THE DATM nTKIKG TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1PGG. THE NEW YORK PRESS. EDITORIAL ONNIONS OF THE LEADING JCURBtALS UPON CURRENT TOPICS. COM PILED IVII.Y DAT FOR ITKMSQ TELEOBAPU. Mr. Col lax at Ilomo-lhe South and Its Votn the 1 imei. Mr. Speaker Collax has mounted the stump In Indiana, and Is preaching the doctrine of re pentance aud pood works as essentinl to the restoratiou 01 ;he Southern State to their former places in the Union. lie refuses to beliete that the Southern pople havo repented of the heresy ot socfssioti and the sins into hicb it let! them: ami ileuscbts in oulntiti them as jet lMiels, wirh hands aud skith ye wet itith' loyal blood. He sees In the So'ith little beidc'a Kointof hate; trcnRon 11, in ni (mieni-nt. i am pant everywhere; an.l he enjoins upon his hearers tlie necessity of kcepiuir It out of the Union until its people attain to bli standard oi political nahteousness. It ut although Air. Col i ax inilulges in very nweeplnff accusations against thu Houtti and what he calN its ' uirei eutani disloyalty," he is not vert t-xpl clt in his statfincut ot the grounds upon which his charges rest. As wo nitd hU speech at Mouth Bern), all bli railing may be re d need to two points. One Is, that the Fourth ot July was not celebrated as euthu-iastirullv as it oueht to have bcii by the 8 iiittiern people; Ox" other, that not tths'in linsr the de ot taeir armies avd tne overthrow ol their cause, tliev wri-lst in maiiitaii iutr that tb.y have riiruts which the tieueral Ciovormncir, is bouu I to re spect. Tln-se are in Mr. t'oliax's nund h- Inou otlriises, to b" repented ol m saekelotn and ashes before rcpa niuj? a'linisj.iou iuto the Con-pri'-sioual temple. The Koutn nni't acknowledge that, bavins; been delea'en m ur, it has noriului wuicu the conqueror slioufi be required to recopjize, aud Itiat it is therelorb dependent tor whatever political alntun it may herraMcr eniov upon the penerosity 01 lonerets. And liat ins? lost every thing ol 'vhiih the I'nion is supposed to be the 8j tiibol, biiviim lorieited all title to ihelter uuder the ('uiistiiuiiiii, bavin? been reiiticd by the lorce o arms to a onilit on ol vassal re, the like 01 which uo civilized coniiicror dreams of imposing, the o;itli is expee ed to bcra'e fully ecstatic when Independence Day reminds it ol wliat. it bus lost. In other words, Mr. Collax w mid have our Southern iirelhre.i prove their uiititupss lor the jirerogativi-s ol freemen by coii'Ufiiir themselves sensor slave;, and hypoe.rit.caliy bl-ssing the autaors ol their altered lot. It does not seem to Lave occurred to Mr. Collax that the proper time lor the Southern States to lejoice as members ol the Union established i our la'hcrs, wi'l be when tuey are luliy Restored to the prmLces tvliich inoiii bership impi e. It Ihey lnni tlmr bavuit! b"eu brcupht ba'k into the Union they have rights to be rifiurucu, i Jie ate pruilly tola that m Btead of talk iif ol riirlits they iu uld crinirj and supplicate icr inerc.N. II ihey suggest I hat until thev are restored t-i the io"itiou which throuuiout i he war they u ere mvned to re occupy, thev have no csuse f"r sniv nz ho saunas to the I'm n whose tljurs are closed aauin-t them, they are scolded as "unrepeu ant Rebels." How mat tney satisfy pen lomi liKc Mr. Col'ax, txcepi by ieor;ine to tlm hari-kari ? Even then they would not pleae him, for tne grave heeds not he fourth of July. Nor has Mr. Coluix cou'idereil the desirable ness ot alloAiiiii the South to ip-enter the Union with a lull uieos lire of sell-respect. IK-'tesi its rebellion u' e may, at lea-t it ptoved itself a toe worthy of our Wei, aud there is neither expediency, nor dignity, nor Christian principle in rhe prooonl to treat it w it h a liarshnest un known to modem warlare. We inayins stthat the Southern people shall come back in eood faith 10 uphold thu Union vhieh has ti.ser ed ns authority over them; but to ask them to come, exoept as equals under the Consti.uttou, would be to nisuU and decrrade them. So lar as our onp irtunities of studyinu South ru sentimeni ex end, we discover nothinar to "warrant the opinion- expressed by Mr. fol:ax in his vind'c i'i jii ol Congress. It ispi-sible, no doubt, heie and there to tlud in the Soutn a newspaper or a n iy politic an full ot the non sensical disloyal' v which forms the staples of Vallandteham's harangues in Ohio. Biit view ing the Southern pres as a whole, and tu.' p jblm men ol the S juth as a class, we trace a spirit which has no ailiuny to ihat ot which Mr. Collax speaks. There is a decree ol moderaiio-i which should silence slander, aud