8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 28, 18C6. THE WORLD OF FASHION. Autumn Bonnet The Latent Revolution First New Styles from Europe, Ktc. Btylea of bonnets for early fall have re cently been imported from Faxis. Many of them difler materially from the summer tj les. Most of the new bonnets are Intended particularly for evening?, and are used as pat tern hate by the city milliners. There is little doubt, that the next arrival of Parisian bon net which will be in time for the general opening next . month will bring changes in the Bhape and mode of trimming. Then the iashion for the tail will be deUnltely esta blished. White French felt, in round hats and in bonnets, is, in some respects, a novelty. When this material is tastefully trimmed it is quite attractive. The white left hats have an nnassaming look, and, though costly, are not showy. There is a new shape, harrow and long at the sides, nearly flat on the top ol the head, and drooping In front. Another is a small square ot lace or silk upon a stiff tramp, taste fully trimmed, having long lace streamers, and only covering the crown of the head. Among opera hats is a unique style, consist ing of a email circle formed of five large velvet leaves, with loops of a black chain falling below it, and wide streamers of gossamer lace (either white or black, to suit the fancy of the wearer) attached at the side, and float ing graceluliy over the shoulders. One in form of the Gipsy Queen has the edge pointed, resembling a star, and when finished with lace, flowers, and pendants, is very pretty. Some of the bonnets are without wide Firings, but have a band of velvet, with a fall ot lace or crystal pendants, in place of strings, in a lung loop in front. Among the many bonnets recently imported these are likely to attract attention. A beautiful evening hat is of Fanchon tthape, made of marabout a white, soft, wavy down with a wealth of cherry-colored velvet, flowers and green leaves around the edge, both back and front. A cherry-colored velvot band forms the inside trimming at the top ; streamers ol velvet ribbon ot the same color, a yard and a half long, float at the sides, and the strings are of white lace, finished on the edgewith narrow point lace. The wholesale price of this bonnet is thirty-six dollars. Another pretty hat is of Fanchon shape, the centre of marabout, and the eHe con sisting of two or three rows of velvet loaves, parnct colored, and shaded from the lightest to the darkest hue, with a fall of marabout at the back. Velvet leaves form the lace trim miner, and instead of strings there is a band 1 velvet with a fall of lce in front. A decided novelty is a brown velvet bon net, the front close fitting, very much like the cottage shape, with a turban crown. It is trimmed plainly, a small white ostrich feather on one side, near the front edge, a (strip of brown velvet on the opposite side of the crown, a velvet band the only inside trimming, with strings of white moire. There are also bonnets with crowns re sembling some of the shapes in straw now worn. J here is, besides, the more than usual variety of round hats, among which, as nov elties, are the Douro, a turban ; the Moscow, also a turban, made of French felt, in white, black, or drab; and the Kelson. Altlough very few (lowers are used in decorating the pattern hats recently im ported, yet the flowers on exhibition are varied, rich, and beautiful, and doubtless will be employed profusely later in the season. Tl;ere is a new trimming ostrich fiinge, about two inches wide. It is formed of ostrich fcatbeis, headed with jet beads. It will make rich trimming, but wdl be expen sive as well as elegant. Plumes to be worn on the round hats are of all hues, and are more showy than usual. Slack and white plumes are thrown quite in the shade by the displays ot orange, red, blue, green, purple, etc. It n likely that much trimming will be fashionable this fall on bonnets and on all apparel for ladies. If. Y. Evening Post. AMUSEMENTS'. Academy of Music Rlstorl, tlie ft'r6ate6t tragedienne in the