8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST 20. ;1866. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Office or ins Etenino TRLBoriArH, I ; Monday, August 20, 1806. f ' Tbe Stock Market was more active this morn ing, and prices were firmer. Government bonds, as we have noticed for tome time past, continue mfood demand. 7-3u sold at 10iJlO6J5 111 was bid for 6s of 1881; 110 for old 6-20b; and 102 for 10-401. City loans were also in demand; tbe new issue cold at 09) and old do. at 95. Kuilroad shales were firmly held at an ad vance. Reading sold at G83ii)o8i, an advance of IJon tbe closing price of Saturday evenine; rcnnj)van!a llallroad at 59J, no change; and North Pennsylvania at 39jj, a flight advance. 128 was bid for Camden and Amboy; 39 for little Schuylkill;- 68J for Norrlstown; 68 for Minchill; C4 for Lehigh Valley; 29 for Elmira common j 42 for preferred do.; 37 for Catawissa preferred j 3."j for Philadelphia and Erie; and 45i for Northern Central. In City Passenger Kailroad shares there wa very little doing, llestonvillc sold at 19, no. change. 88 was bid for S cond and Third; 45 lor Filth and Sixth; 50 lor Tenth and Eleventh; 21 J. for Thirteenth and Fifteenth; and 25 lor Girard College. In Canal stocks the only activity was in Stbnjlkill Navigation, which was in demand at an advance. Preferred sold at 38338, th? latter rate an advance of 1J; and common do. at Wj,M)l. an advance ot J; 58 was bid lor Lcnirn -Navigation; 118 lor Morris Cflnul pre lerrcd; 15. ior Susquehanna Canal; and fGf lor Delaware Division. Bank shares were in demand at full prices, but we bear of no suits. 22G was bid for North Amtrica; 145 for Philadelphia; 1304 for Farmers' and Mechanic:'; 56 for Commercial; 94 for Northern Liberties: 314 lor Mechanics'; 50 for Girard; 100 lor Tradesmen's; 40 lor Consolida tion; t3 for Commonwealth; 65 tor Coin Ex change; and CO tor Union. Oil shares were dull, with the exception of Ocean, which sold lurgcly at flj(,64. Quotations of Cold 10, A. M., 1485; 11 A. M., 148J; 12 M., 14K;1 P. M., 1483. I'lilLADKLl'lllA Sl'OCK. EXCHANGE SALES T0 DAK Reported by Do Haven k bro., No. 40 h. Ihird street BEFORE BOARDS. 100 eh Headiuir Ktulrvad. ,,,,,,,,, "6 63 '69 I " 11US1 BOARD, W10 Pen Nav 6a Ki. tai iu mi scu nav 4000 Pa V Ln tran.lOlj 800 h do lota 30 JHOOOl'a&s JJ !4i,l0titvC-,oloi.. U5 $7100 oo now.loig t)!S 8100 Oo liiuii O'Jt 3200 Leh 6s, U : S400C & AOs 83.. to'-l $!M,0H& BTi'lsni 80j . S1000 do 80J 6500 U b 730s Juiy 100 j 60W) clo J uut6wnl0tij! 100 all do o6 8)J 800 su do lots 30 60JsIi ScliN pi.. lota 38J 200 sh do b5 mt 100 sli do b3J 33 J 25 sh St Nell Coal. 3 2ul)su do....b5vn 8j ZW sh do ...lota. 84 100 sli do..ti30 3 8-10 100 sh do 3J3-16 100 ch Ocean 61 200 sli do s30 64 100 ah do 6 200 ah do a30 6 2 li N J'onua 3 H 13 ah A V & M. . ots 5j 200 an iiost'y....lots 19 Ml $3600 do..Juue..iuij UroOOOPalUdnitOs. 91 1C0 sli Jieoain...slO 683 100 en do 30 m 200 sh do 2d 68'Ot) 100 sh io f5 58i 14 sli l a K lota 6'. 8 h ao cW; Mcprs. Deilaven i& Brother, No. 40 South Third street, make the following quotations ol the rates of exchange to day at 1 1'. M. : nuymq aeitmq. American Gold Uii 141 14 18'. 13 12 11 l 71 74 62 American Silver, is anil is iJJ Compnuna Intcren jw.es : Jute, 1864. 13J 12 11 10,J 9J 7 July, 1864.... August, 1804. ... October, T4. ... Deo., 18U4.... May, 1805.... Aueust, 1805.... Sept., Is6. . . . October. 18'i6. ... Philadelphitt Trade Report. Momay, Au?ut 20. There Is but littlo O.uor citron Bark hre; we quote No. 1 at $31V' ton. Prices of Tanners' Bark are nominal. The receipts of Cloversccd are small, aud it com inands S6 60&7; small sales of Timothy at $55 50 a buek. 