TOTDT H Li LI o A VOL. VI. No. 58. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 18GG. DOUBLE SHEETTHREE CENTS. 11 M.UU'yfirVl U HllM 11 HELMBOLD'Q "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED' COMTOCKD FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCHU. A awntlvs and npflolflc remedy rot dlReaMii of the I LA 1)1) EH, KlDNh,! H. ORtVtL, AND DUOPSICAL 8W.LLlMiH, 'ihm medicine tncreaiee the power of tlgrntlon. and exoltoe the abioibenis Into benlthy action, by which the matter of calcareoan aepoxMom nl all nnnturl enlarxemnoM are winced, a wall as paioana hitlanimation, and is good fur men, women, nd.MdNB. . BI1H HHH mm linn mm Him huh huh mm huh ; HIIHkJHHHHIJH umiuiiumimi HHH HH11 HHH HUH HUH HHH HHH HHrt HHH HHH HBLMBOLD'B EXTRACT BUCHU, Foi waXneM, attended with the following symptoms: Indapofiiion to hertion, Ioen ol Power, Janof Aen.ory, Difficulty 01 Wreathing,; Wok Serves, Tremblji(r. Honcrof Dieae, Wakolfflneflri, Innensol Vision, , Vaiu in the Back, notHands. Flashing 01 ihe Body, Srvnees of the Skin, Eruptions of the Face, rtiWersalLansltude. Pallid Countenance. These syn.ptoms, If allowed to go on (which this Medi cine invariably removi) soon follow C,n FA1V1TY, KPILKI'TIC VI T8. ETC., rn one of which tho pittlcut may expire. Who can say iliey are not frequently loliowecl by those ' dlreiul abs entee," in9AKiTy asD CONSUMPTION? Want are aware or the cause of their suffering, but one will conless. The records of the Insane asylums and Ihe melancholy deaths hv consumption bear ample witness to the truth ol the extortion. lha Constitution, onoe afldcted by organic weakness, MMimres ihe aid of meoiclne to strenKlhen and Invlgo Mte tne system, whhh HfcLM ..OLD' hXrKACTOF BIJ CIlO Invariably does. A trial will convince tho most skeptical. EKIEFEFICKKF. BR 14 MSB KKB EEEKEE KK.KI.EJi KKB EEB EGE K EEF.KF.RKFE EE KEEEEEEJS in afleetlons peculiar to Females the Extbact Bucru a Diieauulled by any other rcmsdy, and for ail complaints etueul to the sex ot In the dnclino or change 01 ll;e tlT te symptoms above. -No family should be with- Ul LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL LLL t LLL LLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLL Take no Balsam, Merc-ry or unpleasant medicine for nnnijuuint andduiiKerous diseases IMPBOVED ItOSE WAbH. f 'dms these diseases In ail their stugos. at little expense, little or no change of dlet.nj Inconvenience, anil SO EXP08UKB. .MMMM MMMM M MUM VMM J M M MMVI MMM MMN HUH MUM MMM SIMM MMM MUM M M M M M M M M MMM MMM MMM MMM MMM M MM MMM MMM M ,M M M M M M VMM V iiuv Hiri.'MRnT.n'a EXTRACT BDCHT ... ail afleetlons and discuses f these organs, whether fcXIS tllSO N MALE OK KEM ALU, rrom whatever cause originating, and no mutter how long standing. Diseases ot tncee organs require me am a.Jore'l?; .o irVTl lot nnnuTini this nRF!4T I)" I'BE'i HJ, and it is certain to have the desired etlect Id all diseases icr wmcu it u iiui. BBBBBBBB . BBBBBBBBB 1 HHH BHB 4 BBB BBB BBB BBB BKHBBBBB BBBBUBBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBB BBBBBBBBB BBBBBBBB BLOOD! BlioOD! Bl.OOLM HKLMBOLP'S B10HLY CO N I ENTttA IE D COMPOUND FU31D EXTRACT SAIltAPAKILLA, Kor nnrlfying the Biood and removing all chronic con st'tntSonil diseases arising from an Impure siate of the Bleed and the onlv and effectual known reiaedy tor the cure ol Scrofula, rcaid Head. Salt Knoum, Pains lid ftwelllcgsot the Bones. Clceratlons 01 the Throat Md LTge Xtches. Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Ery- JSfA M..h. L8,!e1 Brmt mPone bott'e is .nHv equal to a gallon of the Bynip of HawaparUla, or the decoction as usually made. T v oooo oooooo ooo ooo ooo ooo OOO OoO OOO OOO OOO ooo 4 ooo ooo ooo oot ooo ooo oooooo oooo HELMBOLD't ROSE WISH, An excellent Lotion, used In conneotlon with the EX TRA Hi BtJCB.1) aud BARSaPaRILLA, In such dis eases as reeommende.1. Evidence of the most ro-p onai bTe ad reliable character will aceompauv theinealclnes. A l.o exDllcit directions lor use, with hundreds uf thou wi oiClng witnesses, and upwards ef M.CHM) nnsoll oit5 certillcites and recommendaiory letters, muny of which are irom the highest souices, Incluillug eminent Thyalclans Cler.ymeiT, HUtasmen etc. The Proprietor has never retorted to their publication in the news papers ; he floes not do this irom the fact that his articles iank asBtandad Preparations, and do not need to be oreDBed up by certificates. , , P TbrHelence of Medtcme. likerhe Doric oolumn.itands Himolo, pure, majestic having Fact for Its basis, Induc tloB I for its i.Ular, an,l Truth aloni tor its Capital. LLL LI.L I. LI. ILL LIL LLL LLL LL1. LLk IXlil-LLLLLL LLLLLLI LLI.L My Extract Sarsapanlia Is a Bl.od Purincrj my Ex tiact Buchu la a Diuretic, aud will act as Bucu In all "Soth are