THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AOGUST 29," 1866. CITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional Loeai Items see Fitlh Paye. TDK PRESIDENT'S fjPEECIIKf? AT TI1E CoMTiNhNTAL. After the procession had pussrd the hotel, Mr. Johnson continued on the bal coDy lor nome time, until at last cries for a speech were too constant and too general to be i related. Mr. Johnson consented to address the erowd, and when quiet was restored, he said: Fellow-citizens: My visit to Phlladelohla on the present occasion was not for the purpose of makinp a speech, but I was on my way, in company with distintrutshed gentlemen, to the great city of the West-Cbicafio to parucipite in laying the chief corner-stone of a monument to be erected to u distinguished statesman. Being here to day, I mnut be permitted to tender to the citizens of Philadelphia my heartfelt and my sincere thanks for this demons ration for this manifestation of their respect, given under peculiar circumstances, tor one who ha toiled throughout his life for the people. (Cbpct.) This spontaneous cominir forth of the indepen dent freemen of Philadelphia to-day inspires me with renewed confidence and with a renewed determination to pursue my course In discharg ing the duties devolving upon me, and in ad ministering the Government tn such a way as I believe will bef.t promote the great interests of the nation. (Cheers.) We have juft pased through a fierce and bloody conflict. We clamored and struggled ior i.eace. The war Is now over; peace has been made. I trust in God that wur will not return again. (Cheers.) I trust tn God that the day is far distant when one portion of the Union "hall bo arrryed in battle against the other. (Cheers.) I trust in God that the day is far distant when man will be set n trains t man, and when a brother's band will be lilted arainst his tellow, and I trust the day is far distant when this land will be drenched with the blood of our own people. (Cheers.) The baleful planet war has been chafed away, and the star of peace has taken its place t cheers), and under its influence 1 trust the country will again re turn to all the avocations of peace, and thut prosperity, harmony, and reconciliation will bless the land, and that we will stand together as one people with one Union. (Cheers.) flo far as referring to the past in regard to our political affairs, I told you I did not intend to make a speech. My nubile actions, roy mepsagCB, are before the country, and It Is for the peoplu to judge. Believing that the policy that has been pursued is the policy to best promote the interests nlthe whole couutry, and so believing, God being my helper, there 1 intend to stand, and that, throuch the help of God, that Union hall be restored. (Cheers.) Then let us stand together; let in approach a common platform; let ub forget that we been divided; let us forget that we are required to obey the behest of party; but let us 6tand together for the country. (Cheers.) Let the country be saved, and then "party" may sink into msiirniticauce. (Cheers.) If we are to have a "party," let it be based upon the great principles of the Con stitution. (Cheers.) Xes, the Constitution of my country is the strongest league that cj,n be formed; and when you talk about Leagues (laughter and applause) when you talk about Leagues, tell me who it is tiiat has entered into a covenant and formed a Leacue to subvert the Constitution of tho Union 1 He who has done that has entered into a covenant against his country, and his country should look to it 1 Let every roan beloue to the great Lnsrueof the country, with the Constitution as his guide. 1 want no better League than that formed by Washington. (Cheers.) It was good enough for the patriots of the pist; it is now good enough for you and me. (Cheers.) Now, as a band ot brothers loving our country, and de termining to support the Constitution, let us stand together around the common altar of our country, and suvenr that all shall perish, all shall fall iut the dust, but the Constitution and the Union of theseStates shall be preserved. (Cheers.) From my trst advent into public life, it has been my constant habit in all doubt tul questions to rely upon the integrity and in telligence of the great mass of the people. (Cheers.) There I stand to-day, by the Consti tution of the country and by the country itself. These are in the hands of tlie people, and there I shall leave them, satisfied that yon will at ihe proper time restore your country to its former condition of unity and power, and that it will stand redeemed and regenerated. (Cneers.) As I entered your city to-day I saw upon a mechanical establishment, of one of your citi zens, "Welcome, the President !" (Cheers.) I knew it was the emanation of the laboring man (cheers), and that he who placed it there knew that it would be understood. My confidence has always been that the people would get rlghr, as indicated here to-day. (Cheers.) You can make a class ot men who call themselves ,4poli ticians," and you can bring them to terms with out much effort on your part. But we have