'J here is but little Flaxseed offering, aud it command $3 00. Tbe Flour Market is extremely quiet, lut prices lemain without quotable change. Ttiere is no ship, ping demand, and the borne conaumors purchaso 4 nly to a lair extent at $8 50C 9 y bbl. for old stock extras, $10 tO(all tor frceh pround extra, $10 50 5 13 for cemmouaud lancy Northwestern family, aud $14ol6 ior trfBh rrouud tutmiy from new VVLeat and laiicv Ohio. Kye 1 ,our is scarce, aud foils ia a t-mall way at P8. Prices of Corn Meal are entirely nominal. - 'mmb n3S 01 here is not much Wheat here, and there Is no cliauee in prices; sales ot 2000 buahels lair and prime new red at 2 80 2 87; and white at S3 00. Myo bas advarcea to 6216. Corn is abundant aud null. Yellow was offered at 95c., and mixed at 90o , but buyers retuaed to pay tnose tipurea. Oata are tiipher; sale ot new Southern at 61o. lu Barley and Malt notbinji doing. fc. Whisky is scarce and held firmly; sales of Ohio at 2 37. . . Philadelphia Cattle Market. Monday, August 20. The inactivity which we noticed at the close of our last report still con tinues. Tbe receipts at Tiacbner & Jacoby's Yards lor tbe paat week reach about 2200 head, mostly all Pennsylvania ttock. Holders of choice cattle, which are scarce, are not so firm in their view, and a slight concession in lavor of buyers had to be mado before sales even to a limited extent could be effected. Common stock are oflbred freely, hut there is but little inquiry. Below we give the particulars of the sale to-day: 125 neud A. bristy & Brutuor, Western, l5Jal" 84 " A Kennedy, Western, 13';:15. A Jones Mcukes, Cbestcr coaaty, 13u.lUl. 80 " P. McFillen, Western, 16ilti. 110 " P.'Uathawav. Western, li 17. 120 " J.t. Kirlc, Wtstcrn, 161. 26 " mcFilleu & Moiiiaeuc, 'eaiorn, 16gl0;. J10 " James McFIUeu, Western, 16..17. 66 K. S. Mcl'iilon, Western, 10ai7 114 Ulliuan ft Boo i man, Western, lGftn. 166 " Martin, Fuller & Co., Western, lf5;17j. 136 " Mooney & Smitb, Western, 1517. 14 " T. Mooiiey k Brother, 14u,10i. 86 " U. Chain, Western Pennsylvania, 14 16. 86 " J . A. Chain. Weat. Pnnsvlvauia, IS 10, fj " Ij. F'rank. Western, 14'ajl5J. 98 ' Frank & Bhomberg, Western, 16S17J. 77 " liupe & Cu., Wehw-TU, U il, 16 " J. caasaday, Weatern, lio.10. 27 B. baldwiu, Cheater county, lfta 13, 15 " J. Clemson, Western, 15;o 16. 19 " D Branson. Cheater couutv, 14 jl6. 48 " B Hood, Chester countv. 15 fl74l. 21 " Owen Scully, Weatein, 13.15 87 " Wayne & AlcArdle, Western 7718J. 82 " M Drytoos & Co . Western, 13cilrt. 54 D. W. brimuidll, Doiawuro tttatu. 6aS. 75 "J. Seldomridgo, Wfatern, 15." 18 42 Thomts looiuey, Western, Bi;j7J. 6 " Thomas Barnn, Wes;eru. (;,f7i. 40 " H. Ket'ler, West Pennsylvania, 6. ' 37 Evans & GronU, Weotein, lia 16. Cows and Calves come In slowly, ana meot with a moderate tlcniaud at S75 10J tor Cows and Culves, and t 50(a80 for Spmuct-rs. Heeoipts, 200 bead SUecp are rather quiet at lormer quotations. Ko oeipts continue heavy, reaching 16.000 hwid Some small sales have been reported at Cot lb groas, ma iu iiuaiiir. Dons The arrivals aud sn'es of good fat Hogs at n. r.liua' Hoi? Yard werl!10 bead at prici-i ratiir- ing irom 416 to 16 60 i 100 lbs not. About 6 Kl so.d at Tischner & Jacuby's yard at tue same ratea, Captain Cook. The people of New South 'Wales are about to erect a memorial to com' memorate the discovery t that country m April, 1770, bv Cantin t'ook. TOIL BARGAINS General Sweeney's Address to the Fenlana lie Eihorta them to Avoid Party PoU tics. I The old and tried members of the Fenian' Brotherhood retrrct to find that some political papen are endeavoring to make it appear tnat our organization ia about to be used lor patty purposes In the approaching political campaign, and I cannot allow