TlIK Fill ST TOOTH. Thrc once was a wood, nmt a very thick woo'l, Ho tliult lb at to walk vut tin much! as oucouij; But a sunbeam pot in, aurl tbe tiees understood. I venf !o tbii wood, at (he t( if tlie mow"; And an 1 was wulkuip; I wiw a yu-iiiiroac: Onh one ! .shall I n'now you rho pluce where U piows? TV-re cure a bone, unci a vory dark Iioupc, At. flni K, I believe, its tue hole ol a ciouse. Or a 'ice in my wood, ut the thick, ol the lmiib:-. I wont to this house, an-j I hPRvcbod It aright, I 0ii'tie(( the chini berf, unr! found there a lisht; Only one! Hh.ill I show von thh little lamp tiridht? Thre ouce was a cave, uutl this very iaik rave One Jay took a pilt Iroro au Incoming wave; Au t I ui.ifie up my mind to see what the sea 1 took o lit ton h, I walked roiifcd the ncss When the water was lowest: and la a rci-ess In my cave was a jewel, Will uohody prue.-F Oh. there was a bnbv. he sal. on idv knee, Wilh a pearl iu his month that was precious to tne, Hi little dark mouth like my cave ol the sea ! t stud to my heart, "And my jewel is brieht ! He blooms like a nriinroae'l He fhines like a hunt!" Put jour band in his month ? Do you leel ? lie cm bite I ERNEST RENAN. lift In Inmce an Writer II In Fcroual AiirHuc II Kurijr Ktiaomlitu Ji luiuieuae 4'lroulHUioa aud Aopa InrKy l 1I is "Ufa or JrNnN." Translated from the Deutsche Blatter. Even the inoi-t kcuIoim uud most implacable iidvei'.iarief ol Reiitm are loiced to admit that he is one ot the first schoiim and one ol the most distinguished writers 01 the present it ay in Franco. But .precisely thi-. great importance of the ruin, which it is impossible to deny, in creases the number ut his eneuiii's; and from oh pans ol the country, trom all circles of society but, naturally, above all lroni the clerical attacks tall like a hailstorm on the head ol this dangiroua innovator, whom they rlesuo to diini late at any price. The lolly oi this system is again f-uowu on this occasion: tor instead ol attaining their coveted end, they produce the directly opposite eilect; The more immoderate the artacks directed ast'iist li in, the more Vnowu becomes his name, tlie larger the circu lation ot his book ; the irresistible charm which characterizes his wiiungs.inilueuce,thc masses, ana his popiilarity increases evcYy day. '"Tne Lile of Jesus" has become the rage ot" the day; the hook is in every man's hnii.l: the edition iu one iraac made it ucccvmIiIi' to every oue; eicrht) tliotiaud copies were sold to the work ins men's districts ot Paris alone. The most celebrated romances of Eugene Sue, the two Dumas, Victor Hugo, and others, have scarcely lound a lartter circulation among the Ioaxt clast-es of tue people, and the same enthusiasm lor t he work wus visible in all classes ot society. Oue example, taken iroiu my own experience, may bcrve lor the rest. A pretty yoiiug girl, a passionate dancer, one evening positively re fused to accompany her parents to a ball. Why? Because she wanted to read through a romance which look up her whole interest. This ro mance was "Ihe Lile of Jesus," by ErucRt Ke nan. This example Rpeakb volumes, au 1 char acterizes his maiiuer ot writing ami the irresis tible charm whicu his pen exorcises on the most ingenious souls lar better tuan the most com prehensive aualysia ot his wurks would do. There is anothT laet which also is not with out its significance of all books which have been printed dunug the last ten years in Paris, "The Lile of Jesiis" is tne ouu'ol' which the largest number ol copies has been sold. This Jact has been proved in an authentic manner. "The Apostles" are written quite in tho same spiiit and manner as "The Lite of Jesus," aud are to bo considered as its continuation. Their subieci is the resurrection, of Jesus, his ditTerent appaiitious, the conversion ot Paul, the death oi (Stephen, the lomuiation of the first Church ot Jerusalem, etc. The divinity of Christ is airain denied. But here we are not to speak ot the religious ideas and tendencies of M. Renan, but of the literary importance ot his work. The same elegant" stj le, the same charming diction, the same abunuauce ot une ngures in a word, the same ensemble ot brilliant qualities which secured for his "Jils of Jesus" such unexampled success. Kuunu is, at the same time, a learned scholar aud a poet; he combines profound knowledge with the highest qualities of a writer; besides, he is acquainted with his pub licthe easily excited Frenchmen and knows how to iultueuce them. He captivates the reader, exhibits betore hiai the most serious objects under au atiractive torn), obliges him to onsult the Bible, the holy fathers ot the Church, etc., and this is certainly no small achievement in these times ot steam, electricity, and political excitement, when great practical questions seem to have entirely absorbed the ideal interests ot humanity, so" that there is neither time nor place for any religious coutro veisies and disputes on subtle points of creeds and dogmas. But Renan has conquered this difficult; tor he knos how to excite curiosity, how to eutertaiu, 10 touch, aud finally to con vince the reader. There lieu the charm, the indescribable attraction of bis works. Whether "The Apostles" will have the same success or enjoy the same triumph as his "Life of Jesus," time will show, for the present ttiis much is oertain, that the book two day alter its publication was already sold to the extent of twenty thousaud copies. Everybody reads and talks of it. Kenan is decidedly the favorite of the many. His ideas penetrate among the jnasses, aud gain every day a greater extension -a circumstance that iusiities the appellation which has been given him. He is called " Vol taire aupM" (V. in rptail). Unbridled polemics has been let loose against him. He is atiacked in the most violent mauuer iu pamphlets. While on the one side he is applauded