THE DAILY EVENING TKLEG.K ArH.- 'PttlL ApftLTOi A , iy utSDAY, AtftttSf 16, 18GG. UROPE. vV.yBy Atlantic Submarine Telegraph Cable. 'apoleonV llhino Frontier ,vr. fT Domaml Withdrawn. ...iPiusia Realizing Her Conquests and Perfecting Her Annexation,'' " " iSfic Uuccn ot Hanover "Kcfvestcd" lo Leave Her Kingdom. ; ' Austria Negotiating with the Hungarians. ' " Tho Turks Marching to the Fron tier of Greece. . Canadian Confederation Ar x ranged in England. TIit! 3lsrlc.t" mid 3Imiiie KOM'N ol AVc1h'!Iji v. EH., Ktc. Ktc., Ktc. Ktc. '"'f FRACK. r JiJ oi csiicnt h of the Imperial I'linilly, J.'Aikk, Aupiift 11. Prime Napoleon i;owi,nrlc hM M'ne now the city on a visit to Switzerland. Hit Emperor Napdleou will po from tlie Tui- 4enc to the. cuinp at Clutloiis on tjiuurouy. ' ii '. ' Kreiitli im Ironi Turkey. "fbo I'alrie ot tuis cve-nint! publishes u tek'trnini from Constantinople, tiat-d on the lit li u. statu, stattiiu' that t Up Turki-h fiovcniinent lia resolved toavmltresb. lorcea to the Irontlor? ol iiieeeu. flon t t the troops will also ao on tlie 12th (uet daj) lor the Gult of olo. HJitaic Frontier 1) ntiiiiil AVIt lulrn vvn. I'Aitis, Aupust noon. It is leported to-day, on good fiutiioriiy, that the French (.'overniiiont . haa ubnndoned i lie nlin ol ' cte.-iir:iiiir the Iron tier ot I'miiee by the annexation of certain . Oennuu provinces ou thf Ithine. PKISSIA. A New ltulcr lor lliitiovcr. Berlin, Aua list 11. General Yorst Khctz hit? boon Appointed, by thu Kin.; of Prussia, (lover-jvor-Gtneral ol Jlunover. .The.ini.-sioi) of rrinee Yestenbnrp is said, in ubttnuee. to be to iutoriu the (,uecn of llano Ttr tliut her further stay in the capital of the late kingdom v ill lie attended with uinch in convenience to her own interests, the avoidance Of which should be desirable to herself. v": v' lliivniiu Mill lit Danger. 'Hkc war ocninst Uavarla may be renewed by '.'FjrdVsiR nltpr ihc expiration ot the iirmistiec, ub viae 22d ot this month, should no change take- place in the aspect now e-itinu: in the O.ouutime. '"' AaTakArs lu tlie Aiiui Territory. ' ''-tiiT von I'ulow has been appointed Chief of Wrertiou ot Civil Allah-.- on the part of I'russiu in Viie teriitory of the Craud Duchy ot Nassau, toe City ol Frank tort, and Upper llesse. Ftliaut litl IcuKureH mill luilc iniiity. ' lb the uppe r House of the legislative cham Ijery hc rrnssiau Minister of Finance has Intro 4U(ei u bill ol' indemnity for the c!o eminent lor nil financial acts i,ie oy tue e::eruuve in eeeuitnu; violaiion of the national liudset law? flbrritlie year 18(li to. the present time. " 146 also proposes to approprialo tiftv-fbur mtioiisof trmlers lor the expenses of theeur reot year, accompanied by a credit bill ol sixty mUliofiS i t thnlers. ' ' Tli l-Tussinu Covernmetit has abandoned the jdv ot niakinf.' a new loan, as it tinoN the issue ot Treasury notes the most expedient way of mot tuiy.tiie current expenditure. Mure ample lUinucjial powers may, however, be required by the (ioverumenl, as peace has not vet been con cluded. Rcauucxiitlon In (lie South. ), August l." i. M. A Council oi State if tioldiny iiiiuc6 in this capital and encased in the congidcration of the question of the re- aturatioii of the States of Southern flcrnmny to tlie Germanic Coiiledcrntioii. T1IK Dt'CIIIKS. jit Appeivl to tlie People of Sohlcx I FikJisiii m;, Auirns-r 14. The President of the national party has :sswid an appeal to the pooiikeot S-cble8wip..catlmpou them to willingly acquiesce iu the rule of I'nis-ia. The national paily is 'he only paity favorable to Denmark, aaj has demanded loreisn intervention in the itfikifs.cMhe lute Duchies. '''' AlhTHIA. iV ''jlSiVtfotlutloun -lth Jluikary. ' t TfifHA, Auuust 14. The recent iiciroti ilions w5i h tok place betseeu the AusUiuu tjovern mtiit aud the Ilimsrarian leaders are not per nrtlwlo be published. The Kmpressot Austria, tvho has lately been st ij inp in 1'esih, Hungary, baa feone lroni that city to Vienna. SW1TZKHI.AM). ' Jtjfllef of the Frontier (jiiiiril, ijiiiiKR. Aupuet 14. All the Swiss troops lately ftuplnved in Hip duty of cuardin? the lrontler 'ile, between Switerland and Italy, bave b ;en dubauded. 1 Neutral uiitlon. ' The exportation of horses from Switzerland is 1t)l prohibited. The Tyrol Nctv. f" The Austrian lieadquancrs in the Tyrol are fiittl ut boiifo, having been removed trout Vruiioiauo. .J . KMJI.IMI. ifli i hnnillan t'onfeilerut Ion. IjiKivok, Auburn 15, Noou. It is announced trxiuvthat the"plant for the lonlederaliou of the UrWfcdi provinces of Nortn America have been cJoUni't'ly arranged by tUe ijloverniueut. A Itnllrouil l.oitn, . Thtf teraent is alo made lhat the terms for - akji.n irom the government for the huiMinar of an inter-colcnial railrond from llidilax, Nova Scotia. Wh point of conn"Ctiou with tne Cana old UrwrtlTruuk Kullway, hnvo iieen settled. LjiVFitiMioi, Aii'.'iist 11. The American ship Jslm 1'rtim, Canttiin Hill, which lelt Savannah, Georgia, on tne 17th of July, fur Liverpool, has aniyt'd at that por. She report the loss of her min and niizzen masts b- liclitnluir. 