such an Impression to go abroad without a protest on my part. The Fenian Brotherhood was established for the liberation of Ireland from a state of foreign misrule and subjugation which, for the continu ance and intensity of Its persecution, has no parallfl in history. While solely devoted to the prand object of tbe'r mission, the members of tbe Fenian Brotherhood sympathize with any struggling nationality, and are ardent lovers of freedom lor all men m uvery land. Two of the fundamental rules of the organiza tion are ihat ail rcliK'.ous and political ques tions should be entirely excluded from their councils, and n is owinsc chiefly to these wise provisions that the Fenian Brotherhood, with out the aid of a single dollar from any political party, in the face of the most tierce opposition, has spread its branches into every land, and be come tbe great power in America which it is to day. While every citizen, in his individual capa city, has a rieht to vote as bin judgment dic tates, I apprehend that disruption and disaster, and the utter blichtiii' of all our hopes would be the reoult of turning tbe Fenian Brother hood into a political organization at this junc ture. Although the attempt may be made by somo ambitious men, who must necessarily exercise influence in so wide spread a cjinoination, still I am sure the preat majority of the Fonian Brotherhood are too devoted to the preat ca'ine to whirh their lives are pledaed, to allow the caui-e to be swallowed up in the vortex of Ame rican politics, or to permit themselves to be divejtedjfor a single moment lrom the direct path which ;must eventually lend them to success. The I'tttsburtrh Conpress held in Fehruory, 18C6, was very exolicit in reference to this mat ter. In the sixth day' session, the followine resolution was unanimously adopted, the Presi dent in the chait: Jlemlved, That this Congress, in the name of the Fenian Brotherhood, In the most soiomu and cm phat o manner, disclaim anv intention, desire, or inclination to use the power ot this organization for the purpoae of influencing, in any torm, party politics in America, such policy being entirely foreign to our aims and repugnant to our patriot ism; and those who would attempt to traliic on the saered impulres of Irish hearts deserve, and should roceivo, the scorn and detestation of all truo moo. Whoever attempts to violate, abrogate, or evade that resolution will incur a serious responsibility, which I am not prepared to ens tain or to Ehare in my o;hcial eoniiectiou with tbe icnian Brothcr-iood. Exhorting all the members of the organizat ion to persevere in the safe and sticcesrful course which they have hitherto pursued, 1 am theirs, fraternally. r. w. bwEENtY, secy war ot . it. No More ELEniANTiNF, Evecutions. A letter from India save: -'You wdl see a story about a criminal havnur been executed at Baroda by means of an elephant dtazpine him through the streets aud then trampling on him. The inci dent pave rie to a preat outcry ueaiust the Guicowar's rule, more cspecially ai the crime was said to have arisen out of mere personal offense, namelv. the taking as concubine a dis carded favorite dancing, girl from Guicowar's zenana. I am glad to say that this elephant trampling is likely to be the lastcaeot the kind. The Guicowar, yielding to the earnest remonstrances of Colonel Barr, our new resi dent, has signified his intention to abolish that mode of punishment." Education op Idiot.?. At the Ear-wool Asylum for Imbeciles, in England, there i-i a youna man upon whom the system of instruc tion seems to have bad the happiest effect. He is described as "a living and wnlkitig general history; acquainted with the principal events m Grecian and