THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 186G. cuto property, and, after passinir through several bauds, was in tho possession of a ireu tlpman nenr Brmtol when engraved for Shaw's "Ancient Furniture,'' in lh30. In the Douco Collection of the Bodlsian Li brary, Oxtoid, there is figured In a manuscript ot the liiicentb century a cradle, with the baby Tery nicely tucked up In it. The cradle resem bles those ot modern date, and is upon rockers. Another illustration of tho 6ame period shows us a cradle of similar torm, the " ciadle, baby, and all" carried on the head ol tho ntirsei y-maid a caryatid style of buoi-ienclinir which wo caunot suppose to have bi en universal. The inventories of household I'urnituro belonging to Reginald tie la Pole, after enumerating some Ded-haneinfja of costly muff, describe: Item, a paue" (piece ofcloih which we now call counterpane) "and head-.-hete lor je cradell, of same sute, botho furred with mynever" givmp: us a comfortable Idea ot the nursery establishment in the lie la Polo lanniy. The' recent discovery in Emjlmid of that which tradit on avers to be the tomb of Canute's littlo daughter, speaks ol another phase in niiisery experience. The relic-, both ol the cradle and thy crave, bear their own record of the joys, cares, and sorrows of the nursery in vanished years, and bring near to every mother's heart the baby that was locked in tho one, and the grief which camp when that little form was given to the solemn keeping of the other . A u.iniatuie tu an early manuscript called "Tuo liirlU ot Kt. Edmund," gives us a picture of a bedroom and baby in the liitecutu century. St. Edmund himself was born live hundred yearn previous to that date; but as saints and sinner look very much aliko when they are an hour old, we can imapinc that, as lar us tue baby is concerned, it may be considered a por trait. A pretty jouns woman, in a lone white gown, whose cap looks like magnified butterllies' win:s turned upside down, Bits on a low seat be fore the blaxiug woodlne burning on great aud irons iu a wide tircplace, which, instead ot a man telpiece, has three nicncs lor ornamental vases. She holds the baby very nicely, uud, having warmed hislect, has wrapt him 'in a l ing white parment, so that we see only his little head in a plain night cap, surrounded indeed by the glided nimbus of his saiuNhip, which we hope was not of a tuneible snbsbac", asit would have been an appendaee vrrv awlc A iud lor all parties concerned. The mother reposes in a bed with high posts aud long curtains. She must have been a woman of strong nerves to have borno the sight of such stupendous head gears aatiione in which !her attendants are md-noo'lniug over herself and baby, or to nave supported the weight of that which she wears by w ay of night-cap.- One nurse iiuscs the lady, while another, who, from Iter showy di-ei-s, appears to be I'ip head of the department, oilers a tall, elegant, but very inconveniently shaped goblet, which contains, we presume, niediieval gruel. The room has a very comfortable aspect, iroin which we judfro that some babies m those times were carefully attended. Many centuries ago a young woman hat one day among the boys to whom she had come, as their lather's bride, lrora u forfi'.'n land, to take the name and place 01 their mother. She showed to them a rr-auliiul volume ot Saxon poems, one of her wedding-gilts perhaps offered by the artists ol 1I10 court ot Charles le Chnuve, of whose skill such magnificent specimens yet exist. As the attention of the boys was arrested by the brilliant external dcoratinna, Judith, with that quick ins. iuct foi the extension ot Know ledge which showed her a irtie descendant of Charlemagne, promised that the book: should be given to him who tim l arned to read it. Young Alfred won the prize, aud became Alired the Great. We are brought near to the presence of a woman of the Middle Ases when we t-tunil bo side the monument of Eleanor of Castile, queen of Edward I, iu Westminster Abbey. The figure is li'eliJce and beautiful, with flowing drapery folded simply around it. The countenance, with its delicate features, wears a look 01 sweetness and dignity as fresh to-day as when sculptured seven hundred years ago. The hair, coulincd by a coronet, falls on cacti side other tace in ringlets; one hand lies by her side, and once held a sceptre; the other is brought gracelully UDvvards; the slender tineers, with touch, are laid upon a cross bu.spended trom her ueek. Hisioiians have done their best, or their worbt, to throw doubt upon the story of Eleanor's sticking the poison with her hps from the arm of her husband, when a dastardly assassin of those days struck at the l.le of Edward. But such a tradition, whether actua'ly a (act or not, is a tribute to the aileciion ami strength ot Eleanor's character; and all histo rians agree that she inst'llcd no poison into the lite of kiug or country. Asa wite, a mother, and a queen, Eleanor of Castile btantis high on the record of the women of the middle ages. Coming lroiu Westminster Abbey, in the, spnncr ot 1C5G, we stood oue day at a window in tho Strand, and watched a multitude which no man could number, pulsing throtish that great artery ol the mighty heart of London. It was tho dav of the great Peace celebration, and a holiday. Hour alter hour the mighty host swept on, iu uudiminic hed numbers. The place where we stood was Charing Cross, and our thoughts went back seven hunared yearc, whe.i Edward, following the mortal re mains ot his beloved Eleanor, creeled on this spot, then a country suburb of London, the last of that line of crosses which marked those places where the mournful procession paused on its way from Ilerdeby to Westminster. It was the cross of the dear qucn, ia vtiere reine, which time and changes ot language have since corrupted into Charms Cross. Through this pathway crowds have trodden for many centu ries, and. a lew remember that its name is linked with the queenly dead or with a kinely sorrow. Thus it is, as we hasten on through the busy tnorougbiares of lite irmn age to age, even as one of our own poets hath said: "Wo pasg, and heed each other not." In these pages we have made some record ot woman'b work in pa3t, ana also caught glimpses ot duties, loves, hopes fears, add sorrows not unlike our own. A wider sphere is now accorded, and a deeper responsibility de volves up"n woman to fill it wisely aud well. We should never fomet that, as far as they were laithlul to the duties appointed to them, they elevated their sex to a h eher and nobler posi tion, and therein performed the best work of tne women ut tue juiuuio asLB- .auiutc Monthly. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. (JULTER'S NEW PATENT BEEF SAH1WU1M' II 0 T - A I It FU11NA0E. IIANGE8 OF AliLi SIZES. ALSO, PUIEGAR'S HEW LOW FBESSURB STEAM HEATING APPARATUS. FOB BALK BY CIIAKLES WILLIAM3, 6 10 Do. 1182 M.AKK.KX BTltrLET. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OH i.lKOfKAN RANGE, tor tamlilea. hotels or publio institutions In TWhSll JJiKf.Kfc.NT ' SIZES. aIho phi udeiohia Ranges. Hot-Air kur races, Portable Heaters, Lowdown Urates. Firehoard IBtoves, Batt Boilers, Stewhole Plates, Broilers, Cook ins stoves, etc., wholesale ana retail, by the manuiac urors H1ARPE & THOMSON, i M stuth6m Ko. 20U N. SECOND Street MONUMENTS, TOM B S, GRAVE-STONES, Etc. Just completed. beautlfui variety of ITALIAN MARBLE MONUMENTS, TOMBS AND GRAVE STONES, Will be sold cbeaa for caab. Work sent to any part ol the United States. HENRY 8. TAItll, If ARB LB WOBKB, wtmS No. 110 OBELN Street, Philadelphia. MARRIRON'8 PARIAN WHITE, FOR THE completion, sires tbe rich warm tone ol tbe an marble. Bold at No. M South bEVKNTU (Wttot. JiiJliu. SHIPPING. rti STEAM TO LIVEUPOOI.-rAI.LINn iiUnat Otiernstown The Inman Line. sailing iiu.i.iti , carrvmg tbe United states tnai.. "CITY F lil 1LI N" Wednesday, AUgnslM M 1TY OF LONDON" Satnrday,August2.'i "CITIf OK CORK." Wednesday. Augustus XI I Y OF PA his" Saturday,. September 1 CITY OK MAM II r HI a R".. Wednesday. Hop ember ami caih surcr.dmg haturday and Wednesday, at noon, Irotn l'lcr No. 44 North river. KA1 KH tiK PASSAGE By the mali steamer sailing evcty Saturday. I'avable In Gold, ratable lnjourroucy. First ( el, In fMl Btei rnuo 'Jo London US I To lyondon 4tf 'lo 1 arm lOftl To 1'arls Ml FasFoao by the w ednrsai T steamers: Kirnt cabin, lt(ij sterravo, $15. lavable in United States cur rency. raengorsa'fo forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre D.en. etc , at moiicrate rates. Meerai-o pnKHnye itim Liverpool or Qnecnstown, MO, ciiircnr.y. ri l k ts eun be bouunt here by persons send In" for tlielrtricnils . . . For lurther lnioimailon apply at the Comnanv'a oft, ccs. JOHN O DAI.F, A Kent 8 1 No. Ill WALNUT fctrcct, 1'lilladB, - frr!js F0R NEW YORK. PHILADEL asnss?i)'i7Ts dclplii Mcam I'ropeller Conmanr Do hniueli .-Kiltsuri' Liiief.vln 1'cluwure and liariUui Cuimt. 1 a irifi dm y at Vi A!, and S r. A!., connecting wlUi all N nl rn end Kncterii llurs. For freiilit, blcu win be taien npon accommodating teimB, atply to WII.LIAAI M. B A IHD CO., 3 18 0. 1WM. Iii-LAW AKEATCBU8 ri 0 SHIP CAPTAINS AND 0WNER8.-TII1 J. niu.trnitliied having leased the KKNSINGION fet.TtLW J)i'CK,bCRk loin onn bis frienos and Uiepatmm ot ll.e liock tliai he U .re, Bred with Increanco facliitl to act on. mod ate those having vesse a to be rained or rei'iilred and being a prac leal slil-cr)ent'r and r.HUlktr, TilKtve (crx naJ attention to the vessols ea tructeii t bin. ior n pnlrs. 1 HDtfilt.s or Agents. Mbm Carpentem, and Machinists having Ffels to repair are solicited to call. lUMng ihe agency lor iho sale of " wettorstedt's l atent -Vemllic l oniposltton" lor Copper Taint for ihe pu firvailun ol vcscV bottoms, for this city, 1 am pre puted to :uinlBh tbe some on itivorsbie icrw. JdllN IL HAM MITT. Kensington Morer Doclr, 1 1 DET.AWAKE Avenue, above PAUKELBtreot. WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. CUESiWT GS0E WHISKY. No. K8 North TIlIRl) Street. It nnvthlng yn wimted to prove the absolute porltj 0I tills liMy, the leliowing certificate" should dolt 1 beie Ih noa.coholic bun.ylunt kuovncouituundini;suclr lu ii u.i U(.hU(jU 1 uiii mi li 1 1 s-1 1 Miuiees : 1 1 ILAiin.i DIA, 8eptcniher9. 18,t. We l.ave carctnlly tecied the suinpie of (ULSNUT Ol.OYh WHISKY winch on seud us, and l!nu that It ccntalns hoNE ok h.r icmkikiib ti usi ance known at n fell. oil. vhith Ih the haructerii-tto and Injurious In trick U1 of the hlFklcs In genera use BOOTH, OAKBKTT a CAM AO, Analytical Chemists Kkw Tcek HepicmherJ 1H.VI I have aniilvxcd a sample ol CilNtl' Gi;0B VHlMiY" received iroin Air I lifirles Whurton, Jr., I'M ii eiblilur linn having eareluliv ten 'oil It, 1 are p ennd to suite tliut it entire v hikejhom poihonou on . r tun s oubi'tance It is an uiiunually par ana tliii--. v'.rcd quuiitv ot whisky. JA31L8 t HILTON, M. D., Auul.vtlcat Chciuls Boston, March 1 ISOS I have made a chrml'nl nnnljHlsol con inerclulsam p!ec oi CIiF.HNUl OliOVK WH1.-KY. whicti provesm be troe in m the heavy Fusil Oils, and perteoOy pure an'cniied 'I he line flavor of this whibky is derive bum the gruin um d in inanuiactui'ing It. Lespecttully, A. A. H. YKS. M. D Mute Assayct, No. 16 Boyiston sticct For Faie h.r narret.demi'onn.orbntt'.e atNo.22SNortl TIUKD Street F biladc.pbia. 13 NATHANS & SONS I M I O It T E It S OK BRANDIES, WINES, GINS Etc. Etc. Ko. 19 Korth FRONT Street. PHILADELPHIA. WOPEH ItATHANS, JIOKACK A. KATHAN8, tll(LAM0 D. KATBASS. 110m INTERNAL REVENUE. TJNI- TED STATES KEVEJSUJ3 STAMPS PRINCIPAL DEPOT, No. SO t, CIIESNUT Street. CENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 South FIFTH Street, ONH DOUR ltL-LOW CHESNX'T. KETABLleillD 18C2. r.cvcnuo Stamps of every description constautl tn baud in any umount. Orders by Mall or Exprcfs promptly attended to. United (states Kotcp, Drafts on Philadelphia, or Kew York, or current fundi received in payment. Particular attention paid to small orders. Tbe decisions oi the Commission can bo consulted, aid any information regarding tho ttw choertully given. The follow inp; rates oi discount ore al'owcd : ON ALL ORDKKS OV $25, TWO TEH CKKT. D1SCOUKT OJi ALL OBDtESOK $100, TI1EEE PER CENT. DISCOUNT. ON ALL ORDERS OF $300, FOUR Vtll CK , DISCOUNT. All orders tbould bo sent to the STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 CIIESNUT Street, i PHILADELPHIA. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. PENH STEAM SC01TOG ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 RACE Street. We ben leave to draw your particular attention to our new French tfteam Bcourinit Lutablinhwent the unit aud only one ol lta kind In thla city. We do not dye, but by a chemical procena reaiore Ladles', Uentlemen'a, an Children'! Garment to their original autte. wltnou injuring theni in the leant, while gieat experience and the beat machinery Iroin France enuble u to warranl periect aatialact'ion to ail who may lavor ua with theli patronaKO. I.AOIKS' DRKHSES, of ever deacuptlon. with or without 1 riuini'ngfl, are cleaned aud UntHhed without being taken apart, whether the color la genuine or not. Opera Cloaks and Mantilla. Cnrtalna. Table Covers Carpets. Velvet. blhboDa, Kid Gloves, etc.. cleaned and renulxbed In the beat manner. Oentlemen'a Mumiaer aud Winter Clothing cleaned to perfection without In jury to the stud. Also fingt and Banoeia AU kinds ol staina n moved without canning the whole. AU orders are executed under our Immediate sunervtiilon, and pallntaction guaranteed in every Instance. A cll aud examluation ol our process Is respectfully solicited. ALUEDYLL & MAUX, 12 mU o, 619 RACE BvwU. AUCTION SALES. T nUSTRB'S SALE. WHERRAS, THE GREAT WF.BTKBM PETBOLE0M AMI REFININO COMPANY, Of t-t Lonls, MlHxourl, Did, on thoflitcenth day of March, A I). 