The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, August 23, 1866, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Tm New Cdbsnot Streft Thiatkii. Charles
Dickens' prest novel, Our l&atucu Friend, havlna;
keen dramatized for this theatre, will be pro
duced for the first time In this country this
evening, with a cast embracing Mis JosieOrtoo;
Messrs. P. F. Mackav, B. L. Tilton, YV. II. Bailey,
James Tajlor, 8. Dubois, Bliss C. Jefferson, Mrs.
Keaeh, aiul little Kittle ISnker. The piece will
be placed upon the stuee in splendid style, aud
Will have as tine a run as Baccarat.
Nitw Walnut Stkket Theatre. The wonder
ful Ilulslay Faintly are drawing very full houses,
and the rccepUou accorded them each evening
is most flat tort ug. Monsieur Ilcnil Ajroust, the
great conjuror, athlete, physical jester, and
pantoroimist, and Mai'lle Rosita, the premiere
ilanreuse and tight-rope performer, are the
favorites of the laoies and children. The
tableaux of the "Watchers," "America," and
"Shower of Uold" are wonderfully beautiful,
and a re warmly encored each evening bv the
entire audience. The "Ntaeara Leap" of the
voting Titii-lav.raYii, and the "Spiral Mountain
jFeaf' by Buislav pere, are too fearful for female
contemplation, but their artistic execution is
keenly appreciated by the firmer sex. A very
pleasant comic pantomime concludes the per
formance each evening.
The Nw American Theatre. This establish
ment Is doomed to disappointment. It would
appear. La-t evening one Stuart Uobon, a low
comedian, who bad been engaged as a star, was
taken with a sudden penchant for viniting his
birthplace In the "Sunny South," and when It
was time to raise the curtain the announcement
was made that the siar set down In the bills and
bonds rould not be found The resources of the
theatre were at once tepted, and an excellent
melange- performance promptly Improvised.
The absent "etar" bas fooled his Iriendsonce too
often, we fear, tor his own good.
For Additional City Intelligence see Ihird Fage.
Reopening of Tbade. From the Indi
cations in our midst and irom the reports c
our neighboring cities, the fall trade Is com
.mencine with a great, and vicrorous demand for
.all kinds of staples. Early as the season is, our
merchants at the watering places, and irom
their retirement in the country, are hastening
to the city to take measures for meeting the
large calls that are being made upon them.
.From every indication, there will be a heavy
fall trade this season. The streets and side
walks are crowded with boxes and packages,
and the stores are tilled with customers from
all parts ot the country North, South, East,
and West. In dry good especially, .there ap
pears to be a very lace stock in hand. For
the past few months tl ere has been a heavy im
portation, and large quantities manufactured
by our hom factories, aud there not being a
latae demand bv the jobbers and retailers, the
supply has accumulated. OwinK to this fact
prices, as a general thing, average lower than
the same time last year; in mojt cases Irom ten
to twenty per cent, in the wholesaling.
The country merchants from all parts of the
interior are well represented. The Western
merchants represent business in their section to
be brisk and raoidlv linnrovine. Our city and
New York, indeed, are enlivened by the presence
of prominent merchants from all the principal
oiues ol the West, and even from the trans
Mississippi rep ion. From tne South there does
not appear to be so many buyers, nor do these
buyers brine fuch heavy orders as of old. Tne
poverty of the whole Southern people is too
manifest, and there are too many scores that
were run up last year remaining unsettled for
our merchants to give very heavy credit or long
time. Tbo general tone, however, is one of hope
thatthe crops in the South will bo Detter paying
thau last year, and will leave a surplusage to
pay their bills to the Northern merchants. In
general there appears to be a general determi
nation to adhere to the. net cast system in all
our business transactions.
There are some tears that the presence of the
cholera amongst us w ill influence the trade to a
great extent, the country merchants having a
natural mead of coming to our crowded cities
during its continuance amongst u. How far
this tear Is unreasonable or rash we shall not
say, but it does have weieht. Even the eager
grasping for the "almighty dollar," that has
such hold on most of our business men, will not
wholly conquer its terrors.
There appears to be, in our prominent busi
ness circles, r much easier feeling in regard to
finaucial matters. Tne money panic which
appeared Impending over our heads a short
while ago, irom the iailures in the older coun
tries, appears to have disappeared, and on all
sides there seems to be a geueral feeling that
theiewill be no panic whatever. This feeling
engenders a spirit of enterprise and good faith
in our business transactions, that caunot but
prove of beneficial etlecl iu extending trade of
all kinds.
An Unusually Intelligent Contra
band. The fact that "poets are born, not made,"
never bad a more forcible exemplification than
in the person of a poor old negro man named
George Horton, who Is at present In the hands
of the Frecdmen's lie lief Association, Walnut
street, above Fourth. This man was a slave of
Mr. James Horton, of Chatham county, North
Carolina, until that State was taken possession
. of by the Union army.
He had been bat a common field hand, and
had of course no instruction irom any one; but
in spite of these difficulties be contrived to learn
to read, and secretly procuring a lew books, he
devoted every spare moment to them. He was
especially fond of poetry, and never Ibrtrot a line
he had read. He displayed the most remarkable
talent for versification at an early age, and as
toe could not wiite, he repeated his poems aloud
to others, who wrote them down for him.
In 1829 a little volume of these verses was
printed, to enable him to purchase bis liberty,
when ho intended to emigrato to Liberia, fie
was anient and enthusiastic in reirard to his
prospects, and looked forward wit h the greatest
pleasure to hii) liberation from bondage. The
following verse (admirable in their way) he
wrote when anticipating his release:
" Twas like tho salutation of the dovo
Borne on tho zephvr through 8ruo lonosomo grove,
When soring returns, aud winter's chill is past, -And
veeetation smiles upon the blast.