a declared read'"'ess to abide by the situation aud its results, wuich. should sai sf . every Na ioual Umou man. There are complaints abnit the course ol t'oonre-s; there are allecstious atfecttng the good taith of the (iencrul 'lovernineui in its treat uent ot the South; there are allusions to the principles of the Constitution a..d ihe r,cht it confers upon the individual States; hut these are presented tempera'ch, and ma manncto which none cau lairly obiect. Letter evidence uoon this point cannot be had than tht which has been iurnUbcd in connection wi'h the choice of delegates to ttie Philadelphia Convention. Ihe list up to this time received iroin tie South is not without flaw or ulem sh. Heujbra"es some names tnat will not ad 1 weight to the proceedings, liut as a whole it is eminently creditable to the good seme and moderation of the. Southern people. The delegates are tor the most oart men of character aud standing in their respec tive localities, and tjere are reasons for believ ing that they will enter the Convention im pressed nh the conviction that they will best serve the South by act'intr Discreetly aud la a spirit of lorbarancc aud conciliation. Every where a determination appears to have been felt to leave demagogues at home, aud to seu J prudent conservative deleeates. Inso'nccises delegates have declined the appointment on the groui.d that their presence micut lead to misapptehensiou, (iovernor liiown, of (Jeorgia. being ol the numbpr. We look in vain lor the "unrepeutuut diloalt" which Mr. Collax dwells upon by way ol ust hcation. The London Kctoim Demonstration. From the Tribune. When the Moravian left with the mails of the 25th ult., the all-absorbing topic of public dis cussion in Englan I was the Helot ni demonstra tion which took place In London on the 23d of the mor.tii, and the deplorable occurrences con nected therewith, resulting from the nil war ran' able interference of the Government with the proposed meeting in Hyde Park. If proof was wanting that a Tory Government is an anachronism in English politics at the present period, it vonld be bupjdied by the events in question. The very first act ot the Derby Minis trj on succeeding u oilico is to make au a'tac on popular llahis is to provoke a collision be tween the crown and the people. It is by no means dithcult to understand the motives which Erompied that aliack. During the late de nt es in th? House ot Commons on the Re form question, the Tories insisted that thu people ol England were perfectly In different abcut 1 an extension of the suffrage, and thai theanits'ionoi that matter was purely the woik ol aaltatoia and demagogues, got up to subserve unworthy party pjrooses. The people, it wa- contended, are well coutout ith things aj they are. EDiilaud, it was argued, enjoys an unpieeedeuted measure ot material prospenty. Bread is abundant ; tea and sugar aie cheap; there is plenty of employment icr the laboring classes, and no en I ot i ho va lor the diveteion ot the ma-sea. Wh it more then, it was a-ked, can the people want? In compa rison with substantial corn'ons, political rieuts are a chimera, and tne people, convinced of this, care nothing about Parliamentary lio'orin. Holding such views, it n.ust nave greatly sur prised and chagrined the new Adinmist' ation to discover, upon their displacement ot thu Liberal Aiw'strv, that the people reullv do care about the l.anrt-i e, and. are in rood earned in their detei ruination tJ have all are secured l them by the constitutl in under wlncb they live, liut it w .uld never am vpr lor the Tor ea' to be found in 41-10x0111 error. Tne eloquent sophistries hK.-h had tioon so 1 igem Misty employel Hgaintt Mr. (Jlndstonc'a Hj'orm bill must not be laid bare bi poDoiar a.'tion o it-oi-doorp, Tbe aitutors u(l demagogies must not be allowed to have tbelr o n wa.r. And so a determined siaud must at once ne takeu against thr Re'orm movement' a bold stoke must be delivered to o?erae its promo ers. Ileuce the retusal to alio 1 Ilvde Ptrk lor tbe meeting; hence the specio-n uiea that the ohleot ol thai meeting was uot lb - lair and teinoeraie discu-s on o' a puullc question, b it the Intun dtion ct ParlUuieu". bv a display 01 oh s.cil lorct. This nlic v, bopver, so consonant witn Toiy princ'ples atid prcdiloeiioaf. has proved d roniplete fa lure. Tne exrrac.9 we published e8trday morumir Iroin the l-.nglish iouronh show that, in tne con lift prove ked by Lord Derby's liovernuient, the popular caase has gained a signal triumph. The temper ail moderation oi the reiormers of London uulr the t invocation they rtceived at the hands of the Government