8 EUROP JE. The Last Scenes of the War-Details of the Great Reform Riot in London-Bold Demands for Universal autYrage-Let-terfrom John Bright Initial Peace Movements, Eto. Eto. The forplpm file tip to the 2Mh ult.., rccrtrd totiuv, "bring ronlirmntioa ol' the wmn ice rep.. its R.ypn by the Atlantic Cabl and oaie detain of recent operations of tine Pru-maa 1orce-. The lii-r!iu correspondeut jt the Londou limes describes THS OCCUPATION OP THE SMALLER CBRMAS STATES. Excepting (ho OiU-ntvuld hills, all Dtunihtudr, Inclusive ol the cupitnl, is now oecupwl bv the rrunMBiiR. The Grand Dime and Ilerr von D.tl lgk, hla Frupiophobc 5.1itilter, nave lied to .Munich. .Prince Charlc ot Hesse, andhtscoa iKirt, a Prw'rdun I'riwocss, toueiher with rriucss AlMe, ihe wiir- of l'rlnce Ludwtg, thir son, are jrcported to be staviiis at Darmst idt. The Ducliy ol Nas-an also hns been entirely overrun mnce my iast, nn event leading to the inioieditte decairpincnt of tb petty tyrant so Ions Its sovcrcirn. Before Db-eenuinir, Dake Adolph the nifwt hated, perhap'. anions toe (icinian potentates, w hone every act has beca denounced by bis par lament, aud whose very exibtence on the sovereign list wpuld aave loan been impossiblo had ho not reiirned under mo shadow ot the Austrian bayonets at Krauktort and Mayenee before abwbudinj;, tins model ruler had tli ini)iidence to issue a procl rna tion to the Xassauers, in which he chanred tliom to renia'n "as true to him as they had alvavs been." To this inole-i request vas udded the consnlinir assurance Hint, as they were nig Lannxdondpr, he would care and toil lor iheir interests whether In their midst or nor. Liudi-s-kinder, Indeed ! In one senile le Hoi d Tvetot, too, was the lather ot Ins people. Ihe conquest of Nassau was not. complete until the tortress protecting the territory jl this mighty realm was reduced. Maxbure, which is the name ol this redoubtable stronghold, is situate near Coblentz, ou the Nassau side of the Bhinc. It consists of one tower, rather the orf.e tor wenr, and in Us romantic position, on a vinec'ad hill, may be occasionally mistaken fcrapoKi'ive run. and reirutar mediieval "lion" bv trie benighted foreigner. In its rickety 'haniDers an old hall-pay captain bus lontr re tdtled in luxurious ease, and tne fact of his lift ing the tiile ol "Commander of the Fortress" lias been ever rccarded as the mof-t conclusive preof to be adduced that the lonress really xists. the rnnssiAN conscription. Prussian reiniorccmenis have been sent to Bohemia to uit re up lor the troop d"tached to ivatch Olmutz and Konistrratz. While the peo ple believe in u speeay restoration ot peace, the Government are prcparine atrainst the contm .jteny ot a rrolonee.l war. The conscription of sixty thousand men is scarcely over, and the embodiment ol the second ban ot the landwebr, consisting ot one hundred and twenty thousand men not yet concluded, when a new pnlNtinent is repoiteil to be contemplated lor the be?innln of August. THE ARMISTICE. The London Times of July 21 says: "The rive days' annis-tice b-twecn Prussia and Austria has been accepted, and the to powers iHKcnt to take into consideration the prelimi naries of peace, the main point ol whi'h the exclusion ol iustrlu from the (iernrin Confede ration is already admitted by Austria. Peace muv tlienlert b looked upon" as virtually con cluded. We need barily dwell upon the unutter able relict with which t'acse glad tidings will bo received throughout the world. The t.-nn n'w agreed upon do not. in a'l probability, materially Oilier trom those thai niijrln have been accepte'l alter a three nays' battle belore the ramparts of Floridso'f. HumanPy i, therefore, the gamer hy all the blood that would have Oceu ppilt in such a wanton slaughter." THE GREAT RI0TItf LONDON. Tbo Atte mpt of I lie Oovi'minniit to ire. Ttuitt I'libiiu Sleeilujf In Iljtta Frtrlt Vttilla I$tiiv-eii tin. CmIIcm unit tlie lt:uil - t'li I.nttt-r Victorious, Etc, From the London Timrs, Juhj 25. When it became known that the police had received itmruetions t- prevent the Parliameu Uri Kelorrn niee'ins being held in Hyde Park, a written ntiep was loiw.irded bv the "Demon s truiiou Committee" o the various sutj-coinmit-tees, to the ctlcct that the members wereto ratucb in procession to the Park, and if pre vented lroui entering tt were then to form to.ir deep and proci ed by way ol Gro-venor place, Victoria street, and past the Houses of Parlia ment to Ttaialgar Kquare. The not'ee also alluded to the circumstance of the polic acting under the orders ot a Tory Government, and concluded by exhorting those to whom it was addressed to ebow