world, appears for alimitod nauober of nights at t(ie Academy, coraraoncinir on tbe lztb of November. Mr. (jrau announces liom New York that Madame Adelaide Histori, the celebrated tragedienne, accompanied by the members of the tine dramatic company lately organized tor the above establishment, aud her suite, will embark at Brest, France, on board the French, transatlantic steamship Femre, ou Batnrday, the 1st of September, for Neff York. It Is expected that the distinguished party will arrive among us on the 12th proximo, and soon afterwards commence the fulfilment of lilstori's eugaeeineats throughout the United titates and Havana. The enterprise of forming the Kistori company was difficult, and attended with a very heavy outlay ot money, indeed, it is asserted that were It not for the existence ot a very troubled state ot society in Italy, consequent ou the agitations of the war with Austria, the management would have found it utterly impos siole to obtain the services ot such an assemblage of talented artistes as will attend Madame Ade laide to our shores. A9 matter possessing very considerable Interest, we publish tor the information of the public all the particulars concerning the dUtinguibUed stranger, commecciug with a list ol the artistic personnel of the Histori Dramatic Company, which is composed of the lollowinn: ttmnort; Adelaide Histori, Antoinetta Zammariui, Adole tJianmartini, Maria Malagoli, Marietta lSergou. zoni, Maria Greppi, Luigia Glech, Vindoia )a?ti, Anntta bun, Grazlosa Glech, Kosina Fontana. There arc also the Sisnorl Giovanni Carboul, iiucomo (Jlech, Achilie Oottmi, Ludtvico Ma mini, Giulio lluti, Giovanni Maria boraht, An tonio Malagoli, Napoleonc Maznidolrt, Carlo Buti. Pletro Ferrari, Paolo Vega, Cesare Hif tori, I-rancciico Llsaia, Giovanni Tewro. t'rederloo Verzura, Lnigl Troianl, Andrea Baltana. Asdru balf Corsi, Achilie Gilbert!. The following are the names of authors who have written expiclv lov Madame Histori and he r dramatic compaiiv : Puolo Giucometti, Kr nest Lcgonvc, (iuiseppe Moutaue, lpjiolito d'Astclli, and their plays will be produced in America. Giuii'i Tareuuo, Francesco dell 'Ou gaio, (Jastuo Curn nnd Napolemie Giotti are the writers who have ti-auslared for Madame Kistori Ihe dramatic clu f i'(vucres ol English, German, and Fr nch poets, and winch will be represented during their engagement in this couutry. The admiumt'iitor of he Italian dramatic company is Mamo Corticellt. Of the nieicbers of the coniuuny Signcir.i Antoniotta Zammanui and Achilie Cottini aie members of the Beleth-Hon company, which is renowned in Europe. Mr. Gra.i lias oho made the acqnision of l.udovico Muneiin. u verv distinguished artito, who is as great iu comedy as iu tragedv. It was very iiiiii nlt to induce this irentleman to re'.lnnuish liis eugageroeni in Naples and undertake a loumev to America. New Cheiinot Streut Theatri. Our Mutual Friend is played lor the last time Dere lo-nient. lo-morrow ewening Miss Noemie de Marueriitps in baiiciKm. Next Mondav the fall and winter season will be inaugurated by Mad'lle Felicita vestvau. Ti-B Wii.unT fiTREM Theatre. An Immeuse audience assembled la.it evening to witness the Ierlormauce or tne ereat iuuiay ramuy. nfjheiv ft-rilleube takes the place of the Viuwi ljan. aud is really more fearful than its prettecesHor in appearance. M. Henri Agoust appears each evening in bis unrivalled seance ot jugglery. Kew aim bphuww iuw&u are jt wntcd each evening, and thcse.with the premiere dansevse, Senorita Bosita, divioe the all'octions of tbc ladies. The great Spiral Mountain Feat and a comic pantomime arc also given every night Next Monday evening. Mr. J. 8. Clarke, the favorite comedian, will commeuce a six meats engagement at the Walnut, and be will be fol lowed tv Miss Kate Dateraan. The New America Theatre, The Worrell Bisters met witb a very flattering reception last eveninir, and everything passed off in a pleasant manner. The Five is repeated to-nieht. It is a piece which displays the talent and accom plishments of the Worrell Sisteisto line