1811, convey to the undersigned as Trustee, the lan.ts and premises kerealtcr descrilied, to socuro the payment of a certain promissory note made by said Company, and boating even date with said trust dood, lor the sum of thirteen thousand dollars, pavable to Charles W. Ford, or to his order, ninety days alter tho date thereof, with Inwnt Interest, aim also to secure tbe repnymont to said Kord of such monevs as be mlcbt expend In sending trom st. Louis aforesaid sultaolo persons, to be selected by him, toexsmine the lands In said deed described, and to In vestigate tho titles thereof ; such expenses to bj repaid within nlne y dnjs alter the data ot said doed. And whereas, It wsslnand by said doed provided, that In cap.0 the suld Company slion.d make deiault in the payment o' tbe moneys secured by said ooto. or In the pajm' ntor the cxpemes ofnondlng suoh aucnU as a loresald, wiih In t rest, that the said trustee mini t proceed to tcU the property In said doed described, or any pait thereof, at Public Vendue, to tbi highest bid der, at the cast trout of the Court Ilouse m Si LouK, ior cash lirst gltlng twenty days' public notice of the time, terms, aud place of Bald salo In some newspaper printed In 81. Louis and In Philadelphia. And wborods, deiauit has been made iu the payment ol the moneys secured by said deed I Kotice Is tlio.e orr l.cubj vrt that the subscriber, ss inch Trusteo, will, on tho FIFiii uuy ol oiafhuu c tt a. jl KUi!,e.'n.humrta mid mxtt-six between tho hours of we.Te unit ono u cock P. VI., sell at PuuioVuuijd to the in In ft bidder, ior ea 1; the landn In smd doed u i iiii inn, uiiu which are nescrlbed as iollow Kirrt one eiiuai undivided one Mix.eenlh part of a 1 that certain ulraor parcel ot land, sl .uate In tna imvu ship ol liurinoiiv, VeiiaiiLO count.v, uud state ol Pcnu syivmia, bouuued nml doscrl ioU us unions : luKii.ning at a "bite onK, tlicnco by land ol Daniel Fit niUiii north one-liail decree, west one hundrodnnd ihiri.v-t'ltiht and two-tenths perches to u post) tlieuuo by lund loimcrly oi W i liuiii . ll i . north eigutv nine octrees, wiBt ono hundred ami nineteen pennies to a pi st kv d stent is ; tlicnco by the lesiuui oi the suuie tract (wrrunteo toJumcs uuiiihhuuu Ii one deuruu w, st eii,''U one and it hall perches io a cltestcul ; Ihcnco by the Bume south e'nh y ilneoegrees. east oitlitv tnur perel.tN to a reu otk iheuce by tncnci by til sutue m,utli cue dci rte wist f.ity six und a butf perches to a while ouk, Biiu whence by tho sume koaih eiuhiy une uiurceo. H thirty eh: lit nerchot to the place ol b alii ping, ci ntamnig seventy ucres. elevcu paretics, and tno Uhuui al tw slice ol hix pet cent. , bo the came mora or lets i it Leinj; piirt nl a In her tract ol innilwmeli wm bui vejeu on a warratn to i allies riunnirs. uutca Hi" l-tli dav oi FibruHry. b'1. and coniiiuiea unto ihe Bind iltiUKS Huilng6 by piuent iroin the Common wenlth oi l'ennuyivantu dated the 14 h day ot Auvust A I) ixj'j, as In and by the sume enrolled in I'aient ISooK il. vol, i'i puuo I'M. wM more tu. ly uppear; and conveyed by me alolumes tiuuiiB io uonii w m.e ov ueea uatea thevheayot i areu A. 1). 1M6 und recorded in the liecoidet's (Jfl.ce ot Venunuo count), the i&th i-Uv ot dune A i'.ls-ll) in Deed Hook K, pae 2W und con veyed by the said Jehu V bite to Harvey o. haslun, by dcid dated April ll,lHt4. 'J be uiorcuid one e'liiu! nr.divlded ono-slxtoen'h part ot ihe above ucsenhed seventy acres eleven perclie-, and the UKiiul m ow ance ol six per cent, by said trust need conve.ven wih couvevcil Bubiect in common wit i the other owners ttieieo., to all leases which wore upon si, id liuids Ht llie t'liieoi the i xccuiliiu oi llic suld ueed in in John VMillc to lln'vevt i union, and ail ie.iuH upon any part thereof, mid u 1 to rtliU ot the lessees eh en grained nt the tune ol, or prior to the execu tion ot inoBaui deed to huivey ri. t..stoii. htconu nd u.po all the unuivlded itiurter exeep ing the one acre on whleh an oil well l nearly completed, which is not included in sulci deed neither the auro of lind nor the will thereon ol thai tract or purcel oi and situnte, ying, end bulun m the township ot i lo-nci-ta. In the eouniy oi Vi nuni;o, ami inteof Pennsvl. vaniii, bOLnutdand described as lollows vlz:-HeKin-liiii nt a pott on the east bank ol i loneta creek, at tl.t conitr oi land ot Uenry Kiser, thence by end ol suid Kiser east sevi utv pen lies to a post and stones ; thence by .and oi Konneday south oue humirjd and luiiei v two en hew io ainaiilP tlicnee by land ol John V intwoitb webtouo hundnd and ihlriy perches o a chesnut; thence by land ot J owner ulcI B ctt north sixty iwo pi tches to the bunk ot I iouesia creek; thence up said creek north twenty-tlve degrees east, one hun died and eighteen and a half perches to the pluou ot t.ct intiing eoniul: iui' one hundred and thirty ucres, moro or it's; helm: the siiuie premises lormerlr owned bv ,-amuel Hunter, und couvoyt'd by vV. J. Hunter, and hamuel unn whe, to ltctuen 1). lialdwin. anJ bj said l'.euliln . Iialdwin to (.eorne It. Lincoln, by axed dated '.he eleventh day ot Iibmnry A ii, intV It Is understood by aim betwfen the ponies to siid died, that tho uruntee in suid dees Is, on a division of Baid lurm whenever made, to have ono tourth ot the ent Ire lurin. hut not to liuvo any part oi the acre above reserved. Third And also, tbe undivided sixteenth part Iu com mon in thut other tiuct or parcel of land, situate iu the ti.wnship oi l (rniunter lu sa'd -county o' Venango, known us located In tract, number one huuaredund tweniy-ime (121). ol the Holland. Lund l omnam 's lund, bring n part of Keynolds' farm, so cul.ed, bounded und dCBerllte.l nr. Iiilluwal Lei.iuuing nt a post In the north linn ot saldiract, Ko. 121, a u point 143 1-ln perches west ot the northeast corner oi said tract It being the northwest corner o suiil lurm; tnence southwardly alon the west line of said lurm sixteen rods to a post;- ihcnco eastwardly anil purn le with llie north lined ihe who;o tract lltty roils to a post; i hence northwardly and pava!lel with iho west lino oi the mm sixteen rods to a post In ihe north line ot said tract; and thence west along said 1 ne httv rods to the place of beginning; eontaiuinu live ncres of laud, bo tho same more or less, and known on Murdoch aud Hennitig'sinnp by ),. K. thcrman's naino being printed on snnl licuilon. Subject to ail outstanding leases on said premises ma. c by Sherman aud (iulld. It being tho intention of said i ced to convey one-sixteenth in common of the land In Interests, and ono slxtoentn of the rents to be received to in said premises ulresdy leased. LatcdJunc 21,l8Wi. I1AJ11LTOS BPKNCFIt, P 13 m4t. Trustee. N o T 1 E . I. JOHN EDGAR THOA1WON. Trnstfo In a certain lndeuture of mortgage ot the propel ty hereinnfter de scribed executed by the Tyrone und Ueuriioid Railroad i oini nn.v, to ne us moitgaco in trust to secure the pii.vinint ol t io principal and Interest ot bonds ot said Company tc C.iu amount of tSft.UUU which uiorta jo is dated the 1st dav oi November, A l. IbuU. and tecor.led In the etlico lor liecording Leeds, etc.. lu und lor the cotiulv of blalr. ou the 8th duy ol Kovomuor A. I). lsu. in Slortgugo Hook "," pices HIT. KM, liil). 