7 INTIIUSTIMJ ITE.US. A Troublesome Seal. An instance of Ihe font en and voracious nature of the pphI has oc rnncrl during; the present season at the salmon tinh.nn near the mouth of the river Ness, li v. chiIii appear that during the luat two monrh nt .rant a monster gaal uaa bi-en coiomittinu icarml riopredati )iih amoiiff the Ush. From the olwivatlons of the fishprtunn, theaniiniil s.-etim to buunt the locality day and niclit, watchincr his opportunity tor spcurin'' a victim, and the ni)Tiil.r of tlsh that lull a piey to bin moatiaWe niaw must be considerable. After rctirim; lor noine riu-taure, and with bond above water re connoitring the operations of the bout and parlies on fhore, as it watching the convenient mi. eiit, he sinks under wntcr, and evidently n in the direction of the net, where he S pl " with the tih as they enter, or are cn t .av rii r to intake their esctipV, The ucti have been frequently damaged, and on several occa sions tih taken bcariu? tho iiiniii-tiikiible iin prcyn ol thcireu. m' delicate tasie; in one ch-ic n tine piihe was caulit h .ivmtr the bead mid a iiorticu ot the (-boulder? biiten clean away, ivuy endeavor has baon made to ulioot the plundernr, and numerous pun and nfli-. have been brought to bar acramat him, but without mtcccep. Some ot the tishernicn dcclart; Hist he in a veteran at the business and has visitpd tno flsliiii-rH tor tho last lew years in succession. Whetlier this bo tne case or nqr, he seomn adroi'ly trsuned to th- work, and wary enough to itludo all chance of capture. The loss tu tho lishiiiifs must be couideiable. livemen A1 c rli.'cr, lii j Centenary cfa London TiitHi'.". -ThcoMct tbcr.tTieal cdilicc itl Lotiiton in Sadler's Wellfe. O her plav houses have been bunicfl or pulled tluii, and have rifen anew I tout the asiies or t lie oust, but the odd-looking building in 8t. .kliu htrect mid, which to the outside; observer I- quite as mticli like a chapel or mausoleum im a theatre, is tho identical Sadler' Wells which whs associated with (iriiuakii lr.,ni his very in tiiticv, and to which the ancient Inhabitants ot Clnrkeuw( II and Itdiiipton were in the habit of walkiner across the fields. As far a the eye i concerned It has even outlasted the river on the hanks of which it was built. When it first arose the stream was one lu which coodly fish were ranch t, and when these had J passed awav, the quest of tittlebats was loner prevalent anion? the urchins of the neighborhood. At last the portion of the New River near the theatre was completely covered over, and many a patron of the drama who approaches Sadler's Wells by the lonii walk exteudiujr Irom thesrate wny lo the doors is not awnre that, a stream flows beneath bis feet tuat once supplied watrr lor atiatic. dramas which ot old tilled the northern siilniib with wonder and dc:i!ht. This year is the one-hundredth oi the old thcutrc's existence. An accident "'limbic house," which apparently answered the purpose of modern "music ball," was pulled down in 1705, and within a very short time the present house was bnill in its place. Prepiuatioiis are bcinu made lor centenary per loimances, whih will shortly take place. The Influx or American Touribta into Europe The number of American tourists vistius KtiGr land this year is i.nprecedetitpdly ereat, the wealthcr classes, both in the Northern aud Southern States, bciuc only too plad to have a little mental rest and pleasure airer th wor ries and miseries of the civil war. Though Paris is the spot w here American led most at home, the majority visit the ' old country.'' and crowds of our "cousins" are now to "be found at our principal waterine places, and in cities and tot us of world-wide celebrity, espe cially where the English lansruaqe is spoken. This influx of American visitors is especially frratifyinfr to our shopkeepers, for, owing to the prohibitive tariti now in force in the United JStates. thousands of articles of both necessity and luxury can be purchased here far cheaper than in the States, even if the purcbasr had to pay the duty, which, thanks to Mr. Morrill and his friends, the custom officials levy at New York and other American seaports. Tailors, hatters, hosiers, etc , are thu irrcatly benefited by this "YanKee exodus," aud share with hotel keepers and railway companies the dollars which are so lavlahly disbursed by Americans when on pleasure bent, and which in these "tiubt" times are more than ordinarily welcome. The Scotch at Home. Edinbnreh numbers 15:50 one-roomed houses, of which H'2; contain each six inmates and under, whih.t no one of the re maining 705 contain lesh than that number of occupauts. In Glasgow the state of thin era is still worse; for there the number of one-roomed houses is 2212, ot which number 1253 shelter seven human creatures, whilst each of the other ti.W dwellings has more than seven inmates. There are in all Scotland no fewer thau 7G'J4 houses if they can be culled,, houses without windows! and 220,723 houses of only one apart ment; provine that nearly one million of the people ot Scotland, or nearly one-tbird of the entire population, are living in houses places improperly so called in which neither the comforts nor decencies of lite can be secured, and which are thus totally unfit for human habitation. What wonder that working men like to spend as much of their leisure as possible in publin houses, and as little of it as possible in their homes. Ret. Dr. Deng. Tvburn Gate. It may not be trenerally known anions your readers that the centre portion of this gate, witn tne ctoctc, is sun siunuin? on the premises of Mr. Baker, farmer at Crickle wooa. who bought it at the time it was taken down. It consists oi a high wooden arcb. with two doors; under this arch, in its orierinal position, was a weigh bridge, over which all wagons with goods fiom the midland and western counties passed, aud tolls charged , according to weieht; the heicht of the load was restricted to the height of the arch. These wasons were drawn by eieht, ten, or more horses, and carried goods and passencers; un derneath swung a "dog-naskot," which was otten occupied by children, or even men, when there was no room in the watron. The arch and doors, with the old clock over, have been erected at the entrance to a wooaen cow-snei. and can be seen from the high read through Cncklewood. Aotea ana yuenes. Anecdote of Scott In the Museum at Abbotts- ford there is a small Roman patera, or gobler, in showing which Sir Walter Scott told the loilow ins scorv: "I purchased this (said be) at t nnhlpmu'n'u winn near hv. at the enormous sum of twenty-five guineas. I would have got it tor twenty pence if an antiquary, who knew its value, had not been there and opposed me. However, I was almost consoled by the bitter Ti ice it cost bv the amusement 1 derived irom an old woman, who had evidently come from