'ilic Utitish ship tuiruiert Captain Ctirrv, Irom St. Join, New lii unwlek, hi"! also arrived, ... tei i i ' ,. SHIIX, IntpYoveiiieiit In the TreiKitr). MAT.ut'AniiU-t It. The Madrid (iovcinnient ha nlfCQflJ' paid twenty millions of rculs on nc OOt.l t,.uV U1' (Icl-t d-ie to the lititik ol Spain. .Lurpe'Hnioutits of butU"li ie nrriv'Urf i:i Vwdi'id fetita tie fvo inec4. Kluaiiilnl mill ( oiiiiim relul. I.OKDOX MOSLV MAI'.KIT, Iimkin, Autrti'i li, I, M Stoncy i much coier ou tlio Mock l.xthutii'C Hie ilnnk 'ol LiiKini l ot discouid win unduobtofljw te reduced tiom 10 to 8 percent, tlilf wefK. t'on?ol io-dnv ee ipiotcd ot hf;-. lulled .tati 5-21) lend an redimr at b, llin ois Central Kniirond bonds are quoiednt T'i lrie I! ail ion d bonds are quoted nt 4" I.oioon, Auxust 15, Jooii- Consols are mioted at 8fs tor money. Viiit- d Motes fj 2" nip (juotcd at CS '. Lom.on, Avtcust 15, 1". jU. Tup lollowinir ore tlK elllciol quotation cm the London Mock KxclmnKC nt tlie clesc ot biisinep to-ouv : Consols lor money, M,' ; United Moic fi-'f, OH; Illinois central shares, 75; r rie Itollwnv thnrci, 4' . 1'ai:i liorusB I'Aiii. 'Aiicu't It The Bourse is liimer. 1U litis orctiuotcn ot (i!.. LivKni'ooL Corro.N aku lsiiKAowri'M SlAn KtTS. Liv nr. pool, Aupurt 11 l'.U. lu t lie Liver pool cettou market the mlc to dnv nmouutud to te n tliousncd bales The market is stcnay.'ooi., Anpi st 1.' J lie cotton tnnrket is llrm ami prices rat tier hiphcr. '1 lie sa'es today were l",l 'o Imles. .M idd Inn Vplamis is tjuoled at i6":i. Ibc biendstufls market is prm. CITY IXTELLIGEXCE. For Adlltlonat City JntrUnjcncf we Ihird l'ayp. Tin: Fitrir Seao. During the spring month- and the eatlier part ot summer, the maritetc fire f:enerall.7 infre or les heaped willi tif'pical fruits. The 'banana and the pineapple alike tempt the eye and the palate witli their liiM'iov.s liehucs. Yc-M'ls bruit,' larae care ie ol these lruits, Irom the West Indus, principally. Orancc- and lemons and cocoanuts are also freiienilly very jilenty hi tliese mnntlis. and form the source ot a very proiitahle iradc lor our censtinp vcsels. v. hich take down our staples, and brine: barn the tropical IniUs in return. Hut lich as ore these truits, they are iintne diatfly crov.iletl out of our markets when the n uit "season comniLiices lure, and our own lruits ripen and are brouchr into With v due respect lor the sunny South and the torild repions. the lruits ot our uioi-r tem perate repiuu compare verv tavorably with tl. in in lumbers and quality. Even now u the sea son is iusr opcn'njr. the nmrki is arc enriched w ith the most delicious peaches and apples, and the melon-arc tasr cominar to perfection, and the most dull and uuappieciative palate is sorely tempted by the piles of luscious fruit. Indeed, the temperate zones are peculiarly blessed in their vegetable product-, lu sprinlr nud earlier Funiuicr, we have our i-tra vbcrric.-, those prince? ol berries; the whortle berry, and a nun her ol others that just die out In time for the eatlier fruirs. the cherries, etc., which, in their turn, pive place to the more solid and substantial lruits. the peach, apple, plum, apri cot, etc. The peaches this year do not appear to be aa pleut.x, or of as i.ood quality a- they have usually been in past seasons. Theie is a ccueial complaint of their scarcity in the States of Maryland. Delaware. uio New Jersey, which peuerally supply ouv markets villi "immense iiantities ot this spleLvlid Iriut. C'lloitunately, ihW scn-on ihc.v aie tmiallcr. n'nrl npicar as it the ccveic weather tiulv in the einiii'j, and the heat and dry veatlver of the cummer, have stt.iitcd them, l or wicks we have seen the unripe piach bullets on the streets, notwith siandiiiu the presence ct. the cnolcra in our midst. As a necv-siuy cnnseiuence d' peaches tetnnir pk-ntier. the price is fioiiis. nown day by day. and they will soon lv obtaiiiable by all. A'most the same reiiiari.t- apply to the tipple, and its Uindred tvtul the war. Tley teue rally make their anpcaiancc nUoiii the sniiic time as lUe peach, alihooirb they Ist- loiv.-vr. There may n.-iiitlly be seen in our markets' and momr our streets tome splendid epccLiitcus ot the earlier varieties. The iirceninps and the small, sweet eail varieties aie no.v oune plentv aud ol pood quality. I'ears are also in prolusion. The best varieties ot the-c units are those which ripen later the ydppius. the UiHIoweis, etc.. etc. I Ui these fruit-which ripen later in tlx-sum- j UK'r and fall, the most oelicnti' and palatable aie erenerally ripened m ih'' house-, and of coi'isc Irom the c.Npcnsc of rmsinp. and the con.