Mr ww tut jo'ind itli his riehc ! He cover m np with his rare, nd hie lov in trsr I"vp of manhood JA bo" life 18 riving proyi-r. 1 bftie piishtod toy woman's afieetions, 1 hferiven myiil . Afl the flowers ol daUWntontmpnt. Knew thr!?jwt liv eivfLHey fall. And yrt ?iie so InstrumrMH PreCl That playCtfl an old tune, , Mv heart, In tha midpt ot its bleknP t.'or-s bai'k to a day In June To ft day when beneath the branches I Blood by a silent stream, And law in ita bosom an image is one seeth A face In ft dream 1 would not redD bis devotion, No, not for a heart that lives, Nor change one jot my condition For the chunfte that condition elves; r nhoukd mourn not more for another, Not more for another rejoice, Than now, when I weep at his absence, r welcome his step and his voice. And yet, like an instrument precious, That playeth an olden tune, My heart, in the niidatof its Dlcngs, l!oes back to a day in June To a day when beneath the branches I ftood in the shadowy light, And heard the low words of a whWprr A one bearcth a voice in the night. IrOSSIP FROM TA1US. Tie frontier Extension Question French National Feeling Respecting Annexation Understanding Between Napoleon and Bismark on German Vnity The Empress Carlotta'i Visit and the Mexican Troubles The Emperor Napoleon's Health The Imperial Fete Literary Items. 1'abis, Aujru&t 1". As you will have concluded Irom the silence of that Atlantic teleeraph. those French lolka who were looking to tind in the Moniteur of day before yesterday simultaneous! announcement of definitive peace between Austria and Prussia, and of the extent of ''terri torial compensations-made by the latter to their Kmperor, have been disappointed. There really were muny folks whose expectations were at that height last week. But so early as Sunday, k)vernmcnt, somewhat anxious nt such exalta tion of the popular BCDtinjcnt, took means to let it down easy. A report Irom ita Berlin correspondent was published in the Sievle of last Kri iay, to the s-neci that France had offered propositions to Prussia respecting the Uhiue frontiers, and that I'russla had declined entertaining them. That eminent telegrainmarian, Renter, whose posi tive style we became so familiar with tbbt it bred contempt during our civil war, Hashed it on the English world as a fact that France hud lormallv demanded territorial compensation, which Prussia had as formally refuse 1. How this sensational tid-bit was relished in England, and with what high-spiced dishes of editorial discourse it was served up hot-and-hot, your London paper, by la-t steamer, will have shown you. Fiance whs insulted, was on thn point of going to war with Prussia, etc. etc. 1 said something in my last of the French national feeling respecting this annexation business. Tne Siecie report was additional stimulus to that feeling; the spiced comments on the stronger Reuter version yet further irri tated the feeling, which, meantime, numeroua journals here were keeping up, and more stimu lating. Herr Bismark's organ, by-tbe-way, is entirely mistaken, as its editor, of course, knows, in saying that it is only the opposition journals here who were ensiigorl in the stimu lating process. No two newspapers, for instance, bave been more busy in that way than VEten dard and La J'resse. That some of the daily organs of the '"old parties" have had for a part of their motive in the case a willingness to create embarrassments for Napoleon's Govern ment is possible, but this lias atlected thoir manner of u eating the subject only. The gene ral proposition that if Prussian power is im mensely augmented, that of France should be, iu some proportion, augmented also, is an article of the naunnal creed variously dcriued in special practical application, aiid more or less earnestly insisted on by different classes of minds, but peculiar to no party. mere is a smalt, enlightened class not nume rous enough or combined enoutrli, unhappily, to be called a party, but deservins attention here who. fully believing in the doctrine of compensation, are preaching that this compen- : aation, mflicient to balance the suddenly en larged power of Prussia, which has by no means yet reached its limits of growth, la fo be sought within the actual boundaries of France, Laudau and Saarlonis, and other complementary bits ot territory and defensive frontier stations we ouglit to have, and it is the duty of Government to strive by all peaceful means to obtain them. But the real and only sullicient compensatory addition to the strength of France lies latent within herself, and can only be developed, as it is straining tor development, by granting it .freedom of action. The restrictive laws of 1852 on the press, and on the right of tree speech and public meetings, are more detestable than the treaties of 1815, as