prepared on purelv sclentlflo prlnclples in eocuo-and ate ihe most Hctlve of e flier that can he nitde. A ready and conclusive test will he a compari ton ol their properties with thote set forth lu the follow iuir works 8c Dispensatory of the United States, hee Fruiesoi Dewelh' valuable works on the Practice "Vee remarks made bv the celebrated Dr. Phwic. rhl- lttMePremarks made by Dr. Ephbaim McDowell, a rvivbraied Physlclun aud Member ot the Koyal College .l Burgeons, Ire and, and published In the Transactions mh Kinu and uueen's Juuruol. gVe Medlco:hlruruical lUview, published by Benj nnTiiilvFRS, Fellow ol 'he Rovul College of Surgeons. Hee most of late stanJard works on Medicine. DDDDDDDDD I)l)D DOI) DDD P DDD ,II, IDD '.'V,1' T)i DDD , DDI) Pl" ' POPTIDDDDD DDDDDDDD BOLD BV PRUOG18T8 EVEEYWHEEi. AaureBS letters for Information, tn confidence, t o aBI II. T HELM BOLD, Cbemiht. ' FBLNCIPAL DEPOTS l HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMICAL WAHKIIOCSB. So. 604 BROADWAY, New Yorkt OB TO HEIiMBOLD'B MKDICAL DEPOT We. 104 South TENTH Htraet Pbllaoelpbla ewara Coofitertelta. AA tn WoUubold'll Takt YflL TV! SOUTHERN LOYALISTS' CONVENTION. TIIE MEN WHO FIGHT TRAITORS NORTH AND SOUTH. In War and Peace for Union and Liberty. APPEAL TO THE NORTH. Help Is To Hold Our Old Homesteads. THEY WERE TRUE TO THE GOVERNMENT Let Congress be True to Them, OUR MACEDONIAN CRY" COME DOWN AND HELP TJS!" The New "Reign of Terror." 'THE ELOQUENCE OF VACANT SEATS" Tlio Ited Hca Crossed. BUT NO MOSES TO LEAD THEM INTO CANAAN. Grand Reception of the Southern Unionists. PROGRAMME OF THE PROCESSIONS. PERSONNEL OF TIIE DELEGATES. Biographical Sketches of the Leaders. OFFICIAL LISTS OF THE U. S. SOVEREIGNS. REAL RECONSTRUCTION. How the Loyal Southerners Want the States Restored. LEADING SPIRITS OF TIIE SOUTH. Hsmilton and Sherwood, of Texas Durant and Hahn, of Louisiana Saffold and Bingham, of Alabama Goodloe and Jones, of North Caro linaUnderwood and Botta, of Virginia Bcrewan and Willey, of West Virginia Creswell and Thomas, of Maryland Fowler and Stokes, of Tennessee Fletcher and Henderson, of Missouri, Etc. Etc. Eto. SOUTHERN LOYALTY. THE CONVENTION. The call of the National Union Club of Wash ington, in pursuance of which the Randall- Doolittle-Raymond Convention assembled in this city on the Uth of August, was issued on the 25th of June. It was no sooner published to the world than a movement in opposition W43 started. The men who had carried the principles of patriotism aud devotion to the nutioual flag to a point that is without a parallel in the history of the world, were unwilling that the sentiment of Southern loyalty should find expression solely in the utterances of such men as Governor Orr, of South Carolina; Alexander H. Stephens, the Vice-President of the defunct Confederacy; and William H. C. King, the NortheruJ renegade who edits tho New Orleans Timet. That Hamilton and Paschal of Texas, Durant and Hahn of Louisiana, and Fowler and Stokes ot Tennessee, should demur on such an occasion was perfectly natural. To afford the opportunity for a full and free expression of their opinions on the state of the country, and the wants of the loyal men ot the South, it was determined at once to hold a Con vention, to be composed of representatives from suck of the Southern States 89 could boast of a loyal white constituency who were not afraid to avow their sentiments openly, both at borne and abroad. The t all for the Conveutlou was prepared by Lorenzo Sherwood of Texas, and was issued "from Washington, D. C, on the Fourth of July. It reads as follows: "To TBa Loyal Unionists of thb South: "The great Issue la upon us I Tbe majority in Coneress. and it suDDorters. firmly declare that 'the rigbta tl the citizen euuineritga ia Uti constitution, and establihcd by the supreme law, most be maintained Inviolate' "Eebels and Rebel sympathizers annertthat 'toe rlpht of the citizens must be left to the States alone, and tinder such regulations as the respective States choone voluntarily to prescribe.' "We have seen this doctrine 01 State sove ielptitv carried out In Its practical results until all authority tn Concress whs denied, the Union temporarily destroyed, the constitutional rights ( I the citizens ot the South nearly annihilated, and the land desolnted by civil war. - "The time has oome when the restructure of .Southern Slate Uovernment must be laid on constitutional principles, or the despotism, grown up unier an atrocious leadership, be permitted to remaiu. We know ot no other plan than that Congress, under its constitu tional powers, shall now exercise its authority to establish the principle whereby protection made co-extensive witn citizenship. "We maintain that no State, either by its or ganic law or legislation, can