-i quent i i arcity, are above the ve ieh of the peneral mass. We may see l lie mot-t si4cuiiid I specimens ot prape.- ol the rarest varieties, Tdunis, apricots, and neeiariiic- at ouv pmnc'pal rt stauiiiiiis: but. with the ewptiou periraps of the plum, they have not appeared lu the markets. Sai v. Blown Oikx. About. twtnSy-live minutes bclore two o'clock thi morniiiu, the olice were alarmed by an explosion in the neiiiliboiuood of Front and Dock streets. The report was beard lor quite a distance, aud search was made iito'.ind dinpcntly, but lor some time -without succe ss. Tlie ollicer on the teat could not bavi be n more than sit.7 yards from the spot where the explosion took place, bnA saw nobody ni.d nothing to fix I've c.act locality. Alter considerable search it wiw discovered to be in the countmtMioiii-e ol Mr. 14 van, which is ciluatpd in rue centre ol tlie btiildiutr No. '2VI South Front street, ruunius Irom b'voht stivet to Dock. The explosion blew the class out ol llifskv- lipht ot the olliee and bur.-t open tlu? outer door ol the sale. The thieves, alaimed at tlK-noi-e ot the explosion, decamped. having secured not limp lor uieir trouble. There was nothing in the sale at the time of any value, and the nnu did not think it worth while to. look into it any luriher. The thieves eacaped, uni), Irom appearanoes, th-y must luive- been well ac quainted with tlie buildinc. The lock of the cellar door was pried open, aud tlu tmeves had to traverse a lone and complicated nature t J pet into the cctintinp-lioukc.. Miss Di.nah Maria Mclocii. T. B. refer-on i Urotlir, No. 'tin; Che.-nut street. announce that thsy vmII publish to-dav. Miss Jltilochs last aud preateejiwork "A Wonuins Thoughts About Woman. '' Willi a master hand this accomplished wilier describes the pys, sorrows, trials, and ppiplevAiies of her sex in a beautiful series of loitciiir. Womnn's stipe- nority over all creaiion in nl) that is delicate. lovable, beautiUii. ana nrand In the world, is told iu a loreible, true, and ntiractive manner. This creat y rk has been pubit'died at a pooular pric, nno in tne usual cMonent style ot the. I'ttersons.; AX EXTKJtl'RISISI. riCM. It glVl'S US pleasure to notice tin business eiitcrprl-e evinced by the tirtn ol Kneass A Co., who have just tnoed into the r new store, X i. i;:il Market street, lu the line o; Stiddlcry and Harness there is preibably iu prcater iudiicement- in the cit. Their .-tore, indeed, is well worth a vi-iu Ironi the eflicieu. tuanauement of the bii-iue-s, and the elegant assortment of nriielc; al.vajs on hand nt the In west market rates. Conors Optical DisiovKiiu.a Anions tho recent t.isctiv lies ol inuJti n rcience. wo ruud olttii instiuinent which wi 1 einiblo onv one to Co tho Inside ol hii ow ii e e: ; and it it could helo pcomo to sec the iiiaiiltj ei. their own cuds, ami the Humility ol brums iIki tin, .vc apprehend thur UrWu would to less couicii in llio wor n. Mollis Fuudsli- man Iium l.kewl-t' discovered that a been-, or pic ture, snow to much inoie udvuu aire it vou view It with our eye upside cowu. go that u niiiu ol tine nrtitic ieovmr. wheu ' e "u to couieraplalo n I euatdnl landsvape, will ulwavs choose to Blai a on ins hmul. or l une biueen by tl e leet from o triT-Lranuli. re cannot juUiro whitiier it is host to turn your eves lii-ulo nut or uimide down, Lut we know tliut It is inukunr uood Uhe ol tliein to iiispect tlie spicuniu sluct ot Toweu Hai.i., No. 618 ilABKKr -TaKi.T, llKNXkTT & CO. Ma.w -javk wo.mi1!EU why.iu this enlighten.!, ceatary, when every seleiiro has uu unied to almost per'totbjn.soiiie one, actuated bv a desire to pi tnAite the beaitli and wellnre ot his IrDow-bclnt'ii, liu noi Kiveu t the world a nudicinc which w ill prctvo, t ilt eacieus lu the cure ot tltose most puiuiul "iisQiuieii, viz:-Viuiilni a, Dist'uteiy, tic To uch ve would say that at lu-t a i-eniedv bus beeu liund in .'. MAisam:'s cahmix.vivi: syjicj'-. it ouiv rc" n trial to j rove it unlimited mefrss, 7y(o(( Nf. 187 Itroailit iiji, .Vi if 1 vrk, i 'or wile lii J V( .icron. , HihIcv ou l f'4t-tlrv,)l lioltKtlt Aiftnh, So 'i-i X. .S.ui'i ' Ui tei.J'ltihitJrtpltU'.. cud lit f't tl''iftMnti. IIomk Ai.ain Aln.K a 1. Li.m TmriTY Alter an nl. pence irom lioinc lor tl,c purpose ol rest, I r. S. W. mtkwith huU wile hove resinned their dude- at No. 11:10 Wo nut Hiei t. those ilesirous ot iidnu the pli n'nnt ond Btrcnptheniiitf treotinrut ol K'ectrirl.y, ns unplic d to (lisioe, can new make application, l or tae Inst two jcars we have, liy our ne rihs covefes, ttcn flectinir inmc of the most osioiialiinu cures ou record of cancers, tumors, dyspepsia, rli"ti nmta in, lu(( disenes. and netiernl allevtious of the iT'pirutoiy