to the sky, on the other he is trampled under toot. The clerical party, ol course, immediately pointed at him its ebarpest pens, unmindful ot the trilling effect all its attacks upon him have had up to the present time. One example may be Butlicieut to show the blind rage with which the Catholic Church pursues the author of "The Apostles" but this example is almost incredible, ami looks like a mediiuval legend; however, it is literally true: M. ltenan is ex communicated, and, as was the custom iu olden times, the bell of the condemned malelactors Is rung for him 1 And this u done, not in a small, out-of-the-way diocese of the French Empire no I in Marseilles, every Friday afternoon, at three o'clock, this bell is regularly tolled for the sake ot Renan, the excommunicated. At the beginning this measure caused some surprise, hut people are now accustomed and no longer pay attention to it. Uenan has also taken no notice of it, and has not replied to any of the many attacks which were directed at him. He wraps himself up in the cloak of the philosopher, and remains silent, leaving time to arbitrate between him and his adversaries, and meditating already a new work wnicn, inspired Dy tne sama spirit, will probably rank htJ former works. Kenan is still rather a young man; he was bora in 1823 in Treguier, in Brittany. His parent! were parents without fortune, aud wished him to become a priest. Renan a priest 1 What a singular contrast such a lite sometimes offers, chiefly caused by poverty! Renan, there lore, entered a seminary ol priests, and distin guished himself very soon by his raoid progress, so that at the express recommendation of his superiors he was received In a larger seminary at Paris. ,, . This seminary was then under the direction of M. Bupauloup, who. later, achieved great repu tation, aud became Bishop of Orleans. He con ceived a particular affection for young Rpnan, aud declared hun several times one of his best TiiinilH. But Renan soon nerceived that he was entirely uuthted to become a priest, and left the nennuary notwitnstanding utl lmacinaoie repre sentations of M. DuuanlouD. who was greatly affected bv this step. Both aie to-day celebrated men, Put in duccUy opposite directions. Bishop THE DAILY EVENING TKLEG H A PH. PHiLDELPfTl A , WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER' 5, 18CC. Dtipnii'.oui;. one oi thenio-t effective writers of tho clerical pfrty, and an implacanle polemt't, nover vk te :i sijir.'le (ird ataifsl l:i lormer pup:l. When Kenan t spoken ot iu lih presence, i hiiUn'r h.' head, he HH.:-"Let us no', speak of hitn: he in my rr iar ' anlr" (io led cutl.l). M. Kenan, on leaving' the seminary, had to slrurgle. v.i'h verv hnrd Mines; without fortune, and lelt ent rely to h.msclf, ho was obl'ged to accept the very' modest position ot a substitute teaeiier in a btJurding-Hchonl. Ilovevcr, he employed h n iemure time In contundug bis lormef studies. He published severs' works which attracted general attention, and he was thus loriuuale enough to be admitted to par ticipate in several expditions whicn were iindcrtuken in th interest ot science, at the expense ol the (iovetnment. lie travelled over a large poitioj ot the Ear.t, visited thn ruins of Nineveh, the Holy, and thus had the opportunity to study the very same !ocalives which vcieto'be the "scene ol Ins later works. KubcqiiPuMv be ntrain visited the East, and in the vear ISM ho hnd occasion to visit the Ktuir Abdol Knder at Damascus, ami to cnlor the hosnitality of this cclemnted ninn. V:th this visit there is connected an intcrestim; episode. M. Kenan, who, besides several other I.inai'nce.-, .-"jieaka Aiabic very fluently, was cnabledjto converse with Abdel Kader'oo all sorts of subjects. In one of these conversations tho Emir said some very flattering words to him concerning hi "Ll'e ot Jesus." "Have you read tnv book ?" asked Kennn, quite surprised. AbdelKader oiderea immediately the boo!c to be biouciit, and handing it tj the author h smilwel.v said to turn: "I have not only read it thoroughly, but I have added remarks .".mi notes to it." "The Lile of Jesus" with uoUs iu the handwritiu" of Abdel Kader ! Certainly this n.u't be a very interesting copy ! Kenan is truly a sell-made man, who owes whntever ue is, 'and whatever ho possesses, to bis iron perseverance and to his uninterrupted studies: he commands our respect. His appear ance oilers nothing striking or uncommon; his ecclesiastical education has left vinble rraces in him: he seems reserved, even say, and bis movements are incnsured. He is small, thick and short, with a long lace, a prominent nose, and compressed lips; h's regard is ah;irp, rather ironical; his eyes are tine and lull of expression, but almost always lowered to tho ground as though looking lor some lost object. When you see before you this pniall, unpretending man, you would never suspect in hitn the powerltil mind, the unconquerable defender ot new ideas which have provoked such incessant polomics and siii,h violent storms. He Is an excellent companion, a spirited story-teller; when he speaks, bis countenance becomes enlivened, and ho knos how to spread an itresisrible charm on whatever he says. He is very happily mar ried with an intelligent and remarkable woman, the daughter of the celebrated Trench painter Ary seheller. Kenan, in a certain sense, is at present the "lion of the season;' the gnat excitement caused by the publication ol his "Apostks" is naturally transferred to the author, and finds even where a loud ecno. mere are now num berless anecdotes -in circulation, among which are the following:- A pious old lady, a friend of M. Kenan ot years standing, who loves and esteems him as a man, but detats him thoroughly as an author, a short time ago mt him at the house of a friend. Already, at a distance, she ca led out to mm, threatening