TOE DAILY EVKNING- TELEGRAPH. 1'IIILADELPIIIA, TUESDAY, AUGUST; j,. 1866. (tiring clcttiiti Is ptiblinhrd every ntfmtocm Stindapt t-rcrptd) at A'o. 118 8 Ifitrrt Itrrrt. lnrt, inree Cents Per Cvpy (Double Wwl), rr KifStem lints Per Week p-iynb'e to the (m-irr, and milled to Subscribe S out ff the dip of A ins lUar Per Annvm: One D-JInr o4 tp f fbr Tan Months, ihViirMMy .vhi for the period vrdtred. TUESDAY, ALHJDdT 7. 18GC. rKKPO8 trAVKO THE ClTT DUIUSO Tag Summer Slojsrns, CA If HVK Tdk Kvkmno iKI tOHArK MILID TOTHKtBADDBKS. TKI1.1I9, 75 iKKTS TEM MONTH. Tbe Relation ot iicconsti action to Bust- nous and Development in the Mouth. Probably no cxnc'rttion was more witlWy chfrmhrti at the close cf Ibe war by all loyal men, than thnt the South would be freely an 1 perroaneu'lv opentd to the influx of Northern labor and capital. This scneral expectation wai a popular 'nst net a-t to what ought to be done, tm well o to what would be done. It was known that the Suuth possessed Inexhaustible resources for the creation of public aud private wealth. The soil was fc; tile, producing abundantly those great staples of the world's commerce winch could nowhere -lsc bo bo cheaply raised. The openinps for commercial enterprises of all kinds were numerous aud moet promising. The strcamfl furnished an abundance of water-power, while the mines beneath the e.irth's sjrlace needed but the developing hand of capital to become the sources of ereat and constantly in creasing weal rh. From all these advantages of our common country the North had lor years been practically shut o il. Ihe slave system, by a dospotic, though necessary, instinct of sell preservation, excluded from its mldt all who were not its friends. As a consequence, the agricultural, inunut ic'ur'mn, mining, aud com mercial resource of the South re in a ned almost wholly undeveloped, anl eociely there crew daily more sectional aud exclusive, until the spirit of nationall y had so lar died out that re bellion against tnj Union became not a con templated possibility, but an existing rea lty. it was expected that the result of tuc war would chance all this, and that American citi zens, in the rnlnyment ol their constitutional riplitJ, could settle anywhere upon American aoilj and receive the protection ol the Aiii"ricstti flag. It was behoved thnt free labor would regenerate the worn-out eg iciiHure of tUe Mouth, and make it more productive than ever before; that Nortl rn capital would set the mill-wheels to levolving upon every stream, and not only speedily lepair all the wastes of war, but also develop those slumbering re sources which the slave system had never awakened, and thus make the South vastly more 'o herself and to the world than she ever yet had been. This wai the expectation ol the American people; a-d in accordance with it, the wtr had scarcely closed beiore there was a ecneral move ment all over the country of labor and capital so thward. Lame numbers of our soldiers and officers, who nad become familiar with the country from personal observation, immediately took steps to settle there. Commercial men established trade in all the Southern cities, capital rcn'orctd labor, and plantations, mills, and factories promised soon to be in successful operation. A sta-'e of tilings wai inaugurated which, had it gone on unchecked, would speedily have made the South move prosperous tli an she had ever be'ore been, would have given our Northern cities a protiuble and in creasing trade with suit section ot the couutrv, and, more to be desired than all else, would have broken down the old sect onulisiu aud ex oluslvcncss born of the slave system, aud re placed it with national ideas aud devotion to the Union. But this entire labric of restoration, of development, and of union depended wholly upon one vital thing security. A little more than a year has passed, and what dowe6ee? Who now is goino; South to settle? What capitalist is sending his money there to invest r What Northern man Is building mills and factories there? On tbe contrary, we hardly take up a paper now-a days, without reading the account ot some Northern man who had settled at th South, and who ha3 been assassi nated or driv n out. Even the Public Leljer ot this morning publishes the facl that the Union men and settlers from the North are prepariug to leave New Orleans. Why is all this? The anayict is very simple. The United G v ernment has ceased to protect its citizens at the South. Security la goue. The power there has been remitted to a violent and lawless class of men, who haw the Union and all Union nien men who break up Union Conventions and murder their members The South is as much in the hinds of hie-, aters and Rebels as it was during the memorable duvs of 18G0 and 18G1. It is not the class of moderate men the Holdbns, tbe Wullses, the Siiabkevs, the Botthbs, and ihe like, who are ruling things there now, butii is tne creatures like this Mayor Monrjb, the oil fire-eaters and out-aud out Ketls. This it is which has conipletoly pros trated the work of settlement and reconstruc tion at the South. And as long