the natural boun daries of human thought are immeasurably more sacred than politico-geographical Irontiers. Al though the preachers of this doctrine seem as yet to be preachiug in the wilderness, there are hopeful signs that their words are beginning to take ell'ect. 1 should guess that they and their growing, though still select audience, were nearer out of the woods than those fanatical, anti-slavery evangelists with us seemed to ba ten years ago. To an observer who does not confound the latest news by telegraph with his tory, a consideration of UtU view of Prussian agerandizement, taken by some of the keen sighted Frenchmen of to-day, is seriously com mended. And no w to return to the contemporary and temporary reporter's review, which this paragraph has interrupted. I need not fell any one nt all aware of the conditions in which the French piess is per mitted to exist, that the sine lo fact of 10 out of the 17 daily Paris political papers harping more or less louuiy on una iroutier-cxtension note, proves that, for the time and the occasion, the Kmperor was aot unwilling to have Prussia so warnea ana nis own people haltered, or, in pos sible case, provoked. In the visits of Bismark to Compeigne, and tterwards to Biarritz, conversation doubtless turned, in a general wav. on the ulterior pur- Doses and nrobable results of t.hi's active policy, and of the host's passive policy. Nothing got set down on paper more than on occasion of favour s earlier visit to Plombieres. So far 418 anv bistorltml result is eei-tuin :,.iman ITiii iication. like lialiau Unification, was certain in name luture. Tuc Italian experience had already shown how uml. nsnml,? mn-ni-iuinv was the rapidity of such national drift when once wen unuer neauway. Suppose that the dialogue, sirippeu or illusive veils, ran oemo ming nice tuis: wibmain Germany fnida lataliyto unity, Either Prussia must leaa or the revolution will anticipate. u N. B. 1 can't jtop, pcruups, in me long run. out l ean inter rupt your game. Bismark Whereby you will take nothiug and only interrupt. L. N. H Welir Bismark I will do the right thine hv i . i -I-li : ... : i . V j'uu, ui uiuac ii i il;ui iu luu iijuiuiiig. iu. X. li. weii . meantime, your nana. While Prussia is just gathering in her first winnings, the attentively neutral French - by dander at the game suggests: Now is a cood time to settle our little account on the base. nay, for slartiug talking point, of frontiers of iVJ'i not that you are airert master or all the M)untrie9 through which they ran, nor that I insist definitely on them now; but we will start from there and thereabout to talk over the old t Mention of compensation, you know. i Rismark. an immeasurably more kingly man lhan his nominally royal master, was obliged to nnsultthis last. It is conceivable mat Uismark. lpft to himself, might rise many degrees nearer than be has yet reached to the height of Cavour; i t.n the helerht of that creat statesman's libe ralism, bnt to the height of his large national na'riotim. But the obstinate King of Prussia L PriiBift roarltf not onlv to bfi Prus- ,n v. .. , - .' ... . r-armanw Commit Hinir of mpt. r. . . . k. . ball. rrfClfflC "Uimm 1109 uiiitf jiu wna HIE I A 1 1 y YAiy 1! li '17!"? ' ? th. bWjnfi of ti- grc;t man oi' hi(t lions , the ;-tehf f-r.eri.k:4 tencj.ify f territory, a'vi holds to it with n icere rcligio'i obslinaey a'irt the rrcnt PjTd !ric'i frjarlc.n''-s. Vou'iernembcr t rt t. Hetl1v': in Hacaiicy, closing his survey ot the HTca enrfl' Wai: '-The King ceded nothing. 'he whole continent in arms had proved unable? to tear Silesia from i hat iron grasp." Never was Priisinn monarch less in vein of cedinsr terri tory than today. Not a smidgen of German land goes French, says F. YY. " Kvin acker, bci Gott!'' exclaims bis Majesty, in profane-pious ejaculation, through his moustache. Bismart -oitens the atuwcr as well a he can to turn n: rrencn wratn. Ana trance, not having made W positive definite demand, rests tem porarily satisfied. Whereupon Europe is tran ouil. lliere are plenty Ol difficulties Ahead: but there Is no visible danger of immediate war be tween France and Geimany. Napoleon does not renounce his purpose ol obtaining something from 1'russia, whenever the extent of her late conquest Is defined, to balance her new-grown preponderance. But for the moment he ceases to push bis claims, and, as responsible editor of all the French press, has, since last Sunday, sent out orders and advices to all sub-editors to "aggravate their voices" to a milder tone. Poor man I As il bis intestinal troubles were not enough coming away untimely from Vichy waters, that failed this year to benefit him as heretofore, he reaches St. Cloud goutv and evTisb. just in time to receive Ihe visit of that pi.vpipotentiary and ambassador