a distance to purchase some trifling culinary articles, and who had no taste for the autiquc. Every successive guinea which we bid for the patera this good old lady's mouth grew wider ana water with unsonhisticated astonish inent. until at last I heard her mutter to herself in a tone which 1 shall never forget 'Five-and-twenty guineas! Ii the parritcb-pat gangs at that, what will the kail pat gang for?' " j A Narrow Escape. A short time siiice Dr. Wilks left Scarborough, England, for Filey, but did not return home as expected in the evening, and, no tidings of what bad become of him reaching Scarborough, no small amount of aux iely was felt for his safety. News cane lata next day that, although safe, he had a marvel lous escape. It appears that he had ventured on the sands, and was overtaken by the tide at a most dangerous spot. Up to the neck In water, he had to remain ull night and part of the next day. When relieved he was conveyed to Clayton Waterworks, where he tor some time remained In a speechless condition. ' After some time he was so far convalescent as to allow of his being removed. The King of Hanover. Kine Oeorge of Han over and his descendants may find a consolation which in AonloA tn ltiHnv of their roval fellow- Buflerers In other German 8tates, for their rights as princes of the blood and members ot the English peeraee secure for them a station in this country which has little cause to envy the lustre or continental rovaltv. W HO tDese nten hereditary privileges, and the wealth which, it is to DC nopea. tbv wl 1 save out oi rue wrecc of their private fortune, theGuelphs of Hanover win nave in uiese islands a rar oinereui 101 uuiu that of many other "monarcha retired from business" a let which even these, however, do not sad auogetuer vaeuduxaule, lme$. Convent Life. Count de Montalembcrt is dying. Ills daughter took the veil at the Sacre Coj'ur BiiitiP months sir.ee. As an acknowledg ment of the great services rendered to th? Chinch of Rome by her distinguished father, his Holiness has granted the jouns recluse per mission to quit her convent duriinr one day in each week, it order to attend her father's death bed. This is a rare conce.-sion. A young laftv. the only child of her widowed mother, entered a convent last year. Her mother literally broke her heart Irom prlef, and died. Vainly did her family petition that she micht bo permitted to take leave of her dying parent in tliH presence of the cleiBy summoned to administer the extreme unction. The only concession the Church could bo induced to make was that the orphan g'll should be permitted to kneel on the tavinn titof the court-yard whil-t the proces-i n accompanying her mother's funeral pu-ised the' closed pates of the convent, and thus Hint he might hear the chant of the attendant pric"t. This much the Church conceded to filial tUftc tion, but no more. faris Letter. Ihe u z Canal M. Ferdinand He LesT-ps has cbt lined a considerable triumph in a libel cac npn'iist two financial journals, the L'otueilUr UorrU lrs ChimijiK tie trr aud the ( iiToxnon O'lvrc Avli (jrorihe. These paper, in the autumn ot lat and the spring ot this vear, publi-hed a scries of articles systematically runnintr donu tho Suez C'fim.l Company, presumi ng to allege that, in consequence of shilling sands, tho works were making no progress, and that M. de Lcesi ps' financial statement to tht shareholders was a "romance." aud that his figures were not wonh.v of serious consideration. For these libcla M. de Lc'sep cliiime I 250,00111'. diimaires. M. AulH pin, Judge Advocat", 'enerccti?nll.y'' si'n'Oitcd the pluintiiPs case, und the court. AI. 1 cno'st Chainpy presidium, awarded agiiiii'-t lour reprceiitatives of the two papers MAI. 'onct.t.j de Lornie, De Chaunud, Oenechaud, and Soiidniiievar. ous sums amounting tu the holeto 15'),0(t0f, with five year?' imprison ment in de fault ot payment. A D.vorce Granted. A German named Henry Knbonn, having had dome-ale dilliculties at home in Memphis, Teun., lelt with the avowed purpose of goiug to some place wncre the cholera was ragtne, in the hone that he would fall a victim to it. He visited St. Louis aud other infected cities, but the cholera would not take hold cl him, so he went to Nashville, aud lust Fridav drowned himself In the Cumberland river. He loft the followine for his wife: "Drar Lizzie: Hefore these Imps reach yon. the Camherlund will be my piavo You asked lor a divorce, aDd you have odo, though In a different wav from v. hat vou expected., him ni; poorchil. d n, aa the lost token or an unfortunate iathor. As lor yourself. 1 will obtdo bv tho judemen1 of a mer ciful tribunal n tne other world. Farewell. "Your loving husband, Hkkjiv 1.mionn." NEW APPOINTMENTS BY THE POPE. A Korl lien in In j; Kucycllcal. The i'one hns proclaimed Monsianor Izn itii l'hilin Anrus. Rishop of Damascus, w ho is now in Itoiue, Patriarch of Ant loch; and Motisiimor Jc-eph Cher a, iiishop of Listra in partilius. JJisuop ot loaira. rue rope oraaineit that the new Patriarch of the Syrians, as a special honor, shouid be proclaimed with the same cetomo niul as is observed in the case ot Cardinal?, v. ben. after their investment with the purple, they arc appointed Archbishops of a diocese; and, conformably to this arrangement, Alon si'jnor Arkus, instead of 'asking the pal lium in the ordinary way by a candi- oature ad hoc, wu admitied to prefer ttie request pcr&ouallv. He entered the saloon of the consistory in company with two Syrian bishops, and repeated Ms vow, to which the J'ope muoe the customary response. Fropedicm daiiimvK Monsurnor Ark us then rendered thanks to his Holiness, and preached a sermon in the Syrian language, at the same time presenting the rope witu a Latin translation of his dis course, lie was alter wards, in accordance with the same ceremouial, received oilici illy by the rope in ice tnrone-room, ana Dvthe cardinal Secretary of State. The ceremonies were com pleted by a visit to the tomb of the Holy Apos tles, where he was awaitod by Cardinol Patrii, Sub-dean of the Sacred College, in a gala robe, stuped with violet, instead ol red, as in the case ot cardinals. As the Pope did not pronounce an allocu tion on this occasion, it is believed that he will hold another consistory in older to give expres sion to the sentiments entertained about the suppression ol the relieious orders by the regu lar clercy of Rome, who are dissatisfied at his long silence. Hut th' re are rumors that the protest ot the rf.iy tatner will take another lorni, and that Monsignor Brancaleonl Catcl lani, Secretary of the Congregation of Uriels, and one of the best Latinists of Rome, is pre paring, from the notes of his Holiness, an encyclical to all the bishops of the Catholic world, and that thin document, to w hich the authorities attach great importance, is soon to appear. AUCTION SALES. T 1 K 1. JOHN FDOAR THOAlhON. Truslje ill a certain Indenture of uiortiugo ot the propel ly herelnaiter ile- Hcribed exeoiitia u.y tne lyroueanu ciourtieia Kuiironu t ompany, to ua as n. oitnut.ee iu trust to secure the pavmeutol t io principal and Interest ot bonds of aald Company tc l.ie amount of $38,0Wi. which mortnaKe la dated the !.it dov o November. A. 1). InbV, and lecorded In i be i Hue lor lucordiUK Iiaeds, etc. In and tor the county ot l lalr ou the 8th day ol November. A. D, ls6ii, in Uortitae boon 'B," pints U7. ins, 101). 