bv tneir peaceable and orderly cot duet that they were determined to have manhood sutlrage and the ballot. In ac cordance with pievious nrraneementi proces sions were lonned shortly alter 6 o'clock yester day atternoon in the different metropolitan dis tricts included within the operations of the licform League. Meanwhile, vast crowds bad collected in the neighborhood ot Hyae Park. A force of toot and mounted police, cumbering 1600 or lSOO, was here assembled under the direction of Sir llichard Mayne and Captain Harris, and at 6 o'clock the sate9 were closed. Before that hour a considerable number of people ha.l col lected ins'de, in order to wi'ne-s what was about to take place, and these were permitted to remain there. Outside the throng was, as iniebt be supposed, much greater. Masses of people had assembled at all the approaches. The Marble Arch was the centre ot attraction, and lor an hour or two previous to the pro posed commencement of the demonstration, the traffic was seriously impeded. The windows and balconies of the neighboring houses were also crowded with spectators. Shortly alter 7 o'clock Mr. Ediuond lJeales. Lieutenant Colonel Di. kson, and other leading members ol the Reionn League, in a line of cabs, which headed the Clerkenwell, Isliugton, aud other processions, advanced to the arch, and, the sub-committee having sucoeeled in making a clear passage, Mr. lieales and his friends went up to the police, who were drawn up in line, staves in hand, some of them being mounted. The crowd immediately closed in, aud endeavored by an "ugly rush" to effect ud rai'sion. Tho police used their staves freely to ieieat this attempt, and it is stated thtt both Mr. Beales and Colonel Dickson were struck in the scuffle. At any rate, alter being reiu-el admission, and having thus raised the question In ihe form they desired, they went back to their vehicles, and with some diiliculty manaaed to make their way through the crowd in order to proceed to Tiatalear bquare, tnere to hold the incenng, according to the programme which Bud been laid down. Pr nted bills were distilbutcd among tho vari ous detachments, as they came up Iro n Clerk enwell, ISouthwark, Finsburv, etc., directing them not to attempt to force an omrance into the Park, but to proceed to Trafalgar Square, it is much easier, however, to coIIpci throngs of people than to keep tbem in lcading-strines when collected, and a large portion of the "miasses" were not disposed to follow implicitly the instructions ol the r leader. The gates, it m true, were stroutly fortified, but to throw down the railing teemed a leaiblo undertaking, and this was promptly attempted. The police, indeed, hastened to every pomt that was at tacked, and, for a short lime, kept the multitude at bay i but their numbers were utterly insuffi cient to gnard so long a line of frontier, and breach alter brpacn was made, the stonework, toeether with the railings yielding easily to the pres ure of the crowd. The first opening was made in the Bayswater road, where the police, rush ng to Ihe spot, preveated for a time any cons derable influx of people; but they could not be ubiquitous, and along Park lane especially a mat extent of railing was epeedily overturned, &IJ, in tbe ud, tlie crtrwd entered ai HbUim, THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRArar;iLAI)EL1mA) TUESDAY, A (-nod deal ol ."Cnm,rjg atVnrVd thee Inenr LPns The Dolce Hiht their truncheons into SeeCaennurof the "roughs" were somewhat severely hanxiieo. xtr--8tonc were thrown at Sir RUbarxl M?,, who, as well as his men, woa mra hooted. Between forty anu uiiy iwreuui wncu ..-. custody in the vicinity of 06 UwbKl Aron, and about aa mm more Utho VWm Manj of the leadura 6t the crowd exerted them, selves to preved a breach ot the peace ana Mr, Bradlaugh pot considerably hustled lor 10 doing, falling: under the suspicion of being a bovern mr.r,i .n. Ah,mt a o'clock a couipftny ol the Grenadier Guards and a troop ot the Lite j Guards entered tne Park, but it was then too late to prevent the influx of people, tor, thoueli. the gates were still jealously guarded, breach y8 had been effected In every direction in che palings, and the m'litary, who w re londiy ihtered by the crowd, confined thcmlves to innna-uvies, the only effect of whirAi was to oblige the mob occasionally to shit their position. The numbers in the Park were by this rime very laiee, and although ot course Uiere were a eoiiMdf rablc number of "roughs." who look on the police as their natural eiiemios, manv ot the persons present appeared to be quiet and re spectablv dressed people, who had sitnplv been