, riSDIB ACtPlfl'6 CF TUB SOLDIERS' AMD SAILOKS' UNION, WASHINGTON. D. C AT MOVER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1868, I'OSri'ONED UST1L THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 11. 300,000 Tickets voill be sold at $1 each 75,C0O Presents Awarded, valued at $250,000.' $25,000 of the Profits to be gieen to the Sol diers' and bailors' national Orphans' Home Fund, $2500 to the Washington Male and Ftmalc Orphan Asylum. The balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to the Trea utrtr of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, Washington, D. C. Oue Present to Kvcvy Four Tickets. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM OWENS & CO., Military ami Naval Law Olllce, So. ,W7 CliEbSUT Street, Opposite the State House, Philadelphia. Pa. Aho sent to any part ol the country promptly by mall. LIST OF PRESENTS TO BE AWARDED. 'I hree-atory Brick residence, u street be tween Sixth and Seventh 18,000 1 Tbiee-sior Brick rcsideuco, ceotd struct, near E 10,VPO 1 Hirec story UrlcU residence, Tentn street, between XL and N 801. 1 Iwo story illicit residence, '1 enth street, between M aud M ft.OOO 1 Tw o stoiy 1 rick residence, Tenia street, between M and SOU 2 Fine City Li'ts, on Severn li street, north.. 4 not) 1 Splemliu Cairlave, Uoises, aud Harness couinlo'e 4, (Ml 1 Splendid Diamond Kluir 14 UOO 1 Set I'lamouds complete (Pin, J.urKlus, and Klnxs l.VMl 1 Grand Piano (Stclnway) 1 Sin! 1 Si lid Sliver Tea Set l.(K)l) 111 Cm nd Pinnos, ISUUO each 6 1 ou 10 Grand Pianos s.V'Oeacli ft I'D It 0 tients' Gold Watches, '.'(I0 each 2d 6,'. 50 Ladies' Oold Watcaes 6115 euch 6 2i0 ft O rand Jleluiic-nns, i2tll each I.u i (-0 A mencau-cuse Silver Watches. 875 each.. 6.0W) 75 HuutliiK do do 4U each.. H.nU .1(1 Diainoud Rings, SKIO to 2fl0 each 7 25 Miimond Pits. 1U0 cacn 2.5'it) 4U SewinK -Machines, feluu each 4 o 'U 2 do 75 eacl 1 &uu 20 Sllver.plotcd Tea Sets. f76 each 1 ftmi .'iO Si ver castors, 8i0 euch i.-.o 5,t)t0 Clocks, Albums, Jeweliv, &c, 5 to 1 tneb 27,C0fl 11 000 Tea and 'J ublo Sjioons tc, k2 to 5 each.. 2jIMI IU tit 0 Cold PeDS, sleeve Buttons, fcc, 61 to 3J each 14,000 49,433 Books, cutlery. EngravinKJ, ic, tl to 610 each sn.dOO Total J50.UOU The awards will be made alter the Conceit, on tlio stiine oi the theatre, where three thousand persons citn w itiicss It. A coininitiee will be appointed bv the audi ence lo superintend the sumo. Prlii ed li' of awards will bo published and auppl'cd to Agents and Ticket-holders. Par, lea having tickets w ill letaln them until aitor the owuids ure rnudo, und 1. their numbers uppesr In the list, thev will torward their ticketsjuimeiliaiely, with mil directions an to tlio shln pingol M'oils or deeds tor the property, 'llckots lor siilc at all the principal Hotels. Book, and Musio stores in the city and at the Headuuurters, in the Mamuioib iur VtiuiriirK ior the beneilt ol tlio holdlers' and Sailors' at tonal Orphans' Home Fund, corner ol Seventh street and Pennayivuuia avenue, Washiuton, D. C. 