THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, ; MONDAY, AUGUST' 20, '186 G. THE ATLANTIC CABLE. The Newspaper PuBllahetl on Board the "Ureat Eastern." an Great Easttrn Tklkorafh, 1866, and Test- jwvm vnronwie i containing all tne Latent Home, Outonial, and Continental New; and being an tjntome of Political, Social, Ecclesi astical, Military, Naval, Legal, Artistic, Lite rary, I)raniatic, Commercial, Electrical. Import ing, Geographical, Geological, Zoological, Mythological, and General Intelligence. Telegram Received Through ihe Cable During tan week HOliE NEWS. JtJLT 15 SATURDAY'S NW8. No alt ration In hank rate. ensols, 87. corn steamer vsnreu In colli on witB II. II. H. fmazon, tor Halifax, oil l'ortlaiid. Julv 6: both undertd ; dozen drowned, rent reached Torauav ii boats. Amazon put he. in hard atarooard. JtJLT 16. Cholera broke ont at Liverpool; several deaths. Birnnngiiuui Banking Company stopped payment n Saturday. Liabilities over tyvo millions; 800 lareholocrs. ' Darmstadt, Ju!v 12. 2 A. M Frincoss Lontso of ilosse (rave birth to a prince. oieaiusnip Hibernian icit uroencastle lor Quebec riday, 6A.11 Housk or Lords, Friday. Enfield rifles to be con- ortea into breech-loaders. Jolt 17. Honey markot firm. Bank ra'e, 10. Fronoti bonds sen a tor cent. liirm'uirliam Hank to La wound h In Chancery. Much local but nogcnerul sufloring. unuou prices unntieoiea Ex-Cbni Huron rollock tone Baronet. Lord Henry Lennox is now Secretary to the Ad miralty itacoon leaves valeiitia to-morrow for Quconstown. J uly 19. English land. risen 3 per cent. Stock exchange lite lor tlioit loans on ingilnh spctiiltieg, 6:7pur nt. ctneral rate for rood paoer, 9ij,9j per ceut. Uoubk or Commons, Monday nigiit N.ew Minis rs Uiok their scats. Attornoy-Ucnoral sal.i it wan ot intended to proceed with Bankruptcy hill this ssion. lu remv to several members, uenerai reel ild rifles altered to hi-tech-loaders would be ready Jr our troops beloro end of financial year. Ulad one withdrew lielorm bill. Verdict of murder against the wardor ot Brighton r murder ot bis uilo. I'rinco ol Wales and Dolco of Ldinburgh vistcd uiantonomah (Saturday. jply iv bate. Money we!l supported at yesterday's improve runt. Great Western ai.d southeastern Itiulway uck, ilj per cent. Money is easy on Stock F.x lauge. thort loans on Oovemuieut securities, 7 6 per cent. Mrs. Gordon declines to prosceuto ex-Ciov. Kvro. Mr. Blake y 's oalot motion lo't 197 to 119. Com tssiou to inquire m'o tuo condition, ol mercantile anuc causes of lal'iu oil' in n umber! rim efli iency in lutt twenty year Mr. Henly objected to overnmeut uctiou bir Ma (Tor J jNorilicoto objected ,io, but he p!eded Government to Institute full quirv into mo subject. Motion withdrawn, Par iment to L'u prorogued Ajfusi 4 Lord St. Leon- ds yuve notice ot notion tout should severance tweeu Church at home and colonies take p. ace, idownicnts- ol latier shouUl revert to donors. One hundied to eirlnv aira-nst u adiatotir for oocwood Cno; thirt) -three to one aumst Dragon r cetby, 1S07. July 21. Reform Lcaguo announced intention to hold de oiisliaiiou m Hi del ark, uouw;listuudiu- p. oil i tfon ot police. Contois nscu i per cent. Steady demand for uited (slates bonds, whicn havo risen per cent. oiiey plenum! on Moei Exchange; ruto lor rhort ans Coveriimeiit securities, G to 6 per cent. HouHit of Commons Mr. Cicaiy witadrew his cctive 1 latichise Education Tests bills. E ectiou turning OllicorB bill lor giving votes roferrod to lect Committee. Debate on second read in? of r. Glaiistotios Cburch Hate bill. Mr Disraeli iored no objection to it, but could not pledga the overiimunt to oppose too ttnrd reading. First dinner ol tne CobJen Cutb met Saturday at o htnr end Uarter. Mr. Gladstone in the chair, nnortcd bv Lull ltussell. f' lrsi deliver ol breech-loaders to tho War Office, cust 4. iun li uueui ui tiopuiuiivn iroiu uiusow to Vyuuu lllor ol tho Lxcl.equcr, praying lor a commission lnoune into working ol iauK Act. Natmnnl li ile Association's anuunl campnthering i Wimbledon Common going oil vory merrily. A rubei ot tl o London .-oettiBh won the (Queen's vie. Common Humiliated every night. I'lieutrical ncerts and hospitable lcntiviiies in honor oi Bui- an voltinterrs. kirand Volunteer Ecvicw iu Hyde l'ark to-morrow aturdnv ) I.okdon Saturday JIorn:nft. Lord Stanloy do- irorl irt tllirht. In ommoiiH. Kufiaud nolicv gciUo, (btcrvant, free Ijoni ail eu,?apementd. TUB WAR IN GERMANY. JaLYl4. leneral Cinldini is marching npon KoviRO wi.hau my ol more than lhO.OUO men and 2ijO guns, iho usliinns have evacuated the whole territory Do- eon the Auncio and tho Adij;e. JULY 10. I'arih, July 11, evemng. Italy lias already de- uod to Fruece not to accept a seporato urmi9tlci. ipres-ious hero very wil'ko, chunces oi peace ving aeelinea. riencn neei on iiuy 10 emeu, ench LOinmi.-sioiierB ordered to occupy Veueiia. ticc sent to hcadtiuartors ol A'russiansto announce fined mediation ot the Emperer. , j uly io i.atc. russiaus have declined armistice. July 17. jE'ruBsiuus had successful engagement betoro Olmutz -terdav ; captured six y uns. t urther minting ex cted to-day. Austrians witbdiawing lrom Mol- via towards Vienna. July 7 T.ato. lialdini occupies Tadua, Venice, both on the line railwuy connecting Vienna and tnetuadiilatcrai, nice, l'adua is oulv 23 B iles lrom v enico. ino ly Austrian troops now having railway conneo n with Venice are those in Venice itself. Jonfliut be! ween Trunnions and federals on utn. ufsianw comiiletoly victorious, l'eaoram mu lled Franklort, Frunsians marctiing mere. nong the conditions of peace, l'rubsia and Italy in I tlm rn.i.niAhliahmentof llungarv. Count do i amboru's palace at Vienna is oflered tor sale. t V x & xa. 'russians repeating victories, and gaining adhn os lrom small States. The main army, within 60 lea ot Vienua, have cut the railway to Vionna. .striun army between Trussians ana Vienna; aer Archduke, 160 000 ruen. Monoy and arclnves uoved from Vienna to Comoro. Armament of ench flet stoppod. Loudon, juurnday iiioruiuu. m nuimu leupy Borgo Forte. Dieei ion auuohu. ino ion. ' July 19-Late. Vrankfort is occupied by the rrussians, who aro vauciug on Vienna. jNegouariuus ior a luroo vs truce between Frussiaus and Austrians havo Sled. All Auntrian troops still in Vienna nave re- ea 10 iorne?M)s. .... . . Voluuleors deteatoa py Austnans ai con- 110, lUtn lUBtant. ITILCDHIIUUicuuiim kuii uuiu ris on a special miesiou lO ueuuiiuunerB ui t imur ioanuel. , m 1111.1 zu. Kara, July 19. I'a ian fleet, consisting of iron- u vessels ana several sieumeni, uu mv& va island oi Lissa, on the coast ot Dalmatia. Keiult t known. , he Moniteur announces Fruwla aoeeptod basis ran gement proposed by Napoleon. Agrees to ao in from hostilities for five days to awail Austria's fJ- July 21. 