were admirably, for the few oturnercs con-mitted on the 24iu are trnced to a band or those disorderly --pints abounding 1 11 pri at citicr, always reao to take advantage of pel ioris of fopular excitement to iriatry their jironensity lor mischiei aud plunder. No thanks to the Home Secretary and Sir Uicuard Miyne thst blood was not shed 111 profits on that life was not siicri'iccd to an appall ngexteniou Mon da, the 2:id Julv. But thanks to the working t hisM s. w bo, di spite tl f slanders thai have b -en heaped upon them by men ho can ceo no ex cellence, but in her even thing ihutls evil an t levobin?, In ihe deniociuc, had that con ideuce in the justice 01 their can e. and mat ab-Juisr ai-h in its eventual triumph, astorestia n their passions under circumstances calculated to ex cite them to open revolt. We have faid that the Tories ar" out of their proper place in tie Govtrnnunt. .They ar" evi dent bch ud me ago. They are bnud to the nemot the tin es. They have not yet learned aith in human riatnie' improved by th -luilu-oners ol relk' on an I education. They stu, idly and tenacioiiflv hold to tbe logins of tne politi cal ronaeeot the 11 asses, apparently obllviois 1 1 the laot that soeiei v is moving on ward, and thatweli.e in the tnm'iecu'h century ot the ('hnsfan pra. But ihe doom of the Derbv Mm itry Is already scale I. With the example bcloie thr ir c.m-'h ol the working ot free 1 tions in this count rj , the Lug ish people will not consent to be ruled mi y longer by reac tionists. A New I'uronenii Seitlcm- nt-Frnnce Nen tin r.i.d JJuf biaio be Held 111 Caeck. h'rom the Herald. Wheu Louis Napol-on,at Biarrilz luatautumn, prtcied into his com. den. ml arriingetnents wiih llismaik lor the reeotj&lruc.iou of the map of Europe, he little di earned tha". the ti.en coin- puiiitively unknown I'riiue Minister ol Prussia would prove to be rhe u.itslci ol tie situation. Knpoleon doub.less had eiiic;.la'ed that in coming to blow.s Au.-tr.u iii.u her German con- lede rates wi. uld fe ut least ii match for Prussia and Italy, aim tha'. 1 lie ol I'rauce would ue iietesMirs to bung the war to a con clusion, lie vionlu then, lor his serv cea as mrdiaior, or us the balance ol puwvr m Hie war, secure his coini.eii.sut 011 ioiu 1'iussia 01 the lett bank ot the i.Line, and it-oiii l:alv of the islau I 01 Sardinia, or hoiucriiiug better, as a liitle viceroyaliy I01 his a-Liuole couon, the Prince Ivypuleon, rhe ronni-'aw ot king v'ictor hiiiiii.uel. ll.ix u a neat .Nap dejnn; arrange- uu-lit; but ii bus been 10.1 tletely unset by iiia- maik, and the wou lentil okitl, activity, aud 11 ibi iry superiority in evei.y way it- telo.ieJ ty the Prussians over A u.-ti . a in tlie la e reinaik able enmp ocu tioin l;iedi'ii to ihe luiiuoe. In this cnmpaiiin the a.toni?hiug successes of Pruss a have so itioioi.tihiy tnukeu up po -r Aus'ria and her Geruniii couieaerates as to place Bismuik 111 a condition to dictate Ir.s terms ol a tetilemeni, both iu respect to dem auv and Jtniv, rcgaruieb" oi the noeiarnu e 01 iNauoleou. Thus ituppeai-n tiiutin the peace preliniiuaries agreed upon Austria is towit.idrav troui tue deiuitiuic t oniedeiation, and is to lose Venetia and her inteiest i.i SohlusAig-ilolntiu; tnat she is 10 jitiv ten mill, otu 10 her a J vers u ies as ex entes 01 the war; and that the liormau biales north 01 the M 1111 are to lorm au mdo- I eiidcnt union, while ihose so.itii of that liver me to lot 111 another. A beitlouitnt upon this basis, which we expect will be made with or without the consent of Napoleon, will make Prussia at least a match lor Franco as ono of tbe meat powets 01 Europe. Tlie Northern Gei niauic Comedeiaiion indicated, 111 one vor I, lor all purposes ol war or peace, will be Prussia. Then, too, irom tl.e aci. Gnu it will bj a com pact Protestant toniederution, and Iroin its tainilx alliances vi dli the royal lamily ol Wiud soi Castle, Prussia herea'ter, as njuiust France, will become the mutual and Cit1c1e.1t ally of Kncland. Thus i; will be seen that while lead ing Untish statisnieu and ) uniHia hue been blindly suiiputhiziuL' with the cause ot Austria, Lhuiiirk bus beui doing nio-e Kr tlie iiiaiuto mince of the power 01 Enmund in Earouean atiaiis ihau all that has bee a accomplished ov her cab net-, Heets, und armies since the batlle 01 Waterloo. In the new settlement foreshadowed in the ai nibtice atoicbaid, Napoleon ceare to be the at biti r ot W t-steiu Europe, lor France is neu-truhz-'d by Prussia. This is not the equilibrium anticipated b Napcieon; but if Prussia aud Italy can si ctie their own tetins without his a-SK-tuuce, he will be