as the-te vioh-nt, fanatical Rebel lead rs are permitted to bold power at the South, so long will It be practically cloned against Northern labor and capital; si long will Ite rer.urces remain undeveloped, and tbe waste of war unrepaired; bo long will its trade languish and decline; and so long will dis loyalty to the Union and to all the great and beneficent ideas of free government poison the Southern mind. The work ol reconstruction at the South is a vast work. It implies a revolution in social and jolticul iJeas. It menus the rebuilding of society from the vry bottom. It cannot be doue in a day by anybody; and it can never be done by putting power into the bands of those rtcklcs", violent, fire-eating fanatics who have already seized bo grar, a share of local govern' ment In the South. How It Is to be Managed. Thi Richmond correspondent of the New York Herald thus discusses one of the difficulties whloh tho August Convention will meet with, and suggests ho it will be overcome. He says - "Tho only obs'.acle to harmony In that body which is now apprehended will be in an indorse- inent of the war policy and a eulogy of the nervines of the ormv and navu of the Vnifd Sta'es. te'ium. must be offered in aererence to Northern senh rneiU. Upon ttieae questions the southern d'leqa lions woud be covpeded to vote no, and to this extent the haruiouy of the Convention would be leopardlwd. I have gwd reason to believe hat i luctive means will bo resor'ed r 1 in order to obvhttc thl difficulty. . The Sou'hern dc'fgaUon vih avoid bring present when the vo'c art taVri upoit these questions. They are poriectlv willing cnat the Northern delegate shall ijo eorth'ng ihet In their op nion will best piounti? th sue crss ot the conservative party, proY'd'id "illy that they are not reipiiro I to compicmt-c the n reives to the extent that an ailirmativ9 vote on the indorsement ot the war polic o the Gov erntrcnt would no. It '8 understood that the Sr uthern dcleRat ons will moet 'n cou'eience and Hprolnt a spokesman, who will inform the Convei tion ot the oifficuiiy in which the So ith ern (lelecraics would be plac 'd bv being calle.l upon o vo e upon questions ol the character re'ernd to, and of thlt purpose to allien' tben selves pending the vote, upon ihe n. Hut tb Convc iitiou will be as-ured 'hut ir, an? mea ures or nolicy they may a lopt the South w;h be hoatt uv.dK iil with them. Tho war Issue i defunct any way, and its indorsement is but a mere for mula, to which on' hern riissi nt would be a matter ol course. T Snnlh wi't 8incU n a'.m st any cvtrcvie mcn?urea which fljrlhern dc'.co itcs may dirrn it tiocessary to a lopt m ord -r to defeat radicalism. It is prohnolu that tne Southern (lelegHtiotis will ta'-e no active part m th'i pro ceedings of the Convention, but leave all in the hands ol tho Northnrn men." A Convention ol Politicians Not ol the People Political conventioi.s are generally supposed, in a certain sense at least, to repicsent th peo ple. Their members are usually chosen directly by the people in their prlmnry assemblages. This is not Ihe case, however, ith reference t' the ipproach nz Couvent'on in this city. So tarns we have ob-rrved, the members of that Oomcnltou have almo uniformly been ap pointed cither by self-constituted committees, or by the regular Democratic party committees, aud without iny reference to il'e people. In some of the Southern States the Coventors have appointed delegates. In New York, however, the Raymond -Webd faction liae called a State C .nvei.t.on for the appjint UK i t of delegates to Philadelphia, to du elected in the usual manner by the people la their primary aFsemb)ae"s. But taking the Conven tion as a whoir, it will have none of the clemnts I'fpopuhir repTesentaiiou about it. For instance, Montgomery Dlaik and J. R. Djolittlb are delegates from Californn. So, too, the Nevada delecation wa ma le up by a lo; of fellows in New York city, who assembled ut the Metropolitan tiOtel and uiipointed Vtemwloes. As to getting any venu ne reflection of popular fcentiment troni ' a Conventimi t'jiis constuuttd, it is o' course out of tue qii"3 t'on. We shiill t;nd out wluit ctrtaiu poii'ieuns think, but we know tu:it already. We kuo-w Mi. Dooi.iTTi.tV views md Mr. V'ALLANDiou.iM'a and Mr. Ben Wood's and Mr. Justice Wood v Aim's. l!m ns to tiitding ouilrom these gen what the f-rvat masses oi the people think, we shall noi do it, because they are not the men of the people. Mr. Vai.landiguam tested that question in Ohio, and louiid himself in a m nority of one hundred thDusand vote3. Mr. Wocdwaed tried it in this State, with a similiir result. Hence we are compelled to ecaid the Philadelphia Convention not nj a Convention of the people, but lather as an assembly ot po'i'io'uus, many of whom have been repeatedly repudiated by the people, aud all ot whom aic opposed to the uoiniuaut popu lar sentiment ot the country. Southern testimony. It was at first held out that ruo dele&ates to the Au&ust Convention from tho South wLre to be Ui.ion men. But now we aie told thnt they are lo be exactly the opp site