advan tage. Sophie, Irene, and Jeonie appear in beautiful dances and pleasing songs in every act of the pitce. The CHAnrioN8nir. The great match game of billiards atSansom SiroetHall, this evening, will be immensely attractive. Ladle and eentle men can contemplate this ancient game with all it modern mutations as ptactised by two of our most eminent "Knhrhts ol the Cue." M. Victor Estephe is to contest with E. J. Plunkettl'or the champion cue ot Pennsylvania, an,l the game will be a remarkably tine one. Mr. Nasby at Last Gets Ills Post Office. CoNFEPRiT X Roads (which U in the State uv Kentucky) August 12, 186(5, 8h. ) At last I hcv it t Finally it come ! After tlve weary trips to Washington, after much weary waiting and inucn travail I bevgotit. I am now rostmnter at Conrcdrlt X Roads, and am doolv installed in my new position. W I ever hed any doubts cztb A. Johnson bcin a better man than Paul the Apostle, a look at my com munion removes It. Kf I ketch myself a feelin that he deserted ua onneeessanly tive years aio, another look and my resentment softens into pity. Ef 1 doubt bis Dcmocrisy 1 look at that blessed commission and am reassured, for a Preoitient who cood turn out a wounded Federal soldier and appoint slch a man ez me mun be above suspicion. The nest morntn I took poHSenshun uv the offis. 'Ami awake or am I dreamin," thought I. Not not it is no dream. Here is the stamps, here is the blank, and here is the commisebun 1 Ittstroo! Itistroo! 1 heerd a child across the way sinein "I'd like to be a angel, And with tbe angels stand." I woodn't, thoucht I. I woodn't tratlc places with an angel even up. A offis with but little to do, with four trrocerys within a stone's throw, is ez much happinet-s ez my bilers will stand without bustin. A aucel 4 sooth! Pktkqleom V. Nasby, P. M. AUCTION SALES. PANCOAST W A R N O C K, AUCTIONEERS, 518 So. 240 MARKET Street. THIRD LARCSK FALL SALE OF AMERICAN AND IMFOnTfcPDH Y tiOODS. E.MU KOIDhKI 8, LIN .S I.OOIIS, lit)Bl&Y,NOT10No, ETC.. BY CATA LOGUE. On VVednosrtay. A up ugt 29, commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising about 800 ,otst oi now and desirable (roods, which will bo found well worthy the attention ot Imjers. 8 24 t LAKGK, POSITIVE AND IMPORTANT SALE OF 5(0 l.OTb tJIBl-OIDKHIKrt, WHITE OOODo. AN li LINEN CA.V1UKI- HANDKERCHIEFS. I On Wtdnesday, A ill.' "st 2ft, at 10 o'clock, EMBliOlDEUIliS AND WIIITE GOODS. Also, od Wednesday a luil lino oi Newest stylo ems Jaeonei insertions and editings. Jo do do cambric inscriinn and edgings. Do do do .laconM and cumo. io Imnds. Do do do juc ,n i' t and cumor'c iiouncinps. Do do do In antfl' '.ulsis. rubes, and collars. Do do do linen and cambric fca dkerclilels. Also an Invoice coimtrlsinK a lul assortment of cam bric anil jaconet nmsltns, nainsooks, p aim, bishop.-., lawns, etc. 2U00 DOZEN L. C. HAMKKRC11IEFS. Alan, a nil linn ot Ladies' p'aln and hemstitched L. O. hdkfs. Gents' X and H jilu'u and hemmed and i.rinted-bordor hdkfu Heine b lull apsortmoT.t ot a most mvorito make, from lov. est to finest numbers imported, l'oiticulur attention oi the trade I invited. 8 27 2t B SCOTT, J R... AUCTIONEER. .No. 1020 C1IKSNUT BTKEEI. 0 US BOARDING. TSJO. 1121 OIItAKI) STREET 1 elnK neatly fitted up, will open (or riUST-CLASS BOARDERS ON THE FUST OP -EttiVlfiER. Two large Con nmnlcatlng Rooms on tbe second floor, well adapted lor a family. 8 'U MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Has a handsome assortment of MILLINERY; Mlese and Infanta' Hats and Caps, Bilks, Velvets Crapes Ribbons, Feathers, Flowers, Frames, etc. DANCING ACADEMIES. T L. t'ARPENTfcR & SON'S DANCING XJ. ACADEMY, AO. AHUU "1KEL I. 1. 1. Oamonter. the well-known and exoerienced Slaster oi l'anciug and CaliHtlieiilcs, resoeotiullv in lorms Parents and Youna Ladles and GenUemun that bia Academy tor Private Tuition n 111 reopen lor tbe reccpt on ot bcnoiors on ........ ...v a.