TOE DAILY KVENING TELEGKAPIT. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, I860. 5 GEE AT FIRE IN 81 NO SING. Between Twenty and Thirty Buildings Destroyed Fifty Families Eenderel Houseless The Loss Estimated at $200,000. 8iso 8ino, September 0.-The village of Sliuf Sinft was this mormnc visited b.v one of the HIAu flnaUnntli n n.ll.iiiitin.l Lr.nia.t1 ill t AO history of Westchester county. At a quarter ' at z o'clock A. M., a nro was uncovered in n tarn adjoining the residence of Joseph Willi, an I although prompt cUorta were made to sub due the flume, the Hie unread wlih crent rapidity, and in lean than halt a i hour ex tended'to a block of dwellings and stores on Main street. At the same ilroe the Van Arden File Works took fire, and, despite the etloru ot tho tiremen to extinguish the Itaincs, the entire buildinc, together with the dweilinpn and stores, whs entirely consumed. A very strons? north wo-it wind Was blowlnp Ht the time, and tue Haines were driven across the wtrt-ct Xi tne terminus of Main street, or the lower dock, where they quickly communicated with another ro.v of buildings, prino Tally dwellings anil store", on the opposite side oi ihe street, "ind a lumber yard, all of which were totally destroyed. Twenty dwelling houses were biniel to the jrround, 'and their occupant, numberine about titty fHimlic, are niadehonaeless 'iy this terrible calamity. Many of the persons burned out, were laboring people, who lost all or nearly all of their tumiturc: and the scene represented as the daylight came'on was one of the most sat dining that th eye wat ever called upon to witness. One Jady who had been ill for some time with consumption, was removed to a resi dence near b.v, but so creai a the excitement under which 'she labored that she exoiredina few moments atter arriving there. Two women, who had been recently contined, were also re moved, and were attended b.v a physician, w ho did all in hi" power to make tbetu a comforta ble as possible. The total lo s by this fire will not fall far abort ot $2(0,0t)0. The buildings were frame structures, with but few exception; nnd, owins; to the hiah wind and the insufficiency of the lire appaiafus of ihe villaze, the flames very teadily consumed them. The firemen, however, worked bravely, and made every endeavor to .-tay the progress of the flames, but with no ava'd. owinc to the miserable apparatus with which thev were provided. The lo-ses, as tar as ascettaiucd, are as fol lows: Van Arden, file works, 50,0"0. insur ance, $18,000: Klpp's lumber yard. $25,000, in surance, $10,000; National Hotel, $10,000, insur ance, $3200; J. Frank Brown's grocery, $12,0011, no insurance; Saml. C. jSlchot's grocery, $10,000, insurance, $4000; William Tell's house, $:iui)0: Oberhn House, $'000, partly insured; K. Dela noy's grocery, $(5(H)0. not insured; Moses Stan ton's grocery, $5,01)0; David Ross's dwellinsr, $2000, insurance, $900; Patrick Seanlon's dwell ing; $1400; Joseph Willis' dwelling and barn, $1(00; Shakespeare House, $800, Insurance., too; Mrs. Cotton's boarding-house, $G."o, luliy in sured: James Holmes' dwelling, $1000, partially insured; Jacob T. Cook's duelling, $2.u)0, insu rance $lt.00: .Tames Shute, d wcllimr, $."000. in surance, $1000; the Jiloodgood teneineut-houj'e, $1000. Nearly all the buildings on thft lower dock aro swept away, and the calamity hits cast a gloom over the whole village. Tho homeless families were provided for bv the villagers, and the American Hotel was thrown open to the sull'erers, mauy of whom breakfasted there, and received evcrj kiudness that could be bestowed upon them. In the aiternoon the subject of the tire was adverted to bv the clergymen of the different churches, and collections wpre taken up to afford the sufferers temporary relief. To-moirow a public meeting wil bo held for the purpose of raising money to help the alllieted out of their troubles. MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN A. HARTRANFT. No man of his years or advantages, on enter ing the army, rose more rapidly solely bv the force and influence oi his own natiyu talent, energy, and valor, than he wh-se name beads this paragraph. Entirely without preteusiou, nbhorring everything like display, he drew his sword to tieht, and did tight until he became a terror to the Rebel enemy and a favorite with the loyal armies. The qualities which he deve loped as a soldier won him the eonfidenco of General Grant, and we arc not now surprised to learu that Jonn A. Hartranft has been appointed, at the urgent recommendation f-f Grunt, Colo nel of the 34th Regiment United States Infautfy. It is an honor well deserved a position not secured by the favor of politicians, rather earned by hard cervices in the field, and secured through the confidence of the ereac-st soldier of thewoild. Most heartily and siucerely do we rejoice at the apnointmeut, and trust that the regular service will soou be entirely composed of such men as John A. Haitranft. This appointment will create a vacancy in the Auditor-General s office. As Auditor-Uene-ral, General Hartranft has eiven grea? satisfac tion, and there will be much recrret felt to lose him in that position. He will, of course, at once resign, w hen Governor Curtin will have the appointment of a successor for the unex pired term. Who will that successor be tllir risburg Telegraph. MATTERS OVER THE RIVER. Eepublicajj Club. A large meeting was held in Washington Hall, on Snturcia.v eveeiny, in South Camden, lor the purpose of organizing a Republican