8 BENNETT THE BIGAMIST. A Rcjnd of Ilia ICiploltM A Or cy-II aired Scamp. James Bennett not Jamrn Gordon Bennett, of Hew York, but James Bennett, of tjen Jersey dm arieftted at Franklin on Friday last, and brought to this city, whero be wa accommo Uited with quarters at Robinson's boardinc bouse, where be, no doubt, ere this, Las felt tbe ditTcrcuce from tbat well-kept and comfort able quarters known antbd Marcy Ho hup, tn tni city, the last place of voluntary residence ot the aloresaid hennrtt, previous to his occu , paney of Robinson's Hotel as he no ' traubt has found out ere this that Robinson doeti not lurtitsh featber beds, chamber nakds and whisky stews to make his dreams pieawmt, And. to bring lorth plea-unt dreams urB3(r the honey moon, nor a wife to colitoo him, all of which be was wont t enjoy in his coraiortablo quarters at the Macy House. The cuarpe against tne said Bennett is" bmamv, 1b having a liviosc wile at. Lexinerton, Kentucky, if not a dozen mure in oiher places, it bem$ chargtl thai if be l not death on the women, he is heavy on the widow, ecppcia'.ly on the rich ones. As a detail of h.n operations may not be uninteresting, we will clve the rumors afloat of his doings, with no intentions of In fluencing his tiial, since his second and lnt matrinuvnial alliance will no doubt end his mortal career in Jettcrsonvllle, as he apparently is now between 65 and 70 years of ago. Report sa.ys tbat s number of years ago, the sitid Bennett emigrated to the State of Kentucky Irom New Jersey, and 6O0n trained the auctions of a rich, widow by the name of Harris, woo was pos sessed ol a line estate, with all the fixings ne cessary to make a tine concern. Bennett tor some years went in with a looseness, and the personalty last vanished under his libnral dif pensaiions until the death of his wile put a stop to his ptoaigal operations, by a reversion f her property to her blood relations. Matri monial operation No. 2 was his marriage wiih an heiress by the name of Merrill, at or near Lexington, Ky., who had a portion In her own right in a larm, and valued at $20,0(10. As he had larger scope in hi secured partnership, on the principle that what was '"hcr'n was his'n," he spent it with a lavish hand, and in a lew years bad invested what should have been her n in various ways that led to the lots of her fortune, and to cap the climax of operations wv.h tne two. ne took; the remnant ot her weanfi, and eloped with a prostitute of his own kicpinsr, and Hed with her toLewisburg, in the State of Missouri. At this place, we un derstand, a matrimonial aliiance was frustrated by parties from Kentucky with a widow No. 3, and he lied Irom :U;? place, leaving his guilty paramour to settle numerous debts of his and iir contracting. The next heard ot the v.ay Lothario was his turning up in Illinois, where widow No. i fell a victim to fc;i honeyed words and bewitching way, tyrit, Ujng aware of his tiuu character, instead ot' Jet-tiny him squan der her means and enjoy .her property, the scut bim to the Peui'eutWv, Ircm B-kicii he turned up in Indiana; anu at Jonesville, a L'.ir tholomew county, he came across widoiv No, 5, in the shape ot a Mrs. Marshall, a resident, of this city, who was on a businef s tour, aid, by dint oi premises, bribes, and misrepresenta tions, he succeeded in forming an alliance in the bonds ot matrimony. From all accounts Bennett