THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILDELPITIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 18GG. AFFA1US IN EUROPE. BTF.MM4 1 gl.POR APtl "rV.ClAl. COrmKHr-OM'FSCK I'Ani.J, AucnM 27, IMG. IlHlnlnn of the YVnr 4 IkiicI. We led to frtir, a few dim nso, Hint the quctfon o torruoriul compi nxtttinn uiifditlv? the ni( nn of raising cloiul he! worn I'runre and 1'njv in. which wouM burnt, and bnner on 113 the t ii ol wur. Tliis dnnecr ! no more to e feareii Our out-and-out Frcm'hmeiKire.uowever, but hnti-iied, and w ould have wMicrt Kapoh on the Third to lime forcfri too victo rious Kina of Prns-Ia to ulve bock the Rheni".i frontier, xivt ar to it The C abinet of the Tttilerio has, lunvever, shown the Cabinet of Berlin the nccc-Uy of a recliticafion of the frontier, in order that France may be protected from tho powerful (Jernian empire which ii now in pro cess of bcine established. The answer from Berlin has been that Prussia cannot think or glviug up itu inch of ground, awl that Fram e need not be under the ulisrbtest nlnrn on the score of an apfrrestive pjiiey on the pnrt ol German. Thu it 1 pax nobiacnm, lor the pie pent at least. We have a!o received every assurance from the Ktnperor that Tlx' Kingdom of It li(l inn. Which our semi odicial paper? have often threat ened vith aunt xation, will for the present ! let alow. The ofliciul Monllcur litis now given these papers n flat denial, and it states that Na poleon ill will always respect the possessions ol Ms neutral neighbors. We know that every- 'p thing that emanates from the Fplnjnx is more or j ! less mystical, and we fear that the term neulra I I Is a slight hint to Prussia, which is proceed in x I with much rapidity in its annexation system. However, "sufheient to the day is the evil there of." En attendant, Prussia has laid her hands upon Hanover, Electoral Hesse, and the Duchy of Nassau, and the quetion is, in what manner these countries shall be annexed by the con queror. Hesse Darmstadt, protected by Russia, will for the present remain independent. I j The definitive treaty of peace between Aus- trla and Prussia will be siRiieJ in a lew days J The breech-loading needle-gun worked more gnoiy mon me pen ot ttie diplomatist. Urumbllus; In Italy. The discontent of the Italians, who had dreamed of an abundant harvest ot laurels i .... ... ... now turned aeainst the late commanders of the army. There was a creat deal of murmurins after Custozza: and alter the defeat ol Lissa it was generally urged that Persano should be brought before a court-uiariial. There is. however, no doubt that no blame of any kind is to be attached to the pallaut Admiral. La Marmora, too, has had his share of abuse, and thinirs have cone so far that he has sent in his resi.; nation as Minister without portfolio, and as Gommander-in-g-eneral of the forces. lie will be replace'! in the latter capacity by General Cialdini. Mazzinl Piiritonol. Vicfor Kinanuel has ecnerously printed a pardon to all those in any way connected with the afTair of Aspramonte. Mazzini is among the number. Italian electors will now be free to send him to Parliament, as now no motives r exist to exclude the great agitator, who is looked upon as the champion ot Italian unity, The pardon of Ma.zini has been generally ap proved of in Italy. Here in France there is a diflerent feeling as regards Mazini, as it is generally believed that he has often had some thing to do with those who have attempted the life of Napoleon III. The Italian Government f justifies the late act in sajing that, now that the unity of Italy is accomplished, Jlazziin has no loneer any interest in plotting ngainst the lite of Napoleon III. This would be true if Rome were in the hands of Victor Emanuel, but it is not likely that the Eternal City will become the capital ot Italy for some lime to come. Even Venice has not, yet been handed over to Victor Emanuel by Napo leon III not that the Emperor has any inten tion of keeping these provinces, but it is asserted that tho Venetians do not seem very much in clined to be annexed lo the kingdom of Italy. They would, it appears, prefer to keep their autonomy; and a report hasfor the lastl'ewdays been current that the Venetians are anxious to secure the services of the author of the cele brated speech at Ajaccio as their ruler, and that they would wish to proclaim Prince Napoleon Uoj;e of Vcnlee. This would at tirst sight appear ridiculous, but we live in such very odd times that nothing ought to surprise us. Who would, six mouths ago, have believed that a Prussian lieutenant would become Ilospodar of Roumania? Anxiety C aused ly the 111 Health of the Kiit f tor. A few days ago I should not hav thought of speaking to you in such a light tone of the dif ferent political questions w hich occupy 113 at the present moment. I enn assure you that things did not look couleur de rose, and that the alarming accounts in circulation respecting the precarious fetute of the Emperor's health, and the sudden raising of the camp at Chalons, was a source of great anxiety all over France. It now turns out that there was a great deal of exaueeration in the rumors with respect to hA lieiillh nf Nnnolenn III. The Emueror is f now much better, and has already bhown hinv sell Beveini nines 10 me iiuuiic biucc duuuoj last. He will, it is said, proceed shortly to Biarritz, where the workmen ure now busily em ployed In getting everything ready for the Court, which will leave Paris to dulness until the 9th of October. Our theatres are doing nothing, but a number 1 of novelties are announced for the coming win ter. Foremost on tne 11st is Verdi's Opera of "Dou Carlos," which will be brought out at the Grand