her 1 a great deal about "emancipation." Who has toiled more lor that than I have? (Cheers.) Are you sure that thers is not a portion of the people here who need emoneipation ? Who is it in power holding the tv rant s rod over your You talk about putting them out of oflire, and a clamor is rahed. They seek to perpetuate their power, and they say to the people who have fought the battles ot the country while they re mained at home, "We must not be turned out lo let others in." (Cheers.) What has become of the good old doctrine of rotation in office? Is nobody entitled to the offices except those who have them? (Cheers and lamehter.) Having power, they exercise it as unrelentinely as tyrants; but 1 say to you come up to the work; go to the ballot-box, and the tyrant's rod can be bent and broken. (Cheers.) I repeat that the Government is in your bands. Let it be there, where I have always been willing to trust it. I did not Intend to eay what I have. I designed merely to tender you my thanks. There are other gentlemen here wno will be obliged to say something, and . I fhall conclude by teuderlne to you my sincere and hf&rtielt thanks for this manifestation of your regard aad respect for one who has la bored through a whole and I may say a some what eventful life to promote the interests of the great mast of the people. (Cheers.) Again I thank you, gentlemen, aud in parting I leave the Government with you, where I know It will be sate. (Cheers.) At tbe conclusion, 6f the President's speech, the emiro party ou tne balcony retired to the others. The immense crowd gathered in front J of the Continental slowly separated. I After the address, air. jonnson ana suite were entertained by the committee at a splendid j banquet, . r- 'SEREKADE LAST EVENING. In the evening there was a repetition of the excitement and enthusiasm in front of tho Con tinental Hotel. Befora dark the street was filled, but at 8 o'clock the crowd was so dense as to impede the progress of the Cliesnut street cars, and at times it was impossible to move through the throng. Cheer after cheer was given lor the President. About 8 o'clock Mr. John eon took a post at the bead of the main stair way of the hotel, and arrangements were made by which the people wore enubled to pass in and pay their respects. As usual, this consisted of shaking the hand, aud thousands took advan tage of the opportunity. Those who thus met the President were anions the best of our citi zens, and included merchants as well as me chanics. For over an hour a constant and steady stream of humanity passed up the stair way, and the pressure was so great that it was with difficulty that a large force Of police on duty could restrain the crowd and prevent the . neonle lrom surrounding the President. All were required to "move ou" after the customary enlntiition. The reception was cloed bv the ap- i nt-arunce of the serenading parties in n-ont of the hotel. The Keystone Club, tbe National .Uihnsnn Union Club, and the Tailors' Protec tive Beneficial Association, each with a band of music, mined in the At this time the crowd was Immense, Oiling Chesnut street from hide to side, and from far above Ninth down to near Eii'hth. After seve ral airs bv the band the President appeared on tbe baltonv. where he was received with the ' most enthusiastic cheerinir. Mr. A. B. Kloanaker introduced the President, and in doing so he said: Fellow-citizens, the President of tbe United (States is very much fatigued by the journey and reception of to-day and evening, but be has come forward to show by his presence his respect for tint people. I have the pleasure to introduce the President cf tbe United Mates, Andrew Jehnson. (Cheers'.) Mr. Johnson said: Fellow-citizens ot Philadelphia: In prescnt iii8 myself before you to-night tu obedience to jour solicitations, it is not for tbe purpose ot making an address, but slrooly to return mv thanks for the manifestations of rcpoct and regard on this occasion. 1 mean what i say, aud, as I said to-day, under the peculiar circum stances, yon are entitled to ray most heartfelt thanks tor this leception. I must leave to some other occasion to seek an opportunity ot enter ing into a discussion of the questions that agi tate and divide the public mind. But so far a that concerns my political course, the historv is well known to all ot you, and 1 shall not to review it now. I am told, on this occasion, that there is an P'soriation here to-night who have come for ward under tbe appellation ot their own profes sion lor the purpose of manifesting their regard. I want you to understand that 1 do not leel indifferent tonthina of that kind, for in this Government of ours "it is worth that makes the man, the want ot it the fellow;" and if there i au association here to-night, as I have been lnlornied there is, that calls itself the Tailors' Protective Association, then to them I return my sincere thanks, with no feeble assurance of my kind regard for their profession. (Three cheers for Andrew Johnson, intermingled with fioans.) There is no pes. tion in life in which could be placed that would lead me to