make transgres sion on the rights ot the citizen legitimate. We demand and BBk you to concur in demanding protection to every citizen of the great republic on the babis of equality before the law; ana I tilth or, that no State Government should be recognized a legitimate under the Constitution in so tar as it does not by its organic law make Impartial ptotection full and complete. "Lmier the doctrine of "Slate sovereignty,' with Rebels in the foreground, controlling Southern Legislatures, and 'embittered by dis appointment in their fcbemes to destroy the Union, there will be no safety lor the loyal ele ment of the Soutn. Our reliance for protection is now on Congress, and the great Union party 1 bat has stood aud is standing by our nation ality, by the constitutional rights of the citizen, and by the beneficent principles ot tho Govern mcrt. "For the purpose of bringing the loyal Union ists of Ihe Mouth Into conjunctive action with tho true fricnus of rcpul-licau government in the North, we invite vou to send delegates In pood numbers Irom all the Southern States, in cluding Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, snd Delaware, to meet at Indepen dence Hall, in the city of l'hiladelphia, on the first Monday of September next. It is proposed thai we should meet at that time to recommend measures tor the establishment of such govern ment in tbe South as accords with aud protects ihe rights ol all citizens. We trust this call will be responded to by numerous dclegationa of such as represent the true loyalty of the South. That kind of government which gives f ull pro tection to all nehts of the citizen, such as our fatheis intended, we claim as our birthright. Either the' loveis of constitutional liberty must rule toe nation, or Rebels ami their sympathizers be peimitted to misrule it. Shall loyalty or dis lovalty have the keeping of the destinies of the nation ? Let the responses to this call, which is now in circulation tor signatures, and is bring nuuierously signed, answer." The SlKiiera. When the call was first issued, the following names were appended: TiSAS. A. J. Hamilton, lieorpe W. I'aschal, Lorenzo feherwood, V. 1'. fcabiD. ALABAMA. George Keese, 1). it. iiiii chain, M. J. f-Bflold, J. U. Lareombe, GKOBOlA. U. W Ahhburu, Henry G. Cole, MISSODBI. J. W. McClurg, Jotin R Kelso, J. V. Benjamin, TENMKtHKB. W. B. Siokes, Joseph 6. Fowler, James Uettv. V1BOIMIA. ! John B. Troth, J. 11. atewart, William JS. Berkley, ! Allen C. Harmon, Lewis AloKenzie, I J. W. Uunnleutt, IJohn C. Underwood,. iBuinaam Wardwell, Alexander M. Davis. I KOKTH CAROLINA. Byron Laftin, . Daniel R. Uoodloe George W. Anderson. Notice was also given, at the end ot the call, that gentlemen at a dUtance could have their names attached to it by forwarding a written request to D. II. Bingham, Esq., one of the signers from Alabama, at Washington, D. C. In pursuance of this invitation the following addi tional signatures, among many others of less prominence, have since then been forwarded to Washington, aud annexed to the call: i onisiAtiA. Michael Eabn, Henrv C. Dibble, A. F. Dostie, W. P. Judd, J. Hawains, Enpene tstaes, 1 nomas W. Conway, James Giauam, K. King Cutler, Guy Duplantier, a. tr .Mem, Rulus V spies, Judge . Heutand, N. W. Daniels. R. C. Ricbarason. A. B. Cooper. Joan lours, TKKNEBBKK. T. SlcKtnley. StlSBOUBI. Nat. B. Owens, R. T. Van Horn, I'ncnias C. Fletcher, Cbarks E Moss, A. L. cannon. C. V. Hollyfiold, .Alexander itauenmaa. Samuel BauKbmaa, Jacob Buzard, H. Grisham, Jonn l'laut, I William Pope, A. P. McIvbb, John A. Yanoey, It. H. Harrix, Philip lubool, James Taliaferro, - Elijah Reinhard. VIBOIMIA. Owen T. Holme, J. C. Dean, ! J. H. Bristor, J. a, Kauikucr, I Samuel B. Waitou. FLOBJDA. C L. Robinson, John W. Price. AKKAMSAB. KUas Harrall. GKOKQIA. ti. P. Hurbin, W. M. Wnglit, a.. G. Vininir, Charles Knorr, G W. Orr, Junius L Duuaiiv, L. P. budgrr, Ambrose opeucer. P, L. Hampton. i ALABAMA. i William II. Smith. John orisbam, John H. titokfly James U. xorke, Peter Brown, U. D. Bansfield, J. kl. Frencb, Jacob Baughman, John Minor Botts, franklin biennis, W. J. Cowing, John F. Lewis, John B. Browu, W. R. Hillyer, l'hilip Fiazer, teaac Murphr, J. W. Babe, J. E. Bryant, Fred. Bender, A. B. Murray, M. G. Dobbins, Turner Floyd, Isaac McLane, Daniel Icicle, B. HsrtmuDii, John r. compton, Jcsee Troiter, 1 nomas Haughey, AiLi-n Griffin, ! tiOKTB CAROLINA. R. C Boy ley, Alexander II. Joue SOUTH CAROLINA. T. Henley. .MISSISSIPPI. John 11. Avghey, J. M Jones, Charles Sanders, riiouins Bridges, W. bprodlin, Joseph N. Field. KENT UCKY. J. T. Goine, John R. Cbaudlcr. tkxas. I J. A. Aslmry, Williuin I'louriUtf. D. Miller, Robert bimpsou, James Moadutus, K Arlenboiounh, W. Porter, haniuel Phelps, G. Williams, William Boker, A