y THE DAILY EVENING , TELEGRAPH. rillL ADELPm A, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 1, 1866. w i THE LlIKOl'KAN WAU. Am from lnl Krmtti. Korxalh published in tho Hungarian lanKiiatre, noon after the victorious invaHlon of Bohemia by the Prussians, a address to the "IIuHRnrian nation, of which the following were the princi pal paMapes: "There are hi'torical mommta in the life of nations when the question ot thtir existence is decided lorever, Mich is the present moment for Hungary and Transylvania, as well as lor Croatia, Dalmntin, ana Hclavoiiifl. The war already begun will solve mimy questions Oeyond thcis in which it orluiMiUnl. Ttin tuture taie of llunuary, not less than that ot Cronttp, Dal matia, and tklavoiiiu will be dctcriuiued b.v it. Jt is, iudced, self evident ton, it Austria were vo retain them under her swny, by achieving fuccess in this war, she would pre? down upon tbfse coiintrlcB with tho whole weight 01 her reinforced strength, in order to realize, by their complete absorption, the unity of the Austrian empire: while a delcatcd and diminished Austria would employ more craltily than ever all her won.ed arts to 'brim? about the assimilation ot her unlost provinces, in older that by their hudon Into the sami! one rule me lamily ol the Hapeburprs may still bold the rank or a great power. But in either case the exist ence ot Hungary, and of Croatia, JAlmH.ria, ana hclavonia, as States and nations, would be at an end. Races and nationalities they m it: lit re mainnations, never. Here, then,' la an abso lute alternative, unalterable line .late, between the necessity ol committing national suicide, or ot fibtum tor national independence. Who would choose to die when life may bo won by a bold determination? "The Hungarian questiou is no loncpr misun derstood b.v the clcar-skrntcd Hinom; the preat powers ot 'Europe. May it. be uiidor-.tood at last also by the public at large! May It'no move be confounded with mere revolutionary restless ness! The Hungarians nre not revolutionists. Wo aro not men loud ol political or podal ex periments. Wp ure a people addicted to order and tranquillity, aim loal, too, even to excess, ready to sacrifice much always, but not our country at any time, lleligiousjy attached to what irood our predecessors lelt us as a national Inheritance, we are the devoted partisans of organized treedoni, enemies to all auarchy. The monarchical sentiment runs through our whole body nation il. But a nation we are, and u nation we will remain; a tree nation to be ruled by no laws save our on; developing ireely Hint national lite which is our own. Aud we vti-h to b;; a S:a!e subject to no loreigrn people, to no loreign intert-sls; a stlf poverned State, ftich as we hav a richt to De, entitled as we are to it by a constitutional exist ence one thousand years old; by international compacts: by tho extent ot our territory, as well as by the number aud genius of our popu lation, the Hxth by rank ami.ng the nations that may claim place and voice in the NuroDean council of Independent Suites. This is what we strive for, since such is our right. Our claims are on a level with our rights. But, then, between the realization of our rights and the rule ot tho House ol Lorrainc-Hapsburg, there is an insuperable antagonism; aud naturally, too, since ot' all the reigning hoimcs the Aus trian Emperor is the only one which as a sove reign has neither country nor nation that he can call his own, and is merely the possessor ot certain lands. The AiHttiau Emperor is not chief of a nation; he is only chieftain in a lamily, the clan of Hapsburgs. "Let, then, tlie public opinion of Europe te penetrated with tins truth, that it the Hungarian nation raises the llag ot 18-lsJ ag.iiu, it is moved by no revolutionary restlessness, but merely by the intmet of belt-preservation. And she will raise it, since it would be her death not to raisM it, and since it is evident that now or never is the time to rise ami live. It would be sin, shauic, madnsH, suicido it she would neglect this lavorable opportunity given her by Providence. The will of Uod reveals irself in historical events and these are iincoiiimouly propitious. The demeanor ol Unugary has always been ot paramount importance in all wars which the House of Austria was encaged in by choice or necessity. In tlie tima ot the fhst French empire Austria saw her provinces, Vienna ltocli. occupied o.vherenctnv; ' vet tor all that, aud oieiely because the resources of Huneaiy were at her disposal, she came out of that long struegle stronger than ever, while the gieat Emperor died an exile in St. Helena. But on no previous occasion was, perhaps, Hungary of such weight in the scale of fortune for or against Austria as in this present war. The strateeical importance 01 her position now it, ol the utmost consequence. And never has Austria dragged to tue battle, ield so many Hungarian and Croatian soldiers as now. i'u bitter derision of the Wiet, then yet ,it;ing iu J'estb, recruits were levied, iaes were ruined continually at an unheard-of rate, without ihe assent of tho Diet; and by this exercise of despotic power, crowned with mockery, the Austrian army received a Malit'in..; host ol thirty thrt e Uungarbu and one Croatian rerriuiout of the line, lourteen regiments of Hungarian hus. Burs, and more thau seventy tliousau t greuz-.