apt to Una it expedient to l"t them do so. In Jb.V.i, when he had pushed his vie onous amy into the Austrian Quadrilateral, he paused and made a half wav treaty ol peace lor Italy, because the war at that point threatened to assume larger propor tions 1han he was pie pared to meet, so no, ii victorious Prussia aud Italy shall agree between themselves that his horse-jockey claims upon the province ol Veueiis, arising I10111 the tes'lou ot it bv Au tra. shall be dis reaaided. aud that the temporalities of the Pope must lall iuto the Uinuiioui 01 Italy, ii is piohable tnat Napoleon will discover that the time has at last come lor ihe withdrawal of his iroin Rome. The recon.struction of Wesmn Europe, iu this trencral view, will set ne ihe Romau question by reducing, or rather by exalting, the iioly l ather to the unmixed control ot the spiutual attains of his Church and ill make the young kimidom ot Italy suili ciently powertul to stauil without the assistanca 01 Napoleon, while 111 tue North thepoverol France will be completely neutralized bv tne new power ot Prussia aud her Anglo-German Pi otestaut coiiti-i.erut-.on. Austria, meautinie, though shorn of berlate prcttiee anc'. oustid liom the councils of Ger many, will not, tioiu the loss 01 territory, bo muteiia ly weakened, On the con rary, wesnall not be eur prised f, through a eon rai European con'eience, she shall be frive'i the Danubiau princii a .ties. It will cer a nlv be the true jiolicy ot FiiL'lai d. Prussia. I alv, and France to join in eilecting this arrangement, in order that Austria mav stand alony the wbcle hue of the Danubi a barrier against Russia and her unre linquished desnrns upon Constantinople, the Pos bcrus, the iiardaneiles, Turkey in Asia, aud the eacru end ot the Mediierraie an. Such are t! e rectitica'ious ot ihe map of E l icpe, east aud west, north aud south, sut'eeitet by' ihe late wonderful triumphs of Prussia upturn t Aurdiln, and by the still more astoul-h-ing euctestes o' Bismark over Nupoleau in the oeiieate, d llicnlt, aud dangerous eame oi diplo macy whieb Ihey have been plnviug, each for himself, thouth apparently as uaitncrt. lor a division 01 theslukes ou the table. Bisuiark, almobt uuknowu beyond Germauya lew months aiio, staudg nw the loremast man in E uope. In diploniaey lio has eclipsed the astute Napo leon the Third, and in war the viotones ideutt fed with b s pol cy are only parall led by those 01 Napoleon the First. Out ol the paltry Schle . w ig llolste'n squabbl he has succeeded 'n p ut'u g the mott dm ill' and dangeroui game ot national egTiimd .i ineut known in history. Ho has proved hiiiisell a man of such rare sneacitv. ab li'ies. energy, and heroism, that he lll -niel go down to history as ono of the nms brilliant liuhtBOt the nineteenth century. and as the leadlnu mind in ilie establishment of the equ librium o Europe on a souu loundaiiou ot caecks and balance Is tbe Atlantic Cable a Iloai? from tht World. Up to the present time the Atlantic csble has been taken on trust. A ood deal of monoy has been paid out by private persons tor telegrams to be forwarded "through the cable" to Europe, and lor messages purnoit'ng to have been iccelved "through the cable" Irom Europe. One or two journals, whose enterprise not nnl're quently outruns both their own dl-cretion aud the courie of human even1, have adveuturei upon the publication of ".p rial dt spatche" from small hotels in London; and tbe Associated Press has received, paid lor, and pnute-t sundry bile', vague, and unsatisfactory sta.ements, pmentea as "tclegrarhic M'minatiei per the cable'' 01 the news 1010 the elder world. Ihe rime, however, has no come ror a deel Me imderstauding between the press and the public on the one hand, b whom the cable Is to be used, and the lubllani d rectors, id vsterous elictricians. and dishonest Urlrsh admirals on the other, by w hom the cable appears to oe con trolled. Not only has the cabie thus (ar failed to keep pace with the ordinary Atlantic S1 earners iu g vlng us news iroin Euiopc. It has not even been accurate and tructworthy in respect to fuch news as it has given uj. It beu'au by announcing the conclusion ol peace in Europe, peace In Europe not Imiuv been concluded at ab, but only the preliminaries 01 peace aa reed iij.on. This was ou Ju'. y 28. Then came several dass ol amiable babblement between tho digul taresol Encland and America, and divers bin quota in honor ol Mr. Cmis W. Field aod all his liitnds. Thrn on August 3, bemr last Fri lav, cume ihp astourdiuir siatement, well worth t'ai, omission over three thousand miles 01 sub marine wire: "There Is no political news of rial impottance io-d:iy!" "Story? (iod bles' 011I I've none to tell, Sir!" F'nally on ihe msrhtol Sunday. Aug ist 5. tnis needy' knife grm lor of a telegraph di com rs a sto.'y worth te'iing and leieifraphs it, ai' abt ut tbe 'pieliminar es of pence." Butore nron tbe next day. August C, we receive the vbole o' this story carefully printed out in full in the London papers of July 2t, which must huxe been received and read at Valentin Bay iu In l.ii. d two duy be'oie the teletrrapli wires bo'.