110. aud Hi. do herebv uive notice that default liavinif been n ado lor more than ninety da a In the pa inent of the Inte rest uueanduemandeuon tnesaia bouas i win. iu pursu ance ol be writt. n request to me directed of tlie holders of mote than fl.tee thousand dollars in amount ol the said bonds and by vir ue of the power conlerred upon me in tl at respect by thi sail mortiaiie exrione to Public sa e and sea to the highest and best bidder by M. 'i HUM AS & sOSH, Auctioned at ihe 1'HILADEL 1'hIA FXt UANOE. In the City ol Philadelphia, on 1 butausy, the 27th day ol (September. A. 1. lsuo tiyon the terms and couuitioni- heremalter stated, the whole of the said ilorlnatd premise, viz. : The whole oi that section oi the Tyrone and Clear Held Hatlroao. from tlie point oi Intersection with tlie Peiinsvivai ia hal road, at or near lyrone citation, in lilair couniy. to the point ot connection with the li railed line ol tbo said 'lyrone and C'learttld Itailroad, known und tiesiiinated as -The Int rsectlon," being about three miles and one quarter from ttie Pennsyl vania Kabroad at 'lyrone station, as tlie satuo Is now coi strui led, together with all and Hiugulir the rail ways rails. In Id lies, icuces, iprivbeges. rights, ana ail rt ai properti oi every description acquired by and be IoiikIiis t said company, adjacent to or connected witu, or ou the line ol suld section o' three and oue quarter miles ol road, and ail the tolls Income, issues and profits to be derived and to arise from the same and a 1 the lands used and occupied for railways, depots or stat'ons between said po'iiu on said section ot three and one-iiuar ei ml es with all buildings standing thereon or procured therelor. AMD GENERALLY. All the lands, railways, ralla bridges, culverts, trestle Works, tool houses, coal houses, wharves, lences. riubts of way, w orksbops machinery, stamina, depots, depot grounds, works, masonry, and other superstructure, leal estate balldtt ga, and improvements ot whatever na'nre or kind apperta'ninn or peionguig to tne aoovo mentioned property and to the aald section oi the aald Tyrone ana Clear fled Ballroao and owned by said Cbmpan; tn connection there lit). '1 be said section ol the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad extending from the point ot Intersection of the said Ty rone and Clearfield Railroad wlih the Pennsylvania Railroad to the point of Connection with the graded Hue ot the said 'lyrone and CleaiUela Ral.road. known aud as "ihe Intersection," Is about 3H miles lu length. TERMS OF SALE. 10.000 of the purchase money to be paid tn cash when thepropenv Is struck oh. and the balance within twenty "Tfi V'mfn on account of the said balance of purchase money, to the extent of the dividend thereoi payable on the bonds se cured by the said niorlgaf e and the matured coupons of said bonds mav bemaue in the said bonds or coupons aud If the dividend is leas than the aetnal sum due upon the said bonds or coupons, the holders may retain pos session of the said bond and coupons, on receipting to the said 1 tub toe lor the laid dividend and endorsing payment ol the same on the said bonds or ooupous. upon the pui chase money oeing paiu, aa eunu, the said Tinstee will execute aud deliver a deedot conveyance ol the premise to the purchaser or pur chasers In pursuance of the power conlerred upon liltu Any lur her Inlomatloa In respect to said sale, or premises may be bad upon app icauou to im miwr. algned Trustee, at the ottlce oi the Pennsylvania Rail- WumA . vj oa sa 'I hint .(MAt PhlladnlDbia. JOHN EDGAR THOMSON. Irujtee, No. itSM 8. TUIRU Street. M. THOMAS A KONrt. Aucitoneers a ii a and 141 b. FOURTH btreet. 6 11 m3m Philadelphia. DR. KINKELIN CAN BE CONSULTED confidentially on all recent, local, chronic, and constitutional diseaatsi. at his oW eatabluilujieot, north- nti vviu vi uuw auu u nivu atrvvt. Slbm AUCTION SALES. "NT 0 c r. Tt. TRANKI.IS TIAI.LY. Trust in ftfwrtnln Inden ture ol Mcrlin. ol 11,6 itijrij hrn-inaitnr ilnoctllH'u, exer.uied ly thu Tynnu Clearfield Kallroad Company to me. m niortsBkoe in trnt. to secure the na'ou.n ot the principal ai.il interest of honua ot saul Company to Die an omit ot iMMIHi. 1' h moitiiaiie la elated iliel.t itav ol KotimaT). A I. lssl, and nronlno in the oittoe lor rocorriinn deeds, eio. . In ani for the county oi Walr ou the 4tl (Iiit ol February , A. JJ . lsl n morumxn liook 11. pate 1IH d and In the oftico for rccorihuv oi cds, etc. In and tor the county ol entre on the U dny ot I'eliTiinry. A. 1., IM! In mortgHie hook K. pa .e 4iij r tc. ao ticribv utvc notice thai itniniili liaix liif i i n made tor mors Hum ninety i ays In the pvyment ot the Interest duo and demanded on the said hoiuK 1 will. In numnnneo of ttie vrlt.cn leanest, to mo directed of the holile'M ol n ore than SiO,. 0 In amount ot the said holiila. and h virtue ol mo power con erreo nnon me in tlia itrpC'Ct hv Hit snul mortiiane, expose to pub Ic Mite, and veil to the tlvhent and basi bidder, hr M. 'IHOiMAf MNH, Aucllonecra. at the 1111 l,A UEh IHIA KXI ItAMiK iu the cliy ot Pliilad. li'lila on Thursday, the 47th diy ot Heptemlier A 1. lsiii at I'.' upon tho terms and eondl Ions herelmifter aiateil. Hie vkolo ol the r.ld morli ai,cd premisoa and trauctiiava, viz. 1 .e whole ot that lectlonof the Tyrone and Clear field llallioad trmu i.vrone Ma Hiu. Illalrtonntv. Pciin svlvaiiia. to l'hll IpstiurK In ( entro cniuitv. I'eniiKrl Vanla, an the fBii.c Is row coi:trucied, topihcr with all Mid ainau ar tlie railway, tat'a, crosa-tleg, rhnlp.. xplkep iron, timber, brldpr. fences, toveiher whh all real property oi every ucM riptiou acquired by and e hintlim 'O said I on panr appurtenant to said road and all the rl hts, liberties, privllete?. and corporate iraiu -iiii 'i. vi nniu 'unit nun oiiiiaii.v aim no tuo to ix. Income, it-puea ann proms 10 do uerivea hiiiI to arise irom tne anme, ana an tne pinna used and nrn- pted lor rai way depots nnd atutlons tietveen said poitiri. wnu an uuM(iui!S aianuinK tncreon or procured "erC'0t- AND (IF.NF.RALt.Y. All the lands mliva rui a iirulves culverts, tres tle woras, lovi-uonsta, coni-innes wharves, lences, Tiliiirin r,ji ?,oiinup, iiineninerv , ptntions. oepo(, depot iirouuca. oihs tt afoiiry, nnd other sunerntruc- tnio lcul estate hilldiiua. nnd linprovementa