-r t. , ...... BAitHUtl or I" 1 r.JlDLU 1, IBOO, forttieFal' Winter, and Hpilna. l.vcrv attention, as neretoiure, win De paid toadvauce bis tcliolars Id every particular, and he cun b. seen punctually at his rooms, ho ti& AliCH Street, dally ana nigDiiy. .., . uai o mi iyja run Liiina, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AtiLI FUIDaY AFfER- FOR YOVKO XIoMC-i AND MASTERS. TVEfcDAY. llillibDAi. AND BATUUDAY AFfEH- hU '.N1. EVEMNOS FOR tiilNTLEM EN. TUEDAY, TUU11S1MY. ND 8A1UKDAY EVEN- PKIVaTE KVEKTKUS FOR LADIES AND GEN TLEMEN MONDAY. WEDNESDAY. aN1 FRIDVY EVEN- D1BECT PRIVATE Tl'ITIOV Rivn in cln!HeH or sltmle lessuns evcrv morulnz. Tt iuis. etc , made known at D 1.. Carpauier,fc Hon's a aiitmy 1'. L. i arionter & Son wll! Rive their attentloa to all too latOHi tublilonalile daures ol tie seuson. ad 4. slops U atizcs, Hups. etc , and the many dtlljr- cul usuiea u; nit, (H UM V CflTir.i ION toKetlicr, he T1 ten h a.i unial al round danccsantl vuaumtea. ana, in tuo . any dance that, mur tie ro- itiusien ttcliolars can commence at any time uumg nil tan uuu wintt r seuKOiiK. PKlVATk i lll'II.I.mv KOIRPICS will be slvcuto scliolur.H and .rlendsat lii Koouw th s esson, as well as a course ot Eveniue Suhscrlptiou Holrees at tno Mu.icat Fund ball and a Brand Matmin Hubtcrlpilon lia'i In K liruarv : also, his T cnl.v-aocond Annual Floral Ba I II b : xiven at the Acndemv oi Mufic iM" seaon Iniormatioa will bo gU. u on aupli- ca'luu iu v- U' arpenier Xli kct are reauy at Ills room" tor hl Openhd Holreo. V. L t'AUPEATfcR. 8 11 3m No. 6'25 APCH Street. TF YOU WANT PERFECT SATISFACTION J In every respect, buy tbe celebrated PKKSiu.-, CO l Kg anu ntoe sizes, bi i ra per ton. Also, the n,inlui I Alii K VK.1N COAL. Same bIzm nrlp.. and avery tliie uuaUty of t.KUIutl. Kkk and wtove, at H'Miper ton. I keep nothing but tbe beau Orders r- ceivea o. in noum i ruir. pupi. n c. PATEN T WIltE WORK rOBRAILlKOB, BIX) RE FRONTS, GUARDS, FAKimONB, IRON F.EDSTEA DH, AND WIRE WORK, Id variety, manutacture by M. WALKER & SON8' 3Mu o, 11 JTort&BlJIfl Bwtvt, INSTRUCTION. J.JAMILTON INSTITUTE l'OIl YOU NO liADIES. PHILIP A. CHIOAR. Bern about to relinquish bis position to the pnWIC schools, with which be liu be fin connected (or tbe last twentv-tbree yeais. WILL OPfcX A DAT AND BOARDING SCHOOL ron YOCNO LADIES, AT NO. S810 CHeBNTTT STRKF.T. ON MONDAY, BEPTEMHER 10. This Institution la designed to rival U test semi naries In tbe country. CIRCULARS) Containing particulars and other Information In relation to this Irtotltutlon, con ba bod until tne 1st ol' Sep tember, at W) m w rwrt Ttn stise'. a n -TVfONSlEUK ALEXANDRE WOLOWSKPS J.V1 Clauses lor Piano sn: Singing by bis enbrelr new eimplifli d a; stem, are now open 'those wishing to rad music at slabt. keep time penectly by nevtly invented manner, accompany any song or piece by a nw march ol harmony, sing or perioral In concer n, choir, or private can call at No. 104 S. WABUINOTO.N Square. Ihl.dren admitted. Ladles' Seminaries attended to. 814 lrarp rpiIE LEH1CH UNIVERSITY. BETHLEHEM, J- Pennsylvania wiU open lor the reception of Stu dents, HEP ilMBrKI, 186.1 Appliatlon should be made to lb "resident, HEART COPPEB LL D, 8 27 7t Br.THiJHsM, Pa. rjMIE CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL, II. D. GREGORY. A. M o. 1108 MARKET Street, will kkopkn t8 27 lmrp OS MONDAY. hEPi EMBER 8. TJRIVATE SCHOOL FOR BOYS, IN TUB X PHIL DELPHI A CITY IN9TI I UTE, N. E. corner ot tlllHSUT and EUJUTrENlII .streets. re-open MONDAY, September 10. Entrance on MOHTEKNIH t?treet. ( 22 lml L BAKROVYS. Principal. rpiIE CLASSICAL, COMMERCIAL AND L Preparatory Departments of ST. JOSEPa'8 'OL-I.i-Gh, WILLINU'8 Alley, will resume duties on MON DAY, August 27. 8 i lot rpiIE ENGLISH AND CLASSICAL ACADEMY, L Nos. 1(0!) and I'll CHE8J.UT "treet will reopen MONDAY. September 10. I. B. LANG TOM and O. SE1DEN8TICKER. Prlnelpalg. 8 24 lm MISS ANNTE E. LANOTON'S SCHOOL FOR Young Ladies, No. 142 North Tit N TU Street, will reopen on V OSDAY. September 10. 8 25 lm CIGARS AND TOBACCO. DINT TO TOBACCO CHEWERS WEDDING-CAKE FINE CUT TOBACCO. The only FINE CUT TOBACCO ever monuia tnred n Pn'ladelphia. Tlio liest, in the Market. EVE It Y BODY USES IT Manufactured from the Best Leaf. SOLD EVERYWHERE. 