'Ihe Lirectnrs appeal to the liberality of the peoplo to plvo this enterprise their klnu support, and thereby ai-sist In re.icviug the wants ol the orphans ol our lalleu comrades. CARD. A large number of tickets remaining unsold, It wlll be necessary to postpone the drawlug until THURSDAY, the 11th of October, lHWi, at which time it will positively occur. The many swindling schemes that have been pre sented, to the public diirlns the past lew months, some what delayed our sales, until wo wero able to satis it the peop.e throughout the country tuut this cnterpiiso was n-nuiue. aud soicly lor cluultab e purposes, lite Diicctors are colillilent of the siilo of every ticket, and have allotted sulbcient time to guarantee the sates without any further postponement Jlnj 11. A. HaLL. Pres. Soldiers' and Sailors' Union Col. CHAS. E. CAPERAKT, 1 MojM.H ALBURoi' R, Managing Directors. WILLIAM n. AloltsK, TRRASt-RY Department. Office of Intlunal HtvuNDu, Washingion. Juno2. lblitf. Whereas II. A. Hall and others, as "Maiinunu nim. tors" ot the "Oiand national Concert," to beheld in Wasluniitou. D. C, on ihe ii of August next bavemaoe clue application to i.. Clepban, Collector of Into.-ual Revenue lor the Collection DiMrict of the District ol Columbia, ior permission to bo d a lotiery, ratlle, or (.-lit euterorlse, and presented to him satbfuctory evi dence that the pioceeds of said lottery, radio, or trill enterprise will bedevoicd to charitable uses, permission Is hereby granted to sui h ' AlunaKii'g lilrectora" to hold nich lottery, ratlio. or gift enterprise iree from at. dm run, whether Irnni tax or license, iu respect to such lottery ratt.o, or ;lit enterprise. E. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner. Wc refer, by permission, to Major-Oeneral V infield S. Hancock, V, S. A. I. mi iul Robert C. Si heuck, Al. c . Ohio. Ceuerul Halbert E. Paine, M. C , Wis. lieneral John li. Kotchum. Al. c., A. Y Cent ral James tl Blunt, Kausus. lieneral J- M- Ilcndrick, it.wu. Oeneral D. C. -MO' allaiii, D. C. OdieralO V Dayt. u,N. V. lion. '1 boiuas W. Kerry, Al. r., Jted. Hon. George Lawrence. SI. C, Peuua. 1). O. l oruev, Esij., D. C. major J- E. Douguty, N. Y. Hon. Richard Wai:uch, Mayor of Washington, D. C. II. n. lleniy Wl son, L'. 6. h. Hon William D Kelley, W. C, Penna Hon. Ko liaii V. Wbaiey.Al. C. Wtm Va. Hon. Ebcn C. Ingcrsoil, !. C, III. Hon. Henry C Deinluir, M. C , vonn. Hon A.H. Iallln.M. t ., N. Y. Hon. Leonard Myers, M. ('., Penna. Hon. William A. Kewcll. M. C. N.J. Hou (leome W. Julian M.C.Ind. Hon Mfphen V- W Uson, Al C. Penna. linn J. B. Oilnite I, M. C. Iowa, lion B F. W ade, V. S. Senator Ohio Hon' O. W; Latham. M C., W. Va. lion. HeiiJ. E. Wilson, M. C, Ohio. (in Hovs Al. '., Ohio. William K. Owens, Est., Philadelphia. 