P. Wnev, , William Prisrich, D. E. E Braniau, Stephen V. Atteuburg, Georjie W. Darrett, wiiiiara israudue, S. T. Blidsoo, Samuel Phillius, James Soydull. John Cbapuian, William rUrtly, A. Dowdy, Benjamia Burr, D. Nanoe, D. Bloodrood, iVUliam Fonlin. The Select lou of Delegates. For the purpose ot exciting the loyal South erners to their utmost exertions in the selection of delegates to the Convention, a committee was appointed, consisting of Governor A. J. Hamil ton, of Texas; M. J. Saffold, of Alabama; and Colonel William B. Stokes, of Tennessee. Mr. Satlold nrenared th following circular, which was published over tbe signatures of tbe com mittee, on the 10th of July, and circulated ex tensively throughout tne south: An Eihortatlou to Southern Unionists. "Ibe USucrsigDCd. bays been appelated, bv the signers of the accompanying call, ft committee, to address you In their behalf, and urge yon to prompt and enei?etlc efforts in tbe appointment of delegates, irom your State and section, to meet delegates from the other Southern States, in Philadelphia, on the first Monday in Septem ber next. By tne strong ties of common suffer-' ings tn the pant, and the Uanneis present and future which surround us, we appeal toyoo, once more, to come to the rescue in a moment of imminent danger to yourselves and our conn try. We had all boped that, when treason was beaten in the field, and her armed traitors cap tive to ihe Government which they had wir kcdly Fought to detrov. we of the South who, through four long ypars of untold sutfertntrs and horrors, adhered to her fortunes and ber banner amidst all the changes and vicissitudes ol war, would at leaft receive protection to all the constitu tional rights of American citizens. We relied contideutlv on the sense ofjustlce and gratitude ol I he loyal citizens of the United States, through their Senators and Representatives in Congress, to guard, in the most eflectusi manner, our future pence and security against the malevo lence, vindictiveness, hate, and disloyalty of tho late Rebels. This confidence we telieve ha9 not been m if placed. We relied, too, as we had a right to rely, on the earnest and efficient co opciatlon ot the Executive of the Nation, placed in power by the great Union party ot the coun try because of his supposed devotion to the Government, and his aohorrenco of treason, and hi? desire to see 'intelligent, conscious Ira iters' punii-hed and made disreputable. Weconrldently expected bis hearty co-operation with the politi cal department of the Government in providing such Government, in the States lately in re bellion as would protect the country Irom con spirators, in olliciul positions, azainst its peace; and secure to loynl citizens life,liberty, and pro perty, together with tbe inestimable privilege of impressing upon the minds of others his consci eiitous convictions of truth, by speech, or through thcmcdium of the press. We also had reason to hope that the freedman, as well as the loyal white man, in the South, would find ample piotection for all his rights as an American citizen, by actual military force if necesssary, until equal laws and corrected public sentimont would place them on a firm and enduring basis. In these hopen, predicated on the oft-repeaied declarations of the President, we have been grievously disappointed cruelly deceived. We have neither eeen trea son made odious nor traitors disreputable by any act ol the Executive ol the Na'ion. We have teen traitors leadir.e, intelligent, con scious traitors bearing away from tbe national capital with exultation, in tho same pocket, in demnity lor tbe past and endorseincut aud security for the future, in the form of special pnrdons and appointments to Federal office; while lending intelligent Unionists were made conscious that fidelity to the Government was not the passport to Executive favor; but, on the contrary, servile subserviency to the President and bis policy,' as against the deliberate and matured judgment of the loyal people of the United States, and the constitutional power of tbe Senators and Representatives in Congress, was the only condition required of applicants tor favor, whose claims, thus sustained, were, in no instance, impaired by treasonable autece dents. "We have seen our Slates that remained in re bellion to the rlese of the war, without an ex ception, remitted to the control of a Rebel magistracy, elected by Rebels to the exclusion of the Iriends ef the Union. With one voice we can testily to the encouragement given to trai tors aLd treasonable sentiments in the South in the pai-t twelve months; and tbe deep gloom and despondency which have settled upon the minds and hearts of the loyal people in those States. "When tbe effects of the President's policy was fin-t felt to be pernicious