811 Factory, B. r. corner Hroad and Wallace Streeta AGENT FOR ST RATTON'S FAMOUS YEAST. S. E.Cop. CIIESNUT and FRONT Sis. 8 4stu:nlmrp FOR SALE. i FOR SALE. MOPERX DWELLING. E jII1 Korihwest corner of Twelfth and Wallace streets. In complete order. I'osseRsion with deed. .. . , . . . ... .... v- ...... . . . . f I . ... m I'OR SALE. HANDSOME MODERN f:::M Brick Dwellings In the vlclnltv ot Fortieth and l'lue streets, West t'biladelphla. 8'24Bi u. M. H. wslik, fo TZrANNiiM treet. TO RENT. LARGE, WELL LIGHTED AND VENTTLATKD ROOM, ON THE SECOND FLOOR OF TBK "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 South THIRD 8treet, TO RENT, WitU or without steam power. Apply In the othce, nrst floor. FERTILIZERS. A MMONIATED PHOSPHATE, A Concentrated Fertilizer. This preparation contains Pore Ground Bone, and the best Fertilizing Salts known to agricultural chemistry, combined In such a manner as to develop their prod uc tlve properties only when nsed on the soli. Price WO per ton. For sale at tbe manuiacturers' depots. Ho. 1 MAttKET Street, Philadelphia, 0 8 BURLING SLIP, New York. WILLIAM ELLIS & CO., 8i0 12trp Manufacturers. gAUOII'S HAW BONE SUPEK-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Th orot : Fertilizer lor all croos. Oaica In Its action and permanent in lis effects. Established over twelve leaiHr. suiimca u i". ...ih". ...v., num u.... Ot the maouiaciory, on nuerw hiui. anu-uctureuomruy BA.U0H & S05IS, Office No. 20 South DELAWARE Avenue. 8 4smw5rp Philadelphia. 3 E R FECT ION 18 11ARELY ATTAINED, YET A. B. W. BULLARD'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP, FOB KEMOVIKO Urease, Paint, Pitch, and Varnish, From all Goods of Durable Colon, is ahead of anything yet discovered. It leave tbe Goods soft, and as perfect as when new. wl'b no snot upon wblch dust can col ecr, as is tbecase with all tbe preparations beretoiore sold lor cleansiiiit 8lt'ls delicately pertnmed nd entirely free trom the disagreeable odur of benzine, and all other resinous fluids. COCNIKBrXlTS Ot this preparation are extant, therefore be sura and take none but that bleb has lb autograph of A. a. W bVjLLAliD on the label. ' Manufactured by the Proprietors, A. B. W. BULLARD & CO., WOltCEBTKB, MA.SH. Ueneral A tents lor Pennsylvania, DYOTT A- CO., Ro. 273 Kerb SECOND Btreet, Philadelphia. Ft r ! by a!) Druggist. 1 9m SUMMER RESORTS. CONGRESS HALL. CAPE ISLAND, N. J. On and after Aofmst 27, tbe rate will be reducel to 98 per day. Botcl remains open n; til OCTOBER 1. e 2i i2ij J. F. CA1CE. COLUMBIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, JV. J., Will Remain Open This Season Later than Usual. l'ersons vlsittun ns lat ) in Aurust or early in Sep tember will find it a very pleasant portion of tbe sea shore season, and have tbe benefit of a certainty in securing ocean-front rooms. GEOIIC1K J. UOLTON, 8 18 3w Propriotor. $URF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY. CHOICE BOOMS tan now be bad at this favorite Bouse. W. T. CALEB. OPEN UNTIL OCTOBER 1. i817 E It C II A N T S' HOT E L, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. This Hotel being entlioly refitted and refurnished In the bent manner, 13 SOW OPEN FOB THE KECKP IICN OF GCEbT8. Ihe boue Is located near the ocean, and every atten tion ill le given to merit tbe patronage or the puoilc. McNUTT & MASON, 6 22 U PROPBI ET0R3. CAMDKN ANU AMHOY. PHILADELPHIA AND TRrHTON, AND BELVIDEKE DELA WARE. KJILKUA119. (jKAND tAcUltOI" AKRl.Ul.HC.M POI. TOURISTS AND PLtASCRE TRAVEL TO NIAGARA FALLS, MONTREAL, QTJEBFC, THE BAKA'l CIO A . Dr LA WAR c. WATEli AP, ETC. E1C These excursion routes are arranged lor the special accommodation of tourists and pleasure travellers, enablinu tbem to visit the celeursteri waterlnu olaces ot tbe North, at much lefs than reRUlur ratos oi tare. Tickets (tood until November lt,lHtG and cutitle Uio bolder to siop over at any point on the route. tor jicaets, iniormntion, nna circu ars uescnptive or the routes, anplv at the 'I icket tllco of tbe company. No CHESAUT Street Continental llotnl. 