has played a deep and ott-practiied came of deception, and many are the parties in this State that have been inutic sadly wiser by the dissipation of pleasant illusions created by tbe old prey and bald-headed deceiver. Plantations and nige"r, carriages, pianos, lauds, ami money, ' blooded horses jind cuttle, all have passed away, and i it is a consolatiou to parties here to know that he laikcl to set that which he was aiming at, viz., the 1'ortune ut widow No. 5. Yesterday afternoon Bemit tt had a preliminary examina tion beiore his Honor the .Mayor, when, owing to the want of evidence, he was released; but Ue was immediately reavrestcd and no v occupies his old room at Robinson's, from which he will not bun it so easy to escape tUo ffintrs of justice on any legal quibble or technicality, as evidence will soon be liere from Kentiicsy to ensure his conviction. We enlarsre on ibis atfair, and ad vise rich widows to be sure they are riht before they go ahead. Indianapolis Journal. LL'ilER IROM JOHN MINOR E0TT3. Frcm the. ( utpeper Observer. We insert below a letter from John M. Bofts, at the request of himself and many ot our rrirnds who have read it: Sunday Moknino, August 19. Dear Sto fen Come down aud cut your dinner with me. I am spi lling to hear some secesh talk about your Philadelphia Convention and platform; how the whole South, like whipped spaniels, were made to take back seals; with mouths rlosed; not allowed to speak a word; to eat dirt; to wallow in the mire; "to thank Cod that the divine institution was destroyed;" "that the Union was mote sacred than beiore the Rebel lion;" "that there was no right iu any State, or combination oi States, to secede ;" that the Rebel debt must be repudiated, and the National debt Te paid; "that the Federal soldiers and sailors muEt be taken care of, and rewarded lor whip ping the South;" and all this said and d ine, this Jinmt'iating seli-stultiticatiou submitted to, tor a little "bread and butter" a mere crumb from the public crib. Oh, I am ashamed of this Southern meanness; 1 always gave your party credit for boldness and determination, though wholly destitute ol either principle or honesty butalHSl for poor fellow-human nature what will not "bread and butter" do with hungry men I am glad, of cour-e, to have you all on my side, to come to my platform, but it does uot in crease my respect for my new allies. Hencefor ward, we stand on the same platform of princi ples, thoueh I cannot consent to act in co-oper&-tion with them at the polls not Knowing how soon I may be betrayed, for a larger supply of 'bread and butter," ottered from some other rjuarter; and the county of Culpeper, too, your own immediate representative,! selected as a committee-man to w ait upon the President for congratulation on the absolute surrender, the caviug in, the giving up the cry of "enough," "enough," from the whole unteintied" Demo cracy of the bouth. Tulj lat performance must have been intended as a personal compliment to me as a citizen of Culpeper; I can put no other interpretation upon it. I thank the gentlemen for their Kind consideration; in return for which, i give way to Mr. Barbour; I take him in the tutnre us my leader as long a he Bticks to the track. Come down and congratulate me on the great triumph ot my principles. The surrender of Lee am; Johnson to Grant and Sherman (who could not help themselves) was