and ruinous, we were justified certainly excusable in believing that it was but an error in judgment which would be corrected by him with promptitude m soon as discovered. We had well hoped that he would hold to a just accountability those who, we believed, had so grossly abused bia clemency and apparent magnanimity. They have doubt less understood him far better than we. Tbe entire course of the Rebels seems to meet his unqualified assent and approbation. The elec tion of an unpardoned Rebel to the Chief Magis tracy ot a Rebel State, who, in his trst message to the Legislature, denounced the war on tbe part of the" United fltates against the Rebellion as the most unholy and disgraceful in character ever practised by a Christian nation, had the effect ot procuring his speedy pardon. The entire control by late Bebeia, and present con spiiators against the peace ot tbe country, of eleven States; men who cherir-h the most deadly hatred of all lovers of the Government, and are threatening them wtih violence, as in the begin ning of the Rebellion: who denounce the loyal people of the loval States, and heap invectives on their loyal Senators and Representatives in Conuress, who, tbey pray, may be torcioly ejected by the bayonet from the halls ot the National Capitol, aud tne Government adminis tered by the will of the President; these, and. such as these, together with their Northern sympathizers, are esteemed tit associates nud counsellors of tbe Chief Magistrate of the nation, and constitute the niateiiul out of which a new party the Johnson party is to be tormed to guide the country turough ite present perils, and mould its future destiny. "The leaders of this movement are well under stood by the loval country. The Preoiaent aud his frieuds, well kuowing that he has forfeited the confidence of the great Union party, which elected him, have madly determined to organize a new party ot this 'speckled progeny of many conjunctions.' The effect has been to consoli date and crystallize the Union party. It stands to-uay more compact, powerful, and confident than at any period of its existence. Its triumph in the approaching fall elections !s not only cer tain, but will be overwhelming. What is the duly of the Unconditional Union men .of thj South, and what is to be their position r Our duty is to act with tne lrleuds ot the Govern ment, wno are our Iriends, and our only friends. We must take position with the loyal people and Congress ot tbe nation, against tne macbiua tious of tbe new coalitiou of Rebels and their Northern sympathizers. . "We can nave no affiliation w ith those who de ride and hate us because of our love of toe Union now and In the past, und who there is abun dant reason to believe are at this moment again conspiring to overthrow tbe Government. "If tbose who are to constitute this new party should attain power and possess themselves of the control ot the Government, what considera tion my we expect at their hands, what mercy can we nope? They have proved faithless to every pledge and obligation, however sacred, both before and since tne Rebellion. The most solemn oaihs are used by them as a mere clouk for treachery; and magnanimity and mercy on tho part of an outraged Government aud its Iriends are impudently and insultingly derided the moment they are relieved from dread of punishment. No history furnishes an example ot such incorrigible guilt and ehamelcss men dacity.' "To ihe Union party, and to that alone we look foi relief Irom our present unhappy condition, aud lor permanent security in the future. The party is powerful enough tor success without our aid. but it is none the less our duty to sig nalize our devotion to the principles ot repub lican libercy, which that party is so nobly bus taming, by active affirmative co-operation on our part. Moreover, if we wish the support, the countenance and protecting care ot the Union party, to shield us from the dangers which now threaten us, we must not be afraid to make known lo them our condition and dire necessities. It is scarcely too much to say that the Southern Unionists, though too weak for self prouction. hold lu their hands the key to the solution of the question of the reorganiza tion of civil State GoTernnients in the South. We kjiow it has been. sui4 lUlU we JwYe bee) Ignored by all partios In and ont of Congress that we are being ground to death between tho upper and nether mill-stones. Let It bo remem bered that, as a party tn tho South, we have made no effort to make known our wants, our condition, our hopes, or sufferings. "we no asure you tnat ic is tne wisn, tne ardent desire and intention of Congress to give us protection and security, when fully advised of our needs. "Let us then perform our duty to ourselves and our country, by