6 30 2m W. H. UAlZMtlt, Agent. IOIfc CVIPli: 3IAY. CommencingETlTESDAY..UKU3t28, 1R68 Trains will leave (Upper Ferry) Market s.reet, 1'hhaJeluliia. at follows: . , , , . 3 1'. Ai., nue at i ape inia .a at, i i' m. Retuiiilng will enve tape islnnu e a. iua iu i-niiaile.phia at 11M1. Ticket (Jhici s, at Ferrt loot oi Maraet street, and No 8:bChe nui street, t ontlnental Hotel. Perrons puicbaninu tickets of tbe Agent, at No. 828 Che uut .fleet, can by leaving orders, have their bag gaiie called lor and checked at their residences by Graham's Baggage Express. 28 J. VAN KEN8SELAER, Superintendent THE EYE AND EAR. JJFAFNESS, BLINDNESS, THROAT, LUNG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARRH AND ASTHMA, Disordered Functions ot THE DlOESTIVli OROANS- MORBID AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER, WEAKNESS OP NERVE9, AND GENERAL DEBILITY OP THE WHOLE 8Y9rEM, Treated with unprecedented success by DK. VON MOSCHZISKER, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. The following GENTLEMEN', who have lately been cured under tbe treatment of Dr. VON MOSuUZIs Kl.h, have kiudl peimitted him to reier to thorn, and liiey wouiu g aaiy oear lestimoor to uie amount oi fcLNEr'l 1 derived trom bis TRI.ATMKN I i 1.13. McCUERY,l sq., No. Ki Wainut street. tbULMAKl.il, Esq., No. 'J05M Walnut Btieet. ALAN WOOD, Jr., Esq , No. 610 Arch stroct C. H. CKt IN. 1 so.. No. 2 North eventh street C. J. liOLLOWAY, sq.. No WIS Market street. J . COOPER. Esq , No i North Front street. Dr. DAVIDSON, N. W. corner of Muth and Chesuut streets General Kit BURN. TJ. fl. A., Olrard street. T. V. fWEENEY, Esq., V. H. Assessor ot the 8econd District T. HARY, Esq., President ot the Nineteenth Word Public Be tools. Rev. 8. U. HARE. Philadelphia Conference. Hundreds of other names, ail persons who would be careiuil' conscientious to whom they would permit the indorsement ol their names can be examined at his OFFICE, No. 1031 WALNLT Street. THE ATOMIZER. Dr. VON MOSCHZISKER asserts wltb the utmost conndence tiiut his ays em ol treuiiug Lt'NU. 'Ill BOAT, CHEST Diseases, CATARBII, ASlHMA. and u.l raalauies of the digestive orgaus, by the use ol the AlOhlZEK. Is ihe only reliable one. Since the Introduction ot this system coses have been brounht to bis otl.ee, No 10.ll WALNUT Street in which every other possible means have oeon irultles.sly em ployed, but reudl'y yielded to his treatment 'Ihe AiOMlZEHlsso Al 1 ABA 1 11 H constructed on scleutilio principles, which, by a mechanical arrauge meni, either by atmospheric prcsxuro or steam, coa verts any medic ue Into a fine cPKAY, and readl y conveys It Into ihe BHONCIUAL HI 111-Ho.. MTi- wlth the REnPIKA'IORY CURRKNT. The medicines submitted to tbe action of this AI'P.VUATUH lose no b Int? ol their .UE.vl'AL VALUK, as in other im parstinui. out are receiveu into tne kkhcikA- T KY KKGAN8 In their lml MEDICINAL 8TBENOH1. hLRI.lCAL OPERATIONS OS THE EYE. ALL SIRGK AL OPERATION on the Eyes, such as Lauiraci, Artiuciai rupu, cross tyes, etc., sxihu y peilormed. 1 2Arp VISITING AND WEDDING CARDS, WIUTTEN, ENGRAVED, AND PUINTED. The Latest London and Paris Styles. IIT1ALH MONOCHA Mrt. CREST", ARMl, ETC.. 81AUPED ON PAPt:B AN li ENVk.LOi'8. - vijv U A X 1 A O. The rinest English, French, and Ameri can Paper and Envelopes. MONOGKAMS, AES18, CRESTS, Designed and En- graveu. FOI.I"!-. POI KKf-ByuK", KNIVES, BACKGAM MON iJUABim, anu avery larpe sioca oi FINE HT ATI ON 13 It Y. : H. II03KINS & CO , STATIONERS AND CABD ENGRAVERS, 6 28mip No. 913 ARCH Street. UNADULTERATED LIQUORS ONLY Hll HARD PEN IHTAN'd SXiiklSAf l VAIII1S. No.IirCHtHNCl' HTBEET. Nearly Onposlta tba Post Oate, puiXadelpuia. Fsnil' es supplied. Ordure .Uiin tbe Country promntij atteudedw. JiS DRY GOODS. pKICE & WOOD, N. W. Corner EIGUTH and FILBERT, HA YE JV.iT OPENED: 6000 yards American Print, fast colors, 16 a d 18) eents a yard. 1 eae fine qnality French Merinos, tl 26 a yard. Fine quality Black Alpacas, 60, 66, 60,70,80,90 cents, tl, fl 12, and tl 26 a yard. FLANNEL I FLANNELS! All-wool Flannels, 85, 87), 40, 45, 50 cents, np to 126aard. Do met Flannels, 81) np to 90 eents. All-wool Shaker Flannels, 60 oonts np to SI a yard. Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels, cheap, Beet makes B'eached and Unbleached Muslins, at ths very lowest maraet prices. Yard-wide Bleaebed Muslins, 26, 28, 81 i, 83, 85, 37) oents. Yard-wide Unbleached Muslins, 20 23, 25 cento., i'illow Case and Sheeting Musbns, ete. JUST OPENED: One ease Bridal Quilts, very cheap. Table Linens, Napkins, and loweis. W bite Hoods, very cheap. A larife assortment of Hosiery, Ladies' and dents' Merino Vest, very cheap. A larre assortment of Edo-inR, Flouncing!, and Inserting, Ladies' and Gents' Linen Handkerchiefs. Just opened, lrom auction, a cheap lot ofForto- moLnaiee, Tooth aud Hair Bruahos. PRICE & WOOD. K. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT 5 WOOLLEN GOODS. CA83IMEBES FOB FALL AND WINTElt WEAR. Da fins the r malnder of this nionth we shall offer our sicca oi MEN'S AND BOY'H WEAR, (Bought during tbe early iummer), at prices that will effect rapid salts Al -wool wssslmeres for Boys. 6m cents and SI. Heavy Mixed Cat slmcres for Meu, a-'24. Fine "ilk .v Ixtures lor suits. Fine Black Cussi meres. Water-j root Cloak lags, best grade. SI CO. Home ol the above goods are nearly one half lust sea son s prices. 8 15Jm J. C. STBAWBRIBGE & C0H N. V. CORNER EKtLTTII AND MARKET. rPWENiY-FIVE CENT SHIIITINGS Two Additional Cases EXTRA COOD SHlETINt.S, AT TWESTT FIVE It.MB 1-t-li IAKII. Twelve c:iees LEST WAKE HIIIR1INOS. W iliiamsvll, New York M 11 s, iaasouville. Wamsutta. Androncoggla, New Jersey. WIPE SHPETISU MUSLIN?. Four esses best makes. NINE BALE TJNBLEtCIIED MUSLINS. xiru yard-wido, 21 ceuts. Extra heavy and wide, 23 c.nts. CALICOES AT EIGMTKb'N UEN'M. UtiiO yards, la-1 colors, at 18 cenu. MUSLINS BY T11K riKf'E AT WHOLESALE 10 JUl KA I LS. J. I. STRAWISBIUGE&CO., N. VV. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. V1EI UNOS P OPLINS LUPIN'S K1ECII MF.RlNO, IV20. ODE CA-t SCPEi B QOALI1 Y Mb-RINOi', st Ml. FLkE CORrED P0PL1N8,.I 25 B1CTI l'LAItl 1 OPLINS, 1 50. SHAWLS. BABOAINS IN STELLA SHAWLS. BARGAIN'S IN BLANKET SHAWLS. L8 15 3m J. C. STRAWI5IUDGE & CO., N. W. CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKtTI NURSERY DIAPERS. WE WILL OFFER 1CU pieci sol tloe Nursery Diuprrs at a very liberal deduction trom usual prices, viz: A good Diaper tor '2 per piece; do. 'i5, 3 aj su. 4, 4 5, 5, and St) per pitce. Many of these Diapers are extra wide. Also, Co' ton Diapeis, S3 per uiece. Huckaback 'low els ol auod iiuaiity and size, tor Villi per doz. Lvi ry kind and quality of Towel now iuude in siock. Bird eye linen for Children's Aprons, ot all qualities Table Linens ol superior band-loom torl)7Jie Beached Barnslev do. tVib. Fine Table Linens In great variety. Irloor Llnei s. Hialr i rash, etc etc. Also, good quality t rade Blankets for tl each; Cade and Crib Bankets ot ivery quality and sizes Cradle and Crib Marseilles Qni'ts, all sizes B.D. A W. H. PKNNELL, 8 25 3t No 1021 M ARRET Stroet, BLAKETS. HAVING BOUGHT A VERY large lot of B ankets at a great lots to the iuauu laclurer, we are now prepared to se 1 the same Blankets lor (tf Ml pel pair that we so d last year tor S12; the same lor tl Mi per 'ialr that we did sell lor SUr the same lorSlOper pan that ere S1H; the same tor $lb that vieie(2U; and tbe same tor S20thatwero J5. Toper sons iu Hunt of Blunketa for the coming winter, we say buy now. and save s per pair. 