forget my early history and my early profession: there Is none that could make me 'forgot the past ns far as the profession is concerned. We should remember, when we refer to the mechanical interests of the country in connection with the agricultural, that they constitute the basis on which this Government rests; and when we reier to the profession that vou represent here to niirht, in common with your fellow-citizens, let me eay that ourereat Father in Heaven, the Lord of the world, was a tailor by trade. (Laugh ter and applause.) And when you mler to a historical account of this thing, vou find that my remarks are literdly true. The President then retired. The crowd still remained, calling lor Seward, Farragut, and Giant. General Grant came forward and bowe l his acknowledgments, and then immediately retired. Fnrragutlollowed and, in a tew words, expressed his regret that he was not a speech maker. Mr. Seward did not respond. The crowd remained until near midnight. About II o'clock the Young Mtennerchor Sincing Society, together with delegates from other German societies, appeared, and taking posi tions in the hall in the second story, gave a number of choruses in splendid style. Accidexts. The Coroner held an inquest yesterday on the body of John Becker, nine years old, who wa9 run over by a coal train on the Beading Railroad at Frankford road. The child died at the Episcopal Hospital, where the inquest was held. The evidence showed that he was picking up coal on the railroad track. Charles Wagner, three years old, was run over by a passenger car yesterday at Ridge avenue and Francis street, and had one ot his feet badly crushed. James C. Eerner, forty-one years old, fell off a scauoia at tne wavy Yard yesterday, and broke one of his legs. He was taken to tne Hospital. SADDLES AND HARNESS. jIIE OLDEST AND LARGEST SADDLE AND HARNESS MANUFACTURING ESTABLISHMENT IN THE COUNTRY. LACET. MEEKER &. CO., RETAIL HOCSE, 1216 CHESNUT STREET. No. WHOLESALE HOUSE, No. 630 MARKET STREET, OFFER OF THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE: BA DOLES, 200 styles, 2000 qualities. HARNESS from 815 to 8500 per set Mountings, Bridles, Bits, Whips, Blankets, Combs, Brushes, Kotes, Government Harness, Plough Bridles, Hog Collars, Padded Uaues. Wuod Stirrups, Travelling Bags, Trunks and Valises, Lunch Basket, Chamois, B acting. Boots, eto. We call tbe attention of merchants visiting this market, also the city retail tiadeuto our lare, cheap and varied stock. SsHmrp LACET, MEEKER & CO. H A R N E S S. A LAKGE LOT OF NEW U. S. WAGON HAR NESS, 2, , and 6 horse. Also, parts of HAR NESS, SADDLES, COLLARS, HALTERS eto., bought at the recent Government sales to be sold at a ereat sacrifice. Wholesale or Retail. Together with our usual assortment ot SADDLER YAND SADDLER YHARD WARE. WILLIAM S. HANSELL & SONS, 2 1 Re. 114 MAKKET Street. PRESERVING CANS AND JARS. J LINE'S WILLOPOHBT 8, MASON'S, LYMAS'8, PATENT AIB-TIGHT SELF-SEALING FRUIT JARS. All the above Jars w oil or to our customers and tho public Renarul'y, wltli entire confidence, ut tne KLINES PATENTS 163 LOWEST Market Prlco. A. J. WEIDENER, 1 lm No. 38 8. SECOND Street, Philadelphia. IT S. FISHER'S PATENT X 1 . SELF-SEALING PRESERVING CAN. This celebrated Pan hn heen used hr thousand Inr tbe last Uve ara, and all who have trkd It aiioak in the iiiuin-si lerum or its superior merits wo venture to assert tuat H is more r table, more convenient, and poa sesses more practical merit, tban unv other I'nn in use It Is sealed aud unsealed with the greatest ease, a uieilt ot which it particularly boosts All 'ans warranted that are put up accoidlng to amotions, for sale bv tlio ...un.iUi.,I.PU a.'. L:,.....l I U U ,.IT1 (J I'UT 1 i . u .1 u ... . u . . . ..... .'ifiiiL,. u n iiv.n vjai ivia. .,u. tsM UiKUtil street. FhUudolplila. bVOnuu TTLTAT IS TOE BEST CURE FOR ' CORNS, BUNIONS, ET.C.?, THEOBALD'S BOOTS, No. 703 CAlilrOWIlILIi STREET, He makes the Lants to suit the Keet, and Boots Fhoes, etc. etc., to tit the feet. TRY HIM. 18161m F OR SALE STATE AND COUNTY" RIGHTS m Caoe well A Co. 'a Pateut Wind Guard anil Air Heater for Coal Oil Lamus i It prevents tho Chimneys from break lug. This we will warrant Also saves ant third the oil Call aud see tlirm they cost but ten cants. No 203 BACW Stieet, Philadelphia. Sample sent tn aud part of the Lolled biatws, vu revt lpl of U cvuls U 2r-Ji PROPOSALS. AfcSISTAVT QUARlERMASTEIt'8 OFFICE io 113UU1KAKD Street. I'HILADKLFRIA, AUTUStZ2, 1800. Sealed Fronosal will be received at this cflice ortil 12 o'clock M., SAIUKOaY, Septerabor 1, jhvo, ior me linmcdltita delivery al mo UiiiMhi Mates Storehouse. 11 ANOVEU 8'rcet wharf, rbila- rlelphia, !'., of tbe fol'owlnit Quartermasters' Stores, vi : H flos. Door Reck Bo, (a 60 Shutter Bolts 10 gross luttiDK But tons. 2 dozen Tuttv KnlTC 2 dozen Drawer Tmu- bler Locks. 6 boxes ilas, 12xlA. lOo C. U. Letiennn 1'cn- cils. BOO pounds rutty. 2(!0 falions Turpentine. 1 bbl. BpanihVVhitinjr 2 bbls. Copal Varnish. 2C0 all Brushes. 21)0 pounds 1 in, Block. 100 K fc L Clo-ct Locks, 6 boxes Glnsa, 1012. 75 pounds Cilno. 