HOW VIHClNIAhS TREAT FREEDMEM. Tv tk4 Editor iqf Tte Evening Teltgrap . bfOTTsitvANU Court IIoubr, .Vnirus'. 1. 1 enclose you n dipping taken from ' the FnxlcricksburR News of dute July 31, ultimo, the object being; to give your readers some iiica of the garbled statements made use of to ouit the .vindictive priudiceii of the people. I enclose jon an authentic statement of the ca?e: Tbls man Keen threw a quid of tobacco out of hi shop window, hitting a colored man by the name of MuJisnn., who was, with another colored mini, guilty of walking along tbe street. The colored man, In an anjry manner, told Keen not to throw his tobacco at him. Anqry words were piven by both parties, and the col ored man piuiticd up the street. Keen concealed m hammer In hi coat-sleeve, came out ot his chop, and rapidly followed Madl on some two hundred yard up the street, overtook him, and arked him what he had nail to him. JIallsin told him that he did not want him to tlirow hia tobacco upon him. Rome words followed, whereupou Kren struck Malison upon the back part of the head, canning a wound from wilch the blood flowed, siit uniting hU clothes. Iadnon applied to Mayor SlamjutT for a w ai rant to have Keen nnvpted. The Mayor rcfWd him; hence the arnnt by General Terry. Ken lately came to this place Irom Baltimore, is aRcliel.Rud like many reurtrudcx that have come from the North (an editor of a certain paper, for example), whe, fool-like, suppose they must per form come act ol cruelty towards the neurroci, In order to convince the people that they are with them tn tb"ir preiudices uiruiixu the Mucks ready and wllllne to persecute the blacks, or do any other foolish act to intrmtiato themselves Into the good graces of the F. F. V.'s. The editor of tue News says that the biter Is Lit. I wonder if he does nut consider it a ciwti of a Inter bit, when a certain editjr obligated himself about the time of the breaking out of tjie late war to chew up, swallow, and digest every 'Vankee1'' tuat would step LU foot in Frcdcrick'buip. Justice to All. tow the Fndiric)cb4rg Netct of July 81. Kikn'b Case. We tear Keen has pot the "inilltarj" in "a bad box" even it tney have pot hm In prison. Doubtless they would be glad to relear-e htm it they could do so gracefully. Our advice to them Is to apo'oqize to Mr. Keen, thtir NoitliPru brother, lor Ins illegal arrest, pay him liberal compensation tor the time he has been their unwilling guest, and send him tree of expense, with lull permission to kick the darkey on wtioH lyinc? tesismony they wronjr lully Hrrested him. Then he can have his photo graph (cut tu Harpers, or some other weakhj radicals, to show how Northern men are treated by Federal soldiers in the South tor puuisuiutr insolent negroes less severely than they deserve. There is not a man who has been concerned in Keen's arrest who, wlih the same provocation, would not liavo seized the nrst thing in reach ot him, and punished the negro. With this con sciousness, they must feel de'.icio.isly comtort able in meditaiinc on his arrest and' imprison ment. Now, ir Keen had only been a Confederate (as they doubtless supposed), his arrest would have suited them exactly, aud they could have photographed'' the atrocious Ilcbcl, with uplifted hammer, murdering an uuotlendin freedman. This bcauti'ul 'illustration' lor the Jovrttal of VtvUizulton is unfortunately spoiled by Keen's being no Confederate. Alas! alas I Let Norihern ' 'preacners'' bent threo-yenr-old children to death tor not saying their pra.vei-3, and let Boston boardinc-bouse keepers starve nine small children, but it they come South, and crack a netrro's head (the hardest part of biro), they are lorth with arrested and imprisoned indefinitely. How and when is Keen's imprisonment to terminate '( Ho matristrute here Uti a particle ot self-re poet, or uu atom ot true appreciation of the dignity of nis office and the sanctity of his oath, can now isue a wan ant lor his arrest. He has been substantially tried and discharged. The negro's complaint was heard, witnesses ex amined, and decifiou given against the com plainant. What more can any other magistrate do? For every day Keen is imprisoned he can claim heavy damages. General Grant's order did not requiie his arrest, aud is no legal de fense. A'toceiher it is an interesting case of "the biier bit." The military have "got an elephaut." and no civil magistrate will help to get him out oi their cage. MATTERS OVER THE RIVER. The Health of Camden. The general bcaith oi Cunnien is