THE DAITA EVENING TELEGRAM. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER G, 18GG. THE KEW YOEK TRESS. EDITORIAL OPINIONS OP THE LKADISl) JOURNALS UPON CUKUKNT TOl'ICd. fOmtD HVKB.T PAY FOn LVrSn'O TELFORArB. rreHldtntlal Tlir-olofjy. from the Triimnt. Iu a ccitain Bcnpe of the word, th President of the Oni'cd S atei micni to be a remarkably theological cliatacter. Whoever reads hi Philadelphia oration will bo ( truck by the num ber of bib allusion to the Creator, e. g.t 1. "I in God tuat par will uot return itpain.1' 2. "I trust in God that tlie day is distant when Mian fliall be aitaiii sot itpon hit)' brut her " 'i. "hi the fiameoi vJod wl-ic bis hand against the tbroat of UU fotluw-l rottior." . 4. "1 t.iict in (Jod that llie (iiw i, di.-tant whfMi this land is hrhiii to be drenched in a brother's Mood." 5. "Thank God the baleful plunet of war ba lieon cliascd away." C. "God being willing, this Union ahull be xe.storcl." Ah n matter of tat.te, it wouid bo fmpcrfluous to criticize these pious repet tions, propriety and refinement not exactly the qualities wliiihwe have a riebt to anticipate in the Presi dent's cloOMtioiiurv B'.ruijfilea being qualities, intact, which be tioes not vnll undeis'iunl, and, bo lai as he is capable of understanding tnein, Jolds in top-lony cont'-mpt. Lut when a man m..ide ot a prayer-u.eetintr promiscuously fl,ni about the b acred biinie, he is um.l; put Into the catepory ol pnvtiue shearers, nail is J'uiibennoro Mippoeed to be In a passion, if we wen' to jt.dfre him by his speeches, the 2'reHioent xisl in a condition of chrome ex-plot-ion. lie canies about the wriub. of Jicli Ilea packed in his niaiily caest., and "whenever cc nicounUrB twenty cirizeiis and a bruts band he begins lortli vitli to induliio in bat, it bo were ol the other sex, and a dealer in tilth, we should cortxmlv be force i to call acoldiiig. Hence the Dfi-tial plconutrsii and expletives above ctt.'U. You c:tti have the name in Pultou Market any Coo moruinir when "you leel bold euouiib to tell no-lie suriu'titly ;youiig butcher ttaut urn lueat has adva:ie'i to an oiloiou.-. staae ol antiqu'ty. Vo l can hav tne same when, upon the crowded p. eta, the loud voicefi con'eud lor tiit trunks ot luck lifcs libellers. When these enupet c fientlemon clt morously appeal to Heaven, tue attendant policeman tkes it lor (minted that they are iseekna to swindle Konn-boiv. 0 course the President ol the United H ales should bo quite Jtey ud the ni creoit of sock au lnipiitntion. We are far lrom w.Pliiiiij to do t tie President Injustice, uud it ia possible that these expres sions indicate a uu'ldcn accc-s ol piety which will do his Excellency no bui'ii. At tue saino lime' we can, aUV PO Ivm to be a little more ccoiioiu cal In bis aujuiutii us p irtly beca'ise xepctition injures the eiiect, uud pnnlv because it be pepper- his speeches o hmhly in the be ginning, and goes oil getting more and more ixeiteo, be mil not be able to do justice to His ieelincs by the time he reaches Chiacgt, unl '?s 3ie is ready to rivul the annv in Haiders. We know that be will take our admonition kmdly; Inn it he should not. we h;iv no desire lor au ofhec, and can calmly meet Ii'ib displeasure. The Soldiers? ami ShIIoih' Con vcutlou Ileal uuil ItoiiN IJcrot-K. from the llvra'd. Oa Monday evenlne a tho' c o? our c'.t'zens vho reside iu the vicinity ol Union square were enjojinc the cool bree.e and buokin? their post-prandial ciears, their attention was attracted by n display ot fireworks and the Imounna of cannon. Curious to ascertain the caiiKC of ihiB d fcturbanee they went to.vards the square and there found a brass band and a big fcass drum, playinc away in that popular and exhilarating etjlo to familiar to thore who fre quented circuses in their boyhood. The per hons who were drawn to tho spot by these OeviccB, inquired of each other what it all meant; but uobedy coeld give them the infor. in at ion. bonie thoupbt a balloon ascension was to occur, others that au itinerant motiute liankw as id out to perioini, and others btill that sonic enteiprijinsi dealer had taken this means of advertieing his bitters, his patent medicines or his ready-made clot a inc. At last, however, a potterwas discovered announcing that the all'uir wan a ronrl maKs mertiuar of fieddiera auU sudors, to elect tieletates to tue ClevelaiiO Convention ; and co our euizoiu, Jjar quietly waiL.ed about, sajoked tneir tteais, and listened 10 the music, as quietly iv- i'u to ineir (jomcs w ueu tne bjcatiug bjnaa. te ucwuiiaper rc-oorters eood-natureitlv or f a ic ically write ot the numerous audioua ssn-uibled and ol the etitausiam displayed. In point ot juo: tue oieeting was a hzzle, as all Sathermes under BiUiilar auspices must be. The call was fciiresced to Bot ii.