attracted by curiosity, and showed no uproan ouo or een political proclivities. Speeches were made at various spots, oue of the orators being a Me-s Harriet Laws, who delivered a very icrvid address on the political and social rights ot tLe people. At one of the meetings held near tbe Marble Arch, and presided over by Mr. Da Gruyiher, the lollowing resolution wai passed on the motion ot Mr. Cuthberton, seconded by Mr. Tomkins: "That this mooting condemns, in the rauit em phatic sua ut qua died to in, .liottttcuiiit on tlio part ot I ho Miiiit-tr to rulo the coun ry bv force, and tbelr rccklesMK ss in compromising the dignity of the Government by wautonlv provoknw cullision between ilio peooie and the ofliecM apuointoJ 10 kern the ptaco; and resolves tin t a deputation of not more tliun six prrsuiis wait on her Majesty with a pa itiou digued by the cliuirmiiu, in the mime of the mettiug, requeuing the dinnjitt-al of Karl Derby and Ms coiicamies, aud the apiiointmcot ot a Almiptry woo hav a better ainirei-miiou of xhn value ol tho hvi-s of herMnjestt's uhjects, aud of what is due to the r own linru ofllco." None 01 the, speakeis, male or female, were interrupted by the police. By this tune dark ness was diawingon, and the civ.wd rapidly thinned, until at about 10 o'clock only a very lew persons remained in the Park. How i ii Park I.oohtU the Day After tbe Itiou From the London Times, Jul 2bth. Yesterday morning Hyde Park presented along its eastern extremity a pitiaule spectacle. Between tne Marble Arch and Grosvenor pate the railings were entirely demolished, and the flower-beds were ruined. Between the Gros venor and thedtauhope gates, moreover, not a railing remained erect, those not actually level.cd being lorced C"Usidcrably out of the perpendicular. This had oeeti done out of mere wantonness, alter mgiess had been ellected at other point-, as was evident from the tact of the flowers and shrubs having e-caped damage. On the north and south sides ot the Park much damage had alpo been done, the railings h iviug been ovciturned in numerous places. la many cases the ruasohry had viveu wiiy. and was stul at'ached 10 the u on work, while in others the rails hud been forced from their sockctj, and one could not but reflect what appalliug resiilw might have ensued had the mob used 'them as weapons. The trees and shrubs were greatly iniiired, and in fact the appearance of the north eastern portion ol the Park was as if it had been overrun by an invading army. Wairo&s were engaged je'sterdav in rci.oviug the broken rail ings and t-battercd mosoury, and a considerable sum will cert unity be requhed to restore the Park to its original condition. Between 'J and 10 o'clock a number of the lowest rabble ot the metropolis nsscnr.bled in'he l aik nrtir the Marble Arch, and as tune wore on their ranks were swelled by fresh arrivals until they presented u very loi'miduble appearance. They evinced tlieir zeal lor lieiorni bs doing as much injury to the Park as they possibly could and by insulting even body who appeared to be more ret-pcctuble than themselvts. They wreaked ther vengeance on the flowers an I shrills by wantonly plucking them up by the roots. With regard to weapons, both of the opposing parlies were pretty equally matched, for while the yiolice had their staves, which they did not liesnate, when necessary, to wield with vigor, the rioters armed themselves with stones, a nil in some instances with portions of the railing w inch hud bten bruken down on the previous evening. Bit ween ti and 7 o'clock leading members of the Demonstration Cor.nuittec proceeded to the Park, and having obtained permission Iron the police authorities, ad liessed the mob, exhorting them to go peaceably away, and not commit a breach ol the peace. So lie lew, to their credit be it recorded, followed this sensible advice, and quitted the Park at once; but tbe vast majority of the crowd, consisting ot "roughs" ann juveniles, resolutely rclused to give up the pos tion they had gained. During the remainder ot the evening the police directed their efforts principally to forcing the mob from the roadwajs, and in this they were assisted by companies of the Grenadiers aud the Horse Guards. Nothing at all approaching to a general en gagement between the police and the "people" took place during the evening, but slight senlHe? occuried every tew minutes, and a large uumbcr of persons were taken into custody and con veyed to the temporary place of confinement in the Marble Arch. These partial disturbances continued till half past eight, when tho police, aided by the military, mustered all their strength, and