110, aud 111, do herehv give notice that deiault having been n udu lor more than ninety da s in ihe pavmcntof tno lino res. uucend demanded on the said bonds I will, in pursu ance ot ibo w rutin reuuest to mo directed of tiio ho, tiers of more than H'tecn thousand dollars lu amount ot the said bonds, and by vir uo of the power couiorred upon me in that respect liy tin sal t mort.sgc expose to Vubliei-n.c una sc. i to the highest and best bidder by 11. 'i llOMAS & s-ONS.Auctloiiceis at iho P111LAUEI. 1'i.lA J'Xt 1IAKGK, in tho t'itv ot Phl adnlplna ou 'J huisusy, the '27th day ol September A. J). lHWi. upon the terms anil condition hereluulter stated, Uie whole oi the said Jlortgused premises, viz. :- 'ilewiioleot that section oi tho Tyrone and Clear Held liuilroBO. lroui the point ot Intersection with tlu Pennsylvaida Hiii. road, at or near tyroue citation in 1; inn' county, to the point ot connection with tho um, led Mm. in the said 'I v rone and CleuiTeld Knitroad. known and designated as "Tho Int. rsec'lon," belug shout three miles and one quarter iroiu me renusw vuuia Hid road at 'I y rone tatiou, as the same Is no at cm Btructed. together with all and singuuriho rail ways, rails, hildges, tenees. iprivlienes. riKhts. and a I rcui propertv oi every uescripilon acquired by and be 1,11,11111 in Bald comoanv. adjacenl to orconuected Wltn or on the line of said section o three and oue .quarter .,iti.a m rnml. and ail the tolls income, issues and nriitits to be derived and tu urii-e lrom the same und i i iim l.iiwln used und occupied tor railways, depots ,r miitiomi between said Do'iits on said section oi th'ee and one-uuanei nil es witn all buildings stuudiug thereon or procureo uiereior. AND ihNEBALLT. ah the lands, rallwsys. rails bridges, culverts, trestle works t ol bouses, coal houses, wharves, muces. right ol way, workshops maciiiuery, siaiions, uepuis, uupui .riiiiiida. winks, masonry, und other superstructure ...m dtntn nulidlrus. und iiiiurovements ot whatever nuniro or kind appertumne or belonging tothoabovo mentioned ntoperty anu io mo iuiu section oi tne saiu Tyrone and Clearfiu.d Rullrouu aud owned by said ( ompanv in connection ttierownn. 'I he said section ol the Tyrone and Clearfield Railroad i,mii,i i mm the Domt of intersection of the sutd Ty rone and Clearfield Kallroad wl.h the Pennsylvania Kaitroud to the polut of Connection with the graded lino ot the said '1 yrone and C'leardeltl Kahroad known land as "'1 Le Inteixectiou " Is about SH nines lu length. , TKRMS OF SALE. Id 000 of the purchue nionev io be paid tn ca-h when te pro pony is struck oil, aud the balance within twenty days thereatter. , t. , PAVMPM'P on account of the said balanco of purcbaee money, to the exteut of the dividend thereoi pavable ou the bonds se cured by ihe suid mortgage and tho matured coupous of said bonds, may bemaue in the suid bonds orcoupous; and If the dividend Is less than the actual stun due upou the suid bonds or coupons the holders mav retain pos session ot the said bonds and coupons, on receipting to tbe said jiustee lor the said dividend and endorsing payment ot the same ou the said bonds or coupous. Cpon the nuichnso money being paid, ns utornsiiid the said Tiustee will execute and deliver a deodoi conveyance ot the premises to the purchosor or pur chasers In pursuance of tho power couiorred upon him bVuy lurher'luroruiation fn rwpect to said sale, or premises mav be had upon app iotlon to the uuder- iremises mav be had upon app iotlon to tuo uuuer. lened Trustee, at the oUlce ot the Pcnnsvlvanla Kail oad Cempany, No. '238 H. I bird street Piiilodelphm. oau wuipauy. x. tuuAK xuoMaON, Trustee, ' No. '2:18 8.1111 KD Street SIl'IU roud M. THOMAS & "UN" Auoiloueers Hob. 139 and 141 H. FOUR1H Stroet. 8 11 n.3m I'hliadelphla, PRIVY WELLS OWNERS OF PUOPERTY" The only puce to get Privy Wells cleaned aud d s nleetod at ver, low prices. PEYson, Martnfacturet of Poudrette, lOg GOLDSMlTli"' WALL, LIUUAUV; street rARASOLH AT $1-25, fl-60, $1 '75, AND 2. bilk Ban Umbrellas, 1'40, l 0, tl VS. 4 lwW Kl- l 8- ElU WU tret. AUCTION SALES. N i E. i. n. rKS Asi,m l ii.r i, jnisTeein a eertntn inden ture ol Moitffagc ol llie prMeny herelmuter desorlheu, executed by the Tyone ai.d Clenrflrld Kallroad Company 10 me i s ninrtgaiee In trust, lo secure the iia' nn a ot the principal and interest of bonne ol said Comtiauy to the amount ot kfiO.t.Ot). which nioitgage Is dated ihe lt dny of KelTuatj . A J). iHbl, and rwordod in the office ior recording deeds, etc.. In nnd lor tbe county o lilair on the 411 dty of February, A. 1).. Intl. In mortirage hook P. pais 118 etc. and In the oiliee lor recording needs, elo. In and lor the county ol ( intra on the 2HC , ilsy ot I el rtiBry. A. I., 1HII. in mortgate book K pa 4uu. etc.. do hereby irlve notice that UmauU hating been mode ior moie Hum ninety i ays In tbe ptyinent ot the inteiest due and demanded on the said bonds, 1 will, In pursuance of the writ. en inquest, to me dlrocted of the holders ot more thnn 920,1 ft in amount ot the said hones, and b virtue ot tho power con erred upon tno in ti e ii spirt li the said mortagr, expose to nub lo sale, ard sell to the lilk-het and heBt bidder, bv VI. 'IIIuMa A 8()H, Auctioneers, at tho Pllll.ADKL 1 1 1 1 a IXMlvNt.K In the envoi Philiiil' Inlila on Thursday, the 27th dv ot September, A 1. 1B upon the terms sud ronflhion horelnaiter stnted.tlie whole of tho said niorti nted premises and tianchisea viz. : Hewholeol that icctlonot the Tyrone and Clear llelu L'r.llioad Imtn lynmo stailon, Hialr county . Peiiu sj lvan' I'll i I I nl)u rir. In ( entre conntv, reniHyl vanla, a Ihe same is row constructed, together with all i mi smuu'nr tho rallwajs, ral s, cross-tlos, ckulrs. spikes iron timber, bridges, fences, toetlier wlih all real property ot every description acquired by and e longitig io raid ( on pany ppurtenant to said road, and all the rights, liberties, prlvllenes. and corporate iriincliUiB ol said toad and eompnnr and all tb'i to Is. Income issues, and profits io he riorlvcr1 and to arise from the same, and all the lands used and oeu pled ior rai way depots and stations hotween said points v!:h all buildings standing thereon orprooured Uieretoi. AKD GENERALLY. All the lands. rahwa: s ral s. bridgta ciilverta, tres tle works, too' liou is, coal-heuses wharves, lonoes, rltl'ls oi v ay, workshops, maehiiieri , stations depots, 011 ot rc uuis, vurki n o-onry, unii other suporsfrac tnre leal estate htjildin.s. and linprovnuients ol hatevet naiure or kind appertaining or beloni'lng to the Hbovc-n.entlcntd property and to Ihe said sec ion . the said '1 1 rone and Cearllo Railroad and owned l.v said nirany In cornice :ou therewith, and all ttte lii'hts liberties. nrivlict,cs, and corporate Irunchisos of said rood BiiiiCon pain. 'ihe said section ot the said Tyrone and CientnVil Lii'lrood exlein'nig t nm said tyro e btatloa Hialr c untv. to and lirt.nMi the boiough of I'm llpsburg, in Centre couutv. in about 23 S ml es in length. 