t THE DAILY EVENING TILEfiKAril. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 18GC. NUMBER LXXXIV. JilRT l-OB MENTAL DVSrKrTlCS, AM) A C0n FOR UT-POCHONDRIA, IlY-r0CRt8Y, CR ANY rOMTLAINT OK A HY ORDER. HY OUll SKIUHS EDITOR. ALMANAC AND DIARY. MtOnT METRE-1LLOUICAL OBSERVATIONS FOR THB WEAK. September. I outlay, 3. Arrival of Fattle 8tewart, Tarpon Hrnwnlow, Frederick Douglass, and other Re constructed, Non- Reconstructed, and baaly constructed worthies iu the city. Tntutla. y, 4 .Discharge of Raymond, tlio man of the Ttmes, from the Kupublican Party, but Raymond refutes to discharge the (20,000 in hi bands duo the Uepubs. "Welily, . Convention of Southern Loy alists, row Kitting in this city, adjourn to have thrir Photographs taneu in Juacpeudence Square. As to the merit of the tiling, wo must decide in tavor of tho negative. Thursday, A. Illumination of the city con tinued. The L'uion League LLouso has its roof burned oil, supposed by a too free use of gas in tbo bunding by the politicians. Frldny, 7. Tho Fresldont and his party set salo'y to Cblcaeo. The l'residcnt makes a speech. Tbo event being rather a solemn one, Mr. Seward's speeches were not reckoned in order. Saturday, n.Sbrieb Column Day. The Editor bavins watched tho iroecediu) of tho non reconstructed this welt, tries his hand at ro constructing somo oM jokes lor his readers. ONE OF MOTHER CAREY 8 CHICK EX.. Latest Foreistn News ly Atlantic Cable. Berlin, September 8. There is a report of a great accident at Berlin. The Prussian Chum bere are broken up. No uccount of aty other articles being litimarjed in the city. The Revolt in Candy. The Candy outbreak "haa bad the effect ot making the Kins of Greece a little sweel on the people. At Tufl'y the excite ment is at the greatest. Florence, September 8. Edwin Forrest is stopping at the new Water Cure at this place. (Note Since the above was sent, wc have learned that Florence, New Jersey, is meant, not Italy and the "Edwin Forrest" alluded to Is probably the steamboat by that name that plies in the Delaware river. These little mistakes by the cable are sometimes very perplsxinn, and are doubtless owing to the weakness of the signals. Ed.) The City of Paris 'ailed to-day with 2,500,000 franc9 on board. That, according to the last census returns, is about ail the Franks there arc in the city. Returns from the Atlantic Cable Company show an annual income that will amply repay the interest on this large Sinking Fund, and , great hopes are entertained that that part which was stink last year may be grappled up. London, September 8. The Dralt of the arti cles of the treaty of Peace was signed at Vienna. The amount of the Draft is not given. Liverpool, beptmber 8. The market for "breadstuff's was firm. A little looseness was noticed in the early part of the we-ck, aud was supposed to proceed from a slight attack ot Cholera Morbus. Cheese is active. Feathers are Down. The American Securities are as loliows: United States 5 20s make 100 " 6-204 " 120 " 7 20s " 140 " 8-208 " 100 English and French 20s multiplied by the same numbers showed the same figures before the office closed. EIP-L0W-ME-SEE. Th following despatch from the Associated Press shows with what honors the Presidential party pass through Ohio, and how the Secretary of State expects to be saluted hereafter: From Vie Associated Press.) "Toledo, Ohio, September i.3ominq out of Ute crowd, the Secretary of btate kissed a little ctrildthat uas held up near his path by a fond mother. Saluted by cannon and snouts, the train etartedfor Detroit." The Presidential party is not expected to turn up its nose at anybody, particularly as it is looking for future favors. Yet we cannot see How it can oe saiuiea oy the "snouts" of the people, without "turning up its noe" to every body. OH.' K ON-RECONSTRUCTED SOUTHERN FRIENDS BAVINS A "BRUSH WITH THB "BLACKS." CABALISTIC. Since toe success or the Atlantic cable expe dition, conducted by Mr. Glass, no one will be able to say that Glass is not a Conductor. The difference between the cables of 1865 amd f!8C6 is, that the latter has been laid by per- .