1)8 thslu V A LEU'S (LATH MILLWfS) WINTl'It V, KDKS Nos. "20720 VINE Sltect. OHAD 1MS1RU. MENTAL CONCERTS MtilULY. i, two larae and efllcleut Orchestras. ,Sy TO-NK1HT, And FVEKy NHillT. In connexion with our A EXCELSIOR STR1M1 BAND, a Brass Band, composing tne best Artists in tho city willpcriorm.orEN firAS0N Our spacious bummer Ounlen, artistically laid out wltn Shrulibery, f ountains, eto. W" H TIIE LADIES' SALOON, Especially set apurt ior 1' aV 11.11 S, the bust ol C renins aud other Iteliesbnients will be served. ti ltS GYMN AS I U 7l EOB LADIES. GENTLE XI EN, AM) CHILDREN, ti. E. COR. OF NIinTH AM) ARCH SI RKEI-. Hie lnntltute, which axuln has bwm ntiy Improved tor tboiuominu season, is uow opeu tor subscription, all ilnr and evenings. Bodily exercise linpa-ts health and atreiigth, anil II ltlulilv recominendrd to both sexea aud all asus- Terml tor lustructlou, t iiiontlis W iTeruia tor "eli-piacKce. 3 niuuihn V For particulars send lor a elrotilur or iilve us a call. fj ao 3m Prolessors Hll.LEBRA N l (te LEW IS r?;A TiiR piamis which wk jianu- h"y" f I fact ure recommend themselves. We piomlse to our patroui clear beautiiul tones, eleuaut workman ship durabtlitv, and reasonable pilots, ooiiibini'd with a mil guaisuie. For sale omy at Au. It'll WALNU1 f OS V1AHO MANVFACT Ml CO. INSURANCE COMPANIES DKLAWAREWllTOALSAFETYlNSUKANCB COMPANY. INCORPORATED BY IHE LEGISLATURE OF 1ENYLVANIA,1S3S. OFFICE, S P.. -HNK 1H1RI) .ND WALNUT BJREETs, 1 (llt.ADELPHIA .MARINE INSU11ANCJH VfrtSELS, i '(;o To all putts of orld. fkUulTT. ) INLAND 1USUHANCES CnCooflsbjr River tanai.Lake and I d Carriage to ail parts of the Union F1KK INSURANCES on Merchandise penerally Ou Stores, LwellinR llousea, etc ASSETS OF THE ( OMPA-Nlf November I. lnWi. 'ro,Ofr United fc tales Acer cent oan H...W noo f)i l.t'.MiO 6 " 'Hi ..128 luO. 214) O'iO " 7 I IV per cent, loan Treasury to ,. W,37"riif 1(0 COOSUteoi Pennsylvania five Per Cent ... Loan W.ViJOO M,(00 StHieol l ennsylvaula Six Par cent. Loan 53.2M 00 2Sft0i lty ul Philadelphia Six Per Cent. ... loan 112,81260 O.dllO Peniisy vania Railroad First Morr- gsneSIx fer fent. Honda 20,1'00-flO 0,000 Pennsylvania Knliroiul Second Jlort- taan Mx Per t ent Bonds 23,750 03 26,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Mort- . . . f"1?0 hlx '-'ont. Bonds 23,750 09 15.0OU (iU Shsrea Stock Oermnntown Gas Company, principal amd Interest (inarantacd hy the City of l hliadol , ,,. Phia. 13,537 51 7.150 1411 Shares Stock Pennsylvania Kall- . ia ,0,", Gomnanv 8.MO-00 CBllO 1011 shares Mock Noitn l ennsylvaula in finn i, "r?.1 Comnnny ' 3,250 00 40 (100 D. posit wit b United Statrg Govern- m im 0,nT,' "ynP to ten days' call 40,080-IR 30.1H10 State of Tennessee Five ler Cent. 17(1 -rn i1 oan i 18,000011 nu,iiv Loans on Houna and alortgavo flrat "ens on City Property 170.000 00 1,036,M0 Par. Manet valuo.'....:6,r3fl-oo Keai Estate Ml is reivable for ln-.uranccs"ro!'uio.'