of whatevei nniure vi kind aiiperlainliur or beloni'lnf; to in,- iiuuM -n., in ii oru iiroiHTIV hum to tne auKi sea Ion of the mid T rone and Clcartle d Kallrond and owned iiT hiliu i r.mnanv in r.om,, fun tiiorottiti. bii liVlits UlierilPM ortvlleuea, und corporate 'iranchlHCS of M)iu lunu llliu.uiiijiail v ( The said section ot the said Tyrone and Clearfle'd l.ailroad rxtendinu hum suld lyroee rltatlon JUnlr ci unty, to and hroiti h the botouuh of Puiillpsljurif, in Ccntro county, ia alotit iAS ml es hi length. TMIMS OF 8Ai E. $ lfl.titX) of the Ptiieliase tnnn, v to he nald In ranh when the pioperty Is sirnck oil, and the balance whlitu twenty days tlHreuier. I'Bimriit on account of the said bntnrur e of purebae money to me eiem oi tne uiviueua tnereot payaDle tn Hie bonds secured hv the said m rtuaue and the mittured coupons ot tlie st Id I ends, may lie made In tho said bonus or coupons; ana t the div.dend Is less than the actual sum duo upon the said bonds and coot (ins. the bo den mar retain pussoaaiou ot .ne sain ootid! ami coupons on receipting to Un said trustee inr the said dividend, and endorsing pav njtnt ol the same un the said bonds or coiiDOns. Upon tne pur hiise-mone.v being paid aa aloresalit. the irtisice iit execute am, (leaver a deed ol convevanec ol the premise" to the purehaseror iinrchiisem. In nursii i nee of the power conferred upon lilui by the said IllonKnve. Anv further Information In renert to the said sale n nremtsea mav be had on annllcatlon to the undersini.iMl 'liustee. at his oil ce, No. ii .south llllltO Street, In the city ol fnuuuc ipn'a. It. FRANKLIN RALRY .Trustee. Ao 42 south Third street M. THOV AS ii, SONH, uictloneers, 6 II mHin Nos. U.) and 141 South FOUUTll Ptnict. T 1 C I. ,10HN Fl'OAR THOMMON. Trustee In a cettaln Intleniuie oi olortsoM) ol the piopi-rty herelnaiter do sciibed exeeuieobv 11)0 Tvotie and ( leaiticld Km road Company to me, as Mor gaeo in Ttust, to secure the pa.vmtntol the prlncii al hi it in erest ot bonds of said Company to the amount ol Mil which Morttrrigu is tlateu the 12tii dny ot Alay. A. D. ls.W. and recorded lu the oft.ee lor iceordini! deeds, etc . in ami lor lite coun'v of Illair, on the 1Mb day oi May, A ). ls.r,'i. In mortg ign book A. pages fit3-4-8-t-7 and s, nnd iu the ofllee for re corulng duds, etc In and lor the county oi Centre, ou the I '21b. day it Vny, A 1. lsiS in mortgage hook K, puge ViQ etc , do lietehy give notice that doiault having l ien made lor more than ninety days lu tho payment oi the Interest duo and demanded on tho said bonds, I will, in pursuance ol the w run n lequcst to me directed c the holdt is ot more than frAUlMib in amount, of .he suid bonds, and by virtue of the powet cotilened uiion mo In that respect by the said l engage expose to public sale ono sin io tne rusuesi ana uesi niotter ny n. t rtu.vt si & hO8, Auctlotieeis. ai the PHlLADF.LPill EX ' I llbitrsdsy, tho 12 o clock, M . u A M.r . in the cuv ol I hiiaceipnia. on 27th dnv of Mcntembcr. A V. IsH. at upon the terms und conditions hereinafter stated, tho V.noie ot toe saiu mor(gHgeu premises, vik. ; 'I he whole o I thai seetiouot said Tyrone slid Clear field Railroad Irom tbo noint of intersection with the 'lyrone nnd Lock liuven hnllrond near Tyrone, lllalr county. Pennsvlvuula to 1 hUtipsbutg Centre county. Pen. sylvan lu. us toe same is now constructed together with al and smm ar tno railways, nuis, uruiges fences. Diivileues. rixhtx. and all real nronertv ol everv tUsciiplion iieiiulred by and btMgliiv to suld Company . aud all the tolls. Income, issues, aitd profits to be d rived and to a'h from the sume. and a I the lands used and occupied lor railways, depots, or sta tions between suid poin's. with all the buildings stand ing thereon or procured ibert-tot AM) WftHAbLT All Ihe lands, rnilwavs. nibs, bridges, culverts, trrnt e works, tool bouses, coai bouses wharves, leuces, rights of wuy. worksiiopa. machinery, stations, depots depot urnntulH. works, maxonrv. an(i other sunerstr'tcturu. leal estate hulii'lmm and Improvements oi whutcver nature or kind ttiipertalning or belomtluR to the above mentioned property, and to the aald section of said Tyrone and i learlleld l.ailroad, and owned by said Coin i. m ti ii It. f.niinf.nt,tii tlicrpwl h. '1 be salo section of the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad, extct ding from the Intersection oi tne i vron ami i teu' field Railroad wlihthe rai road lormerly be'ougtng to the '1 1 roue and LocVbnveu RnilrouU Company, but now to the l uld kagic Yal.cv huilroad Compaio , Is about a) miles iu length. ..... e TK.HMS OF 8ALK lO.Cf.O of the nttrcliasn money to be paid fn cash when the pioperty is stiuck off, and the balance wituiti M days theiealfer PaMENT on account of the aald balance ofpurchasc monev. to the ex ent of the dividend thereof payaole on the bonds secured bv the said mortgage and the ma- luted coupons ot the aald bonds. may be made in the suid honus oi coudoiis: and If the dividend is less tliun tho actual sunt oue upon the said bonds or coupons, the holders may retain possession ot tbo said bonds ami minions mi recelotlnir to the said Trustee tor tlie suld dtvldtnd and endorsing payment of the same ou the said punas or coupons, r non i he nuri'liaae money being paid as aforesaid, the Trtistee will execute and deliver tt deed oi conveyance oi the premises to the ptitebaser or purchasers, nt pur suance ol tlie power conlerred upon him by the said Any turther Information In respect to said sale, or memipes may vv nan u pun niijint imu w uihut sit ned Trustee, at the otllce ol tbe reimsy.vanla lUli road Company, o. v.ts . i niru street, rni.nucipnia. JOHS ELUAR THOMSON, 'trustee, No. 21H. THIRD Street. m . am ei cojiis, Attc'ioneers, f 21 nifftn Nos. IM and 141 S. FOURTH S rout. INTERNAL REVENUE. NITED STATES REVENUE ST AMI'S J'JUKCIFAL DEPOT, No. 304 CHESNUT Street. VENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 South FIFTH Street, ONE DOOR HELOW CHESKUT EPTABUSTtrcu 12. licviuue Stamps of every description uonstuutl on band in any amount. Orders ly Moil or Express promptly atlended to. United Mates Notes, Drafts on l'hiladolphls, or New York, or current funds received In payment. Particular attention paid to small orders. Tlie decisions of the Commission can le consulted, and any information regarding the law cheerfully (tiven. Tbe following rates ol discount are allowed: ON ALL ORDERS OF 2&, TWO TER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDERS OF $100, THREE PER CENT. DISCOUNT. ON ALL ORDERS OF $300, FOUR PER CENT. DISCOUNT. All orders should be aent to the STAMP AGENCY, No. 804 CHESNUT Street, 8 fUtLADtLPaiA. RAILROAD LINES. A D I N i KAILKOAD OBKAT TlIl'NK I.fNF. i Kiin rillLADFLl III A TO IbF, lNlERtOK O PF.bNNYLVAMr , 'HIE. bl III) Y1.RJI.I.. MIMOfJK HANNA, 1 MRFRf.AMt. AM VVTOM1NO V Af.' M1UH, OKTliWF.8T. AND THK I AN ADAS HI A! Stilt. ARHANtJFMKNT OF PASSE50EB ll.AI.NS .IminA lMiil T envlr (he f onu siiv ' Dpiioi n iiirrTrtMTti aa CAIIOWUILL etrcats Fblladelphia. at tha iollow Hours: ... Wtiu.