2 TOE HEW YOEK PRESS. DITORIAL OPINIONS OF THE LEADING JOURNALS OPCN CURKBNI TOPICS. OMFILKD RVKIiT DAT FOB XTBNINO TRLFORAPU, , Oar National Debt From the Trihunt. The luct tuatour na'ionut debt was reduced more than one hundred and twenty-tour millions of dollars during the jeitr which closed on the 1st Instant, 1 believed to be without a parallel in the annals ol nations just emerged from a tremondoug, dcsolutin war There Is nothing like id In our own history. If wo could no on at this rate, we should pay off td last aimo of our debt ulthla the next twenty years. Everj one supposed that the debt would be largely increased during the year just closed by the payment ot arrearages, claim, suspended accounts, etc.; while fie payment ot' volunteers muH.cri'd out of pprvtce since August 1, I8i', munt have absorbed a I least one hundred mil lions of dollars, aud probably lar more. But the anouuta aetuHil.y due to contractors and on other unliquiuaU-d accounts were lcs tban was suppoheii; wuilo ciHims tor food and other pro perly taken by our commanders irom IohI men appear to have bevn BcrdtinupJ with aildii'inta rigor. lX'sjite itie ur eat reduction of taxes and the estr bountv juc voted to our funhiul de fenders, it is now clear that ourdebt is uot likely to exceed the ascrtaincd amount. For, wnile some oiaims utiri nrreiiruges reioain to be paid, there are come millions now due fro n rJoiituiru railroads lor ro.linj; stocs, etc., old them d? the Government, mo-t ot which will ultimately be realized; while it is most unlikely that eo many claims, suspended accounts, etc., remain to be anfus.cd as have alieady b'.e.i settled and satis lied. And, wliil. tlie preat reductiou ol tiv.es just f fleeted musL make a laree holn in the re ceipts ot future yearn, we trus. this will soon be filled bv the increased production of manv articles still taxed, aud bv the augmented cili ciency ol our laxiug machitipry. Cotton aud tobacco will i ay tar more in the onsuiut; tuau they did in the last year; income will probably pay nine; so will the receipts ot railroads, theatres, etc. Aud, it Couitres hart seen tit to reduce tho tax on whisky from two dollars to filly cents per crallou, we believe that article would also have .mid more. Tho present tux is so high that it is mote generally evaded than paid. On one point, Sesretarv McCtilloch will not permit us to understand him. Why should he persist in keep in; -o larae an umount as $137,317,332 in the Ireasnrt, while he is payiru interest on $118 (;ii.r,470 ol temporary lo.m. is our standing pei''cxur; and no.v, wlieu his heavy income tax is about to come in, his doing it seems to us a urave mixdcme.tiior. He ouRht to tiave pa d oil at. least S1U(),UU0,UJU more than he dul up to the 1st instant, thereby decreasing by some $j,0iiii,0t() toe annual interest ol the debt ana Driuinig its principal below $2,70O,Oi.O,l)iiu. Aloney i hat has been used in paying oil' our debt can nei her be emoez.'e I nor used to indite rpec ilatiDn; or it so used tho Uovernmeur is In no nc responsible. How much loniret must we ak why the Treasury balauce is uot reduced aud tho natioual deot paid olF to the tartoet encut consistent with tho prompt sat si ac .ion of all current demands '! Administration oi the Finances. From the I'tmtt The 1st of August statement of the public debt of the United States, which we published yesterday, exhibits some exceedingly gratiiyiug results. In ihe last two montus tho Secretary has been able to extinguish, by actual cash pay ments Irom his revenues, the large sum of thirty-seven trillions. In the twelve months ending the 1st instant, he has extinguished one hundred aud twcnty-lbur million?. The present aggregate unprovided lor is $2,033,003,000. Last summer, at its maximum, it was $2,7o7,000.000. The surplus revenues of the current fiscal year will, it is believed, further reduce the total below $2,500,01)0,000, of which about one-tilth will be ia the torm of Treasury circulation and deposits tree ot Interest (or nearly to) to tbp (ioverument, leaviue a lunded deot of only two thousand millions to bear interest; While Mr. McCtilloch in the last two months, as in tie pr ceding month ol May, h;is oecu able to extiugni-h tuo public debt at the rate of $18,000,(110 per month, ho lia- also accomplished the next best uood work oi funding into tue pcimaneiit stocks ot the United States $!