!i ii'ulj 37 Balances due at Agencies: Premium 011 narino loncirs, ArcrueU luto restand other debts oue the Cora- u b'1' vtv-v. - 40,51114 Si-Wn and Stock of sundry Insurance and oihc- ( ompanlcs, tllua. Esti- 1 mated vnlne 2.91 01 t ash in Banks M.95ti 89 Cash in Drawer 678 48 96,615 3- 1.201 tawn DIRECTORS. I Samuel K. Stokes, J F Penlstau, ' Tlinmna P. Uu.l John C.Davis, fdmnnd A. Soutlrr, TheopIUluB Paulding, John II l enroso, James Traqnalr, Henry C. Daliett Jr.. James C. Hand. William C Ludwig, Henrv stinan I William (1. Bonlton, r.uwaru irariint'lon, 11 Jones Brooks, Edward Latouroado, James B. MoFailand, Joshua P. Eyre. Snencer Mclivaln. J. B. Semitic, Pittsburg, uusi'pn 11. reai. Georae C. Leiper, Hugh Cralii, lit. licit But ton. John D. Taylor, A. U Merger. Pittsburg, THOV. af i iv'ti 't.,'in.r' JOHN c. DAVIS, Vice-President Hexrt Lylbi'rx, Secretary. 1 1 jqOHTH AMERICAN TRANSIT I1SUEAKCE COMPANY, No. 133 South FOURTH Street PHILa DELPUlA. nnnal Policies issued aualnst central AccldanU all aieenpllons at exceedlrglv low- rates.- insuraure ctltoted lor one year, in any snin tnm $10 to m (1I1O. at a premium of only one-nah p, r com i-ecurinii the mil amount Insured In case ot death, and a coinncnsatlon each week eoual to the wholo pre mium puiu Short tune 1 Icketa for 1, 2, S, 5 7, or 10 days, or 1, 3, oi I months, at lu corns a dav, Insuring in the sum ol SJ-JUII, or giving frlb per week it dlsubiou to he had at tne General, Ao. 133 S. FOURTH Street, i'hl.adcl phia. or at the various Railroad I icket otlU-es. Be sure to purchase me tickets ot the horth American Irauslt Insurance Company. For circulars and further lmormation applrat tire General, or of any ot the autboiiZjd Ageuls of the "ompany. LEWIS L. HOUPT, President. JAMES M. CONRAD, Treasurer HENRY C. BROW N, Secretary. JOUJi C. BULLIT1 , Solicitor LIRECIORS. L. I.. Honpt, late ot Pennsylvaida Railroad Coiunanv tl. Boird. of M. lia.(lwln & Co.'s. company Mtn ucl C. Palmrr, Cashier ot Commercial Bunk. Ulcbard Wuixl. Au. 309 Market street ' M. Conrud, Ao, 623 Maiket street. 3. E. Ktngsley, continental Hotel. II. i Leisenriitg, Nos. 27 and 239 Dock street. Enoch EewlB, late Oon. Sup't Penna K. R. G. C. Franciscus Gen. Agent Penna. It. R. Co. George M artln, N o. 322 Chesnut street 1 8 Mm Q.IUAKD TIRE AND MARINE INSUEANCE COMPANY. OF H CE, 0. 4 1 6 IV Al J( U T S T RF;ET. P II I LA DEI.PHIx CAPITAL PAID IN. lii CASH, 200,Ul0. IMscompat yconllnuesto write on fire lUtkt onlt Its capital, with a good snrplu . Is saiely invested. 701 " Loses by Are uave been promptly paia, and more than 1500,000 Olsbursed on this account within the past few years. For tlio present the office of this company will remain at No. 415 WALNUT STREET, Mttt within a lew months will remove to iu own UUltDTNtt N. E. CORNER SEVENTH AND CH E8NBT STREETS. Tlitn as now. we shall be happy to Insure our patrons such rati, a as are consistent with sulety. I'llllXTOUS TIIOAIAS I RAVEN, ALFREDS. GILLETl IIP MAN bli El'PA RD, N. S. LAWRENCE. riiO.t, MAtKELLAIt, CHARLES ). DUPOSV JOHN SUl'PLl-E. HENRY F. KENNFY. JOHN W. CLAGUOBN, JOSEPH KLAPP, M. D. SILAS YERKES.JB., THOMAS r.KkW.K P., .!. LF IIED 8 CILLE1 T. V. President and Treasurer. JAMES B. ALVORD, Secretary. 