-st.M ACCt.MMOnATIOW. At 7 80 A. -M ''PH'"nir an. tntmutdiute Statlo tr OR N I NO I- I'll .um At 811 A. M. lor RlRilllitf. I rlmnnn li-rrlatinra Pnt vllle, llneuroTC. lania,ua Snot.nrv. VilllamsiHi Itnlrm Roches er Mn.ara Fai s. r.nflalo. A lentow V, tlkeshnrre, 1 itlslon, yK tarlltde, CbarabersbBr Usursiown etc etc. . .. Hils train connects at RF.ADTKu wi n Fust Penn- Fvlvantn pailnad intlna (,r A lentow n etc. and the lihBU n alley train for Ifarrishttrg etc: at PORI' CllNTl'N w,lh (atawltsa Hcllroad trams tor VM- llo osburg, locr tiaven. Hmlr etc.t at IlAr.UI f t I ; W If n Ortl: tn I I Tlri.1 I nn kr'.ml V. Ii., noil Pehnvlkill and Busqiiehanna trnlna ior Norlhutnlie't inml, ii M.inuispuii, ii-ir. i 'oiiiiiMrsouri;, ' tnegtove, etc Leaves Phllnoelpl ia at s-jin p M. tor Koaitlnir Pntts- vlile, llnrrtsbtirg etc., conntcting with Rcaulug and Cclumbia Rsl read t aims lor Co tnntiln. etp. ntujMjo At t MODATION. l eaves KiKlinp st tl (0 A i . .i,.,.r..., .i.iiw .u tletis. a. riving nt I'hllnuelphla at 8 M A. M. itetiirniiisr. ii btc-rniiaucipbia at 0 00 P. M. i arrives In lteadltm nt I'M P. ,M. I rams tor t hilnrciphla leave llnrrlsburff at H IP A M. arrt 1 ot'svllle at 48 A Al arriving In Plilhuli.lobla nt MO P. M. Aitrinoon trains leave HnrrtshiirL' at !( 10 P. f'-. PotlSVille at 'i ii P. M.. arriving in 1-1,1 iul,.lnbiit ttt 4,r. P. St. liAlinitii ku At ('ttMMflll iTION. Leaves lleiidinu at 7 M A M. ami ft nrriti itirtr ar A IU P M t oiinec. inu nt Icending with Auernonn Acconi mi dntlon south, at B l'V P. at., arrivim in ei.jio.u. ni,i , a in p. m. Market iram, wiin passenger rnr attacied, leaves Pluiadi Iplila at 12 4r noon for Reading and ull wavsta ili ns Leaven Lendlmr a 11 3n A. M ami llnwnlto tow n nt P. .. lor I'huadelphla and al way sia I na. All toe anove rains run daily, Mindan excepted. Kiindav I rnlns leave Poltsvllle at Hisi A. M ami vni. lade phia at 'J lft P l Leave I'hl'adolphia for Reading at 8'0U A. at : ; H urrung irom Reading at 4 2 P. M. i lif.M t K V-LLI- Y HML1IDAD Patenters lor Iionnlmiluwn and ioii.rnieilliiie nrtinK take ihe 7-.'H' and g"l A.M. and 6 0 P M. trains from 1 bt'iidelnhta. reltirnlmr irom linvnlnvtian nt R .1ft A t. and l' ;in noon. lifcW YORK r..rhES! FOR 1'ITTSBUItO AND THE WI.M. Leaves New York at fl A M.. and 'fsi PAI. nn.mnu Reading at lti.1 and 11 SI A. it and P4 P. M , and con nectingat Ilarrisburg wlih I'entmv ivnnla and Northern Crutrnl Railroad express trabiH lor Pittsburg, Chicago, Wll Inmsport, F lmlra, ltaltlmorc, etc. Bf turnii.g. ixpriss Iraln lenves Harnshtirg on srrlvnl Ol the Pi Iitsvlvai ia ennress from I'lttsnuru. at 3 and flfSA.il. and WIS P. M., passing Reading at 4 40 and 10 S3 A H., and 1PSC 3 ..' .and arriving In New York at 10 A. if and i 4S p. j. .""eeping cars accompany these tiulns through between Jerse) City and Pittsburg, with out change. A meii tram lornew iorx leaves II srrislmrg at a 10 r . SI. Mai! tralr lor Harrisbursr leaves New York t 1 M. M ltUHMLL VALlitY RAILROAIl. TrnlliSTlvave Pottsville at 7 nnd 11 :lll A. M.. and 7 IS P. M . W-ui-iiing lroui 7'imaqua at 7'!14 A. M. and 1 4(1 mid 4 IS P -M rM'bl'YLKILL ANU nlJQUF.HAN S RAILROAD. lrn:ns leave Auliurn at 7 Ml A. IU for l'lmmrnvn and Harrlsburir. und I SO P M. for Plneumvn ami Tretnont. ienirutni from Ilarrisburg at S 'iO.P. M., and frooi Tro- mout at 7'3S A. M. ana n m v. jn. iirncis Tbrontfh first-class tickets and emlirrnnt rickets tn all the principal points In tho North and Wet and Canada, 't lie loilowlng tu kets are ohtttt. able only at tbe nttleo oi H. hllAlirOhU, Treasurer. No. i7 8 FOURTH Ptreet, Philadelphia, or oi t). A. NICOLLH, (.eneial .upennUu(lent. Keaoing: .:u; ail! i .ii'iuit l il'Kr s At 2S percent, discount, between anv noints desired. ior ianjuicn in u onus. Mll.FAliK TICKETS, flood lor 5100 miles, bo l ween all noluts. IVJ-SO each. for families and ttnus . f;AOK TICHJiTS, for three, six. nine, or twelve mouths, for holders only, to all poiuts. at reduced rats. i i.p ni. i i r.i Residing on the line ol the road wll' he furnished earns entitling tin unci ves and wives to tickets at hah lsre, r ai tnsio iitAbin From Plilladi lphla to urinclnal sia kn. good for Pa tntditv, tSunoay.and ilonduv. nt reduced hue. to be had i niv at tho ticket Ofllee. at 1 111 1.1 Er.NTii. and CAL LliWlill.L Streets FRI 1UHT. (iooca or an uesetiprions forwarded to n't the above points, irom tbe i onipanv'g new Freikht Lepot, UliUAl) and Wl I LOW is(r eh,. FREiCHT TRAlNst Leave 1'hilndclphla cully at ;;(! A M., Ye AH noon, and b r. ai.. n r tunning. Lt nsnon, uitrrtsui.rg. 1 olisviuu Port Llimou, and all poiuts beyond. ilAILN Close at the Pliilndelphiu Post Office for sll nlaees on tun rotul nnd its I. lunches at 6A.il, und fur the principal stations t rlv nt 3 IS P M. S,ls 1 jHILAUKIil'IUA, G K KMANTOW JJ, AND L ORKlSTOVi!i P.AlLUuAli. On and a ter w kh.n nmlia i, jviay id, iwj FOR UERilA.NTOWM Leave l'hll ndcll.liln U. 7 . B. fl. 111. 11. 12 A. M.. 1 ' 'I'll, 4, fp, Si,H. 7. b tt, 10. 11. I '4 P. 11 l.cuve (leimtiiilown 6, 7.7H, 8, 8 20. !), II). 11. 12 A. M. 1,2 .1. i,i.6 BJti. 7. 8, 0 10, 11 1". it. lt:e s. mran irtiin, unu .. ana a up tiains will no step on tbe Gcrmantown liratich. ..V ..I'.' 1. . .... Leave Philadelphia 9-10 A. At., i. U S, 8. I0H P. it. Leave UfcimaiitownS A. M.. 1. 4. 6. P.H P. St. IHEhMJT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Phlludoiohla fi. 8. 10.12 A M..i. 3H and 11 P. Al .... luvo Cliesnat JJtii vm minutes, s. imii, il-tu A. M 1-40. i 40, S 40. b'4l). b 40, und 10 40 ilnuutes P. ii. 1)1 BIIM1A1S. Leave Philadelphia Dili minutes A. il.,2.S. and 8 P. it ne Lhesuut llilt 7'1 ) minutes A. Al.. 12 40. 6 40. an u 'io nrnuies p. M r 1 1 I ifcliuiiui.Jxjiia akiu nuKKisiun y. I.enve Phlludcliihia 0. H ;if mlnnies,, 11-115 A.M.. 1. 4S i)s, b. 8t)'i minutes, and UJs P. SI. 1 cuvc Nouistowu Sift, 7, 7 50, 9, 11 A.; M., 1, 4 ' AidaP M. . , .,, ' , . llieD 1. uRI11 B1"e ! ncnooi i.ane, vti.vsa hiekon, ilanuyunk, spring Mill, and i oushoboiken only Leave rid ndelphia 9 A. M..2H.4 iind7" P.M. Leave Scriistown 7 A. it. 1, SJ, and P. 1!. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6. Haft miuutcs, li'Os a. if., IS, 4.S Sh,B:i,8-ti5,undll f. Al. Leave IVliWuj'unk 6), 7H, 8 lift, 9H, 11 S, A. M., ?, 5, Oi HtiP. . uv,k. v. . va O.l DU Zl Jrt J n. Leave Phlladclphls 9 A. .M., 2M . 