in a fehort time succeeded iu clearing the Park. Subsequently, however, a number ol persons re-entered it thro'igh the breaches in ihe railings, and tbe police were for some time actively engaged in chasing them out through the gales. In nearly a'l the streets In tne vicinity knots ot noiy boys were walking up and down until long alter nightfall, hooting and shrieking. Between 10 and II o'clock, however, the tumult had considerably subsided, and at the last named hour the Park was entirely cleared, and the streets in the neighborhood had resumed their usuul quietude and tranquillity. In the course of the evening a party oi about one hun dred "roughs," being douotless an olfshoot of the choice co'noany in Hyde Park, made their 1 appearance in Pall Mall, aud broke a number of windows at the Atbenieum aud United States Clubs, and several private residences. Win dows were also smashed in various other parts of the metropolis. The rioters iu tnese cases appeared to be inspired by a pure spirit of mi-chief, und to direct their missiles without auy discrimination as to the political sympa thies of the occupants of the houses they at tacked. I.rttrr from John Bright. - The following letter' from Mr. Bright was written to the lielorm League, of Loudon, b" tore the riot: "Uocudale, July 111. Dear Sir: I thank your council lor the invitatiou to the meeting in teuded to be held in Hyde Pane on Monday next. I cannot leave home lor some days li) come, and therelore cannot be in Loudon on the 2: d instant. I see that the Chief of the Metrooohtan Police torce has announced his Intention to preveut the holding ot the meet ing. It appears from this that the people uny meet in the paiks for every purpose but that which ought to be most important and mot dear to them. To meet in tho streets is incon venient, and to meet in tho parks is unlawful this is the theory of the police authorities ol the metropolis. You have asserted vour right to meet on Piimrose Hill and in" Trafalgar Squaie. I hope after Monday night no one will doubt jour right to meet in Hyde Park. It a public meeting in a pullic park is denied you, and if millions ot Intelligent and honest men are denied the franchise, on what founda tion does our liberty rest? or is there in the country any liberty but "the toleration of the ruling classes" This is a serious question, but it is necessary to ask It, and koine answer must be given to it I am, very respectfully, yours, "John Bhiuut. "To Mr. George flowell, Secretary to the Re form League, No. 6 Adlphi Terrace. Strand. London, W. C." Pianos Repotted in Use. extracts from tub tax t A correspondent has taken ' tns to copv the nuVlish'ci bT tb Cor , .metal statement? l7.l,,o It would ' -UwKner of Internal ..1 7i 1 V& f " W sta-ement , n ril " number ot pianos used in Uie United tes:- tlABOK PCM TBB TEAK 1865. ., S3 each. IN eaon. $6 each. "'4liMnjfcire V mortt 8 2.. 18 8 61 17 4 239 134 13 1 1 300 180 11 176 119 ii 69 id ini 23 '5 i'l 20 2 i 'i :: 74 36 4 h noile lland. Connecticut. ,. New York ieun ylvanla JJelawaie. Maryland District Columlia. Virgii, ib w o-t Virginia K tiii'cky TennpMoc Lou nana Ohio Indiana Hlinri Michipau ifoonun Minncjoia Missouri Kbdhi 43-8 269 64 rJ8 10 i t'ulliornia 141 Oreuorj. 86 IievidH Colorado, ... fit braxka. . . . INew Mexico. 'i 2 6 8 9W 1760 70 .82 farT0 . 4 ijtttt . 6 421) 87711 1750... KM. .. 70... l'iano 2770 Toial receipts, as published by tho In ternal Kevenuo department, as per re port lor 1866 S775V82 It appears by the above that Missouri Is the musical btate ot the Union. The Eastern States seem to have no music in their souls, or they do not admit they have, and the Empire State, em bracing the pretentious city of Cotham, claim ing to be the rre'rooolis of the New World, falls behind the Quaker State of Pennsylvania. Gcneial Tope's Expedition. Ooneral Pope and Btaff arrived at Santa Fe, New Mexico, July 19. He was met by a large delegation of citizens and escorted to th-i town, where a salute of thirteen euns was fired. A complimentary ball was tendered the party in the evening. GOVERNMENT SALES. rjElliOHAPU MATERIALS AT ATJCflON. Chief Quartkum astkr's Office, lKi'or of Washington, WiainvmAv Ik t A ,,..,ioi i! iaj!i v ill lip sold at i uhiio auction under the d.reeiion of Urcvet f-ieuteiiunt to onel James M ilooio, As sistant (Juartermasler, at Warehouse on i groct near Iwmieth Hireet, Wustuiuion, ou TiiTJKs' DAY. At pust 30, ai 10 A. M , tho lodowiug lem iTupii 4 atenals, &c : 22 licuia-lo 's mbihI 95 000 hounds Wi Jc egraph Instruments titi miles In u ated lelo- and t'UKea. 24 Bcardsley's Instrn 100 hue's lor Wiro. 43 Keel Stands, small 10 lioel Stunilx CL-ntre 1 riatfonii Scale. 