extraordinary ironf bis sometime protege. Mexican Emperor Max., 'the vieoroui Empress Charlotte. It is not true, by-the-way. that he first called on her at the (Jrind Hotel, as the London 'limes'1 Pans correspondent averred. He was not well enough to u'cive bo far. Louis Philippe's grand daughter has been to see her grandfather's suc cessor more than once at Bt. Cloud. That lady's mission to France is supposed to have for its object this, or these, ?. f., help in ticse ways. Jly busband, whom you sent to Mexico, can't stay there without your men and money. His whole revenue, in round number., is but $2(i,0()0,000 diawn almost entirely from the customs dutiw, of which you have allotted a considerable part to the payment of English and Spanish claims, and mortgaged roost of what remains to secure pay ment of your outlay for the Mexican expedition. Jly guod man, Max., declared that in this view oi the case, his at best shaky tfcjoue was untena ble, pnd not knowing what a reduced Austria ho was coming to, had made up his mind to return to Miramar and his reserved "Aquatic Rights" before the six years' term ot reservation expires. I being twice the man that Max. is, poor, dear soul, said no. Let me try: and so 1 am come to demand that you fulfil your work by adjourning your levy onjour customs duties, or procure us "money iu some other way, by prolonainy, under some pietext or other, the stay of your troops, and by removing Marshal Bn.aii.e Irom com mand with whose arrogant ways we cannot put up any longer else Max. cannot possibly pet on, and will straightway alKlicate and get oil' I n at throne of your ioiiTiuiug, and you will be shamed before the world. Such, as nearly as it tan be got at, is the es sential of what this courageous lady has bad to say to her imperial husband's impe lial backer. What he has said in answer 1 am not informed. The disposition of the French Is inclined in the least, possible dpree to send any more good money alter the bad that has been wasted in that miserable Mexican business. There would be grave dilliculty in extricating the hypothecated customs duties also, for their calculated amount hp.s already entered inio budgets made up, and eloquently boasted of by the Government talking minister, and voted by Ihe obsequious majority of the Corps Letrislatil'. To get condoned for this bungling Mexican buHncss, and to get over the next general elec tions, nro most pressing motives lor the Empe ror to obtain from Prussi i some let it he ever t-o small territorial compensation. How, now, Napoleon can furnish any effective aid to Max., it is most dillicult to divine. , Monde newspaper sees hopeful chances for Max. ' His prolonged safVty is In the new revo lution in the United States which is promised by the dissension between President Johnson and Congress, To Mich of your readers as are not familiar with the columns of Ijc Monde, I should ay that, liko ita synonvm, the World, of New York, it consistently is what it was throughout our four years struggle, a partisan of the white South and slavery. It is needless fo aad that, in the hoped-for coming civil war in the United States, it is already enlisted under the bannerol' President Johnson. With few, very few excep tions, all the old advocates of the Rebellion, in iind out ot the press here, are. as their like are with von, partisans ot President Johnson. 1 was sneaking of Napoleon's health. He it decidedly not well. He came up from Vichy, gouty nnd feverish, five days before bis time last week, it is not iiKeiy tnat tne press oi aipto nmtic busiuess and rather unexpectedly small profits that came of it have promoted his re covery. He was to have left tor the Camp of Chalons on the 13th, and then on the lGth, but was still at St. Cloud this moraine. So far as 1 can learn, there is nothing in his. bodily care that would he al.ii ming were he a private gen tleman; but this illness of the one person about France nnd Europe all times in a sort does excite a good deal ol anxiety, and turutsnes a more impressive commentary on the merits of a strong Government than wo nave bad since that quite contrary once lurnished by the sudden death of our Chief Magistrate. The National, Imperial, andiioiy virgin s lets of the l.rth of August went oil with the usual quiet and brilliancy last Wennesaay, tin alter ttie magnificent displav ot fireworks on the Pont des Invalides. When these had died out in their own Btink, a portion oi the great mul titude who had gone to the left bank of the Seine to enjoy the spectacle, began to move towards the ritrht bank bv the Pout de la Con corde, while a counter human current set from the Place de la Concorde over the same brume to their hemes on tne left aide. A strong body of police, aided by soldiers detailed for tne pur pose, managea