4, and 1H P. M. Ixavciianavunk 7'4 A. M , 1, 6 anu 9J p. M. W.'M. WILSON, feneial bupulnteuder t, tienot NINTH andOREEU Htreiits TOHXli PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Ttpon: TH1R! Htvcet above 1 hempson. For HKTHi.FIIH.Al, nuii.tBiuwjt, BIAUCB ( HI NK, EA8IOK, V lLLlAMbPOKT, and WlLblib. BARKE. . At l JO A. m. ir xjin-iw, i,t jii-iuieuria, Aiieniowo alaucb I hunk, Huloiou, Wliliamspoil, and Wilkes bane. a; 3'30 P. M. (Eiprs. f"r Bethlehem, Easton, et reaching l.aston at on r. m. At ilS P. Mm tor Hethlehem, Alleutorm, Mauot Chunk. . a... . . n.nn . .1 n I or UOvlfMiiwu o .o m,, j m lucit ia r.at. 1 01 Fort Washington at 10 A. Al. and 11 P. AI. For Lunsdkte at 6'lb P. id. White can ol tho hecond and Third Htrceti Lina Cltj Paatcntier t ars run direct to the depot. Tit A 1 N H ton PU1LAJKLIIIIA, Leave Hetulebem at b'2.1 A. AI. and Yi 'ib Noon, ar, SIS P.M. Iln . .... Leave J toy eston umdti a. am., tin auu a ju i . as. Leave LaiiMtale at b'CO A. Al. Leave t ort Vi aahliiKton at ln-AO A. M , and 1 15 P. at ON FiUMiAtH. Philadelphia lor Heth enem at f) A. M. Philadelphia lor I'ovlestowu at 2'30 P. M, Doyleslown for Phi adelptiiaall '10 A. M. Hethlebem lor Phllailelphla ut 4 il P. M. a broatth Tickets must be piocuied at the ticket ofticts. IHIKI) Htreet, orBEWKS btreeu, ,'il aLL18 CLARK. Aftent. - EbT JKHS.KV RAILROAD LINKS, FROM VV lnt of BlAItKET Street (Upper Ferry), coin menclnu TUESDAY. August ;8 Vm a a. M Mail tor llildveton, balem, WUlvlllo, and all Intermediate stations. 3 p. M.Mali lor Cape Mav, stopping at Woodbury and DlasHboro. and alt stations beow Ulassboro. Due at l.aoe ai v. i vv r. m. 3 Ml P.M. Passenuer, lor Bililpeton, Sum, and all Intermediate stations. b P. M.. Woodbury Aecommodatlon. J. VAN KtSSELAEK, Superintendent. Frelcbt will be tecetved at becotid Covered Wnatf be.ow Walnut street, from 7-Oti A.M. until 6 00 P.M. That received beiore V (HI A. M. wiU go through the same dUFrelaht Delivery, Va. 28 ft. DELAWARE Avenue, fbe West Jersey Fipre-s company will attend to all tbe nsttal brandies ot Express bustneas. A Special "-lessen vet accompanies each through train. Otliue, No. 4 WALM'Ybtieet Philadelphia. BETI'KMINU TRAINS. Leave Cape Mar at HUfl A. M., Mall, stopping at all Hlaitonj ouC. li. AM. H R.. and Vineland, Ulassboro, and Woodbury. Due 11 87 A.M. . . l eave Hridgcton, 7 IS A. M. and 160 P. M. Leave Halem 1 A. M. and S'I6 p. M. Leave Millville H-M and 944 A. M and P. M. J. VAN KEWSHALAEK, Huperlntcndent. West Jersey. Bale in, and Cain May, and MUlvflle K. Ra- A Qn-PHILADELPHIA AND ERTE RAIL lOUU ROAD. This greatFtne traversea the North era and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania ta tht City of Erie, on Lake Erie. It has been leased and is operated by the Pennnv.vanla Railroad Company. . . TIME OF PAHHENt.FBTKAINH AT PUILADKLPHJA. Atnvo t-miiiiro-a.ne atau iram, i a. ju.( sn "a, areas Tralu, 1 P. M. Leave Westward-Erie Mali, P. M Erie Express Train U M. Passenger cars run through en the Erie Mail and Ex ereas trains both waya between Phi lade phla and k.rlo. -JiEW YORK CONNECTION.-- LeaTe Kew York at A M.. arrive at KrSt M A. M. Leave Erie at 4 45 P. M., anive at New York 4 IV P. M. Eleyant Hleeplng Cars on all the night train. ' ' For luloruiatlori reapeotlng pasaeuger bonnejs, apply at corner TblKTIE I if and MARE KT BTeeta. Phba. And lor 1 iiht business, ol the Company A genu, B. B. Kingatoo. Jr., corner Thirteenth and Market streets pblladelphla; J. W. Reynolds, Erto; WlUiaui Hi own, Ageut N. O. B R-, Baltimore . . . . 11. H. 1I01IH1 OS(. Ueoeral FiWgbt Ageat.Phlla. H. W. UW1NNE&, tieoeral Ticket Ageatal'hUa. A.L. IKLfcK U eralttap' WlUlatupvrv - RAILROAD LINES. PUIT.AIlF.LrHIA, WILMIN0T05. AND BAL 11HO BE RAILROAD, jiwk tahij:. Commrnrlnar Mokiiav j..i- i laca ir 1. ll'fli-1'"1 rierot It HOAD Street and WAHMINU li i Avenne. jis lollows : 1 xprraa 'i rain at 4 IS A. M. Mondaya excented) for Hsltimore and Washington siopolng at t heater. W II- tlill Lfl.n Niv nrb till. . kA.lhi .ri I1..W.-1I1- je t.race Aberde en.Perij man's, Hagnoua, Cbase'santl Hummer's Run Way Psall Train at 8 IS A M. (Snndnvii excepted 1 for p.nlt unore, stopping at all regular stations between I'M- tnceii'iiia nnd 1 aiiit or Delaware Rahrnad Train at 0 A. M. n1n-. . cepttdi, lor FrlneiHS Anne Mll.nnl. and Intnnnpiii-1- slations. K x press Train at lt-45 A.M. (Sundays excepted!, loc paltmiore anfl ashlni ton. ! xpre-s 1 rain at 8 P ii. ihundavs excepted) lor Ha! tlmnro ard 'W ashington, slopping at hcter, t larmort, vvlltllvton. Newara. rlt-tt.n Nnrtlmsur Pmrwl 1. flavte de (. race. A l.erfteen rprrrmiin,i. KAmwnnil XI- i.olln, I bae's, mid Mi turner Run I Mtht Impress at lip. il.,lor Baltimore and Wash Incton l assengrrsbv Ttnat from Tta't'more for For'ress ston- roe Norli U. City Point, and Richmond, will tako the 11 4 A M rein. 1I MINc.toN r rnvtmnniTifi tu iivu Ptnpplngatail M itlons between Philadelphia and Wll- ndtigton j ta,r i nuane pnia at 9 A. M., 18 30. 4 6 and 11 M P. M. The 4-o p. !. tinln eonn-cts with lielaware Railroad lor llarriauton and inii.pm..i..iA -,uon. 'f." bnilngtouat60 7 IS andhSOA H.,4and6S0 P. At. Tpti 7 I. i. M. train win not stop At siatloaa betwrtn t hesterand Phdndelokta -irsinsinr Newcastle IcaTe Philadelphia at 9 A. 31., 4 :.0 iifid t P. it. , Tlllt'TCn TRAIXB FROM BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at 11 A it , 4 an and 10 p. M. Cltrr'U'.H MM I Im iimii. , ?' 'VI . '"'S'f.r l '4. and 11 40 Ar M., 4 4. 6141, i ti and lo M P. it. FROM HALT IMORKTO PH I L 1 DELPHI V Leave I'attliTiorc 7"'S A it., YVav-mall -z0 A. 41., I M.ri n- 1 10 P. if- Exniess. b-x, i. v. hm.. u .ui P. U., Expres . . 1KAIMS roil 1IM.TIMORR Leave (lies erat 4 40 and 8 Si A. M., ntidSittt P, if l.i.iu- V iimlngtcn nt : r.t anu 9 rt:l A. At. and 4iS P. W, Frelf.'bt Trains wlih J asseiigeri ars attnened wlllieava as billow a : VA ilmlngton ior fprrj vine and intennedlato Htntions at fl IS P. it. Pnltltnore for Havreie Grace and ttiftij'fdite statlops at 44,1P.M. Penyvlile for Wli m!nKton end In'ermeiliate stations al ,4'iO A. M .ran. neelingat Wi'miniiton wltli 7 lo A. M. train ior Phil a. de phla. SPNDAY 1BAINH. Express Train at 4-1S A. M. lor linlttmore and Wash ington a'opptng nt i hestei, W i inim Ion, Newark, F.Ik ton, Nor l.ea-t r-rrj vll.a liavre-ste-Oruee, Aherdeen, 1 n m.n's Maitno la. i,i.ae's, nnd Hteinme.r's Run. Jilght Exrrrsa.il P M tor I'altimore nnd Wnsblngtop Accon mottulon trtin at 11 30 P. il. for W liruiugtOB and iittetnicdiate s'ntb ti. liALilMOKF FOR PI1ILADELPBIA. Leave 1 aitimore at b"2S P. il , stopping at Havre-de- Gruc. PrrlTllllA. mill A lliiiini-ton. Also Hiona al a;tr. 1,., and Newark (to take passenger for Phi ado I po la an 4 leave paf-senprra trom Washington or lta tlmore) and ( l.rsur to leave pasfctigers Horn Raltimore or Wash- lllk-ion. Ai-eommodiitton Tiatn Irpm Wl mlngton forPliiladel phla auu iututmediate s.ntions at b "0 p. M. 4 IB H F. hl.NNFY, HupetlnteodenL I. I K An, LW yoRk. THK CAMDEN ANU JOV auu V Dl.fiflnltiliia anfl 'I ranlnn Ka omuiinv 's lnei. HlOM l'lllLADFI.PIITA TO irV YORIT atid YVtiy Places, nom Walnut Streot Whaif, will leave as todows, viz: VAiui At S A. il via Camden and Amhoy, Accomtr.oda (ion 2 2S Ats,v Al. via Ciiinoiii and Jerse tity Fxpresa,... H 00 At UP. il.. via t Hindi n aud Amhov F.xnrnas s-na At 6 P. il , via Cunitien and Ambov Accommodation AtHP.lv. via Ci.tmlcu aud Amboy Accommooa lion, 2d class I N At8A.it. 2 and 6 P M., for Jhount Holly, Kwans- .i icuniriiuii. auu v iiiceuiuwn. At a A. M. auu x 1". M lor Freeho d. At Sand lo A. .., 12 it . 