-re an I sailors, i jjiid Mjfm is one which soldiers and sailura TStrjfpoii; but, al hough the evening wa3 clear and beautiiul. ana the fireworks' lir up the equa'e, uo eoldiei-s and sa iors could be teen. U'liese biave lollops Lave aore 6Urewd coui mou sense than tho nianaaers of this lnectmj; give them credit tor. They are not goins to turn out and hurrah whenever any politieau t booses to call tor them. llieykuey that the management of tuis uieetinc had lallen luto the iauUbol tome ot thote military politictLus or political fcoldieis whom, above all others, they iiiOfet deiesi. The Cleveland Convention u very well, although it would be better if the Tepenteut Rebels were adrnitted to a share in its deliberations; but these preliminary gaihenuga vill all be failuies utiles they are uitrusUd to ihe real solniers and sailors those who lought during the war ana earned for themselves uu Jjononilile lame. Theie are no characters more contfuipiible tnan those bot;us military men who never saw a battle, who constantly llouriBU a title to which tiiey have only a political claim, and who won their promotion, Lot. by service m the field, but by pla.iiiR tue syco- idiant tn some otbcial in t tie war Department, hese tcllows are despise.! by all true suldu rs, and laughed at by civilians. They are the men vbo try to make political capital out of their IbrahH button?, and no movement eiiu'tuerred by Iheiu can DC eiiLer reppectaLle or s.iccesgt'al. , We want to see a soldiers' aud sailors' conven tion headed by Grant and Fairagut Sherman and Porter, Sheridan, Thon-as, Hancock, aud otacr such herpes. The delegates to it ought to be men ot tne same practical character, so that the mere mention ol their names will bj arau meui euouL'h as to their patdotisui and taeir wisdom. Their delegates should be elected, not by a chance crod collected by beating a drum and lighting a boutire, but bv the rank and tile of the preat Union army, no man being allowed to vote unless he can produce his military papois. Among the delegates elected on Mon day evening there are some pood names, 'i'ae. remarks which we have male do not refer to them. On the contrary, thee eentlemou will be the first to agree with us in the justice of our observations. They know as well as we do, that If the Cleve land Convention is to effect anything: for the Union cause it must be caret ully weeded ot the botus and buncombe heroes who are already Dicoarine to use U to mauutacture Polici al capital and secure fat offices for their precious selves. Tho nrofessional politicians were wise enough In their day and generation to exclude from their conventions weak ant obnoxious individuals whose presence and prattle would Injure the cause. We hope to fin 1 the sold'ers and sailors at least equally discreet. Dut If matters are u take the direction Indicated bv the meeting on Monday evening, then it will be better for tbe soldiers and sailors to give up the idea of convention altogether, and leave the Doiiticians to conduct the camoalun without any ot those blunders which, at this crisis, are irorse man crimes. , , Pnrson IJrovrnlow'd Philadelphia ton" vcullun. f rom the H'orld. Goernor Drownlow Is the best known South ern delegate to tbe so-called ".Sou hern Ljyalists' Convention." lie is tho very incarnation of lis ppint; the very Distnark of it. What other Southern member of this piebald gathering is entitled to oontest the pre-eminence of this reverend old bully f Not Jack Hamilton; for Part-on lirowulow lias been conipicuous tor intiny years, w hile llatn Iton la a muslirootii of ychti id4. He has less bruins than liroiiloA ; lie has no conoutuency, wh do itrownlow has; no uttit tal position, white browulow l-i the Gov ernor ot an i in port an r ttatc, nna has increased ins influence and btaudiug by securing a pi tendco ratittcat on by his Leeialature ot the Hump's Coustitu lonai anieudmont, and tho ad mission ol Tcriiicsee to ln r lederal privileges, lb oh over, he Jias bearded (lie President in his Uoine. i'arson Ihownluw as clearly overuips all the Soiitucrn iiietnberH ol this Convention us 'Ihad. S1e ens does the Nu'thern radicah. The ipirit of tho Convention is thereore truly exhibited In the following extract trom Liowulow's recent address to his constituents in 'leniicpseet "Jt nuotiur war shall be forced upon the conn try, tho loyal mao-es, wno constitute an over whi limnc major. ty ot the people of this great nation, intcn l that it shall be no child's play. They w ,11, as they ouhl to do, make the eutire S iiiliein Con ederacy, as Goa inund rue earth whin he commenced, the work 'f creation, 'without form aud void.' They will not, aud ou.uhi not, Ic ive a Rebel teuce rail, ont-iiuiioe, or cwcliiUf; in 'ne eleven seceded (Stales. Aud lor the ifebel ! pulatiou, let them be oxter niiiattd. And when the war is wound up, which shouio be done rupidly, and With switt dc-iructioii, P-t tho lands be ieurveved aud .md .old out to pay the expenses of the war, aud tit led only by a people who will resj-eet the Siars and htiipes." 