Opera In a style which we heur will outdo the gorgeous scenery and dresses of L'Afrieaine. At the Lyrique, a new comic opera, by an English composer, Duvivier, is also in active rehearsal; it is entitled Deborah. Connoisseurs speak highly of the mubic, which Is said to be spark ling and lull of melody. Ira Aldrldge, the African Rostlus. This celebrated actor, who has been starring In Germany and Hungary tor the last five years, was the other day robbed, at Kleff, of his jewel box which contained the diflerent decorations ' ... t 1 1 1 no had received irom uerinau uvci-iSu. no "v i 1 11 1 still continues to reap laureis, principally iu Germany, where his wonderful delineations of Shakesperlan characters gives great delight to the sons ol Fatherland, with whom the works ot the Bard of Avon are as familiar as "house hold words." Tuoii"l Ira AUridee, from liis knoratice of the German language, ohiisred to perform in EnplMi, which ntuy be said to be understood but by a very small fraction of the nudienoe, his acting Is followed by the spectators with the greatest attention. The other parts are acb-d in German, but as the centre of attraction is the Altican tragedian, little attention is paid by the audience to what is going on on the stage whilst he Is olT il. Such is the love of dramatic and lyric art in Germany, that the Germans do not object to hear two languages spoken in the same piec c or opera, l ew l-rrncii, English, or Italian actors are able to master the difficulties of the Teutonic inns mitre, and are thus obliged to perform in their native tonaues. Thus Adelaido Kemble, sister of Mrs. butler (line Fanny Kem- ble), perloruied in Italian for several successive seasons at Frank fort, Berlin and Dresden. Roger, too, the accomplished French comic opera singer. lor many years performed the part of "George lirown," in Hiuldieu's charming opera of jZ,n Dame JJianche, In French, whilst the others sang in Geiman. The dilference between these two languages is so great that the effort was at first rather ludicrous to the audience, who often could not refrain from laughing. These rather out-of-the-way performances were not, however, of long duration, for the king of French k nors, alt' r some months' hard applica tion, contrived to muster the harsh and guttural sounds ot the Tent mic language, lie has now for many years been performing the part of "Kleazar."' in Ilalevy's La Juive, ''John of llydcn," in the J'rvpbrte, and other kparts In German. Madunie Pauline Garcia Viardot, the gifted sister of the lamented Malib?an, who two years ago retired from the stage, and is now residing w ith her husband. Monsieur Viardot (the trans lator of "Don Quixote," and celebrated art critic at baden-Raden for several years), performed at Berlin und Dresden in the German language. But to return to Koaer. All those now living in distant climes, nnd who have been charmed by this ikyaut urlislr, will be glad to hear that his voice has hen in no way impaired by the amputation lie underwent some years back, and that he is noar singing at Vienna, and trying, by the sw( etness of his voice, to make the iu hnbitants of ihe Kaiserstadi forget the disasters of Koniggruti and the humiliations of Niekols burg. Roger, it is known, has a mechanical arm, and the disguise is so perfect that nobody could imagine that it is not his ow;i. Wc are in hopes of seeing Roger return to the Opera Comiliue, ior since he lelt there, nobody has heeu found worthy to t ike his place. However, young Taul L'Hcile, the son of the late celebrated comic actor, L'llerie, a short time ago mads his debut in A uber's sparkling opera of TJA-nbassadrtce, and is now swinging in Mehul's Jozcpli. He gives us great hopes that his excellent voice and pcrlect method will enable the lessee to re place some of the masterpieces of Giote and other classical composers 011 the stage of the Rue Favart. MEDICAL. yux poi'ULi. W1U GUT'S TAR SYHUP. PIllJXCJFAL DF.rOT, No. 'l South rJJIIlJI) Stree I'riee, $1-00 per Bottle; $5TjO lor Lalf-n dozen. '1 lie umlrHlLnid citizens take nlensnre In eheertull reccuiii niuii ii the use of Writht's Tiir Nvrun lo ci.uhs colds, consun.i lion. whoopinK-couKh, spoiled lever, dver complaint, piling In tho breast, I Touch Ids, iiiiiuii'ii.iumii. ai;u rcniriciion 01 air ve.-iKe s in the luus, . iv.. , i,v mil, ,i niiuuiii uujumoiy IflUHlJ : Clmries ('. Wi t-on Fonit V Prest olllee. liar es H. liranen, Sunday Mercury oUico. , Knlen Jt.qu rer otlice i 1 1 n 1 1 1 F. (.orbit, AXHOcimed Press. Wiliium 11. ( arpemer Fire Alarm and Police T gruiih. V Mth mid hi snut streets. A KaiMlolph. Front and onibard street. ,1 nines V. 1'errine Iso. 112H ('buries street. 11. A. navl.- o. Ma liask.1 1 street .Inliii ooilslile No 13111 Fnml iin stret. lloticrtlhonips n -No. 11X18 W alter street, It. t. Miircii, No. ii-'ti liai.klin s reet. .1 (;ehlolt ho Tit ti. .-econdhtroet. John c mour, No. 613 K. 1 loni street. . W. lioward, No. 1 1 mck .trcet II. '. 1 urtut Iso. econd street. ij. Hales o. 6H5 Arch street Allien Martin, No. 411 h. Necond Htroet. IMary Ca d voii. No li82 Siiiihoui Btroet. W. 