'I his is the largest and cheapest lot or B'ankecswe have ever hod. Hotels, schools and storekeepers supplied In any quantity, at lower fates than ihej can be bought at any other place. Also heavy t on'tortablea S3 ea h: Woolen Uullts, Honey Comb Quilts Lancaster Qmltfl, Allendalo and Maiselllea do., aud every klod of Furnishing Goods. B. I. A W. H PEnNKLU 8 V St No. 1021 MARKET Street No. 1024 C1LENUT otreet. TO LADIES About lasvlng lor the COUNTRY, SEA SHORE, OB WA1EU1NU PLACES, E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Oflcrsalull assortment, at LOW PRICES, of evuy uescripuon oi Yull r. out jw, PUFFEb MU8LIN9. PlUUEt. K:VCH MUSLINS, In all varieties ol plain and Isncy stj les. Laces, Knibroluerles. Hdkts. etc. eto i I nen Sleeves, Collars, beta, etc , in great variety, E M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT Street -taeattJ lfl2H3 KOI 'Ogi Q A P E M A Y ATLANTIC CITY. , AND LONG BRANCH. DRE1FUSS &Ji E L S I N G E R, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, ; .HAVE OVEN ED ON THE 11th INST A new and desirable lot of ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS Suitable lor the Watering Placet, including a splendid assortment of WHITE GOODS. l'UCKKD MUBIilJI, SHIBBED MUSUN. BWI88 MUSLIN, PLAID NAINSOOK, BTKIPED NAINSOOK. 51 CAMBKIV NAINSOOK DRY GOODS. i.osinoi;t bauncbop stock AT GREATLY SEDUCED PRICES, Prior to 0)ieulBg New tioodi In our NEW STORE. No. 43 North EIGHTH St. IS bal'l Ballsrdvale. All wool rtanneln. SU osnts tol. Heavy All-wool Shaker Flannels, S cents Drees Goods Great. y Reduced. Lawns h educed, Ortrandles Beducea. Kid Gloves. JS. 100 dosen Ladles' Hemstitched Bdkni., 37 to 88 cents. 8 4 Power -'oom Table Linen, SI per yard. 8 4' bite Table Damoak, cheap. lot dozen linen Towels. IT to la eents. cheap. Will IB G' ODS UreaUy Reduced to Close Out Ladies' White and Unbleached Hots, below market prices, Wtnta' Half Hose, 17 to 75 eents. Gents' Linen nukfs., very cheap. A LOT OF NOIIONH iron sheriff's Male. Clothes Brushes, Nal Brashes, Cabas, Etc DOMESTICS. DOMESTICS. All the leading mokes of MUSLINS. New Yoik Mills, Wamsutta. WUltamsville, etc., at less than cose pi Ice. 12 4 Bed and White Floor Linen. Handsome Field Poplins, rlon and new. IIOOP SKIRTS. Closing out Hoop Skirts at greatly reduced prices, for v,ant ot room. K. 11. 1,13 k, ENTRANCE 1 O STORE ON FILBERT BTRfcET, Below Eighth. P. S. Will open our NEW STORE, No. 43 North EIGHTH Street, (WARNOCK'8 OLD nTAND), about Ihe FIBT OF OCTOBEB. 8 25stutb3t K. R. LEE. JJLANKETSI BLANKETS ! BLANK ETS1 :K00 Iut-k ol" BlnnktH. PRICES REDUCED. Storekeepers, Hotolkcepers, and Houickecpera, Your attention la Invited to our STOCK OF BLANKETS, Purchased at the low point reachod thirty days since, which will be sold at . FROM $5 TO $6 PER PAIR. HEDUC110N ON FORMER PItlCES. OUR STOCK IS NEW AND CLKAN, AND KMBRA0E8 AM. MKSSKAHI.Ii MAKES AND PRICES Priccr.: $5, i6, $7, 88, 89, 510 Por Pair. CURWEN STQODART & BROTHER, Nos. 450. 452, and 454 N. RECOSD St., 8 27 3t AUOVK W ILLO . lOCUIIO TV JETS AND N K T T I N O. Persona returniru; to the city are respeclially in formed that we have now on hanl and ready for -immediate use, PATENT UMBRELLA MOSQUITO NETS, FOR SINGLE 0B DOUBLE EED3, CRIBS, CRADLES, ETC., OF ALL THE REQUIRED BlZES AND COLORS SKEPPARD,VAN HARLINGEN 2URRIS0N, House-Furnishing Drv Goods 8 'l tatbsl2trp No. 1008 CHtSNirf 8TSEKT. J AS. K. CAMPBELL & CO., No. 7',17 CHESNUT St., Invite ths attention of Cash buyers AT WHOLES AL.K, ' To their Stock of FREXCII, . BRITISH, AND AMERICAN D II Y GOODS, Which for extent, variety, and gracral adaptation to the vauW oi tbe Trate. ta unrivalled. ..... fatkage liuvers iuipiluu with scarce and desirable Goous at aud under niurkot rates CHUlui Wlxolenulss Itooxns 1 7 j Stairs. gAliT WATER SHAWLS, j Wholesale and Eetail. PIIIE WHITE LLAMA feH AWLS. BIIKTLAND BIIAWLS, ALU UJlADCiS. PIKF. WIIITU BARJiWIC BMWAIS. Ull.KFA8T SHAWLS AND HALF all AWLS. ' HlJstuthrp ; KVRB & LANDI5LL. W 1IITE DRILLING AND j UABH.1&Z' IIUIUS, DI1 OWN DRILLINGS AND BASKET DUCKS. FARMERS' PAItTALOONKIlT. liOlis' FANCY TRILLINGS. L1NKN t HKt'KS AND STRIPKS. I EYKE & LAN DELL, FOURTH AND ARCH. MAKSKILLFS QUILTS. WE ARE NOW ollVrlug the Indent and cheaDrst stock of Mar s (VUiits w naveevr had. ftrMins in want ol a ulc ijuilt muv he Hsiturrd ol savin n several dollars bf buvliiu ol this lot Wcaresul liiKacouiiii.iii li 4reIJdar srllkatjullt. S4 .'0 eiH'li . a rral aood bcavv 11-4 do., lor 7WI- vry line double Ls-'k 1j-4 On. -,W Wears -sel luu i he Bauie guilts lot till that wore H the sauia lor 14 thul v ere the same 'or Sin thai ware f. 1 biiSl No. 1021 M4t:K.LTStroer.