-mi to be set in mot ion to send us their canard ot Julv 28 about the pence. Tha'. there nmy be no mistake on this subiect, we reprint hcie vine by side the two stories: (Jly At antic Cablr Au;i t) (Loniion J'upers Ju'i21.) l.OMJON, AUl'ilSI 3 lAillh, ul 2j Multia law- Puen fho lo lo in du-iaitcli prcijia rued 111 I o er Aus- from iho M luster of tli tun, linn 11 so in inee, lnionor bus o on nos od l'riiFsiii.and V in to 1 Per up ta.s ufiui noou : The I nice "Autiu has accepted Is 10 1 e Ii Id at P onne the 1 r linntia ies of , cacn 1 lie pi e lunnar on ihere- admuied by Prussia. L no to. a- UL'ietu unou. a-e as idemuu cut. anus havo as lul owe: - A ihtnu is toPembled at llio I'mssiuu vill.i. rnw ti 0111 the (jer-lu-.tUqiturtcra 111 orner 10 ii 1.11 i.oiredoi ation ui'd tienuua ' 1111 is to lose Veiu-.a and tiei 1 lie vo reoiy ot i nn t.1 ch es tf-tio I'a v is exp ci-d at Hem. AuslriR 13 a!so 10 that power a ready has puy $10 IdO 0- 0 lo Per au aiini tied in p c tlio VeitaiKS lis ix eases 01 pre-uimua. ii s ol . aro." lie lie (..liuun I no 1 ol Mules Lorlh ol the Jlain reuco pruuust-d uy 1'ius Orelo lot m a L iiioii uuocr sin, nun op..rovod hi1 111" iiindm ck 01 I'lii.H ii Franco are as 10II. w-: 1 1 e iieiiuvii la es si U'h .us.riato ri'C.nri.ze tlio 01 the Mum a o to mi ni thsso uiion ol ihe lo'in-)r iiU n.ocptLct in Ui ion. tier 11. an Bum1 and ihe orpamziitiwu of a n-.v :o"lencivtion Ir. in winch slin won d no exciu le I. TlicNoitliol U. rniinv to loan a Umou under tlio 1111 tn iv and d p'o nuiticdiioctionoi I'.ussia J lie opiiona lor utjou of a Uiiinu ol South ' .er man. us an indnpoodunt mteinut ona ' oa. Nut.onai PoitUH but vcen tin so two Unions. Iho annexation of the Ell o Duchies to Tru-s a. w th Iho except on tlie Duiiish or ion ol Sch'os- Wig. l'urt payment by Ans tr.aoi tlio l'russiaa war cxnoi scs. Tho uiaintonnnco of tho intt'vri v 01 Au-dr a wi 11 ttie excep 10 ot Vuiiona. these condiiions nave been submitted bv France to Ausir.a, whu lius al ready agreed to th firs' point, exo nd nir her iroin the G rm.iuio ' on ledoranon to bo reorga nized bv 1'iusaa Apart Irom iho dem tuds BUuimttt'd 10 Austria. 1'iussia intends to unmix territory coiiiainunr about 3,010 000 ot inhabit ants. We need not point out to our readers how in finiul.v disgiaceiul to the management ol b3 "cable" it is that, with the ollicial and asicurate statement of the peace uepotiations ln-re pub lifchcd at their comuiandou the 25ihot Julv, they t-l.cnld hae kept the American public waiting till August 5, for such a buunled rehash of that slnumeut 11s was superseoed, ou tho very day oi us publication, by the nrrival 01 s ea'iiers wh eb sailed )e;oic the cable was laid, aud beat its news ten days aiterwards ! The only escape pt ttible to Mr. Field and his aspoc ates irom the imputation ot an almost superhuman stupidity, wc iild teem to take them into the alternative ot bavinji oreanized ihe most audacious hunnua ottherlav. Is the cable a hoax? we ask, or is tne cable managed bv a company of mummies lrs.m the great Pyramid ? A Convention ot Equals. i'Vom the Hatty Aw. Every now and then eon.e citizen of a South em State publishes a long letter to h'8 fellow country n. en, advising toeru to bear themselves more modestly and humbly in tne presence 01 the victorious North. We have u jv before us a very long letter from one of tnese meek gentle men, v. herein he counsels the people of Miosis 6ippi to instruct their delegates to (bo Phila delphia Convention to appear in that body a3 "suitors" modestly eeekiug nothiug but "the enioi cement ri the right ot representation,'' uLil observing on all other questions au attitude ol fctiict neutrality, tioin all such advice we earnestly dissent. The uelepates 110m the tituitheru States ought not to euier the l ouvention a9 "suitirs," but us free t iti'.t ns ot our common republic, claimiug to be uLd being ihe poors of tneir lellow-deiegates Irom tbe North. It is as such that they have boon invited to come. It is only as such that they can honorably enter the Convention No Northern neloe ate wLI no into that Convention eipictiLg or