'russians crossed river, inarched soar liolitzon, insarr. Kua'nans acoepted proposal. Fruxsia abstains m hfiKtilit en-lor live davs. during wuioq Auairia 11 have to notify acct-pianoe ot preliminaries of bee. aukrican sews. July 15. f.ftina arrived. Monday abundant: Gold, 158 ; change on London, 17- Ureadtui nre at l ort a, half citv burned, 200a lamllies bomeleas. mage, 10,000,000. " . JCLT 16. Vellow fever raRlnt; In Vera Crui. f July 19. Maryland has decided upon excluding negro tos- iouy from the Couits at myru. t igbt between izeus and negroes reported, a ngbt between diets aud negroes at Atlanta, ewoeuey urges mans to connuue tneir preparations. Cholera ne lrom New York. i July 21. Vara arrived, New York 11th. Oreo'es revolied fainst Biiai isu tioveruiii"j ahuuiiiv, ,iat lucurgeuu. okbbral foreion mew8, July 16. I)bammau, Norway Fire, 800 houses burned, 0 persons tiome(e. juiyio. July 19 Ureat preparations at Cronstadt for grand reoop. In of ao'ain Fox. bearing address lrom American ngres conKraiwianug uu uoovini uuw iasBiualiin. ATLASTIO TELBORJ.PH CABLE. I-Iaturday, Jnlv21, N oon ohlp t timei Distance 'jmVa'eUOlllUS i KUOIS, unnuvyuum vn.M-- land, 718-7 knot; cable paid out, 1074 83 knots; per con l a go of tlaofc on whole distanco, 128. ATLANTIC CABLE. Omp0e4 by C.tScovU, Signalman, We've travelled about a bit In our tine. And of flashes seea a few, But the greatest flanh at the present time Is to flarh the oable through. Although small, we care not at all, It our sorvioes prove truo, We'll sink all strife In Uns castle of Uie, While laying the cablo through. chorus. Then love a shfpmatt as yourself, We all have something to do; And never sit down with fear or frown, While laying the cablo through. Home have wires to bless their lives, t'ome lovers that may ptove tine; So the whole day long, with a laugh and a song, We'll lay the cablo through. We are on watch in light and in dark, And do what we have to do; We'cr careless of clime, and hope this time To lay tne cable through. If a fog ariso In tho mid-day skies, Ana the shii s are lost to view; The horn we'll sound that's heard all round. While laying the cable through. The sound that's heard am meant lor words, We hope to read tbrm tru; And do our best boioie we rest, lo lay the cable through. We have all parted from our frlcnd, And wished them all adiou; But hope that it will not bo long Belon the cable's through. J And then we will roturn aain In hopes to lino them true; So lieie's success to all employed In laying tne cah.e through. Tlie Atlantic ('able. TUB ABE:0E OF INTKLI.mKfCB FROM THE UNITED STATUS TO TUB 30TU .1ULY EXPLAINED. The lollowing telegram was received by l'otilcr's lelegram Company at 0 CO, July 80, from Mr. li. A. Cilnfs: ' Valentia, July 30. Tho annexed despatch will explain the absence ot inti lliieuco lrom the 11 uited States ana Ci.nada, and the de ay in this transmis sion ol m ssaueK to places nest of Aewlottndiand. The public will bo glad to know that tho obstruction is only temporary, and likelv to be temoved in tne coutse of the present week. The Ailantlo cable works with treat nerlection: the communication Is rapid and distinct, at GJ words or about 81 letters per niirute. "'Cyrus Field, Newfoundland, to Stewart and Glass, Valentia: Many thanks for your congratu lations. On our arrival here I leant with much regret tl at Mr. Meckay had not been aide with the appliances bo had to repair the cable across. '"I at once chartered tho stoamer lltooilhounrl, and sheie the Medivaji taking in caul", grapnel?, etc , and 1 leavo to night (Munda) We hope to ret ihe cable reprired this wok. I have chattered the sietimoi Davntlexs to carry mosnan,el across until th caule 13 repaired, and s 10 lett lor her domination this morning, and will be there on Mon day nuht.'" IllEFIlIPTliEBSiOE FCOK AMERICA RECEIVED 0 THE SlST JULY. The lol owinir t legruni, being the first message from America by the cable, was received in London on 'he Ulst .)ul : New Iork.Juv 29 (mornins) The representa tives ol Tennessee hut e been udmitltd to Congress. Concrcss adjourned yesteiday. WtlsSAOL Fi:o;.l THE rOLOMAL FECRETAUY TO THIS GOVKIIKOR OF CANADA. Tho io'.lowimf teloi'iatii ha been forwarded bv the i an ot Carnarvon to Viscount Mouck, Uitawa, Canuua: 1 i m conimardcd by the Queen to convoy to tho Governor-Genersloi herNoriii Auicr can i'roviiicos, Her Majestv's coiiTatuiations on the completion ot the Atlantic Te.egiuph and the strengthening tlertbv ol the tinitv ol the B itis'i Empire. Iier Majefty mcludos her ancient Colony of Now foundiuLd in these congratulations to all her iaiihtul hUl.JCCtS CARIIAKVON. July 28, 1RG6. MW8 FROM TI1E UMTED STATES. New York novices ol Ausuhi 1, reci-ivcd by tho Atlantic Tc'eg'aph cable, appear in tlie Eutrlish panels ol the 4ie, tao day ihe Cuba sailed lrom Liverr-ool. THK CARLE AND AMERICAN BECUR1TIE8. 'J'lit jAnakm JJnily Afros' City Article says: 'The procoB of equa izatlon ot t noes as betweon England and Aiueiica, throupn the medium ol the cable, continues to prejudice the question ol Amen cull securities. '' COVERNr.'SENT SALES. T,-JNAL SALE OF C;l;ARrKHMA8THK8' Ji SIOKES Ai THE CAVA Lit Y DF.IOT, GILS 1.01!0. D. C. yUARTERMASTEU-GETiERAL'S OFFICE. (First Division) Washington. D. C, August 10, 18C0 By order of the Ouartermaster-G'neral, theie will be sold on the premises, at public auction, under the direction ot Captuin George T. browning, A. Q. M.. on tltlOAY, August 24, 180G, coiumuiicing at 10 o'clock A. M.. the loilowiug described lot ol Quar termaster's stores viz.: SCU0 ket Hickorr,Ali,aud 3 Counter Scales (Fair. Oak Flank. banks'), 2000 lect one and two-inch 5 Portable Forge?, Gum Hose, 4 smith' Bellows, 18 tons 1 Kaiiroail Iron, 13 Anvils, 1072 lbs casuionKoiiroad, 1 l ire B.nder, Chiiirs 1 Tiro Drill. 