-w9''& if --'-f. VAVil 1J Tire TTiLtZIETJTJAL CATSCIIISX ( 1U( the Shorter. Now that tho cwitiiu of cutwhwing Pnnni'-'i.ts . I in cormnti 'n vocue, nn I as rr-.n"m jonu'ou i often i itttle n.npl.it"ed by qu. ioub sjininK upon bin at R ii'mwl H reefing nd Town Hall receptions, ty irrvspotif ib'e persons we h.ive at t-ome troubl; jneparen a iiufxnimu iwimu i. the advirc and cotiscnt of th? Senate), which we present with the hope that the stuoy ot it will become common with perous looking towards the rr.'fid'.'ncy. r.ad 'hi., mier.-oatcrs in future will con tine ;hem?Jves to the ip;e-.- tions iD the took. THE 1'IirStIPrNTIAI. CATLCUlb.Vi. Q. Wrnt if thi chief end of Men t A. Man's chief cal is to get into ollleo, and enioy it lorcver. . IV TtUI rule tbfl'Vtn lv uc,ct (t nyii; ty tyr; into cilice ? A. Xiwiivs to conult the oormur ilc. and n-ver think a thomrht or study a prinrlph; that dors not look to tha' end. O. iVdif do X rcaiwrdia. lovrs prii' tomy A. A I'iPMiicntial lour urincipallv teaches that tho best kind of speech is one that make the crowd laugh, O'.'cupies all the time, ur.a says nothing. A. A speech is a collection of wor 1 s ldi as Great Republic, General Grant, the Union, lirothors' lilood, Southern Brethren, Un-rej)re-sented Statet-, and "I'm from Tennessee'-' Q. Are Cure more kinds of Spet-cnes than one ? A. Yes. There is the Speech joeose, com monly called f h "Seward style,'" and the Speech palaver, called th" Johnsonian, or spread-eagle style, aud the Smoky Speech, or Grant style. VJ. Iloio tunny persons ovgld to speak on a Pre siUenlial 'lour? A. Three. The Railway Porter who carries your trunk, the Conductor who punehe your "ticket, aud the Hotel Cl?rk who tases your money. y. Should no other speeches be made on these occasions 'I A. None, el.-? you may get ino trouble. Wit ness Delmouieo's, Cleveland, Detroit, and other plaePB, when disasrecable allusions were made to New Orleans, Krecdmen's Bureau, Treason, Jeff. Davis, and other things ot'tiie past. y. l)o the above questions eudirane all that i3 necessary to he knoir-n m tins connection A. Yes. For i you know any more, you had better treat it a a joke, or say that jou never thouuht a thviicht or studied, a principle but that it had reirrcnce to the luture in the White House. AU EXOTIC RAISED UNDElt THE GLASS. "NO ACCOUNT." 31any correspondents have written to us ask- ins whv wc did not give an account of the re ception of the Prcsideut and party in Philadel phia by the Mayor, as it was referred to by Mr. Seward in one of his speeches in New York. In reply, we would state that we sent our reporter up to the Mayor's Ollice, and through the kindness and attention of the boy who sweeps out, we are enabled to give a correct copy of the proceedings of the occasion, copied from the paper now on file, in possession of the party aforesaid. It runs thus: To his Excellency Andrew Johnson, 1'resirtent Of the United States. (Signed) Morton, Miyor. ADVICE TO MR. HAMMILL, Who Ulilu't win mc two 'riiousnixl Pouudl ni uic scuiiin iiihicii. Go well forward, and "feather" your oar As long as you can ; but, when no more You're able lO row, auu your uar wur.H o er, You'll settle down witn pleasure to roi, li you haven't lorgottem to feather your next. Nursery Rhyme FOR LITTLE BOYS IN BLUE. Richard Peltz Receiver of Taxes; Did Richard PelU Receiver ot Tales' If Richard Peltz Receiver of Taxes, Receiver of Taxes ought to Pelt Richuid. Con. Picked