meeting together lor consulta tion upon our present condition and futurn in terests, and present to the country the united voice of the down-trodden Unionists of tne South; presenting a fearless and truthful stato n ent ol tacts whicQ shall command the atten tion, and challenge the confidence and sympa thy, of every lrlend of the Government, and of human liberty , throughout the land. "It may be that fear ot tho same despotism over the minds and consciences of men that existed in the beginning of the Rebellion, and reirned supreme in the South during its con-tin-iance, will again assert its power, and con demn to extreme punishment those who may dare fo reupond to our call. We have but to eay that, whatever danger threatens, and what ever sacrifices are involved, we must aid in breaking the shackles that bind us, "It the enemies of free government do not yet understand that the rights of American citizen ship aie to be paramount and supreme over tbe hellish spirit born of Mavery, and nurtured b? bigotry, ignorance, and prejudice, tncy will leatn it in the throes and struggles of the next civil commotion which they and thir abettors inauguiate. "One other step, and they will have placed th mselves forever without the pale of forgive ness. Ibejiat has tone forth. The people of the United States have resolved that this shall be a Government of freedom aud equal rights for all; and wo to those who shall hereafter re sist this solemn Judgment. He who is guilty of a secoud Rebellion to this Government will ap peal in vain for pardon. Let us act boldly as becomes Iree men; and if we should thereby incur dander, the country will understand and appreciate tbe shameless nypocrisy of those who prate of their loyally and right to readmission into the Union in one breath, and in the next excite a brutalized mob to violence upon a citi zen tor exercising the constitutional right of meeting nis lellow-citlzens to petition the politi cal power of the nation for a redresn of grie vance. Let us do our duty and trust lo God and our loyal countrymen lor vindication and pro tection. "We urge you to lose no time in making your nomination?, by public meetings or otherwise, us mav be most convenient to you. You cnu scarcely conceive the importance which gentle men irom every part of the country attach to ibis proposed meeting or soutnern Untonists. We venture to say tbat we have in a great mea sure our destiny in our own hands. "It is ear nestly hoped that we will wisely use the power we possess." The Reception. The selection of Philadelphia for the place of meeting of the Wigwam Convention was a severe blow to New York city. Metropolitan dignity was severely hurt thereby, a fact which metropolitan journals and politicians did nt attempt or pretend to conceal. Now that we are to be again honored by the presence in our midst of representative men from every sectiou of the country, it is probable that metropolitan grief will be too deep lor utterance. It is tbe fact, nevertheless, that Philadelphia is to be thus honored the second time, and her citizens, and those of the State at large, have been on the alert to justify this distinction. Both the Uuion State Central Committee and the Union League have held special meetings with this object in view, and adopted addresses of greeting to the members of the coming Convention. The first of these. The directing of t he Union State Central Committee ol Pennsylvania, is in the following language: "Philadelphia, August 16, 1866. The Union State Central Committee of Pennsylvania seud greeting to their brave Union brothers of the South, and extend to them a hearty welcome, on the occasion ot their meeting in this city on Monday, the 3d day of September next, His tory lurnishes no parailell to the patriotism, courage, and fidelity ot those men who, from tbe beginning of the Rebellion to the end, fought the good tight and kept the faith. The question to be decided is whether lovalty is to be proscribed and punished in the per sons ot patriots like these, or treason re warded aud honored in the persons of the guilty authors and agents of the Rebellion. Shall the loyal masses or the baffled aud de feated traitors govern the country? 