usually good, but the re cent advent ot cholera among us has caused the necessity ot an energetic work to be performed. Munv nlaces are to filthy, tilled with garbage. dirt, aud other disease-breeding deposits, that it Is unneraiivelv necessary tne work oi removal and purgation should be at once commenced and prosecuted thoroughly to completion, aud the streets, aliens, and lanes cleaned aud pun ted. Fur-Dens and other nuisances should be removed, so that the virulence ot the disease mav be mitieated in every possible manner. There are stagnant pools of water standing In manv sections ot the city wnicn need tilling up, The Board of Health and the Sanitary Commit tee should Droceed at ouce to this work, lor the simple sprinkling ot cbloride of lime, or other flisiniectants in some places win no nine goon towards puxitv Ina the city, if these pestilential places are letc unimproved or are not abated. Now is the time to go earnestly to work. Temperance Labors. The friends of temperance in Camden are unusually active in their labors. They have a large held botore them, and a gigantic work to perform In ttiat Held. JNew societies are being constantly loraico meetines held, and the provisions ot the Uw against selling intoxicatmn liquors on the sabbath str.ctly eniorced. Many arresti ot persons who have violated the law have been uiadf, who must answer at court. It appears to be the determination of tue gentlemen enraged in the work to see that iho indiscriminate tiaihc in rum on the Hubba'h shall tv: broken up. Frightened. The people residing In a email town culled Catawba, near Kuilih' creek, Atlantic county, became unusually excited and alarmed in consequence of the sudden death ot a. Mr. Kacoacl Babcock. The im pression at once obtained that ahe d.ej from the effects of cholera and scarcely euouiih citizens could be procured to periorm the nect-s-eaiy rites of sepulture. Centenaby Meetings. The centenary meetinm which are being held by the Metho dists ut various nlaces aud times In KoutU Jer sey, are of the most interesting character. At the one recently held iu Ab'eoum villuge, tlio turn of 1 460 was raided tor local purooses, and the ceremonial exercises were highly inte resting. Kkw rirojEcr. Parties in Egg Harbor City have obiainfd a steamboat to ply up and down the Mulllca river, from that place to the several towns ou the coast, and it will also occa eionally run to Atlantic City. This enterprise, it is thought, will meet with all expected en couragement. Tobacco. The cultivation of tobacco la Camden county is carried on to a considerable extent. Tbe Messrs. Browning; will realize aooul $3000 tbe preient year from some twenty acre ol ground. ' In Sweetwater, Tenn., there is a gigantic girl five years old, that wetuhs one hundred and tklrty-tive pounds. Her name is Alice Leroy Leath, and she is neeciloea as "oiue-eyed, dark haired, rosy-cheeked, autck-epoiren, and ot a beautiful countenance." Bhe it the daughter of a Union soldier who was killed at Keseca. TUB DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, AUGUST C, 1866. CITY INTELLIGENCE. Fcr Additional Local Items see Fyth Faje. The (Jbeat Kirrv Thousand Dollar Fraud Further Investigation BrronE U. 8. Commissions Sergeant. William Kinegold Cooper, the yonng man who recently obtained $50,000 troni the First National Bank ou u genuine Government dralt with a forged en dorsfmcnt, had a hearing before United States Commib'li.ner Sergeant ou Saturday. Belore the examination of witnes-es wa- proceeded wuh, David I'aul Brown, Esq., who represented the cielendaut, took occasion to complain ot his client having been denied the benefit ot counsel at a hearing which had taken place on the day ol h's arrest, pnd paid that he understood it to be the practice ol tho Assistant District Attor ney, Mr. Valentine, to deny to prisoners heard beiore United 8'atcs Commissioners the right which they eulojed under the Constitution ol being represented by counsel. Mr. Valentine said in reply that he was not aware Mr. Brown bud been engaged to repre sent the defendant, Cooper, or lie would have tlelajed the heanng until he arrived. The gen tleman had been entirely misinformed as to the practice of himecll in such cu.