60 pounds I'.'acK Wax. 000 pounds White L ad, in oil. 10 pounds Umber, raw, in oil. 1 bbl. Coach Varnin. 1 gross Striping (as sorted irmciis lOlhs.dnm Iragacantn. All ot the above-iYscribod articles to be of the best quality, and solject to the m-poitlon of an in spector appointed o behalf of the United states bovernmcnt. Samples of tho abovo-named notes to be delivered at the United States Storehouse, tweuty-four hours previous to the opening of the bids. Bidders will state price in writing and figures, and the amount or quantity of each article bid tor. h.ach bid must ne guaranteed Dv two responsible persons, whose siimatntes mut be appended to the guarantee, and cirtiliod to as beintr good and suffi cient security fur tho amonnt involved, by a Unaed Mates Judgp, At ornny. or collector ot tne l orl, otherwise the bid will not be considered. 1 he right to teicct any bid deemed too high or un reasonable is reserved, and no bid lrom a doiaultlnjr contractor will bo received I'roposals to be made out in duplicate on tho regu lar punted forms, which may be bad on application at this office. Ihe envelopes (o be endorsed " Proposals for Quaiteimaster's Storcs,"and addressed to the under sinned. Bids will be opened on SATURDAY, September 1, 11-06, at 12 o'clock M., and bidders are requested to be present. By order of Brevet Brig -Gen. G. H. CROSMAN, Assistant (Juartcrmnstor-General U. 8 A, GLOKUE K. OKAIE. 8 22 Ot Bvt. Major and Assistant Quartermaster. riiOTHlNC DEFOT, SCHUYLKILL J AttSfcuSAL- OFKICB iXKCDI IVE AHD iNSrECTISO OFFICER, I I'lllLADKLFBIA, i'S , AUKU-t 22, 1800. ) Fealcd l'ropopiils will be received at this Odioo until noon bAlCriDAl , September 1, l6b(3, lor de livery at the Schuylkill Arsenal, in merchantable packages 2CiO Fairs Sewed Bootees, Size No 15, 2(0 I'liirt Sewed Bootees, Size No. 10, Armv Standard. Samples can be seen at this Office. Bidders iuut state in their proposals the price (which must be civen in writing as well as in tieures), and also the quantity and tim ot delivery i.ach bid must be tzuaiautoed by two responsible tersons (whose 8iciiature9 and places ot residence must be appended to the guarantee I, and certified to as beintr croon and sufficient security for the amount involved by some public functionary of tbe United Sta'es. Bids from defaulting contractors, and those that do not fully coinplv with the requirements ot this advertisement, will not be coniuoreu. Blank forms for proposa's, embracing the term? of tho puarantee required on each bid, can be had on abolication at this office, and none others which do not embi ace this guarantee will be considered, nor will any proposal be considered which does not con loim to the requirements therein stated. Bids must be. endorsed " l'roposals for Bootees," and bioders are requested to be present at tho open ing of bids. By order of Brevet Brif? -Gen. G. 11. CKOSMAN, Asct. Quartermaster-General U. S. Army. HKJSHY W. JANES, Capt. and A. Q. M.. Bvt. Major U. . Army, 8 22 tit Executive and Inspecting Ofhcor. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. rpHE NEW YOKK DYEING AND PRINTING 1 t01AUU5ll.Ul.ill. RTATHH TSLANO, tn Wnrth i.ifliuil rJlrcet iWest side), Also known as tbe v " BTiTk-N t.l. A NTt MF.ISQ ESTABLISHMENT. Memi! the LAKQKST in the UNITED 8T.VTK8 and n urn iv TKAHS ni.TlK.1t than an v ether ou STATU N I.-LANU, Is prepared, with the most Improved and extensive Machinery (to wbica tney are manuig con stum addlttonH). to stant """".jj CLEANSE. AND FINISH everv variety of GOODS AND GABMLNTS, in a man ner UNtQlMLLfcD in this country Mo. 1( North EI 111 II Street Philadelphia. So. 98 1)1' N K street, Sew Yorlt. No. 72 BROADWAY New York. No. 136 riEKKlil'ONT Street. Brooklyn. AMUL MAU3U, President. J. T.YOtNQ. Becietary. 8Z7mwram WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. CIiesMjT grove whisky, No. KB North THIRD Street. it anvthlnu was wanted to prove the absolute DtuHi f thla 'WLlskv. the tallowing certificates should do ft There is no alcoholic stimulant known comnuuidlnKaudt eciu.uituuuuuu uviu B u .new rv . hiladeli H1A. ScDtember 9. l&sa. We have care'allv tested tbe sanmle of CHKHNtH GBOVE WHISKY which you Bend ua, and find that il contains soke of the poisonous bubhtakcb anownat Ft bil oil. w men is tne cnaracierisnu aiiu mjunoua u gredientei tue wouRies in general ubb. BOOTU. OABRKIT A CAMAO, Analytical Chemlsu Viw Tobk. Remember 8 1KM T have analyzed a sample ot C11KMNUT OKOI vi rTlbKY received lrom Mr. Charles Wharton, Jr., Philadelphia: end having carelullv tested It, I an pleaaed to slate that it is entirely rasa fkom foisonoc oh '. mors subrtances. It te an unusually pur and fliie. v. red quaiityotwnisiiy Analytical Cheuiia BoaTon.Marah1.18W ihmnids a chemical analysis of commercial sam pies of CHi.HNUT GHOVK wmsKY, whioh provestn De tree IIUUI ma urn. j r unn x.ud, iuu (kutvii iu.v au unadulterated. 