him with her tineer: "Well, Viell! you have again written nice things? Shame on you! How can you be so wh ked ? What have the poor apostles done to ou? The only sclace is the idea that at least one among them hai been left nnuarmed bv joti." "Winch one?" asked Kenan, with curiosity. "Thomas!" was the triumphant answer. in a great salon of the Faubourg St. Germain a short time ago was assembled a numerous and brilliant society, composed exclusively ot noble persons. Of course the conversation very soon lell upon M. Kenan and his last work, and it may be easily imagined tnat the judgments de livered or the "atheist," the "excomm unicatnd,' were neither very lenient nor amiable. Sud denly the doors ol the parlor were opened and the fcrvant announced in a loud voice, "Mon sieur Kenan!" This name leel on the company like a thunder stroke; all eyes were directed towards the door tbroush which a small, thick, and short gentleman, with stiff bows, advances into the room, and immediately advances towards the lady of the house. The la'ter receives him in a very friendly manner, and even allows him to kiss her hand". The horror ot the distinguished company was naturally increased at this scene when the ndy smilingly turns towards the company with these words: "Ladies and gentlemen, 1 introduce to you my cousin. Monsieur de Faint Renan, who has just at lived trom jNormanuy, and win stay nerc tor tome tune." These words died away with the misunder standing which had been caused by the servant who had overheard or lorgot Faint betore Kenan. The company now heartily langhed. and was glad that the misunderstanding was solved in tms manner. WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. No. K5 North THIHD Street. It anything waawantea to prov tlie absolute pnritj i.t tll( W lilnhy, tlie lolionlns certlflcaten should dolt There Is no a coholle stimulant known commanding suc'ii eu mu inuaiion I vu bucii ni-u aouices : 1'biLADELi hia. Heutemberfl. IRtS We have esrefolly tested the aauiple of CHLHNTJ1 Gl.OVl W HUSKY' wlnth ou send us. and flnu that It contains ftiONE of tue I'OihOKOi s huiihi ance knowual y Hit, oil v nitb is tne characteristic and Injurious to aruuieui oi tue wuihkich iiikiihtu uc. liOOXU, GAURKTT CAMAO, Analytical cheiulatf KewTohk Hcatomtieri lsss. I hare analyzed a sample ot C'lll.SNliT GKOM vtu&Ki receiveu irom air t nan. Wharton, Jr., I l'hiiatieiiina: mm having carelulty tested It, I am p euntu to state tnat it is entire y Hike fkom poihomoii oh l. E.viot a substances It Is an unusually pur ttuu uuc-u. v.ivu VI iviupkj. James r. ciulton, bi. p., Analytical Cueuiut ' BOBTOV. MnmhT ISM I hare made a cheml'al aralvsl ) oi cnmmeri'tui m pies ol CUK8NCT GllOVK WaiKV, which provesia tie iree iiuuj iijc r uwn vub, nnu oerieouy pure an unadulterated '1 he fine flavor of this whisky la derive liom the grain upcu in mauuiacturinu it. iiespectiully, A. A. HAYES. M. I . btute Assayer, No. 18 11 oy In ton eueet 'er pale by barrel, denitioun, or bottle at No.22!Nortb I HIim Btreet rhllade.pina. M. NATHANS & SONS IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES. GINS Etc. Etc. No. 19 North FKONT Street. PHILADELPHIA.. MOSIS HATHARS, HORACK A. HATHAMS, OBLASDO S. SATHAVB. 119m JTHED. BALTZ & CO., IMPOETERS OF WINES, GINS, Etc. SOLE AGENTS FOB Riviere, Cardat & Co.'s COGNAC. No. 110 WALKl'T STREET, PHILADBLPBIA. OI3in JOBEUT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, MAMJFACTUBERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALER? IN iralnts, Varnishes, and Oils, No. 201 NORTH YOURTH STREET, 723 3m COCKER Or EACE. MEDICAL otuli. VOX V WllIGHT'b TAR SYRUP. rPlRUPAL DI I'OT. Fso. 771 . hwull. TI1I11 Btrew inc, $1-00 pet B.ittlc;$50 tor hatl-9 dozeu I lie i'!.aTM(tuil cltl7cii tke pleasure In clieonull rei tiun .imili.u tli use of Wrlit'it Inr nnip to coiinLii colds. cixiMiTMllen wliouplnR-cvuRb, mo'tl nvir, .Ivtir toii.tiia'iit, p.iirm lu tho lirenst, nronclililH Inflammation. hi.'I restriction oi nlr vemp n la the Innim t ie " !.n ifmnij sbniild he in every tumllv : Olinnt'K '. V i sm Knrn 'reis oftW. I 'liar f II. ;rallrn, tsutirfnv JUvcuii office. lan-CK holm . qu rtr oillce W I. Hum K. i ssocmil ft-pnn Wll hiin ll. CarpeniiT Mr Alarm anl PoMca T rili. Hlth and i lirsnm Htrwtn Knndolph Front and omlmnl strri. Jatnc Vt'. Icrriuc Ko. I1M irmrlds urect. HA. J'avln No. S23 UbsKI I Mroet. ,'olm noillrte No Krniik nn atreot. Xcil ort 1 tion,p n Nil luis Wiiiternirwt. K. alarcn, lio. 6S Matiklln reet. J ,elilolI No i;il 8 siHJond otrect. Jt.lin sovmour. No ftlju. I font atroet. t . W . Howard. No. I Dona trevt II ('. 1 artcit No. W7H. econattrmt. h. Hates No. tma Aixh mrroi All.ert tlnrlln, No. 417 S. Kooona owt. hi jr ( a dwell No IvK Siinonni alitwt W 'iPon.r. No v.t) N. fouilliatri-i-t X. it Krthv. No. 1 Kiirotii'n alloy, ficorge V I n No. 1W6 Race nil CL v . K Hrooxa, No.(i! Nor.h sccomJ atreot M J. Harnett. No. 110 t:aoal street. H . Neimour Rose lliisdeioii Clmr i loper. No. Vtl Houih atronu it. X. We Inn on, ecoIl(l and Quarry atrnn . K. 'llicina N'o. l;MI stoiitti slxt afreet. Wl'Jirnn liarna. No Moboudi tronta.rect. b H. Sniiloicl, Ojicrn Manager ,1 ol n M.iKinniH. rear ol No tnt Korth Booond i rv. (. 1'.. t.honte. Newark. JJl. Sir. fi-.Uinm 71 Wr-nti-; Sir: Vte take nlfBRtire tn reeommffofflnp yonrtTAN SYl.t P(of wijich we have a! read j Out conmilernhlc oumuiicm a a moat excoiiiTii auircibi aelout reineiij io tl.c coniilsint set lortli Ui votyrjirintcl mil airai; sulinitlteii Itf the piihlle in a vvfi IIvIiik act to sutlenrif Iitin Hiilty v e wll rlieir n lv recommend our preoara tion to a.l kiliicti d w ith dtseascit which u if rtesit-'iiej U Hire. Vur, etc., DlLKR 80N, DitiRRiatit, N. E. coru r Fine aud HIsUi treet t or m alH n' JOUNbON, norxOWAV COWPEX 6, J)VCT1 ii ( O A ud ait priociiiul 1'rui'pwis and Dealers. The mil se.rllier wnnitl hoir leave Inriher tn mvi.m tif is iireuaren to fl.l orders rn-d forward tlie Kyrtio t any tn.rt ot '.no cotiinry. I'tr.