1 19 $ 1829CIIARTI:R PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE IWSURA1SCE COMPANY p PHILADELPHIA. Arrets on January 1, 18G0. capital Aceiueu Suiplus. Priuiiunis .HWI.IfW (Ho . 44 543 it .1,102, mB UNSETTLED CLAIMS, fll.4b7S3. INCOME FOR 1806 (10 IXW. LObSES PAID SINCE 1819 OVEh 6,000,000. Perpeiuul and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS. Charles H Bnncker, I dward C, Dale, l oblus Wanuei, George Fales, Samuel Glum, Alfred Filler, tleorge W . Richardi, Francis W. Lewis, M. t. UuatLca, Peter McCail. CHARLES ti. BANCKtR, President r i? 1aLK, Vice-Presldcuu JA. W. Mi ALLlSTER. Secretary protcm. 2 3U2 Jj-'UtK INSDUANCE KXCLDtJIVELY THK PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INSURANCE COM I AN - Ineorporuteil IH'JS t hurfer Perpetual No Sid a I NC i Mieet, opposite liidt pcudeuce Square. 'Ibis Coinpsm , lavi-nibly known to tlio community lor over torl.v years, cuutititio to insure against loss or ilamase bv (Iro ou Public or Private Building, eithe iii'iuiniieitllv or ior a limited time. Alao on Furniture. Murk am I, nods, aud Alorchandiso generally, on liberal (inns. Their Capllnl. togethor Willi a largo Surnlua Fund, Is lini'stcd In i lie UH'nl caretul maimer, which eu.bic tlirni to oiler to the Insured uu uudoubted security hi tlto case ol Ins. nmtCTors. Dnnlt'l "nillli. Jr.. . John Devereux, Alexander Benson, I ' 'I boinas Suillh, Isiiuo 1 1 tr 1-hit is i, I Henry Lewis, 'ihmnas Kobblim. I J. UUUugbuin 1 ell, Daniel Haddock Jr. DANll.L OMITH, J a., frent Wiiiiam 11. Ciiowkll, Secretary. plMKNlX INSURANCE COMPANY OF Till J InVoVIoh" M-'D 1H04 CHARTER PFRPHTHAL. No 224 V ALN IT Street, opposite .the tjw-hanire lu aiidlilon io MARINE and INLAND LNaU RANCB Cuiin any Insures rtomlossor damate by URE, oo liberal erma ou liulldlug', meu bantlise. laruttare. etc, or Hunted periods, aud permanently on bulldinga, oy UTh,r4l'S5ura?"y "'ibeen ln aetlye operation for mora than SIXTY YKA kS, daring whloh a l loasea have b-3ei Hompor adjusted TnB. Joim n nodge. Lawrwica Lewis, Jr M. II. Mabouey, .l.ihn T. Lewis, William 8. Grant. Robert W LeanUng, 1. Clark Wharlou, jritvifl XjWIS, Benjamin Ettlng, Ihomas H, Powora, A. K, Ale Henry Kdmond CatlUon, 1. Oil Ifl (!. XOTla. Mtutil lWilco JOHN JL WlTLHJfiJlEK. freiaden. Ham I Wilcox. Secretary. . , li INSURANCE COMPANll-S. LIVERPOOL AND . LONDOIf AUD GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital and Assets, $16,000,000. Invested in United States, $1,500;000 Total Premium lteceived Ijy tho Cmntmny in 181,5, Sf t.O 17.175. Total LcsEes Paid in 1865, $4,018,250. All Losses promptly adjusted without reference to Lnglasd. ATWOOD SMITH, General Agent for Pennsylvania. oriici:, No. t MercliRntH' Kxelianrr, ruiLADELrutA 18II6111 PKOVIDENT LI KB AND TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA No. Ill South FOURTH Street. INCORIM'RA IFD MOMH,22L,18flS. CAPITAL. tIAO OWI, PA ID IN. Insurance on Lives, by Y earlv Premium ; or by b, 10, or -0 year Premiums. Non-iorielture. Fndowniems, nay able at nture age, or on prior drreate, by Yearly Premiums, or 10 year Premiums both e a. aea Non-torleiiure. Annuities gtantcd on favorable termg. Term Po 1 lea Children's LudowmenU This Company, while giving tlio insured the security ota paid-up Ca.ltal.will dlvltio the entire profits of tlio Li e business among Its Poller holders. Moneys received at Interest, au I puld on demand. Authorized by charter to execute I rusts, and to act a Fxecutor or Anmlnlstratt.r. Assignee or i.uardlao, and In other fiduciary capacities, unuer appointment o any ourt ol' this ( ominonwealth or of any perswu or per sona, or bodies politic or corporate. PtiiKCToua. SAJ1PEL R. PHIPLT , i Hl( 11 ARD CADBURT. J1R1 MIA II HA( KIR, HENRY HAINKS. JOSHUA H. AiORKlS, T W1STARBKOWK. Bit HARD WOOD, WM. C. LO .N US i BETH. ( ilAFLES V. COFFIN. SASlCELR SHIPLEY. ROWLAND PARRY. President. Actuary. THOMAS W1STAH. id. I)., J. B. TOWSSEM), 7 27 S Alci.lcn Uxamlner. ICgal Adviser. MISCELLANEOUS. JT I T L E R, WEAVER & CO., AlANfFACTCKEKS OF i Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords I Twines, Etc., No. 23 North WATER Street and if. 2i North DELAWARE Avenue, 1'UILAVELrniA. ItDWiN 11. FiTLKn, Michael Waver, ' Conbad T Clothim. an (HO AKCH STKET.-GAS F1XTIJEES, TJ--f! ' f iH-iDF.LlER.-, BRO ZE STA1 BARY, KtcT. -VAhiiiK A CO. wouloresptcttully direct the atten tlcn nftheu- irlmds, and the public general y, to their latge ana elevnrt assortment of 0r FIXTCRtS. I'AN HEL1KUS, ana ORNAMENTAL HKOZiJ WAKrS. iboso wishlrg bandseme and tborvughly n.atle .;ocds, at veiy reasonable prices, will tind it to their advuntat,e tOilve us ucuil beiora port basing else- ...... VJ.v.. u, ,, ,,-r.,iv II . I Ul (peclulcare und at reasonable prices li A Cn '.t i" lcrti0r ,n1,!'n,,'1 flxtuiea reflnlshcd wllh VANK1BK. 4 CO Q. E O R G E PLOW M A X, CAPPKNTKIl AND BUILDER, No. 232 CARTER Street And No. 141 DOCK Street. ' ' UBchlccWtiikand Mlllwrlghtlng piomptly attend to CORN E X C H ' A , a 0 BAO MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. UAIUI it o REMOVED TO X. E. corner of MAHIiKl and WATER S tree a, Puliudalphia, DEALERS H It AOS AND BAGGING , oi every uencilption, ior Cialu, Floor, Bait, super P bophaie ot Lime, Bone Dust, Eto. I.artre ana email GUNW BAGS canstantly on hand. ., Also, WOOL SACKS. ' Joijn T. Bailey. James Cascadkit. ALEXANDER G. C ATT ELL & CO. PRODrCB COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SO. 26 UORTU WHARVES, 1KD NO. 27 NOKT11 WATER STREET. PHILADELPHIA. 22 ALEXANDER G. CATTKLL. ELUAB O. CATTBIX COTTON AND FLAX SAIL DCCK AND CANVAS, . , , . ot ll numbers unit brands. Tent Awning, Trunk, and Wagon-Cor. .-juck" Also PaiierJianuiacturers Drier Felts, irom one to savea feet w ide; i'aulms, Pelting, Sail Twine, etc JOIJN W. EVERMAN A Co.. 36 k us Jones' Aiicy, w 1 L L I A M S . GRANT. COMMISSION MERCH4jir 0.33 S. DELAWARB Avnue. Phliadclnhi. AtiENr jou Dnpcnt's Gunpowder, Rellued Nitre, Charcoal. Eto. W. Haker & Co 's t bocolate. Cocoa, and Broma. Crociterproa. a Co. 