tor a time to oike, as it were, ana guide the moving mass. But, Dually, the great multitudinous surges overwhelmed for a mo ment troops and policemen; the two tides met on tne bridge; one poor woaian tell, tne tnroug pressed ever the more towards the cry, mad and merciless with fear and curiosity, and an hour later, when something like order was re stored, it was lound that eight human beings had been trampled, mulched to death, aud thirty or forty more wouuued. The Minister ol the Interior was ou the ground so soon as warned, and remained there directing with w ise counsel till next morning, j no Empress has asked tor the names of the dead aud buffering, and will generously aid their families from the public lunds. The police dia their duty to tneir Desi, ana pruveu meuipuiven, us mey always do on great fete day, very strcnueus and vatieut iu their hard work ot preserving oider. This Is the tnstotall the fourteen celebra tions in Paris of the national fete instituted by the Emneror marked by gruve difabter. Nobody is to blame specially tor this special case. But ihn evnensen oi tne lanibiiuutinff. ana cas nx ing. and tireworking, and other toy-shbppery of the icte, for Paris alone, amounted to several himrli nd thousand fiaucs. And the reason con stantly opposed by liovernmeni to tue argument t .luies .simon and his like in lavor ot tnmeing up the public schools ot tue "capital oi me civilized world" somewhere near a par with the free schools of a Massachusetts village, is waut of funds! . . Krw.Vjniior P nn lias iust put lortu a new edition' of the "Memoirs of Frederick the (Sre.ui " oniwfuilv revised and corrected lroin the original manuscript; also the fourth volume ot the "r;oin.Knniid(nce de Louis XVI, Marie Conches; and "Puissance Milltaire des Etats Lnis u'Anipriitnn" Hn view ot our late civil war), by M. ltousslllon, Professor ol Military Law and Administration at the Ecole Iraperlale CAim cation d'Ktat. Muior. This iast-namea work, I have the authority of one knowing in .1.. I J. .1 t . , i 1.. .. H . 1 1 v mc ftiuu, is no occasional caii"u-i-""j u,. but like to well repay the perusal of thoughtful American mil it "f.e Martvr du Bud." '... "Martvr of the Pouth: or, Prison Life of Jefferson Davis," is the attractive new I title or Dr. ('raven's book about the man wnom .1 1 l.l . v . . . . . I rrriurui iiuuuwu iioiuh ai i-oriretB UU1W vu 1 tl,. 1 tk1T Al rmiulni'i u V. ..k B liIlILr.lim'I'll v v B . , nUn vw by a chp and uprightly dailv Don-po'rr.eal paper, x .yci, as presently to f.ppcar in its fouillcton. I may as well give the puhtisner advertisement in full, after ihe improved tnle I stated above. It runs as follows: "6O0.0O0 fold in a month, the greatest booKsell lng snccem of the age; a succe.- that is fully explained by the part that President Davis has played, as well as bv the poignant details Vvbic.h the author of this quite exceptional book in recorded. The work that we are about Jto trnn Mate and resume (that is not complimen ti,rr"t(, the doctor's style) for Frcncn readers, was wri ea lrom notes furnished by Dr. Craven, ex-tureeo1 of United States Volunteers and physician o,tD,! "lustrious p risoner of Fortress Monroe." A vd, per contra, 1 rend in a morning paper that the wmetime formidable privateer Ntimfrts prescn.'1 to uecd as a cattle transport boat from Dutch German to EnirliBh port. Since there is a a.P of paper left, and that the rising generation ot the Tribune's readers may not idly whine tha there Is but one spread eagle and Foul th of July I. the world, let me com mend to their exercise in F.'vneh the cantata writ ten by poet Banville, and .vlmirably declaimed by Mad'lle. Favart on the si" of the Theatre Francals last Wednesday, t'emark, my dear young friends, that the crowd.l audience (ad mitted free on that day) swal.'owed this ex panded caple whole, as readily a you oo the aquiline latitudinananisms of dotUc hatch ing, or as J. Bull does the wllnost tlj.'ng canards of teleBrammarian Reuter. Omit, if y u please, the last ten stanzas. Here is the tr. Miss Favart is supposed tospeas directly to France in person: "Cost ta icte aujourd'hul. France an noble touTirv; Kt tn tremis d'orgneil. et .'Europe t admire Fiere et tranqniiie u bord de t tillons ouverti; Car tot qm peox tout vaincre, o anewe, o gaerrieie, Ta pardos en tes mams la foudre mcurtriere, Et tn donnea la paix teconde a l'Uni vers! (!!!) Ciaudit jam rivot queri. xV. I. Tribune. TO RENT. p O R RENT A VALUABLE STORE, No. 809 CHESNUT STREET, In tho National Bank of the Republic Buildiag. 9 6 tl Al PLY ON THE PREMISK8. QFF1CES AND LARGE ROOMS F Oil HE NT IN THE National Bank of the Republic Building, Nos. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Street, The BotldlnR is Biipplicd with t;a, Water, Water Closets, and tsteam Ueatln? Apparatns. The rooms ou the third and fourth floors are large (Ml.60). well llnh cd, and suitable lor a Commercial College, or bonlnc! of a similar character. Apply at the Bun. 9 3tf LARGE, WELL LIGHTED AND VEXTILATKD UC0M, ON THE SECOND FL00K OF THE "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 Sontn TlllJtl) Street, TO KENT, With or without steam power. Apply in the oflice, nmt noor. Cm A- S L I GS- II T FOR THE COUNTRY. FERRIS & CO.'S AUTOMATIC GAS MACHINES For Private Realdeucee, Itfllln, Ilotcln, m Churches, Etc. Ktc. Furuliihlng from Tiu to Slx Huudrcd lilghte, as maybe Required. Thil machine ti guaranteed : does not get out ot order, nnd the time to manage It Is about fle minutes a week. The simplicity of this apparatus, Its entire freedom from danger, the cheapness and quality ot the light over all others, has gained for it the favorable opinion of those acquainted with Its merits. The names ot those having aged them for the laat three years will be Riven by calling at our OFFICE, No. 105 S01TII FOURTH STREET', Where the machines can be seen In operation. FKKH1S Si. CO., Box 1191 P. O, Beud forramphlet. 9 THREE IMPOllTANT AGENCIES. Till CELEBRATED Liliie'B Chilled Iron Safes. Tb apest and best. Indeed, the only strictlr lire and Burglar-I'roof Hale made 1 he modern and extremely popular STKAM ENGINE PACKING! Called Miller's Lubrltutlve Steam racking, unsurpassed anu ouequaiieu. AND THE SCALES I'llOM THE CP EAT SCALP, WOUKS. VENNSVLVANlV hcaies warranted enunl to auy in the market, aud on terms umca more lavoraoie 'Ihe undersigned having the General Atoncy for the saie 01 rue aDore articles in this city, he r. innttiillv solicits the attention of all parties Interested, both the aeaieranaconumer,aopingtonierlt(ashe has already receiviai m( continuance or a liberal public patronage, M. C. SADLER, AGENT, 811 smwlBirp smwlStl No. 6.19 sjicn Street. TTNADULTEKATKD L, I O M fl T? U lM V JjyLANr Vafi ts, early OpnoslM the PobI 6m " Fnd"det!.'UPpUtd dersli'on ConutiT P eweUj I'll 1 1. A liKl.PIU A rAPB WAY RAILROAD f!ntDAW Jiotlce la hereby given, that the preseet arrange sueat 01 the Irains to aud trom t'ati jut will he t'Ol.TlVKD, vizi-Leave ril ffli t l r 11.. nd Cape Is and at A. M , daily. pu 'l ' ' " K SBKrimenden'. K111I I A , MONDAY, SKTTEMBKli .10, 1800. WATCHES JEWELRY ETO WATCHES, JEWELRY,' &c. MUSICAL BOXES. A lull assortment ot above poods constantl? on hand atinodeiate prices the Musical Boxes plyiD iron 'i to 10 tx auuioi aits. FARE & EH0THEB, Importers, No. m CHESNUT STREET, llllsmtl$rp Below Fourth, FIMJ GOLD WATCHES. To Sojourners In our City. W call special attention of the sojourner in our cltr to the FIXE WATCH A39D SI1AEHWAHK KSTABMSI1MKNT OF "W. W. CASS1DY, No. l!i South 8ECOSD Street, Whobaion hand one or the fmett aaaortmonts oi .lew e iy, etc.. of any in the city. A tplendld asaortment ot f ILTEBWARE ALWAYS O.MIAND. Remember W. W. CASSIDY, 16 No. 13 floufh SECOND Street. G. 11TJSSELL & CO , No. U'l North SIXTH St., Having Increased their (acuities lor FINE WATCH REP.URt.NU, Invite the attention of fne public. All woik warrnnted for one year. 5 2 I)LUI0M HE IA.TM k JTWTAT.ll, wATniKS jEwri iiv ii s.-;.; i n ware, J WATCHES and JEWELH i' EEPAI3ED. Owing to the derline ot Cold, has made a srest re duction In price of hli large and trell assorted stock o DiHmoncljs, Watch fa. Jewelry, Silverware, Kto The public are rcapecthilly Invited to call and examin our stock before purchasing eiscwnere. il 1 SILVER AND PLATED GOODS OF THE Most Superior Workmanship, AT THE STORE NEW No 704 ARCH STREET. The nnderslcned (late f tho fflmnn. Rnrora Rrn. tlsnutaciuring Company) reopectiolly announce tha they have opened a new and beautltui store 1 or the sale t filLVI K and 1 LATfcli Vt A KK at So 104 AliCU street. Our long experience as nianulacturers wil enable us 10 keep nothing but tlrt-clas Uood.4. and thOfO V.I10 may patronize our s;ore will tind ourpUted KvodH lei suDeiiur 10 any ever minortrd. and our cn tomers n ay lel.v on the goods being precisely what thus 0 ib) UUIV B1B iE USUKJlKI). HENRY II ARTE II, No. 520 AliCLI STREET Uauulaetn and Healer in Wh1 clien Pine Jewelry, Silver-Plated Ware, 8 n Solid Silver-Ware. HIGH JEWELRY JOHN BREKNAN, DEALER IN DIAMONDS, FINE WATCIIES, JEWELRI Etc. Etc. Etc. 9 2( Bo. 18 S. EIGHTH SI T, Fliilada. THE EYE AND EAR. pEAFNESS, IiLINDNESS, THROAT, LUNG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARRH AND ASTHMA, Disordered Functions ol TUE DIGESTIVE ORGANS- MORBID AFFECTIONS OV THE LIVES, WEAKNESS OF NERVES, AND GENERAL DEBILITY OF TUB WHOLE SYSTEM, Treated with unprecedented success by 1)11. VON MOSCHZISKER, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. The following GENTLEMEN, who linve lately been cured under the treatment of Dr. VON'HZl.s K I K, have kindly ieiinittd liiiu to teier to them, and they would giadiy teur tc.stiniunv to the amount oi BEMEE1T derived Iniin his lKKATMtN l :- T. b. McC'KEaKY, I n., No. m Walnut street. f-LOl.UAKI K, Esc., No. Walnut sticet. ALAN WOOD, Jr., Esq., No.51!l Arch street C. li. GREEN. Esq., No. lio North .