-ons desirltiRothe inior n ot Inn liy r. oil will lncloe a pomade aiauip and ananen win ne reiuinc o as boon as me tiiteocn's ci Lusinen Y.IU admit Addrc-sK WILLIAM H. WltKlIlT. 9 2!) No 771 H.TIIMI1 Mreei. rtU.adolpUia.1 a. G LAD .N E W S l OR THE I'NFOHTUNATE. BELL'S SPKC1FIC RK11ED1LS Are warranted lu all caws lor the Scnuny ami Pfkh j:ikt (:i ue ol all disca.iesnrlNiiit; irom excesses in youth . lijsRuittini i-iuo I'emiii. , eic. e'C NU lllAMif. if DiK'l It, M'A'EKSABY. Tliey cuu oe usd v. Itbout do. ecUon. and never tail to cvc-ci a (. urc, u usea accoruiuu to lusirucuotii. BEL,liS SPKCIVIC PIL.1.S, Trtce One Uoliar per llox, or Klx ltoxes for Five Do'.- lars; aiso. liaise noses containing tour cuioll, 1 rice 'J hree lioliars Frr tn (out to six boxes aro ueueraiiy rennired to cure ordinary cases thouuh benefit is derived Iroiu usinu a single box in limine I'ases, wl ere nervous 1 rostratioa has auccted the systeto. BltLL'S TOSIC PII LS Are recon trended as the moat Kflicacioua, Rejuvenating aiiu iiiviorniuiu ivt-uiouy iu tue mur.u A l ackago lMeeMve Dollars, nl.l last a mouth, nnJ la licuera. y sumcieuu la extreme cases of Debility, IiJh.LL,'is EXTKUAAL RIriCDV, l'rlcclwo Dollars, sultioleut tor a month, caa be use to uood advanlaue. It l ives btieiifctu to the system and, with the Pills will efieti a coiunletc IloHtoiatlon A i ampiuet o nni pates, on ino nnuiw ut iuu in, deskned as a Lecture aud l au ion to louug Jkleu. sent tree, len etuis rciiuucu to pay posiaiie. It vou cannot purchase Hull's HrKCiPtc Remrdiri ot your utuKUist. late no otnor. out bunu iuu munev uuect to DE. JAMES BUY AN, ConsnlMnff Phvslciim, No 810 BROADWAY New York Anil vou will receive ineui bv return of mail uont oaid. and liee Irom observation. Eur sale by DYOlT H, CO., ao. wm n. SECOND htrcet. 6 il S T coHTOoaa CAMPHOR TROCHES, Positive Preventive of G IX O L E B A nhuTbaa. Byientery, ana C holer Morbus, A. ai vtnr. C. U. Neodlc, DragfllM, ,-'. ..Ah - M - mallod ov INTERNAL REVENUE. V NITED STATES KEVENUE STAMPS PRLKCIPAL DEPOT,. No. 804 CHES NUT Street. CENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 South FIFTH Street, ONE POOS BELOW CHESNTT te.TABUSUED lft)2. Jlovfn ue Stamps of every de"or!ption coti-'tantl on band In tuy amount. Orders by Mail or Express promptly attended to. United btatM Notes, Drafts on Philadelphia, or i; ew Toik, or current funds received In payment. Particular attention paid to small orders. The decisions of the Commission can tie consulted, and any information regarding tbe law cheerfully given. Tbe follow ln rate? ol discount are allowed : Oli ALL ORDEKS OF 25, TWO PER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL OBDEBSOF 100, THBEE FEB CENT. DISCOUNT. ON ALL ORDEKS OF $300, FOUR PER CENT. DISCOUNT. All orders should be sent to the STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 CHESNUT Street, 8 PHILADELPHIA. TO RENT. LARGE, WELL LIGHTED AND VENTILATED ROOM, ON THE SECOND FLOOD OF THI "Eveiiing Telegraph" Building;, No. 108 South TIII11D Street, TO KENT, With or ithout steam power. Ajiply lu the jistreei vino ursi uoor. FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., Po. 114 South THIRD Stirrt 11 A N K 10 R IS DEALri'K IN fjOVEHNUENT trCUliriLO. V. b. r O I8R1. g:oi OMi A.VU NKW lll lilx; CKUIIMt'Al'Kii t)l ' 'rOOII:t, U. M. .jn,J :j. COm rO UT'D Tl- TfRHs 1 HO'IK W A til ED IKTlRl'.sr ALLOW UO OK (tlil OM'.l Collections OlBili) t-toi-lm Ilnnnlit- mil fin'n on Ccurunirsion X fcil.ccinl LuHitin" BCC)tnti)oJiilioiii rf-.torvcd lor LAIHL.. S7 2id J-jATlCrjAl QAN UF THt KEPUBUC. Noj. 30 J 3ud Uil CHESfiHTE Street. The entire inlnrest ot the lata msnnceiiiiMit oi this Hank having been uurcuu?cd with tho lew ot cllectiuu an entirely ntw orpani.atlon, sua es of Htocalwill lie tlspovd ot tn limited (iuantillr.1, to respectable par'iu. tn biihlnrs. . wlio may linve an Inn rent In a bank In this location. Applications lor the btoci wi'l be received tor atevr days, after wMctt a distribution will be mailc. WILLIAM U. lUlWfS, 9H( rresldent. A SPECIALTY, CO., BANKERS fc 2R0IiEE5. t(i S. THIRD ST. S NASSAU ST. LEW YOKE. IHlLADIiXPUIA. STOCKS AND B0VGII2 AAD FOLD ON (jOMUL-iSlOti liEUK AlsD 1A LEW YultK. ho. 25 DOCK 6TBEEI, liANKKIiis AND liliOKKiiS, SET AKD 6ELL IMII.B HTATKB fiOSDS. 1681s, S-2,, Iu 40i C11KD S I AltS 7 3-lfls, ALL laSIJL'H. CMaitlCA'lfcb CK lMitUTEDMbis ' Aicri Bnttie l'sccr and Loans on Co laterula neponaieu Stocks Kouht and Sold on C omtiiisitou. i c'l i 'J'lLE EIRbT NATIONAL EAL-K HAfcf IiEMOrED1 Durlnx the erection ol Uic utw Kaulr Luilanit to 1 IT it- No. Hub CllLifcNU'l biltLulT 5-2Qfc.-E I V E - T W E N T I E S. - SEVEK-THIRTIES' WANTED. LE HAVEN & BROTHER, 1 7 No. 40 K Tdird Sibkbi. ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETC. f-?Sf. PKNN 8TEAM ENGINE AND M:2'i.BOiLKR WOHKS.-KKAt'lK & LKVY. IilhI'I'K'aL AM) Till UhETl .JAi. KNUIMClCXtH, AlAlHIMf'lS, HOlLtll-MAlil Ku. I'.LACliSM 1 1 its, and hOUfllLltS, havinx lot many years been hi suc cessful operation, mill exclusively eni.'ut;e.i In builuinn una ieiairiu(r ilfrn.e and Elvci .ngines. hf;b and lovt pressure. Iron Hollers Slater Tanks 1'ropel- Urs. etc etc.. rci-pectiu ly oiler Ihelr services to the public as beniH luby Ireuured to contract tor engines ot al nlz' s Muriue, H vor, aud ftationurv; huvfni sem oi liatterus ol' uincrcnt, ore pi i l ured to execute orders ttlth quick ueMiSteli. verv lichcriptiuu ot patmru mskinK made at the shortest notice UIkIi and Low pressure Hue. 1 ulnilar, au4 Cylinder UolierK.ot the Vennsvlvauta charcoal iron. ForguiKS ol ail sizes uud kiuus; Iron and brass asilns ol all descriptions; Itoll '1 umiiiK. Screw (JuitiuR, at d all other work connected with tlie aboe business Liawiii).' aud spcoiiicatiens