'I htmas. o. W N, Fourth strci t. U. M. mtliy, No. 1 9 K retli's alley. (ieorKO I sun No 2.1B Kace Hlreot. V . F UrooKs, No.6!) North henond street M. J. Ilassett. No. 119 Csnal street. H. ("cvaiour Hose Husileioii. Clmr is LiiKcTM, No. if-1 Hoiuh street. il. T. We ing on, m cmid and Qiuu-ry strce F. F. 1 nomas. fo. lilt) Mouth -Ixt street. Wi iii. in liuniB, No filft t-iiulli fronts reet. H. S. . "-union), Opera Mmiuifci'. John MuuiiiniB. rear of Mo. I'M North Bccond street lire. b. it. (Jhoate. Newark, lel. Mr. William H. Wr ohl. Hih We take oleasure In reeommendlrc Tour IT A B SVhl'l'iof which we have already aoid considerable Uimnlilies) as a most excellent and erh aelous remedy loc tt,o complaints set lortu in your prmu-u tun aircaity suliinituw to the public. An a iTailli Ihk act to aullerlnt huinanity ve wll cheeriu It recommend our prenarn tion to a.l art li t. d with diseases which It la designed to cure. lours, etc., P1T.KS V HON, Itrnppists, K, . corner l'lne and Sixth streets For sa'e also at JUUNhON, HOLI.OWAY A COWDEK S, HYC'TT i CO V, A nd ail principal lirui Kisu and Iiealers. The snt scrlber would beg leave further to sarthat he is prepared to tl.l orders ai.d torward the Hyrup to any part ol 'he country. 1'erMins desiring other Inior Ii, hi imi by mail will inclose a postage stamp and answen will liereturmd us soon us the cxlueucioa ot bUHuiesi will admit Adaresa W1LUAM H. W lttOtlT. 3 20 Ko. 171 K. Tlllltl) btneu I'hlladulphla, l a. Q L A D N E Y S for the unfoktunate. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all cases, lor the Bj-kudi and Pfum m.m t lhk ol all diseases arising irom excesses In youth rnysicai anu nervous iieuum , eic. etc NO LHANOr. OF 1HFT In MiUEHSABY. They can oe used w ithout detection, and never tall to enect a cure, ll used according to instructions. BELL,' 8 BPKCIFIC P1L.L.8, Price One liobar per Box, or Six Boxes for Five Dol- lurs; aioo, i.arge uoxes. containing f our ouiau, Price Three lJullars. From (our to six boxes are uenerailT rennlred to cure orilinurv cases though beuelit is derived irom, using a single box lu t hroino Cases, wlere Nervous Prostration bos allected the system. HULL'S TOMIC PILLS An recommended as the most Kfflcaclous, ttejuvcnatlng, anil Inviuoruting liemedy In the world. A Package 1'ilce Five Dollars, wl l last a mouth, and U) geuerai.y auuicic-uu In extreme cases of Debility, lifcLIS KVI'KIINAL, ROIKDY, Price 1 wokOollars, suftioleut for a month, can be use to uood advauiaue. It rives stiengtu to the system, and, with the Pills, will eflnct a cmnnlotn Kestoiatiou A l utiiiibletoi Hill naues. on Ihe ERBORS OF YOI7TH. dcoif iuhI us a Lecture and Cau Ion to Young Men, sent iree, xen cents reuuuoa to pay pusiag. It yoo cannot purchase Bell's) Rrncrfto RRMV.pnts ot your Uiunjim, take no otuur, out aeua we moue DR. JAMES BRYAN. Consnltinff Physician. Ko gin UkOAOWAY. Mew York And you will receive tiieui by return of mall, post paid, nu uro irom ooservatiou. For sale by iiYOTX & Co., KO. 332 K. BECOND RUCUl. 9 1l X AKDSCArE PRAWINO CARDS, A BEAU 1J tiful seiin ot views, fifteen In number deslgid lnr rue iiisiriiciHin ot juvenile artists rntu, to cents a am it sue wiiu tne t-Vh.NlNU TtLEUUVfii. tyt VFN1MJ TlLLEORiPH. YtiHK CLIP!' I K tc, will lie lound on sale at the M WH STANK. W. c VENTH mi CUESKU'l Btreet. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETC. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. MUSICAL DOXES. A lull R?f ortmtnt. ol iiLrve (iooob cubstantlr on liM d 1 1 iiietleiBto prices the Musioal Boxes pljln from 1 to iu In qui it nl Airs. FARE & EE.0THER, Importers, Ko. 824 CUFSNUT STUKfiT, lit low Fourth, 11 llfmthjrp m U0L1) WATCHES. To Sojourners in our city. We call spiclnl ttfntlon eftlic sojourners In our city to Uic I'lSH WATCH AND Slf.VKKWAllE KSTAIII.ISIIHKNT OF w. w. cassidy, So. l'J South SK OM Strrrt, Wliotinfon tinnd one ot the flntst assortments ot Jew- cn.v, etc., of anj in the city. A splendid assortment ot PIMF.PWARE ALWAYS ON HANK. Remember V. V. CASSIDY, S lfi? Xo. 12 Ponth PKCOND Street, (. HUSSKLL & CO., No. iU North SIXTH St., Having Increased tlieir l'n little1 tor FINK WATCH KEPAIHIXK, invite tho attention of the public. All t oik w Brrnnted for one year. ft 2ii AXON!) DEALER & JTOTTj'FR,- WATCHES, JKW1M..Y U ljll,V7,!t TMirr, ' WATCZE3 and JEWELRY IMPAIRED. J -122 Chostnut St.,PWlft-.-;ii' Owing to the decline ot Hold, has made a xrcat re duction In rjrice of Lis large and well assorted ktock o Diamonds--, VVatehes, Jewelry, Silverware, Kto Tlic pulilicare respectfully Invited to call ajidexamln our stock before purchai-inp elsewhere- "ill SILVER AND TLATED GOOUS OF THE Most Superior Workmanship, AT TIIE N E V STORK 704 ARCH STREET. I he nnderslcned (lal f t'ie famous Rninra itroa Mnuuluciuriiiii (Jomminv) rosnect ullv announce Ilia they have opened a new and oeautltui' store ior the sale ot blLVrlt and 1I.A1KD WaKF., at No 704 AltCU Street. Our long experience as manuiacturerg wil enable ns lo keen nothlmr but flrst-clnsa (lands and thoi-e w ho may patronize our a. ore will find our plated viiuub mi nuDHiiiir to noy ever iTiinortea. anu our cus turners may rely on the goods being precisely what the arc rcpicbcuicu 10 ue. 0 iiii 11UHMAB LtUMAIill. 11EXRY II All PER. No. wo aiicii sthi:i:i llunulaitu and J'ealenn Wiitelie r'ino Jewelry, Silvei-l'lateil Ware, AND 8 1 Solid Silver-V .'i re. K I C 11 JEWELU Y JOHN B REN NAN, DRAI.ER IN DIAUOKBS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELRK Etc. Etc. Etc. B 2( Ko. 18 8. EIGHTH SI iii-KT, 1'1'iiuaa. THE EYE AND EAR. JJKAFNKSS, IJLIXDJNKSS, THROAT, LUKG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARRH AND ASTHMA, lUsordered Functions ot T1JE DIGKSTIVK OllGANS MOKBID AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER, WEAKNESS OF NERVES, AND GENERAL DEBILITY OI' THE WHOLE SYSf KM, L Treated with ttnprtctdented success by PIl. VON MOSCHZISk'EIt, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. The following CF.NTLKMF.N. who have latelv been cured under the trcutiuent of Dr. VON Mu.frllzis- KI K, have kindly peimlited hliti to teier to ihem, and they would g adly bear tetimoiiy to tho amount ot J4 LLtt 1 tienvcu irom ins l itr.Ai.ii tnn- l.U. Alct'UKAKV.l sn.,fio. walnut street. t-liOKM AKI It, P8i., ho. -MH Walnut stieet. ALAN WOOD, Jr., Fsy , No.ftpl Arch street. C. U. OKI 1 .N. Fsii., No. 2n North evelltll street. '. J. liOLLOWAY, Fsu.. No. SOS Market stri ct. J. t'OOPFIl. Fsu. No 3 North Front street. Ur. DAV1U.SON.N. W. comer of Ninth and Chesnut streots 1 eneral 11(5. t . n. A..I, rnrd stxeet. T. W. 6WEENF.Y, Euij., V. 8. Aancioor ol the Second Mstrlct. I . 