(, 814.000 ot hi- temporal? obligations making ttio toial conversions in this wac since this tmo last year about $134,0110,000. Dur-ng the tuud inn pi cci ss o the last two months, lib sales of United Stut"S 0 2Us at tho going rat-s ot the market; were about $34,000,000, and bis ex changes oi the same btoek lor 7'30 per cents about $14,010,000; aud not withstanding these operat ous, the market tor all our gold-bearing 8.oe.K9 has steadily advanced. It is fccircely expected that everybody will bi satisfied wuh all that the Secretary has done sud it doing in the way ot extinguishing ant landing the public debt, and gradually reducing the Treasury circulation of legal teiiiera, bin e feel quite sure thar the country at lartre will find nmeh canoe oi gratulation and increased confidence in the present statement. 'The Superiorly ot American Iron-clnd Monitors, aud the folly ol American Soll-GloriGcatlon. From tlie Uerald When busiuess men or a mercantile firm find a good market or engage in a protitable enter prise, or when an invent. ve genius makes some great oiscovery, it is usual lor them to avail themselves ot the benefits of their enterprises and discoveries without letting the whole world know the secret of their prosperity. Tin .American Government has been at immense expense in experimeuang upon and tesuug the value ot oeriain kinds ot iron-clad warships and monitors, aud at last its ellorts htve been crowned with succiss. The Monadnoek and jHtarUonomut.uou-ulad monitors, have made sue cesbful a" voaes one to Caltiortua, through the Pacific and A lantic,aud the other has crossed the Atlantic to Europe, in both instances their qualities as sea Koiug vessels were full tested, , ana tney were piuuuuuceu ov scientino an i exic rieaced men to be the pi riectiouot invulnerable sea war t bins. A prominent othcial in the Navy ltepartnient accompanied th i iilaiUonoma in her uuke Ing tr'P to Europe, aud he has b3en especially dwunguibhe I lor his urbanity aud i courtesy to tue crowned beads of Karopo and their A.diu.ralty Ulcers. Eery particular con- ' cemliig the construct on of the hull, the ma cLinerv, draught i f water, consumption of fuel, 'calibre o eimaiueuc, speed, and seaworthiness. was explained, to the infinite admiration of the English and French naval othcers, aud to the esueclal seligloi ideation of those who pnioved tho task of showing up the vessel. The Londrn 'limes is ncesslvtly laidatory unon the completeness and etfectiveness of ihe JUuiTitotumui, md decla es that against such Yt80ls the coa-ts and harbors cf Kuelaud are comparatively d tecseioss. ut course tno t;ng- lish Admirslty will take immediate steps in annnlv tueif navy with vessels constructed upon the puuciple of tha American irou-clad monitor; France wdl do 'he samp, and in a brie! space ot time we will ond that all the advantages vie have Kiined by our enormous expenditures and tedio"s experiments in perrocung acom mint upaponir iron-clad war shio are eniOTed by European ua i n without thair incurring either th exoenso or oulav of exper niontltur imnn the vssels. In Europe it Is extremely H.flinult tor strangers to ob aln acccs to tlie Ooverunenl dockyard-; but in our case, ta order to eratifv some soiiBel ss fecllue Of vanity and Boli-glorv, we parade all the uiiuntiiB ot one of our grandest Laval invention to th curious and gnpina eies o( toreien ns, i ho, we km not bow soon, roav bcome our enemies- llo'.n Fraice and Kntland havo attempted to oonstruot iron clads; but their attempts have in mo-it ta-tnee proert compie'e lailures. RnHuii, a'.ways self coi ceited, nad her ees opened tooursjperlorlty in sbipbi ildlng by the appearance in her ator of our rleeta of packet and clipper ships, and finally by tho performances ot the yacht America. She will now adopt our stylo of Iron, claos, and thus we shall be deprived of the material beuphta Brliog from oir Important naval lnven-lons ai.d d scovorics. iho truth u, our naval vessels ot new and Improved con ftiuction should very rarely be allowed to bo shown up in lorcign ports. We cannot afford to set ourselves up as patterns fro n which the old Admiralty logics or tireat Dr.taln can cooy. Our naval Inventions are a source of our power and strenetb as a nation, and the secrets ot the merits aud peculi r construction of our naval vessels idiould leoiain sealed In the Navy Department aud no cxposod to forei"n nations hat are notoriously Inimical to Amcricau In terests. As things are now conduetcd our finest, war vessels, like the Miantonomah, are sent lo Europe to (anli'ate some private specu lation or to leeure contracts by some naval constructor or naval officer who' has reined his post in our navy. Favoritism is shown by our Navj Department in tnls respect to an ex tent never to be lound In tho navy of any other country. Ibis evil is at once abominable and rtisirrsceful, and should be no longer tolerated. Our own saiety aud defense, depend uaon the inve'mve genius ol our people, and our dis coveries aud improvements in naval and mili tary warlaie should bo securely pioiected. Prussia keeps the secret of her destructive needle-gun to herself uo to this day, althouih it Is au invention