us nothing in comparison with this voluntary, universal, unanimous surrender ot the Seceeli Democracy. Thanks to "Doolittle !" he is "Do J.ittle" no lontri-rl lie has done more than the armies ot the United States were able to accom plish. What is to become of the pocr Union men tirst trishteccd into this trouble and thea betrayed? We can't take them back; they never can be trusted again. II you come, bring with you some lato Rich mond papers; if not. seud them by tbe bearer. I want to see how thev take their humiliation. Youis, frattrnatly, hereafter, J. M. Butts. A Caution to Pickle Eaters. At the Clerkon well Police Court in .London, on tbe 4th intant, a man attended betore the sitting magistrate to lay before him a statement of tacts tn connec tion with mixed pickles. He stated that his servant bought from a shop in the neighbor hood some mixed pickles. His wife and servant aite of them, and shortly afterwards were at tacked with choleraic diarrhoea, and their months were verv sore. A Burcoon was sent lor, who said it was the ninth or tenth case of tbe kind ce nau utwnaea uuult diuiuui uu-cum-etances. It appeared that when pickles became Tiiiiiirt ihev were nlaced in a tub. mixed with turmeric and mustard, and were then sold as f lccalilly. He had purchased samples trom welve amerent shops, aud in each Instance he bad found that the pickle was bad, and in all h inHtunceo some DOrtiou was putrid. From what tbe suieeon had informed him, there could be but little doubt that the eating of such pickles was line caue of much of the diarrnuta and cb&leja bow prvYWlui- la konaon. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, AMUSEMENTS. Acadf.mt of Mosic Itaman Opkra. During November and IJecunbT Mr. MareUk's- troupe of artists will give a series ot twenty-three per formances, including representations of tbe fol lowing opnras: Ine Uuguenots, the Star of the jyoruu tne irovatore. jrnani, lone, zampa, ana others. The following comic operas will also be presented; Vrispino, h'ttsir tfAmorc, ra JJxavolo, 2on Qioeanm. Martha, Don BucrfvJo. The personnel of the new troupe is as follows: Prima Donne Soprani Miss Clara Lonsie Kellogg, Senorita Carmclina Foch, Signniina Autoinncitl Roncoui, Mis Amelia M. llauck. Prime Donne tontralti M'me JSatnll Testa, Mad'lle Stella Honhenr. Tunorl, di forta Bipnor Francesco Mn.zoleni; di gratia, Signor Kicoido Baragli; Supplementary Signor Ber tinrdi Baritone Stenor Ferdinando Uellini, Signor Ardavanl. Bassi Signor G. Antonurcl, SisnorFosfatL Butlo Sitrnor Oeorpla KonconL Ol the loreeoina principal artists, this pabhc bus ulieady warmly accepted seven, and the remaining seven come witu reputations beyond qu stion. Walnut Street Tdeatrf. The great Buisliy Family clow their b'illiant engagement on Saturday nigbt. On Saturday afternoon they give a Inrcwell matinee lo accommodate ladies and ctii!"ren. It is the universal desire of the public that this enaagement should be ex tended, but we are informed that thi is impos sible. We are assured, however, by Messrs. Platte & King, the cnteiorising proprietory managers, that in view of the splendid reception accorded to thee itrtlstcs, they wilt slze tbe first opportunity that otlers io pay their re spects to Philadelphia again. On Monday evening Mr. J. S. Clarke, the great American comedian, will commence a six nleh's' engagement, supported by the members ot the