Our of a Common Sewer. Why is the Grover & Baker Sewing Machine such a favorite with the ladies? Ans. Because there is such a good "Feller" aonnected with it. EH FECT ION IS liAKELY ATTAINED, YET A. B. W. BULL All D'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP, FOB REMOVING Grease, Taint, Pitch, and Varnish, Fiom all Goods of Durable Colors, is ahead of anything yet discovered. i ipavpi the Goods soft, and as perfect as when new. wiih no apot upon which duxt can coi.ect, as is tbecaso with all the preparations heraloiore sold lor cluaumnu B??udellnutelv ner turned, and entirely free from tha rilMatreeable ouur of lienzlua, and all other resinous fluids. COUNTERFEITS ot this nrenarailon are extant therefore be sure and inke noi.e but that w hich has the aulogiaph of A. ii. W hv LLA iD on tne laoei. Manufactured by the Propiletors, A. B. W. BULLARD & CO., WORCESTER, MA83. General Agents lor Pennsylvania, DYOTT & CO., No. 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. For anle bv all DrUKlf iauk 9 3 in NAVY DEPARTMENT, AUOUBT25. ima. A Board of Naval Oiftcers, oi which Commodore o 1. le is 1'resideut, will nicei at llaruord. foil' neotlcnt, on the 6th of tiooteinber next, for the ex aminatun of Volunteer Ofliceis who have aorvud pot less than two year in the JNavv lor admission into the Regular bervice, in accordance with tho provisions of th "Act to define and ri-uulute the an. pomtnieiit ol Olllcers in tue Navy, ana lor other iunoBe," approved J uir 26, imso. ai peitons wno are euutiea o examination and who with lo avail themeelvoa Of Its Dnvileeus. will at once notity the l'rcsidont ol the Board, bv letter auuressea to Uartlord, Conn , civing meirown Post Oilice addiess. In flue tune they will receive from him, in reply, notification when to present them. selves lor examination Those who tail to report at tne ume speoiued tor them to do to, will torlolt ail ciaiiu iu ircceuenoe lor examination. til DFX) N WBVLLES. AMUSEMENTS. BW CI'.LSNi.T SrRKET THEATRE. CHl'SN ill' strtet. oliove I'.velitt VM. h.. kIsm A 'i Lr-weB. llocni orL at 7 IS urmln rt- t b. VSTVAL1, XV .1.1. YU!i V ALl, who will Hpi eur ns iM.HjO, . AN(I LO, , .N(KLO. AN'.ELO, ir Jcbt lt:ou(iLr,tn' five art Prfnnr.. ruti'.lcd Hi L DKM SIU, KFL, IH.MONIO, JltL Dhiviosio. L lM'.MOMD, JiLL DaMOMO, Vrcilnci i tv ill) NKW ND BKAUTIFUL BCEXEDY. Bniipertnl Lv the STKl'.M.'IH OF TI1B NF.W COMPANY. MES. JOHN DREW'S NEW ARCH STREET IIIHATRK HlnsBtqunrtortoSo'cloDt. LAir MrtiiT of vn-. John mti w TO-NH1UT (- uriliiv) -pptemli'r 8, X I' lllr, hILLf. Mrs. C olore) Mct'snn ;in .lO'IN DHKW Monni! us Li". ir ce Malor .lonihiirt' ir Fr.ink JJorrtaunt o conclude with the thrlUIno liramn ol mi; pKUSKAhU. Marv Wl'son Miss Llrile Trice rdwrn .V. Hldlcton Mr FranK Mordannt I'll! Dowion Mr. t. Cra'g It 1 1,. Y Mr. and tot. W J. FLOIifcNCf. fcii fccuri a six uas in advance. w A U N U T d T R K B T IllEATlt K . K. corner ol NINTH and WALSCT Streets. Tll.S fSaturdav) KVKNiNO, SeDtcmlier S, La8i MUUT ol tl:e popular Comedian, -11 K. J. PI. t.'I.AKKK. t'HRKU as Vaal Hrv ctAKKK as Imon Purefov CLAKKi: as Jack Mii'ppuril 'JIll.li 1'IECI.s. p UL ' IU, Hh.'N J CK HIIKI'PARD T ON KLY JIA OF THK OCKAN. 21 OX DAY First anpearaDce o MK. FKiMC MAYO and MILS. AG NFS PElUtY. VEW AMERICAN THEATRE WALNUT X fitTM't, Ktiove Kitrhth. H. A hAliNbilArt' ..9o!c Lessee and Manager. TWO GRAND Pi RFOKM ANCES. TliO CharuiiOK and (lilted SOPIIIK. 