for all work done at the estabUtLinont tree ol cliurne, aud work guaran teed. . .. t , 'l he suhscrmera nave uiuoie wiian-tioci room tor rf pairs ol boats, where tliev cuo lie m iioifect safeti-, anu ate provided with shears, blocks, tails, etc etc., lor taisinK ueavv or i'Bni weiaiiw. ii ii vj u n & a r il, JOHN P LKVY. 9 2H BEACH uud PALMKlt btreeU. ; vaucaaN mebbick, willim u. mebp.ick duiin b. core. !' OUMD It Y. Fli'TH AND OOUTHWARh (AbHIMi'iUN btrecU, I IIILADFLPIIIA. Ml ii ill l.K it SONS, F.NG1N Et If AND ai ACHIKIHTH. manufacture lilijh and Low l'rcsaure bleaui Kugiuei for l.auil. Mver aim il urine (-en Ice ioilers, uusomeiers, ranks, iron Koats. etc. Casilnxs oi all kinds, el her iron or biuss Iron Frau e Kools ior Uas Works. Workshops, and Railroad Htatlons etc Ketorts anu uas aiacninery, ot tne latost ana moat im prove d constiuctlon. I . .1 I ... I , T1n,-l -v.. A a., ji.Vei.. llfnui ' nii wi . lauiAui'll moDiniicrT onu ru.i, Paw. and lirlst Mills. Vacuum Pans Open bteam Trains, lietocaiors, ri ters, rumpnitt undines etc. t-oie AKcnta lor N. U'lleux's Patent 8upar Boiling Arnaratus, Nesmyth'sPaUnt hteam Hamuiei, and as ninwall ii Woolsey 'a Patent Ceulrilugal ousar braining Machine. tJl B RIDEfcjBURG MACHINE WORKS. or r ICE, Ko. 61 N FKONT 8TREET, PIIILADKI.PHIA. We are prepared to till order to any extent for out well known W AC TUN tKY FOR COTTON AN D WOOLLEN Mil LH, lucluding an recent improvements in waroiug, opiuuuig. andWavinir. W'e invite the attention ot manutacturers to our exten alye works. ,,.ro t un 1 111 ALT l.H-1 O.ll I rAR DIPARTMENT, KUR&E0N-GENE- Wabhinutiin. D. C. Auirust 10. 1866 An Armv Medical hoard, to consist or Brevet Colonel J. H. Urown, Burzeoa, V. S. A , President; llievct Lieutenant-Colonel II. R. Wiriz, Buraeon, U. . A.; Brevet. Lieutenant-Colonel Antnony Ueer, Mrrirton, U. 8. A.) and Brevet Major Warren Web ster, Assistant Humeon, U. S. A., Recorder, will meet i u new lorn city on tne mo i duiucuuw, next, lor the examination ot candidates ior admis sion Into the Medical Staff ot tbe United States AimT. , . Applicants must be over 21 years of age, and physically sound. Applications tor an Invitation to anpear before the Board should be addressed to tne Buriroon- Cieneial, United States Armv, ana mmn srate me lull name, residence, and aaut auu v uinu ui tbe candidate, testimonials at to cnaiacter ana qualifications must be lurnished. If the apjihoam has been in tbe Medical hervioe of the Army during tbe war, the laot should be stated, together wib his lomier rank, and time ana piaoe oi aorviue, auu u. iimonials Irom the officers with whom he has served should also be lor warded. , ho ailowaiioc is made lor Tbe expenses of persons underROinit tho examiuati i- "9 H is an Indispensa ble reroquisite to appoturw". Iheie are at present sixty vacancies in the Medloal inrivdiiv .,i minnh are oriirinal. beinv created by the Act ot Couitress anurovod July 28, 186 6 11 mw2!lt Sureou-tieueral, U, to. A. RAILROAD LINES, j A I) I UXi Ii 'A ' I L ll it K RIO A I) I U O Ii A I L l:IM. TDllkl: iUil ' VV11.. I'ADi.Ll ilia 'IO JHIS INIEKIOR O I'l'.M.M LVAM . UlK Hi 111' Yl. 11 II I,, MtHOTJK HAhNA. . l.i!Lri'LAKI. A; 1) WIOMINO VAI, 1'i?U,',,E kBI". MUTnWk8T. AND THE AI1H -DM II hit AI!lt A Mj FMKST Or" PAHSKKOEK , 1a1- ,lunn4 lw.ti .iTJ''(; ''''' ' i-i'T" MepO'. at n IirrtTFFNTll CyWIOM UIIX meet l hllaililihla. at the follow n tn. urn: m KOHKINU AOCliNWOnATIOB. At ' .10 A ii.ior Iloh. in.' an luU'rawUljle 6itatli . ,r . .. flNIKCl KxrH.SM. B'lri a. M. ior Pi i,niin, Lebanon tlamsbTint. Pot viile, llneurovo Tim:u(uH MinliutT. 'llllanwpo VliMlrn. Hocbesier Ma,rn Pals Unflnto. A lenlow V lllflnrre. l ilismn, Voru, Unrilsle, t lumlierilmr l,."i ci sioven. fr etc 'lliln train connects at READlKO wi b tttt Penn fvlvdula Latin an trains for Ailenlonn "t . ami the . ,,",n nl" trniu mr llamsburit etc; at PO'tT IIM'i.N wih liiiawikpn lti.ilroaa trniiis tor Wll li" nt)iin:. l.rcl iMven. I Imirs vie ; nt IURUIS. t Vl.H v itb h i ril i in ntr il t unilicrmm! Vn'lcy. ane f :Inn I kit ami fup.-m limnm tnilnn ior, Vi Innuport, York tMirmlieistiii'-t' "liM-mttvo. etc. .. 'i' ''I' l' i t-XPIthS l.oai o I b'lnnelplila at :i-J(t P M , (or ItoaMlntr Potts yii e. iismhl iiri: eie., ci'n-urtinu vith ittiaiiinu an'l '4uml)ia Itrl ro i'1 f-was lor Co'ntrla, etc. . ... . l blM( t ( OMMOliATION. "W." c" "loiiin ataliwaaU ions a r,vi,ltj ,lt LI,liatH.h,s at t M A M. arrives i Tiiiiis mr I liilaceiphia leave llnrrlshurtr at H id A M. lird I'ot-yvjllc et H 4f. a. M tirrlvlnrf in Philadelphia at , . '''"'"'""i tnuis iwnve Il,ir.-lslinr at 'i lit 1 ,lll;,,l.".,IBV"ln " v- M nrrtvtng lu Philadelphia at 45 I . 41 JJARRISIMTPG M OOIISIOI) vlTON. Le.'ives Pei.ilim ai 7 no A M. and rjntn .urir at 4 ill P M ennee lin at ke.iiilnu with 'nornoon Aci'.om jurilstiou souih. alo-.'iu P. al.. arrlvlnir tn Philadelphia 'J 111 P. v. .M-irUet tcain, with pSMteimer car atlacuoit, leaves ITiiUKlelplibi at P! 1.1 neon for Kcaillnir an.i aliwavsla ui.ns Leuv h in'iKtliiu ai II II A M win DowMln.'towu ai J'-'-.l" P. v.. for I in.aileiiihl aud al' way am i nia. AlituesU' ve ruins run ilnlly, mihIh. oxix-ptnC. fcuntlnv trnltiH leave Potisvllle at tcOO A. V . and Phl Isde tibia at 3'.i 1 M Leave PbliadelphU fur Heading at H (i -. V ; le uriiint ,rinu Hi udim: hi 4' p M ITItH MlV'I.LH UAlLIlOAti Posenre rs Ir Iiowninnti.ivn ami InleiineiHuie points Juke ihe V at.d H-'n A M. and S O P V. train,, irom Pin tuli liihU, ret'irtuim irom Downlnutown at ti A. M. noil i'i'!t' noon M.W AOIJ5 KXPhESH r'OR I'lTTBOHO ANU THE I.enve wYork at 0 A M , and Ril" PM nnsmnir Li-adlua at l-.' .l unu II M A. Ai and 1 4H P. , amiivi. iiectmi'ut Ilarrihburi: wiib I enimi vmiln nmt N on hern iitrnl KiiiIiohiI express trains lorPituburii, .'bleatiO V it lumsiiort. Klmira, Ittiltimore etc 1; iuu iui:. eypurs tiimi umves ilnrrislxirn on nrriva! ol the l'inusyintil.i express trom l'ltisounj, at 0 anil !) i'.r' A. J!. onii !i j.t T M.. pnpi-iiitr Iieiuilnif a' 4 49 and lu itl A M . and ll Mil P , and arrlvlni! In xewYorkat 10 A. il and 'i 4: P. M. . !. plim cam Br.eomnany tluse tianiKthr'inult betvi ecu Jerse city and Plltsburg, with out chaniro. a ninn train tor Hew York leaves HarrlnbuiR at 2 10 H. II. Mai tnilr inr Hsjii'liur Uuves 'w YoikatUU. SCIIUILUILL V.llXt-Y U.1ILUOAI). Tiains leave Pottsville at 1 md 11 10 ,i. M., and 7 In P M . tcluruiug uom "'uiaiUa at 7"3r A M aud I 4U and 4 1ft p M M'HjYLKILL AND kO-vJULHANNA RAILROAD. 