-r iuullalorce ol above two huudrei and forty thousand men. I can assure my nation that the weight ot her attitude in the noale of events is being understood aud appieeiated wherever it is desirable it ftioultl be. The year of 1819, with its tar reaching lessen, has not been tor gottcu. It is remembered that the proud House 01 Austria, so defying now towards two great powers, wab then unable to stand a single cam paign against unprepared, unarmed Hungary, w ithout feeling constrained to implore the help ol two hundred thousand Russians lo rpscue it lroiu certain ruin. And grateful she proved her self lor the rescue, in tho true Hapsburg style. "Openly nave I spoken., not iu the darkness of conpt racy the millions of the peo ple must save their country in the broad day light. Let tue nation be well penetrated with the thought that, tt bhe were to neglect availing lurselt of this lavcrablQ opportunity for seli emancipaiion, she would herself pronounce her own doom lorever she would perish by her own hands dig her ovn grave, aud sink into 15 felo de se a dead nation in that vat cemetery, the Austrian empire. Who would dare to ay that my na'.lou deserves to die by such a death, ? She t-hall live ! "My on nut've laud! thou hast suffered much and long since I buv thee. We, banished irom, not by, thee we, too, have But tered much and long. Ihavegroivn grey with age, with inconsolable grief, and witu mourning for many los-cs, thine and mine, In the doleful land o: exile. But no aching pain, no dire j iitll'ction, has ever d'uuiuishei the sense ot duty I owe to thy hoiy ciiu. This sense of duty I impels me even now to be up and doing. And with thecalin vellection ol pondcrutiug thought, with the wai mth oi hope, to which my iovlcs-i litprt does not easily Ni"ld, and wiinal with the fleicru.inatiou ol the strong will, I say vhat th' fe seventeen years I never yet said' be of pood cheer, my nation ! we shall meet again.' " Kossuyn." fcCKNlcB ON THE BATTLIX IELD OK SADOWA. A eorresnoudent of tho Loudon to'says: "When you aio jet half a mile trotn tho battle field there is no mistaking the road; the wlud bviBS hoTibl? messaso from tu.fcso riatw'0'! slopes of f cm. HuMa ! on wood of birch and tir In which the Prussians first took up their position, and In the adiomhig meadows reai.iiu thHr lints ol but lormed by ho stems of youutr trees and thatcued with branches. A quarter ot a mile of tree has been cut down to make tbese temporary dwellings; and all around thee lie pamphlets, and lrtter-i, ond match boxes, and glasses, lelt by soldierB who never were able to return for them. . la tho eastern part of the wood, fronting the Austrian forces, there is scarcely one of these magnificent. Hrs near; DJt the largest f the tree-, are rent asunder that, has not had its trunk cleft asunder by tho grooved erenades which the Austrian use to such tell purpose. "There are lew people about. Here and there two or three men und women are opening up knapsacks aud carryinar off the contents, but they only take what cannot utter wards be recog nized as Uoverument property. In one ot tho ditches lies uu Austrian annmunit on wagon, laden with prenades, each one of whlcb cou tuine a couelderable quantity ol powder; but no one touches that powi.'e. They' take the twerds and bayonots to Oiake knlvee, but tnev biesk off the hilt and leave the scabbard. They rifle the soldier's baggaf e, but they leave the knartark. There Is a plethora of articles wbieb would be of Immense die to these poor people such as belts, leathern satchels, tin vessels of all descriptions, unused cartridge, not to speak of the quantity of metal winch could be obtained by stripping the helmets, which lie in dozens but these they do not touch. What they do take they wash la some hdioiiiinir pool; for blood is every where. "Thf re is now quoted the prophecy ot an old Bohemian soothsayer, who said that, 'When there hre two kings in Bohemia the ditchc w.ll run with blood.' It is certainly not difficult to prophecy that In 18ti7two and two will not make five; but, as it is, the evident prophecy of the Bchcn.ian astrologer has been literally ful til led, thoiif h one must hops that these d"cp, red, slow-dripping streams are the blood ot horses rather than ot men. But all over the wet fields, and on the articles you see lying about, are terrible tains, were nothing else there to tell the story. It you lift a helmet or can, there are ten chances to one you find a bullet-hols in front ot it, a corresponding circle behind, while inside there is the universal crimson stain. Nav, I have a card one of a pack which has been scattered over tbe ground where the lierceBt encounter seems to hare taken place wherein is neat I v cut one ot thee bnllet circles, obliterating the Bhoulder of a pink-laced young man, who U courting a pink laced young woman uuder a yellow tree. "Tbe work ot burial seems to have been left in the hands of the peasantry, who simply dig a hole in that part of the field where the dead lie thickest, and stripping them, llmg them in. Where the soldiers have burio 1 the dead there is generally the two spars of wood crose t, with the number of the buried marked; wnile occa sionally one or two officers have their name thereon inscribed, with the motto 'True even until deatb.' And this wonderlnl work goe.- on from morning till night from the first grev of tho dawn until in the evening the white line of mist trailine along the pine trees on the hill side finally comes down upon the plain and forces the men homeward. The country people, passing the burned houses and the levelled grain, and the trampled tarrosteads, grow indig nant and talk loudly; but when they come to this place they go by silently, and do not slay to look." THE ROYAL FAMILY OF AUSTRIA THE EMPEROR'S DKI'AKTfBE. The yVmrs' Vienna correpondent writes, under date ot July 14: "Though the Emperor has a Cabinet, it cannot with truth be said that the Austrian empire ha an efficient Government. There is us longer unity of purpose in the ministerial deoartmeiits, and the movements in the Sta'e machine are, therelore, exceedingly feeb'e and irregular. II s Majesty's Ministers are utterly bewildered, 'not knowing what to do and what to leave undone.' One of the things that ought to be done without delay is to come to an understanding with Hungary, which would hardlv tail to exert itself to the utmost to prevent the exclusion ol Austria liom the tieimanio Ooulederation. Let the Emperor restore to the Hungarians the rights