1EKNJ5. ANI JKXSIE, will perform hoih AitiTiioon and KvcniDK- KVKNlG PliHKORMANGl'.S commence at 8 o'clock, when, lor this nljiht only, he pn united the ce ebrated Knima emit. eel. will and the beautltnl F'airv Piece of THE InVWBLK FRISCE. is 'EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH street, above Ht:SNUr. "I'ttK FAMlitV KKSjllT" OPE1H FOH 'INK CKAM. the Grt'iit Slur 'Jroune ol the World. In theli GUAM ETIIIOIIAV SOIKEi:s, KOMilv Ua.m::9, e-v Ul iil-1 Nyl'FtS and PLANTATION srnn-. IJOors open at I o CIock. I oniinrnruii; wnu tiui.iv. 8 30 bin J. J. CAliNiHOS", Manager. A t S R M H I. Y R 1 1 L 1 I N G LAKtiE IlAEL TI'M'Ii nn- tllES.i:'i' Streets. ilU KOi.l.Ri UKI.LKK'A MALI.K lilALOLiULE. iri.i. wm ki..k xicini.Y. U1T l. V. It, r.vr.M.Mr. NEW PKOGR M V K M vGK', 1-K'. and rLJ. A'ATiar.B EVHKY SVIUKHAI. KveniiiK 1) rs open at 7 Commence at 8. Auinlssinn su cents; ace urea scuts, w cenia. K 13 L G It A N P XCttTIl AMlilUCAX VILL rOSITIVELY TAKE PLACE AT THE WA1JASH AVKNIIK KINK, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, FK1DAY, SEPT. JJm, 18(H, AT WHICH TIME HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIZES, INCLl'DINO 10O,0UO IX UUKEXBACKS, Vlll 1e Prcseutol lo Tlclict-IIoKlcrs. Capital Prize :lO.OOO. Sl'MBEIt OP TICKETS ISSUED, 600,000. KVERY OTHER TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE. 1 tlllt Intireenbacks $W,nfO 1 (..in. iu UreenbHuku JU.oOU 1 Out. in lireenliacks ! 0OU 1 Glit. In t.ietuuuuks 4 00U 1 liiit, in (.leunlmcks ;i.uiii 1 Uiti. in Greenback 2.IID0 '20 tints, in Greenbacks, felOOn euch 2n w'0 'W Unto, iu (ireenbucks, .MlUeach lOOUD 2o Uilis, in (irvenbneks, ltlOeuuh & OuM 20 Gilts, In Ciienbacks, 50 each 1 00 tsJO Gilts, in Greenbai ks, lileucn ,nhi lul.O Gilts, iu Greenbacks. 6 euch 6,000 1 Glit. Residence iu Chicago 6,00 10 (iiits, Lot in l hlcaKO, fe,0 each A.ouu 40 Uins, Pianos, a'sio each 20,0i 'M Gilts Meioueons, SIAO each :j,uu0 H.U tiiits, Bilnes '2M each 2.DuO 2(0 Gilts, Gold Watches, S150 each 30,00 ivi) tjliia, iioiu y uiuiu'o. iuv cacu ZU.OUO 2UI Gllti. Silver Waichcs, OA each 13.000 'MU Gins, bilver Vt'aicies, :o euch 1' OuO 247 143 tilits, woitli. j!4j je.Vt.iii uinn nvivjcJL juu.vws a 1 liizt.. We take pleasure in announcing that we have met with unparaiieica success, iu splto ol the maov swiu- UIiuk M'hi'incM that have been presented to the people i y irrcsuu isiuie parues iuis lust vousiueranuu hus. however, operated toielayour sales, and prevent our Agents troin properly repoitluK. until we were lullvable tu satisty tneiu mat ou enterprise is what it has been rcpresentei to he In consequence, we are coiupeiled 10 extend the tmie ot dniwiim uut l the28tuof M'pteinber, ai which time the Illinois Btaie t'uir will be held, wheu 11 W ill pUBIMVV J WUUI. Arruuneuients are now helnir made tor the drawitie. Ihe cnecas ouu.uiiii in number, ure nearly ready, ine plan oi uruwiug auupwu is as lunows: uiipiicaie nura- lii is. irom 1 to tu U.ikiii. are Dluced iuiwlioi'h ilin llrsi number drawn out lakes tne hinht st prize, the next the seconu niiiiirsi prize, aim j on utilll tne whole itu.0. 0 Iirizes ure diawu ; the w hole drawhm to be superintended i.v a couimiitee uppoiuted bv ilie uudieuce 1 he Wabush Avenue llmk has oeeu engaKt'd, as will beseenhyihe luiiumuiy . . . Chicago, Anuust 21, 1806. This Is to certliy that Messrs. a. A. Kellev Ac Co. have his day leased the abush Avenue Klnk 'or the eveuliiK of the ahtn tiay oi ftcpteinber, and uaid lur the tuuie tue sum oi iiuee uuuurcu dollars (riiOil.) i n. ou.iiNso.N a i:o . Lessees oi the Rink. '1 he drawina win inae piaco aner the Concert, wnere 20,000 perfoii.s can witness it A ciiininitice wi 1 be appointed by tue auuicneo to take charge of the same. All agents and purchasers will he supplied with a correct lisiot tuo uruwiug nn aoou in published. Tlckeisaru lorsule at the prliielpul news aiiencles, hotels, and hook stores, and at our oilice. so. i6 Ruu- Uolph streut Price ol iluiets. M each. Sent by mall on lecelpi of price, and tlneo cent ttamp lor return Lusiauu. Great Induccincrta are offered to airents who are wanted every v uere. rue ior our