new company. The Arch Street Tueatre. This favorite Thespian temple opens next Saturday evening under the most favorable auspices. The initial play 1 the Belle's Mratagrm, with a tine cast, Mrs. John Drew inc.udedl On Monday evening the new play, 2 he Favorite of Fortune, will be produced, with new scenery, and an excellent distribution of characters. Tim piece ha" had an uiuivalled popularity in Knglaud, and we presume it will hold favor at the Arch for many nihts. Alter Mrs. John Drew's engage ment expires Mr. and Mrs. W.J. f lorence will piay lor two weetrs, artcr an aosence oi six jears from this city. The New Ciiesnut Street Theatre. Miss Noemic do Mareucrittes played "t'auchon" to a larce. and fashionable audience last evening, and was received throughout in the most flatter ing manner. Her triumph in the nart was more complete than upon any previous occasion. Mis9 de Biarguerittes repeats "Fanchon" to-night. American Theatre. The Worrell Sisters have mad.; a hit at this beautiful theatre. Sophie, Irei e, OLd Jennie appear in attractive protean specuuiicH every evening. rue entire per formance ut this theatre is pleasing, and we are glad to observe the hou;e well tilled each evening with a superior class of people. Mr. Karnhaw's cllorts to elevate the "American" to a tirst cl v position tre rapidly ripcuing mto succees. The Southerners and Brazil. The New Orleans Times advises the Southerners to think no more of emiraUng to Bra.il. The Tims 6tiys: "A few excitable people in ihe South appear to have Brazil on the brain, T.et them wait lor a tober second though, mid they will probably coir.e to their souses, liiazil Is no place for American citizers. Stop at home, aud do yonr part in the reconstruction of yonr country He is no Irue tnend ol the South who advises her citizens to go either to Mexico or Brasil." INSTRUCTION. -JJ A M I L T O N INSTITUTE t O II YOU NCr 1( A D I E 8. rmuv A. CHIOAR. Being about tn mlimiuisli Ins poiltkin In the public ftl.oolu wiib which lie hug been connected feu-tlie lout twmiv-tliree jeais, WILL OPh. A 1aV ASD BOARDINU WCIIOOL fou YOCJ.G LADIES, AT No. ftfilO CHKHSITT STIIRRT, Of MOinDAr, rti'ifrisiwuisK 19. Tliis Institution is dcHitTicd to rlvul thu best semi naries In lho country. I -litem, A KS Containing particulars and other information in r nation to thlfl Institution, can bj had until tne lt of Hep. ttnibtr. at No. &10 N. 7WELFriI Stieet. 8 27 TJAHDKE SCIKNTU'lO COURSE I.AFAYK1TE COLLEGE. In nddltlon to tbe gi nornl Course of In'tructinn In tliis iiepartuicnt. (icblnncil lo ley a ulUntlul baxla ol knowledge ard scholarly culture, ttuden can punrae IboHe branches Tib let) are essentially practical aud tecDuli al. viz. : EMilNfcKIUNG Civil. Topogrnphlcal, and Mecha nical i MIMMi and META LLUHGV ; AUOdiTBC '11 HE, ana tbe application of Chemistry to AOttlCU L 11TKK andtbeAKTH. Tcie is also nflurded an opportunity lor special study Of H AUi, and ( OMAiKUtl'. oi J.ODKRS LAN GCAdk- and 1HILOLOUY, and of IheHiSTOHY and 16T1TI'T10NH olour counriv. For CUculars apply to 1'ieslUcnt CATTfLL-or to I iol. B B. V OUNGMaN, Clerk of tbe Facaitv. Eabtom rennsvlvania, April 4.lHb6. AW 1VIONSIEUE ALEX AN DUE WOLOWSKI'S CLASSES FOB PIANO AND SINGING, By his entirely new Bltbpllncd system, are now open. Tbote wishing to read music at sluht. keep time per fectly by a nely invented manner, aoooinpanv anr soDg or piece by