-es, as he was always careful to guard the interests of persons under accusation, and ever rady to aco rd to them all their rights. Tho hearing in the case ot Cooper whs merely to give the Coinmis-ioner an idea as to the amouut ot ball 10 ask. lie thought tbe Government had a rmbt to have a prisoner commlfed without u hearing at all, if its interests demanded it. Mr. Brown denied this, and said that if he w ere present w hen such a wrong wus attempted, he would take care that it was not done. The Commissioner remaiked that n hp had known of tue prisoner desiring counsel on the day of tbe first heanng, tho case should not have gone on until he arrived. ' The hcarlui: was then proceeded with. Morton MeMichael, Jr., testitied that he Is Cathier ol the First National Bank, ami thai on the 24th of July the defendant cnine to him lu bank, and staled that he was Robert W. Allen. Assistant Paymaster United Sta'cs Navy, and desired to open an account with the bank. Alter some conversation, being satiaticd witb his repiesentatious, it was aereed to receive a depesit tiom him in his individual capacity, and he was handed over to the receiving teller. On the cross-examination ot Mr. MeMichael, he said that the draft lor $50,000 which delend ant oepositcd in the bauk was a genuine paper; he could not tell how it came into his hands. b. W. Miller, rceelvini: teller. tetitled that deiendant was introduced c-n. Lne 2itll of July by Mr. MeMichael, who said that tbe gentleman wished to open an account, aud please to take it: be took the accouut, and defendant handed in a package ot $2000 tn notes and a United Ktates Treasury dralt on the Assistant Trea surer at rniladclpliia lor $50,000. (The dralt was here shown, aud witness said It was the one he received.) The account was opened, a check book was handed to deiendant, and he lett. The next seen ol the accused was on the 20th ; he w as at the bank, and the money wa paid to him, caw it paid out, but could not say the amount. H. M. Lutz, paying teller at tbe bank, testified to the deiendaut cominir to the bank on th. 20th, and presenting n check tor 352,000; remarked to him that the checs was not endorsed, and he wrote the name ot It. W. Allen on the back ot if; witness recognized him as the man who had opened the account, and after ealisfying himselt that it was all right, proccedt-d to pay the check; witness remarked to nun taat ne was drawing the whole deposit out. and he renlied. ne was not allowed to use the bunks as depositories, and that he was going to place the funds in tbe Ass-iftunt Treasurer's hands. la master H. W. Allen testified that he Is Acting Assistant Paymaster, U. S. N., stationed ou the receiving ship A'ew Hampshire, at Nor folk (draitshown); the endorsement is not mine; I have seen a lorged requisition upon which the dralt was issiiPd, dated July 12, 1800. N 13. Brovvne, Assistant Treasurer, testified the drult was pieseuted on the 2(ith ot July; had no doubt of its genuineness; bud been ad vised of its being issued, as is customary. This closed tne cose. A second ehtirge -was then preferred acalnst deiendant, thai of forging the nan 1 e ot J. w. i-niriieirt, 1'aymastcr United states Navy, as endorser otadratt l'or $10,000. This drait had been presented at Adams Kxpress othce, in lfultniiore, to be forwarded to the Assistant Treasurer's otlice in Philadelnhia lor collection, and had been received upon the pro duction of papers by defendant to show that he was tne person ne represented nimsett to be. air. Scott, the clerk in the express office, lully iden- tihed tne deiendant as tue personator ot J. W. Fairtield. He was committed to answer the charge jreleried against him. The accused is quite a small man, and appa rently not more than twenty-two or three years old. He was aressed in a coat and pants ot summer material, and had on a white vest de corated w-ith navy buttons. During the haring he paid very little attention to the testimony, and whs most ot the time in conversation wi'ii a gentleman in the dress ol a naval officer. We learn that Cooper was formerly employed as a clerk in Mr. Horstmann'6 military trimmings establishment. He alter wants obtained a situation as Purser in the navy, in which he acquired a knowledge of tbe manner of obtaining money on requisitions, to be used in the Purser's or Paymaster's department. The boldness with which he ooerated, bis depositing $2000 withadratt fraudulently obtained and having upon it a lorged emioisement, and his visit to tbe bank two days afterwards, to draw out the whole amount of the deposit in cash, shows that ne is bold enoagh for any thing. He seems to have gone to Baltimore soon after he got possession of the funds, where in the month of June $10,000 bad been obtained in a manner somewhat similar, and to have made arrangements lor