terms at once. Bind roieieuoc wnu application. SPECIAL TERMS, OR CLTJB RATES. A tickets to ore address for a4 SO 10 tickets 10 oue address ior II U0 vii tii kma to oue auclre loi 17 AO 30 tii kets to one addicts ior WfS 40 tickels to one addroBS tor 36 DO 60 tickets to one audreas lor 43 ftO In every case sinn ino uuiua ot each subscriber una iliir liti.oe address. Mone i.v iitdt f.,.i Otrle.A order, express or in registered letters, may be scut at our r-HK. ,, EVER I Oilltlt in.nt.1 UKAWS A PRIZE. We refer by permission to the following well known business housis:- . J B. LIPI Ifil OTT & CO., Publishers. Philadelphia, j-ennsyivan a. ...,... . Bill'.LUUJSi i" i uuuBuois, er ior. dAftiEs L. HARLEM Importer, New York. IHONUY aI!V OR III. Publisners. liosion. 'IAPP1N. McKtLLOP & CO., Commercial Agency, 1 1 1? mm ia ARBATM & SCHWARTZ pii.,ininhla. SAMUEL D. BUR.'-.0' K (late Ml.ler it Burlock), Phiiadelpaia , , MubS dE CO., Philadelphia. Address A. A. KELLEY & CO , No. 105 RANDOLPH Street, Chicago, 111. JOHN J. KIIOMRU, fOLK AGET FOR I'HILADKrJPUIA. AMUSEMENTS. QKAMi NATIONAL CONCERT rO'l TJ1K 1 KNEKIT Of THB MfUHMiS' AND SA1L0KS' NATIONAL 0EPHANS' HOME FUID, rSDFK 4ChTIl.Ee CF TDK rT TlTPsj' avti cAitnilV T1MOV bLLDIER.S AND SAILOJto UJNIUiN, WASHINGTON, D. C, AT OltOYKirS THEATRE, On Thurrclay Evening, August 2, 1866, POSTPONED VST1L THURSDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 11. 8C0XC0 Tickets icill be sold at $) eacft 75.CC0 Presents Awarded, valued at $250,0007 f 25,C0O oe Profits to be given to the Sol diers' and bailors' National Otyhans' llome Fund, 2500 to the Washington Jafs and Female Orphan Asylum. The balance, after deducting expenses, to be paid to the Trea surer of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Union, Washington, J). C. Oiic Frcscut to Every Four Tickets. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM OWENS & CO., Military and Naval Law Office, So 527 I'UEsSUr Street, Oppositethe State douse, Philadelphia. Pa. Al.-o sut to any part ot the country prompUyby mail LIST OF PKFSENTS TO BE AWARDED. Ihrce story Brick residence, u street oe- twtcn hlxui iU(i nevuniu. . 918,000 1 Tinee. HLfirv Jbrlck lesideuce. ccoLd struct. near 1 10,000 1 Ihrec story brick residence, lento street, betwccn.M and N 8 00) 1 Iwostorv ltiick resident e, '1 emh street, between M and N S.OOfl 1 Two stoiv I rick residence, TcutD street, between V and 5 000 2 Fine city L 'ts, on Sevcnili street, north.. 4,0u0 1 Mplendkt Carriage, Uoiscs, and Harness coimile'e 4.000 1 Ppltnnid Diamond Ulnir 2 000 1 Set Giamonds complete (Pin, tar Kind's, and liiuus 1,VX) 1 Gruud l iuui (Stciuway) 1 son 1 S lid Silver Tea Met l.Wi) lo CrHUd Pianos. SHOO eacn 6 ( 00 10 (iraud Pianos i,fiU0 each 6 00 11 0 (ienis' Oold Watches, t'iOO each 20 000 50 Ladies' .old Watcues 126 euch B 2M1 A Gruud 3telooeons, 2I0 each I,""' CO Amenctn-case hllver Watches. 75 each.. 6.000 75 limiting do do 40 each.. 3,u00 50 Diuumnd Blnss, 8100 to 200 each 7 .500 25 li Inmonil Pliis. 1100 eacn 2.500 40 Sewing -Machines, 10n each 4 Win 20 do 75 each 1 500 20 silver-plated Tea bets a, 6 each 1 5no SO M ver custors. 8i5 euch l.aon 5,0(0 t locks. Albums, Jcwe.iy, ic.,5 to fclo each 37.000 10 (!C0 Tea and I able Spoons Ac. 2 to 85 each. . 25 000 10.010 Gold Pens, sleeve Buttons, t c, $1 to S3 euch . 