1 KA1S OK 8 A E. HO.OOd of the puichuse mom y lo be paid In enh when the pinperly Is struck oil, and tho balauco wl.blu twenty days there: Iter. I n n ent on account of the said balance of purchase n oney to the extent ot the dividend thereof payable on Hie bonds secured by the said m rtuue and the matured coupous of the said l onds. may be made In tho suid folios or ceupons; ana ii 1 be utv.dend Is less than the actual sum nuo upon the said bonds and coiinons. the ho deis muv rot. In n ssession oi be said bonds and coupons on reccinting to the said 'trustee ior the said dividend, and endorsing pav inetit of ihe sumo on the said bonds or coupons. Upon H e pun liiise nnmey belug paid as oloresald. tho w 111 i xccuto am. uellver a deed of conveyance ol the premises to Ihe purchaser or nuren isen In nurnu i nee ot the power couiorred upou hiui by tbe said moi tgiife Any runner intormation tn repcct to tnn siki sa e o premises may bo had on application io the unilersl nt oil 'liustee. si his oll.eo. t,o 42 foutli i 111K1) Street. In the city of Philadelphia K. raAASLt.i MbKi ,tnisioe Ko 42 Nouth Third street M. THO V AS A; SONS, uctioueers. 6 II m!tm Ncs. l:l nd 141 South POUKTH Street. o I c E. I. JOHN" KDGAR THOMSON. Trustee In a ceitolo Inilen. tie ot Morttuge of tho piopirty l.ereinatter ue sciihei! ixeiuied by tne Tyone and t leailleld Kai road Compaiiv to me, us 41or,gn;ice In Tiast, to secure ihe litivmini ol tlie prirclpal ai:d Interest ot lionds of said Company to the umount ot '22S IKH which ilortgare Is OHicn the 12th day ol Aloy. A. 1). 185!). and recorded In tin. cfi ce ior leiordinit deeds, etc . In end lor the county oi lUuir, on the lbtu ouy oi Vay, A I). lH.Oii, tn inong ge uook A, pages neu -o-o-i anu e, nu in me onico ior re coming drt da. etc. in und tor the countv ot Centre, on the 12th day ct May, A 1. 1859. In lnortgage book E, age lit', cic , uo nereoy give uouce inai iieiuuit naving een made lor more than ninety dnvs lu tho payment ot the interest due and demanued on Ihe said bonds, I will. in puisui.nce oi the written lequc.Ht io me uireeten o: tne l.oideis ot more thun S.ldto in umount of the sold bonds, and by virtue of tho powet conlened upon mo in that respect by the said m engage expose to public su e mid s,ll to the highest and best bidder by M. IHOA1 S A: sunk, Auctioneers, ni the I'liiLADK.ja'Hl v isx. i ilAOi,in the chv of i bilar'elphia. on Thursday, tho 'i'ltii day of Septemter, A 1). It68 upon the terins anil coi unions uereinuitcr siutea, tue vuoo ot tno suid .1, on i.i,r.d nrpnitfleH. viK. 'litowuoieoi tnai aeoiionui paiu irouti mm i wiw fleld Railroad lroui the point of Intersection with t lie 'i rone and Lock Haven Hnilroad. near Tyrone. Plnir county, Pennsylvania to J iiiiiipsnurg. centre county, Pen lue sume It, now constructed togethor with a 1 and slnru ur the rallwuys. raits, hruigei, leiices, privileees, rights, und oil i "al property of evirv disiiiptioii acquired by and bt.jjgijia to snid ( i inpflnv . and nil tho tolls. Income. Issues, and profits In tin derived and to 11' iso from the same, and i l thu lulidH UMWl Ullil unoupltel .or TitllYra.VS. depots, Or Sttl- tious between said pom's wun a.i ine Duuuiugs sianu ing thereon or procured thcrefoi. AND GENERALLY All Iho lands, railways, rulls, bridges, culverts, trost e worss, tool houses, coa. houses, whurves, ionces, rights ot way, workshops, machinery. Btstious, depots uepot grounds, works, masonrv, ana other suporslructuro, teal cstute buildings and Iniproveuionts oi whatever nut ui e or kind appertsiuing or bolonging to the above tmntioncd propel tv. and to the suid section of said Tvrone and ; .euriie d hatiroad, and owned by said Com pany in connection therewih. '1 he saiu section of the Tyrone and Clearfield Kallroad, cxtet ding lrom the intersection ol tho ivrone and Cleu" tield Railroad with the railroad lormerly belonging , to the 'lyrenc and Lockbaven Railroad Company, but now to the Laid Eagio Vuliev httdroud Company, is about 20 mUcs lu length. xciiina ui Damn 810,000 of the purchase monoy to be naid In cash when the pioperty is sttuck od', aud ihe balunce within '2D days theiealter Pa VA1 ENT on account of the said balance of purohaso mcnev, to the ex. ent 01 ihe dividend thereof payable on tho bonds secured by the said mortgage and ihe ma imed coupons ol the said bonds. may be made in tho said bonus oi coupons; and if the dividend is less thau the actual sum oue upon the said bonds or coupons, tue holders may retalu possession ot tho sold bonds und coupons on receipting to the said Trustee lor the suid dividend, and endorsing payment of iho sumo on the said bonds or coupons. I'non 'he purchnse money being paid as aforesaid, the Trustee will execute and diliver adecd oi conveyance oi the premises to the puichaser or purchasers m pur suance ol the powet conlened upon huu by the suid ,mAnyatiu'rther information In respect to Bald sa!o, or piiinlses may ho bad upon unplicutlou to the under siened Trustee, at the cilice oi the i'ennsy vunla Kali roud Company , No. 238 s. Third sircot Phi ade.phia. rouu "jtmJ KPUARTHOM-'ON. Trustee, No. '238 8. THIRD Street. W. THOMAS it SONS. Auctioneers, 5 il mf4ra Nos. 13!) and 141 S. FOURTH S rect. rp EUBTEES1 S A L E. Whereas, THE C.REAi WESTERN PETRO i.) L vi AND K1.HN1NU COMPANY, of St Louis, k o did,on ihe Twenty-third day of Januarv, A. I). Eighteen hundred and slxiy-six, convey to the under eli ii(d,as T rustee, the lands and premises hcreinniter do stiibid to secure tho payment ot a cettulu promissory note, made bv suid t cinpauy, and bcurmg even dale with suid trost t.vctl, lor tne sum of ton thousand three hunurtd dollars. payable tn CUARLE W. FuRD, or tohisoruer one day a ter the date thereof wl b lawlul Interest; and osi to secure tho payment to said Ford ot ull other moneys which hemignt, irom time to time advance lo said ( ouipan.v, at Its request, with interest. Aim! whereas It was lu and bv suid l tust Hood pro vided that, in cuse the suid Compuuy shou.d make deiuult in the pnment ol tho moneys secured bv suid noto. or In the payment ot uny other moneys tboreuiter to be advanced by the said Ford, with interost. thai tbe euid Trustee miglit proceed to sell II e property In suid deed de-crihed. or anv part thcrcot. at pub Ic vendue to tbe hleliest bidder, at the east Iront ot the court H"iisa In Ht Leu.s, lor cash, Hist tivlng sn:y days publlo notice ot the tune, terms and place o' suid su e by advertisement in some newspaper printed iu St. Louis an,l In 1 lilluUe pli a nd whereas, Default has been made In the payment of the moneys secured by said deed, nitlue Is therj lore hereby given that the subscilber as such Irustoo whl. on the Mh day oi Sootember. A. D- eighteen hun dred ai d sixty-six, between the hours ot 11 and 1 o'clock P. hiatthe east trontot ihe Court House In t I ouis. Mo., soil at publio vendue torcush to ttio high est bidder, the lauds in sold deed mentioned, and fhich are described as lollows: All that certain traol of land situate in tl:e township ot Harmony, cou tt of Veuan'.o. and State of Peutisylvu' la. bounded and do scribed as lollows, to wit t Bcgiuuingat a post at the northeast corner ot the Herkl ner Coinpunv's Jami. aud thence extending south one aud thr, e-iourtb degrees, west or e hundred and seventy und seveu-tenths rods to a puBi at the soutbeast corner of llie