11 A BY, Esq., Piculdcnt ot tho Nineteenth Ward i'ublic Kcnoois. liev. H. t). HARE, Philadelphia Conference. Hundreds of other names, ail nersous who would hn careiullf conscientious to whom they would nerinit tlm indorsement ol their names, can be examined at his OFFICE, l"-11 tVALaoi otreet. THE ATOMIZER. Pr. VON MOSCRZISKEK asserts with the utmost ciintldenee that Ills ays em of treating LtiNtl rilll....'P iiiL-um 1IU,....A n.riAl.l..l . o . . . . and all maladies of tho digestive organs, by the use ol iit..y.A&, v i. r. i- i juBCHrwi iiiiaivuii, AOI11JUA me Aiuiutwii, i mo uiuy roiiuiue one. tsince the Introduction ot this system cases have been brought to ills ottice. no 1U.I1 Hi ,MT Strimt in l,l..l, every other possible means have been IruiUessly em ployed, put readl'v jlcided to Ills treat ineut. The A'lOMUF.H is an AHAKA11S oonstrnoted on sclent I llo principles, which, by a mechanical arrange ment., r iiuer uy aimosuiierc pressure or Steam, con verts any mruie ne into a nne ti'KAl, anu readi y conveys It Into the BRONCHI L 1 L'BKH or LC.NU. wlib the ItKsPIKA'lOKY I KRENT. The medicines suliniittea to the action of this AI'PAHAnirx i,,.. noihmg ot their ( HEiK AL VALL'K. as in mi,.. prepaiaii'"B. ouc are receiveu into uie lir,St'lK TORY OKOAK8 lu their IUU ME11CXNAL hi Hl.lfAL OPFHATIONS OV TltW UVP ALL HUROH AL OHKRATIONS on the Eyes, auch as Cataraet, ArtlUcutl Pupil, Cross Eyes, eio., sklliully uci mi mrw. i rp DEN'TISTRY. THE OOTERNMENT IIAVINH - rrYt granted me letters-patent tor mv mode ol administering M'rnus Oxide Oas, by which 1 have extracted uianv thotisanus ol Teeth without palu. 1 am Justllbd lu assartiua that U la both snter and suporior to any otueruow iu use. K. C. I.. MUSNH 216m No. Tat spul't t Street. No1 FINANCIAL, JAY COO'Kli & CO., No. 114 South TIHUD Street A N K E li S AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECU1IITIES u. s. 6 ok mi. 5-208, OLD AND KK.W, 10-40s; CKUIII'ICAIF.S Of INPlCIt I'E'UNF.SS 1 tu uiu, isi, -u, ami uu caries. CO.VrOUMD IMKRF.ST XOTKS WAN'ltD. IXTEKKST ALI.OWKD ON IK.rOSITS. Collections made. Stock BouRht and Polo on CommiiK-ion. Special bu'ine-s accommodations nerred for LA DISS. 8 7 2m fJATiCNAL BAKK CF THE REPUBLIC, Nos. 609 and 811 CHESNUT Street. The entire Interest of tbe late management of this Hank bavin? been purchwed ith tbo lew of eflcctlng an entirely new organisation, abates of stock (will be disposed ot in limited quantities, to respectable parties In butitncgo, who may have an Interest In a bank In this location. Application ior the atock will be recolved lor a lew days, ufter which a distribution will be made. WILLIAM II. KIIAWK, ) J tf rrcsldent. 0, S. SECURITIES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BAKKEES & BSOKERS, 16 S. THIRD ST. 3 NASSAU ST. riilJ.ADELriilA. I KEW 10KK STOCKS AND GOLI3 BOUGHT AM) SOLD ON COMMISSION II Ell K AND I KEW YORK. 31 ")AVIias JJIJOTIIEIJS, Ko. 225 EUCK &TREET, 11ANKE1SS AND lillOKEIiS, HOT AND CELL I'SITF.D 8TATF.B ISOKDB, 1881s, 5-20s M " uitf:u STATES 7.T-10s, ALL I8SLXH. CKTiTli 1CATF.I5 OF lliltlJTEDKF.SS. ilercantllc I aper and Loans ou Collaterals i.eeotiaied Btocka llcuht and Sold on t ouimission. 1 ;'l i rUE rillST NATIONAL LANK HAS REMOVED1 lurlnK tho creation ol the utw lianlc builaing. to 1 17 4.JI CI HjSNUT STliUlOT No. 5'20s ""1'' 1 v 1 T w E x T 1 1: s- 7'COs - SEVEN-THIRT!ESJ WANTED. DE JIAVEN & BROTHER, 1 7 No. -10 TniED Stkkkt. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. STEAM ENGINE AND WOliK.S.-NEAFlF. & Ll.VY. li,t 111 AL AMI Till OHKIK'AIj KNU1NKF.K4, Al At 111 M'l S, HolLl K-A1AK1 KS. BLACKS VI 1 1 US, and Koi;fll'l' having lor many years been In suc cosnul operation, und Ineu exclusively cmae(i In bulldin'- and icpuiriiig Marine and Hlvot tugiuc. high nnd low prcusiire, lnm Hollers Witter Tanks Propel lers, etc etc.. refpectin ly i tler tlieir services to t lie public ns being luliv premirrd to contract for engines ot alisi.'S Aitirine. K ver, and Miitiiinaiv; having aeis oi patterns ot olllerent sizes, ure prcpareu to execute orders with iitiick uopatch. I' verv description ot puttern niaking mnde at tho shortest notice lliuh ami Low pressure ! inc. Tubular, ami Cylinder Boilers, ol the bust Peniisvlviiota charcoul iron. Forgmgs ol nil sizes and kinos; Iron and Brass I asiing ol all descriptions ; Koll TuriiinL'. Screw l uitinc, ui d all oilier work connected with the abote buslne-s. ... LtawiiHS and si.ecllleations for alt work done at the estublii-bujent Iree ol charge, and work yuurau- tetd. . 