9 T'and Cars, 6 Warehouse Trucks, 3 V agons (two-horse), 1 Ilav Scale (!' air banks, 3 1 'iat lorm Sea Cb ( Fair 1 Hand ItiII, 1 Fanning Mill, 75 ium lluctets lWork-hour Bell (largo), Medicines, Bitters, etc. banks), ALSO, . Office Desks, '1 utiles, hairs, Waidrobes, Statiouerv Cases, lion Beadsteads, Cooking and Sieves. Flunes, eilue Fota, Saw Sots, Hand-saws, Cross-cut Saws, Iron Squares, Heating Irving Squares, isrotia Axes, Callipers, Compasst s, Cooking Utensils, Bur and IS crap-Iron, hpokes, Felloes, Wagon Whcols, Halters, Cold Chisels, Ji es, Hammers, Farrier Knives, Funches, Stacks and Dies, Heading Tools, Travellers, Vices, V reaches, Adzes, Angers, Braces and Bits, Wood Clamps, lenou Cutteis, Gouges, Hatchets. Siailets, Finoer', Screwdrivers, Spokeshsveu, Splitting Guapes, Bound and StraiRlit Knives, Cutting Flyers, Itivet Sets, Claw and Edge Tools, Bricking whools, Faint Brushes, Faint Cans, Faint Mullcr, l'aint Stone, Faint Mill, Faibts, Colors, Veueiian Bed, Grindstones and Frames, So'dorlng Irons, Loinber Knie, Wheelbarrows, &c, &0. Drawing Knives, Spirits Levels, '1 !ll A l.ilK B. I ogether with many other articles not above enu merated. Furcbasers must removo their stores within live (6) days from date of sale. Trm Cash, in Government funds. A boat for I losboro will 1 ave Sixth street wharf every bow during the day ot sale. James a. ekin. Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. A., in eharge 8 13 lOt First DivlsionQ.Jl. u. O. ONDbMNKD QUARTERMASTER STORES AT ALCllON. Chief Quartermaster's Office, ) Depot of Wasuinotok, J Washington, D. C, August 16, 1806 ) Will be sold at publio auction, under the direction of Brevet Brigadier-ueueral Charles H Thompkins, Quartermaster U. H. A., at Lincoln Depot, on MONDAY, August 27. commencing at 10 A. M , a large lot ot condemned Quartermaster property, consisting in pari ui auout 100 Army wagons, fVK) Shovels, fill Ambulances, ' bou spaaea, BOO feet of Hose, 831 Buckets, 214 Blaoke s, 247 Lanterns. 83u0 pounds Rope, as sorted. 10,000 pounds Scrap and old 1 ire Iron, C659 Breast, baiter, and 12 boxes win'w Glass, 86 Glazed Hash. trace Cha'ns 4C19 Ambulance. Wagon 436 MMtingale with aud McC. Riding Bridles, 700 McC and other names, Wagon Coven, fcaddiers', Blacksmiths' and Carpenter' Tools, Stove-pipe, Othce Chairs. Desks. T Saddles, CO Bets Am bnlance Harness, 4223 Horse and Mule bleu, Stoves, Book-cisoi, collars, eio. eio. r.lVI Dlintmliif Axes. Salt) will be continued from day to day until all the property is sold. ... , T'urehaseis must remove property within five days from day of Bale. Terms Cash, in Government lunds. D. H. RL'CKEd, Byt, BXaj.-Gon, and Chlet Qoartonnastor, 8 17 6t Depot ot Washington GOVERNMENT SALES. T71XTKNSIVE AUUIIOM SALE GOVERNMENT TOBACCO. SEVERAL HUNDRED HOUSHF.AD3 ' FINE VIRGINIA LEAF. Trkabubt Drpartmknt, Custom Housf, Richmond, Va., Augtut 5, 186. 1 In compl'ance with instructions lrom II A. Rls ley, Etq., Stipoi rising Special Agent, there will be sold, to the highest bidder, at public auction, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon of WEDNESDAY, the 6th dayot September next, at WINSTON'S BUILD ING, corner of FOURTEENTH and CARY Strnots, In the city oi RICHMOND, Virginia, tbo fo.lowing described CAFIURED AND ABANDONED FROrEnTY, Vir. ! TWO HUNDRED (on morb) HOGSHEADS LEAF TOBACCO, FIVE BUNDBLD VOXkA MANUFACTURED TOBACCO. The Leaf Tobacco has been gathered from tho counties of Bcdlord. Roanoke. Franklin. Camnboil. Henry, Fattiek, Halifax, l'rlnce Edward, Fiitsylva ma, Mecklenburg, and Charlotte, comprising all the good tobacco lands in tne state. Much of It is ot the finest quality, suitablo ior ''wrappers," and has been well cured aud preserved. This sale presents opportunities to the manulacturcr and dealer rarely etiered. Should tne nemanu warrant, some three or lour hundred hogsheads more niav be added to the sale, which will complete the disposition ot Virginia jobaeeo lor iiovernmeni account, samples of each hogshead will be ready for inspec tion at tho salesroom ten days preceding the day of sale. Terms Cash, In Government funds. JOHN b. LOOMI9, 815 8w Assistant Special Agent. O ALE OF UNI1KD Sl'ATES MILITAKY RAIL. O LOAD I'ROIEUIY. Office of apst. Q M. U. S. Mil. R. R. ) No. 26'J G street, Washington, D. C, Augusta, 18G6 ) Vi ill be sold at publio auction, at Alexandria. Va., on IHLKsDAY, August 23, the baiauce ot cmted states Military Kallread 1 roportv remaining on band at that place, consisting in ''part aa fol lows : Two second-o'ass serviceable Locomotive Engl ms, jNorns cc son, uunucrs; gauiro, i teot t5) inches. One lenoer Truck, two small ( ruck Cars One hundred paiis second-hand Car Wheels axles. Seventy tons "T" Railroad Iron (45 lbs. to the yard', nearly i tw; tiiteen stoves; two fit'oeti-ton ityornuiic jacks, auu ten tons uuserviocabiu Raii roed Iron. (25) Tw nf y-fivo tons Wrought and Cast Scran In n, second-hand Railroad 'Spikes, Chairs, Rubbor Loops, Bioud Axes, Mauls, l'ialform and Counter Scales, Lanterns, Oars, Desks, lab.ed, aud a va riety ot other articles; also, Nine Frame Buildings Miles to commence at 10 o'clock A. II., nt the Military Ftai'road Wbnrl, where the Locomotives. L'aiirtad Iron, and Car V heels nre stored. Tho balance of th" articles will bo bO d at the Railroad supply btore, near the Oiancc and Alexandria L'cpo'. Will be so'd nt Fitlsburf, Fa., at eleven o'clock A. M . on 1 Ci;,-D A X, Am-list 28, Eleven new Fox Cars, live t et guape; Fennock & Co., Kenuett Square, Cnottr coi.nty, l'euna. buil(!e.,s. Ternif Cash, in Govcrrmir.t lends. An" further iiilorn a'inn relative to tho properly wil. be iuruisued on at plication nt mis onicc. F. J. CHILLY, 8 7 3w Bvt. Mr.jor and A Q. M , U. S. Army. fTMiLLCRAFu MATERIALS AT AUCTION. JL Chief Quartermaster's Office, flCE, ) N, J 6, 1?66. ) ULPOT OK AHHIXlTON, V ASniNGTON. D. C, August 6. Will be sold at i ublic uucnon. under the direction ol Brevet Lieutenant Colonel James M. Moore, As sistant Quartermaster, pt W arehouse on G street,' near ivnt eth siretf, asiiinijion, on niuits DAY, Anptiet 0, at 10 A. Ai , the lo. lowing Ttle- prci a ji au rials, &c : 22 Leaidsiev'B sitnal 95 0C!0 poundB Wiro Iron. Te'egrnph Instiumenlt od miles Insulated Telo- and Cases. graph Wire. 4 Beardslej'B Instru ;uenn? . 12 Augers. 10 Crow ba is. 4 Cutiing T'n crs. 2 Dial Handles. 10 Hummers. 7 Oilers. 3 1 runing Knives. G Large Reel Stands. IS Small Reel Stands. 100 lice's ior Wire. 43 Reel Stands, small jlU Reel Stands, centre. 1 l latloi in Scale. 