'Ibis shockiuu exhioitioa of tiendishnefes ajd ferocity is iu peiteet keeping with the clinr t'.der ol tuin reverend mid ribald Urownlow: it is also of a piece with iho Uiabolical contiscation clleme8 of Thad. Stevens, the arch leader of the rad cals iu the North. It is true that the hole body ol radicals are not yet kindled to this pitch of demoniacal iervor; but, under such leaders, we know not how soon they may be. Whcr. firebrands arc fluur into a lumber .ard, every board is not immediately In a blaze; it lakes time for the tire to spread. Up mojut the iiame.-, if a tresii breeze stndeuly happju to blow. And so the peace of the couu'ry is at the uieioy oi accident. A riot in a city, saeli as a set ot biutal ro dies in every laric city are at all times remly for; an assassination, such as sonic murderoiis bund may any d iv coaiinit. would cau.-e General But lor to repeat his cry to "March I" and precipitate ttiejo in'united and reckless raiiicaln into a career o" violence. The radical niovcnient 13 not under tue con trol of judicious men, and no good can como of it. Parson iiiowulow. Srevens, Gene ral Jiutler, Wenaell Phillips. Horace Greeley, anil the p i n ot a liiic etaii:p no Irad the radi cal party, 11 av possess talo'its; but ther- is not a mun in ti e whole I'st that has ever been re putid to possess a wcil-butanced mind. 8;ich i-neu's as they have are talents tor aa.tiiiton, talents tor invective and viteperatiim, talents not tor calming dangcrou? pasi-ions, but tor loihiutr them into frenzy. They are men on whom the mantle ol old .John Urown has de scended, who is tiieir patron uiut, aud whose "eoul is n. arching on" In the bodies ot ttiese, Ins Hueces3ors. It is evident that men 01 this class will never cive us peace; evi dent that unless they arc sternly Irowned doA'ii by the ? eople they will stir up tumults aud bring buck an era ot hideous violence aud bloodshed. AVlio Jack Hamilton Is. from the World. livery ouc knows that "piler up of blas phemous adjectives," Pardon Br.iwnlow, but thut other Bhiting liaht of the bogus loyal Southerners, Jack Hamilton, is not 60 well known. We give a memorable act of his public career lor the etpecutl benKht ol his present party iriends: "At a of the citizens of Travis county, assembled on the ltith of June, iu tbe city ol Austin, to express their approDaliou of the late spirited conduct of Hon. Piestou W. liiooks, of t-'outh Carolina, the Hon. A. J. Hamilton wus called to the chair, and A. J. Lou appointed Secretary. "On motion of Wdmim Dyrd, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz.: " Hitireas, Wc have learned wita sincere plea sine 01 the prompt and merited cadigattou in fiicted by the Hon. Pieston IS. liiooks, ot tiojih Cuiol'iiu upon the person ol Sumner: therefore "J.ff.iilua, That the Hon. Preston S. Uro ks ispiiutkd to the earnest thanks ot the whole t'ouih l r the cncigy and hearty will w ith wnicti Lc trlltK uowii iier lutaoious enemy, 011 the i-j.ot whcie the houorabie ruthan poared torta, lor lour eoijseeutive hours, uumeiued abuse of liir in ttciMoi.s and lavorne sons. , "Mtso nvd, That in testimony of our apprecia tion ol the uatriotie conduct of Colouel Uroaks, wc will present to him a cane made 01 the toughest W0i d that grows on the soil of Texas, and which, therefore, with manliest propriety, should be applied with the lull lorce ot a stout outtl(:rll mm upon the bucks ot our hypocritical t.nd shiudeir.ns enemies. "iitsood, That a committee of ten be ap pointed by the Chair to carry out the objects of the preceding resolutions. "hcfotwJ, Thar the proceeding of this meet irg be published iu the Austin city pauers. "A. j, Hamilton, chairman, f a. J. l,ott, becreiary." It htippeus, cuiicu;ly enough, that the then ' hjpocniical and slauncronj enemies" oi the South, whom he was theii willing to whip wuh tlie (nil force oi his arm, are ins present ir'.eiids and backers. Here is another episode in Hamilton's career, which we and iu the Houston Journal: 'CiiNTJii.vii.LE, Iieen County, August 19. Et'utois Juurtial: Seeing that you have been pci'h 1 mine labor ot love' tor the redouta' le and Provisional Govcruoi, Jack Ham. Hon, in ju-ttce 10 bun and the c-iuntry, every fact and incident, tcndirg to ibustrate hi eventful career slioi.ld be placed beloie the public. It you will c iinmunicute with Mr. Webb liidd, Seuior, who wa9 late a resident of tins county, but now re ticles near liutaw, in Robertson e ninty, he can turni?h you nu niterestiuir chapter, tending to illU'tiatetheruliiigpassiou of the hero's career. Mr. Kidd knew llanditoii 111 Ins incioiency in North Alabama. They both resided, I believe, in the same county. Mr. Kidd employed hnu as agent to sell a tract ot laud. Hamilton sold it. embezzled the money, and decamped to Texas.ftlt as the money that paid,the hero's way 10 the Lione btarsiaie. nir. is.wa intorms me that be has never been able to get a cent o( hi9 money. Mr. Kidd is a reliable man, ana win ttive yOU, snctliU you ucsiro 11, hip uumin 01 this traiitaction, Debtues various otner circura stances ot an interesting nature, tenuing to show up the