of many years ago. Why should not on i (Jovermtietit in a like manner keep o itselt tho secret ot coustructiLg so powerful an engine of war as an iron-clad monitor? Peace in Europe. From the World. At last the Atlantic cable brings us something like a rational explanation and continuation ol itshasVy utterance in the subject of peace in Europe. Under the date of London, August 4, we are now inlormtd that negotiations for peace between Austria, Prussia, and Italy are going on at Prasuc upon a basis in no substantial respect differing fioin the. propositus put lurward sotno time since under the auspices of tue Emperor Napoleon. Austria, we nre told, is expected to surrender Yeuetia to Italy, aud Schleswig llolhttin to Prussia; to retire hoi self iroinTlietiei inanic ('oniederatinu: aud to consent io the loiniution ol tuo nev eoiii'Meraetes in (ier iiitmv, the one ot North lieiuinnv, under tin leadership and coutioi if I'tus.iia, the other ot ioutli Germany, tinuei'- ihe pr.niucv, as Is prolmbie, thouirli uiion this print tlie tele- prtipli is 81k nt, of the kingdom of lii'vuria. Ihe importance ot the changes to bo effected by such a pence us this In tuo polit cal organization ot Ji nope can hardly be over-csMuated; nor can they be more man glanced at in any review of the. position (jredi caled upon the Uietigre sKet-j'i which alone we now posses-s ot their seope and tneir probability. Retiring tinally trom her pi-epoudei jiice b jtli in Italy and in 'tiernisuv, Austria, ot course, adniits the thoroughness oi her detent Dy the Piusso lruliHU alliance; but it may well be ques tioned whether h"r prospects lor the fiuure are not really oriehtened ra her tuau clodded by this result. In losing Veuotia she loes a popu lation ol some t.o millions umi u half of souls, but she gains in return a Ircedoin of aciion which she ba never possessed since she accepted the latal gi.t ol tho hist Napoleon, seventy years ago. 1W future now turns from the West tJthe Easr. Mistress ol the lower Danube, with a peweiful Germany and a power ul Italy uoon her western and southern iionliers, she at once becomes a lorm dublo rival ot itussia f r the con roi ot the Hlack Sea, aud for that eventual pn.e ot Constantinople upon which tlie Czars have so Jong set their hearts, but which will be lurttier from their grasp upon the iaywhich witnesses ine signature ot such a treaty of peace a is lorcshado ed in the brief t leuranis wh;cn wo yesterday published, than it has ever beiore been. Prussii, by Die consolidition of North Ger many under her sway, will taie her plane at once in tho European hierarchy as a power of the very tirst rank, wh'le the oraatdzatiou of a South German Co-dederaiou will prevent, or at leust retard, her ucquisi'ion of such an over whelming mora' and military predominance in the atiairs ot Central Europe as would make her aggrandizement a direct and serious menace to Fiance, lialy, united Irom the Alps to the Adtia.ic, will acquire the right and the power to exercise aspee iv and decisive intlueuce intue lintil se tlm ent of the Papal question; aud this the more certainly that the luicst account! we I aveot the military situation immediately before the acceptance ot the propositions wuich have resulted in these couierences at Prague, prove the Italian armies to have played a positive, brilliant, ami most important part in bringing Austria to terms. Whdethe Prussians were push, ing on between the Kaiser atVicn"a and h:s last re'upe at Pcsth, ai.o were in the act of winning at Piesbuig a victory which was interrupted only by tin- news oi the acqu cscince of Austria In the all-ed (lemsnds, the Italians are reported to have dcleated the imperial torces at Bjrgo ui ValsuLOiia and Lcvico, aid tl.ereby to have placed themselves between tho Quadrilateral to the south and the Tjrol lo the uo'th, so as tully to ju'tily the assertion of the London 2'imwthat a single day's turtner iietay niitint nave ta d tue Austrian empire absolutely at the mercy of its ivaders. lntimte supplementary diplomatic transactions must, ol course, be looked lor be'ore the vast and sweep tig results here sua gestid can be tully worked .ut; but the com- letencss ol the l'russiau end Italian tiiumpii is no longer a ma tei ot question, and oar late news is extremelv satisfactory, because it seems to indicate tUat "the victors are likely to show themselves as sagacious and moderate in c o niuil as they have betn swilt aud strong in the held. The I'biladplphla Convention Mr. Hay. moud'H I'lattorni. From the Daily A'etrs. Tbe 2 iw.es o. Saturday 'assents most heartily'1 to iho follow ins plaitorm, which tho Albany Averting Journal advises the Philadelphia Con vention to adopt: 1. Secuiity for the future to be pruaranteorl by a Itutti'ul execution ol and submission to the (Jml Itights and Jbre. dmou's tiure.tu laws. 2. Adui.tiou ot tue proposed atncnduient ot tbe Constitution. 