character. Thus, the Raleigh (N. C.) Mtiwsaya: 'It in nonsense to suppose that the Sou' hern t-tatcs will si nd any considerable number of tieleeate6' w ho wets' not, in one wav or another, decidedly connected with the Contod'raiecaus- Ihe leno'ing men ol the So ith, those who con trol and riiiect public sentiment, were all en- giified in the revolution, au I those lea'linj nun are the lery ones wiin wnom woriueru conser vatives bliould hola counsel." Tiie Franco-Amencaine, the oigau of the French cltlzenBi n this country, publishes a special correspondence from No Oilosus rela tive to the lute riot in that city, which is of value, becaa9e it will be read and copied into nearly all ihe journals ot France. We translate the tallowing parnerapu. to show Its tone: 'The aunals of the most eavatre people afford nothing parallel to that wViicj passed yes'crdiy in our city. Mayor Monroe ouiht to bo content wi h his police. Liberty! Liberty of speech 1 Liberty oi assemblage I There is no Htich thing amriig ns. Ihe scenes of Mempnis are re iu onr streets. Moie deadly, more ter rible, n.ore baibarous. Hundreds of tanilics are in mourniiiL'. Innocent blood has beeu shed. To the number oi victimf wo must add the mimes oi the best ot our citizens. And, meanwhile, what must 1 sav in reaard to the sentiments which animate the Uuioa people? With one vo ce thev accu ;e President Johnson ot complicity with Monroe, Hekhos, and ther consons. Are they wrong? Are they not rhibi?" Speaking of the riot, we Bee the Tribune this morning publishes the following significant despatch: "Wasiiinoton. Aucust 6. A despatch has been received Iroui New Orleans, wulch savs that much 9urDrise is lelt in Me Orleans at the publication ol a so-called despatch from Cea eral Sheridan to General (Irant in one of th New York papers. I have eo d a ithority for saine that this denatch is an altered and muti lated copv, suppressini! some ot Uenerai buai pan's opih.ons. and plucinit him in the altitude of Indorsing all thac has ben done by toe Rebels. 1 hope to send you (Jeneral SurfiUDAN'a real despatch in a day or to, but uutil it doe3 appear, you may reiv upon tho fact that tho one published iu the New York 'Ymes das that pallant officer great Iniustic-, and c uses much indignation among his friends." Let it SrEAK for Itself. Mr. Heisteb Cly mer, in a speech delivered July 18, 1800, said: "Myovm political history is recorded, anil wh not tale back a word of tt to-day for any oneoroay purpose," Without comment, we make the fol lowing extract liom the LeyisaUee liccord, page C, for January, 18C4: Mr. Lowry oileredthe followins resolution:'ved by the Senate, That the tbauk ot the lo al poniie ol Peniisv vauia a e due ai.d ar boreuy It ndered to General U -. i.KAwr, and (he ollu ir and eo ci ers ot viuf under liua lor t he soil s oi rf luutsnv cea aud lorio. vio on reuu tin' u the liLeiut ou of ibe iRithlii' Uiiiou pooulo o Kut lea iicenee tri m a tuiliiarv de-potim more al lug than ever v- ai that ol Great B ltuin." On the question, Will ihe Senate proceod to a second reading ot the resolution ? The jeas in d nays were required bv Mr. Donovan and Mr. Wallace, and were as lollops, viz.! Yi-iih Messrs. rnm"ueyi. Corneq. Ountao. Fleming, -iraham 1-1070 uouseho dor. Juhusuu, Lowrv, Mc'BHdiei Nichols l(iowy. I'uiroll, a ,i.nn. Wmth ubiod and Pennev, H eakurlS eik-'i- iia tiiee Uuolit r, CVy ukii, Umo- Slc.l trrv, B onwooiery.ltolln.suiitli, bUrk.Stdiu and W aducB-1. Sothequehiion was determined in the nega tive. rrore-llnBa in f ,iiumint- Inother rnnnct ton Bcir. Ottawa, C. W., 4uaustC Tho Canadlin mind is bccomli.g much -yetciscd over tho proapecN oi another Fenian Invas on, on a nior" tor nid ble pcnle than thst ot June la-t. There i a settled conviction ihat it will bo attempt J 1. Tha volunteers me to be called out in full f.roj uet n outb, ostensibly lor the purpose of drilling n CHUip, but really to meet ihe expected cmer tiencv. Not ce is aiven in Parliannnl fiat the Minister ot Militia will be asued how th;y are to bo iii n.i d. Mr. CtiambeiV notice ol inquiry into the fort Erie cmnpiinru has neon pluc'd awtv b ck m the list ot notices ol motion, as thoiwh tiiera a a disjKisi'ion to avoid the investigation oi the mniter as long as possible. Tb loai th.i mor" suspic ons, as an eilort is beina made by the coal" ton to hme Parliament prorogued in tbe la'ter end ot tbis week. In Purliament this atternoon Mr. Jon?s eom plained ;hat the Cr" n La ids Depart ni"iit was not onlv so badly managed a to cost tho coun try $260,0110 over the revenue derived fro n the pale ot w.ld land", but alo ttvit ne mism iua ; ment was so preut as to drive "et'lTs l tne Lnded Slates, where thev meet with bj't T conrcgrmcnt and more l.beral tv. Mr. I'jwell declaimed against such statements boine marie, as thev aflcrded an opporluuity of plfcina them betorc tho world to the ijreat preludice ol the country. Tho sceno was becoming lively when the nrvso and contusion compelled Mr. Jones to dosht lrom 'peskiug. Bobin. the alleged murderer of his Kter, bai b( -u reflated on bail, tin sum tiled