na uiirestive orfnns, io?i tner with other chrome djscai-cs. t hese desiring a ciren or con ain lnt ft (lettrintlon ol the treiiuneut. reierenws, certill caies ol cities, etc . with other inicicstinr luloi ina tiou lor the adhered, can hnvo tin in bv opo Icailou ot the ofliee, or bv letter Consultation Inc. .rf, B( ck with will bent home liereottcr to attend to the Indies' department, A MisniAe.f.E t,iFi; is LtnnvTitK Dvsrt.rTic, lor bis complaint not only iio.lrates the bodv, but .itlu (so il oiny sate ot mind oud an iiritnblo disposition. V? bile menu article nro r conim, ndeil at cariilives ol tins aldose, none hnvo met with the success w hu h fins oitcmn d die use o lr. Jovho'h Alterative in connection with Jnvne's onative Tills. The Allerntive pun lies the blood, irivcs strenath to the uipestivo orirnns, and iinnarts a lien'thv tone to the system ; the Sanative rillscuanirp the v tint I'd secretions ol the Stoniacli and Liver, ii ml stimnla'e these orirnns io lienlth action By the combined ne bm ol tlice retnedie ninny radical cures hove been e lf c id. and tiiy nro therefore con fidently oflered to tho oilhcted. lVepared ouly nt No. 2W Chtsnut strict. CnovKc. R: Dakku's il'.rJw.H l'romliim Elatio K.tcli s-euinir Alaohiues lor family use, No 7ii0 Cliisnul sirect. Tltku Coortn. tieor'p i'cr.body, ond Arutthew Vassor, ore justly placed hlpli on the world's Koll oi Honor, on account ol their umnidcent contributions to the public sood. The name of Dr. nlarsdeii should be incited on (he sumo roll, lor the introduction of his I ECBI Alll.L tjAXATIYX PILLS, which hove saved ninny ol his iellow-cuizens Irom lou and wcory dny and nijdits of sickness. Jtcjxtt, Ao. 457 Jlronttmin, Air York. J-'or tale ly Julinxt-m, UnUa. irni, If tj".kn, h'iio!tsn!c A'jtvto, So. 23 A". Sixth Hlrtet, Jiiilitd(tihia, ami In all &nrfjiiit. A:omif.iiLioNCoMi.o! or rather a lione-s, iu the nrson ol ejueen ot tho undwich Islnnds Kooms nave nlreudy been cinrnceU at t no Continental Hotel, which has hi hi so miiv of tho Lions ol the Day, liicluaintr the celebrated Clothing Home of Charles Stokes & Co., loeatcd. under tno Continental. Mi-simexiM PMirmn:!?. Of th,swnnn ot inferior peilumcs pot ii to ciiupe:o with Wiu tin's '"Niplit isloomiiif Ccreus," scarcely eve; the ineiaory re mnius. They nro liternby lorsotltn, while the sales ot that nt pi ur u lira ot all liuirruc. constantly in creases. ll'vwtcad Jlti uld. "Ni:i:ri.rg" Cami-hou Ti:ociii:s," known to boa relinOif and prompt cine lor t holc-vaic Siuptoiiis, iMiiirlnpn, Dvsenterv, etc. For eco bv Dnifiists, mid the mukei'v C. II. Needles, I'welllh .and lluen street' Every one should keep thsiisut ban I. 5'ic. per box. l3HT.ovi:D Lot K-Srin it JlAcul't.s for Tailors anil .Vliinnliieiuiers. (jrovcr& li.ilur Suwimr Alu chine Company, No. 'M Chesnut strLcl. T'HOf, 5-20, Cold a.m Sit vion, Co-Mi'Oi'xo 1mi:im;t ami L'Kt:i'uitKT Dank fki 1 KS BOUGUT AXD SOI.U L'V Untvi.t & Cen. No. C4 Sovru 'liiuiu-STr.KKT. CoMroiMi iKl'LiiLPT Not us 7 31U and 5-20s wunted. Do Jluvtu k Uruther, No. 40 13. Third St. SVl'tUIOr. STVLLS l-K Ki.A0V-3IAIK Clothino. Sl-'l'LI.IOIt b'l VLliS 01' ItKAI Y-MADM. t'I.O'1'll l0. WAKAAIAKtilt & liUOW.N, forcLAt: C'LOriu.vG- Uocst, OaicUall, Soiitheu-t corner Sixth and Maukjst fStroetnh MA HIM KD. OLlYLH-V':VALL. "n tne 14 h instniit. hv Krft-. W. Sti iittt. .ui. Juil.N oi, to MisfrMAUV V. li. Jii-I aLL, o. this city. (;.j:i:U.Vi:si-COM)Y im tho lltli In the Arch Mreet 11. E. t'hiiiiel lev tiie llcv I. A. t'cinle , i ii-uir oiMi..irulli M. n. Chiircn. I'ttANKLlS C. (.Al! lillil 1-8 to til VIA .1. UlUMlll , ull Ul tlivci.J . j)ii:i. l I.LIs. On Tbml-dav. thu 14th iaslniit. XHO.M.VS 11. L 1.1.1.-. hi the .Villi vcur el his iuc. il.c rentives una incm - nr resnectiu'lv lav I w to nl'inil tlie lunvrnl, iioai his laic residem'. No itt:l X. M-Miith ;tre.-t. ou M.Mli-duy, the Hill iustunt, at 1 o'clock 1". M. IK mid. -Oil the l'tli instant. JIl-s ELIZA A. PiXH). in ihc s:lil veiir oi her nyv. I ir reluiivts mill iru ads nre inviteil to nitenil her timernl Irani lwr resilience, Ho. Miii-oin sirttt, on isa unlay, the lsih insiunt, at ' o'clock Ji.M .. KIt'i:. On the Pith histiuit ot t'o'isumntlon. 5lr. SA.M l'r L l:l(' , in the Wtll ear oi Ills asc. ilic relutives tinu meads ol the lainily uiereacetl'iillv invited to ntteiiU the lui.enil tiom his late rc-icli nee. .No. ii l;ichmonu street, on ! rlduv. tUe lith lustuut. at 2 o'clock, 'lo proceed to l'a liner's llroiunl. VdlTtL. Oi. tho Mth Instant. CATMAUISK. who ol' llnlthoar Vom'iI. in the !M year ot hur a.e.. i ne rciiiuvcs aim iiieinis oi tno iiuieiy ute rcsnoeriuny Invited to attend the tuaeral. Iroin tlure-ldenceut In r liiishand. o. lj:iu Ash street, above (in aril avuauc, on Friday inoririni.' at 8',' o'clock. r'ii'.rnil service t St. .Vim's Church, l'Airt Kichuioiid. Intcriuoutat CaUieUrnl Ceuictery. WlLsoI.