-eventh street. J. liOLLOWA V, Esi.. No. ftO.'i Market eltv-et. J . COOPER. Es , No a North Front street. Dr. DAVIDSON, N. W. comer of Nlulh and Cbesuut streets. tleneral KII.BURN. V. 8. A.. (liraM street. T. W. bWEENEV, Esq., V. W. AssesHorol the Second 'l."llARY, Ef(., Piesident ol the Nincteeulh Ward Public Hchools. Kv. S. i. HARE. Philadelphia Conference. Hundreds of other names, ail persons who would be raretull? conscientious Ui whom they wonld permit the lnl'rHement oi their names, rau bo examined at his OFFICE, No. 10J1 WALNUT Street. THE ATOMIZER. Dr. VON JJOSCn.lsKF.K inserts with the otinoet cinindence thitt his sys eiu nt treuiiUK LliNG. '1IIUOAT, CHEST Disences, CATAHRU, AS Hi MA. aud all maladies of the diK'-stlve orKans, by the u ol tbe A 1, is the only reliable ono. Since tho introduction of this system cases bave been brought to bis, No 10;tl W4 LM'T street, in which every other pOHaihle means have been irultlessly ein uloved, but resdl'v yielded to Ills treannent. Ihe A'lOMlZER isau AlpARA'll H constructed on sclentllio principles, which, by a mechanit-al arratiKO meni, either by atmospheric presxttre or steam, con verts any medio ne Into a One fcPKAY, and readlty conveys It Into ihe BRONCHIAL ll'lll Sor LITngs, Willi the UEbPlRAlORY t LKltENT. The medicines submitted to the action of this APPARATUS luxe nothing ,ot their t UE1 AL VALl'K, as In other preuarations. hut art, received Into the REM PI R A TORY ORGANS In their full MEDICINAL HI RE SOT II. hUKOICAL OPERATIONS ON THE EYE. ALL HCRG1CAL OPERATIONS on the Eyes, such as Cataruct, Artlilclal Pupil, Cross Eyes, etc., talliuily peilormedj liftrp DENTISTRY. fmm THE GOVERNMENT IIAVINfi lujT'rr granted me letters-patent lor mv mode ol edniiBisieriiiK x.itou uuue nas. dv wmcn i nave extracted many thousands of Teeth without pain, 1 am lustliitdtn aasertluv that H Is boib safer and superior to .ikarnA. tn I1.A- any other now In use. DR. C. I. MCNNS i3) tiPKftE Blreet. 21 Cm f IIVArvClAU SJ A V I O N A I BA.NK Ol1 TILE KEFIBLU'. Nos. 809 end 811 CHESNUT Street. rillLADKLrillA. The latemanagi'ment harlog rellnquw!i',d their en ire control and Interest In this Bank, the business I now being conducted ender the following entirely NEW MANAUE.MEAT. DIRF.croRS. JOhErn T. BAlLKY, OfBallev A Co., jewellers. EDWARD B. ORNK, Of J. r. A E. B. Orne, Dealers In CarnctUgs. I NATHAN I1ILLES, President ot the Hecoad National Bank. WILLIAM ERV1EX, Of Myers A Eivlen, Fiour Factors. OSGOOD WELSH, Of 8. A W. Welsh, CommlMlon Merchants, BENJAMIN ROWLAND, Jr., Of B. Ronlana, Jr , A, Btcther, Coal Merchants. WILLI Alt II. BBAWN. Late Cashier of the Central National Bank. PRE8IDEST, WILLIAM II. R1IAWN. CA&H1EK, JOSEPH P. MUMKORD. Late of the Philadelphia National Bank. H JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 Soirth THIRD Street. BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES U. 8. 6s OIT 1881. &20s, OLD AND HEW. 10-ls; CERiKlCATE5 0' 1NUEIUEDNESS ? SO KOI E8, 1st, 2d, and 3d berks. COMPOUND INTEREST XOTES WANTED INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sola on Commission. Special buMne accommodations reserved for LADIES. 8 7 2m RATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, Nos. 809 and 811 CHESNUT Street. The entire interest of the late tnsnagement of this Rank having been purchased with the view of eRccting an entirely new organization, shaies of stock .will be disposed of In limited quantities, to respectable parties In business who mny have an interest In a bank tn this location. Applications lor the stock will be received lor a lew days, alter which a distribution wilt be mude. WILLIAM II. RHAWN, 9 8 tf rrenident, U. S. SECURITIES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKERS & BE0KEHS, 16 S. THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA. 3 NASSAU ST. NEW XOltK. STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION HERE AXD IN NEW YORK. jjAVIES JJROXIIEllss, No. 225 BOCK STREET, UANKKllS AND 13IIOKKI1S, HCT AND PELL UNITED STATES BONDS, 1881s, -20, 10 40s. UNITED HTATE8 Tf-lOs, ALL 1SBLES. CERTlFlCATa OF JNUEBTEDNE.SS. llercantUe Paper and Loans on Collaterals negotiated Stocks Bought and Bold on Commission. 1 31 J H A R V E Y & J' A 11 1 S, BROKERS, No. 53 S. TIIIUU Street. Dealers In Government Hecurltle of all kinds. 6-2ds BOl UHT AND SOLD. T HUS BOUGHT AND MOLD. 1U-4UH BOl GUT AND HOLD. . ltwis bought and sold. Cl'lY WAKRAN1H bought and sold. . C'OLD AND HILVe-R WA Nt ED. STOCKS AND BONDrt, of all descriptions, bontflit aud sold on Commission at the Regular Jloaid of Brokers. 