bul.ig U '0. The ani.ounccmeut ol the tact has created a scubalion. Tbe Case of rmlrlt PoNtponemeut ol It tvn Montreal, AugtiPt fi. Lam'rando, the at fconding tmnker trom Poitiers, rraiea, has beeu brought up to-day on an iu'or.natinn rhargwg him with lorgery, bv nlter'iig his book's, hile asrent at Poitiers for the fi i ik ol Fiance, so us to enable Hi in to ciaoe;il his haviiis embezzled the sum of seven h iudrjl thousnnd tranc-. Duly one witno s wiic ox animedMelin. the detective from P;iri. Tue examina'ion will be resume 1 to-morro v. omo intcrcs'.ing discussions are liklv to aiise ns to ih interpre'ation -.f the Kx'tadliion treaty in torce betAeen France an I Crcit Britain, as no case has over before come up tor JcrWon in the prov nee. Iheie linve been very heavy run" here; in con-cquence ot these the ruces to h ive taken place at Kt. llvnciu'b to-morro hive been post- noueo till the following day A. 1. Herald. Aimy Appointments. The foliowiuc-uamcd cade s, era'iuat"3 of the Mil.t:.r Aeaui niN, nave beeu appo ute 1 in th Ann d the l.'ni ed iState by the Pies'deut.. by aiii"" i i U(tv ce unci consent ol the sL-nuto, wi ll the nine; of Seeon 1 Lieutenant, to dut.- liom Junelx, lGf.: t oil s oi bnmuei-rst ado's Henry Al. Adams. James Meicr, Charles E. L. 13. t);ivi, Hem i niu I). .Greene, John il. Weedcn, J-., (Jeoriro M. Wheeler, Lu-'Pue A. '.Voodrinf, James B. Q nan, and Laniel W. Lock w ood. Oroi:ance f)epartiu"ut Cadets WiPia'n P. Buiier, Frnnk Sotile, Jr., atid Edwerd M. Wrlirln. 2d Regiment Cavalrv Cadet Albert J. Ned. 3d Leenncnt Cavn'rv Cadet .1. V, Thompson. 4th R giment Cavairv C'idet Will I. Moberlev. 5th Fee ment Cavalry Cauet J. Scott Payne. Cb Ili cinieiit Cavairv Cadet Win. P. Divou. 1st L'etiiu cut Artillery Cadets llicro B. llerr. Abd"r 11. Merrill, and Charles Knur, Jr. 2il Reuunent Ar'il ei'v Cadets Charles E. Kil- bouri.eand James K. Eastman. 3d Redin ei t Artillery Cadets James O'llara aud Isaac T. Web-ier, 4th Reoimeut Artillery Cadets Richarl C. Chin chill. Churks S. Smith, Henry II. C. Dun- woody, and KoDoit 'rni?. 5 h Keg ment Artillery Usdets William II. L pnam, Koli u orr, Elliridae R. Hills. Joseuh Li. Swift, and Fiancis L. Hills. 3d Rc'iment Inlautry Cadet Charles L. Umb- staetter. 4rh Rcsriment Intantrv Cadets Georzs O. Webster ana Rums P. Bron. f th Regiment Intuntry Cadet Quinton CainD- loll. O h Roiament Infantry -Cadet Wm. Fleming. 10th Regiment Inft'v Cadet Johu F. Stretch. Obituai y. Commodore Reed Cooper, of the Liberian Navy, r.ied at bs farm on the St. Paul's river. February 11, 18(iG, nired m'y-iour. lie came to Liberia 'from Norfolk in 1829. He com nan 1c I the gunboat Quail when she was at acked at h;r anchorage near Monrovia bv a Spanish war trainer, a lew years aco. The Suauiard an- proached aa a friend, and when close to the Quail opened a tire upon ber: but a few well-directed 6hoU) from the Qua t bo dl abled him that he ran ott and got uo to Sierre Leone, where he re paired his damaged ship. Commodore Cooper. in company wiin nis sons, oneu a nno suaar I arm on the St. Paul's river, giving employment to quite a number ot people, wh all mourn their loss. Hon. Escekiel Whitman, a graduate of Brown University in 17'6, and Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of Maine from 1S41 to Oe'ob'jr 21, lti48. when he resigned, died at East Bridsro wa ter, Massachiise'ts, on the 1st Inst., aaed umeiv ears. He as much neioved by nil vhoknuw bim, and honored greatly bv his pro'essiou and fellow citizens. He was 'buried at Portland on the 4th inst. A Wondcilul Congressmen He Returns His Extra J'ay. Wheelinu, W. V , Auerust 3. Hon. F. E. Spinner, Trea-urT of the Uni ed States. Sir: luciosen j lease nnn your oiatt, number 4v;h. ou the Assistant Treasurer oi tbe United States at New York, payable to mv order, tor SiiGDlvjii. sent me by N. (J. Ord way, Esq., Si rgeint-at- nrms, as the nei'imouutot my mere ici salary trom March 4, 1R05, to Angus' 4. 1K00, wh ch I herewith return to the Treasury of the United States. I voted for tbe Appropriation bill not for rav own benefit, but because it made some provision tor the earlier soldieis o' the Republic, who hid not ieceivea equal oouiity Witn those who went later to the field, and at tho same time gave as'-uianc'! that in an- future exigency which mav aiise, the men who rally first to the defense ol the tlae m!1 not be neglected in tho a't-r lcu'siation ot the country. I therefore return the diaii to tne Treasury. Very respectfullv, C. D. Hcedabd. Tlie notorious English monk known as Bro' ber Ignatius has emerged trom his retire n e"t to wiite a letter to the London news papers, in which ne denies that he has any in tention cf selling hi-: monastery. He adds thai "no person has any nebt w batever to dispose of the same wt'bout 'my consent, and as 1 do not intend to sell the premises or to con-ent to taeir sale, no valid title can be made out. There 1 a nn st curious storv ot trickery in this m-itter, which I hope I shall not be compelled to give to the public." A Banbury iury in Fnelan i, on the 14th u't., were tue means o' varying a well worn Indicia formula. In the only case that came before tLom, thev pave a verdict w bich the Recorder si ems to ha e tbodeM a vert Btupid one. So, instead o' t bo, "Gentlemen, the Court discharges ou, and the country thanks you tor your 'en'tces,1' his honor aid, "Gentlemen, von are discharged, and 1 wish I could say the conn'rv was indebted to you for your services; but I think the reycrsp." The cxteut of land under cultivation in France lias increased in proportion to tho growth ot population. In 1P61 France contained 35,783 000 inhabitants, and the number of, hectare undT cultivation amounted to 5,! '. 