-On tlie 14th Instant. -Mrs. ANNA WILSON. v no oi Mr. illhiui ilson. lined hi yours. '1 lie lehitives aim li i ml- ol the lainily nr.' resprctriiby invited to uttiinil tho lunerul. Irom hur liushaul's,iesr. ilence, Jo. 211 Wood street, ou MiiWu alturiiooii ut 1 o'clock. To proueed to iMouut .xioilali uometury. "I.IL'NG DltlVKliS. TAP titlltKHS. SUGAR J );(, link's, let oil Saiilplrr. 15l llnolsss llHm 'liyi-rs. e hetse- Tnsler. Ilox (Musols, Mulluls uud buiuners, uad4)iker biore Tools, lor 8u uy llil ii. ,v JII.VV. No. 35 lEIw'ht Thlrty-rtve) M UK1T i-l below Ninth. ULDING HAT AND CUAT RACKS FOR Uavcllcis' use. can bo put Into "vsnuill nuor box: also bcvcrnl other sty .us ol l'ort.ibl r, ' lot uud Clothes ltcks, lorswlr y Tltl'.MAN .t SHAW, o. Ktl.iuht 1'hlrty-lWe) MAltK.1.1 .St.. below Mii'.'h. A WATCHMAN'S RATTLK IS THK RUST . mem s ot alarm for a laml y to.u'ei It Uo'ways understood t be a 'ud lor assistance b or sale, with u varh tv ot Ho ls, l'ucket Jlhllen, and other sireurilies nuninut deD'.tdutors at tho Hardva storo ot TK'WAN tc M.1AW, : No. 83(Ei(!htThlrty-flvo) Sf AltlvET sit., bolun- Miuli. INSURANCE COMPANIES JNSU li E Y O U It L 1 V E TIIR A M ERIC A X, OF l'll'l ADKLIUA. S.E. turner Fourlli jumI Walnut Sis. Ins jm In this Compan-y hn. tbotulill.ional vuirnn teoot'tbe CAPITAL 'l UC'K.aLL Va1I If IN C i-ll, uhlcti, tocelher with CASH AsdKl'd now ou hand, uuiouit to over 8i,roo,ooo. Its TBl'BTKLd ore well-kmnttu cliixons In our m!dst, etii't'lnt; It to uioro eouslderutlou tliun those wiioso unsunters reside in Utnut cilWs. VU xntioer iVhlli an, William J. Howard, l, j iliiui' Thoiiikiiii, i baumul T. llodhio, t.eir:o i uiienl, ' Jehu niUuimi, ' li.n Juiiim l'ol.ock. i lluory lv. Jlenneit, Albert r., - lion Jnsei h Ahlson, V. It, Mlnjile, : Isaac 1. M. VV Uiddhi. I ai:xm;r whillijin, Presidn t. e-HOliCK MiiENT, Vice 1'rosldent. JO I N V 8 VMS, Aetuurj-. JOI1X 8, VAJLSOM. Hri.tury anil Treasurer. 1. 7H cZzr-X THE VE3ER PIANO FORTE Iscvcrj uUire Rtknowledcd tho Iil'ST PIANO MADE. It Is '-d Uy thM'jmeivatorv or Music hi New York, timl i i!or.-ed by tl e leui ia unlets uni I'm principal Jonni.'t ! tlKow:tr . VAl'.KItOO.US, No. 429 BRuOMS Street, 8 laCt N K V YOIIK. HARlilKoN'R PARIAN WH1TIC. FOR TUK c ( in ii . sio l. eies the Harm tone el tlie 1 I'niiaa ii'uibie H I'll' I. M hl bold nt So, (:juVl f KV E NTH WCMRf TOBACCO. STRiLlrTOIv'G; r-X.MiWS YEAST S. K.Cor. C R0T Sts. 3 4slu;hli"...i WEDESlUr I I NE CUT The only UNf.CV ' "eii,,.;i. ,'yer manafoctart'f' la 7tiHflillp.'i' The :.;.-. i... Market. EVER'- f. ;.'' VJSKS IT. HnrS:i tt.'i rM Best leaf. I'rttd j-j.rTv:E. con l nclory, D.r.cO'?:. 1' ' i Pw-.tnrALLACE StreoU j; o ') 'r.r :, x e ri: u s. 1 liO't) al : ft ." :'. i y ot Vldcli I wt,l rU s':':' occ. 1,r onslstinu .t- h.ain A?m A'lm.n roi- cwi'aob ijitii walsiot crj.tViW5" i'c; ;. Paulo? iu;.jv, rArv rrsH. i'.Mit.o;; tii.iit. .;. cv.o"u Pa it i. or H'lT1 u; i"j't-. Miii hnoid'', li Tie,'' ) ')il-, i.,:drebes, Itookcies, MuitrefcJCi'- hy r: p.? , : i , 815 f .VT.i V7i.' I rCV:j?t-,HiAi;L utreetn. r: J'.EDUCEI) rsu CENT. .. -.n'l nil from our Im 7 IT. li ITU RE. , ..) i .'ry. pjsJr ctNT. tve:-; i -r i I iirhiK tJ H; v j " ' " Incnsc Moci C FIRGT -Ck., AT A KEf iTeHt.'. . s. ci-i:' uwr;?.v ' '':: ' r::,f. co.. r .) -.'i ; nt :.IA hket btreets, V, '.,!..- '..7-.'t, :...' ! 'r;r. i HLCOXD Stree li. ;.. ; And 0 3, 2)V5 A. v. v;.tV '..'HgON, rr-i;4' f'-. tt.-r'.Sjisr-iiiasses, CXCUAVIbivO. r.iV'.?l.;i . . AILW-ISGS ETC '. . t.T s.uids of I ooVti.-,'i i . '-:. u ?ait. tMi'i lJic No. no ir&.mizyjf?. btheet. Til 1 EM NO:'. ' " ." '. CONTINKNTAL, r...';."v 8 15$ -Ui ih.-:r r .'t ''' LARGEST HA'DDJ.o '- UAKNESy MAKUPAf";" '' 1 1 : ri'SlV.VSantaOT D THE .'. 1'.';:.' . ,--v. & CO.. : r i Kotit;;-:, No. 1S5 tSZ.VxrtVT STREET, k x-z. nojsE. Bo. 'm sS.WP;?. STEJ2ET, ofkeij on -kvj yv;; vx ANorACTPuK 8 A i1L;: P., ?:D . v'p - V, 3 c ' M los. HAi:s:f. ' :: ret. Mountliif;:;, ri ' ., T"ripc, ltloirkets, Combs, Brashes, '.oh ', ( ,h-b.'i ."f iiss. t'lauph Bridles, lloit Collars., ?s.fl(.'.."i ""'" . ''J sitirr'ips, Travedlnir liaj-'s, Trunin-. n.n v .;,. r...- irh Uasaets, Ckamola, lt'aekinc, Jla4.v Wo cull ts.c . -.ts. .(' liittcbunts vlsltlag this markt t. olrn tb .' and varied 1 1 .: . y,a our lurne, cheap ..V" i:vMEEKEB 4 C0' i -. IIAKN'KSS. untiiiirp J". CO. (l.efpoiVr...' .-..... . Ma'Tpj Co.), 1IAVIK';- .'.'.. ." .' V.X'Vi. KBW iloBK, No. Ott'l A'ilKHr Street, i Invito pu.v.-a i',f .ii'. Mi.t .i. examine their Slock, whieh .... .ru'k. ; '.'r '-i-.iety in tho Uulon, and coDpuy t'ie.1 pi-.., t.i'rct ustablinnmeuW. Our Mtlo '. ' . ! i zi. t,i-n rSta our goods. ST F.IGLL'i ;, 'l;?.-70IGT & CO., beg n w .)-! j.l'- io t'l attention ot the public ttiwi" ' . ' . '-" ' V-a. .taii i ateai, which, ty div.c v "i ,i -c. w1' M -.