of which they have been so long deprived, and the lepresentatives of the nation will hardly tail to prove their loyalty and patriotism by placing at his disposal almost any number ol recruits that may bj required, i'us Empress yesterday returned to Ofeu, with the Archduke Rudolph and the Archduchess C.isela, and we have to-day learned by telegraph that on their arrival her Majesty und her children were heartily welcomed ' by the inhabitants. The Kmperor accompanied the Empress to the Vienna railway terminus, aud the separation must have been very painful, as her Majesty wept bitterly, and the little I'rince and Princess so 'jbed aloud. Now that his family is in com parative safety, the Emperor will hardly fall to go to the army, which is being concentrated in the Marchield, in the neighborhood of Aspem." CITY INTELLIGENCE. For Additional Locat Items see FijUi Fane The (heknvt Hill, Thaokdy Con tinuation ok tuk Inoue.-'T. In our fourth edi tion yesterday we gave the testimony ot Jacob Ilerscli, the tirst wiUies sworn iu thisca-e. The remainder of th evidence was as follows: William Becker, sworn 1 live ut the Wissa hickon toll-gate; I was on duty on Sunday evening bf tween 8 and !); 1 remember two men comn'g up In a wagon aud relusing to pay their toll; I taught hold ot the back part of the wagon, and they stopped and asked how much: I said rive cents; seme women and children ame out, and the deceased said, "You'd better bring tho whole family out;'' with that he hit the horse, and the jerk thereof threw me down; a lot of men ron alter the waaoti; I caught hold ol the coat-tail of one of theiu; Hiilip Stiles was the one I caught hold of; Fagau went down alter the men, and told me he wa going for a police: Stiles said ho was goiug to whip the men; he rolled up his shirt-sleeves; I t ld him not to go; I held him by the coat tail; I didn't see Michael Teeveu at all; I didn't see a ku'.le at all. John Devine, sworn I live about a square below the Wissahickou toll-gate; 1 went out on the roadside after supper; 1 heard a noise near the toll-gute, and I mentioned it to the man sil ting tieside me; a wagon drove uowitii two men in it, aud they stopped right opposite to us: tuey avked us to hold the horse till they went buck; we took hold of their horse; they both got out and went up the road; one ot them said, "We'll give them a show for it," aud rolled up his s'eeves, as if there was goiug to be a fight; I couldn't tell w hich of them rolled up his sleeves: they were both strangers to me; one of my friends said, "We'll go up und see what goes on;'" 1 went down towards the toli-uate; tue two who were in the wagon met one niau coming down; tho three got into a scuJle; I didn't know who Ihe third man was; it was too dark to distin guish any one: I know Tee ven; I don't kuow whether it wap him or not; there was one nun struck and knocked down, and I heard the blooa dropping; he walked attnr he got up about one hundred and titty feet; I didn't see unv knile; the scullle lusted about three minute"; it apf eared to me as if the whole three were iu a hurlif T hinlr flip frwn whn wppa in t)io wicmn I were in liquor, but tliey could walic very w:ell; ,, I didn't hear a word said; one went one way and the other auothcr; the third man walked back towards the toll-gate; there was no fourta niun engaged; it was pist before the moon came up, Owen Golden, sworn 1 board at the next house to where the niau died: I Baw the parties get out of the carriage, and I held the horse; I didn't see the scuttle; I kuosv Teeven; I haven't seen hi in lor two mou'hs; the man who was slabd got out of the wagon tirst. Mrs. Eliza Moran, affirmed I reside at We?sa hickon, near the toll-gate; I was sitting at my door wnen deceased came up to my door bleed ing; he said "hold me," and fell. Thomas t'ugen, sworn I live in Springfield, Montgomery county; last Sunday evening 1 was at the toll t-ute talking to Philip Stilts and Michael Teeveu: Stiles and Teeven came together about fifteen mirtutca boloie the disturbance; two men drove through the toli-gate; Becker told them to bait; they stopped a little, and thcu one ot them gave the horse a cut, and drove on again; Mites and Teeven started alter the n; I went down, and met Mr. Hersch; he asked me if I was the toll gate keeper; 1 sail "No, sir;" be said "Theie's no use making a luss about it; 1 w ant to pay the toll;" Hersch w as alone: I didn't hear any difficulty at tho wagon; we both walked towards the wagon; I didn't see Stiles or Tee ven; I don't know where they were; IVeen never showed me a knife; the re'asou that Hersch and I turned rcund was because somebody came up und said that a man was bleeding to death; I d dn't hear aoy threats; I don't kuow who told us that a man was bleeding to death. Philip Stiles, a German, sworn I live no where; I eot no work: Saturday night I slept on Itldge road: I am a founder; Tworked last with Mr. Long, Montgomery countv, last Saturday atternoou: I know Michael Teeven since last harvest; I saw hiui last Sunday evening at the toll-pat'?; It was nuht; I tojk supper with him i at bis house; he howed me a knife at his house; he told me it was a dirk knife; he chowed it to me over the table; his mother and l'e were there; 1 think his wile told him to put It avay; he did to; the knile did not close up; be wanted feme money from his wife; she wouldn't give him any; he asked me for some, and I give hnn a dollar;- he wanted to sell me the knife; it was alter supper; he was drurit; I told him I didn't want to buy it; he put the knitc in his pocket and carried it away with him; he had it m his tiand as ho was going towards the toll-gate; we si ajed there three or lonr mtnutes; there were two teams drove up, and I went up ihe road 10 Mr. Long's bouse; I saw Teeven have the knite raised, aud ask deceased If he wanted nnv thlng more; tho deceased anil Teeven had hold ol each other, and I couldn't see the stab in