Ihe silent barp which on tho osiers hung
A pam was tuned, and manumission uuf,
Awav by Hope the oiouds o. fi'ar e'e driven,
And mualo breathed uiy gratitude to Heaven."
His works, nowevc did not realize a Buili
cient sum, and he was aoomrd to remain in
slavery. It is a remarkable fact that he did not
again write verses until be obtained bis freedom.
Tiie caged b'.rd would not sing.
He is now a very old man, without a friend
but the Freedmau's Society, or any means of
support but that which they afford him. He is
a profound and prolific writer now, aud many
vt his poems are replete with delicate and re
ined sentiment, line aud beautiful metaphor,
and are distinguished for a remarkable accuracy
ef rhvtbm.
Thoe who feel an interest in intellectual pro
digies should certainly visit this poor, inarm
old neiro. who, beneath his homely form, hides
an intelligence, a bright intellectual tire, that
would have made an imperishable name for him
had be enjoyed tne benefits 01 an oramary edu
Malicious. Elizabeth Terrls. a ?ery ex
citable female, got into a verv severe tit of
tlestructlvenecs yprterday, and undertook to
mBBb thinss centrally in the neighborhood of
Tenth and Master streets. Taking umbrage at
the window of a house in that vicinity, she
thrust her fist tbrousb one of the Danes of
glass, and causing considerable pain to herself
by cutting a series or casnes in her nana and
wrist. She was arrest-Hi tor indulging In this
Amusement, and committed in dotault by Alder
man Tittermury to answer.
Change in Railhoad Aeranoemkntb
Traius for Cape May now leave Philadelphia
at 9 A. M. and S P. M., and return tioiu Cape
May at 8 A. M. and 5 P. M. Excursion tickets
tare now issued, good to return any day until
Hcptecuber i, ana we sola lor are dollars.
Wnf.BE Shall We Live? For those
who are settled in a comfortable little homo in
the heart of the city, this question has no par
ticular sitrnlflcance. But with that fnumerouj
class which, even in this town of steady habits,
are forced to change their habitation onoe a
year or more, it Is the one great question of life,
rising superior even to the grand problem of
"What shall we cat and drink, and wherewithal
shall we be clothed ?"
Pondering this matter the olher day, we took
onr seat In a horse-car at the corner of Third
and Walnut streets, resolved deliberately upon
ieconnoiirtne that, indefinite lecaltty on ihe
oih r side of the Schuvlklll which passes under
the. general title of Wei-r Philadelphia. The
first thing we noticed was tho tact that we were
seated in a vehicle which was almost sump
tuous in Its arrangements and finish. The sca'.s
were certainly more comfortable and the deco
rations more tasty than any we remember to
have encountered on any other lino '.n the city.
Inquiring of a gentleman who sat. near, and
who appeared to be thoroughly posted upon
the ceiiernl affaiis of the road, we were In
formed that the Chesnut and Walnut streets
line were now running forty cars, of which
number ciuhteen were entirely new, having
been placed upon the road at the time toat it
wa opened beyond the Chesnut Street Bridge.
These cars, we were aswred -and our subse
quent observation ot them exterior as well as
Interior, con vinccd us that It was all tha. sober
truth Hie superior to any in the city for
strength, as well as for finish. And yet they
weigh but two tons each, while some new cars
which have recently been placed upon olher
enterprising roads exceed them in weight by
several hundred pounds. This item, of course,
it. of uo particular consequence to the passenger,
but it Is of vast importance to the hard-worked
animals, whose tusu it is to drag them throuuh
the streets. The cars in question cost $1150
each, and were built at the celebrated manufac
tory of Harlan, Holhngsworth & Co., Wilming
ton, Delawaie, an establishment, by-the-way,
which holds a rank second to none of a similar
character In the United Slates.
Our curiosity with repaid to the vehicle In
which we ;at being satisfied at last, we next
turned our attention to the sights and scenes
along the road. They were not over-attractive
as we approached the new bridge from the east.
Breweries, stone and marble yards, and un
finished buildings, were the most prominent
features. Hut these are destined in a very short
time to bo done away with, giving place to the
handsome residences which must eventually till
this, one of the most desirably located portions
of the city.
Tho bridge itself, the new Chesnut Street
Bridge, although it was thrown open to car
travel on the Fourth of July, Is not quite com
pleted. The cars pass over it regularly; so do
loot passengers, but vehicles ol all kinds are
still prohibited from trespassing on its sacred
precincts. Tt:e time will come when even these
will be permitted to take the bridge in their
wav, but precisely when is y t a mystery. But
little remains to be done bciorc the bridge wdl
be entirely fini-hed. The paving ot the side
walks is under way; so is the iron railing.
There is nothing more to be done towards the
completion of the structure.
Once over '.he briclgo, and one Is in consider
able doubt a to whether or not he should be
plensed with the prospect. The collection of
Ill-favored factories and mills which Jiue both
banks ot the Schuylkill is ccrintnlv not attract
ive. There is al-o a nuisance in tho idiape of the
West Chester Railroad, but this will soon be re
moved, as it is the intention ot the Cmipany to
locate their depot to Ihe south of Chesnut street.
There is, likewise, nn assortment of open lots and
antiquated iramc bouses wincn detract some
what from the enchantment of the view.