nchievemeui"1 01 me gnm iu uis vouner days, all 01 w tncn win ou iusuuuuvo uu ui-uts- iary to ihe trutn 01 nisiory." The Phllnrttlphla Convention August H, lCtt-"lilvltle ana Conquer I" From the Soldier? friend for September. The absolutists and aristocrats of Europe, having witnessed the growth and development of the American Union becoming jealous of its power, desired its overthrow. To check the progress of the country, and to arrest its career, it was necessary to divido it, in order that it niiplat be conquered by Internal dissensions. Hence, the influence and intrigues of forclirn Ideas in American politics and legislation which contributed so much to the ultimate rupture. When tbi traitors of the South had determined upon secession and war, their avowed policy was (0 promote dissensions 111 the loyal States, i.Dd by all the artifices of Cloloinacy, tbe agen cies of partisan machinery, secret organiza'tomi, undvioleut outbreaks, to distract the North. Tbe Bouth beinir said to be a "unit" In rebel lion, a "divided North" would enaole the forunr to icali7e the truth of the maxim, "Divide and ci nqutr." The war has ceased. Tho appeal must be made again to the lorum, and to tne J ud anient 01 the people, and two parties stand oppose 1 to each othir. Cue, the reactionist paity ol seces sion, titabon, and Us simpHtbios; th other, the paity ol Cidou, progress, and tree.loin. ThP theory ot th reac'iouists no is to destroy the tjiilon 1 aity, under the plea that It it "radi chl." To conserve slavrytuo South loiurht a long and bloody war to destroy tho Union. '1 hey now seek to destroy the Union parlv. The maxim Is, "1'ivide and conquer." Men who declare that they are "conquered but not sub dued" "overpowered but not Bubj-;Bated" thai "ihe will pain by the ballot wnai they tailed to pain by tho ballet," are not qualified (o take (-eats tu Conurrss to legi-late 101 the ln tenMs 01 the American republic. Mu..led traitors are not Union men. We need tbe aid and co-operation ot men who fire al and true to their countty b canso they Iovp jt. and not Lccauce the blood-i-taiued sword has been slnv ncd to p eces in their lusane uiasp. It every lour cl tbe Union beware of men who woelil "divide aud conquer." The restoration ol i bis party to power will oe a latal b'.o to our pcaco and progi osi". The w ai w as forced upon tho country by the cr.cuiicsot iree labor in toe American Union. The iree-trado leaden of youth Carolina, who bold tho doctrine that "capital should own labor," aud, as (Senator Hammond declared that "the workmgnien of the North arc white slaves," dcteimned to crush out the democratic tree-labor force ot the country, induce the white wcrkinctnen to the level of slaves, and thin, as 8cnator Toombs announced, "4a very would cease by the general prostration ot all laboi." lhcsc fne-traders in commerce, politics, patriotism, and blood, diverted tlie workiiiiincn 01 tno Union lrom their peaceful pursuits, and didfe lie 111 into ar and carnaee. Workshops weir de-troy cd to build fortilications; lactones were closed, and turned into hospitals lor the sick and niangted victims of the bold; ware In ui-es were 1 11 rued fnto bast ilea and prisons for loyal soldier?, and thousand nf millions of delists have been consumed by the dei-tructives who believe in cheap labor, cheap men, And cheap patrioturo. These Iree-.raders of the (South have attempted to destroy the prod 11c. ive power ol the free-labor forces ot the country, nt d bud it -watc that they might build a cen tralized Govtrutuent upou the ruins. B their commercial policy they exhaust ihe soil, ex haust the productive torces, material aud in dustrial, and exhaust the c rcula'iuir medium. A iihtion that produce- one ln.udted millions of dollars a year 01 the precious metals, aud u-es 011 irredeemable piper currency at a premium ot ully per cent., shows ihat I s legislators have b-cn it cieaut or incompetent to thair task. Hie ptogies'S of American society depends upon the piopcr development ot all the re sources ot oi r t-nl phtencd civ lizalion. The equalization ci t.oo e DoiintiCc to an tne ine oemo- a ci:n c d'Slribut 011 ol equal riebis, priv leges, and o poi tunnies, 111 lahor and education, and civil and relisrious immunvies. Those consti tute the biuhrft ecot oinx 01 the na'ien. Vi e welcome the md and friendship 01 the true men 01 lb" youth, aud oi ihe gre it masses who wire coerced and betrayed into rebellion by tlie cniGbinp power of the consp, raters acamst dctuociatie uistiintious. We rejoice that the time is coining when the people will be informed ol the truth; and we hail the t me w hen our la'd shad lejoice in I oinoirencous political institu tions, industrial harmony, social concord, and moral uuit. Speculators and freetraders in the politics of the last twenty years have "crushed out" tho dcuisir n ot the splendid qjesiions of political and social economy wnicli t-o deeply alieet the dtotiny ot the republic. Any new party which hopes 'to