flicted; Teeven then ran across the field; I was close beside them at the tune ot the stabbing: neither deceased nor Hersch struck Teeven; it was all done In a minute, and Teeven started ott aud ran acro's a field; 1 went back to tho toll sate and told Becker to go down and get his toll: I dir.n't know that the man was stabbed: I nw Teeven stoop to pick up his hat, and as be did so, i saw ine kn'te in bis rmne: alter i eot to the U 11-gate, somebody said that Teeven was stabbed; I went down and saw the deceased; I don't know where Teeven is; I saw him run across the field, and thHt is the last I sawot him. 1 he evidence here closed. The jury rendered a verdict that the deceased, Oliver Allison, came to his death trom a stab received at the hands ot Michael Tee ven. Statistics of Commerce of the Tort of Philadelphia. The following data cxhirtit the amount ol business none by loreign and coastwise vessels at this port duti.ig the moau ol July, as compared with tiie same period in 16C5:- 1806. 1866. lor. Coast. Total yor. Coast. Total. Steamships.... 2 2 1 1 hipp 6 8 9 6 5 ItaiqueB 17 4 21 12 2 14 Uniix H4 25 C! 80 23 53 echo" neis 16 842 8ii7 13 674 fi.2 Hoops 318 M 418 418 8'ean ors 25 2H6 209 209 Barees 772 772 114 114 Boats 1803 1803 14 1264 74 1062 4133 61 2096 27oO By the above it will be seen that the vessels arming lust month numbered 137U more than tor the same period last year. The arrivals during the past seven months amounted to 19,201 vessels, while during the same period in lso5 they numbered but 1.1,733, showing an increase ol 6463 in favor of the present year. Ot the 10,201 arrivals in 1H06, tbeie were 607 vsels from torelen ports, and of the 13,390 in I860, 343 only were Irom loreign ports. A New Jewish Hospital. The new Jewish hospital, which has been tilted up at the junction ol llavertord road, Westminster aud Fisher's avenues, West Philadelphia, will open for the reception of patients on Monday, the Uth Inst. The tormul opening ot tho hosoital will take place in a lew months. This institution is strictly bepevolei.t, and supported by voluntary contributions. No charge will be made to patients lor admission or care, nnd althoiign established for the especial purpose of pl icina Jewish patients where they can enjoy, during illness, the benefits and consolations of their peculiar taith, still any upplicauts requiring the benefits ol the hospital will be received, without retcrence to their religions belief. Tho institu tion lias been established by the Jewish Hospital Association, and has eeii incorporated. It is at present under the management of the follow ing named gent leinen : President, Alfred T. Jones; Vicc-Prcfirtent, I. Einswauger; Secretary, Mayer SulzOerger; Corresponding Secretary, Henry J. Hunt; Treasurer. Samuel Weil. Di rector? Abraham S. Wolf, Isaac Leeser, Joseph Einstein, Juduh Isaacs, M. 'v.. M. Tlialoeimer, M. M. Bayersdorfer, Simon Ezek let, William 1). Hackenburg, Humuel Hecht, S. Alexander, Henry Mayer, Hczekiali W. Arnold. Resident l'hy bictan, Dr. A. Felstein. Impoktant Case of Counterfeiting. John Hyers had a bearing yesterJuy before I'nited States Commissioner Sergeant, on the charge ot dealing in counteifeit money. De fendant was arrested iu Harrisburg a few days ajo by Captain Franklin, of tt.e Government detective force, w ho testified that he made the airest Irom information received, und that some lours after Ilyers admitted to him that ue had1 taken sixteen twenty-dollar bills to Harrisburg for a hotel keeper named Weckert, aud that he had $12C0 of the money In his own house in Philadelphia. On the cross examination witness stated th'tt he had not made any promises nor threats to induce the adinisfcion.'bul that he had said to one Lindsay, also in custody, that it would be better )or Hyers it he exposed the olute on which the $2U counterfeits were printed. H;,ers was held in 330UO bail lor trial. The hotel keeper alluded to in the testimony was also arrested, and was held by United States Com missioner Sno.lgrass, of Dauphlu, in S'jOOO hail tor his appearance at the uevt term ot the United States District Court. ARRIVAL OF TIIE " TONA W AND A ." The Tonatmndu, from Savannah, arrived vesterJ.iv. We are indebted to Mr. Teal, the Purser, lor late Savannah pnpers. The following is a list of the nasseupers: A. Minis, Hon. S. Cohen. M. C. lady and daughter; R. J. Uowdy, U. M. Sorrill, Mrs. Agnes Sonill, Miss Annie Sornll, (J. J. Tacpart, D. O. Price, T. L. Eppman, R. McClfi lan, Mrs. Gabilhouse and nsece, R. Spatz. H. MeDonoujrh, L. T. Stuurt, B. Thompson, S. II. Ilaltman, E. Metcar, II. Mills, J. Jones, J. fcp-rrj. Mrs. B. I'owier. Mrs. E. McDonald and child, Mrs. M. A. Meyer aud chihl, Mrs. J. A. Kaupt and three children, Mrs. M. itogcrsou aud child. Three on deck. Bii.i.8 Acted on Dokino the June Teum of Quabtiok Sessions 1'ee Bill. During the June term of the Court of (Juarter Sessions, which closed a lew days since, the Grand Jury acted upon 416 bills of indictment sent hetor them by the District Attorney, of this number 214 wre ignored, leaviug 202 to be returned as trup bills. Upon tho tnul of these only U0 were declared guilty of ihe oUenses tor which they had been held to bail. The following shiws the amount of tees paid durincr tho term: -District Attorney, $1827; Cleik of Quarter Sessions, $120'.i'!i0; Sheriff, 572 muktug a total amount ot SUtiOb'ltu. A68AUT.T AND BATTERY WITU INTKNT to Kill. Bernard Koilly had a hearing at the Ceniial Station yesterday, on the cliarare of as saulting Jacob Korris with intent to kill. A brother of the complainant testified that Itoill v committed the assault at Otseco and Recti streets, strikina him on tbe head with a base ball bat, severely woundinar hiiu. He hai been in a dangerous condition, but was not cousl uetcdfcothen. Defendant had not auythluer to Fay on the subject ot tho assault, uuii he wa held in $3,000 to answer. Accidents. John Shinn, seven years