199 Insulators, b ock. 1 Coal Siovo, with i iDo. 23 lool Hoxes. 4t u 1 heels. iuenui. 12 Ajgers. 10 C i o bars. 4 utiinif IM crs. 2 Dial Handles. 10 iminiiii rs. 7 Oili i-.-. 3 1 rumiig Knives. 6 1 arao iveel blands 73 Em fit y Keels, 67 iteo Stum. s. Ii5 Kol Ktaiids, delivery. 18 Mimll Keel Mauds ti Hunter C'cmoiit Hn.-ks. id Ueel Handles 8 isoidcimir Acid Mottles. ;3 s oo s Copjier Wiro, Wiro, I'erctia o iiulih r oiuevea, o; in. li Luruo Oeur. 6 mall Gear. 8 liinps. 72 Notices and Straps. 2h8 lumbn 19 lor limtery 24' I'oious t ups. 102 (13 f e,z A. o. d ) Pla JS'o 23. 5 spoo s No. 30 Coppor 7 pounds f-iutta (in .-hen ol 117 Iruu Si. ikes. 31 liisu ated ISending 1 Screws. 2!) Kulihi'r Tt ncra t i. a Mnps 17 oz. A. o. d. Platina 00 cells I'orta'tlo Field tups i oieernpa Battery. U U 1, VJ , ( l.v.1..,, :303 Zincs lor (Jrovo Uat- .u. u uiu.i.ii 4, iiiv liii. ivi y. li cm Lo) i-Sulyjhnrio Ac'd 0 Kmpty Mercury F asks l.:i f. V An;,i ...... 14i0 i ouiitts Nulls, 40ii urou), wi'h Screw end i'ikI Wrenches, Screw Driv 2E0O liiMiiiitors, Itrackcl ers, Si'iut Liuuns, Sol-dm- nu I roiiH. n i CO t.n piy ai noys lei ins i utn, in iiovci uineiit luuds leu dais will be irran ed purchasers in which to remove their toods. D. H. KUCKKR, I5yt. Moj. Con. and Chief (juarteruiastur, 8 7 19t Denotot Waahiuifion D C. ASblSTA QUAlU'tUM ASTER'S OFFICE, A liiLADhLPUlA, l a., AuKUst 8, I860. LAliGE SALE OF GOVERNMENT IIARNESS, K.lJlNti SADDLES, ETC. Will be sold at Public Auction, at ti eUnitod States Government Warehouse HANOVER street wnaii, l'hilui eip :a. l'a on &A1URDAY. Aucust lSt'i, and W LJJN LbUAY, Auvust 22d. 1866, comineuoine on each ol tno oa s specified at 10 o'o ock A. 1., in 1 1. is to suit purchasers, luruo quautitiesof the loltow ini-' dcrcriocu llurues., eto , viz: Loud Ambulance Harness, re aired, sola of. Lead Mule Harness, worn, sets ot. V heel Mule Harness, worn, sets of. WheeilAmbuiunce Harness, worn, sets of. Mctleilun addles worn. Cedars, a sorted (Mule ana Horse), worn. V avou Bridles, worn. Wagon Saddles worn. head Halters and chains, worn. Neck S raps aud Cliains, worn. All this Harness n made of the best ma'orials, strong and eerviieable, aud was caretully inspected when puic .a-ed by the Government, and is now sold localise tho war Is ended, aud is no longer needed lor tne army. Railroads, Passenger Railroads, and Express Com panies, Muuulacturers, Farmers, aud Huriuca D.'al trs are rospectlully invited to attend tin sale. Such an opponuiuty will not occur a'ain It Is probably ti e iast larce lot of Government Harness thai will Ij sold iu this city, and will not bring a yitnng like il true value, Much money may bo made by puic (lasers lesclling aud disposing ol tne laiuo iu the West buq olewhore. lEitMS oviSALK Cash in Government funds, a di Dosit of twcntv-llve per cent to be naid ou every accepted bid, the balanco within twenty-four hours alter the sa e. Ail articles purchased must be removed within two days trom date ol sale, lfv order of Brevet Brigadier-General G. H. CIIOSMAW, Ais aut tiunrtermuster-Goueral. GH.ORG U K. OltllE, 8 7 lit Bvt. Mujor and Assia ant quartorma-iter O ALE OF UNITED STATES MILITARY RAIL r LOAD PROPER i Y. Ofvickof Asst. Q M U. S. Mil. R. It. Wo. So1! G street, Washington, D C, Augusts, 13?8 Will be sold at unblio auction at Alexandria. Vs., on 1HLUSDAY, August 2.1 the bu.anco ot I mted .-tutos Military liuilr. ad Property rotintiuing on baud ut that place, consisting iu part aa fol lows : 1 wo seconit-c'ass serviceable Locomotive Engines, Neriis & Son, builuers; cau"0, 4 feet 8) inches. One Tenner Truck, two small i ruck I ars One bundled pairs sccuud-hand Car Wheels on axles. Seventy tons "T" Railroad Iron (16 lbs. to the Yard , nearly l ew; iiiteen Moves; t vo 111 oen-tou Hydraulic Jacks, and tru toug uusorvieeablu Rail road Iron. (25) 1'weuty-five tons Wrought and Cast Scrap Iron second-hand Railroad npikes, Chairs, Rubber Loops, broad Axes, Mauls, Platform aud Counter .Scales, Lanterns, Oars, Desks, Tables, aud a va riety of other articles ; also, Ninr Frame Buildings (sales to oonmienco at 10 o'clock A. M., at the Military Railroad Wbarl, whore the Locomotives, Railroad Iron, and Car WheoU are stored Ihe lalnnce of th articles will be so d at the Railroad bupply Store, near the Oraupo aud Aloxaudna Depot. Will bft ro'd at Ptttsbnrg, Pa., at eleven o'olocic A. M , on 1 UEcDA V, Aocust 28, Eleven new Box Cars, five feet jrnaire; Pennock & Co., heuneit bquare, Chester county, l'euna., builders. Terms Cash, In Government funds. Any farther lntorinatlon relative to the properly