appeal to tne masses ot tu working men ot the country, n ustjmakc a declaration ol its purpt'Fcs in rerard to thcr inteiests. The dcniociatic free labor force of the countrv has becD compelled lor four years ti exoend its en ergy in bloodshed. Huudreds of of wcikmincn are now sufTeiine with shatterpd constitutions, crippled limbs, and armless Mccvi f. These men are entitled to receive some thinu tetter than a Congressional b under or aa en pty plaudit, and auy party that has uot the hone-ty, the com aw. or tho patriotism to place i self .'n the tide of free labor, and the protec tion of all its interests, in every part of tho republic, and lor all classes of the people, is not worthy of tho hour or the cause. With the hioiid pi ut form of Free Labor, In all the gran deiu and power of its development, wit h educa tion universal, rights equal, and justiee for a'l, the nation can march on tn the splendor of a br'ghtor day aud a purer freedom than ot old. SADDLES AND HARNESS. THE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKUFACTUniXO ESTA PLISnMLNT IN THE COUNTRY. LirEY, MKEKEU & CO., RETAIL HOUSE, No. 1216 CUES NUT STREET, WHOLESALE HOUSE, No. 6S0 MaEKE'1 street, OFFEK OF TI1E1I1 OWN WANUFACTCUE 8A DDLEH, 2IW styles, 21100 qualities. UAKJSKbH lrom I5 to 5dw per sou mountings, Lridlcs, lilts. Whips, Blankets, Combs, Brushes. Uot en. (iovrrnnicnt I'arLess Flougb Bridies, llog Collars, 1 added Wort Hurrupo, iravoilioir Bags, lrunks anu Ya.lc9, 1 uncb Basacts. (JLamois, U ai king, boots, etc. We cu.l tbo a tenilon of n crchants Ylsltlas this muiki t also the city tetull tradouto our lnre, cheap aud varied stock ti'jfciurp LACEY. MEF.KFR A CO, U A R N E S S. V LABGE LOT OF HEW U. 8. WAGON HAB HESS, 2, i, and 6 horse. Also, parts ot IIAB- KEbS, BADDLE8, COLLABS, HALTERS etc., bought at the recent Government sales to be sold at a areat sacrifice W bolesolo or Uotail. Teeether with our usual assortment ot BADDLEIi YAND SADDLERY BAM) WARE. WILLIAM S. HANSELL & SONS, a 1 Ar. 114 MAEKET Street. ROBERT SUOEMAKER & GO., WHOLESALE MUI.GISTS, MAmJlACTUll ERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN I Paints, Varnishes, and Oils, No. 201 NOItTIT VOURTII STREET, liitwi COFMEB OF RACE. SPECIAL NOTICES. OFFICE OP THE LEHIGH COAL Afcl HAVIQA1I0N COMPANY. rniLADkLPHIA. AOl'llil-IH, IHK The Horkholdftrn of thl 1 oiripanv r bar bj notlild that tn llonni ! Maiidser havn dpurriilne.1 a an to 1 11 rroni who Hliiu. bi pour ' 8(oclilio d.-is oa tka Itookst I lb l ompHny on tno Rth ot repUtiolier ntm., Bi.r II cIocIdr o, tmniiera, at I P M 01 1lia la thi privl ee ol nulmcribiug lor m w ick ot par, lotus txicm 01 one abareoi new Mock lor eerr fl-e share then man (j in, in tl.eit noun Kauh nhan'hulilcr el UueJ to a irai Hoi a pari ol a fhar. shall have tbe irivlluf of aulifcnhliiK or a lull share, 1 hi ruhr1i. ion bo.iku will onen on MOvDAY.Seo tombir andcioaeoa BAI L KD.Y. Dooeiolier 1, li at 8 P. M. lanHntwll be conaldcred dae Jane 1, ISS1, but an lnnln ent ol m prr tent . nr l n (10 ln par ahtrv, mnat lie UBirt st lie time 01 Buhwr'Dinff 'I b- l ilance mar be paid ron. tin. to tin e. at tl.e option 01 the aulncfli.m ficioTO Ibe lut ot Novcninor, 8J7 On a 1 pijwenti. Intlui ln tlea o extd infitaimen., inntlo be'ore the lut ot June I HO 7 diwMnnt aiow.u at tno rate ol fprcini perimnuiii ano on a 1 oayincnls made between 1 at date and ilie Is ol .Sovouibor 1S6I, ml .rent will be at ti e name rate A I atock n t i-a.d uo in fall by tbe let of "d'tiriinr, lStil wl I tie mrlo't".! to lu uetl tbe ' omtiany Oer tit.cutee lor tbe new nock will not bo imied unt'l ter June 1 ifdl end nni.1 at ck. 11 na d no In lul , wi I b (ri ot r' to tne JSoverabei div lcnn of IM7, but to n;i earlier dlTlncnd, BOLOaU S.IM'UKHI). 8 30 Trea-urcr. EST, Til fO PENNSYLVANIA FIRiS IN3U FANCK. COMPANY. A tl'e Annutl Mci'tinitof llieRtxXbo den of hi Oom- jmvy held on M ndiiv tti 3J ol He:i e ..bor. H68, tlie iU Inu Kenibimen were dub elected IlUr.CTi)i.1 tor the ennui jt yenr, viz 1 Utnicl t-inltti Jr., I .Tohn D'Terpnx, lonniidcr llenaon, Hinmai Hmltb, 1'jiao liar, (bu st, I enr IVowli Iboinas ltoblnn, I J Oiilllngbana fell, . unlet Haddock Jr A rd t a meeting ot the Director oil tbe 1111 (lay. IAMI. HMllU jB,Ksq. waa onaulmouslj e eloctcd I rciUont 4 4t WILLIAM (. CROWtLL Secretary. TUE PENNSYLVANIA FIRB IN- SIIHAKCE COMPANY SgrTRMBRB I IfWi The Dlrictora have this da deciarerl a dividend ol BIV'IS lOi l.Ahi AND Hf I Y (I NTS pt -hare on Ihe Rt'.ck ol tb Comiinr r r tue lat all iiioulln, wMcliwI lie paid to ibe R'ockholdert or tboir legal ifi.n HiDtatlven nltor tbe l:ith Limtant 9 4 tit V IxLlAMO. CKuWELL. Secretary. CITY TRKAHUUKB'S OFFICE. fiui.ADKLi'iu aoitnmbcr 4, ions. ISOTll K I ' Jj( an uiiiirui Cltv Loans mHlurnfi,Tnuuary 1 1BCB. wll' be paid on prieenlHtiun at llna olllce wlih acciiniulatoJ Interest. lis orovrottbe toiumisjioucrs o! tho sIiikiuk I' un Is. UK. KY I1UMU CH Tteaauier. irjt" MAMRM'TII VKIN C0NS0fiTr)ATFD -s- COALfOMPANV.i be annual uieotl.iRot tbe bioctbolilrm will bo lirld at ot the Uoinimii v, c. I (it K Mrci'i. 1 lillHdclph'a. ou WKitStbOi Y, tbe twclHh (lay ol September lr6 t.t 4 o'clock P M , tor bo elci lion of oQicero. un l the transact on of Bii. h other LuBluees as may logui.y be brought b.'tore said nirotinp, A. U. Al.M A.N. 8 V5 1 fit Secret.r. &2T BATGHELOR'S HAIR DYE TUB HIiHT IV 1HK WOaLI). Ilirmlcfs rcliabti' iimlantiinoouti. 