1H9 Insulators, block. ,1 Coal Stove, with iipo. 23 tool Boxes. 144 ull Reels. 73 Empty Heels.. 67 Red Statics. Hi Reel Stands, delivery. li Reel Handles. ti Rubber Cement Flasks. 8 Soldenng Acid Bottles. C Rubber Sleeves, 3? in. 8 spools Copper Wiro, jno. va. 0 Lurue Gear, t s mull Gear. 5 kooois Coppor Wiro, No. 30. 8 Rings. 7 pounds Gutta Ferclia 72 Notices and Straps. tin sneo s). 117 Iron S Hikes. 21-8 Tumblers ior Lattery 24" l'orous Cups. 162(13 cz. A. o. d.)Fla- 31 Insulated Bending screws. tmo snips, 29 Rubber Riiifs. 17 oz. A. o. d. Flatina 60 cells Fortablo Tield Minis. i eiooTtwu iuuorv. ;;o nounds Mercury. 303 Zincs lor Grove Bat- liilTi nounua Nitric Acid. I terv. 6 curLojB Sulphuric Ac!d. 6 Empty Mercury F'asks 140 pounds Nails, 40d i iron), with Screw rir.d tilid. Wrenches, Screw Driv 2E0O Insulators, Bracket. ers, Spuit Lamns, Sol CO Empty Cai boys dering irons, etc. Terms ( ash. in Govcinmeiit luuds. leu dai s will be giauied purchasers in whlc'a to remove their goods. U. 11. KUCIVlK, Evt. Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, 8 7 VJt Detiot ot Wnsliiiiijtou, D. C. T VMF.ER FOR WAoON-MAL-ERS AT AUC- JU TION. CHIEF tTJARTFRAI AFTER B UFFICE, Dl PeiT OF WA(?UIKGTON, Wafhikoton. D. C. Aui'usi 2, lSOii. Will be gold at Public Auction, under ihe direction ol Brevet Biigaiiier-Generul C. H. Tompkins, Q M.. li. fa A., on W EUAEsDAi , August 22, at LIN COI.N Dll'OT, commencing at 10 A. M , the Lllow- ing oesenbeu lund or: . Lout isu,ii)u leei is men use riuun. C0,C0O feet 21 " 110 100 ioet 8 " " 7 OOo feet 8 ' " " 0.000 met 4 " ' 10 OttO loot 5 15,000 feet 1 " 60 000 feet 4 " 20,000 teet 6 " 10,000 leet 2 " B COO feet 8 " 8 00(1 Itot 4 " 2(101.11 feet i Ash Flank. Hickory Flauk. .1 n II II Foplar Boards. This ealo is well wonbv the attention ol Carriago makers, as this is a superior lot ot well heasoned lumber. It will be oO red iu lots of 1000 loot, with the privilege of 10,000 leet. 'Terms; Cash in Government funds. s'ucccsslul bidder will be required to remove their Luicbaves w iibin biteen days iroiu day oi sine. D. Tl. RUCKER, Brevet Major-Gen. and Chiei Quartomiattr, 8 8 16t Depot ot Washington. i LOTH INO DEFOT, SCHUYLKILL J aRSEAAL. Fm LADELpm a , August . I860. SALE OF CLOTHING AND EOU1PAGK. Will be sold at Public Auction, on acootinf. of the United States, at the Schuylkill Arsenal, GRAY'S T EliRY ROAD, Fhiladelphia, on Saturday, August 26, 1866. at 10 o'clock A. M., tho following-named article of unserviceable Clothing and Equipage, Viz.: Tiat Cords, Eagles, Uniform Coats, Jackets, Flan nel Sack Coats, Metallio Scales, Sashes, Trowsers, Bootees, Great Coats, W ater-proot l'onchos, Cross Cannon, Bed-sacks, Shouldor-scalo Fastenings. Knapsacks, Haversacks, Canteens, Axes, Camp Kettles, Mess Fans, Hatchets and Handles, Trum pets, Drum, Wall Tents and Flies. Tent-polos aud Fins, Common leuts, shelter Tents, Ticks and Handles, The property must be removed within five (6) days from day of sale, l erniB Cash, in Government funds. By order ot Brev.Brig.-Gen. GEORGE H. CROSMAN, Assistant Quartermaster-General L. S. Anuy. Bvt. Major HEMCY W. JANES, A. Q. M. U. h. A. Executive and Inspecting Ollicer. 8 17 7t l'hl adeiphia UNITFD STATES STEAMER "CANONICUS" AT PUBLIC SALE. Dm-oT Quartkrmabtieb'b Office. I Baltiuork, Md August 11. 1866. ) Will be sold at her anchorage, south side of basin, at Baltimore, Maryland, the above-named United State steamer, on THURSDAY, August 23, at 10 o'clock A. M., together with tho Boats, Ancuois, (Stores, Donkey Engine, eto. etc. now on board. She is a side.wheel steamer, of 420 tons; length on deck, 170 leet ; breadih of beam, 20 feet 10 inches; draught, 6 feet; has one low pressure steam online; diameter ot cylinder, 86 inches stroke of piston. 12 foot. In rui ning order, and well lound in bor out fit t now only told lor want of further use by the Government. , Terms Cab, in Government funds, on the day ot sale. By order of the Quariermater-Gi neral. G. W. BRADLEY, Colonel and Chief Quartermaster M. M. D. ADREON, THOMAS & CO., 8 17 6t Auctioneers, RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON. AND DAL T1MOHK BA1LROAJ), M imr, l AIlLiF.. Com mrnclno' MONDAY. JiiIt 1 Ihm ivm. win In e lirnot. corner ot BliOAD fltxnt anil Wisinvu. 1'N Avuiuf, aslollows: I xrrrsn Trn In nt 4 15 A. 11. (Mondnvn fitroniodi int Ilsltlnioreand Washinmon. sleniln t ( hi-strfr Wll. n lrttn. Newark, Klkton. Nortneart, Pnrrrvliie.tltvm, de (,raco. Aherdeen.Penyman's, JHagnolia, cbase's and 8tmmer I Rnn. . . way Wail Tram at em a. m. (sunnsyg excepted i. foe Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations between Phi ladelphia and Baltimore. Delaware Fsiiroaa Train at v A. in . (anilavs ex cepted , for Frlucess Anne, Mil ford, and Intermediate stations. . I press Train at ii A.M. (Bundavs exceptwl). tor Baltimore sni Vt'ashlnpton. Ki prone Train at 1 1 W. iftindavs exronted). ior Bal timore and Washington, stopping at t.heiter, tlainont. n nniircton, newara, FiKnm, isortuenrtt. I'erryvnie Ilavia de GracejAberdcen. PerTTman's.Ldgewooa. Mag nulla, hase'n, and Mtemtner's Rnn I Muht Express at HI". M., for Baltimore and Wash tofcton. . T - .. -r-a hv tlA.1 frr. D 1 1 , V , . il roe Norielk, City Volnt, and Richmond, will Uke tho 11 4! A Jn uein. UII.MINtiTOS ACC0MMOnTlO TmtVd Stopping at all Stations between I'hlladolphla and Wll mington. ,.J.,U1. . l.eare i iiuanpiii i a. m., ii w, 4 wi. . snil II .TO P.M. Ihe 4';itl I'. M. ttnln ennneots with Delaware Eallrnadtor llarrinRton and intermedinte station, l eave W llnilntttou at6 30 7 U and 9 S(I A. M..4 ni fi M P. M. The 7 IS A. M. train wni not itoo at stations betwen t neuter ana Philadelphia. -iraitisrnrrew(.astieiet)rbuaaciphla at (A. M.. 4i0aiid6F.M. H1KUII.U iai 1KO.M BALTIMORE Leave Wilmington at ll A M , 4 3 and 10 I'. M. CUl h'lUt OK mil. AD LI BIA. Leave ( hesier at 7 W. 7-M. lit u ami li ift M in 4-11, 7 26 snd lftS P. M. r hum iiALii ioar. i j rn I bA dkli hi 4.. l eave lialliinore 7 '5 A M.. Wnv-imill l"ill A. Fxmrss. 1 lu F. M.. Exoiess. 