Club. The onlv organization in Camden heretofore was the Union League, at the corner of Fourth and Federal streets, which bas done great service since the war began. The new organization is not. of course, in antaeonism to the League, but will sattfy a want which has been felt tor some time in our growing sister c'dy. The Club was organized by Henry R. Wilson, Esq., being elected temporary Chairman. James M. Scovel, F.sq., was appointed Chairman ot tho Com mittee on Permanent Organization, and Robert Fatton, Esq., Chairman ot Committee ou lly Laws and Constitut'on. It was resolved to engage the Hall for thp campaign. The utmost good feeling and enthusiasm were exhibited. Hon. James M. Scovel was called on for a sueech. and spoke for over an hour, reviewing the Johnson Howard policy, and taking strong and radical Republican grounds, holding that the Democratio-Wigwam party was radically wrong, and the friends of equal rights were oh n radically just platform. The meeting ad journed to meet next Saturday evening at tho same place. FlBST CONGBEBHIONAL DlHTIilCT. The Republican Uulon Convention lor tne First District, comprising the counties ot Atlantic, Camden. Cumberland. Cane Mav. Gloucester. and Salem, has been called by (ieneral George M. Rolxson, Chairman of last Convention, at Woodbury, on Thurmay, the 27th instant, to nominate a candidate for Congress. Among the candidates vrominentiy named are Robert K Matlack. of Gloucester; Judge Moore, of Atlan. tic; and Senator Scovel and General Robeson, ot v auiueD. Hrrrible Mutilation. Emily Harrison, aged n domestic servant to Mr. Roherto Derby, Fngland, destroyed herself on the Mid land ttanwuy, iicur uciui, mo oiner night, under very shocking circumstances. When ner Aa orma ana one breast attached, maa k utioi ' m iuo . 1 J 11 i Un rnitu 'lh A lAIVAf FiRft rt U L . Iiniiiiie in iud laiwt vnv4 i . vi mtr doq v was on a bank by the side, partially naked. The right leg was broken, and separated from the hodv. Close bv was a bottle coutaininir gin. Articles of the woman's clothing were found six hundred yards from wnere tne Doay was. visions into the United Kingdom during the first six months of the present year exhibits a 1 -1 i.Ia .iiMniantallnil fn (ha very couamurinjio nuiut-um .wm vm ,um following ttemn: Bacon and bams, 48295 cwt.; salt pork, 27,610 cwt.i lard, 117,293 cwL; and eeta (owing la a ereat measure to the advanced price of meat), 64,072 126 tn number more than In the corresponding half of 1804. On salt beef the Increase is 150 cwt., and on butter 88D3 cwt. The only Item of which there is a deficient sup ply U cheese, to the extent, of 60,011 cwt. CITY INTELLIGENCE. For A&litional Vtiy InlcUkqnwe vee Third 2'age, Ivckeapiso Succkhh. We arc pleased to see that the articles on local sublects in S'ir umAiffif arc attracting that attention which the deserve. Tncre Is no doubt that this jour nnll although just ccrnr letimr its tirst year, hai become a power lor pood in this community. We believe that this potter, unrict the present niniinfcment of the paper, will increase, and PaturtJoii A i'nit become, more taaii ever, one of the influential papers ot the city. A Hauoaik. ho o tho city's tired tloni zenstiHnit one aching void in his heart mcIi iin.v a he returns to his residence in tha. long row of tenements, which nothing can fill save some delishtiiil suburban nook, Hnrroumied bv poplar lues, wi h a long lolling lawn in Ironl 7 Who has net lelt the un cm loi table sensation of confinement when bis evening's walk is reduced t" an anui'lsr wandering throiiih a wilderness of streets, nnd lenue l lor a delightful, obji-ntless tucnudcrng through the woods. An oppurtu niiy prcFents itself to become the po-.-e.sor of an attractive country-sea', nnd a tnrm Hf ached to it ot one hundred iictc, on Ttirsdar, Septem ber 25. us it will be i-old at r.nblicnale at tne I hiludclpbia Exchange, by Thomas t cons, Anct'oneers. This (arm is on-the Oi l York road, unjoining Chelton Hi'ls, and belongs to Joseph I'erot,. Any person wishing further particulars can obtain the m bv calling on the auctioneers, ut Nos. l:t! and 111 Routh Fourth street. A Nf.w Case of Burglary. Axchy and James Montgomery, two young lads, weie ar rested on the charge of burglary on Saturday morning. On Tuesday morning, as Mr. Mauhisv McCaOc, who resides" on Catherine ptu-et, near Ihii teenth. awoke Irom his slunili"rs. he found that his "nnmentionables" had been spirited away whilst he was in the arms of Morpheus. A careful search brought the mining pair to light in the lower story, minus some $i(K) and a gold watch, which bad been in the pockets thereof. Mr. McCabe instituted a search for tne ollunders, succeeding in arresting the two Montffonicrys, and had them taeu before Re corder Eucii, who deemed the cvidenre against them to be sufficient to warrant him in commit ting them to answer. A Fker I(,ioht. There aie d'sturbancos arising constantly en Sunday, owine to tbi practice of young men of a certain class going out iuto the rural p.rt of the city and getting drunk and ouarrelsome. A party f some hali'-a dozen ol this stamp went out late on Haturday night near Blunden's Mills, Forty-third and Ha'verlord streets, and in the. "wee sma' liours" of Hunduv morning got quarrelling niiiongst themselves, until the whole neishbor hood whs aroused. Four of them. Robert Smith, and William, Titus, and Matthew Turner, were arrested. William Turner, the niost violent of the nnrty, was held in SSIOIM, and the rest in smaller amounts, by