4. , 6. and 1130. P.M. for Fish ronse. rHimvra, mvcrton progresa. Delanco lie.ver.y Firewater, turtngton. Florence, Ronton- town, e c. i no a. m. anu r. ai. hues ruu u:sect tbrnui Ii to 1 u n on. LINES FROM Kl N-tlNOTC'U DEPOT WILL LEA It At II A At. 4.10 (i-4S P. M., and 2 P il. (Night). via Kms'nuou und .lersey City rxuress Lines, lute s-l-aa 1 be 6-4.'i P. ii. Line williun duily. All others Hundays At 7 Ml and 11 A. il.. 3 330 4 30, 5, and 6 45 P. It a u t. tdnicbt lor Lristol. 1 retiton. etc. At 7 and 10 V A. il. 12 St. 8 4.6 and 6P. M.. for Cora- wei s lotnsauio iioum'sniir?, racouy. Wlssinoming 'rinci-Durg. ami rrunaioru, anu ai to ia a. m ior r.ri.-toi M'liciii k 's, .iiuiugton, and 8 r. M tor Holmes- hurg 0 to mtern eoia e siatiuns. At 7 ,0i a. M. snd 3'KO P. il. tor Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk ( nm,n'oh ua. Flmtra. Ithaca. Oweeo. 1U ches er ltlnkbsuipton, Oswcuo. yTaclse Ureal Itend iloutrose W iikesnarre. Scranton Ktioudsburg, iVater Hap, lelvlrtire, Fusion, LaiiibTtvllle. rlemlnatoa. etc. 1 he 3:!0 I . S,'. Line connects direct with the train leaving r ahtou ior Aiuucn iminK, Aueuiowu, lletlue In-lit etc. At 5 P. Al. for LannVrtville and internieniato stations, llinel. UbC. WILLIAM 11 . GAlZMEit. Aont PKNN8YLVAMA CENTRAL RAILROAD. bUMfe FR AltRAMiFSJET. J Tne irnms ot tie reunsj tvamu ueutrai Kallroad irave tue lienor,, at ininy-nrst unu niurket sU-eeta. winch tsreiicbei! b tbe cars ot tlie ilurket (Street Pas senger Railway, running to nnd Irom tho Depot.. The iit!t car Kuvi-s rioui -ioti auuur oo minutes prior :o the di nsruire oi eucb Ttniu. On tjuudavs Cant leave Eleven' h and Market streeta 4S mii.tites iK-tore thedepaitureof each Trains. :vt nun's liaggage F-vpreta will ca l for and deliver . . . . .. . ..... ......... im an. 1 , A. . . . . . bill Chesnut street, will receive at-cntion. . IUA1NS LkAVB UKfOT. VIZ. Mall Train uy F.xpress Paoll A icon modatlnn, No. I 1 sot Line nnd Erin Express! I-mrbliiir Aciou.muiiation 1 at. caster Aid liiinooaiion 1 t.oli ccomuikdatioit Not 1 i,t-buri.b am' Kiln Alai f .at S00 A. U at ivtSJ at Ufa) atl'joe M at i ,10 p. m at s w at 800 at fllltl at 10(4 tttll 1 I'uoli Acccmmodatioti, No 8 Pbtlade.phia hxptcsst TRAINS AIJ.lVK Al bbtoT, viz. : I tncmr.ati j-jvprisst at 12-40 1 . M riiiiaueipnta r xpres.s at 710 puo.l Ateoti nioiltttiou, o. I..... at H2n ' l o!tiinhiaTrt.l' at 0 (10 l.i.iiciisi( r liatu at li 4H P at rununi' at i iu Puoii Accoirtnodatioti, No, 'i at 4 In li:iy l.xpre.-s at 5M Pauli Accou.iiioitfilloii, So. 3 at 1-31 lltirrtsbnrg Accouimoiliitlon at. 8'CO Dai y. exceot S,iuip1it. Dally, i Dal' t, except Mondav. All otlu r Iraitisdutly. excent Sunday. i Unimlng through Irom l'hiludelplua to Piitsbargk noil .'rie n itboiit I'.iiurao 01 etira. Mii iIh.v Accommooa lot Ttalns for Paoll and intermo dule s'ntions leave Hhiladeipbia at VtlO A M. and 7 Uf) I . m., leiurntug leave raou at o on a. aa. anU i M r m Til Ktl OFFICE Is loen'cd at No. K1 cl.exnut street, where Ticket t all importsnt points mav be procured, and full mlorma tun kito bv JOHN C. ALLKN. Ticket Agent. lro at Ihirty-hrst and Market streets, on appllas- tlOUtO lLlU.11 AM tt. 1-AJiliK. Ticket Agent at the Oeoot. An Kn irant Train rnns daily (except Sunday). For full particulars as to tare aud accommodations apply tu . FRANCIS FUAk, . , , . ,No. 137 IOCK. Street. I be Pent sylvanla Railroad Company will not assume any ti-k lor Eapgage. except tor Wearing Apparel, and lltuit theft iispotisibbity to One Hundred Dollars ia value. All iiuvvuue exceeding- that anionnr in al.i. vv ill be at the ibk of tbe ovtner, unless taken by special i la T, RKHJtlT Lil KS FOR NEW YORK AND j- ai. mi- riiiuuuH on me t ajuur.n ana AMHOY anfl cunuecting hat roads. IM hr Ar-ED DFpATCIL I in-, i i'mur.B AA11.U1 RA1LHOAD ANI TRANbl'OKiA'JjON COMPANY i-REKlHT LINKS 101 i'i i'i un leovu niuci street Whaif at o'. ock P M.duilv iBiiiuIhv. ntl rruati 01 Freight must be'ileUvercd beiore 4X o'clock, to be for winded the mine day. Returning, the above lines will leave New York at 13 noon and 4 and H P. M Freight lor Trenion. Princeton. Kingston, New Bruns wn k, and a 1 points on the cumuen and Amooy lUit road: aifO. on the He-V (lore Delaware anil h'inmin. ton the New Jersey, the Fieehold and Jameaburg. aad tlie Hurlinuton aud Mouut Holly Railroads, received aud lorw aided no to I P M. 'i be HelvUlere De aware Kellroad connects at Phi lip. ourg wiin me L4:uiru r luicr xtanxoan, anu at Aianun kai'Tinnk witb all poiuts on tlie De'awaro, Lackawanna, and W estern Rai rond, forwarding to oy racuaa, Bullalo, auil uint-r ruiuiB in 1 imtiu i.iii, 1 uia 'Ibe New .len-ev Railroad connects at Elizabeth with the New Jersey c ent rai Railroad, and at Newark with tbe Mortis and Essex Railroad. A slip memorandum, mecilvlng the marks and num bers, shippers, and cor vli nees. must, in every mstance. be sent w ith each load ol goods, or no receipt will be " ."p,. Increased facilities have been made for the transi ortatton ol live stock. Drovers are bivlted to try tbe route. V ben siock la lurnislied In quantities of two carloads or more. It Wll be delivered at ihe foot of For tieth firet near tbe Drove Yard, or at Pier No. I, North River, as the shippers may designate at tbe time Oftstupment. t ... F'or terms, or other Intormatton, apply to W AL'l Elt FRF-EA-i AN, Freight Agent, No. Musi. DELAWARK Avenue. Pbliadel ph ia ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RATLROAD.l-J on and aiter MONDAY, February 12. two dally trains will run between Washington and Ltnchburg, connecting at tlordousvl le with Virginia Central Bail road trains to and -"l"" "j10""- Lrave Washington dally (Sunday excepted), at 648 A. M , and anlve at Ly nobburg at 46 P. M. Leave Lynchburg at 1 A. M. and arrive at Washing, ton at 6 26 P.M. BXrErSf,TKAm. Leave Washington dtly (including Sunday) at 6 05 i M and arrive at Lynchburg at b 00 A M Leave Lynchburg at DO P. M. and arrive at Washing HoVhtralna making close connections at Lvnchbarg fot all points South and Noutbwest, aud at Washingtoa tor Nonh and Northwest. ...... First-class sleeping cars attached to the night trains. Tbe road Is attractive, not oniy for Its oomioriable accommodations, but tor the but that it passes the aow historic localities of Fairfax, Bull Run, Manaaaas, Hrts toe, Catiett'a, Rappahaunouk, Culpeper. Orange, au aordonsvble. places ol Uiperiahabla ioteieet in the popular mind. -. Tbrvoab tickets te all points South and RoutfewM may Ira Ead la Boatota, Nw York, Pbjliid"l(bla, and Baltimore and at the vkttte ot tlie road in Waxbiagtofl Alxaa-trU! , W. H. MoCAFFturr r, T tienemi Bwix hiteuas MEDICAL. yox POPULI. Will GUT'S TAR SYRUP. PMXCirAL DEPOT, No. 771 fco-uth 11111.1) Btrf rricc, 100 ptr Bottle;f5'ti0 for Lair-a dozcti. Ti e undersigned clticens taka ni.in h rham.1 r.'i,i Hin.i'iin i,8 toe ue of Wrll t'i Tar it) rat coughs eouls, cotisumnl.n wbooplng-cotigh, Siiettntl ewr. ivtr comma nt, pulns iu tbe btfast. 