When this locality is one passed, however.
we find ourselves in one of the most charming
sunuros on tne continent, it is nait country
and half city a veritable landscape with long
rows ot brick houses and looming church spires
in tne distance. A more charming spot tor the
residence of a business man or a mechanic could
net be conceived, much less desired. Aud the
crowning feature of the whole is the fact that.
within twenty minutes, or half au hour at the
most, you can place yourself in tho heart of a
great and bustling city, at the frivolous expense
01 six and a quarter cents. The ready access ot
West Philadelphia if. Indeed, its strongest point,
aud the one Which places it far ahead of Ger
mantown, Chesnut Hill, and each one of our
other numerous suburbs. .
Even before the Chesnut sheet railway was
opened to Forty-second street by tho comple
tion of the bridge, many palatial residences
were erected on and near tho present hue of its
track?. But now that the only drawback is re
moved by itf completion, buildings are rising
out of the earth with the rupidity of Aladdin's
palaces: and while they rival these last in at
tractiveness, they will surely surpass them in
durability. As an illustration ot tne impetus
which the opening of the through line has given
to building, we may state that lots fronting on
Chesnut street, above Thirty-sixth, have in
creased in value sufficient to bear the entire
cost of the road 1
But wlu'.e thus surmisiLg, we approached the
end of the route. At a distance of full three
miles and a half from the Front street terminus,
we reached Forry-eecond street, the present
western limit of the road. At this point the
Company have constructed temporary car
houses and 6tablcs, and are now builv engaged
In the erection of their permanent headquarters.
These will be of brick, and equal in exterior
appearance and interior arrangement to any in
the city or country. They occcupy tho whole
block bounded by Forty-first. Forty-second,
Chei-nut and Sansom streets, with a frontage on
Chesnut street of 310 feet, and a depth of 320
The car-house will extend the entire length of
the Chesnut street front, and will be 63 feet in
width, and two stories in height, the second
story to be used as a repairing shop. Tne offices
ot the company will be located at the corner of
rorty-secona street, on tne nrst noor. Tbe
foundations of this n: am moth structure are
already laid, and it is expected that it. will be
entirely completed by the opening of the new
year. The stable, which is located on tne San
Bom street side of the block, will be larger even
than the car-house, extending the entire length
ot the lot, 210 feet, and having a width
of 90 feet. This ulso will be two
stories in height, the second story to be used for
tbe storage of food lor the horses. The building
is already under way, and will be completed by
tbo 1st ot ueeemoer. rue total cost ot tne im
provements projected by the company will ho
about $uu,uuu. wnen tney are nuisiiea the
Chef nut and Walnut Streets Rai.road will be in
condition to compete successfully with any
line in the city. And even now, the person who
is striving to solve tne prouiera, "wnere uhaii 1
Iivp ?" w ill hnd a satisfactory answer, If ne will
but take a Walnut street car and make the round
trip to West Philadelphia and back.
Tiie Police of the City. It Is indeed
a matier to congratulate ourselves on, the gene'
ral quiet und order that Tcigns in our citv.
There probably never was a time when such a
scarcity of criminal casus was known iu our
city. It seems almost as if thieves and disorderly
characters had forsaken their colliug, and
resolved to live in respectful submission to law
and order. We do not have a single startling
caso of crime to present to our readers. It is
indeed gratifying to The niide of Pinladelnhians
to compare the condition of our city with that
of others, the compansou being so greatly in our
the departure of tLe crowds that thronged the
city auiuiR iub prann convention, the pick
(juttrm u,iiu uuii uim a "UllTlinO. Still, now
ami men me poucu come across one of tne irn
teruity plying their vocation. Yesterday Henry
Adams, who has long adorned the profession of
"kiiucKB, ' was captured in the neighborhood of
TWtiimanu w biuui BireeiB. no nad a hearing
this morning, and was held for a further hearing
by Alderman Swift. 8
CnoLERA. There were nine cases ot
Asiatic Cholera reported to the Board of Health
fdnce our report of yesterday. Of these there
was one that proved fatal. Of those reported
yestetda, three ha ye since died,
Journalistic At a meeting of the Press
Club ol Philadelphia, held y-stcrdfly afternoon
a tneir roomc, wo. (i i;nesmu sireei. iui
committee on opening correspondence with
other bodies, Messrs. C. W. Oenison. Thompson,
Westcott, and Casper Sonde, Jr., reported an
address to the Press r unt ot Lionnon, wnicn
was unanimously adopted. The Secretary of
tbe Club, Mr. William H. Fisher, Jr., red a
letter from Mr. P. J. Ferguson, president or tne
Press Club of H. Louis, to Mr. L. W. Walla,
of TrtE Evenwo Teleor apit, announciii tn
gratifying intelligence that the editors and re
porters ot that city had organizca a iTes i hid
pucccsffully, which numbers some thirty pro
fessional gentlemen among Us membership.
The business men of St. Louis came forward
promptly, and fitted up the rooms of the 8t.
Lotiio Club ii splendid style, and lefused pay
ment therefor, and many of the leading clti.ens
have made donations of books, etc. to the
library and cabinet of curiosities. Ilou. B.
Gra'z Brown. United States Senator, and for
merly editor of the Demotrat, was the first hono
rary member elected. The Press Club of St.
Louis desire to open correspondence with all
societies of a similar nature which maybe or
ganized on this continent.1 Their moms are
at No. 315 Chesnut street. St. Louis, Missouri.
Correction. In our report of the counter
feiting case the United Stales vs. John Mool
hart and James Foster, hoard in the United
States Court yesterday, great injustice was done
Mr. Michael Magulre. The facts of the arrest
should have read as follows: On the night of
July 2 the accused called at the public house of
Mr.' Magulre, Dilliwyn and Willow street, and
left in charge of the proprietor a box, which
upon examination proved to contain the bogus
plate and other matters incidental to thA
counterfeiting business. Mr. Magulre at once
repaired to Alderman Toland'a office and lodged
intormation. The services of two officers were
secured, and after being secreted in the nol
until the attcrnoon cf the 4th, arrested the de
fendants. Corner Lounging. There have been
numerous arrests during the past few davs for
this offense. It Is a very pernicious and debas
ing habit, now bo common among I young
men, to 6it and lounge around the corners of the
streets, especially in front ot the corner taverns,
and obstruct passers-by. When thus congre
gated together the cars of ladies passing bv are
polluted by their vile language and profanity.