a new march oi barinony, nlng or per- orm in concerts, cnoir, or private, con caii at o. 1U4. waoulnuio.n square. Chi dren admitted. Ladles' Seminaries attended to 8 21 luirp THE LEHHiH UNIVERSITY, BETHLEHEM, fcnntylvanla, will open for the reception of Stu- ucnis, or-r xr.m ur n i, meo App icauou snouia pe uiaae w u resiuent, ilUKX COPt'Ett. LL. D, 8 27 7t BtTHOLJltM, i-a. piIH CLASSICAL AND ENULMI SCHOOL, L or H. I. GREGORY, A. M., ho. 1108 MARK It T Bireei, will kkopkn C8 271nira ON MOKDaY, SEFlJCMBEB 3. "OIUVATE SCHOOL FOR BOY8. IN THE X PHIL DELPHI A CITY IN8T11CTS. N. E. eoruer ot tlllHNVT and KlUUTKEMiH htrocta. re-oien MONDAY, September 10. intranceon KlGHTEKN'lU Ptreei. tBiluil L liAKKGWH, f riuulpaL rPHE CLASSICAL, COMMERCIAL, AND Jftrenaratorr Departments of 8T. JOSKPS'S nOL-J-'OK, WILLI NU'a AUey, wul resume duties on MON- riMIE ENGLISH ASDCT,ASSICAL ACADEMY. -L hoa.liOfl and I'll CHESKUT troet will reopon M'NDAY. Heptember 10. 1. 11. LANUIOS and O. BKlDEj.BTlLK.ER, rrinclpals. 8 24 lm TVflSS ANNIE E. LANOTON'S SCHOOL FOR XV-L Young Ladles, No. 142 ortb T.NTU Street, will 1 CU y 11 UU ONDAY, September !0. 8 24 lm BOARDING. XTO. 1121 OIRA1U) STREET Being neatly fitted up, will open tor 1 111ST-CL-ASS BOARDERS ON TI1K FIRST OF EPTUflKK. Two larte Con niunlcatlng fcooms oa the second floor, well adapted lor tamuy. g o5 FERTILIZERS. MM ONI ATE D TIIOSPIIATE, A Concentrated Fertilizer. Tblt prepaiatlon contains Pare Grouod Bone, and the beat Fertilizing Baits known to agricultural chemistry, combined In such a manner as to develop their produc tive properties only when used on tbe sou. Price MO per ton. For aaie at tne maauuMturera' aepota, Ho. 781 MARKET Street, Philadelphia, No 8 BV&UKQ HHP, Hew York. WILLIAM ELL18 A CO., . 'iamrp ' btuui-aciwtra. PAPER HANGINGS. HOWELL & B01RKE 03 PAPER HANGINGS WINDOW SHADES. VM lOlKTU AND il A11EET STREETS PHlLADELPniA. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETC, O. KUSSELL & CO., No. 22 North SIXTH St., Having Increased their (acuities for FINE WATCH REPAIRING, Invite the attention of tbe poblkj. All work warranted for one year. 5 2 $ FBE GOLD WATCHES. io orjourners in our City. We call an. rial attrntlon nfik. ulniin. w. n. nita to tbe ' FIXE WATCH AND SILVERWARE ESTABLISHMENT OF W. W. CASSIDY, No. la South SECOND Street. Who bason band one oMbe finest aaaortmeaM oi Jew- tniy. etc. or any in the city. A splendid assortment ol PILTEF WARE ALWAYS O.V HAN D. Remember W. W. CASSIDY, 8 ,($ No. 12 Oontb SECOND Street. AJ DLVMOM) n ..JuL.il. WATCKE3 aad JEWjJLSV EZrAISL'D. .' taRWWiUMi Owlnito the decllrts oi Gold. h.. . dnetloninprlceof hlslarse and well auortcd stock o Diamonds. Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Eto The public are respectfully invited to call and examla onr stock before purchasing eusewhere. 2 iS SILVER AND PLATED GOODS OP THE Most Superior Workmanship, AT run STORE N E W No 704 ARCH STREET. Tbe undersigned (lat f the lamotw Rogers Bros Wanulucturlini t;ompny) repect ully announce tha ' . 