1 rums leave Aiiliurn ut 7 to A It. tor Pinetrove and PntTisliurh' and 1 fri P M l,ir Pircr-ve and rreiuont, u-turnini' Mom Iiorrisiiuru at 3 WI.P. M., and from Tre tnuiitat ''! j A. ai.Ui.l i.r. f. M. 'iTCKlM.i Tbrof.-h firit-c!i-n t u-k.-u and etiuarant tic ke'; tn the jirn.cipf 1 point. In tho or.h nmt lv el ami t'atiHila. i lie luMowiriK neketa ate vht:ii .'iliie iiniy ut the oltire Ol t. PPAI'I OI.O. TreiiMir.T, ISO. !U7 8 POUKTH Mreet, ITillnrteliiliin, or ol ii. A. NIC'Ol.LS, Ccneial SuperinKniicnt. Pfesoln;,': COLIMUi .1TION TICKKTS At percent, cisi'ouut, betvtccu any points desired, in lumihcs ai d linrs. Mll.KAflK 'I If'KKTS. Cood ior CuflO miles, heiweon ail poiuls, 5'P09eiich,fot ftiuUics aud titms SEASON TK'KETS l-or three, i iue, or twelve motitbs. fir holJers only, to ull points, at reduced raten l Lr HtiYHi f'-.V lteslillnir on the line oi the toad will he furnished cams etitliilUB inim-ciyes nnd wiie tn tickets at haii faro. ri LICMON Tl KfcT." from Philodi lphia to i riuclpal 'a kn. good for Ha tutnav. Mincnv, iuu! JJnnrtav nt reducou I u , c to be had ui'i erire iicketu:tite. et Hlli.iiii.Mbi and C'AL tt) HILL Streets r HKKillT. Oooi.s ot all desciiptions forwanled to all the shove points, irom the i ompauy's new Freight jj poi, uituAii anu w ii wi ntrecis. Ull.K.H I TIlAINs LenvePbilade'iihia onilv at Su A w.,M-4S nnoif.aud r. aj.. mr lusciiip. j.eouuoii, iiarriniiur, Potisvdie l Port cliuton and all polnis beyond. 1 MAILS Cose at the Philadelphia post Office fortill placeson tne uinu unu ii ummiifii ni o a. lu., anu KT me pnncmul stations ou!y at V 13 P. M. air, T3Hir,ADELPHlA, GERMANTOWN, AND J MlliKlsioni iiiir.uuAl. On and a ter V KUN tULA Y, May 10, I806, rOIt Gl -KM.MOW Leave Philadelphia H, 7. B, D, 10 11, 12 A. M.. 1. 2. 8 111 3i. 4, 5. 5,t 7. ll, Id. II t'i p. M Leiiye lieimsntow n 6, 7, 7H, 8, tf 20, 9, 10, II, Ii A. M. 1.2 3, 4,4i . B tH. 7,8.0 10. 11 P. M. lhet)2 iionii train, uml 'J i and s'-i up t:aius will no stop on tbe Oennstitown Itranch. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Pbiladolpnii: 9-lu A it , 2 3 6, S.10HP. M. Leave Ueiniantown 8 A M.. 1. 4, 8K. OH' P. M. I'liESNPT BILL RAILROAD, l eave Philadelphia 6, 8, 10,12 A At., 2, 3H OH, 7, ai d 11 P. M. Leave ( hesnat Hill 710 mlnmes, 8 9 40. It 40 A. M 1'40. 'i 40. !i 40. Ii'40. H 40, and In 40 minutes P. M. ON SU.DAYK. Leave Philadelphia 0 10 minutes A. SJ., 2. 1, and 8 P. it Leave t bemut lillt 7-4l minutes A. AI ., 12 40, 6 40, au Vij minuies P M KLK t ONbHOIiOC'KtN AND NOKIUMTOWN. Leave Pb lniielphia 6 b iii miuu'.es,, 11-05 A.M., IH, 4k. 6'ii, j H , 8 (in minutes, nnd 11 '-. P. Al. 1 envu hornstown 6,7, 7 50, . l AM., IK, 4)4 6 Jbe5H P. M. tinin will stor at Bchool Lane, Wissa hickou, Manayunk, prlng nun, anu Lonsuohocken ouly ON sINDaYH. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M., 2)4,4 nnaiH P.M. ' Leave Jsomslown 7 A. M.. 1, M. aud t P. M. H it VANAVUkK. Leave Phllnlelpbiae. 8 K minutes, 1 1 -OA A. M., 1), IH 6H,tiVi.8t.j. undllH P. 41 . Leave liaua) una b.'t, 8 20, S4, 11 H, A. M., 2, 3, bH bH U- OK HDNDAY8. Leave Pbilarle!ph!i 9 A. :.L, 2H . 4. and "H P. If. Leave Miitiayuuk i:4 A. M . l,0. anu9)i P. U, W. h. Vi 1L.-O.N. Cencral Sup'imtenner t, iViepot MNTH and GKEKM Htreets TOKTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. L 1)cik)i ThlSH Street annvo 1 Bomrson. fot BUTIll.h KEM. DOYISTOWN, MATJCH t iiiMi, ji.Asiuri, v iLiAaiPi c-ki, ana wiLKliS HAkltK. At7 3'iA. M. i' xpresii, for Bethlohetc , Allontown Muucii onunk, u.umiou, tv 1 uuuispoti, anc vfilket liurru At 3-S0 P. K. (Express), frt Bethlehem, laston, ete., rcBchiua Eastcn at 6'45 P. M. t ol5 P. M., lor Bethlehem, Alientown, Mauofc Chunk. ior Doylestown at 6 3f A. M., 2'30 and 418 P. M. toi Pert Washington a. 10 A. M. aad 11 P. M. lor l.uiuda e al ti'16 P. M. W Lite cars oi the Second and Third Streets Liu City Patsenuer t urs run direct to the depot. TKAlhS H)lt PUILADKLPFIA, LeSTe Bethicbem at 6 25 A. M. and ii ii Noon, an 6 15 P M Leave Doy estown at b 4o A. U., 3-15 and 30 P, iS. Leave Lam-dale at B-U' A. M. Leave I on WashiitRton ai l"-u A. M., and 1-15 P. M. ON SLM)AYS. Philadelphia ior Hetnienem at 0 A. M. Philadelphia lor Doy lesiown at 2 '30 P. M, licvlestov,ii tor Phi aileltihlaat 7 2il A. M. Beihlebem lor Philailelphia at 4'3ii p. M. 1 hrnatib Tickets must b ptocuied at thn ticket offices, THIRD Street, or PKhKrl Street, 1121 a-lLlo CLAKK, A Kent. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINEsTfROM loot ot MAKKET Street (Upper Ferryi, com mencing TUESDAY, August .8. lHttt 8A.M Mull tor Bildgeton, Salem, Mill ville, and all Intermediate stations. 3 P.M. Mall lor Cape Mav, stopping at Wcodbnrv and Olasshoro. aud an slalions beow Ulassooro. Due at Cane ia.7IOP. M. a 30 P.M. Passermer, tor Bitd;ctou, Sa em, and ail Intermediate siattous. b P. il., Woodbury Accommodation. J. VA ItfcSSsiCLAfcit, Superintendent. Freight will be teceivcd at Second t overed Wnurt beiow Walnut street, irom 7-00 A. M. until -00 P. M. T hut received btlore 9 CO A. M. will go through the sama "preieht Delivery, No. 228 S. DEL AW A HE Avenue. 