wih be lurnisued on application at tin office F. J. CHILLY, 8T8w Byt.MiJorand A.Q.M., U. tt.Army. DRY GOODS. LINEN GOODS ONLY, AT MILLTKEN'S No. 828 All Oil StrocU KEW LINEN LAWN DRESSES. NEW PRINTED SHIRTINO LINENS. TRAVELLING DRESS LINENS. CORN COLORED LINENS. FLAX COLORED LINENS. BLOUSE LINENS. LINEN DRILLS, Fancy and Tlain. LINEN DUCKS, Fancy and Tlain. LINEN CHECKS, for Bo js' Wear. IRISH SHIRTINO LINENS, Best Makes. SHIRT BOSOMS, Very Superior. LINEN DAB1ASKS, by the Yard. TABLE CLOTHS, All 8izes. NAPKINS AND D0YLIE8. TOWEL8, Great Variety. LADIES LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. GENTS' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Linen Buyers will always find the best assortment in the city, at MILLTKEN'S LINEN STORE, 6 9stuth2m No. 8528 AKC1I Street. "yiIITE DRILLING AND HASKKT DUCKS. 1IROWN DRILLINGS AND BASKET DltKg. FAIU1EHS' PAMALOONLRV, UO IS' FANCY CIULLIN;S. LINEN CHKO'KS AND 8TUIPKS. EYKE & LAND ELL, POCUTII AND AKCII. gALT WATER S1IALWS, WhoUsale and Retail. PlltU WlltTK LLAMA SHAWLS. SHETLAND SHAWLS, ALL, GRADES. Pl'KK BAKEUK SHWALS. li:kaki'ast miawls and half fcllAALS. I4l2stuthrp ERE & LANlJiiLL. QAPE I A Y ATLANTIC CITY. AND LON! BKANCtl. DUE I FUSS & UELSINGELl, No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE CPiNEI ON I HE 11th INST., A new aud dcsiruMo lot of 'AlVU Ylt KNIT SHAWLS Suitable tor the Watering Pluccs, includtni; a tp cLdid assortmti.t '-f W II ITU (K)OD.S. 1'UCE.hD MCfcLiN, SHiKULD AiUfLIN. SWISS MUSLIN, PLalD NAINSOOK, " SI1UPLD NAINSOOK, 91 CAHI HI; NALiOOK. Ho. 1024 CHKHMJI street. TO LADIES About leaving tor the COUNTRY, SKA 6 II OUE, OU WAliSULNU PLACES, E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Oflcriiatuil assortment, at LOW PRICES, or even deecripnuu ut wui'i. ' lie, PUFFED MUSLINS, KKUVCH JIUOLIKS, la all varieties ol plain aud tnncy stues. I.accs, embroideries. Hdkis etc. eto linen Sltevei. Uoliars. betn. etc. in ureal variety. E M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CnESNTJT Street. jawjH xn"sai!3 KOI "OS 628 11 0hopof5kA,n 8' 628 llanu aetory. h o. bin . licit Street. Above i- ixti sircet. l'Ul adelphla. vt bnleFale and Ket.ill. Onr ssforirrent euibnce ail he new and deilrable styles aiul bize oi tverv .length and sue wulat lor Ladles, lilttes, and ClnlC'n 'iboaeot Uili OWX- JiJKE" aie iuprrn Anfh and durobi V to anv taliflr fckirta made and warranted to t'lve cal'Biucllon htlria made to urder, altered and repaired. 45 VISITIKQ AND WEDDiNQ C4R0S, WRITTEN, ENUHAVEI), AND PHINTEI). The Latest London and Paris Styles. 1MTIAI.H. VOSO(iUMH. CBKT". ARMS., Kit'., 81AMPKD 0 PPtK AN'i KNVttLUPEti, I.N COLOKS, UB-iTit. The Finest Engflish, French, and Ameri can Paper and Envelopes. MONOGHAM9, Al!MS,CliESr, Hesnrned and Eu- '"VRITISO DESKS, THAVEI.Lt NO CAM'S, p.RT. FOI.l'f. POl KKT-IlOi KNIVES, BACiiiUM- JUOM 110 HUH. and a very lurpe mock ut I -I NI'j SI A T I O N K 1 1 Y. li. JIOSK1NS k CO , STATI9.SEBS AND CARD ENGRAVERS, 7 28 Gmip No. 913 ARCH Street. TP YOU WANT PERFECT SATISFACTION 1 lnTry reapact, buy tbe cel. bramd fRKSIOS COAu, Euaand Wtovealieea at 7 V6 per tan Auo.ttia BtiiulneEoUl B VEIN tOL. aame Blzea, name p Ice, and a vary Oue quality of t.KbIlI. Fkk and stove, at S'litiKr Urn I keep nothlnn bat ttie beat. Order re ceived t o. 114 Heath 1U1RB BUeet, ft U AUGUST 7, 186. FINANCIAL. 0,000,000 SEVEN 1PEB CENT. FIUST-CLAS Pirst Morgage Bonds. THE NORTH MI9POC7BI BAILfiOaD COMPiNT baa authorUed aa to tell tbelr First Mor'gage Seven Per Cent Thirty year Bonds. The whole amount Ut8.000.ftiA, ronpons. payable on the Ant day. of JANUARY and JULY ol each year, In New York. Before eonncntln to this Agency, we have made earetnl eiamlna Ion oi the merits of ttae.e Honda bv irndlDK t llliam Mllnor Roberta, and others, to report open the ConaltU n and proioec s oi tbe Railroad Their report is on die at oar oitice, and Is blgh't satlatactory. We do not hesitate to lecomr end these Bonds as being a Drat elass security, and a most safe and Judicious In vestment The proceeds of these bonds will be nsed In extending Road (alread.1 complete 170 miles Into North Missouri) to the I on a Mate line, where ft Is to connect witn the ral'roads ot lows; and to also eztond It westward to the Junclon with me Paelflo Railroad rat Leavenworth), and other roads leading no he Missouri River, so that this mortgage or 6 000 100 will cover acoinpl td and weU stocked Road of 389 miles In length, coating at least 16,0tn,i00 with a net annoal revenue after the flistyta ,ot over fl. MOO 0 or asurn nearl four times beyond the amount needed to pay tbe lnteicsc oo those Bonds. Ihe luComo of the Road will, of course, liicrease every year. The Railroad connects the gTeat city of St. Loots with Its two tunc red tfaonsand Inhabitants, not only with tie richest portions ot Mt sourl, but with tho States oi Kansas aLd Ion a, and tbe neat Pacific Rai.rouls. To the first applicants we are prepared to sell FIVE HUMlRED TIlOUSAiiD DOLLARS, at the low rate of UCD1Y CEK1S, desiring to obtain better pt Ice for the rtinalnoer. 