2.i.yeiBnc.,i ""d oeantllu, store icr tbesaie .1 BiLVhB and iXATEI. W AKK. at Ko 704 ABC B Mreet. Our long experience as manalactnrere wn euableos to ket p tx.ihinn but flrst-clafs Ooodx and f 0 nBy Pa,ron,ze onr cr will and curputj . v . M ,v i iu muj rvrr iniprrifa, ana our CPS tracers n ay rely on the goods being precisely what thev are re nrcm. n t od I.. ' J 9 ' BOWMAN & LEONARD. A lull UPHOl'tOitLt Ol aLltVfl Dlinni riiintmill. r. hOIld lit llltltleiDtC DriCAH the MllBinal ILiT..il..h. Ijom 2 to 10 btnatit'al Alts. ' FAER & BROTHER, Importers, No. 824 CHESNUT 8TKEET, llllmtbrj) lielow Poarth. H IIEK11Y II A II PER, S Wannlacta and Dealer in Watches I'"ine Jewelry, fcilver-Plated Ware, 81 5Solil Silver-Ware. RICH JEWELRY JOHN BIIENNAN, DEALER TH DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWEIRI Etc. Etc. Etc 9 20$ Ro. 18 S. EIGHTH 81 KiUT.flUlad. THE EYE AND EAR. JJEAOESS, BLINDNESS, THROAT, LUNG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARKH AND A3THMA, HUordored Functions ot TUB DIGESTIVE ORGANS- MORBID AFFECTlOKS OF THE LIVEB, WEAKNESS OP NERVES, AND GENERAL DEBILITY OP THE WHOLE SYSrEM, Treated with unprtccdented success by DR. VON MOSCUZISKER, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. The following Ol.NTLl Mi:N, who have lately been cured unuer Ihe treatment of Dr. VOS MO.n llZIs KtB. have kinill) pn.iuiuea liliu to reier to them, and they would g ad y bear teHtiuionv to the amount oi fclfcl H I derived Irom his TBKATMLN 1 t l.B. JkicCKKHY,lq.. So. i Wa nut street. rLOLM AK1 K, q., Su. WSM Walnut BUeet. A LAM W001, Jr., isq , 4M9 Arch street C. h. CIth 1 .N, 1 sii., ho. 24 horth -eventh street C. J. liOLLOWAY, len. Ho SOS Market etnet. J. C'OOPfclt Esq , No i North Frout street. lr. DAVIDSON, N. W. coiner oi Muih and Chesnut streets UtneralKTI.BTrjtK.TJ. 8. A., Glrard street '1 . W W ttik i-V, Esq., C. . Assessor ol the Second District l. HAltY, Esq., l'tesident ot the Niueteenth Ward Public Schools. Bev. 8. 0. 11ARK, Phl:adelphia Conference. liundredsof other numes, a. I persons who would be cart mm conscienilous to whom they would permit the ii dirpemeut ui tbelr names cau be examined at his OlUt'K.No. 1U31 WALNUT Street THE ATOMIZER. Dr. VON M08CHZIhKER assorts with the utmost conndence Uiat his sys em or treuilng LI'NU. 'illKUAT, ClltHT Diseares. CATAltbUl, AS 1 11 MA, and ail uiuluaies of the dlgustlve oruaus. by the une oi the A'lOkilEK. is the ouly reliable one. Since the Introduction ot this system cases have been brought to bis otl.ee, No 1U1 WA1.MJT Hireet in which every other possible means have been irultlessly em p eyed, but reudl'y ilelded to his trea uieut Ibe A I OMIZKK is an AltABAillH oonstruoted on scientlUo priui ipleH, wbieh. by a inechaulcal arrange ment, either bv atmonpheno presotiro or steam, con verts any medio ne Into a tine cPHAY, and readly conveys It In lo tbe BKOkt'HI L -IUBI S Of LU(l-l, with tlie KK.-riU.VIOHY ( LKKtNT. The medloluea submitted to the action of this AI'PAH VIUS lose no blng oi tbelr I HELICAL VALCB, i In other preparations, but are received into the KF.8PIRA ToHY OUGAN8 In their lull MEDICINAL BTHtNGTH ( HJKI.ICAL OPKHATION9 OW TIIR ETE. ALL eit'KtlK'Al. OfERA'l IONM on tbe Eyes such as t'ataraei, Artltlclal FupU, Cross JCyes, eio., sKlliu ly penormed. 1 1Srp 5. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SII0E9. safli J oi best aoalltvi manu actored and for sale chean, bv the Avion or catei suitable for retail trade, ( f t a.'