9 tut 520s-p I V E - T W E X T I E S. 7"30s - SEVEN-THIRTIES WANTED. DE HAVEN i BROTHER, 1 1 No. 40 S. Trjbd Sib it. 17-AR DEPARTMENT, SURGEON-GENE. VV RAL'SOIEICE Wabhisgton, D. C, Auirast 10, 1866 An Army Medical Hoard, to consist 01 Brevet Colonel J. H. Brown, Kureeon, D. 8. A , l'residont; liievet Lieutenaiit-Coloncl 11. R. Wirtz, ISureeou, L'. H. A. ; Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Heoer, uttreon, U. S. A.; and lire vet Major Wairen W'tU-sti-r, Assistant tSnreeou, U. S. A., Recorder, will meet In New York city on tho 2th of JSipiouibor, next, lor the examination ot candidates tor admis sion into tho Aiedicul Mall' ot the L' tiled htutes Army. Aplicanta must be over 21 years of age, and physically sound. Applications tor an invitation to anpear beiom the Board should be addressed to the Hurgeon. (Jenoral, United States Army, and must state the lull name, residence, and date and p ace ot birth ot the candidate. Testimonials as to chaiacter and iiualiticatioiis must be lurnished. If the applicant lias been in the Medical fervioe of tbe Array during tbe war, the luet should be stated, together wih his former rank, and time and place ot some, add tee limomals from the olllcers with whom be has served should also be forwarded. ho allowance Is made tor tne expenses of persons undergoing the examination- "9 it is an indispensa ble prerequisite to apiointmt. Ihere are at present sixty vacancies in the Medical F tan", forty-six ot which are orlinnai, being created by the Aotot Congress anoroved July 28, 1866 JOSEPH K. BARNES. 8 11 smwSOt Burgeon-General, U. b. A. F OR SALE STATE AND COUNTY I1IGHTS of Canewell Co. Patent Wind ..... usaier iui jumi ju L.mmvm 11 pravnte U10 Chimneys from breaking. This will warrant Also saves ent. third tbe oil Call and see them they cost bat ten csuts. h: W BACK Street, Philadelphia. Sample sent to aud tart ol tiic lulled fjiates(en receipt efn cents (ill FERTILIZERS. ,M M O N IATKP niosriiATK A C0NCZN1RA1ED rEPvTILIZril. 1 Ms preparation contains lure (iround Bone and the best Fertilising Snlrs knosn to ariicn'tatal ehemintry, combined In ruch a manner as to develop their produc- Ive proper. les only when ned on the soil. Price (HO prrtmi. For sale at tbe manniacturers' depots, No. Ill MARKET Htraet. Phlladeipb'a, No. n BI RMSU SLIP, New Tort. WILLIAM ELLIS k CO., o j tit 10 Manaiactarcis. J3 A U 0 II ' S 11 A W li O N E B U P E R-FH0SPHATE OF LIME. The great Kertlllscr lor all crops. Qaics. m It action sno pcimancnt m lis rttccts. j-.slabllsbed over twelve yeais. neaiera snnpiienDv the cargo, direct rrom tbe wbart ot ihe maniituctorv, ra liberal tcnus. AltnulactuTed oulr by BAU0H ,t SOiiS, Ofllte No. 20 South DELAWABK ATnnue, ..entwjrp Ihlladeiphia. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. pikOHl ST E A 31 StOWtlXG EHTA blisiiment, No. 510 RACE Street. We bi n Itave to riiaw jour iiartlciilar attention to oar new Fn neb Mruni Vcoiiring Ef tsliMnbn ent the tint and only ore 01 Its k.nd in this city n do not dve, but by a al nrotci-8 resiore Ladles', Ueutlemeu's, an. Cblloren'. Carn.ents to iheir original states, witnaa inlurlnn them In II, e leaf, while Kiat experience and the bettn aihiuery irom Trance enuble ns to warrant periect saLsiuctien 10 ail who msv tavor us with their natronauc. LAD1KN DRKS8KH of verj oenciiption, with or without Irlmmtngs, are cleaned and llnlslied without being taken apart, whether the color Is genuine or not Opera Cloaks and Mantillas. Curtains Table Covers. Carpets. Velvet Rll.hons, Kid Gloves, etc.. cleaned and rennWhed In the beat manner. Uenilemen's summer and Winter Clothing craned to perfect!, n without hi jury to tliestutl A'so Hags and Banueis Allklndsof stains r ninvvd wliliout c eaniiig ilio whole All orders are eaecnted em'er our immediate sunervlslon. and satisfaction pnsisnteed In every instance A rail and fxaniinati n of our process Is retpectiuUy solicited ALBEDYLL & MARX. 12mt! No 810 RACE Street. fpllK NEW YORK DYEINU AND PRINTIXtj 'JL ESTABLISH Mh NT. MATEW ISLAr, No 40 Konh E1GUTU Street (West side), Also known as the STATION I -LAND DYFINO F.ST BI.HILY)EST, Being the LA K(U SI In the UNITED STATUS atnt UllFlY YEARS olDtH than any other on STAT E.N ISLAND, Is prepared, with the inpsi improved and rxtenslvt Machinery (to which they are making con stant additions) to DYE. CLENT' AND FINlMI evev varlrty of (itmDS And OA R.Mr NTS, In a man ner l'M ll LLV1) In thlscoiinlrv No. 411 North EI 11 1 II Street Philadelphia. So. 08 Dl: - NE strret. New Yo-k. .No. 7V2 BROADWAY New York. No. la FlEhKLPONT Street. Brooklvn. SAWI'EL SlAHSll. Presklent. J. T. Yot'NC. Secretary. 