his marriage to a youutr ladv with whom he had been acquainted several months. Tbe marriHge had taken place in Hai ti a ore, and the weddimr party was on its way to New Yoik city, irom which tbe happy couple were to take passage U Europe. A state-room had been euuaged in one ot the steamers, and tne husbnud no doubt fancied he should spjnd a very delightlul honeymoon abroad. His sur pris and consternation may be Imagined when he was beckoned aside, at tn? Baltimore dep it, and quietly inloimed that he was wuuted at the Mayor's oliice, ou a charge which he would lcain all about in due time. The terra of tho 1 rourt at which Cooper is to be tried commences I on the third Monday of this month. MaTTKKS lONCtBMXO TnE FlKE De- PiHTMKNT. The ambulance belonging to thp Philadelphia Fmnue Company hat been scut to New York lor the imrpo-c of i-hiiiping to Paris, for the great exhibition. Tho Linked Siutc Hose Company are per fecting their arrangements lor a trip to Luu caster. The Movamcnsinc Hose Company are havin a new carriage bmlt In this city, to replace the one recently bold. The Reliance Fmgine Company, we under stand, intend isiuug Brooklyu in September next. The steamer belonging to the spring darrtcn Hnso Company is again in service, ntter being thoroughly repaiied. The carriage of the Washington Hose Com pany was considerably damaged last week by being overturned on its way to a fire. A member of the Reliance Fire Company and one of tho Mai iou Hose member were injured gt the hre at Movnni-nidng Hall. Collision on tub Delawake. On Saturday niornluir. about ten o'cloc., as tti steam lerrv-boat Atlantic was making a trip Irom Cooper's l"olnt to tbe ferry at Vine streot wbarf, a small sloop came out of a dork above Vine s'-ieet and attempted to cross ber bows. The eutrlnes of the AUantia were reversed, and the sloop tacked, aa It goluir up the river. The AC' otitic was tben utarted forward again, but tbe sloop most unaccountably tacked down the river, and belore tbe ferry-boat could s'op they collided. The sloop had her side stove in and considerable dumaue dono to her riggiug, while life Atlantic was slightly injured. There were lour men on the sloop, but luekilj do one was tnlured The pilot ot the ferry-boat did all that be possibly ceuld to avoid tbe collision. A Sad Cask or Drowning. Yesterday alternoon a ad ail a i-occurred In tne Klghteontn Ward, by which a brave man lost his Me in an attempt to save tnat 01 a child. Mary A mot. aeed ?evcn years, was playing at Otis stree: wbart, on the Delaware, when she fell Inti tne water. Great excitement at once prevallod. during which, a man named Patrick Campbell lumped into tho river to re?cac the child, but In doinit so lost his lite, notwithstanding ptfort were made to save him. Tne child was also drowned. The body ot Campbell was soon after recovered, and taken to his resldeuc, n Utis t-bcet. above Richmoud, and the Coro ner notiOed to hold an inquest. The body of tte child was not recovered. Its parents reside at Tulip and Cumberland streets. This most distressing occurrence caused a great sen sation in the neignborbood, and the sympathy fur the unlortunato man, as well as for the child, was universal; Cloning of Junk Trm of QnAntEB Sessions. A habeas corpus case was heard, 'u which a girl was remanded to the custody of ber lather, he having placed her in the House of Reluge for disobedience, Will ii in Irwin, charged with the larceny of $200, was rcroand"d, the witnesses swearing positively to seeing htm take the money. Thomas ElUott, convicted of resc linsr a pri soner Irom a constable of Media, Delaware county, was sentenced to pay a tine of $50 and to undergo s x months' Imprisonment. Case of Stabpi'io. Thomas Graham was arrested on Saturday on the charce of stab bing William Ellengcr, and seriously wounding him. Graham bad a hearinff before Al lerman Pottinger, when on the onth of James Kelly, who testified that he !aw deiendant infltct tiie wound with a sheath-knite, there was a com 01 1 ment to await the result of Fllpnucr's injur es. The stab is in the leit breast. It is said that the quarrel nrose out of a feud beiween two rival hre companies Final Hea of toe Riqteus. -Before Recorder K-ett, on Saturday, Patiick Devinnv, James Nulty, John Monahan, and I'atriek O'Brian had a final bearing on the clmrco of riot and assault and battery on Officer Dounan, on the 22d day of July, at Twenty-sixth and South streets. There were no new (acts brought out, ami the accused, except Nulty, were held tor