1 ho only per'ect dye. No dlBanpolntmont no riuiuulous tiu n, but true to nature, b'ack or brown. Oil tINt Is SlUiNh-l) WHLIAM A. B vTCIIELOK. ALSO Be ferernfinp 1'xtracl 01 Rillleflcnmrostorcs.prpicrvcs aid U HiiliUiB tl.e bar prr Tints b,.iin h. mi.iI bv all j Driiiiilsis. Kacior No HI BAltl I.AY St., Y. 33 1 1t3s?t JUST PUBLISHED --' Dvtbe I'hislclnna m the NKW IOIIK. MUSKUM, the Mnctlctb Edition 01 their l ot U LEC I URS.8, entlt'cd- PUILOSOt'llY OF" mar,'iop:. To be lied I ce. lor four sfnnms b aadrcjulns Socra- tsi.v New York Wui onui ol Ana omy. n (is to eit) 1 KUAUWii . mew orn. DANCING ACADEMIES. -p L. t AKFENIKR & BON'S DANCING XJ. At'ADKY. No. 625 ABCn STREET. T. L Camniilrr. the we.i known and experienced Muster 01 1'anclnp; and ( oliiilionics, soei!l ultv in loru.s rarculs ami Vounir LmiIIoh and (ioiiticincn that bm Acaumiy tot I'riva e luiilounilt reopcu lor tho reception o ftonoii.r on HA I lilY 81 PTEMBIB 1,1806, forll'oFal Wlnttr, aert npiinn. t erv attint on rs berttoiorn, wn oe paid to navanoo his cl o urs In e crv pnrticuiur. and ho ci.n l. hoi u punoiui It at bis rooms, No aKCiI h reet, daily Mia 1 D 11 ' ivii 1 w o ini'iro. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY ANU FK.DaY AFTEK- KOIl YOt'Nd Mo Ei' AND M HTI US TUESDAY "JUlliSDAV AND HATLKDlY AFIEK- KVEMNO- FOK (.FNTLEMF.W. TUE5DAY, UiUKtDA Y -ND BAiUKUAY EVES- PRIVATE EVENINGS FOK I.ADIKS AND GEN TI.EltiKN MONDAY, WKDJJlbDAY AND FBII.Y EVEN DIEF.I T PRIVATE TITIVIOS plven In clni-aes or Minnie esaons every momlnn. Ti iu.s etc . made known ut D L. CiTl.fcUiurA Son's Atadnuy. 1. 1 ta nontoi t Hon wll civo their aitontion to all tbe I1.ICH1 tatblonubie dances ot t''0 hcrhhu. Alt ( nioiiH a izcs. lious. etc . and tbu many oilljr- ent Cgu on o! ibe GFKMAH COTILl ION together, ho will tea li as uhuu! al round daucos nnd Vuacrilics unu, in rno , any nunco Ilia; maf uo re ouoHit'd heliolars can commence at auy time uu-ng the tail anu v, inti r seasons. 1K1VATE (Ol'll-LION ROlREES will he dlvcu to scl.olnrs and .rUnds at ills Koomi th'S cesoii, ua well as a course ot Evening (Subscription Milin a at (lie M nmcal i" mm tall and a iirnud Masuue hubhoripnon Hat, In February ; also his T cuty-second Am uiu r lorai Jia a 11 U' K'vcn hi ido caue.n ui A usic bi" bOBfon Iniorraatlon will be given on appli- cailcn to u li. ( arponiiT llcacii1 are reaoy at ins room lor nis upoiiing soiree. (OMSUMfil L1ONIUA8 D. L CAU'EMEIt, g 27 3m No. G16 AECH Street. PERSONAL. NEW .BOUNTY BILL ALL SOLDIERS wbo enlisted lor three years, since April IB ,861, and seivid taclrfull term oi service, or were alsolmyed belore sold term ot service on a'-couut of woands, and received one bundrea dollars bounty and no more, are entitled to receive an additional one hundred do lars. Widows, minor children, or parents of deceased soldiers who onllsted tor tbro eaisand died in tho service, or trcui UUeases or wounQ.s contracted lu tbo service and line of duly, are cnute (o receive an addltlouul one hundred dollars, toll or ..rdrcss , (ILOliOE W. FORD, No. 241 DOCK Street, 8171m One door below Third, bo bus all the necesary forms to colloct tbese claims. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. I.BCU IS TEAM S0LKLn ESTABLISHMENT, No. 10 RACE Street. We ooff tear, to thaw your uartlcular attention to our new Frtuch Mi tm Hcounnu hitabllibo out tlietlrstaud ouiy 01 0 01 us k.uu 111 tui city we uu uotuve, out u) a 1 in uu ui pructrH rm ore lsok-s , u.ut oiiie.i s, an t liilniiu'. Carnienta to their orluinal statea wluiou liuurlok tbiiu Iu ti e leant. Kbllo meat exuerlonue aad llio Lust L at bluer iroui France euable us to warrant pt r cot tatisiuciiuu 10 s.l wpo may avor us with tlielt natrvnttve. LADIKB' DHESSE1 01 ever, desci Dtion with or without Irlmmini'g, are cleaned and finished without being tateu apart, whether the color Is genuine or uot. (juera ( loans ana Hanuilas curtains. Table covers Caruets Velvet P.lbbons. Kid Gloves, etc.. cleaned and reonli-hed In the beai manner. (Jen. lemon's .summor and W inter Clothing o euued to pertecti. n wiiboui In- Jury 10 the stuil A 0 Ha and ltaiiueia AUabidsol stains r D i ved without o trailing the whole All orders are rxecoteu onoer our iu meaiate suuerviaion ana lalb-tacllou (uaiautoed In every Instance. A call and exauiiuatKU 01 our process is ru.pecuully soucltea ALBEDYLL & MARX, 12 mil' So. MO BA OB Street 11 K NEW YORK DYEING AND PRINTING EBTABLIhBMrNT. Kl'ATKK I8LAND, No 40 Norih 1-1(111 111 kiimi iWeitsldel. Also known as the BoIok the LARGEST iu the UNITED HT ATI-( and HlAie.pi 1 L.Anir oifiu x,.ii.aDi.iuni!.ni. a 111 H i Y Yf.AKH oldilB tiian ai.y oilier on 81 aten j-LAM'. is prepared, with Ihe most improved and exteusivi wauuiuury no wnicn uiey are malting cou BLunt aauikul,n iu evenr variety of' OOODH ATb 'OABMfcNTS, In a man ner V t-wv n 1 iu (innvounirr No. 4H North EI 111 11 Street Philadelphia No. DH Dl 1 ' N E Ptroet, New York. o. BFOADWAY Mew York.. No. 136 PlEhKtPO.NT Street, Brooklyn. SAMUEL JhAKSU. President J. T. Yodko, Becreuiiy. 