English history, together with their dates; ob correct about Miltiade.? as about Charles the First, lie is also well acquainted with geography, and sreatlv interested two youngladies from IceUnd by irivina them a description of s .me oi the country from which they hfd iust come." There was another whose skill iu drawing was little short of marvellous. A "Strike" at a Lunatic Asylum. An insane attempt to strike tor higher wages is reported from Fngland. In the Blurthiey Lunatic Asylum the other day, the inmates, who are permitted tj work in the garden, sent a deputation to the doctor to demand shorter hours and more pay. The doctor put his hand in his pocket and hauoeri the deputation bait' a crown. This cave complete satisfaction: the deputation returned, iniormed their associates of their success, and the whole resumed work immediately. Tkasrpohtation of Shrubs. rAu Australian paper. the Launee&lon J?.rammer,stales that there came in the ice house with the last shipment of salmon ova lrom England, arriving at Hobart town in May, two bundles of heather and a IVw shrubs as aii experiment. Six apple trees and two species of heath arrived in the niot perfect condition. There was not even a decayed leaflet on the heaths, and the whole of the plant are in as perlect health as if they had only just been lifted out of the nursery. A Huge Fraud A fraudulent failure has iust taken place at Lille, France, whore a banker called Joire has managed to issue forged bill to tbe amount ot over nve hundred ttiousaad dol lors. Joire has been arrested at Vichy, where he was taking tbe waters with his daughters: but his son, who was mauaging business during bis abfence, nas eiutiea tue searcn made tor him. The Lille branch of the Bauk of France has lost two hundred thousand dollars. Complimentary. The workln&'men in New castle, England, have be?un to register their childien by the name oi "tiiaastone." PER FECT ION IS RARELY ATTAINED, YET A. B. W. BULLARD'S IMPROVED OIL SOAP. FOB REMOVING Grease, Paint, Pitch, and Varnish, Item all Goods of Durable Colors, is ahead of anything .jet discovered. It leaves tbe Goods sort, and as perfect as when new, wlih no anot upon whic h dust can collect, as Is tbe case wua ail uie urbDaratlnnH liHrnuilora aoia fnr GlijinMlnif ffood.. it lsanncately pertained, and entirely free from the dtxakreeable odur of Iienzlne, and all other realnotu UU1UB. COUNTERFEITS Ui this preparation are extant, therefore be sure and Ti ?"""r"ul lnt ulcu has the autograph of A. B. W a'wmhhvvu wag ifcLHJl, Manutactured by the Proprietors, A. E. W. BULLARD & CO., W0KCE8TEH, MASS. Ueneral Agents ior rennsylvanla, ! v . ; DYOTT & CO., So! 233 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia. t or sale oy ail umcgiau. IB Sin CAMPHOR TROCHES,. Fwttiv rnranUva ol c H OlBE A A DUrrhoea, I) jnowrr, o4 OWor Harbui, J Vv, Bote FKrtor.O.H. . DnngW, y.eyr jsn, . nth . ium bu rbii. $0r IN DEI GOODS CLOTHING. BARGAINS IN HNE CLOTHING. K00KHILL & WILSON, "BROWN STONE CLOTHING HALL," Nos. 603 ana G05 CHESNUT Street New Stock at the Lowest Prices. Having told ont oar Stock of Clotbrog for Gentlemen Dd Boys, carried over from theUte lire, car entire stock oi FAKIIIONABLK READY-MADE CLOTHING W TUB NEWEST, AS OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST, MAGNIFICENT STOCK SOW EEADT, TO 8CIT EVERYBODY. Custom Department. Oar dpwIv fitted op Carton) Deportment now oonulna ttc larnt (fwoitment ot all the twibionable .New Fabric lor oar patron to select from. SUITS, CIVIL AKD MILITARY, Mode op to order promptly, in the highest style and at moderate prices. BOYS' CLOTHING. In this Department our Htock is also unrivalled. The Best in the City, at the Lowest Prices. ORDERS EXECUTED ATTHE SHORTEST HOTICE. THE CHOICEST STOCK OP READY-MADE CLOTHING IN PHILADELPHIA. EO0KHILL & WILSON, "BROWN STONE CL0TH1N 1IAU," Nos. 603 and C05 CHESNUT Street 2 2fllrp PHILADELPHIA. gTATES UNION CLOTHING HALL, OOO MARKET Street, 606 Visitors a larpe and varied assortment ot the very best ADY-MADE CLOTHING at tbe lowest cash prices. Suits, containing Coats, Pants, and Vest, from $12 0 Dusters, 2 25. Pants lrom 3 AO and higher. Come and convince yourselves. 