Alderman Maiilo. Si oi t?r Swkktsi. Eagan O'Donuttll has been blesed by Dame Nature with n "swt tooth.'" Not having been smiled on bv the 'fickle'' goddess, he is often minus th "esscn lial"' requisite to enable him to cratily the long ings ot his sweet appetite. Whilst wandering in the neighborhood of butlolk 1'ark, on Saturday, he saw a very tempting sight in tf c shape of an apini-v, belonging to a Mr. J. Triahts. He seized on to one of the hives nnd made off with it. bees and all. Mr. Tright, however, observed tho thelt. and. pursuing him, handed him over to a policeman. This morning O'Donnell was committed to answer by Alderman Allen. AfsSAUT.T AND Battehy with i.ntent to Kill. This morning, Johu McCormick and George N. Kern were arrested for committing a violent assault and battery ou Henr 1 J art man, about 7 o'clock last evening, on Wood street, above Thirteenth. They called Hartmau out into the street and struck him on the head with some sharp instrument, injurina him in a manner that, will probably prove fatal. The prisoners were committed to await the result of Mr. Hurt man's injuries, b.v Alderman Massey. The iu- jurcd man is aoout sixty years old, and is a biscuit baker by trade. A Youao Scamp. A lad named John Mahau, having ituquiied expensive tastes, and not Laving the wherewithal to gratify tliem. undertook to raise tncwindina manner unre- ognized by the law. He entered the store of Mr. Derbyshire, at Dauphin and Amber streets, and wati lnug nisclianee, leaned ovorthe counter and abstracted soaie $5 or $10 from the till. He had a watchful eye watching htm, however, and when he went out the door with his lll-aoucn plunder, fe was taken in charge by a police officer who "hnnnened" near by. AloVrruau Clouds committed John in default of $500 bail. The Gbeat Wesi End Routk. The Spruce and Fine Streets Passenger Railvay Company nave completed arrangements to nave curs lease the Merchants' Exchange every three iniiiNtr8, running direct to Gray's Ferry or to 1-airinount i'ark. stopping at any intermediate point at the option of the voiimenr. Although the trip is longer than ever oel'ore. and the ac commodations greatly enhanced, yet no advance iu tare Is nnnouured. N'ght line, running a car everv hour, begins at midnight the tare being 10 cents. Our tnends in the western part ot the city should stick a pin in this article. Absacltixo an Officer. On Saturday afternoon Officer Luke was assaulted in a most dastardly manner by two icilows named Chnrles liiignu and Hugh Gtibbcu. The affair occurred near Sccoud aud Oxford streets, arising out of an to quell a disturbance. The otlicer cbtained help, aud had Ragan arrested near Second and Guard avenue, and Gribbeu at Ox ford aud ltodine streets. They were both com mitted in delault by Alderman Shoemaker. iNTKBFFKlNrt WITII AN OFKICKR. TllCSC cases are getting to be entirely too common. Every day we hear of several instances of as saults more or less aggravated upon ofiicers of the police iu the discharge of their duties. On Saturday aiternoon. Will am Hiiuce made an HMsuuitonau officer at Twentieth and Catha rine fctrects, w hile the oliicer was arresting an other man. Ilance was arrested, and committed by Alderman Dallas in delault ol $1000 bail. Ki.KCTiox. At a meeting of tho American r;iee Association, held on Wednesday evening. September f, 1 8ili, the following ofheers were elected for the ensuing six months: Prcsidf at, . . n. l 1, -..1.... ln....U T: I. .lonll Xttvior, v lee-i resiuein, uneiu jiieci; llecoidi'ig Secretary, K. Cheeseman; Corres- ..M.wi:..Mu...rniiirit .Ir.lin Vrtlli-lr? Trpiism-pr A Tinisev: Trustees, (ieoree W. Kiusler, A. llalsev. John b'Bonuell. Fibe. A fire broke out this morning, in Williams' Faint Works at liustleton, in the Twenty third Ward. The damage was not very serious, although the tire tor a time seemed to be be getting a good headway. The tire was subdued by the operatives, and the citizens of the neighborhood, before the arrival of the tire companies, and the goods In tho neighborhood of the fire were saved. A Btjrglaky. Lewis A. Qulnlan was arrested by Sergeant Phy, in Market street, near Fortieth, veBterday, on the charge of breaking into the house ot Mr. Hoffman. In Heslonvllle, and stealing a set of harness and wonie clothing. The harness was recovered, but the clothing is still missing. Aldermnu Allen committed Quiulan to answer. Boat Found Adrift. A batteau fourteen feet long, painted of a light lead color, with areen gunwales, was found secreted among the reeds at Five Mile Point, on Saturday aiternoon. It ts supposed to have ben stolen. The owner can nave it bv applying to lieutenant r;ngar, oi the Harbor Police, at Noble street wharf. Choleba. Since our report of Saturday, there have been ten cases of Asiatic cholera re ported to the Board of Health. Of these two cases were fatal. It will be seen, from the re ports of the past few days, that this malignant disease has almost disappeared from our. m& The jRTfisn Nkw Ykar. Last nljrht commenced the Jewish New Year, Oi27, which w ill be celebrated by the Israelite of the world fluring all this dav. and by many of them ao to-morrow. The synagogues will bo opened on these occasions, mid the, services are ol a highly interesting character. The Jewish new year, unlike th civil new year, is dedicated to prayer and repentance, and is considered as among the most s'icred of the Jewish festival. It Is the commencement ol the ten penitential days, ever observed by the Hebrews, culminating In that solemn