'J he fine flavor of this whisky la derive hum the araiu uxeu iu uiauuuiuiuriuK iu hespectluUy, A. A. 11AYE8, M. T . btate Assayer, Ho. 16 Boylstoo stieet Kor sale by barret. demijohn, or bottle atNo.223Kortt rilllll) street, rnuaae.pnia. M. NATHANS & SONS I M POUTERS OP BRANDIES, WINES, GIN& Etc Eto. No. 19 North FRONT Street PUILADELPUIA. llOBXa KATUAMR, w...n.'V A V 1 TIT 1U iiKMKDO D. KATHA&S. 119m otTPTnT.FDER. TROUT. VOIGT & CO., O beg most tesiecttullv to call the attention ol tbe public at large to their newiy-inveuwu jruiuui, v THK UNIVERSAL ALARMIST. which, by d'schargiug a percussion cap, made expressl) tor the purpose, will prove very elttctual iu tue preveo- li f linriil Arlfla 4in. Ihe luliowlng are some of Its sreat advantages i 1st. Umpllcity ot oonKtructlou. cheapness aud ease la aPUllCailOn, SO UiBl vunu umj nw. ... r. m.....A.i..... iv.. ,n .lnniffr tn nnrsnna or DrooortV. 3d' Universality ol aupllcamm to anv part of a floor Mnw. Oratiuir. Shutter. Oate, Oardea, Presetva. F!i ''it gives' a check to burglars by alarming the In l..t,l,Ara ai1 nnllea. . "Si 'i kiVimi ii Miisvsd lrom rnuih nainriil anxiety. In temaie loneliness or old age. especially whea attlcles of neat value are kept In the house. 6th It Is a universal protection to travellers to fasten nCh Tts consttuctlon U simple and not liable to get out DIRECTIONS FOB USE AOCOMPAKT EVEBT IS- nr.' v nn, BrtlrlA at the lOW lll'ICS fifONE DOLLAR, inclusive of 26 caps, and It caunot be i got Ai,. ,. irom us or irom oar ageuU, For lurthur VntotffiflfiSSfc VOIGT CO,. v ' Room No. 18. w. win hAI,ARMIRT to any part ol the ftnunti-v i.n receipt ol mice, and 'ii cents extra toi 'el!fi?ir A cents wanted . 6 29 Sin DENTISTRY. THK GOVERNMENT HAVING CiYrT granted me letters-patent tor mv mode of administering Nitrous Oxide Uaa. by which I have i .nv ihn,iitil of Tee Lb without oaln. I am Justltl. d in assertion that It Is both safer aud superior to any oweruow w uov. DB. P. L. MUNN8 216m Til tPRL'tE Bireet FINANCIAL. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 Sonth THIRD Street, BANKERS AHD DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES U. S. 6s Ot 1881. 6-208, OLD AND NHW. Ii0s CERTIFICATES OT INDEBTEDNESS 7 SOI. 01 ES, 1st, 2d, and 3d fcerits. COMPOUND INTEREST .OTES WANTED. INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections made. Stocks Bought and Sold on Commission. Special business accommodations reserved for LADIES. 8 72m U, S. SEC V HIT I ES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & BANKERS & BROKERS, CO., 10 S. THIRD ST. PHILADELPHIA. NASSAU ST. HEW YOKK STOCKS AND GOLD BOLOBT AND HOLD ON COMMISSION HERE AND III NEW YORK. 21 )AV1E8 UROTIIEKS, Ho. 225 DOCK STREET, JJANKKIIB AND BROKEllS, BCT AMU ELL L'.MTED BTATF.8 BONDS, lt81s, S-20 10 40s. CMTED STATED 7 S-lOs, ALL 1SHI EB. CCUTiriCATEH OF INDEBTEDNESS. Mercantile Facer and Loans on Co. laterals nepotiatcc Blocks Boukht and Sold on lomuutslon. 1 31 1 UE FIllST NATIONAL BANE HAS REMOVED' During the erection of the new .Bank Luildin TO 117 4p No. 05 CHESNUT 5'2QS.-F I VE-T WEN TIE S. 7303 - SEVEN-THIRTIES' WANTED. LE 1IAVEN & BROTHER, 17 No. 40 S. Third Stblkt. JENGINES. MACHINERY,TC. PENN STEAM ENGINE AND BOiLKR WOKKS.-NEAFIE fc LKVY tncriCAL AND XHKOKETlUAt. ENOINKKBS, IIAIBIMM , BOILr.K-MAitKKS. JJLAUKSM 1 1 kiS, and UUM)tK: buvuiu lor many years been in suc cessful operation, and been exclusively engaged in buildintr und repairing M.rlne and River Kneiues. hluh and low pressure. Iron Boilers. Mater Tanks Propel lers, etc etc.. respeutiuily oiler their services to the public as being luliy prepared to contract for enuines ot ah sin . Murine, K ver, and ftationary; having sotsoi patterns 01 olllerent sizes, are prepared to execute orders with quick aexpatcb. fvery description of pattern- making made at tne shortest nouco hikq and Low pressure r lne. Tubular, anri Cylinder Boilers, of the best Vemisvlvanta charcoal iron. Forgmgs ot all sizes and kinds; Iron and Brass Castings 01 all descriptions; Roll Turning. Screw Cutting, ai d all other work conuected with the above business. Diawintts ana sueciucations ior an wort done at the establishment tree of charge, and work guaran teed. Ihe subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boats, where they can lia in periect safety, anu aie proviueu wiiu Biieara, uiocas, uuis, eto etc., lor raising heavy or light weights. u i en j ncurir., JOHN P. LEVY. 8 215 BEACH and PALMK Streets. J. V AFC BAN BKKKICK, WILLIAM H. MERRICK JOHN B. COPS S1 ODTHWARK KOUNDKY, FIFTH AND WA8HLNUTOJJ Streets, I'lilLADBLPWA. MERRICK St. NUN'S. ENGINEER AND MACHINISTS. manufacture High and Low Pressure bteain Engines for Laud, hi ver, and ilojlne .Service Boilers, Uasometers, Tanks, iron Boats, etc castings oi an ainus, either iron or Plans. Iron Fraae Roots lor (las Works. Workshops, and Kauroaa stations, eic. Retorts and Uas Machinery, ot the latest ana most im proved constiuctlon. jLVvrv uescripiiuu vi rivui utiiiin mauuiiiei j . uu ..una, , Paw. and Grift Mills. Vacuum Pans. Open bteain Trains, lielecaiors, Filters, Pumping Engines eto. hole Agents lor N. B'lleux's Patent ft,ugar Boiling Apparatus, Ncxmyth's Patent Kteam rlommer, and As ' plnwall & Woolsey s Pateut Centritugal sugar Draining Machine. 