-iCup, made expressly tor tho puitwt". " n . e - r .'H lual ta the prevea tloii ol bii.-'tf-fc , e.. 'J Im loLtiwuv; !'i,- :.. X advnntares: 1st .Miiii't . 't -j. - Uunness andeO'iOia aidl( atlo' no ;'-... 'i .,. m; - r r.fc'ld Aiay set It. 'M. Vjcimio "I ,:. " " or propertv. ;id. TJnlvv-'.u1 --..if ,.'! -t towtiv rartot" Poor, W Imlusr. W'.i' .u-.-, '.' . i .'., '.'C, UarMeu, ITeaoiVij, J'Imi 1 ect. i)1 .. Ith. It w-w ' . V. ;.j by alaru.lna ths in- niases, ueittl-.'-!. " t'Mit . 6th 'l bo lai :i i-1.-. . i r u i--'if;h painful anxiety. In itnutle It '..,! c . .' ; )'. ' -ctciully when aitieles Ol "It ut TulU" ur I. '. (it It. It It h T. 'i7' to travellers to fasten, on ehiajil'tloo. 7th- It cut .-,.. . .'. h,4a iA i not liable to get out ol order. KlliLCTiayi. . f. '.'"-TASV EVERY IS i if. v:'. ii We ,vi ustt: low Drtco of ONE yiol.Lrtl., M'X-'..' nr i ad It caonot be got tin ii per . ii . ' 'i : 'jrt oyents. 1'or lartla. .artieulur- .k.-ai ..k j. 'rf. . i'9 'Mi'' '1:.')-rV. OIOT 4 CO., ( : WAi,MJi' tract. Koom No. IS. Wo wal a.. ' .O. J.v .w1 Co any iurt nj thB ciiiimry ou 'i .. .- . 1 conta ei'u ioi llOstflUO. . , . ......... IM : O W ,V JIU : L. 1 N E ' y ' P'l'JLOrGUSY S, 1 MASON is, LTMAd', T F. N T AIB-TIGUT . f.F-SEALINO 'aUIT JARS. U' the above Jars wi w to oar ouaJonjiirs and '.' pablic fencrali.r, wltb '. coufldeaca, at ta LOWEST Market Prlco. t2.--i :l j: i , J. WEIDENER, 1 ii v If MEDICAL, RHEUhlATlSfJ, KE&RiLGIA, G01T ASTHMA, l'OITIVKLY CUKED AT LAST f flO CURE, NO PAY. DR. FI TLER'S WO.NDEKFIX RHEIMATIC KENEDY l or Kbeatnatisin. Netwal(rla, Gout, and Asthma, hMrulr astonishing the afflicted world. Thousands of scrTer?rs, who have tried erorythlTui, relacMntly pmchase J, and rapidly, to their own ssrprise set well, and the lorriblo Inveterate caes so easily cured iirove It to be the me wonder.ul remedy knovtn m the civilized world. Be member, nsed Inwardly ooiyt contains no mercury, col ehfeum. mineral, meta s, or anything Injurious. Lt:y reduced trom 10 to Hi per boitlo. Wanantedto cur every, or the amount paid positively returned; the) only remedy so guaranteed. Prepared by Dr. 1 1TLER. Graduate of the rniversitr efrcnnsylvania, now one f our oldest physicians. A duo gratis. Afflicted Invited to coll. No. 29 N. FOURTH Street, below Market. APTOtDlKO CL'RH OK R H El' M VTISM. TV. C. ost No. 15.16 S. Thirteenth Btreet jotrecc-' rered from liheunistism a;yt (teura nia suffered mac.-' eaiei cured by Or. Htler'e great Remedy. MO.sT RKMAHK AHLE CURE OP BIIKVM ATISM. Mrs. Keeoey. K due road ob'we Pop ar suiluredover 20 jeurs ; row well. l)r i'ltler's Bemcdv ni;aln. fxtraOhdin'ary ct re vv bhkdmatism. Robert Toole. No. 4.:( Wilder 'Street, wants the nubile ta know Unit he sintered a lonrtime; couldn't mure, cured by l)r. Filler's Remedy. Fenectiy harmless. WOMiERFl'b. CONEif) K. CI.OTHIS.K. No. 23 N Water st , eurtd of Rheumatism bv three tesT)ooniul doses of Dr. rlil.T'j Ufal iole Bheumaliu Remedy. Ho could not walk. A.STOMSW.MG. ALD, Blf AN .10.-. IC. COMt.V. t run. end sutlered 11 tears.- cured hv one bottle ot Ir 1 itler'o Rheumatic Remedy, ana sas to all, get vuietlb' nshigthe Itamcily. WOsT WOKlERFTJL CURE n 9 NEURALGIA AND R I.UM ATISM "vertnowTi Mr Joseph States. Atidiilusia. suffefed lite I me. 1 rieii everything, cured oai by lr. Fit ter's Remedy. ANOtHKlt CUllK. JOSEPH BTIf VENst, Esq.. Jio 6:i3 Owen sireet, f-outhworb. who lias snilerefl for Ayeoiswirh Itheumatisiu, has been cured by lining one-bait a bottle of Dr. I'ltler's Great Kneu- matic Ilea lift usrd inward'r Depot, Ho. M H. FUUhXo silreit. Warranted to euro. ANOrntR WONOERPUL CURK. The laJyhavir.;; chuis'e of tae LiUou LeaL-ue House su??red terribly, t ured by Dr. Utter" Remedy. 8 1 ws typ L I CAL ELECT 11 1 C IT Y. 3S. S. W. BECK-WITH'S ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, "th 1220 WALNUT-STUEET, For the Treat men I of Co rest ) I Is For the beneflt of those proposing to ui dertuke Elec trcal treatuient for discuses, we give in tue following list a few of the more prominent an 1 tno-t common conip'.a'Dis met wltn in our practice. In all ot which we lire most suecessiul. In nkaiily all casus or emtoxic 1ISEA:-H ELECTUICIir li A hL UK CIlML.1Y, ajio is all caiiLc) Bi.Ni.ticiAx, ir r-Koi-LLLr api'l.fji T hone, i hero tore, uQlicted with tomiilalats not here enuinernted, need hove no hesitation in appllu(r. ar.i whether onlv ke LiEi.oru l'ELMAMCNT ci'UK can bo eifected, the will receive replies accordingly . All consultations rrte. 1. tpiltps.v, t'borca. or M. Vitus' Dunce, l'aralys's, (lieinpie'-'iai, euramla. Ilysier a, NerA'oueueM, i'uipi tation on tie Heart, Lockjaw etc. sore 'throat. Dyspepsia Dlnrrhcea, tivsonterv, Ob stlnatn t ousupadou, liiiuiorrholdi'. or Vilvi. iiiliuJH. Flutulent. ana l'uiuter'a Colic, ui.d all uitectiotvi o. thj Liver uud Sp.aen. 3. t utatrh couuh. Influenza. Asthma (when not caused bv organic diseases ol ibe ha-i). llronchitls, l leuiisy, 1'ieurodvniii, or ltheumuthiui Oil' the Cuesi, V ousun.ptiou iu the early stuites. 