old, was severely, if noi fatally injured yesterday, m front ot Ko.l2ti South Water street, by a boss head of molasses rolling on him. He was re moved to the Hospital. Michael Maley, 4ii years old. residing at No. 1517 Tuilur street, hid one of bis feet lia lly iu lured yesterday, at SM.ipen street wharf, by a bar of ireu falling on it. lie was also admitted into the Hof-pitiil. .Meeting of thk Boys in Blue. Tbe oranizatious in the dillerent wards known a. ihe "liovs in Blue," met lust evening aud elected delegate to a Convention to nominate candi dates lor Kow otlicers. MILLINERY. MRS. It. DILLON, Nos. 323 and 331 SOUTH Street. Hai a hand tome aeJortment of MMXISEHYt M (' and Inlaiita' Ha snd Caps, Mtka, Velvets Crape Rlbbona, Feathers, Flowers, Frame-, etc AMUSEMENTS. QIUND NATIONAL CONCERT fob tiie benefit or the SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' NATIONAL ORPHANS' HOME FUND, UNDER AUSPICES OF THE SOLDIERS' AND SAILORS' UNION, WASHINGTON. D. C, AT GROVER'S THEATRE, On Thursday Evening, August 2, 1863 HOV.OCO tickets at SI each 7.i00 present, VAlned at SV.Vi.MO, consisting of Fine Kesidenced, Lots, I'lanos, Diamonds, Jewelry, silverware, etc. etc, TICKETS CAN BE OBTAINED AT TIIE OFFICE OP WILLIAM E. OWENS, No. 527 CHESNUT STKEET, Phlladeluhla; ALSO, SENT TO ANY POST OFFICE IN THE COUNTRY rilOMPTLY BY MAIL. F. NOLEN & CO., Ucnerat Agen s, No. 210 West FOURrtl Streot, Wilmington, Pel, MANAGING. DIRECTORS. Major U. A. HALL, Pipsldent ho. diem' and tSai ore' Union, Colonel CIlARlKB E. CAPEUaRT, Majtr M. H. ALBEROER, WILLIAM S. MORSE. TREASCREB. J B. IIOTCHINKOS, Esq, Cashier National Bank ol tbe Metropolis. Trrasfrt Department. Office ok Intkunal nkvkkub, AHllIKflTON-.luilA il IMiti. - Whereas II A. Hall and o hern, an ' umnin. i.lrn,-. lors" oi tlie "Grnud -National conc.rt," to be ueld in M-L-.hiLt.ion. I., c, on ilie id or Au unt next liuv . wane flue p. nation to i.. i lephan, ('o.Kctor ot lu'e.uiil he en no ior the Collection lilntrlct ot the Distri .t oi loiusnuia, tor pirmlx-iiiu to ho d a lotier.r, ra'tle, or Lltt eniernrlpe, and presented to hiiu naiMactory evi (lento that the oioceodH ol Ald lotterr. raillii. or i'itl enieriir ine 111 be devoted to elinrltah e uses, permlxalon in iicreD itranteu to But. it unat-'tt g Directors ' lo hold puch lolttry, ratlle. or ullt cnieror.se ree from a .c.li.rH. wne ier iro-n tax or license, in respect to uen lo teiy, raioe, or fcui enterprise. c. a. ttwL.L.1 vn, Commissioner. All orders must be addressed .with stamps Inclosed to W1LLI.1M S. SIOIt'E, Secretary Soldiers' snd Sailors' 'alonal Concert, Washington, D. 0., Lock Box So. il. We refer, bv permission, to Major-i.encral v, Intlold s. Ilnncock, V. 8. A. (ieniral Holiert O bchenck, il. v., Ohio. GenertU llulbi-rt E l'alne, M O , Wis. (.eneriii John 11. Ketchain M ('., N. T. Gcnorut.luinci U HI tint Ktmn.is. General J f.. BcndiicK, Iowa. General It C. Mo aliam, I). C. Genera O V Jiayti n, K. Y. Hon. 'J nomas W. Kerry, M. C, V Ich. rluu Clcorite Lawreuuu, At. C. leuua. 1). C. Foinev, fcso... 1). . Jiajor J 1 . Hounuty, N. Y. Hon. Hichaid Wai ach, Mayor of Washington, D. C. Hon litnrv C. Demlnu, Al. u , . onn. lion. Kticn C. ItiKerno 1. M. ('. 111. Hon. Samuel J. Hundali. it. O . I onna. lion T i Jjergoo. .i C, New Yrk. 11 jn. Henry W 1 son. V. b. a, lion. Ira Harris, II. s. 8. Hon. B r ado, U. S. 8 Bon Ke lan V. Whaley.M C . Wet Va. Lon vviiilum I). Kelley. M. (J , l'enna. Lon A. H. 1 allin, M. r., N.H. lion. Leonard Myers M. C , Penna. 1 on. Vi I 1 1 a in A. Newell, M C M.J. Hon Cieortie W. Jullun U.C I ml Hon. 1ellhen K. vvilfon, M C l'enna. Hon. J. B Gilnre'l, M C Iowa. itajor . M. A'an Buren.N. Y. Gen H. B Haven l. ' .. Ohio. lli-n. T. Holmes. M C , New York. Hon. G. It. Lailiam M W. Va. Hon. James A. Mrin,M. C , New Toik. Uon. IhoutasT. Ua is, M. C, New York 7 i, ltn N EW CHESNUT STREET TIIEATUE. Doors onen at 1 30 Curtain rises at 8 THK l (JUL- Nl '1 UEAliSK l. Hie. ClfYt Ventilated by tlie ce'ebmted t KN , HIKI.'O vL FANS. Pi 1 ven by a flve-hoise power steam engine, renderini; DE11GH1 FULI Y f OOL RESORT In the warm st weather. IGKANO It -Ori.NI.NG F'K J HE 8' Jl.MEtt SVAOrT, tOH. THE r-CMMKK SEASON', A T BrMlEtt PRICES. AT Sl'MMEB l'UIrEX, AT SUMUEiv PU CES, WITH A POWERFUL DOUBLE COMPANY. Tills (Wednesday) KV'tNlNG, August 1, Third and Inst nifcht but lour ot THE "LE'PlXi BEAUTY, '1HK BLKEflNO BKAUlY, TbE hLl rPIMl BE UTY, SATUKDY AKTEKSOOS, UiUSt4, FIKST 8i MMiB FAMILY MAtlNi-E. MOND W, August , Urst night of the now Drama BaCcAKAL; OR, KNAVr.8 Of HIE PACK. PKlCr Of ADMI8-IOS FOR 'IHE HUMMER nEASON ONLY. Orchratra 75c. farquette. fOo. Faml y Circle, 2Sc. No extra charira lor secured ajats. TXTALNDT STREET T II E A T 1 E. VV N E corner of NINTH and WALNUT Streets. LAoT NIGHT BUl 'lUKi'.K OtT THE THRKE GUAEDSMEN. THIS (Wednesday) KVtN.N. August 1, Last Niunt but three ot the aintiutmlshed Iragedlan, AIR. JUNIUS BKU1US BOOTH, Wbo will appear In his nopular character of D'rtRI.iGAN. In the sranit BomanMc Piuy entitled THE TllUI E GUARH3MRN! 14 'ME bC HELLER AS ASNE OF AUSTRIA. YALEB'8 (LATE MILLEK'S) WINTER CAKDEN-Noh T20-T28 VINK Stteet. GUAND INSTRUMENT AL CONCERTS NIOHTLY. By two larne and efficient Orchestras. TO NIGH r, And EYE BY NK5HT. In connexion with our EXCl-LSIOMSTttlNU BAND, a Brans Band, couipilsiiig the best ArtiaW in the city will pcriorm. OrEN FOB THB SE480V. Our spacious pun oier Garten, artistically tald out wltn Mirnbbery. fountains etc. IN THE LADIES' 8ALOOV, Especially set apart lor F i I LI 1.8, the best of Creams aud other BeueshmonU will he served. 