'the stinscriners nave iiuniiu iian-uocx room ior repairs ol boath. Where tuev can nr iu pctiect sutetv, and aie provided with shears, blocks, lulls, ete etc., lor raising heavy or ligui wcignis. u jn nr,flrir., JOHN P. T.F.VY. 8215 BEACH and PALMEK Streets. J. V.MTIIAN MF.KKlt'K, WILLIAM II. MI'EHK'K JOHN . COPE. Ot'TIlWARK KOUNUU Y, FlfTH AND n WASHIMi'lOS (Streits, MHIKH K At SON'S. KN(iINKKlt3 AMI M At lUN'ISTH. manufacture lliuh and Low Pressure Meuui Knuliics for Land, biver, and Marine Servic e ill, Hers, uasomeiers, janss. iron iioats, etc. CasiiiiKS oi all kinds, either iron or Pkins iron Fran e Uoois lor (las Works, Workshops, and Kiiilroad Stations etc Ketorts and (ias Machinery, ol the latest and most Im proved coiistiucilon. rVerV OCSCIIIiU-ii ui i lainniiinijii Buiiici v . anu nuj, Haw. and tirist Mills. Vacuum Pans. Open fteuui Tiains, lietccaiors, r i ters, l uiniung r nguies etc. Sole Agents lor N. Il'lleux's Patent Snpar Boiling Apiiaratiis, Ncsinylh's Patent Steam Huuituei, ami As piuwall & Woolsey's Patent Ccntrliugal eugar Draining Machine. IDESBUliO MACHINE WORKS. OFFICE, Ko. 66 N FKONT 8TREET, fHll.AUKLPHIA. We are prepared to till orders to any extent for out w 11 Imnuin M A CH IN FHT FOR COTTOS AS D WOOLLEN MI I L8, Including an recent improvements in uaruuig, opmnmg, and Weaving. We in v ite the attention ot manufacturers to our exten sive works. . an I i a tr itx. u u r. . iva n. ovii. TTITaR lltFAHTMEKI. BURtilSUJN-U ETH B VY RAX'S OF41CE, " -or . r, r, . .... in l Q.;n An Army Wedioal Board, to consist ot Brevet I Colonel J. B. Jttrown, Burgeon, V. S. A , Ptesiriontj I liievet limvpt Lieutenant-Colonel tl. K. Wlrtz. ttureon, U. 8 A. Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Heer, ureon, U. S. A.; and BrevetMaJor Wairen Web vter, Assistant ISurgeon, U. S. A., Recorder, will meet in iew York city on the 20tn of September, next, tor the examination ot candidates ior admis sion Into the Medical Stan of tbe United KUttos AM),,can1 must be 21 jears of tge, and riliYBicaily sound. Applications tor an invitation to an pear before the Board should be addressed to the ISurgoon Oeneral, L'nitod States Army, and must state- the lull uaine, residcnoe, and data and p;o ot birth oj tbe candidate. Testimonials aa to chaiaoter and (luulillcations must be turuislied. If the applicant has been iu tbe Medical t-erviee of the Army during the war, the tact should be stated, together wi'h bis tormer rank, and time and place ot servioe, add tea limonials Irom the ollicers with whom be baa rved should also bo tor warded. No allowance is made (or Tbe expenses of persons undergoing tuu examinoU . 'tut uaa lndispuiu)a bie ireieiuisite to appomtwst. 'Ibeie are at present sixty vaoanoies in tbe Medical Stun, lorty'x ot v bion are original, boinff croaU'd br the Aotot CougroBsannroved July 2d, lHW ' JOFJ'H K. BAKNF.,8." Sllsmwi'n buLr4reon-lnrl, U t.A. RAILROAD LINES. R K A V X N O R A I 1, U O A I) fit AT TIEIH l.lNIi . iI("M f II1I,A11.I,IIM A TO 'iHI! INlr.tnOR O J e. N PiHi Ij V A M . , 1IIK HCIHITLHILL MIHOUH IIANNA. I'UHFm.AMi. ASH Vt OldlMl VAl 1.KYH. TI1JJ 01:lll, NOHTHWF8T, AND TUK ANAT1AH. hi ARRAKOFMFNT OF TASSKSiIEK 1HAINH ,lnno4 lHl l.pnrlnc 11: f'ntnnnii'. iim.nt i 'i IIIT?TirirTii C A I LOW HILL Streets, ihilarklpbto, at tho to How a Iioura MOVNINU ACOCMMtinATIOW. At t M A. il. lor Peacinfr an ' inlcnuodiiile fliatlo . . OUNIM FXl'KrHS. At n'l! A. m. tor llrnHltio I aI.miwiti flnrrl.hnr Vnt vllln. llneerove. Tiiiiinitba. Siinlm'rr. Allllamsoo Umlra, KochesiiT Ma. urn FaI s. IVufTalo. A lcnlow IlklshlilTe. I'itMOn. Vnru. I nrllulo. I lismlmrxluir l'i:ersion. etc. etc Thin train connectK at UF.ADTNO wuh Fast Pcnn rylvania ltallread trnins tr Ailenlown. etc. anil the Ithamn Valley trnin for IIarrl'hurg. etc; at FOTU t llNTOX With t alawi( liKilrnad trsms tor Wll- liamshnrg. Lock Haven, llmlra etc.! at HahKIS t I hl w Ith Northern cntrnl Cumberland Vmley. and Pebtiylklll and Susquehanna trains ior Norlhiiuilinilaud, niiiiuiBiuri, inu .uamnersourg, i Itwgiove. etc I.esve l'hllnnelDlila at s nn r w . o,r nnndtmr Pnltx- vlile. llarnsburg etc.. conncctlnir with lleadlnu and Ck lumbia ItBliroail trains lor Co'ninbla, rb'. iir Aiucti ACl (IMMODAl'lON. Leaves heaillne nt A CP A M . .i,,r.n,.,,j i .u wv ata- u n, i iiiinni-ipnia at a no A . IM. KetiirninK. leaves I' Mlwlelphia at 6 On P.M.; arrives iu iiiiiiii. n. I . im. 'I ruins ror rinliideiphlB leave Harrlsbnr at Si" A M. nnd Pot'SVllle at H 4A A. M arrlvlnu In I'lillxlolnliU at l'lO P. A1. Alteinoon tmlnH ir.irHaiiurff at a Ifl P. M., Pottsvillc at 1! 45 P. M., arriving In Philadelphia at 6'4fi !' ' UAKKISIICKU ACCOM MOOATION. 1paves la-hdinii at 7 no A. M. nnd II nrn.l,,iri7 mt A lfl P. M onnpcilnirat Keaillng with Alternant, Accom modation south, at 6','lv 1. M.. arrivlnir In Phli..lninl.i 9 10 J. M. Unrnct train, witn paasenger ear attached, leave riiilauclpbia at 'i 45 noon lir Rcailingan i allwavata Urns l.eavi a liendinir at 11 So A. M and DownlnKtowu nt li-30 P. H: tor Phl'adclphia and al wav sia l na. AH ttie ano-e trains run daily, -unnavs exeepteC Sunila trnins leave l'ottsvllle at leflO A. u Phi. lade pitta at 315 P M Leave Philadelphia fur llcadiug al BtH) A.M., lemming irom Heading nt 4 P, M. ClIKKiHt V KUUtOAU. Paspenrero K r Donnlnuluwn anil Inttunimliale nninU tnke ihe 7-,'ie and HMft A. M.and ft ' 0 P M. trains from Philadelphia, returning iroui Downlnstown at B H A. M. ami i j ,in noon. KEW YOUK F.XrhESS FOR PlTTSBDlttl AND TUB Leaves Kew York at n A M., and g'pn P.M., passing Pi in Hun at H'.'i end 1 1 53 A. M and 1W P. ft! . and con. nectlngal Uarrirburg with Pennst ivanla nnd Nonheni li ntral Railroad express trains lor Pittsburg, Cbioago, yt ii inmaporr, r imira, uaitimore, etc. lleturnlng, express train Ieve8 UnrrlFbnrg on rrlvil ol i lie Pciinsvlvinita eDress frnm l'itisourir. at 8 and ft A.M.. and ni P. TVI ., passing Beading at 4 49 and 10 W AM., and lr.13 V .and arriving In New York at Id A. 31 and 2 4t P. .''cplng cars aecomnany these trains through between Jerse) city and Pittsburg, witn out change. A mull train ior New York leaves Harrtsbntg at 210 P. M. Hull tmir tor HarrMiurg leaves New York atl2M. CIICYI.KILL VA LlvFY HAIMtOA l. TrBirave Fottsville at 7 and ll-W A. M., and 7 P. M . returning Irom 7'amaqaa at 7"35 A. il. and 1 40 and 4 l.r. P M SCbUYLKILL AND HCQUKHANN'A RAILROAD, liainsleare Auburn at 7 Ml A. M. fur Pint-grove and llarrlsliura. and 1 6 P M. lor Pineimve and Tremont. returninc irom Hnrrishurg at 3 vitl.P. M., and froat Ire- iiiont at TJa A. Be auu n to r. i. Through ftrst-clasa tickets and embrrant tlcketa to all the principal polnia In tho orlh and V et and Canada. 