It is with, pleasure we notice that the
police authorities have turned their attention to
abating this nuisance.
Foreion Periodicals. Mr. A. Winch,
No. 505 Chesnut street, bas sent - us several
batches of foreign magazines and literary
DaDers. lor wbich our thanks are due. Mr.
Winch has an extensive slock of foreign periodi
cal literature, and attends to subscriptions lor
raie works in a siiisiactory manner, tits ar
rangcnients have been so periccted than an
American can now have any foreign magazine,
review, or newspaper served at his residence
upou the urrival of each steamer from Europe.
A Trize. Yesterday the Harbor Police
discovered a skill about sixteen feet long,
secreted amongst the reeds, just above Rich
mond, on the Delaware fiont. The skiff had
been of alight pca-gTeer, but was painted over
with black. In it were one pair of oars, one
handsaw, one compass saw. one hammer, one
small axe, and one gum blanket. These articles
are all supposed to have been stolen. The boat
and other articles aye noy awaiting an owner.
Slight Fikk. A fire was discovered in
the premises occupied bv A. J. L'ghrcap, as a
i-boc store, at tbe northwest corner of Fourth
and George streets, about 5 o'clock this morn
ing. The tire broke out in the lower story.
An auger hole had beeu bored in the shut
ter near where the fire ftartd. It was subdued
without much trouble, and the whole damage
will not exceed $200. There was an insurance
on the stock of $2000 in the Glob'; Insurance.
Larceny of a Rope. Samuel Dummig
was arrested yesterday on the charg.i of stealing
a quantity of new rope. He had about twelve
or fourteen fathoms ot light new rope In his
possession, which he wis endeavoring to dis-
rop ol for tift-v f ont.a. When arrpoted he gaiil
lie hod found the rope. He was committed by
Alderman Titlermary to answer. The ropu is
now at the Southwark Hall Station House
awaiting an owner.
A ConscntsTiOus Apothscart will only se l
such preparations as he knows to bo valuab'o Tlio
lact that every reputable drugei-t in the country
koops a constant supply of MAltSDEN'S CAU
SA YA TONIC, is ample, proof that its efficacy has
been thoroughly tested. It is no nostrum, made np
of nobody knows what, but a pure extract ol the
CaliBsya Bark, tho most approved tonlo lu tho
Materia Med lea. Depot, So. 48Z Broadway, New
York. For sale by Johnson, Ilolloway If Cawden,
Wholesale Aaents. N- 23 N. Sixth street. Philadel
phia, and by all druggists.
TobeAfbaid of the Cholera is to incroase
ones chances ol taking it; to exeroise ordinary
prudence in warding It off. is to provide ouesolf with
J aynk'b Carminative Balsam, and thus be pre
pared to master the disease in its earliest stages. For
the cure of Djsenterv, Diarrhoea, Cramps, Cholic,
Cholera Morbus, Summer Comp'aint, etc., the Car
minative is a sovereign remody, aiwavs safe and effi
cacious. Prepared only at No. 212 Chesnut street.
Multitudes of People require an Altera
ttve, to restore the healthy action of their systems
and correct the dorangeoionts that creep Into it.
tSareapanllas were u-d and valued until several im
positions were palmed off upon tiie publie nndorthis
name. Ayer'b Sarbaparilla ia no imposition.
The Elliptic Lock-Stitch Sewiso Machixe,
wlta all tho latest improvement and attachments,
incomparably the bent for family Use.
Elliptic S. M. Co,
Agents wanted, No. 923 Chesnut street, Phila.
Extraordinary Cure of Rheumatism
Robert Toole, No. 43 J Wilder street, wants the
public to know he suffered a long time; couldn't
move. Cured by xr. Fitlor'a Remedy. It is harm
less. BtDDlxo and LpnoLSTicRY iu all Its branches
Job Li pp. with W. U. Woods,
S. W. Cor. Twelith and Chesnut streets
A tie bible collapse hai taken place in tu?
financial afl'uirs of Europe. Whether this could
have been prevented or can be remedied by the
wbest measures is doubtiul ; but the fearful collapse
which makes the critical stages of the Cholera, cttn
be certainlyfprevented by the uae of MA "SlJiC.V S
A&IATIC CHOLERA CUliE. Depot, No. 4)7
Broadway, Nip York. For sale by Johnston, IJoiuj.
way ft Cewden, Wholesale Agents, No. 23 N. Sixth
street, J'ltilatktphia, and bit all druggists. I
1'nOFWgOtt Wolowbki, tbe well-known pianUt
and composer, wao na given lessons at tlio White
Houso to 1'rcmuuut kiucoiii' cnnuren, and who
mtt with niimnLtse succoas before iu Philadelphia,
bas opened a course tor piano and ginning by his
now lygtem. at Ho. 704 Locust street. Mon.
Wolowski'i facility lor 1mimmnr tho divine art o
perfection is go jienurtlly admitted that we arc gu'e
ol nis succeed.