'i bis will yield about 9 percent Income, and add 20 per cent, to principal at maturity. Any lurther Inquiries will be answered at our office. JAY COOKE & CO , 7161mJ BANKERS, No. 114 Sontli THIRD Street. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 Scnth THIRD Street, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES V. 8. 6a OF 1881. 6 20s, OLD AND NEW. 10-lOs; tEIUmCATKS OF INDEBTEDNESS, 70 501 E8, 1st. 2d, and 3d tsence. CO MP OU HI) INTEREST NOTES WANTED. lNlfcKESr ALLOWED ON DEt'OSU'S. Collections niado. etocks liought and Sola on ( on niitMou. Iiuul LuKinesH accommodations roaenred for I.AijitS. 8 7 2m 1 MTfcl) STATES 5Ss. Holders ol Kivc-1 wentics ol 1SC2 would do wel oova l liems ives ot tno iiresmt ioro';u iieiuuud, in a ixci.uiiuo tlitiu lor the new aud uioro desirabio FIVE-TWENTIES OF 1S(U and 1SIJ5. At pieeent they will obtain about Two I'cr. Cent prelit t y the L.xcliai,pe. JAY KiORE & CO., 8 4 Gtrpj No. 114 South THIRD Street. (J. S. SEC I 11 1 T J ES. A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH ft CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, 16 S. THIRD ST. 1'HILA DiXI'll I A. 3 NASSAU ST. NEW YOUK STOCKS AND GOLD BOUGHT AND HOLD ON COMMISSION HEKK AND IU NEW lOEK. II JOHN PAILKE. OEOUQE STEVENSON. gAlLER & STEVENSON, BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 11 S. THIRD Street, OPPOSITE GlRARD BANK. GOII) AKD 6ILVITR, BANK NOTK8, GOVERN. ilKhT IlOMJfl. and COMPOtjSl) I&t'liRKsr &OTJSS, louil.t and told. CCLLECilONH promptly made on all accessible points Cl'lY WARRANTS WANTED. ; Ustuthloi Ml Ik ma LOAhi- btuubtand sold on coniuiisHiou, i) No. 225 DOCK STREET, liANKKHt AND liliOKKlIS. BUT AND 1LI, CJilTED STATES B0Nf:8 ltSls, S-20s, 10 40s. IJM'l ti) SI A 1KB 7 3-ls, ALL Ibbt'iCH. t ! h'UKlCATEB K)V IMiKUl'tUMi'SS. liercunil e F.ocr and Loans on C o laterals negotiated 'ftcils houbbt ai,a bolu to i ouiuiualon. 1!1) rj;iiK E1KST NATIONAL BANK HAS REMOVED" Durtnti the erection of Uie new itenk building TO 1 17 lp No. OOP C1JESNUT STIIEKT 5'20S-"F 1 VE-TWENTI E S. 7'30s -SEVEN-THIRTIES' WANTED. J)E tIAVEN 6 BROTHER, 1 7 No. 40 8. Tried Street, PERSONAL. SOLDIERS ENTITLED TO EXTRA BOUNTY! EXTRA BOUNTY! IXTHA 0UNTY! EXTRA BOUNTY! To Soldier' Wldewa. Father, Hvttaer, Brethrn, Mlar Cblldrcas. OWENS A CO. nate eollectsd Claims with areater satisfaction than any firm In tbe business. OUR MOTTO H PROMPTNESS AND ACCTJBACT. Boui iy 1 III Just pas.ed gies all soldiers who enlisted for ihiee yesrs since April 19 1861 ana served tbelr tail itrm oi leiTlce, i,r wre dlsobarged befqre the expiration ol istd teim oi service on account of wounds or other dlrablllty Inrnm d tn 'ae line of duty, and received one bunered dollars bountv, and no more, are now entitled toantxtrabonnt? ol one hundred dollars. Widows, Fathers, Moth.ra. Brothers, Meters, and Minor ChU drenuf deceased soldiers bo enlisted lor three yean s above aad died In the sorvlce, or trom disease or ounds Conttacr-d In tbe service and line of duty, are entitled to the above extra one hundred oollan. lo be obtained promp lr by ea ling upon OWENS & CO., So 827 CnESSTJT Street, ' Becond s orr, front room, "'J'3 . Opiwslte State House. H. B. A ppllcaclons by mall promptly attended to. BOUNTY OF 1800. ATTENTION, BOYS IN BLUE ! Having t wo offlces In Washington, we are well pre r.rd to recei.e and Hect all o lms for Kxtra Bounty now due soldiers You will consu.t your intereet by clllnn.asl pedfcemyselt to colleot all claims agilnst tbe IJuPed states Uovernmcnc . at lower rates and quicker iban anv other calm agent In this city. No charges made In advance. I. II. JORY3P1I, 8Hnl UNION CLAIM AGENCY, So 271 rWhTlTRD Stroet, above Spruce. BOUNTY.-FOLDIERS WHO SERVED three years jnd received only (100 bountv can 0WJCi"T UDSlher "e parents widows and Si aim. Kf??,of "i6, "lme c,"oi soldiers are entitled to altli- Soldiers discharged on account oi wounds I'0 ,,Br,ee Vi'V reK ure ent'tled to 100 addl- Jiv .i,- dlscbaraeu lot wouuds from reKimeuts serv i?8,! orl""- 'e (.elisor so dlersserv.ng luic(.inients irvaiii.a ior too years, or less, can re cover 4U. LiHchamed soldleis in rhecountrr can for srd me their distharvea, and heirs of soldier can v.r.tc,B' tin psrticulasoi tlieir cases, and tliey win have pi onipt attention. Apply to ' " 8 lm No. g.'l H. F CRTH Street. "PENNSYLVANIA RESERVES WHO SERVED .,. .,ur,e veorR nd d,d no1 re-enlist are all entitled to lltl bountv. Also, Ihe heiis i t all who died In the sr rvice, or were dl-cha-t-ed tor wounds. I have rolls of Uie l.eservts. Apply to, or address scndlnir discharge. J 'lIN M HOVIPROV, ao, , .. , No. 2J4 H FOI7RI1I Ntroet. 