'ihe tolluHitiK tickets are ohtnl able only at the oillce ol S. LliAlil Obl), Treasurer, 0. 227 8 FOUHTll htrcet, I'hllndeinlna, or ot (i. A. MCOLLS, tieneial ntiiicriiiu'uueiii . m-iimiiif : COM ML' I ATION TICKFTH At 25 percent, discount, between any points aesircl, inr inniiiiuB mu niiii.-,. M1LF.AC.E TICKKTH. flnod lorSOOOmlles, between all points, J52-80 each, for itmnies anu uims SKASOS TICKETS. f nr three, six, nine, or tweive months, for holders only, to an points, at rcuu'-cn rates tLtHUYtlKN Itrriding on the line ot tbe road will be furnished carus entitling tut m.ieives ana wives to tickets at hall fare. KXttlthlON HtkbTS From Philadelphia t rrlnclpal am. ions, good for Ba tuidav . Sunnut , and Mondav. nt reduced tine, to Dc bad mi at the Itch it Oillce, at 'J UllvTFl.NTii and C'AL I (in II 1 1.1, Stirela l l.l.Kal r. c.iioils of all descriptions forwarded to all t'nc nliove points, irom the i ompany'a new .Freight i epot, nilUAiJ anu vii uy ntreets. fbfk;hi TltAlNN Leave Philadelphia itaily at 30 A. M.,12 45 noon, and t v. al. tor Keatimg. i.enanon, liarrtsnurg, 1'otiavllio i on Clinton, auu un points layona. Close at thePhlladclpbiai ost Ofliceforatl places on the it a .n roan anu us o mm ties at o A. HI., anu tor tno principal sinuous oniy at d to r, a. o id Dlirr.ADKLI'HlA, GERMANTOWN, AND 1 NOliKIS 1 O N KAIUIOAI1. On and a ter W El'M SDA Y, May lfl, 1803, FOR GFliMAN IOW N Leave Philadelphia 6, 1 8, ft, 10 11, 12 A. M., I, 2, 310 Si 4. !,. .'."LU 7. B I). II). 11. IU P M Liuve (.evniniitow.'i 0, 7, VA, 8, 8 VfO, !, 10, 11, 12 A. M. 1,2 :i, l.ri.b it. i,ii,i) iu, u r. ai. 'i be H 'Jo oown train, and .'):' and ZH up trains will no stun on the uermautown urancn. ON (iUK DAY'S. Leave PhiludelphinH-10 A. 3 , 8. m V. if. Leave OcxiiiaiitownS A. VI., 1. 4, GH. H P. M. t liF.SNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Phlliulolphia 6, 8, lo, I'i A M., 3, 3H 5i,7, and 11 P.M. Leave ( besnnt Bill 710 minntea, H. 9 40, 11-40 A. M 140 3 10, S to, IC40, b'40, ami in id minutes r. Al. ON SUMJAYS. Leave Philartelpbln !)10 minutes A. M.,2, S and 8 P. M Leave Chesnut Hill 7't I minutes A- M.. i 40. 6 49, au it "ill niintr es P. M Ftl; ( ON'fUOIlOtTES A NT NORfitvrOWN. T-crne, Philsiielpbla6. H-SS mlnules,, litis A.M., IS, iH t.'J, li',8 M liiinnieM, and 11 H P. M. 1 eue Notristown bh,1, 7 AO, 9, 11 A.j M., IX, 414 6J nt d p M. ... . i lie IH P. M. tialn will stop at fichoel Lane, W1.-k tilctton, Manavunk, spring Mill, and Conshobocken onb OV tMMYd. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M..SX.4 and7M P.M. Leave Norristowu 7 A. M., 1, fiK, and V P. M. Ft; It MANAVUNK. Leave Philadelphia!. H lib minutes, Il'Ot A. M., l.4, 4 hi. rK,6S, 8-1:5, and II X P. at. Leave i.uiuouua UH, .H, 6 20, OH, 11 A. M.,2, 3, 61,' SV" l'" W ON firNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 0 A. iH,4. and 1H P. M. Leave Mauayunk 'i.'4 A. 11 , lh, anu uH 1'. M. VS.h. rt ll.fON. Oeneinl Supunitenilent. k)epot NIN'I Ll ai)0C.l(Ki.oi Htreets VfOUTlI I'J-.NMbYLVAMA RAILROAD. XN Depo. THIRIi Street above Thompson. for 1,I.THIKHFM, lOYIrSTOSVN, MAUCB t'F-l NR., F A.SVON. W IXLIAMsPOKr, and WILKES BAKl'.l.. At7 3nA. V. tr xpresi), for Bethlehem, Allentown &taucb chunk, ilazlc.ou, Vl'iJlian.spoit, and lane. AtS'XOP. M (Kxpreia). rof Bcthletom, Easton. etc reaching t listen at 045 H. M. At SU P. W., lor Bethlehem, Allentown, MauoL Chunk. J; or lloylestown at 8-8S A.M., 30 and 410 P. M. 1- oi Fort W af hington at 10 A. Al. and 11 P. M. her l.unnlu'e alb'lft P. M. White carsottlie Second ani Third Streets Line Cltj Paiseuger Curs run direct to the depot. TRAINS ton PUILAll.LrniA. Leave Betliltbem at 6 25 A. Hi. and I'i li Noon, and 415V -M- . . . ' Leave 1 my estown at 6 40 A. If., 3-13 and n 30 V, M. Leave LaUMlale at b'OO A.M. Leave t ort Washington al ln-W A. M , and J-1S P. It ON (SUNDAYS. Philadelphia tor Betiichem at ft A. M. Philadelphia lor Doyiestown at2'.'IO p. M, Doylesiuwn 'or I'hl adnlphla at 7 V0 A. M. Bethlehem lor Philadelphia at 4-30 P. M. 1 hrouub Tickets must ha piocuied at the tloket oOlces, THI1U blreet, or BLliKS btreeu JTil S1.L18 CLARK. Agent. KKT JEKSK RAILROAD LINKsTfROM "JJ,I-J,t.,M.KKET htreet iPPPer Ferry), com mencing T I F.SDAY. August .8. lHt, J" 8A.M Mall ii r Bilugeton, Bulem, MUlvlllc, and all Intermediate stations. 3 P.M. Mail lor Cape Mav, stopping at Woodbnrv and Olassboro, and all stations bcow (Jlassooro, Due at Cane M af , 7 liO P. M. !i M P.M. Passenger, tor Bildpcton, Pa em, and all intermediate stations. 6 P. M., Woodbury Accommodation. J. VAN RhNSSt,l.AEl, Superintendent. Freight Will be teceived at Second covered Wnarf bemw Walnut street. Irom 7-00 A. M. until ft'OO P. M. That received belure 9 CO A. M. will go through the same FrelKlit Delivery, No. 228 8. DEL AWARE Avenue. The West Jersey Fxpress Compmy will attend to all the uhobI branches ot i.xpress business. A Special Mes senger accompanies each through train. Oillce, No. S WALNUT bUeet Philadelphia. RETURNING TRAINS. Leave Cap May at 8 e0 A. M., "uall stoprlng at all fitaiton.