' "Needles' Ca-vhoh Tuogue." known to bo a
reliable and prompt cure lor Choloraio Svuiptouis
IMuirlioa, lyeniorv, eio. ror eae oy uruatzitu,
und the maker, C. H. Noodles, twelfth aud Rsc
street. Every on sbouid keep tiiein at ban i, 6'M
per box. -
Fasbios's FLATEonM. une poriume, pure, re-
freidi'Dg, and 1 iuipemhable, und that, purfutne
l'l alou's ' INiffht-IilooniiUK Ccroua." rbis i t ie
plwtioriu of tr.bhlou on 'bis sine or the Aiiuntiu, and
all the people say anion I Jersey City 'limes.
Kow that the ViawAM l closed, and the num-
mei nearly go, lot u all show our .ioyoug leolintr by
setting a new dim of Clothing' at Charles BtokuJ &
Co.'s ouo price, unaer tlio Continental.
Cbovkr & Baker' Highest Premium K'.aiMo
Btiton btmnic ftlacntnes tor tamll) use, Ko 730
Vhtiuut street,
lMrROVM Look-Stitch M aohinks for Tailor
and MantiUiinror. Urornr Baker Se wine Ma
chine Company, No. 730 Cheannt street.
Compouwp Iirrniw Notks 7 8-10 and 6-20s
wanted. Ie liaren tfc Brother, So. 40 S. Tnlrd bt.
Superior Styles Ready-adb,Clotho.
Superior Sitlbs of Ukady madb Clothimo
. WAXAKAKsa k Browh,
( Popular Clothiao House,
Oak Hall,
Foutlieat corner Sixth and Market Streets.
OAKKETT-KATKR On Motidur evenlnit. tbe 1.1th
lnat.tnt at the rexlrtmce ot the br)e purpnU, by tne
liov I. W. J. Wvllo Mr. JOHN UAKULTrtoMlM
W ARY P. KATI.R, m Of till City.
HOFFECKER-WOODALL. On the 2'2d lDtiint by
Hev. 1) W. ltarlfne, . l r. lO.flRY T. HOFFF.O
KKR to Wit MaRT H. WOODALL, both oi Kent
countv, Delaware.
BRAIKERl). Ausustltt. lHt. at tha reaidence of Ills
nn-ln-law, llenr M llol.s, Emi., in Koran ton Pa., Rev.
TliOMAS U.. Faotor ol Old l ine Street
Chinch, aneil Hi vnar.
The Koorth Preobt tery of Phi ad ol phi a bin brethren la
the nilnlntrv, tne Union Lxainie. the Historical Mocietr
of Pennsylvania, and hricndu of the tamlly, are lnvltod
to attend hl lunoml. at Pine stmet March, on Satur
day a'temoon at 4 o'clock. precisoly.
BOYLE. on the Sin mutant, after a llnserina lllnrwu.
JOHN M BOYLV, muni 41 year
1 he riativca and iriendaot the family, alo tne mem
ber, oflt. V- hoaallty ol Patrick' Chnrch, arere
uneetliiily rnvltrd to attend the luneral. front tha riwl-
dence ot hi parents, Ho. 2051 Hampton .treat (below
Twenly-niHt. above Lombard), on Friday atternoo i at I
o'oock, without further notice. Xo proceed to Cathedral
BYF.RLY.-On the 21st mutant. Mm. MARY BTERLY,
relict of ihe late (ieoriie Hrerlr. xod 3 yean.
i he re ailvee and friend oi ithe tunillr are regoectmllr
In vlfd to attend the tunernl from the ritnce of ber
on-tn-law. Mr. 1 boron Brown, Ho. 410 Worth tmet,
on Friday afternoon at ) o'clock. To proceed to Ronald
Bun'g Cemetery.
F.VINS. On the 21t Instant, J. WILLIS KEVINS.
'Ihe relative and Irlenrt are Invited to attend hi
funeral, irom bl lute residence. o. 1022 Wallace atreet,
on haturday morning next at 19 o'clock.
yon make nse of an ordinary table or butcher
knl e tor llcine. It I, therefore, easy to keep It share
and clean. J hey are very ueiul lor cucambrr. pota
to., apples, etc. Korsaleby TRUMAS SHAW,
to. tub It-lKot Thlrtv-flve MARKET Bt., below Minth.
VI Clothes Line Hook. Awning Hooks Staple,
Ulntn, Meat Hecks. Shutter Bolt. Stay Nails, luru
buckles, and other hardware, for ale by
Mo. 835'Elght Thirty-five) MARKET St.. below Ninth.
knob from striking the walls, of Mahogany,
white Enanelled, Porcelain, and plain Wood. eio. For
NO. 8SS (Eight Thirty Ave) M ARK KT St.. below Nlch.
S. E. Corner Fourth and Walnut Sts.
Insurers in this Company hare the additional guaran
wblcb, together with CASH ASSETS now on hand,
amount to over
Its TRUSTEES are well-known citizens In our midst,
entitling It to more consideration tban those whose
managers reside in distant cities.
Alexander ffhllldin,
William J. Howard.
J, dear Thomson,
Samuel T. Bodlne,
John Alkman,
Henry K. Bennett,
Hon .losejh Aldson,
Uaac Unzlebarst.
Ceort;e Nugent,
Bon James Pol
Albert . KoDerts,
. B. Mingle,
1. M. Wbiildin,
AlEXllEft WH1LLD1U, President.
CEOIiGE NCOENT, Vice-President.
JOBS C 8IMS, Actuary.
(OUR b. wiLBOW. fecretary and Treasurer. 1 1t,
I bav a large stock of every variety or
Will... 1 will sell at reduced prices, consisting oi
Sideboards. Extension Tables. Wardrobes. Bookcase.
Mattresses, Lounges, eto etc.