trial; he was discharged. SPECIAL NOTICES. gggT GEAKY AND VICTORY! GRAND UNION REPUBLICAN MASS COXVEmifi IN OLD BERKS! OX WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1SSS. Id obedience to a resoltton adopted by tbe CENTRAL UEAKY LKAGUK ol the city of Reading, and tho Ke nuollcan Executive Committee of Berks County tlio Union hcpubllenns ot tbe Eastern and -Middle Counties ot l'ennn.vlvania, favorable to tbe election of MAJOR-GENERAL JOHN W. GEARY, For doicrnor of remisjlvaiiSu, Are requested to trcetin Grand Mas? Convention, In tbn city ol KoHdmii, ON WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1836. Arrangements will be made wllb all tbe Railroad Com panies to earrr delegations from all pai ts of till State at the lowent rates The Coiamlitee of Arrangements will maVe ample, provision for tbe occommodatlun and com fort ot delegations irom abroad. With a reasonable eflort on tne part of tbe Republi ci.ns of Lancaster, i tacster, Lebanon, Dam bin, Hcbuyl klli. Lebiuh. Northampton, Montgomery, Delaware. Bucks, ) btladolpbia, and other counties In Eastern aud Middle rennsylvanlu, this mooting will be tbe larges. eer held in the btate. 'I he seven thousand true and tried Republicans ot Old Berks will not till to be reora sented tn full lorce. Our aim Is totally to eciiose the recent failure to rally the I'emocracy In this city on tbe 18th of July. Much a meeting as we expect here on the tli of august will not fail to lufube confidence Into tbe Republicans every where, and go far to convince the honest Democrats oi Old Berks that real patriotism, and such mode of recon structing the Union as will Insure peace and goodwill among tbe people ot every soclion, North and South can only be louud In tbe measuies of the Republican party. TIIE BOYS IN BLUE Of the several counties are especially Invited to come tn mane by hundreds and thousands. The Republican latch-strings ol Reading will be out. They wfli have a cordial welcome. Grand Torchlight Procession. On the evening before the great meeting (on Tuesday, August 54) there wilt be a O and Torch Ight Procession tn Reading, In which tbe Boys tn Blue, the old Wide Awakes, and other Union organizations .are cordially Invi-ed to rartlclpate. Marshals or leaders of delegations from the several counties or districts are requested to report by mall lo either of tho underslsned, not later than August 19, 11-66, the probable number who will attend. Major-Ucuoral UEARV, tbe noxt Uovernoi, will posi tively attend the mooting 'Ihe lollovtlug distinguished speakers have been in vited to be piesent and address the meetino Hon.Tbaddvus Btevens, Oov, Hamilton, of Texas, lion. John 1 essna, '-ov brown, ow, of Teuu , (.euerai John v Logan ilon A. W. D ulson. ft ajor General II. K. liut'.er.iMaj.-Gen.N.lMia.ikvMa'i. Hon. John W. Kirney, Hon. Morton Uovtlchuot. lion Tli inas Marshall, (icncralJoMhua T. Owen, Hon. e. E. Dliniulck, General 1. W. Fihlier, General !. Albright, Wayne McVeaxh, Esq. Additional speakers will be invked. Also, some tc address the meeting in the German language. J. IIOl FMAN. Chairman Republican Ex. Com of Berks County. f. II. RAL'CU, President Central Geary League oi Reading. Rooms Usion mate Ckktbii. comsiuttke. ) PHILADELPHIA. July i!. iH. I the above call Is beartiiv approved and the Union BepuDilcuns oi tbe Kustem and MWI'ile Counties oi tne oiaie are tuniesiiv roquosiou u iwyguu. t. JORDAN. 8I!w Chairman State t oiimilt.eo. fKT5-r BATCIIELOR'S II A IK DYE a2 THE BEST IN THE WORLD. llmmltn ralmtile in-tanianeous. Tbe on'T nertec live No disappointment no lidlculous tints, but trai to tiBicre, b sek or brown. UKM'lttk 18 W1GNKD WILLIAM A. BATCHELOB ALSO. RpironoriKina Ixtiactoi MlliiUours restores, d reserve ai,rf I,, iiiiiifi (lie hair. Prevents ba duess. So d by ol lirutiilhts. Factory 0.81 HARCLaY t-t. N. Y. 3J m-m. rTxjTvr:. T?nnf v t.a w j. t -i ri,ii.,u . ww.. . .i -."-- CART tR'8 Al'ev, woald respectiuly Iniorm tb, Public aeiieially tbat be bss leit nothing undone to mak. mudittiou oi guests. He has ovened a large and com HOARD Is lurnldhed wiln bHANDIKS, WiNKH, WMIMK.Y Etc.. tc. Ot Bl ft-lUOll BBAJILFO, II J3AUOII'S RAW CONE 8 UP EE-PHOSPHATE OF LIME, Tbe great Fertilizer for all trotw. Quick In its action and permanent in iu effects. Established over twelve ''liWt supplied by the cargo, direct from the wbarf Of ibe manuiaetory, on uuerai wiruii. Mannfacturedonlrby BAUOH & SONS, Office No, JO South DELAWABB Avenue, 8 4mwi PMladelpMa. AMUSEMENTS. QRAND NATIONAL CONCERT FOB THE BENEFIT. OF THH S0LDIEKS' AND SAILORS' NATIONAL 0EF HANS' HOME FUND, rKDXR AtBPlCEfl OW TBB SOLDIERS' AND 8AILORS' UNION, WASaWGTON, D. C, AT tiROYER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, October 11, 1863. 