3. The In incdtate adml-'sion to their seats in Conpiess of all loj al men who can taKe the test oath: and 4. Tbe recognition of tho rittht of every Stale to regulate the qustion ot sudrage In its ox a way. Iu what respect this platform difTcra from that of tbe radical maioiitym Cong'ess we canuot see. It certainly sustains tbe outrageous teut outb, and all of the measures which the radicals pafsed over tbe Prchidem's veto and against un will tbe Freedinuu'3 Bureau bill, tbe Civil Ttionta bill, aud the Constitutional amendment. Tbe lact that the limes aui poits it proves what we htve rupenteaiy saia, that Messrs. He ward, Wpp.i Uavmotid. and all those whom tbat Baiir reoresents. are not supportina tho Puili.delphia Couveution from any desio to accomplish iti avowed obicct the restoration ol tbe riJiith to its proper pos lion in tho Union but Irom a BelBsh desire to re-estaolinh tbdrowaa-condaucjr in the Republican part v. This thev mav accompiisn it they can so manipulate tb rirUdelphia Convention hs to mxketnat Dt.ay aiopt mo jjim uru wmcu mo Albany Journal prepuces, tor upon tnai pia inim oven Tta. uLlicHn In tbe country can stand, and'il Soward, Wutd, und Ravuioud Miull Und upon It w.th tbe U.'di'ial piiroaaje at tim.p iiinnnMtion. to it will also co'ue the crtat L.ai-8 of those who now folio Thai blevcns and Greeley. This Is a very smart trick of Mr. Raymond and his frifnds. Ee iecs, however, one great difll culty la tho wav ot '$ success, 'hit. Is, the pre sence at Philadelphia of "Anti-War Democrats and Rebels" as delegates to th Convention. This dithcultr be proposes to surnount by 'cast Ini out as etl" all such persons. We think he will And the task a lery difficult one, an i in laci an impossible one. Dull still he may succeed. fe can only say that in that event he will find thst the "Anti-War Democra's" aud Southern people have opposed the Constitutional amendment, tbo Freedmen'e lturcstiblll, theOivil Riijhta hill, aud IheTe t Oath act, just because these measures are Infamously unjust and ruinous, a id uot brcat.se they were advocated by Mr. Stevens; and tbcv will continue to opoose toera just as eainestly and lust as uncompromisingly a-i ever, even It they should be indorsed by a thousand conventions. No horest Democrat or Southern eenileman can or will suppoa Mr. Raymond's platform. We certainly Dever shall, even If it should be adopted by the Philadelphia Conven tion a result which is, in our opiniou, morally impossible. SPECIAL NOTICES. 3gT GEARY AND VICTORY! GIIANU UNION REriBLlCArt MASS COSVEXTHM IN OLD BERKS! Y'T HEADING, ON WEDNESDAY, AICIST 22, 1SS3. In otiodirncp to a rcsoltlon adopted bv the CKNTRAL GEARY LKAtiUS ot the city ot ltcdlrg. an t tho He ruolican i-iecuilvo ( ouimltlee or ilerks County the UlIui. nepubilCADS ot tho ' Altera and Middle Couutlcs ot 1 enusylvanlo, lavorub.e to the elt-ctlon of MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN W. GEARY, For Governor or Pennsylvania, Are requested to rrectirt Grand M8i Convention, In the clly oi :JUediiui, OH YEDNFSDAY, AUGUST 22, 18S6. Arrangements will be mailo with a'l the Rallroiia Com punies to cmiv de.ivalicinH Irom uil put tn ol' ttio State at the lovtcst rules 'J tic L .uui'aee .t' Arrnuif.1110.UB wi t miiVe ample prov Vu,n tor tlie accommodation and com fort ot (itU'mll.ns irom abroad AV ltti u reasons le ellort on tne panel the Rcpubli c ns c t I.Bntflsji'r. li finer, i.ehan. n, dan hln. -chayl-kill, Le'Kli. Morihampton. Montt-'oiuerv. Uelawura Bucks, i l.iluileli.liin, aud other counued in i-a-iiem and Middle I eiiU8lvnula. tlil.-t mee.iiirf wilt be the lures. ever Leld in the Maic tie i-evcii thousoiul true and trl.d l.ei ublieuns ot Olu licrks will not fall to e icuro tcotcd in full force. Out aim I' tonill.i to cc 1090 tho recent falluto to rally the t cmocrucy in this cltv on the lnth of Jul v. Such a meeting an we expect luiu on thoWclot uuut w.lt not tul, to hiluse confidence Into the Republicans every where and go far to convlnco iliu hon or Democrat ot Old terns that re a patriotism, and such mo te of recon gtrucimg the Union n wllllusuro peace uud voodwill among the people of every sec i ion, lsor;h aud .ou'h cun only be lound in the nieasuies of the ltupub!lcau party. THE BOYS IN BLUE Of tbo several counties are especially invited to como eii matst by hundreds and thousands. 