-nn , I iir D i , WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. MUSICAL BOXES. AUGUST -30, -1866. DRY GOODS. SALT WATER SHAWLS, Wholesale and Retail PTJRK WHITE LLAMA SHAWLS. SI1KTLAHU eilAWLH, ALL, GRADES, Pl'HE M IIITK DAKEOiC SitWALg. BREAKFAST SHAWLS A!tD HALF (HAULS, 4l2stuthrp EYRE & LAND ELL. THITE DRILLING AND BASKET DUCKS. BHOWH DBILLIKOS ASD BASKET DICKS. FAK3IKBS' PANTALOON KTIT. BOIS FANCY VRILLIX69. LINEN CHECKS ASD STIUPK8. EYKE & LANUELL. FOITRTII ARD ARCH. HURON BLANKETS. Huron Fine Bed Blankets Huron Premium Blankets. Huron Extra Heavy Blankets. Huron Single Bed Blankets. Huron Bed Blankets, $(50 Per Pair. We are now receiving direct from tbe mills, the celebrated HURON BLANKETS, Contracted lor early in tbe Spring at tbe low price of wool. They aro superior in size, weight, and fineness oi' wool to any other make In tbo market, or to any BLANKET ever betore oflorcd by us. Sold only WHOLES A IE AND RETAIL, BY J. C. STRAWBRIUSE & CO., N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. 819 3m PRICE & WOOD, N. W. Comer EIGI1TII and FILBERT, HAVE JU6T 01' FN ED: COCO yards American Trlntr, last colors, W a d 18J cents a yard. 1 ca.-e fine quality French Merinos, $1 25 a Tard. Fine quality Black Alpacas, 50, 50, 60, 70, SO, 00 cents, CI, 91 12, and $1 25 a yard. FLA NX ELS I FLA NNELS 1 All-wool Flannels, 36, 37, 10, 46, 50 cents up to 81 25 a ard. Do met Flannels, 81 np to 90 cents. All-wool fehaker Flannels, 60 cents up to $1 a yard. Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels, cbeap, Best makes B eaohed and Unbleached Muslins, at the very lowest market prices. Yard-wide Bleached Muslin, 26, 28, 311, 33, 35, 87 cents. Yard-wide Unbleached Moslini, 20, 23, 26 cents.. Pillow Caso and Sheeting Muslins, etc. JUST OPENED: One case Bridal Qnilts, very cbeap. Table Linens, fapitms, and loweis. 'White Goods, very cheep. A large assortment ot Hosiery. Ladies' and bents' Merino Vests, very cheap. A lara-e assortment of Edgings, Flounclngs, and Inserting, Ladies' and Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs. Just opened, trom auction, a cheap lot ofPorte monnaies, Tooth and Hair Bruahos. PRICE & WOOD. 818J1 N. W. Corner EIGUIH and FILBERT Sts. No. 1024 CHKSMJT Street TO LADIES About leaving lor the COCNTEY, SEA SHORE, OH WAlKKlNii PLACES. B. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Offers a lull assortment, at LOW PRICES, of WulTK llOt, . PUFFED MC8LTN8, PlttUKH. FRKNCH SrTJSLINS, In all varieties oi plain and tancy styles. I aces, Kmbrolueries, Hdlus, etc eto. inea Sleeves, Collars, seta, eto , In great variety. E M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT Street. iaw8 xossaiia ai -oni QAPE MAY ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONO BRANCH. DREIFUSS & BELSINOER, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE OPENED ON THE 11th INST, A new and desirable lot of ZEPliYlt KNIT SUAWLS Suitable for the Watering Places, tacludlug a splendid assortment of WHITE GOODS. PUCKS-D MUSLIN, 6HJBBED MUSLIN. awiea uusun, PL ALU NAINSOOK, fiTBLTED NAINSOOK. 91 1 CAMBJUW NALJSSW5 DRY GOODS. IU. JZ. L, 13 E , ( LOSlXtt Ol T BALANCE OP STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Prior to Opening Sew Goods In onr NEW STORE, No. 48 North EIGHTH St. 10 baits BailardTale. All wool riannel. SB cents o41. Bf aw a 11-wool Sbtk.r Flannels, 6U cents Ires Oooils Oreatiy Redaceo. Lawns Bedaced. fraandles Reduoed. KldOlove. 2.V ICO dor. a Ladies' Hcm.U'ched Bdtfs., 37 to (S cents. 4 Power 'oom Table Linen, al per yard. 8 4 hlt Table IamnsK, cbrap. 1"0 doren I lncn Towel. 