8 IS N. E. corner SECOND and BAUU Mtreets.
Duiing the Bummer Season, we will sell from our lm
mense Htock oi ,
GOULD & CO.. ,
N. E. corner NINTH and MARKET Streets,
And aUo at the New Establishment,
2 10 So os. 37 and 39 Norm SECOND Strce
French Plate Looklng-Glasscs,
llanulacturer of all kinds of
I.oolving-Olass, Portrait, and Pic
tnre Frames to Order.
PHiLADEurniA. 8 15 JJ
The only KISKCl'T TOBACCO ever manufactured
B Potladelphia.
Tit .Bent in the Market.
Manufactured from the Best Leaf.
y tory , B.r. corner Kboad and Wallace Street
- i..inn.ii.i i ii in i Jv.iAgvJafc
' . !
S. E.Cor. CHESNUT and FRONT Sis.
Outrages Upon Public Schools.
Ele Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.
Washington, August 23.
The Frpedmen's Bureau has reports of out-
rapes upon colored schools at Glarow, Bowling
Green, Paducah, and Mount Sterline, in Ken
tucky. Preparations are being made lo reopen
the schools discontinued by force.
The feeling Of the people towlrds the blacks
and the otlicers of tbe Bureau, has been embit
tered by the late political contest in that State.
W. J. Corning, formerly publisher of the
Alexandria (Va.) Journal, is about to etart an
antl-Adminlstration afternoon paper In Wash
ington. The Administration Fenians are about to issue
an address to the Irish of the country.
During the Rebellion tho pay of privates la
the army was raised from eleven dollars to thlr
teen dollars per month, and the clothing allowj
Rnce from tnio dollars anl fifty ceutM to six dol
lars per month, the Increase to continue during
the war.
It Is now stated in military circles that in
consequence of the failure of Congress to pro-
vice for continuance of enhanced pay In time
of peaco, one effect of the President's peace
proclamation will be to reduce tbe pay and
clothine allowance of soldiers aud otlicers from
and after tho date thereof to the old standard.
Cold Weather on Mount Washington The
i First Ice oi the Season.
MorNT Wasuington, N. II., August 23d. The
thermometer this morning stands at 2fl degrees.
The weather Is clear. One of the telegraph
wires has been broken down by the ico which
has formed upon it. On bo'.h wires the ice is
half an Inch thick.
The Cholera nt St. Louis.
St.. Louis, August 23. The cholera Interments
in six of the principal cemeteries in this city on
Monday and Tuesday numbered tnro hundred
and sixty. Them are about twenty cemeteries'
in and around the city. The Board of Health
have arranged to get prompt daily reports from
all tbe burying places hereafter. The n eather,
is very cold and damp. !
The Cholera at Cincinnati Suicide. ,
Cincinnati, August 23. Only thirty-three
deaths from cholera were reported yesterday. ,
Dr. Blackburn, a prom'uent physician of this
city, committed" suicide csterS?iy.
Latest Maikets by Teleg.apli.
New Y.OHR. August 28 Cotton Is timet at 03 5 Mr.
for middling. Flour du 1: 50: i0 bbls. sold at ;VDdui
10 tor State; ?8'l)5(ai2 lor Ohio; 5 90;49 CO tor
Western; and SlC(wl6 tor Southern. Wnaat quiet.
Sal ( nmmuoriant Corn dml. 86 .000 liuahni. old
at 88J(o.Mo. Urt qntet. I'ora firm at 683 22j' 33 2G.
Lard steady. Whisky dulL
New YORK.Aneuftt 23 Stocks are quiet. Cnicao
and Bock Island, 109J: Cumberland Preferred, 48;
Michhrau Southern, 652 ; Koadintr, 1152 ! Virginia
ISh, 70i;Krie Kailroad, T6i; Western Union lelo
graph Company, 67,'; lrea.urv 7 310. lOti; 10 40j,
101: Unitod Mates Cs, 110; Gold, 1192.
If. S. District Court Judne Cadwalador.
Charles Smith pleaded goiltr mis morning to a
charge ot passing a United States aouuterieit ton
dollar note, knowing tbe same to be eounterieit, and
was sentenced to an imprisonment ot eighteen
montbs iu the Eastern l'ouilentiury.
1 nomas b-tiiuo was convicted on an indictment
chat-mo? bim with baring in his possession eoantor'
leit,Unitedtates notes,with intent to pass the same,
ana w sentencta to mreo years in tne astern
Penitentiary. Knife is an old bauo at the businoas
of pasvinti eounterieit money, in this caso bis airest
wis accidental, ana was not lor pursuing what may
be coastiieroil his usual business. He was arrested
lor DniLK "dead drunk," but when, alter bein con
veyed to tne station uouue, ne was searched;
mnoty-nine countei leit twenty-five cent nots w. re
lound in bis pockets, and only sevon cents in good,
money. It is tecauae of this untoward event tnac
Knipe retires lor tbroe years to the shades ot private
hie. i
. Court of Quarter Seasioua Judge Ludlow.
Ihe District Attorney mentioned to the Court
that, bavins noticed in tbe papca that an attempt
bad teen auaae to break into a bouse in West fht
ladelphia; that tho occupants of the house went to
the I ack-door and lired some bird-snot at the wouitl.
be burtrlars; that a man, John Campbell, was
arrested on tbe charge; thai a man named John
Smith gave securities lor Campbell's bail. Smith
bad tho aipearaiice ot a man of property, and said,
under oath, that he was tbe owner of three houses,
os. 2011, 2010, and 2018 Alder street, aud alsooi
Tbe District Attorney having sufficient reaon to
donbt ibis man's ownership, bad Campbell aud
Smith arrested, and wisued to prove to tbe Court
that iuith was not tho owner ef ihew houses. The
tenants' ol the bouses were produced, aud they tos
tiiled that they had paid rent to a Mr. Houston, tne
agent lor a Mr. Middloton, who they had alvav
beard was their landlord. These tenunts' said that
tta.y bad never seen or hoard of Muitfj before bis
occurrence. Ur. Housun said that be know no
ot ber other than JUr. Midillolon. i
Mr. Middloton was produced. He stated that he
owned the bouse Ho. 2014 Alder utroet; that Mr.