1 he ltepubln:au lateh-sirliiKSOi ltcatfiug will ou out. They will have a cordial welcome. Grand Torelillslit Procession. On the evening botore the irreat meeting (on Tucsd ly, Aunust 2i) there will be a O and Torch iglu 1'r ice-nioii In Iteudiug. In which tlie ISoys in lliue tho old Wldu Awukes, and other Union organizations are cordially fnvi ed to lartlclpate. Waroliuls 01 leuders oi dclega ions from the several counties or Cistr.cts are retiuested to report by mull to either of tho undersigned not later tbuu August 19, klti. the prubabie nuaiber who will attend. J.ajur-tieiiciul (jl.AHV, the next tiovvruoi, will posi tively attend the meeting 'ihe lollowlog dbtlugulshed speakers have been In vited to he p'eeent end address the uieeilu,-: lion. Thuddi us Uieveus, (.ov lluiniitoii, of Texas, Hon. .lohu i ee.sna. ov Jirnwuiovv, of leuu , Cineru. John . i.olhii. Iluu. a w. U unon. i ujor oi iii rol B. K. l.ut cr, Maj. tien. N. P.llu iK.Mai. I, on. John . Fi rney. nun. Norton no iiciiaoi, lion Ih n.as .Vurn..mi, lieiural Joshua T Owen Lon. b. ii. D.u niU'k, oeueral 1. w. Fisher, i.em.rai ' '. Mnrign . Wayne MeVeagii. Esq. Additional speukcri wi 1 be invi.ud. Also, some to address the meeting in the lie ruin n language J. UOFn'Jl.VN. Chairman Republican Ex. Com of Berks Cou itv. E. il. ItAUClI, President Central Geary Lennuo oi ltoadiug. Itooiis Union ,-taie I imiiai. i ommii'Tek. ( PlllLADHLl'llIA. Juiy .b. ) Tho above call Is hci.iti ? piiroved ami 1 1 i . I'n.on Itci.uO icuns ol the n.Nte u and Mi.l.ilo t.'uuuiles oi tuo Bttt.eare tamebltv requested to respond. F. JOItlMN. 8 1 2w Lbdlnnan State Commit eo. J 1ST JUST PUBLISHED Bv tho ficticious mi tho NEW ol.K MUSKIM. the Ninetieth Edition oi their lOltt LKL'I UUiS, entitled . rillLOOl'lll iif MAK"HUK, To te had I re, lor It ur stamps hr uodrussinK Secre tin y New York aluseuin ot Ana omv, bb5 No. 6IH 1 liOADWAY, New York STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QULVEIl'S NEW PATENT CF-EP bANU-JOIXT 11 0 T - A 1 H F UltNACE HANGES OF A 1.1 j SIZES. ALSO, PUIIGAU's EVv' LOW FRbiSVUt 8TKAM HtATlU AIPAUATUS. FOB BALK BY CHARLES WILLIAM?, B10J he. UE2A1KKK1 b'lUEhM. IHOMPHON'B LONDON KITCHENER, OH H HOI'EaN RA.UK. lor taml lea. hotels or nuMlo institutions tul WIN'l'Y iliFF HkNT MZl H ilsn I hi ade.uhla HaiiKes. llj -A,r I ur raws l-onable Heaters, Lodon Urates P.rvboitrd Htuves.liati llollirn. hit-wbo'e falsa, llrollers, Cook ii.K Moms etc., whoieia a ana i- tan, Dy mo amn.uao- turers tll.M.rE. & thu.msom. 5 19stDthCm Ko. 2(19 N. SECOND hirect DENTISTRY. THE GOVERNMENT HAVINfS Rranted me letters-puient tor mv mode oi nr InlfUrlnn Mirons Oxide ls. by Whleh I har i n i'if.1 n ant iln.u.tanilH ot Teeth without Diun I aui JuKtlll-d in awertltt. that It la bo.haalor aud superior to any otutr now lu use. ' DR. L. JUl'SNS 5 SI 6m No. 7J1 SI'il fl'.'K 8treot JOBERT SHOEMAKER & CO, W1I0LESALK DUH.GLSTS, MA N UFA CIV RE ft, IMl'OltlEKS, AND DEALERS IX Paints Varnishes, and Oils No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET HOSa COBNfKOF HALE. LUMBER. 1866; FLOCRINOI PLOORIKOIl ri.oonihGi klo biauii 4-4 CAKnLl.SA FLOOK1NU. 6-4 V1RUIM K OOklNU. 4- 4TIK(.IM ri.OOHINO. 5- 4 I'H AWARh VLiOHIvO. 4-4DI UWsllt Fl.OORlNO AMt AM) WAI.NTJ' F O 'KIMfl. A 811 AND A I.N IT ri.OOUIU. M r v HOASUH, KAIL PLA K. 1866." PLASTERING PI.AH1t-RI.vo LATHS, at liKi-u n) rmt f . AT trDUi KU I-UICl-8. LATHS 1 1 I860: CP' DAK AND l'INB SIIINHLKS. C I) AH AM) PINE NHIBOLKS. I0 I LU?U CrPIU BtllMjIjKn Ho. 1 MIIUUT I KHAK "H NOLE?. Wtlllr t'INK fUINtll.K.8. 7' HI HH PIUMiT-fH. UNK AKHOKTMI-N I If Oil BAL.K LOW 1866; -LCMJJER FOR UNDERTAKERS! I Lt JiHHt KOH I'NDKHUKERSl! rr II It I'A U 1. IT, A Ml FINK liUMlDtK WALNUT. AN 1 PIS K. -1 Ql( ALbANY LUMbEKOF ALLKINDS. 10UQ. ALBANY Il'MBtK Of ALL KINDS r-J-.AFOMD V, ALNT T. &h A(ONI l WALNUT. DBYIOflAH (BLKKT, M A8U. OAK UK A n BDH. AHOOANY. BCBF WOOD AND W ALNUT VENEEJW. 1866. -1 ' Hi A It- IK ) X M A N U F A CT C R KRS. CKJMt-JOX Bl AN I'KACTORKBJ. H'AMMI I KHAR BOX ll( I AUD.-. AT Plt KII PKK K8. SI'liUCE JOIST 1 M'RCCE JOIST! 1866; t-Il V' K JOISI I BrLCL'E JOIsTl M.tlM 14 '! !B F K t.l Li iN (J. I'HOM 14 TO 8U rfcET LONG. hl'BVt t. .HILLS HEMLOCK 1 LA K ND JOIST. OAK HILLS. At AL'LK BKOrilWH A CO., No VWO HOLTI1 oTRKET. B 2' rrrp (J Alt PEN TE RS AND DUILDELIS CAN SaTB TEN PER CENT. By pnrchaj-lntr of me W. TINE EOAR1S, KUN OF THE LOfJ. W. I'lNK BOOKING ANU8U FFOLDlNO BOAHDi. FI18T AM) HI CON D Ot M U ON BOAKU8. '1L1LD COM J.O BOABDS. W. Uh'K AMI SAP PINE KLOOKIXQ. CAROLINA HOOKINU. W. 11EAND CVl-BLSa SlliQLES. j'Annky. NOBLE STREET WHAHF, 811m No. BOO North DKL.VWARK Aveoae. JJ N 1TEP ST A T E S IJlULDEll'S MILL, lies. 24. 26, and 28 S. FIFTEENTH St., rrilLAPELFllIA. KSLKK & BROTHER, WOOD HOILDINUS, BEA KETS. KTaIK BALL'S TEHK, M tVl.L POSTH, tJEN EKAL TUKNliiO M.LOLL Ol.K, ETC. (SULLY IN i; rLANEO TO OEDEK. Ihe I urtot a- 8i.ilu.int ot Yi cod Mouldings In 'tiN ciy connautl. on tiium. 