1531 3m THE EYE AND EAR. JJEAFNESS, BLINDNESS, THROAT, LUNG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARRH AND ASTHMA, Disordered Functions ot THE DIGESTIVE OIIGANS- MORBID AFFECTIONS OF THE LIVER, WEAKNESS OP NERVES, AND GENERAL DEBILITY OF THE WHOLE SYSTEM, Treated with unprecedented success by DK. YON MOSCIIZISKER, No. 1031 WALNUT Street. Tbe following GEKTLKMEN. who have lately been curtd under the treatment of Dr. VON MOSCIUIS- KLK. have kludlv oetmlttcd til in to reter to them, and tney wottiu g:aaiy Dear xesinnonv io uie amount ot ilt-NKr it dcrrveu irom nis intATMf.ii i : l.li. ci iitKi,t.q., no. vn wainui streei. PbOKMAKKK, Esq., No. Walnut BUeet. LAN WOUD, Jr., Esi)., No. 510 Arch streot. C. 11. C.UK.KN, Esq., No. North t-eventh street C. J. HOLLOWAY, Esq.. No. 505 Market street. J. l OOI'KK Kan . No S North Front straot. Dr. DAVIDSON. N. W. coiner of Ninth and Chesnut streets (.incrni ki ihi k . u. n. a., utrara street. T. W. tWEEXtY, Esq.. U. 8. Assessor ot the Second District. i . it AttV. Esq.. Piesldent ot tbe Nineteenth Ward Public scnoois. itnv h ; hake. rniiaaeiDn ia conterence. iinmiritdii of other names, all oersons who would be rarcmiii ronscientlons to whom thev would Dermit the Indorsement pi tneir names, can do examineu ut nis OFFICE, o. 1U31 Wiuiiii street. THE ATOMIZER. Dr. VON MOSCHZISKEK asserts with the utmost coutklence that his sys em of trcmlut; LI Nii, '1 Illto AT. f'HKST Dlsea.-es. CATAKRH. AS 1 11 MA. and all maladies of the dilative organs, by the use ol the AlUiilZhK, is the only reliable one. Since the introduction of this system cases have been brought to hi nHicn. Nn liilil WALNUT (Street, in which every other possible weans have been trultlossly eui n riven ,,,, VAHfiiiv .inineti w n h nes u eui. Tlie A lOMIZEK isao AVPAHATUS constructed on sclentillc principles, which, by a mechanical arrange ment miliar hv atninnnheric Dresxure or steam, con verts any me die 'lie Into a fine hFltAY, and readily ronvov.l4li.tr, ,), RHONCHIAL TUllKS of LUNOs. with the liEfPIKATOHY X'BKEKT. The medloinas submitted to the action of this APPAHATUfl lol no hliiR ot their CHE 1CAL VALUE, as In other preparations. Dut are receiveu iuiu uiw jic.nnn.i T HY O KG AN 8 in their lull MEDICINAL ALL bUKGK'AL OPERATIONS on the Eyes, such as Cuturact, Artificial Pupil, Cross Eyes, etc., "k'l'ully Rli HI II A I. I I r r K t I 1 1 F 7 llli D1U peiiormea. j"' v JOBEllT SHOEMAKER & CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, JdAUVFACIVRERS, . IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN Paints, Varnishes, and Oils, No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 728lrrO CORNER OF RACE. TTt0R SALE STATE AND COUNTS EIGHTS 11 of Capewell CO.'s fateui vtinu uuira ma Air tfeater for Coal Oil Lampst it prevents thu Culmneyg from breaaing. xnis we win r' iv. iir..n Vi.n - hm tlmr eost hat ten Mnti. 1 iiiru iue vmi uu " : . , , , o. HOD BACK BUeet, Philadelphia. Sample sent to and part of the uni'ea otstes, un reu' iin TTAERISON'8 PARIAN WHITR, FOR THE tL comulexioi. alves the rich warm tone if tbe .n0mrhle7 Bold at No. U South 8KVBNTU street J1. XMARXET fl ST.7 0 0 TO CURWEII1 SUMMER RESORTS. r"l M , mm ATLANTIC CITY. CHOICE ROOMS can now be bad at this favorite Boose. V. T. C ALE 13. OPEN USTIL OCTOBER 1. .8 17 CONGRESS HALL. CAPE ISLAND. CHOICE ROOMS can now U bad at this favorite HooFe. 