Houston was bis agent; that he bought t ie bouse of
a Air. Bunting; be kuow nothing whatever of this
man (Smith.
ihe District Attorney requested the Court to
cause Smith to be held to answer a charge of pur
jury at the present term ot the Court. The Court
reiuced to do anything at present in tbe case other
thuu to bold iiiui in the sum of r3)0J, to auswer the
chkigeof perjury during the present term. ,
John Carapbell was then arraigned, aud having
p'eaded not guilty, was tried upon a ciiargo of bur
glary in breaking into tbe store of 1'renon L. Hill,
who kreps a store on the larbv road. Mr. tlill vrn
aroused auring tbe night by somebody working at
bis window-ehutier. lie got up, alippsd ou nis
punt", and ran down with a (run. The burglars
were ibeu in the dwelling part of tho bouse. I bey
heard bim coming, got out hastily, and jumped into
a wagon. Mr. 11 ill shot, and struck one at loa-l he
beard him "tqneal," as he said, ihe wagou went
olf at a furious rate.
Oftcer Dale hearing the report c f the gun, hurried
to the 'poi. lie arrested Campbell about twenty
yards from the store. Campbell had a fresh wound
iiiiou bis face, which wa olccding prolusely, as if
he bad juxi received a shot A wimess stated .hat
the w agon that drove up to the "Ball," where tliis
wngou ot tbe burglars was daubed up, waa hired to
John Campbell. i
'1 he jury having a very clear cae, rendered a ver
dict oi guilty, lie was sentenced to Eastern l'eni
icntuiiy tor live vears , '
Charles Mci'arlaud, a mere ial, was charged with
tbe lurceny of a horse valuoa at thiny dollars, tne
iroperty of hose Ann Jackson. - It oeiua that tha
lorse wu out on the commons, and MoK'arland took
tho horse and gava it to a huckster. The huckster
was to give the boy ix dollars, but after vetting the
hore he rave bim notlunv Ibis was hearsay testi
mony. MvFai'liind himseH told Mrs. Jackson this,
lherewoie three other llttie bovseognged in thu.
lie expressed sorrow for having dour as he did.
The defense was, that the boys were merely riding
tbe bene about tut) ooHunoBs, wuoq bttctuter cyi9
along, ctaimod tbo horse, and took him oft Ttm biy
is nui , vears old. l ho jury rendered a verttiot f
not guilty.
William Johnson waa ebwred with committing
an assavltand batirry i.non Marr. Bozart. llwata
row between two families, rculimg trom a light
between their children. Johnson. It seems, held
this woman while another party bear h x. The da
terse was ibat the deleudaut saw two women aoout
to fight, and he caught this womtn and attempted
to pull ber awav. hhei aa too muoh for him, and
when anotbor woman earn ui he te treated. I ho
Jury rendered a verdict of not e-ulltT.
J tries carenoo was- acquitted or acharwoor ma.
liciou misohiei, in driving his wagon so as to injur
another wagon.
micnaoi Davly was acquitted or a charge of liin
larceny of a churn, valued at 5, the property of
Benry Hattersb..
David ltnliiimnn wft.4 nliarved with, asuult anil
bafcry upon Joseph M. Breo y, and Joseph At.
nreolv wa charge with asvaulr and battery upon
JJav d Kobmson. Br eel v a a ed. that on the nght
of the 17th of Julv, be was lying on tho around, m
Smith's Island, and Unlutmon, the officer ou datv at
thelaland csme and struck him between tiie nh ul
dors, struck him between the ees, put handnufli on
nun, una orouvut mm over the river, when ne
remonstrated with Kobin-on on sucli treatment,
Kobm-on beat him on the bead with a."Ulv."
liobinson's version was:. breoly, who was drunk,
intruded hlmrelr upon a oarty ot detectlvca who
were holding nrlva e eonveratlnn. and when re
quested to eavo h refused to do so and med rery
ungentlemanly language the omnnr, Koninvm.
told bim be must leave He cursed tha otllecr and!
struck him. '1 lie on.oer then threw bun down aud.
took him to the boat, lie became unrulv. so much,
so that the officer wa. oblised to put the nippers on
him. After he croeo tho river he smttchod a brlok.
from the stree' and aimed a blow at the officer
bead. Then Robinson sUuok him wilb his ' billv.'
Jury out.
It appears thut the Secretnry of tbe Treasury'
was recently ou a Yllt to the Mlub of tiie Ifni
vornc," end that while there he- was Invited' to
dinner, but instead ol aceeptins and dipwting
the meal, he lelt his would-be eutertaioeni to
digest his financial views, a expressed in th.e
following letter to them:
Although it waa hoped that, ere this Uie rtur
reucy of the country wottld have been brauRht
nearer to the specie standard, I an suro that the
people have cause for coazralulatton tbat ewr
flnaueea are in so healthy a ooruditioa
they are.