7 to 7S cents, cneap WH1 tK GOODS Orcatly Redue'd to Close Out. Ladles' White aud Unbleached Hoe, below market prices. Gents' Half Hose, 37 to 73 cents. Gents' Linen Rakis., very cheap. A I OT OF NOllONH irom eheriff's Rale. t lotbcs Brtubcs, all Brusues, Cabas, Etc. DOMESTICS. DOMESTICS. All tbe leading makes of MUSLINS. New Yotk Mills, Wamiutta. Wliliamsville, etc.. at lers tlian case price. 12 4 Red ai.d White Floor Linen, handsome Plaid Popllux, rlen and new. 110 or SKIRTS. Closing ont Hoop Stlrts at greatly reduced prices, for want ot room. K. It. IjKK, ENTRANCE TO STORC OS FILBERT 8TKBET, Below ligbtu. P. 8. Will open our NEW 8T0RB, No. 43 North EIGHTH Street, (WARNOCK'8 OLD bTANB), about the F1RT OF OtTOBER. 8'23stuth3t E. R. LEE. JAS. IL CAMPBELL & CO., No. 727 CHESNUT St., Inrite the attention of Cash buyers AT WHOLKHATili, To their Stock or FKEXCII, BRITISH, AND AMERICAN r ii y Cx o o i) s , t hlch for extent, variety, and general adaptation to tlie wuttts ot ttc Trade. Is unrivalled. I seknee Ltivers snnpiieil with scarce and desirable Coeds at and under market rates S 17 lm Wholesale Jfootns Up Stairs. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. IP- MliS. E. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. II as a handsome assortment of MILLINERY; Mlsse aud Infants' I'u and Caps, 1-1 Iks, Velvets Crapes Ribbons, Fiat hers, Flowers, fames, etc. P E R FEGT ION 19 RARELY ATTAINED, YET A. B. V. BULLARD'S IMPROVED OIL S OA P. FOR REMOVING Crease, Paint, Pitch, and Varnlsli, Fiom ail Goods ofLurable Colors, Is ahead of anything yet discovered. It leaves tbe Goods soit, and as perfect as when new, wl b no snot upon which dust can col ect, as is tbe case with ail the preparations heretoiote sold tor cleansing goods. It Is delicately pcriumed snd entirely free trom tha disagreeable odur of lsenzlne, and all ether resinous fluids. COUNT RFE1T3 Oi this preparation are extant therefore be sure and take none but tbat which has the autograph ot A. B. W bLLLALD on the label. Mannlactnred by the Pro pile lore, A. B. W. BULL ARD & CO., WOttCESrEtt, MASS. General Agents lor f ennaylrama, DYOTT & CO., So. 232 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. For sale by all Druggists. 1 3m Q I L OF r E T II O L E U M, FOU FRANCE. THE MAO81S OENERACX DE ST. DENIS, which are situated No. 42 AVENUE DE PARI8. at Saint Denis, o.ose to Paris, ksep OIL Of PETRO LEUM in lion vats with a suarantee that the losa doea not amount to more than three or Ave per cent an nually. Advance oi lunds 78 per tent. Moderate charge tor storage. Apply lor full particu lars to the Director, 8 2 ttilOtrp L LKFORME. P A P E II HANGINGS AT RETAIL. JOHN H. L0XGSTRETII, 8 24 trpJ No. 13 North TIIIHO St. THE AMERICAN BUREAU OF MINES No. 64 BROADWAY. Vines, Mineral Landa. and Ores examined and reported ' upon. Competent Engineers furnished to Wining Com panles. Consultations afforded on all Mining, Metallurgical and Chemical Questions, at tha office of the Bureau, GEO. D. II. GILLESPIE, President , DRAKE DE KAY. Secretary. 2 It taths ap pATENT WI11IC AVOKlC rOBKAILlVGB, BTORB FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIONS. . IBOH BEDBTEAD8, AND WIRE WORK In variety, manufacture- by M. WALKER 6 SONS 1 20 ImS No. Worth BUTH Street. TTJJADWLTERATKO L I QO O R 8 0NL ' BlliSiiLA ND VAI1 1 TH. - No . IraCU If 8 N U f HTRE ET , Naariy Opposite the Post OtDca, PltlLADELPllfA. FsmilleastppUed. tvtol&Vl MM CeVBWT M9B0c att,iod tvi M