wishing the Southerners to meet him as bup plants, or otherwise than us equals, and upon terms ot period equality. The Convent on has not been called lor the exclusive bcnetii of the South, but lor ihe cum nion beueht of North and South ot the whole country. To be sure, the inline Uale obiect ot the Convention the reston-atiou to the Southern States ot their Constitutional ik'hta-appar-mtly concerns those States alone, but it really con corns the North just as neuilj, tor it is uulv tliiouch the cu'oicemett 01 the lust cla ms of the South to a parricipation in the Goverumeut, that the Conservatives 01 tbe North can hope to acomre suthtiem strength to ieist the revolu- t onary and de tiuctive purposes ol the radi oals. The eniorcemeut ol tne right ot the Southern States to participate lu tnd next Preside ntlal eleMion is lust as impoitant to the consi rvative teopio of the Nor h as it. is to the people ol ti e South, aud be errs who think" that the ear-icstness witn which the cousorva lives urge tbe ticht ot the South to reorese'ita- lion in Congress, springs altogether 'rom a sense ol i tist ice. it springs i,i8o irom tbe conviction that, unless that right be euiorced, theinseivis will be involved in the ruin wbbth threa'cus the South. Let these iact he borne in unud and lot tbe delegates irom the Noun ami irom the South enter the Convention as epnils, allies ai.d iriends, houna to eacn o ner 0. a coiuin ui li.terekt, aud seeking by united elfort 10 escape a common daneor. Ard egsin iUhouH b imdentood that th E'oi thorn de'egate have no need to aupear lu the i'hilsdi Iplna Convention a "suitors" beg cine thai body to declare that the Pouth is r ntitlod to representation in Congress. For it must bo remembered that every Northern dclo pate i am ady pledged by the vry terms of the call to denisiid the cntorrement of that right. Nort-hould tbe Southern delegates observe a stilci iientral ty upon the other qustlons which the Convi niton may cons der. Let them freely cfcu's even matter which concerns them at all. Ibev will be repectuilv listened to bv the Convention and by the country. That Conven tion has born called priaartly lor the nurpo-o 01 sect r ne their itpbt to ?pe8k in Congress on all f nblects affecting their Interests, a right of birh thev bne, in ihe opinion ot the caller oi tbe Convention, been unju9 ly deprived bv the revolutionary conduct of the radicsls in Conpress. Noth ng could be more eb urd than for a Convent on called tor such a puroose to w if h to deny 'he tnllost latitude of discussion within their ow n Hall to thf detonates from tne South. lx;t tho Convention be a Convention 01 Kquals. SPECIAL NOTICES. EST" CJEAliY AND VICTOIIY! GllAND UNION RLTl'BLU'AX MASS COW ETI1)X IX OLD BERKS ! ON AVEDMESDAY, AUGUST 22, m). Id obeolrnc to a rcsoltlon adopted bv tha CKSTB L (-F.AliY LI. AG UK n the city 0f Kcadlrg.onJ tha tte ruollcan ecmlve ( oiimuliee of Uerka county tbe I'lUi. l eoubdcbas ol the ra-tt-rn and Vt ladle Coaatles ot 1 cuubjivaula, mvurab e to tbo ekciloQ of MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN W. GEARY, Fcr Governor of Pc:insjlvaiila, Ate rfqucstco to ircctui Crund Mass Convention, In tbe city o. liciuiun, CM WEDNFSDAY, AUGUST 22, 1333. Arrnnt on onis will be made witb all the Riill-oaa Pom pi.nus to cut iv uclCKatiuiiR Ironi ail piti ts of tlio State at ilit raies 'Ibu Low, ni. toe , f Arruiinjmo.iis wl 1 in u I e i.nipU' rrov Hum tor tlio accuminoJaUun anil com lort ut dcK'tuth iis Tom bIiTjuJ V itli u rcaMina dc tl.ort ou mo pariot the Itepubli c im 1 1 1-incnKivr. 1 buster, i.cbun. n, liau biti, -cliuyl-Kin. Lei i It li. orilininptoi Moiituomorv, Delaware liuckn. , Lilai CO l.ln, aud other counut s in I asicru aud vlddl j I ci.tisi Ivaniu tins lueeiing will be tho larcs cir 1 eld in U.o Mate, ibe Hevcn thousand trno and tru u i.e, ULiiCnnn oi uio nrks will not tail to Jo rouro Mutcu In lud turco. Out siui ts 10 nll.v to cc'iuso the recent fnlluio lo rally tlio 1 enuitri cy In ibis cltv on the lhtb of Jul. Kticu a meeting us wc cmicci b-le ou tbe ol tuuust w.U not 1 1 i to h.lui-e coulideuco Into tlie Hcimbncaiis over. vvlicro and o lr to convluce the bou -st l-ieuiocratsoi Uid Lerks irat re a patriotism, and such mo le of recou- siiucung ilio Lnlonas wlillusuro (.eiue aud uood.v.11 iiu. odk tbe people of every section, Korth and .-ou li, enn only be touud la tbe nicasuies of tbo Kepubllcaa p&Vt. THE BOYS IX BLUE Of tbo several counties are especially Invited to como eii mastthy LunUieilg aud thousands. 