day, the Jewish atonement the day on which the hiuli priest entered the sanctum naiidomm. Of this we shall gie an account at. its celebration. It is remarkable to w itnes tho celebration ol tlaj-s appo'nted at so early an a rc by a people who have been the companions ot nutions and governments long buried in tue gulf ol oblivion. During the observance of the new year matiual labor is entirely abandoned, and ' all Jewish mercantile houses will be closed. In Cuniiuu sonic of the hiuhct. nndonnl inte rests w ere prciuoted by Divine laws; some of the most important na'ioual advantages: were pro tected bv Divine liiHtuutioiis. In tne Dixim-mon, Jews adheie faithfully to the prescription with wh'ch God and those depen-h-nt on Hun are spe ciiilly allied, because, tucugh they have ceased historically to bo a nation, thev desire to pre serve their spirituality as a peoplo. In Canaan the appointed times ol thfl F.terntil subserved the temporal and religions welfare of the Israelites, by rallying them round tue Taber nacle, to cement alike the ties of liiendship with man and the tiesot obedience to Heaven. In the dispersion these same "holy convocations" still preservo thoir characteristics. They bring Israelites together who seldom meet at other periods, and lor a moment, at least, thev con centrate all diverging views to a locus iu the presence of the one Father of Mankind. IIocsi-; KouBEUiEs. Dur'ng the season when our wealthy families arc at the watering places, there are numerous instances of house robberies, of these places where there is none lei! to protect tin? premises. On 8aturd:iv even ing the house occupied by a Mr. Brown, ;o. 12'l South Twentieth street, was entered and robhel of some $.)00 worth of turs and clothing. The premises No. 1420 Spruce street were also entered yesterday morning b.v prying open a back, window shutter with a iinimy. From some cause or other the thievi-s "became frihtene.l, and skedaddled, leaving behind them a candle stick, a chisel, and n screw-driver. Nothing w as taken from the house, iws far as could be as certained. CACGHT "IN Fr,AORANTH Dkucto." Samuel Sutton was arrested yesterday afternoon nt Arch street whan, in a boat. In the boat, which by-the-way, he had stolen, were a hawser, a hatch-cover, buU het, a fender, a hammock, and one or two trilics. all of which had been stolen. Samuel vvtis ea-ed of bis ill-gotten gains, which now lie nt the Fmmionut Police Station awaiting the owuer, nnd was escorted to the Station House. After the hearing this morning. Alderman Hutchinson held him in H."00 buil to answer. THK (jREAT Snow op 11 EN. In Calcutta, as thev propose. Snail bo one of the prandrst shows, W'nrre men, of all sorts nnd sizes, Vfill appear to win th'' piizes, Hindoos and Hottentots wdl s and By samples troro each Northern laud; Hut who are worthy to be gent. Tlits nation grand to represent? F'or sp endid ledows tleif will call, Dres'od in the style" of Tower Hall! Men's, YouHs', and Boy' Clothinrj. Towkr Halt., No. 618 Maekkt strekt, Ben'nktt It Co. A J'Minc Beni-factou Isonoulio in anyway adds to tho welfare aud happiness ot thy commu nity. Iieal'h is the one preat eleni' iit of happiness. Dr. Marsden. by the preparation and general intro duction ol his VEUKTADLE HAXAlIW PILLS, has de-no and is now doing " much to secure tho blessing of health to the community, and so wo may well place Lim on tho ;ist of great public benefac tors. JJipot, A'o. 417 JtrortdiV"!, Xrw )'ork. For sale by Juhnm-n, Joliuirni, If Vcurden, lftolemtli' Agents, Xn. 23 -V. Sixth, i'liUiuklpitia, and V all druggist. Thk MbUcal Jtecorilri; in speaking of the "Pain Killer " avs: "We be'iove the t.ub'ic genprally have great confi dence in this medicine. 1 lie numerous tost-mouials in its favor liotu well-known ceiynioii aud mis. sionuries are wcil eulciil.itod to convince any but the most skeptical. If there bo any of our readers who still doubt touching the miii'ic powers of 1'keuv Datis' Tain to relievo jmin, we advise them to buv one bottle, and aive it a trial. We nevei knew it to fail." I)n. Hcmi'itrkys, ol No. W2 Jtwadvar, New Yoik, well known to th HomiRopaihic incdicil pirclicc. has trnosierrrd hiB interest to a comtmnv ot which he is a member, and is now ready to lur niih all th- varieties of .siiicitks the protosdiou and people irav need. So housn in this doiiartm -nt of medicine lias larger Inc.Ulin-, or a bett.:i reputation, iliaii that ot which Dr. 11. is now ut the head. Vicar Adrcriiser, Ma ch 2!, 1806. The KATri.tPNAKK never strikes until it has tirst i! ven it warning rattle. So the Cholera never assumosits specific pestilential form, until after it has given due warning by manifesting Its premoni tory ijniptoniB. These may exist for (lavs, or only lor a low hour; but it MAIIS DES'S CfOLEHA ('('EE lo administered when they appear, in nine cases oat often tho ois-aeo will go no further: aud even when tho disease has run into its spocilic form, the mixture will nuve tho great majority of cases. Jkjiot, Ao. 487 Jlroadiray, Xeio York. For sale by Johnson, Iiolloway If Cknvden, Wlwlf sale Auents, A'o. 23 A". Sixth street, J'hUtuUlphivt, and by all drugtists. A ngiiHt Sevtu-Tlilrt Ivs Converted into Kl vt-Tw cutit'H. Apply to DnBXi.1. Si, Co., No. fit South third troot , VK MilFLKK, liluOlCHKO, AMD VhC '.KA.TKI VIC TIMS ot scroliilous diseases, w ho drag your unclemi persons Into the company ot hotter men, take Ayer's Sarsaparllta, and purge out tho foul corruption Ir.un your hlcod. Kestoro vour health, and you will not