6-liij GYMNASIUM FOB LADIES. GENTLEMEN, AND CHILDREN. N E CCKNEU OF NINTH AND AKl.'U STREET- OPEN tVERY DAY ANl EVENING, ALL hUM M ER. Borlltv ex eiclfe Imparls bculih and strength, tti b:st orcveutlvt at ainst sickness o' ihe coming summer. SMJm l'ro'tssors UlLLEBKAN l A LEWIS. r??n-i THE PIANOS WHICH WE MANU rj U e I facture recommend themselves. We ptoinlso t' our patrons cier beautiiul tues, elevant workm n ship ouralnlltv. and reasooab e prloca combined with a lull guarantee. Forsaleouyat No. lull WALNU1' CNIOK PIANO MiNUFACTUBISQ CO. TO RENT. LARGE, WELL LIGHTED AND VFNTILATED UrOM, ON THE SECOND FLOOR OP THK "Evening Telegraph" Building, No. JC)8 Kouth TIII11D Street, TO RENT, Witb or without Bteam power. Apply In tbe , office, first floor. AUCTION SALES. o I E 1. JOHN EDOAR THOMHON. Trnit hi a certain Indenture of niort-age ot tbe propel ly brrclnaiutr ue-strliM-d et;nied b trie 1 yrone and Clearfield Railroad onnsn,to n a mnittiavee in trust to secure th paj aentol t le principal anil In orct c bonds of said i on psnv tr '. .le amount ol W,000 whlcb ntortarnt ated tie !n dav ot November. A D. lnMI, and lecorle i In the tri ce for Krcordlna Deeds, etc. la ant lor the eountr or liair on the in nay or Novemher A. l. Dbv In Mortgage Boot 'B." piaes i07. 10H, 109. 110, ati.l ID, do berrbv alve notice that deiauli having been n ado lor more tbsn ninety das In the payment of the lute rs iiuesnddciuftntien on me saia minus 1 wil- in nurn- ance ot he wnit- n rem.en to me directed ot tuo to.oeis of nio'e thsn n ten thotisund dollar in a uount o. tbe tald boi ds and by vir ne ol the tioerctmern?d U on n e in tl at resprct hv iht sal i morn ant rxuo to ruunaraa and se. to ine iiineitt and Dest ntntier y M. 'i HOM AH A 'O' M.Auctiunceis at ibe I'HtL ADEI.- I I IA IXll.NGE. In Ihe city ot Mil adetplna on Thuitdsy, the 21tb day ol September A. 1. lxbd nponthe tint s tn.d eoiKiition. berelnalter stated, tbe whole or tl e ssiu Jlortiisnd premise, viz. I -The vt ol m th.t .,finn m thA Tt rone and rienr field Hallroao. finm the point oi luterwcilon with t:u Pennsvlvai la ltal rsd, at or near lyrone Station in 1, lair couniy. to the point ot connection with the araded line ol the anid Tyrone and Cleart-ld Kailroad, kiown i.nd de.ltnited an -The Inl. TKec'ton' being sbou- three miles and one qtmrter Irom the Pentist -vanla Kul toad at it rone talllu, as the sHtne Is no cot sum ted together with all and slnguiiriho nil- ways rai s niiuiier, tern en, prlvl ene'. runta. ann ai rt a propeit" o every flenerlptlon acquired hy and be UniRlns to said companv. adaceni to or connected wltn or ou ihe line oi xnid roctm i o- three and one quarter mllis oi mad. and al the mils Income", issue and prolits to lie oenva anf to srlne Irom the same and a 1 tbe lands u.ed and occupied lor railways depots or siat ons bctweon said po'iita on said section o tureo snd otie-t.uar et ml i s wlib an buildings standing thereon or procured there'or AND mEEBALLT. Al the lands rall.y rails brliiKes. culverta, trestle works ttol I ousea, coal bouses, wharves, fences rUhtu ol way, worktOiopg machluery, stauons. depois, d.-pot-ktouuds woiks, masonrv. and other superstructure leal istate Oklldlrvs. and improvements ot whatever na ore or kind aiiperta'niuu or tioloiig'ng to thn above mentioned pioperty and to lie said section oi the said lyreiio ana Cirnrfled Bnllrosa and owned by said t ompanr in connection tlieresl.h. 1 be said section ol the Tyrone and Oleirfleld Ballrond exteiidlna trom 'he point ol liitcrection of the said I'v rone and Cleurtleld hallroad ID the Pennsv vnla Kaliroud to the point ot eonnectlon with tlie Krndotl lum ol tbe raid I yione and Clemllela Kill road known iiiud as " jbc IuteriCtlon " Is about 3 H miles in length. a TERMH OF SALE. $10,000 of the pnrcliane nionev 'o be paid In ca"h when tepripcnv la struck off. and the balance within twenty da3S tbtreatler , . , . , i'AVHi'Mf on account of the snld balanco of pntchai-e money, to the extent of too dividend therein parable on tho bonds se cured by the said mortKai-e and the matured coupons of said bonds mav bemaue In the said bonds or coupons; and II tl e dividend Is less thau the actual sum due upon tho paid bonds onoupons the i.oldcrs mav retain pos session of the said honds und coupons on receipting to Ihe said 1 rustee for the said dividend and endorsing pH tnent o' the same on the said honds or coupon.- I pon ilie piiicbase utonev del'ig paid, as atoTSnld the said 'linstee will execute and de Ivor deedoi' convey ttnee oi tlie prcuib-es to the purchaser or pur chistrs in pursuance of the power comerrcd upon him by tbe said mortvaKe. ... ny lur her tulormatlon In respect to said sale, or premises may be bad upon app icttlou to the umler (Ivm d 1 rustee, at the uflice w tlie fcnnsylvanlu Bull road Company. No. !W S. I bird street I'nitudi-liiina. JODN EDGAR THOMSON, I rustee, No. ?3K 8. HiiRI Struct. Al. THOMAS & ON Auctioneer Aos. l9and Ml . FOC It'll! St'eet. GllnSm Philadelphia. i E. I. R. FRANKLIN PALEV, Trustee in a certain Inden ture ol Mortgage ol the property lu-reinuit -r deso.ilieu, executed by the Ty one and Cieanield Kalimad ('otupany 'oino as mortgagee In trust, lo secure the na men ot the principal auu mterrt of bonus ot sai.l C'oin.niny tu ilie an.ount ol 50 100. which moitgagr Is dated the 1st day of February, A D. lol, and recorded in the oirioe lor recording needs, etc. . In and for tbe county o Blair on the 411 day ot February , A. D.. 101 Iu mortgage book l'. piuo 118 etc. and In tho ofllce for recording needs, etc In aud lor the county ot Centre on the Ji.C duy ot Fcbrunry A. I) lwi iu mortguue hook E. pa jo 4Uo. etc. do hereby give notice thai deiauii having been made lor mot titan ninety ays in tbe ptvtnont ot tho interest due and demanded on tho said bonds, I will, tti pursuance of tho writ.cn icquest. tu mo directed ot the holders oi more than 820,' 0 In amount ot tho aaid bonos, aud b virtue ot the power coil erred upon me n tl.a leaped by ihe said mortgage, expose to pub lo tale, and still to the hiuhest and bos bidder, bv A. iHoMac tl SONS. Auelioneers lit tho Pllli.ADKL T II I a X HaNGE. in the cry oi Pullad. Inhia on Ihursday tlie '27th di of Scptemhor A D. lsw unou .he ti-iuis and conditions herelnalter stilted tho waolo of the