14 000 49,453 Books, cutlery. Engravings, fec, 1 to 10 each 50.000 Total riSOOOO The awards will be made alter tlm rmierrt mi the stage oi the theatre, where three thousand persona can witness h. A coniuiitiee will be UDDoiuted bv the audi ence to stipcrini end the Mime. rrin.ed lis s ot a wants will ha oub lnhnrt anil anntiUeil to Aiieuts aud Ticket-holders, i'ar, lea lmvlnv th kels will leluln thoui uutli a:ter tho awuids are made, aud li tlieir numbers appear In the list, thev win forward their tiekctHmuiediaiely, with , ull directions as to the ship ping ol goods or deeds lor the property, 'llckets lor sale at all tho principal Hotels. Book, and Music stores in tne city and at the Headquarters, in the .Mainiimih Fair Btiildlnu ior the benefit ol tlm MinHem' n,i Uiiin allonal Oiphans' Homo Fund, corner ol .Seventh street and Pennsylvania avenue, Washington D C. 1 he Directors anneal to the liberiilllv of Ihn nennln to grve this enterprise their kinu support, and thereby assist In ro.ievlug the wants oi the nrnhana ot our lallen comrades. I AKD. A large nnmber of tickets remaining unsold, It twill be necessary to postpone the drawing until THURSDAY, the 11th of October, 1H66, at which time it w ill positively occur. The many swindling schemes that have been pre sented to the public during the past lew months, some what delayed our sales, until wewtre able to satis r ihe peop.e throughout the country tuat this enterpiise was ueiiulne. and soiclv tor chiultuh e nurnosRa. ih Directors are confident of the sale of every ticket, and nuve Buuiicu sumcieiii- vine to guarantee uie saies without any further postponement juaj ii jl. nALL. rres Hoiuiers' and sailors' Union Col. CUAS, E. C APKhAHT, 1 Mai -M. H ALBURUKK. Managing Directors. WILLIAM . aiultoE, TllBABl'BY DrPABTUENT, UKF1CE OK l.NTlillNAL hKVKNTJE, .. . .. WASHINGTON. JUUO '20 1800. w bereas u. A. Hall and oihers. as Maim jn,u niree.- tors" oi the "Grsud atlonal Concert." to beheld in Washington. 1'. C, on the 2d ol Auvust next hnvemana due application to L. t lephan. Collector of Interual Kecenue lor the Collection District of the District ot Columbia, ior permission to ho d a lotierv. ritta. or gilt euterorlse, and presented to him satisfactory evi dence that Uie pioceeds of said lottery, raille. or plft enterprise w Ul be devoted to charitab.e uses permission Is hereby granted to such ''Alanaalnir lUrectorn" l. ln.l.l such lotttry, rallle. or gilt enterprise iree fronia'.chsrge, whether from tax or license, in respect to such lottery rauiv, or gui vinvrprisu. c. a. uuj1.i ;nm, Comuiissloner. We refer, by permission, to Sialor-General W infield s. Hancock. IT. 8. A. General Robert C Hcheuck, M. c, Ohio. General llalbert E Paine, Al. C , Wis. General John U. Ketchum. M. ('.. Y General Jams H. Blunt, Kansas General J H. iHcndnck, Iowa. General D. C. Alci allam, D. C. General O V Dayum, J. X. Hon. '1 nomas w. ferry, n. g., wicn. Hon. George Lawrence. M. C, I'enna. D. C. Forney. .sq.. D. C. MajorJ. K.lV)ugnty,N.Y. . lion, iticnaru w ai.acu, ,hjui ul oouuigiou, v. v. I .o. lleutv WJ son. ti. o n. Hon Winlam D Kellcv, Jl. C, l'cnna Hon. Ke Han V. Wnaley.M. C.. Wet Va. Hon. k-ben C. Ingcrso 1, M. C, 111. Hon. Uenrv C Dciniug, M. V , cotin. Hon A. U. I aflln, M. C..-N. Y. II on. Leonard Myers. M. C., Pcnna. Hon. William A. Lowell. M. C. J. J. Hon George W.Julian 41.0, lnd. Hon. f-tephen . wusou, ui mum, Hon. J. B. Oiinneu, t;.. owa. Hen. B F. w ade, IT. H. Senator Ohio Hon G. f . Latham M -'., VV. Va. Hon. Ben. Wlisnn. c... uuiu. William E. Owens, Esii , Philadelphia. ;en Hoys ju. . vin. 9 6 thai u VALKK'8 tLiAlC M1LLLUS) WIM'EK GAKDKN-Nos 120-T2B VIS K Street. . , . a h 1 IV U ''! I U L' s. 