6'3 I. Ai.. 1 xnmu Hii V. M., Exnre'S tkaiism r un haltimorf: leave Chester at 4 41) andH 61 A. M., andS-.IS P. M. 1 v liming ton et 8 M and 8 3 A. M. and 4'1!U. M. Freight Trelns wlih Tassenner Cars attacned will leave es to, low a Vt llmlntton tor I'errvvllle and inlorniiMlliite stations at 6 (5 P. M. Baltimore for Ilevre-de-Urace nud liiteimcd'ate stations at 4 49 P.M. Penvville lor Wil UilliLton and inteniiediAto stntinna at .4 20 a. V . run. nectlng at Wilmington with 7'1 A. M. train for rhlla- ae.pnia. BUJliai TKAlflS. Express Train at 4'b A. M. tor linltlmnre and Wash. li'Etoe. B'opr.ii'K nt ( liestei. Wlimlniiton. Newark. Klk- ton. Jor lica-t Perrwllin Huvreile-Crai-e. Aherdnen. Tut' nifn's. Magnoiia. nase's, and Htemmer's Run. r.irei i,rie,ii i i. ior jiaiiimore ena wnsiiinKton AeeennioUiuen Train at II 'in I' wi mlnirinn und tnlciu.rdiate stations. BALT1MOKK FOR I llILAIirJIjI al A. I.enve 1 altlmere a. N"25 P. M.. sioiinlnit at Ilnvre-de- Grac, 1 n vllie, end U llmington. Also siotis at Eik- al d h ov, nrk (to take nassctj tiers for l'hl adelnnlaand lrine passim en lrom WushiiiMton or Bnitluiorc) aud I I ester to leave DusseiiLers Hem Baltimore or Waali Inj'lou. Aceoirmodftion liam item yt rmington for I'nlladol I li in and intuiuieuitte sintious atb "0 p. M. 4 iu u r. Kr.AACX , snpeiititenucnt. I, OU iORK. THE CAMDEN AND JJ An;bov and l hi aacltihia and Trenton lial road cmpni) i.iiks. 1 ROM PllILADFI.rill. TO KUW YORK ai d V ny Places, lrom Walnut street Wliaif, will leate as to. low s, vi: : faiis At o A. Ji.. via nmoen ana AniDoy, Acconni oda hod S2 2,1 Alt A M . Via tuti.e.iH and Jersey I ity rxprws.... 3 00 AtiP. M., via I i.n.i'eu i.nd Amliov Kxpress 3 ill At b P. 41 ,tiu Can un and ' uibov Accoininnuatlnn 2 'lfi Atli I', . via Ceiiidcn uiid Atuboy Avcouiuioiia "i n 2d class 1 H0 At A.M. i f.nd 5 P M . 1 r i.ount holly. Kwans- vi ie lennertou. and Vinccntuwn At 5 .M. audi P- .M u r rreeho d. AtS unt It . A., I 'j 4. 5, 6. and 11-30 P M. tor Klsb t ouso. J'f'.nra. lliverton Progrc. lHlnnco lever. v Iww ater, Purmt'ton. Florence, Lorden te.v.v.eic. The In A. it. und 4 P.M. Hues run direct tliroio li t" 1 ii nu n. I.1M.S H OM Kr.K'ONGTCS 1'KPOT WILt, LKAR At il A Ai , 4 3i fi'4S P. -M., and 2 1- :,i.(Munt). via J.eii:- nntun and Jersey City I xiress Lines, lute ('H-On 'Uie C'4 i p. Ai. l ine w ill l uu duil v . Allotliers Sundays X' enled At7 and 11 .. M.. 3 3'30 4 30. 5, and 6 4 j P. M a d I H.I. ;e lit lot unstol. i renion, ele. At 7 mid 10 IS A. 1. .Vi M. 3 4.1, and 6 F. M.. for t orn- wels lerrisdaie liolmesniirv. Tacoiiy. linouiiiin i:rlilesburu and trmikiord, and nl Id 15 a.m. ior lirlstol t-elimek's, Lddinctou, aim I'. At for llolmes I urx ai d intern ema.e nations. s t " oil A. li. . lid 3 HU P. M. tor Niagara l alls, Bullalo Dunkirk (, r.lunru, ilhacn . Owcpu. Ko tlies er p.iii(.linnipioii. lisvi epo. ' yrntuso Great llend, Jlontrose ilkesbarie. Neranton Btiiiudsburu. iVatnr til), 1 elvlerre, 1 uston, j.Minbi nvilio, lemlnvtun. etc The 3-10 1. M. Line connecui direct wtth the train IravinK l-cston torMnucli (.hunk, AUentowu. Bctlne luni etc. . . A t f P. il. for Lambert vll e and intermedliito stBtions. .llllie I. V 11,1.1 A SI H UAIZ.UKK, Aucut FENKSYLVAKIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. fcCMMLK AhKANtiKMLKT. '1 lie iraiuB ui iiu euur ivuniu venirai nanroaa leave the Depot, at 1 hiriy-flrst and Market streets, nnii li Ih n nel.eo I) v tho cam oi tlie Alarkut Htreet Paa. senncr i:allwu , tunnlni,' to and from tlie Depot. The last car leaves i ioui sireei uuoui m minutes prior to tlie departure of each Tiain. , eir. siniwlnH Cnru Iouva r.levenlh and A1arVA streets 4H niiiiates before the depaiture of each Trains. Miiun a uaKtiave r.Apriso - iur anu uellver i(..Mi,i, at tlie I ii not. Orders lefi at tlm ihii. o v.. tol l Lcsnut street, will receive attention. 1 TKAlKb LEAVK Itl'UI, VIZ. Mail Train at R'OO A. M Day i.xpre.-s at 10-00 I'nO'i Accoiiitiioiiuiion, io. i an i -on Past Line end Erie FxpressX at 12 00 M. Lairisburi. Aeeuu. u. iiiiation at 2 30 r. M Lancaster Aeceu.uioou'lon at 4 -CO Paoli Accommodation No. z at 8-00 " PiitslmrtiU aue J.rie Aiai i at eoo Paoti Aeconmodation, Ko. 3 at 10 IK) " Philadelphia i xpiesst at 1P10 TI'.A1B AU1IIVE AT DEl'OT. VIZ. I Cincinnati Lxpresst a; 12-40 A.M Pliilnde.phitt Express? at 710 ' Pao.l Accommodation, o. 1 at 8 2( " ( olun hia Iraiu at 0 U0 " Luncuster Jruin at U ii) r Al. Fust Lmo at 1 10 puo.i Accommodation, No. 2 at 4li " l ay l x press at 8'80 ' Puoh Aceupimodutlun, No. 3 at 7'3ll ' linrnsbtirt' Aceon modatlon at 9 50 " Daily, except hmurdiiv. f Dailv. i Dallv. except AloiKiay. All otln r i rains dally, except Sunday. liunnlni; tliioutili iroin Pliiladelphia to Pittsburgh and Lrie without change ot cars. Hui da. Aeei u.uiuun ioi Tiuins for Pao',1 and lnterme d ate stations leave ehiladoipbia at 9'IKJ A. M. and 7 00 1 . M., retumiiig leave l'aoil at 6 80 a. M and 4'50 P. M. f Til KM OFFICE h leca'ed at No. 6?1 cbesiiut street, whoro Tickets to all iuipertniit points mav be procured, aud full lutorma tiou fleu by JOHN C. ALLLN, Ticket Agent. aIvo at Ihinj-lirst and Matket streets, ou applica tion to THOMAS H. HAIIKK, . , Ticket Attciit at the Depot. An In IcrnntTram tnns dallv (except Sunday). For lull pumcuihis as to lare and accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, .. . , t, i, 137 DOCK, street. Ihe 1 ert fylv Railroad Company will not assume any risk loi, except lor Wearing Apparel, and Uieir responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. Ail Lanugo exceeding that amount in value i.i be at the risk ol the ovner, uulcss taken by special '" . 3 12 i.i.i.i. LiM'.s TOR NEW YORK AND X' lui the Motions on tho CAMDF.N and AMBOY and ecnneumi' Lai roi.ds. lNCLFAhLD DESPATCH. TH CA.D1.N AND AMBOY RAILROAD AND 1 LANKI'OU i All ON COMPANY i'REIGBT LINF8 loi New i ork will leave WALNUT btrcet Whatf ate oV'ock V Al. dully i Sundays exoepted). Fteu ht must be delivered before 4)4 o'clock, to befor twrdeil ihe niuie day. heturnlnii, the above lines will leave JfewYorkatI2 noon, aud nud 8 P. M Freight lor Tieuion, Princeton, Kingston, Now Bruns uk, and al points en the Camden aim A moo v Kail road; uito, on the Be.v.dere Delaware aud Fiemlng ton.ilieew Jersev, the Ficebold and Jameabura. and t).o BurliiiLtou and Alouut iiotly Railroads, received und lorn anted up to 1 P. At. 1 Le neivioere i e aware nciiroad connects at PM.'llpe tinru iviih the lehhh Valley liulnoad, and at Alanun l ial unk witbail points on the De'aware, Tckawanaa, M i stern Inl road, forwarding to eyrucujio, Butfaio, tiud other t oluts in estern New York Ihe New Jersey liaiirond conuectsat Ellraboth with ihe New Jersey i entral Rullroad, and at