9,376, wh'lst In 1801 the population had in ri eased to 37,30,0:0, and the number of hectaies cultivated to 6,754,227. Tclcarapb violeg in South Australia are mate of mabnpauy, because oiher ool will not stand tiiu climate and burial in tbe ground. I FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Ofuck OF TUB b.tHina Telboraph, I Tuosduv, Auu3t 7, 1308. ( Money continues plen'y, at s do it former rate. Loans on call are otfere.l at about 43"per cent. Fust class mercantile paper U scarce, and ranges at from C7 per cent, per anuum. The Stock Market opeuet very dull this morn ing, and prleej. with one or to exceptions, are unsettled and dropping. In Oovcinmcnt bonds thore Is no change to notice. 7'30s sold at 104); in I new 5-203 at 100L t9i whs bid for 10-40s; 103 f.r Gs of 1831; and 108J tor old 5-20s. City loan" ire Inactive; the old issue sold at !4 j, no change. Railroad shares ar very du 1. Reading sal 1 at 55 41-100W1551, a Blight advance; and Le ilgh Valley at 64J, a decPne of : 124 was bid lot Camden and Amboy ; 57J tor Pennsylvania Railroad; 38 lor Little Sciiu.v lkill; 55j tor Mine hill; 39 lor North Pennsvlvtn a; 29 for Klmtra common; 42 'or preferred do.; 37J for Cata. wisss preeiied; 32J lor PbiUdelphia and Erie; and 40 for Northern Central. City Passenger Railroa lj shares are with out change. Hestonville sold at 184(5J18J; and Thirteenth and Filt"enth at 21. 87 was bid ior Secoud and Third; and C5 for West Phila delphia. In Canal shares there Is nothing doing. 26 j was bid tor Schuylkill Navigation common; 3." tor Scbulkill Navigation pteferred; 57J for Lehigh Navigation; 118 fur Morris Canal pre ferred; and 14 lor Suiquchanna Canal. Lank shares arc firmly held at full prices, but we bear of no sales. 22G was bin lor North America; 140 tor Philadelphia; 51 for Commer cial; !'4 lor Northern Liberties; 30lorMecoan icb'; 105 lor South work; 53 lor Penn Township; 6.'ij lor Girird; 31 lor Manufacturers' and Me t'hniiicb'; 65 lor Bank of Commerce; 6.)A tor City; fiO for Commonwealth; and 05 lor Corn Ex change. Quotatiots ofGold-lOj A. M., 1473 : 11 A. M., I47j: 12 51., 147j; 1 P. M.. 147?. Tbe New VorK tribune this morning sa-s: "S crliug Exclintipe is nominally u7iirtl()s lor CO da,, and some bhort sight at luH;(dU08 aeaiust 5-20s shipped. Money i abuudaiit at 4 (c 6 cent, on call. In commercial paper little coitiu ut lonner rittes. be t nauies sell a. 5, and good at 6i(y 0. Thero is lees uat oual currency st kiii0' use, and it is the opinion ol experienced d"iiKiv in cii'Teney that the demand tor circu lation dui'inr the coming iiutumu will not only iiurlo.y alia piesent at the coniuand of tue IihiiUh o' th Atliint c c t es, but make it aide or them to call ihe 5 per cent, loans at l lie siiib-'lrensi.ry, aui get currency irom that quaiter." i ho Louiville Journal s ivs: "Money matter-' rema'u quiet and unchanged, Ihe supply ol capital is ample for all purposes, !H!fl lirs -class pi.per ts 're-ly taken as odercd, v bile loiuis upon uudoubted securitv are readily made. E.i'hunge is quiet and some lint irregu lar, buying at par aud selling at l-20Wl-l'i pie. liiiuin. Holders gea -rally evince more r rmness 'or most ! tiding 'tnple articles, which does not meet tbe views ot bin ers: hen"e. but lirle dis position juevads lo ooerate. (!o'ton is firm and more biio ant, iiotwitlndnndlut', t ho fayoiable lei oris as to the growing crop. Tho supplies ot tiain are scarcely adeqnste to the demand, and prices rule higher. Oais are scarce and stil'er, ith uniav-irable repor's .is to tne new croo, owin ; to the con'inued rains, which have also had tome damaging ellect on the hay crop." At Cincit nuti on Frid iv tho money market was more aetive, and an increase in tne olf-rings lepular meicuntile paper wasb-ervej, F.rst cbiss ouisidc paper vas discounted at 12 per cent, in some cases For cusiomerb' paper 8$jl0 per cent, is given as tho ruling ran"e. The New Orleans C tion statement for Mon lay last is as lollows: Knlos. fitcck on bond Septembar 1. 1JG5 83,2s9 Kcci-ivt d s' Saturday K J3 Receivou pievlously 741,012712 6S0 Jotal 825,819 Ev ported since veste day 2125 Expoiteo previously 133 364733 499 Stock on hand and on sh-phoa'd rote'earod. 