only enjoy lilo better, but make your company more toleruhlo to those who must keep It. Tiikuic is jio ExcnsKfor those who drag their weary aud disordered bodies juto our company when alew doses ot Ayer's Sarspai ilia would cleanse their musky blood, and restore thoir houlth and vigor Yo muddy victims of bilious disease, have some regard lor yourneiuhbors.lf not for yourselves Twelfth asi Chksnut Is the place to purchase Cork Mattresses and Itoddiug, aud to have your Far niture reupholstered, varnished, and repaired by practical woikmoii. Stoke Shadkb painted and lotteicd lo order, ration's, lo. 14Q8 Chesiiut street. STnANCHRS from Ariioau, bolore thoy lesve the city, bad better make their visit pleuaaut aud profit able bv puionasiuir a suitoi clothing Irom Charles Stoke & Co.'s One-l'nce, under the Continental. Work hen sent to do Upholstering of any descrip tion, l'attt-u's, No. 1408 Chesnnt street. CosirocNn Interest Notkb 7 810 and 5-28 wanted. Ue Uaren k brother. No. 10 S. Tnird tit Blikvs ad Shades repaired. Patten's, No. 14J3 Chctuut street. ELASTIC HTITCU 8EWINO MACH INKS, roK FATM 1L.Y SF. THK OILY MACHINE THAT BOTH SEWS f aKKECTLY AM EMBHOIDEHA fiUtfcClhl. HririTTr no UBOVfcR A B XKKB'a HHili I- 8T VKKMIt'M SEWINU LOCKSTITCH MEWIIiU VACHISK. FOB TAILOK4, BllOF.MlKKUS, 81)1)1 ICRS, n KNK,sa MAKKaS, CAKKUUE WAKKKS LAXtlAAuBaST. MA CHINKS, AO. (an CHKSM'T hTKEtT. Cahpkts ami ii, Cunus cnt, altered, and Uid, at ratten', Ao. H'W ( le nul itrwt. Crounit W. .TuNKiNH, r.'o l'HT Hpnnj (iarden nf ct fceep romtaiitiv on hsnrt a tiun nssoitmpiit ol I'liim nt'd Fancv tlneUies l- ru t', uH. etc. tscfrrioc. Stvirs -r Kkalv-maik ctornian. Pi eijiiie-i; Sii vi.ks (ik IIealv-mam: CLOTniho. WaKAMAKBII & I.ROWN, I'Ol'UI.AK (.'1)TIIIA HOUMB, Oa II am., Sonf l-f ast corner Pt.xth nnd HI i;kkt Mtreots. MAIIIMKI). CLtlKK McAI'MKEE.- On tin- 21 l-istnnt. by Uia Iv. rrime " he Marl, Mr, 1 Ko.M.Vs F. C L.lltlvfci to M ii ,1 F.N M I : ,M c A I' I. IF FE . HOKNFh-ZANF. On the 10th of Mar Is't. bv tho Jiev .1. HKkerw.n. IIKMtY IIHuNKU to UtX I!IKT V V, eldest (IhU-.iiU l ot the late 1 liiunn alio, h i 1 o, tbla tli)'. BAM) WIN. -On Iriinv evening, tho "th Instant, M x'l'I'IIHH SV. hAMlWIV. In the f Is! ear of In" III- untie tnpml are Invited to aitrn lltls uni-r it, ro-u his intn ie:i1rn(-ea No. 1 1 IS t hesnut j-treot oil U'el'io-. liny. thol'itU lusinnl, at IU o'clock A. AI. J o proceed to Laurel H ll " l-.JtFKICK.-On the llth Instant. Mr. FUEDF.ItlCK ESIKKK K, III t lie 57tli veiirot Ins m 'I l.c relatives nnd ineiels oi ttm ibiuIIv, a'mt'ieRo-i Brnrllcml unit lilprlnht' somptle iir ri-Minotiiilly invited to iit-end ilm luni-rnl iimih hii intp r -iiti'ie o, No. 1112 l'nliiier streot. Bl-ova llc'urnrto, Elghtoont.i Vitrd. on AVrdursduv at nrnoon at it o'cloi-.ts. BK'HAKIiSON.-on MutKlav. ihonth In-twt. MUIS, wllcof Chatlcs-I. Blchnrdsiin, aud'itt-r ol Heury Uudxon. 'lite relative and frlond of the fnmtlyarp Invlfd to attend her funeral, imm No. 2Mi Hprlnn tiarden utruet, on U ecuosduy, ihe I'Jtli lunlant, at o'clock I'. M. VERlr'l tE.-On the SiU Instant, WILLIAM J. II. Tl- KDK'I I E, anfd ilft years. liis relatives nnd irloud. and tho mem hers of Cailwu Indcr Lodte, No. 3.VI. I O- ot (). F ; Mulltn Lodge, .no. 'tta, A . Y AI.; Columbia Vark Lodiie No, 01, A. If M , nro rpsnrctially hrvlird toattnrl lustnnvrni. Irom In lotp r(idftee. No. 1 4 10 Lombard ftrcet. on Wed iosdn uiteruoon at U o'clock, i o proceed to Wood.auds CeniL--ter. TIKF ANPTHIKF DKTKt'TOBS COMBINED, .1' wltti letter or newspaper Inlet, which may bn In sprtud Into store doors, in is new article lor sa e by TRt MAN A SHAW, No. 835 (Fight Thlrtv-flvel l ARK KT St . below Ninth. TO-AIL NIPPERS. WHICH QUICKLY, JJN neatly, and without psiu. cut a ton or Uii;er nail with a natural round edKe, are mrile itv IHIM4S "H A iV. No. 8S3 'F.tght Thtrty-flve) MaKKFTm below Ninth. SHEEP SHEARS, A VARIETY OF SIZES and qualities, just oponed by TIU'M AN A 8H W, t0. M (Eight Tlilrty-flve) MAKKKT Hi.. 0:or Mtnth. IYRE Ai LANDKLL HAVE IMPORTED, All lor tht-ir tall ales. lintmar Woollen Hhawta, itiusaic ooiii-n nnawui, New style i loiikinva, Superior rlaln Silks, Alagnilteeot I'bild 1'opllns. :I0 itiu "IJE THAT HATH EARS TO HEAR, LET J.I MM III-' All "-lus'ruiuents to nsoisMhe hear ing, at 31AUL1KA' , Ko. 115 ".TESril Sirect bn 'oar t hesnut P 4 Im ONE l'.UT THK PEST SCHl'VI.KILL ASt LF.HICH C 3 AT.. C V1IFFLLI-Y rK- I'A.t- 1), AMI At LOWKST KATE. SATISFACTION! UT AK N I I'.FO 'lliliti J EVANS, JlliOAl) an I F1LUE IT. INSURANCE COMPANIES jnsu n k v o u n l i f k TIIK AMERICAN, IK-' PHILADELPHIA, S.E.tonirFoisriiir.sKl WulitUl Sis. Insurers In Oils Company have tho addlMonal -ruarnn- tccottiio Capital mock aLh-aidi i iv c.vmi, nhich, togeiher witU CASH ASsJBTS now on hand, amount to ovtr .SI. 500.000. ItsTlll'STH'.t nro well-known t-nizcnsin our mldit.. intiflnglt to uioro conslder-itlon than those wbose UieneycrK reside in distant clllea. Alexiinoer Vliilldiii, J. 1 ilunr Thomson. I einim -t . unwar i, Samnoi T. Lodlnu, Coerce Mucin. -lolm - Ikin'tn. Hi n ,li nie I'ol oek i Henry K. IJeniioit. Aitiert ('. Hoberts, Hon Joueolt Abison, V. 11. Mingle, ; l8Hoc llazlelursi. 