Newark With the il or i is anu Kssex Rullroad A fcilp meniorandum, tpecliying the marks and num bers, thinners, and eoi sli nees. musi. In every instance. bo Bent with each load ot goods, or no receipt will be g.ven. . x. uiiiwru 1.11 nica uecii uiaua iur iu translocation ot live stock. Drovers are invited to try the rocte. V ben stock is lurnished iu (juauilties ot two earloads or more, it wll' be delivered at the toot of For tieili s'reet near the Drove Yard, or at pier No 1, North Kivt r. ue the ahippera may designate at the time ul'shi iceni. t ut terms, or other Intormation. apply to WAL'l ER Iki.i i.AN, KrciKht Agent, Ko. ms. DKI.A IVi rtK Avenue. Fid adelohla OKANGE AND ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD. Ou and alter MONDAY, February ll two dally' tiaina will run between Washington and Li nebburg, connecting at Gordonsvl le with Virginia Central Rail road trains to and troio Richmond as follows i t, MAIL TRAIN. Leave Washington dul.y (bunday excepted), at 6'4t A.M. and arilve at Ly nclihu rg at P. M. Leave Lynchburg at 1 a. Ai. and arrive at Washing ton at &S P.M. ' EXPRESS TRAIN. Leave Vt ashlngton a.iiy (including Bunday) at 6 OS V M and arrive at Lynchburg at 00 A M Leave Lyuchburg at 3D P. Al. and arrive at Washing ton at ttTOA. M. Loth trains making close connections at Lvnchburg forull pomts South and Southwest, and at VV aahlngioa lor Nonh and Nortliwest Flrst-class sleepuiv cars attached to the n(gbt train. The road Is attractive, not on v tor Its oomioriablt eoeomtuodatlons, but lor the fact that ft passea the now Listono localities of Falrtax, Bull Run, Maiiasaaa, Bris toe, Catlett'i, liappaliannock, Culpeper. Orangn, and Gordoiisvlilei. place ot imperishable luteiest In Ui popular mind. Through tickets to all points South and 8outbwef may be bad In Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and lletltluiore anil at the viuas ot the road in Wnslunrlcr e Alexandria W- H. MoOAFFEKTir, . Oeuetal buae uitcude ' RAILROAD LINES. E A D I N O RAILROAD ORKAT TRUNK LINK. ltOM Pllll. Alls I.1HI TO THK IStt!TrtR O I'KM N8 LV AM . 1IIK BCHUYLMU, MtlHOUB H AM A , tX'St r,FttLAN II. AM) WYOMINO VAIs LEYH. THE MOUTH. AOBTbWtST, AUD THK CAN APA8. SUM MLR AKKANOEMF.NT Or PASSENGER TRAIN. June 4 8H6 leavlne the Comimiiy's Depot, at TIIUlTFENTn aa CAI low HILL direct. Philadelphia, at the follow n hours ! MOBMNU ACCr.MMODATIO". At 7-30 A. M.lor Kenmnr and intermediate 8tatio ai ORN 'KO FXPKa.S.s. At a-jj a. M. tor Keadlnir, Lebanon. Harrlnrtr. Pot vllle. I'ineirrove. Tamaqna, funbtiry, Wllllnmaoo Jltnlra, Kocbes'er. Niagara Fahs. Ilnffalo. A lentiw J likeebsrre. Pltiton, York, Carlisle, Cbainbcrsbur Laterstown. etc etc This train connects at RF.ADINO with Kast Penn sylvania Railroad trains for Allentown. eto . and the I fJi." y,IlJ' trala or Harrisburg, etc t at PORT CLINTON with Catawitsa Railroad trains tor Wll lininshurB. Lock Ilavcn. Klmlra etc t at UaRUIS o , i(MW.l,h "rthern ten trn I ( unibrriand Valey. and Prhuvlklll and fiusipiehanna trains ior Northombeilana, iliUmtport, ork Chamliersl'iirg, "Inegrove. etc, AF1KK.NOON K.PBKS Leaves riillnnelplila at 3-a P. M , for Reading Pottn vll o. llarnsliurg etc., connrctlng with Kcadlnu and Columbia Railroad trains for ColuinMa, ete. t KKADINtl ACCOMMODATION, Leaves Reading ate 00 A. si., stoniiing atallwaysU tlons a.riviDg at l'biladelphla at g aa A. M. htitiirriing.leaytPliUadalphia at 8 00 P.M.; arrive In Reading at 7 AS P. M. Trains tor Philadelphia leave Hnrrishurff at 810 A M. snd Potisvllle at 8-4A A. M. arrlvinv In Philadelphia at 1-tO P. M. Altetnoon trains leave ILirrlshurg at 2 10 P. Ai., Pot'svllle at 8 45 P. M., arriving in Philadelphia at 6 45 P.M. BARRlSBritO ACCOMMOI)TIOj. Iienves P.emiinK at 7 30 A. M. and Uarrm urg at 4 10 T. M ( ontifc'ine at Reading with Atternoon Accom m dntion south, at6'3U P. M., arriving In Philadelphia J 10 P.M. Market train, wllb passenger ear attacned, leaves Thiladelplda at VI 4ft neon for Beading and all wavata 'li nn Leaves Lending at 11 So A. M and Dowmnntown at iv!-30 P. M., for PliliailelpMa and al way sia'l ns. All tao ahovc iralns run daily, smndavs excepted. Sunday trains leave Pottsvllle at Mil) A. H . and Phl lade pliiaat S lftp M. Leave Phl'ndolpliia for Heading at 8'0O A. At ; ie:urnlni! iroin Reading nt 4 2S P. M. 111 KLK Vel.LKY R. ILROAtl. Pessenpers ter I'ownlnptewn and Interniodiati points ti ke the 7-ii(l ni.d H'tft A. II. nnd 8 0PM. trains from 1'hliadelphla, returning irom Downlnu-town at 8 35 A. M. and I2'3ii noon. iLW YORK F.XPhESH FOR Pin .-BDltO AMI THE W ET. Leaves ew York at !) A. M., and S'O'i P.M.. paastng Leading at 119 and 11 A3 A. M and I IH P. M , and con luctliifial llarrisburg with 1'ennsi vanla and Nor: hern Central Eullroad express trains lor PitUburg. Chicago, Wil Inuisport. f.lmlra, P.nlt'nioro. etc T:eturii!tig, express train ienves llarrisburg on arrival el i lie 1'iMisvivarla express from l lt;snur, nl 3 and 9-T5 A. M.. end P'lS P. M.. pnssiiic Rending at 4 49 aud 10 82 A. M.. ami H'30 P M. .and arriving In New York at 10 A. M and 2 45 P. M. Sleeping ram aaeotnpany thce t'nins through between Jcrse city and Pittsburj. with out change. A innll trnln tor New York leaves ilarrlsbutg at 2 10 P. M. Mall tmir tor HnrrisburB leaves ew York athlM. S( I iC Y I K 1 1,1. VAI.LI Y ! WI.ItOAD. Trains leave Poitsvlllo nt 7 and 11 30 A. At., and 7 18 P. M . U-turning lroui suiaqua at 7'S8 A. M. aud 140 and 4 18 P M frCbL'YLKILL AND SCQVKHANIi A RXILROAD. 1 ra.ns leave Auburn at 7 ou A. Al lor 1'inenrovc and liarrinl'urg. and 1 Sn P M. lor Pln' iimve and Iromuni, leturinnv irom liarrishurg at 3 V0.P. M., and froai iro- iiiont at 738 A. m. ana na r. ai. TICK K IS Through flrst-class tickets and emigrant t!cke to a'l the principal poln'a In theonh and i et and Canada. i he it lli.wlnn iiekets are ohtnl aide only at the offlro oi H. latAOI'Olll), Treasurer, o. 227 8 FOURTH, ITilladelnlua, or oi ci. A. Mt.Ul.L8, l.eucial iupunntiudeiit. Reaolng: CO.MMF i.VTION TICKJ'T" At "8 rer cent, discount, between nuy points desired, icr ine.iiies ai d linns. Mll.KAGK 'IICKKTS. fiord lortfirOnilKs, beiwcen all poinis, 52'8!) each, for fcudlies and buns SEASON TICKETS, tor three, fix, nine, er twelve months, for holders only, to all points at reduced rates iLaRGYMK.N Resldlnp on the lino oi ihe road wil1 he furnished rarus eutltllna tliiniseives anil wives lo tickets at hall lare. i:iVHMOK Tl KLln From Philadelphia to principal s:a ii ns. good for Ha tun o , hunnnv, and Mondav. nt reduced ime to ue hud en v at ttie 'ticket Oflii e, at Till ul'L.