'I' A I ft t kl 1 L- Irr MGHi'LY. By two larae and efficient Orchestras. And EVERY NIGHT. In connexion with our r.Ai.;i'.i.:injn ci at iu dsaii, a Brass Band, compiisiug the best Artists In the city will pcriorui. o Tn. Our soaclous Sun nier Ganlen, artistically laid out wltn Shrubbery, fountains etc. IN THE LADIES' SALOON, Especially set apart ior F a1L1ES, the best of Creams ud other Reiresnmenis win De servcu. o iu GYMNASIUM FOR LADIFH. GKNTI.EMEN, AND CHILDREN, . K. COR. OK NIMH AM) ARCH 81'RKKIS n. InutltntA. whle.ta fiualn has imttn ureaLv Imnroved lor tbeicoiulrjg season, Is now open tor subscrlptloui all day and evenings. bodily exercise Impa-ts health and strength, and la highly recommended to both sexes and all ages. Terms lor Instruction. I months tR-00 'ferins lor leu viaciice. a uionins ,." For parlicolars send for a circular or give us a call. OSOlui Professors HlLLtBBASU EEW1S rS?im THE PIANOS WHICH WE MANU r7 k it I factar recommend themselves. We promise . " r.. I .. . . .. huuiitltnl t.,l,uu - w.irh r . . u ., ahlp durability, and reasonable price combined with mil (uursnue. For sale tin y at .No. lo!7 WAI-NUi' Htref li csiw r:-c xave act oco, DRY GOODS. FALL GOODS. U031ER, COLLAMY & CO. ARE KCW OTENIKG THEIR IFAI aL I M POIITATJ ON OK SILKS, DRESS GOODS, ETC., To which they respectfully invite attention. No. Sis and S20 U1ESNLT Street. N. B. WHOLESALE H0OMS UP STAIR3. A LIEIKAL EISC0TOT MADE TO THE TRADE. 9 :Up p 11 I C E & WOOD, N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT, HAVE JU6T OPENED: COCO yards American Trintf, last colors, 1G a d 18 cents a yard. 1 cao line quality French Mcrluos, SI 25 yard. Fine quality Black. Alpacas, 60, CO, 60, 70, 80, 90 cents, 91, 91 12.', and $1 26 a yard. FLANNELS! FLANNELS! All-wool Flannels, 36; 87, 40, 45, 50 cents, up to 125 a aid. Dtmet Flannels, 31 j up to 90 cents. All-wool baker Flannels, 50 cents np to tlayard. Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flanne's, cheap, Best makes 11 cached and Unbleached Muslins, at the very lowest market prices. Yatd-wlde Bleached Muslins, 25, 28, Slj, 33, 3j, 37 ) cents. Yard-wide Unbleached Muslins, 20 23, 25 cents., IT low Case and Shoe ting Muslins, etc. JUST OPENED: One cose Bridal Quilts, very cheap. Table Linens, Nupkius, andloweis. White Goods, very cheap. A larce assortment of Hosiery, Ladies' and Cents' Merino Vests, very cheap. . A laree assortment of Edging, Flouuclugs, and Insertings, Ladios' and Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs. Just opened, irom auction, a cheap lot ofl'oi tc- iuonnaics, Tooth aud Hair Brushes. PRICE & WOOD. R1S51 K. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT Sta. UROEM BLANKETS. Huron Fine Bed Blankets. Huron Preminm Blankets. Huron Extra Heavy Blankets. Huron Single Bed Blankets. Huron Bed Blankets, $ii-50 Per rair. We are now receiving direct from the mills, the celebrated HURON BLANKETS, Contracted lor early in the Spring at the low price of wool. They are suporior In size, weight, and fineness of wool to any other make in the market, or to any BLANKET ever beiore flexed by us. Sold only WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO., N. W. CORNER M 3ml EIGHTH AND MARKET. Ho. lOia CHENUT tttreot. TO LADIES About leaving lor the COUNTRY, SEA SHORE, OK WAlEKINii PLACES, E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CKESNUT STREET, OfTers a rail assortment, at LOW PRICES, of ev, n dexcription oi Whi'IE tioc lit. VVfVED MUSLINS, PIQUES. jrltKNCH JIULIKS, In all varieties ol plain and fancy styles. Laces, Knibrolderies. Hdkls. etc eto. Linen Sleevea, Collars, bets, etc , In great variety. E M. NEEDLES, Ko. 1024 CHESNTJT Street. sujri Iflb'aiJO HOI 'OK (JAPE MAY- ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONG BRANCH. DREIFTJSS ilI5 EL SINGER, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE OPENED ON THE 14th INST, A new and desirable lot of ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS Suitable for the W storing Places, Including a splendid assortment of WHITE GOODS. rUCKRD MUSLIN, SHIRRED MUSLIN. SWISS MUSLIM, f LAID NAINSOOK,' STRIPED NAINSOOK, $1 CAMBRIC NAISSOOK DRY GOODS.. CURWENJJODUART & BRO. ' JpALL COOPS FOR MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. CLOT1H, CASPIUKRE", COATINGS, ETC., AT REDUCED PRICES. Cl'IlWES STODIUPT cfc ItUOTIIER, Net. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Street, S 3t Uiove WUlnw. JOII B LAN KETS - GO TO CVRWEN 8TODDART BROTHER'S, WHERE ALL GOODS ARE HOLD Al A OREAT REDUCTION. N os. 4.50, 452, and 454 V SECOND Street, ?' 6 8t Above Willow. J JONEY COMB QUILTS AT 13 EACH. Cl'KWEN STODDART &. UHOTIIEH Nob. 450, 402, and 404 N. SECOND Street, 9 6 3t Above Willow. -yj ARSEILLES COUNTERPANES A LAKOE STUCK. Al LCisr THAN USUAL PRICES CV'RWKN STODDART 4; It ROTH KR, Nos. 450, 452, and 454 N. SECOND Street, 6 3t Abov Willow F LANNELS OF ALL UB.V.DES AT REDUCED PRICES CIRWES STODDART A, BROTHER, Nos. 410,492, and 454 N. SECOND Street, 3t Above Willow. JAS. 11. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 737 CIIESNUT St., Invite the attention of Cash buyers AT WliOLCSAI.E, To tlioir Stock of I FItKXClI, BRITISH, AND AMERICA r n y g O O D S , Which for extent, variety, and general adaptation t the wantnot the Trade, is unrivalled. Packsae buyers implied vith scarce and dflslrahle Goods at and under market rates. 8 17 lm Wholesale ltooiriH Up Stivii-M. g A L T W ATE It S II A W L S, Wholesale end Retail. PURE WHITE LLAMA SHAWLS. SHETLAND SHAWLS, ALL GRADES. PURE WHITE UAHEOK SUWALS. BREAKFAST SHAWLS. SHAWLS AND HALF 4 l2stuth rp KXRE & LAND ELL. "yiIITE DRILLING AND BASKET DUCKS. BROWN DRILLIKGS AND BASKET DUCKS. FARMERS' PANTALOONERV. BOYS' FANCY DRILLINGS. LINEN CHECKS AND STRIPES. EYKE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. MOSQUITO JXJCTS AND NUTTING. Feieons returning to the city arc respecliully in formed that we have now ou hand and ready fo Immediate use, PATENT UMBRELLA MOSQUITO NETS, FOR SINGLE OR DOUBLE BEDS, CRIBS, CRADLES, ETC., OF ALL THE REQUIRED BIZES AND COLORS SHEPPARD,VAN HARLINGEN&ARRISON. House-Furnishing Drv Coods 8 21 tuthsl-trp No. 1008 CHESNUT STREET. SIMPSON'S SONS', No. Ir22 PINE STREET So. 024 T. Healers in Linens, W hite and Drens Goods. Embroi deries, Hosiery, Cloves. Corsets. Hundkerchlnis Plain and Heuistliched, Hair. Nail looth and Plaie Brnmas, Combs, Pialn and Fancy Soaps, Periumery, Imported and Domestio PuQi and Puff iioxea, and an endless; vanttv of Notions. Always on band a complete stock of Lad'es', Gents', and Chiidien's Undervests and Drawers; English ana Herman Hosiery In Cotton Merino, and Wool. Oib. Craoie and bed Blankets. Marseilles, Allendale, Lancaster, and Honey Comb Quilts. Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Plain and Colored T'.Arlrfl I:arm.,i U.ill IFnaulu an1 linnrlfan r.a.li Burlaps. Baliatdvale, Welsh, and Shaker Flannels in all grades.. A lull line ol Nursery Diapers of all widths at T. SIMPSON'S WO.S, 9 S Nos. m and D24 PINE Street- LEE DOM & SUA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CAItPET WAREHOUSE'. No. 910 ARCH STREET, ABOVE NINTH, PHILADELPUI.l, ARE OPESIXO AN EKTIRE EW STOCK OF Foreign and Domestic Carpetlngs,. In every style and variety, 1 1 Sin pATENT WIKE WORIt TOR RAILIXG8, 8TORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS. IRON BEDSTEADS, AND WIRE WORK, In variety, manufactured by M. WALKER ft SONS 6m8 No, 11 North SIXTH Street. riAPE WAY RAILROAD C 0 M P A N Y y j Notice Is beteby given, that tlie preannt arran'ue mcnt oi the Trains to ana Irom Caps Alav will !Z. CONTINUED, vla;-Leave Phi adelphla a: P M and Cape It and at 8 A, Al , dally. ' J. VAN RENS.-ELEAE, Superintendent lermber. 1HW. It i If fS&i PIANO TUNING AND REl'AIRINtV TtTH iJ-UK. AOKiiT will return to th.eVit nJ resume bosluexa i SpUiiher 1. Orders reueived as tuuil atJtlASOA & CO.'s..ho.ii07Chesuutatreet gfflmru R. KINKELIN CAN BE CONSULTFD confhienilally on all recent, local, chronic, and ci.n.illuuoual d -eai..a at bis old esUhhshment nortl. V 5 12t jeevietBrv o jjjj j;6rj.t JU'.l.Ut ; lV9Cflli.Sr;ritreet,