1 these great issues all are vitally concerned, and our Southern compatriots have instinctively turaed towards the spot whence the Great Charter ot American Liberty was flrit proclaimed, and propose, . within the sacred shadows ot Inde pendence Hall, to renew their vows of fldlilv to tbe principles ot that immortal creed, and to take counsel with their Union friends. On behalf of the loyal men of the Common wealth ot Pennsylvania, this Committee hereby gratefully extend a cordial welcome to these patriots and friends from the Southern States. All who come will be received with open arms and warm hearts. Tbe Union men of the entire Commonweath ore cordially and earnestly invited to come here aud honor the occasion with their presence, and to enable all to confer together upon the present and future of cur imperilled country. It is also suggested and recommended that our friends from other States send delegations here on this important occasion, not to sit in Convention, but to cheer and co-operate witn these Uied champions of liherty Irom the South. "By order of the Committee. "Fb. Jobdan, Chairman." The Honorary Delegates. In accordance with the suggestion of the Com mittee, the Governors of.several of the Northern States, and the Union State Central Committees ot other States, have appointed honorary dele gates t meet with the representatives of South ern loyalty. The Action of the Union League has been even more extended than that of the State Central Committee. A special meeting of the League was held at their Club House or Broad street, on the evening of the 22d of August, when a long series of preambles aud resolutions Was adopted. After citing the re sults of the recent war, the provisions oi the Constitution affecting those who were guity of treason against the United States, and the action of Congress in view of the necessitias of the country in tbe present crisis, the preamble con tinues: i , Whereas, A convention of loyal Unionists of tbe South has beeu called to meet to Philadel phia ou the first Monday in September, for the purpose ot bringing the loyal men ct the South ern States in conjunctive action vith the true friends ol republican government in the North, with the view to re-establish the States reoently in rebellion in their just and proper relations w ith the Federal Government, on a basis which will Insure tbe tranquillity and integrity of the Union, and guarantee to ail men the blessings of a free government justly administered. "And whereas, Tbe said Convention will re present the laithful and loyal citizens ot tbe South, with whom tho members, of tug Vulva i League of Philadelphia have always been lu sympathymen who steadfastly and fearlessly resisted, to the utmost of their power, the efforts ot disunionl8ts to destroy the Government, and wnose naenty to tne union subjects them, even now, to the most cruel nersecution from the traitors who were engaged in tbe war against it, ana wbojo hands are stained with the Hood ot our own friends and kindred belt, therefore, R "liesolved, That this League will welcome to the city ot Philadelphia the delegates to the Convention of Southern Loyalists, to bo bold on the first Monday of September next, and win co-operate witb ttiem and otber loyal citi zens of the United States to secure a perpetual Uniou of all the Slates on the basis Drooosed in the amendment to the Constitution agreed upon by Congress and submitted to the Legis latures oi ine several states." The resolutions following provide that on the assembling of the Convention there shall be a general meeting of the League, tor the purpose of extending to the delegates a grand publf; re ception, In which the loyal citizens of this and other Slates are Invited to participate. The Secretary of the League is also instructed to issue to each of the delegates admitted to the Convention a card of admission to the League House. A committee of the League, to consist of the President aud seventy-six members, is further provided for, whoe duty it shall be to present to tho Convention a copy of" , the resolu tions, aud the following letter expressive of the views of the League: "To Ihe Loyal Unionists of the South in Conven tion assembled: "Fellow-Citizens: The Union League of Phila delphia was formed in the darkest hours of the war against Rebellion, tor the purpose- of stiengfheuing and supporting the Government against those who sought its destruction. Seek ing to aid in the triumph of the broad principles of republican nationality, it has ever been in sympathy with all who have labored and suf fered for that sacred cause. Foremost among, these are the Union men ot the South, who, during four years ot unparalleled persecution, kepf, tne tires of patriotism burning brightly amid the gloom ot treason and rebellion. "Tbe League would therefore be false to' all its principles it it did not gladly seize the opportunity of your assembling in the city wuere the Union was lormed, to welcome you lu the warmest manner. Here, where the tra ditions of our fathers teach us the love of coun try and of equal rights, you have fittingly met to prove to the whole land tbat mere is a genuine Union sentiment in tbe South not that spurious Unionism which rebels because it oan not wield supremacy, and then returns to win by empty lip-service the power which it had failed to extort by force, but