3CU.0CO tickets at 1 each 7aW0 presents, valued at 'i5C,fKjO, consisting of Fine Residences, Lots, Piano, Diamonds. Jewelry, Silverware, etc. etc, The many swindling schemes that bave been pre sented to tbe public, during the past few months, some what delayed our s-les, until we were able to sails y the pooplc tnrougbout the country that tbls enterprise wai genuine, and solely lor charitable purpoie. The olrcc tors are confldent of the sale ot every ticket, and have allotted sufl clent time to guarantee tha sales without any further postponement. TICKETS CAN BE OBTAISED AT THE OFHCE OF WILLIAM E. OWENS, No. f27 CUESNT7T STREET, Philadelphia; ALSO, SENT TO ANY POST OFFICE IN THE COUNTRY PROMPTLY BY MAIL. F. NOLKN & CO., General Agen s, No. 210 West FOURTH Street, Wilmington, Del, MANAGING DIRECTORS. Major H. A. HALL, President bo.dlers' and Bailors' Union, Colonel CHARLES E. CAPEHaRT, Major M. H. ALBKRGEB, WILLIAM S. MORSE. TRUASCItKn. J B. HUTCHINSON, Eq . Cashier National Bonn ol tho Me.ropolls. Terahiet Df.paetmsnt, ) Office ov Iktkhnal hbvknce, Washington, June 27 IMtf. ) Whereas II A Hall and o.bers. as "Manamir Dirw- tors" Ol tbe "Grand National Concert." to be neld in V asbiniiton. 1. ('.. on ihe zd 01 August next huVM mum ouo hpiMcatlon to i.. ( lepban, ro. lector ol ln'ornal iteveuueior tne collection Dlntrlct oi tho District ot Columbia, lor permission to hod a lotterv. rilla. or kilt euicrnrise. and presented to blin satisfactory evi denco ttmt the pioceeds of said lotterr, ratlle. or put enterprise 111 re uevoica to cnaritau e uses permission is hereby granted to sui h ' Manaiilrir Dlreotors" to bol.l such lottery, rnltle. or gltt enterprise ree froma .-h.r,je. wbe'liei lr r tax or license. In respect to such lo tcry, raUie, or gilt enterprise. E. A. ROLLI ns, Commissioner. All orders must be addressed, with stamps Inclosed, to , . WILLl.iM e. MOlt'Ji, Secretory Soldiers' and Sailers' National Concert, Wanhir.ginn, L. 0., Lock Box Ho. 'it. We refer, bv permission, to aJor-(.eneral "'1 Infteld Hancock, lT. S. A. General liobeit C bebenok. Al. c. Ohio. General Unlberi K Palue, Jl O.Wis. tieuorai Joiin 11. Keicnain ji f., n. y. General .Iniuvs i Wuut Kansas. ( eueral J Is. HcnilricR, Iowa- General 1) C. Ale aliain, D. O. t.tnerai O V Duyt' n, y. Hon. T bomas W. Kerry. M. C, Mich. Hon George Lawrence, il. C, l'cuua. D. C. Foiney. Khq. D. . A.'ajor J. t. Doughty, N. Y. Hon. Richard Hai ach, .Mayor of Washington, D. C. Hon Henry C Deintnu, . o , onn. lion. Kbeu C. Ingorxo 1. At. C. 111. Hon. eamuei J. ttanuuu. .11. . l enna. Hon T. . Hergon. Al C, New Yvrk. tl. n. Henry v. I son, rj. s. 8, Hon Ira Harris, U. s. S. lit n. B F. w e, U. S. 8 Hon Ke Ian V. Whaley.M C . Wef Va. Hon n.lani D heuey, ju. j , l euna. Hon A. H. 1 atiln, M. i ., i. lion. Leonard Aiyers M.C'.Penna. lion. W I Hum A. Newell. M C. N.J. Hon George W.Julian il.C Inil Hon. Stephen V. Wilson, .M C. Penna. Tlnn. J. 11 liilni-e 1. C. Iowa. Major G.M. Van Burcn.N. Y. Gen. R. B. Huyes M. .. Ohio. Hon. s. T. Holmes. M V , New Tors. Hon. . R. Latl.nm M W.Va. i;on. James A. Marvin,!. C, New York. Hon. ThomasT. Davis, M C.,owYork I 2. Im N EW CHBSXUT STREET THEATRE. CHESNUT etrcet above Tivelfth. Ths Management respectfully announces to the pub lic tha this establishment wM be ciosed for tlve nliilit' loonier to give to the powerful new bceulcand National Play, entitled HAG' A HAT ; OH, THE KNAVK9 OF THE PAPK. The intilCHte scenes ot this play rcquiro the entira use ot the stage, day and night, iortho above-named time. In order to ninke preparations to render hem with pioper effect; therefore the tbeatre will be closed ""OPENED OS 8ATUROAY EVENING, August I J, when will be ptoduced, lor the ,,, FlhSl' lIMr. IN AMF.RICA, B CCARAT ; OR. THE KNAVKS OF i HB PACK, with a most poweiful cast, new scenery, wardiouo, appolnimento, etc. WALNUT STKKBT TUKATKK. N. K. corner ot NINTH and WALNUT Streets. Tills inonday) KVifiiMi, August 6, BENKCIT OF VIPS KFFIE GERHON. who will appear, on this occasion, In her GREAT lMI'ERSOvAUON OK ALADDIN, as performed by her in nils cltv tor over "M FOI KTEFN WEKKrt. First night oi tbe Oriental Paeant of ALADDIN J OR, THE WONDCRFUL LAMP. Y A LRU'S (LATE MILLER'S) WINTER CAKDKN-No TM-T26 V IN F Street. GUAND INSTRUMENTAL CONCERTS NIGHTLY. By two