1 be West Jersey Fxprei-s Company will atteud to all the usual branches ot r.xprest busiucs. A Speclul Mes senger accompanies each through train. Otllce. No. 8 WALM'T Street philadolphia. KETLKN1NO TBAIN9. Leave Cape May at 8 cfl A. M., as all. stopping at all Stallone on C. M. ii M. It It,, and Vinelaud, Cifassboro, and Woodbury. Due 11 37 A.M. I eave Itridgcton, 7 IS A. M. aud S SO P. M. Leave Salem 7 a. M. and 3-U5 p. M. Leave Miliville 8-55 and fl'44 A. M and P. M. J. VAN UESHSALAEU, Superintendent, West Jersey . Salem, and Cape May, aud MtllviUe It. Rs 1 Qri-PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL IOUU EOAI). This great Uue traverses the Nonh ern and Northwest Counties of Peuusylvauia to the City oi Erie on Lake Erie It has been leased and la operated bv the Peunay vanfa Railroad Company. T1MEOF PASSE MliEB TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. Arnv MrlAklsil Tritin. 7 A M . VIA - press m rain, i r. at. , Leave Westward-Erie MaU, r... IV. i,i I p M P. M Erie Express Train 12 M. . , Passenger cars run luruuim on in trie mall and tx press trains both ways between Phllade ptila and trie. NEW YOKK. CON NEC IT ON. Leave New York at A. M.. arrive at Erie 9 30 A. M. Leave Erie at 4 45 P. M., onlve at New York 4 10 P. M. Kleyant Sleeping Cars on all the night trains. For Inioniiatlou respecting- pusuuuor butiueas, apply at comer TIHBTIR I H and MAKKET 8'reets. Phi a. And lor lreiiht business, of the Company's Agents, B. B. Klngstoii. Jr., comer '1 hirteenth and Market streets Phlladelphlal J. W. Keynolda, Erie; William Btewu, Aueut N. C B H , Baltimore. H. I'. HOtlslO.x, tltmeral Freight Agent. Phlla. Ii. W. O WINN KB lieneral lu ket Aueut. PhUa. A.L. 1VLLKO ixaibup" WUUauutpon. RAILROAD LINES. PHH.Arr.LriiiA, wilmikoton. aki p-ai. IlLOHL balthOAD, . . K' TABLF. I orr-mmeifitf ruriKTuv i tot-ji m. hm lee - c I ieniii t m . r r.t t . . . a ............ . n , . . ' v' vy nuwi nuu hash (iu T N Avenue, na loliows:- i iies i rnni ut 4 tft M (Mondays rtreptj-d) (or lltliiu orennd il min., i.,.,.,i n i ...... iv.. urn Mm. Nev ark.KiuVin Kcttlint, Pentvllie.'larrw. Sic mmer 'tHn ' tnnu'H' 'no)un t baM'aaWI IV ay d'sti Truln at 8 15 A I'Hllnnoic, utopplng at all r l.i' i-l Inn uml Lallin c r M. (ftnndi'yacttcentedi n rev u lar stall on botween I'ht- I'elnwmn lnilrfmil 1v.l .1 o A u u . Ciptrdi. lor 1'riUCCHH Annn Tilllliml -nil lnl....ll.J! I mucus 'I ruin at 11-4.1 A. ai (Sundays exccptedi, ler i niTiDiiiir mm vi iisi'iiii Inn. I xpre-s l i siiuit il P i. (Sundays eitceptrd) ior Hal il Z"!.'".a '"htPefon a'tipplng at heH-r, flam-Mi4, v I million. Lew lira, Hkion, Northeast, rerryvmi, lla ie de (irnuu. A it nlren 'I irn,in. 1. m 1 ticlis, hnne's, Mrmmer s Vno i f ' Inf ion" ' " 11 V w' ,or Baltimore and W-ank 1 aerrersbv Boat Irom P.t't'troro lor For'roM Maw. Vi"'?. '."v l-'nt' a"a K'climond. will uke tbe V II.MTMi'lON ArroMlinniTinv i-mi,,. JJIlJiMJIjje at all stfilloiiH between I'hliadnlphla and Wlt- mK,,,H, .i?1',',l."Vt1 M-"M- 6. nIl Kailroad 'or lUrrinton mid ititenneilmte Hlulloiis. ai.roaii 'or I'srriotiton nnd ititenneilmte HliilloiK 'v V Th.!"? TTtf 7'' ""-'O ao A M.,4 , HI it)i 7 IA A. M train win not ston rt hi lwn Chaster and,,. rv and I N allona ""'T'HJ?V'T'n. ,'BAI.?h mow BALTIMOBR L nic V ilmliHtoDst 11 A M , 4 W and 10 P kl fill ft 1 i I ().. All! i t,iI..'M- Lrme ( hester nt 7 W, 7'50, 10 14 uud II 40 A ' M la I'll, 7 Hi end 10 r.G P. M. lu.OM BAL'lItlRKTO PP ILADKLrWTV I.rnve Haltimori-7"Ti A M.. Wav insii -an A m l-xiircr 1 ll V. M.. Exiuchs. 6'P Exnreia hi i ' , EKnr!"s TRAINS FOR nilTlMOItF i I esiorat 4 40 and 8 M A. M., and P. M. I c:.i p i liiuiotou ai U 2i ; 31 A 1,1. and 41.1 T.M. Men lit Ira ins -a Lb lassenner nrs attiened will Ion as in, Itm (. v I in) IriL t i' mr 1 etn vti and inmriut-ninia Matlnns t fitup. V. Baltimore tor lit vre-de-Orace nnd lull in Kl'sle sfnfions a' 4 45 P. M Pertyvlile lor W4k niiri.'IOTi n-il in-erliiediflte K'ntiiina jtt I'll a. b ft..- necllng at Wilmiuutott with Tin A. M. train for Plillo- ue puia OH rillAt 7 UA1JNM. Fxpress Train al 4-1 A. . !ur llaltlmoro and Vasli Inmen s'oppmi; at' beslr t, Vflitnlni ton, Newark ru tin. Nor hea-t Perrj vil e II nvre-do-Ursce, Aberdeen. 1 r! 'PI'S 8 ''"K"0 -onase's, and Meinmer'a Run. MUit t . p M lorBuitiiuorn end Wsalilngion At ecu mods tion ' at 11 no P. M. for Wi.uUiigltm nml liitcrn.rdlale stntlons. 1.ALHMORE Htll PHILAflELI BIA. I.e.'tle I AlflnniieMi I M .i,ni u ur.ic, 1 1 riiMPe. nnd W i luunalou. A Uo mn. , i. ,k. i. .. and Nevnik (to take pai-t-en-.-ers f-r Phi adeipnla an4l K Hie pai..-eni.'1'ra tnim Waslunnton or Baltimore) eoS I stir to Rave liuii-cntro uom Baltlmoro or Wm-lur- Ion. . Ati ommodnlion T-.ain trom Wl mlnttton for Philadet 1 Iiih ttid luteitiieuiaie siatluns at b 0 I . U. 4 Hi 11 F. K.ENNEY Superintendent. Utt KEVi YnpK. THK CAM DEN AND A mini) aud phtauelnhia and Irentim llaiim onii" ri) a Lines. MM'M 1 IIILADI- I PHTA TO V I TO Vnnr ard Wry Plucta, irom Walnut Street Wbaif, will leara as loilijvis, viz: At A A M.. vm Camden and Amboy, Accoinn oda PARS . "in fin AthA M via ( eti.iii n and ' erwey ity Y xprcsa.... 3 04 At 'J P. J'l., vlat siiiiiin and A'nliov Express ., ' 3 04 At Ii P. II , via ( HiiiOrn aud ' Uibot Aviommudation ii At til' N. via CMiidtn and Ainboy Accouimoda lion. 'Jd cl-iss ( At MAM 2 and 5 P M. lor Mount BoVlv,' Kwana vl le 1 eu'btr'on. and Vtuccutown At 6 A. M. audi I'. M ior Erecho d. At5 tut it a. A.., 1 W , 4. , 6 and 11-30 P. M. lor Pi clUM). pelmyra, Hivirton Progress. Delanao. llever y Lu'CViater, -Pur inuton. Florence, liorden towti.eic. 1 h. in A. il . and 4 P. M. liues run ,..