4 Gravel. Diabetes, and K'dney Ccm;i'alnts. Impo tence and seminal Weakness. 1 ha -.alter cowpuluis never lull to vieiu rapidly to this trcatineit. ft. Riinumsibin. Uoiii, LuiniiaiiO, et'll Neck, Sulnal ( un'ature hip Diseases, Cnnrers, Tuuiori (tuoea lust named alwaia cured without cutting, or plas ters ir. t:y lomil. li. I t ei us omplaints, Invo'vlng a mal-position, as Prolapsus. Antroversiou, lletrovewion Irtlai'iLuintion, Ulceration, aud various other aftbctiuks oi the Homo and ovaries. Mr.-. liM KWITH has the LadiecI'apartmcnt under tier own cre aud supervision. KkKtKLM)t.s 'the diseased, and all Interested, are rt erred to i tie to lowinn named veBtleiuon, who have been treated and witnessed out trtutmeni, on.oib.ers. at o. liiO WALM'T tiret: A. J. I'lea-ontort, No. t)18 Spruce atrjet : W. B. Smith, No frt'i Kanover streets George DnuIs.i. Flitn street, alove tliesnuttJ W tlradiov. No. bti . Norih i-'ourtb street: Robert VVork, sio. Si o'.h Third troct; t.olonel T W. Sweeney, Walnut street, bclrw- Kiubthr George Evan-, Area street, below Filth: Mr Peiotusa Third and Chesnut streeis; hdwasd Mcl.aiie all oi this oity. a. FI wsijMu, St. louIs, Mo. ; Jaculi YamlemilltH Odessa, !' 1. : K. a. Semple, Mount ilolly, K. J., wiih.ver many others. pDvslclans or students desiring :o liovo Instruction In ibe correct app.ieatlon ot Electricity tor tin; core of oisecsfo-eariiapp y at the Olliee. i onsu tuLton free. Dencrtptlva .circulars- ot cures e fiecud, with numerous reternnrek.-tur.. be' tuvd by ap plication nt the oilloe or by letter:, . All .etters addressed to DR. S W. BEOKWITH, 8!litrp No. 1220 WALfTT Strset,, Ptillada. IIENCH MEDICINES.-- IN. YOGUE sr CRIMAULT Su.COk, ChemiiU to hi$ Imperial Uighntis I'riiwe Xupoleoii, 47 Rue Richelieu,. Paris. NO MORE CONStTJIPTIOK. GIUUSULT'S 8 Yil CP of V YPOPiliXSP.lUS oLlilt; For all 1 Ucases of the Chest this Medlclp. is iuvaluablo. iv liclameiy used at the iy'.MPTl" UO Pi. PlXAL. in London, tor I. ouhuiuoi en. iud genera Ir appioved b the i.udtQu Juedlcal aieu In Eng'aud aiul lu. t run ic NO MORE COLVLIVB OIL. GH IMXl'Lra SYRUP OFlJJ) This Syrup is employed, with the greatest success, In pluco ol oa Liver Oil. to which t is MiUiiuelr superior. Xi cures diseases of ibe ches. scrofula IvuipUaflc d.sor uers green sickness, musculnc a ouv aJiiilostsor appeuts. li reueMi rates the constitution, by simviiiH the blood, and Is, ma word, the most powenui de.imr.vuWe known, it is ai mlnlstereo with tho rrreutesi aiUcji'v to youn ciiiidrem, subject to humoral ebsucr.tJou vJthe glands. 0 MORI: rOVEBTY til TBE MLO0l AND PALE IIUMI-LEXION. DK. LERA PUOSPHa K Of IKON" nt.J 1-A This ew lerruginous miid'clne CbHiuiat the elements ol ibe uuiotl and bonus. 4id irto.A in a uluiu state ... . itr,...... ....... uil hi,,.!.,,, ..Oum.1 lu ,, n..t..iA ,n UIU.KUI ..i'.i. i. ...v pi.uiti;, jj, linuivl colorless, and taiiuless. it atieeaw y curoa, I . in ..IJIlU PAINS IN THK STOMACH, DIFFUTLl' DIUH3TION.. DY8MKNCBX.HU.;A.. NEAH. Tho nialo. lty o the cadeunfot .nedleitie of Par Teeomioeud the PhoHp.Kte of Inn. to Lane o.' delicti l coostliution, sutterlng nom Anemia aim ul, oth ir t'MS sons fatigued trom ovu uxiety, uervous emotions 0ea-, work, general deouity uuii poinues oi o,oo I 1 1 In tliu only pieuaralion "bich nevor causes eonstt-. potion, and can be turue by the most dcliculastooi:ii. NERVOUS BEDACHEKNECnVLOI l.INSTAKTAt NEOl'rtl Y Cl EET 11 Y O 111 MAI' IT 4 UUAKkVA. A vegetable liiuellian sutxslnnee, eatiroly inaocucai. INTERS L OB LOAL NL' CURV IV K AGENT, MA It JO. OUIM4ULX ii CO., TXUH. This new re jiedy is prepared from tha lewas ot 1 eruviafl popper shrub called alAi'lt'J, eii. cures I rouiptly anl imalitblv. without any 'ear it InUuniT i. utoiy results ihe graat majo-lty of 1'livtJclaus m I arts Bursli), Geruiaur, and New York ucw usi nu ether remedy. GEVFRA.I. DEl'OSITOKIK'' In Paris, at GIUMaULT ii Ci.'s Chtwist, No. il RCK KH'BtLItlJ. In New Vork. at M. M FOUGKB V ft YANDISle KlEPT'B, WILLIAM Street , In Philadelphia, at FnhNCII. BICIIATU)ii4 CO.. aad. t every good clamiats 8 2 rhtf T) K. HUNTER, No. y 41 X. SF.V'NTU KTBEET. AI'.OVB FILRFRT. PRILADr.mttA Aeknowledped fc all f"'''Vr' '"''J'', " Ur tha MO.ST BtjCC'KHSFLL PHiWICTAN In the treatment of iHteatet im hn tpenaltf. QUICK. THOROUGH, and prmiatirfit eurei auaranie0t in en case. Remember DK Hl'NTK.H'8 CViuhntted Hir edla eun onlr be had gnulus at his olo esioblUit O tlee, No, ttN eEYKNTli Street, ahovt 'Ubv,j:, ilv0; CLOTHING. J3AfcGAININ I INK CLOTIIINO. ROOKHILL & WILSON, "BRCVM STONE' SIOTHIKG HALL' Nos. 6S and 60JVOJESNUT IMrcrt. New Stock at the Lowest Price. Bating soli o-uf our "took of?it hlng for Uentlcmear and Iloys, tnrned over from (telate fire, oar entire stock oi FAhHIONABLF. RKADY-M: Cl.OTHINCv IS THE NEW?srii. A8 OUR PT.ICES ARE T3? LOWEST, MAGNIFICENT &:TOCIC NOW BEATTT. TO fMTIT EVrTlODY. Custom Dex)art.