7 li) J111 T. W. SMALTZ'S LUMPER YARD, X. E. corner FIKi l.l..NTIt and S'lILES Street. Oi EltS t OU .itLb. CHEAP FOR C tSII. l'snel. 1st com , 2d com., ild coin , 4 4, 5-4, 0-8 8-4, V Lite Line, fttucoued. I' li ft mil Hieomi quality Yellow (4 4 5 41 aud White ine 1 4-4 F ooiiiiK Lounls. Fl'i-t and seeuud quulity one and two Bides Fence Li.iid.i. f-he.v ng Hoards, Hass. Ash. Planks and Hoards A line 1 iiio Mils all sizes. Step Itoi.rdH, 4 4, A 4. Leiuloik. Joibt and .caut inw. Iroui li to 26 lect long, all w iu I s Sonico .lolct. Sills and Seal ti Inp. 1 liiBii r UK 1 it Hi ( I- iiisii-li and e u.ais) Pickets. Shingles, ( lusnui 1 oxih, etc A' flu 'iii'V. hlnut I'lunK imd Hoards. All kinds oi 1 ulliilny Lumber cut and furnished at the shortcut notieo at the U.wext price. 7 li 1m J. O. P B R K I l.lIMliKlt MKIJCHANT- buecpsnorto K Clark, Jr., No. 324 CHRISTIAN bTREKT. CorFtai tl; on hand u larsi) and vanod a.-.sortrnen of Builun.ir LuniLer 6 'H INSTRUCTION. rrilE LhliKUI UNIVERITY, BETHLEHEM, J IF SNA. 'I Lis new inetitutlon . liberally f ndowed bv the Hon. Asul'uikrr oi lUiui li Chunk nil designed to eive a u'l bructlcul rd..ca.lon mu fl to the reouireuixim ot tl e aie will he i.i en to receive student? In thu Fille r 1 WO t'LASM S on the Ik' of September. ItKitf 'il eleiHtlcu Is leuiitnul. and nrovirliluli v healthy. f.ud it imltUHKd In il.en.i.lft ot vuneil lndusina' line ret.18, ail oi which wLl be subsidized lor too nuioose ot inMrue h.n. 'li e t ouw will consist ol two carts. First. TWO YhAKH HF 1 KH'.MiAlOHV l8ihUi TloN in Ma li unties ( lie.ni-tiy, aud Lant;uutjo (eioeeiiilly tho n.ooeru lMi.ue(:tH( Mum. s w Inch every vouug inau t-1 uu il uri-u , tor Kliot. vei .roie.iion lio he in en led. hecond i Wo Ai 1,1 IONAL YI-A1H In one ol the tol dwinj. schoc Is li.euth of which in uikitiona! ipooiul ur(;rreil n im rrcd : t. JiierinooiO' ienerai .uerarure. 2 'I lie School oi i ml t nt-hieerint;. 3 1 t.c 1-cLi.ol ol Meehmiical iiyineerlDg. 4 i bo reboot of Mm a lurpy in a .m Iuii'k- A nDileiiils lor adiiilsfeluu will be examined from the In to tie l.Uli ot JUKI'S', on presemiiiK lliumsulves lo the rrei-liieu . at I'.etlileliriu or on tne opeiiuiu dav. Clieuluis t lv in ix ti i ins. eic . may be bud by apj ylna to Marns I . II I II L KH & o.,o. 3J 8. FOUltlH Street l'Ulailelphla, or tolitMlY cOFI-LE, President, l.etliielx in. l'u. 1 law 15 n II B G A It A y INSTITUTE E"CLI.a AND FliESC H. 1'oardH'P and I'a.v puiils Job 167 and lftl!) BPl;Ut'E btreet. will nopen on I11L1(MA ei.leniuur ill. Freneli is il.e iHii.i-nKe ot the family, uud Is constantly r-i'okeii In tlie InMiu.ie. J rimiirv j vpariuifui vo" .r mdduui. lav Seho'i rs p.-r annum KU. l uy Lourdluu J'upl.s, 2i.O. MADAMK IUKTILLY, 6 22 fmwlm Principal. MISCELLANEOUS. JjMTLER, WEAVER & CO. UA.MfiniiU'i up Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines, Etc., No 23 Viorth V ATKRt-tieet and No. 'ti North OLLAWAKK Aveuue, I-UILADKU'UIA. IPWIN II. FlILFR. illCnAEl WKAVKB. COMiAD K C'LOllJltK 14 Q E ORG E PLOWMA N, r 1 -vt CAIU'KNTEK AND lHJII.DIiR, No. 2G2 CARTER Street Anil No. 141 DOCK Street. II at bine V. 01k ar-d Uin(hvhtlDg piomptly atiendt to 3tl c O K N K X C II A N i E B AO WAhCFAC'lOUT. J O il H T. B A I I. t i 4 o UBUOVKO TO N. E. corner of MAltKl l and WATER 8 tree a. Irui ada'phia, DEALFKS IN LAl.H AD BAOUIMQ 01 every uesriiptioti. tor Cialn, Flour, Bait, nupei Phophate ot Llmo, Bon ltust, .tc Iame aro t.mall GD.NNY LA(J8 constantly on hand Also, V OOL BACKn. John T. Baii.ev. Jamf.b Casoadeh. LEXANDKH (J. C ATT K L L 4 CO. PRODUCE COMMI8S10N MKHCHAJaT9, HO. 26 KOKTll WbAKVES, AND So. 27 NOHTL VATH 6T11ECT, 1 blLALtLI'UiA. 22 Lr.I AKBKU O. CATlfcLL KtlJAB O. CATTKIX QOITOX AUD FLAX HAIL l.Lt'K AT CANTAB. ol all numbers and brands. Tent Awning. Trtttk. and akou-t over Iuek. Also 1 ar r Manuiacturers' Lrier Fella. Irom ona to teves lect wide; Paulina reltlng, HatlTwIop. eto. JOHN W. EVKKMAN A Co.. ICS to I13J0KKS' Alls? 1 L L I A M rK O BANT, COMiUfh ON Mi Bt H ANT. . - K0.83M lii-LAWAIIC Afmue, Phui-dclphla, Him KOK Pot nt'a Gunpowder, pel ncd Mtre. Charcoal. F.to ( loi ter Pros. A Uo.' Yu.low UAl bUta.b ng, Holt,, ana halls. , ., I 'M SUMMER RESORTS. Jj,X O II A N O E HOTEL ATLANTIC CITY. The nb oni er, cratctai for past H-er. tondert thinks to h patrona and the public tor the generous custom niven bim, and Ma leave U i-ay that his liouse la now 0n lor the season and roady to re ceive loa cers, trmanpnt and transient on the met moderate terms, lue bar mi I alway be sop p icd wi b the choice! ol wlnet 1 quors, and oifars, and fUM r'or old alo The tables will be set with the Lest the market 0ord. Fishing Hoe- and tackle always on hand. Stal le room on tbo i rumiees. A li the comli rta ol hum" can al war be found at the Kxohanre. GEORGE HAYDAY, 614 thsti2m I'UvFR.EfQlt. TJKITED STATES UOT E L, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Will open tor the reception ot guests on WIDNEbDAY, JUNE 27. 