Uerkliuci Cotnpuny's rand; thonce south seventy und one-hall degrees, cast otty-onc sud Beven-tentbs rods to a oost tho soutbeast , orner of II e piece; thence north one ai d three-iourths degrees, cast oue huudred and elghtv-three and tour ...ii .imrois to a nnt the northeast corner nt the tract; hen north flghtv-eiab and one-tou th dogr-oa. west thirty nine tnd eight-tenths rods to the pluce or begin ning', oentuining foity-iour oeres o land Date Juue21, l8Ui. HAMILTON 8PENCER, (j v.n nut Trustee. TRUSSES, SUPPORTERS, ETC. THTT rn?1 PITTA RiritflEONS ' t'jV'j Bunint INSTITUTE. No. 14 N n-i-x iuItu k.,z.t .Iiitva Marknt It. O. fTTlhETT. afi thirt vBiirs' practical experience, guarantees the skiliul adiustment ol hla Premium Patent l.rsduating Presxure Truss, and a variety oi hers. Supporters, Elastio Stockings, Shoulaer Bro Crutches, Suspensories, eto. Ladles' apartmauts co ducted by a Lady. 91 UNADULTERATED LIQTJORS ONLY RICHARD PENIBTAN'U HTiiKK A N 1) VA HI T4. No.TRrcHESNur htrekt, Nearly Opposite the Post Omce, PHILADELPHIA. x u VarnlUea tupplied. Otvtois Jtrom tbe Cotatrr promnu atluudodtoj lite RAILROAD LINES. R K A DING RAILROAD GREAT TRUNK LIN r . POM PEIS PIllLADhLIIU TO IHE IMKRIOIt O rF.NNSLVAM., THE HI HLVLR III, MTQUK h AA . i I iur,r niirtu AMI HI UMJ Kli V Al fl, liifi JIVJkill, rviuailLUI, r f u A . APA8. HCMalLR ARRAMHMKNT OV PAHfEMOER IRAIKx June4,l8(s1. IrsTlrg the I omnniiy's Iiepot. at TIIIRTVENTI1 aa J Allow LIIL rtrcct. Philadelphia, at the lollow n hours: J10RKIN" ACCOMMODATIO'. At 7-80A. fti. lor Rem ing aim intermediate Statu) ...... OHNIKO 1 XIRfcSS. At 8'U A. BT. tor Id mimir. Lebanon. Harrisbnrg. Tot vllle. I'lnegrove, Tamaqna. unbury, iVIlllamsim !,'.!TV I'nches er. Ma.ara Fal s. Buffalo. A lentow v llkesbnrre. I'lttston, York, Carole, t bambersbur lli'iersiown fto. etc. ' This train eonnecti it RKAMNOwih East Penn sylvnnla hallread trains lor A lenlowo eto , and the J:.,''Jn.vV,lifJL ,rBln " Ilarrlshurg eto ; at PORT r I.J NT ON w th t atsw issa Ki.ilroad trins tor w"ll lls insbnrg. Lock Ijnvi n. Umlra etc ; at H RRI c . crf' crn entral ( umber and Va ley. and PebuMkill and Pusuurhanna trains ior Nnrthumbniland, V ll.lnnisport, lorlf Cbambersburg, Plnegtove. eto. AFIEKuiOn i.PREs . if.?ri?J, ', "'""'I'1 ' ' I" W . for Reading Potts M Jl ,i l ,,l,,lc ""in'ctlng with Reading and TLVU fritV.. ..,. , , V , n- , . m 1. LJ T k V 1 IPLI0 v . -";" nun ior i.'oiumnta, eto, t .,,. 1 i1;'1 OJIMODATION . .,.f:?Y".(lr."lL,W.,.?t. .'-. stopping ata all way ata lions, a.r vmg at t'liiiaiielphla at 8 B.5 A. M. in luMiuipt, ii nti ii r iladelphla at 8 00 1'. M.; arrives in Reading at7 M P. M. 'I riitns tor JTiilailetphln leave Harrlshunr at 810 A M. end Potts vllle at 8-45 A M arriving In Philadelphia at J'1.1',, f,!,p'n2".n rnin" l,ve H'irrlsburg at '2 10 at 6 45 JrjH ' frtvlng in Phi.adelphUi . II ARRISBLRO ACCOMMOI) TION. l eaves (tending at 7 30 A. M. and lliirmi urj at 4 111 T. M ( onnec Inv at Reading with Aitrmoon Accom modation south, atB'30P. in., arriving In Phllado.pbla .Market train, with passenger ear attuoned, leavna I hi'adelplila ut 12 4,1 neon for Reaiiinganl nil wav au lens Leaves hendlnu a' II 3" A. M and Downfntitovrn at i'2-30 P.M.. lor Phladeiphla and al way s a 1 na. Alt tne ahove trains run dally, t-undava exoopted. Si niUiv trains h uve 1 otuvilte at Mil A. U . aud Phl lai'e phia at 3-lfip M Leave Philadelphia for Reading at B'OO A. w - teiurnlnK irnm Reading at 4 21 P. M. I111S Hi VALLEY R VILROAU Pasventrrs lor Povinlnttewn and intctinedlAte pomu take the 7'30 and 8-1,1 A. Al. and 8 0 P M. trains front I'hliadelphla, returning irom Downingtown at tt 35 A. M. and 1'2'3'. noon. NEW YORK EXPhESS Kill PIXTSBTJItO AND THE WEeT. Leaves New York at D A M., and 8'Ofl P.M., panstnir Leaning at Ins and 1153 A. M and 1-48 P. W , and eon tiictingiti llarrtsburg w ith Pcnnsi Ivnnla andNor hern Ctiitral Rullroad express trains lorPutiburg, Chloago, Wit lamsport. I.lmlra, Palt'morc. etc l eturt iiic, i xpn hs train envrs Ilarrlshnrff on srrlval ot ilie l iiitsylvai la express from plttsnurg, ot 3 ard fl-fS A. M .. ui.d P'1.1 P. Si., pusslng Reading at 4 49 and 1(1 52 A. M., and H'30 P M.,and nrrlvtng lu New York at in A. Ii. ord '2 4ft P. M. sleeping cars aocomnany these t ains through between Jersov t .lty and Pittsburg, with out eliaitf c. A ii train ior New Tork leaves Iltirrlshnrg at 2 10 P. M. Jlai! tralr tor Harrisbttrg leaves N ew York atI2M. SCli l YLK ILL VALLEY RA1LROA l. Trains leave I'oitsville nt 7 and 11-30 A. M., and 7 10 P. to iftnr' Ing lrom "'suinqua at 7-35 A. M. and 140 end 4 1.1 1' M rCbVYLKILL AND SU-QUEB1NN X RAILROAD. Iriitnsu-avo Auburn at 7 ou A. at for Plnegrove and Rarrlsburg and 1 DO P M lor Tlnegrove and Tremont, leiuriiini' irom uarnsnurg nt 3 2U.p. M., and troot ire- moutat7'3a A. a. ana r2t r. m. Tl( KE'JS Through flrst-clnss i levels and emigrant tickets to all the principal Points In the North and v et and Canada. ihe lollowing tickets are ohtnl able only at the ntllce ot H PliAlii OLD, Treasurer. No. 227 8 FOURTH ftroet, Philadelphia, or of (. A. NlCOLLS, (ieneial nupcnnunueni. reaomg: COMMIUATION TICKETS At 25 percent, discount, between any points desired, ior .umuics ui u nriiiB. Mil FAfiE TICKETS. f.cicd for 5000 miles, beiween all points, (52-5!) each, for lumutcsanu iiims . , SEASON TICKETS. For three, six, nine, or twelvo months, for holdora ouly, to ail points, at reuuceo rates t Ls.HCYAlUtf Residing on tbe line ot the roud will bo furnished carus eutltuiiK themselves una wives to tickets at hall tare. X LESION Tl( KETS Ftom Philadelphia to nriuclnat sta lens, good for Sa tuidnv. Sunuav.und Monduv. at reduced line, to be had tnv at the 'ticket Ofhce, at THIliTEJ-.NTii and CAL LOW HILLStreetB FREIGHT. Uoois of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points, irom tho t oinpony's new Freight i epot, bliUAJJ anu wii.ijuw piireets. FREIGHT ThAINs LcRVcPbiladelphla dully ut 5 30 A M., 11 45 noon, and k r. si., tor Heading, ieiinnon, tiarnsuurg, pottsville Port Clinton, and ull points beyond. Ill A II.S Close at the Philadelphia Post Office forull nlaceson tne iopu anu im ernneneB ni OA. M, ana Ior tne principal muuuus uury ai o io r . at. d io -pHHiADKLPIHA, GERMANTOWN, AND iiollKlsiunn nniuuuAo. On and alter WEDNESDAY, May 16, 1866, Kilt Gl.llMAMOWh Leave rhllsdeiiihla K. 1. 8. n. Ill 11. 11 4. xt 1 i-iii 14 . , u, , o. 1 , o a, IV, i . ' tf J . xtl. I r..... n . ... a.,.., a n nit a u n n in i, . . J.rnt u iciuiniuunii u, I, in, o, o 11, Tr, IV, Al, li A. JH 1.2 3. 4.4. bX UP. At. Tbe 8 20 aown train, und 3.-. and 6 up trains will no mop on iiib uermbuiowii iiriuua.. nun i i o. Leave Philadelphia 0'10 A. At., 2. 3 A, 8, 10H P. M. Leave Uciuiantowng A. M., 1. 4, 6H.UH P. M. I 1E.-NIIT PILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8. 10. 12 A AC. 2. 3H 9H.7. and 11 P. M U'uve t hesnnt Hill 710 mlnntes, 8. 9 40, 11-40 A 14 1-4U, 3 40, S 40, -40, 8 40, and 10 40 minutes P. M. Leave Phliadelpbiu OTt) minutes A. M.,2, . and 8 P. M Leave Chesnut Hill 7'1J minutes A. Al.. 12 40. 