-eo thrum b to 1 ieii,on LINKS FROM K V S -'1 NOTOK DEPOT WILL LEA IB At il A M , 4 3u 6 45 P. M., and 2 f M. (Night) via Kenslimton snd Jersey (. Ity I xeress Lines, due W 0I '1!k6'4.' p. Al. Line will iuu daily. Ailotbers Sundava executed w At7 '.'10 and 11 A. M 3 3'30 '30 ,1, and 6 45 P. M a d a nln mlit lot Lrictiil. i renton. etc. At 7 Mid 10 IS A. M. 12 M. 3 4. S and 6P.M. fur Corn vie l's lorrifdnlc llolnie'luir-r, Tacoii) . H lviliioiiiinn Brlite-buru. and Franklord, and at 10 15 a. m or llrli-tol. hclKuek's, LdduiKton, and P. M torlloliues buig udJ lutem.ciii.i e siutions. At 7 1)0 A. Bl. vtiu 3-30 P. M tor Maaara Falls, BtiOalo, Dunkirk anuiidahua, 1-lnnra, ltliaca oweo, ito chea er. Binyhi-nipton, Oswego hyracuse Great llend. Montrose UnkesDurre Scranton Stioudsburg, Vntec tiap, lelvlcKre, l.s.-lon, I iinib- nvilie, slemiuuton, etc. 1 he ,t:'0 P. M. Line connects direct with the train leaving Easton lor MuticU Chunk, Allcnlowu, Beth, e hem etc. At & P. M. mr Lambertvlllc and intcrmentate stations. Junel, H-66 WILLIAM 11 GAIZMEU, Aurout- PEN N BY L V A M A l' EM R A L R A I LRO A D.-i SUfllA-ER AhllAM.HIt.M, The Trains oi tic letms ivanla Central Kaiiroa4 leave tbe Depot, at Thiriy-drst and Market treel which Is rrscbtd by the cars oi the Market Street PaaZ lender Railway, ruuuiug to and irom the Depot. The Iuh car leaves Fiont street about 30 mluutos prior to the departure ol eucn It aiu. Ou Suiiiiajs Cars leave Eleven-h and Market streets 45 mlustts beiore thadepaituro of each Train. :j lion's bangute Exprei-a will ca I for and dclhea Pngtatie at tbe Iiepot. Orcers let. at the yrllce No Bill cbesnut street, wnl reoeive atientiou. w. TUAlKS LEAVE IH'UT. VIZ. I Mall Tram Duy Express Paolt Accommodation, No. I.. EsmI Line and Eric Expres-T ... P airishuri. AccoiLmouatiou... Lancai-ter Accin uioua' Ion... l'aoll Accommodation No. i., liiUbti.-.h am' Erie Mai T.... l'uoll Accouimodatlon, No 3., PblluloipbiB i-xpicsnf .at 8-on a. u at 10-00 aril-en at 12 00 M. at 2 30 P. M. at 4 00 'i at 6HD " at p (o at 10 00 " u id u TnAlKS A1IU1VB Al DEl'OT. VIZ. I Cincinnati Exprcssl ai 12-40 A. H l'liiludciplilu Express at 710 Paoli Accmiiiuodallon, No. 1 at 8 20 oluiiililaTrnio at 9 00 I.oiicasier 'train at 12 40 P tr tust Line at I 10 l'aoll Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 In Djv Lxpro-s at S 50 paoli Accommodation, Jo. 3 ai 7 30 liurrlsiiurg Accou .modatlon 9'58 " Dal y, except Maturduv. t Daily. Dai'y. except Monduy. All othi r irninsdally except Sunday. IllunnlnK through Irom Philadelphia to Piitshun and Erie without 01 cars. Sunday Accommudaiioi Tiuins for Paolt and lntorma d;ate stations leave ehllade phla at 9e0 A. M. anu 7 Oi 1'. U , returning icave Puoil at 6 SO a. M aud 4-50 P. M . TDKEI OFFICE Isloca'ed at No 6.-1 t'iieniut street where Tickets t all iniportaut pnlnts mav be procured ai.d lull iulorma tun iivin by JOHN C ALI.V.N. Ticket Agent, Abo at Thirty-first and Market streets, on appUoo tiiuto 1 UOM AS 11. I'AIIKE, . . , Ticket Anent at the Ireuot An Train runs dailv (except Sunday). For full puiticuiars as 10 la re and accummodaitons apply Ut FRANCIS FUNK. Tho renrsvlvania Itailroad Company will uiiTassuiiii any riMc lor Baggage, except lor Hearing Anparei. au4 limit their nt-ponsibflty to One Hundred Iioilam lu vaiue. Ail Baktage (xceediug that amount in value w Hi be nt the ritk of the owner, unless taken by smuai contract J TTREIGHT LIKEti FOR NEW YORK AND Aj lai the stations on th.-CAMliEN an ) AH HOY and connecting Hal roadi. IN t KJ- AS ED DE-JATC1I. IHiv Ci MDEN AND Ail BOY BAILI (IAD ANI THANSrOlliA'DON C051PANY I UEIOHT ' LINP tut Nw lorkwlli leae WALNUT Street Whail at o'e'ock P M. daily (Sundays excepted). Freight must be delivered before 4X o'clock, to be foc w aided ibe tame cay. Returning, the above lines will leave New York at 12 noun aud 4 and 8 P. M Fielgbi lor Tienion. Princeton. Kingston, Now Bruim wick, and a. 1 points on tbe aumen auu Amboy Baal road; aiso, en the Bev dere Delaware uud Ftembw ton.theNew Jersey, tbe Eieehold and Jamesburs nnd tbe BurliUktun aud Mount Bully Ballroads, receiveA and lorwuideu up 10 I P M. 'Ibe Belvldere De aware Rellroad connects at Phl'llno burawltbthe Ichlj-b Valley Baiuoad, aud at Manua kacliunk with all points on the Da'aware, Lackawsnoa. uud Vi estern Bai roid, forw ardlng to oyracuas, Bullalo. and other tolnts hi Western New York 'Ibe New Jersey Bailroad connects at Elizabeth wldt the New Jersey Central Bailroad, and at Newark wlut tne Mori Is and Essex Railroad. A slip memorandum, tpecltylng the marks and num bers, -liippers, and coi siuees, must. In every instance, be sent with each load oi goods, or no receipt will be given. N. B. Increased lacliitles have been made for fh transi ortation ot live stock. Drovers are Invited to try tbe route. When siock Is lurnlsbed in quauiltlesof hro carloads or more. It will be delivered at the foot of For tie h street near tbe Drove Yard, or at Pier No 1. North Biver, as the shippers may desiguataattbe Units oftshlpmeDt. t , , . Fur terms, or other Information, apply to WAL'l EB FBEEi AN, Freight A gent, Ko. 226 B. DElA WARE Avenue. Philadelphia ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. on end aner MONDAY, February 12. two dally trains will run between Washington and Lmchbarg, connecting at Gordonnvl le with Virginia Central Rail road trains to and Irom Richmond as follows MAIL TRAIN. ,, ... It ve Washington dally (Sunday excepted), at 6 4S A. M , ana arilve at Lynchburg at P. , . , Leave Lynchburg at 1 . U. aud arrtv at Wanning, ton at 6 26 P. Al. TRA IS. teave Washington dsliy (Including Hunday) at 6fM P v. and arrive at Lynchbuig at , Leave Lynchburg at 6 W P. n1 rrlve ' Washing! toh6tralnsJmaklng elosa eonnectlons at Lynchbuw foi all points 8 th and Hoaibwest. and at Woahluglosv ,0Fi0t-el. sleeT." sttached to the ntght tralna. Tne wad "S 'raot" i n J 'or Its oomior abia blstorio locallues of Fairfax, Bull Bun, Mariasso. Bria toe Catett's Kappohannock, Cnlpepcr. Orange, a4 OordorJivlIle!' places ol imperishable mteta.1 "ul ti ihrouu'h'tj'cketa to all points' South and Boufkweoi msv hi lad iu Boston, nJiw York, rhllad-lplilo, and Daltlmore and at Vi vfc.W"l KmifU - Aiv"H""-r Uwoialbuu.uiluu