1. M. Vt tiiiidiu. i AUiX'Vi ri! W1I1LLUIN, MrcM.nt KOlIOi: M HUNT. Vice rresli'. -nt. JOFN C PI VS. Aetiuuy. JOHN 8. WILSON. J-ecretary and Tr. asu.u. Is rpiIE FIDELITY' INSL'ltANCE. TRIXT, AND J e-At'K Ktl'OSlT lO-MI'ANV OF I'HILADKL I'HIA. Fur the Safe-kecplDg ol under Uuir anlee. CAPITAL, '00,t)i UIUKClOllg N Is I.rown, Clari rieo II ( link, .Inliii M ilhlt. .1 ln-'iiHiii Fell. Charle Macjlestcr, Ldwiirt W. Olark, Alexunder ileiirv, Su-nlieu A. Caldwell, Honry C. Ciluuu President N. 1J. lll!0V'.N K Vieo-Pietldent. ( LAICKSl K II. f'LAUK. Secretary and 'lieasurer, ROHKKT PAT'J'linsON nit pietcnii iu the FLe proof liuddinj ol' the l hUddelnhta National Brink. CiJi.Str SIH..K1, ABOVF. KOt'RTH. The Cempany 'will eominenee imsliiesj on tho lstot Feiitt Uiber isi-K, aud will be prepared TO 1M.CKIVK li-Pi.SIIS I NDKU (iT AllN TFF. mien the foilcKing rate? tor cue four or period: oovernmeni aim an inner loupnai sicuuil'B. or tho-ie irnnlerublc ; by del very, including Hank lilils..,. ) Ooeimu-ni and all other seeiuitie, ) negetmble enly by endoreuieul Cn o Com or Hii' Ion r-nvet Coin or Hul Ion (1 0! per ( SI per S1000 ftl-2-1 per 11)111 P0 iter $lunu bi.ver or Hold Plate umler seal, on i owner's estimate ol' mil value, and! rule Biibleet 10 ttdjlit-tuient tor bu k, I (1 CO per eiou on a bufia ol J Deeds. .Mortgages Viilusble Papers generally, when or no tlxi-d value, tl a year each, or aeeontiug to bu k. WIL a, (St which premium cover the remainder oltlio llto of the milker. Casli Hoxes orsiim-l Tin Ilexes, for pnporsol Hankr. CaphaliHtn,.Ieii:liantH, Law vers. 'Iruiicmcii FiiinlllaH. etc., t'l be received ut '2n each box ortiunkuer year contentH unknot n to the Company, and liability limited. 1 Oil COLLECTION OF INTRRKT, OVF, PER CIUs' C. ON AMOUNT OOLLI CIF.K COUPONS AM) INTKB ST W LI, lis COLLKCTEI) WHKN DLSlKl.l). AND iU.MI'il'fcU TO IHF, OV.NKKs. DF. POSITS OF WONKY KKCK1VF.1). OS WHICH 1NTI-R1.ST WILL BK ALLOWED. This Company la also au'horized to aer, as Exeeii tor. Adieliii:rator8, and (luaroluns to recoivo and execute Tiusta of ever"' dencriptlon ironi the Courts, Corporations, oi ludividua'a. N. U. BROWWK. Pruidiiut. Rolir.l'.T ViTTKRBON, tecretary aud Tieasuror. Btlm QUO ICE OLD RVE, 13 O UltBON AN1 M0N0NGAHELA WHISKIES, By the Demijohn or Cask. H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, WINE MERCHANTS, NEW STORE, o. 1310 C1IESM1T Street. 8 28 tutlnlmp Q It K AT U A It (i A I X S 1 X BLANK BOOKS, PAPERS AND ENVELOPES, PENS, INKS, AND PENCILS, PRINTING AND ENGRAVING, ,; AT BRYS0N SON'S, fctU'M' sfH SliTH Street MEDICAL. SIMIU A S ! ?" 1 1 J 8 U S C U R A 14 TOR. iiuii'imiiv II O 1 : OPATHIC specifics, tave proted, from tlto most mpIo ciliert-'iice. aa iitlrcstieee-i: Minp. i'mniot Fnnii-nt, and liell.ih e. 1 ley are the onlv aicilb-lDe peritc I? a l-ipteJ tn pup i lar use so nn.p u.l-tnke cAiirrtt lie made la nslnv 1 Im in i so buimtre a to bit nee from danger, aad o (tiic.ent us to tie btiw rillalile. o. f)enf. 1. Cares I'F.VFhS, Cenve -tlons and InPamin! on.. 21 2. H lUUh, Wnrni Fever. Worm t o lo etc ii H, ' CKVIMi ( OL' , or TeeibinKOl Infant 21 4, ' 111 Al;i (IU-A oi eliildrou or d ilts 2i V " I'Visf N 1 1 ltV, Cirlp.UM, liilioin Co le ti , " t llOI.l.LA MOCM .s. Nausea, r Vomitln(r..-.1 7. " I Oil-, Co.n. Iiunrseiiess. luonolil is. .,,.2") 8, " NF.I't ALt.I Tomliiu iie. Ncrvona I'alns ,.,.1' (I, llr.. OACiif S. siek Hendaebe or VrMjro. .... 10, KYUv.rm A. Ill Ion .Stomach CoMiv ei..i- 11, " M l'l-KhSLl, Muntv.or palulul l'eriod....2 2. " FK.M M.r. Dilileuitles 21 1:1, CK"I'P 1-earse Conrh Dliilfiiit llreaililn. ..2i 14 " 8 Vl.T Itlieurn l.r t-iix-lns KriiDtlnns.... 2' !, ItllKt'iM Tl-vi. and I Ulinjuiatlc I'iit 2t IB. " 1 I.VF.R Hiid Anne C'liili I ever oirt Akih-s. ...ho I", " I'll lis. Imi-rnu or cxiernul, blind or bieeiln.M Is " O II ! Il.v LM Y, sore, inllnmed l-yes or Kycdd-n-O I'l. t: TA HKII, ai-ntfl oi elirouio, or Iniliinixu ... ij V0. WllOOt'l.sti.t t)( 1UI or M),i"t!ioillc ouu'ts..'n 21, ' AS't ,M.. oppte-sed dllllouli Hreat'tlnif M) 22. " V A K l' and 'innalied Henrlnir. ft:) VS. " hl'ROM I.A, en nrKed ( and hire I(iiks..M " tiKNFRAL lleM Itv. or Vhrdeai U'enliti.. A!) OT, HKOI'SV and 8ean,v .-ecreil int. M 26 " SI- A-SU-kne cr icknes irom ridltiB W 27. " UIl'Nt' V Ileae t. ravel Renal "acud W 28, " EKVOCK lrlnty. Hemlual J-.tnlwion. ln- volun'arv insebarue ifl' " Ol:l. ioiiih. ar ( linker ! IIP, " DKINAItY Inenutlnenee or wet Inv tne bed..M Kl, " l AlNFUl. Jfeilod even with Hpasmi ii2, " M FFI KINOS ai change oi llie. . Ill ;i:l, " IT'lLKVS-, Koasu: and -t. Vitus' Oatieo... 1UI) 34- " IlFH-iHr.I(I uml uli-emted KoiwTiiroat Family :ahks ae oi Ttilrty-tive Vlai mnrocc ) caso mid book compete, (HI or Twenty larne via s in morocco, and book 8. Sluglc boxes wtiii direo tloi a, 25 cents. SO cents oral. Vlthiinaky Mi-F.eiriee Mabornry cao. 1 vl:l, (1(1. Sli lilo viol nithillrecimn-i, l TPese Reiuedles by tliu ease or slna'e box, son": tree Ot cbn'ae, on receiptor ibejtrlee. Address HI Ml HI!K5fs.' i-pecltlc Homn-opaihle 1 Medicine Com pany, Cilice anil llei.ot. ho WJ Hroedwuv, .ow York. 1H Hi JiPiiHF.vs is consulted dully at h s oilleo ner oi ally or In lettei, ns above, tor nl lorms o1- dise-ie For sa'ebv DYOTT ft C-O.. .Toll 80N. HOLLOW Y i lOWOFN T K CAI.LI-NUI-.R. and A AllROSK f-MlTHr Wholesale Agents. I'btlouelphia, anil br alt I)iU(.Klils. B2;li.w CHEItOKEE C U M E, THE GKE.1T INDIAN MEDICINE, CURES ALL DISEASES CAUSED BY VOI'IHVI'L INDISCT! FTION', VIZ : SKM1VAL WfcAK.Nr.SS, LOSS OF HUiUKl, I-MVEUSAL LAPSIi I'UK, I'AINS In ilK HACK. UIM.t.S OF VISION, fkUM Vll'KF. OLD ACE WEAK NERVKS, DIFFICULT BnF.ATHINO. I'ALE t'OL'N rEN ANCK, COXSrMPTlON. AST ALL DLSKASE-4 1 bat lollot? as a seiiucnce ot youtuuu tnaieretlons. THE CTIKKOKKF. CURB Will restore hea th end vicor. and etlecl a permanent cure niter nil other medicine have tailed. I hlrty-two naee pamphlet seut in a fouled envelope, free tn any aunr Cold bvall Dru-'fcist.s; or vlll be sent br express to l-neft oer Doit e. or Luree iiiiuiew tor ir-.