8 30S B RIDE8BURO MACHINE WORKS. OFKICE, Ko. 65 N FRONT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. We are prepared to All orders to any extent for our well-known MACHINEHY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLEN Mil LS Including ail recent Improvemeuls in laiuing, spiuulug, and Wsavlng. We invite the attention of manufacturers to our exten stye works. . . WAR DEPARTMENT, SUKGEON-U EKE HAL'S OFFICE, T- n . in 101,0 W ABUIHUTUH, V, t., tiunvun, iu, xouo An Army Medical Koard, to consist oi Brevet Colonel J. a. Brown, Burgeon, (J. B. A , Presidents Bievet Lieutonant-Colonei n. u. vy inz, ourguon, u. 8. A.; Brevet Lieuteuant-Colonof AntDony Uetrer, urveon, U.S.A.; and Brevet Major Warren Web ster, Assistant Surgeon, U. 8. A., Recorder, will meet In Sen Vork city on tbe 2Hth of Sep' ember, next, lor tho examination or cauuiuuies ior aura s sion liito the .Vedical StaiT of tho United Status At my. Applicants must be over 21 yeais of age, and physically souud, ADPiiiations lor an lnvftatlon to anpesr before tho Board should be addressed to the duration- Cieneial, United btates Army, and must state uie full name, residence, and date aud P ace ot birth ot the candidate. Testimonials as to cliatacW and qualifications must be lurnishod. If the applioant has been in the Medical t-orvice of the Army during tho war, the luot should be stated, together with his former rank, aud time and plaoe ot servioe.add tes timonials Irom the officers with whom be has served should also be forwarded. b o allowance Is made for Tbe expenses of persons undergoing thu cxamwati.-S'. "U is an indispensa ble proiequisite to appoinfmt. Iheie are at present sixty vacancies In the Medloal 8taff, forty-six ot which are original, belnir created by the Aotot Congress aporoved July 28, 1868 " vav'lVlw JOoEPH K. BARNE8. . 8 11 smw29t Surgeon-Oeneral, U. ft. A. J-OBERT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE MUCCISTS, MANUFACTURERS, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN LPalnts, Varnishes, and Oils, 1 No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 1233m COBHFJIQF&ACE. MEDICAL. yoxroruLi. WRIGHT'S TAR SYRUP. PRINCIPAL DEPOT,. No. 771 South Tllllil) 8tree I ricf, $1-00 per Bttle;$5'C0 for half-a-dozoL. The nnderslintd citizens take pleasure In cbenrtull fe bum muli.ij tbe ue of Wright's Tar Syrup fo coughs colds, cousan-atlon. wbooping-cougb, spotted ever, Iver cempib'nt, pains In the brenst, hronohltls nt ku.n tti.Mi, ai d restriction ot air vessels in the luugs :c. i he rf mi dy should he in every tamlly :- Char es ('. W i con. i'nrav' I'rett ofllce. bar es H. l.riirleu, Sun (lap AJrrcwy odice. Junes Kolen. fiqu i tr eflice tV 1 1 1 1 in K. Corhit, AssociaTed Press w il ium II t.arpemer. Fire Alarm and Police T graph, r litb anu I btsnui streets. lianilolph. Front and omtinrd streets. James W. firrine o I tft Charles ureet. b. A. Davis bo. m tlatki I treeU Jtln Hoodshie No 13IU Franklin strict. Robert Ihonips. n No. 1W)8 WalterBtreet, It. U. Variu, So. (fib Ft an kiln street J tlebloft No W! 8. vecond street. John hevmoor. No. All s. Kiont street. a.. W. Howard, Xu. 1 Dock street H. t.Vartcit ko. J27 8. -econd street L. Fates o. 61 J Arrb street A l ert it rt m No. 411 H. Heccnd street, ' M ary ( a dvelk No Inn Bsnsom street W. Ibcuias. o. 110 S. Fourth tr't T. M. t arthv.o. lie E iretu's alley. Cevrge VN I son. No 236 Race street. W, F. Brooxs, No. 6!) North Second street M. J. Hassett, No. lit :nal street S. t-ermour Rose Busiletou. Chsr rs Rogers, No. Vll South street, it. T. WS'ilngion, .second and Quarry stree F. K. Ihemas. No. 136 South lxt street HI llnni Hams, No. 6lHuuth Frontsireet P. 8. f-nniord, Opera Manager. John Maglnnls. rear of No. IM North Second street Mrs. 8. R. t hoate, Newark, Del. Mr William B. Wriqhli " sib: We lake pleasure tn recommendtni TonrrTAl SYRUP (of which we have already sold conslderabl quantities) as a most excellent ana emcacious remedy ior tbe complaints set lorth in vour printed bill submitted to the public. As a vaatttylng act to sutrerina uun.auity we wn cneenn iv rccomuieua your prepara tion to ail afflicted with diseases which It is designed U cure. tours, etc., . . . xii.ivn bus, I'ruggists. N, . corner Pine and Sixth streets For tale also at JOHNSON, HOLLOW AY COWDEN 8, IlOTT A CO 'H A nd all principal Drupglsts and Dealers. The sul scrlher would teg leave further to laythaA b is prepared to fill orders SLd lorward tbe Syrup t any purt ol 'he country. Persons desiring other Inior mat li n by disII will Inclose a postage stamp and answen will te relumed as soon as the exigencies ol business wlil admit Address WILLIAM B. WRIGHT, 3 20 So Til S. TBIRD Street Philadelphia, fa. Q LAD NEWS FOR THE USFOBTUNAJE. , BELL'S SPKC1FIC REMEDIES Are warranted In all cases for the Sfkkdt and Pbrm KkNT Cl as ol all diseases arising Irom excesses in youth thysivul aud Nervous Hebllltj , etc. etc. NO CUAKUE OF DIET IS NECEP8ART. They can ue used without detection, and never tall to enect a Cure, It used according to instructions. BELL'S SPKCIFIC P1XL.S, I'rice One Lollar per Box, or Six Boxes for Five Dol lars; a. no, Large boxes, containing Four Small, Price 'Ibree Lollars. Fr