89,433 I'lllLAUKld'tflA SIDCK KXCIi.NjR Si,KS T'J-iia Uenoned bv tie Haven It, bro. No 40 S. Third street. KIKHT BoA It D SirOOU.S 7 30s Aug 104) 100 nh Bead b6 65-44 46.10 Citv ft olo s.. Vii 4U)l'aK 2u ml' 6 97 2iti su iiest'v.... ots 18? CC0 Bh C aid won HO nh do. ... o.. 65-41 100 sh do 651 100 sh do 65-41 10 sh Seventh Nat U 05, Messrs. Dellaven & Brother, No. 40 South Third street, make ihe following quo a ions ol tbe rates ot exchange to-day al 1 P. M. : Huytnq Set aw. American Gold 47 J AmnicHn Silvor, i and i 133 Comi ound Intortwt Mo es: June, ism. 13 121 lo Wi 18, 1-1 Hi 10, July, 1804 August, mA.... October, 18)4.... lxe., 1804.... Mav. 1855.... August, 1806.... 8ept , 18116. .. October 18S5. ... 8 8 7 Hi 6i Philadelphia Tiade lieporu Tuefdav, Aupast 7.-lhe Flour Mukot was rathi rnioro aotive to-dav, but puces remain with cut essentia oliange; about 1000 oarrels were taken by the Lome consumers at 80 87J7'50 ban-ol fir supTflce;7 50(u.8C0forold stock extias; $l!) 50 11 lor irosh ground new wh at do ; 910 50510 75 fur .Nor li western extra lamiiy, oi wbieh the bulk of tho sales (OBBisij Sll-69 :or new Wisounxin do, d).; S10CCJ1160 for PoDnstlvaDia and Ohio do. do.; and $H(all for fancy brands, acoordinu to quality. Kve Fiout may be quoted at S5 605 76, and Cora Meal a (4 2., 5 Win t com. lorward s'owly, and primo nualitv s he d at ',0: a sale or 150 J iiabes ai W61 is re noiieu. Is iiiioi anei-ii ; 700 ou hen unsound Weau-rn noiU t Siu lK) cent. Iu Corn them is uot much dtug but we ountiuuevemertiay's quotations; sa es ot 4U.0 bushels at 90 cents lor yellow, ana 88 aj 91) cents lor Western nnx-d. Gits are quiet out straev. with nalts ol 4000 bushels new Southern at 48 nuts. In 1'ioviidonB. no change to notice. Small sales of pain snd lui.ov en rased Haius at 2120 count, and MioulCe'S at 17i'al7j; 1000 puce .--'idos solu ou Htciot toinic: p vkle i Hams urn rolling at 19 a" 20 cent-; and Baden Niiouldors at 16 cent-i. MlnskT is oi-dj small saeg ot feunsrlva&la at $2 ZZi'2-.i, and Ohio at $2 29. An English publication directs attention to the neglect of the Interests ot tho deaf mutes in Entluiid. It says: "bhielnud, with its deaf and numb population ot 12.23G, supports eleven nsiitutioiis ior their education, containing touether about 1000 pupils; Scotland supports tive, witb about 240 inmate-; and Ireland seven, it ft about 400 inmates; making in all twenty three schools, with accommodations for about 1040 pupils iibot.t ono-t vebth of a class of un fortunate being, whose need ot education is u ost urueut, and whoso claims upon our pity are both poeiiul aud just. There are, there tcic, 18,071 dt at unites, out ot the 20,311 in this country, tor whom unrecognized means of iu strt'Cfion aie provided." The weddme presents received by tbe Pr'ncess Helena of England were nearly nil articles of p-welry, cnonnoiis in amount, and very cosMv. W bet e'u pon a London (ournal ob.-rves: "we once beard a man complain of Unvins a srasll thnptul of brouao ornaments present d t'l hlni. another of bavins rected telve Atal-pleces s pood niyply for a ndd-1 ling sued watcbtnakec: und . tuiother, with less opulent, reia'ives, of liavtnir tho rane of sis butter knives;, but the rnuces6 Helena ill be perwvertnif and con Mientious if the wears all Ihls Jewelry once beiore she dies." . , . . Gabibaldi's Hkalth FAi-tNO.-A Paris paper ftBtcsthMt the health of 0 "noMiii very li s legs are to ibm and reaT that It Is painful to see them. Ho b pale, snd bi'OT 00 hli 0 mn tennnce tne traces ol Buffer ng".- JI" rheu matic pains have returned at the "l0e he pot his second wound. Ho can ly nvive six ut in a caniage, and Is only stwtalaed bv the energy of his will. All this explain the slowness ot the operations of tho vOuo tecs. Pkicks Must Cosir Dhwn. The Indications ar that tne cereal crons of the West and the Middle b'ate-. soon about to be, if not alreidy in pood pair, harvested. iV bo the most abun dant on record. That ts the substance of the reptrts which ate coming to us from all f,nar'ers. W th out a limited demand tor ex portation, we do no. see how lower prices cm be avoided a coutingenev which consumers now compelled to pay $14 rfl5 per bbl. for flour in the seabonrd markets must contemplate with dollght. A Booty Cask Decidkd. Pr. LushingDn, in theCouriol Admiralty in Englau I, hss gwen liiilgnien' In the Banda aud Kirwee booty cas". The booiy amounts in value lo the sum of 450. (Mill, besides Interest tor a number ot year. The iudgiH-nt declaies Lout Chde and his entitled to a share in the bootr, und, subiect to tins lisbt, the wbolo is awarded to (Jcniral W hitlock and his forces. Tho law expenses are said to amount to about 70,000. CoanitrTioN at English Elkctions. Arecnt oflicial return shows that muco the year 18V2 there have been ten commissions aDpom'ed to inqi Ire into alleged corrupt prictice9 at elections in England. The cost ol tho .:om- I missions whs 21,400, aud of the proecu- l OliSiVBtlS. SPECIAL NOTICES. MUJAV1BO. WE COI'Y TH li FOLLOW li V mcritorloaa notice ol this most delicious prrinmc Horn Forney t Vr J'.ija vino. '1 Ms delicious new perfume lor the bBDi'.ktrclilel, Is wl houf t rival or dellcacj, durability, and rkhnrss. In tact, ot all pertmncs tho lrarat MujHVlro (of Ku9lan orlKin) may be called the quintes sence. Fi r sale by all the principal druggists. 