8 2 Im ormcrly Psymumcr Pennsylvania Beser.cs. BDT IF YOU WANT flOOD TEA. CALL AT .j-.r.ijy11.?,?!? fc d e"abll8hcd Tea Warehouse, No.. iit CHE.- N U T t-treec. rPHE FINEcT BLACK TEA IN THE UNITED A . Mates lor tale at WILt-ON'e. loa Waichouse, No. 236 ( MU IT Street. 1 rice 1 W) por pound. Ot-R $1(10 BLACK TE11S CONSIDERED ny old Ja't Ir.dlan merchants and other expe rurced juc ges. to be the t)net sircimcn oi leii thac has If en liupciK d Into tills couuirv lor nearly nineteen v""'.f-t t''"," t0 WILSON'S lea Warenoue, No Ittb CMLxNUT Street. T- 1CH, FRAGRANT DOLLAR TEA," AT WlL XV hON'M i e W alehouse. No MtiCIiKSNUr Street. TT-AIR QUALITY BLACK TEA, 8o"aND90 cints at WiLsQN's. "W UtiO. ILSON'8 I K1CKS FOR l'h.-(J0. 80, AND 90 cents, 1,9110, 81-25. 1D, l 40, SI 60, and 20 CENTS. ROASTED COFFEE, A LITTLE broken, but ten good at WILSuN'jt. B EST ROASTED COFFEES-20, 30, 35, AND 1 F YOU ARE UNABLE Tt) GET GOOD TEA I i YOU WANT TO TASTE PURE OLD JAVA X t'oflce 40 cents per pound, send to WILmuNVI. rrilOSE WHO LOVE GOOD TEA AND ARE L ubie o aiurcciu e I tun oliinin If at WILSON'S iu Wtnliouse. o. taHVll .-MIT -tree! There Is no 'l'Vill ' k Vr1' r lr''1 kdclphla thut can equal our ' .1. Ve havo no objeo Ion to snpplytng those of our 1 hllHuduhitt 1 a 1 eaicrs who buv lor cab, with our tcocl 'less with hennnle exception oi ourtlHo 1. acV, as thai Tra w hen sold cannot oe reolaced tor any money We aha I reserve that oi our owu regular real tinde. It Is like throwing nearls beiore Bwlne to rel mch maHnltlcent leaas lliui to peop.e who cannot appreciate it. Addrei'S WILSON'S OLD K8TARLISHKD IKA AKKHIIIHE, 727 1m No.236 CHtdNUl' Btreet THE EYE AND EAR. )EAFNESS, BLINDNESS, TIIKOAT, LUNG, AND CHEST DISEASES CATARRH AND ASTHMA, Llsoidered Fonotlons ot THE DIGESTIVE OltaANS MORBID AFFLCT10N8 OF THE LIVER, WEAKNESS OP NERVES, AND GENERAL DtBlLITY OF THE WHOLE SYSTEM, Treated wltb unprecedented success by DR. VON MOSCIIZISKER, No. 1031 WALNUT Stroet. He tallowing ULNTLI Ml N, who have lately been curtd Unuer iho triutiiu nt ol Dr. VO.S MO.si'HZLs kla h ve kiudl) m mitteU him to ieier to them, and tliey vi uld t ad y bear ic-htiuionv to the amount or bLNLt-'l i derived irom bis TU ATAlr.N i i 1. h. i CCKL HY, i rq. No. 2I0 Wa nut street. t-LOLM ' Ki h, laq., No. JOSH Walnut street. ALAN WOOD, Jr., sq . No. Ml) Arch street C.b (.Ri.l ,lsi,,No W-Norib evenili street. C. J 1 OLLOWAY, 1 sq. No 615 Market strvet. J. ( fiUPKK -sq,No 3 Nonh Kront street. Dr. DAVIDSON, N. W. coiner oi Ninth aud O'heanut st nets Utnnral KIi.BURN V. 8. A., Olrard street 'I . W. WKhM.Y, Esq , V. S. Asae-iaor ot the Second District i. ll.RY, Eq., Piesidont ot tbe Niuetoentb Ward Public Keliools , , , , , Rev. 8. ti. HAR. Phi adel nb la f'on Terence 1 unci reds of other Ukines, a I perxous who wou'd be can iu couscienilou to whom Ihev would permit the li doirenient oi their names, cau be examined at his OFFICE. No 1031 WALNUT Mreet. THE ATOMIZER. Dr. VON MOSCBZISKKK asserts with the utmost C( ulidciice ti tii bis . cm ot treailUK Ll NU, .liUd.iT. CU1-ST Disea es. CATARRH, AS iHM A. ami ail nisluuies of the dlK' S'lve oruaus, by the use of He A I Ol Let It. Is .be ouly reliable one. Since the introduction ol this svsti in caaes have been brjuvbt .o bis ellce No UM WALNUT Street in which tviry other possible means have oeen irultlessly em o lyed, put rendi y jieided to Ms trea ment 51e AiO.v iZKltuan APPR.ViUH oonstrucled on siKiitii.o prim Ipies, wlm h by a mechanlcul arrauKe tricn . e lher bv atmospheric presiuiit or steam, con verts any mdlcn, Into a fine SPRAY, and readl.y conveys it li 10 he BHONCH1 L iUBKS or Ll' vUS. wliU the RKPIRA'tORY t LRRKNT. The medicines oulu itKd to the action of this APPARATUS lose no hlnir ot their iHE vlCAL VALUB. as in other ortiarations. but are received Into the HE8PIKA- ''V h0A18 10 ,he'r full MEDICINAL STl l ! CI H H'lM.ICAL OPERATIONS O" THE EYE. AI L IJllliH IL OHEHA'IIONH on the Kvea. such aa Caturaci, Artidclal Pupil, cross Eyes, etc., skll'u ly piiioiu.ed. 7 2orp pATENTWJRE WORK rOSRAILIKQB, STORE FRONTS, GUARDS, PARTITIOIIS. 1BOH BEDaTEA DS AND WIRJS WORK, In variety, manntaemred by M. WALKEIt Sj SONS" I ii (mt 11 V rtfc UXTB lan vt.