&Tii and CAL LOW HI LL Streets 1 liKKlilT. (looi's of all descriptions forwarded te nil tlie above points, iroiu tho i ouipunv's new Freight l epot, UROAD und Wll LOV Htrecir. BLIGHT TKAINis I.envePliilndclphia daily at 5 3u A. M , 12 4,1 noon and 6 P. Ai.. ior Beading. Lebanon, liarrlsburg, Potiavllle I on i liulcn, and all poinis beyond. . HI A llSi Close al the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on tne load and Its hunches ut 8 A. M . nud lor Ll.,.Di.nlu ,il!llllV 14 1 the principal 818 Mil I ,A D ELI'HIA, GE UMANTOWN, AND I JMJlllll I J V Jl llAllilVO.111. On and a'ter WKDN KKDAY, May 10, 18C0, rOR OEKMA.MOWN Leave Philadelphia 8, LB,!), 10 11, 12 A. AI.,1. 2, J'UI. SH. 4, 8, f,H. 7,b 8, 10. 11. 12 P. M. Leave Orniantown 0, 7. 7K, 8, 8 iO, 0, 10, II, 12 A. M. 1.2.3, 4.4H.6 tiH. 7,8,0.10,111. M. Ihe 8 21. a own truin, and art and ;,H up trains will no stop en the Oermnntovin Brunch. ON HUN Da VS. Leave Philadelphia -10 A. M., 2 3 8. 8. 10H P. Al. Leave GeiuiantownS A. M., 1. 4, HH OH P. hi. CL'ESMJT BILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8, 10,12 A M., 2, 3H 6H,7, and 11 P. M I enve ( hesnut ITIII 710 nilnuie e 0 40 II -In A 14 1 tU, 3 44), 8 40, C-40 b 40, and ld-40 minutes P. M. on SUNDAY.-. Leave Philadelphia O lOminutea A Al.,2,3. and 8 l. U Leave Cbcsuut lint 7 - j minutes A. Al., 12 4J, 6 40. au 9 'ih nnnit es 1-. Si KCK t ONSHOIIOCKEN AND NOKKImTOWW. Leave Thlludclphia 6, 8-38 minui' S,, 1108 A.M., lit, iH, h, bhi, 8 05 minutes, and 114 P. Al. leave Norrbtown &H,7, 7 80, 9. 11 A.. AL, IX, 4 6 k ai d 8 P M iheS.H P. Al. tiain will stop at School Lane. Wlsea hickon. Aianayuuk, hpriug 81 ill, and i ouoboliOLken only ' ON SUNDAYS. Leave rhi''!elphla9 A. M.,2'4.4 analH P.M. Leave Norristo'An 7 A. At.. 1, 8K . and t P, U. Fl'U MANAVLNK. Leave Philadelphia 6. 8 38 mluutes, 1108 A. At., I It, 4fc.6Ji,6X,Bli8,ndllJ4 P. Al. Leave Manayunk tih, 7, 8 20, OS, li, A. if., 2, 3, GH EH1'-M- ON" SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. ."4., 2S , 4. and " P. M. Leave Aianuyunk IH A. AL. li, 8 ana tU-i P. U, T. S. WIIAON. Oenerul l-upulntendent, Vie pot NINTH anoUKKKM Kueets TSJORT1I PENNSYLVANIA RAI LROAD. JJN Depot THIRD Street above Thompson. For BETHLF.liF.AI. DOYLLSTOWN, AIAUCH CUINK., KAHTON. WLLLlAMSPOB'f, and WILKEtfl BAKUF. At 7 30 A. M.Oxpress), for Bethlehem, Allentown Mauch Chunk, Hozle'.on, Wlillauispoi t, and W likes bane. . At 3-30 P. M. (Express), for Beta efcem, Easton, eto., reaching Eaaton at 6'4f P. At. At 818 P. Al., lor Bethlehem, Allentown, Manes chunk. r or Doylestown at 8 '88 A. AI. , 2'SO and 4'1 P. M. f oi Pert Washington at 10 A. M. and 11 P. M. For Lonsda'eatt'18P. Al. White curs ol the Hecond and 1 hlrd Streets Line City Passenger Cars run direct to the depot. TRAINH Hilt PHILADELPHIA. Leare Bethlehem at 6 28 A. U. and 12 II8 Noon, ani Leave Doyiestown at 40 A. M., J'lS and 8 30 P. M. Leave Lonsdale at b'00 A. At. Leave Fort Washington a t.!' M nl P- Philadelphia loi Bethlehem at ! A. M. Philadelphia for Doyiestown at 2 CO P. M, Doyiestown for Philadelphia al 7 M x. M. Bethlehem tor Philadelphia at 4 3a P. M. 1 lirouuh Tickets must he piocuiefl at lb ticket odlct s, THIRD btreot or BEBK8 btreei. , sl AU.1.1- CLARK. Agent. Phi JERSEY RAILROAD LINES, FROM VV toot ot M BKET Street (Upper Ferry), com mencing AtONDAY, July lli, 18 Leave Philadelphia as '"lor ''ape May, A. M., Mall; 2 P. M.f Accommoda tion; 4 P. Al.. fast Fxnrcss l or Bndgeton, 8a.em, aud intermediate points, 8 A. MFordMilivu':e, and intermediate points, 8 A. M. and 2 ' Woodbury Accommodation, 6 P. M. liPTl'KNlM-: Leave Cane May at -30 A. M., Mail; 9 A. M., Fast Ex press: 8 T. At . Lxpress I eave Bridgeton 1 18 A. M. and 3 80 F. AL Freight 6 3V P. M. Leave falem 7 A.M. and J-IS P M. Freight S 45 P. M. Leave Mdlville '8S A, M and 6 38 P. M. Fielght 11 03 Freight will be received at Second Covered Wharf be ow Walnut street. Irom 74C A. M until 6 00 P. AI. T but received before GO A. M. will go through the same ""Freight Dellverr, Ko 228 S. DEL 4 WARE Avenue. J. VAN BKNSSiLAEU, huperlutonoent. The West Jersey Fxpres Company will attend to all tie usual branches ol Ixpreaa busineis. 1 Special Mes senger accompanies each through, tram. Oihce No. 8 WALNUT tmeet Philadelphia. 1866 ..-PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAIL III ROAD. Tbla ureat une traverse, the Mirth- ern and Northwest Counties of Pennsylvania to the City ol Irie on Lake Erie It has heeu leased and 1 oneruted by the Peniuv vanla Ruilruad Company. TlAlEOFPASP.Nl.EBTKAINS A'l P1IIL4 DELPHI A. Arrive r-aaiwaru une am iraiu, 7 A. Al.; June - Dress Train, I P. At. Leave Westward-Erie Mall, p. M ; Erie Expres TrpasenKer cars run through on the Erie Mail and Ex ores trains both ways between Phllade phis aud Erie. pre" NEW IOIIK. CONNECI ION. Leave New York at 9 A. At., arrive al Erie f) 30 A. M. Leave Erie at 4 45 P. M , anlve at New York 4 10 P. M. Element Sleeping Cars on all tlie night trains. For Intormation respecting passenger business, apply atcornerTHIRTIK llf and MABK.ET Streets. Fhlia. And tor freight busiuesa, of the Connnv "a Aaunw, 8. B. Klngslou Jr., corner 't hirteenth and Afaitiet atreeta Philadelphia; J. w, Reynolds, Erie; Wlillain Biowa, Agent N. C R K., Baltimore. ... . . H. U. HOimio.v General Freight Agent, Phlla. H. W. GW1NNFB Ueuerl 'iicxet Agent, Phlia. A. L. TYL1R OooeraiBu,, V Uliamsiwrt. MEDICAL. yox ropULi. VVItlGIIT'S TAU SYRUP. PJilXClPXl depot. No. 771 South THIRD 8tree Price, tl-00 per Bottle; $5D0 for balf-a-dozon. The undersigned citizens take pleasure In eheenoH reeonui cnoli g tlie use of Wright lar Hjrup f coughs, colds, . consu million, whooplng-congk, apott4 i?1,'r,l','er eompialnt, pain In the breast, Oronohicle, inilaniniatlon. and reatrlctloti of air veaaen In the lunaw. ?',. , "'D1,,dy should be In every family 1 narle C. W i.son, Forney' fyMa oltic. V.riLH.' f,r'",n. Suvttnf Here my olBce. Jatrea Nolcu. Jt,qu,rrr ofllce wii iIS r."1-'or'ilt. Associated Pre, rani vmi,'1- "Tenter. Eire Alarm and Police t graph, r Itth and I beanut street. A Randolph. Front and 1 onihard streeui. J.BU' w-,"errlne No. MW Charlo. aureau A Jv Ko. 322 o.aklil streeU