8W: J. F. CAKE. QOLUIY3BIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N. J, Opened on the 1st Day of June, 186 GEORGE J. BOLTON, 6 27wlui2m PROPRIETOR. EKCIIANTS' HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. Tins Hotel being entliely refitted and refurnished in the best manner, 18 MOW OPEN FOR THE RECEP TIONS OF GCEbTS. 1 he house is located near tbe ocean, and every atten tion will be given to mtrlt the patronage of the patillc McNUTT & MASON, 22 tt PEOPBI ET0R3. KOWN'b MILLS BOARDING HOUSE. The former patrons and friends of he Boarding llouto orininaLy kept by the Brown lainllv at Brown's Mills, In tbe township oi i'emberton, county ot Burllmr'.on. and 6 tale of New Jersey, are hereby iniormed that the subscriber Is now ready to acco inmodate ail who will lavor him with their company. THOMAS FCA'if ERGO0D. .-."fc" v . ,w. Hkvuimvuuiivii ui ,aflteuifero to and lrom brown's Jsliis, nhl run lrom Pcmberton to depot. VI 11 Ht.rTO. Y. P ,KA .w .... 1. l. f JUUN HAVENS, 6 i3sv.2ui Trourieior oi aunes. QIIORTEST ROUTE TO THE SEA SHORE O CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC UA1LROAD. Mjmair.H inrijvut.iit.M', lUKuUtill l. iWU iOUUS. Five trains Onlv to Ailuntlo citv. ana mm nn n,m.i. On and at.er iHUUbOAY, Juno M. lHbti. irw,uu,iii leave Vine street bciry as lo lows; Special Excuision u0 A. M J ail 7VKI A. M. xrtinill, ttiiu rnMiiuttr Lurauucut'U v 10 a. M Expiess (ihiouKti In twohours; .nil f. i Atlsntlo Accoii.nxjciatic.u 4 15 pa ItUHMkU LtAVli A1LA.ST1C. Bpecta Excurs.ou 5 1H P. SI. Wall 4 45 P. nl. r re ik m u ;rs a. M. Express (tlin uisn lu two lioura, 7 08 A. M. AecuHimodaiiou k so a. m juuciion Actommo ailuu to Jacksun and in- tcimeuiHte stations, it aren Viuu street s'31 1' M. Returning leaves J ackou b'32 A. M. Ilnddonniia Accommouatiou Train leaves Vine street 10 15 A.M. and 2 00 P. M. Leaves HtdUonllc d l'OOP. al andil'io P. M. buliduv Hail '1 ruin to Atlantic leiivna Vlnn utnnt t 1 30 A. Ja. and Atlantic at 4 45 V. M. I are to Atluntio. Round trip tickets, good only tcrthe duv and train on which they ate issued, 'l lckcts ior sale at No. Hlk ( tie.hiiiit mn-nr o'nnt(n.ntAl Hotel), and at the olttce ot Itio ihiluUelpUia Ioeul I xnres Compan.f , No. 26 S. r lit h street. ,iti rnuaueipiiia f xpress Companv. 1'rlnclpal Office No 'ili B. Fltth street. Branch Office No 3M S W harves. above Vine, will attend to the usual hnnnlmi tit express business alonir the line ot ills rmil. and iln liver batgaae, etc., to and from all trains noons 01 every Description cauea ior ano torwardca by CXDress to Atlantic 1 'Itv. and all wav statlnnn nn the road Bacgaee checked fmm residence at Pblla ueipnia 10 notei or cottage at Atlantic 1 it?. o o uutJixu. ru 1 An n Agent CAMDEN AND AM BOY, PHILADELPHIA AND TRENTON, AND BELVIDERiC DELA- WAttlli HAlLltUAifD. UKAKD EXCUKHIO ARRANGEMENT FOB TOURIHT8 AND PLEASURE TRAVEL TO MAOARA FALLS, HON XREAL, QUEBEC, THE YYiJiir. aVU.11AlB, LiAlVC UKOltUE. SARAIOOA. DELAWARE WATER OAP, ETC. ETC These excursion routes are arranged tor the soecial accommodation of tourUta and Pleasure travellers. enabling them to visit the celebrated waterlna- places of uie norm, at mucn less man regular rates ot tare. Tickets Rood until November 1st. 1866 and entitle th holder to stop over at any point on the roate. rorijcaeiB, lniormatton, ana circulars oescnptive or the routes, anplv at the Ticket t-'uice of tbe Company, l,o m CHENjnUT Street. iConthumtal Hotel. 0 ill) 2m W . il. UATZMER, Agent. FOR CAPE MAY. Commencinn MONDAY. July 16. 