largo and efficient Orchestras. ao-NlGHI', ADO EVERY NIGHT lo connexion with our E1C1-.LSIOR STRING BAND, a Brass Band, compiling tue best Artists In the city will per,orm.opEs THB gB480S Our spacious nun mer Ganien, artistically laid out wltn bhrubbery. foimtains o. IN THE LADIES' SALOON. Especially set spurt lor F M1LIE8, tho best of Creams aud other Reliesuiuenta will be served. B liij O Y 31 IV A. S I U i FOR LADIES. GENTLEVEN, AND CHILDREN. W K CO UN EH OF NINTH AND AKt.'ll STREETS. OPEN a. VERY DAY AND EVENING, Al.L hUMMER. Bodily eietclse Imparts health and strength, the best preventive aitainst slckuens o' the coining suminor eMail 1'rofcs.ors UlLLEBRASli 4 LEWIS. THM THE 1'IAKU? W ri JMAINU- i el fsoture rocommend themselves. We ptomUtt lu our patroDS clear beautliul tones, elegant workmnn Ship OUralnUty. awu wuwiibuhi vuur" tymn'imu mm a lull guarantee. For sale on y at No. Inn WaLNUi Street. e m ONION PIANO MiNUFACTURINO CO. TO RENT. LARGE, WELL LIGHTED AND VENTILATED ROOM, ON TIIE SECOND FLOOR OP TBI "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. 108 South THIRD Street, TO KENT, With or without Bteum power. Apply In the office, first Coor. DRY GOODS. J3AIUMLNS TO CLOSE O0T. Dress Goods at Reduced Prices, OUR ENTIRE STOCK AT CREAT REDUCTIONS FROM FORMER PRICES. BLACK AND WHITE TLMO VALENCIA8, AT 26 CENTS. MIXIURES FOR TRAVELLING 6UIT3, AT it, 81, 87 CFM8, BLAt K FIGURED WUITK GR JUND MO U AIRS, AT 25 CENTS. AMERICAN CUALLI DELAINES, AT 20 CIS, to ciuaR our. A Large Assortment of Silks Thirty percent. lower than the present COST OF IMI'OKTAlION. II. STJSEll, SON, 883t os. 713 and 715 N. TENTH St. 13. IS. l. IS K , No. 4 3 North EIGHT LI St., (ENTRANCE ON FILBERT STREET). CLOSING OUT BALANCE OF STOCK AT GREATLY REDUCED TRICKS. FRKKCII .TACONKT L.AVVN8, UKDUCED '10trj IKTS. FltX II OHUANDIES, IlKDUCED TO 31 IKN'I 8. 00 PIKC"8 FIXKST OKOANDIKS 1H FtlK'l I P, laiittKU F11U3I gl-OO XO 40 (KM M. CLOSIMU OUT HOOP BKIKTS. (iltAUIELLK HOOP ftK lHTi REDUCED, HOOP 6KIIIT8 Hlil k. CKIJ TO I,OSE OUT lO BALKS .' RALLAIIDVALB FLAN KliL., (EXTH1USI OO. 0 PIKCKS OBEV HEAVY TWILLED 11 A 1 H1AU FLASKbL, 37 t E.M S. ill. It. LEt, ENTRANCE TO STORE OS FlLBKRT UTBfcRT, 9Mt Below tlghth NJ E W D II Y G O O D S AT MARSH & WARNOCK'S (PRICE & WOOD'S OLD STAND), No. 113 North NINTH Strec We have Just otescd with a gplcnUlil A9ortmnt of I OWELL1UO. TABLE L1NF.V. MAFEIN9 AKD DOYLIE Alto, a large auortment ot WHITE GOODS. "oft nsiMi cambrics, JACOMiTS. NaINSOKS. VICTOiULAWNS Hnd SWISS MUSLIN . Tbe best Hakes of Bleached and Uubleacued MUCINS. Also, a large aoeortircnt of HO IERY AND GLOVES ROOF tRIUTS, etc., aU at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES 6 14 tb9m2m gALT W AT EE. S II A LAV S, Wholesale and Eetail. FITtE WHITE LLAMA SHAWLS. SHETLAND SHAWLS, ALL OIIADES. FVHE VtHITE BAREGE 8I1WALS. BKKAKFAST SHAWLS AND HALF J11 AWLS. I4f28tuthrp ETRE & LAND ELL. CAP E M A Y ATLANTIC CITY, AND LONG BKANCH. DREIPUSS & BELSINGER, j No. 49 North EIGHTH Street, HAVE OPENED ON THE 11th ISiST., A new and dcairatile lot of ZEPHYH KNIT 8HA WLS Suitable lor tbe Watcnujf l'luocs, including a Eplcuclid assortmtiit WHITE GOODS. I'tCKKD ML'bLIJi, 8HIKUED MUHL1N. SWISS MUSLIN, tLAlD NAIKSOOK., STKirtD NAINSOOK, 91 CAMHKIi:NAINOOlt. tio. 1024 CUK-OUI Mroet to ladies About leaving tor the COCNTRV, SEA 6HOEE, Oil WAIEBUJU PLACES. E. M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESNUT STREET, Offer, a lull assortment, at LOW PRICES, oi eviri (lescrlpmiQ of Whl'l'K not DH. .,. PUFFED HUSLTN8, HUUH. in all varieties oi vmm buu luncv st leu. Lacin, Kniliroiuerlts. llilkw. etc. etc l inen Sltoves, Collars, Beta, cto , tn great variety. E M. NEEDLES, No. 1024 CHESlKCT Street wi8 xflMsauo noi "ox nOQ H O P K I N 8' 00 iioop-sKiRr 628 Above Mztli slrteu PbLadulphta. W bolesale and Kctull. Our rssortrrent unbrace ail lie new and desirable styles SLd tires oi jverv .leogtii and sue walat fot ladles, JUItfiH, and Cblliien Ihoaeof OIH OH'Jj. MAKE" ae up.rTin Hmth and durob' i to anv other Skirts made and warraulfd to give s.tlsiuctlon tJilris made lo order, altered and repaired. 