tbe tried Unionism which has never swerved irom the right, though destruction seemed to be its portion, and which has proved its devotion to our country by faith fulness through trials almost too great for human endurance. To such Unionism our warmest respect is due, and with the men who have thus proved their patriotism we esteem it an honor to be united in the bonds of fellowship. "Your suffering during the war commanded our heartiest sympathy, and we promised our selves tbat its triumphant close would bring to you your reward, not only in a rcleiise from per secution, but in enabling you to curry into effect your noble aspirations in moulding into one glorious nationality the hitherto i arri ng sections of our country. With you we grieve profoundly at the unexpected policy which apparently seeks to reward tresson and to punish fidelity; nor ean we see aught but evil for the future in the unholy alliance between those on the one hand who sought to subvert the Government, and on tho other who endeavored to crlppli that Government in its efforts of self-preservation. "With you, we think that the destinies of- the republic should not bo confided to men who have labored for Its destruction. With you, we deprecate the measures which place loyalty, defenceless, in the power of such men as orga nized the New Orleans massacres. With you, we desire to see treason niaue oaious, in order to secure for our posterity the blessings of peace. With you, we supported the war in the interests ot peace: but the peace for which we struggled was net to be a hollow truce, tn which both parties should be recruiting strength tor another conflict; nor was it to be an artifice by which traitors should obtain throneh legis lation the ends which they had failed to secure by force. "You have suffered, and we have striven for a peace which should confer upon our country unity in tact as well as in uame; and we all recognize that this is only to be obtained by giving unalterable constitutional sanction to the verdict rendered on the Held of battle. Such being our community of feeling and of purpose, we bold you lu all honor for the sacri fices, which you have made, and which you are ready to continue to the end. "We shall at all times leel our house houored by the presence of your steadfast and incorrupti ble patriotism, and we would especially reauest your attendance on the day of September, tbat a free interchange of sentiments may serve to consolidate the bonds ot mutual sympathy and good-will. "May a righteous God so direct your delibera tions as to render your assembly an efficient in strument in restoring to our country the har mony and unity to which it has so long been a stranger." The Final Preliminaries. The committee appointed by the Union League of l'hiladelphia for tbe purpose of receiving the loyal Unionists of the South on the occasion of their Convention, to be held on Monday next, have adopted the following order of proceed ings: I. The delegates appointed by and acting for the loyal Unionists ot the South, are Invited to assemble at Independence Square, on Monday morning at 10 o'clock, where they will be met by the delegates from all other States, by the Philadelphia "Boys In Blue" and their comrades in arms ilom other cities and States, and by such organizations as may desire to participate. The Southern delegates will then proceed, es corted by these delegations and public bodies, to the Union League House, in Broad street, where they will be formally welcomed by the Hon. Charles Gibbons, Chairman of the Com mittee on Receptiou. II. After the address ot welcome and the re sponse, the Southern delegates will proceed with the escort above mentioned to National Hall, Market street, below Thirteenth, which haa been especially provided and fitted up by the Union League lor their accommodation during, tbe tessious ol their Convention. III. Union mass meetings will be held every evening in front of the League House, on Broad street, aud at the National Hall, on Market stieet. ' Tho Committee of Escort, appointed by the Union League, have selected General Horatio Gates Stckel as Chief Marshal of the procession which will assemble in Independence Square on Monday morning, September 3. ' The National Union Club, of Philadelphia, have placed their handsomely-furnished build ing, at No. 1105 Chesnut street, at the entire disposal of tho delegates during their sojourn in the city. In pursuance of an Invitation frem this Club, as fast as the delegates have arrived they have registered their names in a book at the Club House, provided for this purpose. The National Union Club have also requested the patriotic citizens of Philadelphia to unfurl the old flag from mast and staff while tho Coo. venllon rcmoJaa in bcsb)q, Durtog tboilttiBg