-niiit. Oor newly flttert p ru.itom nepsrt!;v" n w ronukn the largest essoit-noa' ol all tbe anhkn lable New Fwhrtcs lor oar patrons to sel i-.t trom. SUITS, CTV IL AN HILITi RT, Made op to orler pvTOrtUV, In the hlgr.oJt'Otj le an mt moderate prices. BOYS' CL0733NO. In this Dcpaitmccl'oif Block U also vmtt Wt d. The Beet in tts City at tire Lowest Prices. ORDFBf DXF.CUTEO AvTTnE BUOBTSTIHO TIOSS. THE CHOitrKST fcjTOCK 31EADY-MAIE CLOXSniGr- IN PIIIl..!llsLI1IIA. R00KHILL & WILSON, . Kos. 60S and G05 CHKbNUT kStrtct 1 2 Tfitrp) ratiAmr.raiA. QTATES UNIOf' CI.0TJI1NG 3AL1 GOB rflARKCT 'Strcrat, OOO Visitors w ill end a large und Tannd eortm:-it t Uas ytny test hEADY-M aDE C.V'tUIrtO at tivUwent cask prices. rj.ults, ccntalning Coati3.-Pan and Vest. trer-itU Dnsters, 2 2. Pnits irom tSfO and blrit. Com t and convince youi j-ive.x isUlm GftOCERtESy ETC. AMSiSiUM T K A tOJllY. AWtfilCAN TEA COMPANY, AMERICAN THA COMPANY. ArilCFclCAN TDX COMPANY, ATVlEiRBCAN TC-A COMPANY, ArERICAN TDA COMPANY, IMP0KTER'JOrr TKAS, Uav taken the &toie NO.933 ARCH KO. 93 J AKEt. SeriAKKT, NO. 934 AUC31 feUKKMT. CbajsuMl former store t wherei' thy have o' aad In naose stock ot the pure.'j teas, coffels..a:n MPICES, Whloa will sell at tho very lowwst uaref-ncflK WUOLE.SALK' ANI BJITAIL. Oiy tS bett and pures s goods urdd. TAL E N0TIJ. POhlTIVELY NO 1 1 SB E PlBIflHEN TATt 3N" Oi aa article under anv ctreumulauo. ALL OCR COFFEES tfJASlED Wilis 'it sratcr. lord, ort,reae. Tho best il'CO ond il Oolcartsas In the raumtry. Try tan To Mixture el the Aouawcan Tea C-rmronr tbeuiort dsliclons In the country, tl'18. Ibe very best uncoletei Japimonv Teaa at (-0, lt., aadJl:50. Tbe best and purest r jbmxJ Jfio4"a( c, at SO crmu; tb very bert Imported, 36 c isXi. . Tbcbe.n srd purest Lagtuvn. Java, and Jamaica Coffee la tbe country. Orders received, aneGont'a tn all ports of the oiba end c juauy. THE AMESICW- IE". A COMPAJHT, 1 lCtiiiLlt . J3'I ARCP.btree. JAPANESE IOAYCHONG Tfii TUL ITKtOT 1.TIB 1MP03TED. Ooloiif; Th.. JDr-oii Cl'Xi, Tbo Vgcoterude known, AN1 EVERT OTUKR BtSCKlPTION OF "INK "ILAS, cosf.i;h, AND (JBOCSRIES. AT JAMES K. WEJIB'S Ceatrul Tea and Cotlee Warehouse, EU-UTlt and WALNUT CVeeta. Vi? Hliil, Uelphlo. g, EI E H II Y W I X 13. FINE HABMONY SHERRY WIN IV . A.J SO, UNEST CjUALIl Y CROWN 81 f3KT ( 11 sale by the tusk or demijohn. i ALSO, CHOICE TAKLE CLAP.C'iV FOR 8 ALE BY j SDC COLTO.N fc CL A 11 ICE, 4 14 3p 8. W. cur. BROAD an t WALNUT. OK LirE-KKJIVENATO )TFEiGTH TO THi: WEAK YOUTH TfTHE AG El I Ib'sprepiiratloals anequal ed as a rejui jnalor aud ra stonr ot wuotedttud luir. lunoUon 'ibe itob'e. he aed and all those who bave In any wey luipiiirtd their vitality by excessive menial or physi cal upplicutlon,wlil fine thu lilokreue torviwhitt lu anno, implies a II e-rejuvei alor. which, while iibullds up tbo sbottered constitution, will a so Impart to the loetlnea the brlskniKS and energy which belong . youth Ncmoitvr by what cause anv oigun ina becomeenre bled lu lis lui.ctieua this superb preparation will remove that cnate atotioe and torever. PJOKKtNU cureatieneial Pehiltty Impoteney, Ner voua lnca4acttv, Dyvpepsl, lifcorem on. Loss of Apo tlt. Low fpurita, Imbecility. MeuUl tsduleace. Kmuula llu. Knnul It bus a most duiigbitul. desirable, antU cttvel eUtcf opon the nervous system , and l who are ha. amy way r.reuirued by nervous duablil Jes are earnusUjs tdvlsedto beek a cure In thin mtKAee4 out and ua c-iaalled preoai-atten. BiOKKICNE -Tbe Feeble, the Langnld, tbe Despair h'is tl.e OWL shculd give this valuable dlsoovery a trial; It will be touud totally aidutent Uein ail other arUotos for tlie nutne nurnoao. TO i EMALES. TbU preparation Is Invaluable ta ner vcin we.kLewes oi tvli kin lit. as It will restore th wssicd strciu'tb with wotdinul pesmanence. It it- also a gisnd Teuk, a'1 will tiive re ief in Dvepea sia with the tlmt doe A hriei cerslsicnce in 1'-- u will unovite tho stomach to a degree of perfect baaUa. au'i bauvib Dyipepsl terevea, OnaLotUrpt-rUjtUe. ar six bottles forts. Jf Drugtltts g'tnenilly Sent by express anyw held Jy drueeing lilTCHlMlH J M1LLYEB Proj-rtaw. no. Haunt. street, New ior- B. 1.1 t.o JOHNSON. HOLLO WAY COWDKH, no i.i noun sum suw. DY01T A CO., 4 10 thsttifrarp No. 'iM N bEC'ONDSL. DR. KINEICLIN CAN BE CONSULTEO cunllJt uiially on all recent, local, chronic, and, constltuilouul UL'rases. at his old estublluivpt, norttw, vitt ctjrnyc ot Tiiiil ona Vu.iv ktwll, 8 Uliua, mm mm