18G8. DODWOhl ITS BAND engaged lor the season. 1 erf tns dittiliur to engage looms will addree I liliOWN & WOKI.IM'MK rRorhlErOBS. AXLAMIO I ITY, Or ho. ten H1L11MOND Street, 6 9 2mrp rbliadelahla. MERC H A N T S' H O T E L, CAPE ISLAND, N. J. Thti notel letng enthelt rrfitted and refurnished la the best n anner, 18 NOW OPEN FOB THE KECEP HON OF GUE0T8. '1 l.e Louse Is 10 ated near tbe ocean, and every atten tion w 111 le f I'en to tntrlt the patronage ot the puoilc. MoMJTT & MASON, 6 22 tt PUOPltl ETOE3. gKOWK'S MILLS BOAUDLNO HOUSE. Ihe Corn er patrons and Irlends ofhe Hoarding tloaso original y kept by the l.rown iamllv at lirowu's Milts in tbe townr-Mp ot I emberton, couut ot UariniK on and Mate of mw Jerrcy are horeby in ormed thattbe subxenber Is now icady to acco n.uiotlute all who will luvot him wlih their company. THOMAS SCA'iXERGOOD. N. Ftarcs for tho fleet mn odutlcn of passengers to and trom Lrovrn's it Lis, wl.l run irom l'euil).r,oj to depot, JOHN n.tTtSS, 6 iSswSm truMiinor 01 aiaos rjiHE ALI1AMLEA, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. A- 'Ihin si aticus ami cinint establlsliiiient wi.i ,.ci ior iiiu nctpiion 01 fcuesison 01 belure tue ilta Ut'J Ol ilUllf, ittu. 0 li. 111. vim KOI.lliT I! LF.KD8. 1'roorlo.or. gUMMER TRAVEL, Via Kordi rcmisyhaiiia Itallroad. CfiORTKST AND MOsT PLEASANT KOU1E TO V IL,lkP-iSIiAliltii., Mllll CIIIAK, KAS1UN, U1.TU1.KIIK9I, AJLl-IlMOVVa, HJIZLKI'oS AAO ALL l OlM'S IN 1UK Ldiigh and Wycmhig Valleys Ccmmcdicus Cars, binocth Track, fine Scenery, Excellent Hotels Are tb 6tpcialitle ul turn houu, Through to Y, i.kesburre and Sl.uch Chuck without cnaufie 01 cars. jltL.w i..ad belnetn the auu.mit ot no mountain lino iiketbtrr. oLins uple s u uuu, oucscu o..uiiiv-. 1. t.o 1L1 iitv bciei pio oioiue Lent unu must uu.ple beet u u uoblioiib ui Bbu.ii.tl visiiora t xcuimu 'l eke. b in u. l'niiuuo i-hlu to princlpa poii.ih, 1.M.11I II.l Aj '1 iL jv I 1 Of I II 19 1 Lt ullo- ouicu lutes LUtaluruajs oou to reluin UU iouday tvtnu.v I uridi n '1 lckeis lo VI kesbarre, fcood 101 ten days, TLliliIUU 1PAIN6. Cars leave the l iooi, Ihu.K and IliOUl'SON btueis ai t 6i . ai o ut 1 . v , biiu 0 iu r. n. l ir l aitiiu.ars, tee uu.e tub.e 111 auoinr column. fct)2n.ip ELLls CL.iLK, At,ent QlltiliTEST lit;LTL TO THE SEA SHORE, kJ Caa.ur- a.vo 4ii.hjsiic uaii.ltudL), bl SlAii. H ,il.l . on,l.i. 'ililti Li II l. iHu 1 itlt. Five truing uu iy 10 Aiiuntic i..t, ai:u one on Munilay uu ai.u al tr ii.e uoi.Ai, oui.u us, lobii, truiiawill lea t u.e M11 1 1 eu a lo lov.e : ,)tc.Ki 1 xcuimoii e0 A M 1. an 7 uU A. M. I reij Lt. vill. 1i..m it-cr tar atn.ci.tu H 1.1 ,,ai I xuiess (.l.icutti in ivto hours. .1.(1 1 , u. Atlantic Accou u. 1 1. tut u 4 x5 P. u. l.t.l l.l.lf O LtAVt AlLAl.'llO. hpeelul Lxcnib.on SIMP, i.ull 4 45 p. tltllb li ''i a. 1 xprtrs 1' l.i. ut 0 ui iviu l.ouio 1 on A. Ai.uu.tt.oUB ion 0 oU a. jui.u ion Accimo.o ai on to.laeksou i.l.u lii- SI 1. . M. M A. M. . M AI ' teiu. 1 ciu e siaiious. t uu ViLe street 0 31 P 1Uiu.ii.iiik Itavi sui.tk.-ou o'U2 A, Liu.ci 1.1.1 Id Atct u U.0UUU01. iruiu leaes Vine mm lulftA.Ai audSUflP li UMI llidi.oi.Ue d 1-, UP. M a..d )' 0 P Mit.ur Mali '1 1. 111 to Al aiii'C leaves Vine ttrcet at 1 3d A Iu. ano A 1 01. tic at 4 4.'t P 1. Faie to Atlantic k2 Ittui.d t.ip ticke a kooo onl lei tl e duv tin nan. cn vlith ihey am issued 'litktts loreule a. No f it) Mii-m.ui s'rttt(. ontiuental t-oleli and at the oll.ee ot the b lude.pbia t-otul 1 xpie-s t in. Lull., Mi. 2o S. rim street 'li e 1 1,1 at.eipl.ia 1 iinebs t inipuiiv. Principal Oftlcv No Vo h. F111I1 rtue., Hrul.cli Ofllee No 3M N VN 1 nrv((.,i bine Vine wli aitend 10 ihe ucual hrancben u iiPitM. Lut-iriteg aloi a il.e une ol iher. ad, and de ilver Liitnte. etc., o ai d nun all trains (.( oi s el evi r.i deseripi Ion ei. lied lor and 'orwurded tyiitros o A' antic lty anu al way stations un tLerti.d l.ui-tste cl.tcktd In 111 residence at 1 hlU n 1 1 m 10 Lotei orcoiloke at Atlsmle it y I. if. in. JOHN U BKYANE Agent A4 AM) AMIIOY, PHILArELPFIIA J A N I TKlNTON, dKD Btl.VIDKKli HKLa. WAKE HA II 1.0 A DH. OUAND LXvl'US ON ABBiNOLMEMT Ft a TOUItlsrS ANL l Lr.ASDBE IBAVF.t, TO KIAOAR a FALLh, MO.M KEAL, QUEIIFC, TUE WblTK SjOU.N'I .l.sfc. k'k Or.ultUti, SAKA lOtlA Vt L .WAlt A TLIt CAP, tie. F.IC These excursion routes are ai ramie 1 tor the spoclal aceon.uicdiit ou of tnuri-ts and pleasure m hum mil l,HF tl.em to v.sit lii' celei.ri.t' d wmi rlnu places ol the Noiih, at ninth it-fs than retulur r.i.e- o tare 't ickets uod until ovt uiber l.t, lHOU and entitle the holder lo a op over a any pu.ut on iho rou e. For I it Kt th, intoiuiallon, uuu cl'cu ant cescrlptlve ot the rcutes. anplv at he t.tVet ( thee of tbe ouipaoy No 8.B llltK.vlT Street, Continental llotL ttJOim W. a. (JAlZAlUt, Agent lO 1 CAPE MAY. Con.mtncing MONDAY July 16 186B Trains will leave (L'Pi er aeiiyy aiurket s.ieet, t lil.adolybia. a '"s'ttTI! II.. Worn'ng Mai , due 12 25 2 (JU P. ht.. Actou.uiodaiioii uuutfp M. 4 (,0 p tu. FaxttxpieMi duello lietuiiiii'g wl.l esveiape stand 6 .10 A. v., 'omiUK tliit due lU-ul 9 (0 A, M. Fnel I xprens, rue U ,1 6 (OP W. avxprea , One 8 .2. lieket it)ic , at Ftrr toot "I W art et street, and Mo ft.bt he-nut atreet, I on'lnen al Hotel I titona lurthaniug llekets of the A font, actio rrlS ( litnitu uttiet can l y eat lna order, huva their ba called tor and rheiktd at their residence bt l.rahaut'a l'agiaue Irxnes. . . s'.H J V VN P.! &NSLLAF.H, Superintendent ICE COMPANIES. 