- on C. M. & M. R It., and Viueland, Ulasshoio, and Woodbury. Due 11 7 A.M. Leave bridge ton, 7 13 A. M. and 3 60 P. M. Leave Sslein I a. M. and 'J3 r. M. Leave Mdlville fi-M and '44 A. M and P. M. J. VAN RFNSSALAER, Superintendent. West Jerrey. Salem, and Cape May, and AiUlvlile K Rs i C-PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL J-OvJU EOAD.Thls great kae traverses the North ern and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania to th City or Erie on Lake Erie It has been leased and is operated by the Pennsy vanla Kaiiriiad Company. TIM K OF PASHPNl.EBI KAINH AT PHILADELPHIA. Arrive Eastward trie Mall Train, I A.M.; Erie tx areas Train, I P. M. Leave Wsstward Erie HaQ, P. M Erie Express Pasaenger cars run through on the Erie Mall and Ex bress trains both ways between Pnliade till la and Erie. NKW YORK CONN KC1T ON. Leave Kew York at A at., arrive at Erie 1 30 A. M. Leave Erie at 4 4 P. M., an ive at New York 4 10 P. M. Elegant tileevUig Cora on all the trains. roriuioruiatioii re-ipeoung pussenuer bui-mesj, apply at tornerTUIRITE'H and MARKrT fl'reeU Phi a. And tor f ttuiibt boalnesa, of the Company's Agents, 8. B. Kingston. Jr., comer Ihtrteeuth and Market streets. PbUadelpbiat J. Reynolds, Erie) William Browo, Agent N. C. B R-, Baltimore. . , , Jl. M. HOUS10, General Freight Agent. Phlla. H. W. GW1NNE8. General Ticket Agent, PuUa. 1 A.L. TYLAKO cctfiu WUtUunp jrt. RAILROAD LINES. PHll.APFM'llIA, WILWINCTON. AND ItAC TUiOtXfc RAII.hOAl), Commnelrut MONDAY, Jul I TTalna w-M ti k l'SI"',S?""M P'ROAD Htreet andWASIIINU , r ft Avenne as lollowa , ' F-tiite-w iraln at 4 In A. M fWonrtaya f leen'rd) thr usiirn ore and Vafihiri,,m Bini,iK at tibcviter. Wt mii gtinNevarh. rlkp-n Noiiliiat. PerTrvlli-,MTr( ne t.rat ej. Ahenlacn.Pen-iman's, Jnagnelus Ihaaa'saal ' btniniers linn Wav Mail Train atBIS A M. (Pnnrtavi e"tefptndi, far Bnlllrriofo, stopping at all regular stations between Ptnl lailelpbia and I altln or-. Delaware Railroad Train at f A. M . ('nrtdail e--eeptedi, lor Princ-iss Anue. MlUord, aad InterwcxIUM 0t At ions, i i x press Train M 1145 A.M. (Bnndays excepted), (or Psltimoie and Washington. Fxprc-s l tnln at F- M tSnnrtnya en-voted) torh-tt-tlniiiro and achlngton stopping at besti r, Clay mom, winiligton, Newars, Hkton, hoHlnwst IVrrrvtila. Davie tie Om e. Aberdeen. Verrrman'a.EOgewood Ma nolla, base's, and Memmers Hun I Hht Express at 11 P. M.,for Baltimore and Wat S avengers br Boat from Bn'tlmnre lor Forirnss Maa-uV-NA'tMlVall-,S' 1'0'n1, "nd It-'h",,n'-''w,'l ahe th W II.MINGTON ACCOMMODATlDto THAINH Stnpntne at all Mutlouj tirtwien I'lul,lnlr,i,i. mlngton i.eae rniiane pnia at A. M.,12 30. 4 3V e.snflll M . M. Tbe 4 ,10 I'. M. tialn conn-xiu mth i,i. Railroad 'or Harrington and MitcniieOiPte stattomt i,ii'Vah',7ii,,,i'nI.,6ii0 .1,S n,19-!W' M.,4andfl-! betwe.n lifter and Ph.ladelpi.ia " .--v..- jrai-i ---r r-rw-L.iu-ue leave l' hiladcipbla at I A. M 4 10 aim li I . M. TllKocou JKAIMi FROM BALTIMORE; Leave Wilmington at 11 A M 4 m and 10 P. M. C llrUH FOu mi innimn Leave ( heater at 7 2H, 7-M, m 14 and 11 49 A M I U 6'10, 1 lf and lfl ?ti P. M. . n w a .. 1 . mos iiAiiinuiir. iu i'H 1 i.ahki,'HT(1.. leave liiltimore 7"'A A M.. Wav-ninil ana A ir Express. 1 III P. Mm Express, fii P. la.. Express, atX at., txprvs TRAINS FOR BALTIMORE Leave ( hesierat 44atid8 5iA. M, and J W P.M. I i live V llmington atft 23 ano 9.11 A. M. and 4 I5P. V. 1-relylit Trains wbh l asarng-er ( ara attscned will Iamm as foilow s :- llmington lor Perry vine and intermediate stations at 6fftP. M. Baltimore for Havre-deUraccAsat intetti eiliale staflnes ai 4 4a P.M. l'envvlilo for Wil- ni 1 11 (. ton and In'eriiitxiiate stations at i4'20 A. M . oo nectlngat Wllmiugton with 71a A. M. train for Phlla de pului -5cia 1 1 UAIJVS. FznrCSS Train at 4'l A Si Irr llnltimniw and WnlSk. ingtcn. s'oppmg ati bester, Wlimlm ton, Newark. Ktk ton, Nor hea-t Perrvvile Havre-de-Graee, Aberdeen, Pert msn's Magno la. -nase's, and stemmer'e Ran. jii,iii i..v-. ui- m iur laitmiore anu yYasningioai Aceon modaclnn Train at 11 30 P. M. for YV,mlni-tr-B and Intern.ediale stations. n a I'i imiii'i 1, n rnn inn enn Leave 1 altimore ai 8-2.i P. M . siopping atUarre-tto-Orac, Pcnyvllie, and W llmington. Also siom at Eik- t,..i anu jvewara (to take passengers tor l'hl adelpniaaiM leave passengers irom Washington ot Baltimore) an ( heater to leave nnssenuera tiom Baltlinoi-n nr ia'bm-i- inpton. Accommodation nam tiom Wl mlngton for Phlladot phis dud luteiiLculate stations atb "0 I . M. it u . Jt-EAALY, suiierintcndent 1 OR" KLW Villi K. TUB-CAMDEN AND J Aniboy and Phl aaelpbia and Trenton Rallrosal ompaiM s I j nos. HiOM 1'ltlLADFI.Pni TO wW vripir and W sy l'laces, irom W olnut Street Wbaif, will leavs) as lodovi s, viit i fami At 0 a. Ai., via 1 amtien ana AmDoy, Accomn oda tion a22a At8A M via tan. lien and Jersey City Express. ... 1 0 At 2 P. M., via amden and Atnlxiv Expresa isa At 6 P. M , via Cnniden and nibov Accommndation 2'Jb At 6 P. N. via Ciiiiiden and Aniboy AccommoUa tion, 2d class ga At 8 A.M. 2 and 5 P M.. for itount Holly, F.wana- vl le l en bt rion, and Vtuceutowu. At 3 A. M. and P. M ior Freeho d. At and it, a. M I'i M , 4, R,6. and 11-1)0 P.M. tor Fh louse. Pelmyra. Rlverton Progress, DpIhim-o, Bever.y Fdccwater, l-urington. Florence, Borden- towii.etc. The 10 A. M. and 4 P.M. lines rust J'-wc tbroui'h to 1 icmon. LINES FROM Kr N -llNOTOS DEPOT WILL LRA-TB At II A M , 4 80 6'45 P. M., and 2 1' M. (Night) viat Kensington and Jersey City K xiress Lines, lare l-0. The 6-40 P. M. Lino wllliun dolly. Allothers UundaVa excf tiled At 7:0 and 11 A. M., 1 3'30 4 30. S, and 6 45 P. at ad A ulnight. tor Bristol. Irenton, etc. At 7 and 10 13 A. M. 12 M. 3 4. 6 and 6 P. M.. fir Corn wel's 1orrudale Ilolmei-burg, Tscony, Vt'iseinomirm. Brloe.-burg. aud Franktord, and al 10 1,3 A. M ir Bristol Scln nek's, Lddingtou. and t P. 31 tor Uolsie burg and Intern coin e stations. At " HO A. M, and 3'30 P. M. tor Niagara Falls, Bnflata, Dunkirk ( anandahna, Flmira, Ithaca. Owego, Ro ches er Ding In n.ptnn. Oswego fyracuse Great Ilen4. Montrose "A likcDarre Scrantnn Htioudsburg, tVater dap, I elvliUro, 1 aston, l.amb nvllie. leuilnutusi. etc. 1 he 3-?0 1. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving F.aston lor Mauch Chunk, AUeutown, Belhle hem etc. . , At ft P. M. for Lambertvilio and intermediate stations. Jtinel.UWi. WILLIAM H GA1Z.UEU, Agent. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD-bL'Ma-ER AhliAKMEJT, The Trains 01 tie Pcunsv rvanla Central Railroa-t leave the Depot at Tbir.y-nrst und Market streeta. which Is re rcbed by the cars 01 the Market Htreet Pas Sender ItailHoj, running to and from the Depot. Ilia lust cor leaves V 10111 Mrcet about 30 mluutes prior to the departure ol each Tialn. On Sundays Cars leave Eleven n and Market streets 43 nilnntes lietore thedepatture of each Trains. Mann's Baggage Express will ea 1 tor and deliver Baggage at Uie Br pot. on'ers Icf at the Offlce. tiil chesnut street, will receive attention. TltAlKti UAVIS UU-VT. T14.J Mall Train... Day Express Puoll Acci n,n uilatliin. No. I, V ast Line end Erie ExTsr', F iirbliUrg AccSu u;t'uatlon... I aiicaMcr Acci n.nioua'lon.... Puoll t cconimcdulion No. i... 1 I. tf burgh am' Erie Mai Paoll Atxouimodution, No 3.. Philadelphia j-xpiesdt If. at lO'W -i. l 111X1 atl2 0t u. at 2 SO p. u nt 4 00 at fi-oo h ,"t poo H .utlOtlU .at 1110 TWAINS AlllllVR AT IIKP11T VI9 Cincinnati l.xprrAst ai 12-40 A.U Pliilude phial .x press; at 710 Puoll Aceon, n.oiiutlon, No. 1 at 8 20 " ( olutiibla Train at 900 Liinciisier'iriiin at HAD P U Fast Line at 1 10 1'noil Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 III " liny Express ; ttt ft-M Haoli Accoininodatlon, No. 3 nt 7'30 Darrisburg Aceon, modatlon at 9 80 " - j'ui j. cxceni Kiiuiruav. t Duilv. lliuilv.eX.ceot Monday. 1 I ' ll,, I nil.. - 1 Utiiitilim tliiourh In.m l'lillnil,.i,ii,iu n i-iith,.-.. 1 ,n,.iB uaur . tlXCI'pt F-linUliy. and Erie without clmr.e ot cars. hui da. Acct.iiiinuuailoi Tiains for Paoil and intorme d.atc stutluns leave rhilade pbiu at 8'00 A. M. ana 7 eg P. M , returning leave I'aoll at 6 50 a. M. and 4 '30 P. M M TU KK'I OFFICE ftloca'ed at No. 6,"l t hesnnt street where Tickets ta ail inipnrtant pnlnis muv be procured and mil iutortna titn given by JOHN C ALLrN. Ticket Agent. - Alvo at Tlilrij-flrst and Market streets, on applica tlcnto IbOMAS II. PARKE, , ,. , Ticket Agent at the Depot An I migrant Train inns dailv (except Sunday j. rar full as to lare and accomuiodations unply t IK'Mls FllAK, , , , Ko. 187 LOt K Street. - The renrs-vlvsn a Fnllread Cnmnimv win nnt an.y rirk tor Baggage, except lor Wearing Apparel, an liuiit. their lesponsihiiity to One Hundred Doilaia l value. All Bagguge exceeding that amount in valu w 111 be at the risk of tbe owner, unlets takeu by sneclal contrnct. ' -J J IT R Elf JUT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND X I all the stations on tin CAMDEN and AM BOY una connecting Hal roudB. INCl.-ASl-.n DESF "VTCII. 'IHr Ca M DEN y.ND AMBOY RAID OAD ANEt TRANSlOlHA'iJON COMPANY .' li Kit 111 T LI S for New Itirkwlli leave WALNUT Street Wha.t mta vv.vv . w, iioiii iDur-iDT.rA'.riiiriii, i I e n-11 1 must lie nt liit'itU l waided 1L0 i-ume e'av. vcrcil before 4.4 o'clock, to be for - Returning, the above lines will leave New York at 11 noon and t and a P. M Freight lor Tieoion. Princeton. Kingston, New Brnna wnk, and a 1 points on the amuen ana Amboy Rail road; aiso. ou the Be.v dere. Delaware and Flemlna ton the New Jorser. the Fieehold and J amasburt ami the Burlington aud Monnt Holly Railroads, recelvwd and lorwardcU UP 10 I P M. ' '--" '1 he Belvldere I'e aware Rcllrosd connects at PhlTlna. burg with the Lehlcli Valiey Hal, road, and at Man an. kacT unk with all polnta on the Da'aware, Ickawanao. aud W estern Rsl road, forwarding to dyraowi, BullAlo! and other roints hi W estera New York '1 lie New Jersey Railroad connects at Elizabeth with the New Jersey I entral Railroad, and atliewark wtu tbe Monis and Essex Hullroad A silo memorandum, pecltvlng the marks and num bers, f lilpU" rs. and coi sli nees, must, in every instance, be sent with each load 01 goods, or no receipt will be given. N. B. Increased facilities have been made for tha transportation ol live stock. Drovors are Invited to try tbe route. Y hen siock is iurnlshed in quanilties ol tw'n carloads or more, it will be delivered at the foot of For tie h sireet near the Drove Yard, or at Pier No 1 North River, us the shippers may designate at the Una oftshil ment. Fur terms, or other Information, apply to Ai-i m raif r a, Freight Agent, 0. 226 . DEIA WAiiK Avenue, Phlladulpiiia ORANOE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. On end niter Monday, February 12 two daily trams will run between Washington and Lmchbarg. connecting at Cordon vl le with VlrvUiia Central liaji roud trains to and Irom Richmond as loilows ; MAIL TRAIN. Itsve Washington dally (Sunday excepted), at ft A- M , and arilve at Lynchburg at 6 43 r. M. Leave Lynchburg at 1 A. M. and arriva at 'rrasnuig ton at 6 26 P. M. EXPBE8S TRAIN. M , Leave Washington o.liy ilncluilluf Hunday) at 6 M r M. and arrive at Lynchnuig at HW AM Leave Lynchburg at C 30 P. M. aud arrive at Washing tonal 8 10 A M , .... Loth trains making rlose connections at Lynchburg fin all point Couth and Southwest, " at w asliiugtasi for Norih and Northwest. . .h. ,. . j... First-class sleepin cars attached to the night trains. Tbe road Is atiracllve. not, ? eornor aula accommodations, but lor the Cc that It powie. the now blstono localities of Fairlax-R'1'' Run Miu.aiwas, Bria- ' toe Cat'ett's Ranualiauuocs. nleper Orange an rVloSivlile' pB ii miperUUabie (nte.est in tl Thiouah'tickets to all ncnts South and Bontbwe-l n toWh M'-. New York, ruw I ipbla, .rd , 'lAklanJrti ' Mffl ' - fla" ttvaeraiUupe iutouda