m four to six boxes ure generally required to cure ordinary cases though benefit is derived irom using a ample box iu Chrome Coses, where Nervous Prostration has atlected tbe system, BELL'S TOSIC PILLS Are recommended as the most Efficacious, Rejuvenating and InviKorutiug Remedy in the wor d. a Package I'lice Five Dollars, will last a month, and is genera, y sutllcient In extreme cases of Debility, UELh'M EXTERNAL REMEDY, Price Two Dollars, sufllolent for a month, cau bouse to good advantage. It lves stieiiutd to the system, and, with the Pills will eftoot a complete Restoration A Pnmohlct ot 100 panes, on the F.BHORS OF YOUTH. designed as a Lecture and Cau Ion to Young Men, sent tee, ren cents requueu to pay postage. It you cannot purchnse Bell's Specific Remedies or your DiUKglst, take no other, but send tbe money direct to DR. .TAMKS DRY AN. Corisnltlnfr Phvsicinu, No. 810 BROADWAY. New Yor! And vou will receive mem by return of mall post pa'd and nee irom observation. lor aala hy llVOIX M Co., Xa. 339 H. SECOND Street 6 11 S GOVERNMENT SALES. mjaEUKAftl MA1EK1ALS AT AUCTION. J. CHIEF QUABTKB-MASTEH'B OFFlOK, ) DEPOT OF WASHINGTON, 1 Washington, D. C, Auvust 6, 1P66. ) 'Will be sold at publio auotion, under tbe direction ot Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Moore, As sistant Quartermaster, at Warehouse on ti street, near lwent.etb street, Washington, on THUK3 DAY, AvgUBt SO, at 10 A. M , the following lele rraph 1) atenals, &o : 22 Bcaidflev's Signal 95,000 pounds Wiro Iron. Telegraph Instruments 66 miles insulated Tele- and Cases. ttrann Wire. 24 Beardsley'a Instru 1Q6 Keels lor Wire. meuts. 12 Auftors. 10 Crowbats. 4 Cutttrn l'lterg. 2 Dial Handles. 10 Dsmmers. 7 0ilen. 8 l'ruDinc; Knives. 6 Large Reel Stands. 18 buiall Keel stands. 6 Rubber Cement Flasks. 8 Holderma Acid Bottles. 6 Rubber Sleeves, 8j in. 6 Large Gear, 6 f mall Gear. 8 liinirs. 72 ot ices and Straps. 288 lumbiers Ior Battery 24t) Porous Cups. Iu2 (13 oz. A. o. d.) Da- a Keel Htanas, small. 10 Keel Stands, centre. 1 I'latform Scale. 109 Insulators, block. 1 Coal Stove, with i'ipe. 23 1ool Boxes. 44 full Reels. 78 Empty Keels. 67 Keel Stands. 16 Keel Stands, delivery. 6 Keel Handles. 3 spools Copper Wiro, No 2d. 5 spools Copper Wire, No. 80. 7 pouuds Gutta Fercha (in sheets). 117 iron Spiltes. 81 Insuiated Bending Screws. 29 Hubber Rings. tm tetripe. ltj 02. A, o. a. riatina 00 ceils rortabie rieid Mrips Telegraph llattery, 220 pounds Mercury, lut 6 pounds IS i trio Acid. 6 carboy s Sulpbuno Acid. 14l0 pounds Nails, 40d and titid. 2a0 ln.ulators, Bracket. 0 EmDtr Carbovs. 803 Zincs tor CI rove Bat tery. 6 Empty Mercury Flasks i iron), witn screw Wrenches, Screw Driv ers, Spirit Lamps, Sol- aenng irons, etc. Terms Cash, in uovernmeut lunus. len days will be granted purchasers in which to remove their goods. D. H. KUCKER, Bvt. MaJ. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, 8 7 19t Depot ot Washington, 1). C. E XTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OF GOVEBNMENT lOBACCO. SEVEKAi, UUNDKED UOuSUEADS OF FINE VIRGINIA LEAF. Tkbabdby Department, Custom Houhf, I Kicumom, Va., August 5, 1866. 1 In rompl'ance with instructions from II. A. Kls ley, B-q., Supoiri!ing Special Agent, there will be sold, to tbe biehest bidder, at public auobon, at 11 o'oioek in the forenoon ol W EDnESUAK, the 6th dayot September next, at WINSTON'S BUILD ING, corner of FOURTEEN TU and CARY Streets, in the city ot RICHMOND, Virginia, the following detcribtd CAF1 UKED AND ABANDONED PROPERTY, TWO HUNDRED (OB mobb) HOGS BEADS LEAF TOBACCO, FIVE HUNDRfcD BOifc8 MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. The Leaf Tobacco has boeu gathered from tho counties ol Bodlord, Roanoke, Franklin, Campbell, Uoiiry.ratilck, Halifax, Prince Edward, Pittsylva nia, Mecklenburg, and Charlotte, comprising all the good tobacco lands in the Hiata. sluoti oi it is ot tbo fln st quality, suitable tor ' wrappers,' aud has bern well cured and preserved. This sale presents epiiortunitifB to the msnulacturer and dealer rarely ofli-rf d. Should the demand warrant, some thme or tour hundred hogsheads more may be added to tbe sain, which will complete the disposition oi Virginia Icbaoeo for Government account. ha mules of each hcgsliead will be ready for inspec tion at the salesroom ten days preceding tbe day of Terms-Cash, In CfWnment funds. JOHN ti. LOOMIS, 8 15 8w B.btaul Special Agent. CAMPHOR TROCHES, Jyr Positive PreveoUve of N DUrrliaa, Dysentery, and Cholera Morbus. Vi i. Bole Fsotor.C.H. Needles, Druggist, AfPr V, UthRot8ts.,PblIa. K3.Xr Cmaiied oa" SUMMER RESORTS. QON CRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. i On and after August 27, tbe rate will be reduced to 83 per day. Hotel remains open u; til OCTOBER 1. 8 21 120 J. F. CAKE. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. J.t Will Remain Open This Season Later than Usual. rcrsons visiting ns lata in Anrost or early In Sep tcmber will find It a very pleasant portion of tba sea shore season, and have tbo benefit ol a certainty in securing ocean-front rooms. GEORGE J. BOLTON, Proprietor. 