Jeh" ."ae No 1331 Erankiln tret. Robert Tbouipsen. hQ. lies W alteraireet. $ XV"C2:' - 628 Ftanklln aireet. J Oeblon. No ,31 8, second atreet. . JV. Howard. No. 1 Doek treet H. C. l artiett No. ;fj 8. -econd atreet, L. Bates No. W'8 A reh street Albert Martin, No. 411 . second tmt. Al ary Caldwell. No 12 Sansom atreet W. lhoni. No. W N. Fourth etre.t T. M. t arthv. No. 11,'. -n George W I.son ro 236 Haee street. v . F. Brooaj, No.6 North second .treat M. J. Ilawett. No. 119 Canal street. H. foyniour Rose. Bunleton. Char es Roger. No. M Houtb street. U. T. We bur on, cccuml and Quarry (tree y. F. Thomas. No. l !6 Mouth lxt .treet- Wiilliini barns. No. 618 South f ront roeL S. H. t-anionl, Opera Manager. John Mnglnnls rear ot No 131 North Second street. Airs. 8. K Choate. Newark, Del. Sir fFi' nm JI. Wr.ghi: Kn:: We lake pleasure In recommending yonrTAB SYIilP (of w bleb we have already iol.l considerable qua-ititieai aa a moat excellent ami eltn-acloua remedy tor the complaints set torth In your printed Pill already submitted to the public. A a rrotlfylng act to suffering hun aultv we wll: eheeriU'lv reotimmena our prepara tion to a 1 utllle.trd with diseases wblcb tt 1 designed te care. Yours, etc., DIT.KS & SON, Druggist. N, E, corner Pine and Sixth streetn. For ta'e also at JOUNftUN, HOLLOW AY COWDEN 8. DYOTf A CO '. A nd ail principal Drm giB's anu' Dealers. The nl serlber would beg leave mriher 10 ear taut be is prepared to fl.l enters m il forward the Syrup i any pnrt 01 '.tie country. Ver.-ons des rlng other intor mot Ion by r iui will ineiore a posiue s'ainn and answen w ill be reiiinn d as soon as the exigencies ot busine vttiladuiu Address WILLIAM B. WKIOllT, 320 No. 171 M. THIRD h.reeu Philadelphia. Pa, G LAD N K Vtr S FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. BELL'S SPECIFIC REMEDIES Are warranted 111 all cases tor the Etkmiv and Pxuiia MM Cbhk 01 ail nisensi s arising 1ro.11 excesses or lC'U'MltLL l.NLl-l ItEilON missions, Oenilul, Physical and Nervous Debility, Im poteme, etc eio NO tllANOF. CF DIET IH NECESSARY. They can ne used w ithout dc ectlon, and never tall te elk-el a Cure, ll used accotuitig to instructions. BFLb'S SPECIFIC PILLS', 1 nee One l obar per Box, or Six Boxes tor Five Dol lars; aiso. Large boxes eqiiiuining Four Mnall, 1 rice 'three LOnuls Fri m tour to six boxes are geueruny requited to care onlinuo cases ol Seminal YVeukuess, though benout la utned irom using a single box In I broil 10 Case, and particularly when Imi otmce or Oet.itni Dcbi i;y Vtltb Nervous Prostration has allected the system, BELL'S TOXIC- PII-I.S Are recommeniicd aa the mosi 1 I! Ciicious, Rejuvonatiog, and lnvlaorat ng Rtmcdy in tlie wor d. A Package Pi Ice Five lioliura. wl.l last a month, and is general. y sufficient. In extreme cases of Debl ity and Impotence, LULL'S KATE.Ali lvl .HltiOV, I' rice '1 wo Dollars, sufl'.clent for a month, cau be use to goou advantage. it gives btreugtu to the Orgtns and. wttn the Pills, will restore llietii to their norma, coiiu.uoo. A Pumpblct o. IHO t.agis, iu iho Eh. -.OK' OF YOUTH, designed as a Leciure aud t-ua bin to Y oung Aleu, sunt lieu, 'ten Cents requited to pay postuue. It you cannot purchase Bull's Ki'Icctfic Kgmiidiim 01 your Diugglst, luko no olhur.bat send the money direct to DK. JAMES BRYAN. Cotis'ilnnrr Plivhician, No 8H1 BKOAliWA V New York, And you will receive t bcui by return ot mail post paid, and nee lrom olisi rvatiou. Fur salo by LYOif As Co., No. 232 N'. SKCON htreet. 6 Hi s AMiEITAX'S GIFT! SAM AHI'l AN'S Cill' T! THE MOST lEUTAIH KL'..ViELV EVEU USED. " YL8. A POB1TIVE Cl'EE." For G'cnorrliaa, and aii JJiaeases Arising from Youthful indiscretion. Contains no Mineral, no Balsam, no Mercury. Only 'itn PiUs to he taken lo Eject a Cure. Tbev aie entliely vecetable, having no uneli nor anjr unp enfant la-te and will not iu uny way Injure the stou uch or bowels 01 the moat delicate. cures In trim two to tour uis. aud recent cases la "twenty-lour bonis." eeut by mall. Piice, Male packages, 82. Female, (I. SAMARITAN'S ROOT AND HERB JUICES,' The Croat Blood Furlflir, and Remedy for fciofvla. Wars, tores, f-'poio, Tetters, icales, Boils, Syplulis, Etc. For Syphilis the Samaritan's Hoot and Herb Juice. Is the 1111 st potem nud eltectual rniied ever urcscribed. It reaches and utes every particle of the venereal folson. Will n move vciy vestige ot Impurities from tlie stem as weh as ah the bad etlects 01 mercury 1 rice l i5 per Louie. SAMARITAN'S WASH Is. in ense of Sv phlll. used In conjunction with the RoC and Heib Juices, h uil dneciious. Price 20 ceuu. 1 he old sickening and dlsuustlrg drug have to give way to ri ihiilic- purelv vegetable, pleasant to the taste, and A PO-l'llVE L'RE. bold bv DEAIASBAtiNEiS & CO., No. 21 PARK ROW; and bv Druggists DV8 8-OND A. CO., Proprietors, No. 915 RACE Street. Philadelphia. WHISKY, BRANDY, WINE, ETC. ( C1.MIT GK0YE WHISKY. No. 228 North THIRD Street 1 It anvthlng was wanted to prove the absolute parity Ot this NMilsty, the lollowlng certificate should do K. There Is uoaicohollo siluiulunt known commanding sucilr eceiLUitucatiou t oni uCb high souicest PuiuiDkLeuiA, September (. I AMI. We have csretally tested the sample of CBLHNU? GROVE WHISKY which you Bend us, and find that It contains Komi or tux roisoxoia substakcb known aa, H bil oil. wbleh Is the characteristic aud Injurious a uredieut of the whiskies In general use. 61 BOOTH, UARRETT CAMAO, Analytical Chemishl Ksw Tobk, Septembers 188ty I have analyzed a sample ot CUEhNUT OltOVAl VHlbKY received lrom Mr Cbarle Wharton, Jr., 1 hiianeiplila: and having carefully tested It, I ani 0 eased to state that it 1 entirely raaa fhom poisomo or n fciois aubstancea. It la an unusually put ana fine-:. Wred 'I'hILTOV. M. D., Analytieal Chemia '. Bostom, March T. 1850 I have made a chemical analysis of couimerolalaani plea ot CHklSNUT OkOVK WHISKY, which proveet be tree from the heavy Fusil Oha, and pcrtectly pare vnaduli erated. 1 he due haver of tbl whisky 1 derive lioul the groin used In nuuuuincturlug It. Respcctlully, A. A. 11A YES, M. T 1 State Aseayer, Mo. 16 Boylstoa sueet. For sale bv barret.demliohn, or bottle atNo.228Norti THIRD Street P bllade.p hia. 41 yi NATHANS & SONS IMPORTERS OF BRANDIES, WINES, GINS, Eto. Eto. No. 19 North FRONT Street. I'llILADEU'llIA. AI0HB8 V ATHAVB, UOIIACK A. NATPAK8, OBLABUO D, KATUAAH. 1 1 8u