6 40. an 9 2!) P W ii iii UNMioiiuiMia sun xtuniu.iiuvri. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 35 minutes., 11-05 A.M.. IH. 4. 6.1, rt,8 05 minutes, ana it r. M. leave Noinstowni,7, 7 50, 8, UA..M., IH, 4t Jt iilHf M. 'iliofiH P.m. nam win stop ai ecnooi uane, vvtssa hick on, Mauayuna, npriugmiii,auu i ousuono, sen only Leave Philadelphia 9 A. 41., 2H, 4 and V-i P.M. Leave Norristown 7 A. M.. I, .IX. and (P. M. FOR At ANAYUNK. T.enve Phlladelnhioti. 8 35 minutes. 1105 A. M.. 11. il. hU. KU. K-1.1. and II H P. M. I.euve Mnnnj uiik tiit, 7fe,8 20. OH, IIS, A.M.,2, 5, (iH 8 P.X. Leave 1 1: Iladelphla 9 A. "J., 2H 4,and7X P.M. Leave Manayitnk VA A. M . lis, 6, anu9J P. W. IV. b. WlLl-ON. Ceneral bupulntenUeM. t'epot NINTH andOUEEIi Htiueta OKT1I P KM N SYLV A N I A UAILR0AD.- Deno, THIRD street above T homnson. For liKTHl.FhEAI. DOYL1 STO WN'. MAC OB CHI NK, EAST ON, WILLIAMSPOBT, audWll.KEf KAHR1 . At i 30 A. tu. (r.xpressi, ior etniencm, Aiientown Uuuch Chunk, Hazletou, Wllliatuspoi t, and V likes t.iarre. At3-30P M (xptes8,', for Betolehem, Eaiton, ate., reaching Faston at 6-45 P. RI. .t 513 P. Al., ior ilethiehem, AUentown, Mausl Chunk. t cr Dovlestown at 8 31 A M. , 2 '30 and 4'l P. M I oi Fort VAashiugton at 10 A. M. and 11 P. M. For l.ansda'e at 6'15 P. M. Wbitu cars ol the Secoud and Third Streets Llue City Paaeuiteri:ura run direct to the depot. TRAINS tOR PHILADELPHIA, Leave Betulebctn at 6 25 A. M. and 12 25 Noon, ant Leave Doy estown at 6 40 A. M., I'M and 5 30 P. M Leuve Lumriule atfi'OOA. II. Leave Fort Washington at M'" A. M , and 2'1( P. M ON sUS PAYS. Philadelphia for Ketu eliem at 0 A . M. Philadelphia ioi Doylestown at 2-30 P. M, Doylcstown tor Phi adelnhla at 7 20 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at 4'3 P. M. T brouxh Tickets must be ptocuiea at tbe ticket ofllcis, THIRD Street, or BERKS Street. 5 21 kiLLlS ULARK., Agent. WEST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, FROM loot ot M RKET Street (Upper Ferry), com mencing Ai ON DAY, July 10, lata Leuve Philadelphia as 10For Cape May, 9 A. M., Mall; 3 P. M., Accommoda- "For Bndgcton, Sa'.em, and Intermediate points, 8 A. For'llllivilie, and intermediate points, 8 A.M. and 3 P. Al. Woodbury Accommodation, 6 P. M. " ' RFTURNlNOt Leave Cape Mar at 8 00 A. M., Vail; P. M , Express. leave Lridgeton 715 A.M. and 3 50 F. M. Freight 8 'VaveSalem 7 A. M. and ITS P. M. Freight 5 45 P. M. Lesve Miliville 655 aud S'44 A. M. and 638 P. M. F Freight will' be teceived at Second Covered Wharf be cw Walnut street, lrom 7-00 A. M. until 6 00 P.M. That received before 9 00 A. M. will go through the same ""Freight Dellverv, No 28 8. DELAWARE Avenue. -J. VAN KLNSSELAElt, Superintendent. Tbe West Jersey Fxpresa Compmy will attetid to all the usual branches ot rx press busmens. A Special wes server accompanies each tli rough train. OlHoe No. 5 WALNUT htieet Philadelphia. Ii -1 O CA. PHILA DELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL 1 ODD ROAD. This great line traverses the North era and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania te the City ol Erie on Luke Erie It baa been leased aud is operated by the Pcnnsv vanla Railroad Company. TlMEOF PASSENwER TRAINS AT PHILADELPHIA. Arrive Eastward-Erie Mall Train, 7 A. M. 1 Erie Ex P Leave "vVestward-Erit MaU, p. M ) Erie Express Train 12 5) Passenger ears run through on be Erie Mall and Ex press trains both ways between Pbllade phla aud k-rlo. P"U NEW YORK. COiiNEOlTON. Iave New Tork at 9 A. M. arrive at Erie 9 30 A. M. Leave Erie at 4 45 P. M.. anlve at New York 4 10 P. M. Flee ant Sleeping Cars on a 1 the night trains. For Intormation respecting passenger business, apply tt comer Til IRTIE . li and MARKET' 8'reeta. phiia. And lot lreight business, of the Company a Agents, B. B. Kingston Jr., corner Thirteenth and Maet street. Philadelphia! J. w. Reynolda, k.riet William. Blown, Ageut N. O. R R., Baltimore . 11. IMIOUh'IOjn, General Freight Agent. Phi . H. W. tiWINNER General Mi 'ket Ageut, PhlU. .. A.U.lKLi.R UutiBup" WUliauisiion. RAILROAD LINES. PIULAPKLPHIA, WILMINGTON. AND BAIi TlllOKE RAILROAD. : T IAIE 0 ABLE. Con tnfnelnft MOM) AT', Jni j m. Trains wt il'a.C lipni.t i it ni Kuo.ii a... n. ..ju.uiiiuii- ' N Aei)Ue. a lollow st FxpresB Train at 4 15 A. M. (Mondays excepted). Ht i sltimoreatid Washiiirtim nlonnlns at I'1imha WU. n irgton Newark. MM n Noilhinst, Perrvyllle, Mavre. oe t, race. Aberdeen. Penvman'a, Magnolia, chase's Mad nil intltMir'B T'a.a w v R All Train nt 8 15 A M. (Hnnnnyi exooptiMt, fotf Mil tmOTP. Atfinnltio at ul moi. t or at at inn a linfuiiuin tkJ liW'pliia mid laltiiiior'. J'fiBr Kni road Train nt 9 A M. rSnniiMva at. Cfutrdl. for PrititAua a..a ittiri Bn.Ut.iA,A.i. mi ,.t,, " flliuv, ill ii ii'im IUU 1IIV1UIUU1JW BimiCP0 J xpwaTra natll'4.1 A.M. (Sunday excepted), toe Petiimoieaud Washington. I xprp-s T tain at S P Jl. (Snndays exempted), u .'. ? "nd Vhlnjton. stopping at ' he.ter, Tt Wl mtrgion, Newars, rlkton, Northeast Pe llavie o c-ace. Aherdren. I'errvmnn's.Edgowoi nolln, t rtafA'N. nrtrl, tn I pre- l tain at it P 11. (Snndays exempted). lorRnl- tamot. Perry vi lie. d go wood Mag .llllt 1 ,nr,t. u. ii i .. - ,.i . lnglon - ' n.aiuiuiv aue uwnm l ett-l.", py Boat from Baltimore torFortrese Mow U 4.1 " ii srMn ' 8"J Bicllon1' w11' k8 tk V lI WINOTON ACCOMMODATION TRAINS, Stopping at all stations between PLIIadolphla and VVtt- niington. p?'Vi,.T7i.Vt'lA; M..US0. 4 10 6. and II M V.-f.1, .j'f- ii.-. t,aln conn-ets with Delaware jiai.r.'nu ' onon anu intormedtnte Stations. Ii V ; I m1." and 0-30 A M.,4and-M . At. The 7 1,1 A. M. Ira n n-ili , , A . . hetwe.n Chester and v . i nuns i"i .- v t i imi.t icave Philadelphia at A. M 4 Hi t:a h P. M. I u n.ii i,u isAi js FROM BAT.TIM0R8 Lf,veilTSnro1nAPMIi,Al,;hj1.p01A M- fi;om haliimoukto rmLADFxrmi. T.rAv l'rlf in ore 7''A A Al.. W'av.mnil niii a am KxiircHK. 1 lu 1 W.. Expiom. tt3ft P. hu Kxpreaa. 8 n . v V- U fni) 1) I t iriiinnn 1 n l at n r vr it. n tuiiniunr; I Cites erat 4 40 and 8 62 A. M., and 3 38 P. M. 1 rive 1 llnilngton nt5 23 anil 3'l A. M. and4T.1P. M. )- reaht T i-Hi.iM ..lib l aKseimir ( ars win 1mm as to; lows :- V lltningtou inr l cm vllle and intermeiUiit stations at 6(5 P. M. Baltimore for Havre-de-Gracena lutein. ediBte sta.inrs at 4 45 P.M. Penyvllle lor Wl mliiLton ii nd in'eiineiiintn stations ati4 20 A. M . nnn. neettngot Wilmington with 7 li A. M. train for Phlha do phla. BUiUAI TUA1NS. Fxprecs Train at 4-L) A At. tor Hultlraore and WaMh IbgtOll BTODninir at I heater Wllmln, ton. Nnw.rk Kilt. ton. Nor lies' t Perryvllie Havrcilc-Grace, Aberdeen, Per' ' nn ti's Jiagno la, iyiiase's, and Stemmer'g Run. io in r.niri m.ur aa lorr.umniore unu wssmugroa Ateon modvtli'ti Trsln at II 30 P. M. for WLmiugtoet end hjicrn rdiate station-. PALI Hi ORE FOR PHILADELPHIA. I.PaVe 1 Hilin.nrA ni il.O P 11 u.r.nnltiv .1 II nnMk Grao, l'rnyvllie, and t ilmington. Also s'ons at Klk- iini.ana ewotk (to take passengers fer Phi adoipnlaaa leave passenrers trom Washington ot Baltimore) as t htStl r to leavA tltimpnirrr. Hum ltnlllniorak nf W .... in?tou. Acenrcnnonstion Tram lrom Wl mlngton for Phlladet lli is and Intcimeuittte statlnus atb "0 I . M. 4R U F. KENNEY. Superintendent -rrOR KEW YORK. THE OAMDEN AND X' Amboj and Phi aoelphla and Trenton Rallroa ompanv s Lines. R(iM 1 H1LADKI.PHIA TO NEW TORK arid W sy Places, trom Walnut btreet Wkaif, win leave, as toilows, vir.: tana At 6 A. Ji., via Camden and Amboy, Accomnoda . tun fit Atb A Ji., via Can inn und Jersey i ity Ixpress.... H At2P. W.,vla( iiinilen slid Amboj Express lot AtBP M ,via I uniden and nibov itcconimodatlon i'H A tt) I'. . Tin CunUen uud Amboy Accummoda lion, 2d class 1 8 At 8 A. Al. 2 aud 5 P .11., lor toount Holly, Ewans- vl le Pen hirion. and Vlucentown At 5 A.M. and! P. M lor i reeho d. At 5 ana 10 i.C, HM .I.M and 11-30 P M. tor Fisk . ioute. Pelinyra. Rlvenon. Progress. Delano. Beveriy. Edeewater, huriugton Florence, Itonlen- towo.etc. T he Ml A. M. and 4 P. M. Hues run u.