818 8 tv SURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. 9 CHOICE BOOMS can now be bad at thla favorite House. W. T. CALEB. OPEN TJSTH OCTOBER I. i817 ERCUAXTS' HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. This notel being entliely refitted and refurnished In the best manner, IS hOW OPEN FOR THE BECEP. HON OF CUEbTS. 1 be bouse Is located near the ocean, and every atten tion w ill be given to merit the patronage of the public. MclSUTT 4& MASON, 6 22 tt PBOP1UETOIW. CAMDF.N AND A3IBOY, PHILADELPHIA AND TRKNTON, AND BELVIDERti DELA WARE KA1LKOAD8. GRAND EXCURSION ARRANGEMENT FOB TOURISTS AND PLEASURE TRAVEL To KIAOABA FALLS, MOM REAL, QUEBEC, TUB WHITE MOUNTAINS. i,A EE OKOKUE, SAKAiOGA . VI LWAKc VTATKit GAP, ETC. ETC- , These excursion routes are arranged for the special aceommodution of tourists and nlcasure travellers, i nalillUK tlicm to visit the celenrated watering places of tbe North, at much less than regular rates ol' tare. Tickets good uutll November lt.lM66 and entitle tbe bolder to stop over at anv pointon the route. For 'tickets, information, and circulars descriptive of the routes, applv at the Ticket ottlceof tbe company, No HV8 CHEhAUT Street, : Continental Hotel. 6 3D 2m W. H. GATZMER, Agent ITOIfc CAFE MAY. Commencing TUESDAY, August 28, 186S. Trains will leave (Upper Ferry) Market street, Philadelphia, as loliows: 3 P. Al.. due at Cape Island at 7 P M. , Kotutning Will eave Cape Island 8 A. M., due in Philadelphia at 11-37. Ticket Oi!ic s. at Kbits loot oi JUaraet street, and No (KMC tie. nut street, L'ontlnenial Hotel. fersous purchasing tickets of the Agent, at No. 828 Chesnut stieet. can by leaving orders, have their bag pane called for and checked at their residences by Grsliam's Bagiiage iXDresn. S28 J. VAN RENSSELAER, Superintendent. THE EYE AND EAR. JJEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, THROAT, LUNG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARRH AND ASTHMA, Disordered Functions ot THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS' MORBID AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER, WEAKNESS OP NERVES, AND GENERAL DEBILITY OP THE WHOLE 8Y8IEM, v Treated with unprecedented success by DR. VON MOSCIIZISKER, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. The following GENTLFMEX, who have lately been cured under the treatment of Dr. VON MOnrHzl.S KtK, have kindly peiinlttud lilui to reter to them, and they would giadiy bear testimony to the amount oi kEKEFIT derived lrom his TKI.ATMEN 1 : T. li. UcCREa RY, taq., 'o. 209 Walnut street. HUOKM AKI- It, Kbii., No. 2tlSK Walnut sueet. ALAN WOOD, Jr., Esq., No. 611) Arch street (J. B. GHhF.N, i nt.. No. '26 North eveuth street C. J. liOLLOWAV, Esq. No. SUA Market street. J. COOPF.U. Esq , No 3 North Front street. Dr. DAVIDSON, N. W. coiner of Ninth and Chesnut streets General KII.BURN. U. 8. A., Girard street '1 . W. feWEENEY, Esq., U. ti. Assessor ot the Second lifstrict. '1. llAKY, Esq., Piesident ot the Slueteenib Ward Public bchools. Kov. S. G. 11AKE. Philadelphia Conference. Hundreds of other names, all persons who would ba careiullt conscientious to whom they would permit the indorsement ol tlielr names ran be examined at his OFFICE, No. 11)31 W'ALNLT Street. THE ATOMIZER. Dr. VON MOSCHZISKEB asserts with the utmost confidence tnat hi ays em ot treating- LI NG. 'iHKOAT, CHfcST Dlseutes. CATAKKil, ASlllMA, and all maladies of the dlm-stlve orKaus, by the use of the AlOiilZtH, is ihe oulv rullalile one. Mince tha Introduction ot this system cases have been brouKbt to bis oUice. No ldlll WALNUT btreet. in which, every other possible mcansjrve been irultlessly em ployed, nut readi'y yielded wfli treat tueut llieAlOMlZKKlsaD AllARATl'S constructed on seienlitio principles, which, by a mechanical arrange ment, either by atmospheric pressure or steam, coo verts any medio ne Into a tine CjpltAY, and readily conveys It Into the BRONCHIAL U'llKSo,' LUVGS, with the KE.sPIRAlOUY t UK UK NT. The mndlclnes submitted to tbe actum of thin AI'PAKATUS lose noiliiiiK ot their tliElt'AL VAt.UK. as in other preparations, but are received into the KKSPIRA TOHY GROANS ill their lull MEDICINAL STRENGTH. r-L'lK.lOAL OPFR XTIONS OTST THE EYE. ALL bUKCK'AL OPERATIONS on the Eyes, such as Caturact, ArtUleiul Pupil, H.'ross Eyes, etc, sklliuily peilormed. - 7 l5rp VISITINQ AKD WEDDIKQ . CARDS, WRITTEN, ENGRAVED, AND PRINTED. The Latest London and Paris Styles. INITIALS. MONOGRAMS. CBJSSTH. ARMM, Etc., SlAUPiD ON PAPIK ANU ENVELOPES, IN COLOR. GRATIS. The Finest Ensrlish, French, and Ameri can Paper and Envelopes. MONOGRAMS, ARMR, CRESTS, Designed and En- ''"vRITING DFHKS, TRAVELLING OA8T!3, PORT FOI lOh. POCKKT-BOlKH, KNIVES, BACKGAil 14 ON BOAKDH, and a very large stock 6t FINE STATIONERY. R. HOSKINS & CO, STAT19NERS AND CARD EXURAVER8, No. 913 ARCH Street. 6 28 6nrp TTN ADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY II Kit ha it i ri. NlnYAN o niriili . o f v "t NorTirrriifSNur htrket. NearlyOnposiM tbe Post O flits. Pill I 1)K.LPUI A. til tl Ksmlllessonnlied. Ovdurs.froui Uis Country promnUt attended to. 3l