41 SCHUYLKILL RIVER RAILWAY. Via Twenty-Second and Twcntj Third Streets. A NEW ROUTE TO FAIRMOUNT PARK. FAEF SKVE CENT3 EXCHAKOE TICKETS, good od all the east and west roads, tiliiK CB STS. 734 let JJKW ROUTE. rrank'ord and Philadelphia Railway, Via. SECOND AND THIBD 8TBEET8 B AILWAT. y.w orcM TBsooaa ro FBAKKFORD, BABBOWGATf, CEOAB BILL CEMETESY I Cars funning regalarlj en short time. UtOmwfet INTERNAL REVENUE. TJN1TED bTATES UEVENTJE STAMPS PRISC1PAL DEPOT, No. 304 CHESNUT Street, VENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 South FIFTH Street, ONE DOCK REBOW CHESNUT. EFTABL1KBKD 1802. Revenue Stamps of ever doecr ptlon coDstantly gd band In anj amount. Order by Mail or Express promptly attended 10. United States Kotos, Drafts on Fbiladolpnla, of New York, or cutrent fund rcoeived In payment. 1'orlicular attention paid to small orders. Tbe rJeclsions of the Commission can be consulted, and any Information regarding tbe law cheerfully (riven. Tho follow in rates ot discount are al' owed : ON ALL ORDEBS OK $26, TWO l'ER CENT. DISCOUNT ON ALL ORDEBS Of flOO, T11KEE PER CENT. DISCOUNT. ON ALL ORDERS OF f.300. FOUR l'nR CENT. DISCOUNT. All orders should be sent to the STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 CHESNUT Street, 8 3 PHILADELPHIA. HATS AND CAPS. HATS, STRAW GOODS, ETC., RETAIL AT WH0SESALE PRICES. BARNES, OSTERHOUT, HERRON & CO.. 8. . Cor. Fourth and Clicsnut Sts A ie now closing out at retail their extensive stock of SF1UKG AND SUMMER HATS, Cootts.lng of Btraw, Felt, etc., of the latest styles and tmpiovcments At VtTioIe&alc Prices. 6 20 wfni2m5p Those tn want of Goods of this description can SAYS at U st OMC l'U ' FIT by purchasing In ro. SHIPPING. frrti UA.M1LL'8 i-AbHAUK OKHCB gT.fl-f -f? i A.SCHUit LINE OF STEAM r KM." , ll.EBMA," "(JOCUjiBIA, C'ALLUOMA." "ClllIUA,,, ' l.IilTANMA." ISDIA.1 Steam to LIVtBI'OOI. l.ONDONDEKBY, BELFAST, liUBLUI,' M-.VYUV. I OliK, A.l UUHllOW. Halt OF P.a.SAG1. PAYABLE jN VAI'EB CX'aBKNCT. . abink tuo, tan, and 7 hTi'BAGE 14 I tit. PAID Cf.K Itl. ATKH ltaed for bringing out puBctnuers irom toe aber points at IUW)k KTE TUAA AT OIHER LIMB. Also. U snd Irom ALL flAUOi.M VH THE 1B1SH RAILWAT8. tPEi 1AL011CE Pa.U'Dgera wi I take particular no Ice tl'i.t the Ancl.or I lne" if ihe only .uie vrantina; tlnouih itcketa at tlit above rates Irom Pliiiadeltihla to tbe t oiutn nauied Uaxe. uno tliui tbe undersinned la tbe on.5 Qilv autliorUed Agent in f bliad, lubia apply to W. A HaMM.L,, Sole Aiicnt or-AM HOa IJNE." 1 1,1 to 211 WALMIT Street. - AlZr s VO li H MY YOU K. PHILADEL Jjfii7n'a yiTi dcj li' bteam Propeller Coninanr De b. an. v. insure Lines vi l eii.wuio and Horlthn (,'anat, k av li i oui y at li li aud 6 P. ii., connecting with all lionl iu and li.Mrru lints. torliculii. which n be taken upon accommodating tfims, ainlv to VH1 LlAll il. BA1HD t CO., 8 16 o. lWih lit. LAW ABE .Tenue r I 0 SHIP CAP1AIK8 AMD OWNEE8. TH1 1 unctrilrj(:d bavmg eawd tbe KEASINQlOM K B.W Ici K.leK. iu iu orni hialneuos and ibe patrons ol li e 1'iick thai b I. repared with increaaeu faol ItieS to accc nmodate tlioae having vge s to be raiaed or repaired add belnv a prac leal ship-carpenter an4 caulker, wllylve persi nal attention to tbe vvsaels car truHieu to bin or n pairs tai tnU s or Agents fhni tarpeo ers, and Maehlntttg oavinfc vesFels to repair are solicited to call. fUMiia tbe agtncy for he aaie of Wetterstedt'g Patent Vleiallic I cnpositlon" oi opper Paint for tbe pie i-erTatlon of vessel' bo ton), for tlil.cltj, 1 am pra paied to nrnlab the same on iavor.b e lenna. JOHN IL HAM MITT, Kens iiaton ociew Dock, 11$ DELAWARE Avenue, above 1-4 CBEL Street EXCURSIONS. .fT , PLKA8ANT JrZZ32 slona up the Biver to Beverly. Burtuur tcu, uno llrihtil, toucblnu at Ulvcrtnn '1 orredie. aud AmlaiuDlu. by the spU niltu Steamer JOHS t. W A at i B &, leaving lienui afreet whan at 'I V M. Beturnlng, leaves urlstol at 4 o'c ock arriving a Phi adelphla about 6 o'clock. On tUIAY leaves ( hesout struet whan at X o'clock P. Al., stopping at Alagargee'a wharf. KeDslnetou ... Pare lor the Excursion. 40 cents. 711m rr HOI FOR AN EXCURSION Tt) JUiZ32 PENNSOBOV K. The cotnmodloua ii-ui i Kli N ' BEc will make an Kxcutslon o Penns gioveon'lVENDA A FTEU OO s . August B. lutiS ieav fi K A rcb street wbart at 1 o'clock P. M .and Moa gee whan, kensiuuton. at 1'15 o'clock P. M. Kuturnlng ear y in he even'ng Uefreahnienta on board. A Bras aud String Band wlU accompanv the boat. Fare. 5K c en ta 84 it ROBERT SlIOEMAKElt & CO,, WHOLESALE DBUGGISTS, MA IV UFA C T UllE R$, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS JN Paints, Varnishes, and Oils, No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 126SU.) fOSir!r RACE. L I'ockrt Books, rorlimeiinsiirs. l'ortroli., Orcsslnf 11m, "anlr!(, (tun. Bl'l'M. Inl LiutiMindGmli' loiur m Balohcla aa Mill '"" I.J iirin., " Ml to all aijk. 11 Ml T . ; mad. taa l P- nA. ( Ji