'I bo Uepublicau luieb-s.rmitsoi Keudiug will oe out. Ihey will have a cordial welcome. Grarid Torclilis-.t Trcccssloji. On tbe evening botore tbe great meeting (on Tuesday, Aui.ust 24) tbero will be u U and Torch iglit Pr.icession In Leading, tu w lilcb t o lioys In li.ue the old Wido Awukcs, and ttber Union orguulzjtioiis are curdiudy Invi edto larticipatc. Siulmls oi leudtrs ol dclega Ions from tho several couutit-H or clHtr cts are requested to report bv mail to ot tbe uudersiKUed not later tbau Auiiist 19. l Lli. the prubub.e number who will a, tend. y ajor-Ucneial uK.illV, the noxt Oovcruoi, will posi tively aitiLd tbe meeting; 'i l.e lol.ovliiK UlstiiiguiBbed speakers have been In- vitidioliep eseut kud atldresi the uieetln ; : l.ou. lliuUck uh Sievens, l.ov llainiitun, of '! exa.i, Jioi . ..olm fnBua. i-ov hrowu otv, of leuu , C i ucru tiolni . I.ogan Hen. a W. 1 ul.son It ujor tit in rid II. K i.ut cr, Ma. l.en. P. l'.liu iKs.Mas lion. Jol.ii . t rnev, huii. .lurtoii 1cUicuuoi. lion 'Jli u.iiR Vars . uli, rul .losluia T Owen, Ccnernl 1. '. Kisher, General ' '. AlbriKln, Wuyne McVeuKli. Esq. be Also, souio to I, on. n. J-:. Uiu.mlck, Addl'lonal gpeuktrs wi 1 tudresb the ineeilng In tbo Uermun luuguaKe J. I10KFMAN. CLidrman Republican Ex. Com of ltorks Co nut v. I . 11. ItAUca, Trcsldent Central Geary League oi Headlnx. ltOOl.B IMON MA IE 01.NTUAL ( OMMITTKE I I'lOLAllELl l.lA, July !.!, f The above call ts lietnu.v u,iruved and thu Union IU i u 0 IciiiihoI the kiihic u and Miilnle Counties oi tuo Mu.e ure curutttiv rtijuesteu to ruspouu. t . J Ult I MS, liw t hairaian Suite .ITJST PUBLISHED Bv tlie l'htlelns ni the Vhrt YOKK MUSEUM, tbe Mnet'ctU Kuiilon oi their tULU LLClURa.9. cntlt'ed ni 1LH-0"tl l ur MAlt"ltiti. To Le bad t ee, tor lour stumps b aadresslnR Secre tniy hew York Musrum ot Ana oniy, b bS Ivo. 618 I KOADW AY, New York. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QULYEll'S NEW PATENT II O T - A 1 It FURNACE J1ANGES OF ALL. 8IZKS. ALSO, PUllGAIt'S NEW LOW rUtMSSUBJ 81 Kail UtATINU APPAUAFUS. FOR BALK BY CHARLES WILLIAMS, 610 S Ho. 1382 lUhhhl S1KH.ET. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OK M KOI'EaN ItA.OB, lor Unil led, hotels or nuljlloiiiBl'tuiloiiii In TWKNTY CiFFI UbNT tIZI 8, Also I'M adeiphla RanKcfl, Uo.-AIr bur icg lonaMe lltatera, Louon Uratea riruboard HU.vca.Bau bollrnt. Mowlio e P atea, Urollen. Cook lim Mowa etc., w Helena. e ano I tall, by llio oianiuao tuVera tUARHK 4 THOMS N, 61atath6m Ko. 209 M. 8ECOMJ Htraet DENTISTRY. f THE GOVERNMENT HAVING (js'A granted me Irttera-patent tor niv mode oi at'ir.lnlFterlng M'rona Oxide Gaa. by wiilcb I have ticttd uhdv ibouHaoda oi leetb without pain 1 am Juotill d In aioertli i that It la bo.b aaler and superior to any Oiuvi win ui un. DR. 0. L. MUNNS Ko. 731 ST'ROCK Btrt-et S216m JOBEUT SHOEMAKER & CO,, WHOLESALE DRUi CISTS, NAtiVFACTUKEBI, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN Taints Varnishes, and Oils No. 201 NORTH YOURTH STREET, COB OF BAC' a I L I N E N U 0 0 D S ONLY, AT MILL! KEN'S No. AKOH Street. NEW L1NKN LAWN DRESSES. KEW PRINTED SHIRTING LINENS. 1 RAVELLING DRESS LINENS. CORN COLORED LINENS. FLAX COLORED LINENS. BLOUSE LINENS. LINEN DRILLS, Fancy and Plain. LINEN DUCKS, Fancy and Plain. LINEN CHECKS, for Bojs' Woar. IRISH SIllRTINfi LINENS, Dfbt Makes. SHIRT BOEOMS, Very Superior. LINEN DAMASKS, by the Yard. TABLE CLOTHS, All Sixes. NAPKIN'S AND DOYLIES. TOWELS, Great Variety. LADIES' LIS FN HANDKERCHIEFS. GENTS' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Buyers will alvrajs find tbe best assortment in tbe city, at MILLIKEN'S LINEN STORE, 698tutL2m No. H28 AIJC1I Street. WHITE DRILLING AND r VAeKET ducks. lilt OWN UltlLLIAtiS AND BASKET FA113IKKS' PAMALOOSKUT. I.OS FANCY CHILLINfJS. L1M0N (I1KCKS AND STIIIPES. EYKE & LAN DELL, FOURTH AND AKCII. g A L T W A T E II S II A L W S, "Wholtsale and Retail. riUK A Ill'l li) LLAMA SHAWLS, SHETLAM) SHAWLS, ALL GUUDKS. riKK WIIITF BAULGK 8UUALS. llltk AKFA8T fcllAAVLS. SHAWLS AND HALF 14 ii stuth rp E"YRE & LAND ELL. (JAPE MAY ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONG BRANCH. DUEIFUSS & BELSINGER, No. 49 Ncrth EIGHTH Street, HAVE OrtNED ON TUE 11th INST., A new and desirable lot of ZEPH Y It K N I T S H A W Ii S Suitnlilo lor tho Watering I'laces, including a gpiuMlid a98ortiniit f WtllTf GOODS. 