7 14 6ui4t tJ" NEWSI'APKlt ADVLUTISINtl.-JOr, COK Co , N. K. comer ol KIKTII anJCnus KCT Ptreit. Tbiladelphla. and TKIHUNK 1!U Lti IN'OS. Kcw York, urenrnts fr the 'TELBouAru," an! lor the IvcwspapiTD oi the while countiy. 7 30ln.4p JOY.COQACO. r:.vf" DKl'ALTMLM" OF PUBLIC III III mxJ WAVa "tiice o' i hlet Couiui SMOUur, Kl IH Mrce', vtenl 8iuc he ow Cliemut 1'UiLaui:i.1'1Iia, August 6, 18u6. NOIll'f TO i On'IKA.. UUS Sealed I'ropoxa will do rereivo.i at mis Ofllco un t Uo'ciutk Ji. m KlilKA V, ilie lllih iuni., lor tho cuii Htiutliono a Hi ci on ilio tin-ol lor le li sir-e . ro.u 1 i.t'Aiiut lo l.ocuNi n re, th lire wcntiyarJ ou he I n 0 l.ocurt Biret-t ilirue liun r-duml Hi y eet. to be li.u t 01 liru k ctrcu ar m lorin, nlib nour liiHlde o'U ei-, vmiIi Kucn uni ts und iiuiiili.m-s u-i may oa directed t 11m 1. lo litir Ineer and .Surveyor. 'I I e undcrstitnilihK to be tliat he i-ouiruc or Bliul tnko bills Trc;jurcii nguiiist iho ron rtv .roiuln on mid Kctr to tlie uniouni ol out do lar and tAoiuy live celitft MrCbcli Uncut lout of rout ou euch Hide of nn sinct, us so much ca h pjld, tho balauco to oe pa d by ihe city - il oldcoiH ore invited to b praseut at tho ti'ne ano p ace I opcniuf. tne said prooosals. hch )ioo-ul a ill be accompanied tin certificate . l ai a fond bus been lllcil In tbo Law llopurcmuui, as dnecU'd bv or 'inume oi Aluy 'i t IHM. It ihe lowm bidder i bu 1 noi execute a contract ltl hi live dayo a'ter trio worn Is ntvurd -d ho wi I be iU-id. d as ii eilninir und will be bold 1'ainc on his ho id lor the dlfccreuoe between lila old and the next hlgbor l.ld fpccillciitln s niny be hud at the ne.iar nient ol Hur veys. w hlch will be Btric lv adhered t.i W. W 8WEDLK1, 8 7 't Chief i 'onmilKsloner ol tliKliways. NOTICE. APPLICATION WILL Bit, n aue by ihe undt r.skned to he Depar ment or lliKhwatn lor a contract t nave oi. il S reot, iro.ii t-ouidbit street t luo hallroad, iweut. B Hi Vi.rrt An persons owning uropuriy oa th line propofied to .f puved, w I muke known any objection to il. e Deour ment ut highways on or beiore 2o'cock 'l hi It I a Y, .Jd diu oi Autju t. ihe who e dlstuuce to be paved I imwi i -ei. The lol Hiving Hum d ncrsons have signiMl an airrne n.uit villi ibe in ilorlgnaJ to do Ibe w,.ri: John (.cutler H xth mreet l- eel; V T Uur ,e ;t, do.. lOi) cit; ftiurtin liomheli. 04 fee ; John liohger UK eet ( lories K ubr re net; r.oii Id t.uuz 126 toot; II. Loisih. Z II icet; Manuel Ou ir 75 feel i John sailor, WI leeti .-au.uoi c buimug, Is lert. BGJIt . A. A1ILLKK. Contractor. PAllDKE SCIENTIFIC COJItSE IN I.AFAYETTK COLLtOK. Jn mMltlon to the (? rural t'onise of In'tructlon in tins 1 lH.riii out oe.i).ne.l to ly a tubHtant1al basU o kLon lct (.c ui d cliOir.rly culture, atuden a can pursue tliei- Ttblch are tstonUully nrucicul aud tertinl ai vl. : t(.lNKl I.ING t'lvll Topocrnnhlcal and Mecha niitil! MIM.'O and ilETA l.l.l'liliY ; Afit'HirH '1 1 lip, mxitl.e iipelko iou oi Cheiuiulry to AUUlOUlr ll Ri eDOtiioAlrTS. T i te is a eo al.orded an opportunity tor special atady Ot 11AD1 and I'M.Ekcl j Ol 1 OIi KN L, V S CL'.M.i- OKI HilLf'LOO.Y.andoftheUlSTUttY and lFl II 1)1 l'Kf olourcountiv. tut t Ucuars apply lo 1 1 evident CATTFLL, or to Hot. K U. OUKUM tN. t'.erkol the Faculty. Faston I'crnfvlvenla Anrti 4 lHUi. 6 10 frSt-" FOR RKCOBDKR OF DF.RDS, WIL-l-5- LIUl M. IOOPKU ol theFI h v ar 1, su'.joct to the uectttiuu of the Convention vt the I'tilou purty. 4Jlt JK" CITY OF QU1NCY ILLINOIS DON DS. Holders of said Bonds can exchange tbotn for now r.onds, which tbo Bute pays like Stule Bonds. Address, or calt on O. SUInner, of Qulucy 111 , at of KIDI', I I KttC t A CO., o. Ill lillOAD street, hew Yoik, lor 50 days. 31 lmrp O R s E . THIRTEEN' ACKI.8 OF GFOUD North ol andln clone proxiniliy to Uruv a Ferry 1, ridge, hiiving a lrom. unon ibe M liLll.KILL ltlVr.K ol ID FKfc r. and on IMlU'i Y FIFTH Street SIT FhhT, and urou the i-lll ADLLI'IIIA. WlLINUnis. AND UtLll MOKE. aud(.l!AY'S Fi ltltY BAILKOAU, 229 Fttr, V til - 0 In puveu a on cur tied 'Ihli propcrt la located dlrect'v opposl e theJPVfj TIO.N A LHO 1) where thu U AUI O PlSNsSYL VAMA, NHV YOKK, and hA 1. 1 lAlUKi-; ItOAUS connect A portion of thin es ato Las been recent y ao d to the Mvsurs llurrlaoa Krothers K o., who are dow ennu.ecl In erecting argo Manuiuctorles and whurveg upon It. This Is one O' the most deslraii e business li cutiom- unon the bcliaylklll river and is well worthy the attention of persons desirous ol ob alniDg good positions for iANUFAC'TI'KIM or other purposed. terms cue ha.f C'auli: b ance on v or Rage. WILLIAM H. K I 'M I.IVR, 7 31 tuth6t4p No 4d FHANKLIN Ntreet. Q 1 1 AND OA 11 N I V A L AND MASQUE, AT CONGRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J , TIIirSDAY EVENING, AICFST 9. SUIiSCRirilON TICKETS $3 00 LADIES IN V1T AY1MKNSI CI 00 73t QOLUMBIA HOUSE, CAr ISLAND, N. J. MR. ADOLPII CIRGFELD Has the honor to announce that the Ci lt AN I) EliITE liAII,, OF THE "F. A 80 V, WILL TAILS FLAGS Off satuhday EVENING, August 11, AT THB COLUMBIA HOUSE. Pi it'culurs In future advert tt menu. 8 St NEW PUBLICATIONS. "CAMP A ION DIAL," AN ArTKBSOON DILI PiPa. The anderslgwed will rebwae the "CAM PA ION DIAL," for Ihe canvas, com nenolng on the tUh Inst., derote. to tbe intereata ol the National Union Johnson Party. sunscitirrwN fou cuipaIQN, im adtancr. Plftnlcc ry It F.vetopiea 4i) i en cool. i u "wen'y copies jy II e M iy copies A ,,. uttt t unscrlnllons should bfl lorwsnk'a at once. Advertisements at loimer ra es. Adureaa h. lti. COH KN, Kditor. 