1 runohioav. .....H,....- .uithiiiviiuhui air vesse.s iu toe la no. ' he ri 1 miiij should be in every himily ( liar.es ('. Wl n i-ontoi'i, w. ..ni.-J. bur is II . t.rallen, Hm.dur Atrcurv oflka. .lan-ei Nolru tt.qu rrr oflieo W liliuin F. 1 011 it, Assoetaiel Preas Will fiiin H. (.anietiier. 1 Ita a iun mA niu. m graph, rittb ami 1 bisuuistrei'ta. , iiar.noipn rroiit and . nmtiattl atreeta. Tames V. I erriLo ISo. lr Charles street. H A. Davis No. l'skl 1 street. John W ootlsloe so 1MI r ninkiinstr.il. Robert Ihompsn ho. liMt Walter street. K.U. Marcn, No. RVb Fiai.klln s reeU J Heblofl No Wi H. --econd ntreet. John cevmonr. No. 613 h. r tout street. . W. Howard, No. 1 Dock street H. I . Fart rtt No. 127 8. - eeond street. L. Hates No. 6f Arch street Alien Martin. No. 417 h. Hecond stmet. Mary ( a dell. No Ii tri fOitiHOtn slmel, W. '1 liouias. No. 0 N. Fourth ntreit ' T. M. tattby.No.li 9 E tretu's ulley, (.dirge tv I son No 236 Race street. iv. F. Krooas, N6.69 North second street M. J. llassrtt. No. lit ( anal atret. S. e mour Rose Hustleion. Char in lingers, No. Vi Bouth street. it. T. We Ing on, setond and yorury ertrse 1 . E. Ihi mat . No. Fib South Mxti atreet. VI1 Hum Hanis.No MftHouth Front atreeL S. H. f-ntilord. Opera Miinagei'. John Mnginn'.a. rear of No. 1114 North Second street. Mrs. 8. R. Choate, Newark, Del. Ur. WtUinmB. Wrwht. Km ; He take Pleasure tn iwommenfrtfig ""vHrTrt SVLl Pioi vbch we have ulready (old cotisidarabl auantitieoi as a most exce. lent and efficacious renUr lot the complaints set lortli In your printed hill aireav sulinutteii 10 the public. As a trratllTlng act to salferlts tiuiiianity rnii, cneirn it recommena our preparat tlon to a l afhlctid with diseases which It is designs t cure. Yours, etc., DiLKst a. hon, DinggMta, N, . cormr Pine aud Sixth streeiai For la'e also at JOUNdON, HOLI.OWAV COtTDEN 8. DYOTT & CO 'ft, A nd alt principal Drurgtats and Dealers. The subscriber wonld beg leave further to say Ua he is prepared to lid orders Ld forward tbe Hyruat anj part ot '.he couniry. Persons desiring other In isr mat Ion by mall Kill inclose a postage stamp and nnwwrr .lil be returned as soon aa the exigencies at busiaea v, Hi admit Address WILLIAM It. WBIOIlt. JJO No 771 8. THIRD Hreet. Philadelphia, a. Q. LAD NEWS FOB THE UNFORTUNATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are w a it tinted In all cases lor the Spshdt and Pp ku 4 - NhhT ( iuk 01 all dlsousesarlstug irom excesses inyoutat Pbjsiculand Nervous Deblht , etc. etc NO tHAMlh UK 1HET 1 NF'.CEfHARY. They can oe used without detection, and never tail ta etiect a Cure, if used according to instruction, BELL'S SPKCIFIO PILLS, Price One Dollar per Box, or Mix Bcxea for Five Dot lars; aiso, Large Boxes, containing Four Buiell, 1 rice 'three Dollars. From four to six boxea are generally required to car ordinary cases though bentlit Is derived trom. asbig a single box In Chronic Cases, wtcrc Nervous Prostration b atlected tbe system, BELL'S TONIC PILLS A re recommended as the most Efficacious, Heju vonaUng gud Iiivigorating Remedy lu the word. A Package Pi Ice Five Dollars, wbl last a month, and Is gtuera, y sutlicicnt. In extreme cases of Debility, HULL'S ETEBAL REMKUY, Price Two Dollars, suflioleut for a month, caa bease to good advantage. It gives tstiengtii to the system, and, witb the PUU, will eflect a completo Rostoiatlon A Pamphlet 01 1WI pagra, on tho ERHORS OF TOUTH. designed as a Lecture and Cau ion to Young Meu, aeutt tree, Ten Cents rtuuiieu to pay postage. If yon cannot purchase Bkll's Hpbcipic KsMRniM 01 your Diugglst, take no other, but eeud the moaer direct to DR. JAMES BRYAN, Consultine Phveiclan, No. Bin BROADWAY. Now Tot. And you will receive them by ieturu of mall, past pant, and tiee from observation. For sale by DYOTT & Co., Mo. 232 M. 8ECON Mrcet 6 11 S WHISKY, BRANDY, wTneTeT c7 CUES ! IT GUOVfi WHISKY. No. 22S North THIRD Street. It anything waewanted to prov. tlie absolute partes ot this WTiinky. tbe lullowing certlficaiei ahould doit. There is 110 a coliolio siimnlunt kuowncommaudhigsao ecimu tuiiauon 1 on sucn Uit-ti aouices: fim.AliKLiHiA, September $. lHht. We have cereiully tested tbe sample of CUEHMTf GROVE WfllhKY wbichvou send us, aud Anu thai at contains KohK aif tpk loi-ohOis euBsTaJ.CE known mi rrsiL oil. wbtih is the tharacteristo aud Injurkiua ua gteuicmof the whiskies in general use. BOOTH., OARRFTT Jr. CAMAO, Analytical Chemhtta Niw Tork. September 1, 1SW. I have analyzed a sample 01 ( Hr.r-NL'T GKOB WEUKY received rom air Charles Wharton, Jr., I Phllnneiphla and having carelul y tested It, I aaa piuuHcd to state that it is entlre y rung pkom poidorov mi k ..!:, "jKiois substances. It is an unusually pur auu fliie-u. v'.-red quality 01 whisky. James b. ciiilton, m. d., Analytical Chemia1' Bostok, March 71 S I have made a chemteal analysts of commerclolsatat ' pies ot CHEriNtlT (,R(VE W HISKY, which provaat l e tri e trom the heavy Fusil Oils, and perlcctly pure aa unuihil'i ruled. 'Ihe fine flavor of this whisky Udorfva Horn the pruin nsed lu inanulacturing it. Respcctluliy. A. A. HAYES. If. tt . b late Assay er, No. lfj Boylstoo sueet For saie by barrel, dem I io tin, or bottle at No,225Nertls THIRD Bfreet Pnlladeiphla. 41 l NATHANS & SONS IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES. GINS, Etc. Eto. No. 19 North FRONT Street, ruiLADELi-UIA. MORES NATHAVH, HOKACH BATHAM8, OBLAKOO V, MATBAte. lift KED. UALTZ & CO., IMPORTERS OF WINES, GINS, Etc SOLE AGENTS FOR Riviere, Cardat &. Co. '3 COGNAC. No. 110 WALNl'T STREET, PHILADKI.l'lltA. (fltaS 0 1 II A M P A G N K. Just received, iu bond and store, a new Champagne, called EUGENIA. far superior to most of the Wines now in use la that country. Imported exclusively by tbe subscriber. Also on hand (aud tbe only place where It east be procured in this city) the very celebrated bout America,, ANGOSTURA BITTERS. UHOHGE M. LAUMAN. 8 30 1m No. H. NINTH H reet. JOBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DRUtCISTS, MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IIP .Paints, Yaniis&cs. and Oils, No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET m no COBNEB OF RACE. UiJ a . ' t'andscapb prawino cabds, a bbao- I t iifiii sMtcsot views, fifteen tn nombar. desUrai i, W. VFKTU au4 CUtSNUT BMetV