'a Yellow Metal SheaOiing, Rolt. and Nails " 124 SHIPPING. fSft STEAM TO LIVERPOOL CALLING ,' uueenstown The Intnan Line, sailing 'LDINBUhGH .Siiturdav. einciiilr -tl ' CITY 'F LI.MfcRICK", Wednesuay, September 2t and each succeeding t-aturday and Woduoaday. at uoon, iroin Pier No. 4a North rwr. KAlhS OF PASSAGE , My the mail steamer sailing every Saturday. First Cubln, Gold wi htei-rago. Currency 3A To London H5j To London 411 Io Pari KjftJ To Paris H) Passage by the Wednehdrv steamers) First cabin. Sloe; ateeruge, (36. payable lu United States cur. rency. Passengers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre n en. etc , at moocrate rales. Steerage passage la. in Liverpool or Queenstown, $4 If, euirency. 1 Ick, ts Cuu be bouaut here by persons tend ing for their friends. For lurther luioimatlon apply at the Comoanv'ai oflicee. ,,,JOMN DALE Accnt. 8 7 Ko. Ill WALNUT btreet, l'hilada. I? a.TiTLS F0R NKW ORK. PillLADEL -1: deiphla Steam Propeller Comaany I)e wliisiire Liues.vla Delaware and Rarltan Canal, leaving imi y at it iu., ovuuevung Wltn all tiortliern and Eastern lines. Knr fr. inbi. which whl be taken npon accommodating For ft-tlght, which whl be taken npon accommo terms, apply to WILLIAM M. B4IRD t CO. 3 16 o. 112S. DliLAWARJ5ve 11 M. H ll'll i i " .venae , rro niP CAriAiNS and owners.thi I nmierslgned having leaseu the KKNSISGTOM B4JRKV DOCK.begs loin orm his friends and ihe'.atrons ul the Dock thai he i prepared with lucreaseo laoliltira to accommodate those having vmse a to he raised or repaiied, and being a practical ahlp-carpenter and c.ulker, wl.lgtve persnual aitentlon to the vasaala .11 trusteti to him tor n-palra. CaiOilna or Agents, slim Carpenters, and Machinist nevinfTvCBsels to repair, are solicited to call. Having the agency for the sale oi "Wetterstcdt's Patent .Metallic i-mposltlon" ior Copper Paint or the pieservatlnu of vesteis' bottoms, for ibis city, 1 am nre pared to luruUb tbeaame oo tnvorsble lerui-.. JnHN U. HAMM1TT. ... . . Kensington Screw Doc. 1 IS DELAWARE Avenue, above Ui URJCL Street, STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QULVER'S KEW PATENT DELF HAND-JOINT HOT-AIR PUHNAOB. AliL KAMIKS OP VLSO, PHI EOA H'6 M:W LOW TKESSLKB 8TKAM U EATING AlTAKAlX'S. JTOH BALK BY CHARLES WILLIAMS, t10 S tip. 1132MAKKK1 THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER OH FFROPKAN RANG K, tor tamlll, hotel. or Diihllo instliutloua. In TWKNTY Ulr?! KK VP ' nu.r n. Also, im ativipuia naiiges, Ht -Air kar I'wrn r.iriai'iti iirai.-ii-, i.i'.uu.a tiralia Pirt-h.t..t -Stoves, Haia Bollera, Mowlioie I'lal.a, Broiler, tujk lngHtovt etc, wholes e ana r-iall.liv th, ntia ii.L Hirers. SHAHPK A TlUHls'V i IKStUthCui o. W i. UKCOND b.ift WUii- , u.. lliv UllllDU LB I'M HI fll.M. I'ClT v iVf MtiSTiM" wd"ei"y. Sep ember 12 "t ITY Or BOSTON Saturduv, Sept.mber IS 'CITY OF t OKK" Wcduosdav. Heotember 19 1.1. Tl I h. HlTbllll'l