8 4 4t Box S15, Post Office, Philadelphia. rp I 31 O T II Y CRUMP'S WARD Bna son-e capital oiT-hand sketches f dkms.tlc lite In V'e York and rh'ladelnhia la full e-f goid ham, end the Interest Is we' - iiutal ted to Its c osa. It can be read through at one sitting, and to fi,t-rat lor car-reading. l'rlce lb cents ever here. It LOHINO Pcdlishsb, Ro. GROCERIES, ETC. AMEKHAX TEA COMPACT. AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, IMPORTERS OF TEAS, Hove taken the Ptoie NO.tlllia AltOII STREET, AO. AUCH SrilKBT, AO. U.14 AKCII STKUlor, C barman's former store, where they have opea4 aat- la nicrue stock ot the purest 1KAS, COFFKES, AND 8PICE8, Which they wilt sell at the very looest market price, WllOLKS LK ANJJ BF.TAIL. Only the best and purost noous sold. TAl' K NOTMR. l'OMTIVKLY NO 411 KFI,HESTATIOM Ot an article ui'er any clrcun.sunces. Al L OLK Ol'FEI .S KOilEi Without watir iard or.rraje. ll,c bi st Rl I'd mid 1".5 Oolon g Teas In tbecsuntry. ir t . e I tt JiiMureoi the An encao Tea Couij any, ti e ti ost di lltioi'B In Ilio cohniry. at 81 '25, Ihcvcr) lestuncolored Japanese. Teas at tlOO UK mid bl-SO. ' 1 he test and puris: roasted liloCome, at 30 cents; tbe very best tnipoinu 35 cm is 'lietie.-t and punst Lasuayra, Java, and Jamaica. Collie In the country. Orcirs ncL-ivtd, uud sent free to all parts of the oily and country. THE AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, 7 lOtuthflflt No. 03'i AK( II utreet g 11 K It It Y V I N E. FIE HAKMONV SriEKKY WINE. ALSO, i IS EST QUiLllY CUOWN SHEBKr For sale by tl:ocak ordum'johD. ALSO, CHOICE TABLE CLARET, FOR RALE BY SI3ION COLTON & CLARKE, 4 14i1r 8.W cor.BROAD and WaLNT. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES rp II R E E I M P O R T A N T AOENCIh.8. Iho celebrated l.ILLiE'S CHILT.EO-IhOM 8 AFE, The cheapest and best Indeed, the en ,y a trlctlr flro and Lurglar prool aale made. 8TK. MENtilNE PACK ISO, Cal'ed Miller's I.ubricallve Sioain Packing, annur passcd and unequal cd. AM THE SCALES FROM THE GREAT HEM SCALE WOiiK. PEN H'A. H calf s w arranted to equal any in the market, and on tei ins much more luvorabis. The unuerfll,ned havlnic tbe Ooneral Ag"ncy for the sale of the kbove ai tic its Iu this city, he r.-speotludy solicits Ihe atleutlon oi ail paries Iniorejtcd both tha dealer aud consumer, bopinir to merit (us he ban nlreiidy received) the continuance oi a liberal paiiilo patronage. , M. O SVDLEB, Agen 8 6 Ko G39 ABl'H Htreot. QTKAM TO LIVKHPOOLCALLlNil AT l i (ueeiutown i he Inman Liue.saihnK seinl wee it, carrvlub he I nited titatea mal a. CAT Y OF ltO.TiN" Saturday Angastll "i IIY t-F NCHrSl.It"....We.-:iiesiay, Aujuj U ITY OF LONDON" xnturday, Autfuu 1 " C ITY F lill.LlX" Wednesday, uuus2l LUI.VBUhOn" Saturday Aukosi 1 and each sncceedniK Saturday and Wednuaday, at noon, iroin 1'ler No 44 Jvonli river KA1 tS iF P HSAUK By the man steamer sailing every Saturday. First I ahln f isi. steerage $19 'lo London 94 To London H 'Jo Juris !Ui! 'io larls tt 1'AYABLr; IN COLD Tassaxo by tbe eilncsd r stomiiers: -First cabin, tiiu; stecrue, (i3S. l uvable lu United 8ia el cur rency l'asiiergors a so forwarded to Havre, Ilainbarg, Ere n en. ole , a' mo crate rates. MeerKie passage trom Liverpool or Queenitown, 5t, golf., i r the ei un a ent i Ick ts can ba boaubt hers by perrons setnliny for their rrlenda Fo- lurthtr Inioimanon appb' at the OomDany'4 ol) cea. JOk.h O DAl.F, Arent wi No. Ill w LN I T -treet. I'hl ad a. 5 COLTON DENTAL ASSOCIATION. Itiat we mafce the MTROFJ8 OXIDtf pare, and ad minister It in he safest and moat effect an I manner, aad ex unci Teeth ab o utely wltbou' pain, eighteen tnoa eand patient , and tbe a edlaal prolession nlj testify. 1 1 la onr speclaltr. We never taJL Come ijbeadqu ate:!. f8 I lm4p OFFICE, Ko. 737 WALNUT Street. JMPROVED ELLIPTIC HOOK LOCK-STITCH SEWING MACHINE! OIF1CE, No. 923 CIIKSNUT 6TREEL SLOAT BEWIJSU MiCUINCS, Repaired and proved. 5Satuth3n'4p A CHOICE COLLKCTION OP FINE OLD nfliah Books, comprlslnj the finest edl tons, with mm vol creat ra Ity, tonether wiin lichajwort- nicutoi Freucii B ASH WORTH. Ko 228 S. N'NTH Street below Walunt V B Old books bought in large or auioil quautltle or exchanged. iin4p BOARDING WANTED. -A (iENTLBMVS D hlK8 Room and Board in a private family. Acdresa O. W. Box o. 2171 fust Office, stating teima. Halk T OST.-CF.RTIFICATR No. 119, FoU OMR I J Hiiare o' the I apl'a"tck of tne FENNITLVA M A At ADF.MY O1 FINE AUTM. a so. 'rutlrat No-748 dated July! IKil for twe fhas o' the CaplUi Mock o' the FAIHMOUNT AS AMtCH Hi ltKl I OIIY FIHkl'MI'h Klt.WV 'TiUfiM, lloth!n the name of WILLI A M WHIT NF.Y. App.lcation will be duty mde lor nwe-mt-cates. II4t