-j. anv por ion oi ine worm, on me rvueipi oi pvieo, ? me so t pioprie or, DR. W. R. M Eli WIN'. So 7 Walker street. New York. cueeoree'eemedy Cures all t'rlnarv CoinDlalnts. viz.: oravel. lnflam nilltion ol the iUotlderand Kidneys Ketenilnti Oi (irioe, htnctti'ra ol the Vretura Drous.cul twe linn. Brick l iitt Deposits, and ull diseases thut require a diuretic, HUd WLeu uueii in oeii'iiuriiou v. in ion I HI KOKKF. I.SMI ITUlN'. dors not fall to euro lionoiibn-u. Oleot. and all Mucus 1 li-elinrses In .Maiee.r Ketimle c:irlnK recent case in from ono to tlin.-e di.vs and is csp, cla ly leouinmendud n those cases of Fluor A bus or Whites in Fomales 'I lie two mcuiclni used In conluuctlou will not tub to remove this dlnireoab!e complaint, nnd In tho cases otnei ine-llciues nave lioeu useu wimoiu success, l'rice, Kemedy. Oue Hottlo, i. 'itiree llotilei, Innetiiin ' " SA. The f herokee "Cure." "f.m ili." and "Atf-cit-m'' are to be found In all well-reKuluted druii stores, and ard riconiuiemled oy plij sicimis iiud drilirgists all over me world ior tneir luiriusio wortu and merit, noiue un Drnclnled dealers, hewevoi. trv lo dueeive their cus tomers by so lira cheap aud worthies compound In onler to inuke money - In place of those D nntdx ct t fd It Hie drutlMs wif noi huv iiieiu lor you, write to us, ami we wi I send tn em to vou bv ex Dress, secure? packed, and tree from observation We treat a! diseases to wblcb the liiitnnn system Is Rut loot, and wi.i be p eased to tecnivo full and explicit s ati-meiils from 'hone w t o tiavoiBi-c-a to receive reiint ncreio ore. iiantes or trutlcnien can a dres n in vrfrri v,nfidmct. Weoo sire to send our thirty-two pane pamphlet tree to every IirH nnd nentleniun in the land. Address all letters tor pauipn.etg, meUlciues, or advice, to tne sole proprietor, Ir. W. It MKKHIS, 6 5 mwtlitp Ko. .17 WA1 IC EE Street, N . T. OU Liria-1U:JIVNAT0K. BTBESOTH TO THE WEAK TOUT ti TO THE AUEU This preparaMon Isoncnunred as a rejuvenator and re tturer ot wasted and Ineri. luncilotis 'iboieebe 'be nert uad all those who bare in anr war imiiaired their vituhli bv exuesnlva inen al or phvsi cai'ujip ication.wiil flue tho lllokrene tobn whut Its nsme inipl'e a li e n-Jtiverator, which, while It builds up the Fhritterod consMutton will ami Inipart to the tee.lugi Ipe onsFness auu eueruy wi.ieu iioiijuk iu y uuiu No niRller bv v.bai eausc unv o.uau has bi-couieemee bled In Ha innetl'-us this superb proparAtloa wi 1 remove thut causi- at i.nee and lotevcr. Kli iK Ht N (.'. eures Oeneia! Doiillltv Iinnnteoov. Ner vous Incapacity, Uyspepsin. Iiepressiou Loss of Apne 114a I ..w l-iiirltH. Imlier.illiv. MenL-ii Inditletico. F.niucla- tlen. Fnnui It ha a luiist deiiubitul. desirable and novel oilr.,-r nrton the i-.erk'nusHi :ii-m. and a-i who arc in auy way prootra ed by nervous disubl.i ics are eaninslly auvieo to seea u euro in tuis iiiui e&.ci:i vmi nm un coualleil preparation. hIOKKl.SE 1 he Feeble, the Languid, the Despair ing ihe Old should ?ive this vaiunlile discover- a trlnl; It will be found totu y diUcrent from a. I other articles for the same purpose. '1 0 FtAIALEH. This preparation ll Invaluable In ner vous weaknesses of ull kin 's, as it will restore tho wasted strength with wonder ul permanence. It ii also a i-iand Tonic, and wU ilve re lofm Tvsiep sia with the tirst dose A brief persis euco iu its use will lenovato the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and binlslt Dysoepsia forever. .. . Oiieliinlaruer bottle or six bottles for .V B0," "7 DruirBlsts aeneriil y Hent bvexpiess aovwbere j'r u dresainu HLTCHINGS A HILLYEK Proprietors, ha 28 uti ej.reot, New York. Sold by JOHON. IIOLLOWAY rOWDES. Jio 2!t Noitu isixtu street. DYO 1 1 CO., 419thstuBmrp Ko. mm 8tCOM8L. D R. UUNTEIt, No. 44 N. SEVENTH STREET. AHOVE FILHERT. PHILADELPHIA Acknowledged iu all parttrs intrrrtlrd as by tar tne MOST SUCCESSFUL PHYSICIAN In the treatment ot IHieaiet in hit tpenaltp. QUICK, TUOIiOUUH, and permanent enret aiiitranieed in ever caso. Hemcmbi-r DR. UCNTKK'S Celebrated Kemedtea can onlv be bad genuine at bis old establish JiOillt-e, No UK SEVENTH Street, abors Filbert. 8t gALT WATER SHAWLS, Wholesale and Retail. PIHE M IIITK LLAMA SHAWLS. KIIETLAMI 8IIAWXS, ALL GBADES. PIRH MIHTU BAREGK SHWALS. BTtKAKFABT SHAWLS AMD HALF 611 AW L S. C 4 li t oth rp KI'RE & LANDELL. w IIITE DRILLING AND BASKET PUCKS. BROWN BlULLIXGS ARD UASKET DUCKS. FABMKK8' PANTALOONKIIY. HOIS' FANC Y BItlLLIXGS. LINEN CIIKCKS AND STRIPES. EYRE & LAM)ELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DESCRIP- rlons of character, with advice on business fbealtii, education etc., given y I stum iinrpj 4. 1,. usrr.a t tw. &'1S 6Uet,bore ChwuHU FOURTH EDITION THE LATEST FROM TREMTOM I'olii ioal Movomeui noi't ! Preparations to Keccivc the Loyal Southerners. i-;tt-., Ktr,, Et.,, i'.u., ;ot.. iPPEHAt. PFTATOU TO' 1IVK.MNU Tl'.I.l'n tA l"H. Tbknton, N. J., 5:cil,,iiil)t'r 1,1. It Is rn:,i tred thut, Hit? Democratic tncinberi ol tbt' fii'irnl'.ituti. m 111 resoit to every trick nnd device kunvu t politicians to defeat the objects of Ihe special Hcs.