said niorif axed premises and :rancltlses viz. : Ibewboieol that lection ot the Tyrone and 1 1 ear field ltt.llroad Irom tyrouo Stailon, Hlair county I'en i aylvan'a, to Phil ipsuurg. In l entro countv. Pennsyl vania, as the snu e la l ow constructed, together with all i no singuar the railways, nils, cross-ties, chairs spikes iron timber, midges, fences, together mh all reul property ot every description acquired by nnd e longing o en id t on pany ajiptirtcuaiii to said r.iad and all tlie rights, liheriies, privileges, aud corpontto tianchlses oi suld Kind and companv and al tho tola. Income, issues aud prullts to bo derived and 'o arise from tho some, and all the binds used and ocnu plid or rai way ilepota nnd stations between said points, wlib. all buildings standing thereon or procured thetclor. AND GENERALLY. All tho lands, rnhwa.. h rai s. bridges culverts, tres tle works, tool hou-is, coal-houses whiuves, lences, rights ot way, workshops, machinery, ntutionn. depots, depot grounds, works masonry, una other superstruc ture teal cstuto biilldin. s, nnd Improvements of whatevti nature or kind appertaining or belonWng to the ahove-n.eutlontd property and to the suld seo lon of the said 'li rune and t'leurtle d ltuilmad and owned by suld ompunv l.i cornice ion therewith, and all tlie rlelitH liberties onvlieges, und corporuto fraiuhlscs of tald roau uudCompanv. Tho said section of tho said Tyrone and dcarAe'd Ku'lroad extending t'om suld lyru e httiinn llmir ci nitty, to and hroucu tho boiough of 1'iiiilipsiiurg;, in C tulro county, Is about 23h mi eg in iciigih. TERMS OF SAt.E 10.000 of the ptncliase mom y to be paid In ea-th when the pioperty Is struck oil', and tue balanco within tweuty days thcrei.lter. l'avn eut on account or the said balance of purchaso tr.oney to the exient ot the dividend thereof payable on lie bonds secured by thesaid m rtgage and the matured coupons of the suld l onda. may be tnuiln in the said bonds or coupons; and il the dlv.dend is less than tbe actual sum duo Lpou the said honds and coupons, the bo deis mav retain p ssession oi he said bonds and coupons on receipting to the said I rustee tor the said dividend, and endorsing pay mi nt of the same on the suld bonds or coupons. Upon tbe purchase-money being paid as aforesal 1. tho Trustee will execute anu deliver a deed of conveyance ot ihe premises to the purchaser or purch igers. lit pursu i nee of the power conferred upon him by the said mortgage. Any further Intormallon In respect to the said sale o premises limy be bud on aopilcation to tbe undersUt oil 'liustee. at his ofllce, No 4i South UUKD Street, in the city of Fhliadelpb'a B. FRANKLIN RALRY ,Trtntoe. No 42 M(luth Tblrd street M. i riOV AS A SONS. ttctioneers, 6 11 mJro Nos. lij and 141 South FOURTH Street. STMRTS, FURNISHING GOODS, &e J W. SCOTT & C O., SHIRT MANUFACTURERS, AKD DEALERS III MEN'S FUIINISHINO GOOU8, No. 814 CHESNUT Street, FOUR DOORS BLLOW THE "CONTINENTAL, 8 26 IP PHILADELPHIA. pATENT SHOULDER-SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, AND GhNTLRMEN'B FURBISHING STORE. TEBKECT FIT1INO fHIBi8 AND DRAWERS made from measurement at very short notice. ' All ether ai tides of GENTLEMEN 'd DRESS GOODS In lull variety. WINCIIKSTEIi & CO., 8 24 S So. 106 CHESNUT Street DENTISTRY. prr-i, THE GOVERNMENT HAVING Cfrtv'r granted me letters-patent tor mv mode oi aunilnlsterlng Nitrous Oxide tins, by Which I bavn xtracted manv thousands oi Teeth without pain 1 am Justin d In astcrtitiii thut It is bo.h safer aud superior to anv other now In use. DR. C. L. 11UVN9 5 21 6m No. 731 KPU L'CE Street. ROBERT SHOEMAKER & CO,, WHOLESALE DKltGISTS, MAHVFACTURER9, IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN Palnls, VarHlshes. and Oils No. 201 NORTH FOURTH STREET, (611.) CO tH O RACE. AUCTION SALES. T 1 C B. 1. JOrtN F.DOAR THOMSON Trustee In a oetUla iLdemuie 01 MortKafie ol Ihe P'OP lO' l.erelnaiter de icilbed execaied by the Tyone and i leattii Id Kai road ( cm pan v to me, as Idor ascee In Turn, to secure the paMiitntot tbe prlneii al ar d In-etest ot bonds of said ton.pany to the amount ot SMM.lii which Mortgase la Oaten the 12lh day t May A. D. IsAM and reconleil In the en ce lor teeordlna deeds, eto In and lor the county ot Blair, on ti e lhtb Oar ot say. A D. Isw. in mortgage bonk A pages Ml 4-ft-S-7 and n, "nd In the olllce tor re corulndeds. no la and lor tho conntv oi Centre, en the lih dnytt Stay, A D. 1KMI In u.ortgage book E, page IV eto , do hereby give notice lht.1 d. iault having 1 1 en made lor more than ninety dv In tne piytnnt of the inrrest dun and deir aimed on Ihe said bonds, I will. In putsusnce ol the written tequest in me directed o the l.o'Hi is ot n ore tlmn .'"! (mi in annum of hi said bci.ds f,d ty virtue of the pow et eonler el unnn me la tbatrisptci by toe rain .lot gne cxnow u pnhlic sa e and i-ell to ll.e hit heit and b.-s. hltliter tn . ill' MI 8 A HiNS, Aui'lti tieius ai Hie l lULAiil l.rill V EX- llAMIl.lo tbe civ ol j hlia'elnlitii on 'I hursdsy. th V."ith rtav of Fepten ber A D. ll-Hd nr"" the erni and cm dlt ons heremaiter stated, the ho e of the said n or siii d premises, viz. : Ihe bole ot that sect on or said Tyrone n.l lear fteld ltaUruad iroin tlie po'nt ol I .n-isoUton with the 'lronea'id lock liaven tatlnnd near 'lyrone. Blair county, 1 ennryivama to 1 1,1 llpsim g Centre county, 1'ennsy ivanin as loo same Is now eoi.Btructed togniher with al and slnu ur the rallwav-, rnli, brnlges, lences, prlvileves, right., and al real property of eerv ilescilpilon aciUired by and belotiuing to said tinipftni and all the tolls. Income, lames, and profit to lie di-iived and to a lse Irom the snme. and a 1 the lnmtsufcdand occtiulcd lor rallwavs. (le,iot-i, or sta tions between said poin's with a 1 the buildings stand ing thereon or procured iheretnt AND GKNERAtLI All ihe lands, rmlvara rul s bridges, culverts tre.t'e wirKs, too. l oiiseH, coa bouses