1 A ST EH N ICE COMPANY. SEASON OF lfcU!.-B tf. dallv. 60 cents per ej "1 ids omi J6ct n aperynfflc lb lb. dany. H ceuia per w'-'J i w 1 b a aally si 16 rer aeea. 'V v.v '-f Ktreet below Third, tl HIOM M .1. L ON, JiU K. Mil. Iti 342 ROCIII STBEET, M D'ANPOVA lu.i the Mtheft pile i.w Ladies and (irnla'raa I nl, niuthilU'. Ml. Ml bOTJtli b.rvai oelnw fourth. ttu SUMMER RESORTS. EXCURSIONISTS TOURISTS, AMD rieaauro Hookora TO NIAGARA. FALLS, lake Ontario. Tbe thousand Islands, Panto's ol the hlvti f-t. tawitner, Koutreai Quebec Blvteia da lu. fratatoar Liver. W bite fountains Portland Boatoa, I aka oeor.e, taratca. Kw York, eta. ate. eta. will find It to ibi U ad aniat,e to procure THROUGH TfCKETS. WOICU AfiE SOLD AT BEDTJCF.L BATES AT TDK TICKET OFF1.E ut TUB CATAWISSA RAILROAD LINE, No. 4r CilKSNUT H'l'REKT. t Dsfenensbave cnolce ot several routes to Niagara Fal.s. audlLrcsib 'Itcke a are so d down take Ontario aid Liver (t Lawrence, to Ogdensburg. Wontrea . and Queieo via he Am. ilcn and i-ngllsh Llneo'Steamon, pastlig the Thousand la anda and tbe Rapids ot tha HUtrBt. Lawrence by dayUaut, reluming to ilew tork or boston by FIFTY DIFFKREXT ROUTES. These rentes orTrr to pleasure seekers acenery unsnr passed In this country. ho extra charge tor meals or state rooms on steamers brtv ccn y laara Fa Is aud Montreal. T lekets aoed unt'l Novotn.tr 1st 1HB8 and entitle the holders to stop over at any point on the route. For luriher Iniomtatlon aud Guide Itookl de scriptive 01 tbe Iioutea. apply at the Company's OOIoe, ho 4.o( 1IKMJT StreeL N. VAN llOttX, 6 13w.u..m Parseimor AgonC GCLUI7IEIA HOUSE. CAPE ISLAND, N. J., Opened cn tbe 1st Day of June, 1866 GEOKGE J. BOLTON, r.!"wfni2m PKOPEIRTOB. WATCHES, JEWELRY ETO. FJ'.l-.Htf.t. i'i... ...... 1 tl.. 11 I ..! I IV " n-s ji.i. f.iiuy a !.::.vi :; wake. "as.'m.jifvMMM Owing to ti e dtcllre ot Co d, has rrade a grest r tluellon in price ot his lare and well axsorted stock iJinmontls, Watches. Jewelry, Silverware, TCto. Tie public are respectfully Invited 10 call and examine our Moik LeJore urtliaring e.tea nere. 2 Hi SILVER AND PLATED GOODS, OP THE Host Superior Workmanship, AT TIIE N K V S T C) Tl E KO 704 ARCH STREET. lie ui di rt-U rr d .laib l tie famous Rogers ll-oa S i liUttetuili k Coiiipniiyi rei-ptct uliy announce tha ll.ij 1 c im iIuo a nm t d otautliu stoni or thesa u 11 h IV, 1 tud I LA 'I hi' hh at ho 704 A Ut tt tttttt Cur krg txp.iitnre as aisnu aciurers wti iiMjIi uk o le. p tinhiiifi but flnt-claH Wood and tl o e v I 0 n iy pattooti'e eur a ore mil find 1 ur p ated l 1 t.t it. n. ei 11. r 10 Miy t v r imp. rt d and our ous ti n 1 rt 11 it ly rn the good being prec'scly what thy ait it pitnu ea 10 be. 2 BOWMAN Si LEON A ED. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. MUSICAL BOXES. A iiii) enoriun.loi nlt vo gtlO( coi.Biautlv on I tit! ut bice ale 1 1 ee the Itusical Boxes playing Horn 'I to 10 Ik auiilul Aus. FAER & EPXTUER, Importers. Ko. B24CHK.-NUI bTKKET, H lli-mtl frp Ueiow fourth. HE MIY 11 A It PER, No. 50 AltClI ' HTKEIilT alanufauturcr and Dealer in Watclien 1' ine Jewelry, fcilver-l'laieil Ware, AND 8 15 Solid Silver-Ware. G. HUSSELL & CO , No. 2a North SIXTH St., INVITE ATTENTION TO TI1EIR 1 CLt BTOL'E OF FANCY AND PLAIN SILVEK WARE, Ol the Finest Quality. tS2tt B I U II JEWELRY JOHN B REN NAN, DEALEB IN DIAMONDS, FINE WA1CHEMEWELUT Etc. Etc. Etc. 21 ' J tSo. 18 S. EIGHTH fil MLKT, Pluiada. EXCURSIONS. rIT!!N PLKASANT DAILY EXt)DR Lr.. i.'!'.. ... slonsupthe ltlverto Ueveily Hurlinir- .. 1. I. I. ill. I.I... uf klui ....... '1 itrr.l ..tt mi.A , i.( a utla. by Ihe ai.li noid Meauier JOHN 1.' tllttt, liuvnm 1 1 e-nu' atreet wlinrt at 'i V M ltetarntug, It avis ttt stni at 4 o'c ock arriving at Phi adelpbta Jai'ui.v u ii.'t. wo riiviAi leaves 1 nesnuc einwit han ai 1H o'tlock V. M., atoppuig at Alagargoo'a . vhatt Ktnsinitnn t L'uri.1... II.. V.n,,Mln J N M 1 MILLINERY. M R S. IT. DILLO N, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street, Hai a bandsrme assortment of MILLIEItV ; IttsisV and Inianta' Ha a aud Caps Mlks, Velvets Orapa l.llLona, 'eaibtr, Pioerg,t ranies, eto.