81 uiwtldm ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETC. PhNN STEAM ENGINE AND BOiLEK W'OKKS. NEAFIE A LEVY. ImUlllAL AM) TIUOItETIOAL ENGINEERS, jn Al 11 1 . l." 1 n, nuibr iii.av iv.h 11ns, and r till r l)t hs, having tot many years been In suo cesHttil opetation. and been exclusively engaged in building mid requiring M trine and Hlver fngineH, high aud low prestire. Iron Boilers ater Tanks. Propel lers, etc etc.. respeutiu ly . tier their services to the public as being tuliy preDured to contract for engines ot all ! s Alnrine, It Mir, and rmtloiiaryi having sets ot patterns ol'ulllerent sizes, are prepared to execute order with tiick aopateh. r very description ot pattern niukiDK made at the shortest noiico tiigb and Low pressure t Ine. Tuoulnr, nnrf Cvllnuer Boilers, of the host Pc niiHVlvuu'u charcunl Iron. ForginKS 01 all sizes and kmus; Iron and Brass 1 listings 01 nil descriptions; Roll Turning. Screw t.'uiting, at d all other work connected with t lie ubo.e huHincxs Diawlnps and specifications for all work done at tho establishment tree ot charge, and work guaran teed. '1 he subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs ol boats, where tliev can He In periect safety, and ate provided with i-hesrs, blocks, tails, etc etc., tor raising hcavv or Hunt weights. JACOB C NEAFIE, JOHN P. LEVY. 821S PEACH and PALMER Strecls. ). VALt.UAS HEKR1CK, WILLIAM B. MERK1CK joiin t. cor SOUTHWAKK FOUNDKY, FIFTH ANI WASHINOTON Streets, PlIILAOSLPIIlA. MKUHU K ic SONS, ENG1NEBKS AND Al ACHINISTB. mannl'actureHigh und Low Pressure steum Engines for Laud, hlver, and li urine service Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks. Iron Boats, etc. Castings 01 all kinds, el, her Iron or bias. Iron Franre Roots lor Oas Works, Workshops, and Rullroad Stations etc Retorts and Oas Machinery, ot tho latest and most Im proved consti uctton. Every desci lptlon ot Plantation Machinery, and Sugar, Paw, aud Urlst .Mills. Vacuum Puns Open steam Trains, Defecuioin, Filters, Pumping Engines etc. sole Agents tor N. luileux's Patent Sagar Boiling Apparatus, Ncsmyth'sPattnt Stram Hammer, and As plnwnll A W'oolsey's Patent Ctntrhugal ougar Draining Machine. 6 BEIDEHBURfi MACHI5E WORKS. OFFICE, No. 68 N FRONT STREET, P111LAJKU-BIA. We are prepared to till orders to any extent for onr well known JtlACHlNEKY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN HILLS. Including all recent Improvements in Carding, Spinning, and Weaving. We Invite the attention ot manufacturers to onr exten sive works. 1 IS ALFRED JENES SON. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE. Navy Dkpartmknt, ) WAgHiNOTOs Citt Seitem'ier 6, 1866. ) bALE OK NAVY POVVDEUfl. There will bo sold ut l'ublic Auct.on, to the higher! bidders, at noon, TUESDAY, the second (2) day ot October, 18tjH, ar the olhce ot the olilcer command ing the Naval Ordnance Depot at JEKFEKoON BABKACK8 KEejEBVK, near Saint Ixmis, Micsoun, about live thousand barre t ot I'd WDER, composed of csnnon, moriar, and musket l'owdots. Tbe Powders will be sold in lots to suit pur. chaser. leims cash, In Government funds, one-half to be deposited on tbe conclusion ot the sale, and tha remainder within ten days afterwards, during which tinio tho Powders must be removed from the grounds, otherwise they will revert to the Government. Purchasers will be required to fnrnisb their own packages, where the Powder is not in bar r 8' H. A. WISE. 9 7fmwllt Chiet ol Bureau. NAVY It E V A K T M E N T, Acuuai'20. im. A Board of Naval Oflioers, of which Commodore S 1. Lee is President, will meet at U an lord. Con necticut, on the 6th of September next, for the ex amination ol Volunteer OUiceis who have served not less than two years iu tue Navy for admission into tbe liegular Service, in accordance with tbe provisions ol the "Act to dotine aud regulate the ap pointment ol Olllcers in the Navy, and for other purposes." approved July 26, 1MS0. Ail pei sous who are entitled to examination and who wish 10 avail themselves of IU privileges, will at once uotuy the President ol' the Board, by letter addressed to Hartlord, Conn ,. viug their own Post Olhce aridiesa. In due time they will receive irom htm, in reply, a notiticati n when to present them selves lor examination. Those who tail to report at the time specified lor thein .0 do so, will forfeit all Claim to precedence lor examination. tilDEON WELLES, 0 6 12t Secretary of tha Mary. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE-STONES, Etc. Just completed, a beautiful variety ol ITALIAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND GRAVE-STOKES. Will be sold cheap tor cash. Work sent to any part of the United BUte. ' LiENRY S. TARR, MARBLX WORKS, wtmt 5o. 110 OBEXN Street, PnilsdeUihUt PARASOLS AT $1-25, tl-50. !1'75, AND T i. HUk Ban VubreUaa, l v i J, -in. A , H. DHOlt Iww Jf 1 n. EIOHTIi ureet.