8 1 uiwrl o u PARA8OL8 AT $125, f 1-50. fl-75, AND TU' H. DIXOHI lSwfm 11 8. EIUUTU .treat. SUMMER RESORTS. J3 I K G II A M H O TJ S B , 'jClevcnth aud Market Streets Philnda. 1 his new tnd elcnt houne la now open lor (be reoep tltn of Jiuefte, with all tbe appointment!. of a first elaa Hotel. CIIIU.1S DAVIS, U2t PK0PR1K10R. COLUMBIA HOUSE, GATE IZLAKD, A. J., Will Remain Open This Gcason Later than Usual. remoDi visiting ui tat In Aueuxt or early In 8(', tcn ter will find It a very 1 portion ol the (at ore reason, and bare the bono 6 1 ol a certainty in beennag oocati-fi out rooms. OEOIU1E J. liOI.TON. l'looriotor. 618 8w g U R F HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. CHOICE KOOilS can now be bod at this faronto notis. W. T. CAI.EI3. OPEN UNTIL 0CT0I1E6. I. iSIT y E 11 C U A N T S' HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. Ibis Hotel liclng enthelr ri (l((cd and refurnished in the tet mannrr. 18 NOW OPEN FOB TJU-: KECEP HOJi OF GURoTS. ' tILe Louse is 10 nlod near the ocean, and every atten tion ill Le f.ln to nurlt the patronage 01 the puo.ic McNUTT & M'vSON, 6 22tt PBOPLIETDRS. FOR CAPE MAY. 1'oir.tmnoing TUESDAY, Aurub128, 1H0 Irolnswlll liave (Ipjci Feny) i-iukct s.ieei, rbi.adcliibia, a." 1 . . due at ' ape Isla d at 7 P M. Litbii 11.11 will eve 1 IfIhiiU BA. Ii., due n llnlaile ph. a a. 11-T licit t( ll.c , ui btrri loot n 1 Market street, end No 6.M l.c nut stru t I on'lnen nl Hole! 1 tiioiis 1 uuhaniiifi uikotH ot the Ajont, stNo K!R ( In )uut Kdrel can ly eavlnt oruors, huvo tboir baK tu.c ceiled tor aid iheikiO at their rejideuccs b) (ri.l an.'s 1 diayo Hmtw. i.ib JVAN KLNhMEl.A EU, Buperintcudont FFESERVING CANS AND JARS. WILLOOUIIUY 8, MASON'S, LYMAN'S, I1 A T K N T Ais-ircnr 8 KLK-S BALING FRUIT JARS. All the above Jars w oflor 10 our cusion.crH and the pumio Konn.l y with eutire comiui'uce at tue PATFMT. ' w 1 "rh;Oi 1863 gi lowest Market Pric. A. J. ViTElDENEll, 1 lm No. 38 S. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. TJ S. PIsnEU'8 PATENT A.X . feLF-ECALlKC PRESERVING CAN. Hits coif lira toil Can has been used bt thousimls 'or the iaM (lie ur.i. and all vhohave t.iiit ItHiiouk 111 -be hill.tiit lein.a ol Us hupetlor .norits W'u v 11 uro to iisurt thai I is 11 ore re iiililo, more convouient, ami pos (fiH( 11 ore prattles, merit tliun anvotlur 1 au iu uni It is coa td aud ui.homIoi! wltli tbe fcreuiost easi! o. which it purlieu ariy Iioohih A Ii an ttint uro- put up acooidlutt to u.reciioiis. J'or sale by tho n ai. 11 In c nrcr. ut l.lf old Mm.U ,1 h KcAltlH It I K o, WjS rPhlM, OALDI N Mreet. I hlliulcinliia. 8 it) ,uio SHIRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, Lt J Y. SCOTT & C O., SKIRT MANUFACTURERS, AM) PEALEBS IN MliN'S FU1.1N1SIJINO GOODS, Ko. 814 CEESNUT Street, rocn doous below tub "continental, 611 MP PU1LADELPI1IA. pATEKT SHOULDER-SEAM 8HIKT MAN U FACTO KY. AND CENTLEMhN'8 'FURNISHING STOKE. PERFECT FITTINO CIUBIS AND DKAWElta made irom measurement at very short notice. All ttber an'.clesoi GENTLE MEN b Dltn.SS GOODS in lull variety. WINCIll'STKR & CO., 8 24S No. 700 CHE8NUT Strcot STLK.Lfc:Di:i, TKOL'T, VOIGT A CO. bog moHt iof(eoiiull local' the attention ol tbe public at lariio to their newly luveutou 1 aleut, 'JUf LMVF-liSAL Al AKVI-1. Which bj il'koliarKiiii. a pt-rcuwion tap uiado expressly or tl.e purpohe, win move very ttlictuul lu the preven tion ot bufKlarica Ho. 'Ihe Itliow inn 1110 come of Its pro at advnnturos: 1st. r-iuipllciiy 01 destruction clioauuess and ease In application, so that a servant or chl d may set It. 111. Froodoin lrom duntior 10 Dorsoua or pronertv. 2d. rnivcrnalhy o anplica 1. n toanv part 01 a Poor Window Uruuug, Stutter, (late, Uurden, Preset vj. Finn l'ond clu. 4th. It (fives a check to bar-luis by alarn ing the to maies, iioil.bois and police. Oth 'i he uilud Ih leueved lrom much anxlely lit ltmuie one.ino8 or old uko eHiMHiiully when ol i' lout value are kept In tlie boune. Cth It is a universal protectlou to travellers to fasten on cbamler doors. ...... 1th Its construction is simple and not liable to get out DIRECTIONS FOB USE ACCOMPANY ETEBY 1ST. "a 8THIMENT. Y'e have pot oar artice at (he low irce of ONE DOLLaK. inclusive or 25 caps and it bo got clu apor e tlior 110m us or iroui our aijents, Eur lurthet narttculars inntilre ot oratlilr.HK. P'" B'lElULEISr K. 1 ItOUt, TOIQT & CO., OtUce, Ko. &!( WAL.nD " Mreet. Uoom No If. We will send the ALARMIST to any part ol the country on receipt 01 price, and M cents extrt lot ( ountry Agents wanted. 