-eot tlirmiuli to T letiion. LINES FROB1 KI'N-INGTCS DEPOT WILL LKA'R At 11 A M,4&0 6-4.1 P. Jl., and 3 t. M. (Night) Tla , Kensliikton and Jersey city i xprcss Lines, luio Mis). The 6'4ii P, Ai, Uue wllliuu daily. Allothera Sundaya exeppted At 7-30 uud 11 A. Jl., 3 3-30 4 30 5, and 6 41 P. M a d J ninight. ior lirn-lol. Trenton, etc. At 7 and 10 15 A. Jl. 12 Jl. 3 4.6 and 6 P. JL. fur Cora vi el's Torrifdnio liolmohurg, Tacony V isniuoming, LrHie-hurg. and trunk lord, and al 10 15 A. M ior V.riftol. M'lieneK's, Lddlugtou, and 8 P. M torllolaies ttirg and intermedia e sinuous. At 1 30 A. JI, end 3'80 P. Jl lor Niagara Falls, IluOfilo, Dunkirk ( anandali-ua, Huuira. Ithaca Owego. Re el) es er. Bingln mptou, Oswego yracuse Great ilend. Montrose. H Hkesbarre Scrauton Sttoudsburg, Water Gap, 1 elvidrre, Laston, 1 smb. rivllio slemlngtun, etc. 1 he a-l'O I. Jl. Line connects direct with the traia leaving Easton lor iluuch t hunk, Alleuiowu, Bothle hem, etc. At 5 P. M. for Lamhertvilio and lnternn-otate stations. Junel, nUi. WILLIAM U. GATZUEU, AaeuL EKKSYLVAKIA-CENTRAL RAILROAD. hUMAiER AURAMiEMEiM. Tbe Trains oi ti e 1'eiinni ivunlu Central Itailroaa leave the Depot, at Ibtriy-Utst and Market streeta, which Is readied by the cars ot the Market Stroet Pna aentier Railway, Tunning to and from the Depot. Tbe Irn-t car leaves Fiont street about SO miuutes prior to the denurture ot each Ttain. On Sundays Cars leuve Eleven n and Market 6trcets 4 mlimtes before thedepniture of each Trulna Mann's liaggate r.xpress will ca l for ami deliver Ragiaie at the Depot, Orders led at the OUlce Ne 611 t hesnnt street, whl leccive attontlon. ' TB1HS LEAVE PKtoT. VIZ. i 3: all Train R-Ofl a. U Duy Express at 10-00 Paoli Accommodation. No. I at 11-00 14 Fast Line and Erie LxpressH at 12 00 M. bairihbur). Aciou.u,ooutlou at 231) P. &C Lancaster Aeci ii.mooa'lon at 4 CO Puoli A ccomincdation No. 2 at 5-09 u I liUhnrgh am' Erie Jial 1i at 0 00 Puoll Accommodation, No 3 utlOOO Philadelphia Esmcsst at ll ie TKA1NS AltltlVB AT DEPOT, VI2. : Cincinnati Expresst a i'2-40 A. at Philade pliia Express at 710 Paoli Accommodation, No. 1 at 8 2t " ( olunibia Train m ooa I iincaster T ruin ut 12 4i P If. Fast Lino at 110 Puoli Accommodation, No. 2 at 4 In " Day Expieis...., at 1-50 I'aoli Accuu inodatiou, No. 3 at 7-30 Harrii-burg Accou nioitatlou at 9-50 ' Iml'y, except Sttiuniav. t Daily, t I nil! v, except Monday. AH oth r iiatus dolly, exeept Sunuay. Running through Irom I'hliadelphla to Pittsburgh and Ene w ithout ot curs. t-tin !a Aeeoinuiouaiioi TTulns for Paoli and Interine d atc stations leave "lilltnle pliia ut 9'00 A. Jl. uud 7 09 P. M., returning leuve I'aoli at 6 6l a. M and 460 P. 11. r Tit KET OFFICE Ts located at No. 6?1 chesnut atreei where Tickets tn ull important points mav be procured and i ull tulurina Ucn jiiviuby JOHN C ALLEN. Ticket Agent. ..ho at Thirty-first and Market streets, ou applica tion to JUUMAS H. r ARK.X., Ticltct Agent at tho Hepot. An In lirnntTram runs dailv (except Sunday. Fo full pumcuiars aa to tare and accomodations apply to FRANtlSFUNK, n v T1 , Ko. 137 DOi K Street. The rent svlvanin Railroad Comnanv will not assume any lii-k ioi Katguge, except lor Wearing Apparel, aaa limit their responsibility to One Hunured Dollars la value. All Li.trf.rige fxceediug that amount in valua will be at tho ntk ol the owucr, umess taken by special contr.tct j it li'RLKUiT LINES FOR NEW YORK AND L' l ai. the StstioLson the CAMDEN and AA1HOY an eonnectiny Lai.roaus. iiCtr A.sED DESPATCH. 'i Hi, Vj Jl DEN . ND AMUOY RAILhOAD ANI TLANSIOR'A'IJON COMFANV ' KEltiHT LINKI9 foi New Tork will leave WALNUT Street Whail at o'clock P M. dailv (Sundays excepted I. Freight must he delivered hctoro iH o'clock, to be for waidea (he tunic rlay. litturnlng, the alwve lines will leave New York at U noon and und 6 P. M Freight lor Tiemon. Ptmceton. Kingston, New Bruna wick, ano a 1 points on the i amden anu Amooy Rail, road; aiso, on the Be v dere Delaware ami Fleming ton the New Joihev, the Fieehold and J amesburg and tho Burlington aud Jlount Holly Railroads, received and lorwurded up tol P Ji., ,, T be Belvidere Le aware iiellroad connects at Phlillna burg with the Uhlf h Volley Roluood, and at Jlauua kacTunk will) all points oa the Da'aware, Lackawanna, aud Wtstem Ral roud, forwarding to eyracusa, Butlalo, and other points lu Western New York i he New Jersey ltalttoud connects at Elizabeth wlttt the New Jersey Central Railroad, and at Newark wlta. the Mori Is and Essex Railroad A Blip memorandum, tpecltying the marks and num bers rhlppers, and coi sicnecs, must, in every instance, be sent with each load ot goods, or no receipt will ew "'nB. Increased lacMitlea have been made for tha transi'ortatlon ot live stock. Drove are Invited to try the route. Yv ben stock is lurnished In quantities of twa carloads or more. It will be delivered at the foot of For tie.h street near tbe Drove Yard, or at Pier No. I, North River, as the shippers may designate at tbe Urn oftshlpment. Fur terms, or other Intormation, apply to WALT EB FREES) AN, Freight Agent, No. 226 S. DELAWARE Avenue. Philadelphia ORANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. On and. aiter MONDAY, February 12. two dallr trains will run between Washington and Lmchburv, connecting at Gordontvl le with Virginia Central Ua road trains to and Irom Richmond as lollows i MAIL TRAIN. t . Lisve 'Washington dally (Sunday exoepted), at ('44 A. M , and anlve at Lynchburg at '44 P. M. Leave Lynchburg at J A. M. and arriy at Wash tar tonat28F.M. MpBEafl TRA1N Lear Washington dshy (Ineluillng Bttnaay) t 6H F M and arrive s( Lynchbatg at K 00 A M Leave Lynchburg- at 6 30 P. M. and arrive at Washing t0Both6trahii making- close eonneetlona at Lynnhbo ftit all points South and Southwest, aud at WashingiUMa, for N on h and Northwest i..- . v. iv. Flrst-olass sleepimr oars atUched to the night tralna Tbe road la attractive. ot omy lor B oomioriaUa accommodations, but lor the ftot that It posses tae ws Sutorio localiussof Fairfax, Bull Run MsBass toe, ( at'etfa, Rappahannock, Culpeper. Orange, Gordoirsvllle. place ot imperishable Inteiest la h SeMiUM t$W?p'l I lAieAauu -- (ituetai but.bAv4c