-ion; but sbould they tiUempt sucii action sure tlcfi'Bt awaits thorn. The Committee appo'iutuil by the I.;yil Soutiicra Cotiveotiou to visit the tomb of Abra ham L'.ucoln will have n crand reception on arriving here this eveuinjr. At tho Union Lcauo rooms the llepublicnn l-'uion Stato Excttive Committee will tender thorn welcome in th liniiie cf the loyal people of New Jersey, A portion of the delegation will stop here an4 address the public: the remainder are point: un a lar a? riewurk f r a similar piirponc. Treaaiiry Slalemi-ut. WnsniNiiTOM. September 19. Kraetionnl cnrrcnev printed, $113(1,100; shipper!, f'iiS.OCO; destroyed, 5230,858. Funds un hand I nitcrl Stutea noteH, laree, $700,000; medium, $21)0,000; email, $-1,821,651; total, $3,721,651. Fractional Cmreucy 50 cents, $191,500; 2ft cent?, $53,500; 10 cents, $1000; specimen. $35,715: Philadelphia Department, $00,000; S cento, $4750; mutilated, $12,532-80; mixed, ?33,700; total, $394,097'80. Gold, $320,65!); silver, $2560; ficent coin, $350; ;i-ceat coin, $030: cents, SviCO: tftal, $330,02!). Sixteen $1000 7'30 Treasury notes dated Au-fliit-t 15, 1SCI. with the denomination cut out. were received Aiigiwt I, by Treasurer Spinner, v.'.thnut a lette r nccotiipauyinir to indicate the sender. The letter was post-marked Urbanna, Ohio. Iru'to'cd, also iiccompanyiiirr thee notea, a ?775 in fntional bank bill:;. rr.0itt BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Trial of a Counterfeiter Payment f Uounttes Repudlatlou of Prcblileut .IoIiuhou by Maryland Solrllcra. brrciAjL rtPATvuT.lHK 5YfP TSiKQUAra. Baltimohb, September 10. Thoma'. Callttn, a well-known citizen of Western Maryland, here tofore tried, and the jury unable to agree, iv again on trial to-day in the United Stale" Dia trict Court, Jude Giles presiding, charged with passinp a large number ot $20 counterfeit uotea on the First National of In tianapolin. The payment of the Maryland State bounties has been rebiimed at Annapolis, but under cer tain restrictions. A listot nearly five hundred Maryland soldiers-, mostly oflicer?, beaded by Gcnerul Deitni. sou, uppcura in tue papeis to-aay, repudiating the Copperhead and conservative movement towards inveipling sohiiers and sailors into Andrew Johnson's policy. New York Bank Statement. Xuw Yoiik, September 10. The Bank state ment lor the week endin: on Saturday shows: An increase of Loan $3,512 0Jf An increase of Specie l)Ji 819 An increase of Circulation 't);is'4i4 A decrease ot Dopoaits fa 2;l A Uecreaiie of ijral-teuilera .', 3,428561 Jttetit Makeu by Telegraph. New York, Sopwmber 10 Stock are stronr thicngo aud koek Inland, lOUji Jllinoia ticntrai crlp, 122J; M chiran Southern, 83); Wow Vor Cenuai, llJ; Jieadma, H5j ; Jludaou Kiver l'2'l Canton Company, C2J; Krie, 71 ; Western Unioa lelegn phi omoanT.osi Ui.itei e.tateg6s,1867, 18 ditto, lota, 111 j ditto, 18C5, UHi ; 10 40a. 081 t n'tei Stateg lreaaury 7 80. 105i(l(h?. 0IU, 148 JULTimoitE, September 10. Flour is ifrm- the hiBhjrrauesaiefcaroo. Wheat steady ; red. G2'75r 280; white, b'J'nS 18. Corn ami; white, 95oiSs yellow, Hue. Oats steady, i'lovisiona am;, KirH Mes,l3! 84 25. Suirars firm at Hivnl4 ;o. Coff o Unoveiy teai co wim none iu liiai hunds. seed juiet. f laxreed, S3 70 for bonded. Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, Sept. 10 Bepoited byle Haven ft Bro., No. 408. Third siroot. BElWErJi BOAUDd. SiOOOUnCan ba ... 2Hj 2(KigusonN pf... ld0 Citvuseew. ... Hbji 100 sh HaDieSh.. 47' 2'44 a-LW ao old vbi with do.. lOt'O oo 0.11 95 100 su C'ata Dt b30 .... 83i .... H bsi sat, H-6O0OU8bii'BlreB..114 iM 0 1 a 6a So P10CON teonlOs.... $20000 U tie 'i2 1111 frmiOlO do 18iifi roa- lost 600 nit do. . 100 sb do.. 100 uti I'd & K i w om uu. ,oa im.h it,... Vf loo su do f6?hI.oh Valecrip 63 31 all C'u & A.. scrip 41 100 mi boh Kav 2$ leosh do E8( ib biil'luia lik 1471 SKCOMJ 17 an I'enn K 671 67 600 eh Kx-4d.,. (MOsh da.., 100 ah do.. 100 sh do... HOARD 67-81 .. 67'fiir 67? 10TK) City 0s new.. . . ttw) i ftlllOO do 90,1 SUiO do 99 4W)0 do ......... 99J $5000 U S 6-20 65 . 108J lOuO V. fc Am. 8s, 83 02 100 sh l'enna K..08V 671 63 sh do RfiA 200 sh Bla Mt 6 Philadelphia Cattle Market. jlONDay, September 10,-B-uf Cattle, as we have noticed tor several weeks part, continue dull, and prices ere rather lower. About 1800 head arrive and sold at 16j17o. for extra, lD&lQo. lor lair U pood, andlSaUc. V ib. tor oomiuon, as to quality. Tbe lollowiujt ie the particulars ot tho saleg 66 head A. CMristy & Brottior, Wetrn, lymln 'ii Jones Ucciees. Chester eouuty,'6uiiiii 118 " 1. McFillea, Western, 10.0,17. ' 226 " 1. Uathawav. Westein. Uo lB. James Kirk, VVt-storn, 15n t7 aicFilleu & Co., Wemeru; 10;al7. James MoKlden,'lG1. k. 8. McFilleu, Wwteru. ltxu lu; itartin. Fuller & Co.. Western, lSa'161. Mooney & Smith. West'-ru, 15'ajl7."' T. Moouey & Brother, 7 8. erogs, Ji. Cbulu, fenrjHVivanla, 16o IS J. A. Ctiain II Bro., l'enngyivania, HirlH,. J. Clerupoij, l'eonsvlvania, 10.o l7 D Braiisou, C beater couutv, 14j16. B Hood, Chester county, 16n 17. A. Kmb e. Chester couutv, l5."'t7. Mo Ardlo & Co., Cheater 00., 7.a"iJ, floa. D. 8mith. Western, 8).t9, (rroa. freston & Co., Chester ccuutr, lfiq'lo ad call. , . . r-lieep are in fair demand. 10 000 head told at 6 u 6 Jo per pound arose, aa o qtal y Horn aie dull and Jowor. 100 head sold at tha diflerent yards at from 18 60 the 100 IpJ. not. The "Tipton Slasher" bns been fined by tu KottiB"ham.4ire (Kugland) maaistrateo ( and, costs lor a-HulnK Ihe police, aud 6 an I cost lor nipht poachiuK- railway 1 now in couiro of eonstrunHau for the private tho ot the Sultan, between Vm kiar-kele'! and the Sultau's summer reaideao at Tokat, oa the Asiatic count, of tho lta'pUorua. 149 80 " 76 70 ' 87 160 ' 120 " 76 85 " 28 " 22 " 101 28 " 60 ' 29 ' 28 " Cows