wharves, ences. rights ot wuy. Tiorkshupa, mschinerv, stions, depots depot grounds, works, ma-onrv, anil other sipeisiriicture, teal estate builMin.s and Improvemeits o whatever natu e or kmd apiitrtHlning or bclnnvina t.) the ihove mtntluned propettv. and to the said section of said T.ttone and i earlie d i aiiroad. and owned by said Com panv lt connecllKii therewl h 'ihe snlk section of tiie Tyrone and Clentflold Railroad, exterrling liom 'be Intersection ot tbe viotte aud Clea" lleln Ballroad vtl h the rulT'sd oruierly be'ongttig to il. a i , n.n and l.nekhaven Itallrottl ninostiy. but now In the Bald Kane Valcv hniroad Company. U about 2U miles in length. tJ 10,fOO or tlie pnrchase money o tie naul In cash wheu the pioperty is stiuca oil, aud the balance wltuln it) day tlieiealter , . , . PaI MKNT on account of the aalnba'ancaof purchase mtnev, to the ex ent ol the dividend thereof puyahle on tne bonds secured bv Ihe snld mortgage and the tna tuied coupons ol the said bonds mav be made in the said bonos oi coupons; and It the dividend is less thin the actual nm cue upon the said bonds or coupons, tlie hold' is may retain possession o the said bonds and coupons on receipting to the said Trustee for thesaid tlivuund and endorsing payment ol tbe same on thesaid bunds or coopons. ,, , , I pon 'he purchase money being nald as atoresald. the lrosiee will execute and deliver a di ed ot convetance oi ti e premies to the pntchaser or purchaser m pur suance oi thepowei coniened uuon him by tho said n.oitgage. . Any further Information In respect to aald sae. or pinnifes n ay le had noon application to tho under kI' tied Trustee, at the nfllce ot tbe I'ennay Tanla Bail road Company, No. S. Ihlrdsireet Phlade'phla. JOHN ELOARTHOM 'OS I rustee, No. ii38 8 'IIHWD Street. Xl.TUOMAR ft SON". Ancionoers, 6 21 miltn Nos. 1.19 and 141 8. FOURTH S reet DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. ft 1 Dill STEAM StlHLG ESTABLISHMENT, No. 510 RACE Street. We beg leave to diaw our (.attliulur attention to onr new Fni ch Mcam Scouring EktabiisLn ent ihe tirst and oiny n e ol its k,nd in iht city. Vt e uo uot dve, but by a ibtn.iial lroce ri-s ore Ladles', O.ut emeu's, ant-. I bin ten's Garn.ents to their otlgitial states witnou injuring thim m tie least, n bile gieat experience and the best n achincry trom France enable us to warrant penect satisiucttou to ail who may avor us with their patronage. LADIES' DRhr-SI.I c eveo desci ptlon, with or without 'irimmtneg, are cleaned and limshed without being taken apart, whether the color is genuine "'opera tonka and Mantillas urtalns Tab e Covers. Carpets Velvet Ribbons, Kid Gloves, etc. cleaned and rcniilslied in the best manner. Oen leuien'a cummer and V inter Clothing o eaned to petted i n without ki Jury to the stufl A. so Kiaga and lianneia All kinds of stains r moved without c tailing ihe whole All orders are executed under our In mediate supervision and tntlf tiit-tiou guaisnteed in every ins'ance A rail and txamlniititu ol our process Is ropectiully solicited. ALUiiDYLL & MAKX, 12 mthtik No. 510 RACE Sttoet. SHIPPING. vpy-ri. liAMll.L'S PASAGli OH-ICE ' 'ANCUOU LINE OF blEAat r R.S " I ih KRS I A," "COLUMBIA, CALEtiOMA." "CAhhKlA," "1 KlTANNlA," "IMJA.' Steam to LIVEKIUOI. LOSDONDKSKT, BELFAST, DUBLUr. Ni-.vVRY, COJiK.A.nD liLaKOOW. KAlK- OF PA.-SAUr. IAVaLLI; iN l'AI'ERCUaBESCT. i. a li 1 N fi t'JU . t and 7tl MtiKA UK. fit i Hi-, paid c.h ini ates issued for bringing out passengers trom the abov points nt I OWJ:h Iti.TES THAA ANT O'lHEB LlJiE , Also, to and troni ALL pTa'IIONS ON Hit IRISH RAILWAY'S. RP El'IAL U I1CE Passengers wl 1 Hike particular no Ice that Ihe Anchor I ine" is iheomy iiue vranting tin cut. Ii ilckeis at the above rates don. Philadilolila Ut the points imu.nl i.hoe. i.Ld Uiul the undersigned la the only oi Iv nutliorlied Agent in hiiud. iplna Aoolv to W . a H A.dll.L, So.e Agent lor -AN' nOn LINE " 1 V No 211 WALNUT Street. FOR NKW YOt-K. PHILADEL ii 12 deibh fcteum Propeller Com. anv De- i. vuiiiMire Lines via l.e ttwure and Kuritan CanaL It a Irg dat y at li M and 6 P. At., connecting with au Nortli ru uiid Eastern iiu'S, horlteithi which v. In be taken upon accouimodating tetnib, mnly to WILLIAM 1. HAlKD A CO., 8 lb No. 1WS DfcLAVN A IU avenue TO PI1IP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. THB J. npiernlgned htivmg leawd the KEaSINOIOS teC KKVS Dot K.teg. to in onn blsfiiennS and the patroni of the Duck thai he la t rep red with Increasea loci Kiel to acccn.modate those having vesse t lo M raised or repaired and being prao ical ship-carpenter and caulker, wilglve personal attention to tbe vessels as trusteo to bin or repairs . . Cat turns or Agents Ship Carpen em, and Machinist havlni vessels to repair are solicited to c&h- llnvlng the agency for .he sa e of W ettersiedc Tutcut Alciallio t om position" iOi oppef Paint for tha piei-erTation of vessels' bo.loms for this city, 1 am pre paied to .urnlab the.am. on Jjvor.b Mn Kens pgton ecrew Dock, 1 li DELAWARE Avenue, above H UREL Street CIGARS AND TOBACCO. DINT TO TOBACCO C1IEWERS WEDDING-CAKE FINE- CUT TOBACCO. Ihe only FINECI'T TOBACCO ever manufactured In Pn'ladelphla. Hie JJent in Uih Market. EVERYBODY l-SES IT. Manufactured from the Best Leaf. SCLD EVERY Will' RE. 1611 Factory, 8.E cori.tr IJno.'.r ami Wallace StreeU n. -r irn.'it.ii. u ri!,ii'nioiii.;no, flirar fiwts, ! I'ortnilics, I'roshie; fasts, lliinkcrs' Casrs. Ludiee and Gents' Batohela and I Travelling Bugs. In all slylea. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, GRAVE-STONES, Eto. Just completed, a beautiful variety ot ITALIAN MARBLE MONUMEKTM. TOMBS ASD QBAVE-BT0SE9. Will be sold obetp for eaab. Work tent to an part ot the United BUI. HENRY 8. TARR. , M ARB LB WORKS, I wimS No. 110 OBEFN etroet, Phlutaelpal, ft? 13! 1 vi:m.'.u f. If plukH R ' ioit.t r lg -ouillework Moindo into la h MaU'liell, II r Packet II 3 Bauki, Jt C ke., toi j l k.HM, lu