btn?e March, 18C5, the war bna b"on broMKht
to a Buecrwblul concliiHtou; limuenHU armies kutve
been disbanded; every soldier ha.v bcea paid
before being tmunered out of the ftcrvlc; nil
maturing oblications of tbe fiovcrninent have
been satiBtuciorily piovidcd for, while the
national debt Is nearly $250,1)00,000. lesa taan it
was eslimuted li would be at th- present timefc
and tie reduction of it has avertvQa fox- the past
year more than $10,000,01)0 pes month. It n
ot her nation ever rolled up a debt so rapidly, none
certainly ever commenced tho reduction of Us
debt bo soon after its creation. If our cur
rency Is depreciated, we have so far
escaped tbo financial troubles that usually
occur anions nations nt the cloa ot eJtpcosiT
wars, and which tbero was reu-on to uppceiicnd
would happen to us at tUe- termination of tbe
gient war in which we hvo been en;rtged. If
the business of tbe couuuv is conducted upon a
clinueiug and uncert iia Uiisi', it haa bcea 6nb
jeet to no severe revuWous. If our t:i are
heavy our resource are nlonoat uulimitod,
while tb dlsi0"ilionOif the people to bear cheer
fully their burden is u surprise even to tuose
who have the greatest conadeuue iu tho honor
and good faith ot a free people. Iu my opinion,
the people ot tho United States are to muke re
publicanism, illustrious among f ho nntiou. by
t-stabli&niug the tact, that the securities of a
republican povernment are safest vt all
pccui'ittec, and that the people wholntposo tsxe.
upon themselves are tte most jealous of their
national credit.
I do not, however,' disguise the fact that great
financial difficulties nre ulill to be overcome;
that our present prospetirj 1s rather apparent
than real; that we arc measuring value by a
litlee standard; that we aie in fact exposed to
all the oaneer which p.tlend an inflated and
irredeemable currency, which Oimlnuihc labor
the true soiree ot uational wealth and
stimulates speculation RDd extravannoe
wbich lead invariably to thrlftliness aid de
juprallrn'ipn, lie'Qie hv: oouu'ry b'icames
Htra'd t'Cally pi'Oapcroua, the specie standard
must be restored, prices reduced, industrr
stimulated, the product ot the country in
creased, the balance of traio between the
United Stunts and other nations cease to be
against us all the great interests of tbe coun
try cared lor mid protected by wise aud impar
tial legislation, and all sections of tue country
bo brought attain into harmonious and practical
relations with the general (iovcrnment.
That the country will bo acniti thus really
prosperous is as certain as anything iu tae
l'utuie. That it should be so ut'an early daj,
and that, too, without a financial crisis, it is
only necessary that there should be proper
leulution by Congress, economy in tho public
expenditures, ami fidelity on the part of those
who are entrusted with the management of the
public revenue.
Trusting that you will pardon me for wrltimr
so long a letter in acknowledge the receipt of
your very courteous invitation, I remain, very
truly, your obedient servant, .
HrQH McCuxloch.
Messrs. William , Gray, JSatlianiel Tnayer,
Thomas B Wales, Audrew T. Hall, aud others.
Boh to u, Mass. . ,
Br '.::'.:::,
CRIMAULT A CO. .'.'. ,
Chemists to his Imperial Highness Prince Napoleon,
47 Rue Richelieu Paris. '
For alt I Ui .l i s of the Chest this Uediclns Is Invaluable,
h is Inih. .. uxedatthe bKOilflON" HO,
PlTau. iu Loudon, for Consumption, and
feeuera if approved bv the leading ,
Ucdicsl Aieu In Koirland and lu
r ranee. ;
Tills ftyrue is employed, witli the ureatost success, In
pluce ol ou Liver Oil. tu which It is miluitulv supe-ier.
It cures dlseiues of ibe chest, scrofula lymphatic i sor
ders urei n Hicknens, muscular a onv.and loss or'aiipp lie.
It resL-m-rates the cunstlliition by puriiyinn che hlootl,
an.t is. lu a word, the uiunt puweriui Uepmulive known.
It Is m minlsioreu w'tli the tireuti'si utllcuuv to youn
children, subject to humors or obstruction of the vlauds.
Tlils new lerruK. nous meillclne conrnlns the elements
ol ibo Dlood sua bones auil 1 HON in a .njuid stHte. If
Is ulileruut iroui all bilhcrto oilcred to tiie public, ia
)li;oid colorless, and tuatPlesj. It spcedliy cures
l'ilLOl06l!, I
lHl'tlOULf DIdKSriOS.
Tbe mnjoiltvoi the cademies ot Medicine of ParU
recuniWDiid the t'huspbate of Iron to Ladioi ot delicate
couatioition, sul'erluu iiom Anemia aud ah otlinr per
huiis IuiikuimI Hum over annluty, nurvoua einotiuns over
work, (ifiieral dcDilliy ana pouiaeitfi ol' blood
it Is th only prenualiun iiicU never uue consti
pation, und cau be borne by tbe most dulluaie stomachs.
(Utl-MALLTM (iU.vlvAVA.
A vegctnble luuzlliuu sulmtitnre, entirely Innoouuui.
SliW clJtt IV K AGKNT,
M ATI ,0.
This nt w remedy n prepared from tlio leaves ot a
Peruvian petier .liiuli culled .VTiC, Uiiil cures
))roniiilv end fn alibli. -witliout any iear of iuiain
uiuiory reiilts Thi rrent m.ih'"lty of 1'hvstuluns tit
farfs Ku-eia Uerniany, aua ev Vork uow use no
other remedy.
B"T!SSi.yjttl,lA,,Lr vv'' -
In Philadelpbii at rK.NH, HI'jnASDS 4 t'O snd
at ever; sued cUtuiit , g i ttuf
'OO REWARD. - iloST," UN Til K A P
T1 ' tenioou of the 21r.tiiuii , a Uui lmWIn Pur
toutulning tbrte flro-proot kt-ysaud aamali brs (lm.r
f ' i rJ, v Um v v u ,!'ve ,or ,h"- drir