1 LCKfcD lltfcLiN, f-Hilil.LL fllUi-LlN, bW18i MUSLIN", I'LalD NAINSOOK.,' SIKlPhD NAINSOOK, 91 C-AUrlUo NA1-S:-OOK. So. VrU ClihUi street. TO LADIES About leavirg lor tbe COCSTUV, SEA &I10UE, Ult WAlKUINu 1'l.ACKS, E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Odor- a mil assortment, at LOW TRICES, ot evtri dent riiiiiim ot iVlillK l' 1, i-trFEl) MCSMtfS, . riuur.i. g i (Rir.VCtl JITJSLISS, j in an vaneiicg oi rnin auo runcy nmea, In, n Sltcvti, collars, beta, etc , In great varUuy. E M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CI1ESNUT Street. oJiti infuaua hoi G28 II 0 P K I N S' 628 HOOP-BKIRT Manuiaclorv o. biH ltCII Itre. t Above Hxti. atrt-eu Pbi adelphla. V bcleJ-ale and Kfti.ll. OarufKortrrent cuibrave ail 'be oew and deilrable rtyln aid aizra oi rvvrv .leDgtn ana size waut tor I anlra. Allttea. aDQ Cbilcicn. Ill one oi OLk OWfr A'AKE" ae jp.rTln tlnnh and rtui(.Di p io auv oin in maae ana warraniea to ulve patiHincnon ISfclriamado to order, altered and repaired. 4$ UISITINQ AND WED0IN3 C4RDS, WRITTEN, ENGRAVED, AND FllINTRD. The Latest London aod Paris Styles 1MHALS VONOGRAMrt. tBiST". ARUl, K iC, B'lAilPLD OS rA r K B AN' J-. VlOyUrtS, IN COLORS, OB T18. The Finest English, French, and Ameri can Paper and Envelopes. &10NOGKAM8, ARMS, CRESTS, Len?aed and En orat oil VhlTIJJO DF.8KS, TRAVELLING CAS'.S. PORT. FOI ! -. POl KEI-BO' Ku, KMVI.B, llitKliAM UijH BO tails, and a Tory larre nock ot FINK STATIONKUY. R. HOSKINS t (JO , STATIONER1 AND CAED ESGRAVE89, 7 2S6mrp No. 913 ARCH Street. T P VOU WANT PERFECT SATISFACTION Inevtry reapeut. bu tha calibrated PU-'C).N tO, tta and Hioe ai a at 1 w ner tun Aiao inv feruluet .Oi E VKIN CO . L. aame a e, am p Ice, and a very Hue duality of .K u l u it. r vg ana uve, n pv( ion i terp nouim bat tt beat. Order re- iMta thO.Uiboutb iUlKUBUeeL 681 DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. BAR0AINS IN ISK CLOTUINQ. BOOKHILL & WILSON, "BROWN STONE CLOTHING HILL," Noh. 603 and 605CIIESXUT Street. Ktw Stcck at the Lowest ' Prices. Itavlnr aold oat onr "took of Clot hint for Confer! m and Ley a, carried over Irom taaute fire. ur atira clock 01 FASI1I0NABLK RBADY-MADE CL0THIN3 IH THE NEWEST, AS OUR PRICES ARE THE LOWEST, MAGNIFICENT STOCK NOW BEADY, TO 8TJIT EVERYBODY. Custom Lepartmont. Ourremlr fltied no Cntom Departmen' now coatilas,.t.?I!"J?,Jn,ent. " bloual)ie Mew rabrlca lor oar patrol io aeleot iroui. SUITS, CIVIL ANL M1JUBY, "odier(!ea.rlr0lnlllT'ln Uieb,hMt atyleand at BOYS' CLOTniJfO. In thla Dcpat tmcnt our Stock la alao unrivalled. The Best in tbe City, at the Lowest Prices. ORDERS EXECUTED ATTH E SHORTEST HOTICE. THE CHOICEST STOCK OF READY-MADE CLOTHING IN PIIILADELrniA. EO0KHIIL & WILSON, "BROWN STONE CLOTHING II ALL " Nos. 03 antfCOS ( HliSJiUT Street, 2 2fltrpj rniLADKLrtiiA. gTATES UNION CLOTHING UA.LL, CC6 MARKET Street, 603 Vlfltors will nrid a lare and varied nesortment o( tha veij best KtADY-i aDE ILOILlINti at the looat curb prices Suits, ci otalnlng Coats, l'anta, and Vest, from iUOJ. 1 UHicrn, 2 25 1 at is t3 fO and bluhrr. t cii.c hi U convince yuurselvra. 1 3 31 3m WATCHEv, JEWELRY ETC. mi .w. II WATH1M, JElTI.LilY AMI.VnntAIiB, J Owlnirto ti e dcriire oi Go'd, bas made a areatra ductltn in price oi biaiarke and we.I assorted atock Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Kto. Tl-.e public are rfPrectiully Invited to call and examine our stoik Ltlnre lurcbai-init e.sewDeie. a if SILVER AND PLATED GOODS, of in 8 Most Superior Workmanship, aT THE N Tl W STORK KO' 704 ARCH STREET. 1 be urdiivUnrd ilale 'i fie rnmous llonera B aa U.nuli.ciurli tODipiinj) rexpici uliy aiinuuuoe tlia tlio 1 vt on nu a ut ar.U atautliu store oribesae i.l b J V i 1 . aod 1 LAI fc Ii , hfc. at Iso 7U4 AH' a Mutt Cur Itng ixpnlroce an mana aciurrra ml it.Lli us 'o kf. i rmliiii hut llrnt-cla a Uood. and il o e v I o amy patronize our a ore will und t urpatod l cos lai skreniT lo any vrr inip. ru d and our one t n (it ii ay n ly on the gi.od beluii prec'aely wbat tb,r ar- tf iirtbtu ed to be. 8 2t ROWMAN A LEONARD. a iu l afsorloit Lt oi aLove finoon oonatantl? on hui.d at li.Klemtc pr co- tbe llUBical ttovea playing lrooi 'I lo 10 Im aunlul Aira. IAER & ERGTHEB, Importer!, Ko. 824CHKNL r bTKKBT, llllsmtbSrp Ueiow Kourtb. HENRY II ARTE It, No. 520 AliCU STKEIiT tl anulactorcr and Dealerm Watches L ine Jewelry. stiver-Plated Ware, AND 81 Solid Silver-Ware. G. IiUSSELL & CO , No. 23 North SIXTH St., IKVITB ATTENTION TO THEIR t DLL STOCK OF FANCY AND PLi IN SILVER WARE, OltbeFtoeat Quality. l2S II I C II JEWELRY JOHN B REN NAN, DEALBQ Of DIAMONDS, FINE WATCHES, JEWELRT, Etc Etc. Etc. 2( No. 13 8. EIGHTH 81 kLUKT, Plulada, ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON, French Plate Looklng-Classes, EKGUW1N08 I'AINTISGS, DRAWINGS ETC ilaiiulacturor of all kinda of 1 4oolcinK-(jlh-s, lJortrHit, ami I'ic turn limrie to trler. No. 810 CIHSSHUT 8TREET, TUlliUl'COK AIOVK I HKtONllNtiiUL, nuiiPiajpoiA. . 8 u j WATCHES, JEWELEY, &o. j MUSICAL BOXES.