629 9m TVTDAT IS TLTE BEST CURE CORNS, BUNIONS, ETC.? FOR THEOBALD'S HOOTS. No. 103 CALLOWHILL HTRKET, He makes the La-ts to suit the eet, andF.ooti l-hoes, etc. etolto Ut theleet THY UIX. li 16 lin TJHIVY VVKLLB OVYNfcltH Ob HHuPhllTi J q ne only place to set Prlvv Weill cleaned and d nfected at T low price A. Pr YrJOK, ' Manufacturer of foudrelte 1 10 S GOLDSMITHS' HALL, UiiBAK Y btreet KLL CLAS $, KLINES il H I rf LUMBER. 1806; FLOOBINGI PLOOKIMO 1 OOP I Ml I FLO KlrtGM ft- 4 (A liOLlA A I UiUlllsa 4-4 C'AR'H.INA L K(NU. -4V1ki4ima v ..ookiNo. 4-4 VIIIOINI FLOOKlNG. ' S-4 1LAWARK rL'XJKl (. , (.(hi IAWAKI FLOOKINU AMI AM) WAI.NUI F O 'KIfsO.1 AhU AND V. Al.Nl T Ft.OOKIiiG. (HP llOABDi. IRAIL PLA K. i QRCl P L A 8 T E It I N (1 L AT IIS ! J-t)VJJ. I'LASIKPING l.ATIH, at j,ei. H) rim ut AT KEDUi FO PKIC'1.8. 18CG -CKDAK AND I'lNK SHINfJLCS V.t DAK AND PINT. MllMilylX. . No I LOM cFDAK HHIMlUi No. 1 fdt'KT 'KlAH SHiNufJCS. WHI it PINK MiINI4LliA ( Y' Kl.S.s HIM, I, (.8. FINF ASnOKI MFN1 FOUbI45 liOW -LUMl.l.H l-'OU UKI)KHTAKKRSf lUUt). I Ft U CN 1)1 .11 1 f K ViHf '. I I I 1; Cl lAU W I.M'T. AM) PiNK lir 1 UJiAII WALNUT, AND PINV 1 lU ALhANY LUMiiKUOPALLiKINDH. IOUU. ALLAN) UIMRrl: OF lit KINDS ISl AKIN'l l V.ALMJ1. LEY 11-tlAk ( LUlllV, M, Ago, OAK ILK AMI BJ.H. 1AHKIANY. KOHrWdOIi AM) AI.NfT VI NEFH.S. I860. -V I (; A It-l ( ! X M A N V V AOTi: H E'liH. l(lAK-IOA NAMTACKIRKUi HPAMHH l l.liAH L1X I'.OA'OD,. ' A'l M l tM i ll PKICbS 1800; Sl'iilJCH uOlbTt si III CK JOIST1 MlLEJOHII HVKUiRJOlkri ' a IHTI It 11 (ii r rii.j LUlVr. KlitlW 14 TO St Kl-.hf LOM). hi Bl t E MILLS EEMIOtK I LA K ND JOINT. OAT MLLS ilAVLE Fli(1ll B CO , 6i 6mrp ll'iir. rui 1 11 - n ir l'l , No J5HI H.LTll oTUEKT JJ N 1 T E D STATUS HUILDEIt'S MIL, Ij, Kcs. 24, 6, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., rniLAI'KLOHIA. EyiJCR (fc 13TIOTIIICR, WOOD MOCLDIKO. BUalKETH, HTA.1 It U VLUa. TEKb, NEWI.L P081H, OE EBAL TUHalNG bLhOLL Vt OLE, ETO. . " NLLLV1M1 t-LAM.D TO ORDER. - -1 ho i ni,ift a bortiu: nt Oi V ood Aiouldmgs In ihKoli coustautlv on baiiu. 1 1s lot J. C . P E 11 K I K B, LAUvlBI-ill MWiOUANT- rJuccoo-iOi'to It Clark, Jr., No. 324 CHRISTIAN STKKET. Con toiitij on l.uuo a larKf and vanod a.-Hortmen of buitudis Luinlior, 6 i4 J COAL. Q 1T IJ T K1AL JSEOUllKS YOUK CUSTOM. WHITNEY & KAMLTOf. LEIHGH, SCRUYLEILL, AND BHULIIN0U8 GOAL, Kcrth mmi Street, Aliuve foilnr, Cast Kids. (62 E S O'BUIEK! DI-.ALEK IN LEHIGH AND SCHUYLKILL COAL. EY TBL C A llOO Oil BIKGLK TON, Yard, Ercad Street, below tltzwatcr. hat coui tfliitiy on liunU a cotupo out supply ol the u eve eupoiior Coul, sui ui.lo tor Ikuu y use, to Vibicli ho ciil.e the utlciinou ot lm fneuds aud the tub ic KCiitrnliy. Oidtisit ltai o. 205 totifh Kath ctroet. o. 32 bouili tcvtiilt-utb strwt or inrout'li Dcjputch or I on, iToniptlv attcurlod to. A htl'tJoOa QliALl'il oK bLACKSMUHS COAL. 7 6 JJAZLETON LEIIICIII COAL. A SPECI ALTY. II. W. PATIMCK & CO., Ho. 2C1 II0P.TH 3H0AD STREET. Would solfnt orccrs for the a!ove Coal,v. hlch they have always on bund, together VflU ihiir cciobrated BE-BBCKIK SCHUYLKILL COAL. 825 smvi6m3 TRUSSES, SUPP0HTEP.S, ETC. ii l, . PHILAIIKLFHIA tfUROEONS lAMAO. 1H 1'IOTE. No. 14 N. iSVr' MMH Mroct. above Market It. C. 1 i I'lTI, one thirty voi rs' practlca cii(.rl'.nce, stiaratiUca the skiliu. so jundnom ol bs Iremijio I ami (-ii.iuiat.iiir lio.-jio 'I ru-, uiiil s Viirotv oil ers r-ui I'oilrra. ! lastic SiookinKS .-linu uer llrao Crotober t tiHpeusoriea, ctu. LatihV apartiocuts ee ducted by a Lady. QBE AT SAVING OF TIME, LA I K1. AND MONEY. FLANDERS' PATENT PORTABLE CYLINDER BORING MACHINE Marine and Stationary Engines. Blast OKndors, Pumps and Curiae Valves bored out without removing; them lrom their picstvt poslitous. Engines bore,, ol (-very size aid build el tier wbca ve il. a tioili onlal or moliuert, irom lu to U horm pov,cr. by removlna onlv one or both neads tod pisioa. (Lis is (Le til' tinevtaytu Lore a cyiludur a no part o tbe niacfiinery Is moved iroin Its prta-nt p aoa, ex cop' vba ! mtnlioned sbove pri ut amount oi time I- favo, as the work in completed lu icsstbauvue lourib. he tlrjie othoiwlso ri quired. All ertleis i.rompt.y uttimded to. L. D H'LANDEB CO . No. lrKSI'iiPLAlt treot. i hlldonlii. No. 2o North WIL'.J tM streot, Nsw York We lercno:l V. orris.Towueo: o M. VY Ma d V.1D ii Co. ( N Howiaud & Co.; wll'lam rl. rtioiuaa & Co J It. lirunor A Hons; A Jovkt A Hons, of I hlladelphla; Letnsh Zino Woiks, Itetblohein, lenuHV vania; Tremcn Iron i o , Trent n N J i , ey '6 1 lien biiuh & t o Kouillnir. a i Mo 'ormlclt fc ( o . Harrlsl urir l a Hee4 riill !", Kewark S J.iaad the lurllbs Vnglne Co., Providence. It I. ttt (41m Monuments, t o m ns, GHAVF-STONES, Klo. Just completed, a beautiful vartetv ot ITALIAN IIAEBLE MUKUUENTM, TOMBS AJkD GRAVE STONES. Will be sold ebeap for cash. W ork sent to any par' oi tho United H tares. HIONIIY H. TAIUl. 11 Alt 13 LX WOUKS. wlmS Vo. 710 GEEkK Btreet, Philadelphia.