186B. Trains will leave (Upper Furry) Market street, Philadelphia, as follows! vmi A.. m.,inoruinK in an, aue iz0. iOO P. M-. Accommodation, due 6 P St. Retumlng wilt lenve Cape Island 6 30 A. M., Morning Mail, due lOifl. S till P M..Expre-,0ne8'W. Ticket OOlct s. at Ferrt . foot of Market street, and No 828Che,nut street, Continental Hotel. feieons purcbaslng tickets of the Agent, at No. 828 t hemut itieet. can by leaving orders, have their bag gaue called for and checked at their residences by Cm! Ana's Bugeage Ex Dress. fc'.H J. VAN KENbbELAEU, Superintendent. rp HREE IMPORTANT AGENCIES. THE CELEBRATED Lime's Chilled Iron Safes, Th cheapest and beet, IndeeJ, the only strictly I irs and Burglar-Proof Safe made. 1 be modem and cxremely popular STEAM ENGINE PACKING! Called Miller's Lnbrlcative Steam Packing, unsurpassed and unequalled. AND THE SCALES FHOM THE GREAT BEND SCALE WORKS, PENNSYLVANIA. Scales warranted equal to any In the market, and on terms much more favorable The undersigned having the General Avency for the sale of the above articles In this city, he respectfully solicits the attention of all parties Interested, both the dealer and consumer, hoping to merit (as be has already received) the contlnaauoe of a liberal public patronage. M. C. SADLER, AGENT, 8 11 imwlDtrs smwl3tl Ko. 639 i BCB Street. J. L. CAPEN. PHRENOLOOIST. SUC Mnn r to FOWLEK.WELL8 ACO. Examinations, with needed advice and written or verbal deacriD- tli.nsor cnaiacter, made fliviiy uooie ana I n- liodlcals on Pbrenqlogy. Phvslology, and 11 glene, at tlis Ofllce, NO. la H. TEN Ili bl. a 14 4 Up' BT0DDAET ft BKOTHEll, DRY GOODS. BI- Al K E T S. J. C. STUAWBftlDClE & CO. THIRTY-FIVE CASES BLANKETS, ALL SIZES AND QUALITIES. f i 6 t0 FOR A TAIB OF LAKOK HEAVT BLAN'KCra. 100 PA1BS BINOLE BED t'L ANKETS, $4 50 and 1. EXTRA BIZE PREMIUM BLANKETS. F1SB GOLD MEDAL BLANKETS. W FAIlia VERY CHEAP BLANKETS, i7-80. 250 FA1E9 BLAKKET8, A GREAT BARGAIN, $7. BLAH RETS FOR HOTELS' BLANKETS FOR BERTHS BLANKETS FOR CRADLES We cet cur Blankets direct from the Mills. Onr cus tomers pay no Intermediate profit MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES. TOILET QUILTS. 1JOHEYCOMB QUILTS, LANCASTER QUILTS. WORSTED COVERLETS. CO WFORTABLE8. T INK AND BLUE QUILTS. Any of the above goods by the case or single Quilt J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO,, 8.1S 3m N. W. CORNEtt EIGHTH AND MARKET. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT, HAVE JUST OF EN ED: tOCO ynrds Amcricen Fr et', iust colors, 16 and 183 cents a yard. 1 ca.-e fine quality French Merinos, SI 25 a vard. Fine quality Clack Alpacas, 60, GO, 60, 70, 80, 90 ci.nts, $1, 91 12, and 1 25 a yard. FLANNEL ! FLANNELS! All-wool Flanne's, S3, 87, 40, 45, 60 cents up to $1 26 a yard. Domct Flannels, 81) up to 90 cents. All-wool & baker Flannels, 60 cents np to (la yard. Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flanne's, clioap, Best makes li'cached and Unbleached Muslins, at the very lowest ttarlet prices. Yaid-wldo Bleached Muslins, 26, 28, 31.!, 33, 33, 87 cents. Yatd-wide Unbleached Muslins, 20 23, 25 cents., IT low Case and Sheet ng Muslins, eto, JUST OPENED: Oeo case Bridal Qai:ts, very cheap. Tablo Linens, Napkins, and loweis. White Goods, very cheep. A large assortment of Hosiery. Ladies' and dents' Merino Vests, very cheap. A larcre assortment of Edpin?, Flouncinjjs, and Inserting, Ladies' and Conts' Linen Handkerctnofs. Just opened, from auction, a clioap lot otPorto- mocnaies, Tooth and Hair Bruahes. PHICE & WOOD. 8 181 K. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT Sts. JAS. R, CAMPBELL & CO., Ko. 77 CHESNUT St., Invite the attention of Cash buyers AT WHOLESALE, To their Stock of FRENCH, BRITISH, AND AMERICAS D H Y GOODS, Which for extent, variety, and general adaptation to the wants ol the Trade. Is nnri vailed. Package buvers suoplled with scarca and desirable uooas at ana anaer martet rates isiiim Wholesale Rooms TJp Stairs. So. WU CUEUT Street. TO LADIES About leaving lor the COUNTRY, SEA SHORE, OR WA1ERINO PLACES. E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Otters a lull assortment, at LOW PRICES, of evel v uescripiioa or VVblTE llOCIW, PUiEI JMU81.1HH, PiguEs. IfRENCH JIUSLIK8, In all varieties ol plain aud lancy styles, l aces, Koibroldertes, liilkis, etc eto Linen Kkoves, Collars. Bets, eto , in great variety. . EM. .NEEJJLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT Street. JW18 lflM3H3 tZOl "0S QAPE MAY ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONG BRANCH. DREIFUSS & BELSINGER, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE OPENED ON TBE 14th INST A new and desirable lot of ZEPHYR KNIT SHAWLS Suitable for the Watering Places, tnoludlug a splendid assortment of (WHITE GOODS. TUCKED JIUSLIN, SHIBUED MUSLIN, ! SWISS MUSLIN, PLAID NAINSOOK, 8TKLPED NAINSOOK, 91 CAMBRIC NAINSOOK Hob, 450, 452, and 454 I MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. J. K-; McILWAIN & SONS, No.; 20 North FOURTH Street, IMPORTERS AKD MANUFACTURERS OP LADIES' DRESS TRIMMING'S, MOTIONS AND SMALL WARES, BELT Kl KBtJfiB, , CORD BDGK RIRBONS, VELVET RIltBONS, ALPACA BRAIDS, BKIBr BRAIDS, BL'QLE gimps. JET, TEAM, S1I,K, VKLVRT, AND FASCY BUTTONS, ZEPHYR WORSTED, (1EBUANTOWN WOOL, y-TC. ETC. 8I6trp FALL, 1800. WM. U. IIOUSTMANN & SONS, FIFTH and CHERRY Streets, PHILADELPHIA, MANUFACTURERS AND IMPflDTrm tv ladies' Dress and Cloak Trimmings, Zciiliyr, Worst cI, Knlttlne Yarns, Em broideries, Hosiery, Cilovea, and r nucy UU11VU UOOai. ThS irnmla hAlt1 mnmt all n n n km . . . importations, we are enabled to oiler special advantages to the trade. g is w E M O V A L . I. S. CUSTER & SON HAVE REMOVED TO No. 726 ARCH Street, Bslow Eighth, Where they have now on hand a large assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, Of EVERY DESCRIPTION. tSir.wsmlm MRS. R. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Has a handsome assortment of MILLINERY; Mtsaes and Inianta' Hata and Caps, Bilks, Velvet Crape Rlbbonx. Feathers, Flowers, Frames, etc 1800. Fill FASHIONS J. W. BRADLEY'S OyPLEH ELLIPTIC (Or Double Spring) S K I RTS. THE LATEST STYLES ABE WOW MADE VERY LIGHT. Tbey vf ill not BEND or BREAK like the single sprincf, but will PREbEhVE tbeir PKRf ECT and BEAUTIFUL HAPE, where thieeor four ordi nary skirts ha been THROWN ASIDE AS USE LESS. They are the most ELASTIC, FLEXIBLE,, and DURABLE SKIRT MANUJi'ACIURKD. They COMBINE Comfort, Durability, and Economy, witu that ELVGANCE ot SHAPE which has made the "DCPLKX ELLIPTIC" the STANDAED SKIRT OF THE FASHIONABLE WORLD. This POPULAR SKIRT is UNIVERSALLY RE COMMENDED by the FASHION MAGAZINES, and OPINIONS of the PRESS GENERALLY, At WHOLES ALF. by the Fjto.uaive and Sola Owners ol the PATENT. WESTS, BRADLEY & CAM. WARER00MS AND OFFICE.SSI Ko. 07 CHAMBERS, AKD Nos. 79 and 81 READE Strtets, NEW YORK. Also, at WHOLESALE by the LKADINO JOB Bl'KS. 18 11 7t mwsOtxp TFYOU WANT PERFECT SAT1SPACTIOH J In every respect, buy tbe celebrated PRB3TOX CO; Kag and Bwyy siiees. at ml 25 per ton Also, the genuine LaULE Vc.IN ( (mi,, same sizes, same prise, and a very tiae quality of i.K.bK.H. Ksg and Stove, at SM c(i r ton I keep nothing bat tbe best. Orders ny. celvm t Ko. 114 Houth 1H1KI Htreet. 614 pTJiirS T WlliE WORK l-OBKAIUKGS, STOHB FKONT8, GUARDS, PARTITION a, IBOX BEDSTEADS, AKD WIRE WORK, , Ia variety, manotaeturea by M. WALKER & SONSi mSa " No. 11 Fori 8UT3 owes. HOIlTn SECOND STUEET,